THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER SQ, 1919. n rTBSISHEB BOOMS rEXT ATE lrJi,vuuh) mum in private family. fWnacol l;KN WHFI M 1 "M all newly ( rnrrrtsusd. r 24 $wl Kearney. i ' ' ' " . .. r H. . Pbmi iS.ln 547, ' , , , , . ' ,' ' - . LARGE- furaisned room, ouiet bom. ."""J boat. all eovoleneee. Call Tabor 8448, J ft. seta Drro. 865 E. 43d. Hawthornc. ffjEXt?itTOiib4 front room for rent in UowBrarit; will $iv. bmkfart, 80 HageV fern. Tabor 4liu A COMFORTABLE room, including beat, light and pbon, raasonebl and close in. - Ket W fnrntohed' room, Cell at S67 wejdJ BOOMS ANP BOARP TEsTmaRtiU wAaHOidtOa. tio 10th. jo? k-4 el.l. and student. Msrshall 1251. BOOKS A2IP BOARD PBIYATE FAMILY tiOOM and board la privet family or 2 re- - fined gentlemen, reasonable; business men nftiwl Eaat 2899. PLEASANT room, with board. reasonabk;. gen tlemen preferred. 400 Monroe at East ELL furnished room with board in modem bungalow. 271 Larch at Pbon 12. Ki)i. La.ids addition. . tH8H to taks 2 children to board or soother and ehlkt; nice bora and good car assured. 1004 rmiton t KIND lady, wubaa school children to board. Marshall , - fitTATlD and good borne for two little girl. 848 Columbia at. SANTEii Congenial employed girl to share attractive flat Walking dwtaee.Maiii 4246. JUlARD ainTroom in private family. 40 f2tb at, near Mall. CBfLDBEN to board; mather'.s care; references. J 063 Ckwbett Itione Marshall mm. I DESIRE board for my four ehitdren. IS, 9. 7 end . In reliable home. Addreaa P. O. " V4t, or fall Tabor 2027 WANTED, by man and wife, room and board In private family and place for car. Phono morn ings. Main 6550. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FtTBNISHED AND IJNFURN ISHED TVYO fiiraL"fhiusekeepifig rooms: bath, hot and cold water, $12 per month. 450 E. i Sherman street 8 LARGE It K. roomn, furnished, on around floor, close to carline. free light and water; o children. 291 K. '39th at MJrVLY decorated and emaculately clean, large completely furnished two room apartment 17 week: also one for $3.15. 380 Tliliil it GOOT rloan )ouekeiJinc rooms: aliw baclwlnr qtiirutn. - jvj union are., l eioca soutn Hawthorn 3 rNt'L'KNMilKD Funa. hot wti-r heat, gat, elec. all Vi Took are. Take Mi. aar. S23 Furnl'hcd Iioukeeping apt, R42 Kant 27th. Bichroond car to S7th, one Mock aooth. Ttt fumiihd rooma enttable for tlreping r ' K. K. 7S2 E, Bnrnsidc Kast 8(104. II. K. ROOMS. $4 week. 430 12th at. near Hull. 0Nf f uraiahed 1L K. room. 310 E. 7Tb at Bear Clay. 3rAKTT,Y fnmMird H. K. rooms, close in, $10. 508 E. Market Phone Eat 2S7. i 'MT WraiT'lTnK7"nK)7na7 305'4 3d st HOIJUEKEKPINU ROOMS FTlRNiSH KD ASO UNKDRNI8HEP V PR!VATEFAM1LX 71 Cfiti furnished bedroom or light houiekeeping room, hlock south of Hawthorne ear, $5 per month. 291 E. 4 9th. EXTRA large room and kitchenette, .$18 a month, including light uekt and phone; walk lng distance. 4ii E. Oak. CLEAN fnmished housekeeping rooms, free i phone, bath, light, water; 821 Kelly. Mar ehal 32S6; adulti only., w6 large H. K. room, gas, lights, bath and phone, $6.50 week. 396 N 2Hth st i FURNISHED housekeeping rooma 26T" McMUltn. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 11 METER FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU ttehabla.i np to date Hits of desirable vacant bouses, apartments and flatc with definite Infor mation pertaining to each. . Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau ef great value la helping them get properly and dklUy located. EIGHTH PliOOB MR. AND MRS. HOCSEHTNTElt Houses are very scarce, but we are having few hanaes vacated right along. VERY LARGEST LIST IN CITY We give special service to house owners that puts ua In a position to get the majority of Vies vacancies. "SEE TTn? TELT.OW SIGN!" SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. HOUSE FOB RENT. $40.00 Corner, 3 good view lots, plenty of fruit living room, dining room, kitchen and den; 3 feed rooms, lull basement, 2 clocks I rota Wood tock car. Geo. E. EngSehart Co. Main 7266. 624 Henry Blldg. sTOUTl room house, chicken house, around 125z SOO, lots fruit trees, berries, near 6c carline 15; one to 5 acres can be rented near. Ap ply corner 811th and Eait Stark. Mt Tabor (M-T 88th) car to end, four block north, one east. - .FOR RKNT 5 room modern house at 13B5 Campbell st, $17.50 in advance. Keys at Theini grocery, just back of bouse, on Portland Blvd. (tee house and address with stamp. Mrv . as. woods, Duncan, or. FOR RENT A 5-room bungalow in East Port land, bath, basement and furnace, $40; refer ence required. Paul Mahoney, 800 Cham. . uom. Main 250. WHEN YOU MOVE, USE NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC LIGHT SEBVICB Tenth and Washington. Broadway 580. FOR RENT -6 room house. fruit tree and acreage in walking distance S. P. car shops. Tabor 1683. v vuvia wiui uui, auu cnwiGiLj. pantry and basement; cloae to ear, 6141 eatn eve, a. E. 8 ROOMS, attic and basement, good furnace. all in good condition, for family reside oca only. , t an on Mis FOB RENT Strictly modem 6 room bunca'ow. Will aire Iraae; furniture for sale. Tahor intl. atier a. m. Hunday. f UliNISUKD, 916 East Yamhill. 6 rooms; ex change for board and f 10 month. 200 quarts canned mm lor sale. FOR BENT, 4 or 5 room house, partly fur - tiiahad Of unfurnished; reasonable. Tabor fOS. FOR RENT 4-room bouse, Univeriity Park tot isviiis it. small iruit and chicken bouse. su per montn. hi; risae st. t ROOM modern house, comer E. 9th and Holladay ave.; f48. Fred & Williams, 506 jranama. ON Deo. 1 our nicely furnished bunralnw "rooms, furnace heat and modern. Tabor 5850 820.00 WEST aide 6-room house. 812 20th Pear UUlmoy. Not strictly modem. ROOM house, 1012 E. Mala; rent 825. Mam so. FOR BENT 5-room cottage. iTl Whittier trt, 816 ROOM house for rent Mt Tabor car. . s aner 1 11. t FVH Hh&T o room furnished house to fam- ily ef adulU : $22. Call 104 Stanton at FOR RENT 2 roonrThou at ArrlenwaM $8 a snonm. geiiwooq izus. 8 ROOM house and garage, $17. 881 Mai Vary are. Willi, give v we of small house, rent free, for imui. en vice. 'l aoor vazi. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ' FOB SALE ti 6 ROOM house for rent 25th and Mn. tftx furniture for sale. $300, worth, much more Call Monday. M. 8. Cobb. 409 SweUand bWg. HOUSE for rent cheap; furniture and wood for rate, Call 188 Clackamas, city. FURNISHED HOUSES Sf FOUR roora'ifur. house, eleetrie liirhn v.. Katl. completely furnished; also 3 room for H. K." owe gi. t-iay. room nauae with large sleepin . potcu, as per mous; lurnuned. 781 asuitaoenan ev oor. a 4 in, alter 1 o'clock. : MODERN 8 room furnished bouse, $2Sper mo. 494. Tacoma are.. Sellwood. Call Sun after mv a. m. f -ROOM bungalow, furnace, firepUoa, eleeplm tooreh. a lota. 7111 Foster road. $40. East 5679. MCELI furnished S room modern home for ' ' or reat, $40 a month. Tabor 2849, HOUSE and furniture for rent 65 IS E. 60th - ; ave. S. E. ;- - - ' . 4 ROOM house, . nicely furnished, small fam- iijr, ' van laoor (oi V. .FU1 FURNISHED bungalow, 1925 Hodge at, east ride, rent for $28, rnq' luire 281 Broadway. TO sublet; furnished 41st N. - room, bouse. 449 S. FyBNISHEP HOUSES M 4 ROOMS fnmiiihedL Ken Inn rarhne. Albina ave. at Lombard; convenient to St. John and Vancouver industries: 20 minute to - town. WoodUwn 2642. F'OH EEft 2-roon partly furnished house. 22 But Kifrxttrick t. Kenton. Stf.oU per month. - , CU KN I8HED cottage on, rirer at Jenning'a Lodge. Phone Sunday, Oak Grove 126X. Monday, Broadway S610. MODERN Parniohed eottage. Adulta. Phone Eaat 1503. FLATS TO RENT, mrFURIUSHEDJl 4 BOOM onfurniahed flat for rent, 783 Keav il worth it, Voodtock car. t'OJi UVT L'nluruitlied flat, 207 Ralaey t Price $22.50. Inquire 297 Monroe at FCRKISHEDFLATS M tWO Urge fur. H."."K.r electric light, phone. SUB 20tn it, per week. S ROOM upper fat. funiiahed. tight, water and gas for eooking fnrniahed. 82 K. 70th at. 8. APARTMENTS FOR RE?IT APT. HOUSE, 4 arn. 4 roomi each, close in, all rented, paying 14 per cent on Inreetment Price $8500: reeotiable' terma can be ar ranged. See Mr. Htump. INTERSTATE IMVBSTMENT CO.. Mam 1743. 410 Henry Blrtg. Foil SALE 1 5 furniiheil H K. roomi. priced right aa I wind to leare rity. Good place for rentaurant Landlady at 288 N. 16th t ON'K aafnrniahed baaetnent apartment, 3 rooms, $30. llanthome apt, 261 12th. UNB 4 room fnrnulied apt auitahle for 4 or more adulu. $1)0. Ilantoorne apt., 251 J 2th. rjUluM modern flat! mostly FnrViTaTied. $20 month. fi3 V, 8fHh at. MnnUrilla j-ar. WIRNI8HED and nnfumished" ant. reasonable. References. Store beat 885 K. Madiaon st WANTEDTO RENT MR. A NO MRS. LANDLORD We hare' parties who want 5 or 6 room modern bungalows. Will y $25 to $45 per month and take year's lease, let us get your renter. SUBMIT YOUR HOTJSFS RIGHT A WAT BMITH-WAtJONKR CO., KTOCK KX. AN elderly retired physician, "idower, desire large unfurnished bedroom with rloaet within a mile of Fifth and Morrison, with heat, light, gaa and bath; au1t. prirate family preferred. Dr. W. C. B , 11B Belmont st.. city. WANTED 8 to 6 room furnished house or lot wrth gar age; close tn; not orer $30; beat of references; adults. W-999. Journal. UOl'SEKKEPINU rooms In private family where ma!l hoy can he cared for while mother works. Call between 8 and 12 a. m. Woodlawn 1126. WASTED (To rent (arm up to 120 acres; place where I can work out part of rent pre ferred. Will buy stock at right price. Y-4 70, Journal. WANTED Two furnished housekeeping rooms by three young- men. wtlkinr ili Mnr of At! cox school, rrirate family preferred, by first of Iiecember. O 226. Journsl BVHINfcSS won. an of refinement won Id HVe room and board in priTaU family: state terms, location and number in familj. lr 455. Journal. ANT to rent house with ground suitable for raising chickens: close in. near car. Tabor 177. 690 K. 75th N. WANTED to rent 4 or S room house before the 6th of Dec?, not orer $20. Y 458. ournal. WANTED, for 2 or 3 months, private space with heat and light where I can overhaul and rebuild ray car. H-41. Journal. WANTED TO RENT, by responsible couyle. a modern unfurnished 3 or 4 room flat or bun galow, good district '"all Tabor 9252. ROOM modem furnished apt by adults, brother and sister, not later than Dec. 7 close In. Tabor 8317. LARGE, bright, comfortable room, convenient, nice surroundings, suitable for two. East 8510. WANTED To rent. 5 or 6 room unfurnished hou-e tJsJi Tabor SIRS. WANTED to rent. 4 or 5 room nnfumished house in S. E. district. Sellwood 3072. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY (t HIGH, class income property, splendid location. steadily increasing in value, well constructed and arranged building of 5 family apartments. 9 rooms, well furnished: full basement: close in, west side; price wffi net you 10 per cent at very moaerate rentals, owner, u-64 8, Journal. WORTH $50,000; price today $33,500; income $470 monthly. Buy. owner, o49 Tacoma ave. riellwood 14 0. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 WHY PAY RENT? $2650 BARGAIN HOME $2650 6-room good houe, close in; Williams ave car: 50x100 lot; streets Improved: fruit trees and garden. e $3200 SUNNTSIDE HOME $3200 6-room good bouse; can move right in: near Belmont car; terms. WEST SIDE HOME, $5200 Modem 6-room: huilt for a home: 50x100 lot: cement basement; furnace: laundry travs: fireplace; 3 bed rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, large living room. CHAS. BIN'OLER A CO.. 225 HENRT BLDG. W00DLA WN$3 1 50 SIX ROOM QUEEN ANNE BUNGAIjOW 94x125 BEAUTIFUL ORCHARD ONLY $850 CASH Ideal home, nice basement, best plumbing, electricity and gas, 2 blocks Woodlawn cnr. Main 4803. Q. C. QOLDENBERG Abincton Bldg. "35 Years in Portland" ATTRACTIVE HOMES S room house, lot 50x100. earden. chicken house, beautiful light fixtures and plumbing, full cement basement, extra good furnace, laundry, etc Price $3350. Only $850 cash. bL $25 per month. ONE 6 ROOM HOUSE $2850 ONE 4 ROOM HOUSE $2500 All close to junction of Alberta and Pied mont districts. B. C. OEDER. OOR. MASON and UNION AVE. SNAP OF THE AGE 6 room home. Highland addition, very substantially huilt lot 75x100. This is worth $7,000. will take $4,350. t.ood cottage, 7 rooms. Irvineton. This is worth $4,000, will take $3,000 for quick sale. Tiptop 7 room home, Laurelhnrst ad", hard wood rinish floors, 4 bedrooms, very mod ern, worth $7,500, take $6,500. I, rand 8 room home. Irvineton nnra fhia is fine, worth $8,000, take $6,500. Magniiicant V room home, Irvington, very fin, worth $11,000, take $9,000. East 273. W. IL Uerdmau, owner. A DANDY BUT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A strictly modern 7 room bouse with laree lovma, an umii-ius, rumace. . n replace, hard wood floors, etc., in one of the beet districts of nice homes, only 1 V, blocks of Sandv and Ram City car. This is an exceptional buy at only IS. 50. part cash to handle. KASEK A RAINKY 823-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 8123. 100x100 LOT; with new 6-room colonial house, in Alameda Park district; hardwood floors; S fireplaces; built-in buffet: built-in kitnhen- large breakfast nook; large gun parlor; large basement with laundry trays; furnace; a heau- trtui noma at leas than cost Price $5000. Main 8787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. WEST Side sacrifice; owner is going East and will gen hi Dearly new 7 room bouse, con sisting of 5 rooms downstairs and 2 rooms up, full concrete basement, modem plumbing, gas and electric, partly furnished, garage, on paved st and carline. being 1314 Corbet st, for the small price of $2600, and will consider any reasonable offer and will give terms. Act quick if you want this bargain. John Singer, 430 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 3-ROOM plastered cottage with full plumbing, electric lights and gas; sidewalk; sewer and pared street in and paid for; elosg in; H block to car. A wonderful buy at $17008580 cash, bL like rent. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 684 N. W, Bank Bldg. ONLY $1200 fer a good 4 room house .with a J full lot on 85th at It to only 1 . blocks ironi Mount is Dor carirne. it has all oC.the city conveniences, such as city water, ,-sjr and electricity; $I00 cash will handle It M. J, CT.OHESSY. Abington bidg. NEAR BROOKLYN CTr SHOPS room furnished bungalow, full cement basement laundry trays and well furnished, for only $2500; vacant,' if yon act quick. East FOR SALE Portable house, portable garage. Tabor 848?. Hour. 10 to sT - MODERN FIVE ROOM bungalow; -cheap from "."ti, , nunc caul my, FOR sAI E $800, 4 room bouse and family CTi-neru. j- ninua arancr. Marshall 1904. ROOM furnished eottage. 389 , Morria-HL .w ps seen rrom z to n today. DT a home fa worth buying, the title uTworth uwiiitnw aiue et x rust tjomnaay. 81 4th at. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES ! FRANK L. M'CrtrtRB , $577 DISTINCTIVE COLONIAL , S BUNGALOW In the choicest port of the Hawthorne district, on aa extra lairs lot, facing a paved acre at eritb, liaaw paid lis -Tall, ia a , beautiful typical eohmial . borgalew, . wide porch ex Venae width of house, massive con crete columns covered with vines give tliia pretty bungalow very p lee sing exterior ap pearance; large living rouaa with firephtoe and built ia bookcasee. large den, very pretty solid paneled dining room witkt massive leaded glass built in bnf fet and window eat; Inlaid hardwood floors; foil Dutch kitchen; 2 light airy bedrooms; beat whit porcelain plumbing fixtures; full cement basement; fomace and laundry Uaya; un tboally convenient floor plan. House at in A-l condition. LUe new. Tery pretty lawn with abundance of bearing inut, flowers and shrubs. $4600 RKAL ROSE CITY BARGAIN On V.. 54th st, in Rose Ctt. on a foil lot 50x100. with paved street liens paid in full, is a 6 room very attractive, mod emu well built home; large front -porch and Urine room, full width of house; cheerful fireplace, pretty dining room, hard wood floors, woodwork In old ivory, very convenient kitchen, 3 light airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas; hist repainted inside and out; newly tinted; just like new. Oarage. Attractive lawn. $6000 WEST SIDE HOME On Condor street, on a eery sightly location, being 100x108 feet, la a very substantial 7 room modern bungalow type home with a wonderful permanent un obstructed Hew of the city, mountains and rirer. Paved street Included. Caa ar range terms. 8680P APARTMENT HOUSE On a full lot with all atreei liens paid, near Killingswortb avenue, in the Pir4 ment district, only a few minutes' walk to Jefferson High school, public library, park and car barna. Has hot water heat ing system. Eight 2 room apsrtmrnta, ahowing good Income. I'D usual opootf t unity to pick up a bargain. $6500 DISTINCTIYR ROSE CITY HOME This 1 a real home, unusaully well built; beet of material; superior work manship; hardwood floor throughout; woodwork all in whits enamel; Urge living room 14x25: large cheery fireplace: built in bookcases; French doors lead into sua parlor; very attractive paneled dining room with massive built in buffet; full white Ihitrli kitchen: baa every built in con venience: breakfaet room: 4 light, airy bedrooms; sleeping porch; best white por celain plumbing futures: full cement base ment with furnace and laundry trays; 80x100 lot Located on E. S7th st, 2 block from Rose City sag. Can arrange terma. $8000 DISTINCTIVE HOME Just east of Ladd's addition, in a very sightly location on a 50x100 foot lot, fac ing on a paved street with liens all paid, is an unusually attractive very modern 8 room home; attractive living room; very artistic den with tile fireplace; built in bonkoe and large built in seat; solid paneled dining room with leaded glass buf fet; very convenient kiurha; breakfast room: 4 light airy bedrooms; inlaid hard wood floors; tile bath room: white enamel plumbing; pedestal lavatory. If you are In the market, for a high cbw hom:, DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR LIST. SEE FRANK I: MGUIIUS To Buy Your Home., Ablnrton hidg. Main 1068. Of ice Open Evenings and Sundays. Rose City Bungalow 4H00 6 rooms, living room with fireplace, dining room, 2 nice bedroomi, bathroom, white en ameled plumbing. Dutch kitchen on floor one room on second floor. Full basement cement foundfltien. garage: full lot on pared street near Sandy bird. $1000 will handle. For particulars, see E. M. Fadden, manager, MetzgerParker Ferguson Co. Ground floor. 302 Oak st Broadway 3644. Formerly Stanley M. Thompson Co. ONLY $3250 for a good 7 room modem very substantially built bouse on Kearney st, close in. This property is only a short distance from the business center on the West Side and capable of oringing in a monthly rental of $4 0 or more. There is a basement under this house that cannot be built for $1500. It is so arranged that it could be used for a family. The lot is not a full lot. naturally, as the lots in this locality are worth $6000. This prop erty is offered for about one-half its value. The house could not" be built today for the price aeked; $1000 cash will handle it If you want a home close in where carfare is not an item this is your opportunity. M. J. CLOBESSY. Abington bldg. YOUR CITY PROPERTY FOR A FARM In Oregon City district we offer 40 acres highly improved land, good buildings; ideal location. Long list of personal property, including stock, horses and implement. Will sell cheap or trade for house np to $5000. In s year or two you caa double your money on this investment Mr. Brown, 8KOTHEIM-BBOWN CO. 330-1-2-3 By. Excb. Bldg. IRVINGTON 6 ROOMS. 8LE5EPINO PORCH, GARAGE $3150 Here is a genuine bsrgain. We want you to see this, so that you, too, may appreciate the real downright value in this beautiful bungalow home. Probably never again an opportunity like this. Every convenience. Get busy. Hurry. Let us show you. A. G TEEPB CO 264 Stark at near 8d. Main 3316. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. $2200, CLOSE TO BROADWAY BRIDGE $2200 Neat S-room cottage, living room, bedroom, kitchen, pantry and bath, basement electricity end gas; 50x100 lot; just 1 block from East Broadway; 6 blocks east of bridge. Ground alone worth more than we are asking. This is in short walking distance to business center. You can save all car fare. Watch our ads. We get results. C. A. WARRTNXRL RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2975 TERMS $2975 MODERN SUNNTSIDE BUNGALOW Five large rooms, attic, fireplace, enamel plumbing, full cement basement, built-ins, convenient to 2 earlines. This is an offer you should grab. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG sAbington Bldg. "85 Years In Portland $5000 -HAWTHORNE AVENUE $5000 CLOSE IN Here is n excellent location, near 24th st ; ground 130 ft deep: all street improvements paid: good 8-room bouse, full semi-cement base ment; furnace, nice lawn, shrubbery and fruit trees. Owner leaving city; must lelL Terms, C. A. WARRINEB. HITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON CAR 83800 buys 5 room new modern bungalow: furnace, foil basement hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen; new, vacant; never been occupied. Only 1 block to Irvington car. Let a show you. Sun. Tabor 9317. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. MTJRRAYMEAD A home for particular people, all the built ins, 7 large, cheer: ul rooms, street Improvement all tti and oaid, 50x100 ft lot Price $5000; $1250 casfi. balance $30 per month. See Mr, Famsworth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. MaiaT743. 410 Henry bWg. INCOME property, 8 2-story houses; Jt of rooms and 1 of 8 rooms. This is fme piece for apartment or garage. See this for an in vestment. (lS.uuu gsauu caan, oai. easy. Main 8787. J0HNS0N?D0DS0N CO. 682, 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. ONLY $3800 buys a new B-room bungalow, never has been occupied, but ready to move into right away. The location i on 84th st near Glisan. $1100 cash with an easy monthly pay ment on Ah balance. M. J. CLOHESST. Abifigtos bldg. 32500 H BLOCK ROSB CITY CAB Niftv 4-room bungalow: very convenient: bard- wood floors, fireplaee. electricity, gas, complete plumbing, fun basement fine sot, Vow nanaies; leaving city. Tabor 6559. ON Market t, eloee in to the business center on the west side. Ton can make your choice of either of two 5-roora houses with iot 80x100 ft each Tor 83500; $1000 cash. M. i. CLOHESST. ABINGTON BLDG. AlOOO SOO DOWN. ROSE CITY PARK 4-room plastered house, electricity, gas, 8 Ox I0O lot trees; $1250 with furniture; leaving city. Quick action. Tabor 6659. EVERY purchaser of real estate should have his title insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title Tntet ConTpany. 91 4th st TITLE INSURANCE require no attorney' T"'"""L xiue as 3,-rngc uompany. . a J tis Kt AL ESTATE FOB SALE BOUSES 1 J raTTNGTOIT BUNGALOW 85800 749 Eaat 17th at north: will be opes for Inspection Sunday between 1 and 8 p. m. This la a sev-a room Bungalow, won n re place, iur- f nil cement baMemenv oak floors, plate glass windows, excellent buffet and other built in feature; garage; two blocks from Irvl'igten carline; if you are looking for aa exceptional bir yon can more ' In tomorrow and upend Christinas la your own home; $1300 caan will do and take a look. OOE A. MeKENNA CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. Main 4521 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW Possession Dee. 1st: very modern: oak floor lit all of the tdx rooms; streets paved and as sessments ail paid; lot 60x160; on beautiful comer; 8 block from carline; this ha just been offered tor sale and u very low priced at 88300. ' VOX A. McKKNNA de UO., 82 Fourth 8t. Main 6871. Main 4$23. EAST 29THf4T. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; hlock from carline; in excellent condition; it will pay you to investigate this; only $500 down: price $8500; balance $35 month Including interest. cjoe A. wrh.r;rA w., 82 Fourth St, . , Main 6S71. Main 4522. GROVELANT) PARK $3500 This is six room modem bungalow with oak floors, fireplace, full cement, basement and all built-in that usually go with an np-to-date bunealnw. This is an exceptional ony aa owner, wishing to leave town, offers this for quick sale. Term ran be arranged. OOE A. MeKENNA CO., 82 Fourth St.. Main US71. Main 4523. HOME BARGAJN $8850 7 room house on K. Washington st. near 39th: only 1 block from Iurelhurst park, and 8 blocks from Mt Tabor carline. Reception hall with French door leading into living rcKgri. large airy dining room, beautiful built- in buffet: hardwood floors; large roomy kitchen. 3 bedrooms second floor: with large bathroom; white enameled ''plumbing: full bainent, ce ment foundation; lota nt fruit and flowers. This is an extra well built house, hard surfaced street, improvements all in and paid for. This is absolutely the beet buy on the Mt. Tabor carline: $1000 will handle. FOB PARTICULARS SEE E. M. PADDEN, Sales Manager. METZQERPARKER FERGUSON CO. Ground floor, 302 Oak st. Rdwy. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. 2850 BIG KNAP ROSE CITY PAHK CAR 100 feet to carline; 5 -room bungalow, fire place, Dutrh kitchen; good i,ed living room. This is indeed a uart. ery easy terms. Onty $850 down, balance $30 a month, including interest Can be seen any time. J. U HAR'JMAN COMPANY, 7 Chrgnher of Commerce Bliig.. Branch Office 45th and Sandy. Tahor 2904. ALL FOR $000 Paid np lease to October 1. 1920; on 5 acre suburban home, 4 acres in cultivation; 4-room house, half basement; good spring, piped to house: good bam. family orchard, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, etc. : good chicken bouso; 1 cow, 3 H tons of hay, 6 cords of wood. 80 chickens. 12 sacks of bmn. 300 lbs. of wheat 2 rugs, large heater. 3 dining chairs, din ing table, beds and cooking utensils, dishes, small tools, etc. Here is an unusual and at tractive offer; 5 blocks from station on Oregon City carline. Fred W. Oennan Co,. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. $7000 1004 E. EVERETT ST.. LAURELHURST 7 rooms, lot 50x120. hot water heat, fireplace, garage. Key at office. Terms. Call Mr. Ippere. 8KOTHE1M BROWN CO. 830-1-2-3 By. Exch. Bldg. Mar. 2633 BIO LOT. 3 room cottage: $525, $125 down, rest terms. LOT 48x145, 5 room, modem bang-alow, all kinds of fruit; $1600 cash, $1600 terras. THREE big lots. 6 room modern house. $2300, terms. LOT 80x120. 2 room shack: $800. terms. FOUR full lots, shack. 1 block car, $1200 terms. $1100 cash. 6128 5 2d st Wood stock car. $4000 $1000 CASH. BAL. MONTHLY fi-room house. 100 feet from Sandy blvd Built-in bookcases; buffet; beamed ceiling; fire place; full cement basement: lot 41Hxl40; young fruit trees. Wood included in price. Main 3787. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. MODERN ALBERTA BUNGALOW This is just one block from car. full lot garage and all. 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, built in conveniences, full cement base ment: all street improvements paid. Price $3300. $1000 cash will handle, balance easy. C A. WAKKLNEK. KtTTER, LOWE & CO., 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRYINGTON'S MOST EXQUISITE HOME Comer 17th and Klickitat; 8 rooms, billiard room, garage, beautifully decorated, finished in mahogany and old ivory; tile bath, with shower. tome in and see it I will be there all day Sunday. Week days from 3 to 6. $11,000 ia the price; $5000 down. MAIN 1903 FOR APPOINTMENT. NED BURSE. ALAMEDA A beautiful home at a sacrifice. Owner must sell at once. 2 story, 6 rooms, completely mod ern ; hardsvood floors throughout ; beautiful lot ; garage. Price $6000. Terms. HARRIS & MAXWELL Main 2831. 304 Railway Ex. Bldlg. 8100 CASH, neat S room home, owner don't need, will sacrifice some for quick sale; vacant: close in. Pared sts. Main 4803. O. C GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. MOVE right in 5 room modem double con structed bungalow for sale, close in, north east Irrington. Newly painted and tinted througl out Radio heating system. trumisnea with Street Improve- new burn grade furniture. ments in and paid for. Price $3775; $1775 down, balance $33 per month including 6 per cent interest Phone aatomatio or Pacific C-l 820. By owner. No agents. $200 CASH $200 BALANCE LIKE RENT Good 7-room bouse in Woodlawn district Just 2 blocks from car; full lot and fruit trees. Only $1500. See this before it is gone. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A FINE 4 room bungalow with bath, toilet hot and cold water, full concrete basement: room ceiled in attic; lot 50x208: bearing fruit trees and roses; price only $2750; easy terms. Mar shall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD 519-20 Railway Exch. bldg. $3000 $505 CASH! BAL. MONTHLY Cozy 5-room bungalow, built-in bookcases: buffet; fireplace, full cemnt basement nice lawn and good view. Main 3787. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632, 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. $3000 WITH small down payment gets 5 room bungalow, on Williams ave.: lot 50x122: haa garage, poultry hou3e. alley in the rear; a tittle paint and tinting, place is easy worth $4000; all street improvements in and paid. F. L. BLANCHARD 519-20 Railway Exch. bldg. . Marshall 829 SUNNTSIDE BUNGALOW Seven room modem bungalow, furnaea. fire place, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment laundry trays. lUOxlOO ground, fruit berries and roses. Price $5500, terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL 274 sunt NEAR S-'P. CAR SHOPS $1750. $150 cash, $25 monthly, buys this old-fashioned, well-built 6-room plastered house; bath and toilet electric lights, small basement; lot 48x100; street work ail in and Included in price. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Ccm. Open Sundays. . . FOR Immediate sale by owner, strictly modem home, 7 rooms and bath, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floor and built-in conveniences; 5 Ox 100 lot. block from carline, in Terrace Park. 108 East 84th N. ' Tabor 7567. SUNNTSIDE bargain. 81900, 8400 down, good 5 room eottage, between both earlines; good buy. H, H. Staub, 1027 Belmont week Ta bof 219. FIVE room cottage and garage, hot water heat", ground 71x123 ft See owner, on premises 836 Halsey st, or phono East 5095 for price and terms. CLOSE your real estate' deal without annoying detail by using s Title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust Company, 01 4th . - ; ONLY 81550 buys a 7-room bouse' with, a lull lot in Sellwood, $1060 cash, reouired. It. V CLOipsSY. Abmgtan bide. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE BOUSES Ti HIGH CLASS Ledd Add. home of 8 rooms, hardwood floor, full cement basement, fios - furnace, tray, fruit room, to (act this is one of the beat built homes in this addition; high class buffet, Roman brick fireplace, French doors, buffet kitchen, splendid bath? room, beat of plumbing, two toilets. This home would cost more thaa the price asked to build today, with a, $2000 lot free. Owner foolish to sell at price of $6250. bet he will be the. loser. Two good ten-room h nenes. lot' 60x100, on the west side, 16th street, a few blocks north of Washington. This Is a big srtsp. Lot alone appraised at $17,500. My price, both houses and lot, is $14,000. Easy term. I am building a new modem home of 8 rooms on 35th and Tillamook. Will make you a very close price and finish it to suit purchaser. I have just completed a new borne of 8 rooms on one of the best site in I-aurelhuret. 100 feet to car. I won't decrite this, oome and see for yourself it interested, I will make you a price. THOMAS VIGARS CO. 270 Stark Htreet Main 8052 or Tabor 7681 tic KMC $3650 Have just about completed another of those oiy 5 room bungalows. Living room finished in old ivory and tapestry paper. Dining room finished in old ivory and taiestry paper; nice buffet. Kitchen has all kinds of built Ins. Breakfsst nouk has built-in table. Bedrooms finished in white enamel. One bedroom baa built-in dresser. Cement floor in basement Street improvement paid. I-of is 40x100. rienty of room for garage. Would consider a lot a first payment If you want something nice, see this one. Foe further information, c:all owner and builder, R. S. MrFARLAXD. Tabor 2740. WHY BUY 8o"MEB6WStMlT"HOTs"E? BUNGALOW $4CWTERM5 ' 42 i:. J ESS UP ST. Just completed, modern 5 room bungalow and Hreping iXfrrn. al large room plastered m l attic. Has hardwood llixir, hnr,iccaM: Tlntch kitchen, electric fixtures, plumbing complete. 1 built-in dreaaor commode, etc.. lot 4 8xlQo, full casement (cement!. Kocrns are large ana con veniently arranged. Absolutely the best buy in a new home in Portland. See this today. This is adjoining Piedmont and 1 block to 2 earlines, near Union and Killingswnrtli. Take Woodlawn car to E. Jessup st and Union, then go 1 block eat Open for inspection 1 to 5 daily, or phone East 6516 during day and C-1182 evenings for appointment. NO COMMISSION AT THIS PRICE REAL BUNGALOW BARGAINS 5 large airy rooms, large floored attic, every conceivable built-in feature throughout the house; hardwood floors in every room; fire place, furnace, full cement basement, with wa;h trays, elegsnt light fixtures, fine garage; paved street and in restricted district, near E. 24 th st Lot 60il00. This is an exceptional bar gain at $6500. $2000 cash, good terms on bal. 5 r. modem bungalow, large attic, full base ment, wash trays, Dutch kitchen, buffet book eases, in first class condition; neat and clean: in Irvington Park, on 27th st; $3000, $750 cash. bsl. easy. R. M. Gatewood & Co. 165 H 4th St. SACFIFICB Owner having gone Into- business hss in structed us to sell his home this week at $2700, which ia easily $500 under value, and will give easy terms. This is a modem double con structed 5 -room bungalow, having hardwood floors; fireplace; buffet; bookcase; built-in Dutch kitchen: cement basement; on 60x100 corner lot Let us show you. Main 8787. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632, 683, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. HAWTHORNE VACANT HOME $4250 CORNER $4250 Eight rooms; all strictly modern except hard wood floors, 2 toilets, everything in fine shape throughout; paved streets all paid for. $1000 cash will handle, balance reasonable terms. This is a good buy. You will ?y so. C. A. WARKINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $4000 Beautiful 5 room bungalow, strictly modern, with large living room and dining room: has hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, fireplace, very pretty buffet, full cement basement with laundry trays. Good view of the city, close to Hawthorne car. Improvements paid. J. L. KARNOPP A CO., 319 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 675. ON Portland Heights. This is what you have been looking for a large lot. with flat and separate house, of which outside of a house to live in you are in a position by buying this property to receive a good income. This prop erty is offered for sale for the purpose of clos ing an estate and ia offered for very much less than its value; $7000 buys everything, half cash. M. J. CLOHES8T, Abington bldg. 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE WOODLAWN END OF CARLINE. $2400 $300 AND $25 PER MONTH, This hss a small entrance hall, living room, dining room, full cabinet kitchen two nice bed rooms with bath between. Full cement base ment, comer lot 38x100, nice lawn. Cement sidewalks in and paid. This is a first class bur for little money. Extra lot Is wanted. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE REAL BUY LARGE ALBERTA CORNER Ground 90x100: abundance of rood rtenr- ins fruit t rees ; all street lmprovesuents paid ; good 7 -room house, this to close in; S. E. cor- ; ner of 11th and Alberta. Look it over anii ioa it over ana drop in and see me.. 0. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE sV CO . 201-3-5-7 Board of Tratie Bldg. 100x100 WITH choice fruit and berries; good 6-room1 house, gas snd electricity, full plumb ing : cement basement; large chicken run; rood garage. Price $32a0. Terms if desired. Main 8787. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. DO YOtTvV'ANT A BEAUTIFUL HOME IN, ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT! If so. don't fail to see me, as I hav ea lot of good buys. Get into my auto and I will show you them. G. C. MOORE, WITH J. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 -COUCH bum;. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME 11 rooms, strictly modem, hardwood floors in all rooms, steam heat, fireplace, 2 sleeping porches, garage; 11,600 sq. ft- ground; paved street: walking distance' to heart of city: price $12,500, good terms. This boms would cost to reproduce I20.0O0. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 H 4th st 5-ROOM cottage, A-l condition, fractional cor ner lot, improvements all in' and paid; close In on east side, 1 block from 2 cars, $1850, $200 cash, $20 per month.' SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., 248 Stark, ground floor. Vain 6429. BRAND NEW, $1900 $150 cash, $20 monthly, buys this new 4 room plastered eottage; concrete foundation, complete modem plumbing; 1 block from St Johns carline; a splendid buy. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. $2200 buys 6-rocm home finished in white enamel. Fun 50x100 lot on paved St.. paid for. Eay terms. Our auto at your service. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 588., S2SS(D), HAWTHORNE Bungalow, attractive and modern, 4 large rooms besides bath, paved street $500 will handle. R-536. Journal. YOU are sure of yonrtitle if you Insist on Title Insurance. Better be safe thaa sorry. Title 8c Trust Company, 91 Fourth st WKTMOBEOni 1BTH AND BYBEE For sale, new five room bungalow and garage, corner lot Phone Main 3719. $8000 ALAMEDA PARK. New, modern bun galow, with garage, on. corner 50x100; full basement 8 blocks from csr. Owner C-1004. ' WHEN yon purchase your home have the title insured. Get a Title Insurance policy. Title V Trust Company. Title at Trust bldg. S ROOMS. ALBERTA Modern, Dutch kitchen, furnace; 60x100 lot; 83000: owner: terma, HQS jc 13th, at K. it REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 1 HOME BARGAIN .. 8S8B0. T-room bouse on East Washington street near 89th; only one block from Laurelharst perk and 8 blocks from Mt Tabor oar line; reception hall with French doors leading into living room; large, airy dining room, beautuuiiy built-in buffet; hardwood floors ; large roomy kitchen; three bedrooms second floor, with Urge bathroom; white enameled plumbing; full Base ment, cement foundation : lots of fruit and flow ers. This is an extra well built bouse; hard surf seed street improvements all in and paid for. This is absolutely the best buy on the Mb Tabor car line; 81000. will handle. For particle rs see E. M. PADDEN, SALES MANAGES. MTCTZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO.. Ground floor, 302 Oak St Bdwy- 3644. Formerly Sani.y 8- Thompson Xo. 7-ROoSf west side house on Willamette Heights, finished in old ivory, hard wood floors downstairs, fireplace, furnace and cement bur merit: located on a tine view lot and you don't have to climb sleps to it; for the price we ask this is a dandy buy at $4600. $3700 5 -room 'bunealow and sleeping porch in Hawthorne district Hardwood floors, all built-in features and finished in old ivory; fireplace and full cement basement On paved stret and paid for;- it will take $2000 to handle, WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO.. 83 Fourth St RO.SF. CITY PARK DANDY HOME Six large sunny attractive moms, nak floors, south window seats, fireplace in liv ing room. Furnace sou laundry traj-s in full cement basement All In first-class condition. Kitchen newly enameled. Int ."OilOO, with shade and fruit trees and .Canute. Hard surfaced street, jaid for. Three blocks north of Keiidy road car on 4 7Ui street Price $0500. LADD ESTATE CO. 24 6 Stark Street Marshall 5454 AN ELKtTANT HOME 7 room moiiem 1 Kills, like jicvv; jut painted and tinted; 4 large bedroom, batli and hall up stairs, closet in each rM,m, wfudow in csch closet; reception liail, living, dining rooms lame ; has den or sewing room ; Is rax kitchen, full cement basemeDt, wall trays, furnsce: lot 50x104 '.i ft: flowers, fruit trees; 1 blocks Alberta car. on Vernon ate. price $4000, $1000 cash; it would cast $5500 to reproduce this property. R. M. GATF.WOOD A CO.. 165 '4 4th st riu lids y phone Tahor 2301'. GET YOUR MONEY READY You cannot help from buying tills if you are looking for property of this kind. Corner 97 137, abundance of good bearing fruit tree, good 7-roora house, paved street, clear of nil incum brance. N. E. corner of 3Sth and Hawthorne. This is a One building Ml for a garage or apartment noase. Come in and make ma an off.r. r. A. WARRINER-. RITTER, LOWE A CO , 201 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Fine 8 room house in Laurdhnrst. with, all built-in features, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors; if party can sell quick, will take $5500. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth St A BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY HOME. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE Well located, beautiful Rose City bungalow, 5 rooms downstairs and 2 up and sleeping porch; full concrete basement; furnace, fire place and hardwood floors. $2000 cash, rest monthly payments. G. C. MOORE. WITH 3. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. HERE IS YOUR CHASTE. I have a 6-room bungalow, room upstairs to finish 2 roems. large, airy rooms, built in con veniences, fireplace and furnace, fuil cement basement on paved street and one block to car line, magnificent view, restricted district; price $2500. $1000 down, $25 per month. Includ ing interest st 7 per cant Westmoreland. U. A. Mass, 64 3 Ellis ave, Sellwood car. BY OWNER:.- Modern story and half bungalow in Alberta district: comer lot. paved street In front; 1 block from car and good school; 7 rooms, bath and fnl) basement and laundry trays; - fireplace. Price $3650. $1600 cash, balance $20 a month at 6 per cent Phone Woodlawn 2293. 1007 E. 21t st N. .VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN $2500 buys a 2 family flat building. 5 rooms and bath down. 6 rooms and bath. up. Lower flat now vacant, upper rented at $15 per month. Connected with sewer. H block to car. Easy terms. No mortgage to assume. Sunday Tabor 9317. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 RyExch. Bidg. Main 583. $1500 $600 cash. $20 per month, 4 - room bungalow with bath, gas, electric lights, water; fruit trees snd shrubbery, on 60x100. east front lot block to car, about 20 minutes from cen ter of city. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. HIGH CLASS HOME We are building 6 room bungmioTO, 7 and 8 room colonial homes in Irrington and Lau relhurst. If you are looking for a real home why not call and see us? 312 Henry bldg. Ta bor 2124 or Tabor 5694. Turner Y Win ship, builders. WELL. WELL, WELL. Here it is. A bargain. $3500 buy an 8-roora modern hnngalow, fnr- nace. iirepiace, onwa. iioora. nuiiet, Dutch kitchen. Full cement basement, paved street paid. Our autos at your ... ..... . . service. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 683. BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY HOME 49TH STREET, JUST SOUTH' OF SANDY . $3000, best buy in this district Not a bun galow, a 7-room house, faces west, 50x100 lot; hard surface in and paid. House needs some re pairs, but a few hundred in rei'Sirs would add several times the amount expended. SMITHVAGONERCO., STOCK EXCHANGE $3300 5 ROOMS and bath; "electricity, cas. etc.; DOOKCase. Diuieu lirt-yiB'-e. mui in - , constructed bouse on full lot 1 block to car. 2 to school. Main 3787 JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632, 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. MODERN bungalow of 6 rooms in IRVINGTON PARK, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, book- case, buffet, double constructed : one block to car, 2 to school; fruit trees, lull lot. Iiouu, $1000 cash. Msin 3787. JOHNSONDODSON CO.. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. ON E 34th st. close in. Here is a modern 6 room hiMie. up-to-date in every respect, full cement basement furnace, wash trays, hardwood floors, fireplace, beam ceiling and all other things of 'built to effects. The price is ooly $4 500: tervn. M. J CTOHESSY. Abingron bldg. HJsTOTiRNEBUNGALOW BARGAIN $3400 buys a 6 room bungalow, 5 rooms and bath down, one room np. Fireplace, fur nace, built-ins. garage, paved st. Sun. Tabor 9317. i J. A. WICKMAN CO. Z"P4 Ry. Erch Bldg. Main 583. FOR SALE Colonial estate, on the bnk of the James river, near Richmond, Va. 1000 acres. Refdence Greek-Roman sty'.e architecture., beautiful grounds, a lovely borne. For full par ticulars call Tabor 9202. UNIQUE bargain, 9 room residence (not new). Mt. Tabor district: beautiful grounds, 100x100 feet H for $5250; easily worth $700O. Fine home place. S. L. N. Oilman, box 43, Garden Home, Or. ' $3800 60x100 NICE 7-room house, furnace, wash trays, very convenient cheerful rooms, easy walking distance, 20th at 88. car. $500 cash will handle. Now vacant For appointe East 8438. . ROSE CITY A 6-room bungalow, hardwood floor, fireplace, etc All xmnsesU in and paid. Cloae to car, $3850. Owner. Marshall 836. " IRVINGTON 'v Seven room house, best bay in city for $6000, terms. Don't miss this. Call East 419 or Main S989. CITY FARM ONLY $3000 Five rooms, modern, fireplace, 196x100, ber ries, fruit, garage. See today; $1000 cash. Beltwoed 2706. FOR SALE Corner lot 100x100, up to date hows, with hot and cold water, electric lights, 15 bearing fruit trees. Place all clear, for $2000 if token at once. Call at 780 E. 0th st N. AT 040 Eait 18tb st north, near Prescott, is a we!) constructed 6-room houe, now va cant on lot BOxHlO. A banrain at S2950, $500 cash, JounFerguson, GerUnger bldg. WHEN" you get a Title" Insurance policy yon do not need an abstract of title. One premium pays for all time. Title A Trust Company, 91 4th st IN WALNUT PARK $7206, new story and half tv-room modern bv ownex. 1125 Maliorr avay REAL ESTATE FOS, SALE HOUSES TI PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMES We have just bated an unusually .at tractive borne of 9 rooms os kllra street 2 blocks from car line and Ainaworth school. Large living room with fireplace, bevel plate glass windows; living room nd dining room finished in mahogany;- den with built-in bookcase and desk. Gsrage under porch with entrance to basement Built five years ago and newly painted last July. The price is $10,000, but should be $15,000. (MONTGOMERY DRIVE room house, lDOxlOO. fine location, near the Cobb borne. This colonial home is modem in every respect and woodwork down , stairs is mahogany, bedrooms old ivory; two baths. Must be sold at once and can give possession December 1. The price is $12,000, but should be more, l'hone ua for appointment to see either of these hemes. OOK A. McKENNA eV CO.. 82 Fourth St Main 4522 or Main 6871 A FEW OF OUR SNAPS SUM itU house, ass lirst, in fin 0x120: U1S2 2d a.. near 01st st. Price $1100. $400 cash' and $50 every uioa. Nice 6 r. .bungalow, 3 bedrooms, all on on floor, in pink of condition. cement basement, bath, elect., lot 50x80. No liens to assume, chicken bouse, fruit: on Rosslawn ave., near 13th. $500 cash gnd $20 month. SSMMTl r fine bungalow, basement, bath. elect., gas. lot 41x95. 2 blocks to car. K. 4 2d nr. Francia. $650 rash. Nice 8 room house, basement, bath, elect., panel dining room, garage. etc.. cor. K. 84th and Market; liens all paid: about $1000 cash. GRUSSS & BENNETT Slip Board of Trade. Main 7452. GOOD VALUE HERE This fine 7 room strictly modem home, oak floor, fireplace, furnace, all kinds of built In work. 5IUI00 let; earace; $5250; terms. ANOTHER GOOD BUY 6 room modern home herries. only $3(10(1; lot 100x100, fruit terms. slid rooms and .leering jmrch : fine place: all built in. cement basement, full lot, only $450 terms. r COZY NEW HOME 5 roos modern bungalow, oak floors, fire place, fine built in work, all tinted; pretty lot. with trees: $3X0H; terms. B. ' POND REALTY CO. 1230 Sandy bllvd. Tahor 3825. 'I'ce open Sunday and evenings. GOOD HOME BUYS 6 room, full two story house, full cement ini-emcnt, lutllace. tlreplace. bookoe buffet D11ti.l1 kitchen, etc. Cor. lot Hawlliurnn iit." first class condition. Price $4000. $1750 cash, good terms on bal 0 nx.m modern bungalow, all on one floor comer lot, garage. This home is well built and attractive, near Hawthorne car. Price $8200, $500 rash and $20 per. Neat 5 room modern cottage, full basement, several bearing fruit trees, chicken house, fine caruen spot Clce to csr. Cood location.. Exceptional bargain at $2300, $500 cah. ' Two Htni-modeTO cottages fn Brooklyn dint at $1500 and $1600. $200 cash and $15 per mo.. 6 per cent int I Beats paying rent) It. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. lfl.1 V, 4lli st Snnday phone JTabor 2899. Near L&dd'sAdditlon $4800 On 26 til street near Division, beautiful 7 room bungalow, extra large living room, with hsrtlwcisi floor and fireplace, dining room with beautiful built In buffet fuil Dutch kitchen, extra lurge bathroom with white en ameled plumbing; 8 large bedrooms and nleep mg porch, 'ull basement with laundry trays tliis house was built for a home and is wiyn derful value at the abov price. For particulars see E. M Psdden, fales manager. MetzgerParker Ferguson Co. Ground floor. 302 Oalr st. Broadway 3644 Formerly KtanJpjr s Thompson Co. CLOSE TO MULTNOMAH CLUB REAL SACRIFICE Here is s large comer lot 52x106 and two good houses in short walking distance on west side. One " room house, the other 11 rooms with full cement bssement, furnaoe. fireplace. paved sts., clf-4ir of all Incumbrance. The whol. thing for $5000. The lot alone to worth much more. Immediate possession can be had. Easy terms. C. A. WARRINEB RITTER. LOWE A fco., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GItOVELAND PARK $4600 Modem 8-ronm bungalow, V, hlock from Hawthorne carline, paving and sewer in and paid, lot 50x100. oak floors, full cement base ment fireplsce. furnsce and all built-ins: this is an exceptional buy at price aaked; liberal terms. Mr. Mnrrow, COB A. McKENNA A CO. 82 4th t T Main 6871. ARUNDANCE OF FRUIT T.AROE GROUNDS AN HOURE Eight roiras and bath, ground 100x100 about 20 good bearing fruit trees, berries and" shrubbery. Clear of all incumbrances. Now vacant; $500 cash will take pos-ession, balance ear.y monthly payments. Peninsula district close to car, fclioo! snd stores C. A. WARRTNKR RITTER. LOWE A CO , ?i?:SJiilrd?iT!5rtB!d: A REAL snap, for Investment r lor . -aLory n rxx BtOre belfiW A-lflnm flat .. pace for 7 to 8 autos can be rented, which alone wnnld nav tixl rmtr,wm i . .. u :r r..' w ',. i wu 1 1 su.-, auu I iiiui i a, i,nri, i t xar.on iiunn J.i i fST, 4600 $2000 cash, bal. mtg. Main j no,nvxa. aJJOiSW-OU'OaiN CO. 632. 633. 684 N. W. Bank Bldg. 5 ROOM bungalow with full cement basement and a fine furnace, cement walks all round the bouse, Dutch kitchen, first-class plumbing. This Is a very nice lot and beautiful bungalow, only 8 years old. The price is $3100 and tlie first party here with $1500 gets this bargain. WAKEFIELD. FRIES as CO. 85 Fourth St. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN $4200 buys bungalow of 6 rooms, sll on first flooT, Urge sttic, hdwd. floors In three rooms, furnace, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement wash tray. Paved St., paid. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 20 4 Ry. Exch Bldg. Mam 688. $600 CASH, 170O. bal. $23 per month, 1 hlock to car and school. 6 rooms, water, lnd gaa; 8 large bearing fruit tree; comer lot. oniy .u minuie out. juain STMT. J0HNSON-DODSON CO. 632, 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. $3500 Beautiful 6-room modem bungalow, comer lot 50x100, just north of Sandy bvd., ia nice residence -section. Terms $8(10 cash, balance $30 per month. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. VERY ATTRACTIVE NEW. STRICTLY MODERN IN HIGH CLASS DISTRICT FOR SALE ON TERMS BY OWNER. TABOU 8825. BUNGALOWS I have several exceptionally fine buys In B and 6 room bungalows, some as low as $3250. Will be very glad to Ball for you and show them to you. J. A. MeCABTT. 270 H Stark st. Main 1700. Evenings Tabor 5057. SCNNY8riE, best opportunity tobuy very good home, modem 7 room house, for $8150, 1-3 down; close to Belmont. 8e thiis before buying elsewhere. U, H. Staub, 1027 lmont week Tabor 219. FOR SALE By owner, 4 room modem bun galow, -frreplaee, alt built-in convenience; large living room, old ivory finish, nice loca tien, corner lot, $8000, term. 0-4 36, Jour nl. ON the West Hide, close in to the business center, a 5 room house. Its location ts near Glbb street and the price is only $1800. M J. CLOTIKelSY, Amncton bWg. A TITLE Insurance policy is a guarantee of the titi to your home. When yon buy your bom have the title Insured. Better bo safe than sorry. Title Jb Trust Company, 01 4th st FOR SALE- $1000, 8-room fn rn lshahsckl East front 1 block to car; $800 cash, bat $15 and Int per mo. 1127 E. 29th st near Killingsworth gve. Call Sunday from 12 to 6. TRVISGTON 6 rooms and bath, newly tinted and finished on the Inside; alee corner with wide perking; come tad look it over. 744 Clackamas, cor. 22d. Phone Eaast 6759. HOLLADAY PARK. Modem, 0 rooms, full cement basement fJ re place and sleeping perch; first floor hardwood except ritrnen. r-nce eeouti. Msfoozs. YOC can resell your place without delay if yon have a irue insurance policy, utw ek Trust REAL ESTATE Tor sale houses" TT T eenoe. v NEAR P- H0PS 82000 We uve just listed 8 bungalow jacn 4 yrs. old, located close in near Ho,'.B,tt- 'oh one desldy buy, well built, homey, and are connected with aewer, cement sidewalks, near Woodstock car, lots are 50x100 each. 2 have fireplaces and full cement base ment; each has good bath and 2 bed- , -' rooms, fin locality and walking die- tanee to 8, - P. shops. They range in price from $2000 to $2500 with - terms of $000 to $800 down pay ment Call Mpndsy morning for sp r pointinent to inspect . VtLI, TAKE AUTO. $2200 8 room furnished cottage, 90 ft, Woodstock car, fine bath, buffet large x Dntch kitchen, uew furniture, baae nieut. SOxlOtt lut. 20 fnin. out nicassaai locality; will take light auto as part of $1140 first payment BUNGAI.OW AND 2 LOTS $3160 DsnUy double rniwtrurLrd S-reeim bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, lmili lu butfrt. white enameled Ihitrh kitchen, ; brcskfast nook, large bedrooms, fiue ' 1'stli, cement baiemcnt, large (looted attic, lot Mux ll)(l with allay, fanes eaet, garage. 1 9 bearing fruit tree, berries, hted 'k block trnra ,' Powell Valley road, near 4th at : close to Joseph Kellog school and Franklin high; Hawthorne car; ttrtua, PRICED FOR QUICK SAI K $3250 Vacant il-roora hnngalow. good con dition, fireplace, den. built in buffet, large white enameled lmtrh kitclien, -' tine bedrooms, good bath, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, fine iiirnace, 50x100 lot. faring east among fine houses near 4 5tli at. 3 ' blocks Woodstock nr. rln-e whool. This ia one of the best bsrgain we, hsre: Ih convinced; let us show you. Terms can be arranged. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN $3350 lHK-sted 80 ft from Hswlhnrne r oil Hie prettievt el. in the district. Queen Anne hnngalow tyite, 5 rooms, large rlrerts, fine kitchen, full base ment, laundry trays, gsrage, street paved and paid: only $1400 down, bal. $20 mo. and 0 per cent int. Somebody is Koine to get this bsrgsia. see 11 Mouuay sure. ONE-HALF ACl!! 8 ROOM RKHIDFM.'R $4000 !o-atet 2 hlks. Hawthorne er near 71st st which i hard surface; 2 story resilience, good condition, large ' roome. Millt in buffet. 4 fin. hed rmu. good bllj, ilanoh kilelicn. full cement basement, laundry trm-,; acre. g,iori garage, bam. 1 Mk new buck actionl. A wonderful bargain; -only $1000 down. t al) toi appoint ment. Auto always at. yuur convenience. GEO. T MOORE CO., IU07Teoo Rids New BongaSow i.'.boo On Dunckley .fertile- neAe 20th .tree, in Alameda Park. i e have a new butigitlow that is owned by a non resilient and trunt V!l it once. The price Is much e the 11 yi can buy snylliing in this besut.iful dm net, il mom Willi sleeping porch; Urge liitnif r.m: fire place; dining room, built in huffet; barflwntxl floors: good ised kitrheti with nil th- built Ins; bathroom, white enamel plumbing; cement base ment; furnace and laundry tray;' garage; el reel Improvements all In and paid fir. uc.can ar range terms to suit y. For particulars see E M. Uirtilen, stlas manager. Metzger-Parker Ferguson Co. firound floor. 302 k ! Mrosilway 304 4. Formerly Stanley S. Thenueion Co WEST SIDE. COIiOVTAL, VKW. 8 ROOMS SLEEPING PORCH. H A II TV WfXID FIlORB. FURNACE, FIRE PLACE. B U I h T I N H . EN A M r L PLUMBING, MIRROR IK KIRS. LARGE LIVING ROOM. 60100, PAVING PAID, TWO UARLINKS, CLOSE IN: $7050. TERMS. OWNER, MAIN 4808. A SUBURBAN HOME THAT'S DIFFERENT PARKROSK Just ontaide rily limits, near Handy blvd.; 6 rooms snd sun room, sll on one floor; very ' attractive interior; whit rriaiheliKl throughout; ctgnent basement, concrete fruit room and fur nace: gas and electricity; ground 100x160 ft On Craig road. Attractive grae. Fruit trees and berries. Price only $5750. half cash, i, L. HART MAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 208. Splendid Investment I will e-narantae to rent this 3-room bun gslow, 100 ft. from Hswthorne ear line, for $40 per month. Has s fireplace, lej turnefle, eaat facing; improvements In and puld. Good caih payment; $:i00tl. Hawthorne Realty Co. Comer 86th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7 4 OS. SEE THIS FIRST WALNUT PARK HOME Six rooms and den, all In nlcf shape; built in conveniences, full cement haemeiit, furnsce; 80g -100 lot. rlose to car, sired Improienienl all paid; walking distance to Jefferson high school. Price (5500. terms. This "can b. seen by ap pointment only. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO . 201-8 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. new mY dmTn" v a c a n t " bu n g a lo w $9400. This home baa Just been eomfjleted by one of Portlands tieat buifdets. 8 moms finished in ivory iiainel, with all built Ins. French doors, ftmise. fireplace. taiestry paper, In fact everything that you would xwt in a cftmnletelv modern home. Garage. Convenient to ?r?"lw , I"' Tabor &317. Let us snow you. Dunuay i wickman m i -- - - 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 683. ONLY $1000 for a new 8 room house. In the city on the west side, close in to two oar lines, on a boulevsrd. This house has all in? the city conveniences, such as city water, gas and electricity and only one block from a city oi.ooL This is a very pretty locality, with a fine view of the river and mountains. You can go to it ovir the TerwilHger boulerard You can move In right away: $600 cash will han dle it M. CLOHESST. ABINGTON CLASSY 6room modern bungalow:' fireplace), bookcases, buffet, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, old ivory and white enamel throughout $4200 S14O0 cash, bal. monthly; will sell furniture. Msin 87 87. J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO . 632. 633. 684 N. W. Bnk Bldg togoo PENINSULA BUNGALOW $2800 GARAGE AND ALL Five rooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, builtin bookcases, good basement, full lot. just 14 block from psved street. 1 Vi hl'icas to ear. eiose io school. Clear of all incumbrance: $500 cash will handle, balance ea-v nvMhlr payments. C A., RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Tnide Bldg. ALAMEDA '-$47501'"" " Modern, 5 room, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, hsrdwood floor, cement basement, fnrnseg heat etc.. 1 block to Broadway car. Term. Main 8787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bnk Bldg. flliw-3 ROOM HOME $1 lOu $100 CASH, BALANCE $20 PER MONTH vi-. i, mm fenit tree, street macadam- taed. house has patent toilet other plumbing, all muclMd in and ready Tor Data ana lavatory i gaa for lights. Something out of the ordinary In a chicken houe and run. SMITH-WAOONrvrl CO., iltn K rv Hfl.-s'ee? AN abstract of title 1 not a guarantee of youf title. It is coerwlr a history of your title. Title Insurance policy is a guar antes of you title. Therefore when yon buy property get Title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust Company. 01 4th t. ONLY $1000 for a new 8-room hmwe, located ... on the west side. etov to a carline. elnee to .. a bontevard. This hone, has all of tiia efty conveniences, only two blocks from city school, ' city water, gas snd electricity M J ClfflESST. ABINGTON MM l2850BUYff corner "bom"wi"th 86xiOOlo"t"7"w room and bsUi down. 2 targe snd one small room no. Near Franklin high. One block to car. Tsrma Sun. Tahor 9317. J. A WICKMAN CO. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 888. BUNNYSTdE snap. S35QO. Tery good, modern, large 6 room bungalow, wrth extra fine sleep. -Ing porch." all on one floor, fine comer lot 60s 100, gsrage. It it Btauftf iyT Belmont. If v bof 219. FOR BALE Fine building lot all Improve- menu in and paid: will swO for $800 or enO , baud to suit on easy terms. On Franklin at between 28th and 29th, 8 blocks from food school. C. A. Stever. Tabor 2769. . FOH SALE 4-room house, completely furnished. , of, lot 76x100. Fruit berriee. etc.. 7 eord -wood, close to car. Price $2700. 5416 8 th ave. 8. K. ULEGANT sew 6-room bungalow, modem fea tures complete; Hswthorne district; .1 well built place: big bargain and terms. Bee this be fore yoo buy. Phone Tabor 6148. BUNGALOW, new, full plumbing, furnace, re- atricted district, $3800. Tsbor. Jb2. -