13 TOWN TOPICS ' - Tnalm te ad sows of CM Catte etsts abroad should tak. edrafttece sf wpwWtteea farmatisa tod aarriea itimd Ihfwoch The Ora p Jaara.l Tri Boraa. to wnul attar, af Uoraaa . Smith- Railroad ttckata aaa hlD booktaaa ..... . lafomtUDS eira taSSrdlae - mmim iviats j Oraaaa taa Hotai utiatloa. ' '13. -.(.-. inirotljMellni, gtitsChimber of Ccauaeree, Portland. iMermber U t4 16. i Anmal MHn dim IWiiitf tB to Sfl . Stat Traebaia aaaociaUoo. FoTttaod. Daeaa- - si. - Oaotral , J. rmbln to Wt Fortlaad. J- - Bar 17 State Betalkn aaneUtioB. FeVraaf. 1111. Moaobila abow, rebraarr 38 to 38. Star. Siraday School aaaoetatkm, afay. liJS. - K'onhat IhTwtlot aawsJatloa, May. 18S0. tl Unnp contention. Band, J ana 1, 1SS8. KlwsnU tluba, Mtleaal eooTanttoa, Fortes. Jan I ta t. National Trrtalm' ftatostfea ciriatli Portland. Jona 14 ta It ; v , . -Kaatara Bur oonaaatlon, ForUaad, Jane 8. , , Grand lodt ef MwoM. Jrae . lanwrlal Shrina anaranftaa. Jama 33 ta S4. wraaa Arnw atata ltaa THBITT STAMPS tod ' WAS SAVINGS STAMPS On sai, at Bulla Of flea. Tba Jovrnal ftoek lsjsres His Eya Struck by a ton while blasting- near Scappooee, 3. Bergman, 31 year old, was brought to Good: Samaritan hospital Wednesday. It Is reported that ha la suffering; an In Jury to his eya. p. Bennett, age 85, of 1710 Macadam street, a carpenter, sub s' talned an Injured . back whan he fell through a trap door at his residence. : about o'clock Wednesday afternoon. He was taken to Good Samaritan bos . pltat ; Henry Meyers, ttt Eugene street, fell down a flight of stairs at the W. p. - Fuller company, Klcolal street, Wed nesdajr afternoon, suffering a fractured ankle. He was taken to St- Vincents ' hospital. - ' California legislator Speaks "Safety . first for. the automobile driver" will be the basic thought of an address to tie ' Portland Realty board by Senator F. I Eksward of California, at the Benson v hotel Friday noon. Eksward Is a mem ber of the California legislature and Is author of the automobile law of that state. Robert Kuykendall will give a 40 " minute, address on "Unearned Increment 1r. Land and Other , Property." Muaio wfll be furnished by the manufacturers ; of "Cremona," a made Jn Portland pho- - noarapn. Another feature of the pro gram will be a IS minute boost for the Portland rose, by II. L. Blaesing and . Jesse ; A. Curry. B. Lee Paget will be , chairman of the meeting. Expect Heavy Holiday Travel Rait- t road operating officials have been re- : quested by the railroad administration to make a careful survey of business : conditions and arrange (or enough power and equipment for holiday travel to han dle the traffic without overcrowding and yet maintain schedules. It is an ticipated that the heaviest holiday pas senger . travel In years will be further complicated by a heavy movement of mall, parcel post and express. Addition al employes will be -placed on duty where needed. lang Syne Society Elects Officers - . Charles B. Moores was elected president , of the Lang Syne society at the tun i nual meeting held Wednesday evening J at Central library. pther officers chosen were ! First vice' president. Dr. Morris R. Cox ; second vice president, Frederick V. Holman; secretary-treasurer, Frank Dayton; historian, George "H. Himes ; auditors, W. R. McKensie A Sons. The annual banquet of the so- ciety will be. announced soon. Men who were In business In Portland prior to 1 1891 are eligible to membership. ' T" War Workers May Organise ; Ivon B. Rhodes, state secretary for Ore r'gon and Idaho Y. M. C. A., just home from the'Mntematlonal association con f 'Tentton at Detroit, reports that a special committee of 24 was appointed to In- - resflgate the proposal to form a national -.organisation of "t" war workers. He 7 says there was a very strong sentiment In favor of this movement There were 8500 .overseas men and women alone In ' the", association's- war work and several thousands in the home field. , Seekt Long Lost Brother Reunion by Christmas time with his long lost broth- er and his son Is a hope of John J. - Fitzgerald, who 18 In Portland today from Bay Center, Wash. Fitzgerald - heard that A. L. Fltsgerahl, a brother, : had been In Portland wtihin the past month. He came here to seek him. His : son, Jesse, is with the American forces In Germany. Fltsgerald formerly lived In Portland, and can remember the time when It was only a village and the resi dences were log cabins. Back Hesters Soreettfal Duck hunt ing In the Upper Willamette valley is fairly good and hunters -seem to be - Retting full game bags, says F. N. .: Brown, chief clerk of the state fish and game commission, who with Carl ' D. Shoemaker, atate game warden, returned this morning from a trip In this dis trict .- Balb Growing Is Profitable Inrestl gatUn of bulb growing In Western Ore- ' gon on a commercial basis will be made by a committee appointed by the Cham ber Of Commerce Wednesday afternoon. sebaaoa kt- THE CHICKERING Thr Chickering Piano, famous -as the "Oldest Amcri ' can Piano' is the product of American ideals, around which is wrapped the musical history of our nation. It is unrivaled in the ipossession of distinguished hon- - ors, earned by the wonderful beauty of its tone And the perfection of its construction. Sold Exclusively by G. F. Johnson Piano Ca - 149 Sixth Street, Portland ; Chickering-MehEn-Pacfcard-Bond Pianos. Authorities on tU subject claim (ha soQ and climate found In the reclaimed dis trict along the Columbia river are such that' an laduatryrof immense value could bo developed, fThe committee Is com posed of J. O. Elrod, Jesse A.'Currey, a F. Wilson, Ju J. Clarke and James Forbes, - , . laveitlgate Cjable to Asia Requests having been made that the Chamber of Commerce affirm Its stand in reference to the proposed laying1 of a cable to Asia, the board of directors recently author ized the appointment of a special com mittee. The committee was named Wednesday afternoon as follows: George W. Bosch ke, W. A. Robb, Kenneth V. Hauser, John Annand and William Payne. . Revised Edftios lssaed A revised edition of the "General Survey of the Columbia River Gateway Country." which was Issued for the first time early this year by the department of Industries of the Chamber of Commerce, has been prepared for manufacturers seeking in formation on Pacific coast Industrial sites. A thorough analysis of the Co lumbia river district Is made through maps, charts and explanations. School Population 4 The com pleted school census of Multnomah county shows a total school population of 62,263. Of these 66,769 are In Port land and the remaining Ml are In the rural districts where there are 159 i boys and 1900 girls,! according to the records at the. office Of County Superintendent W. C. Alderann. Forest Service Keeelpts Grew Total forest service I receipts for November amounted to $Si,496.55. against $18,730.16 for the same period in 1918. The chief Item was from timber sales which amounted to 628.950.46. Fire trespass cases amounted to $3874. Total receipts to date are $187,314.50 against $168,432.77 for last year, j Bsrglar and Holdsp epidemic has broken loose over the city. Reports continue to pour into police headquar ters. Our burglary and holdup policy Insures you against such losses. For particulars phone W. R. McDonald & Co., Marshall 239L Teon bldg. Insur ance with service. Adv. t Carrier ExamilnatJea Set Examina tion of applicants for the position of rural mall carrier at Hillsdale will be held by the United States civil service commission January 10 at Portland. Ap plication blanks may be obtained from the local officei of tha commission. British Red Cross Society Annual meeting Saturday, December 6. 8 p. m.. Canadian Veterans' association rooms, Manchester building. Fifth and Oak streets. All interested Invited to at tend. Adv. j Shepard Asto Bss Lines St Helena, Hood River. Bridal Veil. Cascade Locks and aU way pointa Leave St Charles hotel on schedule time. For Information call Marshall 4881. Main 930. A-361L Ad. Lost Between Garfield avenue at Jessup and Lewis building. Fourth and Oak streets, lady's gold wrist watch with piece of chain attached, valued as gift, reward, j Marshall 399. Adv. Avoid Isronvealenee of laying up your car to clean j out carbon. Carboncide does It while jrunnlng. Contains nothing Injurious. Guaranteed. Carboncide Dis tributors, 381 Ankeny. Adv. When la Weed of Plates Consult with Dr. E. C. Rossman. Artificial dentures, as he makes them, are satisfactory. 307 Journal building. Adv. Steamer Jessie Harklai for Camas. Washougal and way landings, daily, ex cept Sunday, leave Alder street dock at t s. m. Adv. Falted Artisan Dancing parties every Thursday evening at Cotillion hall. Tou and your friends Invited. All welcome. Adv. Carvtag sets $2 and nn. Everything In cutlery. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th st near Stark Adv. Steamer Iralda for St Helens and Rainier, dally at 1 :80 p. m.. foot of Alder street Sunday, St Helens only, 1:80 p. m. Adv. Bassarl Basaarl Basaarl Grace Memorial Episcopal church. Hotel Port land, Friday, Dec. f, 10 to 10. Adv. Halrenttlng Aa Art at the Market Barber Shop, 187 4th at Yamhill. Adv. MKestoa Kon-Sklds, the Life Insuring Tires." Adv. Moore Sanitarium for the Milk Care Adv. Br. Calvin S. White has returned. Ad. Safety Boxes lc daily. 284 Oak. Adv. Fearey Brothsrs buy notes. Adv. Pioneer Recalls told Times John Fox, who manufactures motor boats and gasoline engines at Seattle, Is visiting old associates at the Im perial. Fox is a former Portland man, having resided In the city before there were any bridges across the river. He conducted a ferry at that time. Ha was for a while superintendent of the Willamette Iron Works. Removing to Astoria, he was head of the Astoria Iron Works for a while before going to' Seattle six years ago. S. H. Green stamps tor eaah. Rol man Fuel Co.. Main 388. A-iint. Adv s ODDS AND ENDS IN THE NEWS :7 . OF TRAVELiSRS AND HOMEFOLK Captain Tells War Tales . Fred Sayles, clerk at the Multnomah, who was a captain in the days of the war, regaled his associates with tales In connection with several German shells which h picked up on the bat tlefield of Chemin des Dame, and which he Is having made up into beautiful vases, lamps, umbrella holders, cigar stands and whatnot. The battlefield was fought over 18 different times, and after the war the huge shells were stacked In big piles, of which the souvenir hunter was privileged to' take as many as he could carry. Wrapped about the shells were several French newspapers giving accounts of the vic tory parade and celebration In Paria last summer. To see this parade some people paid as high aa 100,000 franca, or 34000, for a single window, said Sayles. The French peopleatook great delight In destroying German guns, lift ing them high Into the air and drop ping them. As the big Instruments of destruction fell Into a shapeless mass the people laughed and shouted with glee. a a a 'New. Idea Is Born Mike Callahan, a Canadian soldier, on his way to British Columbia, brings hack the following story from Kelly field. Texas: "All the newlyweds are engaging aU the airplanes at Kelly field for December 16. On that day they ex peot to float high into the ether, re maining so until after the following day, when prophets predict the world Is earning to an end. Then, when all the fuss and excitement on earth are over, the newlyweds will land and start a complete, new civilization." Callahan is at the Multnomah. a a Hot Lake Arrivals Hot Lake, Dec. 4. Arrivals at Hot Lake sanitarium Monday were: H. RJttman, Portland; G. H. Lund, Cove; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Beidler, Hot Lake; H. Bowers and Frank Geddes, Baker; Mrs. Russell, LaGrande; J. D. Cole, Portland ; E. L. Griffin, Salt Lake ; Rich ard De Van, -LaGrande. a a Passenger Official Returns R. H. Crosier, assistant general pas senger agent of the Spokane, Portland ft S&ttle railroad, has returned from a vacation trip of two weeks In Eastern cities. a a a Plant Officials ITere The Aladdin company, which recently purchased a site in North Portland for the erection of a ready-built house fac tory, expects to commence the construc tion of their new plant as soon as the land can be cleared, says O. E. Sov ereign, general manager. Officials of THE BEST KIND of a Western Company is one which brings large- sums of outside : money into the West to invest in Western Se curities. The people of every state in the Union have contributed to the finan cial standing of the New " World Life and this money has been invest- ed principally in farm loans in the Northwest. New World Life Portland Office), Stevens Bldg. SaVSkk. . . .aSSa. S . JJont ask ror ak. ' eaSBaw a m - Distance , , . Q Q D I ID fB M Your time is valuable weare paf2 i TWN" ' TVf5w (ticularly equippedto give you rapid 8 i ytfSmSi eervice., TWl Say the company from Bay City, Mich-, who are making arrangements for the open ing of the factory here are: C T. Por ter, manager; F. A. Karr, general pur chasing agent 5 W. H. Sharp, general sales manager, and Cv E. Sovereign. They art at tha Benson, ' a a - Painting Is Presented A big x8-foot painting of Hasel peak and Victoria glacier, near Lake Louise, appeared on the wall of E. V. Hauser's office at the Multnomah hotel this morn ing. The picture was presented ta Hau ser by E. E. Pennk. general agent of the passenger department of the Cana dian Pacific. The painting la the work of John Hammond. " a e a Lumberman Is Visitor J. S. Gordon, district manager of the McLeod Lumber company of Hatties burg. Miss., and also manager of the Portland branch, la registered at the Carlton hotel. a a a Seattle Woman Here Mra. Richard Dean, wife of Chief Clerk Dean of the (few Richmond hotel of Se attle, Is at the Carlton. a a Railroad Man Guest Captain E. R. Budd, who runs the Fifth division of the O-W. R. N. to Ilwaco, Is at the Imperial. The cran berry, crop at Ilwaco Is fairly good this year, but would have been much better had it not been for killing spring frosts. COFFEE AND TEA a At Wholesale Prices We will deliver Free of Charge to your nearest shipping point, by Parcel Post JBKO COFFEE at 464 Per pound and BOSE OF CETLOJT TEA at 50 per pound, with the guarantee that If either of these Is not satisfactory we will refund the full amount of the purchase price. Jtnro COFFEE la a special blend of Coffee, In which wo gpecisjiga, and cannot be excelled anywhere at the price we Quote. Pound. .46 BOSE OF CETLOJT TEA Is really a 76c tea and sells regularly for that price ; but we buy it direct at a much lower price than the local jobber sells It for, therefore this extraordinary low price. BOSE OF CEYLON Is a tea of Inviting pronounced orange fragrance and heavy body. Specially low priced at 50g Or S pounds for 92.25 26-pound chests of ROSE OF CETLOS TEA f 10.OO MILK - BORDER'S 48 large cans i n case, - each ST.XS BORDER'S 6 Baby Milk in case 6.85 LIBBT 69 large eaas In case . . . T.OO HAMS Sugar Cured Ham, 12 to 14 lbs., average per lb 334 EGGS Oregon Fresh Ranch Eggs, per dozen 75 . DRIED FBTJITS Fancy New Calamyarna Figs, per pound 27H Fancy New Black Figs,, lb.. 254 Dried Grapes, 25 lb. box, ea 164 Dried Grapes, per lb. ...... .18 APPLES Fancy Northern Spy Ap ples, per box 8J1.T5 Hood River Jonathan Ap ples, per box 82.75 Hood River Grimes Golden Apples, per box 92.75 IMPORTANT! OUT-OF-TOWN PgOPLC TAKE PARTICULAR SJOTIOB P. C. BURNS COMPANY 208-210 Third St., Between Taylor and Salmon Special Han Order Service Write for Monthly Price List Meat Greater Portlaad Association Wholesalers to Private ? Families, Hotels sad Bestaaraats Phone Mala lis, A1S You get if over any pfibiiViimpl (asking forNorthwestemLong DisJ itanccj w Between lumber miulind'niain office? Ibetween any factory and office, be tween atrent and uer" conserve time a. . " a nonm ION says Budd. Good prices, however , are maJuof up for any deficiency, At the Hotels ' ! Frank Brown. eresMent of the Pacific International Livestock exposition, la at the Portland from Carlton, Mrs, L. M. Quint and daughter of As toria are at the Multnomah. Mrs. Quint Is one of the successful livestock raisers of Oregon. Sb specializes In cattle. Captain K. M. Border of Seattle, who is in Portland Investigating shipping condition la at the Carlton.- X. N. Cockerline, who Is In the Insur ance business at Albany, is registered at the Cornelius.' "! Mr. and Mrs.. C. A, McLaughlin, ranchers of Independence, are guests at the Seward. - F. W. Haskell is a Pendleton visitor at tha Imperial. Jake Weil, merchant of HUlaboro, la at the Oregon. Captain T. A. Green Is at the Benson from Fort Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. C C. Seeley aro guests at the Multnomah. Seeley 'is state high way engineer and contractor who Is building the stretch of highway between Blalock and Arlington. Mr. and Mra Thad Howe, who have a big ranch at Medford. are at the Portland.! Mr. and Mra. J. H. Dunlop, who are in the lumber Industry at Littell, are at the Multnomah. j B. Baker la at the Imperial from Pen dleton. ! Charles A. Ooetler. advance agent for Chin Chin company, is at the Port land. . G. K. Landers of the office of the federal grain supervision Is at the Carl ton. CATSUP Del Monte Catsup, pints, per dozen 92.50: each 226 The Best Flour AT THE LOWEST PRICE LESS THA5 WHOLESALE WHITE RONE FLOUR Fine family. 49-lb. sacks, per bar rel. 11.35 Sa-VClC ej.eoea WHITE ROSE FLOUR 9 8 -lb. sacks, per barrel.. .811.25 Sack, 9 5.70 WHITE ROSE FLOUR 2 H lb. sacks, sack 91.50 SUPERIOR FAWCT PATE ITT FLOUR 49-lb. sacks, per barrel 912.10 Per sack 93.05 AH mall erSart win be mart earefatTr and prompt' at thee low price. Bans' as your Qraoery lltta ef Of ajariaa antes. We will quota pau stir lowest wheiassle sriest For Friday and Saturday . 50c Gillette Or Gem Blades AT THE Toilet Tissue 5 Rolls 49c Excellent quality, 1000 sheets to roil. Limit s rolls to a customer. Genuine $1 NuxatecJ Iron Be Reg. $2 Fountain Syringe f-eaart else, fell length tsbe, 8 bard jabber attachment. Special at only.... $1.10 3 Sa S. Sa For the Blood 89c A Regal Shoe Value You Cannot .Afford to Overlook C)NSIDERING the preralence of high prices for shoes, and the increas ing scarcity of fine leather, such aa oflFcf ing as this is Indeed exceptional. The business man who knows how much his success depends on his appearance, takes immediately to the "Hudson' a shot built on narrow lines, with plenty of toe room. It is made of genuine Russet The REGAL SHOE STOKE Portland Store -347 Washington Street. Bet Broadway and Park St. REGAL SHOES Exclusively for BAN FRANCISCO TT2 Vfaxka St. Xmas Apples Send yonr Eastern friends a box ot luscious Oregon Apples Spltsenburg, Delicious, Newtown, Jonathan, eta. $1.25-$3.75 Per Box Special Gift Boxes, express prepaid to any place in the United States $1.75 - Faiey rplaad Potatoes, Aasolatelr free Vnm Frost The Apple House 115 SECOND ST. if ear Waakbiftaa Faeae aXala 47SS WHY 1 1 ''23 Not Heldfond Drug Co. Morrison and First Sts. THE VERY BEST GUARANTEED RUBBERGOODS LOWESTRICES IN THE CITY paaa. .. Regular $2.00 Hot Water Bottle Mad tsa on pise. Ne seams. 2 -quart all. QQn 8peial at ....... 70C , Sanitary Douche Large seere4 , snlfc, aslsstaMe hlala, har rah kr beat pise, tferows whirling pray. Rellahls aad safe. Beg lar taailtf. Bpeelal . 98c PATENTS SOe Musterol 24c 20c "Crauin." Aspirin TaUeU 14C, $1.28 3-rr. Cadonea Tab ku 89c 60c Bromo Seltxer 49c 60c Doan'a Kidney PUls for 49c. $1.00 "Zemo," for Eczema. t 79c. 60c 3 D. D. D for Ectetna, at 49c. Wmiams' Pink PHls 39c S0 Mantholarum 39c 75c Genuine" Haarlem OQ Caps 49c. ' SOe Swamp Root, for Weak Kidneys 49c Phenols Wafer. .....19c $1 Beef, Iron A Wine 89c Mulao Caeoanat Oil Shampoo 39c Dr. Miles' Nerrine . . .89c SOe White Pbe A Tar 39c The Regal "HUDSON," $12.50 calfskin with leather sola sad tow. broad heel leathers that art Ucreasingjy scarct' but which yew may always b sure of get ting ia your Regal Shoe Store. An excellent example of the quality long associated with Regal Shoes. As for serrico, we recognize the tndoe of time to busy mea( aad serre font quickly. MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN OAKLAND 13 IS BiosJwst C2ATTXB - HIS IicsbJ Aav Remember There? One Safe Place to Bay Your , Christmas Piano or Phonograph TERMS aaa- ,laMsw 'aaJaw'a m SSlWaWaWaW ffi ' k0SOmr taaaaSwaaSaaa ' e -M TRUSS TORTURE eaa be eliminated br waaiinar the XJtme berc Rapture Support. We sis Sros trisa to prove tts superiority. - . TraMB sad inLnihmmt a. LxnrDBxao co. m Wasalmftea SU Bet. ItU) aad lita xsituad. Oft '".- :- For :Friday and Saturday 50cPeptodent Or Peiieco Tooth Puto Genuine $1.00 Teniae Be $1,49 8tk: $1.00 Squibbs PtraiHnd 0U TJieReptl "HUDSON la Russia Call $12.50 TACOMA 40 Padc Av I Treat Sue cessfnlly. a a d For About Hall the Usual Prices t- ' ,.rv Disnasss at Kf, aQar, Nose aad TbrtaL Wants. Heart aa4 Kklnera. Alto femalo disorders, blood aad skin dlseaaea. PUea, Uoltre aad Rheume Usm u I e k 1 r raw Moved. Complete area eral praetloe. - I k... all . eeayarr to Insure ro tlrwZSZZ uiMuta and, t sbts you about par ant OH H. CUUDE HAUPTG tXai Aim WABHIKOTOV STS, - ' Kearsi IS A. St. to S r. Sf. . OTxem.Foini............iiAnr Un acsisijrcB Faora........cAST stit . t AJTD tlS PKKVM MVVLDUfO wediaal .V; i. -"j ! i i. . a srcsiOAZt vnmvuxsit We filrs rres I 1 sjeooueaLt. sjvsio oo. " ' - S L3