THE bREGDIX DAILY JOURNAL, PORT LAI JD, THURSDAY. -DECEMBER 4, 1919.; 10 : AGAINST LOCAL HOTEL DROPPED Judge Morrow Dismisses 'Case Against dolden West Hosterly vOn State's Motion Todays -J : - On the ground that the etate'ej ' ease vu too weak to warrant the expenditure necessary to retry the abatement proceedings again at the i; Golden West hotel before a Jary in Circuit Judgs Morrow court, a mo- . tlon to have the action dismissed ; was made ttWay by ? Deputy District Attorney ;jjari Bernard. The mo- ' Uon was granted by" Judge -Morrow.; ; After atl the evidence '-had been pre sented in 'the ease at the trial Judgtf Morrow refused to make any decision and announced that he would call for - a jury and have the evidence submitted again for their determination. . This would Involve considerable addi tional expense to the state and District Attorney Walter Evans said today that; la view of the fact that the prosecu tion' chances of a verdict were so slim h did not consider it warranted. There was only one witness during . the trial who testified that there was r any. Immorality at the Golden West hotel, and his statements were contra dicted by three witnesses for the de fense. The police were unable to prove one single arrest qr conviction on im moral grounds that has taken place in the hotel. " The defense was conducted by John ' Stevenson, Robert Magulre and Clarence Butts. Earl Bernhard and George Mow rey ooaducted, the state's ease. :-:A FALSE ARREST ALLEGED In Circuit Judge Morrow's court, where heand IeaaeDarrow, formerly 'a mem ber of the morals souad. are being sued for 15000 damages for falsa arrest - The Christ charges the officers with beat tag him and locking him up in the lty Jail over night 'without warrant. He says that his case was dismissed by Judge Rowdob with a rebuke to the officers. ;r-' -" b1- - --' . . Burkhart declares that he and Darrow were looking for some bootleggers on the ntgnt they arrested Christ, and that they suspected the latter, and - that he re sisted arrest whew; they seised him, ' SSSJSS1MSMS1HSH f John P. Berry AeaalHed John P. Berry, an employe of the Ste venson company, was acquitted Wednes day by a jury in Circuit Judge Kava nangh's court of a charge of embezsling approximately f 400 of the firm's funds. Berry was indicted by the grand Jury on charges, brought by his employers that he had taken the money and covered lup the shortage by falsa entries in the books. Testimony was that the books did not actually show any shortage. Man Accuses Policemen of Mistreating v Him Asks Damages. ' Alpha .38. Burkhart spent practically the entire morning on the witness stand Woman Loses Damages Action, Verdict for the defendants was re turned by a jury Wednesday in Circuit Judge John McCourt's court, where Rose Gallegher, widow of William Gallegber, was suing J. P. Flnley A Son and Dr. Roy C. McDaniel for $10,000 damages for an alleged unauthorised 'autopsy performed upon the deceased. Tom Mannlx and Oglesby Toung represented Mrs. Gallegher, and Ralph W. Wilbur and E. V. Xdttlefield the defendants. Seattle Makes Arrest Captain of Inspectors Circle received information from Captain of Detectives Tennant of Seattle this morning that George Lang had been arrested there, having in his possession -12 watches stolen from the window of Louis Oil rlde's Jewelry store, 173 Third street. Portland, Thanksgiving morning. Lang has waived extradition. Inspector Tom Coleman leaves tonight for Seattle to return Lang here for trial. Teaches English to Foreigners Because JO women of foreign birth in the St. Johns section wish' to learn Eng lish, Miss Beatrice- Rundalr has been appointed instructor of a class In Eng lish for foreigners to be held In the' St. Johns branch library. There is. no night school at St. Johns. The scope of the new class will come before the school board meeting this aftefnoon. , Lasers Get S5000 Feesjnlmgation Suit in U S. CbpLrt ' Attorneys for the Pacific Livestock company, defendant in a recent suit In federal court brought by ' the Warm springs irrigation district to determine true worth of 2500 acres of land, in Malheur county, received $5000 as tees, according to a bill of costs filed against the irrigation district today by Edward F. Treadweil, San Francisco, one of Federal Judge Bean ruled last week that the Irrigation district should pay 1X1,000- for the land and in addition bear expenses of the suit. More than $2000 Is asked as fees for the Is witnesses who appeared for the livestock company. Total costs are $7272.20, Treadweil says. The Irrigation district objects to' pay ment of $224.40, because that much was given witnesses as fees for time not consumed in the trial, according to Thomas G. Greene, attorney. He filed an objection to bill of costs. Police Hold Couple Wanted in Canada; Elopement Charged Ruby . Blanche Evelyn Cairns, 19, a stenographer, and William F. Langstaff. a merchant, were arrested at Broadway and Gllsan street Wednesday afternoon by Inspector Craddock, who had been In formed by authorities in Saskatoon, Canada, that the two eloped from there last September. Craddock saw an auto mobile bearing a Canadian license stand ing by the curb, and when he questioned the occupants he discovered they were the missing couple. They are being held for investigation, pending; action of the Canadian' authoritiea New Labor Agreement Copies of the new labor agreement between the maintenance of way and i railroad shop employes and the rail road administration were received by Portland railroad officials this morn ing. The new agreement becomes ef fjutlv rwmhr is and nrovldes nu- Imerous changes in hours of service, working conditions and seniority rights for this class of employes. '-.. PoDee Bare LUUe to Do M Vancouver, Wash Dee. 4-Tbe only arrest ' made , Wednesday by the police force was one for.; traffic violation. Early' this morning; another arrest was made for a similar offense.' Cause of Stomach Sickness Hew to Relieve (Homaek Distress la a Few Mlsntes. Mosey Bark if Treat meat Dees Kot Overcome Any Fens of Indigestion, If you feel as though there was a rami of lead at the pit of the stomach, take a couple of Ml-o-tia stomach tablets and in five minutes yon should see that all stomach distress has vanished. If you belch gas, have heartburn or sour stomach, you need Ml-o-na. If your stomach feels up-set the morning after the night before, take two Ml-o-na tab lets and see how quickly yeu get relief. If you have shortness of breath, pain in the stomach, waterbrash or foul breath, you need Ml-o-na and the sooner you . set it, the sooner your stomach should perform its duties properly. If you use a box of Mi-o-na tablets and feel that It bas not overcome your Indigestion or stomach trouble, take the empty box to your .dealer and he will re fund your money. For sale trr Owl L rug Co. and ull leading druggists. Adv. KR EI K K ft K R K R R R R R R R K R You want large one? All right, we have it! You just can't name a size of Kodak or a style that isn't right here, ready for you! And all the Supplies! -. ' ! i- Columbian for Kodaks 145 Sixth Street R R K R R R R R KKKK KKKK R R R EMS GIFTS FOR Starch Cuff Shirt Special at. . ...... . . .$2.00 New Repp Cord Shirta Special at. . . . . .$2.50 New Madras Stripes at. .. . . . . .$3.00 and. $3.50 Fancy Silk and Fiber Mixed. . .$4.50 and $5.00 Heavy Silk Fiber Special at. ......... . .$6.50 Men's Fancy Silk Scarfs $1.25 to $8.00 Men's Initial Belts at. . ... . . . .$1.50 and $2.00 The latest in Men's Knit Scarfs. .$2.00 to $6,50 Shawknit Sox, by the box. $2.00 Up New Neckwear.. 75c, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.50 Cooper's Union Suits. . . . . . .$2, $2.50 and $3 MEN'S GLOVES . ROBINSON & DETLOR ONE BUCK SHIRT HOUSE ; 353 Washington St Majestic Theatre Bldg. piHIIHIIIlIlHa The Last Carloads Have Arrived No More New Pianos Until After Jan. 1, 1920 and Then at Recent Advance in Cost and Therefore in Price to You Growdledl to ftfiie Stfeete ail Get Inside If You Can! Look At These Prices! Merchandise Almost Given Away! Wonderful, Astonishing Values! The Opportunity Of The Year! Look For Our Daily Advertisements! We Save You Dollars! Fire Sale Prices on Men'sSuitsand Overcoats! MEN'S OVERCOATS SUITS FOR MEN Reduced Cbrittmas Terms: S12.S0 Sends Piano Home, $12.50 Next Pay-day. Then $10.00 Monthly in January. 1920 $25.00 Sands Playar Piano. $2S.U0 Nazt Pay-day, Then $14.00 Monthly in January, 1919 MOST VALUABLE PIANOS IN THE WORLD -I3Y FACTORY SAMPLES and dist. eontlnua models, chiefly tha best and most x , pnsiTs styles, now offered at prices yoa nacd to pay for cheaper pianos. J625STEGERK.,r.$395 J860 STEGER JST! $535 Choi cest walnut Finest ma hogany Circassian Sem? walnut.... pUiJf Mission CCO models.... DjUs ::$562 $595 $750 STE6ER I $750 STEGER 5750 STEGER $750 STEGER Ohn CTCPCD Grand In tfCftO suuu uiLUkii npr-t form puFi .2JIIB0.STEGER,K.-.J862 laelaSIas: Caslast Player Beaeh. Xsms Cash, or M to 1H Cash and til OUR NATURAL PLAYER-PIANOS are the wonder of the age. Come and hear and play them. You will beHsur prised to learn of the wonderful progress in Player Pianos. -! $11 50 STEGER 'S.SiBea i $ 1 000 REED & SON Mr $750 J $900 REED & SON man? $675 " $900 THOMPSON mSo$675 J $800 MEND EN HALL $595 l SINBCH wtlnu $712 w walnut ... iBeUdlnc ComblaatloB Purer mmd Pluo PLATEB riAITOS $750 STARK tf 'A. $495 $1750 Bnars2r $595 Terms Cam or IS te 111 Cass, til, i iq szs jnoBiBjy SPECIALS PIANOS $750 268CaJh!Vl505Mo.... $435 FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS 1W F12f EST QUALITY We boueht no all tha hut .v.. cheaper models beicg entirely sold-out at factoriea s No more until January, 1920 but we are off ering them now at the prices of the cheaper models. We can, therefore, serve you better now than ever heretofore. 1 $650 REED & SONS $485 " $675 REED & SONS " $495 11 $750 REED & SONS guS$562 $625 SINGER 'ht $468 J!$625TH0MPS0NKenIar$468 2 $550 MENDENHALLif mahogany, oak. walnut. .77. p46o 2 $500 TH0MPS0NmeoHr$375 i$475SCHR0EDER3 $356 Tims-Cam or to t C..,, $450 t'caah $V"konthly. $265 $475 l25Caai $I9" Motitiy. $295 $450 ,, Monthiy. $265 $450 $475 9 At(i Sterey . Oark. Ktballt stf UU $25 Cash, M Monthly. JbsSDO t7Kfl 8iway Seas, Best QIC 4f WU $25 Cash. $U Monthly: $3tD V-ra .sit caan. is uonthiy.. 9 3 $25 Cash, $ Monthly. 970 ftlagtr, isanorsny, aOQC $26 Cash. Monthly. 9ZtOD (I7C BiU4ti $M,ont"y.. $290 S2k Cash. TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING Vos. afUiBa. Rahallft. $25 Cash, $7 Monthly.. Klmcaharr- Sak.lll $25 Cash. $8 Monthly.. yayiora, sari waiaat, $26 Cash. $10 Monthly. Storey A Clark Art $475 $450 $475 $600 $425 $500 Tl la Slooertty $475 $425 $475 $200 $250 Hatses Brea- $25 Cash.. $8 Monthly., ..JI"- rtsht, 5 Cah. IS Monthly.. Sterllag Oak $25 Cash. $$ Monthly, Colls rd CoUard. b -an, s Monthly $10 Cash, $5 Monthly?. $265 $195 $245 .t fie asriafiu s rr- .J f O $235 $265 Oarlord, sari waiaat. SoiC $25 Cash. $12 klonthlv. SoilZl Smith A Banes, air. npi $15 Cash. $$ Monthly.. $255 Waesloea, wahrst, oct $600 CastlllffirTSlSO W25 SSffi:S2Ss ssPFA S3 tf . . eras . I 1 T . $300 &'J5S25SS. 24R WESyCJ!K:::::J v.. wi - iin cun. 15 Umtlili, HHmM m- DHmh t,M..v - : - . - . . . - - . iw Dnueueuenifla v. I nm nrtrtm fntiv K tQinC inrimTV Whv rkLJ S3SJ--m you now. trices are rohTe hl.h"- ' or mor wonthS. Z J"1 ttoaB Piano purchase. $15 or mora cash. UaOTfBONDrS or Player-Piano, during this sal CIDER .YOUR PIANO BY UlLJffitS. DT43FT0WM BUYERS "T 15" or piaso to rovn hoxe within 909 O0U $15 Cash. $6 M?ntl5y..$195 M ,r8?1. AMOjtt OBOAVB $100 Clough A Warren? 1 stopsf". 2R $165 Estey Co,, 6 octayes....... Skk $1S5 NelKim. 10 tops7. "' f M,85 $125 gchoeninser. stops.... It VmhtlMN Cosst Dlstribaters, 111 Fevrtk Street at Wasaiagfba. ! 37.SO $12.85 FOR VALUES TO $25 GARMENT Oregon City Woolen Mills Overcoats and Balmacaans, slightly smoked. Wonderful values! FOR VALUES TO $35 THE SUIT Coed fabrics, good styles, slightly smoked. Barf sins, meal Men's Dutchess Work PANTS $1.98 FOR VALUES TO $7.50 Painters9 Overalls Union Made $1.19 FOR 92,28 VALUES ' K Buy Shoes by the Dozen Pairs Fire Sale Prices! MEN'S DRESS SHOES AND WORK SHOES $4.98 FOR VALUES TQ $10 THE PAIR Nationally famed makes Florshetm, . Beacon, W. L. Douglas, MeUwaia, Ea dicott, Dayton and Other standard makes. All leathers, all styles. BOYS'RESS SHOES AND HEAVY SHOES $2.98 FOR VALUES TO $7.50 THE FAIR Cutter, "Buster Btowb. Endicott, Walton and other standard makes. Black or tan, lace or button) also high tops. Slightly smoked or water damaged. Women's Dress Shoes $4.98 FOR VALUES TO $9.50 THE PAIR Uts V Dunn, Thomson Crooker, Lama Jb Sweet and seamy, ether famoes makes. Black, brown or gray ldd. Lace or button styles, military or French heels, hand-turn or Goodyear welt. Look Here! id CVtldnsi Shoes 98c Women's Caildresra Damaxed Misses' and Chndren's Shoes, $2.98 FOR VALUES TO fSJ50 Standard . ssakes, such as "fiktstssf Breen," "Educator," Kriader. Waft. ton sad others. Caff or kid. or button. Wondarhil Where Else Can You Buy Dry Goods, at Such Prices? Hope Muslin 25c Sells everywhere for 35c 1 Full 36-inch standard muslin 1 Pepperell Sheeting (Bleached) 69c The 90c quality, 72 inches wide wonderful bargain! Honeycomb Bedspreads at Sensational Prices ! $2.19, $3.48, $3.98, $4.75 AH Full Bed Sise Cotton Batts 19c Regular 35c Batts of white, sanitary cotton j slightly soiled en ends. QulrTs Union. Smts- - Hearjr- Fleece Lined 59 c AO sixes from Z to L8 br while only) drop Women's and Misses' Ready -to -Wear at Final Prices! Women's Coats SWEATERS v Coat and Slipoa Styles $1.79 to $6.75 Women's, hfissea and Children's Sizes Separate Skirts Silk Poplin and Wool Final Sale Prices Assorted styles end colors e51.4r.25 Black or nary lcereys with shawl coDars. Warmth and style in one! Shop Monungi at SIMONSjSALE Shop Mornings at SIMON'S SALE Shop Mornings at SIMON'S SALE WAasAirrzx FIRST. SECOND AND ALDER STREETS " Womea's Dresses Nary brown or black tergm and. poplin Final sale: priptsl Shop Moxmnss at SIMON'S SALE 1 - , i - !-, : , , . Shop lVlbmings, at ;1 , SIMON'S aiLE if Shop Morriings at SIM01TSSALE tniiiHMMiwiinwnwwiiiiiwtwiiiiwiiiiiiiiMiiiiMnpi)iiwiwiifiitwiiitMMiiMHI)WMMinniwiMMi 3 ' 'tj l! A; I 4 f , l!nilij!lM!!llll!'ll"ll!!ll"l":!'"H - - iDT CAPITAL J llljiljliiiililiiiUilil)! E I liii'l ii iHiiijll i i , llMMsaWMso'lse'eliMIIH iSseSeeeeesw''sonaa sfteseeseeeseeJ i r'V