The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 23, 1919, Page 19, Image 19

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Fierce-Arrow, Mexican Petroleum,
Crucible Steel and Other
Stocks Share Upward Trend.
Wall Str,eet Is Convinced That
General Public Is Letting the
Market Alone at Present Time.
v II I I I
1y Broadan Wall
New York, Nov. 22. Stocks were
Strong in Wall Btreet today, with the
speculative sugar shares in leader
ship. Particular strength was dis
played by Pierce Arrow, Mexican
Petroleum, Crucible Steel, General
Motors and Punta Allegra Sugar.
Business was on a light scale be
cause so many Wall street people
were absent for week ends. The
fact that the market was quiet be
cause of their absence proves its
highly professional character.
It is probabje that tjfe break of Fri
day afternoon was caused by liquida
tion of professionals in anticipation of
today's absence. When the public was
In the market a few weeks ago week
ends made little difference with the vol
ume of loading, which was often rela
tively heavier on Saturdays than on
other days. This fact as disclosed to
day confirms the theory that the pub
lic Is letting the market alone and that
the advanceB being made are chiefly for
the purpose of tempting the public back.
In many stocks the advances are due
to a replacement by banking interests
of immense lines liquidated in prepara
tion for the slump that began two
weeks ago.
General motors sold but slightly above
330, while the new stock was selling at
35 on the curb. The new stock is to
be issued for the old at the rate of 10
for one, and its price means 350 for the
old general motors. By purchasing the
old and selling the new there is an
arbitrage profit of 20 points. Traders
hesitate to take advantage of this ar
bitrage because they fear some Joker
There is some hesitation for fear the
plan might not go' through, in which
event they would be left holding the
old general motors stock.
They hesitated the same way about
taking advantage of the arbitrage of 40
to 50 points that was possible between
American tobacco and A. T. securities
for several days. Those who did take
advantage of the tobacco arbitrage made
handsome profits. It Is not likely that
the General Motors company would call
a meeting unless certain that the plan
will go through.
The proposition of Henry Ford to
put motorv busses In Toledo and have
the street vcar tracks torn up In that
city is looked upon by bankers as only
the beginning of a nationwide move
ment to get rid of all trolley cars. This
is causing renewed buying of automo
bile and petroleum stocks and renewed
liquidation of stocks of trolley com
panies. This la not likely to hurt stocks of
electrical manufacturing companies, be
cause as the trolley companies cease
using the current the price of current
will decline and that will be an argu
ment for the use of more electrical ap
paratus in the homes of the people. In
some of the 'backwoods homes up New
York state housewives use electric
cookers, irons, toasters and curling
trons and use them freely to an extent
that would astonish the women in New
York city, where the high price of cur
rent makes the household accessories
f jtaoOonl
I 1 1 I L
Eighty Members of Association
Attend Meeting; Fight on Brok
en Bottles Is Launched.
kit m laL EL
V)l lift I 1
ii sr.
col In
I Cfpr
-4 TYUOF i ST. , . .
i i i i i n i ' r I I 1 1 i t i r
Dianram of street- afCi'ded by one-way traffic regulation proposed by Captain Lewis of police bureau and indorsed
by the mayor. The regulations will be expressed in the form of an ordinance upon which It is prohable pub
lic hearinfjs will be held. One-way trarftr is advised to lessen congestion and danger or accidents. Immedi
ately proposed changes only are shown. Intler immediate plan Rose City Park and Beaumont cars would be
routed north on Second instead of First and Fulton cars would operate on Third instead of Second street.
He Got
Not Kind
Information, But
m k n m.
He Had Asked For
in a mo-
in a mo-
in a mo-
on Union
and East
"Number, please?"
"Information !"
(Wait about minute.)
"Information will answer
(Wait about minute.)
"Information will answer
merit. l
(Wait about minute.)
"Information will answer
"This is information." t
"Information will answer
"Yes, this is information."
"Have you a telephone number
Pnulson, auto repair shop
avenue between Kast Clay
(Iong wait.)
"What did you say the business was?"
"Auto repair shop."
(Long wait.)
"Is it a business or residence tele
phone you want?"
(Ixng wait.)
"We have a Paulson machine
listed at fourteenth and Pettygrove
streets; is that the one?"
"No. I said Union avenue and Kast
Clay or East Market."
(Long wait).
"This is information."
"I'm waiting for one information al
ready." "This is information '. What is it you
"I want to get the telephone number
of an auto repair shop on Union avenue
and Kast Clay or Kast Market, run by
a man namedfaulson."
"What is the address, please."
"Union avenue near Kast Clay or
Kast Market." ,
"What street is it on?"
"Union avenue."
"What is the number?"
"I cannot tell the number, but it is
near Kast Clay or Kast Market and
there's only one of them there."
I yong wait.)
"We have a Paulson who lias a resi
dence telephone at 330 Kast Twelfth
near Clay, would that be the one?"
"No ; I said the place was on Us ion
"I beg your pardon, I thought you
said it was on Kast Clay street."
"I said it was on Union avenue. Do
you get that?"
" Near east Clay. Do you get
" Or East Market. Do you get tha.?"
"Yes. One moment, please."
(Long wait)
"Did you say the name was
"Yes, either that of Paulson.'
"One moment, please."
(Long wait.)
"We have no telephone listed
the name of Paulson on Union
near either Kast Clay or Kast Market."
Census Enumerators
shop 'Wanted for Oregon
Job, Says Crawford
II. R. Crawford, supervisor of the cen
sus in first5 district of Oregon, with
headquarters in the Salem postoffice
building, is seeking enumerators for Co
lumbia, Washington, Lincoln, Lane,
Douglas, Coos, Curry, Josephine and
Jackson couniies. Several rural districts
in these counties have not been assigned.
The workers in the territory outside
towns and cities will be paid $5.50 to
$8 a day. and the work must be com
pleted wittiin a month. Upon request
Crawford will send application blanks
and information concerning the work to
those who appear qualified.
With a French Inventor's machine for
dealing cards misdeals are said to be
The Character of a Product
Products, like persons, have entree to your home
only after proper introduction. And, like per
sons', products must measure up to your high
standard before you accept them definitely.
That Carnation Milk is used daily in millions of
American homes indicates that it has the qual
ities necessary to merit permanent use in these
Carnation is the; only milk sup
ply your home requires. Use it
daily because it is pure safe
convenient and, it's
Made in Oregon
Carnation Milk Products Company
622 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or.
from Contented Cows
K. Kasaoka Charged With Buy
ing Diamonds and Jewelry
Stolen in Idle Hour Robbery
K. Kasaoka, Japanese, aged 34,
was arrested at Third and Flanders
street at 7:30 Saturday night by po
lice inspectors. He is said to have
purchased from the Claremont
bandits the diamonds and other
jewelry which they stole from pat
rons of the Idle Hour pool hall and
the loot from other holdups. Dia
monds identified as loot from the
Idle Hour have been recovered.
Working on information of undivulged
origin. Inspectors Phillips, Tackaberry,
Goltz, Howell, Pat Maloney and L,a
Salle, combined their talents on the ar
rest of the Japanese, who is declared to
be certainly the purchaser to whom the
bandits disposed of their loot.
The regular meeting of the Portland
Garage and Repairmen's association,
which was held Wednesday evening at
the Benson hotel, was declared to have
been one of the most ' successful and
interesting meetings held since the in
corporation of the organization.
Two items on the program were of
major importance, the question as to
which of those two held the place of
esteem : the venison dinner, or the elec
tion of officers being left to the dis
cussion of the "proletariat."
Eighty members of the association
were in their places when the meeting
was called to order, forming a quorum,
and in the election that followed the
course of regular business. Will J. Les
ter of tester & Heym was elected presi
dent; V. Cooper, vice-president; H. Nis
bet, secretary, and George Gerber,
Eighteen new members were admitted
to the association, bringing the total
membership several steps nearer in
cluding all garages and repair shops in
the city.
R. D. O'Brien reported on conference
with the Portland Railway. Light &
Power company regarding broken glass
left on streets after accidents.
The secretary was instructed to ask
the Dairymen's association for help in
the prevention of broken bottles being
left on the street. All garage service
cars are to be provided with brooms
and dustpans for the removal of such
broken glass as might be found.
A committee was appointed to meet
with the fire marshall to take up the
details of the new fire ordinance. The
committee consisted of Lester, Gerber,
Raymond, Lister and Wise.
Other officers elected were : Exami
nation board, A. E. Foss and Fred Dun
dee (two year term) ; V. C. L'nden and
A. N. Stanton (one year term). J. W.
Van Matre, vice president, battery and
electric shops ; R. D. O'Brien, vice presi
dent, garages ; Will Gill, vice president,
machine and repair shops; J. B. Bailey,
vice president, tire repairs ; Paul Stalger,
vice president, painting and trimming
shops; W. B. Raymond, vicepresident,
auto sheet metal and wheel shops.
Three Are Killed
When Mill Boiler
At Taft Explodes
Newport, Nov. 22. Three people lost
their lives and two others were seri
ously Injured when the boiler in Par
malfees' sawmill, at Taft, Slleta bay, ex
ploded Friday, about 2 p. m. Mrs. G. S.
Parmalee, her son, Hoyt, and Jesse G.
Farrin were instantly killed ; A. Ar
linger and J. Arlinger were seriously in
jured. Mrs. Parmalee's body was fearfully
shattered by the force of the explosion.
G. S. Parmalee, who was standing be
side his son. Hoyt, lacing a belt, escaped
with but slight injury. The sawmill
was blown to pieces. The boiler was old
and considtred dangerous. It is report
ed that the owners were warned not to
use it. farrin and the Arlingers were
employes at the mill.
This Shield
Is the Mark of
Good Dentistry
Process Servers Strike
Dublin, Nov. 22. West of Ireland
process servers have notified the county
qpurt Judges that, falling an increase in
salaries, they will strike and tie up the
business of the civil courts.
Gas "Barrage" Is
To Be Used to Bar
Out Robbers Bold
Contents of safes and strongboxes
will be safe and secure, even though a
drill and punch, an oxy-acetylene torch
or an application of nitro glycerine is
used to get the door of the protecting
steel case open, if a device designed by
Arthur L. Tribe and H. D. Gates of
this city, to "gas" the safe crackers,
will do all that is claimed for it.
The safe protector consists of a bottle
of highly noxious poison gas contained
in a steel net nestling against the inner
side of the wall. A punch employed
against the combination, an explosion or
the heat of an oxy-acetylene torch will
explode the contents of the bottle, which
vaporizes and makes it impossible
Republican leaders in both houses
have agreed that 'railroad legislation
and other domestic problems will re
ceive first consideration in the new con
gress which meets in Itecember.
One Dose
"For five years I suffered from acute
indigestion and constipation. The FIRST i
dose of Adler-l-ka helped and I feel bet
ter today than ever. Can eat anything."
(signed) H. J. Larbour.
Adler-i-ka flushes BOTH upper and
lower bowel so completely it relieves
ANY CAPE gas on the stomach or sour
stomach. Removes foul matter which
poisoned stomach for months. Often
CURES constipation. Prevents appen
dicitis. Adler-i-ka is a mixture of buck
thorn, cascara. glycerine and nine other
simple ingredients. Skidmore Drug Co.
(Sold by all leading druggists.) Adv.
else like the
5 rS) a rSNnrr
Throw Away Your Truss
Thousands of ruptured people are find- !
ing relief from the torture of rupture ;
and the truss by using STUART'S scien- 1
up vour mind to be able to throw away !
for I your old truss. Do away with steel or
ttie robber to stay in the room even long
If the thief does persist in staying 17 i C li
to rifle the safe, although the inventors
express the opinion that this is hardly
probable, he would be found in the morn
ing sleeping peacefully on the floor. The
chemical also contains a distinctive odor
that permeates the clothing and room
and calls attention to the "accident"
clear into the next county.
Tribe has been a chemist for 25 years.
having been employed by the government
and San Francisco, but more recently as
manager of the Oregon Independent
Laborites. Gates is business and ad
vertising manager of the organization
which has been named the "Invincible
Chemical Barrage company.
rubber bands that chafe and pinch.
us send you a
Let I
3 Agitators Killed,
1 Mortally Shot by
Law and Order Men
New Orleans, La.. Nov. 22. (U. P.)
Three alleged agitators were killed and
a fourth perhaps mortally wounded this
afternoon in a rifle and pistol duel with
members of the Law and OrtWr league
at Bogalusa, according to reports re
ceived here tonight.
Although bullets were showered at
them for several minutes, the Law and
Order men suffered only one casualty.
Jules Leblanc, an ex-soldier, who had
volunteered for extra police duty, was
shot through his right arm.
Those killed were :
Lum E. Williams, president of the
Central Trades and Labor council of
Walter Bouchlllon and Thomas
Gaines, alleged union lieutenants.
S. J. O'Rourke, who is alleged to have
been active as an agitator, was shot
three times and probably will die.
The shooting followed an alleged at
tempt by Williams and his lieutenants
to prevent the arrest' of Sol Dakus. a
negro, who had been trying to organize
the negro labor of Bogalusa, and for
whom a warrant had been issued.
President Wilson Getting Along Fine
Washington. Nov. 22. (I. N. S.)
President Wilson Is getting along fine.
Dr. Grayson announced this afternoon
after Dr. F. X. Dercum had made his
weekly examination of the president.
VSfflllDlNF WfcafcMiM. CJeaoslsg;
iPSs. Lt(it-MurineforRed-
fOR GQ&rJzF ness. Soreness, Granu
Vhi.M rvrC,ation Itching and
TUU K LY tJ Burning of the Eyes or
Eyelids; "2 Drops" After the Movie. Motoring
orGolf will win yoar confidence. AakrourDrog-
Bt for Murine when your Eye Need Care,
aria Sy Remedy Co- ChieagQ
Trial PLAPAO !
No charge for it now or ever. Let us j
send vou a mass or evidence to prove
what the PLAPAO-PADS are doing for
others. Let us send you our book on
Rupture, telling you many things about
this distressing malady that you don't
know. We have sworn statements on
file from all over the country, positively
proving that the PLAPAO-PADS have
corrected, for all time to come, the dan
gerous condition that Is the cause of the
protrusion known as "rupture." DON'T
WAIT, DON'T DELAY a minute. Send
your name and address TODAY. We will
send a kkek .rial. pl.apao Dy re
turn mail, also book on rupture. Address
Mo. Adv.
Pile Sufferers
Don't Be Cut Until Too Try Thin New
Home Cure That Anyone Can Use
Without Discomfort or Los of Time.
Simply ( hew up a Pleasant Tasting
Tablet Occasionally and Rid Yourself
of Piles.
m n i 'tin t m
The E. R. Parker System means the
use of every known and proved method
to give you good dentistry. It means better teeth for everybody,
and this means better people. It means a fair price for dental
work done by experienced and careful men. It means that every
effort is made to give entire satisfaction to every patient treated in
a Parker System office.
'J his policy of pleasing and satisfying the people has been fol
lowed from the foundation of the business years ago.
Dental offices similar- to those in this city have been established
in different parts of the country, and each branch is a credit to the
community in which it is located.
The system stands for progress for what is newest and best
for dentistry without the fear of pain.
Under the E. R. Parker System. Registered Dentists will do
your work as well as dental work can be done, and do it at a price
you can afford to pay.
Examinations and advice free.
Dr. . D. Cag Eaamlnailon
Dr. F. N. Ohrltenwn E trading and X-Ray
Dr. A. R. Mitchell Crown and Bridge
Dr. A. B. Stile Or. E. C. Flett Dr. C. R. Bannait
Dr. A. W. Deana Dr. E. O. Wilton
Registered Dentists Using the
326V2 Washington Street
Entrance Near Sunset Theatre
n .1 i an
Dr. Parker roruana, uregon
and nothing else as
good," is the unani
mous opinion of these
and hundreds of other
B. H. West. 431 Lombard St.
G. Gunderson. 853 Albina Ave.
G. C. Gillum. 1129 Minnesota
A. Miller. 866 Gladstone St.
A. Borgeson. 1191 Maryland
D. Midthun, 192 K. Church
H. W. Graham, 1047 Tillamook
Earl J. Sperry, 944 Caruthers
Geo. W. Stearns. 601 East 66th
Ben Speer, 96th St. and E.
Gordon Hall, Parkrose
Ak for Illastratrd literature
and see It demonotrated at
tint and Washington streets.
Portland, Oregon
The Pastor and
Principal of the
St. Patricks
Sunday School
the entrance of the St. Patricks Sun
day school in The Journal's Sunday
school want ad contest and the ap
pointment of
Miss Marie Spaniol
as the Sunday school's campaign man
ager. Her assistant managers will be
Mary Jane Harold and Walter Toly.
To give the voting power of your
Journal want ad receipts to our school,
please mail your receipts to 349 North
Nineteenth Street, or phone Broadway
654 and we will call for them.
Get Back Your Grip On Health
Physician Gives Practical Advice on What to Do to Help Build Up Your Strength,
Power and Endurance Explains
How Organic Iron Nuxated Iron Helps Put Renewed Vim and Energy
Into the Veins of the Weak, Nervous anu un-uuwii
Let Me Prove This Free
My Internal method for the treatment
and permanent relief of piles is the cor
rect one. Thousands upon thousands
of gTateful letters testify to this, and
I want you to try this method at my
No matter whether your case Is of
lone standing or recent development.
whether it is chronic or acute, whether ' thjs pur JOSe
it Is occasional or permanent, you I , : .
should send Tor this iree trial treat
ment. No matter where you live no matter
what your age or occupation if you
are troubled with piles, my method will
relieve you promptly.
I especially want to send It to those
apparently hopeless cases where all
forms of ointments, salves, and other
local applications have failed.
I want you to realize that my method
of treating piles is the one most de
pendable treatment.
This liberal offer of free treatment is
too important for you to neglect a single
day. Write now. Send no money.
Simplv mail the coupon but do this
now TOD A Y Ad v.
Thousands of men and women
are impairing their constitutions,
laying themselves open to illness
and literally Losing their grip on
health simply because their blood
is thinning out and possibly
starving through lack ot
To possess the
power, energy ana
sndurance that
win, the blood
should be rich
in strength
trivine iron. For
Ion can tell which people
hae a firm Grip on Health
Strong:, Vlgorou Folk with
Plenty of Iron Id Their Blood
Free Pile Remedy
E. R. Page.
945-C Page Bldg.. Marshall. Mich.
Please send free trial of your Method
fir X Strong:, Vlg-orou Folk with J
1 Plenty of Ironln Their Blooa w v A
physicians b e
low explain why they
prescribe organic iron
Nuxated Iron -which by
enriching the blood and cre
ating thousands of new red
blood cells often quickly
transforms the flabby flesh,
toneless tissues and pallid
cheeks of weak, anaemic
men ana women into a
glow of health. It in
creases the strength of
delicate, nervous, run
down folks in two weeks'
time in many instances.
In explaining why he regards iron as
absolutely essential to the greatest de
velopment of physical and mental power.
tr. George H. Baker, formerly Physician
and Surgeon. Monmouth Memorial Hos
pital of New Jersey, says :
"Refined foods and modern methods of
cooking have robbed us of much of the
iron which Nature intended we should
receive, and for supplying this deficiency
organic Iron Nuxated Iron. The
fact that Nuxated Iron is today
being used by over three million people
annually as a tonic, strength and blood
builder, is tn itself an evidence of tre
mendous public -confidence, and I am
convinced that if others would take Nux
ated Iron when they feel weak and run
down, it would help make a nation of
stronger, healthier men ond women."
Commenting on the use of Nuxated
Iron as a tonic, strength and blood- Ka HlmC i.prtnui'laa Huflrii Tt lam am Vra ni Kullivan for
I know of nothing; more effective than merly phy icla.n of BeievueUHospltaJ " Aa
(Outdoor Dept), New
York, and the Westcheatel
County Hospital. ald :
"In my oplnioti the great
est curse to the health uni
strength of American peo
pie ol today Is the alarnv
ing deficiency of Iron II
their blood. Lack of U''
fictent iron in the bloe4
has ruined many a man 'I
nerve and u 1 1 e r I
robbed him of thai
virile force an
stamina' whicl
are so neceas&rj
to success a n I
power in every wall
of life.
"Therefore I strongll
rlviH those who fee
te need of a strengtl
nd blood builder to (4
physician's preacrlptlof
r orgttnlc Iron N'U4
ted Iron or if you donl
ant to go to this troll
ble, then purchaa
only Nuxated lrol
In Its original pacta
ages and see thai
this particular nam
(Nuxated Iron) ap
pears on the pactf
Numbers of ner
ous. run-down people who were allinl
ail tne wnite nave most astonisningq
increased their strength and CDdura.nct
simply by taking Iron In the proper form
And this after they had. tn some easel
been- doctoring for months without Oil
talning any benefit.
Manufacturar'i Not: N'uiatrd I too fwMI
mrtdd boT. i not a afMt remedy but oS
whH-b -i well known to dnigguu evrywtiail
fniike th U!er inorganic Iron product. It I
paily amimilat'-d. dri not Injur tha teeth, mil
Uim blar-k. nor uinct ttic atomach, Tb mairi
fanturer guarantee un-.sMful and entirely aal
iefactory mult to every purrhaeer or tha
will refund jour money. It la dixpenmd, im tkt
city by Owl Drug Co., and ail otuer (ruj