THE .OREGON: DAILY r JOURNALS PORTLAND, TUESDAY, DECEMBER ,1919, 10 ' 7 FURNISHED ROOMS FRIYATB VV ' -. , FAMILY 7 LARGE room suitable for 2 or business peo , pla .. in beautiful home: fireplace, lavatory, pbon nd bath. ; Mtn 4574y" - ' ' 1 ROOMS ANDrBOABP W WxktBA WASHINGTON. l0 iStk tat business ctrl t and student. Marshall 1261. BOOHS AND BOABD PRJYATE - FAMILY 71 ROOM and board, single room, or lor tup. . Furnace heat, good cooking; wait aide, 712 Lovejoy. Mar. 5880. WAN TE FV -To voerd girl or boy. 7 or,8 years .'.-- M,. 826 month, neat fin school; mother a eere, M4 TimiM ave., Snwood. - KLND lady ' wishes school children to board. ,.j Marshall 824. ' ' -- . 1KMUD and room in private family. 430 12ti at., near Hall, i -- . - HOUSED EEPI50 BOOMS ' 8 i. FURNISHED ASP UNFURNISHED VERY desirable front housekeeping mite with ... running water, furnace heat Plenty of hot . water. Preference to employed people, 128 N. J 8th at. ' GOOD clean linekeepiiig r.u-i; also bachelor DUirtin. :3i I'nbn are., 1 block south Hawthorne. ' ONE clean. amaU li. K. room, $2.60 par week. 247H lithsfc ' H. ' K. ROOMS, $4 week. 430 12th si., near Hall. 4 HOTJSEKEEPlSt. BOOMS furnished a n ii unfurnished private family 73 OB practically furnished, clean, comfortable housekeeping room. electric, light and water free; also limited nit of phone: 2 gentlemen pre ferred, or man aiwL wife; $10. Call Tabor 6-082 or come to 4880 65th at 8. K, tli MARGIN ik. 3 It K. room for 2 or 3 Kant 4674. it WO it" K. rooms, first floor. 2 block from Broadway Bridge, sob urosoy ft. - JbTRNiSHED IL it. room : all convenience. 887 Mill at FOB RENT HOUSES IS J ' ' UNFCBJflMJHEP -' FOB ' RENTES room modem bouae at 1855 ;i' uampbeU at, 117. BO in adrance. Keya at Tneim grocery, iut back of Iioiim. on Portland blvd. See boose and address with sump, kin. ' JC E. Wood. Duncan. Or. WHEN yOU MOVE. USE NORTH- WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE Tenth and Washington. Broadway 580, 9 ROOM modem bouse, .corner E. Oth and Bolleday ave,; 848. Fred S. William, 606 ; ranania. 1IVK roama, 88th and .K. Alder. $20 per mo. J. ROBBIN8 . 801 Railway Kxchanae. Main 7931. ' SlAAtli bonan and acre. saa. electricity, watel 810. faiilna; at. near Craig. Park Rose. : lioToO ;E8t aUla 8-roonT houna, 312" 20th ' near Qulmby. Not ttrictly modern. ' ' FtTBKlRHEP HOUSES 8$ AVATED A married couple or two ladie. ihara ntca homa with lady alone. Call Wdln. 2188. -after 8 p. ra. : 4-ROOM f nrniabeti lion to mi'ltile ag d rouple. reaaonabla terms. Call Tabor 60 after 7 P. TO. HOC SB and fumitar for rent. 8515 E. 60th r are. S. K. FLATS TO BEKT,WFUB5I8HEp U JR66lTfiaC"aU conenteoce7 eloaa In, adulta : only. 881 Iry at. ' : FJJByiSHEP FliATS 80 FOR H EST -In Irriiitton. cloee in, hieh claa furrdalMd 4 room flat. Phone forenoon. Eat ,8646, '; 885 NICELY furniehed 4-room flat to perma . nent tenant: tleepini porch included. 1119 Orant at. Hawthorn car. 4 ROOM furntitlied flat with aleeplng porch. 880. 884 Vk Belmont. Broadway 1762. "- ' .APARTMENTS FOR BEXT WANTED A younc or mUidle-aaed lady to hare my 8 -room famished apartment; lovely neighborhood. ; For particular call Bdwy. 6275. ; Keferencea. TW VO and 8-tonio aits., ftonabla; lutb . and Ui one Bdwy. lg4B. team lipat. rery rca- aonabl rbur. lkeabody apt. Phone J -ROOM- teamheated apta., $22.50 and $18 . aa,a aa . 11 a 1 AAA . - Xfi. or a. aico apis.. Apt. ivu . WAKTEP TO BEST 7 , T Ol' a aw a-', vi uiuiimm, yiiiatic aT)v,v ' - with beat and lirht where I can orerbaul and " rebuild my ear, 8-41, Journal. ANSWER at once;, want nnfurnLihed flat, 4 or . 5 roourvcloaa in. A-S28. Journal. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY 6$ .FACTORY iti wet siTle waterfront, with track age: anotmr. east aide, on tracaage witn loirx 100 building for manufacturing, or Irate, by owner. 1421 Northwnatf rn Batik bldg. WORTH $50.000; price today $33,800; income $870 monthly. Buy. owner. 549 Tacoma ave, Bellwood 140. . FOB SALE HOUSES (1 ' $400 CASH, balance very eay, lovely A room honae. on floor; 100100 comer lot, great abundance fine fruit and berries; garage; house baa new plumbing, electric lights, good cement basement. Price $3250; one block N. Mount Tabor. 88 car, N. K. cor. 70th and E. Morri son. 81600 $600 cash. (20 monthly, 4 room bun gak)W, with bUi, gun, electric lights, water; fruit trace and shrubbery, on 60x100 east front lot: Vi block to car; abont 20 minutes from eeoter of city. Main 8787. JOHNSON DODSON CO;. 682. 688. 084 N. W. Bank Bldg. $3500 Beautlfnl 8-room modem bungalow, corner lot 60x100. itut north of Sandy bvd-., in nice residence- section. Terms- $800" cash, balance $30 per month, WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. '621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. ; ClASSY 5 room modern bungalow, fireplace. bookcases, bullet, oak (loom, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, old ivrr and whit enam"l throughout; $4200, $1400 cah, balance month ly; wlU sell furniture: Main 8787. " JOHNSON-DODSON CO., " 682. B88, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg-. $2500 AND $600 down will buy a 5-room Jbungalow, on fine level lot, pavement and sewer all la and paid for. Garret finished; full basement, fnroace with hot water system: 3 blocks of school and 1H blocks of csrline, 20 minutea irorn center tic city. AlDin Realtors. rhoneWdln. 8207. HOME8EEKERS. grab this Quick; must sell . coay semi-bungalow, rootu-i, large bath, full basement, floored attic, all nicely painted, tinted. : Fruit, -walnut trees, roAs, lawn, berriea. shrub bery, paved street; wilre!! furnished with $450 piano. Easily worth $2750. Take any rea sonable offer. 1325 E. Yamhill near 47th. BUNGALOWS . I have several exceptionally fine buy in 5 - and 8 room bungalows, some as low aa $3250. Will bt very glad to call for yon and show them to you. J. A. MeCARTY. 270 hi Stark at. Main 1700. Evenings Tabor 6057. E1NE 100x100 lot, fruit and berriea. large ta rage, full attic and basement, large living : room, ifireplare, bookcase, buffet, eubstantiaHy built: price $3700: $1000 cash. -Main 3787. - ,SV JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ' 632. 638. 634 N. W. Bank BWg. ?A NON -RESIDENT owner - eacrifigjna nrooertv obtained hy. foreclosing mortgage. Double eon? tructctj room noue, - fuU lot, sidewalk, sewer. , cement basement, Dutch kitchen, complete bath. No mortgage or city. lien to assume. $1280. 8380 ean. lin per month. Tabor 2934. $2000 $500 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY Cosv 8 room bnngalow, buiitin bookcaaee, buf- fet. fireplace, full cement basement, nice ' lawn ' and good Tiew. Main 8787. Jrttf1M(iv.lmnAv ,"r 632, 63. 634 N. W. Rank Bldg. ItOOMS- andTbath. Dutch kitchen, laundrr trays, full Jbaaeuent, double constructed: wvvr wjbmchl iwu. 9 oiocas to car, a -1 3 O terms. . I. - , 40NE3- Scandinavia-American Realty Co.. -sty Du,(a b. auun m.H. FOR. SAlii $ 1 800 Good modern 5 tomb cotUae, lights, gas and' water, across street from Woodmere) school. . Inauire at 854$ East -78th S. E. - j 8 ROOM bouse, all modem coovaniencea. on fuh siaed lot, close in on east side, between Sun- nyside and Hawthorne car lines. . A real boms for $4500.- Main 6312. . IN WALNUT. PACK ? $7200, ew ttory and bait 5-room modern atwiae sumcr, m.m,o aiaiiory ave. "a"v2fuua ii DVDqii '"T " 1 1 - Modern, putch kitchen, furnace; 60x100 lot $.1000; owner; tenna.- 1103 E. 16trt it H. ' ' $1500 CASH, balance $1300 at $20 monthly" - takes my modem furnished home; pleasant dis N tnct, immediate possession. Col. 165. $75008 tooms, garage, corner lot. 100x166"; y EasfAJder St. Improvements in. Tabor 885 er 860. - ' - . " $2500. NEW, modcYn 4-room bungalow, jnst finished: garage; fulP basement: $500 first yjnrpuw avw f?lllBH. WOOOMWn X197, 9 ROOM house, in good residence diotncl, clonej in. A harwain if ,. W n -pi,i,t . . , "ra. ' rerms vo suit- r. . Frtvett, Tabor g40a. rlVB room modem furnished houne, all : built" eat. 'nnraa, garage. 2 fata, chicken runs. C515 Woodstock are. FOR A LR-- PorUbl hone, portable garage, ' Tabor 883. - Honrs, 0 to 8. : FOR PALB Modern txingalow, S36O0V terms, w $8400 for cash, rbone D-11S9. -. . REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOFMKK l HOUSES AND t BUNGALOWS NEW YORK LAND CO. 7 room modern bouse, Hawthorne dis trict. Fries 84200. 6 oom strictly modern bnngalow, Haw thorne district. Price $4600. 6 rocan modern bungalow, Hawthorne district. Price $4200. 0 room modern bungalow, . Hawthorne district. Price $4080. 6 room modem bungalow. Hawthorne district. Price $4000. . 6 room modern bungalow. Hawthorne district. Price $4500. 6 room modem bungalow, Hawthorna dtetrict. Price 82600. 6 room modem bungalowa MrV district. Price $2600. 6 room modern bangxlow, M Y district, Price $200. - 6 room modern bungalow, M-Y district. Price 83200. 6 room modem bungalow and sleeping porch, Waverleigb Heights. Price $2500. 7 room modern house, . Waverleigb Heights. Price 84000. 5 room- modern bungalow, Waverleih Heights. Price $2400. 6 room modem bungalow, Waverleigh Heights. Price $4000. 6 room modem bungalow, sleeping porch, Waverleigb Heights. Price $8000. 4 room cottage, Waverleigb Heights. Price $1650. 7 room modern, Warerleigh Heights. Price $3000. - room- modern cottage, M-Y district. Price $1250. 4 room house, M-V district. Price $1250, with furniture. 3 room modem bungalow. Rose City district Price 8400O. J 7 room modem house. Rose City dis trict. Price $3000. 3 room modern bungalow. South Port land, price $3000. 6 rrxrq modern house. South Portland. Price $2700. 6' room modem bungalow, Albert dis trict Price $3000. 5 room modem bnngalow, Alberts dis trict. Price $3000. t 6 room modern bungalow. Alberta dis trict.. Price 34000. 5 room modem cottage, Alblna district. Price $2250. 6 room modem cottage. Mt. Tabor dis trict. Price 81700. 7 room house, walking distance. Price $2600. 5 room cottage on acre, ML Scott district. Price $1500. 5 room modem bungalow, completely fur nished, ready to move into. On 100x100, two blocks from car. Mt. 8eott district. This is a snap at 83000. If any of these in terest yon, please call at our office and we will (how yon. We have autos at your service. BERRIDGE A MILKS. 305 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. Near Ladd's Addition $4800 In 28th street near Division, beautiful 7 room bungalow, extra large living room, with hurdwood floors and fireplace, dining room with beautiful built-in bnffet, full Dutch kitchen, extra large bathroom with white enameled plumb ing, 3 large bedrooms and sleeping porch, full baxement with laundry trays; this house was built for a home and is a wonderful value at the above price; for particulars see E, M. Pad den, aalesmanager. MetzgerParkerFergu son Company Ground Floor, 802 Oak st Broadway 8644. Formerly Stanley H. Thompson Co. ATTRACTIVE HOMES 5 room house, lot 60x100. garden, chicken house, beautiful light fixtures and plumbing, full cement basement, extra good furnace, laundry, etc. Price $3360. Only $850 cash, bL $25 per month. f"-. ONE (t ROOM HOUSE 12860 ONE 4 ROOM HOUSE $2500 All close to function of Alberta and Pied mont districts. R. C. OEDER. -COR. MASON and UNION AVE. IRVINOTON 6 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. OARAGE 85150 Here is a genuine bargain. We want you to see thisso that you, too, may appreciate the real downright value in this beautiful bun galow borne. Probably never again an oppor tunity like thla. Every convenience. Get busy. Hurry. Let us show you. - A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 8516. Main 8092. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. A SUBURBAN HOME THAT'S DIFFERENT PARKROSE Just outside city limits, nesr Sandy blvd.'; 6 rooms and sun room, all on one floor; very attractive interior; white enameled throughout; consent basement, concrete fruit room and fur nace; gas and electricity; ground 100x150 ft. On Craig road. Attractive garage. Fruit trees and berries. Price only $5750. half cash. J. L. HARTUAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 208. 40 ACRES 82250 $300 cash, 8100 semi-annually buys a aplen did 40-acre ranch, nearly level, 5 acres fairly cleared. 6 acre more cleared and seeded to clover between the. stumps; irrigating ditch right through, the place, water from same costing $2.50 per acre per year; well built large two room house, good- bam, log storehouse and other buildings: good plow, stump-puller, table and block and other tools; located miles north of Carson Springs, up the Columbia river. Photo graphe at office of Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK CAR 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3500 Here is a nifty little bungalow, located 100 feet from Sandy, facingeeast. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, garage, etc. Let t show you. A O TEEPE CO ' 264, Stark st, near 3d. Main 8516., Main 3092. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. GARDEN. FRUIT AND CHICKENS Two-thirds of an acre in town, improved with good 6 room house; all kinds of bearing fruit, garden tpace and nicely arranged for chicken raising; close to car; fine neighborhood. Prop erty easily worth $5000; price now $4200; terms $1500 down. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY 918 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW SNAP $2600 Nice bungalow with 3 bedrooms, all on one floor and in the pink of condition ; cement base ment, bath, electricity, large airy rooms; lot 60x86; no liens to assume; chicken house and run; some nice small fruit; on Roseiawn ave., near 13th. Price $2500; $500 down and $20 per month. GRUS8I BENNETT, 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. WHY not enjoy Christmas in your own home? It will add more pleasure to the Yuletide. JUST LOOK AT THIS 5-room modem bungalow cottage, clean and coay, beautifully furnished, choice lot with trait and flowers, in good location, with all hard sur face streets, sewers and sidewalk In and paid for. Only $8750. t Inauire Mr. Silkworth at J. B. Holbrook's office, 214-218 Panama bldg. ' HOUSE BARGAIN 7 room modem house, like new, just painted and tinted; 4 bedrooms, bath and hall upstairs, large closet in each room, window in each closet, full cement basement, furnace, electric fixtures in, lot 60x104 feet, near cor., price 84000. $1000 cash, balance easy. To reproduce this Slace it would cost $6000. i. M. GATEWOOP A CO., 165 K 4th st BRAND NEW. $1900 " $150 cash, $20 monthly, buys this new 4 room plastered cottage : concrete foundation' complete modern plumbing; 1 block from St Johns csrline: a splendid buy. Fred v Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. $4000 BUYS a 6 room borne, with on bed room down; Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace; lot 68x100; with imp, i fa and paid. On 5 2d. near Hawthorne aye. Terms. J. A. WICKUAN CO.. 7 auajty. Excn. Bigg. nata 683 FOR SALE By owner, beautiful corner, ft-mnm bnngalow. in cheicf part of Hawthorn, strictly modem In every respect, paved streets garage, close to grade and high school. This is a bargain. .$1500 cash will handle. 1855 ir . j o.i- $4300 BUYS" a 7 room bungalow, with 6 uuiw, uuu utu wi, up, miiisce, i j replace all built-in, full cement basement,! wash trays! paved street, paid; term. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Excb. Bldg. Msin 688. FOR SALE Fine building lot; aO improve menu in and paid: will sell for $800 or will build to suit on easy terms. On Franklin st. between 28th and 29th. S blocks from good KUWI. Jm A. D WJ, CI, 1SDQT ZfOtf. - "-' UMUBWiun, HIAJU.CTU ICS- turea complete; Hawthorne district; a well built place; big bargain and term. See Uua be fore yott buy.- Phone Tabor 6143. 0-ROOM house on weat side; 3 room upstair and bath; kitchen, dining room and living rpom down; cement basement; up-to-date bouse. IRVINGTON 6 rooms and bath, newly tinted uyl fflnialiMf m, Ih. (,(., . ... wide parking; come and look it over.. 744 ,-1 . S4J M. v . -mim. & asm wiolf. FOR 8ALK Two modern 4 room house near a.JCiHingworth ate,- sold either separately foa $1650 and $1750 or together at $8400. Call Woodlawn 2700. r ' HOI-LADAY PARK. Modern 6 rooms, full cement basement, fire place and aleepwg porch: first floor hardwood except kitchen. Price $5000. E4 - 668 BEAT, ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 81 BCY HER A HOME FOB XMAS $4500 ROSE CITY. Brand new. Strictly modem, 5-room bnngalow. All built . in feature, hardwood Ooetrs, fire place, etc.; full lot, aewer. - $4760-RO8E CITY. Urfnt room, dining; room, two bedrooma and. bath; hardwood floors, fireplace: trays ; fuH lot; paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer. Interior finish while enamel. This place is on 6 2d street, and is right up to the minute. $4850-a-ROSE CITY. A nice home. Re ception hall, living room, dining room, kitclten, music room and den on first floor; 3 bedrooms with bath and sleeping porch on second. Hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, trays, gaa and electricity; screens and lin oleum; full cement basement; garage: full lot; 3 blocks t car. A-l con dition. Near schools and churches. $3250 ROSE CITY. Reception ball, liv ing room, dining room, buffet Dutch kitchen, bath; 3 bedrooms up with . sleeping porch. Full cement baaer ment; hot water beating plant traya, etc. Full lot; paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer; garage; A-l eon- dition. Very fine. $2750 -ALBERTA. Brand new 5-room bun galow. Cement basement, full lot Easy terms. Thla place is very neat $3100 IN MT. SCOTT.0 A GIFT: 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, full cement basement, garage, 100x100 ft lot, close to car; worth $600 more . right now. $2125 NIFTY 4 ROOM BUNGALOW IN MT. SCOTT. "Modem. Buffet Kitch en Dutch. Full lot 210 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1686. New BungaJow ' $5600 In Dunrkley avenue near 26th street, in Al ameda park, we have a new bungalow that is owned by a non-resident and must sell at once; The price is much less than you can buy anv tl ine in this beautiful district: 6 rooms with sleeping porch, large living room, fireplace, din ing room, buiitin buffet liardwood floors, good sized kitchen with all tie builtins, bathroom, white enameled plumbing, cement basement, fur nace and laundry tray, garage, street improve ments In and paid for; we can arrange terms to suit you. For particulars see E. M. Padden, ss I esnia na ire r .etzgerParkerFergu- son Company Ground Floor, 802 Oak st Broadway 8644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. 83250 Vacant 6 room bungalow, good condi tion, fireplace, den, built-in buffet, large white enameled Distch kitchen, 2 fine bedrooms, good bath, full evmcnt basement, laundry trays, fine furnace, 50x100 lot, facing east, amemx fine houses, near 45th st. 3 blocks Wood stock car. close school. This Is on of the beat bargains we "have; be con vinced; let us show you. Terms can be arranged. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN ' 33850 Located 60 feet from Hawthorne ave.. on the prettiest street in t'le district. Queen Anne bnngalow type, 5 rocnu, large closets, fine kitchen, full base ment, laundry trays, gara,re; street . pared and paid. Only SliUO down, balance $20 month and 6 ir rent in terest. Somebody it going to get tills bargain. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1U07 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK NTFTY BUNGALOW $5000 Here, truly, ia'a splendid home, located one block from Sandy .doe in; hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, etc. Yon will have to hurry if you get this. The owner is leaving Portland and must sell at once. Don't delay. Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO., a 284 Stark st. near 3. Main 3G92. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. H O Kft lt?VC , T fZTT O i " " v- j ..vnuvn fdilV Owing to my having to leave for Eastern Washington I am obliged to dispose of my bun galow at once. There are 5 rooms, full base ment, laundry trays, fireplace, large attic, all floored. Lot 50x100. Improvements all in. Located on East Everett street near 60 th. Win ter fuel in basement If you are looking for a real bargain this ia it See my .agent J. A. McCarty. 270 H Stark st Main 1700. Ere ,i,M . .l Cn..w. r v . inn ROSE CITY PARK 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $5250 You will appreciate the real d6wnright value in thi splendid home; hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace, garage, etc. Assessments paid. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8516. Main 8092. Branch Office,- 50th and Sandy. 5 ROOM NICE BUNGALOW $2900 Nearly new 6 room bungalow, good cement basement, electricity, gas, nice bath, macadam street; lot 41x95; some trees and small fruits; city liens included in price; $2900, about $650 cash and $30 per month, including interest; on E. 4 2d St., near Francis ave., 2 blocks to car; bandy to school and high school. GRU88I & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 74S2. $4200 EAST OF LAURELHURST $4200 There is not a nicer 6 room bungalow, in Portland than this for so small a sum. Excep tional construction and finish. We are proud to show it Come in and see for yourself. All modem. Garage. Terms. HARRIS & MAXWELL Main 2831. . 304 Railway Exchange bldg. FIVE room cottage, A-l condition. Fractional comer lot Improvements all in and paid. $1860. $200 cash, rent terms on balance. 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Corner- lot on Salmon st Honse in good condition. Improve ments all in and paid. $2750. $750 cash, rent terms on balance. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN REALTY CO., Main 6429. 248 Stark st A HIT. A ITTTFTTT. hnm in PnTtlanH'a W tnct, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplam.i-wV, laundry trays and fumaoe, sewer, sidewalk and peved .street k and paid for; price only $3750; $1000 cash. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632, 638. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. WEST aide. Broadway drive. Modem home. 9 rooms and sleeping porcn. turnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, paneled dining room, buffet cabinet kitchen, perfect condition, beautiful view. Price $5500, $1500 cash, balance monthly payments, interest 6 per cent No agents. Ta bor 6441. 6 ROOM plastered cottage, with fall plumbing, electric lights and gas, sidewalk, sewer and paved street in and paid for; close in, H block to car: a wonderful boy at 81700; $550 cash, balance Uke rent Main 8787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 633, 634 N. W, Bank Bldg. NEAR 8. P. OAR SHOPS $1750. 8160 cash, $25 monthly, buys this old-fashioned, well-built 0-room plastered house; bath and toilet electric lights, small basement; lot 46x100; street work all in and included in price. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Open Sundays: 32500 BUYS a 5 room home, with bath, gas, electric lights; newly painted and tinted throughout; connected with sewer; lot 46 Hx 106; west of 84th st, near Division; terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 04 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583 FOR SALE S room modem bungalow, full eement basement and walks, new, lot lOOx 100, furnished if desired. Low price; , easy payments, Leaving town. Owner, 877 Rodney' ave., cor. Mason st Evenings after 4 p.f m. wvs -vesrva,r . WHY NOT BU1LDT ' ! : Get an artistic bum by -an satsrblished arcbt. tectural firm at low ooat - We build anything: furnish tn money lf desired. - L R. Bailey Co., inc.. cqnnactiwe arcnneeia. wz-l it. W. Bank. 83600 60x100 NICE 7 -room touex. furnace, . wash trays, very convenient cheerful rooms, easy walking diitance. 20th at SB. car. $500 cash will handle. -Sow vacant , For- appoint ment call East 6438. - ' , $2200 BUYS a 6 room home, finished in white enamel, one bedroom down, two bp; fuH SOx 100 lot, with paved street in ami paid; terms, J. A. WICKMAN CO . - 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. . ,, , BY OWNER, $2750 r , . block to. KUWwortn are, 8 rrjonr and bath, cement payment. Gocd place to keep, boarder. Terms bait cash. 1803 Gay at. Wood lawn oV v ' --i " -1 8-BOOM bowse., furnished. Fine location. For r sate, cllK Jabor 6140, , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES , 1 . ARB T0U A 8TRANGIB , . ' IS PORTLAND! , Dw 0U eon template boring a hornet Do row know ealnear Do yoW know the desirable and nndexirable) district f Do yon know the districts that am being invaded by foreigner f - FazaiUae ixinc job with these facta and looking ont for your every interest . is part of the SERVICB of the -McGUUlE SYSTEM." Coate to owe showrooms and see over 600 photographs of home fog sale, ranging in price from to 00 to $50.000.. Eck section of the city having hi allotment of space. Accurate date, descriptive of the orooerty. aeenmnaniea each nlcmra. Every boos baa ' been inspected and appmiseiM nj r KA.-nn. l, ateuuiKK personally. This system baa sold over 800 home this year. 12 experienced salesmen with automobiles at your service. SEE FRANK: L. McOUIRE To Buy Your Home, Sac cesser to H. D. McOuire Ox, Established in 1880. "89 Years of Service.'' Ablngtorr-Bkis. Mat 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. PIEDMONT HOME"" 89750 This home is located in the heart of Pied mont on paved street, corner lot 100x100. Beautiful shade trees, -shrubbery and some fruit trees. 9 room colonial type boose, with all modern improvements ; reception hall, very large living room, , den, beautiful dining room, hard wood floors; .house heated with furnace, gas and fireplaces ; 3 bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, full basement, double garage. In fact this home is complete in every detail and is easily worth $12,000, but too large for the present owner. Might consider taking smaller property aa part pay. See E. M. Padden, sales manager. MetzgerParkerFergu son Company Ground floor, 802 Oak t. Bdwy. S644j Formerly Stanley B. Thompson Co. i LAURELHURST ROOM BUNGALOW $7500 ONE OF LAUHELHURST'S NIFTIEST BUNGALOW "HOMES You never, never would expect to buy sneh a home for this price. This fs Ideally located, being very near Laurelhunt Park. The lawn is artistically landscaped. The bungalow ie of Italian architecture and very distinctive. The interior fini&hts of old ivory. The fireplace is white tile. All the rooms are large. Living oom, dining room and one bedroom bave French windows opening on porches. Windows are plate glass. . Floors are hardwood through out Garage on paved alley. The owner is moving to Los Angeles and must sell at once hence the low price for such a quality home. Don't delay, don't hesitate. This is a real buy. A G TEEPE CO 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3316. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. Evenings Phone Tabor 3721. Laureihurst Bungalow $8750 On a beautiful corner lot 66x160. 6-room. strictly modem bungalow, large living room, with fireplace, beautiful library with disappear ing bed. dining room, handsome mahogany buf fet; full Dutch kitchen with disappearing break fast table; 2 beautiful bedrooms, large bath room, handsome plumbing and beautiful fix tures: hardwood floors throughout the house, including kitchen; full cement basement with laundry trays and furnace. If yon want a real borne in this most beautiful district, see us at once. E. M. Padden, Sales Manager. Metz ge'rParkesFer gu son Company - Ground floor. 802 Oak st, Bdwy. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. 8NAP or"THiflG room"" heme. Highland addition, very substantially built lot 75x100. This is worth $7,000, will take 84.8,50. Good cottage, 7 rooms, Irvington. This is worth 34,000, will take S3. 000 for quick sale. Tiptop 7 room home, Laurelhunt ad', hard wood finish floors, 4 bedrooms, very mod em, worth $7,500. take $6,600. Grand 8 room borne, Irvington, garage. This is fine, worth $8,000, Uke 66,500. Magnifrcant 9 room home, Irvington. very fine, worth $11,000, take $9,000. East 273, W. H. Herdman, owner. . S2850 BIG SNAP HOSE CITY PARK CAR 100 feet to csrline; 5-room bungalow, fire place, Dutch kitchen; good sized living room. This is indeed a snap. Very easy terms. Only 8850 down, balance 830 a month, including interest Can be seen any time. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chagnber of Commerce Bldg., Branch Office 45th and Sandy. Tabor 2904. ROSE CITY PARK 6 ROOMS $8500 Here is a bargain. 0 rooms, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, buffet etc 100 feet from Sandy, assessments paid. You will have to go some to beat this. Very reasonable terms. Let us shew you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3092. Main. 8S16. Branch office, 60th and Sand;. Small Home Snap $U50 Here's a nice little box house, clofe In, on a fine 60x100 lot for only $1050, on your own terms. Haa gas. Bull Run water, electricity, small dug basement woodshed and' berries;; lo cated at 750 Brooklyn, at. near E. 21st Go lock the place over, then cll and see ua. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242- Washington st Main 8220. - $4000 $1000 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY 5 room house, 100 feet from Sandy blvd., builting bookcases, buffet beamed ceiling, fire place, full cement basement, lot 41Hxl40: young fruit trees; wood included in price. Main 8787. - JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632, 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bide. BEAUMONT It would cost $5000 to build thi home alone; lot is worth $1200; a complete modem 5 room bungalow, on first floor; sleeping porch, se-fing nm end extra bedroom nnrtair-: M800 , HARRIS & MAXWELL Main 2831. 304 Railway Exchange. 100x100 lot, with new 6 room colonial house in Alameda park district, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, buiitin buffet buiitin kitchen, large breakfast nook, large sun parlor, large basement with laundry trays; a beautiful home at less than cost Price $5000. Main 3787. s JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. i 632. 633. 684 N. W. Bank Bldg. 1 BEAUMONT It would cost 85000 to build this bouse alone Lot is worth 81200.' A complete modem 5 room bnngalow, on first floor; sleeping porch, sewing room and extra bedroom upstairs. 34000. HARRIS & MAXWELL Main 2881. 304 Railway Exchange, HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, BY OWNER 6 room bnngalow and sleeping porch, 2 front rooms and 1 bedroom ivory finished. Bal. white enamel. Fireplace, hardwood floors, elegant buf fet, full cement basement rrice 53600. About 000 cash, bsl. easy terms. Phone Tabor 7006. FOR SALE LOTS 18 SNAP ON RANDY BLVD. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. Parkrose. 100x241 ft. almost 5 lota; cor ner, cement sidewalks, paved street in front; pressure wster, gas, electricity; taxes are low, being jnst outside city Jiniits; no street improve ments to pay; a beautiful building site: good view of valley and mts. Price only 81600 easb, J. L. Hartman Company, 7 Chamber, of Com merce bldg. Main 208. , AMONG THE FIRS $8 down. $8 monthly buys splendid 100X100 covered with beautiful fir trees, opposite, Al berta playground; price $800, or will Isell separ ately for $423 each. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, o- Com. Open Sundays, NOTICE TO HOME BUILDERS Extra large size building lot in Burren Heights, worth $2500, with good view of city, overlooking Colonial Heights and Ladd addition, at a sacrifice for cash by owner. 0-227, Journal. ' TWO hits, 60x100 each, small 3 room bonse. partly burned,. 1 blk. to car, $650t $250 cash, balance' mortgage. Jones. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. 248 Stark st Main 5429. A TRUE SACRIFICE Cheat wiU pay up $1242 city Pen on large comer lot near center- of Laurelhurst andi sell for $1250; good title. Mr. Henry, Alder ho tel. Main 6275. MUST BE CASH Some" big snaps in Laurelhunt lota. No locations given by phone. Call on me at office East 39th and Glisan - at, today. It win repay you. LOT on East Taylor near 47th st Phone East DESIRABLE corner lot with good garage. AH street Improvements paid. Bdwy. 8668. ONE corner lot fer sale. $200. Call B-182. WASTED, CTTT PROPERTY ! 87 WANTED or more lota for a iralMingTaite in Irvington, will pay cash; state location and. price to 2-829. Journal, .. ACREAGE : H 37 91609 TAKES SO acrea. aH fenced; few" "acre - slashed ami cultivated. 1 4 miles northwest nf Portland: (800 cash, balance . : aaortcag. stout: REAL ESTATE ACREAGE IDEAL CHICKEN "RANCH t acres near Fos ter road. 114 mUea from .city limits, 2 hi acres - cleared, t- balance bruwh; 8 - rooms and sleeping porch, small cmUmildlng, H acre fam ily orchard, gas . and, electricity available. 3 blocks to school and ear, $2500, $609 cash, easy terms an balance SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN REALTY CO. Main 5429. 248 Stark Bt 85 MILES PORTLAND 15 acres, improved, 13 acres bearing wal nuts, Miyette and Franquet varieties; bearing apple fillers. A sacrifice at 15000. Owner is forced to sell . HARRIS & MAXWELL Main 283 1. - 804 Ragway Excb, Bldg. 40 ACRES, on aast aide of Willamette. 9 miles north of Salem, en Portland-Saleaa highway; 2 houses, bam and other outbuildings: all en closed with, woven wire fence, fine for bag ranch or berries. A bargain at $5000. Main 63L2, or write M-428, Journal PAY $5 MONTH Oregon City line, price $4 75 : almost, nothing down; big bargain in this nice location. Smith, 218 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison stsT FOR SALE or trade, 10 acres, .near Van oouver. Wa&h. mile from Sifton car. Ta bor 8173. FOR .SALE FARMS 17 -'41 ACRES l.'i in cultivation. 10 acres more easily cleared, balance timber, about 1000 cords of wood, 5-room bouse, bam, outbuilding, family orchard, fine spring near house; on good road, hi mile to school, 1 hi "miles to R. It station. Price $3500. 10 ACRES . 8 in cultivation, 4-ro-m house, bam, chicken house; gn good road, 3 miles from Oregon City. Price $1900. a O. DILLMAN 8tb and Main St., Oregon City. FOB BALE NEAR PROPOSED NAVAL BASE SITE AT e ' ASTORIA. 40 acres diked, tideland-. dairy ranch. On Columbia highway,, new Sard surface pave ment to the city. Three miles from the city limits, less than 6000 feet from the proposed neval base site, t Mostly bottom and tide land, enough highland for building site. One of the finest ranch propositions in this district snd s wonderful speculation account of nearness to the city and the proposed naval baa ite. Price 3250 per acre. Would sell part or all of tract G. C PAULING, I. O. O. F. Building. Astoria. Oregon. ALL FOR 3600 Paid up lease to October 1, 1920; on 5 -acre suburban home, 4 acres in cultivation; 4-room house, half basement; good spring, piped to houe; good bam, family orchard, raspberrie. blackberries, gooeberrle. etc; good chicken bouse; 1 cow, 3 tons of hay. 8 cords of wood, 80 chickens. 12 sack of bran. 300 lbs. of wheat 2 rugs, large heater, 8 dining chairs, din ing table, beds and cooking utensils, dishes, small tool, etc Here Is an unusual and at tractive offer; 5 blocks from station on Oregon City cariine. Fred; W. German Co., 782 Cham. of Com. Open Sundays. 7 ACRE8. 6 room house, bam. garage, chicken bouse, etc., 2 seres young bearing prunes, 1 sere mixed orchsrd. 1 aere mixed twrries. all bearing, balance garden land; running water, hydraulic ram, horse, cow, 11 stands bees, 3160 worth of hay. winter wood, harness snd all farm imple ments, half mile from town, 25 miles from Port land, paved road. $3800; $2000 cash. Room 22, 203 hi 1st st. Portland, or Box 665, New berg, Or. 35-ACRE FARM. SNAP. 25 in cultivation. 7-room house, extra good bam, orchard, some crop in, mostly river but tcm land, finest berry proposition in Oregon for the price, only $4830. 82650 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent; located 10 miles southeast of Oregon City and hi mile from Electric depot and town. Call Tabor 3894. NEAR COTTAGE GROVE $2700, $1000 cash, buys a 140-acre ranch, 100 acres tillable. 4 under cultivation, 2.000. 000 feet of saw timber, family orchard. 6-room house, 2 large bajrns, chicken house, - smoke bouse, hog bouse; all fenced: 7 miles to Yon calla. Fred W. tlennan Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. YAKIMA valley. 23 acre nver tront Lne soil, fair buildings, all fenced, fluraed, leveled, close to school, on good road, finest alfalfa tract in valley. Price $3750; terms. Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 612 Selling bldg. Main 493. $75 DOWN, ON 10 ACRES Good soil, on 8. P. electric, near station, store, school; part in cult Work near by. Price $1000. $73 down. Draper, 826 Cham ber of Commerce. 160-ACRE farm for sale. $1600, or trade Port land property (lota and bouse) . This plsce 19 miles Seaside, Or., on the new state highway, Write owner, Peter Piekkola, 44 N. 1st, st, Portland, Or. 20 ACRES irrigated land on Umatilla project. Eastern Oregon, hi mile from Columbia highway. 9 acre alfalfa, some fruit tree, good house, "bam. and chicken coop. Addresa owner. 8-Jouraal. Vancouver, vt au. 11 ACRES, moUy under cultivation; 60 young fruit trees, nou aim uuu, I"" pipe, horse, plow, harness: hi mil from rail road Station ; I iu. Pen mm", myren.u, i,t. 93 ACRE farm. 60 acres in cultivation, all stocked and equipped. 5 acre potatoes. Wolf- stein. 406 Messy Drag. 80 ACRES Sandy loam, all nnder cultivation. heart ol tne vanoy gamcii u.-i i aw near. Yeon building, engine room. FOB BENT FABMS iFINE DAIRY RANCH AT ASTORIA 102 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. 14 Finct soil in the state for dairv purmi, 4 miles from city of Astoria, good, practically new 6 room house, running spring water in same, large bam, 40x130; 2 silo and full set of out buildings, complete set of equipment including gas engine, ensilage cutter, etc. 43 hgad of Jer sey and Holstein cows, 1 registered Holstein bull and 1 yearling Holstein bull. 10 heifers and 5 heifer calves. 75 tons clover hay nd 10 tons oat hay and 4 acres of ruUbagaa. Big money maker. Rent is $1200 per year. Will sell stock and equipment for $8300. Owner will meet you at the train. $3500 will ' handle. f C. H. WOODWARD RITTER. LOWE A CO. 20-207 Board of Trade. FARMS WAITED EES T OR B17Y 18 SMALL FARMS WANTED We have several buyers for small farm, with stock and equipment From 80 to 60 acres, with half or more trader cultivation. We can guarantee you quick action on such places. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WANTED Dairy farm on shares by experi enced dairy man; 2 grown workers. K-820, Journal. A GOOD Japanese want to rent farm within 15 miles of Portland. C-409. Journal.- TIMBER 8 FOR SALE 25 M. capacity sawmill, on R. R-. in operation. 18 million feet timber farthest from mill one mile. E. Jalyn. Cherry Grove. Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 EIGHT rooms bouse, modern. 4 room bouse. Grocery store and 8 lots on 37th at. for farm. What have yon? JONES, 248 Stark st. Main 5429. 100 ACRES wheat land, 8 miles Heppner. Also 7 room house, 100x100, for irrigated farm. Owner 1782 Haven st EXCHANGE Will take auto or California property for my six-room bouse, value 81750. Worth 82000. 758 E. 21st south. ALBERTA lands for sale, or trade. L K. Moors. Main 8867. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 LIST YOUR HOME ROSE CITY PARK SECTION tiTJR BRANCH OFFICK Corner 46th and SANDY blvd., open every day. Down town office, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . We eil them quick, s - J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, -Branch. Tabor 2904. City Office, Msin 208. SURE I have got; urn. I mean buyens-stnd your house might suit What bave you got? House selling is my specialty. Waxen our ads. We get results. C. A. WARRINER. " RITTER. LOWS 4c (X).. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BHg. 1WANT a clean, elaas, foxy, up-to-date btin - gaWw. in a good residence district Win pay cash. If you have what will answer the description quote me with details. location and price. T-4 52. Journal. ., IMPORTANT NOTICE Cash paid for bargain in improved city er farm property. Quick action? A. K. HilL 215 LombermeCT bldg. , - - WILL TRADE MY1 4-TON TRUCK FOB PB0p ERTY. WHAT HAVE YOUf GIVE DE SCRIPTION ' IN FIRST LETTER H-116, J'wnal. . wifeu tor modern borne oo west nde. Scarxiinaviasi American Realty Co.; Main 5429, 248 Stark t WALNUT .OR PRUNE ORCHARD wanted. Sob-' nut description and beet cash price to A. K, Bill, -218 I-BmbermcTig bldg. , , I WANT bargain ra fractional lot, arltb ee . withowt boose, south of ii ootgomerv ttaosL letw eeai 4th and XOth era. U-7H. JowraaX . 5. OR 8 room modem bunrajow. Owner's only. " mom wua iis.i ,! - i 12 REAL BSTATB ' ' "WXNTED REAL ESTATE- $1 $2,257,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD Since January 1, 1919 . " 88 HOUSES This ocganizafloa can sell houses. Every house listed -is insrxscted. photographed sad appramd by Frank L. McGuire personally and report made on your boose without charge. Yon know that 13 real estate salesmen with - aatoaobite. working ia a well organised office, which spends thousands and thousands of dollars annually advertising homes exclusively, must get result. J " uv- ui wuca wmi is uiajonij ui oujets. List jour borne with ui (or results. REE FRANK L. McQUIRE To Sell Yon Home. Abingfon Building. ' Main 1068. Office open Evenings and Sundays. NOTICli TO , PROPERTY OWNERS An opportunity to bar your boas inspected, appraised and photographed by an expert ap praiser, .who will tell you what it k worth, and what At can. be sold tor, all this tree serriue wbica goes with our burin. List your home with n to seU. We are doing special high class advertising which will insure results, r prompt attention call E. M. PADDEN. SALES MANAGER BROADWAY 3644. METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO. FORMERLY STANLEY L. THOMPSON CO, 80S OAK STREET. LIST YOUR HOUSES ' With me. I can sell them if priced right, W. A. WRIGHT Msin 5988. 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1333 ROOMING HOI SEN. APARTMENTS AND HOTKI.H FOR HALE i BARGAIN HUNTERS - Here it is, 1 7-room rcanina bouse, brick bldg., ail on one floor, in very heart of Portland; turus away 20 people a day; for $896; your own terms. PETERS. OF COURSE. 15 N. 5TII Bt FOR SALE 15 furnished H. K. rooms, priced right, as I wish to leave city. Good piece for restaarant Landlady at 288 N. 16th st HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING HOUSES H. W. GARLAND. 201 3d. Main 3660. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 8 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY One of the best business opportunities in the Northwest, doing $50,000 per year at Ule pres ent time, and ran show a profit of 40 per cent, aad this ia not being operated to one tenth of its capacity. Wonderful opportunity to put in ice cream with practically no competition. This is the only pasteurising plant and milk distributing depot in this locality. All modem machinery, 2 auto tracks, milk routes and a go ing profitable business. You can not realise the opportunity or the volume of business that can be handled from this plant until a thorough investigation has been msde. , It is located on Main st. in a modem brick building, with liv ing rooms above, long lease snd reasonable rent For further particulars see Mr. Blair, with Thompson, Swan aV Lee. THOMPSON, SWAN & JUCE, 3rdandMain. GROCERY. DRY GOODS AND SHOE STORE FOR SALE, $12,600 Buys one of the best paying stores in Portland, carrying a clean, up-to-date stock wf groceries, dry goods and shoes. This store haa been es tablished over 10 years, and is now doing be tween $3000 to $6000 a' month business. Concrete building, comer location, rent $00 per month. This is a golden , opportunity for one desiring to get into a good paying business. And we can show the results for this business. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY 448 Morgan Bldg. SHELVING, counters, cases, soda fountain, lin oleum, awning, postcards and rack. Short sect rs 62 gallons galvanised storage tank, drugs and equipments, all or rart 909 Bel mont rt ATTENTION. PHOTOGRAPHERS $500 buys half interest in booming down town photo studio. Its rapid growth requires someone to share responsibility (incidentally the profits) . 200 Panama bldg. FOR SALE Only picture show in liet small town in Northwest Shows to a full house with good profits every night Has to be sold, reasons given confidentially. Call on or ad drsss827 West Alder St.- Walla Walla. Wash. $750 WILL buy A-l meat market doing good business, in good location on car line. Good grocery store next door oa comer. Selling ac count of sickness of . iiartner. Phone Woodlawn 2521 evening or East 6420 daring day. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale; good location; good reason for selling. Wood lawn 1531. 20 YEAR established plumbing business, good downtown jobbing trade, for sale cheap; good reason for selling. Y-473, Journal. FOR SALE On account of sickness. Home bakery and delicatessen : also good stock of litht groceries. Phone Tbor 7112. a(TMT BUSINESS CARDS jrv. SWill ROSE CITY PRINTERY a Wilf Yon must bring thi ad. 1 2 0 5th st. NEAT, clean, up-to-date cash-and-carry grocery for sale: daily receipt average $45 to $50. East 2900. 658 William avenue. I'OR SALE A-l grocery, . nearly all cash and carry, good business, living room. Owner, Ea?t 6142. SHOE shop for sale. 875 Sandy blvd. Take Rose City car to 28th st PROFITABLE mfg. business for sale. For par ticulars address L-468, Journal. WANT partner in well paying growing business. 1 1 : atAA n : ' , u 500 BUSINESS CARDS $1.25 Ryder Ptg. Co.. Msin 5538. 191 hi 3d st LET me tell you about Texas opportunities. Write L-464, Journal. CIGAR snd confectionery store, in busy dis trict A-827, Journal. MOSEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tl CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month for 69 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months psys a loan ot $1000 and intesest Loans of other amounts In hams, pro portion. Repsyment prleges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark at. Portland. Or. MONEY to loan oa improved Willamette val ley farms for such periods and on such terms., as to repayment aa will salt the require ments of borrowers. My long connection with snd thorough knowledge of the v'ley enables maw to give prompt se9ice. No commission charged. Address Wm. McMsster. 381 U. S. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved fsran and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or deisy. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 508 Piatt Bldg. Main 5871. MORTGAGE LOANS We loan our own money on improved city property. Quick service and liberal loans. -F. E. BOWMAN CO.. 218 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 8026. BEE US TODAY We loan money on real es tate; 6 and 7 per cent, long time, abort time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit. 725 Gasco bldg., 6th snd Alder. CELLARS-MURToN CO. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rate of Interest. Otto A HarksoB Realty Co., 413 Chamber of uommerce. $300 $400 $500 $730 $1000 and np at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German ri . a,qa -i..i. . , , . v-i. ntt nwiButi w vunjuicrue. nam olio BUILDING loans on eity and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 216 and 216 Falling bldg. Main 8407. MONEY TO M)A.N tn amounts of 8104 to 35000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Rooms 10 end 11 Mulkey bldg. Sotm asvw aavu ouu au and up. lowest rates; quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co., 681 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1870. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE OB.. 222 t namoer cr commerce. n and Htark. MONEY to loan at 6 and 7 per cent C- A. Wagner A Co. Msin 8150. 230 Stark st $1000, $15U0. $2000 and up; no commission. F. H. PES HON. 615 Cham. of Com, bktg. MORTGAGE LOANS np to $6000, 6 and 7 per cent Fred 8. Williams. 606 Panama bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon Co., 40 SelKne bid MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES - $7 Salary LOANS Chattel WJS LOAN MONEY fn short actios to . salaried or vrorktegmea oa luskr awn Botes, Weekly, semimonthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly eonfideeriali. SO MORTGAGE. NO INDO&SEBl ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, faanoa, etc.. witbont reasovsL . - -. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY . LICENSED ) ', 18 Failing bldg. ' -.' -MONEY "LhSgED ON. - Antn. Furniture, Pianos, ' Victralas, warehouse jreciiptt, - bonds and all kinds of securitiea. (Leeal rites. ) W. A., Hathaway, - Room 208. V Irtmru-u bldg. jsfbu, naui&i roam snimey oa msaagiMuq. goon, V legal rate. Tabor iO- , . , . norm , , . . . . . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON ' AUTOMOBILES FURNITURElPIANOS, HOUSEHOT.n GOODS, REAL ESTATE, BOND8, OR ANYTHING Of VALUE. 8 EC UR ITT USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT - SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR A UTOMOBIt-B CON TRACTS ARK TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. . LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY OONFTDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 808-80T DEKTTM BI.DO . 8D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'S. Phone Broadway 910. 394 Stark tt.. near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches. Victrolaa, pianos, kodak, ihotgun. furniture, musical instrument and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE Of PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrants rsahed st face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN Manager. -. ARK YOU IN IiEBTt THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 267 hi OAK, ST., LEWIS BLDG.. OFFICERED AND MANAGED 'BY PORT LAND'S LEADING BUSINESS MEN AND LABOR REPRESENTATIVES. LOANS MAPS TO WAGE EARNERS ON THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY IN SUMS OF 10 TO $500 AT 8 PER ANNUM PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE WEEKLY OR MONTHLY LOANS WANTED 39 SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE Co., 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. $1000 on best 40 acres in Clarke Co. Call after 7 p. m.. Tabor 7103. FIRST MOHTOAGES FOR SALE, $1000 UP F. H. DEBHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. FINANCIAL (1 WE BUY AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS MAKE MORTGAGE laUNS CHATTEL MORTGAGES , WRITE FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE t EXILE BURKITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELL1NO BLDG. MAIN 1800. 1 WILL BUT A NY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All dne coupon Interest included.) 3. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH! MARKET PRICE! . CASH FOR RECEIPTS. We LOAN money oa LBOND8. War Savings Stamps; 7 per cent 723 GASCO BLDO.. FIFTH AMD U)ta CEIXABfrMt'RTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages. and sellers' contract n real stati tn Washington or Oregon. H. IK. Noble. 816 Lumbermen bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC MOVING and must tell one team of mares. about 1250 lbs. each, with harness and farm wagon. $165. One team. 1100 lbs. each, with harness snd farm wagon, $145, Also two 12-inch plow, one 8 -section harrow. Will sell any price. No reasonable offer refused. These mare sre just fr6m the fsrm. Call at once. 331 Russell, near Union ave. MOVING and must sell one team of mare, about 1250 lbs. each, with harness and farm wagon. $166. One team. 1100 lb each, with harness and farm wagon. $143. Also two 12 inch plows, one 3 -section harrow. Will sell any price. No reasonable offer refused. These mare are Jut from the farm. Call at once, 851 Russell, near Union nee. , FOR SALE One team of horses and harness. weight 8100 lbs., 7 and 8 years old. Good workers snd sound; slso one 1000 lb. mare 8 years old. work in any harness: also saddle, X bua-gv. 1 lieht farm wagon. 1 spring wagon. 10- in. plow; some light ham. Mt Scott car to uents sta., HSlo r Piter roan. i aoor cui, MARKS and horses, 4 to 6 years old. weight 1300 up; horses all low down, blocky built chunks, with lots of bone and quality; 1 cheep horse; 1 8 hi -in. Mitchell wagon; each and every horse sold with a guarantee. Trial al lowed. Sanitary Stables. 865 Union ave.. cor. Stevens st. L. Gla TWO carloads of horses just arrived from Kast ern Oregon; best ever seen in Portland; from 1800 lbs. up. All kinds of harness and wagons for sale. Liberty bonde or approved notes ac cepted. AH stock guaranteed aa represented. Phil Suetter, rront St., v-rown mme. TKAM OF BLACKS. 3000 LBS.. $260 1 mare. 1100 lbs. 340. 1 small team with harness. $63. 1 farm wagon for sale or trade for good buggy. 3 ruce milch goats for sale or trade for horse. 430 Hswthorns ave. FOR BALE Team of good "farm horses. 1100 lbs. each; set of double harness and one buggy, all for $80. Cor. 82d and Emerson st., Alberta car. FOR SALE, good team of mare, wagon and name, or trade for cattle. L. N.. Beck, Ridgefiekl, Wash. Rt 2, Box 133-A. 0T.8 f A BLES, 17TH AND KEARNEY 25 head first class good horses; will be lor sale Monday. December 1. Q. D. Wmiamson. STOCK-saddle, trade for buggy or cheap for cash. Heavy single ha roe, nearly new, cash bargain, saw tiawtnorae ave, i path chunks, weight 200. mare and lidd ing with good harness snd wsgon. sgs 8. 5624 86th t Mt Scott car. 20 HORSES, suitable for grade or farm; sll kinds of spring wagona. buggies snd harness. 302 Front t FOR SALE Good buggy sncPhsrae, SsO Front SALE or Trade AlLkind of wagon or buggies. 827 Front t, corner flay. SALE CHEAP 2S00 lb. team, harness snd wagon. Atla Woodyard, 827 Front. t. HORSE and wagon, $1.50 per day; 2 horses snd wsgon. $3. Johen lo Jdsin 2208. iiEAVYtem7 harness and wagon; must be sold" at once. 700 Union ave. N. DEAD horses taken quick- Cash paid for dead cows. Tsbor 4203. LIVESTOCK St JUST received a new bunch of fresh cow, some arae dairy cows. 4 and 5 gals, milkers ; some extra choice young Jersey, extra rich milkers. Will sell or trade for-beef cow. 1160 Macadam st. South Portland car to end of line, 8 blocks south to Riehsrdson are 1 block east ia pasture. WE HAVE established a good- market for dairy cows st the stockysrds at North Port land. If you wish to buy any good dsiry cows or have any to aril see Mr. Brace at the Union stockysrds. Worth Portland. Ores cm. YO'UNOrhdalry and family cows, some heary milkers. Fine young registered Jersey, 2 young family cows with calves, $75 each. 781 Eat Ash. - TWO cows, on fresh, $83; 40 Barred Rock and White Leghorn pulletsv $1 to $2 each. Mount Scott car to 67th. west to 6711. C. S. - MA Y Expressing. Furniture and lite. stock moved anywhere. Main 3030, Tabor 628. t FOR SALE -2 Angora goata, male and doe. Call Wdln. 5488, evenings. FOR SALE Two fresh cows for sale. 96$ Powell Valley, comer 8 2d. FINE HOLSTEIN row. 802 Front at POULTRY AND RABBITS 17 FOR SALE Barredy Rook cockerels, full blood ed Kiupaie stock. These are tine birds and the 'price is right If yon want nnretbing gaud to bead yorrr flock, get one of these before tiny are all gone. 190 E. 2 1st N. Phone .Last 8S50. . . . WHITE LEGHORN hens and cockerel. Buff Leghorn baas. Barred Rock pallets. Silver Oampine hens ana cocas, xaoor obko. 34S 84th at. B, E. I deliver, , SINGLE cotnv Bla3Mliwrca cockerel and o rooster from $4 to $3. Hens 80e per lb. These are pore-bred. Mrs. F. A- Nibaur. G nan am. Or. - FTVE pair pmebred Silver pheaaaata to trade for otner oiras or uirogs or lor sale for 525 per pair. Writ Ign. van der Bora, Oretvco, Or, - WE PAY CASH FOR POULTRY - , - Pets. Puppies,, of all kinds. . Cs ITodtK-e Co.. 80Q E. Morttson. East 612. WHITE LEtJHOKN and Barred Hoc la tmli-ts. . nearly grown, $1.75 sacb. 787 Oregon near 5 gain. - - v-;., I'OR SALE, cheap, 20 hens, some laying. -2857 ifh st H-A car to 29th ava. FOR HALE Pull'ta, Whrtw JLegliorns, Petal u ma . rtoeks, etiean. 5581 89th ave. H V. t jLeiA. t-wiKww iieiis rneap, vtfo - 001a aw -south Of 6tkf ,. BV ifc-- VATTT.srssw aas-sa v a ootssa a- , , , - ' . . . aw aaja jvjna j a 9 1. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION v . - .1 t . Offaea ma . h tuat a.lklKl. -1- -11.. 2. chicks and grown stock. ' Cormpondeltct sheer- "r n..ri, u ia in ava. o, b. Lenta BtatSTii., Portland, Or. . rV POOS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. U ' THDMSbTTs bird stare buys and sells guaraa tead linger. Mail order bnataaea, Uetagsr. . i Or, 1 . . . , . FOR SALE Beautiful collie and Shepherd d. $30. or will trade for what hgrg yoti? ,W. Eden. Multnomah station. i - 1 GENUnsr8t ArtdrealOiara rollers ' ffom regiaC , tared stock. Call forenoon and after 8 p. an. Baa 4488. , . HOU'ND pups, a ftneThtujUng strain. U 189 Of,, Park st Msin 1651. REST bred Pointer and Setter puppies oa Coast. Main 4093. ' AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 41 . A CHRISTMAS QIFY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY BUT A CAR ' '' . And ehjoy your Christmas all the year. ' COME oGE OCR . ' Used But Not Abused ' Cars - ' ' ) BUICKS ( -.COLES CHA.stlH.ERS f-HKVROLKTS DODGES HAY N EM MAXW ELLS OVKRUNIW STCDEBAKER PA ICES FORDS EASY PAYMENT l ' USED AUTOMOBILES - ' TK.rtSIM i;ivirw ' sslSfEO BUT NgMgu .j aj i. ?' i-f I5TS ArOVSMiVrSrJ " " "" ' 1 V ' 1 Here are a few of our used cam wa offer tor -your approval: Chevrolet, MaxweU, OverUnd. Mlteb- " ytla, Veile, Jordsns. Studebskers, Cadil- lac. Saxon and several o titers to select 1 ' " from. These cars are not to ha compared with the-' u,in,u mr isiie, aa wiey UBVS t. been overhauled and refinlshed; will give ton f '" scrnce sna a car- that yu will k-..'f' pleased to own. i ' You' tnaw rii.l, . . .i i i i. , r . - w. v Vi tun lugu-graus . - j cart with a srnsll payment down, balance monllf - I' '-""""'- .e carry oar own paper; no bro kerage charged. . - j v r sjepartment MITCHELL, LEWIS STAYER CO. East First snd Morrison Sta. East 7272, H-1216. West fiiria KalMMnM Bsjiadway and Oak St. Phones Brotdwsy 615. Automatic 63848 - r LEAVING THE CITY, WILL ' $ ? " ' SACRIFICE MY 7 PASSENGER MITCHELL SEDAN - " 6 PASS. MITCHELL TOCRINO CAR, : f v MUST BE SOLD BT WEDNESDAY - "'x ' NIGHT BEE AT PORTLAND OARAGE, X 5TH AND TAYLOR. ASK FOR ANDER- . ... SON. NO REASON ABLE OFFER WILL B REFirSED. i a J THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD GET OUB -TRICES AND TERMS 1222 E,mplr" s,r- enTi tirm- P'"nt t 1916 Velie. new paint and ton. , 1817 Bulck Six. new top. r 1913 Michigan; a sntp." 1918 Pope Hartford, new tires;' would Maka a dandy bug. ii ,' u Slsster Six Chslmars. fine shape. sT ' 1918 Mitchell Four; jnaks as a offer. '1", c. h. s. co. : 1 65 N. 28rd St Marshall 142$ v Open Sundays and Evenings. - i when YdrTirREcH 'KM AND BEND .. .. -EM, SEE . . r O. O. GEIiBER -"THE RADIATOR MAN";' builds bodies, . repairs ra diator, bodlss, fenders and sll auto sheet metal parts, NEW LOCATION - , 11TH AND DAVIS OPP. THE ARMORY , BROADWAY IgTl"' 1910 NATIONAL sedan, first-class eon- dltioa t , , . .$J500 Pierre-Arrow 36, 2 .- pass, roadster, new top, cord tires. Pierce-Arrow paint-., I2as' Plercw-Arrow 6-48 T psss. touring cat; :'; good condition , . 999 l. i Buuk 1918 7 pass, touring car, itrlvas " A 1. Sterling values at startliug low prices, -t HAS. C. PAGAN V0., Inc. Plerce-Arrow fJiatribntiin Ninth at Burruide, - Broadway 4699 Me Be FISCH : Radiators, feBders. hodias, Umob, tanks repaired - aad seatoalelad, Ante sheet metal work a' spa, ' cialts. 80S Buraslaa, Bdw. , SiiSft, 3jl " "''4vi.ii -4 ?t'ock USED CARS' 'WA NO MISREPRESENTATION T Covey Motor Car Co I 40 autos for sal, prices from $40 to f ttOwV, Bow is the time to bur to ears moae), . ; UX(i A SILVA . :wJ(if 462 Hawthorne Sr. V LATE 1919 Msxwen touring, driven "osly tew ' thousand miles, looks and runs Uke new. earr guaranteed; $860; rood term. , '109 lit st between Stark and" Washington, , f f F6RD" "TOURING " !"! ' ' S One that worth $576; oar pries 9493.1 ttt V imrm, near man. Mpea evenings. OVERIAN D touring, in good Sjrmdititra, good I urea, saun mi. a snap as axTS, witn terms If desired. -80 flrand ave. W., near Bamiids. j A DODGE and a beauty, worth S10SQ f oui ' pric $975. 411 Darts, sear ltb., Kna ' evenings. 1919 Hoick touring, with extra eord tire, rtw about 200O vnllee. perfect condiUoa, $170. 1 Phone East 6633. - . - -- iT.T, CHEVROLET roadster. 1918. in fine condition Good tire and paint Will sell at. $859 -and give terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near -Burneid. . LATE 1919 Ford, apoUight, -t4mMvTdatE 1 Wdln. 87381 Reaving the city, wiu sell my i61 w.tcUr ' la first-elsas condition, for 8600, $300 ouh h. .ssi. AS4 f r . r.. AT A SAtKURt, i)-I)nnr Otirl HaZ: model 9, only -run 430(1 miles, ia A-l Asm, Call Main 8884. Owner. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. 1 9 1 . Stewart- vacuum feed, new tires, 1 Spare, recently , overhauled. $400 if sold at once. Wdln. 400&W fJSED tires, sll sixes, vulcanised, an Id and sx changed. z rront, Mm B4q. GASOLINE 33 CENTS A G'Af.lXIN, OIL. AND CsREABKS, PIUg.BU rAllsr Ust, 18T. 1 DELIVERY bodi for sale, A-l esndiUoa; 'good . buy. 889 IVBornoide st. . .,. 3PASS. car. for aala or trade. 03 97U - ave, w. E. ' BARGAIN for cash. Ford 6-paaMAge. 1914 ' . model. .Phone East 6906. GOLD mine, high grade ore, for heavy track. White, i Cohirnbia 866. evenings, 1918 PACKARD T pass, too rins ear, in fin! class condition, eheap. East 8464.' iTfr BTll'EBAKER FOUR; sale er trade, bt . owner. 863 Wlilism ave. Worxllawn 1881. P5n SALE Overland ear, late goedel. - CaO Woodlawn 4493. ; . - :--'-'- - ; APPERS0V touring car, $300. Owner , goini Sonth. Main 9409. 750 Lovejoy.' t . Aif" leaving rlty; will sell cheap KuaeJ roadster Tabor 187. v , - - ,, - . . HP 4Mntkiue1 aa follewlsg t