1 4 t . f THE OREGON SUNDAY; JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY. MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1919. J ; 1 : I . FWTnOTTAKa 111 - ESTATE ' 1 '' ESTATE - I - I ! - T uri.P WAITED-MISC. 43 WANTED AGENTS r0?TTiVS?ES " vnB KATF HOI SK.H T FOR MALE HOUSES 31 t- .. ... -.l. . v ji... v , ... . . : ...,. " - - S " ' ' , ..' , in in mi i mm V VI V T B S . K BW. .' ,. 1 . - - .. . ZL lw' . -J" I MEETING- NUT1CI.S -"" i i. . inTni nw-nni-r - ' t ,. i , " " i ' ; . if- AUSIfflAN HtUtU STARVING WHILE " PARASITES FATTEN Pestilence and Famine ' Abroad - in Land) Babies Cry for Milk and Workmen Ask for Meat Free Dance 11th at, given by Anchor Council So. 19. i K. and L. o 8- Everyone and their friend, ire ioTitod. Admission free. Good mtuic Ccme and we wtti how yon what e tine "4 5er CM TOO. White you are to good health it the time for insurance. 4 Cost ncthlns to Join 31 for eiamination, CLeanest and bant imnrue to be bad and choice of four policiec T " 1 ' - 1 2227. SECURITY BEN EFIT ASSOCIATION. Spe cial. Every member U re qneated to be present next Friday. Start the new rear by securing a new member. They now hav. choice of 4 Bfr-to-date policies. See Capt Whipple and taff assist in beautiful decree work. 'By Iuclen Jones Vienna, Dec, 27. -Austria waits, an humble eupplicant, at America's door, sobbing, "Save us ere we die." The next two months are reck- oned as the most critical, as the most, severe conditions will be ex perienced in that . period. If all prpmlaes are '; fulfilled, the country in assured , of , a half ration which ""will not be sufficient to support hu man existence until the end of Jan-a Bary. Th credits which have been arranged Ty Chancellor Renner in Parta may en- Able the nation to carry on a little further. The entente mission is en- deavorlng- to save Austria from perishing-, but the situation Improves momi - srlly only to collapse again. SURVIVAL 18 DOUBTFUL Experts are of the opinion that the country can survive only if sufficient credit la granted to buy raw materials and resume manufacturing. In the fashionable quarters of Vienna the streets are crowded with ragged. barefoot, hollow eyed children accosting frasaersby pitifully begging for food or ' elothlnsr. On the navements lie invalid ed aoldlers. becears. exposing the stumps of limbs still suppurating from lack of medical aid. Not more than 100 yards away in the hio- hotels alt overfed, bloated senile 'chendler, ghouls who are sucking the la-st drops of the life blood of Austria and .responsible for at least half of the exiattne misery, by reason of their spec ulation, which keeD the prices of neces sities of life beyond the reach of any except the very rich. They eat the nest, not counting the cost. CUT FOE BREAD . 'Oive us bread" rings through Aus trla. but bread is not to be had. The ' cafes are filled with patrons eating : pastries made from chestnut flour. The greatest suffering is among the middle and lower classes, those who on mlaer- able pittances have to keep up appear. ances and tnererore must orced to ca KUREKA Council. Mo. 204. Security Benefit association. J No meeting Monday . erenine, December 20, aa Captain Frelbun and etaff and of ficers will go to Oregon City to initiate large class for Willamette Council. Car leares 1st and Alder 7:30 p. m. All member that can N. h. JOHNSON. Secy. PORTLAND STAR HOME STEAD NO. 42. Brother hood of Americas Yeomen, will celebrate tbe new year with a dance in the Auditorium of the P. 8. T. V. ball, 2S9 13th St.. Tours, craning. Jan. 1, Admission: Gentlemen 60c; la dies 85c: also a S00 party from 9, o'clock until la In the library room, 1st floor, admunion 85c Splendid prizes; union music. A door prize that will please you. All are welcome. YETTA HAINES, Uor. rVANHOE Homestead. No. 5038 Brotherhood of American Yeo men. Regular meeting Saturday, Jeunary 8, at 8 p. m.. Women of Woodcraft half, S94 Taylor It. Special social feature follow ing short business meeting. AH Turitina members cordially in rited. Mrs. K. Earl Felke. Corraenondent. S22 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Telephone Main Holtnan Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STS. Main 60T. A-151I, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING . 0.P.HHIEI&S1 Procrressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONTOOMEBT AT PTFTH A-I69S Mn - F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 K. Alder t Phones East 82. B-SZZS CHAMBERS CO. Funeral I rectors. All the Conreniencee of a Home Wodllawn 8306. 24S-2SO Killinrworth are. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 6802-604 2D ST. 8. E., LENTS Phone Tsbor 527. Home Phone P-81 Dunnins: & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny eta. Lsdr Assistant Phones Broedway 480. A-48B8 DOWNING A MeSEMAR. successors to Wilson A Ron Multnomah at E. 7th,. Irrington dirtrirt East 64. McENTEE A EILER8. funeral parlors with au tbe priraey of a home, loth snd Everett ata Phones BroedwsT 2188. Home. A-21S3. M05UMEKT8 Portland Marble Works 268 4th ft. opp. City Hall. Wen Bros. I 3BLAES!NG GRAMITE -Cp TO JNVESTIOATE OCR SCHOOL AND METHOD OF TEACHING. WE WIU; GLAD LY GIVE TOU AN OTJJUNB. OP OUR COURSES IN ASIBftriUJi -PAUUNO or AtJTOMOBnjES ' TRACTORS GAS ENGINES carbtjretion . ignition . - . maonktos generator and startdio motors, armature winding storage batteries i oxy-acetyene welddo MnttivinH n nnrxtva 9 TO 8 MONTHS. DAYC&SSES TOR WINTER TERM BE GIN EACH MO.NUAI. '-,-, NIGHT CLASSES MONDAY. WEDNESJIAt ir; romiv rvrvivi: SEVEN TO TEN. NO FREE -TRIALS OFFERED; OUR TntB vn noira tu i lUlTl'T) OUR STUDENTS RECEIVE BOTH TECHNICAL AND PRAC TICAL TRADilSG IN EVEBX DEPARTMENT imifw ,uh . cut. s. PER CENT DISCOUNT. STATE ALIXJWS t25PER MONTH WHILE TRAINING. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OCR MAIN W mnv tat Um'THIlBVK AVE. TAKE MT. SCOTT OK HAWTtiUrtaa. v& t. ALDER TO 20TH STREET, OR CALL AT OUR DOWNTOWN OFFICE. 124 strfct. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION , DEPOT ENTRANCE. CATALOGUES FREB. SCHOOL AND OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAT ONLY. Hemphill's Trade Schools, Inc. 10ST A!fD FOUND tl THE following article hare been found on ears f th Portland Railway. Lieht A Power Co. Dee. 28. Fountain pen. ring. 8 pr. glares, 2 gloves, book, 1 rubber music roll. 7 packages, lunch box, toy, 7 suitcases, o umpreuaa. wwners may obtain property at First and Alder sta. AGENTS 36 to 112 a day easy. 850 Ugbt- weight, fast aelung. popular ties, food flatora, perfumea, soaps, toilet prepa rations, etc Agent's outfit free. Write today, aulck. BoWi ' American Products Co., J.W American Mdg.. Ctncinnan, O. CANVASSERS wanted for aereral eounuesw Oregon sin weanmgioo. nieauy ;. oommissioa. Soma of our men are aejung o $500 weekly, W want worsen; '' " make aooey. Oregoa Nursery Co.. oreneo. ur. BIO EARNINGS EASY. 6 starUinf intentions. Quick eeuuig aato aeeessoriee. Sell to own era, dealers, agents. Establish your, own ..busi ness. Exclusire territory. Write quick. Ju bilee Mfg. Co.. 6184 Sta. C. Omaha. Neb.- SALESMEN WAKTEP 88 he can earn 8800 a month sell' asT.tr.nuAX tog groceries wholesale to farmers sion). For details see "How Ed Debts" in farm section, this paper, Parka Bros; Portland. (oomm- Fatd His or write l uuiu n.ARH ultvnin to seU much wanted A 4uiwiHat antnmnhila owners. 31 each. A dignified selling proposition worth from 310 to 316 per day to you. 204-B-6 Fentott bldg. lor lntcrnew. Call at -7 ran TTTUE SALESMEN to sen Federal tires in city. . Big pay and perma nent lob to right parties. Federal Tire Dis tributor, '333-336 Bnrnside st gITTJ ATIOK S M ALB THERE will be a Special Con clare of Washington Com mandery. No. 16, K. T., Tues day erening, December 30, at 7:30 o'clock, for the purpose oL conferring the Order of the There will be some nice refreshments by our excellent chef. A larxe at tendance is desired. All sojourning Sir Knights are cordially invited to be present. G. P. EISMAN, Recorder. Temple. provided EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty; buttons, pins, charm. Jseger Bros., 181-183 8tb st No.' DEATHS AND F.UJTEBAL8 76 MACARTNEY At Tumalo, Or., December 26, 1H1 u. Samuel Macartney, aared 68 years, beloved husband of Annie Macartney and father of Garnet S. Macartney, both of Tumalo. Or., ine funeral services will be held from the con. serratory cbapel of the F. S. Dunning Co., Inc., 414 . Alder at. Monday. December 29. at 2 m., under the auspices of Portland Lodge 142. B. P. O. E. Friends invited. In terment Mt Scott Park cemetery. 8 WANK William Franklin (Engineer), aged SO years, died In this city Friday. December 28 Beloved husband of Mrs. bennaotta Swank, father of Otto, Marion, Margaret and Ben. Friends are Invited to attend tbe funeral services at 2 p. m. today, 8unday, at the Kenton United Presbyterian church, corner of Lombard and Derby streets. Interment in Colombian ceme tery. The body is at the parlors of Chambers Co., 248-250 KUlingsworth are., until 1:30 p. m. 85 REWARD Lost, In vicinity of Williams are. and Eu gene st, a boD-iauea cat, snswers u name oi Bob. Been In our home over n years. Please return to owner. Mrs. Frauds, 404 Rodney are. Phone 813-68., . C5ST On Alder street, between 6th and 6th streets. Tuesday afternoon, a small Discs purse containing an Elk charm and a gold ring. 810 reward, under please return so caauiers office. Meier A Frank company. LOST Thursday evening In front of oc to Broadway Hazelwood or 18th and Flanders, bar Din set in pearls, valuable as keepsake from one lost in war. Liberal reward for re turn. Phone Main 823 or Bdwy. 2361 LOST Between the streets of Fourteenth and Jefferson and Elgntn ana Everett, an envelope containing check and Liberty Bond. Reward. Return to Marie Martell, 266 West Four teenth st. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, it. , 432 HAWTHORNE AVE. ,w- AUTOMOBILE, TRACTOR AND AIRPLANE MECHANICS. E XfBE T VCIANKEKS ACETYLENE snu "vn'.i THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR Srami iK IN nF.MAND EVERYWHERE AT BIG WAGES. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS' TIME. 80 PER CENT PRACTICAL HUB v nil v.L., UNDERSTANDABLE LECTURES AND DEM ONSTRATIONS BY EXPERTS. THE STATE ALLOWS EX-SERVICE MEN 325 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OCR SCHOOL CALL, OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. WANTED 1000 patriotic employers who will add to their force of em ployes one or more of the 1000 ex eerrice men who are out of work in Portland men whose records are un derwritten by the American Legion and who are entitled to special con sideration. Write, phone or call upon Cspt Conville, Liberty temple. Main 313. POSITION wanted by first class professional ohauffenr-meebcanic. years' experience in driving and repairing of all self-propelled vehicles, roesrdless of make and model; have own tool? , Mn.nital nrhaiil in, make of vehicle. . ..ariw anH trufli-wnrthv- I am the driver 11 saa lookine for. What have you to offer me? N-160. Journal. METER FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, on to data lists of desirable vacant bouses, apartments and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. , Newcomers to Portland win find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly loeatea. .. EIGHTH FLOOR S-ROOM house for rent or sale at Multnomah station, nearly half sere: garden, fruit trees and poultry yard: mile from station, near Deftleys, one blocs: mm aignway. em today or write E. C. Thayer, Box 4834, Port land. WHEN YOU MOVE. USE NORTH- lh(h aiul Waahinarton. Broadway 680. FOR RENT. 8 room house, cor. E. 17th, snd Salmon ata. 318.60. 1KVLNUT0N BEAUTY ii, . mm twifara von find bettor honse for the monev tlian tlil .one: H is situated in E. 14tb near Knott St.; this house. is sa exeepUooally well constructed, stately ar mimmA ' eifat flMT hit lam BVing TOOm with erusue nrepiee., pansiea mu """ room, dandy breakfast room ana sue. siot w- i,.(wl finrM m 1st and 2d floors and hardwood finish in living end dining room and breakfast room; 2d floor has 8 large well veti- tuated bedrooms ana urn tuea smw - J ..k,a.a aim ahnwa, . ZjMm 1. K law ftwTTwxh dalx tn ammimadabs 2 full aiaed beds and can be entered from wither bedroom; nice fireplace and lavatory, also tnpie piai u mirror in bedroom; 3d floor has 2 eompletely finished bedrooms and bathroom wltleh is ideal tr nirf Snt mwl Maiurh for anyone: the base ment has separate laundry and fruit rooms and Mew altM.t.,a hillianl tanm. WIUCO CaUl OS en tered from stairway landing; the garage is MMimnlant well aa extra well eonstructed! SU this- goes for 88500, and you ww agree vnui us that it as bis value after inspection: this is the first time this home haa been aaveruaeas is a new listing; let us show you at once. HITTER, LOW. CO.. 201-8-B-7 Board' of Trade BMg. for eext 4 room house. Tabor 188. "Resolve This New Year houses fob best fubkitube to Own Your Own Home (UK BALE FURNITURE of 8 room rooming house, all fui tt house for rent Inc. aire at 403 Stark st FUBStSHEP HOUSES ROOM furnished house, laundry, trays. naee. water, and garage, ea Side. school. 1076 Kirbr st. Woodlawn 8862. adults. Jefferson 31 fuf- ast high Sac- .a tvui i wt k ronm furnished modern eottoge. Can at 248 E. 49th at, 1 block north from Hawthorne carnne. . paudt TTTI.-T 1- r.i mtaha.l modliTB home. rooms and sleeping porch. Phone Sellwood OAflT will HlSUSE for rent. rent furnisnea. furniture Tor East 8130. sale; or ALAMEDA PARK ' 33660 New S.mnm hnncalow. large living TOOtn. HimIim. dinlne room with builtin bulfet. hard wood floors. LMitch aitcnen. nam room, wmie enameled plumbing, 3 beautiful bedrooms, ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trays and ga rage: street Improvements all in Snd paid; this is an exceptionally good buy: we can arranc. terms to suit you. See J. M. raauea. sates manager. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO. Ground Fir., 302 Oak it Broadway 3344. (Formerly Stanley p. Tnompson t..o. WANTED The contract to cut 200 or 800 cords of cord wood; timber must be large enoiish for drag saw Address Hector Anders. Route 1. Box 49. Estasnda. Or. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET THE 8CHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT ONE WEEK FREE To investigate our system of teaching autos. tractors, gas engines, auto electrical ana Dsnery work. State allows discharged soldiers and sailors RETURNED officer, 6 years' banking exper ience, accountant shipyard, excellent refer ences, seeking employment; age 24. V-14, Journal. A RELIABLE and steady party wishes a posl tion on grain or stock ranch as foreman; can assure you that I am the man you are looking for. Carl Cine, P. O. pox ui, roruano, r. EX-SERVICE man wants position in garage, 1 year experience in repair shop; good refer ences. Tabor 1605. COZY 4 room modem cottage, nicely lurnUhed; 335. 827 Bumner it. wooaiawn ui. 5 ROOM furnished modern house, rent free. tnr .n. nf hta children. 6-294. JoumSL MODERN furnished cottage, adults. East 1502. FLATS TO BEST, UXFUByiSHBP It $10.00 LOWER ftoor of 4 nice housekeeping rooms: baui room, paniry. 7.t KM. Tel Tabor 4533. M5WRN unfurnished 6-room upper fUt. Adults only. 330.60. Inquire 800 Graham aye. 8 ROOMS with garage. Union ave., lear Russell. , Adults only. East 2105. . MODERN 4 room fTat." 818; furniture for sal. 1 cheap. Woodlawn 4091. FURNISHED FLATS, Ml BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTB HEIGHTS SACRIFICE room modern bom. on a beautiful view lot. all improvements in and paid for. Nonresident owner has reduced his price to 88000, which I believe by far the best bargain to be had in Wil lamette Heights. An abundance of shrub bery and at least 80 varieties of rosea. House built by day labor for a perma nent heme. Inspection of the house will convince you of this fact Room are targe and airy; three fireplaces, numerous closets, large sleeping porch, concrete garage. Shown by appoint ment only. Ask for 0. M. Derr, with COS A. McKENNA eV CO., 82 Fourth St Mala 4522. Main 3871. 325 per month while attending school. 8PE- KXPERX WOodsman wants contract cutting logs f&kaSeV- S8?ln?lZ L i"? the thousand. Phone Marshall 15. after AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 100 PACE CATA LOGUE FREE. ASK FOR BOOK Ne. 2B. therefore must often go without food. For their daughters tt is either the .street or starvation. In Vienna there are 73,000 unemployed tramping the streets looking for work. But few factories are working as a result of the lack of cpal. One skilled mechanic said today: 'T work six hours a day. five days a week, but I haven't tasted meat in two months. I have lived mainly on sour cabbage. Thank God my wife is dead and I have no children. Ood pity those who are married and have chil dren. "In the. poorer quarters there are chil dren who have not tasted milk In their whole lives and many are dying for lack of this important food staple. In some cases shoes are purchased with tins of preserved milk. As winter grips the country worse conditions are coming. People are facing death by freezing. Even the Czechs, sworn enemies of the Austrlana, are relaxing their hostility in view of the sorry plight of the people and are sending them some fuel as a new years rift To add to the terrors of cold and famine, an epidemic of typhus and curvy has broken out. The shadow of death hanKS over the city and what was once the gayest of European capitals is rapidly being depopulated. CHBISTBf AS IS SAP Christmas was a sad festival for the Viennese. Less than 5 per cent of the people had meat on Monday. Sour cab bage and a few crusts of mouldy bread were the mainstays oi me remamaer, Dogs and cats are disappearing, being .killed and eaten and horseflesh has come to be esteemed a great delicacy. available only for the wealthy, A general crime wave has added to the horrors of life in the capital. Shops and private houses nave been looted despite the activity of the police, and arriving freight trains are now provid ed with strong guards as a result of many robberies. Billboards, and In some cases houses, have been torn " down by desperate poor persons, to be used as fuel. COLLINS December 26. at 490 East Ninth street north. Mary Collins, aged 65 years. beloved wife of Daniel W. Collins, and mother ef Mrs. James C. Hayes and Ray Collins. The funeral will leave the above residence Monday, December 20. at 9:30 a. m.. thence to St Mary's church, Williams avenue and Stanton street, where services will be held at 10 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment Mt calvary ceme tery. Kindly omit flowers LOVELL In this city at her late residence. 1294,Burrase St. December 26th. Martha Maranda LovelL axed 76 years, wife of W. G. Lovell. mother of W. T. Lovell of this city and Mrs. Nat Hall of Baker, Oregon. The funeral services will be held Monday. December 29. at 1 o'clock p. m. at FLnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Incineration at the Portland Crematorium. KRUM At "Oak Grove, Or., December 28. Muriel Susie Krum. aged 8 years 10 months lO days. The funeral services will m neia Mon day. December 29. at 2 P. vru. from the Com munity M. E. church at Oak Grove. Friends in vited, interment at Kiverview cemetery, une remain are at the residence fnneral rtarlors of Walter O. Kenworthy, 1632-1534 East Thirteenth street Sellwood. BUTCHER At her home at Rumllvflle station, Mrs. Elizabeth Butcher, aged 68 years. The funeral services will be held at Hope Pres byterian chnrcb. Eat 78th and Everett sta.. on Monday, December 29, at 10 a. m. Intenment in Mt Scott Park cemetery. The remains are at R. W. Gable A Co. Funeral Parlors, 1973 E. Ollsan st RICHARDS In this city December 27th. George L. Richards, aged B4 years. misDana oi Mrs. Rachel Richards of 810 E. 72nd st N. The funeral services will be held Tuesday. December 80th. at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at Pinley's. Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Boee City cemetery. LOST Moleskin scarf on East 26th street south, between Gladatsone .avenue apd Powell I street or on PowelL Finder please call 214-97, or return to 804 East 26th street south. Reward. LosTBy woman. 5 twenty and one five dol ie hill, niirht Dec. 23. on road between Eagle Creek and Boring at top of grade. Finder please return to 1064 Hawthorne ave, Port land. Keep 880. LOST Baby's diamond ring between Braaee and Broadway on 12th or on the Bawj. car or on the corner of Broadway and Williams ave. where you take St Johns car. .teat Reward. LOST A man's black purse, containing one $50 4 th liberty bond, two 10 puis, some smau change, and two addresses. Finder return to 886 K. lZtn st $1U reward. LOST Wednesday, bank book on savings d partment State Bank of Portland. Finder please call Woodlawn 2944, Woodlawn 732; or. week. Broadway 2a8a. THE party that picked up wrist watch at Moose hau unnstmas nigm anown. mnui up turn to secretary of Moose lodge and avoid trouble. Moose Temple, 4th and Taylor sts. LOST Gold ever sharpened pencil, in Peoples theatre. Xmas night initials u. u u r. o-. Xmas 1919. Phone Wdln. 5319. Receive lib- eral reward. LOST Floor mat for the back of Essex car. between 12 and 1:80, Friday. Between xvtn and 20th or 5th and Stark. Auto 5448S. Reward. tiHT On. lare-a 88x7 Weed tire chain: 82.60 reward. Phone Powers Furniture co.. Main 4643. LOST Lady's black purse, Woodlawn car or Sd and Washington, by working girl; go rewara. 721 Johnson. Main 2512. LOST Three U. S. government engineers' licences. Issued to Harry U. Norman, cinaer Phone East S607 and receive reward. ' L08T String of pearls with round rhineston. clasp, on street or lmngion car, ub.wctu at and 3 Christmas. Reward. Main 859. ENVELOPE LOST $20 in currency. two checks, stamps, Monday p. m. or -ruesaay m. Finder pleas, call East 6087. Reward. Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all other modern business courses. Day and night school. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Main 824. " POSITIONS ASSURED EVERT GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping. secreUriaL Free catalog. "LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young tnen and women wanted. Can 484 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid epportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet Railway Telegraph institute. :30 p. IB- FIRST CLASS carpenter and' cement work at reasonable prices; garages complete, 375 up. Phone Sellwood 8758, T"s IT TJ J alfsrsnm Ariel, furnished flat for Tent 123- fnrnitur. for sale: no dealers. Phono East 8683. 4 Kavfurn.dUt lower. Plion. est t() Q)wn YOUF OWH-HOHie "Resolve This New Year MAN with one . ton truck wants job hauling, where I can devote entire time at $8 a day. Call Marshall 1069. lYPKHirxnun n,r,l farm and dairy wwhe steady po-itinn ; pl-ww tate wages and I particulars When wnung. r-oou, uuni. ROOM tinted. $2.50-3.00; papering and paint- ing; clean, work good and satis! action, mcseis tc Allison. Broadway 3523. YOUNG-men with one-ton truck will take eon tract, delivery or hauling, one-half or whole time. Make offer. L-467. Journal. IF you want your wood sawed1, call Woodlawn 4811. Hammond A Rose. n.Tua iiiTTrani.T'S SHORTHAND Tnunritlnir school, day and evening sessions. 209 14th near Jefferson tt Main S803. 36 a month. STEEN SEWING SCHOOL Bleek'a systetm of ladies' tailoring ana areMmaiu """ f-j terns cut to measure. Phone East 2359. B-3307 152 Grand ave. near peimonu . LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, bookkeeping. stenography, clvu service, secretarial; iprcu courses. Expert teachers: day and night; en roll now. Broadway 6083. " EAST SIDE COMMERICAL SCHOOL Miss Regina Buckel's private school: individ ual Instruction. 122 hi Grand ave. Kaat r.ntvr. s-.t nr Sooth? Household eoods shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Moyt st cawy. ma. HELP W ANTED FEMALE t TOtTNO WOMEN WANTED Permanent positions epea for young women sa telephone operators, with or without previous Call at Room 601. th floor. Telephone bldg.. park and Oak streets. ', THE PAC1F10 TEL. TEL, 00. EXPERIENCED woman would like dsy work. Tabor 9034. EX-SERVICE young married man must work, any kind, anything. East 6196. PAINTING, paperhanging, etc. by A-l me- c panic. Phone Broaoway aoaa . HAVE 2 ton truck, want hauling contract; lumber preferred. t;naa. stone, jnoiaum, vr. CALL Woodlawn 6114 and have your car re paired by mechanic; guarameen expert ui. ROOFS Reshingled and repaired, work guar anteed. Beacham. fnone t i ROOFS repaired, roofs made waterproof. Phone Tabor 6200, Seuwooa uou. ROOMS tinted. 32.50, 38: papering, painting. etc.: aulck attention. ar. xaiv. Near Williams and Russell. COMPLETELY furnished modern 4 room upper flat; piano, tewing machine, gas and elect; no Woodlawn 400. CLEAN flat with attio for rant. 330; adults; I fine furniture for sale, r-nza, journal. APARTMENTS FOB BENT 48 BEAUT IFULLYHFURNISHED S-roora apt. Urge privat. bath, heat electricity, phone; adulte only: tenant furnish own silver and linen;340 per month. 800 Union are., near Beech tt Employed couple preferred. THBJEFFERY; 8 room furnished apt, 822.50; close in. corner of Russell and Kerby st bet Mississippi and Williams ave. Call between 1 and 4 TV m. ONE unfurnished aparWent vacant January 1. Powell apartment; 37 th and Hawthorne. Tabor 8791. 330- E. block south. WANTED, 21 Ry. Exco. bldg. . Mala . THE CREAK OF ROSE CITt ,t We have 23 good Rose City homes, ' , ssoh one appraised and inspected by an expert Our system is not la . selling them, but in getting thm . they tell themselves. You owe it to yourself, if you Intend buying, to p investigate. Why not let a salesmaa ride you out and took them orerf You , won't even be asked to buy. We in vite comparison. See our. tint thee try to match them elsewhere. Hornet from 32000 to 810,000. Some truly remarkable bargains. 9 ROSE CITY SPECIAL 34850. Folks, here Is a brand new beau-, tiful 6 room bungalow. Just 3 btarke from the Alameda drive, paved street. aU paid for; oak floors, finished in white enamel and a fireplace that ia .. ; dream; bnilUnt too numerous to men tion : stairway to attic where two more rooms can easily be finished off if roil. deidre. The price Is dirt cheap. Boms body is going to buy this within the' next 48 hour. Don't hesitate I Ring , Main 1686 and a salesmaa will be , pleasad to show you. 84200 buys a typical S room bungalow on o in st, in nose vii, p.'-j . ewer, full lot, furnace, fireplace, built ', about 6 years. A eoat of paint wilt make this $4800 value. Men who have some idea of the trend of prima for spring will appreciate this sppof" tunlty at its true worth. $3550 buys a 8 room bungalow c snta St., is moras on nana bito. ix,., wood floors, fireplace, garage, full lot, pergola. Very neat and attractive, Small payment down. 84350 buys bungalow type 3 story 3 .vwem i mill ... ..... la . . '-- . room, den, beam ceilings with artiatia ' drop lights, liardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, oceans of rosea, vinea and shrubbery. Ware to real valu. that is too good to pats by i unheeded. ST.HICBTA SPECIAL 3400 down buya a good 2 story, reoea Aloerta nome, pnoe .ivvu, wy - menta; not exaeUy modern, but e good ": house at an exceptional bargain price, : We hare many others. Let us show you, i PIEDMONT' DISTRICT 83950. Strictly modern five room bungalow with gar age: living room . with fireplace, built in book cases, writing desk, hardwood floors, dining room with built In buffet, white... enameled Dutch kitnhim. bnllt in breakfast table and Ironing hoard. 1 larew bedrooms, bath, with white enameled dumbing, floored attlo. full eement huan.ni fnrnaiui and laundry trays, double eon structed. has cedar siding. This is a wonderful buy. See E. M. Padden. sale, manager. METZGER-PARKBR-FERGUSONCO. . Ground Floor, 802 Oak St Bdwy. 8644 Formerly Stanley S. Thompson ra. ROOM lower furnished apartment 64i 27th at: Richmond car to 27th, one 33O0O bnys a good 8 room bungalow to Alberto district 4 different ones to pick from. House hunting 1 hard or easy, lust as you make It A demon strator r.ttX be pleased to rid. yon ' out and inspect these and many others at different prices. fnrniahed basement apt for a couple with 2 year old girl Call Main 2825. i FURNISHED Dandy 2 room apartment, mod- effi; reasonable rent eu ccoa ave. 2 AND 8-ROOM apts. Sell. 128. CARPENTER and cabinet work; given; also shingling. Ben, zoao. estimates SITUATIONS FEMALE RESPECTABLE widow of 40. with two boys i a nH l A wanta DosiMon on a ranca honsekeeDer: it good economical cook; good I home more than wages. V-18, Journal. WANTED By capable industrious young woman, position in doctor or aenosi s of fice : light bookkeeping, no stenographic work; i: . - i .iatantL D-HK2. Journal. WUlinK V w.wiaaw WANTED TO RENT ACtlEAOE R. C PARK DISTRICT Snatx 1 or 2 acres. 8760 ea. half the price others are asking for adjoining acreage, level. enod eoiL Tabor 6569. WANTED SleeDinc room. elos. in,, for man and wife, where baby 4 year old can be cared for in the dartime. Tabor 1193. WISH to rent 6 room house, to any good dis trict, by Jan 15. Phone Automatic 613-08 between 2 and 4 p. m. . EXPERIENCED farmer wishes to lease email farm. Please write terms and description. P-626. Journal. East Port- Phone LAURELHCEST ONLY 30500 tt , a a nlaen well worth lookine at: 3 rms. and sleeping porch and garage; excellent location (Royal court, near Miisanj i narowoou mwn thteughout, semi-bungalow type, elegant kitchen., Must b. sold quick. Owner lea ring city only rea son for selling. All street Improvements paid in full. Terms half cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, " 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. sS35CO)!3 17 tt Open All 213 Ey Ex. bldg. uuday. Mala 1380 WANTED by capable industrious young woman, posiUon as me cierx wiui ciaw yancement" D-651 Journal. WATttTVtn rTnfuniiahad houa. to land south; no children; before Jan. 1. D-652, Journal. Sell. 1525. WANTED 5 or modern rooms, unfurnished. Three adults, east aide. N-158. Journal. or .three room unfurnished apartment ia LOST A lavallier with red setting, 'the swimming tank and postoffice. Main 2716. between Reward. HERN DON In this city December 22. 1919, Leslie Hemdon, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Herndon. Funeral services will be held Monday, December 29, at 11 a. m., from the Dunning A McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny street Friends invited. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER Permanent posiUon for capable, efficient girl. Apply ia own handwriting, state age, experience, salary Weed to commence and references, u-ooo. Journal. FOUND Lady's white silk shawl. Prove prop-I . H1GH CLASS saleslady to 'sell much wanted accessory to Individual autpmooue owners, 81 each. A dignified proposition, worth from SIO to SIS per oay to you. kjmu aa Fenton bldg. for interview. GENERAL office assistant bookkeeper and typ ist, desire, position out oi town. vsov. Journal. uitmin or housekeeper in institution : neat and good coos; aoout jaunaij a. Journal. FIRST of year; good cook for institution, l TWO flat, by 2 adults. "Resolve This New Year .'u'bu'kluh iS ..TO to Own Your Own Home'.'-' Y-86, Journal. BUSINESS PROPERTY 83 412. Journal. icrvicei Smith, beloved wife of -. W. Smith, will be held Monday. December 29, at 1 p. m. at Clinton Kelly M. E. church at 40th st and Powell Valley road. Interment at the Mt Scott Park cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller A Traeey. LENAHAN In this .city December 26, 191 John Lenahait. aged 80 years. Funeral service will be held Monday. December 29. at: 9 a. m.. from the Dunning A McEntee parlors, Broadway and -.Ankeny streets. Friends invited. Inter ment Mt Calvary cemetery. BRADEN At San Francisco, Cal., Cordelia Braden, aged 78 years. The funeral services will be held Monday, December zu,.et z:su o'elack r. ta. at Fuller's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends inntea. incineration at we x-oruana Crematorium. - ' DOSCHER December 28. Frank T. Dosoher, aired 41 years, son of the late sir. ana tars. J. D. Dotcher. Funeral will be held from McEntee Mr Eller's narlon. Sixteenth and Everett streets, Monday. December 29. at 10 a. m. Friends in- erty and pay for advertisements. Mr. Smith, Main 2144. ; LOST Small brown dog. whit, spot on fore- head and chest Monday night rcnaer Please notify 414 East Clay. Reward. LOST One Boston terrier puppy near 23d and Marshall. Return to M. Simon,, 872 Northrup st Reward. LOST Blue silk umbrella. Christmas eve, in Postoffice. Phone Monday. Mam ooli. Davenport tpattments. No. 11. LIBERAL REWARD 5 320 bills to bill fold. Friday. Betura 184 N. 17th st w. a. Berude. ABOUT Jan. Journal. 1, A-l pantry woman, -C-414. learn 1103. dressmaking or I EXPERIENCED operator on 2-noed-e flat bed. way 3608 TWO sisters wish to tailoring. uau wain. LADY wishes laundry work to do at noma, Jjroaa- I LOST Notebook of French sentences on Mor rison st or car Friday. Please pnone labor 885. 132 East 89th. - . LOST English setter bitch dog, small black CROWN -JEWELS MAY BE DOCKED TO RELIEVE SUFFERING PEOPLE - Liverpool. Dec 27. An offer by the Austrian government to pledge the lm- rverial art treasures, consisting of tapes tries, Pictures,' Silverware and Other art rited. Interment Mt Calvary cemetery, objects, lor loans to relieve me iqou shortage in. Vienna and elsewhere is being laid before American, British and French capitalists, and it is expected that arrangements for the needed finan cial aid will be made with a syndicate of these capitalists If the pledging of these . treasures is approved by the al lied governments, GovernmentUplield By French Premier In Voting of Credit Paris, Dec 27. (TJ, P.) The chamber Vf deputies tonight expressed its confl uence in the government by voting, 475 to 68, to pass credit measures totalling 12 billion francs. ' The vote came after the government had agreed to reduce its marine estimate slightly. Journal "Want" Ads . RATES. DAILY OR SUNDAY : . Per Uae, per insertion I3e Three ennseeuUv. Insertions for nriee of two. i fiash subsequent 'consecutive Insertion without chant, of copy, par line 6e Count tlx average words to the Use ' r PHONES MAIN 7173A-6051 ' For monthly rates phone for solicitor. MEETING NOTICES - 41 SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2, I L O. O, F., WILL HOLD A 'SPECIAL MEETING Monday, December 29. 8 P. au it Odd " Va.la fa, , MtfWHa Af JMinftfWnff th. ththjj DEGREE, for Star Lodge, on a large cleat of eandldatea. A full attendance k desired. 4 E. A. NEALAND, N. G. .... Jesse T. Jones. Secy. " 1 fefSVat. 1 CTR.CLE. K& 628. W. of W. RdcId.I meeting Monday. December 29. 2 . m,. W. 0. W. Temple, 128 11th st All members welcome. 1 . . -CAH.RT10 1. DAT. G. W.-"- - i. - Margaret- Werthelmer, Clerk. THE Oregon- Field Artillery auxiliary. Batteries 6'BRDj2Funerel of the late James O'Brien. aged 66 years, will we neia irom McEntee et Filer's parlors. Sixteenth and Everett streets. Monday. December 29th, at 9 a. m. Friends invited. Interment Mt Calvary cemetery. HORN- The funeral services of tho late Edward E. Home, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Home, will be held Monday, Dec 29. at 2:80 P. m. at the ens pel oi Miller oc Tracer. ' Interment at Roe. City cemetery. SCHNELli In-thiscity December 27, 1919, at the residence, ioz wiiiamecte-Douievara, Alice E. SchnelL. Remains are at the Dunning A McEntee funeral parlors, Broadway and Ankeny street Funeral notice later. EMERY At hit late residence. 691 E. Broadway. George Allen Easery. aged Dl years. Funeral services wui oe neia at ms tate i residence Monday at 2 :30 p. m. Friends in vited. P. L. Lerch undertaker in charge. PERRY In this city December 27. 1919. Mose Perry, aged 65 years. Remains are at Dun ning A McEntee parlors. -Broadway and Ankeny street Funeral notice later. . and white. Woodlawn -1264. Reward. LOST Reward for keys on chain ring. elevator man. Gerilnger building. LOST Overcoat, bet Corbett and Mead, and 6th and Jackson. Phone Main eesa. Kewaro. LOST A black leather purse, December 25, Hippodrome theatre: reward. Woodlawn eas. LOST Canary bird, near 21st and Irving, Call Marshall 2776. Reward, LOST Black A white cameo earring in M, A F. store Mow, itewara. 'labor suae. LOST Gold brooch on Dec. 23. to downtown district Call 1107 Belmont LOST Black hand purse, Wednesday; reward. Phone Marshall 2240. -"Wallet -containing currency on Oregon 25 experienced operator oa single needle. Good, prices and half holiday on Saturdays. MT. HOOD FACTORY. 283 COUCH ST. n-ivTcn Hontral eirla for chorus work, ex- nerienced ones preferred. Call immediately at Room 419 BeUevue hotel, 248 Yamhill tt Miss Robertson. PORTLAND railway mall examinations Jan. 17. tisnn mr. List vacancies free. Write im mediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 705 T,i Rochester, N. Y. WANTED 6 bright capable ladies to travel. demonstrate and sell dealers; $23 to $59 per week: railroad fare paid: write at once. Good- Return 1 rich Drug Co., Dept 825, Omaha, Neb. $235,000 Apt. Building Five story modern apartment building, cover ing 200x50 ft on West Side, In heart of city; baa 104 apartments, elegantly furnished. In come $42,000 per year. ThU can b. easily increased to $54,000 per year. This Is one of the best real estate Investments ever offered to the public. This apartment building It four years old, and it artistically designed and con structed, and la considered one of the beet . n, w..lfn tn Portland. DRESSMAKING, remodeling, relining and el-1 terauotu tt Emporium iye.woraa, u 1 OREGON BUSINESS fiihawuiau rison st Hroaaway HAIR dyed at home reasonably by experienced lady. Main 3879. EXPERIENCED fire insurance stenographer and biller wishes position. r-oaa. omni. WANTED Sweeping and dusting or care of children, 400 per nour. -ast B0SE CITY PARK liRSA hnn a Hand huiuralow OX 6 and breakfast room, also sleeping porch, first floor additional sleeping porch; large attio up; firepltce, hardwood floors, all bullt-tnt, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays. Owner leav ing city, must sell. Furnished if desired. - We bav. any number of other homes to thla de sirable district and will b. glad to call for you it- win nlana mi under no obligations but we cannot give you addresses over the phone, we cannot tj WICKMAN CO.. 904 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Msln 688. $2860 .ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW Very homelike 3 room bungalow, living room witli fin-nlace: oaneled dining room, built-in mnmi: best DiumDtng Iixturee; emcixre wuu and gxi; good eement basement; corner lot; close to Montovllla car. Terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME AMngton building. Mtln 1088. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS BEAUTIFUL Rose City home of 8 rooma, full eement basement living and dining rooms hava beamed ceilings, artistic fireplace, furnace heat breakfast room; 1 bedroom down, 3 up. 9-foot porch across front cement P',ta;kPV street everything is to and paid. See this be fore yon buy. Only 34760. 62000 cash, bal ance like rent. . JOHNSON-BODSON CO. flP2-B83-S84 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. "32500 REAL HAWTHORNE BARGAIN - F aTt.li at. nn a corner lot lgfla o room NEW BUNGALOW ' 4000-TERMS , ' 428 E. JESSUP ST. ' Just completed, modern 3 room bungalow ant sleeping porch, also large room, plastered, IB attic; full basement, cemented, hardwood floor, , Dutch kitchen, bookcases. French mirrors l ints of built-ins; rooms are large and conveniently arranged,. finished In ivory and white enamel, . plumbing and electrical work complete.' doubli construction. It's a dream bungalow and eeul not be duplicated for less than $4800. Fill er service and schools close. See this today, near Union and KUlingsworth, Take Woodlaws. car to Union. and Jessup, then go 1 block east Phones East 6518 dtily, or 0-1182 evening, DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER and BUILDh.il... OWNER ON PREMISES, 12 TO 6 DAILY, ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 89000. New 7 room bungalow, with hardwood fleer, ,, extra large living room with fireplace, dining -room with built-in buffet, full Dutch kitchen, bed-, room and bath on 1st floor And 8 beautiful bed. rooms on 2d floor; lull eement basement. With ,., mnA laiinHe trava. fill! tOllOO OftTMl lot on paved street South of Bandy Boulevard, below the hill. 31500 will handle. Bee K. M, Padden, sales manager. . ';;'., METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO. 1 Ground Floor, 802 Oak St Bdwy, 8844.- Formerly ntaniey a. i nmnywu a 300 HOMES FOR HALE Here is a real opportunity for you to aeenrl a modem, well built home on easy terms, fcvery f ... hnmea, haa hoan rarsonj.iiy rawMCt ,h annrad. Soma wonderful bargains. A . i t, M mnA e. merit. fiaaiTrff-nt whit. enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. built- fphotogrspu of each home, with lull itoto iwgard- u usuui. ""I. log tame, it on aispiay ior jour wtvi.' - t.a,aw DRESSMAKING 43 ance like rent: MOTHERLY Scandinarian or German girl for ..n.ni hauHWArs ana nein in store: aooa home and reasonable wages; mutt .be reuaoi. and steady. H-605. Journal. SEWING machine operator to tew mattresa ticks, steady work, good pay. United Manu factures Co.. 971 8andy boulerard. WANTED A working girl or school girl to help erenimrs for room and board, mostly for company. Main 2948. 332 Mill. WANTED Trim-mere and makers for both city and out of town positions, aiuuer at Co.. Royal bldgv ALTERATIONS, refitting and making or ladler garments, reasonable prices; wori suronaw. J. Reubin, Ladles' Tailor, 408 Bosh A Lane bid. WANTED Plain sowing, the day or at noma Phone Woodlawn a a a. vtv ansa, a. T-T7W1CTSTTF.D ROOM 8 PRIVATE ! FAMILY ? 448 Morgan bldg. FLOBI8TS LOST- Electrio car. Kewaro. Mam sbtz. LOST Gruen wrist watcHT ioitiela "M. E. B." Call Marshall 4194. . LOST Eastern Star pin, valued , aa keepsake. belonging to dead mother. wain. B17U. LOST Christmas package. Sandy blvd.. Wed, night Reward, it 8. Hnghton. Bdwy. 8Z78. -HELP WANTED MALE I WANTED Sufficient 100 per eent Americanism among Portland em ployers to absorb the 1000 ex-service men now out of work in Portland. Ex amine your payrolls, weed out here and there, if need be but add one or more of these men end do it now. Write, phone or call upon Capt Con ville, Liberty temple. Main 813. HOUSEKEEPER wanted children; 1 small ton; home. P-632, Journal. for widower fond of easy place and nice LARGE double room, suitable for 2 men; hot! and cold water, azi otn at. FtTBNISHED BOOMS PBIV ATE FAMILY 73 FURNISHED housekeeping "room and kltehenette for 1 or z oacneiors, e weoa, near Jefferson. WARM, light room with bath and use of piano FOR SALE HOJJSE. 31 43000 REAL BUNGALOW HOME Very attractive modern 6-room bungalow with low rambling lines; Urge front porch. Bring room with fireplace, built-in convenience, white porcelain plumbing, electric lights and gat, good cement basement; recant Immediate possession. Close to Monta villa ear. Terms, use ROOM and board for woman under 40 to keep house for Ola oecneior; one empieyea pre ferred, T-88, Journal. WANTED A girl with some experience to assist wtta uouseworK. ast 1 1 - so 22d tt N. - WANTED. Klderlr housekeeper for small, fine. refined family. Very light work. Good home and wages. Wdln. 6657. WANTED Young girl for light factory work. Aonlv the Columbia Mills, inc.. see. tt Morrison tt, 4th floor, Royal bldg. SCHOOL girl to assist with light housework in exchange for board and room, Good home. Main 8282. - JjTeiS ffeS- FRANK L. McGUIRE I ITDl INRD TWO STORES A UUlii JM w. at,!-.,, to pnw S4& Morrison, bet- Bdwy. and Park. Marshall 237 828 Morrison. Portland Hotel. Mswhall 783 CLARKE BROS., florists, Morrison tt, bet. 4U and 6th. Phone Main 7709. Fine Flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists, 864 Wash ington. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasion artistically arranged. . WANTED First class bookkeeper, also know how to operate typewriter; state experience and salary expected, n-oii. journal. GIRL to care for small children and assist with housework. Main 191Z. TJNFTJRNISHED BOOMS 13 2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms ground floor 100 ft from W-S car at 1211 47th ave. 8. E. Hot and cold water, bath and electric light free. . THREE unfurnished choice rooms, suitable for office or living rooms. 1020 tt Belmont st. corner 34th. Phone Tabor 888. 3 LARGE unfurnished rooms, heat light, water, to man ana wtie: reiereuw vmuwsw. vw E. 85th st S. Richmond car. BOOM 9 ANP BOABP U THE MARTHA WASHINGTON, 880 10th. for bnsineet girls ana etuaenm. mnu i. BOOMS AND BOARD PBIY ATE fABIUI Wl v-irr TOITtt HOME. Ablngton bldg. , , Mfto 1088. IK nee open rivenmae nu punufn A.nn vnSTH OF PIEDMONT Oa a full corner lot with street liens paid ; is a new, very attractive bungalow; large front Tbneeh full width of house: good cement base ment; .OUlit-ia conveiueuces; wuiie etimuici inuuiir ink; electric light ana gat, can arrange easy terms. SEE FRANK L. McUUiKK TO BUT YOUR HOME, Ablngton bldg. . , , Main 1088. Office Open Evening and Sundays. FINE Leurelhurst home to tell at a remark ably low price or to trade for a farm near Portland and pay up to 84000 oasa differ- This krl anefajaa, atlwet Paid FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOUR MUMJE, Ablngton bldg. , m Main 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. " laurelhubt 8 Room and Dea 86800 . , Hurry, folka Here is real bsrgatn. Owner taaM PivrtJand and must sell. Oak floor throughout The arrangement is Meal. Splen did workmanship. Ideal location. Truly s home to be proud of. Let n how yon, A. G. TEEPB CO.. . ' a. . , ha Main 8093. Branch Office. 60th and Bandy.OpenJtnruisy ""33300-aCBERTA BUNGALOW 83800 Just one short block from car to first claaj location, 6 room.-nicely ' arranged and to A-l MTuiitimt! nreoiace ana ouin-m full cement basement, full lot, garage. wiU like this if you see It -Term. C, A. WARHltER, OtTTFR Jk LU., r 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE My toe home. 7 rcr Me.pl ng porch .nciosecr; rirepiac, i . on hard street: garage: all modern: 1 acre, one v.m l.M. kaiana nMni and fruit.. Eaa sku. Will aeoept lot or small house to Irrington or leurelhurst Will witortain eirge c ce to city Value 310.500. Sea-Wood Realty Co., H Chamoer oi vommii autoe at your service. This system baa sold evei , 800 home this year, and I am n we be of aervic. to you to locating just the hens you are looking (or BEE . FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME. , .... Ablngtoti bldg. . . Mala 1338. office Open Evening and Sunday. ISECftY-PABK" , NEW NIFTY BUNGALOW t $4 4 DO roTkt, we want you to see this pl-mdld twata low home: S aloe, large room, finished la whlM throughout; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, eement basement, furnaee.- .XeS will apprecUto the real, genuinely good eesattraet Uon and finish. Very easy term, A real oppurj tunlty for yon. M AO. TEEPE CO..., , 9 AA tark Bt. hear 8d, ' Mala 8093. - Tou I -Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. 'Open SundayJ T-jl360 SELLWOOD BUNGALOW - Typical B-rooffl bungalow; Tery stttwatHI lines: Urge porch, full width of bouse i ehferrtq SELLWOOD 6 room model n bungalow, 82600; 8600 cash. . , Hawthome S room modern sad weeping perch, 32650; 3850 cash. 6 room modern, 32100: 8780 cash. 6 room cottage. 8850; 3500 cash. Jones Bcandiuarian-Americaa Realty Co., 248 Stark tt Maia 6429; 35750 EAST TERMS mnrunuvr FURNISHED HOME Hawthorne 7-room furnished tmuse, living room. ' N.W. Bsnk. bldg. Main 6113 8 31 Morrison st Max ffL Smith WlUk IRVINGTON. PARK FLORAL CO., , 4th and YsmBUL mnerai oetngs; wwt LALANE OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. For all occasions, mam opto. Flowers TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287- Wasbingtoa St. ' bet 4th nd 5th. Main 6102. A-1161. THE PEOPLE FTjQRAL SHOP. 284 Alder st FUNERAL CIBECTOBS FM 781 D I I At-rli Un- tRb B-1888 e aUe L-CrCIl Araiatant UNDERTAKERS. B. 11th and Hawthonie - .-B.-W. GABLE A CO., -' ' gneeesnnra ta W. H Hamiltnlt 1978 R. Gllsan Phone Tabor 4813 MILLER A TRACEY. independent fnneral di - rectors. Price aa low as 820, 840. 860. Washington at Ell. -Main 2891. A-78S3. R. T. BYRNES ZxTi Wintam are. Woodlawn 220. J "4 ? ime a Hard Tim. dance J.n. Rl(.AAn,A jg. T. 1HV B-2543 Jia a ciuo, a. wui I aJs Vbl,w AUt)UVA )4J Bt.iu.unt tl. 30 at East Sidv- lin-tacKi - -and Alder U. Admission 86c ' " DON'T FORGET Let' go. New Year's f. -Liberty assembly. United Artlns. big nn: i A. R. ZelEer Co. VMTi are. Ofta " Liberty assembly, u nited Am-ns, nig pn:a. i i , . , .dance. East- Sid W. O. W. hall. 63jb admit- J SIfPvwljfiit;il'MKU,L0 boo. SU prixea . , ivWea1.2$2j,.. Cor. .Thi CO. Main 4182 Third it4 Clay 3175 PER MONTH th. year around, th. average earnings last year of a number of our salesmen over 45 years. This year will be the biggest yet Ne experience necessary; weekly cash advance, outfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery snd vine. You can do what other in experienced men have done. Washington Nur sery Co.. Toppcnisn. wasn. WANTED A man of energy, ability sad tact to devote hi enure Urn ana tee nets mat is in him in - a highly profitable occupation, , 1-83, Journal. , WANTED Man to do Janitor work nights. 125 ner week. Man experienced wnn on Burner preferred. Crystal Laundry Co,. East 21st aU and saudy, aose city ear. A LADY to take care be neat ana clean. of a small baby; must Call Marat U 2314. nriviletr. East 2633 near 24th and Multnomah; girls. CHILDREN to board In private home. 2446. ae naney East WOTJSEKEEPrNG BOOMS 8 FTJBN18HEP AND UNFPBNISHEP .10 a MONTH, x 2 clean, furnished . house - ' keeninc rooms, suitable for three; laundry. w .cold water. East 3089. 403 - Van couver are. MAN to work, this city tarnishing chandeliers. bras beds, automobues, by new snetnoa; iiu daily without capital or -experience. Write Gua no etal Co.. 151 Elm, Decatur, HL FINISHER8. bob but first-class need .apply. Cremona Phonograph Co., 444 E. 10th t Can East 7832. ' " I TAILORS. ATTENTION Striks still ea in Portland. LOCAL No. 74 WANTED A-l machinist and auto mechanic. i-aerviee men i referred. Must be Christian .Innrhr. Main 8700. Braneh 17. MEN wanted for detective , work: Write J. WANTED A girl to assist with general house work. Aooly mornings. e oveioy, WANTED Girl for housework. Main 4184, after 5:3Q call Main 7090. WOMAN to take care of house and small fam ily for 2 week. Apply at oai aioerta. st. GIRL to help cook -and general housework oa mi . ,. . . . . ... a, ,AAa mail ranen, city limits. wmmawn GIRL for general housework, small family; good wage. Phone Main - wv. - .WASTED Chocolate dipper. Tabor 6664. WANTED Practical nurse. Tabor 6147T HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE w l -vrVTV-Toona- eooDla. or mother and daugh- ,n mi. viznan mna anmia luunii vt wtnx-ri hotel 'in lively logging town equipment '""ed, t-vjeisHED AND UNFURNISHED ; water free; bo cash rent Owner. J. A. W4Uia, ixvna "'J1rv j.ip FAMILY !l lRNISHED H, K, room. ground walkina- disUnce. irons ana sacs noSe. ha. C (ire i 10 327 E. rSSth st enoe. -. ,rr,rT. " I of Hswthom. earltoe; funutur. all new 111 I01S lflBDVUb. a, 1UWJWW, IW 1 Trz . . L . .-1 1 t, t ... anA lanndrw rrars: aleeant I C0 aire immeoiate posseawi. NICE ? modem rm. bath. -m-''- 60xtmn 10 and 1 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Mar shall IftSft. FOR RENT i clean furnished housekeeping mhl amm mux: f id. nmn. . ONE or three furnished housekeeping rooms tor j Journal. rent oe . uajjb -HOTJSEatEEPINO BOOMS Vaeott. Wash. UAt r.R BARBER . COLLEGE Pays yea while learning; gives you set of tools; - erve . 5 . a. . m ne J Ttedtlon eecureu. tvnte tor esuavusk . Bumside t, er phone Broadway 1781. PORTLAND Barber college pays yam while , learning, giraa yen set ef tool free; position secured. 88 N. Zd st floor. ita, mn. dinina 100 feet 1 Vt bus. irom eanmev in nest part of Lanrelhurst near 89th st If you want I a bargain, aon i hu to sew wn ym vm. v. . i Bmook, 107 E, 87th t Tabor .3214. WHT PAY RENT! 82600 , Cook are. near William, dose in. 3 t. house, 60x100 lot, big bargain, 33000 Sunnysid A r. house, modern. QHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 228 Henry bldg. CHEAP lor cash, entire block,. West Bide: ft room bouse, barn, small orchard: two Monks from hard surface street 13 minute ont. Se fare. Owner ksving state. G-866, aaaoo ROSE CITY BUNGALOW . Modern 6 r.. large Bring r.. dining r,. nrotle room, 2 bed r., furnace, fireplace, hardwood noow, comer lot, torait, . . . CHAS. BJNGLEBA CO., 233 Henry bjdg. BT-OWNER, who is"leTing giate. 7 Toora A. bungalow, garage. 100x200. 16 minutes eat. West Side, be esrtsre. oniy eauvo; ion, Inauire be-! m. For sale by owner. 3126 down. 'a BIG lot, 8 room eotUewS 8626, kTnoD modern hoose. 8 fuD lots; 82300, Keren rnom sonaaw, aus v,v.i .., 82800. 8600 &wn. term A 3128 62 D8 T. VoODSTOck SELLWOOD home. 1 room teroi-mc-Jem honae, oi.jh hath, raeaaa 100s 100-foot lot Sell or win trade tor smau larm, rapnnK rr . AAA .v. Vat.M Ifka eent. V' SCOTT REALTf oSTXAVi 8868 517-619 Cnamoer ov commerce nwia. uurnr. iinnn RF.AL BARGAIN mro SlVlM MODERN BUNGALOW vt xrin unDt lot aa first pay- ir.ent up to 61200 or mora, balaaoe taut torma. phone Tsbor 8196. BCf from otniet; I hv )at competed a Bring room, solid paneled dining room with built in buffet; whit Dutch kitchen; 3 light, airy bed room: Urge closet; B piece eat ol whit enamel .. plumbing; electric lights and gas: full basement) ; large corner lot: 8260 down. SJCB- ; FRANK L. McGUIRE v. TO BUY YOUB HOME. AMngton bldg. . ' . Ml 1068. Office Open Evening and Sunday. ' ? , 2200 BUYS -ioom homo wit bath, gee, ' electric light. Paved street and sewer it snd included in price. 60x100 lot W hstl ; any number of home, to almost every district at a price and term to fit your pocketbook. We wUl gladly call for you and tubmit out ?. hornet for your comparison, without It plaelaj , yott under any obltgatum. J. A. WICKMAN CO, .... 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Mln 686. 1 STORIES, rooms, bath, touet, two. !., buffet flreplaoe, lurnaoe, oak ftonJi, conoreto foniidatlon. cement basem-mt, double ntrncted:,only 1 block to ear. II to ll 6bal00 lofc e 'rnlt tiwea, beixtot;3ip0-e-i toU you to: 83600.- '' JLa. 'J-'-i . J0HNS0N-D0DS0X CO. C82-383-684 N. W, Bank Bids. Mam smi, 16500 WALNUT PARK 35500 i This b trletly modern throughout exeepl hardwood floor. 6 room, snd fr','l Ia bant anrfaca streets. ThU home tt handy. to ear. T schools . and stores, clear of all -m-eumbraaoe; reasonable terms will tattola, , WARKINER. il'' RITTEK. LOWH A CO.. , - 501-8-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. "HOSE CITY PABK Ganor. former government detective, Ota- MEN, WOMEN, lean barber trade; M bfle m. m . t I .leanung, position guaranxewi. !''.,' i TUie, Hi. - I n nhi VllMa 2 Madison. ' 160 ACRES- 34000. fox Southern California property. 0l jnam, or vom, ptaa. aa 4A at N. East J328. TWO' nice unfurnished housekeeping room, gat I batfjcarii;! g-47, Jwrnal. light heat, bath. 076 c. starx t LARGE, light dry. clean basement H. room tot 1 or a men. 394 Jefferson. ariNNYSIDE barzain: 82700. tonne good 8 room house, spieoaxi corner svuvv, in tm , i berrie.. E atreet U. btaub, 1027 raw hloek from Belmont Belmont; week. Tabor 319. H, eosy, wn built little bungslow on lot, term to Sou. va sas. eair w t Tabor 8250. - MORTGAGE due, witt saerifie for cash 6 room modern house, gas, .leetrlcity, ewr, hard turf seed streets, near ear and tcbool', f rait and Woodlawn oiai HELP WANTgPMISC.y 48 " bonx-v' MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY ' Frank W. Welles. x-t tt. Supt. age. N. V. Bank bldg. Teachers pucea prompuy. W ANTED A GENTS YATE8-FISHER Teachers' Agency Pre. " regfa- tration. Main dtomvw maav OKlXiON Law SCHOOL. Alisky bldg., 34 and! ritory prepoMtwa, Buyer' Export Agency, Inc. ... flurniir'-v iv Sate Ik 1 t - awM .at aiivwuiw AGENTS MAKING 8200 WEKKaaS Lveryoue want, it Formula for 200 home made bev erages, book form. Send $1 far . copy and tor- FOB BENT HOUSES IS UNFURNISHED FOR RENT 7 room modern house, yard; walking distance. 63S Market; 323 per month. -.- - ",Y .. ' ' " " I iiMli hcTt.e for rent 26 rolnn'es out 3 tlnc ftjin M. - V. aepoc ear:- ran tiv per monJt.- Key at 8050 re W.wtborne are. 5 ROOM house and fff.ra foy rent, 88 East 28th st cor. Pine, Owner there on Suaday. IRVINGTON 6 and 6-roora buiigalowi, new and modern in every oetau. wiui uw iox aaee. and garage; terms and prices are right For sale by owner and builder. Woodlawn 4841, it A BARGAIN 3 room plastered house; fruit double garage, 1 bloek(rom earlhve, good disfr- tjeoo, r- ' b-iiinoe nta rant ryiio. Si?' WiU-m ave..' room 12. 6 ROOM cottage. ehieken Bonee 1C58. 209 Orffcen FOB SALE A- aaedera bungalow ia aventnn; lot 60x109; paved treeu; 4 rooms, Dutch tdfctuea, large leeptng porch, 11800, 6600 cash. 163 Bchefteld t , "" .'. trorTa ai.F. nr OWNER ? Come and see my two modern bungalow at eat v. astb st Ther are xoinx to be (old Surfl.y. Owner tbtr aU day. ' - 5 .ROOM"bur-'!ow for tale, or v?l trnd. eyu'ty tr mnA ear. Call ewf. WooAl 10S0. 'Room and Sleeping Porch. , .i A real bungalow. Owner mo ring wood noon, fireplace, bullet, pb xiresta; breakfast nook, ensnt basement furnaoe. eto Street east. Mid. Let u. .how yon. , 264 Stark Bt, near 3d. W9 fP?. . Branch Qfflee. 60th end Sandy. iOpen inndty.lj ONE story. 4 room, and bath, eompWtaly in J7.v , rfinkii . in .hern and ek, douMeeonstrwjted. 2 block to ear. 8 year eta! 300X62100, Thl it eloes ia on PaveJ JOHNSON-DODSON CO. S82-688-384 N. W Bsnk Hi-M. iam ie- tA S24CHD, Terms $300 Down mti nnnv MODERN BUNGALOW Rath. Toilet. Eleotrm lAghto, Sewer, w?n KV7 . PHONB TABOW 81 GOOD t'T. hllX INVTMt,-r 100x100 cur;! near E. t2u. end Ab, wife ,.0T.5,u?l. 'tt iTROotf ho-tee. good furniture. A ft lyatis, ten bldg. tm bgrgaiD if eoW thlg weeA.' 29 i IvtB et. 40 r.n t,l hoose to rair ri'V- -. i - ,1. n I I : . j