1G THE OREGON " DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAND.:. THURSDAY: DECEMBER; 4.:. 18191 CONFESSED StAYHt DECLARED NSANE ' Wiifiam Riggin, Who Made Sen- satiqnal Admission, (s Trans - - ferred From Prison to Hospital. ", " Salem, Dec. 4. William Riggin, nt up from Yamhill county In 1915 v ob a sentence ot from one to seven " yean for larceny, and who insist ' that he Is the man who murdered William Booth of Willamina in 1915, for which crime William Branson and Mrs. Anna Booth, wifie of the slain-man. are serving time, was ; transferred from .the state.priaon to th state hospital for the Insane to CHla transfer Is the result of con tinued eyldencs of j Insanity on the part of the prisoner, which are said to antedate his Incarceration, and for repeated- threats dt violence against Ills fellow (inmates MUCTEWCfcD lK If It nierln was first sentenced to the state- prison May 21. 1?,05.. from Jose- phlna. county, for three years for burgr- lary. At that tlm he was 24 years of aire, but his ( previous record contains , several commitments to the state re form school , for minor Infractions of the law. .. . r-'.-i At the. time' of h!s second commitment .to the state prison. Circuit Judge Belt exf reused the opinion that RfKBln was weak mentally -and perhaps should be In the tnnane -asylum Instead of the . penitentiary. On May 10, 1919, Riggin was taken from the state prison to aid. In clear ing v safe and postoffiee robbery at HUlsboro.f- ; CONFESSES TO StTRDEB ' On his way to the scene of the crlme-f he Is said to have told the sheriff that he knew -what he was wanted for and to- hava told of his connection with the murder of William Booth, who he claimed to have shot down In cold blood. His" story is said to have gone so far as to indicate to officials and others the exact : spot on which the crime was committed, as well as other details. All the details in his story are said to, have tallied with the circumstances surround ing the (Time. . Riggin is said to have repeatedly insisted on the truth of the confession at that time. BOOTH MUBDEB DEXIED Both Branson and, Mrs. Booth, wife of the murdered man. who were con victed of the crime to which Riggin confesses,: have steadily maintained their innocence. Riggin (a also said to have confessed to complicity in the murder of the Hill family in Multnomah county several years ago. in which an enfcrre family was wiped out, the mursH?rer terribly" mutilating the bodies of hie-victims with an ax. With tis confession of his con nection With this crime, Riggin Is said to have told of remaining on watch out side the home while . another man com mitted the murder. For this he claims o have received $10, according to a statement made by his father, who de scribes the son as a "bad man." lieved to have liquor In his grips es caped. . Johnson was first taken before City Recorder Butler and fined J100 on a city case. This Johnson paid, but ha was Immediately arrested again on a state warrant and arraigned before Justice Joehnk. who fined him f 20 and. sentenced him to 20 days m jail. Johnson could not' pay the second fine, so was taken to the county Jail at Coqaille.- He said he had bought the whiskey In Sacra men to and had it for .his own use. a dredge for ose on the bay. - A bond Issue .of, f 250,000 will be .necessary . to de fray the expenses. " Hamilton Obsequies Marshfield, Dec 4. Funeral services for the late Rev. C. L. Hamilton were held at the Methodist church, of which he was pastor, Wednesday night. The body was taken to Portland, where an other service will be held. Printers Elect ' Ceritralia, Wash., Dec 4.J. HWellg was elected president of Centralia Typo graphical union No. 694. i. B. Kilbourne vice president, A. C. Gleaeon secretary treasurer, C. & Fischer scrgeant-at-arms. J. B. Kilbourne.' H. A. ' Dtinckley and J, B. McKay, members of the execu-, tive committee, and J., E.- "Wells, A. I Iihl nd J. B. McKay delegates to the Central Labor council. The' union voted 'reasury to the Amwlcn Legion foal. W Build New Dock Marshfield, Dec 4. The port of Coos Bay commission had decided tobuild a terminal docK on Coos Bay. This la final action in a matter considered for some time. It was also decided to build Man Carrying Booze Arrested on Vessel i And Lands in Jail! Marshfield, Dec. 4. - T. E. Johnson, formerly with a United States geological survey engaged in this part of the state, was arrested Wednesday when he got off the steamer Curacao from San Francisco. He carried a suitcase which seemed heavy and was stopped by the officers. It was found he had 11 bottles of whis key in the suitcase. Another man be- BILIOUS? CASCARETS WONT SHAKE UP OR SICKEN YOU No Inconvenience Whatever! No Shock to the Liver, No Griping of the Bowels Ideal Physic! Coated Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigestion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches come from a torpid liver and sluggish bowels, which cause the stomach to be come filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments, forming acids, gages and poisons. Cascarets tonight will give your bilious liver and constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. Casca- ' rets never sicken, cramp or Inconven ience you all the next day like nasty Calomel, Salts, Oil or griping Pills. Cas carets work while you sleep. Adv. Ideal Bread For Sandwiches Always ready no matter who may drop in for tea and a sandwich. Better fix up a lot of them, for the guest will eat them all they're soood. WRIGHTS AMERICAN-MAID BREAD makes perfect sand wiches. Slices smoothly and doesn't crumble. Dainty, appetizing taste and delicious aroma. Log Cabin Baking Co. Portland, Oregon 100 America 21 "f . 3THIS SALE WILL PROVE A SENSATION 'TWILL BE THE TALK OF THE TOWNE GOME EARLY! COME Provisions are mads to handle hundreds. People will come from miles aronad and the stork will go with lightning-like rapidity. Tell yoar neighbors of the sale speak of the prices, make a little party and all come together. Plan to bay several pairs, for never again will shoes sell so cheap. , EXPEEIENCED SHOE MEN TO TAKE CARE OF YOTJ PROPERLY K u 'J OF THE Corvallis SHOE Store The World's Best Shoes Are Here! Such famous makes as ; BOSTONIAW and CROSSETT shoes for men SHERWOOD'S, C. P. FORD'S and CHAS. K. FOX'S shoes for women HOLLAND. ENDICOTT and WALTON shoes for boys and children. ; i$25,000Stockof Standard lt SM IN THE HISTORY OF A DECADE. NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE OFFERED GREATER BAR- GAINS TO THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND. OVER 11,000 PAIRS OF STANDARD MAKE SHOES, RUBBERS TO BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC! Out They Go at One-Third to One-Half the Former Prices AND HUNDREDS OF PAIRS LESS THAN COST OF RAW MATERIAL Women's Shoes OTr MM Pair DRESS and WALKING BOOTS Now ob Sale at $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 , $4.98 - . $5.98 Worth up to 111, Including two.tone pattern. Grays, blacks, fawn, mahogany, tana, bronie, patents, also white. ALL SIZES from 1 to 8. Ladies fine Shoes worth tip to tlt-i-uow on sale at $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.98 LOW, MEDIUM OB HIGH HEELS HOUSE SLIPPERS 79c Pair These come In men's, women's, misses' and chil dren's seTeral styles to choose from. . Be tonre to see these, as yon will want to buy for the whole fam ily. All sixes from chil dren's No. 4 np to men's No. 11. Ererjone can be fitted. SPATS $1.48 Rubbers Children's Babfcera, sines 4 to ItVfc. priced at, tbs ' JO, Misses' Kabbers,' Vises CQ . 11 to I OJ7C Ladies Bnbbars, tow or high heels, all sixes, the CO. pnir D7C Youths' heary roll sola Rah. bers, sizes 11 to S, the 7t pair f 57C Boys' heary roil sole Rub bers, sines 8 to iVt, 7Q the pair JC MeaVheary sole Rubber, aJl slies, priced at, the. no. pair S70C Ladies', Boys', Misses' and Children's Shoes $i .98 We i Kav7Lfroaped one great and grata lot of men's, women's and boys' Shoes, .Oxfords and Sllppen, from which yon can take yonr choice at this priee, setting a style shoe that one might expect from a lot selling for three times this amount. All the different leathern are represented, either lace tor batton, and. a wide assort, ment of lasts and pattern are shown. Come, take yoar choice from this a-rand as sortment, at this price, so low it seems almost an belter able. And, take onr tip, come prepared to hny sereral pairs, for nerer agala will sack an oner ne placed before yn i oar cnoioe at, pair $1.98 Women's High-Cot Spats, All sizes. Colors tan, brown, peart aad taupe. All Shoe Dressings at Special PricesOver 50 Kinds! SHINOLA WHrTEMORES AMERICAN and 500 other brands 5c a can Blaek, white, tarn aad brown. Extra ! Women's' and Misses' Shoes and Slippers now selling at, pair 50c This big lot of women's and misses' Shoes will literally melt away be fore the great' masses of people. .Different styles and leathers In shoes and slippers at this astounding; bar gain priee. Choose from this rreat lot daring- this sale at the exceedingly low price 50c Rubber Boots Bright finished, can. area's sixes S to. ltVn, at $1.48 - Misses' sixes' from- 11 to n, at $1.79 Ladles'; sixes, !H to 8, priced at $1.98 Men's heavy dnll snort Boots, all sixes, only $2.98 Men's snagproof. laeed top Work Rubbers, best IS.M grade, at $2.48 To wear with soeis. -sf . . niii emwear leaiaer. K Women's Felt Comfort Slippers and Juliets $1.48 Far and ribbon trimmed, , bather solas, black and colors j all sixes, 2 to 8. si na4w m SEE OUR LARGE ! WINDOW DISPLAYS COR. FOURTH AND ALDER STS. ..... Ill Begalar IS4 Arch Snpport ers at $1.48 Pr. If yoa aeed them bay SO" o nnm ft. m a I 2 PAIBS WOMEIf8 FIXE Party Pumps SALE AT $1.98 $3.98 $2.98 $4.98 These come in all the aew leathers, blacks and colors, also fine satin, blacks and colors. Every pair a beanty and worth np to f 9.10. Every lady's foot can be fitted; long and short ramps. Priced at $1.98 $3.98 $2.98 $4.98 Boys' Shoes Thonsands of pairs oa sale at "the following-prices: -Beys' ts.it Shoes t A Q priced at 91tO Boys' 12.75 Shoes 't 1 ' TQ priced at. 91f7 Boys' iS.0 Shoes (1 AQ priced at 01.J70 Boys' t4.St Shoes stO QQ priced at W70 Children's Shoes Complete Assortments . SPECIAL PRICES AS FOLLOWS Children's f 1 Si Shoes "TO pair SIC Childrea's $1.5 Shoes ChHdrea's' Vs'is " "si ' AO Shoes, pair wl .HO Childrea's 11.04 d 7Q Shoes, per pair. . . 5 e I 57 Misses' IS.54 and 0f QQ $4 Shoes, pair wl 70 Misses' 4 and C fQ IS Shoes, pair.... JaS70 ALL. OTHER SHOES AT : CUT FBICES Babies' $1 Soft Soles Black and white aad all color combination) sizes a rf Q to 4 oaly. Priced. . UV MEN'S SHOES 5000 PAIRS Men's Work and Dress Shoes Now On Sale at $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.98 Worth up to $10. This lot consists of Men's Fine Black and Tan Dress Shoes in all the new shnpea as well as plain patterns. This lot also consists of hun dreds of Men's Extra Quality Work Shoes, tans and blacks, heary soles, in plain and union stamped. ALL SIZES from 5 to T2. Men's High-Grade Shoea worth np to S10 now on sale at $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.98 HI-CUTS MUX'S HIGH CUTS 4.98 Tfctse come in black and1 brown, 8, 14 and . li-inch tops assorted! all slses from 4 to 11. Ton are snr to .i.. find year sua la some style.- Horn with hackles, some wit host. WOMES'S HIGH CUTS,! QQ ALL SUES ytsslO ' ! rTHOLESALB AND &ETAIL - COR. FOURTH and ALDER STREETS 7 SALE STARTS TOMORROW-, , ; MORNING,; 9 O'CLOCK OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 8 P.M. THIS SALE WILL PROVE A SENSATION'TWILL BE THE TALK OF TOE TOWN; SAMPLE SHOP RXi 286 Morrison St., Between Fourtli and Fifth, Next to Corbett Building 0s" Beware of imitators and imitation sample shops. Look for die Big Sign with the hand pointing at 286 Morri son st. FACTORY SAMPLE SHOP. 5 The greatest sale of the season! We must close out our entire, fall and winter stock and samples. Nothing reserved. No mat ter what sale you may attend, you will positively not get the values that the Factory Sample Shop gives, in our estimation. SUITS SUIT S : Absolutely closing out all Women's Suits To dose out values to $65.00, at only $28.95 and . Genuine Sale We Refund Money r COATS COATS Hundreds of Coats to be slashed and cut to splinters, lyiany in this lot would be cheap at $40.00 at only $18.95 and 1 jfe We Take Liberty Bonds at Full Value COATS, BlackOnly,$7.95 No matter what sale you may at tend don't over look this one. Your money back if you can do better. Dresses Dresses Serge, Silk, Tricotine and Tricolette Dresses All sizes in many shades to be the gossip of Portland Values to $85 at only f n $18.95, $26.95, $36.95 J 2.95 Hundreds of Waists In silk crepe and many novelty effects. ' Just what ydu want for Christmas. 1 o be cut and slashed at closing out price. Values to $25 at only $3.95, $5.95, $8.95 and i oe c 3 No matter what sale you may at tend, we sell for less. ODDS and ENDS t, . , In Suits, Coats, Coatees and Dresses Values $85, at only $36.95 and If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, :yaut: . fc . money oacjt wiuun uircc uays w huwki0 c 11 nt'fl 31 r - it 1$ Vj