V ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 'TUESDAY,- NOVEMBER 25, 1819. :-"t.'::' t. '. i 19 - Is. REAL ESTATE -FOR yALE HOUSES fi NEW YORK LAND COMPANY HAS DOliE MORE GOOD HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS 8 room modem bouse in South Portland district, well located and at a low price of $3500. 7 mom modern house. Richmond dis trict, well located, t a low price of $4000. 7 room modern 2 story. Wsverley Heights addition. at a low price of $2900. 6 room, modarn bungalow tn the Wav grWy Height, low price of 13750. room modern hnncalow in the Haw thorne district, low price of 14 900. B room modern bnhgalow, close in. Rote City district, price $4000. S room strictly modern bungalow in tlie Alberta district, everything built in. at a low price of 14000. 5 room moderdV bungalow, everything built in. Alberta district, at a low price of 14 000. 3 room modem bungalow. Alberta dis trict, partly furniahed, low price of $3000. It room modern bungalow with sleeping porch, Weverlty Height addition, a nap at $2500. 8 room modern with sleeping pnrrh, Waverley Heights addition, a good buy at $3000. 5 room house, clone in, on K Stark L, low price of $2100. 4 room bungalow well located. Wavrley Height, price $1650. Thete properties are well located and we consider tliem all good buys. If yon will call In at onr office we will be glad to .take our auto and show yon. 805 Stock yExchange bldg. Main 7476. BERRIDGE & MILES HOME BARGAIN $2850 7 room bouse on E. Washington at., near 89th; only 1 blork from Laurelhuret park and 8 blocks from ML Tabor rarllne. Heception hall with French doors leading Into living loean. large airy dining room, beautiful built In buffet: hardwood floors; large roomy kitchen, 3 bedrooms second floor; with large bathroom; white enameled plumbing; full basement, ce ment foundation; lota of fruit and flowers. This is an eitra well built house, hard surfaced street. Improvements all in and paid for. This Is absolutely the best buy on the Mt. Tabor rarllne; $1000 will handle FOR PARTICULARS SEE E. If. PADDEN. Sales Msnsger. METZGERPARKER FERGUSON CO. Ground floor. 302 Oak st. Rdwy. 3644. formerly Htanley M. Thompson Co. tt ACHE, JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS NIFTY BUNGALOW $4250. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING OR. Here is a real bungalow. thoroughly double constructed and very modern. Large ltvlng room extending acroe front of home, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; this is located outside city limits just beyond Laurelhnntt on hard surfaced street. Very liberal terms. You wonld never expect 1 buy such a property as this for so little money. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPF, CO., 264 Stark at., near 3d. Main 8516, Main 3092. Hrancn Utfloe. 50th and Randy. Rose City Bungalow $5850 On 52d St., best part of Rose City Park, we have a 7-room complete bungalow, on a ' full corner lot, street lmirovnent all In; extra large living room, with fireplace and hullt-in bookcase, hardwood floors, dining room with built-in buffet, full 1 hitch kitchen with break fa.it room. 8 large airy hedrooma. large bath room with white enameled plumbing, full ce ment basement, laundry trays and furnace. This house has never been occupied and you can nore in today if you like. For particulars see K. M. TADDEN, Hales Manager METZ0ERPARKER FERGUSON CO. ' Ground floor. 302 Oak st. Bdwy. S644. ONE HALFACRE " 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE Owner sacrifices this fine property, located 2 Mocks Hawthorne car. near 71st; fine, large 2 jsnry 8 room residence, 4 hedrooms, built in buffet, fine kitchen, good bath and toilet, full cement basement, laundry tTays. H acre; gar ge, barn. 1 block, fine new brick school; full price. $4000. $1000 down. Thle is without a doubt a fine buy: house alone could not be duplicated for $4000; you are getting a half cre for nothing. Call for appointment, CEO. T. MOOUK CO. 1007 Ycon bldg. Alannieda Park Bungalow $5500 At least $500 nnder value. A new 6-roora bungalow with sleeping porch, large living rooms, fireplace, dining room. bulltvin buffet, hardwood floors, good sised kitchen with all the built-ina. large bathroom, white enameled phrnblng ce- Eaeat basement, furnace and laundry trays', ga sge. Street improvements all in and paid for !... .VVe r,n rrange terms to suit you. Oil PARTICULARS SEE E. M. Padden. Sales Manager. METZGERPARKER FERGUSON CO. Sround floor. 302 Oak at Bdwy 8644. Formerly SnleyThornpscn Co- .. PR-ICKi FOR QUICK SALE $3.80 Vacant tl-rm. bungalow, good condition fireplace, den, built in buffet, large white enameled Dutch kitchen. 2 fine bedrooms, good bath, full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace. 60x100 lot. facing east, among fine homes, noar 45th st. 3 blks. Woodstock car. close school. This is one of the best bargains we have: be convinced; let ns show you before it is too late. Terms can be arranged. 0KOLTVjggonK.ro- 1007 Yeon Bldg. IN extra well built Hi story home on Broad way. Portland's best district: 5 rooms and lleejong porch; fireplace, built in bookcases and kulfet; cement bssement; laundry trays and furnace; sewer, sidewalk and paved street all 1787 PrfCe 0DlT ,3700; b'- lik nnt- Min JO"liNSONDODSON CO. 682 033 634 X. W. Bank bldg 4NEWLYWF.PS TAKV. vrvri?" One of the niftiest and brand new apartment Douse type of bungalow, disappearing bed Pull man buffet kitchen, breakfast nook, with built in table and scats, fireplace, dressing room for the lady, a very large living room, numerous window boxes, pergola entrance; on paved street nd carline; magnificent view; $3050 (AOO fash. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. UiVlNGTON Having bought larger house, will sell my attractive home at 503 East 27th st. forth, between Thompson and Braaee, near trvington club grounds; extra Urge living room. Lning room, library, reception hall, white enamel Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms with large closets, ixtra fine large bath, attic, extra toilet down-K-airs. east front, fine . lawn and shrubbery ; C-?f" at once- t house or phone ftilwn. Main 3602 orMarhall 5913. $ 1 800 $ 2 bOCi"SH 5 room house, city water, electricity, gas. in Jest of repair with two iota, large bearing . !." t?P J' 1"r tre,: ,Uo herries. All fenced Ind 2 blocks to car. Main 3787. J0IiNS0N00DS0N CO. 882-683 634 N. W.nk hldr J5400 Do wn Easy Terms Price $1500, 5 room, newly papered and fainted house and two lots, 16 full bearing kiiit trees Berries grape, etc., corner, side- i good'ho'me:""' tU"'' etc- 8ellwd- BRTJCE GODDARD. 801-2 Couch bldg. Get in My AutonioFiie- tnd will quickly and comfortably show you the est buys In homes in Portland. 1 can arrange trail to suit you. Mr. Moore. BRUCE OODPARP, 501-2 Conch Rldg. ,2750. 1500 CASH, modern 5 room bungslow' large lot, ornamental shrubbery and fruit' pod garage, basement, cement floors and laun Iry traya: ivory finish in Dutch kitchen, bath its now v iti'unvTut v For this small un partitioned plastered cot fege, concrete foundation and basement, city rater: total price $400. Fred W. German Co 183 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sunday.' IX'NGALOW near Peninsula arbool, large din- ing room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast ok. two bedrooms, beth. elec.. gas: full lot (2650. $650 cash. East 6778. L ""tS-BT., HAWTlfORNK CAR $3250 room, hard. floors, fireplace. Dutch jltchen. pavving. Ttbor 8824. ' s.740 MT. TABOR WEB"l6pe $S70 ' T faaUk fireplace, furnace. 60x14$ view i H, paving. . Tabor ,6824. " TOW EEAt ESTATB FOB SALE HOUMEU 1 READ THIS $2250 tod $280 cash will boy good home; 0 good aiz room, well lighted. basement, on (0x100 level lot with bearing fruit trees. S blocks from car service. 2 blocks from Piedmont ear barns. Thle bouse waa built years ago; double constructed and waa improved and re painted this year and ia in good condition. Lilt your property with u at a saleable price and we will advertise. 5 room bnpgalow with 1 finished room tn garret, full basement, furnace, steam heat in every room; built-in feature; 800 feet from eariine. 22 minute to center of city, 8 blocks from school, atreeta paved and paid for; in good condition. A modern home on 40x100 lot by 14 foot driveway. Built in 118: terms. $600 down, $80 a month, or $1000 down. $20 per month. Price $2600. CAN YOU BEAT IT 7 $3350 will bny 6 room house with" large bandy living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 3 bedrooms, all without closets, on second floor; electricity and gas, modern plumbing, 7 bearing fruit trees xand garage, lot ROxlOO; sewer ha, atreeta paved and paid for. double -ear service. 4 blocks north and south. 4 blocks from high school; house has Juit been rrualnted and refinWied ineid. and out. A substantial, con venient and beautiful home; bouse was built in 1810 at the cost cf $2640; full concrete base ment with ample fuel for the winter goes with the house. This bouse should sell at once; $300 cash and terms. Owner going east. Car at your service. Acreage wanted on Oregon Electric All kinds of city residence property for eale or exchange for farms, farm lands, etc. All kinds of farms and timber lands for sale or exchange for city property. ALBINA REALTORS 1135 Alblna sve. Cell C-1526 or Woodlewn 6207. Car at Your Service. ARE YOU A STRANGER IX PORTLAND f Do you contemplate buying a home? Do you know vainest Do you know the desirable and undesirable districts f Do yon know the districts that are being invaded by foreigners? Familiar izing you with these facta and looking out for your every interest is part of the SERVICE of the "McOUIRE SYSTEM." Come to our showrooms and see over 600 photographs of home for tale, ranging, in prices from $500 to $60,000. Each section of the city having its allotment of space. Accurate data, deacriptiv. of the property, accompanies each picture. Every houe has been inspected and appraised by FRANK I- Met! t' IRE personally. Thii system has sold over 800 homes this year. 12 experienced salesmen with automobiles at your ervtce. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, Successor to IL D, Mc(Juire Co.. Established in 1880. "30 Years of Service." Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. liawthorne Bungaflow Strictly modern 8-rcan bungalow, clooe in near Hawthorne ave. ; hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful built-in buffet. '2 nice bedrooms, large bathroom, very large Dutch kitchen, all on first floor, with one finished room in attic, and you can make two additional rooms also In attic. Full cement basement with laundry trays and furnace. This house is double constructed and well built throughout. tin paved street; all Improvements in and paid for. Price $4230; $650 cash, balance $35 per month including 6 per cent interest and house will easily rent for $40 per month, (iood investment if you do not care to live in it. FOR PARTICULARS SEE E. M. PADDEN. Sales Manager. METZGERPARKER FERGUSON CO. Ground floor. 302 Oak st. Bdwy. 8644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co YOU CAN MOVE IN AT ONCE $400 DOWN $40 MONTH 6 rooms, entrance ball, big living and dining room with hardwood floor, fireplaci 3 large bedrooms, big rlrwets. bath, full deep cement bawment; 50x100 foot lot; close in, on F.ai-t Side, near car; short walk from Washington high. Total price $4350. Will sell on straight contract. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber nf Commcice bliln. Main 208. Branch office. 45th and Sandy, cpen Sundays. $3200 ON TERMS 5 room bungalow, newly painted, reception hall with seat and attractive hall tree, living room with good fireplace and built-in bookcases, dining room convenient and well lighted, 2 bed room, window in clothes clrwets. bath. Imtcli kitchen, floored aifttc. cement basement Isundrv trays, 30x100 lot, unall garden spot, fruit and walnut tree. FOR PARTICULARS SEE E M. PADDEN. Nales Manager. METZGERPARKER FERGUSON CO. Ground floor. 302 Oak st. Bdwv.' 8844. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. TWO GOOD ONES $K00 buys a 3 room house with good let. woodshed, chicken house, on improved county road, close to city school, in good residence district $1800 buys a 5 rocm home on E. Glisan sr.. fronted by good improved county road. The property is sightly and the house is mod ern, an exceptional buy. A small payment will be considered. For particulars, rail on KEN RIE8LAND. 404 Piatt bldg. 11-7 Park ft Rose CSty Bungalow $4 000 0 rooms, living room, with fireplace, dining room, 2 nice bedrooms, bathroom, white en amled plumbing. Dutch kitchen, on first floor; one room on second floor. Full basement, ce ment fo-'ndaiion, gaiag-e, full lot, on paved street, near Sandy boulevard; $1000 will handle. For particulars ee E. M. PADDEN, Sales Manager. METZQERPARKER FERGUSON CO. Ground floor. 302 Oak st. Bdwy. 364 4. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. $5S00 7 ROOM BUNGALOW $5500 Ivated in Eaftruoreland, near Reed eollrge. 2 blocks from car. An exceptionally fine buy. House built last summer. Full basement, laundry trays, furnace, tireplace, built in buf fet, hsrdwood flours tn music, living and din ing rooms. Garage with enment floor and run way. Beautiful view of surrounding country. See 1 A. McCARTY, Laurelhuret tract office. E. 89th and Gllsan its., Tabor 3433. Evenings and Sunday. Tabor 5057. ROSE CITY PARK 6 rooms and sleeping porch. $5250. Here is an ideal home, located near Sandy blvd . hardwood floors, fireplace, bnffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, etc. ; garage, street assts. paid. Terms. Let us Bhow you. K G TEEPE CO 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 8516. Main 3092 Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. 9 ROOM bungalow on lot 50x100 in restricted dtst., 8 rooms and bath on first floor, 3 rooms and bath on second floor; built-in buffet and other built-in features; fireplace and full basement with furnace and hot water aystem applied in each room; convenient to high school, car service and business center. Thi palatial home, earne as new, for $7000: some terms. ALBINA REALTORS, 1135 Alblna e. Pbon Wdln. 0207. VERY classy new bungalow, 6 rooms and break fast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement; white enamel and old ivory finish. Price 43O0; $1400 cadh, balance terms. Main 3787 J0IiNS0ND0DS0N CO. 632 633 684 N. W Bank bldg. $3000 $C30 DOWN 100 FT. TO CAR Modem 5 room bungalow in very nice condi tion. The care that this place has had makes it better than new. Mt Scott car. Call even ings, JlHtiorl 606. BEAUMONT Tt WmiM otc ftnOO tn K,.il 1 .1 - - - - w fi,.,,. uiu iwum aione. tj,t i. wnrtk tl'lflA 1 I . uvb w nwaiu V - " n V ltl ll wr I J IllUUCni .1 room bungalow, on first floor; sleeping porch, sewing room and extra bedroom upstairs. HARRIS & MAXWELL Main 2831. 304 Railway Exchante FOR SALE. 7 room house. East 29th st near lloyt, semi-modem, cement basement cement floor; can take immediate possession, $3250. Terms. A good buy; see it Inquire D. W. Jiarsn, room ton, McKay bidg. East ElsrhthAnkenv Comer. 100x100. 4 good houses, $12,000 Very good investment 1123 Uasco bldg. En- ALAMEDA Park bungalow. Fine. new. 6 rooms ....?"lwoo1 floor: 'l modern, classy home.' Ui aocept a lot in Alameda Park, Irving ton or iAurelhund and cash first payment Price $O00. Wdln. 6313. wmenw race HOUSE and some furniture for sale. Woodlawn 3841. Phone FOR SALE LOTS v CI!?.,C,,V'.i f",billi" on E. 46th at. Roe "IV . . Pi. i.-n or trade. '"r. on eitn st m. Tabor 4211 100i2T6 on. mut at ii ' . i . walWng distance 8. P. abovs and Central Door 4k Lumber Co. B-467. JournaL , REAL ESTATE FOB SKIT. LOTS 1 VACANT property waa never lower; buy now: a safe, sane investment or future borne site. START NOW so yon may save that rent. Price as low as $500. $50 cash, f 10 monthly. Only 18 minute' ear ride to Washington at., near Peninsula park. Main 8787. JOiiNSON-DODSON CO. 832. 683, 634 N. W. Bank bldg. CLOSING OCT A FEW LOTS" AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE Some fine comers included: near a beautiful park, high and grade achooU and street car. While sale Is on only $500; $50 cash. $10 monthly. ' You should investigate at or.ee. Main $787. JOIiNSON-DODSON CO. 682-638-634 N. W. flank Bldg. ACREAGE ? Clarke County Wash. 13 acree, located on good rock road, near RMgefield. Creek on place and water fysttui. All good land. 9 aciw under cultivation. 6 acre seeded to paeture. Good 4 room hooe. barn, chicken house and few fruit tree. Rani full of hay. 4 acre of clover and 2 acres -ceded to rheat. Price $2100,U0O0 cah. Personally inspected. Photo at -.fice. JOHN FERGU80N, Gerlinger bldg. 10 ACRES All cultivated, the finest ever; only 35 minutes' auto run from Hawthorne bridge, paved road entire distance. Come, let me tell you about it and yon will want tn see it. 28 acres near Oswego. Over 20 cultivated. Buildings and some fruit. Splendid soil. Bar gain price if you hurry. Po8.-ion Dec. 1. I C. DAVIDSON. 918 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY 35 MINUTES OUT 2 acres, located on the electric line and county road, n.ar the station. Iu Bonita Mead ows. Fine garden, land. All under cultivation. Tiled. New lath land plastered house 14x24. Price $1050 tor all cah. or $1100 on time. Personally inspected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg OREGON CITY LINE 1 acre, all under cultivation, fruit and her ries in abundance. Good 4 room house, on macadamized road, near Concord school. Price $1500. $500 cah. Peraonally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. $100 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY 111 acres of logged off land, welt built 5 room bungalow, in Klickitat county, Wash. Log It R thrnnoh V ,,,- m l . ,1. .1 1 I', r ttrularly adapted to fruit raising. Total price I $1600, Fred w. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com merce. Open Sundays. A NICE acre home. 9 cent fare, close to sta tion, running stream all yt-ar. small new cottage, one or two acre adjoining can be bought; this place is fine for poultry. Price $1350; term?. 1123 Gssco bl.lg. Entrance 1125. Main 5456. OH ACHES cleared. 4 rorn house. bariT chicken house, 300 bearing fruit trees, clo-e to Ottrell station on Bull Run carline; would take 5 or rl room house in trade. 20'J Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 7 ACRES NEAR CAR Good soil, part in cult, close to electric sta- tion. Work nearby. More land if you want. ; $750; $100 down. Draper. 526 Chamber of Commerce. FOUR ACRES Oregon Cily line, lovely location, big bargain if you come right away; owner wants to sell very badly. Eay terms. SMITH. 218 Alisky bldg., 3rd and Morrison. HERE'S a -nap. 4 acre strawberries 2 year old Will more than pay for themselves the first year. Price $1100. 1 mile from Canny, Or. 228 Wft Broadway. 16 ACRES, Urge fir timber, some cedar, close to Glllis ststion on Bull Run carline; fine soil, no gravel; $8200, terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1638 2 At ('RES at Auby Junction, one-half cleared, ilanre fir vrove: $1000, terms. Broad- balai way 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. vi. ojiv.c, 1 acre at airi.er, uo vnryun Electric; new four-room house and chicken licuse. V. F Carson. l , i ii c.i t.- , . . r . 1 1 FOK TRADE 40 acres of farm land for auto. 6640 8!th S. E. , Lents. Rl'BCRBAX ACREAtlE 74 FOR SALE 22 acres. 4 houses, bam and dairy barns: 0 acres in strawberries and raspberrt" ; 6 acres in A-l orchard; 3 mile? from Bum;(lde bridges, between Precott and Alberta, on 42d pt. A. N. Steigerwsld. Phone Wdln 1578. PAYS $7 MONTH Oregon City line, price $475; almost nothing down; big bargain in tins; nice location. Smith. 218 Alisky bldg., 3rd and Morrison. SUBURBAN HOMES MULTNOMAH REAL ESTATE IS MOVING i If you wth a choice building site in this section, get busy. Io ynit realixe that the i southwestern portion of Multnomah count v is I composed of hillocks and vales? Only a lim I ited part nf this land is sightly. This is where you should get interested. The views obtained ! in this section are enchanting, both over the , Tualatin valley and the Coat Range moun- tains to the west, a well a Mt Hood and the Cascade range to the eaat i A few rhi"e sites are till left in SOUTH ! MULTNOMAH HALF ACRES. wlre the land j ne, w:ui improvemeriU in the street, ready for your building. Yin can get a choice building tract of one half acre for as low as $550, on terms of 10 per cent down and $10 a month. On the Garden Home brunch of the Pacific highwajr lies LUNALILOl This is a wonderful slope of choice quarter acres, with a magnifi cent view of the Tualatin valley lying eter before it. with Council Crest and Portland Heights hills in the background. Improvements are all in. Tracts for sale here as low as $500 for quarter acres. And then there is PRIMROSE PLACE, that beautiful addition sloping back fr-mi the high way with a view both to the east and to the west; improvements all in; that invites you for Inspection. Don't delay in the matter of investigating MULTNOMAH. Call Main 880 and make a date for an in spection trip. We will take you out over the Ter linger blvd. and show you around. Seeing is believing. The proof of the nuddin i in the eating thereof. Help yourself. 1 am at your service. BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park M SUBURBAN ys ACRE Near station, 0-room bungalow, modern con veniences; good barn or garaga and chicken house; bearing fruit trees. Lot is long, suit able for large chicken yard at year. Price $3800. Geo. E. Main 7266. Eraglelhart Co. 24 Henry Building Si T - O T - I T . v 1 acre apples, 5 more cultivation. 3 room heme. 9 mile nut Income this year over $89. Prico $3500 Mtg $1100. COE A M'KENNA & CO. 82 4th st. Main 6 S 71 . Main 4522 FOB BALE-FA RMS 1 7 TWO farms in a first class neighborhood No better wiil to be had. Clo-e to Portland school. Auto road. With good buildings. Good water. They are splendid farms. One of 40 acies. all in cultivation, level land; price $7000 with terms. The other 110 acres, 65 in crop this year, 30 in pasture, balance timber; price $14,700. We will be pleased to chow these Places. COE A M'KENNA & CO . 82 4th .-t. Main 0871. Main 4,22 g MY RANCH FOR SAL& 180 acre, 50 acre plow ground, 60 acre pasture, balance timber, plenty of water, 2 barna. no house, fair orchard: a sawmill H mile from place: mile to school house; 10 acres already seeded for hay. mile to railroad sta tion at Wren. Or. 3 fine horses from 1500 to 1700 lbs. each; one new wagon; one 3-horse disc, one plow and harrow and seven head of young cattle; all to go with place for $57.40. Thos Casey. Wren. Benton Co.. Or. 50 MINUTES from Portland 54 acres of fine Clarke county land to be had at a bar gain, abont one half cleared. Ten acres of the finest swale lend. This is good black loam soil and will raise anything. The uncleared half can be easily cleared as it has been burned over and contains very few large stumps. One house, barn and other out buildings on place and a email family orchard. You can have this on yonr own terms or part trade. Phone Owner. WiMn. 6369. LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON, 20 acres, all can be cultivated, 8 acres un der cultivation. Good orchard, 23 assorted fruit trees. Good 3 room bungalow, ceiled and pa pered; 1 H miles from town, close to school. Place well fenced and crosa fenced: 3 springs, water piped to house. Price $2700, $700 cash, long time on balance at 6 per cent John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 500 ACRE stock and dairy ranch, right at ata tion, school, postoffice and store. All stock goes with ranch, consisting of grade and regis tered Jerseys. Lincoln sheep, horses and bogs, farm machinery. For full description, write If. S. Porter. Nortons, Or. ' THREE RIVERS BARGAINS SEE ME. 10 acres. Pasco: irrigated land. Price $800. 10 acres. Kennewick. $1750. Yakima1 valley bargain:. I tare yon money. Hover. 513 Sell ing bldg. Main 4993. , Land, land, only $100 down for a good 8. 10 or 15 aero tract of land on 8. P. sfertrlc. Work wwkn. rfaner. S2 ChamlMrtar Gtummmnm. r - i REAL ESTATB FOR SALE FARMS AU level, bet. SO and 60 acre in cult ; good 6 room house, the barn and outhouses are not much. Family fruit, good water, fine soil, no stone, on county road. 3 miles of the town of Molalla and to carlines. If yon want good soil and a place at the right price see this. Price $8500. $3000 down, bal time tt 1. 24 1-2 ACRES All level, very common buildings; do to live in; fine sandy loam soil, family fruit, good water. There ia no better berry and peach land In Oregon; team, 2 cows, 75 hens, pigs, wagon, plow, harrow, cultivator and all other too to; some hay' and spuds. 1 mile of Canby; price $4500; $2500 down, balance time. 2 All in cult., fine soil, living water, on fine road, i mile to carline, 6 room house, good barn, family fruit, fine lirine water runs the year round, school and church, almost join the place. Ixtndy location, 6 miles of Oregon Vuy. Price $4300. $2000 down. Balance time. 40 ACRES $3000 You can't improve it for wliat they ask for it. 30 acres In cultivation: the buildings are good; 6 room house, good basement, barn, all good outhouses, family fruit, living water, some timber. 2 miles of store, shipping point and carline; 8 miles of Oregon City on good road. Price $5000, part easli. Tnis is rolling land, fine so. I. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. 7th and Main St. Oregun Cily, Or. All level fine soil, 7 acred in cult, the bal. not hard to put in cult ; all open land, good 7 room house, harn and all outhouses; family fruit, good water. The place is bet Oregon City snd the town of Molalla. 1 mile from ttie little town of Mulino and carline. stores, gristmill, sawmill and a good shipping point, only -about 300 yards of the Molalla river good fishing, a dandy place to live, 11 miles Oregon City. S miles of the town of Molalla. Price $3500, $2000 down, balance time. 4 1-2 ACRES mile out of the city limits of Oregon Citv. all l.Tei and in cult., fine soil, good i room hou.e. barn and all outhoutes; all kinds of fruit, fine water. This place is 2 blocks of good sure and school. 1 miles of Main pt. Oregon City, sidewalk all the way to town. No better locations any place; price 12700; $1000 down, balance like rent, if you want to pay it that way. Will make a fine berry and chicken ranch. E P. ELLIOTT A SON. 7th and Main 8t. Oregon C-.ty. Or. 41 Affil S 15 in cultivation. 10 acres more easily cleared, balance good timber; 5 room house, barn, root house, orchard, fine spring for house; 5 miles Oregon City, on good road: U mile to good school. 1 y, miles to S. p. car line and Pacific nignway. J'r:ce 35O0, M. c.i-1 ACRES On Pacific highway. 93 in cultivation, good hoiue unci barn: 2 years aao this place threshed 9 bushels clover seed to acre; at present pric would net you $270 per acre. This must be sold to close an estate. Price $125 per acre only half iu value. S, O. DILLMAN 8th and Main Sta.. Oregon City. ONLY $69.0PER"ac.BE; WELL STOCKED AND EgUlPPED. acrss, located 1 miles weft of South em Pacific, on good gravel road, 100 acre un d.cr tuitivation and tilled, 04 acres pasture, some timber, good fence?, 4 acres orchard. 8 twin house, barn 36x50. biIo; buildings all in fine shape. With thi place goes 3 horses. 8 cows. 1 calf. 4 hog. 1 2 pitjs. 1 1 head Shropshire sheep, 36 goat. 70 chickens. 5 turkeys and crops, also 2 wagons. 2 plows. 3 seU of harness, mower, rake, di?c harrow, peg tooth harrow, cream separator, potato planter and digger, grain drill and lota of tools. $3000 cash. The much can be sold without the stock and equipment for about $39 per acre. located in Lane count, close to school, all rural conveniences and noar Eugene. Or. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. TOCI FARM 15 PER ACR 523. acres, nbout fioOO acTcs more leased nnder 10 year lea-e. 1300 acres un der cultivation, partly sown to wheat, 140 acre, irrlcsleil. mostly in alfalfa; place has, 3 sets of good building, home place house plastered, full basement, hrt water heal, fireplace, bath. el. -trie light: located at R. R. station; 200 yards to rchool. Prico only $15 per acre, ono third cah, balance easy term. This range atfordR abundance of pasture for winter. S. O. Dillman, fctli aria aiain st., Oregon city. 31 7 Al'RK.M tin nnn - Pnrtlaud will be a second Chicago as th livestock market of th Northwest This farm 24 8 acres, is cultivated bottom land. Close in! on anto mad, near river, near railroad. The best facilities for getting your products cheaply to market A running creek. A larre bam. good farmhou.se and various other buildings. e will be most pleased to show von this place hy appointment. Notice the price ii less than $100 per acr,'. CORBIN WITH TOE A. M'KENNV & CO , 82 4th st Main 4 522 Majn 6371. LINN COUNTY RANCH.' STOCK. CROP AND EQUIPMENT. 158 acres, located near Ihanon. Or. On good surfaced road. 50 acre nnder cultiva tion. 100 acres can be cultivated, balance good pasture; 2 acres orchard, 1 14 mile, to school : 0 room house, barn, chicken house and other buildings, silo and ehecp shed. price $61 per acre with 8 cows. 2 mares, Gurm-ey bull, har ness, wagon, mower, rake, cultivator, plows, disc harn w. peg t,w,th harrow. c.rn planter, grain drill end lots of tods, ensilage and 40 tons hay Iirce cash payment, John Fergu son. Gerlinger bidg. FARM SNAP This splendid H2 acre lanch, about 40 of which are in cultivation; house is plastered and contains eight large, airy rooms; has fireplace, concrete foundation and basement: five acres of commercial apple orchard, besides assorted family crchard. Barn 50x50 and other outbuildings; improvements alone erst over $5000. Total price $7S00, $2000 cash. located six miles frnm Beaver Creek in Clackamas county in the Clarks district. This is a real snap. Photo at office of Fred W. German Cov 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. DANDY CHICKEN "RANCH, CLOSE 7n 6 room new house and sleeping porch bath and toilet, chirken houses and barn. V aero all in cultivation, part bottom land, plenty ocr ries. some young fruit treee; 1 cow. bay and train, wood for winter, V, mile from sta on 1 ard road, 5 miles from Portland. Price $3800 terms MR. HENRY. Alder Hotel. Main 5273. 90 ACRES, on Pacific highway. 2 mileTTSrn" town. ,n R. R.. iu Southern Oregon; house barn, fruit, sprinjs. Money in turkeys. Try this place at $20 per acre. 160 acres, Molalla district. Some improve ment and cultivated. Right price and terms. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber cf Commerce. BEARING ENGLISH WALNUTS. 40 acres, located 5 mile from Newberg. Or., on good gravel road. 25 acres under cultivation' all land cin be cultivated. 15 acres in bearing Engml. walnuts with apple filler-, seme berries, cherries and plums; 4 room house, biean and rnrai conveniences. Price $S500. $3500 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 800 ACRES OF FINEFARMINGLAND" Half bottom, balance in foothills; ideal stock or dairy ranch, about 8 miles from Willamina Good buildings, good creek, spring for bonse nold use. Owner aniious to sell. Will sub divide if desired hy purchaser. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, 404 Piatt bidg 1"7 Park st. S2oAr;Ki;-5X wieat land in Washington for ISOOO. Good land, good water, small houe Fam for eight head. Will take iart in auto" liouae or enrage. All in cultivation COE A . M'KENNA A CO 82 4Ui st. Ma-.n 68,1. Main 4.V ' 49 ACRES, about 30 cleared and cultivated: fenced and cross fenced: faaiiiy orchard; 8 room house, barn, cement cellar, running water school about 200 yds. Snup st $4000. Frank K. 8tearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Residence Mar. 1682. FARMS WASTEH-REYT OB BUY S8 SMALL FARMS WANTED We have several buyers for small farms with stock and equipment From 80 to 60 acres, with half or more under cultivation. We can guarantee you quick action on such placet. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FARMS WANTED We have a splendid farm business. Selling many farms, can sell more if we get the right kind at the right price. See me. writtTme. about yours. We are the oldest, and most re liable realty dealers in Portland. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FARMS WANTED. ' . We have a splendid farm business. Selling many farms, can sell more if we can get the right kind at the right price. See me, or write me, about yours. We are the oldest and most reliable realty dealers in Portland. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXPERIENCED farmer with grown sons want to rent farm, stocked, fanning implements, or cere for fruit natch: Oregon or Washington. Write C-404. Journal. . "snwon. 80 AC1ES 15 ACRES REAL ESTATB FARMS wA'TElr BF.KT OR Bl'Y SS WE CAN eel) your farm if price is right. urt witn us. NORD-HAMPTON CO. Main 8246. 401 Stock Exch HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEAD and relinquishment wanted. Give details in first letter. I mean business. No agents. 780 Roosevelt. TIMBER 28 WANTED Fir timber, from 5 to 25 million feet Pay as cnt. We have gocsVmiU. Ad dress. P. O. box, 2047 Sta. A. EXCHANGE REA1- ESTATE SJ 8,000,000 FEET of timber, about equally di vided into cedar, spruce and hemlock, well located below Seaside: worth $2.50 per M. : will trade for Portland property at $1.25 per M. What have your T. D. Gregory. Lincoln apt. Main 480: ; CORNER LOT. 55x85: 5 room house with hath, cement basement, new plumbing, street improvements in and paid, west side; trade for 5 to 10 acres improved ranch near Portland. Phone Tabor 8721. 2190 Ewgene at. 4 ROOM cottage to trade for light car as first payment; bal. $10 per month. Inquire 943 X. Keliog. St. Johns. WANICD Rooming house. Have 160 acrcn. 20 in crop, all stocked, fine soil. See Harper. 24X Stark ft. Main 5429. TO TRADE any kind cf property see T. G Staley. 318 Railway Exchange. ; ALBERTA lands for sale, or trade, ' Moore. Main 8667. L. K WANTED HEAL ESTATE XI I $272 1 3.000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD I SINCE JANUARY 1. 1919 ! 808 HOUSES j This organization can sell houses. Every I house listed i inspected, photographed and ap- ! praised hy Frank L. McGuire personally and re port made on your nouse wnnoui cnarge. xou know that 12 real estate salesmen with auto mobiles, working in a well organized office, wlUeh spenda thousands and thousands of dol lars annually advertising homes exclusively, must get results. We are in touch with the major ity of buyers. List your home with us for re sults. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. AJbington bldi. Main 1068. Office Open Eveenings and Sundays. NOTICE ! TO " PROPERTY OWNERS An opportunity to have your horn inspected, ' appraised and photographed by an exrert ap- praiser, who will tell you what it is worth, and ,,what it can be sold for, all thi free service j which goes with our business. List your home with us to sell. We are doing special h:gb ' class advertising which will insure result. For ' prompt attention call E. M. PADDEN, SALES MANAGER ! BROADWAY 3H44 i METZGER PARKER FERGUSON CO. i FORMERLY STANLEY L. THOMPSON CO. I 302 OAK STREET. SUBURBAN 4 to 1 ACRE WANTED CASH WILL BE PAID MUST FRONT ON PAVED OR MACADAMIZED KOAD On moderately high land with good view, snd not be tar from an internrban station. Bull Kun water anil other modern conveniences re quired. Buyer waiting t make immediate pur- Geo. E. Eogiehart Co. Main "266. 2 4 Hpnry hldg YOUlt HOUSE might suit my buyers. I have them waiting. What have you V Your house will be given proper attention. Watch our ads. We get results. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201 -3-.-7 Board of Trade Building. SHACKS AND SM ALL HOMES-WAN TElT Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 400 homes in the last year If you want action lkt with us. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cliamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. LET us sell your house. Wc sell them, fur nished or unfumi. hcd 3 dy is our record. NORDHAMPTON CO. Vain 8245 401 Sicca Elch LIST YOUR HOUSES With me. 1 can sell them if priced right W. A. WRIGHT Main 5988. 417 Ablngton bldg. Sell. 1355 IMPORTANT NOTICB Ca-h paid for bargains in improved farm or city property; also money to loan. A K HILL. 215 I.umbermens bldg. FIVE or 6 room bouse or bungslow. glSuO to S3000. State term. Will purchase from owner. No agent. T-443, Journal. I WANT a bargain in a fractional lot with or without bonse, south of Montgomery street, between 6th and 20th at. H 78, Journal. WANTED A t a bargain for ca.-h. modern .borne not over $3500. P. O. box 1091. ROOMING HOrSRS, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE $3 SEE GODDARD FOR BARGAINS 28 rooms, modern, for $220(1, terms. Strictly modern ai't bouse for $3Hf0. 17 room, wet side, for $1350. terms. 12 steam heated rooms, west side. 10 beauiirul rooms. $10,0, terms. Others all size-, all price-. T BRUCE OODPARP. 501 2 COUCH P.I,IG. LIST YOUR ROOMING HOI HF, WITH US AND CET RESULTS NORDHAMPTON CO. Main 8245. 401 Bio, k Exii. FOR SALE Rooming and apartment houseT30 rooms, well furnished, fine location, full of tenants, gixid incnie. in Salem, stand investiga tion. Owner. 181 17th st., Marshall 2389. 10 ROOMS All H. K Rent, $40. Good west side location: always lull; electricity, fi:rnace, good home and income. $100. Thom son. f20-21 M-nry M:lg. A SNAP if taken at once; 18 housekeeping roomt from owner. 12th st. near Jefferson. D-fill, Journal. ROOMING house. 25 to 30 rwms of owner only Call Harper, Main 5429 nrsiXF.ss opportunities te BIG carnival outfit to exchange for clear ranch. Or will sell outright Fully equipped merry co round. Ferris wheel, 'hows, tents electric band, organs, tickets and music. Everything ready to go, including some good contract dates 1920, $5000 Corporation with good business organization. Best reasons for selling. II 04 0, Journal. CHANCE to buy a good grocery stock at in ventory; also 2-sfnry brick building with 6 room flat above. This will show a good in come: close in, near Laurelhurst Price $4500 $2000 cash, bal. mtg. Main 3787. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 032. 633. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED 1.0 men or women 10 Join me in developing 500 acres of land in Sonora, Mex ico; one share $1500, half cash. First crop will pay for land ; raise oranges, lemon, grain and fruits. I will be on the land in person to see to the work. Tractor plowing now. 60 day only. Charles Gilchrist, Gold Hill, Or. j Get in My Automobile i And I will show you grocery stores, confec j tioneriee or restaurants. Onlv places of merit handled. Mr. Mjore. BRUCE GODDARD. 501 -2 COUCH RLDG. ! FOR SALE One 2-ton Diamond T Truck 8 j months old; 1-ton Commerce truck 2 years I old : office and fixtures, storage and business at ; a sacrifice. Call at office during week at the noon hour, owner wants to leave town. 224 Taylor. G RO C E R Y"FORSToW" Has living rami, in live locality. BRUCE 1 GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. WANTED 30 rooms, up to. $3000. from owner. Half cash. Call Harper, Scandinavian American Realty Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. FOR SALE Best chili "paTiorin PortUn j "at a bargain, account of illness, located at 108 N. 3d. ntxr to waiting room. 3d arfd Glisan Broad sy 33 11 $1600 BUYS corner ca-h grocery, confection ery, t ibacco, etc : modern living rooms, rent 20; long lea . Cor. Mississippi and Prescjit i'hone Wccdiar. .1275. $1150 RESTAURANT. $750 cash, terms on bale nee. good location, receipts $65 per day. See Harper, Scandinavian-American Realty Co. 248 Stark st Main 5439. NEAT, clean, up-to-date cash-and-carry grocery for sale; daily receipts average $4 5 to $50 Fast 2900. 558 Williami ave. GROCERYMAN and general md-e.. careful buyer; yean, in harness; married, dependable references. It-642. Journal. BARGAIN for cash, 2 greenhouses, 20x100. 12x50. two-room house snd three lots with in i I y limit-: X 1 T.'iO'' Tsbor 7329, Evening'. IF YOC hsve real ability, let me teach you to earn $5000 up working for yourrlf in 1920 J. W. Dy. 610 Board of Trade, Portland. 50O BUSINESS CARDS $1.45 Ryder Ptg. Co., Main 5586. 191 H 3d rt. MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE 87 $300 $400 $500 $600 $760 a"nd iipT lowest rates; quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co., 031 Chamber of Commerce. -Main 1870. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Hoard of Trade bldt. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark $1000. $1500, g'JOOO and up; no cnmnuseJon. F H. -M:HOX, 618 Cham, of Con, bldg. $10,000 6-7 per cent, sums to an it; no eon. ara, attorney. 407 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security; no agents. V-IO, Journal. MOyET TO LOA!f REAL ESTATE 17 OUR INSTALLMENT plan 1 the beat n surest method of, paying a lean: $82.29 per month for 36 months; or $21.24 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 96 month.", pay $1000 loan and interest Other amount fn proportion. W'e loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commiftdon charged. ' EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 24 2 Stark St. Portland, Or. MONEY to loan on improved Willamette val ley farms for such periods and on each terms as to repayment a will stilt the raquire rnenu of borrowers, My long connection with and thorough knowledge M the vs'ley enable me to give prompt service. No commiaaion charged. Address U'm. Meat aster. ,881 U. S. National Bank bldg., Portland, Or. PRIVATE MONEYS $16,000 for immediate loans; will divide. City, Acreage, or Farms. 52.1 Henry bldg. Marihall58&8. $1000 TO LOAN by individual who will consider any good real estate security. 7 pet cent, for 3 years. 11-112. Journal. MONET TO LOAN On real estate -ecurity at going rates of Interest Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of commerce. j $Tob $400 $;ui0 $750 $1000 and up at I lowest tsts; quick action. Fred W German j Co-. 732 Chamoer of Commerce. Main 6443. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work Droureseee. W G. 1 Beck. 215 and 2 16 Failing bldg. Main 3407 MONEY TO LOAN In amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Room 10 and 1 1 Mulkey bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES . 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY IX) A.N 8 MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS REAL ESTATE. BONDS, OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUK PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OH ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS 8TRICTLT CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-307 PLKUM BLDG , 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. Phone Broadway 910. 394 Stark st, near 10th. Loans cn diamonds, watcher, Vlctroias, pianos, kodak", shotguns, furniture, musical iii-trumeuts and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF FORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER City and county warrants cashed at face valut. CARRIE MYERS HERMAN Manager. ARE YOU IN DEBT? THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 267 S OAK ST.. LEWIS BLDG OFFICERED AND MANAGED BY PORT LAND S LEADING BUSINESS MEN AND LABOR REPRESENTATIVES LOANS MADE To WAGE EARNERS On THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY IN SUMS OF $10 TO $500 AT 8 PER ANNUM PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE WEEKLY OH MONTHLY Salary 1 OANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to alariid or wotkingmen on Ihsh- own notes. Weekly, semimonthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly eonfijertia' NO MORTGAGE. NO INIKIRaEK! ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY ( LICENSED ) 218 Failing bldg. MONEY LOANED ON" Antos. Furniture. Pianos, Virlrola, warehouse receipts, bond and ail kind of securities. (Legal rates I W. A. Hathaway. Room 208, Washington bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rat.s; ail articles held a year. Established since I8S Dan Marx. 283 Washington st GEO. HARVEY loan money on house hold, guucu. legal rates Tabor 3800 LOA'S WASTED $ FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $m00 UP F II DESHo'. J,i Cham. ofCom. hl.lg. $T00 THRKE year mortgage on clear home, three blocks Broadway car. Wdln. 1955. SEE OREGON INV." MOHTG AGE "Co."232 Chamber of Ccmnieree. 4th and Htark FINANCIAL 51 WE BUY AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS MAKE MORTGAGE U.IANS CHATTEL MORTGAGES WRITE FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY IN8UHANCE EXILE BURKITT. PRESIDENT OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND AT 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE f AH due coupon interest Included.) 3. H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OK TRADE BONDS BOrcHI SPOT CASH! MARKET TRICEI CASH FOR RECEIPTS. We LOAN money on BONDS. War Savings Stamps; 7 per cent. 725 GASCO BLDG., FIFTH AND ALDER CELLARS MI RTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen! bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 OFFER big gray inure lor sale for $70 cash Also 1600 ib. sorrel horse and 28O0 ib. team in good shape, ju-t from country. Har ness, farm wagon. Woodstock car to E. :trlth and Glad-tone, two blocks north to 10B7 Fruncis. Phone Sell. 1 212. FOR SALE GoeAe neck wagon, good condition. Will sell cheap or trade for anything of (value. What have jou? Phone Main 1123. or vn air. oyuoen, x-iiera jauaic otag., n wasn ington st IOST n..t; will sell reasonable, gray horse weighing about 1 5oO lbs. ; sound, true and in good shape, with nearly new 2 inch butt chain harness. 1087 Francis ave., cor. E. 86th t Woodstock car. BLACK team. 30007" good workers. $250" Black horc. 1100. 40. Puir of -mall hcrses with harness, $05 for all Team of chunks. 2200. $80. One good wagon, $35. 430 Hawthorne. FOR SALE Horses and liamess of all kind. Will sell right out ef the harness as they are working. Have wagons, scrapers, plows and dump cars, wheelers, wheel scrapers a good as new. Phil Suetter. 286 Front st. Crown S tables. 2500 Lit. team of bay mare,, liarne-;s and farm wagon. $1Af; also a three section luurow, two 12-in. plows and a feed cutter, cheap. 61 RuAll et., near Union sve JUST in from the farm, complete ranch outfit ; sll in good conditfam ; very cheap for quick csali sale. Call 892 Knott i-t, H block oat of Union ave. N. WANTED Team horses, harness and 2 H farm wagon, all or part; horses' weight 1100 lbs op. A good home and light work. Mast be cheap for cash. D 644, Journal. TEAslr -Ti oil lhi "each! chunky buTlt, with harness and light i farm wagon, sldO 356 Russell st. near Union aie. WEHIRE by the day, week or month and sell on commission. Will buy any good work horse. Phil Suetter, 285 Front St. Crown Stables. WILL sell cheap: 1 team 2450 lbs . 1 team 2800. with harness. 3838 82d S. E.. Mt Bcott car. FOR SALE Cheap;! 1 team, wt 2900; 1 team, wt 2400; both with good harness. No need for them. 6624 86tb st M. 8. car. TEAM of large borses, harness and wagon"; bargain at $250. Take Oregon City car, get off t Prk Place, inquire at lumber yard. LIGHT orchanl team; good harness, low chunk; both black: are u--d to farm and orchard work. Eaat 8701. HOR8E and wagon, $ 1 . 5 iper day ; 2 horses and wagon. $3. i. Cohen. 546 Front. Main 2208. ALL kinds of waonsr buggies and barntsi. 302 Jiue or drive. Call Tabor 125. 30 SOUND 1200hTH. mare; al-o r550lb! horse cheap. Atlasi Woodysrd. 327 Front DKAX) Bersee taken Quick. Cask paid fee dead cows. Tabor 420$. , HORSES. TEHICLES. ETC 18 MAKES and horse. 4 to year old. weight 1800 to 1800 lb TliVte horse are all low down blocky built chunk with lot of bone and quality: some well matched teams; each and every horse sold with a guarantee. Trial allowed. Sanitary Stables, 385 Union ave., cor. Stevens st L. Glass. L'. S. STABLES, just a few noraee left. After December i my location will be the u. I t.. (table. 17tb and Kearney, where I will' be pleased to meet all my old patrons. As always, I will stock the best horses money can bny. G. D. WiUiainson. 2600 I.B team mare, hameas and Stt wide tire farm Agf.n. Tike Mt Srott ear to Tnmi.nt station 4 blotk south to 65th, 1 wot 71t. 8 W. corner LIVESTOCK MILCH goats, Toggenberg doe. to kid Feb. 9; gallon milker when fresh. $70; 2 early spring doe kids. 1 bred. $35 each, both $65; Saanen doe kid. bred. $33. all 3 for $100; 2 fine doe kids, 2 months, worth $50. check for $33 take them. I. F Worncni. 8 7th nnd H. Hex 84 4. Vnconr. Wash. Phone 26F25. TWO f:ne cows, one yellow Jersey and one Guernsey, both fresh less than two weeks and giving four ga'lous per day. I raised these cows and will gladly guarantee them. Can be seen at 365 Union avenue south. Phone East 8778. 8 FRESH cows. 4 and 3 gal. per day. extra nch miU; some guod family cows, cheap. Will sell or trade for beef cows. 1160 Ma cadam st.. South Portland car to end of line, 3 blocks south to Richardson are., 1 block east, in pasture. WE HAVE established good market for dairy cows at the st.iekyards at North Port land. If you wish to buy any good diry cows or have any to sell see Mr. Bruce at the Union htockyands. North Portland. Oregon. HAVE cows, horees, chickens for aale or if nec essary will lease them Place is also for rent. Hester Bruv. 4 miles west of Gaston. Or. Pat ton Valley road. C. S. MAY Expressing. Furniture and live stock moved anywhere. Main 303O. Tabor 662. ONE car load of fresh milch cows for sale. I sn be seen M n ; take Vancouver car to Colum bia blvd . 1 blk. north. FAMILY cow. roan Durham, easiest milker tn country. Price rtjht Lucille Allen, 94 E. 45th tt. FRESH covT! Take Mt Svoit cr 10 Tn-mont F.talion. 4 blocks south to 65th. 1 west. 71st st. S. . corner. FOR SALE A few Shropshire ewes and regis tered ram II. J. Feathers, Clackamas, Or. S FRESH cows. 688 Powel :t2d Voi d tock car. Valley road. A FINE Holstein heifer. Front at soon to be fresh. 802 FOR SALE 2 fresh dairy cows. 1 No. 1 'family cow. 70th and Ilaasaki at. 10 JUST fre h gentle dairy and family cows, all breed-. 7 5 1 E. Ash st. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Hand Red cockerels for ..ale. $2 to $4. 4S20 i!2d ave. lv POTLTRY AND RAUDiiA J THE West's greatest di-iday" of poultry and rabbit-. The Western Winter Show. Portland, pec 15 to 211. official show of R. 1. Red. Black Ort'incton, Black Minorca clubs; S15O0 cash premiums guaranteed. Entries close Dec. 6, C. S. Whitmore. Sec. 373 YamhUl st, Port land. FIFTY-" Barred-" Rocks!" 50 WhVte "leghorns, "25 Rhode Island Red pullets, nearly ready to lay, $2 each; 150 yearling White Ieghorn l.ens. high quality Hognnircd stock. $1.33 rach. J. R Maguire. 787 Oregon st. near E 24 'h. RAISEli two turkey hens on corn and wheal, weight about HI pound; uslnt one myself. other for sale. $10. Nothing better. 580 E. Stark. Fast 263 5. i WE PAY CASH FOR POULTRY I Fete. Puppies, of all kinds. I Cash Produce Co . 300 IC. Morrison. East 6122. SIX thoroughbred Rouen ducks, on pen of thor j oughhred White Leghorn chickens. 3225 89th ave. S. E. NEW ZKAI.ANP. Flemish snd Sllvertone rab bits; also chickens for sale; good stock. 475 Morrison. FOR-SALE Hens st $ 1725 lo-$1.60 each and Indian runner ducks at $2 each. 875 E. 2Mh st. S. THREE cows. 2 fresh. $50 to $185. Leghorn ! hens, $1 each'. 20 Barred Rock pullets cheap. Mt Scott carto 57th ave. S.F... west Jo 6686. I CHOICE-R7TTHVd cTckcrels cockerels for sale 1 from Owen besrpeus. $5 up. Phone Woodlawn I 49G at 1313 Burrage st. j SOM I-I H I Red "and hit" Leghorn cockerels f-r sale cheap. Mar-hall 2178 120 EGG incubator" and "brooder. 2001 Gli-an t. or 88 7th st M V. car. FOR" SALE PulletsT" early R.l. iteds7Whlte Leghorn. 5531 30th sve. 8. E PUKE fUrred I(h-V pullets and cockt rels. 1 1 E. 81st rt N. TaNir 1259. FOR SALE - 1019 Maxwell bargain. See Bon ham Auto Kale IV... Oi.h snd Couch WlifTri-leghorn pullets for-ele7"$ 1 . SV) each. 63115 42nd st. 8 E. ScIIwood 4470. 1 t IMIZKN Buttercup Irfia. ronwter: also stand of bees. 44 E. 7Sth N.. M. V. car. j WANTED RanUm. 1127E.25th stN. OOGS-IRTI.'H J'ETS. ETC. 4$ THOMSON S bird store buys and sell guarsn j terd lingers. Mall order business. Metxger. ! Or. , WANTED A snisll short hsired dog: prefer 1 foxierricr; must be reasonable. 1133 E. j 21st N. I POLICE dog or ReJ Cross dog puppies make tine lasting hrtstmas gifts. Speedway ken nel,. Tabor 5088. FOR SALE Four Boston bull pups, 3 months oM: pedigreed, perfect mark. 304 Park st. Main 4016. StTTaNDHEASBURG Roller and females; good stock. Tabor 7320 CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shop." Singers guaranteed 1 5 1 E. 2th N C-2217. GUARANTEED St Andreisburg rouera.-"Tabor 7654. THE PADEREWfiKI CATTERY-' Orange Persian kitten of quality. East 8967. CHOICE "canary-birds "for "sale at T 504-E An keny st I'hone East 5418. AUTOMOBILES AXD ACCESSORIES 44 NASH 6. $1250; TERMS This is guaranteed ss s new car. 421 Bnrn- side et Ll'iHT 1917 Overland, A-l condition, good tires, good top, run less thsn IOOO miles; a bargain. Can be seeu at 1264 Division Gall Tr.bor 1231. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918. in fine condi tion. good tyres and paint: will sell at $650 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N'., near Burn side. PACKARD touring car for sale cheap, 8 pas senger; first class condition, mechanically and otherwise. Will bear closest investigation. Let '18 mcilel Telephnne Et 1088. OVERLAND touring, model 83. in fine condi tion, used privately; will sell at $625 and give some terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burn side. FORI) touring, late model, mechanically perfect. looks like new; extra equipment. This is a barcain at $433; very easy terms. 126 East 8th near Morrison, or Esst 7909. CHEVROLET tourini. ToisT' lnery best of condition mechsmrslly; will sacrifice at $050 and give term. 30 Grand ave N near Burn side. FOR SALE-Ford touring car. excellent condl tion. Stromberg carburetor, speedometer, elec tric tail light Owner must leave town. Wood lawn 1958 STCPE B A K ER four tounng. 1917 model, in best of condition; good paint and tires; own ers sacrifice; a real bargain at $750 with terms 30 Grand ave. N!, near Burnside. WOULD trade half block town "property with all improvement paid, for a light six or medium fowrsuto. Would consider difference either way. Woodlawn 6206. SfAXWELL tonrimt 1817. in best of condf Hon; owner must sell. A bargain at $800, with terms. 30 Grand ve. N , near Riirnsido.' 1 BRAND NEW Ford sedan, electrle starter and everything; bargain; terms. Call Broad way 3247. MAXWELL 1919 touring in best of condition; good tires, owner' sacrifice; g bargain at $950. 30 Grand are. V.. near Bnmside. FORD roadster. 1917, good condition fhv mountable rims and extra tire; new spotlight $400. with terms. East 8731. FORD delivery, good Ure; will tell at $876 with term. 30 Grand . N., near Born side. EXPERT Chevrolet ind Ford repairing; trie towing; reasonable rate. 424 Belmont DCBRUILLI TOP COMPANY tli at Oak. Broadway 1664 FORD runabout in good mechanical condition; leaving town, most aell A snap at $273, with terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FOR S SALE Cadillac bug; good condition. Price $250. 923' E. Gliaen. Tel. B-1451. A bargain, and will consider terms. GARAGES ready -mad in sections, bolted to gether. Portable Garage ft Cot tag Co., cor. Hood and Whitaker. GASOLINE 24 CENTS! A GALLON, OILS AND GREASES. pfON EER PAINT Co.. 186 1ST. 1 91 3 STUPKBAKER" 4, in good rterTA"ba7. gam at $ 500. Hearer garage. 209 Union N. VCI-CAMZING and retreading. V. L Tire 8ta- taon, 109 11th at, aear Wssbiuto- v AUTOMOBILES A BCD ACCESSORIES 44 ,' FORDS FORDS FORDS ALL MODELS NEW AND USED 1918 Ford sedan, bargain. 1918 Ford touring. Ilk new. 1917 Ford touring, several extra. 1918 Ford truck. A-l condition. -'" -1917 Ford chassis, A-l condition. tj ' 1915 Ford bug, very classy. , - PALACE GARAGE COMPANY Authorized Ford Dealer ' w Sales and Service ... Twelfth and Stark Streets Broadway 1372 A-24tt '1 D. C. CAR CO. 58 N. 23rd St.. Main 780 Easy terms. We Also Trade. 1918 Olds Sedan, thoroughly overhauled and repainted, a strictly high clew job $1800 1919 Velie. almost uew 1650 1919 Vehe. strictly first i-lass I BOO 1919 Velie, 4-wms. chummy roadster.... 1300 1B1K Velie. revarntshed. A-l condition . . 1S00 . 1918 V.lie. as above, maroon ftntsh. . . . 180O I 1917 Velie. 4 pass, chilmmv roadster... lOOIt 1 1917 Velie, 5-pasa., A 1 condition 1000 1917 Vlie. 5 -pass . excellent value.... 950 I 1917 Stiidebaker. 4-cyl . B tires flSO : 1B17 Saxon Six. good tires 7011 1 1918 Saxon six, a dandy 830 " 1019 Overland, almost like new 900 1017 Overland, fl-cjl., 5-pass 775 1914 Overland. elec. euuipmenl, good tires ISO D0D0E5D0DGES 1918 IKjdg. touring 1916 Podge touring .$1000 . $ 630 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. , MatcfoeSII Light Six 5 1 .as.. 0 cyl.. 120 wheel bae. E Z-Hidcr. Overhauled and refinished. . Equipprd with 2 cord tires on rear, front . fabric. One extra tire, bumper and windshield wings. Here is your chance to secure a high grade car for onlv 12SO terms iver If delrd. MITCHELL, LEWBS -& STAYER CO. Broadway amf Oak Sta. Phonos Bdwy 51 5. A -8843. WHEN TOIJ WRECK KM AND BEND KM, REE G. G. GERBER THE BAPlATo4i,.MAN' builds bodies, replrs ra diators, bodies, fender and all auto sheet metal part. NEW lOCATION 11TII AND DAVIS -OPP. THE ARMORY BROADWAY 1873 CHALMERS HOT SPOT RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; GOOD TIRES AND A I MECHANICAL SHAI'K. CALL ADAMS. MAR, 6342 OR TABOR 630. .I-AJtER. ADTD SPRING CO 1 .1,000 carried in stict. Our springs sold with a wrlttrn guarantee. We give you service. 34 N. 1 5th st. 1917 BUICK SIX. good tires and paint. This car can be hoitghr ritfl-t on easy terms. , C. H. S. CO. 05 N. 23d 81. Marshall 142. NOW IS THE TIME to have your Urea re treaded. Ernnoroy. safety, non skid. Prices reasons!), correct mlhd. eiperienoed work men, satisfaction guaranteed If your tire is net worth repairing, we will tell you. Money saved on new and ned tires. VULCAN TIRE SHOP. 41 Grand sve. . Phone East 4896. XVK WILL put you in direct connection wlta owner of any make or priced automobile or track and assist you financially In the purchase of same. List your csr with us snd take t vantage of our quick selling plan. Antot direol from owner to buyer, MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, 835 Railway Exeb. bldg. Main 37. FORD ROADSTER Perfect mechanical order, at $360. 630 Alder at HERE is the SPEEDSTER that fades them all. Burness rsclng body on 1018 Chevrolet chassis. Fenders and windshield. Price reasonable. BURNESS A MARTIN. 15th and Aider. A UTOMOBILE PE A LE II9-ATTENTI01I We are prejisred to handl your financial natters and give you excellent service; sll kind insurance written. NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO.. Lnmbermena building. Telephone Broadway 1080. I REO roadster. $850; terms; $250 cash, be. 10 payment. Car at 421 Burnside at ' CHANDLER 7 pass., looks Ilk new. s I and must be sold at one. 630 1M.I """" - 1 lBiff CHEVROLET, $660; terms. 411 flu re side st. CASH FOR CARS I will pay cash for any light late 'model tour ing or roadster. Must run good. Bring your ear to the Red Front Used Car Co , 003 Aider it No talk, w pay cash. - t PART ilCSTltEALTzi; money on tils cr t once. Come in and make offer on this good looking, good rubbered 6-passenger '17 Mas well: no reasonable offer refused; terms to suit Cr 240l t Portland garage BIG STOCK US"Eb"CAROK NO UIHRKPRI-aVN'TlTine i Covey Motor Car Co. AUTO TRIMMING AND IE- ' HOLSTEHING CO. AUTO TOPS. 8IDB CURTAINS) 409 Dv1s st. bet 0th snd 1 Ofh.B road way 2017, FOR SALE by m. on 6 cyl. 7 pass, ear to clean np estate Car ha new top, 8 tire ' snd new paint )ob. It is a real bargain. Phone Broadway 4 640. . BIG Hupp touring re'lnlshed like new stid will please you. Low price of $923 with $800 . down, bX long easy terms. , . 60SA!ier st ' WINTON six, 191 2 "model, new psint, new tires. ear in best of condition; a snap at $390, Will -. give term to responsible party. Call Woodlawm . 131. FOR SALE By owner, a 191 S Hupnobilss , $375. 443 Stark. Broadway 3682 or Main 6403. - - 1918 5 PASS. Ford, will give liberal term.) Private owner. East 6208. 61 E. Uei-' lison, . NEW 280 gallon Wayne tank and pump at tefC and right price. 4 3d and Division. Liberty . Auto ReilT Co. Tahor 1231. "' MY Ute model Paige, looks like aew, runs per- " fectly. $1100 take it. 281 Front, comer Jefferson. ' DODGE roadster, bargain $5"25. Good conditio! - 1 6120 P for- Woodlawn $439. - DODGE car for sate by owner at $44 "Rosa ft. ? Gen Be seew after p. ta. OVLKLAND ,1917, 85-4, a dandy ear and -right price. Cooper. East $208. -- ' Oontlnuesl oa renewing Pag ,