STEAMER OREGONA nearly IKS; hit ON ITS SIDE BY LOG Number of Boats Tied to Dam- aged Steamer Are Endangered in Willamette River. - Springing a leak from feeing struck by a floating obstruction In the river, the steamer Oregona, of the upper Willamette fleet, moored at the rlnrvwi ICI If MVIICai Up ttllUWOfc sank about 6 o'clock Wednesday night, seriously endangering tthe string of other boats to which she was tied. The watchmen In charge of the boats . noucea me water coming in ana non fled the harbor patrol. The flreboat Da- ... vld Campbell answered an alarm, and on arriving found more than a foot of water in the hull of the Oregona. The boat was listing sharply. Hand pumps had been manned by the watchman and other employe at the scene, but the water came In more ' quickly than it could be pumped out, " and not until the Campbell's steam was , hooked onto the siphons - and pumping : had continued until nearly midnight was the danger over. As soon as posHlble workmen applied a soft patch over the hole, about six inches long, which apparently had been goufted by a bltr log, propelled by the swift current. The opening was on the v port side, about amidships. 1 The Oregona was tied up with the Grahamona and the Pomona of the .. II n . . 1 . . IT ... . I I Ik. n ic: iiiic, uie lUe iicituici hiiu uic : fo.Tner Albina ferry boats Mason and Lionel Webster. The Oregona was In the middle of this string, and had ?he sunk, some of the other boats would probably have' gone down with her. DOCK COMMISSION MEETS Members Attend Session as Salve to Their Arhinn Consciences. To forestall even the suggestion of marring Christmas Joy with a con science stricken thought that a regularly scheduled meeting was not being held, members, (jf the public dock commission, at the adjourned meeting of the ad journed meeting of the adjourned meet ing, held Wednesday morning, passed a resolution to the effecj that when reg ularly scheduled ifmeetings fall on a , holiday, that they shall take place on . following days. Having thus wrought, the commissioners finally adjourned sine die. A regular meeting having been sched uled for today, however, under the reso lution.' it must be held Friday, but as there is no business scheduled, all hav-Mng- been cleaned up Wednesday, an. ad journment will be taken until next Tues day morning. IIEMSW0RTI1 HEADS UNION - Loral Longshoremen's Association Has Annual Election of Officers. Frank Hemsworth was elected presi dent of local No. 6. International Long shoremen's association, at the annual meeting this week, succeeding J. A. Ben son. Hemsworth is also chairman of the advisory board. John Wolf was elected vice chairman; A. E. Barnes, for several years secretary ana Dusinesn agent, reiusea me piuce " for another term and was succeeded by J, W. "Texas" Murphy, an old time long shoreman of the Willamette and Co lumbia rivers. Charles Gloss was re elected treasurer. C. P. Roach was named marshal and E. A. McDonald, guard. The trustees are W. Ahern. Ned . Smith and John Keen. CHRISTMAS FIRS AT MASTHEAD Movements In Port Are Few, Shippers Spending Day at Home. The time honored and uniqueVustom of skippcra In the NorthweRt to deck out mantheari or flagstaff of their vessels with Christmas trees was carried out toTlay, but the trees were not much in evidence hecause only a few boats were moving. River transportation was Renerally quiet for the holiday and most of the waterfront habitueg closed up their dens and spent Christmas by the home fire side!. However, the little Christmas firs will blossom bravely forth from every masthead Friday, it is predicted. BARGE TORN FROM MOORING Harbor Patrol Boat to Rescue in the Willamette. There was excitement along the water- front, aur-h of It as was op. about 5 - o'clock Wednesday morning, when a Co lumbia Digger company barge. loaded : with ffra vl and moored at fnnt nf Ankenv ... street on the west side, snaped her lines and started on an unescorted Journey down the river. Enpneer Austed at the harbor patrol was notified from Burnslde bridge ten- dere that that structure had been shaken from foundation to tower lijrht when the barge bumped Into the pier west of the TBAHtPOBTATIOH IP MIRALUiSSL. 8. a. "CUSACAO" Sails from Portland 0:00 P. M.. Tterember SO, for North Bend, Marhfield, Eureka and San Francisco, connecting with steamers to Los Angeles and San Diego. a. a "city or topeka- For above Ports January 4. TO ALASKA FROM SEATTLE a, t. "ADMIRAL WATSON" to Seward and way porta. December 27. TICK IT OFFIOI 101 THIRD T. Fralght Orrtce Municipal Dock No. 2. . Phena Main a2S1. v ' PAOIFIO STIAMSNIP OOMPANV. SanFrancisco S. S. ROSE CITY DEFiATI U H003 Saturday, Dec. 27 Frost Alaawerta DMk Fsvra laelidaa Btrtk aad Maalt Cltr Ticket orrtce. Id ft Waaalactei . ' . Paeae Mala atia . . Prelfbt Of flea, AJaawarta. Seta Faaaa Broadwaj ill ' 8aa rraaelieo rarUaad 8. S. Lists It It ifa JAE draw. Going down, . the. barge was m.U most to the -Broadway brldgrn when the harbor launch got a line ' aboard. The flreboat George H. - Williams in , the meantime was called out, and after the harbor boat collided with the Williams, smashing a cabin window, the barge was dragged to Aibers No.. 2 and hog-tied, to await arrival of a tug. , OIL TANKER IS DELAYED First Time Lansing . Has Come to . Portland Harbor. . The Union Oil company's tanker Lan ding, the largest of that company's fleet on the Pacific coast, leaving up from Astoria Monday night, had .not yet reached the oil dock at Linnton at noon, having stopped to leave a supply of fuel at the gas plant . below Linnton. The vessel was otherwise delayed com ing up the river, but had no trouble, according to information received from the dock. This Is the first time that the Lansing, which is stmewhat larger than the tanker Oleum, a regular visitor, has been In Portland harbor. Rose City Dae Friday Noon Delayed In leaving San Francisco, the steamer Rose City, with passengers and freight, was not expected at Astoria un til late this afternoon or tonight, and will be at Ainsworth dock Friday about noon, according to reports received' at the Merchants' Exchange. Position of Ships North Head, Dec. 25. Positions of ships at sea. as reported to. this sta tion by radio at 8 p. m., December 24 : Admiral Schley. Seattle (or Sen Francisco, 840 miles from Seattle. Klamath. Seattle for San Pedro, 25 miles north of the Columbia river. F. H. Bock, San Francisco for Everett, Si 4 miles north of San Francisco. City of Topeka, Portland for San Francisco. 30 milea south of the Columbia river. AT JIEIUHHORISG PORTS San Francisco. Dec 25. l N. 8.) Ar rived Sea Foam. Mendocino, 1:15 a. m. : Ad miral Iiewey. Seattle. 6:55 a. m. : Wapama, Grays Harbor, 4:10 a. m. : Bertie M. Hanlon, Albion, 0:10 a. m. : Phoenix, Greenwood, 9:15 a. to.; Curacao. Portland, 8:20 a. m. ; Captain A. F. Lnra. Point Wells, 9:25 a. m. : Celilo. Astoria. 0:30 a. m. : Acme, Bandon, 9:35 a. m. ; Greys Harbor. Los Angeles, 9:40 a. m. : Willamette, Grays Harbor, 0:45 a. m. ; Daisy Gadaby. I Angeles. 8:50 a. m. : Carmel, W li bra Harbor. 0:55 a, m. ;' Matsonie. New fork, 10:80 a. m. Sailed Meriden. Paget Sound, 7:05 a. m. ; Cape May, Shanghai, 7:25 a. m. : Whittier, Port San Lais, 7:20 a. m. ; Japanese steamer Kirishimazan Mara. Kobe, 8:20 a. m. : Tang Zte, New York. 0:10 a. m. : Santa Barbara, Eure ka. 0:20 a. m : Wapama. Lo. Angeles. 10:45 a. m. : Santa Monira, Eureka. 10:45 a. m. San Francisco, Dec. 25. (I. N. S.) Ar rived 24: G sehnotier ('oqui)le. Fort Bract, 2:30 p. m. ; Coquille Rirer, Los Angeles, 3:45 p. m. : 1 Segiyido, Point Welt,, 1 2 noon : KHxabrth, Bandon, 2:10 p. m.. south coast; Crescent City. 4:33 p. m. ; Prentiss, Los Angeles, 5:45 p. an. Sailed 24: Colorado Springs. Manila, 12:45 a. m. : barge E. M. Phelps, In tow tag Sea Eagle; Port San Lais. 12:0.1 a. m. ; Oleum. Port San Luis, 6 a. m. ; W. H. Talbot. Eureka, in tow tiif Relief, 12:15 p. m. ; Lurline, Hono lulu. 3:05 p. m.; Nankai Msru, Yokohama, 3:10 p. m. : Lake Fielding. Manila, 3:10 p. m. ; Skagway, Seattle, 9 p. m. JTEW TODAY Journal "Want" Ads RATES, DAILY OR SUNDAY Per line, per Insertion 1 2e Three consecutive Insertion, for price of two. Etch subsequent eonteentire Insertion without change of ropy, per line' So Count six average words to the line PHONES MAIN 7173 A-6051 For monthly rates phone (or solicitor. SECTIONAL OARAGE. You can set it up In a few hour. Send for. Illus trated circular. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. IU B. liu St. Fkeae East u Pertlaaa. Or. PORTLAND .RUG COMPANY MANUFACTURERS Of FLUFF RUGS "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE" WE WEAVE ALL SUtt IN BOTH FLUFF AND RAO RUOa. LET U8 OALL FOR VOUR OLD CARPETS WORK WILL BE RETURNED "PROMPTLY." MAIL ORDER8 O.IVEN PROMPT ATTKTION WE CLEAN CARPETS PORTLAND RUG COMPANY 172 EAST 17TH STREET Phena B-1324, Either Paclfle ur Home WE OALL FOR YOUR OLD CAR. PETE, RUB8 AND WOOLEN CLOTH I NO). We Make Beautiful Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS All Work Turn) Out Promptly. Rus Woven All Slie. Mall Orders Sena for BoeklaC Carpets Olaaned, Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO. 1SE EAST EIOHTH ST. Phone East 8SS0. Send Us Your Old Carpets ' 'We Call and Deliver) I4m.Mff8Md -Wooloa ClothJaar. Wo Make Beveralttle, Haad-WoTea FLUFF RUGS Room Sis Fluff Ruga, Woven, $17.50 Eaf Bars Wtfrca An SUs Mall Orders Send for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleanina; xlt Has. Steamed Cleaaed, tla WESTEBK FLUFF JtVQ CO it Caloa Ave. 2V. Faoaet East SS1S STORAGE SPACE Investigate Oar Plaat aad Rates . Why assume expensive leases under : present high coats? CLAT S. MORSE, ISC . -Sravaca aad Storare. ' ; Ilta aad GUsaa, - raoaa Bdwy. I47S. Books ! BOOKS !- Book ! 10.000 NEW BOONS ON ALL SUBJECTS AT PRE-WAR PRICES WE BUT aCCONB-HANO BOORS JOHNSON BOOK STORE 180 POURTH STREBT . L - T U S SHIP T O V A ' ATOTIOIT BALES TOM OR BOW AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE. 160-17 2d at. Sato at 10 a.' sn. .- XIEETnrG NOTICES 11 JOHN SHANNON L. O. NO. '-. 600, sneeU every Thursday, 8 p m., No. 20SH; Third it Tieiting brother welcome. OREbi'OJlKAS'DERt. at. T. : Special conclave Thursday. De cember 23. at 11:80 a. a., sharp, for tbe purpose of attending our nmtal Christmas obeei-Ten An ddreat by Sir Knight E. a Bronaagb and music ny quartet. lour attendance and that of so journtng sir knighU wUJ be appreciated. C. P. WIEGAND. Recorder. fTJLTWOMAH CAMP NO. 7T. W. O. W., meets at Ma nan. E. Stb and E. Alder. .very Friday awning at S 'clock. Visiting neighbors shrays welcome. J. a WILSON, Cterk. WBWPOOT CAMP WO. SB. w. O. W.. eeety rrktay Uht Is W. a W. Temple, 1SS lltb ssl UK!TZ laeeted to bo prBt VWton ax. a aMuBor. Usark. 'DANCING at the new Moose ball. 4 th and Tarlnv t . iBlht (Thursday) and Saturday nichL Good music, food floor and food manacemenL A rood time for everybody. THE grand annual ball to be fien by Portland tent No. 1, tbe Maccabees, will be a treat event. All who want to spend a pleasant eve ning are cordially Invited. Remember the date. Thursday evenlns. Jan. 1 at h.u ano im.. st. Tickets on sale at 810 Oregonian bldg.. or u osu 01 Tnemoers. AamMnon 00 cents. P. C. ANDERSON, chairman. PORTLAND LODGE NO. 5, A. E. AND A. M. Special com munication this Friday evening, 7:90 o'clock. Maon ic Temple. Work in B. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. It. H. J. HOUGHTON, gee. ALBERT PIKE LODGE NO. 162, A. F. eV A. M. Special com munication Friday evening. Dec. 'VVW -B ' 7 :S0 o'clock. InstalUtton r of officers and social. Visiting brethren welcome. G. W. COOK. Secretary. SELL-WOOD LODGE NO. 181, A. F. AND A. M. Stated meeU ing tomorrow (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order M. M. J. H. BUTLER, Sec MA8QIERAHE dance Saturday. December 27. at the Women of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor, under the auspices of Ivanhoe Home stead, Brotherhood of American Yeomen. Four prizes for best costumes. Admission 60 cents, couples 75 cents. k'.MBLKM JEWELRY a specialty: buttons, pins, chirm Jaeger Bros.. 1 81-183 6th st- X I tel statistics mamtcps. Births. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES H. L. Babb. legal. 549 Pittock bldg.. and Helen Bock. legal. 419 Alisky bldg. Willilm E. Jonlon .24, 092 E. Irving at, and Ebla ('. Nelson. 20. 692 E. Irving St. W. W. Cowherd, 23. 1481 E. Hoyt St.. and Frances F. Wren, 24. 1803 E. 1.1th st. C. U Collina, 24, Hood River. Or., and M rlon L. Dakin. 22. 1278 E. Harrison L E. C. Davis, 24. Independence. Or., and Rose A. Huninger, 24. Blarkstone hotel. Dewey G. Geer, 21. 102 E. 11th it, and Mary R. Warner, J 8, 102 E. 11th st S. Drlisalde. 84. 425 Sacramento at. and Jane M. Rourda. 20, 423 Sacramento st. HarryeW. Douglas, legal. 1433 E. 7th at, and Sophia (gobe. legal. 793 K. 6th st Zella J. Wallace. 25. 830 Borthwick at. and Florence E. Myers. 23, 208 E. Burlington st. Leroy W. Edwards, 1 9, Milwaukie, Or., and Clara Coner. 17-, 1037 E. 1.2th st. Ie 0. "'smpbell, 27. Seattle. Wash., and Ger trude A. Wray. 24, Oregon hotel. J. A. Rressler, 25, 665 Northrup at., and Theressa Wagner. 670 Tacoma ave. Jacob A. Monsais. 25, Seattle, Wash., and A. J. M. Wulff. 21, 12 E. 7th at. Earl E. MeCormick, 28. 626 E. Lombard at. and Elian D. Martin. 24, 779 Clatsop st. Dr. Douglas C. Anderson. 27, 717 Dekum bldg.. and Helan L. Uenkel. 568 17th st. Alfred A. Pattel. 22. 301 Richmond It., and Frljnoes Ericson, 22. 642 Tessender st. H. H. Ridgway, 68. 664 1st at, and Nora J. Barton, 50. 388 3d st. E. H. Illig. 39. 681 Hoty at. and RosaJlie AUen. 21, 681 Hoyt st. John 1. Berg, legal. 211 Curry St.. and Sophia Dubiver. legal, 435 5th st. Dr. H. J. Lenze, 38, Seattle, Wash., and Ger trude G. Austin, 30, 1415 E. 21st St. I -ester E. Stutz, 31. Corvallis, Or., and Helen BIRTHS CLARK To Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Clark, 1161 E. Clay. Dec. 1 1 : a son. MONTANDON To Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mon tandon, 4928 76th st., Dec. 13; a daughter. SIEGNER To Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Siegner, Montgomery apta. Dec. 18; a son. M'EACHERN To Mr. and Mrs. N. H. McEaeh em, 116 E. 30th. Dec. 16: a son. PETERSON To Mr. and Mrs. C O. Peter son. 208 E. Humboldt, Dec 15; a son. CAMPBELL To Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Campbell. 689 Irving. Dec. 14; a daughter. MANOS To Mr. and Mrs. Sam Manos. 15th and Alder, Dec. 12; a son. BROWN To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey T. Brown, 7 E. 78th. Deo. 6: a daughter. TISANT To Mr. and Mrs. R. IL Tusant, 1205 Wilbur, Dec. 12; a daughter. COX To Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cor, 228 E. 85th, Lec. 7, a daagnter. GRAHAM To Mr. and Mn. Clarence J. Gra ham. 6122 51st. Dec. 9: a son. PORTER To Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Porter, 984 Hawthorne ave., Dec, 14; a daughter. BLl'M To Mr. and Mrs. J. Blum. 814 E. 6th, Dec. 14: a daughter. CHRISTENSON To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christenson. 1610 Willow. Dee. 15: a daughter. PETERSON To Mr. and Mn. E. H. Peter son, 6115 41st st, Dec. 14; a son. SCHMID To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmid, 6831 E. 83d. Dec. 15: a son. GILL To Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Gill, 1581 Minne sota. December 13. a son. MIKKEL8EN To Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mikkelsen. 787 Wilson, December 17, a son. ROE To Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Roe. 592 Over ton. December 14, a daughter. DEATHS ASD PUBERAL 71 DELOVAGE At Butte. Mont.. Dec. 23. 1919. Sadie Delovage. aged 32 years, beloved daugh ter of Samuel Delovage. sister of Maurice and Abe Delovage of Butte. Mont, and Ben Delo vage of Portland, Or. Friends invited to at tend the funeral services at 11 a. m. tomor row (Friday). Dec. 26. 1919, at the Loewen sen residence. 734 Main st. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. ECKLER Josephus P. Eckler, 700 E. Main. Dee. 17, 89 years, broncho pneumonia. PARIS Seth W. Paris. 704 E. 59th, Dec. 18, 69 years, organic heart disease. BORDERS Sarah F. Borders, 1663 E. Stark, Dec. 10. 81 years, arterio ncleroji. SCHIEL Isadore Schiel, Snnnybrook sanitari um, Dec. 13, 88 years, tuberculosis. . EVANS Evan O. Evans, Multnomah hospital, Dec. 17, 61 years, chronic nephritis. AKIN Julia Schanew Akin. 302 E. 25th at. Dee. 17, valvular lesion of heart. SARVER William H. Server. St. Vincent's hoxpital, Dec, 16. 67 years, pneumonia. MIZE Willi, m Miae. St. Vincent's hospital, iKo. 16, 54 years, pneumonia. TAN PATTON Nicholaa Van Patten, Dec. 16. 69 years, senile dementia. DANIELS Emma G. Daniels. 624 Marshall, Dec. 18. 75 rears, arterio seleroKir. MIDDACOH Caroline E. Middaugh. 165 East Eighty-fourth street, December 18. 57 Years; ncpunua. . FINCH Homer C. Finch, Good Samaritan hoe pital. Dec. 11. 66 years: arteria sclerosis. HOHBERUER Adeline, Hohberger. 477 E. 45th st. N.. Dec 14, T6 years: sarcrraa. PENDLETON NapoletfB Bonnepart Pendleton. 641 E. 12th St., Dec 16. 76 yean; cerebral hemorrhage. WADS WORTH -Juanita Maria Wadsworth. 839 Oberlin. Dec 14. 4 mn. i.i- McKELLIPS Clarence M. McKeUipe. 825 Mutt nomah street. December 14. 63 years: cancer. FLORISTS I ItRI IN1IDD TWO KTliUKX 17. w T 4 r Wetrtv. to PlSsw ?12 .ot"n' bet- Park. Marshall 25T 358 Morrison, Portland Hotel. Marshall 758 MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists, S54 Wash ington. Mam se. A-1269. Flowers for all occasion anmreauy arranged. Channel 1' s Nw- Bnk-bld Main sua rr " ami aiotmow at. MaxM. Smith "sixth st. IBVINGTON. PARK. FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Fnneral dcigrwre; lowest price. t LA1-ANE OPPOSITE POSTOFFICK. Flowers : For all occasion.. Main 5545. TONSETH FLORAU.CO.. 287 Washington at, l 4th M Ktb. MMn 5102. A-1161. ' UlK IfSAWUk FLORAL SHOaV Aider , FtHJERAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. v Funeral Directors ' THIRD AND SALMON STS.,' 1 Maio'o07- A-lSlt.'-- XP.FIHLEY&SOH- Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mstn a MONTGOMERT AT FIFTH A-1599 F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN RCI.E CNPF.RTAKERfl 414 E. Alder at. Phonea East 62. B-622S CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors. All the Oonvenlenees of a Horns Wondlawn 8306. 248-250 Killingworth ave. A. D, JfCenworthy & Co. . 5N0Z-5804 2D ST.-S. E., LENTS Phone Tabor 627 - Tfnro- Phone D-61 Dunning & McEntee Broadway and Ankeny ata. ' tdy Assistant Phone Broadwaw. 430 A-455S DOWNING A MeNEMAR. sncceeora to Wilson A Rosa. Multnomah at E. 7th.. Irrington dWrict. East 54 McENTEE A EILERS. funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Rverett ata. Phone Bmrtwv 2138. Home. All art Eet 781 g I Aprh Mrs. Lerch B-l sa a few. i-erCfil Aasisunt rNDERTAKEBW. E. 11 th and Hawthorn. R. W. GABLE A CO.. Sneemora to W. H. . Hamilton. 1978 K, Glf-aw Phone Tsbor 4819 MILLER A TRACET. lndepend-nt funeral di rectors Prices as low as 820, 340. 860. Wa.hinaton at Ells Vein 2691. A-7885. Re T. BYRNES NuTlUhmennt.C0 William ave. WoodlewnVSO Reamo JZm Sev,lU Ta. 125B. B-2546 VI VVSVVtAtfllUUA 1041 1047 Belmont st. A. R. Zeller Co. "iur 3k CWCS.2821. Cor Third and Clay MOWtTMESTS Portland "Marble Works 266 4th St. opp. City Hall. Nen Bros. I BLAESIiiG GRANITE ) t7-3fQ ST. AT MAOjSO Co MAOlSOM . liOST AKD FOUKTJ ai THE. following artialea have been found on can of th. Portland Railway. Light A Power: Dec 23 4 purses. 2 pins, key. button, 2 pair glove', 3 gloves, 1 rubber, 3 books, 4 package . commutation ticket, oil can, ironing board, axes, roll bedding, 8 suitcases. 7 lunch box. 21 umbrella. Owners may obtain property Firrt and Alder st. LOST Saturday afternoon, a lady's purse, be tween Third and YamMll st. and rront ana Jefferson' st., containing about $35 and First National bank deposit book in name of I.. Miller Please bring to 401 Board of Trade Bldg., or call Main 570 and receive 35 reward. A. M. Howell. , LOST December 16. between ninth floor Lip- man. Wolfe and Remick Son Shop, enaraved silver bar pin, with light colored stone. Please call Mar, 464; -" LOST Bdx containing white erene de chine wsii-t; address of owner on both inside and outside of box. Liberal reward if returned. Tabor 4 532 or leave at Journal office. LOST On 42d and Belmont, brindle bull pup. answers tn name "Jiggs." Return to 1239 Belmont and receive reward. Tabor B824. LOST Dec. 19. small purse, containing 3 keys, cheek and small change. Phone -even ings, Tabor 6809. AIRKDaT.K dog - strayed away. license 1 985 ; has long tail: answers to name of Jeff ; lib eral reward. Wood lawn 3341. LOST At Wool worth's, black leather purse containing $15 and cold loAet; reward. Call 313 36. SHRINE PIN, a small gold wreath around It:' lost in the business section of ctty. tinder please call Wood Is wn 5989. LOST Near 89th and E. GUsan, Tuesday noon. brown silk ntnbrella. tortoise ring handle. Tabor 83?1. Reward. VEBNAVURPIN. call at 151 17th st.. cor. Morrison, get your umbrella and pay for this $)d. LOST- Sealskin belt Tuesday. Finder please call Main or apt. -Vl loamy Dldg. Reward. OLD-FASHIONED pin valued highly as gift from father who Is dead; reward. fhone Marshall 435. LOST In Olds, Wortman A King's store, 23rd st. car or in front of Hendrick s jewelry store. a $20 bta Reward. Main 3769. LOST A package containing a fish pole, Tues day evening. Call Kast 4H4. LOST Black A white cameo earring in II. a F. atore Mon. Reward. Tabor 3085. REWARD Lost, on 23d st. car, brown leather purse Return same to 127 W. Park st. LOST Matrrtalo and foundation for making a Stuff. Kewardj Bdwy. 1940. FOUNDS Ribbon watch fob with Initials D. C. 8. Phone Tabor 0519. FOt'ND T-ady's wrist watch on East Side. Phone East 4420. HF.LP WAKTF.T MALB San Francisco Offers SkiOed Mechanics Steady Work The Shipyards and Commercial Shops of San Francisco and adjacent cities, which were cled October I. 1919, by a general strike, wlfich still exists, reopened November 24 on the "Amer ican, or Open Shop, pun; Announcement was made to the men that 10 days would be given them to return to their employment; that if they did not return per manent place, would be offered to workmen from other localities. More than 12.000 men are now working. We need more, and posi tions are flow open to many thousand men at tbe following basic wages: Moiders. Core Makers, Machinists. Ship Fit ters. Boilermakers, Riveters and Caulkers. 80 cents an hour; Pattern Makers, 94 cents; Cop persmith, 86c Position, open to experienced foreman and assistant foreman st advanced rates. Yards and shops offer steady employment to qualified men Union or Nonunion without discrimination. Good wages under excellent living conditions. Cost of living lowest In tbe country. Climate makes it possible to work 365 days in the year. Good schools; nnequaled climate and healthful Place for children. For further particulars apply Metal Trades Clearance Bureau 528 Sheldon building, San FranHsco, Cal. WANTED XPERIENCEI CA RRIAGE BOOT BUILDER. ALSO MEN EXPERIENCED RUNNING WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. GOOD WAGES AND STEADY WORK. 219 E. 60TH ST. N. WANTED Two men to contract as painters on bungalow construction; year's work to right parties. Shaw, Larson A Seymour. Phone Main 408. WANTED A-l machinist and auto mechanic. ex-service men preferred. Must be Christian rharaner. Main 8700. Branch 17. TAILORS. ATTENTION 8trike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74 HELP WAITED MISC. 49 ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO STREET THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT ONE WEEK FREE To Investigate our system of teaching antos, tractors, gas engines, auto electrical and battery work. Stat, allows discharged soldiers and sailors $26 per month while attending tchooL .SPE CIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO MECHANICS. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 100 PAGE CATA LOGUE FREE. A8K FOR BOOK No. 2B. Typewriting, comptometer, bookkeeping and all other modern business courses. Day and , night school Alisky bldg., Jd and Morrison. Main 824. """"" : LEARN TEXEORAPHY" T, - Tonqg anen and women wanted., Catl "434 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity to . learn a well paid profession. . Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. LLNK'S BUSLNESS COLLEGE, bookkeeping. renography, civil Venice, secretarial, apacial conrees. Expert teacher.; day and night; en roll now. Broadway 5063. . -. EAST SIDE COMMERICAL SCHOOL 'Miaa Begin Bucket's private school: individ ual instruction. 122 H Grand ave. East 421. GOING East or South f Household goods .hipped at reduced rate.: asovm. and packing. Paeifw Cbaat Forwarding Co., 408 Hoyt at. Bdwy. 703. "ROCKT MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY " Frank W. Welles, ei-esst. State Snpt. mgr. W. W. Bank MOt. - Teachers placed promptly. S IT COSTS YOU N0THINQ 4 TO TNVEKTIOATK Or?B" SCHOOt. AND METHOD OF TEACHING.- WE WILL GLAD. LY- GIVE TOO AN OtTTUNB OF OUR COCH8E8 IN OON8TBITTHN MiD BAV PAUtlNU OF : A CTOMOBTLES - ' , TRACTORS ' GAS ENGINES - CARBUBETION IGNITION ' - MAGNETOS t CENElTATOR AND STAKTLSti MOTOBS. ARMATURE WINDING STORAGE BATTERIES , OXjr-ACETTENE WELDING , DURATION OF GOITRES 2 TO S MONTHS. : DAT CLASSES FOB WINTER TERM BE GIN EACH MONDAY. NIGHT CLASSES MONDAY. WEDNESDAt AND FRIDAY EVENING. SEVEN TO TEN. NO FREE TRIALS OFFERED. OCR TIMB AND SPACE IS LIMITED. OCR STUDENTS RECEIVE BOTH TECHNICAL AND PRAC TICAL TRAINING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. EX-SERVICE MEN GET 26 PER CENT DISCOUNT. STATE ' ALLOWS 326 PER MONTH WHILE TRAINING. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OCR MAIN OP PICE. 707 HAWTHORNE AVE. TAKE MT. SCOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAR AT 2D AND ALDER TO 20TH STREET, OR CALL AT OUR DOWNTOWN OFFICE. 124 N. 6TM STREET. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT ENTRANCE. CATALOGUES FRER. SCHOOL AND OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY ONLY. Hemphill's Trade Schools, Inc. HAWTHORNE AUTO 8CHOOU INC, 432 HAWTHORNE AVE - AUTOMOBILE. TRACTOR AND AIRPLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT VCLCANIZEKB, ACETYLENE WELDERS AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIG WAGES. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS' TIME 80 PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK WITH CLEAR. UNDERSTANDABLE LECTURES AND DEM ONSTRATIONS BY EXPERTS. THE STATE ALLOWS EX-SERVICE MEN 825 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OCR SCHOOL CALL. OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog. TATESFISHER- Teachers'"-AlFneyFi'-registration. Main 6274.. Broadway bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNG WOMEN WANTED Permanent positions open tor yonng woaea sa telephon. operators, with or without previous experience. Call at Room 601. 6th floor. Telephone kids.. Park- and Oak streets. THE PACIFIC TEL. TJ&L, CO. GIRL wanted, 12-14, to do sjrry Utile work after school for board and room and little wages. Mrs. P. Hinton. 264 Jefferson St.. Room 7-8. MIDDLEAGED lady to care for patient and do light houseworks nice home, good wages. Main 7218. immediately, or 214 2d st. WANT good omin for general housework: must know cooking; good wages. Apply 66U E. Madison. WANTED Tobacco strippers, machine oper ators preferred. Gardner Cigar Co., 209 4 Madison tt. HELP WANTED MALE A5D FEMALE II MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Pays you while learning: gives you set of tools; position secured. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside st.. or phone Broadway 1781. PORTLAND Barber college pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free; position secueed. 88 N. 2d st MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade: wages while learning, position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 yra. experience. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison. TT ANTED AGENTS CANVASSERS wanted for several counties in Drwim, r,A Wauhinvtnn SlJad Work. SOOd commission. 8ome of our men are selling over $500 weekly. We want workers who desir. to mak. money. Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco. Or. SALESMEN WASTED 9 2 OR 3 salesmen wanted. Must be live wires, respectable and able to make at least $15 a day profit; none others need apply. Ex-serriee men preferred. See me after 6 p. m.. Room 7, Haley Hotel, 264 Jefferson, Mr. Hinton. A HEAL salesman can earn $10 per day selling mystic windshield cloth to aoto owners and dealers. This is a guaranteed article; no .fake. F. J Kelly, state manager. East 7307. WANTED A good, live city salesman. Must understand automobiles. Call Main 73 JO. 235 -Jd st V. A J. Carburetoe Co. SITUATIONS MALE EXPERIENCED farm band, with family, wants work on farm. Call or writ. 3724 64th at. S. E , Portland. ALL kinds of frosen or broken pijes repaired and replaced : work attended ,'to immediately. Cell Woodlawn 2133. CALL Woodlawn 5114 and hae your car re paired bv mechanic: guaranteed expert work. ROOFS -lieshingled and repaired, work guar anteed. Beachsm. Phone East 1201. BRICK contractor, fireplaces, mantles, garage. 4 87 Ankeny. Phone East 8857. BY ex-service married man. work any kind, day, week: must work. East 6196. WA.'TEB Partner with dragsaw for cutting cordwood. Call Woodlawn 2341. ROOFS .repaired, roofs made waterproof. Pbon. Tabor 6200. Sellwood 860. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting, also car penter wot a. Tanor ma. WHEN you have shingling or patching done, call Woodlawn 277. CARPENTER and cabinet work; estimate, given; also shingling. Sell. 2525. DRESSMAKING 4 DRESSMAKING, remodeling, rellnlng and al terations at Emporium Dy. works, $49 Mor rison st Broadway 4259. ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladles garments, reasonable prices: work guaranteed. J. Reubln. Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bu'h A Lane bid. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 79 3 FRONT sleeping i.nrat, corner of. Broadway and Montgomery. Mar. 2787. SLEEPING and sitting room for couple eating out, close in. Home phone 51264. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 410 4th. ROOMS AND BOARD It THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. $80 10th. for tnnineeg girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 71 CHILDREN to board In private home. 2446. 365 Halsey st. East FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED II MEIER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, np to date list, of desirable vacant bouses, apartment, and flat, with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland win find thia bureau of great valae in helping them get properly and Quickly located. , EIGHTH FLOOR WHEN YOU MOVE. USE? NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE 10th and Washington. Broadway 580. 7 BOOM house for rent Call Tabor 7545. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 5-ROOM furnished house, water, garbage free, near Jefferson high school. 147 E. Webster. Mississippi car, near cor. Albina ave.; adults. $40. Wdln. 8662. - FINE modern furntehed - hows, for rent good location, lota of fine fruit trees and chicken park. 749 Miaelrarppi ave. 2 ROOM bouse with lieht and water. $12. S blocks south Lombard- at Inquire 1S41 Oatman at St John, car. - . - FURNISHED, 916 East Yamhill, 5' room.; $10 month aad board for one. FURNISHED FLATS W NICELY furnished $ "room lower flat-froan Jan. 1 to April 1. adults only. Phone Tabor 2594. ME. 34th. , - I ROOM furnished flat, $2$.' IM ' Vancoo .wtia, Wdln. 19S, - - - . - , AFAHTMEKTS TOR BENT 41 S ROOM ftirniaW apt... Call aJuTS JO p. au 313 Btantoo .at, '. : . r - - . 5 4 ROOM8.?o7nished iowet Apt. 542 E. 3Tth st Rlcbmood car to S7ta. 1 block south. " v WAHTEPTO M5T t WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE Prefer 825 to 885. W'UI giv. mfereneea. Four or fiv. rooms, any good district. Phone Mala J2S6 or Sellwood 1588. ' TWO w 8 room howe rkurn in. Broadway 1408. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY 8235,000 APARTMENT" BUILDINC FIv. story modern apartment building, cov ering SOOxSO ft. on west aid., ia heart of eity; baa 104 apartmentj elegantly furnished; In come $42,000 per year. This can be easily increased to $34,000 Der year. - This la one of th. beat real etata Investments ever offered to the pubBc. - This apartment building- t fomr years oia ana is artistically designed and con true ted and is considered on. of th. beat apart ment building tn Portland. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY, 448 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES $1 APARTMENT 812,300 buys this 4 flat apartment. This ta a modern and up-to-date building; will make a good home with an in come. Lot 50x180. centrally lo cated on Tillamook st. This is a gilt edge realty investment One of th. best ever offered to the public It you want a good borne, thia ia it Terms. HOUSE S.20u I-et US show you thia beautiful home. This building ia double constructed and corner location, lot 43x94. Three cherry treee, one peach treat If you are seeking a home, you will like thia one. On Hawthorn, ave. Terms. .JIOL'BE d..ov will buy a nice home. 8 rooms, on a lot 50x100. one block off of Union avenue carline. 81000 rash, balance as rent. Thia is a wonderful buy. OREGON BUSINESS V FINANCIAL AGENCY 448 Morgan bldg. v NEW BUNGALOW - $4(MDTERMS 428 E. JESSUP ST. Jnst completed, modern 5- room bnngalow and sleeping porch, also large room, plastered, in attic; full basement, cemented, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, French mirrors; Iota of built-ins; rooms are large and conveniently arranged, finished in Ivory and whit, enamel, plumbing and electrical work complete, double construction. It's . dream bungalow and could not be duplicated for leas than 8480O. Fin. ear service and schools close. See this today, near Union and Killingsworth. Take Woodlawn car to Union and Jessup, then go 1 block east Phonea East 6516 daily, or C-1182 evening. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER and BUILDER. OWNER ON PR EM 18 ES. 12 TO 5 DAILY. BUNGALOWS AND HOUSES If yott are anticipating pnrchasing . bon. or bungalow, by all mean, allow me the privi lege of showing you some of the best buys in town. I have properties ranging In pries from $3250 to $20,000. Also a few exceptionally fine boys in choice residential lota. J. A. McCarty, 1141 E. Gltsan. Phone Tabor 3433. Evenings and Sunday Tabor B057v 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $3S00 CRESTON Nice 1 H story bungalow, furnace, basement. bath, buffet cabinet kitchen, oak floors, trays. corner lot 50x100: fruit trees, small fruitn. chicken house and run; on E. 5 1st st.. comet 3Jd ave. Price $3800 plus $109 city liens; $1000 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI A BENNETT.' 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74 52. MOVE RIGHT IN In E. 18th t. 50 feet off I'rescolt. is a Well constructed 2 story 6 rocm house, now vacant; this is a genuine bargain at $2960; easily worth $3500; only $500 cash required; improvements paid. John Ferguson, Uerlinger bldg. Main 8.V'!. FOR SALE A bargain, 7 -room house, corner lot; improvements paid; just papered and painted: new basement; near 4 7th and I h vision, near car; house built when first rlas material was cheap. A wonderful buy at $3KOO. on eay contract, if yon wilj buy before Saturday. In quire at piano dep t. Lipman. Wolfe A Co., ask for Prince house. 8 ROOM house, modern conveniences, fine business section; good opening for res. barber, cobbler or pressing and cleaning shop, or notions and dry goods; on fine hard surfaced st. ; cheap; $2500, including all improvements; must have $500 or more cash. 1450 E. GUsan at Owner. J-77. Journal. $2500 AND $600' down will buy a 8-roont bungalow, on fin. level lot, pavement and sewer all in and paid for. Garret finished; full basement, furnac with hot water system; 8 blocks of school and In blocks of carline. 20 minutes from center of city. Albina Realtor. Phone Wdln. 8207. $1000 DOWN or clear lot aa first payment buys a well constructed 6 room 2 story modem house in E. 37th st. near Division; all improve ments in and paid; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement baeement with wash trays, garage; price $4500. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Main 8529. GRAND NEW RUNGAIATW v IN LAURELHURST Move right in; easy terms; let me shnw you. Call Mr. Delabunty. Main 1700. Sunday or etenings. East 2086. $100 CASH. $15 monthly and interest at 6 per cent buys a well constructed 2 room house with patent toilet etc.. on a beautiful 50x100 lot in E. 2th at N., 1 block from Alberta car; price I10.-.0: street Kens pstd. John Ferguson, Get; linger bldg. Msin 8529. On ACCOUNT of my health I an offering my apartment house for sale, net income over $200 per month; long lease, low rent close in; $2690 cash takes tt Call owner. East 667. 230 W I-arrabee st. ' WHY NOT BUILD? Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything: furnish the money if desired. L. H. Bailey Co.. Inc., contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank. u annu nr-vrl itnu iinnn nwvfrH Modern. Dutch kitchen, furnace. 50x100 lot A classy, cozy home, Wdlwn. 5028. 1108 E. istn st. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, 5 rooms, reception ball and bath; property 80x128. complete ga rage, 16x32; plenty of berries and lots of flow ers; terms. Phone D-llSO. SELLWOOD 7 -room modem at cost; $1700, $400 cash, balance monthly; no mortgage. See today. Sell. 2708. $3500 5-roosn bungalow, paved street, car line, good residence district Owner. . J-24, Journal. , . 6 ROOM cottage, lot 75x100. fruit trees, rhirken house; $1450; terms. Broadway K.58. 209 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE LOTS If FOR 8ALE Five 23-foot lots, cheap, near Glisan carline. Owner. J-24. Journal. ACREAGE $7 OWNER GOING TO ALASKA Forced to sell this fine 5 acres, ail levej and in cultivation with nice 8 -room plastered bunga low, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, fire place; good barn 31x31; 2 chicken houses, 1 with hot water brooder; nice green house, 2 wells. 170 fruit trees, some tools. Just 1 mil from Oregon City, on fine road. Price $307O. $150O cash, balance long time. H. A. HEATER. 8th and Main st. Oregon UHy, Or. ON THE PAVEMENT AT ELECTRIC DEPOT Nearly 7 acres, all under cultivation and tb. best of soil; over 100 bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, prunes, cherries and all kinds of berries; thia land can all be irrigated and ia fine logan berry land: 4 room bouse, barn. garag 2 chick en houses; creek on place; no gravel or rock; this ia at the edge of the city; pared road all tbe way; price $4700; $1500 cash; personally Inspected; photo at office. John Ferguson. GerHnger bldg. COWS, CHICKENS AND EQUIPMENT Nearly 6 acres, located on good gT.veled road .lone to Portland. '4 mile from electric station; all under cultivation; exerything in the way of fruit, all bearing; also walnuts; good 5 room house, barn, fruit cells n and other buildings: price $2950, with potatoes, rabbits, chickens, bone, 2 fine cows and equipment; large cash payment; personally inspected : photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. CLOSE TO PORTLAND 24 acre", located a mile from boat landine. near La Center, Wash.. mils to school: gravekd road; good loganberry land; 18 .at res under cultivation. 6 acres tn paoture; creek and well : house, barn and .mail orchard: fencing. Price $3000. Term en 81800 for long time. This is only one hoar's drive from Portland. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. , ' OREGON CITY .LINE 1 sere, all under cultivation fruit snd berries in abundance; good 4 root, house, on macadam iaed reed, near Concord school; price $1500; $500 cash; personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 0 ACRES clo. to GUlis Station on Bull Run Bne. cleared, balance fir and cedar; very best of soil; $1200 terms. Broadway 1658. 09 Oregon bfclg. FOR SALE 5 acres near high school and R. R. ata., 5 room house, barn and outbuilding; family orchard. Write ta owner. Boyd Berry. Hesrertrm. Or., n. V. I). o. z. Box 14. SI ACRES at Ruby Junction, frnw- fir grovv. f $1000. terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oro .., .. . . . TOSBJS, 4 -ACRES. 1 block to etatwn. Iin. at'tl, o : gravel. 2 toont .hack; $1750; Uraaa. Broad way 1668. 209 Oregon bkig. REAJ.ESTATR ACREAGE- - CI 56 ACRES. 15 M ILESRV' POft fLAND " On rock road, half mil. from Capital highway. AU undeY high state of cultivation, Tw acre. of excellent orchard. Good span borvet, a cows. tine nog. ready for buteiMtv 100 -enjeaamv Seed, for tAe whole place for spring, and plenty of feed for all aloe, good bin of potatoea. Urge quantity of applet Wagon; bnggy, mower, rake, plow, harrow, disk seeder. Very good bouse, hot and cold water, good barb and other out building, dandy fence. One of th. beet kept farms in the country. 816.00O, some terms. Se M. t. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO Mstn T266. 624 Henry Bldg. 1400 Chickens TH acres, located near Oarkamaa station, all under rurt 'ration; good graveled road; rinse to pavement; 2 acre, of berries. I acre orchard. 7 years old, other fruit; 7 room boos, barn. 7 rhirken houses 50x100 and 24x100. 2 brooder house., water piped to buildings; oar niarr and colt 1 cow, 3 wagons. 1 mower, 2 cultivator. 2 seta ha mew, 1 harrow. 1 hay rake. 6 tnrnhatora of 1900 egg capacity. ISOOtt caeh. Terms on balance. - Personally . inspected. Photos at office. John Ferguson, Garlins.r bMg. THIS SIDE OF OREGON CITY 12 acres, located on good gravel road, near the pavement; 10 seres can be eullivated; over 4 acres under cultivation; creek and spring; small house, barn. 2 chicken hoaxes; 1 acre of berries, logans and 2000 Itrawberry plants: soma kale; price 82400. with good cow, 1 beifer. 1 hone, 12 chickens, wagon, cultivator, buggy, harness, plow and lots of tools: personally inspected: $1100 cash; photos at office. John Ferguson. Gerlingtr crag. 11 ACRES ON HARDSURFACE And S. P. Electric, close to st... store, school Work nearby. price $1100. 875 down. DRAPER. B26 CHAM. OF COM. 6 ACRES. 3-room cottage, running stream. Idtal place for private trout stream, close to Bull Run line at Maberry station. $1200, term. Broadway 1658. 200 Orrgoa bldg. TOTl SALE KAB1T1 17 ONLY HALF MILE FROM STATION 20 and a fraction seres, located 8 miles from Vancouver, Wafb.; 20 acre, under cultivation oatm nee in pasture, good sou. no gravel or rock, bearing orchard, B room cottage, barn. 60x50. silo, nearly full of ensilage, other buildings; all rural conveniences; price $6500, with good matched team, 1 cow, 1 beifer coming fresh. 3 yearlings. 100 chickens, wagon, mower, 2 culti vators, plough, harneea. cream separator, barrow, spring tooth; gas engine and feed; $8500 cash, or will consider cottage or bungalow clear, up to $2500, and torn cash. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. GOOD STOCK RANCH 888 acres, located 2 mile, from railroad town In Benton county. Or., near Kings valley: 60 acre, under cultivation, over 200 acres can be cultivated. 200 acre, of pasture, some heavy tim ber (county cruise 6,000,000 feet), 8 room house, barn and other buildings, 2 acre, orchard, several springs and small creek, exceptionally fine soil, private road, kota of outrange; price $3000, or win trade "for city property; personally inapeet ed. John Ferguson, Gerllnger blda. CREEK BOTTOM LAND 120 acres, located on good graveled road. 2H mile from town. Douglas county, Oregon; OO arrea can be cultivated; 50 acres under cultivation. 40 acre has a paid up, perpetual water right. 40 acres of pasture, good fences, orchard of assorted fruit; new 6-room lof bun galow Willi plumbing. 2R82; barn 30x60: machine shed and other buildings: 1 mile to school; price $71 per acre, with 12 rows, some yonng stock, team, large and complete line of anaclitnery, cream separator and feed. Person ally Inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. LANE COUNTT RANCH" ON THE HIGHWAY SO acres, 0 miles from Eugene, Or., 68 seres nnder cultivation; good free toll, family orchard. 6 room' bouse, barn 30i82, other out buildings, well; price $123 per acre, with 8 horses, 2 cowa, 2 heifers, chickens, 2 wagons, 1 cultivator, 1 st harness. 1 rream separator. 2 harrows, 1 spring wsgon, -1 No. 2 John Deer hay press, gasoline e.igine. 1 circular woodsaw, furniture, 35 tons baled hay and tools; $5000 cash, or will consider car up to $1000, time on balance at 6t. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. NEAR McMINNVILLE 124 acre, located .outliwest of town. SO acres ran he eullivated. 35 acre, under, cultivation. 40 seeded to crop, 70 acres pasture, good fences, county road. mile to school and all rural con veniences, gfsvi 7 room bouse, barn 40x52 and other outbuildings, 1 acre orchard; price $K0 per acre, with 4 horses, H cows, 3 yearlings, 2 hogs, 1 hull; 15 goats, TOO chickens. 6 turkeys and com plete line of machinery; $3300 cash. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. RENT BARGAIN leMVELY HOME 10 acre, of land for sale at Orenco. Or.. 16 miles routhwest of Portland; 6 acres cleared, 2 acre, in woods. 2 acres in pasture, 140 fiuit tree. lO years old. all kinds of fruit and ber rirr, 6 room bouse, barn 20x30, chicken bouse 11x24, hog house end good water; beautiful place for chicken ranch; price $8000, $1500 cash, balance 8 years' time or longer; 4 mile from Orenco Station. John Holmason, owner, Orenco, Or. BEARING ENGLISH WALNUTS 40 acres, located 8 mile, from Newberg, Or. On good graveled road. $5 acres nnder cultiva tion, all can be cultivated: 15 acres in bearing walnuts, 11 years old. with apple fillers, sons berries, cherries end plums, 4 room house, barn and rural conveniences, price $8500, $3600 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FRUIT FARM $3200 buys this 8 14 -acre fruit ranch, mod ern 4 -room bungalow, right on pavM highway, 14 miles from IVrtland. This is a snap. OREGON Bt N1SEHS V FINANCIAL AGENCY, 44S MORGAN BLDG. 82 ACRES $3000 $500 DOWN 7 miles from the Estacada electric station of Sandy. 30 mile from Portland, ia 62 acre, of good red shot soil; 18 acres under cultivation, 70 bearing fruit trees. 5 room house, large barn. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 1 0VACRET ON "S. PrLE'CTRTC And west ide. hsrdsurface. 4 room house, all furnished. Cliwe to sta, store, school. Price $1950. $500 down. DRAPER. 528 CHAM. OF COM. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT 88 I HAVE 2 thoroughly experienced farmers from . the East with cash to purchase stock and equipment and pay cash rent for a good farm. On. wants a good dairy farm. 100 arm up; th. other a general farm. 160 acres to 200 acre. Will also purchase crops if any. lt m. vent that farm of yours. I have lota of calls for 50 to 76 acres. Write me at one and watch th. result. C. H. WOODWARD, BITTER. IXJWK A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad. Bldg. I HAVE 2 ciierrtT" wanting farnuT'near Halsey, Or. One wants 40 or 50 seres, the othw 80" to 100 acres. These farm must be good and equipped if possible. Writ. m. at one. what you have. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A X . 201-3-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. I A. 1 to rent a farm of 200 acres or mors for cash. Will pay cash for stock and equip ment and cropa. Am thoroughly reliable, can give reference. Owner only no ag.nta. li 120, Journal. i ... . . . .. TTMBE $8 NOTICE of sale of government timber. Gen eral land office, Washington, D. C December 11. 1919. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act or June 8. 1916 (39 stat. 2181. and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 16, 1917, the timber on tb follow ing lands will be sold January 27, 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction, at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to tb. highest bidder, at not lew than tbe ap praised value ahown by thia notios, sale to b subject to th. approval of th. necretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an addi tional Bum of ene-fiftb of 1 par cent thereof, being commission allowed, most be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if aale is not approved, otherwise patent will tsaoe for th. timber, which mast be removed within ten year. Bid will be received from citizen of the United States, aasociation of such citizens and eorpdrationa organized under the law of tb. United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of s quali fied purcliaser. the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit T. 4. 8., H. 8 E.. Sec 21. 8WU NHH, fir 1860 M., NE4 BW. fir 840 M., NW Vi SW 4 . fir 1600 M., none of the fir timber to be sold for lea. than 81.73 per U.i see. S3, SEVi NKIt. fir 730 M.. cedar 25 M.. SW 'A NEW, fir 850 M.a none of the fir or eedar timber to b old for kn than 31.60 per M. T. 2 8., R. 4 E. aec 23. NEK NW. fir' 1660 M cedar 80 ,M all th. fir and caster timber on said subdivision to be sold for not less than $200L; sec 29. SW NW H . fir 710 M.. D of tbe fir timber on said subdivision to be otd for net less than $900, T. 2 8., R. 5 ., sec 19. NEV NW', fir 1600 M., 8EK SWIi, fir 1900 M., cedar 60 M., hemlock, 230 U.i NW 14 SE Vi , fir 1385 M., eedar 46 M. hem lock 150 M-. SW BF. . fir 980 M.. eedar 233 M , hemlock 400 M., Done of the fhr tim ber to be sold for lea than $1.2$ per M.. and none of the cedar or hemlock timber to be sold for leas than $0 rente per M. T. t S R. 6 E., sec St. SW4 8W4, fir W0 M., sont of the fir timber ta b. sold for lean than $1.29 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALLMAX. Commissioner General Land Office . FOB SALE OR EXCHAK0E JREAL ESTATE $ FOR SALE or trade, fruit "tract, level, wetersd, unincumbered, unimproved. 10 - acres; VVssr tehee valley near Leavenworth; IS acre Sear Bridgeport, Waakv; D-650.. Journal. . . .REAL ESTATE - - ' WANTED REALF.hTATE ' ' if liOVKK seUlnft 4s my specialty; give me th. IM ing of year bouse. 1 will do the rest All listing jflveu proper Attention. Watch our dN Ws set remits. . . ; t O. A. WARRINER, TtlTTER. I.IIWK A CO . 201-8-8-7 Bosrd nf Trade WMg. ' - ! I WANT bargain) In fraetloaaflbt. with of without bouae, South of Montgomery street, between 6th and Soth ata. H 78 Journal. ROOMING HOUSES. APART MEN TH AND HOTELS FO R SALE it BEFORE buying hotels, apartments sml roonv ing houses, sew me ; I do not cheapen them by advertising. Hedges, 171 W. Park. INSURE our hnuae furniture, or auto now. Hedges, 171 W. Park. Main 2MI0. BUS15E89 OPPORTUNITIES tt COUNTRY STORE i $8500 buy on. of the best established country grocery store in Oregon.' dfiing close t' 824, OA0 per year business, and ta aln handling grain on commission, sUo ticket agent for Oregon Electric, netliri a good Income on the side; store Is 8t 80 and has 9 housekeeping rooms, ul to date building. 1 acre of land on. half in loganberries. Grocery stork will Invoice close to 86000. I will sell this business on terms, one half down a n't the balance quarterly. No trade: 7 year established. This is some oppor tunity for one desiring a good business. Get busy. Reason tor selling wanting to get bark east. OREGON BUSINEHS A FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 UORGAN BLDG. GROCERY $12,600 buys one of the best paying grocery stores in Portland. Tills store has been run by present owner for 10 year and ia now doing between $5000 to $6000 per month. Clean stock and good loca tion. If you want a business that ia : ma.ain. monev tn can .how Vi.ii the liiial. f ness this store is doing. Bering is be lieving. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY 448 MORGAN BLDG. ATTENTION Do you want a buainess of your own 7 If so get bury: auto parte salesman; exclusive state ors m.urty right srling gravity oil systems for Fords; gas savers, coal nil and distillate buni trs and primers; they make all cars start ease any time: they fit Folds. t'herolet.' GMO trucks, Denhy trucks; cut expenses in half - also auto and mechanic soap; men with Kurds of Chevrolet, call after 8:30 p. m or Sunday aft ernoons J. A I. Mfgs., mgrs. rea. , 1143 K. Lincoln st, cor. 38th, Portland, DOUGHNUT FACTORY $500 buys this paying doughnut works: located , on Yamhill at; in heart of market dis trict; doing good business. 3 years, lease. Good fixture, and all complete. A good money getter. v OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCT 448 MORGAN BUM,, MUST aacriflc. at once: delicatessen, light groceries, doing $50 per dty at present will do $79 in summer month; for quick actios call Main 8080, Old False Teeth Bought Wa pay tip to- $25 per plate. American? Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. j PARTNER WANTED $1O00 will buy half interest in established business. One who understands office work or Is willing to learn. Call at 448 Morgan bldg.- War Stamps Bought Liberty-Vimory Bonds. Spot Cash. ii- American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., 2d Floor. WANTED Two men to contract as parta.ri on bungalow construction. Tears work ta) , right parties. Sbaw, Larson ak Seymour, l'b... Mlp 4"8' ' OWING to other business will sell welt ad'rr-; Used and growing phonograph business, with ' agency for two well known phonograph. Cbesp if Uken at once. R 548. Journal. , .-' ; WANTED To buy a small stock of hardware in country town. Must he going concern and a clean stock, Give full particular. Address K. T. Raker. Colfas. Wash y. FOR SALE I'oolhall. confectionery and elaet I store. I ass leaving city. I have good bMxSv ! ness and I made good. 84 Grand ave. M. - 500 HfPRERY SI .00 Yon must bring thia ad. 120 6th st 500 BUSINESS CARDS $1.25 Ryder Ptg. Co.. Main R5H. IHU 3d St. FOR SALE Second hand store, a bargain tog qnick sale. 288 North 16th st, ' WANTED Working partner; $1000 required ( gilt edge proposition. G-853. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tf CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION H On Improved property, of for Improvement purpose. Y The best and easiest method of paying S loan is our monthly payment plan. $82.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 month, or -$16. 1 7 per month for 96 months psys a loM of $1000 and Interest Loans of, others amount in aam. propor tion. . , t Reptyment Privilege - i, EQUITABLE SAVINGS A 1AIAN ASSN. 242 Stark at. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE IOANS m Loana for any amount it S H per cent foe 8 to 10 years, payable tn monthly Installments! any part or all of th. loan payabl. at any time. W loan money in sit town of th Northwest Call or writ, 1838 Northwestern Bank bids. Marshall 371 8, Evenings. Woodlawn 2481, MORTGAGE LOAN'S On improved farm sad city property, fsvorabl. repaying; no commission or delay. " THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 606 Piatt JBWg. Main 637J. -' " MORTGAGE LOANS City of Farm Property, From $600 Cp. - W. H. UllITTS .-..Vs. 318 CHAM. OF COM. MAR. 8649.'- MORTGAGE I.OANS W. !on our own money on improved dty property. Quirk service nd liberal losas. , - F. E. BOWMAN A CO.. 31 3 Cham, of Com. bkig. Main J02. SEE US'TODAT We loan money nraal "M tale; 6 and 7 per cent, long lima, short timet monthly payment; pay aa you can: sttflts to suit 726 Gasco bldg.. $th and Alder. ., CELLARS ML It TON CO. ' ' . MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rat, of Inter est Otto A Harksoa Beaky Co., 41$ Cham bet of Commerce. T00 $4&0 $600 $750 $1000 snd np st lowest rates: quirk action, rred w. uerma. Co., 732 Chamber of Oommerc. Main 6448, ffUlTblNG loans on ejty aod suburban property. money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 218 and 216 Failing bldg. Main $467. $$00 $400 $600 $600 $760' S TV1 lowest rates; quick action. Uorden Morteags Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1370. MONEY TO LOAN in amount of $100 ts $6000 on city property. -A. H. BELL. Rooms 10 and 11 Mulkey bldg SEE OREGOtTlNV. A MORTGAGE C0.T"l2J Chamber of Commerce. 401 and Stark. $1000. $1600. $2000 and up; no commVeaion. F. H. ItKBHON. 616 Cham, of Com, bldg. J.n i a t ret f i , a irm . - 7fnA ai .s 4 .... cent Fred S. WillUms. 606 Panama bkig.? fibRTGAGE "CtlANS." 6 'anf7 o.' e.ntT-IS Salomon A Co.. 408 Belling bldg. M0XEY TO LOAK CHATTELS. SALARIES " DO YOU NEED MONEV? LOANS MADE ON . ? - i AUTOMOBILES ? FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD UMm. REAL ESTATE. MON OS. OB AN X I HIM OS VALUE. SECUKITY USUALLY UN 11 YOUR POSSESSION, ALSO SALARY L0.ANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON TMEIH HirtKH WITHOUT SECURITY. IF TOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES US ON FURNITURE OH AUTOMOBILE COM THAVTS AUK TOO LARGE, WE WILD PA I THEM UP. ADVANCE tOU MOKE MOa . IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY FAXMENTK XO attli YOUR CONVENIENCE. . LEGAL RATES fO DKLAl BUSLNESS STRICTLY CONF1UEMUL PORTLAND LOAN CO. . (UCENSEDI -306 807 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. SALARY" I TLOANS CHATTELS WE. -LOAN MONET . ? ; on abort notice to salaried or worklngmeo. on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly paymcnte Each transacUon strictly confidential. . ; ' SO MORWAGE NO IN DORS EB ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITY -. Ws sl loan on hottMfaoM farnitoss, piano, te., without removal, -a. .-:"' cu t awn irrraTtflir r? "-: . . .1 I'Udii tiiirorvv io ?.rlil'" t' (LICENSED) 3 pi 2t$ FAILING BLDG.' '- v-'; . "ts7i irTTTi f"t.V H i "' " 1 .' ' Auto, Furniture. Plan, . VietyeUa. warehoif. reoerpta, bond. snd. all kinds, of aeeuntiws, t Legal rates. W. A. Uatbaway, Rein ai. W atbington bldg.- CEOTMAliVEX loan money oa btestsbold gooUal legal rstwt Tsbot $808. tOsnttmisd on Fsllowln$ Pass).