THE'. ORECOII ; 'DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAUD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, : 18134 10 ";. FANCY POTATOES - SHOW A- STRONG DEMAND FOR SEEDING Edited by f Ujma H. Conen HI 1! 'IP CTDllMP IIMUOIUUMU Cob Prlee Bern' Are Firm With Some Qaotinf a Further Advaaee of Y& Fooad Interior b Buorfns. tote :';Tr4y,-;e'-;'rt prlres iMtfd 'Is Sera, Baying Iprfee ef fresh current receipts attested te Selllag prise t sevadled wu 78ci with MUeU . It a Cmo. . Win sosee sf the fbrsse ers eaotlag a Ares ef I mli fee eggs, flra went at wltk m avavaaead price ef 1 eeat oa oauaaB sssslpls te ffl coats. Butter market situation! continues to , gem strength In the local section and the aemanrt fur enbea la stM Improving, yvnfie gssneral . puree aaes Of extra are shown around tie a pound, aome offer for faaoy makes are out. as high as glo a pound a rise of o over recent tie-urea, - - : t aM wasther with a nntarel dsorasss ta to eutpet ef fresh urea Burr, tba enast esotloe at Mm called aana to and snvoe of tto a at. asthrsasa hoik mi ta wnwl salsa tram am baa Print tvtoea eoa tinned aaeheaged an during the saorTdne trad althoueh It would tint be rar prJstoe at a tWtne advaaoa of la la forced with ies las mat tow dare. wtiieA would nuae vetoes an .aaataaat aa oa mea mar naa Ma euouag Cne tusharaiat far about a week. . , j ' , CABBAGB XABKET IS STBOITOER afnrfca for eeboase la sevrwins stronger tone ana were a eotfcmaniei lunwoteaieat ta Bserketa ' Quit fair aoimnenta la ear- Mi M balae 'ssade ts tto tntarnvwmtain ZO ThMJDB IS AG AT HOLBriTO - JTvath aaca are aot arriving vary 1 restr at this taae east lhaia la a steadier toeve in tha market awassraUr aUboaca desnand ta ant biiak enough Storsga stock la moving KOBE RASTEB9 CBAHBERBIES 19 ' another amrload of aaatata cranbwrrtea nude MB aopaeauMa along tha all est, ! Thia ta behaved a aa tto but u of tba senana and h blnf $16.00 a banal. I U ooaea fro 9BBSSSD POOS SHGHTLT OFF. . aCaxket (or aeaatry killed- nogs ia sUghtlv essatsr wttb ahadbui of about tta a Doiind i parted in ma prfea. - -Topa ara canarally mwrtn at ii a poond. Taabr an flroi at S$o a pound or baat ra01ty. - BOITTHBBV tF.TTUCK IS ABRITTTO -'Tea aartaada af Calif orate baad tottaea, on ease tram' ba Aaaala and Baonuaaato. oaaa ta darins tba day. Former aeUina at 45.00 and tba latter at 44.fiO par cral. Livestock Trading ' : At Strong Prices; 1 Sheep Are Higher Wethers and Yearlings Are Higher in North Portland Alleys ' . All Line Hold. FOXTTKD UTB8T90K Htm Hon. CaUl. Oalraa Rbaaa. ....... S8 100 .... 1341 Tliandar rfmvm aav ...... Two waaka aaa. . . roar waaka aaa Ja aco Twr nan aaa. Tbraa jraara aso. 5 .. 4TB 071 4 Four aaara aeo....7S HoIklaT - 1 S3 S3 163 TT 11 1S 3S . . its All livestock showed a firm and active tone at North Portland for the Thurs day morning- trade. Receipts were fair and a quick cleanup of offering was shown. In tba thaan dirlaVm batter rafaea ara rollBC for both aarUnm and watbara. tha fenwr ba ms atroas at StO hl!a tba lattar ara firxa at 3.00.- Whfle no ehanfa ia ah own in lamb vaiaaa, botn aaat of tha mountain staff nd raUay offariasa ara aaoaedinsly firm at axtrcme qnotationa. Ganaral arattee markat tans; Bat eaat of mountain . $12.00 1S.1 fltorkan tad (aeden. 10.0011.60 Valley Umba ll.0 13.50 Taarlinn S.B0 10.00 Wetbera S.AOA S.BO ttwa S.B0 9 Tt0 Oattla SttuaUon Qaod WhOa tha eatUa market ia eonddarad etrone and one aelarted lot of tteera aold Vednaadar afternoon in tba Vorth Portland allaya at Bll. tha general markat ia held unchanged at f 10.60. Drmand to aood for an elaam f eattlat Gaaarai oattla market raacej Beat tteara $ t.00 uooa to cnolca ataara... Medium to food ateera lair to food ataara Common to fair ataera Choice eoWa and naif era Good to choice cowa and beifera Medium to good eowi and betters Fair to medium eowa and heifers "ennera ., Bulla Best Itght ealrea Hmry ealrea . . ; Stocfcara and faadara 19.50 B.QO0 t.BO S.ooa s.oo B OO 0 00 A B OO 8.00 1 B.50 T.00 8.00 7.00 6. (SO 4.00 a t.BO a.oost 4.oo 0.00 gj 7.00 12 B0 14.00 7.00 01a) 00 s.ooa b. SEED POTATOES III ACTIVE CALL California Furehasina. Liberal When erer ft Can Secure Selected Stoek i Country Prices Are Firm By Hynaa fi. Cokes -Present demand for potatoes at Ore son and other Pacific Northwest coun try points Is excellent, even though shipments' are somewhat curtailed on account of the cold weather and the al most general absence of refrigerator cars. California la bnyine Kbemtlr of aeed etock ta tba Paeifte Northwest. Growers there ara ex ceedingly anxioua to eeeore fancy aeed and tbey ara seemingly willinc to pay tha prioa. A Bom ber of sales hare . bean made as high aa ti f.' o, b. can Portland, but the country prioe ia Suaaral re mains atronc at B2.B0 per cental. Tabla stock is la good demand, although .many of uu pa refutes la this una eocsist at faacy goods which will be aaed lor seed. Little activity ia Shewing la tba oaiaa mar kat Beoauee of waatbar conditiona. but prices are peine ceia nrm. . Tboat dasirint Special informs tioa regarding sy market should writs tha Market Editor, Oregon Journal, enclosing stamp far reply. C0H3 PBICES ABE MIXED AT THB CHICAGO OFEX1TTO By weeeefc P. Prtvotiare Cbicaeo, Dae. 4. it N. B.) Tba action or ueoember corn during tba Utter aart of tba least un was aurpriatng to tha trade aa the price ehaacaa were sharp and eonUnaoua. It eloaad Ma lower to He higher. The other m on tha war all hisbeT. B H for f anuary, 101H for Jula. sad H 9 H for July. Oata gained, 9 Ho. Prariatona. showed small decllnea. ' .26 Swfnc Trade StranB Trade in tns swine allrs at !fort Portland started strong for tha Thursday trade with s rather fair supply reported in ororaight. Ia genenU topa ara oonaidered unchanged with ex treme sales at the tl 6 mart. General boa markat run' Prime mixed Medium mixed Rough beariee Pis BBTEV 3TOTE8 OP PBOBCCB TBAOE ispanaaw otanens lower at I8.7B per bundle. OslUovata tanserinea orferiag at $8.80 par Salf' bote " j KaraJ orangai sweet and cheap at 16 00 f.Sd par hs. A.U tnat vagatablea showing good demand. ' Cbiokana are ana roe bat p'ricesj ara unchanged. wkAtheb WOTICE FOB SHIFFEBS - Waattor bureau adriaaa: 1'ootect ahipmeots enrtnar tto nest BO hours asrainat tha following amioseaaas tamperatnnw: Oniax north. 84 de crees: northeast over tha Spokane. Portland it Heatla railway. 10' dearensi east to Baker. 10 dasrreea, and south to Ashland. 34 derreea; min iaausa tnaparatura at Portland tomorrow, about 84 dec ma. , T . i ii .i, -, i.aaaa "V TTQ0LESALE PBICES IX POKTXAITTj ::-' -;'' 1 Ttoaa- ara -priraa reuttars pay wholesalers, except aa otherwise noted-.. I jhalry Praduets 4 ' BTJTTaTJt Belling prioa. box lots: Creamery arias e. parebman wrapptd, extra 6 To per lb.: prlsaa firsts. 00a lb.; firsts. OSc lb.; smaller lota at an adraaca. Jobbing prices: Cabas ex tra. 6Bt)6SHc; prime flmu. 61062?.- cartons, Sa extra No. 1 storage butter, 680c; off grade. 66 eVfi7e per lb. BTJTTEBFAT Portland detirery basts, Tl S) T6o; country stations 69 0 70a par lb. OlBOMARQARtNB tVocal brands. 80 60a fi.j tnha, B2e; 1 lb. cartons, 80c; 9 lb. cartons. 6n; N'ltmarrarine, 1 lb. cartons, 81c lb. CUEE8i -Sailing price: TUlamook fruh Ore gnu fancy cream triplets, 85 3Bn lb.; Toung Amrrtca. 84 87a. Price to Jobbers, t. a. b. Tillamook, triplets. B2e: Toung Americas. 88a. Selllas price: t'tSatn brick, 40 sp 42e: buyiiui price of Cooe and Curry triplets. Sic; Toung America. 82 He lb. f. o. b. Myrtle Point: block Swiss. 4S4c; Umburgar. 40 42c lb.; price at Cons and Curry triplets, 2Bc: Toung Amer ica, 10 Ue per Xb. t. o. b. Myria Point; block Bwies. 48 04Bet Umburgar. 40 4) 42c " EQGS Buying prtoe: Current rewiipts, 8e; aaliinsj prioe. 70e; rami led, wiling wioe. 73c; aslert 76c: No. I .tires. .67 ( 60c LTTB POCLTRT Heary hens, 8 Ac lb.; light bens, 23 240 lb.; spring, light. 280 SOc; heavy. Z634c lb.; old meters, 16lfic 1U ; suuaba, 68.00 ducks. 3S 0 20C lb.; pigeons. 81609 S.OO doaen; turkeys, lira 2880o; dressed, 4045o lb.; geese, 181880a up. j pMa Vetetablaa and Prult v'FIUBSH FRTTfT Orangea. 88.006.80 per box j bananas, 10 H 0 lie per lb. ;' lemons. 66.00 07.80 par crate; Florida grapefruit. 66.00 0 u.60; California grspefruit. $3 60 8.76 erata; peara, 63.36 0 8.60; grapes. Malagas. 33 ta 0 iMm., Tiw, iasiSo bp, BKRRIKa Hnrkleberriea. IT H 0 30c par lb. Cranberries. (4.60 0 4.76 par bushel box. APPLES Various variaUas. locals. 1 1.260 '.60. ' I)BCEI TRVTf Dates. Dromedarlaa. SO 00 ; Fards, 88.76 per box; raisins. 8 crown, loose Mnacefel. 16e par lb.; figs. 66.00 par bog of 60 0-oa. packagea. ON ION B Selling pries to r tellers: Oregon, 84.00 04.CO par cwt; associatloa aelling price, rsrioad, $3.00. f. o. b. oc tin try; aarlio. 28 0 80o per lb. ; green anions, 40o pat doatss buanhea. '- POTATOFS Selling price, $S.O0(?8.25 per wt.j buying price for fancy Urge sixe. S3. 60; ordinary, $2.23 per cental; sweet, 4H 0 He per m VEGKTABT.ES Turnips. tJ.TB par sack arrota. 61.60 beets. $2.25; cabbage. Oregon. 1 H 0 2o lb. : let trior, 80 8 00c dosrn; r ileum -beta. California, 88.30 tug; tomatoea. 63.00 per htg; eggplant, 30o lb. p cauliflower, 68.00 0 8 25; bell peppara, 20e; sprouu, 16e per lb.; Hubbard - squash. 303 He: par lb.; parsnips. $3. aaek. . as ease and rruelslona C0TJXTBT VKATS Selling pries: Country bats. 31 HOC 23c per lb, for top blockers; best rel. 2Sc per lb.; heavy real, 18014c per lb. 6MOKED WSATS-IUb. 27 49 $ no per Tb.: breakfast baoou. 80 0 60c; p tonics, 9e; cottage roil, ioa lb. LA1U Kaitla rendfwd. 89 H lhj atandud. I2ei tierca basis, compound. 38a. r . Pish and Shatirisb FRRSH FI8B salaaon, Chinook, 31a Tb.; siltersioa, 18e Ib.i haUbot, fresh, 2 So lb.; aturgeon. tOe lb,; black cod, 10 9 lie lb.; gflrer aasaU, 10a lb,; salmon trout. 20 2 So lb.; kip pered salmon. $2.66 par 10-lb. basket; kippered eaaV 83.86. . . - Jin. 1 .1 jatx -Tsos. a.0 per We Must Have More EGGS Poultry -Veal and Hpgs We always pay what the etock ts worth. We don't promise anything; we canncj. carry out ! , .; We seed thossasdt et Tarkeyt for the holidays. - Write us when you have anything to-ship or consign to ue.. We axe always in the market 4vet our shipping tags, " - 1 - Oregon-Waahmgton Produce-Cor - ;I7 Promt Street, Portland, Or v No. 13. 80. H. 8T. 1. 2. 68. 1 . .618.60 0 IS 00 . 14.60 016.60 . 18.80 014.00 18.00 0 16.00 Thursday Mom In g Bales COWS Price. I N. 6.25 I 3 a, nuiAa ,oo ( e.oo i HUUS Are. lbs. . .. 860 Ara Pyt. . Price. . .. 870 f 6.00 200 206 208 280 330 220 120 610 00 16.00 16.00 816.00 18.00 14.00 16.00 14.60 3 830 $14.00 0.... 00 14 00 12 08 18.00 0.... 166 614.50 4.... 8S6 14.00 2.... 143 14.60 104.... 184 14.60 2 60 12.00 Chicago Dairy Prodoee Chicago. Tee. 4. (L J). 8.) Butter Re ceipt. 267 tubs. Creamery extra. 71 H 0 72c; firsts. 00 0 68c; packing stock. 48 0 48 He. Kgg- Cnrrent receipts. B0 0 7Bo: ordinary firsts. 70 0 72c; firsts, 7fr80c; checks. 40e; dirties, 40046c Cheese Twins, new. 80 30 He- daisies, 31 H2c; Toung Americas, 83 082 He; kmc bonis, 82 (9 82 Ho: brick, 8 On. IJre roultry Turkeys. 30o: chickens, 10 0 30r; springs, 25c; roostars, 16e; cease. 23c; Cucks, 25o. Minneapnllg Flax HVarktt Minneapolis, . Deo, 4. (1. N. H.) Flaxseed, 6.37 0 6.47; April. $5.370 6.43. Chicago Potato Market Chicago. Dee. 4. (1. 1. - g.)e fototoca Receipts, 26 can. - Minnesota and Dakota, Ohios. $2.850 8.10. CMeago, Dae. 4. (I W. B.) Corn was He lower to He higher at tha opening today. Trade waa limited and tha strength shown after the immediate start waa due chiefly ta tha lacs oi aeiung preare. Oata had a featureless start with anenins pricee unchanged to He lower. After the start there were oils rings ay a local professional. Trade waa alow. Preriaioas started steady to 10c higher, with nmueii esienaga aaa ecenerea During. Rants af Ohioaso prices as famished by the umtea. frees: December . . . January . . . , May July December .. . May July January May ... January May ... January May . . . - COR! Open. High. 1S0H 141 186 187 188 184 H IBS 184 0AT8 76H 77H 78 79 H 76 H 76 PORK 8525 8410 IaARD 2370 2R80 RIBS 1300 1690 tow. 188 185 181 181 Close. 180 186H 184 H 188 H 76 76 76 t 79 74 76 .8622 .8410 . .3360 ..2880 ..1883 ..1890 8500 8385 23B0 2357 1877 1882 8528 8800 . 2855 2300 B 1887 B 1886 B E UPTURNS IN STOCK LIST New York Market Open Irregular bat Early Trade Is Generally at Advanea 6om4 Very Good Gains. ' AMERICA?? LIVESTOCK PBICES Chicago. Dec. 4. (t N. S.) About 10.006 cattle remained unsold late yesterday and wens offered again today, which helped to round out the needs of the bnrers. bat lower nrW-M mm bid for anything that showed the effects af nremignc exposare in the pens and txade at the start waa ia a state of inertia. Tha hog market was not freely supported during the early hours, buyers for the big packers refraining from sett re trading. Packers receired no direct shipments of lire mutton today and were la continued need of good sheep and Umba Sellers eonuauad bullish. shrimp meat. 55a per can: lobster, loo lb. . Orecsrlss BTJOAS Cube. 810.81: powdered. $16.36; fmlt and bery, $0.77; yellow. S0.0S; granu lated. 80.77; beet, 131.37; extra C, 66-36; golden C. $9.16. HONEY New. 38.80 per ease. RICE Japan style. No. 1, 14e) New Orleans head, 1 5 He; Blue Rosa, 15e per lb, SALT Coarse, half ground. 10s: (17.00 per ton; 60s, 616.80; tabla dairy, 00s. $20.60; bales. 68.15 08.66; fancy table and dairy, 882.60: lump rock. $26.00 per ton. BRANS Oregon (sales by jobbers) : Lady Washington, 7 H 0 8e per lb.; pink. Sa; ltaaaa, IB He; bayou. 10 He; Oregon beans, buying price, nominal. 6 H c per lb. CANNED MILK Carnation. $7.25; Borden. $7.40: Aster. $7 15; Eagle. $11.25; Libby. 67.16; Telobed. 87.06; Jiouot Voraoo, 87.16; Haxelwond. $7.15 per case. COFFEE Boasted 87 V Bio la sacks or drums. HODA CRACKEH8 In bulk. 17e per IK NUTS Wslnuts, 85 040c per lb; almonda, 88e; filberts, 88c in sack lots; peanuts, 15 0 16c; pecans, 28c; Brasu. 80c Rope, Paints, Oils - ROPK Sisal, dark, 18 Ho; white. 30e Tb.; standnrd manlla. 38 H e. LUJ8EED OIL Raw, bbls., 63.00 gal; ket tle boiled, bbl., $3.08; raw, esses. 62.16; boiled, cases. $2.18 per gal. COAX. OIL- Water whit, ta drums or iron baa..-11 He gal, ease. 24c gaL SASOUINR Iron bbls.. SBHo: easaa. S4e: engine distillate, iron bbla., lae; "niss. 36 H e. WHITE LAD Too fete, lJeToOO 5a. 18f per Tb. TURPENTINE Tanks, eases. $3.01; 10-oase la lees. WIRE KAILS Bssto price, 68.1a. Mops, Woof and Hides nop Nominal, 1910 crop. 80 par lb. HIDES No, 1 salt cured hides (under 48 lbs ), 86e; No. 1 asH cured hides (orer 46 rbs.i. 26e; No. 1 salt cured bull bidse. 30e; partly cured hides. 2c per pound lees; green hides, 6c per pound iess: No. "2 bides, le per pound less; hsir slipped hides. av-thinf Mas tbaa No. 1 hides. . 4 Calf and Kip Skins -No. 1 trimmed calf skins (no to 15 lbs.), 7Bc; No. 1 artmmed. kin skisar-(I5 to 80 lbs.). 40c; No. 8 sains, 2c per lb. law; hair aUppod skins, on a-third lass than No. 1 skins. Irry Hides and Skins Dry flint hldee, 7 Ins. and up, 85c; dry flint bulb. 34c; dry Hint calf bides, under 7 Iba., 76c; dry salt hides, 7 lbs. and up, 26c; dry salt bulls, 20c; dry salt calf skins, under 7 lbs., 70o; dry cull hides and skins, half price. HplM Hides Oreen or salted, larre. well taken off hides, SS.OO 0 8.00; pony and small hides, 62.50 0 4.00; dry hone hides. $2,00 0 4.00: hide with heads oft 80c less; boras tail hair, per lb., 25o; horse inane hair, per lb., 15e Pel to. Pry long wejl pelts, per lb., 80 033c; dry medium wool pelts, per lb.. 26 0 28c; dry shearing TelK50r $1.00 each; salt long wool palta. 12.0002.60 each; salt medium wool prlts, 61.60 02 00 each; salt slirariog pans, 50c 011.00 each. Mot3AlJ"u,n J1. 4fto Per n.; abort staple, 20 0 30o per lb. TALLOW AND GKEASB No. 1 tallow, Ue; No. 2. AOe; No, 1 gTease. Be; No, 2 greasa. 7 CHITTIM OB OASCABA BARK New peel lie per lb. WO()TVany iialf blood Merino and Sbmp sbire'. 60c; Cotawold end Lincoln, 4O 0 46e: matted Cotapold. 60 0860; timber staiaad. aa per lb. lees: lambs' Wool, 4e per lb less. . Eautrrn Oregna, Ear tern Wa-hlerton n CB forrua Wool Merino and Shropshire, 85 0 40c; hsH blood Merino, and Cotiwold. 87 043c: Shropshire, 87 046c; Cotxwold and UnceUC rtrsight and mixed. 82 088c; hurry, 5c per lb. less: lambs, 4o per lb. Fine Wools Marino combine and cardina grade. 80 85c r-TTT,, TWO DOZEN. fr ' BLaNOHaM IV1MR1TI6 FRESH EGGS $1.15 , Ask Ten? Qreear MSXILVVOOb" OOSIPAnr. OMrfbatera PORTtANO ' . y oat son. Oblcaoa Maes S14.8S Chicago, Deo. 4. (I. N. 8.) ReeefpU, 63, 000, fsirly acMre. 30 25c lower: bulk, $13 75 014.20; tops, 814.23; hearrweigtit. $18.75 14.25; light weight. $13.75 014.20; light lights. 818.50 014.00 heary packing sows, smooth, 818.10 018.60: packing sows, rough, $13.50018.00; pigs, all 8.00 018.75. Cattle Receipts, .15,000, steady to 26a higher. Beef- steers Choice adrWre, 818.25 0 20.76; medium and good. $10.75018.26: good and eboiee, 818.66 0 20.25; common and medium. $7.80 013.65. Butcher cattle Heifers. $6.80 015.00; eows. $6.40018.66 bulb. 88.75 011.35 C aimers and cutters Caaner s tee ft, $5,76 0 7.75; veal ealrea (light and handyw eight), 816.60017.50; feeder steers. 87.00013.60; looker steers, 86.00 010.76; stocker eows and beifera, 86.0007.76; stocker ealrea, 67.760 11.26. Western range, cattle) Beef steers, $10.76 0 14.76; cows and heifers. 812.60 014.75. Sheep- Receipts. 2.000, steady to 25c low er; feeders, firm; lambs (84 lbs. down), 614.80 016.60; lambs, mils and common. 810.000 14.25; yearling wetbera, $11.25 014.75; ewes, 7.75 0 9.50; ewea, cull and common, $4.25 07.25: breeding awes. $7.00011.36: leader lambs. $12.00 014.60. Omaha Hate S14-SO Omaha. Dec. 4. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts. 7500: slow. 25040c lower. Bulk, $13.60 014.00: tops, $14.20. Cattle Iteoelots. 000U: beet and butcher cav- t)e dull, 36 0 60c lower. Stockora and feeders, mostly 25a lower. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; fully Zoo higher. Den ear Moos 816-00 Denrar. Dec 4. (U. P. ) Receipt, S000; 25e lower. Steers, 810.60013.00; eows and heifers,' $7.00 010.40; stookers and leaders, 17.600 1180; ctlrea, (7.000 13.T6. Hogs Receipts, 1000; 25c lower. Tops, $15.00; bulk. 814.00 014.66. Lambs, 618.60 015.00; ewea. 87.00 0 8.00. Hanaas oil Hogs pia.7e Xaaau City. Mo,. Dee. 4. (L B. S Cattle, 14.000: ataady to lower. Steers. 810.00 14.50: eowa and Heifers, S8.oo0ia.OO; ttockers Sad feeders, 86.00 012.50; oalres, 10.00 017.00. Bogs Receipts 12.000; ataady. Top, 14.76: bulk. $14.00014.26: hearies. $18.76 014.80: mediums. $14.00 014.80; lights, $14.00 014.60; piss, $11.00 0 18.26. Sheep Receipts 6000; steady to 25c lower. Lambs, $15.000 10.80; ewea, $8.00016.60; yearlings, 612.00 018.00. Seattle nogs eie-eo Seattle, Dee. 4. (L N. R. ) Hosts Receipts, 1068; steady. Prime lights, $10.00 016.50; medium to choice. $15.00 016.00; rough hear- in. $14.00 0 14.50; piga, 818.30015.00. Cattle Receipts, 215; steAdy. Best steers, 89.60 010.50: medium to choice. $8.00 0 9.00; eoBunon to good, $5.500 7.50; beat eowa and heifers, $7.60 0 8.7s ; common to good cows, 85.00 0 7.00; bulla, 85.00 07.00: ealrea. 87.00 4S14.00. Sheep Reeeipta, 3100; steady. Lambs. $14.00016.00; fair to medium. $18,000 14.00; yearling. 110.00011.00; wtthett, 9.00 010.00; awes, 6.000 0.60. POTATOES ALOKO THB COAST an Pranclsee Market Baa Frsncisco, Dae. 4. (U. P.) Potatoes Kirer White. $8.0008.25; Salinas, $4.25; sweets, $4.00 04.86. Onions. Austialiaa brown, 4,76. Let kmjslej stark at Lea Angelea, Deo. 4. '(I. N. S. ) Pota toee New stock. - Stockton Burbanks. fancy. $$.58 08.90. mostly $8.66 0 8.00; choice, f8.86 0S.6O; AVsiinawa, Bajrbanka, aaoked. tency. $8.7304.50; Buaaeta, 63.6608.60; new. 66.25; local, lac boxes, mostly 81-25 01.30, Baker CatUe Sales Baker. Dee. 4. -The sale of 100 baad of cattle at $63 a toad on foot by H. C. Elms, firmerly af Unity but now an Ironside mer chant, to Rutherford Brothers of MsJhesxr baa been reported. JBlms waa a Bant river stock lew reek. Bee. (I. M. a.) The staot asarkat olassd strong today. Mast at tea ItaoV Ing aanias slsiad at araosicatly tba beat of the aay. OrwaAla Staai adsanoad IS points ia SI St Staot comftsoo S aelnU to e eMatns af 104 H. Industrial Atoenaf to lOTVi aanerat BBetors If aatete to 348 H. Ptonje-attaw S V, to S0V4. The ceessrs aed ran ware steady. Bteathare Pa- etfks aaa SSH). UtaM coesr 7a, atussaaaar 110 rt. U. a. Rubaer, 13S'e and Takaesa PresV eats, a. ,079,1 04) eftaresi banes, fzs,SiS,SwU, GRAIN flit! IS STRONGER HER E MnistufT Prteea Are Up Another Dol lar a Ton With Greater Cali-Ail Cereals Qooted Stronger. XOBTBWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS1 -Carv- Oaklaad Tarkey Say ., Oakland, according to raports put out today by the turkey buyers, baa est tto data for "Turkey aay" aa December IB. A krfer ship ment of turkeys ia expoatad thaa that for Thanksgiving. LlrsrpooI Cottos Markst tsVsyrpaoL Dae. 4.-p(L N. 8.) Spot eotton apened in aood demand. Price firm. Bales for tha day ware 10.000 bales. Futures earned Wu k Price AArascdd Chefaalta. Wsaa.. Dec 4. KAn anmnmcement has been made by tto Carnation Milk Products company of Casbnua that for tto first half of December tto company will pay $3.40 par 100 pounds for milk. Tto price tor latter half af Noenmber waa 83.38. - .. - - .s' 1 DalaU Flax fesrkwt ' Duhrib. Dec. 4 (t B. A -Flax De cember, new $5 31j eat, 16.82; May, asw, 64.141 eld.-14.80. . . v;- - Ksw Tork, Dec. 4. (L TT. S.) After an irregular opening today the stock market developed strength, with some is sues making upturns of from fractions to nearly 3 points. Steel common after yielding to 103 quick ly recovered to 108. Crumble Steel fjroaa 201 rose to 202 and Republic Steal rose nearly a point to 104. Pleroe-Arrow advanced 2 to 70. Gen eral Motors rose 3 H to 825. White Motors 1 to 66 , Marine preferred t point to 108 , Marine common 1 point to 47 , Atlantic OqH 1 point to 178. Pan-American Petroleum 1 to 266 H and Royal Dutch to 100. Colon Pacific dropped 1H to 133 While tto other rails gained fractionally. Ia tto lata forenoon many issues were strong, while several specialties displayed weakness. Bethlehem Steel B rose nearly 4 points to 93 ; Steal common to 108 ; Crucible . to 206; Ilerce-Arrow to 80 J Marine preferred to 106 ; Marina common w 48. American Hide A Leather preferred dropped 6 points to 110. The Oil and Copper shares were uiet and fractionally higher. ' Furnished by Orerbeck A Cook Cat. Board nf Trade building: DESCRIPTION i 1 Open Alaaka Gold... Allia Chaunors. ... Alloy Steel Am. A sr. Chem . . . Am. Beet Sugar. . . Am. Can, e Am. Car Foundry. Am. Cotton Oil. . . Am. H. A U, e. . . Am. Linseed, o, . . . Am. Loco., e. . . . . Am. Smelter, c. . . Am. Steal Fdy.. . . Am. Sugar, c . . . . Am. Sumatra Tob . . Am. Tel. A Tel. . . Am. Tobacco ..... Am. Woolen, e... Am. Zinc Anaconda Mm. Co. Atchison, c Baldwin Imco.. a. . Baltov A Ohio, e. . Beth. Steel. B . . . . Brook. Rapid T . . . Butte & Superior. . Cel. Packers' Assn . Cel. Petroleum, o. Canadian Pacific. . Central Leather, e. Chandler Motors. . Chicago GU W.. c. do. pfd. C. M. A St. P Chicago A N. W. . Chile Copper Chine Copper Colombia Cas A T. . Celo. Fuel ic Iron. Consolidated Gas. . Cora Products, e. . Crucible Steel, o. . D. A R. G.. e Erie, e Gen. Clears Gen. Electric . . . . . Gen. Motors Goodrich Rubber ... Granby Cons. ..... Great Nor. Ore. . . . Of. Northern By. . . Greene Can. Gulf States Steel. , . IU. Central Ind. Alcohol I us. Copper Int. Hart enter ..... Inc. Mere. M., c . . Int. Nickel Kan. City Sa. o, . . . Kenneeott Copper .. Lackawanna Steel. . Lehigh Valley .... Max. Motors, o . . . . Mex. petroleum . . Miami Copper .... Midrale Steel Mo. Pacific, o. Nevada Con. New Haven N. T. Air Brake. . . N. T. Central Norfolk A West. .. Northern Pacific .. Pacifio Mail fen rv Railway . . . People's Gas Pitts. Coal., o P. S. C, a....... Pullman Ray Cons. Copper . nr. nteai Bp rings . Reading, o Rermb, I. A Steel, e. hock island, e. . . 8 hat tuck Copper . , Sloes Sheffield .... Southern Pacific.. Southern Ry.. c. . . . Studebaker, e St. L. A San Fran. Swift A Co. Term. Conner .... Texas Pacific 3 42 49 91 98 51 185 '20 67 94 62 43 133 88 OS 250 1 16 67 85 108 82 92 15 23 73 44 188 94 116 8 87 89 19 68 88 SO 81 201 8 IS 68 173 885 79 62 88 79 34 69 101 48 128 47 22 15 29 83 43 37 196 22 40 24 16 28 109 69 96 81 41 84 61 98 115 20 5 76 104 25 11 71 94 22 108 16 136 10 42 High I Low" 2 48 H 51 0P' 4 62 ISO 'io" 68 94 64 I 42 136 92 SDH 350 127 1H B8H 83H lUTH 33 H 94 15 34 77 46 H 189 6 118 8 "88 89 19 87 64. 89 87 84, 216 s 13 78 178 846 80 66 89 79 84 70 167 50 130 60 22 15 29 86 43 SSH 208 23 60 25 15 29 110 70 98 81 Union Pacific a. 1128 do pfd. 1 67 V. S. Kub.-o... .. 121 C. S. BmL ABef. . 78 tl. S. Steal, 103 TJtah Copper 71 Vir. Chem., e . . . . 64 Wabash 8 Western Union . . . 88 Total sales-Stooks. 1,07 $25,31,000. 41 84 61 99 115 30 6H 76 110 25 11 74 5 23 110 IS 137 10 42 125 07 123 73 104 78 66 8 80 2 41 49 91 96 61 133 28 67 98 III 133H 88 90 V 250 125 10 84 $ 108 82 91 15 23 75 44 188 04 116 B 37 89 18 30 63 H 38 85 81 . 201 8 13 68 178 135 78 52 86 79 88 68 100 48H 128 47 22 15 28 83 42 87 H 196 22 4 24 18 29 1100 69 96 60 41 83 61 '97 114 20 H 95 H 76 10ST4 25 11 71 04 22 106 H 185 10 41 123 67 H 131 T3 103 71 64 8 88 9,100 shares; bonds. Close 2 43 80 91 94 61 187 49 28 68 94 4H 41 135 01 an v. 230 127 15 68 4 112 83 94 . 18 28 77 45 188 96 ,116 8 28 87 80 18 36 6S 80 aa 88 214 8 ' 13 72 173 844 70 63 88, 84 89 80 Sa 107 60 128 49 22 15 29 88 48 86H 202 28 50 24 15 20 110 60 07 80 38 41 84 61 99 114 20 H 97 7 110 25 -11 73 S 22 H 110 15 136 10 42 124 Portland. Thara,. Tear ago Season to date.'. Taeoma, VTad!l! Tear asn Season Tear ago Seattle. Wed Zaar Wheat. Barley. Fl'r. Oata . 12 ... 11 ... 30 ... . 21 . . . . 4783 110 3064 820 . 4970 061 1136 624 21 ... 32 ... . 3866 66 . 8197 IB . 13 ... 14 a e e iot 113 Season to data... 8118 188 Tear ago 449 40 866 768 1 ... 869 6 42i a 18 856 1747 3 e a 518 718 4 TOR 1048 Trade conditions In grain are lncress-. tag ail around in the Pacific Northwest and there is a firmer tone generally in moat commodities. Millstuff demand continues in excess of present supplies and this has caused a farther advance of 11 a ton in the price St the mills generaliy. , Millars are asking 143.00 a sea sanera&y for muhtafts from wholesalers at this thee, tins be ing a rise of 81-00 above tto previous high price tore. Stoee the cold weather started tto de mand for feedatoffs baa increased materially au along tha line. This is not only true of mtll stutfe bat there la a eorreepondins tnoraaao In the esU for feed barley white tto oata aHoaOoa is generally mora active. Mark eta for bay is showing s steady to strong tone generally with pries seemingly nay Changed for the day. FLOUR Selline nrieea. new eroet Patent. 11.75: whole wheat flour. 810.48; Willamette valley, $10.81: local etraight, $16.20; bakers' local. $11.5011.75; Montana sprint wheat, patent, $11.78; rye flour, 810.101 oatmeal, 81S.06; graham. 811.00. Frioes for auto de tiveriaa In five barrel lota. HAT Buying price, new crop: Willamette Oasothy, fancy, 827.00; Eastern Oregon-Wash ington fancy timothy. ( ) ; alfalfa, szs 9 28.80: Teller vetch. 825.00: cheat. $10,00 0 80.00; straw, $10.00: clover, $24.00; grain, 24.00. GRAIN SACKS Nominal: New crop, delivery, No. 1 Calcutta, 17e ia car lota; less amounts higher. MILLSTCFFS Mixed run at mills, sacked. $48.00. ROLLED OATS Par ton. 860.00001.00 ROLLED BABLeTf Par too, 867.000 68.00. Merchants .Exchange bids: FX ED OATS No. 8 whits BARLET Standard feed No. 3 blue"....... . ij CORN If o. 8 yellow Eastern oata and corn ta bulk: OATS 84 Tb. clipped .4 as ids. oiippea ,., CORN BARLET No. S yellow Nob.! DALEY PRODUCE 01 THE COAST Dee. Jan. 6600 6700 6S80 6000 6900 6950 6800 0000 6460 6600 5600 6650 6000 6800 0725 6760 Stan Francisco Market Saa Francisco. Dec. 4. ( L. P.) Butter Extras. 67c Eccr Extras, IBs; extra pullets, 76c; under- fixed pullets. 72 He. Oh i sib California flats, fancy. 33c; firsts. SOo par w. Seattle Market Seattle. Wash., Dec 4. (C. F.) Butter Local country creamery cubes, 68c; do bricks, 60c; storage bricks, 60s, Kxxs Local strictly fresh. SOe: tmllebv. OSc L0 67c; storage 58 069c Cheese 'Oregon and Washington triplets, 82 0 34c Lee angesee Markat Lea Angeles. Dee. 4. (L N. S.) Butter California, cream sry. extras, 67o. Eg -Fresh, extras, 77o; case const, 66a; pullets. 02c. Live Poultry Hens. 82 0 83c; broilers, 42c; fryers, 29a Meety asd Exchange Few Trk, Dee. 4. L M. A) Call money oa the floor of the New York stock exchsnge today ruled at 0 per oent; high 0 per cent; low 0 per cent. Time money waa nrm, . Rates were 7 per cent. The market for prima mercantile paper was strong. Call money in London today was S per cent. Sterling exchange waa steady with busi ness in bankers' bills at 389 for demand. ST 138 18 104 78 65 e 88 FOREIG3T BrTIJTG CAUSES BARLT BISE IK COTTOTT New Fork, Dec 4. (L N. 8 ) The cotton market opened 16 to 80 points higher on trade and Liverpool buying. At the end or tto first 16 mum tea tha market waa active at a net ad tance of about 80 -points, but later the list reacted about 20 points under realising Tto final tone was very steady. 22 points higher to Si points lower. Furnished by Orerbeck A Cocke, Co, 01 1 rsne ouuamg: Month. Opwa. Jan.. ....... 3GDO Feb. March ...... 3480 April May ........ 8290 July S185 Aug. ....... .... Sept. .... Oct 2925 2980 S875 Dec 8825 8060 8900 Bigb. 3715 8807 S1S Low. 3080 8480 255. 8145 New York spot market 3950. 26 pctnta Beard Close, ae4 8530 8460 3348 3276 3180 8020 2960 2890 8890 down. Modern Miller Bevort Chicago, Dec. 4. Modern Miller says: Insistent reports of reduced screage to win ter wheat together with scattered advices of poor germination, are coming forward.! The most unfavorable prospects are f roan Kansas, where seeding wsa lata, 1'nfavorable eccditions are also reported from Oklahoma. Missouri, In diana and Nebraska. Claims of toarian fly are ao more plentiful thaa usual at thia sossnn of the year. These reports are confined to one or two states and are well eeattered. Generally speaking, however, the wheat plant is aoing well. Argentina Crop Beport Broom hall cabled: -Argentine -Weather h very obxrtgesble and causes much uneasiness. Crops are now pass ing through a critical time; recent frost In the south certainly caused soma damage, though oa account of tto backwardness af tto plant, which waa due to lank of mots bare to many parte, fur ther lose waa saved. Tonnage to United King dom and Continent have declined 15a par too, with more offering, Freights to America are also much easier, steamers " from Boeooa Arret to Mew York bains aroaad $38. Saa Fran el see Barley Calls - Ban Francisco, Dee. 4. Barley calls! xieoemnwr. sow bio, aaa saav ; Mar. SSI August. 380 bid. 281 September. 7 6 bfcL Grain bass, 17a 3Tew 'York Batter mat Eggs New Terk. Dee. . (L N. a) Firm, wjsctonand. Receipts, 6922 teas. Ecaa - Firm. Bhabr la bla-bor. 4789 eases. Hennery, whites, $1.0201.03 S atar he hietog an aeoooat of aeaiutty. Sew Oiieasa Cotton few Orleans, Pec 4. L N. 8.) Cotton futures opened steady with prices unchanged to 6 points above yesterday's close and good local and New York baring and stead) Liver pool reports advanced 20 to 80 points further. Around . 1 1 o'clock pricee were shaded a few points under the hlgn levels of the day. with December selling at $39.60 and May at $38.60. ITew Tork Metal Markst New York. Dec 4. (L N. S.) Copper Firm, Spot - and Deo., offered. 18 : Jan.. Feb. and March, 18 offered. Lead Firm. Spot and Deo., 073 0 6.82 ; Jao, Feb.. March. 066 0 6.85. Spelter Steady. Spot and Den., 0300 8.80; Jan.. Feb. and March, 8 0 8. Saa Praneisco Poiltry Market Ssa Franeejoo. Dee. 4. (TJ. P.) Braflera. 88a; large beau. S3 0 S6e; beak ducks. 28a. Saa Prakeltee Orals Market Saa Francisco, Deo. 4. -(TJ. P.) Oats Bed feed. 83.00 0 8.10. If aval stores Market Jfew York, Dec 4 (L N. S ) Turprn- Une Savannah, fl.Olj New Tork, 1.64. w 508ir.r.SrnDh- 010.10 010.86; New York, 817.00. Kew Yerk-Losdea Silver New Tork. TJee 4. (L J. S.) Commer cial bar silver la He big her at 81.31. London. Dec. 4. (L N. 8.) Bar silver to d klfhert 76d. ITew York Ssgar'aad Coffee Vow Tork, Dee. 4. TJ. P.) Coffee J?o. T Bio, 14 Her No. 4 Santos, 26 027a. Sugar Centrifugal. 67.88. British Aviator Is Leading Poulet in Race to Australia London. Dec 4. TJ. p.) -The race between Captain Boss Smith, British aviator, and Etienne Poulet. French, la their attempted flights to Australia, Had narrowed down to a 46 minute margin la favor of the British flyer, according to latest reports received by the air ministry here today. Smith overtook the Frenchman before Poulet reached Rangoon and arrived in that city 45 minutes ahead, a dispatch te the air ministry said. The aviators both reached Rangoon November 30 and planned to leave December 1 for Ba&g kolL according to a dispatch. The distance from Rangoon, one of the chief cities of the Indian province of .Burma, to Bangkok, capital of Slam, is about 140 milea. . . Two MUton Banks SH6w Prtsperily 'SUlton, Dee. A The two banks of Xtt ton are doing a splendid business. The Farmers Seeurity hank shows aa - In crease since September.-when the comp troller of currency made the last caU, of $50,000, the total deposits amounting- to tX23.746.72 The First National bank, with Its branch at Jreewater, has de posits nf U5ML . IwSlElT i' - - . ACT REQUESTED f . aamMaBSBSBaaaaaaya MandaVnus Suit Filed to Deter mine if State May Meet Big Road Fund of Government. Salem, pec. 4. In an effort to se cure a court interpretation as to the extent to which the state board of control may go under the authority of the Bean-Barrett act of 1917 in meeting ' JAl federal appropriation for post and forest projects' in Ore gon, a petition in mandamus was filed this morning with the supreme court by JVM. Devers, assistant at torney general. . representing the state highway eommisslon. Prior to 1817 the federal so-rrnment appropriated funds for poet and forest road construction under which the state of Oregon was entitled to $1,800,000 on the condition that a similar amount be appropriated by the state This appro priation was authorised by the state legislature of 1917 under what is known as the Bean-Barrett act. A total of $1,200,00,0 worth of state high way bonds have been sold under this act up to this time. A recent amendment of the federal act, however, makes a total of $4,181, 146.96 available for post and forest roads In Oregon up to June 30, 1921. With a view to taking; advantage of this appropriation, the state highway com mission recently requested the state board of control to issue an additional $1,000,000 worth of Bean-Barrett bonds. This, requeet was denied by the board orr the ground that the amount re quested was in excess of the amount re maining; unappropriated under the au thorisation of 1917. The state highway commieslon con tends, however, that it is the intention of the Bean-Barrett aet that the state shall meet any appropriation for high way work within the state made avail able by the federal government, and it is with a view to testing out this con tention that the action in mandamus is Instituted today. It Oregon does aot meet the federal appropriation In this matter, It is stated, the money will be . redistributed among other states.,, PB0P0SED AME9DMEXT IS COTEBED BY LAW Salem, Dec. 4. Evidently J. E. Medley of Portland got his wires crossed when he proponed to amend Article I of the Btate conatitutlon by ' adding another section to be known as Section $6. There are already two Sections 36 of Article I, accord ing to a letter which Attorney General Brown has written, calling bled ley's attention to his . error. One of . these sections prohibits the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, and the other prohibits the death penalty within the state of Ore gon. Both of these amendments " were added to the statutes in 1914. , Medley's,, proposed amendment would establish a minimum -wage of $4 for an eight-hour day. for men, and a wage of $20 for a week of 48 hours tor women. To : Compensate Her For Husbandl's Deatn Salem, Dee. A-M&rnpenation for the death of Louis Jensen, whs died at the state hospital reeently, wDl he sought by the widow at the next state legis lature, according to word received here. Jenson was assaulted by aa attendant at the mstitutkra the night following his committment from Multnomah coun ty. His death followed a week . after the assault, but an autopsy failed to re veal any connection between the, as sault and the death. A coroner's' In quest which Investigated the death brought In a verdict of death from natural causes. The basis of the claim which Mrs. Jensen is said to be pre paring is not known here. S. P. Lines North , Of Ashland Lead With No Mishaps The Southern Pacifio railroad' north of Ashland was the largest system in the United States to pass the entire two weeks of the national accident pre vention campaign without an accident according to final reports received by J. F. Orodxkl, manager of the safety campaign In Oregon. The nearest contender for first hon ors in the United States was the Nor folk A Southern railroad, which also had no accidents. It employs $600 men. The Southern Pacific has 4070 em ployes, the hazard being that much greater. Teacher Illnesa Believed Traceable To Impure Water Oregon Normal School, Monmouth, Dec. 4. Miss Laura C. Holiday, assist ant Instructor in music ' and art, and Miss AUie P. Branberg, registrar of mo urccun iurmai aunoui, are ooui tu the hospital at Dallas with typhoid fever, believed to have resulted from impure well water. Miss Branberg is reported to be Improving rapidly, while Miss Holiday Is seriously ill. BEAL ESTATE BROKERS MAKE APPLICATION FOB LICENSES Salem, Dec 4. J. F. Kerr of Hilleboro Is the first real estate broker to make application for a 1920 license, his appli cation being received Wednesday. A total of 1528 brokers have now been licensed In the state, with the revenues of the department from license fees ag gregating $7640 for the first year of its existence. It' 1b expected that more than $4000 of this arnount will be turned over to the general fund of the state after ail expensea of maintaining the department have been met. NEW TRAINING SCHOOL FOB OLDEB BOYS IS PROPOSED Salem, Dec. 4. An Intermediate re form school to care for older boys found guilty of infractions of the law is advo cated by L. M. Gilbert, superintendent of the state training school for boys. In a report made to the state board of con trol Wednesday. The training school, acocrdlng to Gilbert, Is in no sense a penal Institution and is not in a position properly to cope with a situation which Involves punishment of young men who are found guilty of violating laws. Appointment Is Approved Salem. Dec. 4. The appointment nf Dr. J. D. Plaraondon of Pendleton to succeed Dr. A, El Taraiesie, resigned, as first as sistant superintendent - at the Eastern Oregon hospital for the Insane at Pen dleton, was approved by the eta to board of control Wednesday. Rate Increase Asked Salem, Dec. 4. The Falls City Elec tric company of Falls City, Polk county, Tuesday filed with the public service commission an application for an in crease in electric rates. Many Claims Satisfied Salem, TJec. 4. Claims disposed of by the Industrial accident commission dur ing the month of November totaled more than 600 in excess of the number of claims filed, according to the monthly report juat filed. Reservoir to Be Built Salem, Dec. 4. Application for per mission to construct a reservoir and for the appropriation of water for stor sge therein from Cow creek for - the irrigation of 220 acres of land, was filed with the state engineer's office Wednesday by Holmes D. Glover, of Jordan Valley, Malheur county. I. W. W., on Trial at ' Corvallis, Taken 111 Corveins, Dec. 4. Puskov, a Russian I. W. W. from Hosklns, Western Ben ton county, on trial hers for the second time, became seriously ill while on the stand and was taken to the hospital Saturday. He has been released on $100 bond because of his physical condition. He said he has a family In Russia. Municipal Woqdyard Is Provided at Salom ; For Men Minus Jobs 4. V. 4 f c .- J r Salem, Dee. 4. There will ho 'no ax- cuee for any Itinerant who happens to include the state capital in his "routs this ' winter, hitting the hack doors in, fluent ' of food to appease his hunger. A mu nicipal woodyard win provide ausrple typ portunlty for all Jobless but ambitious visitors to exchange a few hours of 1 hard labor for a ' square meal and oomivruuue piace in wmcn to siesp. r f. The -municipal woodyard 'plan V was '"f--" unanlmouety endorsed at a meeting of 1 representatives of the American Red, I -Cross, the American Legion,' Salvation Army, Commercial club and other or- ganlsations Tuesday nlghL The enter- y - prisa will be under the direct supervt-: elon of the Salvation Army. Which will I , f. maintain in connection with the wood , yard a lunch counter and several rooms J ' for lodging purposes as well as a free' imnlnvtnsri Kn , t - . -I wsawT as e, VU 74S tsW , $225,000 in Bonds Voted for Yakima ; School BuUdings , Yakima, Wash, Dee. 4. Frank Here, ley and Dr. W. L. McCIure were elected directors of the local school board by 4 vote of 2 to I over C. E7. Udell and E. vU LrockharL They favored employment o $ a school nurse. . A bond Issue far $22i , 000 for permanent buildings carried, si did three propositions to levy an tri . creased tax for raising the salaries 1 ' teachers and providing free text book Part of the salary raise will be ratroaee, tree from the beginning of the present; school year and will raise present eelae ' les about $200-eACh. . , v..;. , 4, - St- 2 ft Small Sawmills Are Coiiibined spacious jMewtjtaani; -'. $25,000 Disappears From Orientii Liner San Fraisco, Dec. 4. (I. N. S.) Police of New Tork, Shanghai and Sen Francisco today-are trying to solve the mysterious disappearance ef $25,000 In gold, stolen from the strong1 room box of the liner Korea Maru en route from here to the Orient. , WlefJMttt Valla TVaA. ArsV.awaMtMs ! of several big timber cOneerne' Iters, tnts , the Aasociafed Lumber Bojp tMmpanF was annsmneedr The sew company win ) erects plant at once at Dorrlaj 10 miil south et Klamath Faijav to. handle tbaf output of several small sawtnlls scattered, i over southern Klamath county and Berth : era . Elaklyeu ounty. The plant, whh. will be ready to operate In the spring, 1 will hsvea capacity of 2S.OO0.0O0 feet "avj earsmsassx FfTWaat SAtaSn vtAVaT Atararkk- 4fU1 MA flflfaB-r feet ef standing timber ;,ready mmedv-,; . , ( - - , - i-; t 1 r A l-ws t . . ' 1 Euge'nb Mother of" Eignt Children Peart' Eugene, Deo. 4. Mrs, Annette Alie" Rockhlll died In Eugene Tuesday at ItiS ' , home of her son. Fred R. Rockhlll, Funeral services will be held- Friday at.-. , Salem. She le sua-rived by eight ehltw dren, Fred R. Rockhlll of Eugene, . Mr.' Clifford Parker of The Dalles, Mr Pearl Schlndler of Corvallis, Mrs. Oraa ' Riley of Salem, Joseph rIL Rockhtlt o f 4 Salem. Clsrencs K. Rockhlll of Amltr and Walter L. Rockhlll and Harry . X. . k.RockhlIl of SDrinefletd. Cola. Exestst From AB DbnVlaloa Croverameat Taxation $75,000.00 City of Regina, Sask. GOLD BONDS' Denomination: $1000. $46,000 Gold Bonds Dus March 1, 1933. PRICE: 98.56 and Interest to Yield 6.50 $29,000 Gold Bonds Due July U 1028. PRICE: Par and Interest to Yield 6.50 These are general obligation bonds of the entire City and we recommend them as very desirable Investment aocuritlea , X LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS aaa he vsrAery aenes K vou must salt yewr Llbertr or VMery Beads, eat! te ate. H Llbertf ae Vletary bends, sntr from ae. . We sag and earl aiharty at tna nsaragt. VOtl OANNOT 00 BSTTgS F0V Stay SO W0N8S Todar's spacing Kae Xotk market, which eakabliahas tha governing prices fee theta! States Linertj end Victory bonds au over the world, la aa follows. We advertise .thses prioee daQr in order that ton mar always have the highest xaarket prtoe before roe and snow (lie exact vaiue oi your iinerty asn vsnorr wonos: Market arioaa... Aocmed- interset . , let 2Bd las xna Bra Sttt 4s 4s 4Us 4H 4s 00.20 08.80 02.90 08.00 02.60 04.40 1.44 1.88 .21 2.00 .23 .98 4th Tlcterf 20 .66 Tic tors Bg 66 98 00.0 2.02 9.6S Total 100.84 06.08 92.41 96.60 98.78 06.88 08,26 161.00 LSt.64 Whrs rt4 as deduct tie oa 9 $60 keed, tad $$.$0 sa.s $1000 we aeu at tae Sew xork gaarkex. piaa (Ae anran , CatU S P. sk aa MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. ' The rvwmiar saanislpal SeaS Wsuss Saaaal SlesOO , '-.. forrla Bldaf. 809-11 atark Streot Betweea Fifth and Sixth Streets Telophase! Bread way 81(1. IssakUsasd Ovsr Twssty.nve fears I- t State Farm Productive Salem, Dec 4. A total of more tnan $171,000 worth of products have been taken from the state hospital farm near here this year, according to Superin tendent L. F. Griffith, who states that the high cost of farm, produce has worked to the material gain of that Institution. Plsn 1931 Loganberry Crop. Salem, Dee. 4. Plans for the market ing of the 1920 loganberry crop will be discussed at a meeting of growers to be held, here Saturday. aUoeks, Bssds, Cettea. Grals, Ete. ' lsVfll SsBttd sf Trade Baildiss. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES ; afsaksers Ckleage Beard sf Trade frSrreapeBdsaU j si j ieSgaa Brysg Chlsags . Bow Terk WILSON-HEILBRONNER GO . BROKERS 201-2-3 Railway Exchange DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON ServiCfThat'sM -' - i . ' i . ' Telephones Main 283 Main 234 . F. Huttea tea. Sew Terkj eisreeat Ourtle So, Onlcaaei Oav. aetaaj .j V. PACTS 50. 481 ENDORSEMENT BY REPETITION The most practical. - and the moat positive proof of satisfactory service of an article Is its repeated use. Everywhere that thoroughfare- improvement is con templated it will be found that when, n esbsd on mant win be . ;v-y- BITUUTH1C , WAEBE3lBE0THEKS CO. ' ;Thirry-seven years , vJ - of Progress in Printing; in ? Portland tssalo 165-Tcleplietis BsAii6j FWBALTES 8c COMPANY I FIRST AND OAK'