11 3 COLD WEATHER. STIMULATES DEMAND FOR' ALL FEEDSTUFFS Edited by Uymaa It. Cone SMALL INVESTORS cARE ; INJURED Edited by WUir.Ues&lan THE . OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL. PORT LAND, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1919. FRESH EGGS ARE LOST NTHECOLD AS I'reeitna Reported at ' Portland 7- Well as YVUIamette Valley Points Trade la Generally Inactive. Fresh egg market Is almost without 'movement in. the Front street trade at thl time, Prices continue about un chanced, but 'are on a nominal basis, dus to- the fact that It to impossible to make deliveries either In the" city or to ' outside points. Damage to freh egg holdings tor the sold inn l. MiBfirawd alona tha street, and similar --'rvpnrt. ere coralfig from various ..Willamette "valley point. One. local selling Ssenry delmed ' that it had aboat half car of fret stock on hand, end afrad that It would be froMO. While wvem weather eondiUona continue at practical! all pointa in the country, MporU trin mm of the tern Mntttr in to th affect that tba price at eta ia -not voir easier, - but in some instance price reduction have liven tofeed. -'-, . Storage eta ara moving fair eoiulderlnt Im general congestion in busibeas, and prices are waLiianged. . ARK.E T POTATO PRICES ABE AFFECTED - 'I'oUta prices in Portland ara affected by th cold weather and the inability to gt stock frWn tba country, tale ar shewn teneraUy at $8.80 to 38.78 par cental for fancy stock with Garni ,.i at 14.00 for beat. CABBAGE PRICES ABE TEXT FIRH Cabbage prioaa are vary firm hart with scent atoeka bald by tba local trade. IfwUl ba tew ' tima before the country eaa abtp .ven after the : weather moderates a much atock wi freten. POCLTRY. PRICES ABE UP IV AIR ..' All poultry prioaa are up In the air bacaest f tba aeant offering and liberal demand. Bale are gvnerilljr abowa at 80e to S6o lot litht rprtnit and 82a for heavy bent. Ordinary chick- ' ena around tto a pound. 0XI05S ABE HELD TEST FIRM v Oiiloa prices are being bald very firm alone the wboleaale way with general aalea far limited amouata at 66.V0 Per eentai. No country butt tint abown becaaae of tba Inability to make htpfceota. . "V .. , MEAT DEMAH1. COJfTISrES GOOD Demand for all country killed meata ia food. . Fair auppliee are again reaching the atreet bat .. the call la heavy. Beat calves are moving at aao to 26o a pound and beat light weight bogs " around a la to 32a a pound. BRIEF VOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE ' Turkey demand ia firm around 45c to 48c for beat. Sweet ehooolats up to; around and ebooolate .coating lo. No Ufa at all abown In apple tradt anywhere. Fun trade completely demoralised by weather. Marvin A Co, were offering Ooodnoe Illlls almonde. By Hymaa H. Cehea Aa there la little' doing in the retail markets generally because of the cold weather. It Is advisable for the house wife and general consumer to take more precaution In protecting the foodstuff supplies "already purchased and In the , home. . . - ' Oreat care must be exercised with fresh milk, and to be sure that it does not freese, the bottles should be taken Into the bouse and protected by wrap ping It la newspaper. Canned milk, unless well protected, will also freese and will be ruined. Potatoes ehould be put in a comfort ablo place to prevent free-In g. This is one product that is absolutely worthless If frosen. Onions, it rroien. win thaw out with littl damage. Tho same is true as regards cabbage and root vege tables generally. The following oricee are arera-a onee-that eoiMumera ara etpected to pay at retail ahopa. Quality quoted 1a the arente, fancy ntuff belns lighUy bisper and. inferior atuff fractionally lowr: Butter -Best ereasaery. parchment wrappere, 78 TSe lb. ; carton. T4 TSs lb. ; beet atoraae. parchment wrapper. 05 70a. Ea Freshly laid, 19 90s dosed ; taney fresh. 80c. doses: atorsia. beat. 65 70c doseni Unit, ord'fiary. SSc t:hee-e -raney, sasreuc in. Oblckena Dreeaed. 45c lb.; seaae, dreaead, 45c tb.; turkeys, dreaaed, 60viB2 He lb. Salmon 25 60c per lb. rienr Bent local patent, IS.10 tack 4t lbs. PoUtoee Burbank, fancy, 4 0 Sc lb. j aweeta, 4 Iba. 25 e. Union Dried, 8c lb. WHOLESALE FBICE IJ POJtTLAKD Theee are prleea rataUara pay wholeatlera, eicept as otherwise noted; . Datey Preeueta y BUTTtH Selling price, box lota: Creamery ptrme, parchment wrapped, 8c per lb.: prime firm, 6flc lb.: firsts 84Be lb.; emaller lota at aa adrance. bobbins prices t Cubes et tra, 4ei prtsM firsts, U'Aol carte na, le extra. No. 1 atoraea butter, dOc: oft -rede, S6Sfa74 bet lb. BUTTEBraT Portland deUtery basis. TSs Tc: enuntrr -tatfon. 71 T2c perlb. OLEOMAHGARINtl Beat brand. 40ef ordi tary, iatss: bakers, SSei Nutmarsartne. 1 lb. carton", I'ia per lb. CHEESB SeUint prtes: TiUamook freah Ore ton fancy cream triplets, 86 0 ftfte lb. ; Xouns America, 86 9 t7c Pries to Jobbers. Cob. Tillamook, triplets. I He: loans America. BSe. Sellins prise: Cream brick, 40a42ei buyint price or Coes ana Carry triplets, sic; Young America, ssvae w. I. o. o. styrtie foint aeuins price: block Swiss, is 9 4 to; Llmburger. 40 4ZC lb. KOOB Buytns prfce: Ourrent receipts. 71si esndled. riling price, 75c; select, 78S)SOei no. i storage, btwobc. . . LITE POULTRY Heery bens. 8 Jo lb.: light hem, 2627c: sprint, tight, 80 t 85c; beary, 2 Re lb.: old mostere, 415 0 le lb.; squib. M.00; duoks, 2829o lb.: plgeone, $1.60 2.00 doken: turkeys, lire, 84 0 S to lb. ; dreesed, 40w47a lb.i teesa. 20S0alb. 'resit Vstatablas and mm rBEBB rHUlT -Oranges, a4.a0 49e.00 per WEATHER NOTICE FOR 8HIPPEB8 Weather bureau adriaaa: Protect ahlpment during the Bast S8 hours agslnst the following minimum temperature : Going north, 18 degrees; northeast orer 8., P. A t. R. a. degree; eaat to Baker, 16 degrees, and south to Aiihlsnd, 8 degree. Mini mum temperature at Portland tomorrow about 13 degree. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST ;s 8an Pranclsea Market San Irtnelaao, !'). 18.--(U. P.) -PoUtoes .Rlrer White, lt.6094.00; Balinas. 84.50; sweets. Sc lb. ' Onion Yellow and white. 84.25 9 4.60; Australian brown, 84.78 08.00. 1 Let angelee Market f-os Angeles, tee. 18. ML. Jf. S.) Potatoes alew stock Stockton Borbsnk. fancy, 84.75 13,00: Ssllnaa Burbank. fancy, 84.80 4.78, mostly 84.78; Rttets' $4.00 8. 00; local, lug buxe. motly $ I.4U 1.80. Turkeys SCARCE SHIP ANY TIME t We want your shipments of Hogs, Veal, Live and Dressed poultry, . Hides. Egis. etc. V GULLICKSON & Co. 10 FRONT ST. Eststlithed 1912 Portland, Ore. MARK SHIPMBNTS TO mm MRTtANO. OR. rem HIOHtST PRICtS PROMPT Nf Wrtu lee Pel sag MIRY UTTIR. eaiAM, taos. HIDES, SHEEP PELTS MOHAIR. WOOL ALSO CASCARA BARK . WRrrc ren mois to H. F. NORTON CO. t. W. CMC. tat ait ! JoStnsem aw, Persia-. Can FEED SITUATION KEENLY ACTIVE Further Advances , Shows for Coarse Grains and Millfeed Trend of the Hay Trade Considered Good. ... LOAD OF LAMBS COMES TO YARDS NOBTHWCST GBACi BKCE1PTB Csra- 3. 34 2 Portland. Bat.... 3 Tear ago....... 84 Total thie Weak.. 44 Year ago., . . . 41 Reason to date., ,48ft? Tear ago. 6261 Tscdtna. s"rl.... 6 Year ago. 84 .... Reason to date. ..8538 67 Year ago. .8468 10 Srattle. FrL .... 17 4 Year ago. 11 .... Beasoa t data.. .8868 160 Year ago. 8628 ' 48 Wheat. Barley, near. Oats. Bay. 17 66 100 123 2125 727 1289 1 883 779 1 t 10 889 2 IS 17 126 888 688 1892 1? 683 762 - 4 1 116 118 2 M 404 '787 483 1648 Cold weather, together with shortened supplies,- have stimulated the demand for mjllstuffs and other feeds in all parts of the Pacific Northwest. Higher prices in general are . being quoted In the feedstuff market. Hillfeeds 'are ahowlng a further rise of BOe to $1 a ton in the wholesale market, following similar risea at the mill. Wholesaler are asking as high at $40 8)66 a ton. Globe drain A Milling , Co. advises regard ing the hay situation: "Arrivals during - the past week hre bees moderate, but anfficient for local reauirementa. Owners of bay in tba Interior hr advanced their prleea, and the market ia about 81 a ton higher than a week ago. Considering the ex. tremelr bed weather, this is a moderate ad. ranee. Fortunately, there is a fair amount of horns grown hay in the valley, which has reduced the demand for alfalfa. If the re qnirement were equal to tltoea of last year there would not be sufficient supply available from the interior. With the greatly increased consumption among feeders la tba bay grow lng country, ws can hardly look for any re ceeaion in prices, and SJfurther advance of dollar or two would not be unexpected.". FLOUR Belling prices, new erop: Patent. $11.75; whole wheat flour, 61046; Willamette valley, 810.88. local atraight, 810.30: bakers' local. 611. 60411.76: bfontan sorlns wheat. nour. sio.io; oatmeal. Prleea for ity de- box; henanaa, 10 tt 6)lle per lb,; lemon. 88.60 ; trior a grasefr pears, $2.25 $.6U; grapes, Kmpsrtor, 12 H (a at 6.76 Def crate e.60; cauiornia rid aTaDefrnit. 68.00 0 apefrult, $3.80 5.75 crats; I6e lb. BERRIES Huckleberries, 17 9S0O per lb. Cranberries, $4.80 0 4.76 peg. buabel bosr APPLES Vsrious variaUaa. local. 81.00 S.60. DRIED FRCIT Dates. Dromedaries. $9.00; eirds, 88,75 per box; raisin. 8 crown, loose uaeataL 16c per lb.; tig. 88.60 9 6.60 box. ONIONS Belling price to retailers: Oregon, $4. 80 06.00 per ewt. ; assoclstioa selling price, carload. $4.00, f. o. b. country; garlic, z5 9 60o par lb.: green onion,' 40o per dosen bunehee. POTATOES -Selling price. $3.50 per ewt; buying tirlce for fancy large sae. $3.65 iB'iao; oruiBary, yi.ua wx.au pgr cenui; tweet. VKGETAHT KS Tnmip. 3.TS per ri: carrots. $1.7502.23: beet. 82.25: cabbace. Oregon, S04o per lb.; lettuce, 61.60 dosea; cucumbers, California, $8.80 tug; tomatoes, 62.60 per lug: eggplant, 20e lb. : eaulitlower, $8.00 0 8.26: bell pepper. SOe: sprouts, 16 A 17c lb.; Hubbard aquaah, 2)6 80 16.; paranuis, 62.78 safk. Meats and Provisions COnWTHT 11 K ATS BeUing price: Couniry hog. 210 22c tb. for top blockers; best veal, 24 025o Tb.; heavy veal, 18 J 20c, lb. 6MOKEO MKATS Ham, 20 0 84o per lb.; breakfast bacon, 88 60c; picnic. 26o; ootlage roll. 80c lb. LA RT Kettle rendered. 88 Ho lb. I atandaid, 81c; tree baeia, compound. 28c. Pith and SiMilfMi FBESH riSH Salmon, fall. 21e lb.f.tflvaf ide, 19a lb.: halibut, fresh, 28 lb.; sturgeon. 20s lb.: buck cod. 10011c lb.; sliver smelt. lOe lb.: salmon trout. 20 0 200 lb.; klngiCTed salmon, $2.05 per 10-lb. basket; kippered eod, $2.S&. SHfcLLKISH Crsbg, 68.30 per dolen; scrimp meat, a so per can; tooeter. soe It). patent. 11.76: rre S13.UU; granam, til. 00. Uveriea in five barrel lota. HAT Buying priea, sew erop: Willamette timothy, fancy, 827 00; Eastern Oregon-Washington fancy timothy. ( ) ; eltalla, 880.00 9 91.00; valley vetra, sza.OO; eneat. Sia.OO0 20.00; atraw. $10.00; clover. $24.00: grain. $24.00. GRAIN BACKS Nominal: Kaw erop. de livery. Mo. 1 Calcutta, 18c in car lota; less smoonts higher. MII.I.8TtrrS Mixed run at sauls, tacked. 4446. ROLLED OATS Par Ion. $60.00 61.00. ROLLED BABLET Pat tea, $67.00 es.eo. Merehaata Exohange bids: ' FEED OATS North Portland Livestock Trade Still oa Nominal Basis Heavy Valley Stuff Is Not 60 Blah. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK BCK . Hoga. Cattle. Calvat. Sheep. nataruay ....... Week ago 4 ..... X weeks ago. .. . . 4- weeks age. . . . , Tear ago ...... 3 year ago S years ago. .... 4 years ago..... ...... .... . . . 188 . . 88 ... " ... 697 187 - - 8 86 882 19 881 149 1 921 618 825 . ... 16 638 87 49 618 4 3 298 SLIGHT ADVANCE AT THE OPE 1 New York Storks Start With Fait Rise but Values Ease Off fYaetlon ; ally Early in the Trading. - 5. no 0 e.oo 8.60 25 7.00 a.so 8.60 T.OO 4.00 6.60 8.00 0 4.00 8.0)9 7.00 18.60 14.00 One lone load of livestock strayed into the North Portland yards for the week's closing trade. This consisted of lambs. No hogs or cattle arrived. General trade conditions were considered steady. 8sles were made in the cattle alleys at North Portland for the Saturday trade. A few head ware driven 9 mil to the yards because at use lack of feed. '.-Trend' of the market Is firm, but aa there have beea no general arrivals reported in since Monday, prleea are on a nominal baaie. General cattle market ranaat Beet steers ,.$10.75011.26 Good to choice steers ......... " 2601025 Medium to aood ateera . 8,25 0 S.7S Fair 'to good ateers... 7.00 0 8.00 Common to fair steer. ...... Choice cows and betters Good to choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows and heifer Fair to medium cows and keilrs Caaaera Bulla k Beat lieht calves. ...... Heavy calve , 7.00 0 12.00 Stockert snd feeders. 8.00 9 9.38 Swine Market Absent There was no twine market at North Port land for tha week eod, for the very good reason that no supplies were received either Friday or Saturday. Prices in general ara firm. General bog market range: Prime mixed 814.50915.000 Medium mixed 14.00 14.50 Rough heavies 12.80X18.00 Pigs 12.00 918.00 Heavy Lamb Ara Depressed Most of the lambs that have recently come from the Willamette vaUer have been o heavy that the buyer are discriminating againat this class of staff. The stockyards now quotas both light and heavy Willamette valley lamb. Other lamb aa well aa mutton considered steady at former price. Geaersi m-tton markst rings : Bast eaat of mountain 818.00918.80 Stackers and feeders........ 10.00 0 12.00 Heavy valley lambe 10.50011.60 Light valley lamb 11.50 912.50 TeerUaga 9.50 910.00 wetnera u.uooe s.oo 6.60 9 7.B0 Friday Morning Sale LAMBS New Vark. Oe. 13- CI. . . The tteot -narks turned strong Is the sate SeeJIP, nearly all trie active ttsaaa toarint autjtaMlat saint today. The upturn wa attrleeteel to eWvaieai' menu In tba peace treaty situation. U. 8. ataei rata 1 pwlnt fret the low to 102'.. .rue advance! 6 to 307 1 Maxlea) Pstrsleura to 1 SSt Pan marina) Petroleum to 108 and Texas Oarnaanr to CSS. I more e- snenu af about ana seint were ssade lit tha rail roe ana sapper snare. Tim market aleeed strans. ; - New York, : Dee. 1$. L " N. B.) Strength was displayed in many-Issues at the stock market opening today, but prleea eased off slightly after the Initial dealings. General Motors gained to 319: Studebaker to 1014, while the other motors rose fractionally, Republic Steel opened off U at 102 tt. but . aavancoa to luava. u. ateai roea 1 eotnt to til paper. Pstroleum. 14 to 1ST 44. Texas Co, started down 1 at 37814. and anaconoa aroppaa 1. to 00 H. Toward the end or the first half hour price movement became irregular; to 102 K; Allis-Cbalmara, 1 point to Baldwin, 1H to 103 H ; InUrnational IK to -74, and Mexicsu PttroUua Furnished by Overbook A Cooke Co., Board or Treae ttuiiaing: DESCRIPTION: Open High No. 3 white . Standard feed No. 8 blue . . No. 8 yellow BABLET CORN Eaatern oata and " eo; 88 lbs. clipped 88 lb, clipped No. 3 yellow No. 2 cop Oil T8 COBN barleV Dec. Jan. . . 6850 3900 . . 6000 6930 . . 69S0 7000 . . 6400 6900 bulk: . . S700 5700 . . 6850 6900 . . 6950 C82S . . 6960 7000 San Franel-eo Poultry Market San Francisco, Dec. 18. -it N. 8.) Broil ers. 88c; large nana, 82 9 38c; best ducks, 28 0 80c. SUGAR Cube, 610.81; powdered. 810.36: fruit and berry, $9.77; yellow, $9.06; granu lated. $9.77; beau $1127; extra C. $9.26; golden C, '$9.16. HONEY New. 68.80 per rase. RICR Japan style. No. 1. 14c: New Orleans, bead. l6Hc: Blue Rose. 15c per lb. SALT Coaw. half -round. 100 S17 AO per ton; 60s, 818.60; table dairy, 60a. 120.60: bale. 68.1698.65: fancy table and dairy, 382 SO: lump rook, 626.00 per ton. BEANS Oregon (sale by jobbers) : Lsdy Wsshington, 7 98c per lb. : pink, 8c; Hm. ISc: bayou. 10 He; Oregon beana, buying price, nominal. 5 H c per tb. CANNED Mir Jt 5amHon. gT.2: B-'Hen, $7.40 Aster, $t:i$; Eagle, $11.38; Libby, 87.16; Yeloban. $7.05; Mount Vernon, $7.16; Uarelwood. $7.18 per ease. COFFEE Boasted 37 961s In sacks or drama. SODA CRACKERS In bulk. 170 per tb. NETS Walnuts, 86 9 40c per lb.; elmontK 88c: filberts. 88o in sack lot ; peanuts. 15 9 10c; pecan. 2Ke: Brrll. 80c. . Repee, Palnta. Oils ROPE Sisal, dark. 18 He; white. 20e lb.; tandard manlla. 28 He. LINSEED OIL Raw. bbbv. 83.06 gal.; ket tle boiled, bbl.. 82.08; raw. oases, $2.16; boUed. cases, $2.18 per 1. COAL OIL Water whtte. Id drams or Iron bbl., 11 He gaL: case. 24e gl. GASOLINB Iron bbl.. 28 He: eases, 84e: engine dMIUate, iron bbl., lSa: eaiea, 26 He white usau ion iota, iso; ouu lot., It e per lb. TU URPENTINE Tank. 11.81: eases. 82.61: 10-ease lots, le leas. WIRE NAILS Baste price. 85.16. Hops, Wast and HMea HOPS Nominal, 1919 crop, 80e per lb. HIDES Market emtio wilh do eaUbUshed quotation Pelta Dry long wool pelta. per lb., 80 9S2e; dry medium wool pelts, per tb., 26 9 28c; dry shearing pelta, 82.00 9 8.50 each; lt long wool pelt. $1.60 93.00 each; salt shearing pelta, 60c 9 $100 etch. MOHAIR Long staple, 40e pet lb.; short ttaple. 26 9 SOe per lb. TALLOW AND GREASX No. 1 teHow. 12e; No. 2, 10c; No. 1 grease, 9e; No. 3 grease, 7e CHITTIil OB CASCARA RARE New peel. 11c per lb. WOOL Valley half blood Merino and Shrop shire. 60c; Cotswold and Lincoln. 40 945c: matted Cotswold. 80 9 86e; timber stained. 6c per tb. lees; lambe wool. 4e per lb. less. Eaatera Oregon, Eastern Waahingtoa and Cali tornia Wool Marino and Shropshire, 85 04Oe; half-blood Merino and CotawokL 87 942a: Shropshire. 87 946a: Cotswold and Lincoln, straight and mixed. S3 9 86a; trurry. 6c per lb. Urn: lambs, 4e per lb. - Fine Wools Merino eombiag and carding grades, 80 985a. No. Ave. lb. Price. I No. Ave. Tba. Price. 1.... 118 $13.00 19..,. 109 $ 7.50 ! 4.... 100 11.60 20.... OS 12.50; 6 . . . . 94 10.00 87.... 00 12.50 1 4.... 105 11.50 9 80 10.001 24 120 11.60 2.... 85 10.50 1 24.... 65 12.60 29 115 11.50 11 , 91 12.50 2 95 10.80 2.... 110 11.50 5 74 12.50 1.... 70 10.00 34 115 11.66 4.... 122 11.50 4.... 90 9.60 14.... 72 12.60 88 60 10.00 7. . . . 180 8.00 46 89 12.50 9.... 148 10.00 64..., 70 12.75 8 71 12.75 24.... 68 10.60 EWES 1 140 8 S.00 I 24.... 146 $ 6.60 16.... 140 6.150 6.... 110 6.60 YEARLINGS 33..., 100 810.00 I 18 123 I 8.50 1....- 170 8.50 1.... 70 6.00 4. . . . 83 10.00 BUCK SHEEP 1 190 38.50 1 170 3 4 00 S....V 185 8.60 3.... 125 8.60 S 10 4.00 7. . . . 134 4.O0 2.... 120 6.00 . Alii Chalmers....! 46 Am. Agr. Cbnv..l 91 Am. Beet Sugar... 98 Amer. Can. com... I 51 Am. Car Fdy. .... 186 H Am. Cotton Oil. ... 47 An. Hide L.. e. 264 Amer. Loco., com. . . 914 Am. rsmelt. com. .. tt Am. Steel Edv 494 Am. Sugar, com... 1188 H Am. Bumatra Ton.. I ssh Am. Tel. TeL..I BSH American Toeaceo.. Amer. Woolen, e. . . American Kino. . . . Anaconda Mia, Co. Atchison, com. Baldwin Lees., com. nan, at unto, com. Beth. SteeL B... Brook. Rapid Tran. Butte and Superiorj t-si. retroieum, e Canadian Pacifle. , Cen. Leather, e. . Chandler Motors . . Che. A Ohio. . . . Chgo. tit. West,, a c. ittstr... Chgo. A N. W.. .. Uhiie copper. Ciuno Copper No. 21. 1. 1. Friday Afteraeen't Salts CALVES Aa. Tb. Price. I No. Ave. lb. ... 252 8 9.50 f COW8 ... . 900 3 8.25 Price. 4. .. 10. I 1..... 880 8 6.80 870 8.7S I 1 1230 3.60 Saturday Morning Bales COWS 958 3 6.50 I 7 971 $ 6.60 972 7.S0 128 16 H 684 80 H 1024 SOH 90 H 14 H 88 H 42 (11814 OS 74 344 864 17 34 89 65 88 200 12 68 H 166 819 48H 86 H 764 Lew 48) 464 91 634 187 H 47H 26 91 65 48 186 87i 88 136 16 67 82 104 SI 82 14 27 48 184 68 119 68 7 86 88 16 39 89 86 88 20T 13 69 16S 823 48 37 76 'ei'" 43 103 00 5 ISSUE 17 SATURDAY, DEC. 13, 1919 HIDES,PELTS.WOOL Caaeara Bark, Ketals, Babbera ' Write tor prtoea and shipping tags, L. SHANK & CO. lit Treat trect rortlaad. Oregea Market Very Firm on All Lines of Produce SHIP EARLY '. THE SAYINAR CO., INC. POBTLAW D, OREGON MEATS WANTED t hog- sell today. fivva Beat veal 84e Heavy veal from ..44 to 16e . Heavy hen gg to SOe Broiler per lb. , , 4 to SOe TURKIVS MIHCST MARRtT PRIOR - Can handle any kind of poultry at farm pro duce; always, guarantee the market priea. Write for tag and we make returns tba following day promptly. O80AR 4. CARLSON Oapltat $313,000 4 .:- 161 Prent St-eat i T JU R KE Y The eaU for Christmas Tnrkt to arrive Dee. 19. 89 aad 31 tt enormous at asheard of prleea. Tops selliag 46e to 47s? today. Ship early. All poultry la big demand at good prices. DBT PICK DRESSED GEESE, DUCKS A.ND FAT HENS telling 35tt to 45 TOP TEAL selliaf at high at 25. with eommoa at 23f ad 24s. v HOGS Tope 224. Oar Selling Charges! le lb. Hogs, Teal, Eosltry le doses oa Eggs SHERIDAN-BECKLEY CO, Inc. 18S PROMT STRKET. PORTLARO. ORIQON I Reference: HIBERNIA aAVINaa BARK Phones: Breadway 3887, Main SBOT. Apple and Potato Orowart' Rasoclattant That Ship In Car Lata or Law Bhouid Was Our Servioaa GOVERNMENT REPORT CAUSES A BREAK IJT THE CORX MARKET By Joseph F. Prltchard Chicago. Dec. 18. (I. N. 8.) There were sharp advances in the 170 market today, the gains being 3 9 4 at future, under as urgent demand from both exporters and pecu lator. It was reported there were heavy tran uactiona tor the grain at outaide pointa oa for eign account. Barley waa H 9 8c higher. Oata showed gain of H 9 c, but the en tire corn list waa unchanged to e lower. Pork was unsettled, being 12 Ha higher to 22 He lower. Lard wag off 20940a and rlba 17 H 9 22 He lower. Chicago, Dee. IS. (L If. S.) Aa a result of the government report yesterday core dropped c to 1 e at the start today. On the break communion and cash houses bought. Osts started e higher, to e lower en selling by -locals and scattered commiasion houses. Houses with seaboard connection bought on the break. Provision atarted alow aud a shade higher with limited offerings and scattered buying. Bangs ofCnicago prices aa fumiahed by the Carted Press: CORN Open. High. 140 141 188 185 181 132 OATS 76 77 70 SO PORK December January . May .... December May .... Low. 189 188H 180. 76 i 78 Close. 140 184 182 77 79 wrttl Wtl-Mt tsf TvtH. Sylct Irrtrti. Skit Mjter ' 8$6tT8T set 18$. Wrnt sr$eae aef tMatialTtn - WI PT 4B com pan y US Blltai nrett . rsTUSB, elan wBSS1'sM-vw-s'ws,se-- a m i- fTrite for AbtmiTkflma'rdMllai SUUIYAM H1DE& WCCLC9. kw ... " eat Ss( . am a a -.-eh. .ea grwsit Dfa IbttW rnrtlxad CaASH FOR YOUR CREaAM and produce - WO COMMISSION CHARGED POULTRY livb Vit dressed WANTED WE HEED MORE EGGS, TEAL A3U HOGS i We Need More Eggs. Veal and Hogs - Write for ur regular weekly price list If you are not already receiving it Prleea aad Tags Famished on Applleatioa - HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR CREAM FARMERS PRODUCE CO. wASHuroTow street. Portland ' "v-.-r SHIP YOUR HIDES TO PORTLAND'S 0KLT TJLXXEBT W Will Pay Tw Blgtaeart Market Price Webe r T a nntng Co. Ettabllaked 1883. 1716 MACADAM ST. PORTLAND. OB. BoDine&Qark UvtaUek Ceatstlitlea llereaaau :tt S10CX YARDS : . BORTB PORTLAND. OREGOB , Turkeys se Ducks from present indications will dupli cate Thanksgiving's record prices. We got top prices then, we will get top. prices tor Christmas trade. Any sise shipment solicited. Checks mailed promptly. . Write for Quotations and tags. . ; - BOU-AM & CO. 139 Pros St. Pertlaa, Or, January . . Dcormber . January . . January . . May , .2233 .2283 . .1790 , .1840 LARD 2285 2287 BIBS 1800 1845 ' 2210 1787 1832 3637 2212 2215 1787 1837 Colo. Fuel A boa ConsoL Gaa Corn Products, e. Crucible Steel, o. Erie, c General Cigars General Electric. . General Motors. .. Granby Con. . . . Gt Northern Ore. Gt. Northern By.. Greene Cans nee.. . Gulf Staves Steal. T 68 Ice Securities 43 uiinois ventral .... 1 ... . Industrial AleooeL. 101 Inspiration Copper. 49 int. Harvester .... Int. Mer. Marine, e. ( 47 int. nicxei ...... 22 a. J. Southern, e. Kenneeott Copper..! 28 I 38 uiosawBuna Bieei., S3 84 Lehjfh VtBey I 42 43 Maxwell Motor, e. .1 36 1 86 Mexwaa Petroleum. 1189 H 1188 Montana, Power ... t 57 I B1U Miami Copper 93) 22 Hiraie- Dieei .... s 48 Missouri I'aeifia, ,,i 28 24 naoonai Lieaa ....I 78 H I 79 H vad Cona. I 14 14 New Haven j 26 f 26 n. x. Air orate. .. 1 1 N. X Central j 7 67 Norf. A We-teiu.. 96 j AS H Pann. Railway .... 46" 40 Peoples Gss 84 H 34 H Pittsburg Goal, c . . 61 H 63 H Pressed 8. Car. c. 98 H 97 Palunaa 113 lis Ray Con. Copper.. 20 20 Reading, c. T4 76 Rep. Iron A 8., e. 102 105 Rock Island, c. . . . 28 H 24 Shattuck Copper. Shxe Sheffield .... 69 H 70 Southern I-ac. .... -08 90 Southern Ey.. c .. 20 21 Studebaker, e ....103 104 St. Louie 8. F.. 14 16 Tenn. Copper 9 9 Texas .Pto. 40 40 Tobacco Proda, 86 87 Union Pie. ,c... 121 122 United Fruit ...199 199 U. S. Rubber. e..)120 128 V. a Smelt. 6t Bef. 72 73 U. S. Steel, c. 101 102 Utah Copper 70 71 Virginia Cham., e.. 66 65 Wabaah 7 7 Western Union ... 86 87 Westinghouse Else. 62 63 Willys Overland ... 29 29 Republic Motors . . 52 62 90 V3 60 186 4T 26 90 64 42- 186 65 99 I e a 123 16 66 60 103 80 H 90 14 36 42 181 92 117 68 7 84 85 88 84 88 199 12 68 H 166 817 48H 86 H 75 68 H 48 H 101 49 1. Clo 47 31 88 83 41 88 180 57 21 43 28 79 14 26 66 95.! ei 8H 118 20 74 H 102 SH 69 H 98 20. 108 14 9 39 66 120 196 120 71 101 70 65 7 86 62 26 81 48 90 92 68 137 47 26 91 H 65 43 184 87 99 240 - 125 16 67 82 104 SO 92 14 26 43 182 9 118 62 7V. 84 88 18 IS 89 84 85 306 1SH 68 ie 322 48 36 TO. 88 05 43 89 108 49 128 48 21 14 38 . 83 43 86 U2 07 22 48 24 76 14 26 109 97 96 77 85 40 84 61 97 116 29 73 103 29 70 100 Z0 104 IS 9 40 87 121 197 123 71 103 Tl 68 7 88 68 28 62 RAILS AND OTHER STOCKS HURT BY BREAK IN MARKET Call Money Rate Went to 15 Per Cent Friday and Many Stocks Dropped 3 to 15 Points. By Broadan Wall New Tork, Dee. 18.- Another bad break in the stock market Friday followed action of tha federal' re serve hank in advancing the dis count rate on loans secured by gov ernment obligations. The breaks In active stocks ranged from S to II pointa with st slight recovery at tha close. There) waa genuine llquida Hon to such an extent that the short interest did not bother covering Its outstanding contracts. Only s. few email traders who had been on tha short side got out of the market. The real short Interest did not cover. Money went to 16 per cent aad closed at . It Is useless to discuss Individual stocks in such a market as that of today for not a single issue moved because of Its own particular value hut simply be cause It waa in the srlo of general clr cumstances that swayed the market. If some stocks broke more than ethers It was because they had beenTnore active. The deolinee were in exact proportion to recent advances. BAILS MAKE HEW DROP The rails distinguished themselves by their weakness and Pennsylvania sold down to the lowest price In years aa did Oreat Northern, Northern Pacific and Atchison- The railroad companies are in receivership but ' that receivership is camouflaged by government control. If they are released from government con trol they will immediately be compelled to go into the hands of Individual re ceivership and then follow an era of re organisation such aa the country has not seen for two generations. Leading financial authorities believe that the only thing that can prevent this disaster to the railroads Is speedy legis lation by congress which will enable them . to earn sufficient to pay their fixed charges. The war has worn the railroads out and they need half a billion dollars of improvement to restore them to the con dition existing Just before the war. Even then they were not in good condition, so that it la not an exaggeration to say that they, need a billion dollars of new money, t . : .- LITTLE FELLOWS INJURED , The government Is not likely -to ad vance this money because a billion dol lars spent on highways for automobiles would do the country more good. It ts therefore most likely that the roads will be permitted to go back Into private hands without adequate financial provi sion. Only the time of doing this la in dOUbt . The pitiful thing about the railroad situation la that the big people are not being injured.' Tha captains of Industry sold their railroad shares long ago and the victims now; are small investors, widows, orphans, charitable institutions, savings banks and insurance companies. Foreign exchange made 'Its usual low record, the pound sterling going thla time to 8.6675. Thls-fs far below the lowest the pound sterling ever went and it means V further barrier to, American exports to Europe. , V 1 ,' . '" - ilhlANCIAt, ' BREVITIES New York's federal taxes this year will approach 81,000.000,000, or about one quarter of the entire nation's payments. The city of Birmingham, England, is attempting to float an issue of $10,000. 000 to 1 16.000,000 In bonds in the New Tork market , The Bank of London Intends to In crease its capital from $5,000,000 to $26,000,000,, Of which $17,600,000 will be issued. The bank la chiefly for un derwriting and Issuing capital Since the war ended the United States has exported to Belgium goods valued av 1288.417,698. or at the rate of $37 for every inhabitant. Imports from Belgium during the same period have been only $2,801,644. The government has realised 71 to 10 cents on the dollar during the last year oa the sale of surplus army stocks held in the united States. The total was 1476,727,874, exclusive of $61,985,421 of stocks transferred to other government departments. Luxembourg, proportionately speaking. PROSPERITY nnimintrn lllliip BRiiP innrmr rnn h run bur IS WALTER COOK DECLARES Local Bank Cashier Is Cptim Stic for Business Outlook After In tended Trip in the-Easf. Walter M. Cook, cashier of Ladd A Tfiton's bank, returned recently from a five weeks' journey through the East, ' where he visited Chicago, Cleveland, Bos ton, New Tork and numerous , sther cities, taking in New Orleans and , San Francisco on the return trip. Cook's ' trip, being one of pleasure aa well, as business, afforded hlra the opportunity of being present, as he puU It, "with the other 61.000" who attended the , Tale Frlnoeton football gams, lis reports 'the moat prosperoua on ditlona everywhere be went with hotels, trains and restaurants crowded to the utmost limit and the lavish expenditure of money on every hand. From conver sations he had with business men and with anma eif the mftnt tinted financiers of the East he gained the impression that all are anticipating a long drtawn , Mnlut K. un j,anltat enjt- l&hnst , but he says, "there was observable a disposition on the part of all to. frankly , admit that the blame for the present labor troubles is not one-sided, and a corresponding . optimistic feeling that there were enough sane minded, men on both sides of the controversy to Insure, eventually, a happy adjustment of their differences.- ". r"i'- With abundant time for leisurely, ob servation, Mr. Cook returns with strengthened conviction that the bank ing institutions of the East enjoy Mule If any advantages over the progressive banks of the West In the matter of mod-, ern methods or devices for the faclllta tlon of business and the rendering of erricient service to tne public a j a .in.!. i a t ..tl a uifs weaiLuicsjt cuuiiirT in 'n wuna. Tha nam.tlAnA.1 watth. mrrn?Ain tn . i-aa. ont awailab.ij firurevi, AtnounU to 1.125.- AAAAAA aTSaaaa .. w...6.v 1.e. a A. 41 ga AAA u in j. it i tr irauca wmi uisyasgssiii. in s a . gnrti a raaiig'sa per capita, compared with 10,600 francs for the United States. 3720 franca for Oreat Britain, 7600 francs for France, and 6440 for Qermany. LIBERTY BOND SALES Liberty bonds told in New Tork market at tae following pricaa: Open High Low Close $99.86 $99.42 $99.30 899.32 Saturday SHa , First 4s ..... Second 4a . . . First 4s .. Sicond 4 a . Third 4a .. Fourth 4 s . Victory 4 s . Victory 8s Marshf ield, Oregon January 1914DnnJ0 4asVU BjssTsm W J w - wr sssaa am , - 1 Called for Payment January 1, 1920 We own and offer a new Usua of Marshfield, Oregon, 6 Im provement bon3a. Writs or pbone for details. FREEMAN SMITH CAMP LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS it row meat tell your Liberty a -Viet try benes, sell t. MS. If yel can buy more Llse-ty ee ' Vleta-y bents, Swy from wa. We buy end we toil Liberty end Victory bene at she markst. VOU OA N MOT DO BSTTSS YOU MAY DO WORSS. Today" opening New Tork taarket, which esubltabea the governing prices for Ctrl ted States ' Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, ts as follow. We adverUaa these pricaa daily in order that yntt may always have the hUhest aurket pries before you and know tha ictT Tlue of your Liberty and Victory bond. 1st 2nd let 3nd Srd 4th Victory Victory . 3a 4a 4s 4s 4s 4s 4t 8s 4a i " Msrket pricet. . . . . , , 00.89 98.68 01.62 93.70 91.08 93.90 91.18 98.62 98.80 Accrued interest.... .. 1.73 1.98 .81 3.10 '.88 1.04 .88 ... 3.13 2.6S ' -Total... 101.09 96.66 91.98 96.86 93.81 64.94 82.66 101.04 101.48 When buying, we deduct 87a en 6 160 bond tad $2.60 oa a $1000 bond. Wt -all -at tb Naw York market, plus the accrued Interest. Burglar gad Slrapraet aafe Depeslt Beiee fee Heel- Open until B a, m. en Ssiurdag MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. The Premier MuMalpel eat) eltuaa. Capital One Millies Datlsrt tt Ova tS Tgaye,' atonaia Dtptv. asa-sn start, a-t. ath ang eta. TMepMne a-eeaway tis. . SSO-m PLasBSJ e. asVtSaase' GOVERNMENT. CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS f :' TO NET FROM 5 TO 7; PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-6 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDC . BAIRT PRODFCE OF. THE COAST San Frenolsoe Sl--gt Saa rmndsco. Dee. 18. (TJ. V.) Better Extras, 68c. Eggs Extras, 75c; extra pullets, 70 He; underaiaed pallets, 69c. Cheese California flats, fancy, 33o; firsts, se- ' t k.UM Los Angelca, Dec 13. U. K. 8.) Butter California creamery extra, 67c. Eggs Fresh extrss, 68c; case count, 62c; pallets, S9c Uve poultry Hens, SI 0 38c; broilers, 38 9 38c; fryers, 88c. ' AMERICA LIVESTOCK PRICES Omaha Meet 613,00 Omsha. Neb., Dee. 13. (L N. 8.) Hog Keceipta. 4200; "10 9 16c higher. Bulk, 813.23 6)13.60; top. 813.80. Cattle Keceipta. 600; moatly . ateady. Sheep Eeceipts, 4000; steady to strong. V Roteharg Turkey Market RoMburg, Dee. 13 Draaaed turkeys, 38ci torn. 40c per lb. WeAreinthe Marlt " . AT ALL TIMES FOR FOR CANNING PURPOSES i RUPERT CO. r, L CORTLAND. OREGON 98.60 91.60 98.76 91.96 93.94 91.90 98.83 98.92 98.70 91.80 98.90 92.06 94.00 91.90 98.00 98.98 98.66 91.60 99.82 91.96 93.84 91.80 98.80 98.90 93.66 91.60 98.64 92.03 93.96 91.84 98.88 98.90 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Corrected dsJDy by foreiga department of United Ststee National hank. Osening nominal rates for bank transaction! London, pound gterung. . f 8.87 8 8.87 Pane, franca Berlin, mark ....... Genoa, lire ........ Copenhagen, kroner . , Cbrtdtania, kroner . . Stockholm, kroner . . Honekone local currency 101.00 xoaousma, yea ......... ou.se 11.40 2.10 18.43 17.7S 19.80 20.80 11.38 3.20 18.42 17.80 " 19.90 -20.90 102.00 60.80 PACIFIC COAST BASK STATEMENT Partlend Bankt Oteartegs- Thls week. Uondsy S 7.009.768 86 Tuesday. . . . . . 6.603.060.09 Thursday ... 4.6XS,1N.17 rriday ..... 6.380.027.94 Saturday . . . 4.044.738.66 Tear aero. 6.993.624.1 6,166,662.49 6.661,991.01 $.470,888.26 4.989.876.90 Week .$30,881,709.88 $88,672,746.17 Taeerna Bank 711,863.63 87.610.60 Balances Saturday ("Wrings Saturday 1.986.679.00 Balaaeea Saturday ' 736,016.00 Seattle Banks C3earinga Saturday -.3 6.794,670.6)0 Balaooea Saturday 8 1.67726.00 San Prenclsoe Banks Clea rings Saturday ......... 125,884.202.00 Lea aneeset Banks Clearings Satarday ..610462.797.00 Stocks, Beads, ttma, crala, Bte, 116117 Beard af . Trade BalleJsg. OYerbeck&CookeCOe DIRECT ;PR1VATC WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Heathers Chlcage Board ef Trade Cerretpeaeeets of Leraa Bryaa - Chisago .Es' sw tera . v PALACE HOTEL --5w The Christmas Hplidays 1 t" 13 bring good cheer to the men who hive learned 3; I to' walk in the thrift pith, and to the com- 5; "1 mJj A$ a good example to other, you "cannot ; ylfv511- " afford not to be connected with a good, strong ss, s tlK ! f' banking institution, and to have your credit JV I firmly established with your friends and neigh-- g mumjVl .a , Ladd & Titton Bank offers all the advantages Sgf jM '14 , . Rct of a long-established bank, safeguarded by the ' p3 Ss JOI jfxvv , R.g . laws of the stite and by ill affiliation with tn , g 'l5 Feer" esenre Syitem. -. , , g - . . .' , . , - -. "- . - . - - ' . - - . . , - V