The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Famous Actor and His Kiltie
Band Are Given Big Welcome
J by Club Men -at Luncheon.
Weaving . a wreath of. beautiful
words from which he formed the
fairest sentiments of his quaint, big
hearted philosophy, Sir Harry
Lauder, first of all a Scotsman, en?
tertained and edified a large and
.-highly enthusiastic audience of
' Portland club men at noon Wednes-
day, when he was the guest of the
Portland Rotary club at the Cham
' ber of Commerce.
- Lauder and his klltl band made
themselves welcome promptly after they
were greeted i by Mayor Baker and in
troduced by Charles E. Cochrane.
- The homely sentiments Lauder wove
into his speech produced many epigrams.
Among the pertinent declarations he
said; ' .
There is Bolshevism and all. the other
Isms to beset us but the only ism thai
can thrive In America is Americanism.
"Many neglect their own business by
paying too much attention to the busi
ness of the other fellow.
. There is sonwthlng marvelously
wrong with the system that gives the
shirker and slacker the same rewards
- as the man who puts his whole energies
Into his work.
"The first thing we must grope for
1 Ood. If we start right there we'll be
rlgh. all along the line, because. Ood is
Lauder recited brief parts of his life
history, reviewing the 10 years he, spent
in coal mines as well si his active war
work. He concluded the story with a
reference to the sacrifices of all people,
and Minted to-hls own sacrifice through
the, loss of the son who was his "only
bairn.. He sang at this point a tenderly
pathetic Lauder song that left the eyes
ct only the most stolid dry.
At luncheon were host members Of
the Rotary club, members of the Ad and
Kiwanls club and the Chamber of Com
merce. In the group were several men
who knew Lauder In his youth. These
Included A. G. Findlay, royal chief of the
Order of Scottish Clana, and A. O.
Brown, both of Portland, who knew the
present British lord' as a coal mine
worker in Scotland.
Lauder was presented with a Scotch
"short' cake as he took his seat at the
table. In addition, a great wreath of
flowers was presented. Sir Harry Is an
honorary members of the Glasgow
Scotland) Rotary club, and by reason
of this association took occasion to laud
the work of the organizatin.
There is a standing Invitation to Port
land folk to visit the Lauder estate, Glen
' Branter, Strachtn on Lock Fife, but
there Is also the admonition that "all of
you must not come at once ; and at the
end : of the hike over ' Lauder's If, 000
acres of homeland there'll be a "wee
draft of deoch an' doris" he promised. .
Lauder's comment on the League of
Nat'Ions was an outspoken tribute to the
possibilities of the present covenenst,
j which he concluded with a declaration
that the league Cannot fall and that
whether It is accepted today or tomorrow
It will ultimately be accepted by all
worthy governments.
Famous pain and ache Liniment,
kept handy, brings gratify
ing relief.
3fe HEUMATIC twinges ease up soon.
V So do stiff Joints, lame back,
neuralgia, overtaxed muscles, and
those pains from weather exposure,
toothey don't fight long against
the counter - Irritant Sloan's Lini-
Iraent produces. . v
Keep this old family friend handy
for instant use a little, penetrates
without rubbing, leaving no skin
stains, muss, or clogged pores. You
ought to keep a bottle handy always.
All druggists. Three sizes 35c,
70c. St. 40. Adv.
Banish them by using Dr.
BelTa Pine-Tar-Honey
, p THOUSANDS recommend it. Dr.
I Bell'. Pine-Tar-Honey isn't an
'. experiment, but a cough and cold
,. remedy that has steadily grown popu
. lar because it is quickly effective.
For lingering colds or coughs or fresh
attacks its balsamic and healing anti
septics are sure to be beneficial. It
: brlnjpi speedy relief from phlegm-con-
gestion, inflammation, tickling bron
- chial tubes. Good also for hoarseness,
' coughs due to grippe, and kindred ail
ments. Economical-- bottle goes a
loaf way. 30a, Xx, $1.20.
A Fin Family Laxative
rVpo-Lax. Kstmse peeved atsbtaa
the bile and acta the Urn on the lob.
oieael. Fo-De-Las la mild bat positive is
action. It promptly corrects const tpsUoa as
yeon or old. 6Qc.aU Pranfrta,
M'uvts 4JAAft o iSTQMAcry
Govenunent Starts
Investigation of 79
Cent Storage Eggs
, Chicago. Dee. 4. (I. N. R) TJnlted
States District Attorney Clyne today
started three Investigations in this dty
to learn why cold storage eggs are sell
ing at 7S cents a dozen the highest
price in years, when the cold storage
houses are holding 7.000,000 dosen eggs,
nearly 100 per cent more than were
held In cold storage last year, when
- rtce did not exceed 75 cents a
. Fresh eggs are being Quoted at $1 a
dosen r v - .s v- .
Clyne declared today ' be would seek
indictments of all egg dealers who are
boosting prices and that he would con
fiscate all eggs that have been In ware
houses over the period prescribed by
Pupils Don't Get Milk
Ashland, Pec. A report of the com
mittee who made the. milk survey in
the public schools of Ashland shows a
large percentage of children are not get
ting milk In their diet. In the Junior
high school of 410 children, 199 were not
receiving milk ; in the Hawthorne school
of 290 children, 100 were not receiving
Public. Library Has
Copy of U. S Peace
Pact With Germany
A copy from the special edition of the
peace treaty with Germany printed for
use in the United States senate, has
been placed in the public library of
Portland through the offices of Senator
Chamberlain and J. N. TeaL
Maps of Germany and important
places Involved In the treaty, French
and English texts and various other
documents besides the treaty are con
tained : Among these Is the original
draft of the League of Nations and the
revised draft, the . report of the com
mission of the League of Nations and
reports on the conference between the
president and the senate committee, on
foreign relatione.
... .
Alleged Alien Enemy
Is Under Arrest on
Executive Warrant
Arrested on the first executive war
rant issued for Oregon since November
11. 1918, William Brandorf, alias Bran
don, alias WUhelra Prandle. was brought
to Portland Wednesday from - Ontario,
Or by Deputy. United States Marshal
Tlchenor. He is declared to have made
insulting remarks about America and
praised Germany's participation in the
war. i -
He was arrested In July, 1911, while
working' on the waterfront contrary to
law. He was Interned but later paroled.
Law; Students' Club
Organized at U. of 0.
University of Oregon, Eugene, Dec 4.
A University of Oregon Law Students
club Tecently formed, organised by 14
taw students, with Lyle V. MoCroskey as
president, has tor its purpose tht fur
thering of the study of the science or
The members .of the club are as fol
lows: Maynard Harris. Portland Joe
Hedges, Oregon City; Gordon Wells, Kue
gene; Kenneth Armstrong, Jefferson
Klsh Chapman, Marshfleld; Ben Ivy.
Portland; Bill Coleman. Portland: Bor
don Wood, Woodland; Francis Wade,
Rlchburg; Joe Ingram, Portland; Fred
erick Howard, Eugene; Eart Conrad.
Corvallis ; Sylvester Burleigh. Enter-
t-7 : : ; . Mj , i -
prise,! with professors & B. Warner and -
Thomas J A. Larremore of ths university '..
law school aa honorary members.
- 11 ,
"oiuxxys fresh?'
Sold Everywhere
Only 17 Shopping Pays Until Christmas" Do Your Buying Now While Assortments Are at Their Best
Double Trading Stamps With All Charge or Cash Purchases
Do YourXmas Shopping at This Store and Take Advantage of This Cash Saving on the Money You Spend
Manicure Sets
.' $2 to $25
Main Floor Large selection from which to
choose. Ebony, - Imitation Ivory, Pearl and
Horn Sets put up in genuine leather cases. A
splendid gift for man or woman. $2 to $25
Th Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Practical Gifts
of Lreather
Main Floor Music Rolls and Music Folds In
various styles $2.50 to $7.50 Men's Collar
Bags of tan or black leather $1.25 to $5.00
Women's Pin Seal Bags. 'Purses,, $3.50 to $35
The Store of Best Assortments, Superior Service, Matchless Values
Bargain Circle, First Floor1 Extra
special offering for tomorrow only.
Women's Slip-On Sweaters in plain
and fancy leaves. Some with
small roll collar finished with tas
sel, others with round collar trim
med with buttons at back. Excel
1 e n t assortment of J(f QJT
.wanted colors. Special twOeltJ
Dainty Gifts for
Second Floor Knit Wool Sweaters
In white, pink, blue $2 to $5.50
Infants' Mittens 25c to $1.25
Baby Buntings trimmed with
pink or blue comfy and warm Tor
winter priced at only $4.98
Moccasins white, pink, blue
offered tomorrow at only $1.19
Infants' Sacques $1.75 $3.50
Infants Blankets $1.29 $4.98
Comb and Brush Sets low priced.
Knit Leggings, white onIy,$2.19
For a Girl's
Second Floor Girls' Flannel Mid
dies In navy, red and white. Braid
trimmed. Specially priced $5.98
Girls' Bath Robes made up in
warm, woolly Beacon flannels. At
tractive designs. $3.85 to $6.85
Bath Robes for little tots t to 5
years of age $1.98 to $3.65
Slippers to match, 85c-$1.50
Girls' Wool Dresses special lot
in a Christmas Sale at 1-3 Off.
Girls' Taffeta. Frocks at 1-3 Off.
Girls' Coats special at $13.98
All Coats over 50 now 1-3 Off.
Hair Nets 15c
Notion Dept., First Floor These
are in the popular cap shape and
are made of real hair. Shown in
a complete assortment of " (f
wanted shades. Extra values JL9C
Sale Women's Coats
Garment Salons, Second Floor
-139 Women's and Misses high-class Coats grouped into four special lots and
priced for immediate clearaway. A wonderful coat opportunity for any woman.
- V
Women's Coats
Second Floor Beautiful Coats In the
season's smartest styles some
belted, others with loose back. Large
collars of fur or self material. Sil
vertone, Velours, ' etc. IQI QfC
Priced very special at J?0ee7J
Women's Coats
Women's Coats
Second Floor Coats of Diagonal
Cloth, Cheviot and Novelty Mixtures
in the most wanted colorings. Belted
and loose styles with large collars to,
be worn high or low. QOA AA
Button trimmed. Special JjleUU
Women's Coats
Second Floor Beautiful Coats of
Yosemite Cloth, Velours, Diagonals
and Fancy Mixtures. Belted, plaited
and loose models. AH have large col
lars. Good practical I?1 0 QQ
styles. Priced special at Dxei0
Second Floor Coats of Pejich Bloom,
Bolivia, Chinchilla and Velour. Nov
elty belted and loose effects. Many
nave urge tur collars and
are full lined. Special
Mill-End Sale of Ribbons
39c, 65c, 85c Yard
Main Floor Hundreds of yards of beautiful Novelty Ribbons In a great
Mill End Sale beginning tomorrow morning. Ribbons for making of
all 1tin4s of Christmas gifts and for Hair Bows. Beautiful Dresden,
Stripes, Brocades, Floral and plain. Wide and narrow widths, dark and
light colors. The most important ribbon sale of the year.
Offered in 3 SPECIAL LOTS at onl 39c. 65c and 85c a yarl.
Special Showing Ribbon Novelties
Suitable for Christmas Gifts
Main Floor The Ribbon Section invites your special attention to a com
prehensive showing of all that is new and novel in'dainty articles made of
ribbons Fancy Bags, Coat Hangers, Camisoles and scores of other things
so appropriate for the Christmas season. Double Stamps with purchases.
Elastic Veils
Main Floor Women's New Elastic
Veils in black and desirable colors.
Fresh shipment just received. Many
stores sell these at 25c each. Very
smart and dressy. Spe- 1
dally priced 2 for 25c ea. JLeJV
New Veilings
Main Floor Plain and novelty
mesh Veilings 'In a larne assort
ment of the newest patterns. Black,
browns, navy and other wanted
colors. Price 65c to $1.65 yard.
Jolly Old
rappears with his great pack of
toys every day from to to 12 an J
2 to 5 in Toyland on Fourth Floor.
Let the Children come in and
see turn. ALL ARE WELCOME!
$7.50 to $15.00 Hats
Special at $
French Felt and
Tailored Hats of
A sacrifice offering to
;lose out about 100
Trimmed Hats in short
order. Smart, stylish mod
els for maid or matron.
Mostly turbans and medium
large styles, but all are
very desirable. Trimmed
with flowers, fancy
feathers, ornaments, rib
bons, etc. Trimmed Hats
formerlv 17.50 to $15.00 at
Velour Hats Special $5.00
Hatters' Plush Special $5.00
Sale Rogers ' Silverware
10-Year Guarantee
Third Floor Wm. A. Rogers' Sil
ver Plated Table Silver in the
beautiful Chippendale pattern now
offered In a Christmas 1 e.
Set of Six
Tea Spoons set of six $1.28
Dessertr Spoons set 6 $2.38
Soup Spoons set of 6 $2.52
Bouillon Spoons set 6 $3.12
Table Forks set of 6 $2.52
Dessert Forks set of 6 $2.38
Oyster Forks set of 6 $2.18
Table Knives set of 6 $2.95
Salad Forks set of 6 $3.28
Single Pieces
Sugar Spoons special, each 49c
Berry Spoons special, ea., $1.38
Cold. Meat Forks special at 85c
Butter Knives special at 49c
3-Pc Carving Sets special$9.50
Smoking Stands $2.49
Third Floor If he smokes he would appreciate one
of these attractive stands for Christmas. 27 inches high,
brushed brass finish. Removable glass inset $2.49
Ash Trays
Mahogany finish
Ash Trays with
glass in$et. L I ra
ited number to be
closed out at 75c
Jars 69c
Silver Pitted
Horseradish Jar as
illustrated at left.
Fitted with glass in.
set Special 69c
$8.00 Casseroles $6.49
Dept. Third Floor
-Silver-plated Casserole as illustrated. Good heavy handles and at
tractive pierced frame. Fitted with Pyrex Ore-proof flass lining.
A good practical jift for the home-loving woman. Af
This is our regular 18.00 value specially priced tomorrow 50K
Child's Play House
Toyland, Fourth Floor Kiddies' Villa-a
sensible play house for a child. Size
4 yixAyi feet and nearly 5 feet high. Sub
stantial wood frame with painted green
wire screen all around. Hinged door '
oilcloth roof. Regular - f f(
17.50 house offered at only DXVUU
Double Trading Stamps with purchases.
$85 Billiard Table $59.85
$50.00 Combination Table $29.85
Toyland, Fourth Floor Well made
live cushioned Billiard Table, fully
equipped with billiard and pool balls,
pins, cues, chalk, counters, etc.
Strictiy high grade QPQ QfT
185.00 Table special at DO7OtJ
Toyland, Fourth Floor Combination
Billiard and Pool Table fully
equipped. A splendid Christmas
gift for the children. Well made in
every particular. Reg- OQ QC
ular 150 value. Special fD&VmOO
Xmas Slippers for Everybody
Choose Now for Gift-Giving
Regardless of whatever else you may have on your gift list slippers
never fall to give pleasure to the recipient and are always acceptable. ,
We state most emphatically that our stock of Christmas Slippers Is the
largest and most comprehensive In all Portland. We placed our orders
early and consequently we have ttfe goods ready for your choosing
NOW. Slippers for Men, Women and Children. Slippers In every style-.
In case you do not get the right size, gift slippers may be exchanged,
Cavalier Boots
$2.75 and $3
Men's Slippers
All Styles
Men's Slippers of fine, soft
leather, with hand turned soles.
Brown or black. Romeo, Everett
or Opera patterns. d0 QQ
Priced special the pair tyOVO
Dress style in felt $2.25 $3
Men's Cavalier Boots of brown
vicikid. Highcut style, (Tfl
turn down collar. Pair V 03
Men's Kid Slippers in dark
brown, Opera, Everett
and Romeo styles. Pair
Main Floor Men's and
Women's Cavalier Boots
of good heavy grade felt
Height above ankle and
have roll tops. Shown In
fawn, gray and green,
full assortment of sizes.
$2.75 and $3 a pair.
Children's Xmas
Main Floor Never have we had
such a splendid stocjc of Chil
dren's Slippers as this season. AH
the very latest styles are here for
your choosing at popular prices.
Children's Felt Slippers in the
desirable styles and colors. Serv
iceable, comfy ind warm.
Priced from $1.19 up to $2.25
Boys' and Youths Felt Sliftpers
In styles Just like daddy wtfars.
Boys' and Girls' Indian Mocca
sins in beautiful beaded and em
broidered effects.
Women's Siesta
Main Floor Women's New Siesta
Slippers in red, fay, black, orchid,
old rose, fawn, pink,, copen. green,
light blue and brown. Ribbon and
braid trimmed. Collars Of (IJO np
contrasting colors. Pair DJ
Women's Siesta Slip- CI QQ
pers with plash trimming tDA0
Women's Siesta Slippers with coK.
Ing and pom pon. Variety d1 Q
of diff erent 'colors. Pair D-LaJL7,
Double Trading Stamps Given With All Charge or Cash Purchases
Pearl Beadsfrf tj ji.a
Immense Assortments
Imitation Peart
Beads in a great
special showing at
Jewelry counter.
All sizes, plain
or graduated.
Long and short
strands. 25c up.
"Cono" Pearl
Beads put up in
individual boxes.
Priced at $4.50 Black Beads,
54-inch lengths $2.50 and up.
Real Italian Jet Beads in several
styles and lengths $4.50 up.
Gift' Jewelry Brooches, Rings,
Watches. Bracelets. Lavallieres, etc.
Special Sale Cedar Chests 3d Floor
For the bride-to-be, for sister, mother or friend, one of these beautiful chests would be a most welcome gift.
Many different, styles to select from. Made of genuine Tennessee Red Cedar. Get your S. & H. Trading Stamps.
Handkerchiefs the always acceptable, always
dependable necessity of costuming, and never
was there daintier array to select frSm. Choose
now while our stocks are new and fresh.
Kerchiefs 6 for $1.00
Main Floor Imported Irish Hand-Embroidered
Handkerchiefs In many beautiful designs. White
and colors. Neatly hemstitched. Also
hand block prints special 20c each, 6 for vl
Kerchiefs 3 for $225
Main Floor Women's Pure Linen Handker
chiefs in dainty one-corner embroidered designs.
These are easily worth, 1.00. Put J0 OP
up 3 in a n e at box for only
Kerchiefs 3 for 75c
Main FIdor Women's Handkerchiefs in new Ap
penxell effects. .Gray embroidered designs J7Kn
butterfly, basket, floral. Special 3 for "I OC
Boxed Handkerchiefs
in Great Variety
Women's Fine Linen Handler
chiefs hemstitched and
Other Cedar Chests
v Reduced
Third Floor Several styles In Cedar
Chests on sale at $12.95. $15.90
$17.60 Moth proof well-made.'
$25 Cedar Chests $19.90
Third Floor Special lo of Tennessee Red Cedar Wardrobe Chests sire
18 inches wide by 42 Inches long. Beautiful style decorated Q Qf
with copper trimmings. Sell usually at 25.00. Christmas sale ' T-rv"
Sale Bedding Continues Saturday
nlv $1.50
broidered. Three
terns in box at only
Women's Sheer Lawn Hand
kerchiefs with Invisible striped
hemstitched edge and em- (IK
broidered initial. 3 in box OtJC
Women's Swiss Madeira Hand
kerchiefs In exquisite P" ff?
designs. 3 in neat box tDX4t)
Women's Kerchiefs
Special 25c
Pure Linen Handkerchiefs of
splendid quality. J-inch hem
stitched hems, full size. OKA
Extra values priced at only GOV
Madeira Kerchiefs '
Real Madeira and Spanish
Hand-Embroidered Kerchiefs in
many beautiful patterns. Extra
good values tomorrow only 75c
Children's Kerchiefs
Children's Nursery Rhyme Ker
chiefs Cutout Picture Book
with nursery rhymes and three
dainty Kerchiefs, t Very QK
appropriate for xlft$--at' OuU
-Children's Handkerchiefs with
animal and figured de- fttZ A
signs. Put op 6 In box lltl V
Children's Colored InitialHand
kerchiefs 3 in package at 29c
- 1
f !