THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; TUESDAY, ;DECEMBER; 2. 1919. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 41 - . , ; rOB WINTER SAt.CS War mak hare-slna an that we CU keep thing mmintf during th winter. It's jrour time to - tray. ". 7 . : ... . 1917 riwll,(fiM rannhtc condition . . . $ 425 Chevrolet, n overhauled and repainted . . 400 mintad. ;u ta look like new .. 650 1918 Himll Ilk new ' ' . . ' 788 Essex, almost news taken in on trad, for s -big ear 1850 . ibm rk.lJ lLk ) overhauled and 1 . rriintd- hftraain . . 785 isi f rk.lm HsM alt' overhauled end repainted.; dandy car ... . 1075 Latent Hot-Soot Chalmers - H7 HUDSON BARGAINS ' Hudson: super-six yoailster. new top. re-' . painted; has been put4hrongb our .shop. overhauled end guaranteed by ne the -u. - faitew bum r. riM on m new roadster .... . 1250 -1D1T Hodasn super-six. overhsuled, end .repainted; guaranteed by us for 80 days. tame as a factory guarantee on a " '. car .5. . . 1325 il18 Hudson snper-elx, overhsuled end Te ; painted; guaranteed by n the name at a factory guarantee on a new ear .1650 1918 Hod vt n speedster, overhauled and ' now In the shop being repainted; we will " guarantee it the same as a factory guar '. ioUm new car 1750 C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 8 15 0 17 Washington, St. Portland. .MA Terms No Brokerage Twil iwtwrr .i ' 223 F.rd Touring 275 , Ford Touring, a dandy , 450 Chevrolet Touring '. 475 Chevrolet, lodks like new .... 550 Maxwell Roadster 550 1 ' Maxwell Touring 650 " Maxwell. Touring. '18 model .. 650 , - Saxon Light Six, in fine absp. 550 Studebsker Touring . . . . . 400 . Dodge Tonring 975 Overland Light 4. 1819 ..... 850 Overland Light S. 11 1050 Overland, 7 paw., cyU. 850 Huirk Light 0 Roadster 1150 Hudson lsupr-Six 1450 Chandler Touring, almost newt . 1450 Bruts, 18 valve. pass. SATIS FT YOURSELF BT COMPARING CABS AND PRICKS BEFORE PLACING TOUR ORDER. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENLNGS. C G. BLEASDALB. S80 ALDER 8T. Watch This Space tt Will Safe You Time and Money U You Wish to I'nrclie a flood 1'ied Car. Ksy ' 1 Ternw. Has No Brokerage Feeiis f , TODAY WE OF1-ER . Mitclirll light nix. 5 pass.. 6 cyl, E-Z rider. 120 wheel bane, overhauled and rrfinixhed, good tiree, epoUisht. bumper, wind deflectors '.""" ONLT 81250 , Lewis & , Staver Co. ' BROADWAY AT OAK STS. r - Phones t '., Bdwy. 515. Automatic 538-43. FordsFordFords 1018 dlirjv etm body. .' 1918 dellTery, jjiecisl body. .' 1818 totinng, like new. Ford Bodies Touring, body new. Tonring, body nearly new. Delivery bodies, all styles. j K0BIN8ON-SMITH CO.. 6th tad Madison Authorized Dealer. APTO 'SHEET METAI. WORKS Harry I,eexe J. P. Wright. RADIATORS. FENDERS. . WINDSHIELDS REPAIRED. Speedster Bodies Beats Cut Down for Camp Beds ACETYLENE WELDING All Work Guaranteed 354 EAST BURNSIDE ST. (At the Bridae) Phone V. 7240 - TK WILL put you In direct connection with ' owner of any make or prfHed automobile or -.' truck and assist you financially in the purchase - of same. List your car with us and take ad- . vantage of oar quick selling plan. Autoa direst from owner to buyer MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. . - 838 Railway Each. bldg. Main 878. SAVE MONEY. HAVE TOt'R CAR OVERHAULED AT" HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 HAWTHORNE AVE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. H. P. MILLER-" " la selling the Dtxie Flyer, and he has the new 1 820 model in now. Do yourself jiwtice anl iort't fail to see it. Phone Marsbalt 148. Mar- sliall 6B29. 1818 t'ORD bug. 4-sted traitsmisaion. F F. .oiler. Ataater-Kent -igoition, shock absorbprs, top, 'lender and wrmlsliield. anti-rattlers, spot tight, i apme terms. 737 Diiiainn st. Sellwood 3755. . . S 5. 1 1 e1Wlets edanCZj uTTThTlSTTTor" ' , 'Portland's, winUrr in" )erfeet mechanical con ; drl.ton: arnall paymeMt dowji and balance in 12 , monthly instnilmer.U. Mr. Dana, room 720 ariton hotel. Bilwy. S43A. Hs tlfEVKOLKT UMirinir 181.H. in very best of rondirinti mpptiknu.Hi Will sacrifice st and give tcrmi. 30 Grand ave. N. near -., .PACKARD touring car fcr sale cheap. 8 pss enger: firt claw condition, mechanically and otherwise. Will bear clooeat investigation. Late t-.l8 wwleL Telephone Eat 1088. , ,MAXVELL touring, MH7. in best of i-ondi- tlm, rxl trrpe. Owner must sell. A bargain at 80 with terms 30 Urand ave. N.. near Bnmiide. , f HK1 sedan fur -rulerF pwner. reir'starteT large steering wbc-.-l. ipotUuht, dviible wiring i ' A REAL BARGAIN . cylinder Studehaker. mechanically perfect inf tir. 8200 down. p,r month. .Phone ; LitSllt 0"5id road-ter. rwmityliliiTllerViceom" ? Jini: easily worth 81250; our price 81175. ''ig. iicir ivrn. iipen evening". ?tKD. tonring" 1915. in bet of condition e,od tires A ml mi t miKti t.. . it j' 30 Grand ave. N near Rurn-We. Mlt& 191H Buirk Six nwdter. fine ahape. 4 t".'! IU'?l.l? "n'1 im'"'lt tirea; sacrifice; r - - " ' w I UIHSON fill Uunng. iw paint ind good i-?"-' 'e "crifice at $930, with terms 180 Urand av. N.. near Bum-iide. ' " VVTTilfirr 9 TflP muvivi th at Oak. Broadway 1664 ' XR1 touring' in fiue condition, tome extras. : - Must etH. A bargain t'$325, with tcrmi ' 80 trand arret. X.. near Hannide. -ML8T sacrifice, at once my 3-paiengerMh : , fcliell' light six, fully equipped. Will sell 'it teal bargain. 729 Nortlirnp. t IDHD ranabbuA in good mechanical condition. leaving town. N'.Mut sell. A enap at $275, '; 'fh; termy 80 Grand ave. N'., near Burnside. ! 6ARAGE- Ready-made. -in sections." bolted"to- gether. Portable (iarage Cottage Co.. liood et., cor. Whitaker. South Portland,- j HAYNE8. . 1916 U.urir5r, in fine-WnTliUn ' Gnod' tires. Muat sell.- A bargain at $325. HI PMOB 1I.E, 1910 model, aanoat new. Cord it J1"1:" spring Dumper and spot lifcai. . HYuit. yu Alar. 1Q94 : j tun sale, enrap j taken gt once, a 5 'paasen- - rt oirmnu.. TUl .-jaBor DHV. ; ,1917 FORD roadster farr aale78325. Cfi jj nms. .vi - - - , . fj " ' iwur-1 wuiii.1, if id, aivu down ' C,H "'' x40. Room 8. I FORD delivery, food tire. Will aelt at $373, - wvh terms. ,30 Grand avw. N., near Burntide. 1917.STCDKRAKER- for aaiecJtradri.Fol,B: r. ... 6 Williama v.- Woodiawn 1331. APTOMOBIXES AlfP ACCESSORIES it ROADSTERS '17 Buick roadster, like sew, cords and errery thinr yon eoold get on one; low price. $1075. with 8350 down, balance long easy terms; bonds at full value. ' ALLEN ROADSTER This fin reliable roadster is refinixhed and looks like new; ha good tire and run perfect! these can are handled by reliable firm here, and are very like Buick; low price of 1925, with 8250 down, balance long easy terms. 18 DODGE ROADSTER, "18 This is real Dodge roadster, and will appeal to your better judgment, as the price is only 3875; others ask. lots more, and I will put this ear agattnt any of them; 8250 down, balance long easy terms. - BriCK ROADSTER, 3373 This is light 4. and is ready for trip to New York; has 4 new nob-skid tires and 1 extra, anrt spotlight and bumper; other extras, and we will guarantee it firtt class. TOtntlNO CARS Oakland light six. '17 tonring, and like' new, low price of 8775, with 8375 down, balance long easy term. , Saxon six, refinfehed like a real car. dark ma roon and cream wheels; has been overhauled, new top, and is reedy for, any bnifneess; low price, 3300, with 8150 down, balance easy. FORD TOCRLNGS '17 Ford touring; ha demountable rims, shock absorbers, safety eteering device, extra tire, and is .newly refinbhed; low price. 8425, with 3125 down, balance long easy termi. SPEEDSTERS '10 Hud-ton epeedter, like new. low price and long easy term that will please you; abo take light car in trade. STUTZ SPORT MODEL This Stulz 4-pawnger sport modpl is the real class, and we will show yon the goods any place; has wire wheels and new cord oversize tire. 1 extra wheel mounted, spot light, bumiwr and other extras, finished 8tuU gray; low price and lake good light roadster in trade. '1 HCPP This is in a class all by itself, not another one like it in Portland; low price; come and see this wonderful car; low price; take car in trade. We charge no brokerage, our terms are lib eral and we take bonds at full value. RED FRONT t'SED CAR CO., 505 Alder. FordsFordsFords Best Used Car Buys in City. 1 1010 Touring, like new. 1 1017 Touring, lots of extras. 1 1017 Touring, very cheap. 1 Touring, four new tires. 1 1915 Touring, new top and tires. 1 1010 Roadster, like new. 2 1918 Roadsters, good buys. 1 1918 Irliery. panel body. 1 Chain, drive truck, good buy. 1 Ford internal gear drive truck. 1 Federal truck, 1600. 1 Maxwell roadster, 3525. 2 Ford Chassis, cheap. Terms if desired. BCSHLIGHT A .PENNEY. INC. Authorized Ford Dealers 363 East Broadway Comer East Third St. Phones East 302 East' 303 C-1501 Cars off the Better Kind 191& Buick 5 pass., spotlight, bumper and extra fire.. Cadillac, a real comfort car; cords all around. one eatra. 1 ton Ford truck in good condition; it an '18. 1917 Dodge 5 pass., touiirsi cias condition, extra tire, a buy. Ford racing bng. Franklin 8eries B, first-class condition. Overland, 5 pass., electric lights, sail starts. 8150 will handle. 181 R 7 pass. Chandler. 1918 Ford, 5 pass. Cedillas 8, 1917, perfect condition; used pri vately. A mal car for comfort. USED CAR PALACE 61 UNION AVE.. N. -, EAST 7717. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 58 North 23d st. - ' Main 780. t'SF.D CARS EASY TERMS OLDS SEDAN REPAINTED First clais ?meclianical condition. 31800. Velie 8, 5 pas-eriBer. new tires; $15,ri0. Velie (1, al?o guaranteed : ' $1 500. Velie 6. 4 passenger, a beauty; 31550. Velie 6. 4 passenger, repainted, 31000. Velie , 3 passenger, firt class, 81330. Velie 6. 5 pass., a good one, 81000. J Chalmera fi cylinder, fine shape. 3700. 4 cyl. 3 pass. Overland, like new. '$y00. ' 4 cyl. 7 pasts. Studebaker, $flr0. 7 pass. 6 cyl. Mitchell, cords. $1173. Mason , fin shape, srfi. Saxon 6. good shape. 800. Overland 5 passenger, -fair hhape, 3125 8 cylinder 7 pass. Olds, 6 tire. $1400. BARGAINS IrOK EM OVER '17 Hupp touring, refinished, rebuilt and now top. cord-i. 1 extra; car runs perfect, and low price of $075. with X3.10 down, balance easy FORD TOCRING 17 This is a real grvxl Ford car and has come cxtran. low price of $125, with $125 down, bal anre easy term; take bonds, full value. ROADSTER $350 This i a Rood light roadster of popular make ana lias good top. windshield and runs line; no tice low price, with $150 down, balance eay Portland Electric Ciaragp. lli.fl st Hovt A. MHnAint SPRING CO 1 5,000 carried in stock. Our springs sold with a written guarantee. We give you service. IP 18 OLDS jight. in' excellent condition, nms like new, aU good tires, and ran be bought for $1350, a reasonable payment down, long terms ou balance; real estate accepted as secur i'w Sfe J?r ' p''ific Garage. 11th mar 10JK OAKLAND six. in fine shape, 2 !,. Royal cord tires, rot of tires iti line shape snd lis. ercral extras; car i, mechaircally per' "ct; 8050 and term- if dmired; no trades con vtmM10no,if,C Graee- 11 Ul ncar Jeffern. ACTO TRIMMING AND UP HOLSTERING CO AUTO TOPS. S1DR 08 Davis st. bet nth and 10th. Rrmiivt,. n MAXWELL, 1019, touring, in best of condi- i.on, eouu nrw. invncr s "nrnri.-r. A bargain t $050. -witfi lrm Mil :r.n ... v Btirnside. CASH paid for r.Ii car, condition no ob.iert; ' luns oi nirs. uregon Auto Exchange. 120 1.i)wi..Hia . in.. . n...... ington. Phone RmAdw An STI'DEBAKER Four touring 1917 model, in l ... coouiuon. eooa paint and time. rwn- r Knn-WriMa & . 1 i - . a . . . ' '. utvain at I ao. Wit II Lt':.3!LIdra-nL5lr.N'i. near Burnsidet 4 MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, aTieslwe wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodea Co.. 105-107 N. r-ieventn si. OAKLAND REDAN' Tht rlr wirH ,1 - t . . . . . . - - - "'J-" wiuiu.1, is wonD - - - " . x x near 1 uiii. MY 19 20 1 Victory model Moon demonstrator. Has cord tires and seme extras. Will sacri- .or muk-h naie. r.aat 71.6, SAXON Six touring, newly painted, good tires. tr i uie njnt I'nce. 30 Grand ave. V. near Buraid.- FOR SALE 1917 Ford in g0o, comhtmn. rto,., I ' ,lrnro- rnoue Wdla. 321 J or tve at 1035 Cnton ave. N. BRINGING UP FATHER tAV- AREN'T THE NI5HT LON E"NOUH Iffto W1TMOOT YOO SLCEPin: A.L.L rX TfSSs - 5 AUTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSORIES 44 BIG BARGAINS IN OUR USED; CARS Bed Roadster , . 8800.00 Maxwell Delivery, panel body, .brand 900.00 1919 Briscoe Touring ...... ...... 1000.00 "P ..... 850.00 ,".",...'. 650.00 1918 Briscoe . . 1917 Saxon.... MitcheD, 5-passenger, newly painted. Uka new 1050.00 Chalmers, 5-paaeenger '. . . 1000.00 1919 MaxweH, 6 cord tiree. like new 1000.00 1918 Grand Chevrolet 950.00 1919 Chevrolet. ? mode!. f0 775.00 Buick Roadster, newly painted ..... 525.00 1918 Buick Six. 5-paseenger with cord tire 1450.00 1250.00 1918 Ben Tonring . . , , 7-passenger Studebaker, newly painted, fine ahape 1100.00 W. a WALLING FORD CO., Bdwy. 2402. Open Sundays. 622 Aider St PORTLAND CAR. SALES CO. 6th and Taylor. DEPENDABLE TTSED CARS ONLT GUARANTEE AND FREE SERVICE Ton take no risk in buying used ear from us. Our aim is to make every customer a per manent friend of onr bouse. LOWEST PRICES EAST TERMS 1914 Ford touring, good condition $ 278 1018 Ford roadster, electric starter.... 625 Late 1017 Dodge tonrinlg 790 1918 Dodge roadster, fin condition.... 990 C55 Bmek tonring. fine condition 850 1917 Buick, 5 pass., fin condition S50 C23 4-psts. touring, fine condition 675 Htuta Toledo roadster , 950 Late 1917 Mitchell touring, new paint.. 950 1018 Oakland, like new. $520 down. 1918 Maxwell mad-ter. $320 down 1017 Maxwell touring, $230 down.. Brand new Maxwell sedan, never bean used, bit discount. $080 down. 1918 Mitchell sedan, only 6000 miles. $840 down. 1018 big 6 Studebaker. $440 down. 1918 little 6 Ruick. $540 down. 1018 big 6 Buick, fine condition. $540 down. 1019 big 0 Ovellamt. Continental motor, new tires, new .paint. $440 down. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.,v The place where you get satisfaction. MUST BE SOLD Ford 5 -passenger, new top $300 Overland 85, 4-cylinder. 5-passenger. This car like new and only $650 Overland 6, 7-passenger. like new ..... . 800 Olds 8. 7-paesenger, almost like a new car. $1350 Nash six. 5-paaaenger, factory guarantee. .$1200 Chevrolet, 1918. a dandy $550 Chevrolet, 1919. run only 4000. miles. . $675 Reo roadster six, good tires, new paint. . $750 Chesterfield six, 5-paseenger, a bargain. . $750 Terms on any of them and guarantee on some of them. Portland Motor Car Co. 421 ISurnside Street. Ask tor J ones. FORDS FORDS HERE'S YOCR CHANCE FORDS 1917 Ford touring $395 1918 Ford' touring 895 1918 Ford touring 450 1918 Ford touring 475 1917 Ford roadster 425 1915 Ford roadtter 450 1918 Ford coupe 635 1918 Ford delivery 550 1916 Ford express ,. . 495 You will be surprised when you see these cars, for some of them are practically new and lota of extra equipment. Terms ifv desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. East 3770. E. 13th and Hawthorne are. GARAGES Price on application. Ready Cut Houses. MILLMADE CONSTRCCT10N COMPANY 1601 L'nion ave N. Woodiawn 2413. NOW IS THE TIME to have your tirea re trradrd. Economy, safety, non-skid. Prices reasonable, correct method, experienced work men, satisfaction guaranteed. If your tire is not worth repairing, we will tell you. Money saved on new and u i d tires. VULCAN TIRE SHOP. 41 Grand ave. Phone East 4896. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ATTENTION We are prepared to handle yonr financial matters and give you excellent service; all kinds insurance written. NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO.. Lumbermen building. ' Telephone Broadway 1080. TRUCKS AD TRACTORS St Federal 2 ton worm drive. This truck is guar anteed. $1350. $400 cash, balance 10 payments. Federal 2-ton chassis only. A dandy. $1200. Panbard 1 H -ton rhasais only. Guaranteed $1350 Packard 3-1on dump body, a buy at $950. Standard 3 ton. Take it for $8f0. Jt-ffrey 1 ton body and top only $350. Peerless 2-ton wood truck only $250. One-third down, balance 10 payments, on arsy of the above trucks. Tour car taken as part jiaynieut on soma of them. Portland Motor Car Co. 421 Burnside Strei. Ask for Jones. Truck Hauling Wanted Wanted, any kind of steady hauling job with truck. ' BARTLETT, East 5977. HA FLING contract for 1 year, 2 H -ton truck , for sale. National Fuel Co.,' East 2d and Oregon Hts. EIGHT TRUCK, in good running order, for salff cheap, or trade for Ford. 1259 Greeley sf. Phone Woodiawn 1453. FOR SALE 2 H -torTtrucSTTo months' contract of hauling Inquire Alberts Fuel Co., 825 Alberta st Woodiawn 2575. FOR TRADE Lota in PuTblo. Colo., for 1 H or 2 ton truck.. S. F. Jackson. Lorane, Or. TRUCKS AJTTJ TRACTORS 8! . GOOD USED TRUCKS 1 Gramm Xrtom, overhauled. ' 1 Reo 2-ton. good ahape.--1 Ford 1-ton utility track. 1 federal IK -ton, bargain. See tbene tracks and get oar terms. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAYER CO., E. Morrison and E. 1st, AUTOMOBILES WANTED WANTED, lata model Dodge tonring or road ster, Buick roadster or touring vor - any good light or . medium weight ear. If yon want to sell your ear bring it here and get the cask in band ; no waiting. We do not handle oars on consignment. , . ' v-; A-l AUTO WKS; PAINTING C. '625 Alder L CASH FOR CABS I win pay cash for ears, any light lata model touring or roadster. Bring your ears to ma if you are ready to sell them and, want the money Quickly. 605 Aider at. BED EBONS' . USED CAR CO. WE xAt CASH for oed cart. Be rare to we us betoit youi cat. BU'lLJUl MUIOU Att OOatPA.Nt SKI I IN.; CSKD 'AHS 867 fa. Bumeide. at approacft at xuirrakte Bridge WE PAX CASH FOR LATE MODEL CAKS CSKD CAB FXPHA.NGkv 127 LOWNSDAIE Phone Broadway 2656 WANTED 2d-hand 5-paae. Ford. Must be in good mechanical condition. Slate lowest price and give description in first letter. M-427, Journal. UNIMPROVED land in Wasb. to trade for light anto. 748 E. Taylor st. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, conditiun no object. 121 N. 3d st. Broadway 2629 AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 8S FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled 820 Rear ax over" .uled 6 Valves ground, carbon remored . . . 3 Magneto recbarge 5 We hand-lap' pistons, rcrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Gen uine Ford parts only used. All work guar anteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front st. corner Jefferson. WHEEL WORK. AUTOMOBILE. BLACKSMITHING. i All kinds of skilled workmanship. MODEBATE PRICES WILLAMETTE WHEEL WORKS. 40 Union ave., cor. Pine. Bdwy. 82. FORD MAGNETOS remagnetixed. generators. sarvere overhauled, general auto retiring. AOto fpeeuity works. 802 Pine st. VULCANIZINO and retreading, V. S. Tin Sta tion, 100 11th st, near Washington. AUTOS FOR HIRE ea AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING & ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 86 10th st. near Stark. Broadway 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLAND8 HUDSON'S LOWNSDALE GARAGE B'WAT 2408 15TH AND WASH. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR MAIN 1687. AI.THOFF A BENNETT. PROPS. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS I. SULLIVAN. FASHION GAR- AGBMAR. 232. 10th st YsmhiH. A-l 236. NEW Ford, competent dnveT: go anywhere and get back. Phone Tabor 1028. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES it 1919 EXCELSIOR with side car; fully equipped Very cheap on long easy trma. C. Ii. S. CO. Marshall 1428. G5 N. 23rd. Street USED MOTORCYCLES Of AI L MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. EvceMor and Cleveland Agency 1916 UARLET, 1918 side car, Bosch mag neto, 2 extra tires, A. B. C. generator; good condition. 3260 cash. Phone Sell. 2970. GOOD bicycle for sale, cheap. Tabor 4418, 1190 Division. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 HOUSEBOAT for sale. 4 rooms and bath, elec- urc i.aoi. pnone ana ga. completely fnr nished. ready to move in. 23 Oregon Yacht club. WANTED To rent. Saturday, Sunday--each week, cabin launch, without engineer. 421 E. Clay. Phone E. 4403. evenlnga. PIAJTOS, ORGAJfS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS g RECORD EX CHANGE. Phono graphs Bought, Kir Sold. Rented, Re- paired. 142 2d near Alder, upstairs. Main 724 4. MY January clearance sale begins in December. $75 Victrola and record. Used $ 65 $125 walnut Storey Clark organ 70 $750 Stuyvasant pianola 550 $1100 Weber pianola 650 Best piano repair shop in Portland. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st. REAL PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS $125 Pathe $ 85 $175 Cremona $125 $115 Columbia, jut like new $100 Pay $10 and we'll wnd one to your home. We are open evenings. Wakefield Mumc Co., 427 Washington t. SECOND-HAND PHONOGRAPH Several cab inet style phonographs of good standard make, only slightly used, at eery low pricea. Our terms wilP please you. Reed-Freneh Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Washington St., cor. 12;b, Broad way 750. i IN THE CREMONA WE HAVE the sweetest toned phonograph on the market. Allow us to demonstrate and we'll W'e are open evenings. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Wanhiagton. Player Piano Music Rolls Our stock is large and late. Will send rolls nr. trial to country eosturor. Write for cata logne. Selberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th rU PIANO WANTED Highest cash paid for used pianos and plavn Get ur price and be convinced. Sei bfrling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st Main 8586. REDUCED Christmas terms: $12.50 cash". $12.50 nxt iy (Uy and $10 month, after January, 1920. buys new npright. improved, up to date pianos at the SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill Fourth St. EK the style 7 Cn-mona phonograph for $80. Pay only $10 down and we'll send it to your borne. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO.. 427 WASH INGTON ST. We are open evenings. $150 FINE piano, mahogany rase, terms; also Kimball. Cable. Kingsbury. Schumann, Con over. Others left for sale cheap. 312 Wor- ce ter bldg - $100 TO $150 CASH PAID for upright pianos. Phon Main 5323. Security Storage Co., or call at 109 4th at,, at Washington st. WILL trade your choice of new graphophone for your used piano. McCormack Music Co.. Inc.. 428-31 Washington st A. B. CAMERON cabinet grand, oak case, in finest condition. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. KIMBALL piano, small size, fine condition", $225. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. PRIVATE party will purchase piano for cash, not over $150, no dealers. Give name and price. 0-435. Journal. BRAND new Victor Victrola and records for sale. Call Tabor 2440. BRUNSWICK cabinet, era. Main 6265. 10 selections. No deal- CASH for good piano; Marshall 5709. must bs bargain. Call rr (Copyright, 1919.1 by International Feature Service Inc. r VHOP THAT NOI5E ' TAKE bONvE IRQ ET;0 FOR THAT WHEN TCXJ 5IT HONE. - 't PIANOS, OROANS. MUSICAL "'.". INSTRUMENTS t4 , - SPOT CASH PAID FOR CABINET TaALKING r MACHINE AND ALL KINDS -OF USED PHONOGRAPHS AND REPORT BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND . EXCHANGED , , Newman's Record Exchange 128 First et Main 4495 Tabor 6798, USED PIANOS Offered at prices to sell them quickly reason able terms . New York uptight now . ; ,.$14 SURA Qt. - i t. . " ".oi i. i u.att. , uow .,;...'... i $37 Brewster (oak), now .. 267 $400 Johnson (waL)., now 250 $375- Preeott (like new), now 285 i .Kit I w .-., aa. v-kmv i. a, .oie now. 9a $550 Crown (oak), now..' 845 $350 Pohlman (mab,).now..t 225 375 Wellington, now '. 265 $750 Pianola piano, now . 425 $876 Kimball player piano, now . 630 FOLEY St VAN DYKE. : 106 5th at. These .' Used Phonographs AU guaranteed a-nd in line condition. a. .M ..1 . -1 Ik ft t, t m I Pathe. tvl lOO m.V $75.00 Columbia, 110, mah... V'k-trola, 110, mah.... Stradirara, 100, mah. . Brunswick, oak Victor. 8th. mah Columbia, Fav. oak . . . 5.00 93.00 85.0ff 87. 50 55.00 4 5.00 ' - - ..I... IIU vu 60.00 Pay $10 or more cash, balance reasonable terms. FOLEY & VAN DYKE. 106 5th. at-, just below Washington. SECURITY STORAGE CO.lXOSINOn5UT. Small npright pianos, $65 and $75 cash. Parlor organs, $18, $25, $28. $35, $55. Large npright pianos. $195, $233, $265. $475 new stoied upright pianos, $290. $750 modern player piano $435. Pianos stored 50c monthly. Pianos bought and- sold for cash only. 109 4th st. Buys a cabinet style Pathe and 24 selections (12 records), including "Mammy o' Mine," "Caro Una Sunshine." "Hawaiian Lullaby," "Mandy," "When lm Gone YouH Soon Forget." etc., $ip cash, balance reasonable terms. Foley t Van Djke, 106 6th sL $100 and up, such makes as Kimball. Pease. Fisher, Winston, Merryfield. Victoria. Each one a bargain and one year exchange proposi tion guarantees them. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 1254that.ibet. Washington and Aider sts. Christmas Phonographs Hear side by side Viatrolas, Pathes, The Mandel, the Stradivara. and other, makes; all sold on most reasonable payments. Foley & Van Dyke. 106 5th st, USED PfANOS-We have a Urge assortment of used pianos, player pianos and baby grand pianos Every instrument thoroughly over hauled. Standard makes and everyone guar anteed. Our prices are low, our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 433 Washington et.. cor. 12th." Bdwy. 750. - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: WANTED ' 84 WANTED Piauo, must be cheap fpr cash. B-275. JournaL TYPEWRITERS 77 Visible Typewriter Wanted MAIN" 4495. TABOR 6798. 128 FIRST. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "all makes." sold on monthly payments. Send for price lift. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. retail dept.. 321 Washington et. TYPEWRITERS rented, repaired, exchanged. Typewriter supplies. ' REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 38 Bdwy. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold en monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co., 94 5th tt HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE ti 3 BURNER electric hot plate, worth $25. spe cial at $14.75. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-180 First St. VACUUM suction sweeper, hall rack, stair car pet, 3 pairs new scrim curtains, electric iron cheap. 913 hi Williamv ave. ONE Horton elec washing machine, first-class condition. Phone East 4589, or call 313 Stanton st CHARTER .OAK heater, combination high and rocking chair, reasonable. Ph.-i.e Mar. 252R. FOR -SALE 1 Reliable gat range. 4 burners, good condition, cheap. 785 Iron st. MACHINERY 81 ENGINE Mitchell 6. not complete, adapted for motor boat on bug. cheap. Call after 7 :30 p. m. . 232 Caruthers st 15 HORSEPOWER new Foes eBgine at a reduced price. Pacific Scale h Supply Co.,, 48 Front st Phone Broadway 1966. A CADILLAC engine complete. $125. Wood lawn 4706. ? FOR 84LE MISCELLANEOUS I HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good, service able condition, 30 gal.. $7; 40 gaL. $0. Kat end Steel bridge. East Side Welding Shop; 203 Adams ft. Eat 8516. PIPE, plumbing supplies, new, second hand, estl-mate-t given free. Coils made and installed. Main 5277. N. B. Meatier Pipe Co.. 229 Front. SAFES New and second nand: some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Oft. 48 Front at. Bdwy. 1066. ONE new kitchen cabinet table; one rocking chair for. sale cheap. 700 E. 56th st. N., phone Tabor 3133. WILL make hand made aU wool slipover aweet ers for men and boys; men's sweaters $7, boys' $5. Call at 423 .Skidmore st. HAND embroidered carriage robe, library table runner, crocheted ends, ideal Christmas gifts. 261 oing st,. Williams ave. car. LATTON Cooperage company.' 327 Water t. Portland, Or Rarreli and kegi of all kinds snd irs. new snd --nrtd hand. ELECTRIC Duntley pneumatic cleaner, $47.50; new Akron-Williams retreading machine, aize 3H x4. $130. 233 Front- GOING East or South! Household goods shipped at reduced rates; moving snd packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt" st. Bdwy. 703. BARGAIN, my diamond $500. Can't be dup licated for $750. East 366 evenings. CASH REGISTERS, VIArltH CASES Ani other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 342. GOOD gas fixtures cheap at J. R, Davidson's electric store, 309 Glisaa st. WELL dreaaed kewpie dolU for X mas presents. Inquire at j!33 11th at. Main 961. A-l "GREEN slab.- M 50 per "eonL'Foot-of Everettjit., west slde. CHOICE potatoes $3.25 cwt. delivered. Bishop Bros., 124 N. 5th st. Broadway 434. PLUMBING expert, repair any plumbing, gas. very reasonable. McCnrdy.. Sellwood 1123. FIRE proof aafe for sale, cheap. Address for particulars. V-878, Journal CASH REGISTERS. SHOW CASES and scales. accounting register, must sell. 280 Wash. FOR SALE A fine beater (Aurora). Ma shaR 483F, 871 Vi Front, FIRST-GROWTH forest wood $3 a cord. Sphone Woodiawn. 2341. VACUUM cleaners, sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought.' Bentley Co., Main 4907. WMAT THE' MATTER? I AIIST DOIN MOTH in I KNOW TOURE NOT- 0 PNO bOMTwTHiN TO OO.' . - I I II I IMTl I 3J s. . ?l II I I fKv.N . I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ! BEY WOOD' 1 50.000 ft,. 8x10 in. and 3x12 U . 10 to 28 ft 150.000 ft.. 4x12 tn., 10 to 28 ft. S5O.000H.. 12x12 in.. 18 ft, 1 00. two ft-. 4x6 in., 12 to 34 ft- ' 250.0OO ft. 16x20 in. ' AND OTHER SIZES OF LUMBER IN GOOD CONDITION 1 s DRY WOOD IN 16 IN. AND FT. LENGTHS This lumber and wood is from the Albina Shir yt ids wh.'cb is being dismantled by the Elerath Steel & Iron Wrecking Co Phone EAST 81 01. WOOD DEPT., for pricea. LDJHBER FOR SALE Pieces. 'I v.v.v: 18 47 , 21 ... S , Size. Length. 10x10x24 , 8x10x24 10x10x10 10x10x11 ........ 4x Ill 8x14x16 7 .. 4xl4xltt 11 f 8x10x13 72 1x12x22 146 lx 4x22 20 6x 8x17 13 6x 8x24 16 2x1018 11 10x10x13 33 3x 8x11 - 8 4x 6x24 150 4x14x26 AH the above lumber at rear of Barde A Son, Front and Main st, for sale by Elerath Steel Iron at Wrecking Co. See foreman on Job or call East 8101. DIAMONDS WANTED $2TO to $100 Per Carat Pawn Tickets Bought We pay highest cash market value tor diam onds, platinum, gold, silver, watcnea and old jewelry and valnables of every description. NATIONAL JEWELRY 1 CO. 44 7 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor. Comer Washington and Broadwsy. fEMW CHESTS Direct from factory to yonr home. Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings, latest designs . Write for new catalogue and prices. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. ORDER NOW FOR XMAS. Factory 1912-16-18 E. Glisan st. Phone Tabor 808. LIBERTY BONDS WAR STAMPS We buy Liberty bonds at a basis of market value. Spot cash. Any amount, American Brokerage ' 205 Morgan build. Second Floor. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d band, aold for leas; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes. Machines paired and rented. Main 9431. feSVYiNG MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d. near Taylor at. FOR SALE Loganberry tips, gooseberry plants. Gold Dollar. Wilson, Etterberg No. 121, Ma goon and Ongon strawberry plants: also Con cord grape planta and currants, reasonable. 5803 Woodstock ave., Portland. ArleU postoffice. Phone Sellwood 2332. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burn side, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. APPLES Cooking apples, $1.00; Northern 8py. $1.23; Grimes Gulden, Spitrenburg. Baldwin and Jona thans, fancy pack, $2.00 per box. George E. Nichols, 207 Washington st. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriters" snd "Household Goods" are separate "classifi es tiona. AU advertisements of these goods art published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER SAFE8 -Fire and burgiar proof safea. new and second hand, at right pricea, bought, sold snd exchanged NORR1S SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 105 2d st Phone Main 2045. BoiIers,,Engines NEW and second hand, bought and sold. CAR. Machinery Co., 83 Gerllnger bldg. Phone Main 8201 DANDY racing coaster. Ives mtcliai.ical train, set Rip un Winkle bowlers and one 4x5 Premo camera, with triuod and carrying case. Sunday or evening. 1290 E. 12th at N. Woodiawn 3596. ONE good single mattress, l white enamel iron bed and springs, 1 oak centre table. 1 oak Morria chair. 6 oak chairs. 1 maple chair. 3 rues. 2 small mats, 1 heating stove. 1 kitchen table. All in good .condition. Tel. Tabor 7313. WE ARE disposing of a Variety of the latest drophead machines, priced from $15 to $35, all as good as new: machines rented S3 per month: repairing. Siiiarer store (Moose bldg.). 193 4th. Main 6S33. TEN drophead sewing machines with attachments, all are In vrrv good condition. Sewing machines rented at 33 er month. Phone East 2459, or B 3307. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave., near Belmont. CUT FREIGHT RATES On Household Goods Shipped East and South. MANNING WAREHOUSE A TRANSFER CO., 9th and Hoyt. Phone Broadway 703. A-1793. $12.50 to $15 8ew,mSnIs Guaranteed W. Rent and Repair 172 3d rt.. near Tamhill. Main 1845. A-1818. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing ran be found under these different clari fications. KEIITIIJZER. Several hundrinl loads of . rotted cott and l orse manure, delivered. $8.50, truck, loads. Main 4485. 8 a. m. to 5 p m. OAK davenport, upholstered in real leather; 3 leather pillows, electric lamp, andirons, elec tric vibrator, large oak rocker, upholstered in leather. 399 K...4 7th north. FOR SALE 1-ady's bine gabardine suit, sire 38. never worn; finished this week by one of Portland's best tailors. Wilt sell half original Price. Marshall 2831. HONEY .nd'ld WARRANTED UNADULTERATED Quart 80c. quantity le; delirered. East 1416. CALL Eaat 3088 when you wish the Salvation Army truck or wagon to call for your cast off clothing or magazines, newspapers, turnl- ture. etc. Address 24-26 Union ave. VULCAN its range. Acorn gas water heater, Howard heater, also garage for rent. 39 E. 79th st. north. SUITS preeeed. 43 cental FreneVi dry cleaned. (1.25. Why pay mors? Unique Tailoring lO.. ...I V.l HI, FOB 8ALE--Gariand range. phone Tsbor B24.U. GENTS' used suits and overcosU for ssle at American Tailors. 115 Grand ave. UNCALLED FUR tailor made suits fur aale. Molem tailors. 89 N. 6th t. UNCALLED for tailof made suits for sale. 62 H Bixtb st near Pin. LADIES All kinds of wearing apparel; eniarl styles, sllehtlv n-ed. Tsbor 2825. FOR RENT day. 81. -Electric vacuum cleaners 24-hnnr Delivered anywberw. Wdln. 1259. UNCALLED fir tailor-ms.1e suits. 312.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor, 288 Burnskto st EE FIND a. tot? $10 111 I . m an L . s f I 1 II IN '-'- Cx -L- -X "Tfr I III ( FOR SALE MISCEXLANEOrS it FORaSALE , FIRST CLASS fFI Ri - $9.25; HARD WOOD . WELL SEaASONED,J $1 PER CORD, DELIVERED. WOODLAWN 4672. - WE SAVE yeu money Hon wiring, lighting , fixtures, electrical repair ing supplies. Third St. Elrc-J-to Store. 224 . 3d at., near Salmon. Mala 055. t . FURNITURE WANTED 14 s W want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and all household good and will pay ths) highest cash prices. Our Three Large Stores enable us to dispose cf tbes. goods at once, and hrefote we can py the T6p Market Prices We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sport - , , . . . . , . .1 .1 ; I ing gooas tents. Bicycles, type writers, ao.iin. macmne and store and offtce furniture. v neu y.u bare anything to buy, sell or trade . Call Main 9072 Levin Hdw. & Furn. Co. 221-8-5 FRONT ST. WE WILL BUY FOR fspOT CASH TOUR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ANT AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WH.L BRING US TO YOUR HOUSB PROMPTLY. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THU OTHER FELLOWS, THERE'S A REA BON: BECAUSE WE BELL TODAY WHAT WK BOUGHT YESTERDAY. PH0NR , PHON Marshall 5981 185 FIRST. ST. Gevurtz Furniture Co. 1A1SIALL 5981 SELL IIS Tour Odd Pieces or Complete Furnishings . We Pay Top Cash Prices Call Us for Prompt, Courteous Service PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 209 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON m, ... . , i. Mmta tt. j i in r until luniiiu.e, - . snd pianos; we pay th. highest easb prices. 166 snd 168 1st t. Yall Main 4627. WANTED, USED FURNITURE Will nay best prices. Star Furniture Co. 5064 204 First St DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. Ws can save you money on your freight, in our through cars. Fireproof storage. C. M. Olaen Transfer & Storage Co., 24 8 Pine at, WIUHTMAN-JOHNSUN FURNITURE,. CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest pricea paid for used furniture, car- pets, stcves, rangps, etc. We call promptly. I AM In the market for furniture from private parties only. 409 H Jackson it CALL MAIN 2117. AJ-fl paid for furnitur.. etovea. ranaea, a"-" rarpeta, rngs, dreaaera, etc. Phone Mar. 2(573 Hartzell Furniture Co.. 341 1st st PHONE East 7815 when you want to sell your furniture; we will come at once snd pay you C.ISH. M. R. BEATER. 380 Hawthorne ave. ATLANTIC COAST secondhand atore. W. buy furniture and Junk. Woodiawn 4 760. SWAPS v ti TO EXCHANGE painting, kalsomining, for fur nished housekeeping rooms rent, L-459, Jour nal. - VANT good used carpet, exchange for painting. papering, tinting. J. A. Dennett. 257 Rae sell St. HAVE a Chalmers, roams magneto: make me an offer, cash. Want a Ford. F-88, Journal. SWAP Ilauer mandolin for tent or kodas. Phone Hell. 610. WILL exchange detiul work for cement work or carpentT work. L-457, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 6 SPOT CASH PAID FOR TENT. SHOTGUN RIFLE. ELECTRIC OR GA8 HEATER VIOLIN. SEWING MACHINE. TYPEWRITER. PHONOGRAPH OR RECORDS. SCALES. SHOWCASE. Newman's Exchange 128 Fir-t Nr. Waeh. Main 44!5, Tsbor 6798. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash prices 4or second hand household goods. No amount too large or Uy small Prompt attention. N. m seater Phone East 2203. 14 3 Russell St. $8 to $115 FOR SECOND HAND SUITS MEYER. THE TAILOR Pays most for clothing and shoes. We pall day or evening. Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison at. Shotguns and Rifles FOR RENT. -TRADE oil SALE. NEWMAN S EXCHANGE. 128 1st Main 44 93. SPECIALTY In buying men's cast-off clothing. I pay $10 and up for suits 'and overcoats. Call us and get the right cash price. 167 1st st. nesr Morrison. Msln 738. ' GOlNTi"Ftc"8orthr Household cooda shipped st rtdurrd rates'; moving and packing. . PACIFIC -COAST FORWARDING CO. 403 Hoyt st. Broadway 703 I WANT MEN'S USED CLOTHING, shoes"; will ray full value Marshall 3223 I'EOPLFS CLOTHING STOKE. 2Q9 MADISON. WANT TO BUY' late m-alrl Underwood tyia-- writer No. S; must be bargain for cash. Call Main392 CALL Taj UP Marshall 2488. We pay eaah for grocery and confectionery stock, with er without fixtures. 2 3 0 Wash Ington. , GENTILE clothes buyers pays most for gents' cart tff clothing, shoev, etc 115 Grand avenue. Esst 1676. WANTED -1 2-gauge shotgun in exchange for latest Remington new .22 repeating .rifle; some cartridges. H-64J. Journal. Vil JTm'K ' UP. ' AaralMai "2485; We pay cmIs for grocery and confectionery stfcrk. with or without fiTtnrea. :I13 Second st. WANTED To buy a fire proof safe, ire snd price V-877, JournsL Ad via. WATEf Rifles, shotguns, cameras, lenaes. Hochfleld, .3d t Phovie Main 3581. WE BUY AND SELL 2d "hand goods. "Port land Bottle Co.. 227 Front Main 7981. PERSONAL 22 SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needle method. Trial free. Joaie Finley, 614 Hu ll ft lne bldg. Main 636H. DETECTIVE Unitwl " SerWeDe7ecfiie bureau ; work executed by skilled operatives. 607 Stock Exchange bldg. Msin 3812. Dr. Elna Sorenscn, 508 Panama bldg., dmgleaa phys. ; rheumatfm. constipation. Main 5086. I s irrt 'ore n nation FREE All es-4, iLrsalWCI si; Selling bldg. Main 4903. By feeorge McManus OO i HAVE TO IT aW do IT TOO t-Tx ' tr tt ..A DOLLAR , : If ewer silver dollar , s -Wordd tell lta Ul s-f woe. 'Tbere'A be some funay atorfcra Of transactions to and fro. j-: . A , ' It goes for shoes Vnd also booxe; It a-oea to psy th. rent; It goes to par the Interest ' On tha money tbat was spent, . It inn for IrreaCh of promiaa ' i , And also railroad fare: It goes to I -ay tha grocer , '' And for the clothes you Wear. v ' We know it doe go farther. As you can save much Won. On each fall SUIT. COAT. DRESS and HA' At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STOK. , Second Floor jMttockJHock. Old False" Teeth Bought ' Ws I-Uaw. hlawka. u.le. 1 . ... fTnwm. bridjte uml all dntal gold. $200 to-$1000 Per Carat rUK. DIAMONDS. We buy watches, old jewelry and aU of every de cription. , ' 'J ' NATIONAL JEWELRT CO. ! 447 Morgan bldg., 4th floor CornerWasUingtori snd Broadway. '-' Old-False Teeth Bought XY iP lo 2 P' piste; eld tuwra ars) i meet valuJble; no matter if broken; crowns, bndveworkv dental gold bought Bring -or mail Mall ordrrjy reci-ive prompt attention. I '-rnsnw t TUr: AMERICAN BROKERAGE i tU3Morgn bldg . 2d ,floor , - WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD " SAXl'Tlnnua A new sanitarium Just opened. liaauUful View and ypleamtnt surroundings. , . MatcrnHy and convalearent raaw taken. 1270 WlUmette blviL and cornet of Ainsworth are. Pbdhe Woxllawn 2150. . "nsworw NO PROFITEERING ON Gll8"sns" Dr. George Rubenetein, th. eteran optician, makes the best eyeglasam at very reaaonabli Prices. Torio and Kryptok. ,s 0i. WpS grades. 226 Morrison st. Msln 291 GLABHE8 AT A 8AVINQ I solicit your patronage jjn the basis of capable services. Thousands , oi satisfied patrons. Charles W Goodman, t optometrist. 209 Morrison sr. ALASKA FURS : " Finest Quality, ready to wear and to eider at upsUirsl prices. Ths Fur Shop. 60S Swat, lsnd bldg.-. 6th and Washington. GOITRE.: enlarged glands. eople rtir. them selves xiermanentlw a u . . . . . : brro. Or.. Route 8" " ttuI- LADIES' .purses and handbags repaired. Abo made to rtrder. Suitcaaes, traveling ym. 35.85 pp. Portland Leather Oo,. ggfl, Wash. it ll iSr'sxj A T.DW OUR REMEDY HELPS YOU. 404 McKAY HI OG CALU- AT DR. 8 A CRY. Chiropodist Manicuring, id U w". oa-i o-i nun, at., war. 8370, DRsi-5itMSI?e:LV Chiropodist, 207 Aliaky bldlT Snndsys 10 to 1. Third snd Morrison. LEWIS BTENGER Barbers' Supply Co., 10U and Morrison streets, Th. place to buy barbers' chairs and supplies. Stock of furniture always cn hand at liaht pricea. - BLANK BOOK MAKIRg DAVIS ft HOLMAN. INC,, 109 2d st, blank book manufacturers. A-8183. Msln 188 CARFa-T OLEArllNa We Make Fluff Ruigs j From Your Old Carbets' UftB ITIaTK all gdslsaoi If at II mw4.m sVo ' Bag and carpets at4m and dry cJeantOJ Pbt4. Northwest" Rug Cb.: " 188 E. Eighth Bt, Bastf 8590. f Fluff Rugs From 011 Carpets j v ;? Rsg Hugs, all sixes Mail Orders Proropt. V Send for H.vnk lei , 9x12 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.60. . .a . t, , FLUFF RUG CO. J' t 84-58 Union Ave. N. Esst 6516. -1478. 1 CELLULOID BUTTON THE IRWIN-HOD80N COMPjCNI 887 Wsshington. Broadway 434, A-t284. OHIROPRAOTOftO DR. Mc.MAHON. 100 per cent adjustments mad. ,; easy, carefully ,jrmii nertt Phone 81, 815V u HELENA W. COMSTOCK Chiropractors $$1 14 th st. Chron'c tronhlea. Main 0. f COAL AND WOOD Dry block and light wood mads TrSm th O W. R. A N. track, foot of Ash st5V Prises are low for any average haul. BroadwaJM346. , , Tr ,. ii ". . . ... i. . . 1 -1. . k . v ..... v. rTwraif.a .,o. WE SrTL IN LARGE OR SMALL gUtNTirf -Heavy Country Slab. Oak and (r.Wond Star Wood & Coal Co. 84 8 3d st. Mla 60 It, BOXWOOD v Delivered immediately by Fulton W (I Oo..-' 1261 Macadam Main4l7l. -j BoxwoodS!abw id Mtiltnomsh Fuel Co Main 8540 i "i Ml 6. WANT ereen and dry eordwood. any smonok. Star Wood ft Coal ;o.; 348 3d st j',' SHORT slab and block wood, mixed :&fina fog furnace i-r heater Special price. Esat 2141. ' J5 " CAT HQgPfTALS DR. G, H. HUTHMAN bospiUl. 415 E. 7th St. , comer Grant. Ea-t 1847. B-1967? IOUCATIONAL OANOINd If INGLE II 'H DANCING AOADEMJ -.i If y.m want to dance or learn to dance, -why not go to the- largest and best school In ths city , where the ad vantages are greater? Yflu-meet more good dancers and ran practtco with many ' different evpert protewional teaehrea. - 'fleparato ,. hall for beginners and backward pupils, - fhrf ,j bnsineea Is dancing. We know how,, luformals every evening. Ijidles. $3; gentai $5i g I4llijst Washington. Bmsrtwsv 38Q, A-83S1. MRS SUMMERS BERKELEY'S dancing acsrt-f rmy, 129 4th at., 3d floor; lessons 4s y and evening class Thursday: ladles' tickets $3. gents'; JL M',l33'fl- - i DANCNO LESSONS Private leaaons. "day anili evening claaaes Monday, Friday. B., TilSJ n 8:80; adv.. 8:30 to 9 :80. Ladles. j gentsvl , so junta iriano. oon iieaiiivi. mug., stin .iioon Ps.m I 'r uay naiirjcm iiwrroctnr saruj giv private lesams st er home; rMsonabl rales. Tabor 6004. ' . J "lWU8iq 80HO0L8 AND TtAOHlWS '.. PROF. T K. LAWSON. 20 vears' 4perieieC V Piano lesions at yonr home. 73e. Tahor-7906. S er. Phone Main 214 5. - ' r"- 1 ei ' WAIL advertising; CRANK LETTER CO.. 612 Royal-bl4' Mult. irttmniK. mimeoimiiming. aiarMj.ailoe.zz OPTOMBTptltT jajjaw EYFS BCIENTIFICALLT 'T.HTKfi i ' witti modern instruments. L ' Gl fftfed from 82 BO no ?j A. E TTT'KWITZ. fhstometrt-t. 888 Tfirat at.; paintino tintino. papehhaiI giwa - ' i. II CLIFTON. Painting, tinting. perMr.tng, 184 V N 17th P.dwy. 4414. WrfU4iB 2126.-1 -i - "' PATENT ATTORNCV Kif.DHEHG 20 rc-.fer hHg Main 2823 j "" ' PHVSIOIANt ' - I rR h a pim.r.ips R. kLii. ai . i mstm. st-tmach. bowel, lung, livf r. Iwlney, bladder, rertnl. prostatic, female dvsordcrj, 4 affection; M-'i H"c1 nwir.. . " t PHIWTHHO EWORAVmo. Biajoisio 4 PiriritiintT K w baltes xxy. i l rinTng and Oak na. M. -t63,i A-1 1 65 SALTED AND IWKtD fill) AItSKA HEHUING ft tMPOttTING A'.0 ..-U trib'it-rs of salted and smoked fth,.- . 521 VamMII st.. poTtlartd. Or , .'' , f - TINNER JACOB LitSIJ, t Tin. eiieetiron and Itix f XVorh "A -' 310 1st -t. . Phone Msln 1424. TRANSFER AND STOMOt' Oregon Transfer Co. . ,;' - SsublMMst t19v:-sk'lin ' Transfer sod Fevwarding Agents . '".-i TORA'GB FREE TRACKAGJI ' Offine and Skorage. 4 74 GlieaTT jSth and.Gliaan. ; Broadway1281f A-l inn ALWAYS PICK TPB BEST - - UMD8 SPEdALISTStorsgw. ' packing, -rl ipp-ng and snovtng - flora and s)utev vans. Special rates to all irint. . - . C O. PICK , TBANSFEU ft i STORACE CO. tf. and Pin. Broadway 590. A-Itn. Storage andTransfer CLAY Si MORSE INC. 418 Glatao Bt. WILLAMETTE VALI.KT TRANSFER CO . fienT era! tiarrsfer sl forwardi-g agenu. 124 H. tth -t Broadway 484. - - - i . s r-A KING MOV1SO STORAGE "" rtFCl.'KITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER GO 108 Par .4. . , ..- , Maia 8198. ld$t. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS BIRECTQRY S; . i - , - WOOD BRYWOffi - s '