.. -. .TP .-Y" THE OREGON DAILY-JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY. DECEMBER 131919., PORTLAND, OREGOH. ill Mot ith Regular Church Cold MeMex m Services tomorrow nrPMI AD DunPDAM ni uriiiii Hn rnimnHiii ii vi IlkMUW til M IIWMIU II i J PLANNED IN ALL LOCAL CHURCHES " Sunday Schools and Various So ; cieties to Hold Exercises; Special Services Postponed. - i ? Old Boreas was able to frees up r the water pipe, stop the street cars . ana close the public schools taut " he'll -haYe to go one better li he ,v ' wants to close the churches in Port land. At press time today not one r Portland minister had announced . ; the discontinuance of his regular services. Instead, the sextons have ; been asked to get up a little earlier on th one morning when every one 1 else sleeps, and build an "extra big-" ; . fire in the church furnaces in order ' - that the churches of the city might bo warm for the first morning serv ; Ice. V'-" "All Sunday school, young people's and preaching services will bo conducted as ' usual. A few special programs an nounced for tomorrow will be post poned until the inclement weather Is over, but regular services will be held ih every case. JUBILEE POSTPONE ! The- Jubilee service planned for Sun . . day at St. David's Episcopal church as a thanksgiving for the success of the re cent canvass for the nation wide cm- palffn of the denomination, will be post : poned one week, the Rev. Thomas Jen kins announced. Weather permitting -the captains will take their teams out - again on Sunday afternoon to finish their lists. Sunday morning the rector Will speak on what the church demands ot men and what men demand of the church.- In the evening he will discuss what the church means by the "advent f Christ." He will answer the ques- " tlon, "Does It mean the same as the ' end of the world V The meetings sched uled for. the past week will be held . .during the coming week. - CAMPAIGN RESUMED Westminster PreBbyterian church cam paign workers will resume operations as -. . soon as the snow storm clears, and it is again possible to take up the nolicita- tion for funds where they were forced to leave off when the weather condl- - tions of the week set In to freeze up the city. ."We shall resume operations Just as soon as possible," said O. W. Davidson, - chairman ot the committee In charge of : the campaign. "To date, we have pledges aggregating $25,000 half the amount j. necessary to enlarge the work to what it must be If we are to nerve the dls- - - trlcts about the church as we should. We have many names to canvass, and I have no fear as to the result of the .campaign." ' iff ' Evangelist Dickson Speaks Sunday Eve - Evangelist L. K. Dickson will speak in Chrlstensen's hall. Eleventh and Yam hill streets. Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock, i on "God's Message for the Present Hour tlje Prophecy That Makes Infidels ; Christian." Special music has been ar ranged by Professor I. C. Coloord. . Evangelist and Mrs. Dickson will sing - - a baritone and mezzo-soprano duet en titled "Lead, Kindly Light," by Lansing. ; Mrs.' Dickson renders one or more piano numbers each Sunday night Mr. Dlck , - son has been an evangelistic singer since ' he was 9 years old. The public is in- vlted. Seats are free. TOO WILL BE GREATLY PROFITED ' -,, aV HEARING DR. SHORT speak on "A STUDY IN SOUL TRANSLATION" WILBUR ; METHODIST CHURCH Multnomah' Hotel SUNDAY MORNINQ 10:80 Facts and not Fads presented. Let ns ' taee the Issues of Ufa and Death fairly and not bo afraid. CENTENARY METHODIST ; CHURCH Cart Ninth an Pine. "TMg PRIENDLY OHUROH" DR. FRANK L WEMETT : rfrtt,Twe Vital Mmaaaa J TOMORROW no a. m. "The Unrealized Power of Faith" " 7:S0 P. M. "Why Did the Lad Go Wrong?" Some Swtlnant Oanrsailono Sueoeate by . the Prevailing Wave a Orime. h i EXCELLENT MUSIO THIS OHUROH INVITEE YOU "The Heart of the ,7, Gopel," 10:30 . AND "The Man Who Joined Wif With God," 7:30 Ais the Subjeeti ot Bermona by .f , DR. tDWARO M. riNCK, Partar, i ' ; ' TonMrrow. 'Bible Scheol t 11:10. with eluM , lwffB4 for all acea , Cbrittiaa Endeatot at 6 :J0 WeMmlnsUr Kites a Oerslal Inlta. i Van to tha public to attend -' thaw anrrioaa riSS Mary. Elizabeth Younsr of Ashland, who 'will soon sail' for Korea to engage in mission work. First Christians Prepafe Program The sermon by the Rev. Harold K. Grlffls on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the First Christian church will be In the nature of an answer to those critics who claim to be friendly to Jesus Cbrlet but are disposed to repudiate Christ's church. On account of the storm of the past week the Christmas bazaar planned by the Church Sister hood has been postponed until Wednes day and Thursday of the coming week. Preparations are being made for the ob servance of Christmas. The church quartet is preparing for an extended evening program of music and the Bible school is arranging for ,a "giving" ChrlBtmas. United Brethren Churches Regular services will be conducted in the four United Brethren churches of the city. Special music .has been pre pared by the choir of First church. Sun day night and each night during the coming week revival services will be conducted at Second church by the Rev. 13. O. Shepherd. At Third church Sun day night the Rev. J. E. Connor will preach. The musical comedy, "The Tale of a Hat," recently given by the choir of First church, will' be repeated at Fourth United Brethren church Tuesday evening. Lecture on Christ's Life Rev. Hlbert E. Flint, pastor of the Atkinson Memorial Congregational church, is giving a special series of pre- Christmas sermons on "Modern Inter pretations of Jeaua" The stereoptioon will be used in a special service in the evening showing the Tlssot pictures of the early life of Jesus. Christmas Sermon Series The Rev. W. S. Gordon wll continue his series of Christmas sermons at Sell- wood Methodist church Sunday morning. He will preach on the incarnation and Its mysteries. Prof. F. C. Streyfeller and choir are preparing special music, assisted by C. R. Jenkins, cornetist, and Harold Wallace, violinist Mrs. Patterson to Sing Sunday morning at Wilbur Methodist church Mrs. S. A. Patterson will sing. The Christmas musical program of this church is being prepared. The commit tee hopes to make it excel previous programs. Dr. F. B. Short will preach Sunday morning. Phonograph Concern Quadruples Capital Salem, Dec. 13. The Pacific Phono graph company of Portland filed a reso lution with the state corporation depart ment indicating Increase in capital stock from $75,000 to $300,000. Notices of dis solution were filed by the Lebanon Can ning company, Lebanon, and the Fir-wood-Dover Telephone company of Eagle Creek, Clackamas county. White Temple TWILFTH AND TAYLOR STRUTS W1K. . WALDO, Ph. D Parlor. SUNDAY 11 A. M. "A NEW WORLD CHALLENGE" KVKNINQ 7:S0 " "VAIN EXCUSES" SUNDAY SOHOOL :4S A. M. . V. . IL : P. M. WESTMINSTER Jf I : f';?V'W C3Aa if - MISS MARY YOUNG SAILS FOR KOREA First M. E. Church Missionary From Klamath District Leaves From Vancouver Dec. 18. Ashland, Dec ill -The first mis sionary from the Klamath district of the Methodist Episcopal church. Miss Mary Elizabeth Young, will sail December 18 of this month from Vancouver, on the steamer Em press of Japan, for Seoul, Korea. MisA "Young will have the chair, of music in the Ewha Haktang Meth odist school, and will . be organist in the church at Seoul, which has the only pipe organ in Korea. Miss Young- was commissioned with a class of 71 at the Jubilee meeting in Boston, Bishop McConneli, gave the charge at this service. - Miss Young is a daughter of the late'Josnua Young of Ashland, and for many years has been active in church work in Southern Oregon. She planned going as a mis sionary several years ago. but because of her mother's death decided to remain with her aged father. She will have as her co-worker in this school. Miss Marie Church of the Wllllamette Val ley, who Is teaching In the literary de partment - : Noted Traveler to Speak Here Sunday , Miss Anna E. Milligan of Philadelphia noted traveler and lecturer, one of the prominent speakers at the lnter-church world movement convention, will speak at the United Presbyterian Church of The Strangers, Grand and Wasco. Sun day morning, and the First United Pres byterian church. Thirty-seventh and Hawthorne, in the evening., Veteran Quartet to Render Selections Music by a veteran quartet, whose ages total 309 years, will be given at Grace Baptist church Sunday evening at 7 :45 o'clock. The singers are Messrs. Morse, Hall, Mills and Parvln. The Rev. P. W. Starring will preach morning and evening. - ift$ Choir to Rehearse - The choir of St Paul's Lutheran church will meet twice this week to practice Christmas music. Rehearsals are announced by the Rev. A. Krause for Wednesday-and Thursday nights. The confirmation classes meet Tuesday and Friday at 4 and 5 p. m. The young people's devotional service is held Fri day at 8 p. m. DIRECTORY Third Sunday in Advent Uniform Sunday School Lessons At tha Trial and Crucifixion ot Jeros." Johu lJS-S7i.l:25.27. UwuCIi e: " ; wju so uvea m wunu, uiv he g-ara kU only begotten aon. that whoaoercr beliTth on him aboold not perish, bat hare aiemai life." John 3:16, Young Ppople's Topics - Baptist OT." I Union "Home Mteions and Demoo- raor." I Tnes., 4 l vor., 1 lz :n-zo. ChrintUn Kndeavor Mow to ue me uiDie. P. 19:7-11: Matt. 4:1-4. . Epworth League 'Tne iwtjr or uaurcn Membership." Heb. 10:2S2&. Baptkt Fir t Whit- Tempi 12th udjistor William A. Waldo. 1L "The "Sew World's Cbalenge"; 7:30, "Many Exouaea." Eat Side E. 20th ana Salmon kt v. B. Hinson. 11, "Soldier or Slacker"; 7:80. O the Little Lesa and Wbat Worlds Are Lost." Third Vancoimr and Knott Re. Weblejr J. Beaten, ft. "Insuring Life's Success"; 7:30, "The Essential Lock. ArleU Be. Owen T. Day. 11. T:30. OalTary E. 8th and Grant Be. J. B, Thomas. 11, 7:30. Olencoe E. Mth and Main Be. P. C. Laslette. 11, "The Dawn of a New Day"; 7:80. "The Child and Caesar." Sellwood Bethany Re. W. N. Ferns. II, 7 -.45. Gncr E. 7flth and Ah. Rej P. W. Star ing. 11, "Fighting Clothes"; '7:45, special music and address, "Enlistmen Call." University Park Re. S. Lawrence Black. 11. 8. Swedish loth and Hoyt Be. T. G. Sjolan der. 10:80. 7:80. Rt Johns 11. 7:80. Hiehland E. 6th and Alberta Dr. W. T. MUlik.n. 11. 7:30. eathelle ' Pro Cathedral 15th and Dai Re. E. V. O'Hara. 6. 7:15. 8:80, 8:45. 11. 7:45. St Peters Lents Be. P. Ben teen. 8, 10:80. 7:80. St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman ET. J. C. Hughe. 0, 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. St. Francis E. 12th and Pine Be. J. H. Black. 6. 8, 8. 10:80. 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton Re. W. A Daly. , 8. 9. 11, 7:30. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Re. E. S. Olson. 6, 7, 8. . 11. 7:80 St Rose E. 5 3d and Alameda Re. J. O'Farreih 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 8th and Alberta Re. J, Kieraan. 8. 10:80, 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Be. George P. Thompson. 7:80, 9, 11. Ascension E. 76 th and Tambill Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:80. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena Re. F. W. Black. 8, 10:80, J:80. , Holy Cros 774 Bowdoin Be. O. Raymond. 8. 10:80. 7:30. St. Ignathn 8220 43d st. 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6 30. 8. 10:80, 4. 8t Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Re. War ren A. Waitt. 6. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. Holy Redeemer- Portland bird, and Tenant er art. Be. William J. Divine. , 8. 10:30. 7:80. . . fit PhllMp Nedi (PanlUt Fathers) E. 16th and Hickonr Re, at. L-- Ferry. 7:80. , 10:80. 7:80. v; St. Oements S. Smith aa, and Nswton Serbite Ftthers. fl, 8, If JO, 7:80 Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Re. G. Bob. 8. 10:80,7:30. St. Agatha E. 15th " and UiUer Re, i. Cbmmbky. ' 8. 10:80. 7:80. St. SUnislan (Polisbj Maryland and Fail ing Re. F. Matthew.- 8, 10:80. 7:30 St Joseph (German) 16th and Couch Be. B. Rnrrer. a. 10:80, 7:30. 8t, Michael (itaHan) 4th and MUI Re. M. Baletra. 8:80, 10:80. T:S0. , 0 t lare-!aprtol Hill Father Capbtzaa, 8d ana Afterta Be. J. P O'Fhmn. 8. 10:80. .T A" Saints E. 88th and GUsan Be, rather William CronTO.. 8, I0,:80 8t Patrk-ks 19th and Slaj Re. Charles M. Smith. Maasea O-.80. 8. :15. 100, 7:4. v.';,: ' Chrtstlwi Ftnt Park and Columbfc-R. Harold H. Griffis. .11. .."Chrlsfe. Definition ot the fp10!,1 : t:45. "Is Modern dTUisaUon Chris tian 1" . , . East Side K. 12th and Taylor R.T.B, 11 Sawyer. 11. 8. - -. Ayenne Bodnay and Knott. Re. S Rari Childen, 11, 8. ' s ,.MonUiUa E. 76th and GUsan, 11.:30. Voodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Be. Joseph D. Boyd. 11. 8. . tYnon K. 15th and Wygaat Brr. .B. TflVbs Maxe. 11, T:80. . Km Park Re. J, r. Ghonaley..' 11. 7 JO. " . OhrUtlsn BatasMsi Leaaoa subject: Mmn." V "God. the lyerrst ot Flnrt 10th awf Everett. 11. 8. Seoond E. Sth and Hnltaday. 11, 8, i nuro 13th and Bahsoa. 11. Congregational Church OTI, o!d Jforeifathers' banquet on 'Thursday The social lyent of the coming week for the Congregationallsts of . Portland and vicinity wiH be the Forefathers' banquet at the First ; Congregational church next Thursday night - The forefathers- commemorated are the Pilgrims, who 300" years ago, sailing on the May flower, landed at Plymouth Rock; Mas sachusetts, v Delegates from every Con gregational church in Portland will at tend. The out-of-town trustees of the Oregon state Congregational conference will be the guests ot the First church. About 250 will sit down to the banquet table. Mrs. W. E. Mcllhenny ia chair man of the dinner committee. E. T. Stretcher, president of the Men's Brother hood, will preside. Walter Jenkins will lead the singing. After the dinner the following., program will be enjoyed: Prayer, Rev. J. J. Staub ; "The Pilgrim In Education," President Robert Fay Clark of Pacific university; "The Pil grim Foremothers," Mrs. Belle T. Hoge ; three three-minute speeches on "What Lectures Drawing Large Audiences The chapel of First Presbyterian church was filled to capacity last Mon day evening when Dr. Howard A. John ston of Chicago gave a - lecture on "China Yesterday, and- Today." This coming Monday evening' he -will speak on "Old and New Japan." The time will not be limited this week. On De cember 22 he will finish his lecture of last week, taking up the Shantung ques tion. Sunday morning Dr. Johnston will dis cuss the world's challenge , to Christian ity. In the evening ha will complete the series of six ' sermons on realities in his religious experience, the subject dealing with the conversion of a Cin cinnati mechanic to Christianity.. The audiences at First church have been steadily increasing since Dr. Jdbnston took the pulpit temporarily the first Sunday in November. Professor James F. Ewlng, director of religious educa tional work In the church, is reported to be much better at his home. A speedy recovery Is looked for. World Challenges Will Be Discussed v . - - Dr. William A. Waldo, .pastor of the White Temple, will preach on the chal lenges offered by the new world in his Sunday morning discourse. The evening service will-be preceded by -a song serv ice. The Temple quartet will lead the congregational singing and render spe cial selecttlons. ; Rev. B. Seeley Speaker The Rev. Boudinot Seeley, synodical superintendent of home missions of the Presbyterian church lo Oregon, will be the ' speaker at Forbes Presbyterian church Sunday. ' A ' OF CHURCH Fourth VancouTer and Emernin. 11, 8. Fifth 6 2d and 4 2d ate. . E. 11, 8., Sixth Mamnie temple. S6S Tambill. 11 8. Seventh Holbrook block, 8t John. 11. All churches WedwKiaX 8 p. m. Ooffsresaiienal First Park and Msdiaon rhy ,V. T, McEl een. 1 1 . "Spiritually Minded it en o the World-i 7:45.,,. - Snnnjrlde E. Tl2d' and TTlor-we.-. J. V SUub. 11. 'Th. CitienihU ot the Kingdom"; 7:43, address by Be.' J. J. Handsaker on Ar menian aituationw ti' r?-. , j.xt X, Atrtnson "nansfat.. xnro-.- itna . r.Trvi. Ke. ence ; of Ju'!; 7:4"Scem ta the Ear!, Le Of Jesus. ' ,s ul, Highland E. t Snd PwoW Pe. Eward ConaUnt XI, "Th VahM.'-af the Adent Idea "; 7:80. "The First"Ald to-a Better Ufa." Wawleigh HeighU- S8d-and Woodward--Be. OUer P. Aery. 11,7:80. - Lanrelwood 45th ae. and 6 5th st S. E. Mr. Alice M. Handiaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri sn Shaier. Be. Robert Hurray Pratt. 11, t;80. Finnish MHwion 107 Skidmore Be. Sain uel Xerala. 6, 7:80.' UniTerplty Park Harea and Lomkard Rt. C. H. Johnston. Rt John 8. 1anhoe and Richmond. ReT, J. T. Merrin 11. 7:80 s . ,- Daniah-NoawegianE. 2d ', and - Sumner Be. Ole Torgeesen. 11. 7:30. First German E. 7th and Staftton Be. Geonte Zocher. 11. 7:80 Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Re. Henry Hagelganx. 11, 7:30. Zion German E. Bth and Fremont Be. J. H. Hoop. 11. 7:80. Parkas Re. P. D. Holfman. 11, -7:80. , Ounkars) Church of the Brethren -Borthwick and Brai nsrd Be. George C, CazL 11, 8, Kslaaopal " Pro-Cathedral fit St ' Stephen tlia Martyr Rt He. W. T. nmnen, bhhop; Vety Re. B. T. T. Hicks, dean. 11, :48. . V -Trinlt ISth-and Ewret ReV. A. A. Mor rison. 8, 11. "! the End of tb World -at Hand?": 8, first tn series ot talks " on applied psychology. 8t llakt E. 12th and 1rmrat.--Re Thomas Jenkim''racfoz. 7!30,:80, 1 1J. What the Caiih:ijemands ec -Men, aad w hal Hen Demand of -the Church'- v7-i0, jhaV ,th Church Means by the Adentof Christ" St Marks 31t and Marshall Re. .J. O. HattoB.' 7:80. :45.- 11, 8. - 8t Andrews Hereford st, Plymouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. ,9, 11. 7:80. Grace Memorial E. 1 7th and Weldler Be. Oswald Vf: Taylor.; 5 U. Good Shepherd Vancouer and Grahant Be. John Dawson. 11, 8j- St Michael, and At Angels E. 43d and Broadway Re. F. T. Bowen,- lcar. 8, 10, 11. . Church of Our Saior aoth are. and 4 1st st 8. E. Re. E. H-jtlark, ricsr. 7:80. 11. Bl'hop Morrbi Memorial Good Samaritan hopttal Re Frederiek K. Howard.. 7. 0:80. St. Paub--t?Woodinra Be. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. ' - . All Sainte 25th nd fiarief Be. Frederick K. Howard. . 10. 11. St Johns Memorial E. -15th and Harney, Sellwood. Be. H. Clark In charge. 11. 7:80. St Maffhtws Corbett and Bancroft Re. W. A. M. Brack. iear. lt, 11 , t aan9ettcnJ ' - First E. 6th ind Market Re. B.D. Hora cbuch. 11, I'JtV. t ' . - Clay Street 10th and'- Clay Be. Jacob Stacker. 10:43. sermon and holy communion; 7:80, "The Kingdom of Sod." Swedi-h" Tabernacle -X. -17th and GUsao Be. C. J. Ledin. A1 7:80. rrm MethodM . '" Ontral-E. 85th and- Flanders Be. K. X Harrington. . 11, 7:80. - Fbn B. Bth and Mill Be. S. H. t-'pton. Alberta E. 80th and Wmt Be. X. V. WaetaelL 11. 7:80. St Johns E. Richmond and Hudson Re. B. D. Blackman. 11, 7:80. . Lenta Be. & H. Upton, acting paslpr. 2:80, S:80. Prlanda First B. 85th and Main Be. Homer L. Cox. 11, 7:45. Second E. 92d and 61ft are. Re. Lurana ML Terrelt 11. 7. , J . Wast Piedmont Borthwick and .Jersey Re. Caasy Jassopp, '11, 8. .v Congregaefaa Bath Israel 12th and Main Rabbi - Jonah i B. Wise., Beform Synagogue. Serriee Frkiay p. nv. Saturday 10:80 a. as. - Co nrrr cation Ahaai Sholons Park aad .Clay t. Rabbi B. Abrabamsoa,, Friday 8 p. m. Saturday 1:10 I. m. '''' Congrssatina Nerah Zedeek .Talmud Torab 6th aad Hall Re. Abraham L Bneeni tanta. Friday 8 p. m. Saturday a. m. Sjuaday- 10 a.- as. i Beligkra school . -. Lsttsw Daf Satnta .t Chnrch'ef Je-us Christ of latter Day" gainb K. Sftth and Madison Habei C Iraaon, mat. ton presidetst. 10. T:8A. v,. Luuseran 8t, James Park . aad. Jefferson' Br. We Owe New England." Rev. Edward Constant Rev, Walter Blair, Rev. X. J. Sullen : "Why Honor the Pilgrims?" Dr. W. T. McElvsea. . , "The . Latest Word on ' the Miners' Strike" ia the topic to be discussed Sun day noon at 12:25 o'clock, at First Con gregational Cnrrent Events class. The Federal Council of the Church of Christ 'in America has, through its social serv ice commission, made an investigation of the miners' strike. As , a member of the administrative commission of the federal council; DrMcEUveen la the re cipient of 4ts report This report on the 2FJ!5 gatlonal minister will give this, informa tion, showing how nothing' was gained by the government's injunction- and how pledges made at the conference were broken, and why strikes in basic indus tries must be prevented. He will also fell why recent experiments in England in forestalling strikes in great basic in dustries were successful. . Multnomah Sunday Schools WilTMeet The Multnomah county Sunday school convention will be held in Portland, be ginning January 30, according to an an nouncement made by. Harold F. Hum bert state secretary. Charles Stiver, county president will announce the con vention church later. E. C. Knapp of Spokane will be one of the speakers. Sunday Mr. Humbert will conduct the Santiam district convention of Marion county in the Cloverdale schoolhouse. Marion county holds the record of hav ing the largest number of district con ventions. On December 16 Mr. Humbert will meet with the training school com mittee at Kugene. A school will be opened there after January 1. Four training schools will be conducted in the state next year at Portland, Salem, HUlsboro and Eugene. December 17 to 21 Mr. Humbert will assist in a spe cial campaign" -in Wasco county. Jan uary 4 to 11 he will be In Burns hold ing union evangelistic meetings, all churches in the city cooperating. A Sunday school campaign will be con ducted during the same week. . Armenian Relief Worker Will $alk The Rev- J. J. Handsaker, who has charge of 'the Armenian relief work, in Oregon, will speak to the Sunnyslde Congregational .Bible school Sunday morning, and to the church in the "eve ning. A week from Sunday this school will take an offering for the -relief of the Armenian children. Both.talks will be Illustrated. The chorus choir, under the direction of Prof. J. A. Hollings worth, is preparing a Christmas con cert of unusual attraction for next Sun day evening. SERVICES IN William E. Brlnkman. 11. 7:30. " St. Paula :R 12th and Clinton Be. A. Krause. 10:30, "Lord Teach Cs to Pray"; 7:80, "Prepare Ye the. Way of tKe Lord." Our Sarlor E. 10th and Grant Be. M. A. Christensen. AH day 'services ; 10, school: 11 i Norwegian), "The Gospel Lesson of Today"; :80. community luncheon ; afternoon festival. ' Trinity Missouri Synod) WDliann and Graham Re. J. B. Bimbach. 9:15. 10:15, T:30. Bethlehem Norwegian-rl 4 th and Davis Be. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, 8. trrace (Englnh) Mason and Albina. Re, v. (Wei) - Wrganl and Bod- . Bethany Danish Evangelical Cnftjn and Mor rtf Re. U P. KjoUer. 11, S. V. St. Johru Peninsula and Kilpatrick Be. L, Ljidwig. 10:45, 7:30.. . Swedish Augustana Stanton anil Rodney Iter. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45, . - " Immanael 19th and rring Re. A"V. An derson. 11,8. ' Trinity (Norwegian) roejo and Fortune Be. 8. A. Stenseth. 10.30. Zion ' Evangelical (Missouri Synod)- Chap man and - Salmon Rev. H. H. Koppelmann. 8J5. lCkl"., 7:45. AlbertaKngUsh E. 17th and. Alberta (Baker ball). 10. 11. , V . Methodist Eplstepal Corjon Heiehts Be. Oeorse Smith. 10, 11, 7. ' CantenarjF nth and Pine Kev.. Frank L. Wemett 11. 7 :80. . r , Central Vancouver and Frgo BeV. A." B. Maclean. 11, 7.30. Clinton KeUy E. 40th and Powell Ben E. S. Mace. 11. Epworth 26th and Saier Re. J. Stanford Moore. 11, 7:30. First 12th and Taylor Re. Joshua 8tans fiald. 10:30. 7:30. Fir-t Norwegien DanWh 18th and Hoyt Be, Elias Gjerding. 11. 7:45. Lanrelwood E. 63d and Foster. Be. A. C. Brakenbury. 11, 730. Lent Re. F. It Sibley: 11. 7:45. Lkacoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Re. F. A. Ginal 11, 780. Monta villa E. 80th and Pine Be. Hiram Gouldt 11. 7:86. - Mt Tabor' K, fclrt and 8Urk. Be. E. G. Decker. 11,1 :80. Pattnn i. Alberta and Michigan. Be. G cores ii. Bennett.. 11, 7:8B. Itive 4;it Park K KSth and Sand. V ' Be. D. Lester rieioa. 1 1, Tiso. Sellwood E. 1 nth -And Tacotna Be. W. S. Gordon. 11, The Myatery of the Incarna tion"; 1:30. "The Condeacension of Christ" Snonyide E. 85th and lamhill Rev. W. F. beson. 41, 7:43. 8t Johns Learitt and Syracuse Be. W. E. most. 111:80. Swedish Beech and Borthwick Be. Abel Eklnttd. 11,7:30. ' University Park Fikc and Lombard Be H. T. Atkinson., 11, 7:80. - Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver Be. A Christ man. 11, 7 JO. Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway Be. E. 8. Maea. 7:80. j Wilbur Multnomah hotel Be. Francis Bur gett Short 10:30. rEnoch. A Study In Soul Translation." - Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock Be. L, O. Poor. ,11, 7:80. - Wnndlawn E. 10th and Highland Be. J, H-lrvine. 11. "Only Big Things Hae Bight oWay" - 7 :80.- "He Shan Save His People From .Their Sins." t wncra oupemnenoeni, . nev. William Wallace rXoungson, D. D.. U E. 62d tt N. Tabor 2780. .-. 'v'" M.. K. aasftli sKrsi Coinn and Mnltnnmah Rei J. ,-W. rd. 'll, "The Captain of the HosS.ot.Hbe rd"i;' 7 :10, ."Bolshevism Ut OmwUt and tamady.: ' t , w t , Byrd. Lord Ksraedy ,iFtT;E- 15 tad ' WeJdle- Be.-' J.' I: Little.- .' 11, . 7 :80a v.- -v ellwoolT-B,th andj Bpokane Be. Weaver W.Hesa. 41 7:80. , . -.117 JO. L -Hishlamt' Pa.fl 14 (h SrA KiBlrigiwwta--- Scaadinav1an-y.Be. J. ,6. 'Brincedahl. 11. : -"r FrsMrrtarlatl , ' F1r! -f,h ndlder. - Preaching hr Be. Howard Agnew Johnson of . Chicago. 18-80 Worta ejOialienga Christianity! Jr jol "The Power ot the Name of Aeaoa. y Edwavd II. Penre. - 10:8;1:8. . J . 4; Central li . lath and Pme. PrfcarfrfM t Be. W. W. Long of'Forbea rhniTth lr85. nea of God." Quick. - 11,-1:80. ; -u- -i.-jf .- aU&enTl t& "f1 V CHURCHES GETTING READY FOR MS Vi. Special Programs Will Be Given iq All Parts of City Between No$ and, Christmas Day. Church workers and choir direc tors in Portland are busy training their members for special Christmas nroarrams which will b riven in all ty beginning next Sun- day. Many of the choirs will render their Christmas music next Sunday night, as next Sunday will be known as Christmas Sunday. Christmas sermons will also be preached by the clergymen. The Sunday school children are also busy, learning their readings and little songs, which will bej-eclted at the Bible school entertainment i As is fast becoming the 'general cus tom In Portland, a Whlte Christmas" will be observed again this year. The Armenian cause is attracting he most attention, many of the schools' -voting to give their Christmas offerings to the suffering children in that faraway, land. Rev. Ward Long to FiU Local Pulpit The Rev. Ward Willis Long, pastor of the Forbes Presbyterian church, will occupy the pulpit, of the Central Pres byterian church Sunday morning and evening. The chorus, under the direc tion of Professor William Belcher, will render, "Hold Thou My Hand," and a boIo by Mrs. A I. Moulton, "But the Lord Is Mindful of His Own." The congregational meeting announced for December 11 has been postponed on ac count of the inclemency of the weather. Business Optimism Minister's Theme Goodwill and optimism in the business world will be discussed In the Sunday evening open forunrat the' Church of Our Father. The speakers will be an nounced at the Sunday morning service. The Rev. W. O.- Eliot will preach at 11 a. m. The choir will sing at both services. The choir is preparing special music for Christmas Sunday, Decem ber 21. ; " Rev. Whetzcll Called The Rev. M. V. Whetsell has been called to the pastorate of the Alberta Free Methodist church, following the transfer of the Rev. Alexander Beers to a church In San Francisco. The Rev. Mr. Whetsell will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday. PORTLAND Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Be. A. L. Hutchison, a Fnurth Flr-t and Oibb. Rev. Monroe G. Eemt 10:a. "The World's Greatest Lots Story"; 7:30, "Man's Greatest Opportunity." Kenilworto E. 34th and Gladstone. 11, 7:30. Hope 78th and Everett Re. H. E. Giles. 11. 8. Rosa City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11, 7:30. Forbea Graham and Gantenbein Bev. Ward Willis Long. Preaching by Rev. Boudinot See ley. 11, "The Call of the Present Hour"; 7:80, "The Fundamental Imperative." Trinity Virginia' and Nebraska Bev. Theo dore P. Smith. 11, 7:30. Anabel Rev. F. H. UixselL 11. 7:80. Millard Avenue Re. W. Lee Gray. 11, 7:45. Marshall Street 1 7th and Marshal Re. A. J. Hanna. 11. T:80.v Mispah T lUth and DivWnn Be. D. A. Thompson. 11, "The Fact of Sin and Its Con sequences"; 7:45, "Opportunity." Unity1 E. 71t and ; Sandy Re. S. W. Seemann. 11, 7:80. .. . feverrlh jfa Advsntlsts Note Regular services ot this denomination are held on Saturday.. ' , Central E. Hth and Everett L. K. Dick son pastor. 10,11:15. tabernacle 6th and Montgomery G. H. I'ettitt, minister 10, 11. Montarilla-'-B. 80th and Everett J. A. Gcr Uart 10. 11. J . Lenta 94tlWl and 68th ave. W. D. Hunt ington. 11. , f,iJonais''-i- Central a. and Charleston A? H, Folketlberg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. H. WenUandtt.0. 11. - caneBnavian 62d'at. and 89th avee Elder O. S. Ie, 10, 11. i , f. taacla. Army , ? K-Corns Xo. 1 248 Ash at Aditrtant Henry B. Owens. 11,8:18.8..,-- . Corps ,Va 4, 128 1st CapUia William G. Unith. 11, 8. 8. -Swedenborf Xew Church Society 831 Jeffern Bev. William B. Reeoe. 11, Unltarmsi Clinrch o Our Father Broadway and Yam hill Rev. W. O. Bliot Jr. 11. "The Cora i.iunion of the Holy Spirit": 7:46, open forum on "Goodwill and Optimism in the Business World.". " UnrUa Brathras Conference superintendent Bev. G. E. Mc Donald. HrE, ,1.1th and Morrison Bev. Byron J. dark. 11. "The FaiPj; 8, "Who Is to Blame. Adam or Evef" Second E. 27th "and Sumner Be. Ira Hawley. 11, "Terrible Times Ahead"; 8, re vival service by Evangelist E. O. Shepherd. Thirf 67th ft. and 82d ave. 8. E. Ret. E. O. Bhepberd. .11, "Disciples, and IIow Found"; 8, preaching by Rev. J. E. Connor. Fourth Tremont Ker. C. V. Blancbard. 11. "Past ' Ages"; 8. "Bunx Pak to This Xouqs, Man." ' St. Johns (old eorurtifutkin)-V446 Jeasup Bev. Walter Beynolda. 10, T, 8.' United Evanosllcai s First E. 16th and Poplar Re. J. A. Go ode. 11, 8. OcklejT GreeB Willamette blTd. and Gay; Re. H. H. Farnhaca. 11, 7:30. O . 8t JohnaT-Re. A. P. Laytoa. 11, 7 JO. United PrsetyUrtari First E. S7th and Hawthorn Rev. H. F. Given. 11. 7:80. ' " ' Church of the Strangers Grand and aWsco Be. 8. "Earl Du Bois. 10:80, . 7:80. Kenton 120 West Lombard Be. George tf. Taylor. 1 1. 7 :80. ' . - Sflatollanaoi - i ' CliristUn and Missionary Alliance E. ,tb and Clay Be. John E. Fee. 10, 11. 7 :80. Realization League 148 f Ith Be. Edward Mills, 11, 8. . , 4 hrartsdelpbian 621 B. Washington. 10:80. Church o4 God 863 Failing Harry NeaL 11. 7 40. Gospel . ItaJl E. 29th and Stark. 11. 7:30. --'HsB'a Raaort Ith and Burnaidc Be. Levi Johnaon,, superintendent. S. n vine Sctence E. 24th and JSroadway Be. T, M. Minard. H, :rA Bigh atan 's i. ' taivcrsal Mewjanic 3 lit Abinaton building. ' Peateeostai t First and ' Washington Be. Will C. Trotta. VI 1, 8. 70. - ilad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 H lit 9. . TJO- .;.f '" - Penteco tsl Web E. 20th and Ankeny A. W. Siekith. 9: ' -, ' I-- Volunteers of America Mtssioai 224 Bitrn rtde Meetto every erjA exoept, Monday at 8 o'clock, and Sunday. 8 av aa. , Portland Eeelsna. (ChrladelphiaB) 1597 Bgrmotit George H. Tilling, secretary. II. - Peniel alujuoa 268 let. .. 8. .t Services each asgbc-at 8. . - - - .-. . Church of Christ E. 7tth and Gtisaa. ll. "'-Fir BpiHtawBt Mr. B. .- Blodw. 8. lecture by Mr. Noria: 7:45, lectora and aaee aagee by Mrs. Bledeoe. - Fim SptnOul Science 129 Fourth at Be. ti Hoffman. 3.9. ; . tJ , -.'--""',' , - a . - . rpHE Rev. J. T. Little, who 1 I recently accepted the pastorate of the First ftazarene church of, Portland. 1.: 1 Funeral Services For T. G. Hendricks To Be Held Sunday Eugene, Dec. 13. The funeral services of Thomas O. Hendricks, who died sud denly Friday morning at the age of 81 years, will be held Sunday afternoon. For 57 years, Mr. Hendricks was ac tively engaged In business In Eugene, at the same corner location st Xfcith and Willamette streets. As a clerk he worked for Bristow A Co., beginning in 1860, and later buying the business. When he organised the First National bank of Eugene his store became the home of the bank, where he continued in active service as president Until he asked to be relieved January 1, 1917. 11. A. Clark was elected chancellor commander of Helmet lodge No. St, Knights of Pythias. Other officers elected were : Master of work, A. F. Bremer; vice chancellor, B. A. Wil liams ; master of finance, A. W. Liver more ; keeper of records and seals, T. W. Monroe ; master of exchequer, Fred G. Stickles ; Inner guard, George R. Mar tin : outer guard, Bert King. A class of 20 from Eugene will be Initiated at a session to be held at Albany Decem ber 20. Funeral services for William O. Heckert, contractor, who dropped dead while) out hunting- Wednesday afternoon, were held this afternoon. Our Savior's Church Has All Day Service An all day service will be held Sunday at Our Savior's Lutheran church. The service will begin with the Sunday school. at 10 a. m. At 11 a. m. the Rev. M. A. Christensen will preach in Norwegian. A community luncheon will be served In the church parlors at noon, after which a festival program will be rendered. Re ports from the various departments In the church will be heard at this time. The new officers will be Installed and an ad dress delivered by the Rev. T. II. Hlme of Santa Rosa. Cal. Friends of the chujrch are invited. Legion Post Organized Chehalis, Wash., Dec. 13. Temporary organisation of an American Legion post for eastern Lewis county was formed at Klma with J. C. Zander as command er and E. C. McKnight as adjutant. An auxiliary of citizens Is being- formed. First Presbyterian Church Portland; ongaon . Alder Street at 12Ui REV. HOWARD AGNEW JOHNSTON. D.D. of Chlceae. 10:80 A. at. TH WORLD'S OHALLINOI TO CHRISTIANITY." 7 T:80 t. M. TMt powir or THE NAM! Of JISUS." 11:16: SUNDAY SCHOOL; 7;18: .v OROAN RIOITAL -r .v . . - z m Dr. McLlveen oays: "If R la heraey to inlnk ahoad of one's Urns, tsnt H something worse to thins, baftlnd one's Urns?" 11 A. SI. SPIRITUALLY MINDED MEN OF 'i THE WORLD f:SS NOON ' OORR8NT gVINT CLASS UNPWNLrSNID PACT ABOUT THE MINERS' STRIKE. : 7:4S r. at. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY i4 A. SUR0AY SCHOOL. s, M-CHNISTIAN ENDEAVOR. r BY S. C. .OOURSSN 1 U J iiiilasssaaiiiiiiiiiii . . .- - '-- DR. MORRISON TO DISCUSS END OF Trinity's Pastor Sees Explanation in Matthew XXIV; Interesting Sermon is Promised. The interest aroused by Professor Porta in his prediction that. Decern ber 17 will see destructive! ttormi has prompted Dr. A. A.; Morrison of Trinity Episcopal church to discuss -tho "endif the world" subject Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. He will use the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew as part of his text. Dr. Morrison promises some Interesting- facta -for his congregation Sunday morning, all of which he is reluctant to tell be- ' fore he enters the pulpit Speaking of the Sunday sermon, tho rector said : "The twenty-fourth chap- ter of the Gospel of SU Matthew Is In some respects tho most .remarkable chapter in the Bible. In it Jesus is credited with having foretold of the de- tructlon of the temple of Jerusalem. His ? disciples went to him privately and said: 'Tell us when shall these things be?' And what shall be the sign of thy com-, tng and the end of the world r t "Answering them He proceeds to gl$s a somewhat detailed description of events which shall com to pass before ', He shall return. i ,'1 "Believing In prophetic knowledjrs and -the veracity of Jesus, It la a matter of i vital concern to Christians, If hot ac cepted as such fy others, to know how far history has led them toward this -great event It is my personal opinion v that the end of the world is not far. distant By that I mean the end of tho present dispensation governing God's re -latlonshlp with man. I believe that tho main, events predicted by Christ as pre ' llminary to His second coming have been " passed. It seems to me nothing short Of a demonstrated divine and masterful au. thorlty can save the world, The day of its necessity was never mors urgent. Sunday evening Dr. Morrison will be gin a series of talks on applied pay- s chology. An enjoyable choir party was given by Mrs. Pullln and Miss Diamond last Thursday evening, at the residence of 1' the latter. All members of Trinity's ' choir were there, together with soma of their friends. The evening was spent In dancing, games, music, etc. On Friday night the children ot th Sunday school were given a candy pull by Mrs. William D. Wheelwright, assist ed by Mrs. Kate Mather, Miss Eastman. Miss Lucia Morris, Mrs. Thomas Sharp and Miss Rhoda Rumelln, There was a ' large attendance and the children spent ' a very happy evening playing games and pulling candy. The Sunday school " is being reorganised, with Mrs. Wheel wright' as superintendent. Mrs. Wilson Johnston gave a talk to the women's auxiliary of Trinity church and their guests at a tea in th parish house on Friday afternoon. Mrs. John., ston was a delegate to the late general 1 convention held In Detroit, Mich. She told in detail ot the wonderful events of that occasion. Her talk was enjoyed. - - "God's Message for the Present Hour'' ANOTHER GREAT BIBLE ' PBOPHECr. The InfideVt Waterloo EVANGELIST DICKSON wilt show that the world is now passing through the most aol- , pmn hour of humaa history. Uncontrovertible evidence that ' the inspiration of th Bible Is built on fact, not fancy, will be produced. YOU CABT50T AFFORD TO 9IISS THIS LECTURE SUNDAY NIGHT, DEC. 14, 1919 AT 7S0 O 0LO0K CHRISTENSEN'S HALL Hth fit. Bet. Morrlaos and TamUlC The Psblle Iarlled. Seat Frs Bio BI50 ' 1 "TheLightofthe World Is Jesus ft, God' dealinge with man Jlluttrated ', CONDEMNATION PON SIN REQUIRED Y DIVINE JUSTtOE. REDEMPTION OP LIPS PROVIDED '" Y DIVINE WISDOM, OELIVSRANCB PROM DEATH AO- ' ' OOMPLISHED NY DIVINE POWER v " The center of all ' ? THE RANSOM SACRIFICE OP ; CHRIST JCSU. 4 , Public Lecture by V Co J. LE ROY f Sunday, Dec. 14 W. Of W. TEMPLE 11th SL, RoL WashlnfUn-anS Alow. . International Bible Student SEATS FREE. . NO COLLEOTIOfl WORLD ON SUNDAY f ' - 1 i -':Jdo.