THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,-PORTLAND,-FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1920. 10 iq,TF.T TO fcoAN BEAL EHTATE t f 'cm LOANS. HO COMMISSION Improved property, ot for tmpiu ma sat i The- t xl -easieet method ! of paying : , a loaa ar monthly payment plan. " . 882.36 per month tat 86 months, or , w 821.34 pnonth for 60 anmtlivor , $16.17 per Month lor 9 aeontb pay a loaa 91000 and tnter. aa M oUmi amounts m mom propev Repayment Prlvilfgea ' BgUTTABLB SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. .. 348 Stait at.. PonlaaaV Ofc , .' - RtSttENCB LOANS Loans for any amount at I H par cant (or S to 10 Mam, payable la monthly Installments; an pari or aJI of tha loan payabla at any Mat. VI tea aieetey la all town of tha Northwaft CaU or write, 1383 Northweeten Bank bias. Vrha11 67 1, EV.ning. Woodlswn 2431. TMORTOAQE LOANS City a fan Property. From $500' V9., - W. H. BBITTg 18 CHAaL OF COM. MAR. 2649. kfffOAGlTTkiANa On improved tana ail eity rerty, favor$bl repaying privlJage; O eouimtssten or delay. v THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., MIX. IM Piatt Bldg. Main 8871. -We loan money on raal - til i 4 and 1 par eant, long time, short timi .. aaonthly payaMatei pay ai you can; oubm U ait.. 388 Uaneo bldg.. Bth ami. Alder. . CELLARS MU STOW CO. , . kONXt to Loan ' On af aetata security aX going rataa of tnter- ? eL Otta at liarkaoa Realty. Co.. 41 UnaM -of Otanww. - kOhTOAGtf LOAN. and '7 par coat, Louie . Salomon Oai. 40S Selling bdg. . MONET TO LOATT CHATTELS, SALARIED 87 DO YOU NEED MONEY ? . x , . LU4N H1UH ON AUTOMOBILES " FCltHITTJHB,' PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL IWTATK.niONDB. OK ANYTHING OP VALUE. SEClRllY USUALLY UH AN tUUH POttaVMHION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PKOFLM ON THEIR NOTES WtTHODT WnJBItt; IT IOUB PAY; VENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB 1M FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBIM CON MAOTB IKK TOO UKUK, Wit WILX PAX THEM UP, ADVANCES OU MOUK MU. IP MECEB8AKT. AND TOO CAN BEPAl DS . IN IMALI. TiojItmU PAKMKN'IS TO U11 TOCU VonvknUcnujs. . f LAXiAL, HATKH MO lKUAt BUSINICSti STUIUTLT CONriUKN ILaL, PORTLAND LOAN CO. . I tUCENSKD) ' . 0-0T PKEPU BLDQ.. P AND Att " PORTION BEMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phoaa BMadway 10. i 1 4 Start at., near let. Loan on dlaaaonda, vatobaa. Tletrolaa, ptanoa, loiaka, ihotrufci, turnltura, nuttcat tutramanta ad anything of ralua. fcSTABIJSHEO BT THK prOPt.K OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOBBOWEB City and eouoty watranu eaihad at faea vahia " CABUtB HTKUS-HEKMAit . - , Maaacer. liLiRf"1 " ' loanM chattels WE JJAN MONET . a abort notice to aalaried or worklngmen on ttbetr - dwa aotaa Weekly, eeml-monthly or . aaanrJil .navnunta Each transaction atrictly VA confldentlaL - - ABSOLUTE! f NO SECURITT We alae loan on hoaoehold furniture, planoa. " v ate., without Maoral. , KCALL AND INVfJSTlOATE Columbia msrouNT ca. n (LICENSED) j. , fl PAILINO BLDQ. Sonet to loaa , on diamond, jewel ry; legal - ratal 1 .aH grtielea held a year; eetabliabed JacalfSlt. Dan Man. 288 Waabingtoa At -OKU AKVBTToan n)nneT on booaebold goodV Ugal rttaa, Ttbor 0. . -LOAKS WAHTKD . iinbo wanted for private party on farm land. Big unamoer or Commerce. ffclfOREOON INVTi mORTOAOE CO.. Chamber of Commeree, 4tb and Stark. 132 FIRAHCIAt 1 BTJTANT-LlBEftTt pOND- 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (AH due eoanon intereit included.) J. H. KaTATINU. 817 UOABU UK IKADB fiiBH paid for mortgage and tcllera' oontracta on real aetata in Waablngton or Oregon. H. B. Noble, SIS Lumbermen bldg. - HQBBBS, VEHICLF.8, ETC 18 "" T0h SALE 100 head ot hortea. from 4 to l"2 yaara old., Weighing from 1200 to 17U0 itw. . One family . ow.- Harneaa and wagsna of all kind,-. Ford aoadater, 116 model, in A-l nhape; will exchange fen rattle, horaea or caah. Liberty a bcAdt' acoeptedj and all stock guaranteed aa rep- '. MeMitud. Pbfl Hlietter '2 Hi Krnnt t I'mwtt ' BUblaa. " ' " It HEAD of (well matched mare and geldingi weighing from 1200 -to 1600 !.. ranging, . . front year to 7 yeara old, eolid colon, are ' guargnteed aa repretented and free trial. Eaat .?-,6. T. 'STABLES, 17TH AND K EAR NET - SB good young borne and mare, some well ' get to bed team; everything aold with a guar antee aa Tepraeented. O. D. WILLIAMSON. 3400-LB. team, harneea ndTi5n wagon cheap, ' Mt. Seott car to Tremorit aUtion. 4 Mock " eCrne 1 1 71 L 8 W' '.: BETERAL itORSES for Vale cheap, all work- tng gvery day; replacing with automobile. '. loaf B. tamhill t 26 HEAD of home, 000 to 1400 pound. S5 and apv All kind of harneaa, wagon and ' bngglea cheap or etchange. 803 Front at. , FOaV SALS or exchange for cow or chicken; gon'' tl riding and driving hone, light htrk, hami And ort, 1918 K. HUrk and 75th t .. DEAD nenee taken duickTjT Caab for dead eewa. Tabor 4808. ieOO-lb. HORSE, good true worker, for sale . cheap, . Transfer Stable. 102 K. Yamhill. , SdOO LB. team, harneaa and farm wagon. giToT - Phone Tabor 88. , V5RSE and wagon. li.BT per day; 3 hone and wagoa. 88, J. Cohen. 648 Froat Mala MOa. LIVESTOCK 85 ONE big young cow. to' freehea Anril l'. tlv- ' ' tng 8 gaL e milk, 3125; 1 team of ponies. $40( an bay.-Diare, $100. One block smith 8. P. depot,' MUwaukie. Phone 2 9-J MU- :. ' Smith. " . : - WIS ' have established a . goad market for -dairy cows at the stockyard at North Portland. If yen wish to buy any good dairy cows or have any. to sell, ee Mr. Bruce at the Union Stock yards. North Portland. Or. , FINE large Jersey cow with dandy heifer calf. . -v.. S weeka eld; wiU aell reasonable. Woodstoek ear to 34th at., 8 block oiith to 1040 Schiller. 1-YEAR-OLD bow for sale. 8825 76th t sTe. "Hawthorne or Mt.. Scott car. ' . FQTJLTBT AND BABBITS 87 ,08 THOROUGHBRED O. A C. Barred Rock - March and April pullet, some laying; beauti ful, bird Hoganiaed; best money can buy; price 83. 32.50. 32 75; small-lota of hatching egg. 43 per netting; 10 Barred Rock cockerels, 85, 67 each. - 1918 B. Stark and 75th st, Monta- viin-si- car. tienTerea, NORTHWEST PotittBT 0OBPOBAtl6jr Offar yoa the beat obtainable tn poultry, egg, elites and .grown itoek. OorraapoKdence ehaar. fully asuwerad. SSd st, 78d to 74th are. Lenta station, Portland. Or. v i, V .MT. XTt POfLTFYARD8r' Fbort .5.RocU-. B.v L Reds; aoehereK --$2.60 up. Write or phone for price on hens rtd pallets Tabor 805. .6848 4rh mt a e lOOvWHITE Leghorn hens, young.. HoganUr4 tot, ei-ev eacn; 1011 lets. 81.80 to 61.75 each. Oregon near E. 24th, on J. R. MeG.uire, 787 WHITE r WYANtOtfE pulleta. now Uytng; - RiDghoaa) train; prlxe nock, 88; also cock erel. 68; April chicks. 873 Holman at. Phone l WeedlaWB 6281. - . . . . CHOICE young Leghorn hen and pallets at 818 p . J. A. Dennett, 257 Ruasell at. Phone about 6 p. m East .1081. . FOR SALE Pint clans portable chicken houie v all aeessaary eqnipnvsnt Urge enough for 60 aywsm. Mar. sv(s, WK PAT CASH " FOB PfiULTRY- Pete, Pnppiaa. of all kinda. . Oitb Preduee ice Co., 800 B. Morrison. Eaat 6129. r'isi! wUto Leghora rooster. 2 yean tl taU Weodlawa 8878. i ' DOGS. BIRDS. TOTS. KTfl aa 1JyAimf'Lnam'' 8 52TnF: borne "Taaaday and Friday. ertha Harat, caaoy, ov. Lr CiiOICE singer and trained rollers-from "In . ad atock. -Canary Bird Shop.- Open 8u Iranoct. - and evevrfngs. Phone 822-1 tT 1151 E. 28tht. .V O J puppiee for aale. 514 Abuiiton . Mai4 4093. AUTO MOBILES ASS ACCESSORIES A MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE TO LAST THREE DAYS FORDS FORDS FORDS 1919 Ford Touring, all Una brand nan, daah light, apaedomater, abnek abaorbeik. Car Joat Uka aeir. .191 Ford Gaopo, ' now dnurantaMa whW. " now tiiaa all 'round. Hander cbock abaorben. doua light, voadonwtar. Baat boy la city. 118 Tord Conpo. nawly painted, tirea an good. MebanieaUy flnrtrclaaa. a bargain. 1917 Ford Tonrbig. brand now 80x8 H aoa akid tiraa all 'round. AtwaUr icai tion aystent. oowl oorar, apeoikHDa tor, atorago battery. Car in per fect eonditioa. 117 Ford Tonrlng. 0x tiraa. all aroonj; tbia ear baa boaa orarnaalad aaa la fin condition. , 1817 Ford Delfrery. oxprea body, tire all good: that car baa boaa ororbauled; a. bargain. 1916 Ford Touring Thin ear baa boon over hauled thoroughly in our owa ahop and repainted. Eleetric atartar and light, demountable wheeh. ahoek abaorbera, lena, new tire all around, apeedonteter. daah light. Tale look. , tiro carrier, TooaVdon't of tan get ana ska thia. 1 tig 'Ford, delivery body, auitabla for dyer and eleaner, laundry or light delivery. Completely orerbaaled and re painted. . UB1S Ford Roadetcr, new tire. re-piioUd. de- mooaieoie not, atectne tarter gad light, apaedanetar, tire carrier. . These Prices Include Your ICTilciise and Personal Tax. . EASY) TERMS ROBINSON.SMITH CO. th and Madlaon Authorized Dealer Fords Fords Fords HERE'S YOUR CHANCE 1818 Ford touring 8895 1917 Ford .touring 839S 1919 Ford touring 1450 1918 Ford touring 458 tvis Ford roadter 84 50 35 1 918 Ford coupe 18 I9t 7 Ford taurine 84SO 1918 Forif touring 8475 1918 Ford roaditar 8425 1917 Ford touring 8450 rora tounng 1914 Ford delivery 1918 Ford delivery 1918 Ford deliver 1918 Ford deliver 8478 on't fall tm A. Ilm Ml, iMfnta you buy. Bom or tnem are practically new. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. Et 8770. E. ISth and Hawthorne eve. Used Car Sale Each Car Ouaranteed Chandler coupe .- , Maxwell touring , gord bug akland touring can. 6675 to. . . . , . .81800 , . .8 600 . . .8 660 . . .8 900 Wi.!amette0ak!and Co. 344 BURNB1DE ST. pnoneHroadway 82. USED CAR BARGAINS f "i 250 1 Ford roadster 8280 1 Michigan, good condition $2S0 1 Reo .8250 8225. 8250 1 Studebaker 1 Stndebaker , I Stoddird Daytoa 8200 .. . .8150 8150 1 BUick j 8125 . White Steamer 3 4 40 i.u.iu m, 462 HAWTHORNE L. B. FISCH Radiaton, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto aheet metal work a spe cialty. 505 Burnalde. Broadway 2299. Real Bargains IN SLIGHTLY USED 1919 LEXINGTON SPORT AND TOURING CARS Trm If Required. BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO. 28-80 N Bmadway. Open Sunday. Ford touring IOOB AT THIS .8828 . 600 Ford sedan MONARtTO MOTOR CAR 348 Vancouver ave. Near Broadway. Eaat 4186; DOWJB FOR RALE BY OWNER Perfect eonditioa. fine tires, bumper, $900. Manhall 240. Eve., East 4817. HckUSED CARS pBRS NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. A REAL BUY SANDY'S SPORT MODEL VEUE. LET ME DEMONSTRATE IT TO TOD. CASH no TERMS. MAIN 409. CASH paid for otd can. condition no object -parte for all make of ear. Oregon Auto Etehana. 129 Iiwnadsle , IBih tsr..k. tagton. Pbene Broadway 2688. MOTORS, gean. bearings. Wheels! axle; wreck all make qf can and salt- their parte at price. David Bode Co.. 106-107 H. 11th st. 1919 CHALMERS Hot Spot. 5 pam. touring car rn A-l condition mechanical! n a mnn tire; a sacrifice: will give terms. Phnn. Et 1962. DODGE touring car, new top and new tiraa. terms if desired. 480 BURNSIDE. i9l" LIBERTY. 5 peas., light 6 tonring ear In good condition and will sell at a big sacrt fice and give term. Manhall 1950. Apt. 42. PAIGE touring, wire wheels, ettn tire, newly painted: a real bargain at 81075. with terms. 80 Grand ave. north near Burndd. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, fine condition. good tires, btrgaln at 3675, with teftaa. SO Grand aye, north near Burnside. FORD sedan, 1919. used privately, almost new' 8775, some tepms. so Grand ave. Berth near Burnrfde. FORD touring. 1915. good paint, goad tirei a bargain, $875, with terms. 80 Grand ave. north near Burnside. LAT1HT9T8""" Fotd touring, with battery and other extraa like new: aha new trailer. 615 Mill st. apt 7. Main 5110. 191 7 bcics: 4-cyL. '-pea., guaranteed. 8th and Couch st. TWO 84x4 jew grip tire. 820 each. East 2713. 125 Gnnd ave. 2 BEST buys in Fords. Ask for WOun. Can Broadway 8247. WANT to frade Mara ion 34 fnr mwJ 1A. some cash Tabor 2418. DODGE tor. sale. 800 E. 89th. No phone. BRINGING UP FATHER I VANT YOO TO TfUb. TH0-E ) TOUfEiZowV 11 l THAT ) I HOW CnD TOO ! I POLICeNH OOTtUDE THET J WILL HWt TO ,.T IT THAT VAY- A MUtT NOT WAIT roR THE I KZP TOUR DATE r )J')u2SaL . , f J MAIO IN FRONT or THE, I I VlHGWHC-iE TVN. ?TtX? 7S-iw- - " . 'r- V f- S ' ' : ' -a H; , .. .- " , ..' . - ' ' - .. : - " - 1 , : . - - . ; t- i 1 ' ' . i' y AUTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSORIES 44 -Tenns No Brokerage Select From 60 Autos 1919 Clean-up Sale 1918 FORD delivery ....8 258 . FORD, bog .. . 1915 FORD tonring 1917 FORD too Hug 1918 FORD touring 1919 FORD touring ........ ........9 SS0 .....$ $00 8 480 .8 478 .1 475 .8 750 .9 550 .8 450 1918 FORD aedan 191 8 CHEVROLET touring, a bargain. 1917. CHEVROLET, likg new 1918 MAXWELL tonring .......... MAXWELL roadster, new tire and extra 8 550 1917 MAXWELL touring 1918 MAXWELL touring DODGE tonring, at map at . 1917 BTJICK SIX, good a aew. 1918 JPAIGE chummy HUDSON super li 1918 CHANDLER 1918 STUTZ, 18 valle, 8 pea. ... REPUBLIC oe ton truck . . REO ipeed wagon ... .8 560 .gyso .8 975 .8 900 .81350 .81450 .92500 .81250 .8 850 Other can from 8250 up. CO. Bleasdale 880 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 1852 FORDS FORDS FORDS ATE 850.00 TO glOO.OO MALL PAYMENT DOWN- 1918 touring, good robber and extra. .8425.00 1917 touring, epotligbt and extra.... 425.00 1918 touring. 4 hew Non-akid Urea and ! extra (1918 touring and extra , . 1918 touring. Qta of extraa 1915 touring, new top- and tirea . . , 1919 coupe, (tarter and extraa . . , 1918 ChaMis 450. 00 425.00 450.00 325.00 075.00 250.00 450.00 1918 roadfter, demountable pare tire and good ibipe. Rushlight & Penney, 863 Eut Broadway. Phone Jast 303. C-1561. WHEN TOUWRECaf 'EM AND BEND 'EM. REE a. G. GERBER "THE RADIATOR MAN" build bodie,' repairs ra diators, bodies, fender and all auto abaet metal parte. NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS OPP. THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 1878 . bo You Want to Buy or i A' Jl . ieftl SLWl fU ft-OIlaOOJllie We will put yon in direct connection with owner ot any make or priced automobile or truck and arnist you financially in the purchase of same. List your car with ut and take ad vantage of our quick eellittg plan. Autos direct from owner to buyer. MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, 810 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 578. GARAGES Price on application. Ready Cut Houses. MTLLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1601 Union ave. 1! - Weedlawtt 2418. BUICK 5-PASSr" A bargain if-taken at once. 2 bumpen. 4 new X Tr' . r""1' ana -a-j mecbaeical Call Adams, Tabor 630 or Mar. 5243. shape. A BARGAIN $1200 ,9,f ""i look " n,w: rnn ke mil lion dollan; 2 spare tie, 0 tire covers: double hre carrier, spot light, Johnson theft ock. $15.50 clock, flower vase, cut-out. special lens, pair shock absorben, engine thermome ter air brakes, bumper front and rear. I must seU. Broadway 8299. 484 Washington. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ATTENTION We are prepared to handle your financial matten and gTve you excellent aervioe; all kinds insunnce written.- V NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO.. Telephone Brosdwsy 1QB0 AUTO TPTVtvr; a'D UP- XIUIJSJBKINU CO. AUTO TOPS, SIDE tJUKTAINS 409 Devi st bet 9th and 10th. Broadway 2017 FORD touring. 1916. A-l condition? "areal bargain at 8395; some terms. 80 Grand are, north near Burnside. -xCURTAINS and REPAIRING nueaiiEu iskob. TOP CO. test aoa. union at Pine. HUDSON Super Six roadster; looks like new and will guarantee same in A-l mechanical con- dition: will give terms. Phone Marshall 2768. CHEVROLET 1917, good mechanical condition". Will aell at 8500 and give term. 80 Gnnd ave. north near Burnside. STUDEBAKER 4 in the best of condition good tirea, good paint, a bargain at $750: terms. i rna ave. noirn near riurnstde. MAXWELL 1918. good condition, good tires, good paint, bargain at 8750 with terms. 30 Grand ave. north near Burnside.' 1918 FORD touring, self starter, wire wheels and lot other extraa. Caah or terms. Phone Main 6667. BRISCOE 1918, ased privately: in the beat of condition; bargain at 8600, with term, 80 Grand are. north near Burnside. MAXWELL touring. 1919. used privately: 1 most new. Owner will sacrifice at 3075 and give term. 80 Grand ave. north near Burnside. ' " BEST-BCYCTPORTLANd" ' '19 Ford sedan, electric (tarter 'neverything? Tabor 2418. t HUDSON 640, in A-l condition, good tires, good paint, a bargain at 3900 with term. 80 Grand gve. north near Burnside. VULCAN TTRB SHOP elan tire renarrina.. banains in m and used Urea.- East 4896. 41 Grand are. MAXWELL touring. 1918, best of condition, good tires, newly painted,. 8775. with terms. 80 Grand "e. N. near Burnside. - - CHEVROLET touring. 1918, la the best of condition. Owner will sacrifice at 3675, with terms. 30 Grand ye. north aear Bnrnside. FORD roadster. 8326. Raymond Automobile Works. 24 N. 16th t WE put steel teeth In yonr old flywheel. H. B. BUck. 634 Alder; BdwxJSWL GASOLINE 28 CENTS At GALLON, OEL8 AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. ' 186 1ST. 1918 AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 USED AUTOMOBILES Tehns Given , Here Are a few we offer for your approval " a nnmber of other to eeleet from: 1920 Caae, T-paaa.. 8-cyL; libanl discount. 1919 Case. 7 -pee.." 8-cyL 1919 Mitchell. 7-paaa.. 8-eyL ' 1912 CadUlac, 5-paca.. 4-cyL 1918 Velie, 5-paaa., 8-cyL 1918 Mitchell, 2-paak. 8-cyL 1016 Chevrolet, 5-paaa., 4-cyL 1918 Mitchell, 5-pait.j 6-eyL 1919 Jordan. 7-paaa., 6-cyl. 1919 Jordan. 4-paaa., 8-cyL 1917 Maxwell. 5-psf., 4-eyl. 1915 1'ierce Arrow. 7-paaa.. 8-cyL 1918 Bfudebeker. 7-peaa.. 8-cyt USED CAB DEPARTMENT MITCHELL. L.EWIS & STAYER .CO. . E. FIRST AT MORRISON ST. Phonee Eaat 7272. e AntomatJc 212-18. WEST RIDE SALES ROOM Broadway at Oak St Broadway 515. Automatic 538-48. USED AUTOMOBILES W have a number of high grade used can, which yon will agree are more than worth the money when yon aee them. Why not begin the new year right by trading your old car In on a better one. We tell on long time easy pay ments, 1918 OLDSMOBILE First chue mechanically, 8 first clas' tire, tabe and nm. just repainted and looks like new; surely a snap at 81390. 1919 VEtlE Driven only 4200 miles: cord tirea. now being thoroughly inspected and tnned up In our shop; looks almost like a brand new car; price 81500. . 1918 VEUE Thoroughly overhauled and adjusted. re painted, new tirea, 81300. 1917 VELIE First data throughout, $1)50. Six, cylinder fhalmen. map . 870O Six cylinder "axon 8800 Six cylinder Saxon 8750 Four cylinder Studebaker, snip. 8630 Four cylinder Buick, new tires .8800 Four cylinder Overland, a "good one 8825 Several others to choose from. Seeing is be lieving. Com and see. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 58 N. 28d. Main 780 TOURING CARS '17 Hupp, the big boy that has the . power end pep and can take yon there and bring you back. Lew price of gttS atod take 83uo down, balance easy. OAKLAND TOURING This is lata model and has been refinished and looks like new. Fine tires and ' runs per fect. Low price $700. with 8U50 down. OVERLAND tt TOUKI.MJ This little car ha? only run 3700 miles and it looks as good as any new one you ever saw and ha fine tire and one extra and the low price we have on it will make you take notice. Small sum of $300 down, bal. easy. CHEVROLET TOURING This is late model and runs and looks good, low price of $400, with 8150 down, baL easy lets you driye it home is this bird. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. - 506 Alder St. Phone Automatic 513-67. ROADSTERS, LATE MODELS Buick light six, and it's the real class; bas been refinished and well say it is aa nic ae is in this city. Cords and other extraa. Low price and long terms. 18 DODGE ROADSTKR This Dodge is like new and has four Non Skid tires and one extra, mounted, and we will take Ford in trade on this car; low price of 3860. with 8250 down. bal. easy. SPEEDSTER Oh, boys, this is yellow and has top and wind shield and Non-Skid tires and low price. $205, with $125 down. bal. easy. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 505 Alder St., ' Phone Automatic 518-67.- Hudson Super 3x 7 PASS.. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE; 90 DAY FACTORY GUARANTEE. CALL TABOR 630 OR MARSHALL 6243. Chalmers Hot Spot 5 PA8S.. A-l MECHANICAL SHAPE: LOOKS LIKE NEW; 5 GOOD TIRES; $1175 CASH AND TERMS. CALL TABOR 630 OB MARSHALL 5243. 15.000 carried In stock. Our sprtnaa sold with a written guarantee. We give you service. 84 N. 10th t Broken Cylinders Did you forget to drain yonr cylinders dur ing this cold weather f If so, let us quote you on welding them. OREGON WELDING A MACHINE WORKS, 305 GUaan. cor. 5th. Phone Bdwy. 404. OVERIAND'touring. good paint, good tires; a real bargain at $600; some terms. 30 Gnnd ave. north near Burnside. TRUCKS AND TRACTOBB 8S WANTED Party to buy two 2 -ton Garford truck and other equipment Steady work all year round at 81400 per month. 84000 caab. Bal. easy payment See L. A. Smith, phone 484W, Oregon City. Mack and Garford dealer, or Cleve land. at International Mack Corp.. Portland, Or. HAVING decided to quit fanning I will sell my 1019 "Cleveland" tractor and equipment st a great bargain. Roy Fitzpatnck, Lebanon. Or. FOR SALE One 2 H GMC truck, with 9 months' hauling contract. Phone Wdln. j675 Alberta Fuel Co. AUTOMOBILES WATTTED 78 Car Wanted, I Pay Cash We ar. in the market at all times for any number of light can; must run good and if they are not all paid for we will buy your equity. CaU and see ns if you want money RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. 505 Alder st Phone Automatic 518-67. WE PAY CASH for ased can. Be sure to ae aa before selling ywur ear. BUTLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY SELLING USED CARS 867 E. Bnrnslde. at approach of Bnrnside Bridge wb pay ca8h for late model cars used car Exchange 117 lownbdalf. Phone Broadway 2658. WANTED Met roadster. Give particulan to first letter, ville. 6730 07th are. South, Nash- MY diamdvid, unusual hrilHant stone, valu 82400. Will consider high-class car, or cash. Owner, Main 640M HIOHEST price, paid for' automobiles, condition no object. 1Z1 ? 1 t HroiwT ZW2. WANT Ford from private party for cash. I pay a little more. Wilson, 90 N. Broadway. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 88 NEW and used tires, vulcanising and retread ing. Al's Tire Shop. 248 2d st. Bear Msdison. EXPERT FORr REPAIRING Valve grinding, brakes relined. remagnetlstng. radiators repaired, acetylene welding: charges rea eons ble 210 Iffron t Phone Msin 764 4 MAXWELL specialist, some parts. 767 Division st 8el 8755. (Copyright. 1930, by Service. 88 A GOOD SUG'GESTIOtf TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS v This the time to prepare for spring. Have vonr ear moairad whil. not in hm CaiwiIi before having your work done. We thoroughlyM nnoentana repanuiK ea au max of tearing can and trucks, i BERGcciOETZEN 264 DAVIS ST. BROADWAY 8297. FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ' $20 Rear axle overhauled. g halves ground, carbon removed.......... 8 Msrelo rerherged We bead-last piston, aerapa buriag. eta., which inaure a perfect running motor, 'irmiiai Ford part only need. An work guannteed. OUARANTEB ACTO RET AIR CO.. 280 Front at. corner Jefferson. THE OREGON AUTO REPAIR CO. To all repair men, garage and ear owner: W have the i exclusive right (or Oregon for tha L. Lawrence patented fused electrically with silver and ' nickel alloy, scored cylinder and e racked water jackets. Temporarily located at the N. P. Asto A Wagoa Work, 9th and Hoyt sts. Phone Broadway 4477. ' and retreading. V. S. Tire Statfen 109 11th t. near Washington. TIRES Slightly ased, 88 to""$15 each. Expert tire repairing. 207 Madison. ATJTO 9 FOB HIRE AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New Model "! ReanoneMe Rate FSABLNQ m BOBNETT CITY GARAGB 86 10th st near Stark. Broadway 840. NEW' AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. 8D AND TATLOR. MAIN 1BST. ALTHOFF A BENNETT. PROPS. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT nPrVEHH. r, 8TTT.MVAN. FASHION OA RAGE. MAR. 831. 19th at Yamhill A-l 18 6. NEW FORD sedan for hire; low taxi rate. Call Main 5454. NEW Ford, competent, driver; go anywhere and get beck. ' Phone Tehor 1028. M0T0BCTCLES, BICYCLES U USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES BAST 8IDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand At, - ExeeWor and Cleveland Agency. PIAHOS, ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 REMOVAL SALE Largeat nock piano fn Portland. Pianos 376. 8195. 8265. 8356. 8488 to $795. $16 or $25 aend on home. then $6, $10 or more monthly. . Player pianos, 8435. 8595. 8676. 8718 to 8860. 825 or 850 sends one home, then 818. 818 or more monthly. PmIt organs. 81.1. 825, 838. 348. 848 to 865. 810 sends organ home, then 83 monthly. Phonographs. $10. 325, 850. 3100, 3125 to 8250. $6 or $10 in records purchased ends one home, then $.60, $.70. 31.00. 61.26 to 83.00 monthly, provided yon buy before at- moral: then at Increased price prevailing. Scbwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. at Waab lngton. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Phonographs and Records Pianos and . Organs BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND EXCHANGED Newman's Record Exchange Main 4495. Tabor 6798. 128 First. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSTnG61Jt 3750 Steinway & Sons upright, cash. . . . 32DO 3650 automatic upright piano, cash 8185 3475 Sterling upright piano, cash 3840 3475 Sterling upright piano, cash 8240 Two small upright pianos 865 and 875 Parlor organs. ...... 320. 325. 338. 345 caah 109 Fourth st. near Washington afY January clearance sale begins to December $75 Vietrola and records, used .... 8 65 3125 walnut Storey Sl Clark organ 7o 3750 Stnyveaaat pianola ..... 860 81100 Weber pianola 650 5?i.Uno'IPlr ,hoP n Portland JlAROLDJ;jjvi.BERT. 884 Y.mhni St 8CHWAN PIANO- REMOVAL8AlS Used pianos, 375. 8165, 8280 to 3436. Used organs, 825. 328, 336 to 365. New Pianos, 8885. 8395, 846S, 8862. Terms 316 to 350 cash; 36 to 325 month. Ill Fourth st. at Washington. After removal 101-3 10th. at Washing. PIANO mnnirKa 3100 and up. Hardman, Fisher. Koehler A Campbtll, Winston and others. Our year -exchange proposition guarantees them. Terms Seiberling-Lncaa Music Co.". 125 4U? bet Washington and Alder st. , B EC0BD EXT CHANGE, Phono graphs Boua-ht IUU8rnZrhC Ee- . iwrea. I e it 1 id near Aider, upstair. Main 7244. HARDMAN upright, walnut case; jm.t as good as a new one. Some bargain. SelberUng Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. BEAUTlFTTL mahogany piano, nearly new. $210; organ, $35-845, for sale in Piano Shop, 254 Market st ' , FISHER upright tn the best of condition at a snap. Seiberling-Lucas Music Ca, 125 4th st ATTENTION I to moving picture, skating rink and amusement balls, big electric Peerless piana organ (er sale. 254 Market st $100 TO $150 CASH paid for used upright . pianos. Call Main 8328. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st near Washington at CALLED away, must sell my piano, best of condition. A-9 3 8. Journal WANTED Player piano, phonograph and ' reo orda for cash. Z-845. Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB HALE- 6$ aVttr fiVr.T? TM.i.. ,.Kt ... 1 J v-. . . . . .'....'. ".uid, litmus, ureasiiig table, full sixe mattress, three-quarter size mattress and springs, breakfast table, childi 1b.nL complete; library table: tabourette, heater range, box conch. Main 5445. CANE-SEATED walnut chair. ' 88 75; white bed, complete, $20; stands, $2; rocker $2 50; gas plate, $2.60; high chair, etc. Ttbor 8825L , KITCHEN range. 830;' beaten. 818 and $7: 3 burner aaspUte, 81.50; Duptley vacuum sweeper, 83.60; fruit jars, Eaat 736. 430 Ueu tenbein ave. 6NEoak davenport, nearly new, for sale.- one Victor phonograph for sale or exchange for uwum LimuiA u.l, OOU ave. o. rt FOR SALE A new combination beater. 871 H rront st aiar. eaav. FOR SALE Good combination range; burn BEAUTIFUL famed osk buffet. Phone 327-61" TYPEWBITEBS 77 GUARANTEED faetory rebuilt typewriter. ,h make," aold on monthly payments Send for price list. The Wholesale Typwriter Co.. retail dept.. 321 Washington st ' RENT A Remington; special rate to tadeabl Bey your new Remington now, immediate de livery, reasonable terma. Remington Typewriter Co. 1 HAVE two Oliver typewriter. new the other fair which I will sell respect- tvely for 830 and 818. is. ih. uana, editorial oept journal. ALL make of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co., 94 6th at. MACHINERY 81 nvyio ti.iu engines tor rent or aale. concrete mixera. electric hoists, construction equipment. Standard Mach. Co.. 66 First st. International Feature Inc. ) WELL-OlO THET MOVE. ON? ATJTO BE PAIS. SHOPS FOB SALE HISCZLLAKBOrs 19 XLEAN-UP- SALE OF FURS A we do Mt carry, thai year stock near, a real aale of real fnn at real price). ' THE FUR BHOP ' 606 S WETLAND BLDG, BTH AND WASH. .CEDAR CHESTS Direct from Factory to your borne. . Ten-- ssee and Port Orfnnl eadar: solid nonpar trimmings, latest designs. Write for cata iocoe and price. Factory., 1912-16-18 B. GHsan. Tabor 808. WE SAVE yoa money House wiring, lighting fixtures, electrical repair ing iuppliea. Third Bt. Electric Store. 324 tt Sd at. 6065 SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New aad Sd band, sold for haa; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all make. Ms chin repaired aad rented. Main 9431. BEWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d, aaar Taylor at FOB SALE Loganberry plants, strawberries, ebamiAoa gooseberries. 1 and S yean old; Caacord grapes. Pert actio and Fay s Prolifie currants, red aad black raspberry plants, French and Italian prune trees; reasonable 5803 Wood stock are., Portland. Pbon Be 11 wood 2338. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Eleetrw Works, 418 Burn aide, comer 10th. Broadway 6674 "MUSICAL DJSTRCMWTST5 "Typewriters' and "Household Good" are separata cla.aifl eatlon. All advertiaementa el these goods ar publuhatl under their respective LOOK THEM OVER Boilers, Engines NEW aad second hand, bought and sold. G. 4t M. Machinery Cat. 808 OerHi 808 Qernugar bldg. Pbone Mam 2U1. . WOOD AND COAL Transfer and storage, dry and green wood ready ' for immediate delivery. Modal Trans fer A. Fuel Co.. 864 M E. Morrison. East 5188. .WE ABE disposing of a variety of the latest drop head naaentnea. prieea from ,$15 to $35, all as good as new; machines I rented $3 per month: repairing. . Singer 'stora (Moose bldg.). 193 4th. Maitt 6888. SAFE'S Fir. and burglar proof seiee. new aad secondhand, at right cye, bought, aold and exchanged. NOBB10 SAFE LOCK CO.. 108 2d at. v Phone Main 2048 BITTMAN HARDWARE COMPANY haa a carload of guaranteed No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3-ply roofing paper for aale cheap. 213 Front at Main 36 U- AUTOMOBIT.ES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classl ftcatlons. BEAUTIFUL Prince Albert broadcloth English dress coat and vest. Ixndon tailored, 845. Gibon silk opera hat, 35. Great coat 825. A-839. Journal. CALL East 8088 wHfn you wish the Satvstioa Army truck or wagon to call for your eaat off clothing or magazines, newspapera, furni ture, etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. Old False Teeth Bought We pay p to 825 per 825 per nlate. American Brokerage. 20 o Morgan Mag., 2d floor. DIAMONDS BOUGHT We pay what your diamonds, are worth. American Brokerage. 205 Morgan hlldg.. 2d floor. HOT WATER TANKS 30 gal. 37. 40 gal 89. Tested and guaranteed stove and furnace coils. Gas heaten installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 208 Adam su K. 8516. . War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot Cash. American Brokerage. 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. CUT FREIGHT RATES On . Household Goods Shipped Eaat and South, MANNING WAREHOUSE A TRANSFER CO.. 9th and Hoyt Phone Broadway 709. A-l 798. $!20'o$15 BSwDffi5SaSB Guannteed We Bent and Repair 172 8d st. near Yamhill. Main 1845, A-l 61 8. MAHOGANY" hvdronUne propeller. 9 ft 8. never used, balance; $50; cost 8120; brass tip. leaving city. Call 566 8. 2d. near Grant UNCALLED FOB OVERCOATS for sals, cheap) large stock to cboos Clesnen, 885 Stark. ftyta, Orphanm GENTLEMAN'S -overcoat cheap: Daisy vacuum cleaner cheap. 942 Gantenbela ave. Wdln. 411. PIPE, plumbing suppliaa, new, second hand, eti tnatea given free. Coils made and installed. Main 5277. N. B. Meaber Pipe Co.. 329 Front LADIES APPAREL Stylish ooats. suits, dress, evening gowns, slightly used. Tabor 2826. SAFES New and secondhand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. I fgg. GOING East or South! Household goods shipped at reduced: rates; moving and packing. Pacifle Coaat Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st Bdwy 70S. VACUUM CLEANER for rent, 81 per day. lirerea ana cauea ror, vtain. a7Vt. MAJESTIC electric beaten, new, $9ach. WdTnT 8791. CASH REGISTERS. FLOOB CASES And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 39. ORfcuON FUEL CO? Block and also mixed. Wdln. 4102. PLUMBING expert, repair any plambirvT i;v,iuy, PWIWBOQ 1125 POR SALE: Winter apples, home canned fruit Anccma eockerel. 6728 65tb Ire. ft r FIREPROOF safe for sale cheap. Addresasae particnlar. V-878. Journal VACCUM cleaner. repaired, rented" kT- changed. bonght Bentley Co.. Main 4907. SNAPS in uncalled for Uilor-mada suitafor mmU Modern Tailon, 89 N. ffthrt CAa!U.RE?.I3TfR- SHOWCASES SCALES", SAFE. 113 2d at MsrshslI 2438 FOR SALE VALENGORXCC-Af Mai in 17S8,- FERTILISER Rotted manure delivered. Min im i ONE large and one medium site fire-proof 7T for sale chean K.M2Q ,.i r' . FTvB gallon gsAoline pump. 638"ET "41 st at n. ,oor K9I rOB BENTertrie vacuum eleanen. J4 hou day, 11. Delivered anywhere t2r l.i,a xiiii tor tauor-mad. mits, 813 50 uo" FOR BENT Electric vacuum eleanen, ji-hour w T ii u i n.ioe ST -mutny anjwoera. Wdin. 1259. PLUMBING supplies, wholesale prieea.' BUrk- "Vilt ei"ooa' dHvr Ba& 8 ROOM house wired for 816 Wdl"TtTai FEBTII.IERR Jor safe Phone Sellwood 81 2& WINCHESTER 1912 pomp guaToellwiod 8288 FUEITITUBK W A5TEP 74 Owl Furniture Co. mobrl?on W wsat your used furniture, stoves, carpet and pianos; we pay the highest cash price. ! and 168 1st (t Call Main 6627. WANTKr,. USERNTTURE JfN Star Furniture Co. 15064 ' 204 First ?t. I AM in the market for furniture from private partiaa only. 409 H Jackson st aLLMACT 2117. CASH p,td ,OT farnitnre. etevee, ranges, carpet, rugs, dreeses, etc phone Mar. 2676. Hartxell Furniture Co., $41 1st St NO - THET ARE hot WAITIN- TO FF , a. , I : imftTiTif ----- , FUBNlTrHK WA.lfTBT; WASTED We went ywa wsee) farnltara, nag, earpeta, fovea aad aB boaaebekl goods aad will pay the highest cash prieea. Our Three Large Stores enable ns to dispose of these goods at. once, and therefor we can pay the Top Market Prices We alas bo and tall haMwavm. ton la. snort Hng gooda, tenta. bicycle, typewriter, adding macbtnaa aad at ore and office furniture, waea yoa have anything to boy, sell or tnde Call Main 9072 Levin Hdw. & Furri. Co. . 821-8-8 FRONT ST. WE .WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH TOUR HOUSEHOLD FTTRNITUBR FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONB CALL WILL BRING US TO YOTJB HOUSE PROMPTLY. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THB OTHER FELLOW'S. THERE'S A REA SON: BECAUSE WE 8EIX TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. PHONB PH0NJI v Marshall 5981 88 FIRST ST. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 1A1SI1ALL 5981 SELL US Yew Odd Flares or Complete Fnmishtrtgi - We Pay Top Cash Prices Can Us for Promnt. Courteous Service PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 TIBBT BT MAIN 7T28. I CALL MAIN 8978 W pay the highest price for need furniture. See u before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. Main 8878. 173 1st t WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FUBNITrRE CO, 88-90 Grand ave. Eaat 7766. Highest price paid for used furniture, ca pet. tove. ranges, etc. We caD promptly. PHONE East T815 when yon want to sell your furniture; we will rota st once snd par Ton CASH. M. R. SEATER. 880 Hawthorn ave. 8WA PS 86 T-PASSENGER Studebaker, In good order, for Crescent Universal or Sidney Universal wood worker ot similar machinery. Sellwood 2374. GRAFONOLA, cabinet and T7 doubledic rec ords. Will trade for a cow. Mrs. Annie Smith, Boring, R. 8, box 188, VfAyTEP MISCELLA7TEOCS ft DIAMONDS WANTED $200 to $1000 Per Carat Pawn Tickets Bought Wa pay highest carb market value for dia monds, platinum, gold, silver, .watches and old jewelry and rahiabte of every description. , NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. ye- 447 Morgan bldg., 4th floor. usntr vvasiungion ana oroeaway. $12.50 to $25 For second-hand suits or overcoats MEYER. THE TAILOR Pays more for clothing and shoes. We rail day evening, anywhere in th city. Call Mar abaU 1229 or 253 Madison st. near Third st SPECIALTY to baying men' cast off clothing. I pay 810 and op tor men' suits and over coat. Call as and get tha right caah price. UTFIrat at Morrison. Main 788. GOLDBAUM th Tailor WANTED People of Portland to know thst I pay the highest cash -prices for second hand boweehoid good. No aanount too large or toe amalL Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER, Phone East 2208. 148 Rnasell st DIAMONDS BOUGHT We pay what your diamond are worth. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg..; 2d floor. Old False Teeth Bought We pay up to 828 per plate. American Brokerage. 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. GOING East or"SouthfHoueho!d goods shipped' at reduced ntea; moving and packing. Pacific coast forwarding co.. 408 Hoyt st Broadway 708. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bonds. Spot Cash. American Brokerage, 206 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor, asTerican tailors but old cix'itheX Doughboya' Express will do your hauling. East 1676. 115 Grand ave. WANTED A 2d band 20 to 80 H. P. horl tontal steam boiler with dome. Address 881 Williams ave.. city. Phone C-2488 OWNER ba a fleet of trucks and looking for hauling contract. Would be pleased to have an Interview. Address 1469 Mississippi ave. CALL us up. Mar. 2488. W wfil pay cash for groceries, and confectionary stock. With or without fixtures. TO buy a fireproof safe . Civ price and atse and where it can be seen. E-688. Journal. WANTED Rifle, shotgun, earners, lenses. Hochfield. 88 Sd rt phone Main 8861. TERSOYAL 83 GLASSES AT A SAVING I solicit your natronag on the basis of capfbl ervices Thousands of satisfied pstrons. Charles W. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morrison at DIAMONDS BOUGTRTt We pay what yonr diamonds are worth. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. INVALIDS and infirapeople wishlngcomfort able home with careful treatment by ex perienced nurses, phon. Wood lawn 2150. Kates reasonable. Private surroundings. ALASKA Ft'RS Finest quality, ready to wear and to order at nostain price. - Toe Fur Shop. 008 8 wet land bldg.. 6th and Washington COME in aad get both yonr feet fixed up good for 81 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that dasa't hurt yon; 6 yra. ta Portland; eriastntriou tree. Globe Theatre bldg.. 11th-Wash. Bdy. 2824. Old False Teeth Bought W pay up to 328 per plat. American Brokerage. 208 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bond). Spot Caah American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d floor, WANTED To know the whereabout of Chria Wolan; teat heard of in some Oregon lumber camp. please write. T-468, Journal. SUPERFLUOUS nan. moles, warta removed by .10 needle method: trial" free. Josie Flaley. 614 Buh A Lenc bldg. Main 6866. HAIR cutting 88c. Medea y bid..' Wash st. Wt 4tt and 8th. Expert work, children a speelarty. DR. ELNA BOKEN8EN, Panama bklg. Drugle. massage for rheum tim, corrstipaflon. Open eve. I ntuv0r Consnnstion FREE. All ea. LeawyCl S12 Belling bldg. Main 4993. DR. WH.KINPOW remove eome in 8 minatea. Limp In. 315 Flanders at, near 6th. LADY. BARBEBS, shave 2"dahelreat S5e, face massage 88c 268 Everett, and Sd. By George McManus ! 98 - , . ' ."tear .', The greatest dsnoei tbst exist - : ', ? -I th demon lust called "fear.t . - A. He make yoa weak ta physical way ; And mentally yob fei queer. .. -i t f -- .)! . There is m word called "raatten," - -;-; With eonfidenca as a kin; - . When both work eut tat harmony, - ; Yoa cannot help but win.. 1 The demon "fear" Irorks overtime. And undermines your health, Destroy it with your confidence . And create mental wealth. r " W have no "fr" of eur Moceas, " ' As we do save you more On each fall SUIT. COAT. DRESS snd HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. J .t eu.i . eta WIOVT, nilOCa, tflOCK. Old False Teeth Bought W pay highest cash prieea foe false teeth, crowns, bridge and all dents! gold. ' . $200 to $1000 Per Carat FOR DIAMONDS We buy watches, otd Jewelry and aH valuables , of vry description. -.NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., ( . 47 Morgan bldg., 4th floor. . t Corner Waihlngton and .Broadway.-'' Accomplished at Last Painless dentistry absolutely performed by the nerve blocking method, without after effect; let it prove it to you. W make X-ray ex. aminationa of teeth when neressary., along with other operation. Wa, peciaUse la lint alas dentistry at reasonable fees. DR. A. W. KEEN' ',-.; y DR. K. H. PRKHN . - . . -v Matic T'jeatre bldg.. 851 H Waahiagiea' Bt Old False Teetvji Bought We pay op te 826 for old piaae. Doa't matter if broken. Bridgework bought, old gold, tlv, platinum, old Jewelry, silvarvars. Bring af mall. American Brokerage, 208 Morgan bldg.. 8d floor NO PROFITEERING ON GLASSES Dr. George Bubensteln, th reunn optician, mikes the best sytglustt at vtry reasons bis Price Torio and Kryptoe. also th ahaapaf grades. 320 Morrison st Main 391. : EUSIHESS BIRECTOEY BAWStWft . LADY BARBERS, shsve 20e. haircut 15a, faea masaag. 660. 286 Everett, cor. 6d. BABBgHg- 6UPPLH6 LEWIS STENGEB Barben' Supply Co., "16th snd Morrison street. . The pise to lay barben' chain and suppliaa. Stock of rural tur alway on band at right prieea. . BLAWK BOOK MAKIR0 DAVIS V Rvi:AN:tNcnsrdiCTra book manufaetunn. A-8188. Main 183. OARPKT OLKAMINdJ We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Rag nun. all tdaea. MaU ord.n prompt. Rug and carpet team and dry cleaned. 1 on or write for Price list. Northwest Rue Co. ' J 88 R. Eights at Eaat 8688. iFluii Rugs From Old Carpets ' Rag Rug, all alsea kfall Ord.n Prompt. ' Send for Booklet 9x12 Rugs, Stesm or Dry Cleaned. 81.60. FLUFF RUG CO. 64-68 Union Ave. N East 6616. B 1478. OCtLUtOID UYTON8 ' The " iRwiN-HobsoN com panTT 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A lz84. OMIWOPBAOTOB6 DB McMAMON. 100 ivr -tit adlutment. esa. ' fly. carefully, permanenti 81 tret ta., 316. Phoaa HELEw70MST5CKiWroT 14th t Ohronle trouble. Main 6606. WE SELL IN LAR7iSR SMALtroBANTtT'T Heavy Countrv Suh OaV rAA Star Wood & Coal Co. - 848 Sd St. Main 6013. Dry Wreckage Wood" Sawed to order, insld block, cord and slab wood and eaat. Model Transfer A Fuel Oa, Phone East 51 S8. BOXWOOD Delivered immdiately by jFultnn Wood Oev 1261 Msctdftm Phone Main 4178. Box woodS lab wood . Multnomah Fuel Co. Mam 6540 A-3116. POO AND CAT H06PITAI. DR. O. H. HimiMAN'hospltair'! 81. fta ai! corner Grant. Eaat 1847. B-1963. DU0ATIONAL DANOISUI SiNiST.ER'B Dancing acadfm If you wsnt to dance or learn- to danaa, why not go to th largest tnd best school in th city . where th advantage ar greater f Yon meet mere- good dincen and ran practice with; many dlffereaCexperi professional teschsrs. Separate hill for beginnen and backward pupila. Oaf biislne la dancing. We know bow. lnformaaf every evening ladles, 33; gent, 86. 14th at Washington. Brogdwiy 888O.1A SS6L KrTHERlNEfTT5Wj ' Guarantee to teach all latest dance, la If private leeaons; 13 lessons, 86; '4 leesoa. 33. 808 Efler bldg.. bet. 4th aad Bth, ea Wash ington st Main 5004. THE Dane. 8 tndio7"6 09 lieknm bldg.. Washtaav ton at 3d. Strictly private leaeon, half boat or hoar, leeeaaa. Conn, hope specially priced, Dallr. 9:80 a m. to 9 p. m. Mia Ireland. . MU8I0 SCHOOLS AND TIA0H3H6 ' PROF.T. E.LAWSONTO ysarTexperlenea! Piano leesont at yonr home, 76c. Tabor 7306. CCAR6LL BaY. pisno, vncalTmona, with praetiee piano, 1 hoar day. IB mo. Bdy. 9666, JCWtLIBS i w. F roiSslTPoi. Wfl." M. MUSCOVITZ. MANAGER Mavrafaernring lewelen, - agate ratting, eta mond etttng, designer. Wholesale. 819 MOHAWK BLDG. SD AND M0RRT80B. . MAIL ADVtWTtSIW . - CRANE LETTER CfJ76H Royil blda." Ifulti graphing, mimeographing Manhall 6823, OPTOMETBIST eyf,sscifntificalT.T " Mnfl S " - with modern Instruments. " r Srittd from 83.86 up. - A. E HUB WTTZ, Orrfometrwt 938 First t PAISTINO. TIWTISO, PAPIBMAWOIIIO j7TCCT7lFT6!, pslntmit. tinting, papering.'' 184 N. 17th at. Bdwy. 4414. Wdln. 9134V ROOMS 'in'ed. 83; woodwork cleaned .'-iT"er. ing nd painting, reasongltle. HsnhaTl $$7. PAT18IT ATTOBNBV OOt.nBtRO. a?0WrcVrteT bldg.' Wain Hit. " PMV6ICIAW6 ,. ' '. X)Rr ft. A. PI.f'.IFSrBroadway bids. Khf matiem. stomach, bmWel. rang, liver, kidney, bladder, rental, pmetatle. female Aiaeedeva, skia : affection, high gtlood pneaare. PLUWBI810 AND 8TIAM fUPPLItf 7 HE M. I. Kf INK TO, 4-M.7-P9 Froett t, PBI81TINO, KWOWAVIW. BIWOIWO Drlnilntr- vv. BAf.TE8Ac0rT3 rrini-ingand Oak aujll 168. A-lt65 PAINTING, paperhangiag, deeeeattng. Uwa 2497. . j ;-: - SALTED AND 9MOKAO FI6M; ' 27HRKA HER RING raPdBTlNd"CO-'' d5? tribnten of alted and nuM flan.. . 821 Yamhul st, Portland, Or. ' TINNERS Jacob "LOSLi Tin, Sbeetiroa and Roof Work 610 let rt Phone Mln 1424. TWADgSJAsmg ' OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekaai hldg. V. S., foreign trademark TRANSPIR AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. j Established 1870 ., ' Transfer and Forwarding Agent . BTOKAGE FREE TRACKAGE . i I , Office and. Storge, 474 Ghsaa. 1 8th and Gllssn. Broadway 1281. A-ll 69. IXWAtS " Pl " tHtBE"ST" HOUgEHOCS GOODS SPECIALIST Storge, packing. nipping ana moving. - none ana - ante vane, - Snecial rate to all points. 0. O. PICK TRANSFER A' STORAGE On. 2d aad Pin. roadwy 698, A-1996. aiOVLvti Plane, furniture ' and long dlatano asnlmg a apeeiaHy. O. sk W. Traest Servte Co.. 40 3d at Phone Broadway 6121. LOCAL-andTong dtatann nsomsg aad haaUngf first class equipment Gtasm Transfer Caw 202 H Alder st 'Main 136U A-7261. wi LXTm fef eTaTXe ff S a Ss rx H caToTnt ersJ trnsfrr and forwarding eewnta, 136 M. : 6th at Broadway 464. .. PACKING MOVINQ STORAGE FECURITT ST0BACB A TRANSFER c6T" , 106 . Park at, Mala 6196 A-196t. PERSON AX. s