The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 06, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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16 . SATURDAY, DECEMBER - 6,: 18X9. - - V
unday J$arks
Purpose Will Be to Visit and En-
list Former Members in Active
5 ' .Interest in Church Affairs.
Months of preliminary work came
to an end and the climax of the
t (treat nation wide campaign of the
Episcopal church will be reached to-
morrow, when in every Episcopal
church in Oregon and the nation
there will begin an "every member"
This canvass is designated to secure
for the rolls of the church all Episco
paJlans, and to visit -and enlist former
. Episcopalians without other religious
affiliations - in an active interest in
' church affairs.
During the progress of the canvass op
port unity will be given all Episcopalians
to make voluntary subscriptions, based
on weekly pledges for three years,
toward , a $42,000,000 international fund.
The quota for Oregon diocese amounts
to 1240.000, of which 1161,613 is assumed
by Portland churches.
As a result of the campaign the Epis
copal church expects to spend in Oregon
in furtherance of work here, a much
larger sum than will be raised here. This
' will Include the addition of personnel
to the missionary clergy, the provision of
automobiles for the better carrying on
of rural work, community and religious
centers at the University of Oregon and
Oregon Agricultural college, an active
work in the logging camps and a vast
work- in the industrial centers of Port
land, In addition to raising its quota for
the nation wide campaign, each Episco
pal church in the diocese plans to raise
its church budget for the next three
years, also on the basts of weekly
pledges. !
The .spiritual end of the campaign is
being directed In the diocese by the
Rt. Rev. Walter T. Sumner, bishop of
Oregon. The financial drive is being
conducted under the leadership of John
X Etheridge, campaign chairman.
A dinner will be served tonight In the
parish house of St. Davids church for
all captains and team members In the
parish. Finaf plans for the-every mem
ber canvass will be announced at this
' time. .
Will Continue Revival
The Rev. Ira Hawley will continue
his tevival meetings at Second United
Brethren church for another week. He
is being assisted each night by the Rev.
K. O. Shepherd of Third church. Sun
day evening at Third church the Rev.
i. E. Connor will preach. Dr. Byron J.
Clark ' will receive new members and
administer the sacrament Sunday morn
ing at First church.
Hedges to Give Address
Oregon City, Dec 6. "Juvenile Court
" Laws" will be the subject of the ad
dress of Gilbert L. Hedges, district at
torney of Clackamas county, before the
annual gathering of the District Attor
neys', association of Oregon in Salem
next week.
Dr. McElveen Says:
The church It not to much a field In
which tht sartor work I, m a force with which
Its worms."
Park and Madison Streets
. 11 A. M.
7:4 p. m.
Methodist Church
lest Ninth and Pine.
fe-"-'-'-" i:06 A. NT.
reception or members
7:30 P. M.
Mr. JoMph I uac, amp Singer.
Bpeolel Program ef
' lsslt A. M.
"The Reasonableness of the Christian Faith"
?:M P. IT. ;
'The Conversion of a Great Scientist to the
Christian Faith"
iHinistcr States
Crimes jftlount?Hp
Jf olio wing SJHars
Sunday evening at First Methodist
church Dr. Joshua Stansfleld will take
up the capital punishment question. He
will show how following all wars there
appears to be an increase of crime in
nearly every country, and will touch
upon the homicides and murders lately
perpetrated upon the citizens of Ore
gon. Dr. Stansfleld announces that he
will endeavor to show how the indig
nation of the people of the state is now
stirred to a point beyond that of
righteous indignation. He will counsel
moderation and coolness until the flame
of passion has died Out. Dr. Stansfleld
says he realizes such a presentation of
the subject at this time may not be
highly popular. "We should think care
fully on both sides of this important
question and not do violence because
violence is done," he said,- Sunday
morning Dr. Stansfleld will preach on
some fundamental laws of life. , v
100th Anniversary
Observed on Friday
Fellowship meeting was held at Atkin
son Memorial Congregational church last
Friday night. It was to commemorate
the one hundredth anniversary of the
birth of Dr. Atkinson, in whose memory
the church was erected. Pastors and
representatives were present from nearly
all Congregational churches of the city
and, near by towns. At the dinner table
words of greeting were brought from the
churches. Dr. Sullens, superintendent
of Congregational missions of the state,
spoke briefly for the society. The ad
dresj of the evening was given by Dr.
W. T. McElveen of First church. Mrs.
Frank M. Warren, daughter of Dr. At
kinson, was present among the members
from the First Congregational church.
Mortgage Surning
Takes Place Sunday
The congregation of ML Tabor Pres
byterian church will burti a $3000 mort
gage Sunday morning In a special jubilee
service. Short talks will be given by
CoL W, K. Finzer, former treasurer of
the church r Elder S. W. Lawrence and
Oeorge Vath, chairman of the board of
trustees. The Rev. Ward W. Mac
Henry, pastor, will speak on "A Blaze
of Glory." A stereopticon address on
Africa will be given in the evening.
Resurrection Will
Be Dr.-Short's Topic
"Can the Resurrection be Accounted
for Outside of Bible Story?" will be the
question that Dr. Francis Burgette
Short, pastor of the Wilbur Mehodist
church, will undertake to answer Sun
day morning. The Sunday school has
passed the 150 enrollment mark andls
now going after the 200 memberships
C. W. Miller, the song leader for the
school, is proving a great inspiration to
the work. There is no evening service.
Anniversary Service
Sunday morning the Woman's Home
Missionary society will hold Its anniver
sary service at Sellwood Methodist
church. Miss Davis, superintendent of
the Portland Settlement center, will de-
uver tne address. In the evening the
pastor, the Rev. W. S. Gordon, will be
gin a series of Christmas sermons. The
Sunday school committee is at work on
an elaborate Christmas program. Pro
fessor F. C. Streyfeller has nreDared
special music for each Bervlce.
First Methodist
Twelfth asd Taylor Streets
Rev. Joshua Stems field, D.D.
10 lit A. M.
"Fundamentals of Life"
"Capital Punishment"
Prom the Ohrtet!t Viewpoint
. 12th and Belmont
SCHOOL AT 9:30 AND 1 1
Interchurch World Movement
Now Expected to Draw 250
Delegates to Portland.
About 250 delegates are expected
at the Interchurch World Movement
Training conference at the First
Methodist church house, beginning
Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock
and concluding Friday evening.
They will include ministers, laymen
and laywomen of the various denom
inations. Practically every county
in the state will be represented.
The work thus far completed by the
interchurch movement has been along
the lines of a survey. The survey of
Benton county was recently completed.
A similar enterprise is now being caiv
rled on in Washington, Clackamas and
Columbia counties. Within a few weeks
the surrey will be set up in a majority
of the other counties. In addition to a
state survey council formed last August,
a permanent state council has been or
ganized. Dr. H. A. Sullens is chairman ;
Dr.' W. W. Youngson, vice chairman,
and Dr. C. F. Swander, secretary.
The list of speakers for the conference
beginning next Wednesday includes men
and women of national reputation, and
some of them are well known on the
coast. The list consists of: Dr. D. C.
Corbln, associate director, spiritual re
sources department, Interchurch world
movement; Miss Anna Milllgan. educa
tional secretary., United Presbyterian
board of foreign missions ; Dr. E. F.
INJcCarty, executive secretary forward
movement of the Wesleyan Methodist
church and president of their Michigan
conference; Dr. E. Lincoln Smith, sec
retary of the Congregational Home Mis
sionary society, former pastor Pilgrim
Congregational church. Seattle; Dr.
Raymond C, Brooks, pastor Congrega
tional church, Berkeley, Cal., former
pastor Walla Walla; Dr. Barclay Ache
son, national director New Era move
ment of the Presbyterian church, and
Dr J. H. Ballard, secretary Presbyter
ian New Era movement.
The conference Is being promoted by
the Rev. E. Guy Talbott, field secretary,
of Pasadena, Cal., and the - Rev. Ralph
C. McAfee, in charge of the Portland
Burvey, and the Rev. John D. Rice,
state supervisor of the Western Oregon
rural survey. The music will be under
the charge of Walter Jenkins.
Members Get Acquainted
The men of Rose City Park Presby
terian church are surveying their field
by a house to house canvass, in order
that the. church may become acquainted
with its constituency and learn the
needs of the community.
Second Sunday in Advent
Uniform Sunday School Lessons
"Peter and John Asleep in Getkaemane."
Mark 14:82-42.
Golden Text: "Watch and pray, that re
enter not into temptation." Mark 14:88.
Young People's Topics
Baptist l."nion "Troths That Jesus Taught"
Matt. 5:8-12; John 21:25. (Consecration meet
ing.) Christian Endearor "Truths That Jeaua
Tanght" Matt. 5:3-12; John 21:23. (Conse
cration meeting.)
Epworth League "Onr League's WatehmMi
and Messenger." Isa. 62:6; 40:9. (Epworth
Herald day.)
FMrst White Temple. 12th and Taylor Iter.
WUlUm A. Va)do. 11, "The Meaning of
Christian tnacipleship" ; 7:30, "The Winning
East 8ide E. 20th and Salmon Ret. W.
B. Hinson. 11, 7:30.
Third VancouTer and Knott Rt. Weblejr J.
Bearen. 11. "A Communion Corenant" ; 7 :30,
"Moral Courage."
Arleta ReT. Owen T. Day. 11,7:30.
Calrary E. 8th and Grant Ber. J. B.
Thorns. 11, 7:30.
Olencoe E. SMth and Main Rer. P. C.
fjaslette. 11. "The First Adam, or Man. the
Masterpiece"; 7:30, "The Second Adam, or The
Incomparable Christ"
Sellwood Bethany ReT. W. V. Ferris. 11.
Grace B. 76th and Ash. Ber. F. W. Star
ing. 11. "Grmea 'Not in Vain"; 7:45, "The
Soul's Challenge to Its Foes."
Unirersity Park Bey. 8. Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Bt. T. G. Siolan
der. 10:30, 7:80.
St Johns 11, 7:30.
Highland E. th and Alberta Dr. W, T.
MilUken. 11. 7:30.
Pro Cathedral 18 th and Darin ReT. E. V.
O'lfcra. 6. 7:15. 8:80, 8:45, 11. 7:46.
8t Peters Lents-Rer. P. Beutgen. 8,
10:80, 7:80.
St Lawrence Sd and Sherman Ber. J. C.
Boshes. S. 8:30. 10:80. 7:30.
St. Francis E. 12th and Pine Ber. J. H.
Black. 6, 8, 9. 10:80. 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and
Stanton Her. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. 9. 11. 7:30.
Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Ber. E.
8. Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11, 7:80
St Rose E. 58d and Alameda ReT. J.
O FarrelL 8. 10:80. 4.
St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Rer. J.
Kicrnan. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siskiyou ReT.
George F. Thompson. 7:80. 9. 11.
Ascension E. 76th and Tamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena
ReT. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30, 7:80.
Holy Cro' 774 Boprdoin ReT. C. Raymond.
8. 19:80, 7:30
8t Ignatius 3220 48d at 8. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:30. 8, 10:80, 4.
St Stephens E. 42d and Taylor ReT War
ren A. Waitt 6. 8:80, 10:80. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blTit and Vancon
rer aw. ReT. William J. Wrine. 6, 8, 10:30,
St Phillip Nedi (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th
and Hickory ReT. M. L. Ferry. 7:30. 9.
10-80. 7:80.
8t Clements 8. Smith are. and Newton
Serbite Fathers. 6. 8, 10:30, 7:80
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center ReT. G.
Bob. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
St Agatha E. 15tJi and Miller ReT. J.
Commfrky. 8. 10:80. 7:30.
St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fail
ing ReT. F, Matthew. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
St Joseph (German) 15th and Couch
Rer. B. Burrer. 8, 10:80, 7:80.
St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mm Rer.
M. Balevtra. 8:30, 10:30, 7:30.
St Clares Capitol Hill Fattier Capistran.
0. F. M. 8. 10:10.
8t hariee -B. 83d and Alberta ReT. J.
P. CFlynn. 8. 10:80.
All Saints E. 89th and Gliisan Ber. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:30.
8t Patricks 19th and 8a Tier Rer. Charles
M. Smith, Masses :80. 8. 9:15, 10:30. 7.45.
First Park and Columbia Rer. Harold H
Griffis. 11, "The Simplicity' of the Christian
Fifth." 7:45. address by Mrs. Louis Kelly.
East Bide E. .12th and Taylor Her. R. H.
Sawyer. 11. 8.
Rodney A renin: Bodner.-land Knctt ' Rer.
8 Earl ChiWers. 11. . '
MontaTiila E. 7th and Glisin Ber. Herbert
E Ryder. 11. 7:80.
. Wood lawn E. 7th and Liberty Rer. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11. 8.
- Vernon E. 1 5th and Wygant Rer. R.
Tibbs Maxey. 11, 7:30.
Kera Park ReT, J. F. Ghormkj. II, 7:80.
Christian Selene
Leaeos subject "God the Only data and
Creator.' . - v
First 19th and Ererett. 11, 8.
Second E. to and HoUaday. 11, 8.
Third Sir i2th nd Bahnen. 11, 8.
Fourth Vaucourer and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth 2d and 4Id are. 8. E. 11. 8.
SUtu Masonie temple. 868 Yamhill. 11, 8.
SMrenth Holbronk block, 8t Johna. 11.
All' churches Wednesday, 8 p. m.
fl lxsTtA tad Madtoik Or. W. T McT3-
of (great ; jatioriwidey Campaign of Cpisc
Former Portlander
Will' Be at Central
- 4 1
Rev. Robert Norris McLean of Los
Angeles will occupy the Central Presby
terian pulpit Sunday morning and even
ing. He was formerly pastor of the
Anabel .Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr.
McLean is the son of the Rev. Robert
McLeanr D. D., the first pastor of the
old Third Presbyterian church and is
now engaged In Spanish mission work in
California, having charge of the wofk in
a number of the southern states. Special
music by the chorus' under Prof. T.
William Belcher. A congregational
meeting has been called for December
11 at which time the pastoral supply
committee will make their report re
garding a new pastor.
Rev. Mr. Griffis
Will Fill Pulpit
The Rev. Harold II. Griffis will oc
cupy the pulpit on Sunday morning at
11 o'clock at the First Christian church.
In the evening the congregation will
observe what Is known among the Chris
tian churches of America as C. W. B.
M. day," when particular recognition is
given to the educational, benevolent and
evangelistic work that is being done by
the Christian Woman's Board of Mis
sions, whose headquarters are at Indian
apolis, Ind. At the evening service an
address will be delivered by Mrs. Louise
Kelly, a regional secretary and one of
the most gifted speakers in the Christian
Community Service
Will Be Discussed
The Highland Congregational church
will hold a, get-together meeting Sun
day night, when the pastor, the Rev. E.
Constant, ts to conduct a symposium on
"The Promotion of Brotherliness." There
will be short talks by representative men
on "The Brotherliness of Jesus," "Broth
erliness in the Church," "Brotherliness
in the Community" and "Brotherliness
Among the Nations." The canvass for
the church budget will be made In the
Services for Deaf
Services for the deaf will .be held Sun
day afternoon in Trinity Lutheran
church, Graham and Williams avenues,
by the Rev. Mr. Beyer. The hour of
the service has been changed to 2 :30
o'clock. The Lord's supper will be cele
brated. All deaf persons are invited.
Staub Will Speak
The third in a series of sermons on the
Kingdom of Heaven will be delivered
Sunday morning at Sunnyside Congre
gational church by Dr. J. J. Staub. The
Men's league of this church invites all
its friends to the last meeting of the
year on Tuesday evening. An excellent
program has been prepared.
Teen. 11. "The Goal of Man." 7:45. "Sin
ning by Proxy."
Snnnyjide E 82d and Taylor Rer. J. J.
Staub. 11. "Where Is the Kinsdorat" 7:4B,
"The Larger Christian Life."
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Ererett
Rer. E. E. Font 11. "The Coming of Jeem,
or the Christ of Prophecy." 7:45, address by
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise.
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rer. Edward
Constant 11, "Jesus at, the Treasury." 7:80,
a get-together meeting with a symposium on
"The Promotion of Brotherliness."
Warerleigh Height K. 33d and Woodward- -ReT.
Olircr P. Arery. 11. T. address by Robert
F Clark, president of Pacific uniTerstty.
Laurelwood 4 5th are. and 65th st 8. E.
Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 1 1 .
Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer. Rer. Robert
Murray Pratt 11, "Treasure in Earthen Ves
sels.' 7:30. chalk talk. "A Feaxt of Figures."
Finni-h Mission 107 Skidmore Ber. Sam
uel Nerala. 6. 7 :30.
rnirerrity Park Harem and Lombard Rer.
C. H. Johnston.
St. Johns S. Iranhoe and Richmond. ReT.
J. T. Merrill 11. 7:80
Danish'Norwegian K. 23d and Sumner
Rer. Ole Torgossen. n, 7:30.
First German E. 7tb and Stanton ReT.
George Zocher. 11. 7:30.
Second - German E 8th and Skidmore Rer.
Henry Hagelganx. 11, 7:30.
Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Ber. J.
H. Hoop. 11, 7:30.
Parkrose Ber. P. P. Holfman. 11. 7:30.
Church of the Brethren Borthwick and B rai
ns rd Rer. George '. Carl. 11, 8.
Pro-Cathedral of 8t Stephen the Martyr
Rt Rer. W. T Sumner, bishop: Very Her. R.
T. T. Hicks, deau 11. "Christian Education."
6:45. young peoples' meeting 7:45. "Silence
of Religion."
Trinity 19th and Ererett Rer. A. A. Mor
rison. 8. 11, 8.
St Darids E. 12th and Belmont Rjt.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 11.. 7:30.
8t Marks 21st and Marshall Rer. J. G.
Hatton. 7:30. 9:45. 11, 8.
St Andrews Hereford st, Plymouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11. 7:30.
Oraoe Memorial E. 1 7th and Weidlor Be.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancourer and Graham
Rer. John Dawron. 11. 8.
St Michael and Al Angels E. 43d and
Broadway Rer. F. T. Bo wen. ricar. 8. 10. 11.
Church of Our . 8arior-60th are. and 41st
at 8. E. Ber. E. H. Clark. Tiear. 7:30. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rer Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:30.
8t Pauls Woodmere Rer. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
All Saints 25th and Sa Tier -ReT. Frederick
K. Howard. 10. 11.
St Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney.
Sellwood. Rer. H. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30.
St Matthews -Corbett nd Bancroft Rer.
W. A. M. Breck. Ticar. 10, 11.
First E. 6th and Market Rer. E. D. Horn
schuch. 11, 7:30.
Clay Street 10th and Clay Ber. Jacob
Stacker. 10:45, preaching by Misa Mary Ga
mertifeller. 7:80.
Swedish Tabernacle X. 1 7th and Gliaan.
Rer. C. J. Lodin. 11, 7:80.
Free Methodist '
Central E. 55th and Flanders ReT. E. I.
Harrington. Preaehlng by EvangeUitt W. P.
Huckabee. 11, 7:30.
First E. 9th and Mill Rer. 8. H. Upton.
11. 7:30.
Alberta E. 30th and Wygant 11. 7:80,
preaching by Rer. Alexander Beeia,
St Johns E. Richmond and Hudson Rer.
E. I. Blaeknian. 11, 7:80.
Lents ReT. 8. H. Upton, acting pastor. 2 :30,
First E. 3 5th and Main-" Rer. Homer L.
Cox. 11. preaching by Key. L. C. Hinslow.
5 30. address to young people by Rer. L. C.
Hinslow. 7:43. "The Faith oi Christ," by
Second E. 92d and 61st are. Rer. Lorana
M. Terrell. 11, 7.
West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Rer.
Cany Jenapp. 11, 8.
Congregaekm Beth Israel 12th, and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform STnagogue,
Berries Friday 8 p. a... Saturday 10:30 a. m.
Congregation AhaTal 8hokm Park and Clay
sta. Rabbi B, Abraheaawa. Friday 8 p. m.
.Saturday 8 :30 am.
Congregation Nerah Zedeck Talmud Tocab
6th and Hall Rer. Abraham 1. Boaencrants.
Friday 8 p m. Saturday a. m. Sunday, 10
a. at. Religious school
Latter Day Saint
- Chnrch ef Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Mr 25th and Madison Heber C. Irenes, mis
aien president. 10. 7:30.
-v Lutheran
St James W.Park and Jefferson Rer.
William EL Brinkman. 11, 7:80.
Bt Paula . 12th end Clinton Rer, A.
Kranse. 10:80. "I Better a, Lfe ETeriasting";
7:80. "Christ's Coming to Judgment"
Our Sarior E. 10th and Grant Rer. M. A.
Chriatemen. 11 (Erutlah), "The Coming
Christ-Child." .
Trinity (Missoart Synod) Williams and
Graham ReT. J. H. Rimbach. 9:15, 10:18,
2:80 aerriee for the deaf, nrcacbtnf t H jr,
Beyer, -BenoJo, Ttiy Kiog Centeth Cute"
James F. Ewiiff s
Lectures Pos ;poned
In view of the illness kl James F.
Ewlng. educational direct of First
Presbyterian church, his leisures on the
history of Europe durlngfjpe last SO
years have been postponed; " These lec
tures' were at 7:30 p. m. e 5h Monday.
The committee in charge is arranged
with Dr. Howard A. Johnston, acting
pastor, to give three lectures. On De
cember he will speak on ."'China Yes
terday and "Today" ; December 15,
"Japan Testerday and Today" ; Decem
ber 22, fThe TShantung Question." Dr.
Johnston has traveled through the far
east, so he brings first hand informa
tion. Dr. Johnston believes that the
world cannot be safe for democracy un
til Asia is safe for democracy. Dr.
Johnston will occupy the pulpit Sunday
morning and evening. There will also
be a class in public speaking Monday
evening at 7 :15 o'clock under Mrs. II.
M. Serin, a class in current literature
under Mrs. Helen E. Starrett arid, a
lecture by Professor Franklin Thomas
at 8 :15 o'clock.
Pastor to Interpret
President's Message
Dr. W. T. McElveen will interpret
President Wilson's latest message to
congress in his Sunday morning talk
to the Current Events class of First
Congregational church. He will speak
for 25 minutes, allowing 20 minutes more
for discussion, "pie class has grown so
rapidly that no room in the church ex
cept the auditorium will accommodate it.
Sunday evening Dr. McElveen will dis
cuss the advisability of a person work
ing for a corporation that unscrupu
lously crushes out its competitors and
endeavors to corrupt public- opinion.
MissIonaryVlll Speak
Miss Mary Gamertsfelder, returned
missionary from Africa, will speak Sun
day morning at the Clay Street Evan
gelical church. Miss Gamertsfelder has
been ;in Africa for 14 years. On her way
home Miss Gamertsfelder passed
through Japan, and was so touched with
conditions there that she has decided to
spend her vacation time working for
Japanese women and girls.
New Members Welcomed
The Lord's supper will be administered
and the hand of fellowship extended to
new members Sunday morning at the
White Temple by Dr. William A. Waldo,
following the preaching service. The
Temple quartet will sing at rmorning and
evening services.
Will Announce Plans
A campaign for more effective service
has been arranged for Pilgrim Congre
gational church. The Rev. R. M. Pratt,
pastor, will outline the plan In his Sun
day morning sermon. At 6 :30 p. mi he
will continue his class in "World Fact,"
and at 7:30 will give a chalk talk.
followed by communion: 7:30.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and DstIi ReT.
Wilhelm Petternen. 11. 8.
Grace (English) Mason and Alb tne. Rer. C.
H. Bernard. 9:45. 7:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. Bethany Danish Erangelica! Union and Mor
rf Rer. L. P. Kjoller. n, 8.
St. Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick ReT. L.
Ludwig. 10:45, 7:80.
Swedish Augustan Stanton and Rodney
Rer. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:45.
Immanuel 19th and Irving Rer. A. V. An
derson. 11, 8.
Trinity (Norwegian) Lore joy and Fortune
Rer. S. A. Stepseth. 10.30.
Zion Erangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap
man and Salmon Rer. II. H. Koppelmann.
9:15, 10:15. 7:45.
Alberta English E. 17th and Alberta (Baker
hall). 10. 11.
Msthodltt Episcopal
Carson Heights Ber. George Smith. 10,
11. 7.
tVsiitenary E. 9th and Pine Rer. Frank L.
Wemett 11. 7:80.
Central Vancourer and Fargo ReT. A. K.
Maclean. . 1 ) . 7 SO.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell ReT.
E. H. Mace. 11.
Epworth 26th and Sarier Ber. J. Stanford
Moore. 11. 7:30.
First 12th and Taylor Rer. Joshua RUns
field. 10:30, "Some Fundamental Laws of
Life"; 7:30. "Capital Punishment
Fir.t Norwegian Danish 1 8th and Hoyt
ReT. Ellas Gjerding. 11, "The Beauty of Holi
ness"; 7:45. "How many Chances Will I Haer"
Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. ReT. A. C.
Brakenbury. 11. 7:30.
Ihta Rct. F. K. Sibley. 11, 7:45.
Lincoln E. 52d and Uncoln. Ker. F. A.
Ginn. 11. 7:30.
Montarilla E. 80th and Pine Rer. Hiram
Gould. 11, 7:30.
Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rer. E. G.
Pecker. 11. "The Word Without Apology."
7:30, "Purchased tor Sfrrice."
l'atton Alberta and Michigan. Rer. George
II. Bennett 11. "Tragedy of Lawlessness" ;
7:30. "Watch Your Step."
Kow City Tark E. 58th and Sandy. Rer. I.
LeOer "Fields. 11. "The Power of a ConTiction";
7 :30. Bt?reovticon pictures, "The Romance of
the Esquimo," by Dr. John Parsons.
Sellwood K. 15th and Tacoma Rer. W.
8. Gordon. 11, annirersary serrice of . woman's
home missionary society; address by Miss Daris
of Settlement Center; 7:30, "The Unknown
God." by pastor.
Sunnyside E. 35th and Tamhill Rer. W.
F. Ineson. 11, "The Meaning of Pain"; 7:43,
St Johns W. Learitt and Syracuse ReT.
W. E. Kloater. 11, 7:30.
Swedish Beech and Borthwick ReT. Abel
Eklund. 11. 7:30.
CniTersky Park Fiske and Lombard ReT
H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7 :30.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancouver Rev. A. Christ man.
11. 7:30.
Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway ReT.
E. 8. Mace. 7:30.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rer. Francis Bur
gett Short 10:30, "Can the Resurrection- Be
Accounted for Outside the Bible t"
Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock Rer.
L. C. Poor. 11, 7:30.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Ber. J.
H. Irvine. 11, preaching by Ker. A. L. Ho
warth of the Centenary; 7:30, "I the World
Growing Better or Worse?"
District superintendent ReT. William Wallace
Youngson, D D., 691 E. 62d st. X. Tabor 2790.
m. t. touth
First Union and Multnomah Ber. J. W.
Byrd. 11, "The Captain of the Host of the
Lord," followed by communion; 7:30, "ThieTery
and Thuggery Its Causes and Cure."
First E. 10th and Weidler Iter. J. T.
little. Evangelistic services. 11, 7:80.
Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane Rev. Wearer
W. Hess. 11, 7:80. ,
Brentwood 65th are. and 67th at Ber.
C H. Fowler. 11, 7:30. -
Highland Park E. 14th and EillingsworUi
Rer. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8.
Scandinavian Bar. J. C. BrincedahL 11,
First 12th and Alder. Preaching by Rev.
Howard Agnew Johnston of Chicago. 10:80,
"The Reesonsbleneas of the Christian Faith";
7:80, "The Conversion of a Great Scientist to
the Christian Faith."
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Ber.
Edward H, Fence. 10:30. 7:30.
Central; E. 18th and Pinet Preaehlng by
Rer. - Kobert Norria McLean of Loa America.
19:30, 1:80. -
Calvary 11th and Clay. Rer. L. B on ring
Quick. 11. 7:80.
Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Rev. Ward
MacHenry. 11. "A Blaae of Glory"; 7:30.
BteraopoeOB lecture, ''Mew light in Darkest
Vernon 19th and Wygant Rer. Bruce
I. Giffen. 11, "Every Wish With iiod I a
Prayer"; 7:80. ftereoptieoa pfetarea ea Persia.
Piedmont Cleveland and JarreU Rt. A. L.
Hatemeon. : .. v..-,.
- fotrrtii First and Gibba. Rev. Monroe G.
T ,v . . .
KenflvurUi-E; Sltfe eji CkdetoM. IX,
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Launches Campaign; Neigh
borhood Betterment.
Westminster Presbyterian church.
East Seventeenth and Schuyler
streets, is taking steps to make itself
more thoroughly equipped to handle
the rapidly developing district which
It serves. A campaign to raise $50,
000 is In progress, with a special
committee, headed by O. W. David
son In charge.
A dinner was tendered the men of
Irvlngton and adjoining districts last
Wednesday night, at which the subject
of neighborhood betterment was dis
cussed. A decision was made to im
prove the church by installation of a
fine pipe organ, additional Sunday
school room, interior decorations and
improved lighting facilities, both within
and without tie building.
The work or the church is develop
ing so rapidly that it was decided to
employ a man to direct the work among
the young people and to assist -Dr. Ed
ward H. Pence, pastor, in the general
acUvitjes of the church.
Pacific Baptist
Will Be Absorbed
Officials of the Northern Baptist con
vention' contemplates the publication of
an official paper in Chicago, which
will supplant smaller papers now being
published throughout the nation. The
Pacific Baptist and The Standard will
be purchased as a basis for the sub
scription list of the new paper. The
first Issue is to appear about January
1. The paper is to be 32 pages. The
cover will be printed In two colors. The
purpose of the paper will be to promote
the work of the denomination. News
of interest to the -church will be pre
sented fa a condensed form. This an
nouncement was made by President
Leonard ,W. Riley of McMinnvllle col
lege upon his return last week from a
conference in the East The staff of
the new paper will be announced in the
first Issue.
Revival Meetings to Begin
Rev. W. B. Huckabee, general confer
ence evangelist, will be at Central Free
Methodist church Sunday to begin a
series of revival meetings. Beginning
next Thursday and continuing over the
following Sunday, he will conduct an
evangelistic convention. Three dally
sessions will be held.
Hope 78th and Ererett Rer. II. E. Giles.
11. 8.
Rose City Dr. Robert U, Milligan. 11,
"The World a Neighborhood"; 7:80. "Caesar's
Household. "
.Forbes Graham and Gaonbein ReT. Vt'ard
Willis Long. 11. "Arrested Spiritual Growth ";
7:30. "Pia and Pearls."
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska Rer. Theo
dore P. Braith. Preaching by the Rev. Ralph
McAfee. 11. "Our Church Federation": 7 30.
Aanabel Rev. F. H. MixseU. 11. "Spiritual
alue'; 7:80. "Anticipation of the Christ."
Millard Arenue Rev. W. Le Gray. 11, 7 43.
Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rev. A.
J. Hanna. 11 7:80.
Mizpah F '19th and Division Kev. D. A.
Thompson. 11. "The Prophets and Modern
Questions"; 7:15. "The Value of Victory."
Unity E. 71st and Mndy Rev. 8. W.
Seemann. 11, "Have Faith in God"; 7 30
"The High Cost of Living."
Seventh Day Aerentlst
N(t-IWular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central K. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick
son, pastor. 10, 11:15.
Tabernacle 6Ui and Montgomery G. II
l'ettitt miiiLster 10, 11
Montavilla E. 80th and Ererett J. A, Ger
nart 10, 11,
Lents 94th st and 58th are. W. D. Hunt
ington. 10. 11.
8t Johns Central are. and Charleston
s . ii. roiaenoerg. u, n.
Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M H.
Wentland. 10. 11.
Scandinavian 82d st and 89th are. Elder
SaiTsjllen Army
Corps No. 1 248 Ash st Adjutant Henry
It Cozens. 11, 8:15, 8.
Corps No. 4. 128 1st Captain William
G. Smith. 11, 8. 8.
New Church Society 881 Jefferson Rev.
William R. Reeve. 11, "What the World I
in lt.iell.
Church of Our FatheT Broadway and Tam
hill Kev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "The Love
of God"; 7:45. open forum. "Goodwill in the
Industrial World." by C. M. Hyneraon.
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc
Donald. First E. lftth and Morrison Rev. Byron J.
Clark. 11, "The Creation," followed by com
munion serrice and reception of members; 8,
"Evolution and Devolution."
Second E. 27 th and Sumner Rev. Ira
Hawley. 11. "Moved by the Holy Ghost"; 8.
preaching by Rev. E. O. Shepherd.
Third 67th st. and 82d eve. S. E. Rer. E.
O. Shepherd. 11. "The Saving Ability of
Chria"; 8, preaching by Her. J. E. Connor.
Fourth Tremont Rer. C. P. Blanchard.
11. "The Surrendered Life": 8, "Whylr"
St Johns (old constitution) 446 Jeasup
Ber. Walter Reynolds. 10 7. 8.
United Cvangellce.
First E. 16th and Poplar Rer. J. A.
Goode. 11. 8.
Ockley Green Willamette bird, and Gay
ReT. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7 :80.
St. Johns Rer. A. P. Layton. 11. 7:30.
Unites P-reabyterlan
Firat E. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F.
Given. 11, "lieliveranee From Sin"; 7:3,
"Jonah a Preaching and the Repentance of
Church of the Strangers Grand and aWsco
Rev. 8. Earl lnt Boia. 10:80. 7:8o.
Kenton 120 West Lombard Rer. George
N. Taylor 11, "Shall the Twice-Born Wear a
Yoke?" 7.80, "To the Man in the Fog."
Christian and Mkwionary Alliance E 9th
and Clay Ber. John E. Fae. 10, 11. 7:30.
Realisation Learns 148 18tb Uev. Edward
Mills. 11, "The Wonders of Reality"; 8, "The
Heart of Rawson's Message. "
Chrtstadelphian 21 K. Washington. 10:30.
Chnrch of God 868 Failing Harry Neai.
11, 7:80.
Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. 11, 7:30.
Men Resort 4 th and Buraaide Rct. Levi
Johnson, superintendent 8.
Divine Science E. 24th and Broadway Rev.
T. M. Minard. 11. 8.
Universal Messianic 818 Abmgton building.
Pentecostal First and Washington Rer.
Will C. Trotter. 11. 8. 7:80.
Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 248 4
1st 2, 8, 7 30 week days except Monday and
Saturday, 8 p. m.
Pentecostal church E. 20th god Ankeny
A. W. gmtth. 11. 8. 8.
Volunteer of : America Mission 224 Bura
aide Meeting erery cream; except Monday at
8 o'clock, and Sunday, 3 p. sn.
Portland Ecelesia, (Cbristadelphiaa) : 1897
Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 1 1.
Peniel Mirion 268 1st , 8. Services
each Bight at 8.
Church of Christ E. 79th and Gliaan. 11.
Spiritual Church of Eternal Light 1840 Di
vision Rer. May A. Prioe, ,' 8r Message by
Charles D. Ohkwea. '
First Mr. E. 8. Bledsoe. , 8.
1:48.. "Fidelity and Infidelity."
First Spiritual Sck-nee 139 Fourth st Rev
IZxx. JXoffoaa. s s Csut Punishment u
Taawed by Spirituals." '
JEaxcs Hobm. f or .
The Multnomah County Christian En
deavor union will hold an old fashioned
"hard times" congress meeting; Tuesday
at 7 :45 p. m. In the Pint Congregational
church. Park and Madison streets. A
committee at the door will inspect the
clothing- of all who enter. Should they
consider any "too well dressed" a hard
time tax will be Imposed. Hard times
refreshments will be served. The en
tertainment committee Is headed by
Fred Nelson. The music will be under
the direction of Dr. J. W. McMtchaels.
A short- business session will be con
ducted by the county president, LeRoy
Robinson. All young people will be
The fourth in a series of seven con
ferences being; conducted by the county
union will be held Sunday eveninp at
Rodney Avenue Christian church, Rod
ney avenue and Knott street, from 8
to 7 o'clock. Young:- people In nearby
churches are expected to attend.
Church Federation
Begins Campaign
A city wide evangelistic campaign un
der the direction of the Portland Church
federation will be conducted January
4 to 10 and during; the two weeks pre
ceding Easter Sunday, April 4. Through
this plan decided at the conference st
Moriday, the clergy decided to hold
simultaneous evangelistic meetings in
their churches. In a few communities
group services will be held. At the noon
hour each day, from Monday to Friday,
there will be a downtown meeting, the
place to be announced later. - The de
partment of evangelism of the church
federation are Dr. Edward H. Pence,
chairman; G. F. Johnson, A. C. Newill,
Dr. Wilhelm Petterson and Dr. William
A. Waldo.
Labor Editor Will
Present Address
C. M. Rynerson, editor of the Oregon
Labor Press, will address the Sunday
evening forum at the Church of Our
Father. He will talk on 'Good Will In
the Industrial World." Open discussion
will follow. , The Rev. W. G. Eliot will
preach Sunday morning on the love of
God. A kindergarten is conducted for
small children during the morning
church hour for the benefit of parents.
Stereopticon Lecture
Rose City Park Methodist church is
to have a stereopticon lecture by Dr.
John Parsons on "Thu Romance of the
Eskimo" at 7 :30 p. m. Sunday. Dr.
Parsons spent Beveral years In Alaska as
superintendent of Methodist mission.
where he had the privilege of studying
tne fj.sKimo.
Evangelist to Speak
Evangelist L. K. Dickson will peak
Sunday night at 7.30 o'clock in Christen
sen's hall. Eleventh and Yamhill streets,
on "A Universal Tribunal of Justice
Foretold." Mr. Dickson will base his
remarks upon Bible prophyecy. It will
be one of the most fascinating lectures
of the series. A sing will precede the
lecture. The public is invited.
Salaries Raised for
Teachers at Yakima
Yakima, Wash.. Dec. 6. Teachers In
the city schools will get $29,000 as a
Christmas present as a result of the re
cent election, the official canvass of
which has been completed. About 115
teachers are affected. Th-j money will
be distributed on the basis of efficiency
and length of service.
White Temple
WIN. A. WALOO. Ph. D., raator.
Momlns nrlce 11
. Subject
Communion nt Cat of Mortitna. tervke
Irenlna Scrvlcs 7:30
Sunday Sonoot at i4S A. M.
B. V. r. U. at :80 P. M.
Ma. MtHAftT N. MO. EAR
. of Lu mngttm
Eaat lata end Cart, Pine StracU
11 1 M. and TtSO P. Ei. f
Rtoiai. eioaioAL Rttoer.A
tvmroNg mvitkv
V r '
World Movement to Commkhd
Attention of Church Worker.
Campaign Begins on Sunday,
Enlistment week in the Baptist,-,
churches in the northern states will
be observed for the second time dutv
lng the coming week. The drive
starts Sunday morning, tnd la a part .'
of the "New World MovtsEBenf -!?;
the denomination. From nowt oni
the forward movement of 'the Bap4
tist church will be shown as .the
New World Movement, and will nt$
longer be called the Victory cam
paign, i
The new program of the Baptist
church put on through the promotion
board, which is to supplant the numer
ous committees which formerly directed
activities, calls for the enrollment of
every member in some definite Mnf of
church work. Each church will be divided
Into groups of 10 families. The group
leader will be responsible for the 3C or
more people in his division. All cam
paign literature published by the church
must be distributed by him. The denom
ination is now publishing a 160-page
booklet giving a church survey, which la
to go Into every home. .
The church Is to be lined up for Work
In December. January will be known
as the month of prayer; during Febru
ary the stewardship plan will be
stressed and during March great evan
gelistic campaigns will be conducted.
Dr. O. C. Wright, executive secretary
of the Oregon Baptist convention, is di
recting the work in this state. i,
Pastors to Attend, f
Institute Tuesday
The clergy and laity of the Presby
terian churches In Oregon have been
Invited to attend a New Era Movement
institute at the First Presbyterian
church at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning.
The Institute will bo conducted by . the
Rev. Barclay Acheson, field director'
and associate general secretary of the,
nationwide movement; Rev. Thomas O.
Koontx. associate field director; tRv
J. Hudson Ballard, associate field di
rector ; Mitu Mabel Bhelbley,. associate
secretary of the woman's home mission
retary for the North Pacific district, tr,
aireciing the institute, having Just com
pieieu a similar course in Beatue ana
Spokane. i '
"A Universal
of Jus-
i ' . -
tice Foretold!"
The Bible Prophet'. Views of tke -First
Scailoa .
The Cans Pesdlag, The Cklef iitUee,
The rrdlcs-All Foretold
Kvery thinking man, woman and child
of Portland should hear
on this great Biblical forecast. - the
final verdict of which will change the
trend of bumaa events.
rrBtic rarrrtD
of the Almighty
Hidden from men throurfi the soeo
tal confusion prodacad by the creada
of the Dark Age, the duration ad
significance of the epochs of tbe
world's history m set lorth la Um
Scriptures are now belntc revealed,
disclosing the MlUennial Klagdocn of
Christ now being set up as the con
lurnmatlon of God's great plan of
salvation. it
cw, field; -
Sun., Dec. 7, 3 P . Till
w. o. v. temple
llth St, Bet frTatklBiioa ami Jkliut,
!ntternaUonalBiblm StadcnU
;. .4 f