THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, k PORT LAND. I TUESDAY DECEMBER 23, 1919. 3. ATTTOMOBtlRS ATtTJ ACCBBBOKTBS H BUT SOW. JT'l.TOrB TIME TO BUT BOW". 1 Tn eaa Hft money it this time of the year. S what .we have to offer. 191T HwJsew Super Six. flaw funning eoa , ditioo. Wa put 99-day gnaraatee oa it. th sen as a factor standard wuwtM on A new -91189. - " 1919 Hudson Super Si, overhauled and ro- painted; guarantee the mom m a factory gnar oats dw car ties 0. 191$ -Hudson Speedster, everhsuled, repsint ' ed end guaranteed tha name guarantee ai a factory sires a new oar 91760. . ' 1910 Chalmers Hot Spot tha latest ttfbt six; not aonditton 11200. 1918 Chalmers light Sixf like new aad with IB9 Hot Spot U176. '-191 Chalmers Light Stx, all in fta eondi tioBr 9799. i f ESSEX. Esses, traded ia oa a big ear; it's Just -Bew -91380. i 'Liberty; good oondltlon $1200. MAXWELLS. ; : 1919 UarweU; fin condition 1941. 1919 Itaswan; fine eondttioo--$25. 1917 Maxwell; fine condition 9500. Before yon forest, Just read over that ber faln and than look then aver, V C. L. BOBS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 915-917 Wsshlngton St., Portland. . s . 1 " " FRE-INVF.NTORT SALE a Xvery ear overhauled la on? own ehop. Kama repainted, txra us new, PRICES GREATLT REDUCED. 1919 floor, new Urea. J 9 19 Touring, electric atarter. 1917 Touring, electric starter. ' 1917 Touring, a dandy. , 1918 Touring, nearly new. ltf Roadster, new Urea. -'1917 Delivery express body. : 1919 Det1ry. eperial body. ' i Naw tounnf aodica. - VAST TERMS. EAST TERMS. ROBINSOW-SMITH CO.. ' Sixth and Wadison. . Authorized Kord Dealer. HOLLT DAT GBEETINGS ' Compllaaenta of tha aeaaon to eTerybody. Now ' U tha time to bay a oar ami becin the new year rifhL Trade your preeeut ear In eo a better Ki Mil on lent time eaiy peymenU. 1918 Old 8, tlx ttree, newly painted, mechanically f in laaa. 1919 Velle. 4 pan. a beauty. 1 9 1 9 VeH. 6 paee.. new tirea. 19i8 Velta. 8 paw. Maroon 1918 VeUe. B pase. Blue black 1917 Telle, S pan. Snap, 1917 Telle. 4 r paae. 1917 Studebaker. 4 cy!.. 5 tlrea, 1 1 ill I 8a"n 8. 1917 Baxoa 9. 1910 Saxon 9. 1919 Mitchell. 1 Ma. Chalmera 8 cyL. 8 pan. Orerland 4 yL. 9829. Bulck. 4 cyi. new tiree. 9300. IV 0. WARREN M0T0B CAB CO. 99 N. 29rd at Mala 780. BUIC1CS! FORDS I lilRMT PBTCFII AWT TSHMS GUARANTEE AND FREE 8EKVIUB B 86 Bulck Roadnter O-SS Bulck, S paaa., Trarlnc D-85 Bulck, 8 paaa.. Touring C-85 Buick Bit Biz Touring D-S9 Bnlck Bi i( Touring 1918 Buick Boadtter 1919 Buick LltUa Biz Touring. 1919 Bukk MUla Six Touring 1918 Bulek Big Six Touring Some of theia ' can are as good aa new. All are ia A-l condition. Cheee price will but theaa quickly. We ha many ether can, all nuke, both open and dosed; lowest price. - PORTLAND CAB SALES CO.. 9th and Taylor. Main 9144. Fords Fords Fords $200 to 8700 , Chevrolets---Chevrolets 8450 to kftflO " . Maxwells iVUixwells $30 to 9775 BuJcksBu!cks 8250 to 911 50 Dedge, Paige. Hndaon. Chandler, Stuts, Bee speed wagea. Republic truck. Liberty bonds at face value. . Essy terms. No brokerage. : 989 Alder st. . Broadway 1852. CO. BF.F.ASDAI.R TEE REAL BARGAIN HOUSE We have in storage some real snap, and hare beea Instructed by owners to sell reeardlem f prioa. Borne of these cars are almost new, and every car guaranteed as represented. Hud eon Speedster. Maxwell. Moon, Chevrolet, Btude aker. Bee. Paige Coup. Dodge. . GLOBE GARAGE. 90 T. 28TH. MAIN 299. - 18.900 'carried in stock. Oar iprlnn told Wltn a Written guarantee, we give yea service. - e i. join ex. IS BRISCOE ROADSTER AT LOW PRICE Of $875 and this car has nearly new tirea and two extra and ia in fine condition aad will appeal to you, low price for htfh-grade car. Take . 9250 down, bal long, easy terms. SOS Alder st Bed Front Used Car Co. AUTO TRIMMINU AND UP HOI.STERING CO. AUTO TOPS, BIDS CURTAINS "; 409 Dsrtost bet 9th and 10th. Broadway 8017 SPEEDSTER AT $275 ' Call aad aee this light four: has too and , windshield and fine tires. Will repaint any eolnr rotfcdike at the above price, 60S Alder st ftIreldstr. 1918. lot of extras, la vrv bast of condition: must sell- a bargain ' at 9478. whh terms. 39 Grand are. Si. pear .. Burneide. ISiTlIN SIX sedsn. almost new. baa new cord tire all around. Will sell this car very ' ehsap; small payment awn, Miance to suit Rest 7B. ' CBKTROLE touring, 1919, used privately, newly painted, good tires; a real bargain, . Bnmnifle. V MAXWELL touring. 9879; only run 8600 miles; all good tires and extra equipment; term. MO Alder st Bdwy. 180 AT A SACRIFICE passenger Overland. model No. 90. only run 4500 miles, la Al shape. Call-Main 8554; owner. rsis x& 5 -paaa. tearinc oar. la A-l eonditioa: a nice light six and will sacrifice ind give terms. Phone Marshall 1950. Apt 4 CLASSIEST late medal Paige roedster, 4 pass.. in ine city, new paioc, cora urea; aacnuce. Maranan 1919 CHALMERS' hot spot 5 -pus. touring oar ia A-l eonditioa mechanically and looks like new. WUI give terms. Pnonc Kaat 1962 ' : cine; new ttree aad lot or extras. Cash or terms. Main liuv. I'au ior- Armentrout : iBii 'HCtiSON speedster; looks like aew and will guammee same in A-l eonditioa. Will give terms; a big nargam. rnone Mar. 37. TRADE Hudson.. let adL 7 psssenger, good eonditioa, eenr tires; .want piaa or diamond. ' entn man. Rsst 868. OVERLAND touring. 1911, good paint and tirea; a real bargain at $600. some terms. 80 Grand av. N. near Bnrnsid. FORD . taurine. 119. only rua 900 mile . owner must art! 9880. with terms. Grand ave. K.-aar BarasSde. SO KiflT touring. . 1919, ad UUle. not ma 9000 . . auies. . A bargain at 8oo. tall Isoar tin wner, at 817 E. 4 2d st M. .1919 VELIK tonrinc; mast be sold at on re sad ( wiu sacrifice. 080 Alder at. Bdwy. 1802, f iLDMOBFLB Hdaa. same as aew ia every way aargaia., Tabor 8479. ' ' " - .- WE pnt steel teeth ia your eld flywheel. B. Black. 584 Alder.' Bdwy. 28 81. 191 9 FORD eadan. by wmr; 9598 take H. ren or ofwi..' ea inanee st SALsi Oil EXCHANGE for auto or bones. Good . int. SHta at. tn Alberta dwt. v.AUia 4485, AUTOMOBILES AWT ACCMSOBIIS 44 Ill WASH, witi food ifra9 iH anmadt 9u Plata (laaa la raan goad ton and aid eur tsina: iuut gona orer; la perfect running order. Prion 91200. -1918 Bulck Sis, repainted, opholstarini ad tap ia good order; brand aaw aid curtains; mechanically ia good order; tins ar fair, tll$0 1918 Pathfinder, twin six. mechanically Jumt fen ovar and put ia perfect shape; two brand new cord tirea in fear; new fabric tirea la front, with extra tire and wheel, top and anholatering lib new; plate glass, wire wheels, good paint Tb price has been reduced to 81800. 1918 Orerlsnd. 6-ras.. no in good order. whh xracticallr new tires all around: good top. side curtains, npholdtrini ; looks as good as new. Price $875. Will take la Ford on this machine. 1919 Country Club Orerland. np in fine running order, ijts) nrano new D top ana curtains; good tirea all around, sew paint Job. 1918 HuDmobna that is Inst as good me-! ehanieially aa a new ear; has three brand aew area, and two nearly new. ji you are lntereneoj in a good Hup don't fail to aee this one. Will let you make any demonstration that would be nxratml of any machine of this class. The top. npholttering is like new. in (act, the ear ia Just as good as new; formerly owned by vary M Jul (Hirer. Pnc 9izoo- 1917 Brine, ia good mechanical condition. tire fair, body and top lust fair. Hera ia a IHU car WIUi iota or pep ana nun uu m clock, but tha top and fenders are not good, with small expense, can be put up in fina ahapa and appearance. Price $450. 117 nnmnobne. rood mechanically, with good tires; top and upholstering good: this ma chine is a bargain at $850. U you aee the car you will appreciate the value. , 1919 Ford bug. splendid model; has good top. upholstering and rubber, with, extras. Here U a sporty little boat that will appeal to any ane who is looking for a bug; fenders. 9450. Butler motor Car Co. East Bqrajide. near Bridge. East S21. Fords at Reduced Prices 1919 Ford' touring, atarter, demountable rims, speedometer. 1919 Ford touring, fine condition, some ''YSlO Ford touring, shocks, new tirea, speedometer, for throttle, equipped to attach new Kord atarter. run lesa than 8000 miles.' 1918 "Ford roadnter. same siaa tires ail around, speedometer and tire rack. 1917 Kord roadster, repainted, good Urea. Three Ford cbsmla. all in best eon ditto, ready tor bug or delivery bAdies. Two Ford worm drive trucks ia A-l eon- "one Ford chassis with new chain-drire truck attachment Easy Terms. William L. liughson Co. 00 N.k Broadway at Deris Broadway 821. - Authorised Kord Dealer. Genuine Ford Parts. BUICKS! FORDS! SEDANS! W haT. some very desirable buys ia these can at low price ana easy terms. Buicks are both touring cars and roadsters. Mom. of tha Ford are electrically equipped. Any of these will make a rsry desirable Christmas present lor toe is may. ALL GUARANTEED PORTLAND CAB SALES CO.. 9th and Taylor. Main 9144 Chas. C. Fagan Co., Inc. Distributors Pierce-Arrow Motor Cera and Track Ninth at Bunulde Broadway 499S 191 Pierce-Arrow "88" 2-paasenger road ster .91290 1919 National sedan, 7-passenger. practically new throughout New Fierce-Arrow paint ion. A splendid all year car 92780 1912 Pierce "86" 4-passenger touring, beauti ful new paint Job. perfect condition; new cord tires ; 92850 1914 English "Sunbeam" 6 cylinder, Bnrbank top. good paint new tires; a burn eiass ear and good buy at. 93250 The shove mentioned care are now going through our shops and will be available for de- Uvery about Dec ;a. . FORD8- -FORD8- -FORDS ALL SIZES AND AOES. FOnp COI'PE, ELECTRIC STARTEB. AL MOST NEW. FORD 8EDAN, ELECTRIC STARTER, A-l CONDITION. FORD TOURING . ELECTRIC STARTER, 95 PER CENT NEW. FORD ROADSTER. OVERHAULED, LIKE NEW. ' THE ABOVE ARE ALL LATE MODELS. WE ALSO HAVE 1915-16-17-19 FORDS TOURING AND ROADSTERS. ALL OVER HAULED. 1820 OREGON STATE LICENSE FBSJ5. SMITH-MTERS AUTO CO.. 411. DAVIS STREET. AUTO SHEET METAL WORKS Harry Loene J.. C. Wright. RADIATORS. FENDERS. ..WINDSHIELDS REPAIRED. Speedster Bodies Beats Cut Down tor Csmp Beds ACKTV1.ENE WELDING All Work Guaranteed. 884 EAST BURN SIDE ST. (At the Bridge) Phone E. 7241 CHALMERS HOTSPOT A DANDT CAB AND A BARGAIN. DRTVF UNTIL SPRING OR NEXT TEAR AT VERT LITTLK DEPRECIATION. THIS CAB RUNS AKlt LAXJA.O LIKE SEW. CALL TABOR 680. OR MAR. 5342. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ATTENTinii We are prepared to handle vane (imuU matters and give you excellent service; all kinds insurance written. NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO, Lumbermen building. Telephone Brosdwar IPSO FDRDTOURrNG 17 1 ' ' This Ford is in fine shape and we efll aa it is the lowest priced car on the market for ine soaps ii is in; low price ox 3n9, with IZ0 down. ML easy terms; take bonds. (OS Amer at. IT OAKLAND touring, like new. at low nrii $676. Call and see this one: it is th. mi goods; $250 down. baL long easy terms that lou can meet, ovu Amer street. 917 HUPMOBILE in perfect mechanical corw dltion. 5 good tire. . SDotlisbt aond fini.h nd upholstering; $1050. Ask for Mahon. at Broadway aaTO. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makea of ears. Oregon Auto Exchange. 129 Lownsdala. at 16th and Wash, ingtea. Pbone- Broadway 2699. ItOTORS. geara. bearings, wheels, axles ;"w wreca ail maaea ef cars aad sell their nert at H price. David Hodea Co.. 195-107 N. i ita st. 1919 FORD touring, bought April 18, just like new; cost 9663; to go for cssh during week at 9500. Mala 9049. BUICK 4.'- excellent mechanical eonditioa. run 8270 miles, tires good, one new: snan. 172S cash. R-649. Journal. BRINGING UP FATHER WAW-VAW WAW-WAW "Jf $ 1 V5vS -2J J ONTHE neut 1 1" S rrr L L v - . ' j-. ' - - x- . ; 1 H mi.f . AUTOMOBILES AJTD ACCE9S0BIKS 4 Covey Motor Car Co. " GOOD USED CABS CLOSED CABS 19IT CHANDLER SEDAN .....91799 IBIS DODGE 8KDAN.... .......... 140 1917 DOpr.G SUDAN 1S0O 1914 FRANKLIN SKDAN..., 1250 1919 FOKD SEDAN. Eloe. Starter.... 800 1911 OAKLAND. AU-WmUm Tap.... 8511 DODGES 1918 DODGE, All-Weather Top. 1018 DODGE Touring... 1917 DOtXiE Touring 1919 DO DOE Touring...., 1918 DODtiK Boadnter 1915 DOIXiE Touring 1919 DODGE Roadster MAXWELLS 81100 930 875 750 750 650 650 imp HSMir.uii Tosnni 191 MAXWELL Tearing $789 950 660 479 918 MAXWELL Boadater ... 917 MAXWELL Touring ... CHEVROLETS ...... i 1919 CHEVROLET Touring ., 19l CHEVROLET Touring .. 1917 CHEVROLET Touring ., .$675 . 025 . 550 FORDS 1919 FORD Touring .. 1918 FORD Touring .. 1918 FORD Roadster .. 1816 FORD Touring .. 1914 FORD Roadster I.. .9450 . 400 . 450 850 250 1918 FORD Delivery 900 OPEN SCNDAT Covey Motor Car Co. Washington at 21st Mala 6244 Used Automobiles TERMS GIVEN Here Are a Few We Offer Vtme Tnnr inrannl 1919 Pierce-Arrow 8-49, A-l eonditioa. 1919 Mitchell. 7 pass.. 9 eyt. inia Mitrneii. f pass., cyL 1919 Velio. 9 pass.. 6 eyL 1917 Mitchell. 2 pas.. 9 eyL 1917 Raxnn. 5 pass.. 6 cyl. 1919 Jordan. 7 pass.. 6 eyt 1919 Jordan. 4 pass., 9 cyL 1918 8tudrhkr, T paaa, 8 cyL iimo Miicnen, a pes., 6 cyL 1918 Maxwell. 9 pass.. 6 cyL A number or other to Select From. Prices $500 to $30nft. USED fAR DEPARTMENT MITCHELL LEWIS & STAVE R CO. K. FIRST AND MORRISON STS. rhoos Ka-t 7272. Automatic 212-19. V-t Kid fl'lcvwini BROAD WAT AT OAK ST. Phene Broadway 918, Automatic 88$ 49. USED CABS OPTALCB Hudson Super Six. rebuilt ear, new paint. $1800 naimera biz. aew saint jots Overland 900 : King "8." 6-pass. Briecoe JUKI! 975 , 883 2500 2450 Oakland, rebuilt car. new paint ........ lI King roadster 1919 King "8" foursome Tw last can carry faetory guarantee and 52 weeks' fre service. BROADWAY USED CARS SALESROOM. Corner Hoyt and Broadway, onp. New P. O. Pbope Broadway 89. TRUCKS AND TBACTORS 88 Used Truck Bargains Studebeker Atoa. electric starter, paaal body. 9S75. GMC Body ana top. -ton, oo. Republic 1-ton : thoroughly overhauled, new tirea, 9950. Ford l-ton worm drive, pooy, top aag ea; 8576. Ford wun l-toa ettaenment 9Z70. Federal -1 hi -tea wens drive i thereaghly overhauled; 81450. ; GMC 3H-ton chain drive; 81800. Velie 8H-toa chain drive; $1800. . Wentworth & Irwin, Inc Corner Taylor and Beeend SU. Truck Headauarters. USED TRUCKS If yea are ia the market for ased tracks be sure and come to see ns. We have trucks of almost every capacity which wa bar taken In on new GMC trucks. We overheat all used trucks thoroughly and guarantee them to b in first class eonditioa before taming them out Wentworth & Irwin, Inc 200 Second street Truck Headquarters FOR SALE 8 Cadillac tracks, 1 H -ton ca pacity, eompUU with body. Apply Portland Artificial Ice Co., 190 Thurman. TRADE for anything I can use; truck and trail er, suitable for furniture van, lumber, tie or wood haul. Q-299, Jeornal. or call Tsber 9798. FOB SALE Truck with 1 year hauling co tract Woodlswn 2341. 1-TON Ford truck. 1918 model, first claw cob- dttion. Eat 15T6. REPUBLIC one-ton track, practically new. Aider st 530 AUTOMOBILES WASTES 79 CAR WANTED I PAT CASH W are in the market at all times for gay anmber of light earn; must rua good and if they are not all paid for we will buy your equity. Call aad see u if you want money. BED FRONT USED CAB CO. 605 Alder st ' Phone Automatic 513-67. WE PAY CASH for ased cam. Be say t see . us before selling your ear. BUTLER MOTOR CAB COMPANY SELLING USED CARS 867 B. Bnrnalde, at approach of Bumalde Bridge WE PAY CASH FOR LATE MODEL CARS USED CAR EXCHANGE 127 LOWN8DALE Phono Broadway 2069. I HAVE a cake machine valued at $400; would like to trade for Ford delivery. Pheae Sell- wood 1297. I WANT light Buick four; will pay cash. Phone Automatic 513-87. AUTO BEPAIB BHOPB tl MAXWELL specUUst soma parts. Sen. 8755. 757 Division st ErWf-MrV5IE' F6R 06DNEt 81 THE, OREGON AUTO REPAIR CO, . To all repair nseav Caracas and ear earner Wa bar tb axelasir riht for Oregon for tha L, Lawrcnee patented faaad electrically with aileer and nickel alloy, aoora cylindera aad cracked water jackets. Temporarily located at the N. P. Auto k Hum Wka tb aad Hoyt ata. - Phew Broadway 4477. '- FORD OWNERS FORD overheated ................... .$20 Bear axle overhauled 9 t aires ground, . carbon, removed. ........ . 8 Ma me to reehsrged , . . 9 W band-lap piston, acrsp beaiings. ate., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only Wed. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 20 Frnnt st corner Jefferam. EXPERT FORD REPAIRING . Valve grinding, brakes velined. re magnetizing, radiators repaired, acetylene welding; charge rea aonshle. 210 .Infferon st Phone Mala 7644. 1'ORD magneto remagnetixed. generators, atart- ers everbauled. general auto repairing. Auto BnedaHy Work. 802 Pine st AUTOS repaired at your garage or our private garage by .first class mechanic Buicks our speciality. Call East 1971. VULCANIZING nd retreading. U. B. Tire Station. 109 11th t near Washington. - AUTOS FOB, HIKE (2 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New Model Cr-ResjKnn1 Bates FEARING V BOBNETT CITT GARAGE 60 10th st near Stark. Broadway 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS HUDSON 8 LOW DALE GARAGE B'WAT 2408 15TH AND WASH AUTOS FflR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. I.. SULLIVAN. FASHION OA RAGE. MAR. 232 10th at TamhilL A-l 2 3 6. CARS HOK HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMT GARAGE, 8D AND TATLOR. MAIN 1687. ALTHOFF BENNETT. PROPS. NEW Ford, competent driver; so anywhere aad get back. Phone Tabor 103ft, M OTP BC YCI.K S. BICYCLEB 86 FOR motorcycle and bicycles try ns. Indian Motorcycle A Bicycle Co.. 204-208 84 at Phone Main 6189. 1919 EXCELSIOR Fully equipped, with aide- car. The price is ngnt Cash or terms. Marsh.1I 1428. BICYCLE New wheels aad tires. 915. wood 8107. Sell- USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES BAST BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. Excelsior and Cleveland Agency. PIANOS. ORGANS. MTTSICAX INSTRUMENTS 84 REMOVAL BALE Largest stock pianos ia Portland. , Pianos 975. 5195. 9265. 9365, 9468 to $795. $15 or $25 sends on home. men o, iiu or more monthly. Player piano, $435. $595. $670. $712 to noo. 925 or 950 sends one home, that) 912, 918 or more monthly. . Parlor organ. $15. $28. $88, $45. 948 to 03. 510 sends organ home, then $3 monthly. Phonographs. 810. 825. S50. 8100. 8125 to 8250. $5 or 810 in record mirchased sends " nome. men .oo. g.J, ai.ou, Sl.zs ta 83.00 monthly, provided you buy before W movai: tfien at lncrMuMl rtrb-M nrevailine Schwsn Piano Co.. Ill fourth st. at Wash- iDgron. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Phonographs and Records Pianos and Ortrans BOUGHT, SOLD. RENTED AND EXCHANGED Newman s Record s Exchange . , Msin 4495. Tabor 8798. 128 First PIANO BARGAINS 5100 and up. It will pay you to see ear piano bargains. Hantaan. Fisher, Victor aad many others in etsek. Oar eae-7ar exchange S reposition guarantees them. 8eiberlmaLuca lusic Co.. 125 4th at. bet Waahineton aad Alder tU.- . SECURITY 8TORAOB CO. CLOSING- OUT. Small upright pianos. 365 and 375 cash. Parlor organs. 318, $25, $28. $35. $55. Large upright pianos. 5195. $235, $265 $4 75 new stored upright pianos. IZIrO. 8750 modern player piano, 9436. Pianos stored 50a monthly. Piano bought ami motg ior caan only. 0 4tn st USED PIANOS We have a large assortment of oscn pianos, player pianos snd baby grand pianos. Every instrument thoroughly over hauled. Standard makes and every on guar- ameeo. usr prices are low, our terma will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 435 Washington st. cor. 12th. Bdwy. 750. H ECOBD EX- CHANGE, Phono graphs Bought Sold. Rented. Re paired. 142 hi 2d near Alderupstairs. Main 7244. MY January clearance sale begins in December. $75 Victrols and records, used .......5 56 9129 walnut Storey A Clark organ 70 9750 Stiiyvesant pianola 550 91100 Weber pianola 650 Best nlsno repair shop ia Portland. HA BOLD S. GILBERT. 384 Xamhfil St SECONDHAND PHON OG RAPH Several cab inet style phonographs of good standard make, only slightly used, at very low price. Our terms will please you. j Reed-French Pigao Mfg. Co., 435 Washingtoa at, cor. " 12th. Broad- wsy 750. BEAD THIS and come in quickly. A beau tiiul $450 mahogany piaao for $365. Pay $12 cash and we'll deliver it before Christmas. Open evenings. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Washington st RE DlIC ED Christmas terms; (12.80 cash, (12.50 next payday and 910 month, after January, 1920, buy aa upright, UaproTed. up to date piano at the SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 1 1 lFourth t PLAYER'PIANO ROLLS Sent out of town on approval. Get out propoav tion. Complete line of late rolls carried. Set-berling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st BRUNSWICK (100, with 16 selections; Paths, $65. Pay (10 down. Hurry I These are bargains. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Washing ton st BEAUTIFUL new mahogany Columbia electric gTafonoia and splendid selection or records, value about (200; will aell for 9135 cash. Tabor 186L PATHE and 18 selections, $90. Pay $19 down. Guaranteed like new. Wakefield Masie Co.. 427 Washington st 8100 TO $150 CASH PAID for upright piano. Phone Main 6323. Security Storage Co.. or call at iu sin st, at wanning to st HA ROMAN cabinet grand upright in the best of condition, at about half price. Seiberling Luoaa Mosic Co., 185 4th st FOR SALE Fisher piano, good aa new; have to leave city Saturday; will sell at a sacrifice. 531 Spokane ave. FISHER walnut case, and some real piano. Good as new. Bargain. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co.. 126 4th st VICTROLA just like new, paid 9260; will sell for 9185; $85 cash aad balance ia terms. 1005 E. 24 th st N. A NEW. large cabinet phonograph, ased for demonstrating only, very reasonable if taken at once. Cell Main 8278. BARGAIN Beautiful toned up-to-data player . 37th st piano, rolls; terms. 231 R. BRUNSWICK cabinet. IS asUsctaoDa; (90. No dealers. Mam 9299. 914 MANDOLIN,' never used, for 96. Auto- mstto 8-2623. KOEHLER A CAMPBELL oak case, at a snip" Seiberling-Lucw Music Cc 129 4th at ATJTO BEPAJB SHOPS (Copyright 1919, by International Fes tare Service. Inc.) THE TROUtM-r WITH VCXJ If6u DOrT KNOW COOD WNCINC, WHEN I OONT THINr 1 EVER HEARD TOU HEAR IT- AN(. 1-iAjros, OBOAKSJ rsiCAL IK STBTJMEDf T8 t4 . Christmas Phonographs EsssssKsr I Pay 9.10 down snd have a saeiUM sjarraaraa CJirtstmaa day. Victrolra, PaUie. Brunswicka. Mandela. Stradivaraa and awJaer makes -to choos from. Foley rrn & Van Dyke 109 Fifth St V0CALI0N ORGAN Two manual. Cent ndala foot Inm wirfe electric anotor, Jlbat right for a church or snar ing picture fepvs. HeiberUng-Lucas Hmw U, ixo 4ta at TYPEWRITERS ST WHY not a typewriter? A useful and educa tional present tor any boy or girL Standard risible models at 935. L. C. Smith V Bros. Typewriting company, 806 Spalding bidg. GUARANTEED factory retmUt typewriters. "eU makes. acrid on monthly payments. Semi for price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. retail dept. Sail Waehicartoa at ALL MAKES of typewriters seated, repaired and sold oa monthly payment pla. Oregon Type writer Co.. 94 5th st HOUSEHOLD GOODS p-OB SALE 89 'A FINK BUT -FOR CHRISTMAS 9100 Grafenets ia mahogany, wery sBghtly ased and 96 aeieetiens, total vaave, $115.80. tor only $89.59. Eay terma. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First Bt SAVE 340 A beautiful golden oak cabinet phonograph, 9 albums, needles, plays records; must be sold Detor ennstms. Kegnlar 9185, now 9145. I Rum a9S A a sr .... Kii.i V.: J 7 B7th SOLID oak library table and book rack 29x43. rare bargain. 818: sweet toned guitar. 88. am 826 Margin st. 2 blks. ontheast Broadway brkdge. COMBIA"TT6NheWr7"rockerr 3 5: Vernal Msftin crib, 97; WtAer- haodhag, 310; rock er. 93; child's dresser. 94. Tabor$325.' 4 PIECE Circassian walnut set Owner gomg east Cheap. Phone Woodlswn 4130. FURNITURE f 9 rooms for sale. 95 N. lstbl BTACHIITERY 1 WANTED Sawmill machinery and logging equipment at once. 40-60 h. p.; firebox bvUer and engine, smalt gang edger, band filing room machinery, belting, shafting, 6-in. blow pipe, dry house trucks and track, galvasized iron. 1 -in. black pipe, etc. etc Write full partrculars or see Qua Dieckmewn. Hotel Portland. HOISTING engine for renV "erf sale, concrete mixers, electric baista, contrucUoB equipsneat Standard Mach. Co.. 68 First st FOR SALE -MISCEILA3 EOU8 19 DIAMONDS BOUGHT" W pay irhst your djemeods are worth. , American Brokerage, 208 Moreen bkig., 2d floor. A BARGAIN" ". ' One silver foy set, prime skm, muff said sesrf. H price. La Franc Fur Mfg. Co.. 183 Wet Park. SET 12 rob. Radford's encyclopedia of een it ruction; 12 vols. Chadsoan's encyclopedia of law; Shakespeare's complete work. 8 soi. Sell reasonable or exchange. Tsber 3325, War Stamps Bought Liberty-Victory Bond. Spot Cash. American Brokerage, 265 Morgan bldg.. 2d Floor. Old False Teeth Bought We pay ap to 925 per plate. Americas Brokerage, 209 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. AGATE GRINDING outfit, complete, with or without motor. Main 7220. or 249 Har rison st LADIES' APPAREL Stylish coats, suits. dr eases, evening gown, slightly ased. Tabor 2829. CHRISTMAS TREES They ar going fast; well shaped, bushy trees. Order now. Tsber 7117. FOR BALE 1 blue unit, one silk drees, one long brown coat school girl about 15 years. Broadway 2109. Price 930. EATING apples. Delicious and Grime's Golden. crisp and juicy, perfect condition; lees thaa wholesale. 58 N. E. 60th at FERTILIZER Horse and eow manure. Order now for asfck delivery. Tabor 2704. ,y SAFES New and secondhand ; some ' with burglar cheats, at reasonable prices. Pacific Scale A Snpply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. I960. GOING East or South f Household ooda shipped at reduced rates; moving snd peeking. Paeifie Coast Forwarding Co., 408 Hoyt st Bdwy 703 CHRISTMAS TREES Nice jtreca delivered to your home; order aew 310 GHsaa st Broadway 1862. PIPE, plumbing supplies, new, second hand, esti- mates given free. Coil made and installed. Main 6277. N. B. Mealier Pipe Co.. 229 Front CHRISTMAS TREES direct CHfaiir"6489" After :30. SeUwood 2329. 868 Division. Delivered, or call and get them. UNCALLED FOR OVERCOATS for sale, cheap"! large stock to choos from. Orpfaeuia Cleaner. O410 OlATS. POTATOES for sale; first-class Burbsnka. oV urerro. eo.u u per aaca. call stain 7679 or A Berry, Hillsdale. B. 1. ' FOR SALE A lovely mask coat at Tabor 2630. Can be eeea FOB" SALE B. W. Bogmcmd " Elgin. " new rear ca, eow. seuwood 9197. X S fwii-v' nuiTrli rr j , . - - - mnu praiector absolutely new; 338. Phone East 6648. FANCT small Jonathan apples tor children and VACCUM CLEANER for rent, 31 per day, de- nvereq and called for. rvaia. FOR SALE, reasonable r-ftovev t.ilTK suits. 62 j4 Sixth, near Pine. CASH REGISTERS FTIHIU i-lairm And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main S'2. PLUatBIKG xpert, repair inv p!umbln""gtl fipal MaaMiahilA tiaf.J. fist " - "-"aew, msWTV7, B9UMOOa 11, J, FIREPROOP smfe for U cbjp. JkdliWTof a- v -w w wug Bses9 VACCUM cleaners, sold." repaired" rented t. cnaageu. nougnt pemuff Co., ffaln 4907. CAS BTCWTEBl SHfvWCASBS.' SCALES UN CALLED fOR Uflor inad tor' mmLL nymwiciij jmjjvn, c W s. Via K. BEAUTIFUL Bight gowni, erochei yokes an caps, cheap. 249 Holladay sv. fiiSTLETOE. will aU lA" any Quantity: Sell WOOQ do 1 Ta FOR SALE A beautiful seel skin coatee.' b gain. A-992, Journal. PL NO lampe. direct from factory to fraAe"- w).lM.l. ..a a wave. ONE large and one medium sixe hre-proof sai for sale cheap. Z-889, JournsL FOR RENTwElectrie vacuum cleaners. 24-bour 91. nvnun-q anywnere. Wdln 1259 UAjCA LLED for tailor-made suits, ' 912.50 up! 'iiwi wnmsiqe st MAJESTIC electric Wdln. 9791. heaters, new, 99 each. FOR SALE Christmas tree. 108 Division. SetHrnod 943. Kalk B re.. BRAND-NEW SimnUx electric heater for sal.". In a .A 8A98 m w v rmJ -y ' j rw . ELEGANT fox set scarcely used. forTfiTTf value. P-411, JenrnsL HAND dump cart, cog -wheel power.' good" -a new. half urine 14.50 Main 9195. BAGGAGE, furniture and all kind of hauling done. Tabor 9429. 9-ROOM hoo-e wired fpay (15. Wdln. 79lT RAW furs for sal cheap. Phone wiln. 61e2.'" THAT ' WELL. WITH A VOICE LIKE MINE TUDX IN IV W i' 1 ."l 1 wei . ix -vr-u rri riNi v 1 1 - m s 1 1 1 FOB SALl! MISCTEltAHEOrS It DIAMONDS WANTED $2W. to $l M; Per Carat Pawn Tickets Bought V yap highest ceaa snerket wela for He saaad. petriaasa. gatd. sUeer, snatches aad M jewelry aad ealaahlag of rarry descriptioo. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 4f Uwm fakia.. evth fleer. Corner Washingtoa and. Broadway, Dareet frsaa teetery te your Eaase. Teniiiimsi and Port Ortord redan solid nenner trimmiaaa. mtest design. Write for new catalogue and prices. OPEB EVEWCIGS AND SCNDAT. ORDER WOW FOB XMA8. Factory 191319 18 E. Glisan st Phone Tabor 808. KLA&SY KsttSTMAS TREES! HOLLY, MISTLETOE N XVERYTBTNO I CaTl or phone -yonr order to NOBBY CLEANERS. Cwx. Psrk and Sahnoav. . Main 4808. Donald E. Brown, Salesman, Res. Main 2487. WE SAVE row money. House wiring. Ranting fixtures, electrical repair ing suppose. Third St. Electric Star. S2A hi Sd st, near aielmon. Maia 6056 SfiwIMt MACHINE kMPORIUM New and 2d hand, sold for less; mo agents employed. Complete line f parts tor all makes. sAachines repaired and rented. Main 9481. 6EVVINO AI A CHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d. near Taylor st Old False Teeth Bought W pay op to 929 for olS plates. Don't matter if broken. Bridcework fcewgfat. eU aokL silver, platinum, old jewelry, ailverware. . Bring or mail. American Brukeiaga. 209 Morgan bkig., 24 fleer. FOR SALE Loganberry . punts, strawberries, champion gooseberries, 1 and 2 yean old; u scapes, i-enecuon ana rays i-roiuio eurrants, red and black raspberry plants. French and Italian prune trees; reasonsble. 6808 Wood- stock ave.. Portland. Pbone SeUwood 2882. PROFESSIONAL banjo. 820; beautiful oak cabinet phonograph, like new, 5t(0; Jibetton elertrio vibrator, $8; 6x7 camera, like new, 838; visible typewriter, 312; Old Columbia phono graph. 93; plumbers torch, 84.6U. Msr- shall 94 63 Jeffersoa. ADDING machine. Add. snbtmct. ssuRiply, divide end tabulate.; no errors; million ca pacity. Guaranteed for 5 years by Lriihman Co. Only 810 0. Will call and demonstrate. A. Koseeac, 205 ltasaer Eacbsng tUdg. Electric Motors Bought, scad, rented sad repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Born- aide, corner 10th. Broadway 9674 WHILE THEY LASTWPRCNESl First Ham petite prunes In anr auantitr at holiday pnoea; not a proresaed prune; this yeafa crop, call at Nobby Cleaners, cor. Park and calmon. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriters" ana "iiousebnid Uoods" are aeparale claasifi cations. BA1 sdvertisements of theaa goods are puoiisnea unaer their respective eiasaificauoaa. LOOK THEM OVER .WE ARE diapeeing of a variety of the I latest dresrhead eaah(nea. nrieed from . 816 to $85, all as good aa aew; saar bines I rented 68 cer asonth: Benaizne. Mincer ' w tatoose BMg.. IPS 4th. Main W83B, buma, folks say dmmoads are high, but en would hardly think so if they would (top tang enough te compare my prices wk regular price. Millers Clearing-Houee for Diamonds, 966 WaasV avw to saajeatie tnaatr. 8AFES Fire and burglar psaof safes, new aad secondhand, at tight prices, bought said aad NOBRIS SAFB A LOCK CO.. loo 2d st Itone Main 2949 'QT Boilers. Engi S3 J NEW and second hand. -v J and sold. G. 4k B. Ma sTTa RA9 M V 11 . i ines ought Co., 503 Oerllnger bldg. eats Phone Msu 9201 TEST drop head aewwc with attaefamenta.' all are in verv good condition. Sewing machlnea rented at 99 per month. Phone Eeet 2969. er B-9907. AV at Htren, laz Grand ave.. Bear Belmeat I HAVE several diamonds that bar beea left ny outside parties to. be seM. Yoa can bu them for 25 per cent leas thaa the wholesale cost Miller's Clearing Hons for Diamonds. 859 vtsnnmgion st.. next to !a)estle tUeat re. A SNAP AT ONCE One set of prime mink, very dark, a grand Xmas present La. France Fur Mfg. Co., 199 vre&i jrara. XMAS TREES Choice extra busby, 60c and np. Unloa Ave. N. Woodlswn 1396. 791 HOT WATER TANKI30'eaL 87. AO ami' Aft! Tested and guaranteed stove sad furnace coila. Gas .heaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Bide WeUilng Shop.. 203 Ada a st E. 8519 andb HONEY . WARRANTED UNADULTERATED Quart 80c. quantity less; delivered. East 1418, CCf FRERlHT RATES On Household Goods Shipped East and South. MANNING WAREHOUSE Ac TRANSFER CO., via ana noyu . i uone oroaaway 700. A-1793. S UT Kffs 4 SflC USED DROPHEAD' y u mu p a J SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed W e Rent and Repair 172 94 st. near TamhUL Main 1846. A 1818 AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A lares listing can be found under these different classi fications. CALL East 3088 when you wish the Salvation Army truck or wagon to call for your cast off clothing or -msgazines, newspapers, furnlcJ ture, etc i jnares iis-.-o union ave. OFFICE EQUIPMENT War department desks, chair, tables, type writers, adding machines, checkwritera. D. C. Wax. 100 2d st Phone Main 4691. rUBiriTUBJB W AH TED 14 SELL US Tour Odd Piece or Complete ParnUhlnn We Pay Top Cash Prjces Call TJs for Prompt. Cenrteon Scisice PORTLAND FUKN1TURR EXCHANGE 308 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. CALL MA IV 8878 We pay the highest prices for used foraitare. Bee ns Before you sen. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. Mala 8878. 178 let gt DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or te i-autornia. we can save yoe your freight in our through can. Fireproof storage. C. M. Olsen Transfer A Storage Co., .to nne st. Owl Furniture Co. NEAR MORRISON J We want your used furniture, stoves, oarpets and pianos; we pay the highest cssh pvtcea. 168 and 168 1st st. Call Main 4627 WANTED, USED FURNITURE MAIM Wilt nav bet Drioaa. AVlrtlil Star Furniture Co. 15064 '' 204 Firn t . - ' ' WIGHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE COL 88-00 Grand ave. East TI69. Highest prices paid for need farrltrur, ear pers. stoves, ranges, etc We call promptly. I AM in the market for furniture frees private parties only. 409 H Jacksnw st I'AUi MAIN 2117. CA Sf-f psid for furniture, stove, range, w-' a earrjet. mim. dresaea. Phnn. earpet. rags, dresses, etc. Phone Mar. 287.1. Hsrtsell Farnlrnre Co., (41 lt st PHONE East 7915 when you want te sell your fnrnitnre; we will come at ones and pay yea CASH. M. R. BEATER. 980 Hawthorne ave. ATLANTIC COAST second hand store. Ws buy furniture and junk. Woodlswn 4760. t)AVO Af U I OUiHT TO CUROPE- - EODSEHOLd gooW ;:':-.!fWAHlB' We went wear nted fuialtsue- steves gad U knaaahsld goed 4 wJJ pay the highest cash prices. Our Three Large Stores eaable ta dlaposs of the ewaala at eaos. aad thereto we oa 9mr ta Tbp Market Prices . W ale bay aad aell aeiKmsi. IsiAs.-spert-tn goods, tenia. icyeles, typewriter, adding lecbins aad stars aad fffae fsnactare. Wbea yoa Meg anyains ta Mgr. sell r trade Call Main 9072 Levin Hdw. & Furn. Co. 2T1-8 -9 FRONT ST. WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH TOUR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ANT AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL Wn.l BRING TJS TO YOUR HOTTSE PROMPTLY." OUR VALUATION 19 aTKBKR THAN THB OTHER FELLOW'S. TRE1ETB A EA BON: BKCAt'SK WB BELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT TEBTEBDAY. PHONE PHOVB Marshall S931 99 FIRST ST. Oevurtz Furniture Co. 1A1SIALL51 SWAPS SPANISH shawl, old ratte, for good grafoaola. it. 0, Box 148. Vancouver, tvaen. LEATHER ; music holder for sale or - trad. Tahew 7AS4. WAITER- MISCPLLAI7EOCS SPECIALTY fa Vaylng aseaw cast off dothlng. t aew 910 aad ap for -men's salts aad over sea la. Call aa aad get tha tight cash price. 197 First st Beat Morrison. Main 738. GoLDBAUM tb Tailor WANTED Peopl. ef Portland to know that I nay the hkchesg cask nrinea for aeeond hand hoe held goods. No eanount toe large or toe aU. ZTumpt attention N. AL BEATER. Phone East 2203. 148 RuaseM at $8 to $15 POR SECOND HAND STrfTS METER THE TAflAB Pays most tor emthlng and shoes. We ran day or evening. Marshall 1229 er 259 Madtsoa at War Stamps Bought. Libertv-Vlcmew Benda. Knot a.h American Brokerage. 208 Morgan blag.. 2d Floor. Old False Teeth Bought W psy np to 925 per plate. American Brokerage. 505 Morgan bldg.. 2d -floor. GOING Esst or South t Household goods shipped at reaucea rates; moving and packing PACIFIC COAST FORWARDING CO.. 403 Hoyt st Broadway 709. DIMONDS BOUGHT . We pay what eur dmmonda are worth. American Brokerage. 206 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. AMERICAN TAILORS BIT OLD CLOTHES. tJouclinoy' Express will do your h"""g East 1676. 118 Grand ava. WANT AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN Boot cash or eotlal vain, m trade. K.wra.a Main 4496. 129 First, near Washington. CALL an np. Mar. 2488. Ws will pay cash for groceries end confectioner stock. With r. without fixture. TO tsar a fireproof safe Give price and aim ana where It aan be seen. Z-888. Journal. WAWTED. .aWoad hand linoleum ia good con- obuouw u-eoa. journal. WANTED Rifles, shotguns, cameras, lenses. Hoehfteld. 86 8d at Phon Msln 9581. PBRrfOWAIi tl HABIT A habif la to every man What rails are to a train; It travels but a certain route. Ia awnshine, anow or rain. All habit will produce yesulta For better or for worse; And man alone crested them. Which often prove a ears. A habit for the better things Makes sll mankind to smil: It makes on see a brighter ids And snake life worth while. We have a regular "habit" Of saving you much more On each aew SUIT. COAT. DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. Second Floor Pittock Block. NO PROFITEERING ON GLASSES Dr. George Rubenstein, the veteran optician, makes the best eyrglaasea at very reasonable pries. Toric and Kryptoc, also tb cheaper grades. 228 Morrison st Main 291. A SUGGESTION FOR XMAS. NOTHING more appreciated then a fur choker scarf and muff, from $7.50 op. La Franc Fur Mg. Co.. 103 W. PARK. War Stamps Bought Liberty-VWery Bonds. Spot Cash. American Brokerage, 209 Morgsa bldg., 8d Fleer. ALASKA FURS " Finest awallry, ready to wser aad te order at' upstair prices. Tb Par Shop. 60S Swev land bldg.. 5th gad Washington. DR L E LA BARRE, dentist J05 Gerltneer bldg.. 2d aad Alder; graduate of Western Re serve university, Co rumba. Ohio. Office hour 9-12 a. m., 1-9 p. m., evga. by appointment Old False Teeth Bought w pay up to szs cwr plate, Aj Brokerage. 200 Morgan bldg., 2d floor. COME In. sad (et both year feet fixed up good for $1 by Dr. Eaton, th CHIROPODIST that desp't hurt you; 9 yrs. ia Portland; examination free. Globe Theatre bldg.. lltb-Wask. Bdy. 2924. DIAMONDS BOUGHT" W pay what year diaasond ar worth. American Brokerage. 209 Morgan bldg.. 2d floor. SUPERFLUOUS heir, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Jost F inlay. " . ....J... re una ti ma. eiam visa, PRIVATE home for old people; the best of eatsX home comforts; rates reasonable Phone wofYniawn ziif bR. ELNA 80RENSE.V. oos rename bide. mi i. ' iii Druxleea. massaee for rhauaaaiiam. nni.nn.tin. Open eveningsi MTRTLK t'LARK'H manicuring parlor, taoe v. an,'1 ,. -'L'- trrta,n'- 783 Morgan bldg. Manlisll 28H6. GOITRE, erlarged elands, people cure aelvee perroanenUy. A. B aUsaghea. HiUs- ifn- pi rjf. ntmrt e. DR. BACRY. Cbimpodt-t Msnicuring. 10 to 8:B0. 003-4 827 Ws.h. St. Msr. 8376. I 1 irTCk CeroraltstloB FREE. All esuee. lttWyCr Bia Belling bldg. Mala 4999. DR. WILKINSON remove corn ia 9 minutes. Ltmp in. io eTanaera st. aear ttit HAIR cutting S6c Msclesy bldg.. Wasa st' Vet 4th and 9th. Expert work, children a specie lty. By George McManus IF jHC COOLO Like me kin ht:: 1 1 PBRKOTTiT. ' M Oid False Teth .Bought ws pay nig neat, easn pfioe Tot falsa testa. Wwnt , hridtes and all dental arolA ? $200 to$W0 Per. Carat ; -.- pom lHAMONDS - - ,i , Ws Wy wetAes. Jd Jswetry ami aQ watuaMeg of nary desrrlplion. , ATJONAL JTWEUIT CO, . 447 Morgsa 4dg.. 4th floor. . f . Ceraer Wojhmgtcai aad Breadwap. CLASSES AT A SAVING -, '. I eolicR year swtion. oa tha basis of capt ale services. Thousand ot serHmed patrens. Charles W. Csesm.s, epteesstrist, 909. Merrmoa at Vj? knowing tlM present addrssa ot T, J. Crahaai formerly of Port Stanley. Wash, WR be ruweided n addesssiue Bae 88. n B'OTICF.B . ' - .9 C E. DOLE. GeneraTTurahastag Agent SEALED bids fee general school and maitnf v-",,i!.fa.t cho1 fr 1920-1921 will V received si the office of the sjndemtgned. av. Aaauaxy 14. 1920, and wiU be opened et a eegular' msrtlag ef the board te be held 19. 1920 vewuiQas t , January SaerafiraUaM my W retained at the wfOrs ef the undersigned. Certified check for 19 per fee of the amount ef the preposal. siayeble to. B. H. Tbocnaa, school elerk. mast aoeouspany eecb proposaL The beard of directors reserve tha Jvwnt0 Wle0t ' m Un tJZr 2wN?,o'raOMAt; AFTER thi date, Dec. 2:. 1919. I wlB not he tjesr-esHhle for any debts contracted by any Wig, aWatoe WeterJ Lisle L. Waters. . I WTTX aot nay any debts eontraeted by my e , w1;. f Uha KsMrtemeyer, aftsr ttila Ante. Deo. 21. 1919. Chaa. H. Kaetemeyer. SSIOMAL .Alt ft s BARSIR9 LADY' BARRERiTrfta 2ve. haircut' 86! iaea snassage 86c 968 Bverett. cor, 9t ; - RAWBKBS' SUPPLIES " LEWIS STENGER" fcrbemaVurply CoT-16Ta) ' aad Morrison streets. The place to buy barbers' chair aad snppllea. Stock ef furniture r- ' arasya on bawd st right prieea. : s.aaia bass ssswwbo DATis mLiir(ris'yf'9tni manmacturers. S-S1HS. Mala 188, CARPET OtSSNIMO We Make Fluff Ifcjgs - 1 From Your Old Carpets Rag rug. B slses. MsU order' prompt. Begs and carpet, steam and dry cleaned. Pssta or write for wrice list Northwest Rug Go. - 199 E. Ehrhtsst. Eaet 9999.""' Fluff Rugs From Old V Carpets Bag Ruga, all sizes Mail Orders Prompt, ' ' - Bend f Roklet 9x12 Bags, Steam ar Dry Cleaned. $1.50. FLUFF BUG CO. -64-68 PadeaAve. N. East 5 1 8. B-1479 j OtLLULOlO BUTTONS THE IRWrAlftDlWjrKAal Y. ' -" 367 Washington. Broadway 494. A-12 94. CWIBQPWA0T0ai9 DR. McMAHON. 100 ner rot dlumn. ess. 1 llv easefells SI cia w, , fiETS?.nMST6csftropw Ifl 5 mips, i-roq.iee. mean ewe. OAt 8MB WOOD Dry block aad Bght wood mad from tha t w. B. gt R. Ah st dock; prices sr lew for any average hsuL Broadway 1849. 0. X. A Res ntv Wvedrtng Co w'sTRHX'rjrtARrtR' Oft feMAY.L QTrANTrtt i Heavy Country Slab, Oak and Cordwned . Star Wood & Coal Co 848 Sd et. Main 6019. BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Csl. 1281 Macadam. Main 4178. BoxwoodSlahwood Vttltaesnah Fuel Co. Msln 840 A-21U. " SHORT slab and Uoek" wiaJ.' mUea; ' fine lot fnrnee or heater. Special price. Kast 2041. DOa BSD CAT WQ6P1TAL BB. C. K. MUThma'n hspfuir4i 8""E: Tdk gtl coraer Great East 1847. B-1962. JKOUOATIONAL DAMONS TKGLER S DANCING AcADEMI DANCt'NO If you want to dance or learn to dance, wn aot go to the lergest and best school in the otty where the advantages are greater f Too meet . more good dancers and oan practice with many different expert professions) teachers. Separata hall for beginner and backward pupils. Our baainesa la dancing. We knew hew. Informs la i every evening. Ladles. 38; gents, 88. 14th at Washington. Broadway 8980, A-8851.: Learn1 Y6 dance where an lessons are strictly private, 12 lesson 95; 4 lessons 92. 909 Eilers bldg., bst 4th and 6tb on Washington st Main 5004. THEDanc Stndlo, B09 Dekura bldg., WasfiTngt' ton at 3d. Strictly private lessnns, halt hoar or hour, lesson. Course lessons specially priced. Dally, 9:50 a. m. to 9 p. m. Mlae Ireland. ELNORA FLECK Bsllet, technique, toe; I'Stur oriental dsnclng; babies a specialty. 129 4th st Main 93 8. MV6IO BONOOL9 AND TtAOHKWB fKr."Tri!7,"LAVi'S0?, 20w'xpTrien7a! " Ptaao lessens gt your home. 7 60, Tabor 7208. H" CARROLL DATTTnsno. vocal lemons,' w)t& praetioe plane, x nonr ay. aa mo. Bdy. zaoo. ACCSOMPANIslENT work wanted by piano teach? r. Phone AUln 2148. JCWKLKR9 "W." V. nnntTiTt'tST In c, ' M. MUSCOVITZ. MANAGER ' Mairafaotaring Jewelers, agate cutting, die ' mend settlnf, deMgnera, Wholes!, 819 MOHAWK BLDO. 8D AND MORRIiO, MAIL SBVKWTf INtt ' CBiN tfctTERT9"lT"Roy"sl bldg. "Uu& graphing, pimotraphtng. Marshall 9922. OPTOM8TRI9T SCTENTIFICI wn 11 noQem insrj uinenia. ssTPVi fitted from 92.90 UP, ' A. E. HTJRWITZ. Optometrist 22$ First at PAINTINO TINTINB. Pf PKRHANOINB J. H, CLIFTON, painting, tlntic ns. nDerlni ISA N. 17th st. Bdwy. 4414. Wdln. 2139. . PATENT ATTORNBV CoLbBBM. 820 Worcester bidg. ' Usln "ikll. PHV9I0IAN9 DB. R. A.J pHTIJUP8r Broadway brdTfihee? matism. stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectaL' prostatic, fsmale disorders, shin) affection, high blood pressure. PtUWBINB AND 9T8A9J 9UPPU99 ' M. L. KI.INK. 84-H9-87-W9 Front rt ' Pe.ntlntTr- wTraCtes' a C0""J1 srini-ingand Osk st. M. 188. -169. PAINTING, paperbanging. decors ting. WeoeV lawn 2497. SALTED AND SMOKI0 FI9M iLit;A Mt(T9rif6Rfmcs: tributors of salted and smoked fish. TamhiU st. Portland. Or. 221 TINNSB9 "IICOB LOSlT Tin, Sheetlroa and Roof Work . . 919 let et Phon Mam 1424. TWSBKWAWK9 ' OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 801 Deknm bldg. U, S., foreign trademark. TRANSFER AN 9) STONSOR Oregon Transfer Co. . . Ketshlished 1870 Trsnsfr sad Forwgrdlng Agents - , STORAGE: FREE TRACKAUR ' i ' Office sad Storge. 474 Gltssn. ' 13th snd Glisan. Broadway 1281, A-l 169. ATY8HRCK THE fiEST HOC8EHAI,fi GOODS SPECIALIST Storge, packing, shipping and moving. Hots aad ante vsas. , Special rates to all points. . CTO. PICK TRANSFER A 8TORAOB CO. 4 2d snd Pine. Broadway 696. A-199. 3 MOVlNIi Piano, f u raiUi re TndTon dWanre hauling a specie It y. O. A W. Truck Setvjce Co., 40 2d st Phon Broadway 9121. " Fireproof Storage . n C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 346 Phve.- I7j(3AL." and long distsnc moving and haillnTi first eiass ejuirmt Green TrsnsUy. Cok, 202 ti AWer st Msln 1291. A-7291. WIlXamTTifvATJ.ET"Tl oral transfer aad forwarding agent. 124 X. 9th t Broadway 454. -,;- ' .t 4 PACKING MOVING " STORAGE 109 Park at - - Main 6195 A-10$l - 'i . . V