- i 8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLA ND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7. 1919 Buy Now arid Next Year r i r " PORTLAND . ' ' ?- : - zjIJ wnn" Gift 5? I tit lit Vt I 1 1 riJtiu)ni"ii"ii1--y--jw.u'W ... iliiwun " Photoeraph eoprrifht br the Oregon, Wuhlngton and Idaho Airplane Co. Utrpiaii view of the central Cast Side residence district looking east. In the foreground Is HoIIaday's Addition. ' The clump of trees in the central foreground la Ilolladay Park. To the right Is the Benson Polytechnic f;- school. Also at right one can trace Sullivan's gulch,' whence runs the 0-V., R. & N. main line. In the back ground to the left lie Irvington, and Rose City Park, stretching away to Rocky Butte. To the right is lit. Tabor, with the residence sections of Laureihurst and Montavilla. j ' 1 1 . - i ... Reservations to Peace Treaty Original Text in Comparison Herewith are presented the original text and the reservations to the covenant of Paris as approved by 'the senate, arranged in parallel columns for the' reader's information and convenience: (As approved by the Seaate) ' Sammary of Original Text ' Preamble. From the coming Into force of the present : treaty the state of war will terminate. From that moment and subject' to the provisions of this treaty official relations with Germany, and with any of the German states, will be resumed by the Allied and associated powers. Beserratioas The reservations and understandings adopted by the senate are to be made a part and condition of the resolution of rati- United States until the said reservations and understandings ! adopted: by the senate have been accepted by an exchange oi notes as a part ana condition or said resolution ol ra tinea- . tion by at least three of the four principal allied and asso- ' elated powers, to-wit: Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan. .Withdrawal . ..:",t' Article 1. Any member of the League may, after two years' The United States so understands and construes Article 1 that in case of notice of withdrawal from the League of Na tions, as provided in said article : Tae United States shall be the sole jndg as to whether all Us international obligations , and all Its obligations under the said eoreaaat have been fnl filled, and notice of withdrawal by the United States may be ' given Dy a concurrent resolution or tne congress of the united States. notice of Its intention eo to do, withdraw from the League, provided that all Its International obligations and all Its Mi ration nnder this rovennnt shall have been falfilled at the time of its withdrawal. Article It.Ths members of the Iearn undertake to respect and preserve as against -external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political Independence of all members of : -the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression, the council shall advise , upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled. tiaarantees Against Aggression The United States assames no obligation to preserve the territorial Integrity or political Independence of any other country or to Interfere with controversies between nations whether members of the League or not under the provision of Article 10, or to employ the military or naval forces of the United States under any article of the treaty for any purpose, unless In any particular case the congress, which under the constitution has the sole power to declare war or authorize me employment or tne -military or naval rorcea oi the-United States, shall by act or joint resolution so provide. Mandates V - Article 29. ' To those colonies and territories there No mandate shall be accepted by the United States under , should be applied the principle that the well-being; and devel- Article 22. Part 1, or any other provision of the treaty of opment of such peoples form a sacred trust the best peace with Germany, exeept by action of the Congress of the , method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the United States. tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations . . .who are willing to accept It and . . . .ex. excised by them as mandatories on behalf of the League. Domestic Jurisdiction Article 3. Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of international conventions existing or hereafter to be agreed 1. upon, the members of the league: (a) will endeavor to secure ; and maintain fair and humane conditions of labor for men, - women and children, both In their own countries and In -all countries to which their commercial and Industrial relations 'extend, and for that purpose will establish and maintain the necessary international organizations ; (c) will intrust' the League with the general supervision over the execution of agreements with regard to the traffic In women ana cnuuren.ana the trafric in opium and other dangerous drugs; d) will entrust the League with the general super- The United States reserves to itself exclusively the right to decide what questions are within its domestic jurisdiction, and declares that all domestic and political questions relating wholly or In part to Its internal affairs, including immigration, labor, coastwise traffic, the tariff, commerce, the suppression of traffic In women and children and In opium and other dangerous drugs, and all other domestic questions, and all questions affecting the present boundaries of the United States and its insular and other possessions, are solely within the Jurisdiction of the United States, and are not under this treaty to be submitted in any way either to arbiration or to the consideration of the council or of the assembly of the vlsiottof the trade in arms and ammunition with the countries League of Nations or any agency thereof, or to the decision ... .v-. utv wiiu w v. nuo tiA.. io iivscocmii j in me vviiiiiiuii vr rurajiiruia.uon oi any otner power. Monroe Doctrine ArtlelA 91 . TtTntflincr in thi mvanant shall Via danmul n affect-the validity of internatonal engagements, such as treaties of arbitration or regional understandings like the : Monroe Doctrine for securng the maintenance of peace. Th TTnltAA Ctclfa. will wis. mtVm 1 . 1.1 . At . - " wvvo " uui Duuitui iw i uurauon ur iu in quiry by the assembly or by the council of the League of Nations, provided for in said treaty of peace, any questions which in the judgment of the United States depend or relate " cDmuuoiiru puuuy uniimuniy Known as tne Monroe Doctrine; said doctrine is to be interpreted by the United ' States alone and is hereby declared to be wholly outside the , ' jurisdiction of said League. Shantung , Ker "mmA f'Jfl7 68; Grmany cedes to Japan all The United SUtes withholds its assent to Articles 156, 157 HutB,ru.tIea V"l,privjlef ",'! acquired by her treaty and 158, and reserves full liberty of action with respwt to any 'Kntur?l.n.0f.arch 6 1898, and other s to controversy which may arise miMiiTbib snantung. the republic of China and the empire of Japan. - ' Participation In League t li'd? i' Th? ?oum-;iI BhaJl.5onlB,t.0' representatives of the The cortgress of the United States will provide bv law for Un ted States of America of the British empire, of France, of the appointment of the repsentatlveTof the United States mlnbe o1th?Leageeth.er.WU.h rcPresenttive8 f other in the assembly and the council othe'Leor Natlonf.'lnd a tM. I i ii - - - . . ln ,tB -discretion provide for the participation of the tnA'.HK'iV . I hto .l.WJL" 5 A UnUd. States in any commission, committee. triounSl. court i l.i..r.. t tJZ. i ; "', -ppuiBiiurm oi council or conierence, or In the selection of anv members i . . j Li. I . . 1 . , 8 le P aJ J 11 a r shall be regu- thereof, and for the appointment of members of said enmrnia. maV hfl rtrtf1rl af-tim fnmm ttoan trlKimola n t 7 . late by the assembly or by the conncIL and may be decided .iTviiMrth Uy.S members ot the represented at mlttees. etc t7f8uch PruVipatton a by a majority tne meeting have been so provided for and the powers and duties of such representatives have been defined by law no person Bhall wreoeni me unuea states unaer either said League of Na , v tions or the treaty of peace with Germany. except ' with the approval of the senate. . Trade BegnlaUon ..' The United SUtes understands that the reparation com- mission will regulate or Interfere with the exports from the United States to Germany or from Germany to the United States only when the United States by act or Joint resolution r: ,. 5 - of congress approves such regulation or interference. Contributions to the League ' I .;u.uBruriial union. Mo, , fd, mTaUabi, ,op Mc- eIp(, ,,,aU aJ e de by the congress of the United States. . Limitation of Armaments 'ri Boyeott Article 18. Should any member of the League resort to war Th TTni -Rto . , .. in disregard of its covenants under Articles 12. 13 or 15 it tlon tf e naHonLt-TZZSLSS HthtJ J""11-ln ttadiscre shatl ipso facto be deemed to have commit an act of war Article w tK7S.?tpbTkln,s " .M de"ni to , Lear'c1l?rBdtlrBhr,. yJ:iBll ; member of the League. 'I ' AUen Property Sights -SSKtStfRt thertontheaV297' 0t . settlement of other obligations, each -particlpatint 5ae as- of ricrith riJiI- Jln1! ctlol o" annex, of the treaty sumes responsibility for the payment of all deb" owing by Sta bT kin.11; Z1 J:1 of he United .its nationals to the nationals of the enemy fettKes except to Sal of mv S7LS7ii52?.rmtlon' ratJtlcn or ple?e"texf enCy f th debtor' (See com- the rights of citisens of the Unitedttttos. contrBVention ' "' Vembershlp ArUcIe L Any fully Belf-governinr state, dominion or League00 im, annex may become a member of the i Artlele At meetings of the assembly each member of th league shall have one vote, and may have not mora than three repesentaUves. - ., " " ' Orgmalsatloa ..flVS .MSmben' of the League of Nations agree to , establish an annual internaUonal labor conference and an internaUonal labor office. The former is composed? four representatives of each state, two from the government and one each from the employers and the employed; each of UJ?m-m27Iotlindiv,duaUT'- ' The International Ubor ?Kte. v to-cdlect and distribute InfomaUon on labor throughout the world. ' The governing bod v consists of 24 members. Vt represenUng the gSvernmS5ta?VlJ the employers and six the employes, to serve for three years. and ToUng : -1 The United States assumes no obligation to bo bound hv whU1tkn' decJi,on 'todtog of toe rouncfl orably ij or oaVtf enTri011" ' "-roverning domtalonaTloful. wtSw f-pifllliith.5r,rata 'e had more than one mmk-t IiS!!0' al?W between the United Stateaor any SSmJa whl?1 member of any self-rDverning domin nhalftaw Vou? r part of emplreTunited thitp!lSy, ft Labor 1 a7TthlJSatSUtf holds Its assent to Part 13 (Articles 887 to 427. inclusive) of said treaty unless congress bv act or utt,fhUOon hall hereafter maie provWonepreSSt2 ifAin th? organisation established by said Part 13. knd in Srn!' IUeiFon oi " Uaited States wiU bTgov resoluUom conltlonei b the provision of such act or Joint ! - Aircraft Concern Dissolved , 1 New York, Dec. .U. P.) At a spe cial meeting of the stockholders of the "VVright-Mar tin Aircraft corporation it was' voted today that the corporation be dissolved. . The corporation was recent absorbed, by the InternaUonal Motor Truck corporation. Election Inquiry Asked - 'ir .Washington, Dec S, (L N. 6.) Miss Anne Martin, independent candidate 'for United States senator from Nevada last year, has : written Senator Dillingham, chairman of the committee on privileges and elections, demanding an Investigation of. Senator Henderson, her Democratic opponent. She charges Henderson with excessive and illegal use of money in se curing his election, - ; - Gadsbys' Charge No Interest GADSBYS' REGULAR CREDIT TERMS: t Worth . of Furniture 11 Worth ef Furniture SIM- Vtorth ef Furniture 12 Worth of Furniture tut Worth of Furniture CM Cash, tl.N Week 7-iO Cash, !.& Week tie.se Cash, SS.ee Week f 1S Cash, IS.fi Week fli.M Cash, .6i. Week Gadsbys' Charge No Interest QUEEN ANNE DINING ROOM SUITE - 1 GOOD COUCHES' CHEAP YOU'LL BE PROUD TO HAVE A DINING-ROOM FURNISHED LIKE THIS. We are showing so many new period pieces tn Dlning-Roofn Furni ture and so moderately priced . you'll be surprised. This is only one of the many genuine American . Walnut finished a pretty brown. . W1 rE HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FINE DAVENPORTS in the city, long or short piies-U phoJstiere to genuine leather or best grade imitation leather. These Bed Dftveh ports re- becoming more popular every day and there are hundreds being v sou by night and day. Why be without one when they're so reasonably priced? Hi. Imitation Spanish CO Cfl Genuine Sp4nisb; 7Q Cfl Leather ....$U0iUU Leather . EAST TERMS AT 6ADSBTS ' jfcfojl1''' ' jj on"" 8ate 'gse ' covered' InS" THESE COUCHES-on sale are Covered 1 good grade imitation brown Spanish leather. Prices from 119.50 up. SOLD ON EASY TERMS AT GADSBYS'. DOLL CARRIAGES S B UT DOLL CARRIAGES NOW while the assortment is complete. Prices from $4.50 up. i V Children's Rockers GOOD HARDWOOD ROCKERS, finished golden oak. Priced from $2.50 up. Buy One for Christmas. Ef value at , ELEGANCE AND COMFORT SUPREME fl-fc' - - ' are mnlfe8ttld ,n thin ex quisite Overstuffed Dav enport You can only ap preciate the wonderful merits of this Davenport by a personal inspection. The loose cushion - seats contain many little springs which make them as soft and c o s y as a reather bed. Broad arm rests permit fullest ' re clining position.: The frames . are ' built of fine mahogany, which insures excellent wearing quality. A great DINING ROOM OUTFIT $420 CEE HOW SUBSTANTIAL THIS SOLID OAK EXTESSIOJf TABLE aJ LOOKS. It extends six feel and may be furnished either in golden wax or fumed oak, with six Solid Oak Dining Chairs finished to match tabie. Special at Gadsbys' this week at.. TERMS 18.09 CASH, !. WEEKLY. 542.50 A Gas Range That Does More Than Cook Your Food It Keeps Your Kitchen Warm Equipped with an efficient, economi cal coal and wood heater. Ton nay bake and broil with one. flame time time on the Wedgewoodi oas Range. The same set of burners heat the bake oven (above) and the broiler Just beneath it. The. Wedgewood Gas Range Is easy to clean ; its smooth surface, white and black, can be cleaned with soap and vater like you would wash your dishes, i Priced from 120.00 to $120.00. NOTICE We will take your old cook stove or range in exchange on one of these new Wedgewood Ranges and allow you all It is worth. - urn s i . rr - v i mmi Rugs for Christmas 9x12 Wilton Rugs at only .... 9x13 Wool Velvets 9x12 Axmlnster Rugs at. .I85.0 9x12 Velvet Rugs at only. . , .49.ee I f i5 9x12 Tapestry Rugs at 1190 Lf' S " 9x12 Wool Fiber Rugs at 9IS.M y 'V -Wi' 9x72 Axmlnster Ruga 99 - J SI. 27x64 Axmlnster Rugs $ 9 Delayed Skip meet ef Boom-Slse Rugs Speelally Priced for Quick Sale. Sale Spinet Desks EXTRA special value Pretty Ma hogany Spinet Desk, giving you an oppqrtunlty to buy one at a real bur- Kaln. Reg. $47. M) values. Special at. Gadsbys' $42.75 Buy Her One for Christmas., Pretty Triple-Mirror Dressing Tables IVORT and white enamel, walnut,-, mahogany and Golden Oak reason ably priced at Gadsbys'. MAHOGANY TEA WAGON AVERY USEFUL ADDITION to the home has glass serving tray. We have a dandy assortment this year COMFORTABLE ROCKER ON SALE $145.00 A BIG TAPESTRT ROCKER thoroughly comfortable the kind he likes to drop into at the close of a hard day's work. With comfort and substantial construc tion the primary objects this rocker is built of masslvo design. Just as sturdy as the picture shows it to be. The seat is upholstered over thickly padded coil springs, and the back and arms are also tMTt ff well padded. Price.......... JU OTHERS AS CHEAP AT 9.99 IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOU WANT 'IN THIS AD, COME , IN AND ASK FOR IT I A VERY PRETTY BEDROOM OUTFIT H ERE WE ILLUSTRATE OHLT OWE OF OtTB, MATTY PRETTY BED- ROOM OUTFITS, and consider It a splendid, value. All hardwood beautiful ivory enamel finish. Ask the salesman to show yeu CQ7 f( this suite It's a pleasure to show nice goods. Price cornpleteJ0 1 VV TERMS I8.S9 CASH, IS WEEKLY. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA k ' . OUTFIT I5CLUDISO TWELVE SELECTI05S OF YOl'R CHOICE $10.00 Cash $20 Weekly We charge no Interest. This beautiful Columbia. Orafonola may be bad in mahogany, Circassian walnut and oak. Columbia Grafonolas are priced from 920 up and sold on easy weekly and monthly paJCcnenta. 1 , ii. Use Our Exchange Dept. , B you : hsT fotnitars that doesn't salt , " MfM'Hr mo tlp-to-lt aad better phone as sad well send a competent sua . to see it and armate to take it ss part pay not m tb kind yoa wnt the Gsdsby kind. V7eH make you s liberl sUoWfene f or - v : your foods and ws'O sell you hew fnnritnrs : at' low prices. : The new furniture wQl . be 'v. prmnptly daliwied. Exdisnc goods can b boacbt at oar Fin -and AVaskinstaa .eUwe WE ' c -. .Corner Second- and Morrison Streets I (Periled) -De Tear . ' Chopping' Vltplaylng Cbrlstmas in ' Meres This Sign. aill H kt.ti .i Ii kill U U..I U.I, .tih ,1 U ILiU 1 IJ 1 IM LY 1. t. . ti 1A .i U .1 .i .j , tf j lt lyi If, II ll tftjl r r - r