J " ' ' "THE OREGON DAILY ' JOUItlJAE, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1919. CZECHOSLOVAKS SEEK RELIEF FROM OMSK CKIIB - :" ' l - i'""'" " Alleged Inhuman , Treatment of People and Wanton Property Destruction in Siberia Cited. By William IL Giles BpacUI CeoU to The Journal ud The Chicago VU17 nenii (OopTTtfht,- ltlr by Chtcfo Daily New Co.) Pekln.,C n I n a, uec. 4. r or some time tho-Czecho-Slovaks In; Siberia have been strongly , opposing: the ruthless meaaures and useless waste of life and property carried on .by the Omsk 'authorities. Their pro tests hare been unheeded, and ow ing to tbla fact they have delivered a memorandum ' to the allied repre sentatives outlining their views. The memorandum follows: The unbearable conditions caused us to ask the allies to consider means to give us safe conduct to our mother coun try and the allies ?ave their approval. We were prepared to guard the railway sector selected for us and heretofore we have carried out our task conscientious ly, but that Is no longer possible. It is against the most primitive demands of humanity and Justice that, our army should be forced to do guard duty ana maintain order against its convictions to suooort a ' state of absolute despotism and Illegality such as that which exists In Siberia under the protection or Caeca amis. The doings of the military authori ties and the Omsk government's commit tee - are criminal actions which would, were they known, stagger tee entire world... The burning of villages, the murder of peace fi-1 inhabitants and the shooting' ef hundreds of persons with democratic convictions and of others sus pected of political .loyalty occur daily. The responsibility for this will In the eyes-of the world fall on us Inasmuch as we possess sufficient strength to pre vent such' lawlessness. Thus while our passlvenesa appears as a direct conse quence of - the principles of neutrality and non-interference with Russian in ternal affairs, we fear that wa shall be looked upon as participants In the crl- es that, are being perpetrated. "In brlnctnr these enormities to the notice of the allies whose true ally the Ciech-Slovak nation has been, we desire to make known to the people of the world the strategic position lu which the Csech. army Is placed. We do not see any other way out than our Imme diate return to the mother land or our Investment with the right of free action so that we may terminate the lawless ness and crime." The memorandum was signed by Dr. Otrsa, the. newly appointed Czecho slovak' plenipotentiary. The Czechs have guarded both Irkutsk and Omsk since March. 'when the Interallied agree ment was signed. The memorandum Is considered to be of great importance aad was officially considered at a meet ing of the allied railway board at Omsk on November IS, as It was feared that if the request of the Czechs was grant ed and immediately carried out a crisis would be precipitated and anarchy would reign. Danish : Police on -' Alert -Rgarding Bolshevik Agents By Oordoa Stiles Special Cable to The Journal and The CMctco Daily Newe. (Copyright. 1810, bj Chicago Daily Ncwi C0 Copenhagen, Denmark; Dec 4. On account of 'the coming to Copenhagen of M. Litvinoff, the . Bolshevist agent to the Dorpat conference, several Scan dinavian Bolshevlkl have arrived here in the last few days. .Today at Elslnore the editor of the Swedish Bolshevist paper "Folkefs Dagblad," arrived and wanted to get to Copenhagen. He was stopped, however, by .Danish secret service men who had strict orders not to admit any acknowledged Bolshevist Into the country, .The police refused to let him' in - and after a long discus-, sion he was forced to return to Sweden. It is said that he only tried to obtain admission into Denmark for the pur pose of starting a new Bolshevist prop aganda in this country. He has regis tered a protest with J. A. M. Staunlng, minister without portfolio, who repre sents the Socialist party. He told the secret service officer that his intention was to see M. Litvinoff and discuss the exchange of "Swedish war' prisoners' In Russia and to arrange for' sending food supplies to the soviet government. As a matter of fact there are no Swedish war prisoners in soviet Russia , at alL , ' .s 1 ". ' I - "Colonel Oldeboy has at last married off bis six daughters!1. "Hub! Mr. Update ' goes him one better. He baa married; off . his - one . daughter seven times." Ufa. ' . v tf 112 Millions' used last year to KILL COLDS HILTS cmiWkPQUINIMI Staadere cold remedy for 19 years -ia tablet form eate, sure, ae opiates breaks op a cold ia 24 aoars relieves gnp " ear. Money back if it fans. The genuine ees ass a Ke tea wttn asr. niu picture. At Alt Dm .Stare I Ui IllHFsT 2T a WW7 1 111 1 an m no Wv tfl 1 1 i I It EtiiSiuiTcIww II JdSL tvm i I ( lpan KvAvr-AJonefi I Give Her a Royal Cleaner For Christmas It's a present 365 clays a year year in and year out, it lasts a lifetime It cleans every room in the house, every wall, rug or bed as clean as a new pin. Nothing escapes the Royal. The powerful suction draws out all of the dirt, no matter how deep it is trodden in. It is without doubt the Gift Supreme ' Oulnlne That Dow Met .Afreet Heae Het-eoee of ttn tonlr end latatlT. effent. LAXA TIVE BUOMO QUININE Tablet ) can be taken by anyone without causing nerroxianeM or riaa. ins in the heed. There is only one "Bromo Ost ein." m. w. UKOVE S denature on the box, 30a Sold on Easy Pavments ELECTRIC CO Broadway 2973 Broadway 1696 Free Trial O O X f A Fascinating and Beautifully Illustrated Book. Every Mother Should Have It; Every Child Should Read It; Every Cook Should Consult It! Write Us Today. It Is Free! 'i y ,. TV7HETHER or not you are now enjoying VyBRER RABBIT tKe teal New Orleans Molasses you should send at once to Penick 8C Ford. Ltd., New Orleans, La., for the book of Brer Rabbit's Romantic Travels. It is Free. While waiting tor this book to arrive it would prove interesting to you to know why your grocer is selling so much BRER RABBIT Molasses to your neighbors. CjOLD LABEL BRER RABBIT is the real old- time molasses for table use: for pancakes, waffles, biscuits, muffins; the kind mothers serve on sliced bread to children. It is pure, full of navor and unusually wholesome as a daily food. Your grocer also sells Green Label BRER ' RABBIT. This is a specially selected molasses for cooking and baking and costs less. 4- ErerjHonsrwif hufwt'ihe name -PEN1CK 6P FORD" m food means Alwap the Best of Its Kind, 22 ofqnaCiy. a. . ' - . NEW pIUtEAWS FRIDAY -FIRST.PF THE GREAT DECEMBER PUBLIC SERVICE SALES 1 1. t .rj.. IMPORTANT! Public Service Sale News on Page 5 in yvoue tvo u Merchandise of cMerit OvUy " ' ' i ' all TTirbmrrA ATrrty s t Economy Basement News on Page 4 a, EVERY REDUCE! HERE is the announcement that hundreds of fashionables have been awaiting. No doubt irou have one of the beautiful coats in our stock in mind one that you had hoped to own before long. Just by way of emphasis, allow us to say that probably a dozen other women have approved your good taste and might be waiting for that very coat. Need we say, "Come Early"? SOME OF THE STYLES SKETCHED IN THE UP MAN-WOLFE STUDIO. W Just What Does "Every Coat Reduced!" Mean? ELL, there is only one thing that it can mean when such a statement appears under the signature of Lipman, Wolfe & Co. It means that every coat is included that not even O-N-E coat has been held back or reserved for any particular individual. . It means you have - UNRESERVED CHOICE OF OUR ENTIRE COAT STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES You are familiar with our stocks and know the original prices. . Sale Prices $26 Up to 5337; 50 The Materials Fortuna Chameleon Cord Peach Bloom Crystal Cloth Yalama Cloth Cut Bolivia Evora Bolivia Tinseltone Mossprey Suede Velour Velour du Nord Wool Velour Scotch Mixtures Polo Cloth Plush Tweed Note the Fur Trimmings Nutria Beaver Australian Opossum Hudson Seal Raccoon Did You Know It? Our Entire Stock of Fine Furs Reduced 3 JUST atNthe time when furs are most needed and just in time for Christmas buying comes this wonderful sale, to convince you that it must be a fur for "heiV this Christmas. You will find everything here in fursfrom smart collar ettes to the most luxurious of coats. All are made of the sea son's most approved pelts and this sale brings them to you at a wonderful saving. Children's furs excepted. Third Floor. EVERY SALE FINAL NONE C. O. D. And Every Suit 12 Price THIS sale is one of extraordinary importance to fwomen, and has met with gratifying success. There is not one reservation not a hold back every suit, even the most de lightful creations, comes in fpr this slashing price reduction. Silk Duvctyn, SUvertone, Velvet Peach Bloom, Tricotine - Chc,cke4 Velour, Serge -Plain tailored, fur trimmed and ' novelty style: X 4 Every tale mutt be final none tent C, O. D.t none laid ' away. .., . ,s . .. . . . V.-.'-" ' '-J 1 " Third foo, Lipmaa Wolfe A Co. : This Store VteiNo Comparative Prices They Are Misleading and Often" Untrue PT.. . . I-;. . C- f) v: ' $ J' '"- 'l'ife I ' - t J, I -.i , 1 ' r 7 I .V'" ' " .. ' ' " " ' ' - 1