The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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    15 .
Courtship and marriage are solves by Leonora Carfax In the Mafaslne
section of The Sunday Journal next Sunday. The problems are Interesting-
their solutions mors so. .- j - -
Leant to Jowe the girt b marrfest Thar are two Bides to the question,
it seem, end both will be presented la the Heguslne section of The
fiundar Journal next Sunday. ' . " .
W- tam Screen ari& jfeatuteg
Lauder's Appeal
Remains as
: Always j
Scotch Comedian Accorded Rous
ing Welcome and Reception
, for Portland Engagement
t ;n a. Jr.
, rB PUT Rarry Lauder to a new test
; yesterday, urmt-.
Throuch courtesy of Manager w. T.
Panete of the Helllr. the theatre's atrln-
. kMt. ..hllitrAn under S WflJ
nil TVin
. tilted ftst UtUe for this one occasion.
and we were permitted to iae w .
K-i t u atui haf the treat Scotch
comedian, and she thought he was great.
: Through- the rather long first part of
the program sne nenaveo nicoijr u
waited antlously for 'Arrjr. And when
... . -1 1 . iMnMAJil.
ft BTtVM int recosiiireu "
ately from his phonograph records and
.urv,t with his sonars and
WM ivuV
funny stories. Even during the come
dian's little war taw ana nis sppest r
. uw nnrrr uuwi ..... -- -
;, Uah soldiers, the youngster sat entranced
-musea ana emenainea.
- Lauder has gone on nis way ana, wnw
might he said ons way or another
: wouldn't Affect the box office receipts
.w Vi will rnntlnna to
Y1 J .... " t
pack 'sm in, just as be did at the Hel-
lm Vila fwn MrtArmUG THUniUi
whenever and wherever he chooses to
: ?11 aniuMta of ths little slrl at the
Show shop, as Conan Doyle might not
put it. Is related merely to emphasise
the universality ot me popular ouuiuii
man's appeal en appeal, the very sub
tleness and eluslveness of which is dem
onstrated in its effect on a child
U1VU1U axvssa-.v rr -- -
I. uta-iai rtniv tar the devclODed aault
t mm uwnuvu w"v -
mentality. There is personality or
something about Lauder that makes his
work stand strong in comparison wjui
v . tj ij in th aame old Lauder. He
Was accorded a wonderful reception la
An unusually clever trick of Japanese
and aa sspecially amusing tramp come-
imititAr are amonx uwi own-
bars; on his vaudevuie program, i
Buy Your Clothes . ;
On Cherry's Term$
New Farce Opens
At Heilig Tonight
TTp in Mabers Room" opens at the
Heilig tonight to run through Saturday
night with Saturday' matinee. "Up in
Mabel's Room" -isn't anything- serious,
but it is declared to be one of the most
entertaining and amusing of recent
farces, and It baa had a long run in New
York city. '
rAHTAGES Broadway at Alder. Hbrfc-ehs
-moderate asd photaoky fMUnc ' Aftersaos
and siac. ; ; Prasiaaa chur M"f r
HETLIO Broadway at Taylor, "Up is Mabel's
Room." faro earned. 8:15; mitlne SsU
srdar, t:l.
XflPTODaOlOE Broadwar st Tarahm. Aekar-
nun ft Barrit Tandrrilla and photoplay tea
. tuna. Afternoon awl sicht.
. - ORA1CATIO arocK
BAKES Broadway bafawi Morriage and Aider.
Tht Bator ateca eompany in "PoJlyaona."
;0 KabOM WediMaday sad fatarday
ALCAZAB Etereetli and Morrtooak Mtnirai
easiady atoak eoBtpeey In "Fan tana." llaS
inea wedoaaday and Saturday 3:20.
L1EIC yourtli and Stark. Msaeal tama, "Tha
BrpaoUaC" Mathice dily 3. aista T and 0.
COLUMBIA Stith and Stark. Rathcrta Mae
Donald ia "The Thunderbolt" 11 a. nv to
lis. aa.
UBEBTT Broadway at Stark. Special pradwe
tioa, "Ta Auction of fioala." 11 a a to
IIAJESTIO-Wsahinfton at Park, fane Gtey't
"ltt'rn. Oold. lla.mtolip,m
FJEuru!a wk ran ana jaei
Oae Waak ef life."
. . rradarlek hi
aa. te It p.
STAR Waabiastoa at Park D. W. OrfKah-a
"Bmkea Bloanaaa." 11 s at. to tl p. aa.
STRAND Waahlnctoa at Park. TioU Dsaa ia
"PUaa Get UanWd." 11 a av to 11 p. aa.
CIKCLJC rourtk aad Waaatactea. BnM Ben
nett ia "The Law of Mea.'1 S a. av to 4
e'etoek tae foDowinc mionunc. f
BTIN8ET Waahlnrtoa sad Broadway. Ckarlaa
Bay ta "Stiias Beaaa" 10 a. aa. t 11 sw aa.
FREE Music
Per AaytMnt Muaieal See fttcOes
eall ript."
S2S AMer St. Mf BiaaSwsy
, By Fay Klif
(Maw Kins fej a Portland flrl, wnoae fifet sew,
paper wock waa pnbliahed in Tbe Jenrnal r
mnl yean acih She new ia located ia Mew
, The other day at a table next to
me In a cafe sat two men with two
kids. No! ot tffe ordinary eld
beans with Broadway babies they
were youngish men and the children
were about S and 7.
It seemed kinds funny to watch
them arranging the children's food
and being quite "motherly" about It,
and when the time for leaving came,
it was quite a sight to see them
putting on the little coats and tying
the little bonnet strings and putting
on tbe little gloves after washing
the little hands in tbe finarer bowls.
Their conversation let me in on
the raot that they were a pair of
divorced fathers enjoying a visit
from their little offsprings!
KInda sad. I thought those little
ones seeing Daddy only once in a
while, and Daddy seeming so mighty
happy, too!
THE ' . "SJ pm
GET everything you
need for fall and
winter now, when you
need them. a few dol
lars at the time of pur
chase will secure all the
fashionable apparel you
choosearid youi may
finish your payment
while you wear the
Cherry's sells the smartest clothes
of nationally advertised makes for
Doth men and women, and thevalues
are seldom -excelled. 'Come fn and
tee what' wonderful buying oppor
tunities Cherry's offers every day.
Cherry's, 391 Washington St. Adv.
free taw ana Orvan.
. Oregon Ian Bteok
THAT tha weather during the last few
days and nights has put an awful
crimp in the fuel pile.
That stuffing the fireplace flue
helps some. ,
fell a
That well have to take the stuff
ing out before Santa Claus comes.
ft IBs
That many of the people m the
. audience at the Heilig yesterday
won't see the inside of a theatre
again until Harry Lauder's next
M Hi
That it was a sort of gathering of
the clans.
ft ft
That we're not sleeping out oh the
porch any more.
BB ft
That ths little lady for whom we
dry dishes, is going to give us an
alarm clock for Christmas.
ftm ft ,
That we need It.
That anyway the wind Is great
for drying clothes on washday.
ftBj JBH
That it's an ill wind, eta
ft ft
That U'AylS degrees below back
ft ft
That The Stroller's dally mall la
growing. '
ft ft
That much of It seems to be about
the females.
ft ft
That twas ever thus.
ft ft
JThat whenever we go to buy a
pair of new shoes we always forget
which sock has the hole in tha toe.
ft ft
That unless we quit noticing
things today someone in authority
is going to remind us that adver
tisers axe willing to pay regular
money for this space.
ft 'ft
That we'd better quit.
And kinda funny, too, these friends
getting together on tha same day..,
each with his kiddie, and- making a
fine party of it!
I couldn't help thinking that may
be If the wives of these divorced
fathers could have seen them as X
did if it wouldn't havs made a
difference !
And what mother could have re
sisted seeing her baby so happy with
But did these Pas ever take tha
children out before ths divorce?
One seldom sees father out with the
Might have been if these fathers
had 8 tar ted in earlier to leaning on
chocolate bars instead of the other
sort, getting; clubby with the kids
and giving mother a rest from them
once In a while, things wouldn't havs
finished so badly !
But if it takes a separation to
teach Dad the sweet delight of de
votion to the little ones then It has
not been In vain especially if
mother will give him another
You can't get much tea-
Haver from common tea
before the tannin comes
along and smothers it
From fine tea you get
abundance of tea -flavor
and hardly a trace of
That is wny Schilling
Tea costs more per pound
but less per cup.
Schilling Tea is the fine
practical economical tea
of this country.
There are fonr flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon India, Oolong.
English Breakfast. AH one quality- In
parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & Co Sam Francisco
Buy Your Furs From a Furrier
Beautiful Lynx Furs
Much Appreciated Gifts
It is a pleasure to give that which will be. greatly
appreciated. Lynx furs are always gratifying gifts. They
uavc a ncn enect, sou, siiKy and a lustrous black. Lynx
Can be worn with absolute harmony upon any' occasion,
whether evening, afternoon or street going.
Pricta at low as good fan may be obtained anywhere
Black, Lynx Scarfs, $27.50 to $225.00, many trimmed
with tails. , ,
Black i Lynx Animal Scarfs, $17.50 to $175.00, in fur
llrcd chokers or curved silk Hrie'd" effects.
, -Black Lynx Cape Neckpieces, $60.00 to $135,00 ; plain
eui.u kiiuiujcu at iCo.
Yl selection as raw fur prices are advancing rapidly. We will
. early selections m our refrigerated cold stoVage free of charge if desired.
Fur Booklet
i Sent Free
v Upon Request
Select Your Christmas Goat
From the Liebes Prior to
CKristmas Sale
The woman who takes advantage of this
coat sale -will have saved enough to buy
gifts. She also has the satisfaction of
obtaining Liebes garments at a price
quite unknown for such high quality.
Four Splendid
Groups Marked
Very Special at
$28.65 $38.65
$48.65 $78.65
A choice of
Tinseltone Lustrola Silvcrtone
Peachbloom Crystal Cord
Evora Tricotine Camelian
in all the stylish and fancied colors of the sea
son. Many attractively trimmed with Rac
coon, Opossum and Sealine.
Gowns for Afternoon, Evening,
Dancing and Streetwear
Specially Priced at
$21.65 $28.65 $38.65 $48.65
Buy your Christmas gown from these specially priced groups. A good se
lection of winter colors in Satins, Velveteens, Serges, Tricotines, etc. Also
handsome dancing and party frocks.
eyrASLisneo CIJDS
Are Equipped
With Modern
Electrical Ap
pliances They are conven
ient, economical
and clean. Out
Club plan makes
it easy to buy
electrical' appli
ances, have them
in your home on
Christmas day',
and pay for them
a little each weefc.
"Join today!
Christmas Electric Club
$1 Club
ST Down and $1 a Week
Toasters, Chafing Dishes,
Percolators, Irons, Vi- ?
brators, Waffle Irons,
Lamps, Vacuum Qean-
eFS (under $50), Sewing
Machine Motors. '
$2 Club
$2 Down and $2 a Week
Agitator, New Way,
Haag, Johnson Washing
Machines, Portable Sew
ing Machines.
Have: You Tasted
toast and coffee made
the electric way? .
Wednesday and Sat-
$3 Club
$3 Down and $3 a Week
Gainaday, Mola, Thor,
Haag Washing Machines.
$4 Club
$4 Down and $4 a Week
1900 Cataract Washing
Machines, Horton Ironing
One Year's free Service
on all electrical - appliances.
Open Saturday eren-
G. P. A. Profit aharin;
. coupons.
5th and Oak
Phone, Bdwy. 1820
Bad Cheek Passed .
This Is ths tope& season" for bad
checks, according" to a dork ef on of
Portland's leading hotels. - A number of
spartous ehscks hare been passed of
late and special care t being taken ta
guard ag-alnst the deception. '. Ons'of the
guests who had a g-oo4 cheek beoane L
ruffled when questioned and wrote . ;
letter of complaint to tha management -
?33kfVfasl'i I I
9 1 1t-kV-l I 1 1 "
w W m 1 tsv m tja. l. a tM m
Player Rolls
A Most Acceptable
Gift Where There
Is a Player
No gift could be more accept
able. Player Rolls range in
price from 75c to $ 1 .25 rDuo
Art Rolls, $1.25 to 4.00. If
in doubt what Rolls to give,
then give one of our attrac
tive Christmas Merchandise
flayer Music Cabinets
S22J&0 Upward
Sherman, pay & Co.
Sixth aid Morrtioi Streets, Fortlaid
(Oppoalte Pestofflee)
".'M-nna.u.H.IIIL l,J Ji U:, M lTuSjt"'S'
Why ia Butter Nut Bread ao.
.Soft and yet aoBrm ? i
'Ttneed s aBee between year ftnsera.
note the toftneas Is testare as4 sraln.
but yet how firm ess soona It ia II
feela Use s spang eaka -
I I K1 : ,
rtleSfldf OftflwMa
94 Third Street
Portland, Oregon
Just Received a Shipment of Sheeplined ;
A fine value garment at .$45.00
Sheev llaed Coats.... ... S10.S0 S16.50. S17J50 JlJ.Kf)
Bheee Uses Teats, so sleeves....... A
O. D. Orwreoata 1S.KO
O- D. Maeklsawa, llfl.OO. elsJ Marktaaws... ....... 4.KO
Leather Oats, SZ7.50, leather Tetu......
Bias Orereoata, all weeu w Viet. ....... ............
her TeiU...... K12.50
................... Kin.oo
........... iio.oo
' Alae jCases. rerret cellar..
31se Cafes, weet Uasa, will tan raja
An assortment of Sweaters, vanont colors and,
' all aiza. tricxl S2.00 to $9.50
reteskrB Breeewes, f e.SO O. Hemeee...i.i.i;ti .00
Ktassier Blaakets. late Kobet. Blsaket. Skeet. Rtorm Hsods,
SksstikJa MoeeasUs, SkJrtsV OrsrsiU aid dtapsrs. Treiaers.
Christmas Novelties, and Holiday Gifts Both
: ; : for Service ana Home Decorations ; ;V- - -0
100 Springfield Carbine, tingle shot, $3.50;
.t X
t .
J. ,
- 4
- . - ' -