THE OREGON : DAILY . JOURNAL, -PORT LAND, . THURSDAY, . DECEMBER t, 1919. nun mil I vi II m i I Rifi WILL OUUII LIMC FOR WASHINGTON Dr. MbrrowTCfiaifman of National Comrnittee for Oregon, Expects Big Time at Meeting. " Dr. J. W. Morrow! Democratic na tional committeeman for Oregon, will leave' for Washington, D. C immedi ately after the first of the year to at tend the scheduled meetfhg of the na tional committee to be held tn that city 'January 8. lie will be accompanied! by Mr Si Morrow. I It has been planned by National Chairman Cummins to make the meet ' Inn; of tie national committee a notable .affair, and b) line wittv this plan it haa been i set for January 8, Jackson day. iThe (nesting will be featured by a ban quet and celebration of the anniversary as a'flttlnc close to the business meet- TO FIX C05TE5TI0X PLACE The time and the place of the national .convention -will be fixed by the commit tee when' It meets, that being, in fact, the chief reason for having; called the committee together at the time stated. . Ralph E. Williams, Republican na tional committeeman, will leave for Washington Wednesday morning, ac companied by Mrs. Williams, to attend the meeting of the Republican commit tee called by National Chairman Hays for December 10. The date and place of the Republican convention will be . fixed by the ?mmittee at its meeting. Leaders of the two committees have been Jockeying back and forth for some time In aij effort to win the last date for holding their respective national conventions. It has been the usual practice of the Democratic leaders In years gone by to aet the date of their conventions subse quent to that chosen by their adver saries. This does not meet with the ap probation of the. Republican committee men, who contend that the other party la, thus able to digest the platform adopted by the Republicans and . so shape theirs that they may take ad vantage , of any strategic slips or . stumbles the Republicans might make. REPUBLICAN DATE LATER Accordingly the Republican commit. teemen have been attempting to figure out a plan by which they might be able to engineer the Democrats Into setting their convention date first, thus giving them a chance to choose a later time. ' " The attempt has apparently been abandoned, however, since the Repub lican committee has been called to meet In December, while the Democratic com mittee Is to meet a month later. It- is the belief of Williams that the Repub lican convention will be called to meet between June 8 and 15, though he has no guess as to the place. Dr. Morrow has no fixed Idea as to the probable v date pt th Democratic convention or the place. 4 . Tn at In. . i jt i . uiTniiicu uevico i o en able .golfers to practice hangs a strip of paper that serves as a target and is punctured by an accurately driven ball. Two Vessels Are in Distress; One Strands : on Bocks Boston, Dec. 4. (L N. S.) Wireless messages telling of two vessels tn dis tress, one on the rocks of St Mary's Island and the other off Cape Sable, were picked up and relayed by the navy yard radio station today. The steamer Arammore was reported ashore on St. Mary's island .In the Gulf of St Law rence, with the crew taking to the boats. The second message .front the steamer Prussia stated that the British schv tier St Clair Thertault was in dis tress off Cape Sable with the crew ill and two men suffering from broken legs. Mason Confer Degrees ' Centralis, Wash., Dec. 4. The Centra Ha Masonic lodge on Monday night con ferred honorary life memberships on W. W. Dlckerson and J. M. Jones. Dicker son has served the lodge aa treasurer for, 27 years, while Jones has . been,, a Mason for more than 60 years. Yakima Firemen to Get Wage Increase I i i . Yakima, Wash., Dec 4. -An Increase of $10 a month in salaries of new and second year men on the fire department, raising the minimum from 8119 to 8120 a month, effective December. 1 was adopted by the city commission. 'The schedule now- in effect is that asked at the time of the recent strike. Former Idaho Treasurer Paroled Boise, Dec. 4. O. V. Allen., former state treasurer who confessed embes slements approximating 893.000, and who was sentenced tn 1914 to serve from five to 10 years in prison, was paroled Wed nesday by the state pardon board. Allen has repeatedly sought unconditional pardon. Washington Off icer Arrested Accused of Violating Game Law Frank Smith, a firs warden from Washington, was .fined 825 In the district court - Wednesday - afternoon, for vio lating the Oregon game Taws by import into a deer Into the state that was not properly tagged. The deer was brought from Plain, in Northeastern Washington, and was distributed among Smith's friends ln Portland. Discovery that the deer was Drought into the state illegally 'was made by Ed Clark and T. J. Craig, deputy game wardens, when they were summoned to the home of sne of Smith's friends to tag a portion of the deer. The anxiety of the friend to comply with one- state game law therefore led to the arrest of Smith. fttt&oti&t of teualttg SPECIALS SEE THEM In the WINDOW and JUDGE for YOURSELF ONLY Thursday, Friday and Saturday Our Store Opens at 9 A M. .. "... 5 ? . S ,.(, 8f Men's Genuine tj t Lotus Calf, P7 Wide Extension Two Full Soles, Medium and Wide Toes, Blucher Cut Regular Price $11 .OO BIG SPECIALS On Boys' and Children's Ml do (SHOE AS ILLUSTRATED) I -Open Saturday Until 8 OE CO. a- for Xmas 1 49 FOURTH STREET Igl Hext tm Heneysaan Hardware Ceanpaay .Union Shop Union House The Biggest Sale of the Season Trimmed Hats Formerly Priced to $15.00 Special fcr 2 days only Many of these beautiful hats are hand-made, trimmed in ostrich, glycerine and wings. If you want a stylish hat, don't miss this opportunity. 00 Tailored Hats 5 In Beaver and Hatter's Plusri were former ly priced to $12.50 $5.00 for this sale. Many of these hats are Gage, Fantine and Matteawan sailors, droops and rolled brim; in fact, any shape that is correct style is among this assortment. Big Reduction in Children's Department Friday and Saturday on tarns of silk, velvet and fc l QC si m w r awaisii.ii. ii a. a nisaia.aa vw bibb bibb, iawa.a vi a b a a i a, w SvS v at ae w m m w ev etvav v J v sa hand-made flowers. ..:...ttJ.... A Christmas Gift for the little folks -nothing better than a set of furs. Prices $1.95 to $5000. Afento for Ut BatUrica: Patterns mad Delin cater B stylea and atses bow saoWing. x: "TkeSlofe That Undersell? Because It Sells for Cash" ! iOtir Store, Opens at 9 A M Mall Orders roesjr oar proaapt and careful attention sam day as received. - Ghristmas Shopping Can Best Be Done at This Store! Surprising Savings Have Been Arranged for Our , 995th Bargain Friday Sale! Not the least important is the fact that it is time to buy now from the viewpoint of economy. Assortments are boundless in their completeness. Never again will you have equal opportunity. Take advantage of these offerings! Great PreHoliday Showing and Sale of Women's Pure Silk Hose First Quality Stockings With Silk Lisle Garter Top, Heel and Toe, 01 iQ All Sizes, Friday at, a Pair tPJL-17 Black, White and Colors CJ Wis ever any girl or woman known to have too generous a supply of Silk Hosiery? Never of that you may be certain. Therefore, if you have any one on your list whom it Is a puzzle to choose for, make "Silk Hosiery" the solution. CJ Here is a sale that should prompt you to pur chase for both persona! use and for srift 'pur pose. Pure Silk S'oc kings made with seamed back, silk lisle garter top. heel and toe. All sizes In black, cordovan, grey, beaver, brown, navy and white. A high-grade silk stocking of (J"j -IQ first quality at a bargain price, pair 5AeXa7 A Timely Underpricing of Women's Knit Underwear Wool Mixed and Silk StripeVests 0 -J AQ Outsizes and Pants, Popular Styles, Gar. P-&s Garment $1.69 in Same Garments at tj Our enlarged Knit Underwear Dept is a very busy section of this great store, due principally because of the extensive assortments shown and the unsurpassed values offered. IJ For Bargain Friday's sale we have underpriced several well known lines, including non-sh'rlnkable, wool mixed, and silk stripe vests in styles with low neck and sleeveless; also with Dutch neck and, elbow sleeves and with high neck and long sleeves. Pants in ankle length with sateen French band, of eques trian string top All regular sixes priced this sals at AQ All Outsizes priced this sals at PJLe2 a garment a garment . , .V;.ij $L69 pZctical -a Silk and Satin Camisoles Fine Lace Brassieres, Brocade and OQs Fancy Bandeauxr AIL on Sale at. . . . 7vjv XL A wonderful gathering of lererly designed articles that are not only beautiful but are practical as well. CJ As a special offering -Friday we are showing some 12 different styles in dainty Camisoles of fine Wash Satins and Crepe de Chine styles with pretty Filet or Val Lace, or Ribbon trimmings also Brassieres In well known makes and the best style. And at the same low price we include a great lot of Bandeaux in rich flowered brocades and fancy materials. All are remarkable values at Friday's QQ. Sale Prico i70C A Great Sale of Sample Blankets at Worthy Price Reductions FAR LESS THAN REGULAR An Entire Sample Line Including One Each in All Styles in Cotton-Wool Mixed and Wool CJ Attend this sale early if you would have first and best choice. Included are one each of all styles, manufactured by one of the leading mills sample blankets some more or less soiled from handling, but all extraordinary values at the figures quoted for Friday's sale. Q You have choice from light, medium and heavy weight Cotton Blankets and Cotton and Wool mixed; also heavy Wool Blankets in plain tan, grey and white, with colored border, as well as the popular plaid styles. None Sold to Dealers and Nona Exchanged. Don't Fail to Attend Our Doll Sale-Friday In Our Basement Toy Section We Will Soil 300 Jointed and Dressed Dolls , In 14-in. Size Only 98c , ,, - . . lolated Baby Dolli! Three S IVleS Mother Gooe Dolli! "rcc tJ.yiO Dressed DoIU With Hair! Polls that will gladden the heart of any little airl and a great many of the large ones. All are well made, good looking dolls, 14 inches in height. Included are Jointed baby dolls. Mother Goose dressed dolls and dressed doUs with hair. Only a limited number AO. sold to any one purchaser At Friday's sale price wOt 2T0XE SOLD TO DEALERS. FOR XMAS Women's Felt Slip pers at $U9 the Pair Popular styles. In all colors and slses etylea with leather soles. FOR XX AS Children's Felt Slippers On Sale at IA9 a fair Children's and Misses' fur trimmed Slippers, with leather soles ail colors sixes 8 to 2. , FOR XXAS Men' Leather Slip pers at MM the Pair At this price and up to f 4.0 a pair we are showina- all good styles in Men's Slippers. SALE FRIDAY Women's Winter Coats at $25 DO Choice from tho season's best styles in Velours, Polo Cloths. Mixtures and Plushes. Sizes 15 to 44. All to go at one price. A. SALE FRIDAY Women's Dress Skirts Only $639 Perfect fitting Skirts tn various good styles, in Nary, Serges, Poplins and Plaid Mixtures. Ail to go at one price. Our Store Now Opens At 9 A. M. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P.M. Saturdays at 6 P.M.: - Tkoataads of Tards of Beastlfal Xmas Ribbons la a Great Assortment ef Colors and Patterns, ea Special Sale Cft. Friday at, tard OUC All High Grade XoreltteSj la Good Wide Widths Never before have Ribbons been more beautiful or more universally used than this season, and never be fore have we been able .jto show such a wonderful attractive variety as at this time. A thousand and one dainty Xmas gifts can quickly be fashioned from these lustrous Rib bons, and to assist you 'we have made low pricing an added attrac tion. , .- - f Friday you have choice from plain and fancy taffetas, satins, jao ouard novelties, warp prints fancies, etc. All in good wide widths unit In most desirable colors and patterns.. ollc Celluloid Bag Frames Specially Priced Jat:$l We've a great lot of Celluloid Rag. frames odd numbers, including, many of the most popular styles which we place on sale Friday very much under regular prices. In fact you have choice from the d f f entire assortment at 1 lUU AND ALL. AT PER YARD Profit by FridBTs raderprleed Pre-Hollday Offerings la the , Men's Section K Gift that men will appreciate are to be fonnd In aneadlng variety la onr popalar "Men's Shop," Jnst In side our Third street entrance. Here are three nnderprlred offer lags for Bargain Friday Sale. Lisle Suspenders in dr, Novelty Box Friday 79c A fine quality wide lisle Suspen ders with leather ends all colors. In neat patterns each pair In a fancy burnt wood boxa splendid gift at lltUs cost '. , . Initial Handkerchiefs, 3 in Fancy Box, 35c Boxf chiefs with initial corner and neat Hem- they coma three in -a holiday box and priced for thin; sain at. a. box ': Men's Bath Robes, Bid A erdown, All Sizes, $4.95 na neat v i fancy I 3Sc warm Bath Robes of heavy elder-: down aood colors and patterns, and' T all slses, on sale Fri day at $4.95r Make Selections Now From the Special Offerings la f This Great Pre. Holiday Showing o! Women's and ChiU dren's Handkerchiefs ) 5 Selection Is oosndless an ar crisp, new and worthy la every re J speru 'inis seeuoa is jnst leeanns;; with every possible kind et prac tical and delleate ksrehlef , for womea aad ehlldrta all at sab staatlal sartags. Gift handkerchiefs are peeked la- attractive Xatas boxes. . -. - . j Box of Three for 35c Fine sneer - cotton Handkerchiefs with pretty white or . colored em broidered design 3 In a fancy box. This sale at 35 C Box of Six for 75c Boys" initial Handkerchiefs of good else and quality. They come tn the white or colored Initial 4 in a fancy box. This sale at 75 bp Box of Three for J1J00 Imported Irish Linen flander chiefs with hand embroidered cor ner m white or colors 3 in a fancy holiday box. This sale 4j QQ Box of Two for 15c ' Children's dainty Handkerchiefs with colored border or In .novelty pattern 2 in a fancy holiday box. This sale at 15c lS? Kaeh for F.Wbroldrei" Head, kerchiefs of Fine sheer Cottea. Boxed Paper For Xmas On Sale Friday at,. 4 500 boxes of Highland litien and Distinction Unea i WrttlBf Paper comes in plain: and, col ored edge paper, and wlta envel ope$ .to. match. . Fountain Peris For Xmas On Sale Friday at. Q The iraaranteed Diamond Point Totntata Pn In two styles -tbe ballet: and .aelf-filUng I : gift that any person would appreciate. 4- , 'it.