i 14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,. 1919. BLANCHE SWEET IN COLOR NEXT SUNDAY STATEROOM NO. 480 1 What waa the myatery of the beauty's dlaappearance from' the Teat ocean liner? An article of this latest enigma of the sea In next Sunday's Journal. FRIVOLOUS WIVES 1 Often have brainy busbanda. How do brainy huabanda g-et frivo lous wives? There's a logical answer In the Magazine Section of The Sunday Journal next Sunday. creen anti features gtage, Good Bill Being Offered at ' Pantages Musical Comedy Sketch Head lines Week's Program"; Serial Continues. TIB musical comedy. "On the Golf Links," la the principal feature of the -'bin at Pantages this week. The " playlet features Buster Edwards and Joe Stanley, two comedians of exceptional ability and power to please. A sextet of charming girls adds to the attrac ;: tlveness of the act "Camilla Kejane .woman cellist, plays 'American airs and popular melodies with unusual skill and wins favor by her charming personality. Camilla Is I a French girl and puts plenty of pep Into her work. : The Kilkenny Four, consisting of one clever, sweet-voiced woman and three wruilln men rjerformera. present an act replete with catchy songs and humorous conversation. Their singing is especially good. Ross Wyse and his boy Tony, assisted - t a charming bit of femininity, put - n an acrobatic exhibition in which Tony furnishes the major portion of the entertainment by his wonderful contor tions. Taliman. Crale and company should be capable of better things, though their ' act Is -not lacking In merit Attempts n win favor bv the booxe route are getting rather stale and Indicate a pov erty of wit on the pari or uie aciora. Una Cvellna- Brunettes are two clever narnnnori on the bicycle and their rWvln OravltV." is the first number on the program. The eleventh episode of "Smashing the i TtorHprH" the Pantaeea film serial. Is full of thrills. University Class To Present Play University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. 19. 'The Little Dog Laughed." a fairy tale of Mother Goose rhymes, will 'be resented by the advance classes In dramatics Friday night at the Eugene theatre here.- The play, written by Fer gus Reddle, head of the dramatic de partment of the university, is Deing cu retted bv him personally. There will be about 40 In the cast. The play as presented about two years ago for the first time, the proceeds or tne perrorm anoe being donated to the Red Cross. Comes to Make Home i Halsey. Nov. 19. Valentine Klmmel of Corral, Idaho, has srrlved In Halsey with household goods and. stock, to make - his borne in the Willamette valley. srvTME ccs -4 THAT It Is rather embarrassing for the nice little man who gives up his seat in the streetcar, when he finds that the woman for whom he has played the gallant, cannot squeeze into the space he has vacated. a pa That he wins a credit for good In tentions, anyway. J That as a friend of ours remarks, the stock show is great sport for everybody but the stock. That the cryptic-iooklng chalk marks you sometimes see on the tires of parked automobiles are put there by policemen to assist them In checking up on traffic law violators. That just for fun some day we're going to do some chalking ourselves to see If we can't put one over on a cop. a 191 That one of the rules of the street railway company is that transfers should be requested at the time the fare Is paid. . That strangers do not know this. That after Jhey have been sepa rated from 6 cents on a pay-as-you-enter, a sign on the inside advises them of the transfer rule. R )S That the Girl Vith the Green Eyes wears a fish-skin raincoat. a IBs That could we see through the mystery of her identity as easily as we can see through the coat, our curiosity would be vastly relieved. IE IBM That we have yet to see a re turned overseas man carrying a swagger-stick. That now that the town Is so dry there isn't much satisfaction in catching a cold. Barber Will Speak Silverton, Nov. 19. State Fire Mar shal A. C. Barber will speak here Fri day and moving pictures emphasising fire protection will be shown. One We Missed Friend Stroller: Why couldn't you with your sharp eyes and ready pen have been with the crowd at the Baker last Tuesday night? Such luck. Who do you suppose sat In the front row escorted by a big fellow in glasses, but the little "queen" of Eleventh street. There she was right in front of me and a bunch of other fellows. Believe me, boy. that little girl is sure a winner even prettier without a hat than with one and, say, we caught her voice once In a while. Gee. it sounded like the low tones of an organ. I wasn't the only one that lost his head. I'm thinking those boys who kept up a string of talk for her benefit didn't see much of the play. I played sleuth right on the trail of the young couple when they got up to go ; but my luck gave out My little lady and her escort got Into a gray car. And now my wife grants to know why I toss tn my sleep. Can you beat It? Yours truly. J. B. G. Quite romantic all tight, all right old fellow ; but have a care that the little queen's big escort doesn't take a notion to "crown"' you. T. S. Olive Thomas Is Star Today at Columbia "Prudence on Broadway" Has to Do With Adventures of Quakeress. ISO I I 1 are prepared to supply Vp your holiday needs "T "nil ii - -iTsTr W-si - -t- rUVE THOMAS opens at the Colum J bla today In her latest Triangle special. "Prudence on Broadway." In this story a demure little Quaker girl visits New York City and certainly cre ates havoc. It was at a young ladles seminary that our little Prudence learned to play bridge and other games fiercely frowned upon by her sect She was a little grey dove but very mischievous. The best society of New York wel comed her as a refreshing novelty when she visited her distant relation in the metropolis. The young men gathered around her In great numbers. And Grayson Mills, the greatest catch of the season, met her, and it was love at rirst stgni. When John Melbourne, a parasitical husband living on his wife's wealth, loaned Prudence $200 which she had lost at poker, he forced her to meet him at a roadhouse by threatenenig to show the cancelled check to her stern old Quaker father lp Pennsylvania. But Prudence had armed herself with one of the 20 love letters that Mel bourne had sent to a discarded mis tress and when the supper was ready at the roadhouse she showed him the letter and said that the other 19 letters were with the hotel clerk under inT structions to deliver them to Melbourne's wife unless Prudence was back by 12 o'clock. And Melbourne made such quick time back to the hotel with Pru dence that she was aoie to see crayson Mills and then all was well for the little grey dove. IEpDEASON why" 1 ' 1 1 ' Why Do I Get Cold in a Warm Room? I suppose you mean the instances when you get cold while in a warm room even when you are perfectly well. This will happen often when all ef the moisture in the room outside of what is in your body, is evaporated by the heat in the room. The remedy is, of course, to keep a pan of water some place in the room as the air has become too dry. While heat is necessary to evaporate water, the process of evaporation pro duces cold. The quicker the evapora tion the sharper the cold feeling pro duced. Now your body is continually evaporating the water from your body which comes out in the form of perspi ration through the pores of the skin. This is one of nature's ways of taking the impurities and waste out of the body. You know, of course, don't you, tht more than one-half the waste ma terial which the body expels from the system comes out through the pores of the skin rather than through the canals. When the air in the room becomes too dry. the evaporation on the outside Ojf the body proceeds faster and makes you cold. By keeping water in some vessel In the room you keep the air of the room from becoming too dry. From the Book of Wonders, Published and Copyrighted by the Bureau of Industrial Education. Inc. Washington, D. C 5000HighSchool Students Hear "Martha" Portland Opera Association Pro duction Delights Future Patrons of Music. Swiss Want League Berne. Nov. 19. (U. P.j The national council of Switzerland has voted to ad here to the League of Nations. The vote was 124 to 43. ("""LOSE to 6000 high school students of Portland bad a great time Wednes day afternoon at The Auditorium where they heard the opera "Martha." sung by the Portland Opera association. It was a special matinee, preliminary to the public performances which will be given next Friday and Saturday nights. Only high school students were admitted. The entire performance went smoothly and the children enjoyed, hugely the comedy of opera, which in addition to being one of the msrfct tuneful Is also replete, with amusing situations. It has patnos Dm no uagmies, ana uiua ou ters fronwthe great majority of operatic works. Musical Director Roberto Corruccinl conducted with the authority that re sults from years of experience and It Is predicted that the presentations of Fri day and Saturday nights will be the most brilliant in the history of the associa tion, which Is now In its sixth year. The box sale opened this morning at Sherman. Clay & Co. office. Henri Scott Sings Tonight A. Winter Smith, accompanist for Henri Scott bass baritone nt th Maw York Metropolitan company, who will appear at the Heilig tonight was born In Newport, 8outh Wales. At the age of 16 he made his Ameri can debut at the White House in Wash ington as accompanist for the Gwent Welsh Singers, on their first American tour. Although born in England he enlisted In the American army in France. Mr. Smith returned to America this season as accompanist for Mr. 8cott and al though still in the twenties this young man Is an artist of great promise. The program follows: Catalogue aria of LapareHo. Giovanni" "Ethiopia Saluting the Color" "Come Hither. Lyttol Childa . "Babylon" "Of Those Who Change .... "Byes of Irish Blue". . "Vadd ben Speaeao" (10) . "La Cor" "La Lanerrme" fl ulu "Dob Moaart Burleigh Spalding ........ Homer . . . .afacTadTm Cook . . Salvstor Roia rfegieT Ferrari A Daintily Appointed Table for Thaiiksgiving When the family and guests gather 'round the festal board, gleaming silver and smooth, white cloth add to the enjoyment of the occasion. . Community Silver is as lovely in pattern as any sterling silver purchasable, and carries with it a fifty year guarantee. See it at our store in the two patterns Patrician and Adam. Headquarters for Novelty Jewelry in the newest and latest designs N. SOLOMON 333 Morrison St Opposite Portland Hotel "Who b SylTtaT" ; Sehobers "Long Ago in aJceJa" Weeeiigar "Golden Crows" (nacre apiritual) . . . Gaarwort "JJ"" Vandarpoel "When Daddy Stan" Hmrrte AMUSEMENTS Begias Tomorrow Sight Ticket Office Hals Opes tor Satire Eaaareaaeat HEILIG JV 3 SV TOMORROW SPECIAX PBJC1B MAT. JTEXT SATrB.DAT CO HAH SiKKU PKKSX57 GEO. 14. COHAM'S BRILLIANT COUEOY SUCCESS A PRffjCE THERE WAS UTTH JAMES GLEASON KEW YORK C"T oi0"""- PRICES EYE'S Floor. SI : Balcony. S rows lJbO, IT rows Si ; Gallery, reserved and admission. bOc. SPECIAL SAT. AT-Klonr. SLW: Balcony. rows St. U rows &Oe RFUFMRPR TICKETS RELLIO . IlLMUAUUl fob. EXGAGEXEST. Who- YT fiat 3 Where- SfUSIC HEILIG Broadway at Taylor. Henri Scott, but, baritone, 6:1ft. VAUDEVILLE PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. Biro claw vaudeTille and photoplay feature. Afternoon and evening. Program changes Uondaj after Boon. HIPPODROME Broarfway at TamhiH Acker man Harria mnderrUe and photoplay fea turea. Afternoon and nlgbt. DRAMATIC 6TOCK BAKER Broadway between Morrtfon and Alder. The Baker Stock company, in "The Naughty Wife." 8:20. Matinee Wedneeday and Saturday. 2:30. MTJ8ICAI COMEDY ALCAZAR-Elerenth and Morrlvm. Mrmieal Comedy Stock com pa ay in "Her Eegiment-" Uatineea Wedneeday and Saturday, 2:20 LT fUO Fourth and Stark. Uuaicai farce. "The MiTlinaaire." M.tlnee daily, 2; nights. 7 and S. PHOTOPLAYS COLUMBIA Sixth and Stark, lack Flckford in "In Wrong." 11 i. m. to 11 p, a. LIBERTY Broadway at Stark. Wallace Raid in "The Lottery Man." 11a. m. to 11 p. ra. MAJESTIC Washington at Park. Alice Brady in "Marie. Ltd." 11 a. m. to 11 p. nu PEOPLES West Park and Alder. Madge Kenned in "A Fair Pretender. Ui.il to 11 p. tn. STAR Washington at Park. Mae Marsh rn "More? Mad. ' 11 a. m. to 11 D. nv HTB D Wiihfnrtnn at Park. Panlina Frederick in " Bonds of Lore." 11 a. m. to, I 11 p. in. CIRCLE Fourth and Washington. Clara Kim ball Young in "Cheating Cheaters." 9 a. in to 4 o'clock the folio wine morning. SUNSET Washington and Broadway. Nali mora in "Tba Brat" 10 a m. to 11 p. m Fraternal Notes Community 'Silver For Thanksgiving "Supply your wants in this popular Silver now I We also invite you to look drer our "Gorhara" and "Wal lace" patterns In sterling and plate. Ton will find the patterns most pleasing and the quality the very best. i. , M I Portland Star Homestead has arranged for a, big turkey gobbler to b present Thursday night at its annual Thanksgiv ing ball, at Turner hall. 255 Thirteenth street The said turkey gobbler will be stow his hand and heart upon some lucky participant. Ample accommoda tions will guarantee care of all guests who may present themselves. The large hall has been leased for dancing and with a reception room, small hall. banquet room and card rooms the Home stead officers can receive 600 or more. The hall la reached from the Jefferson street carline just south, or from the Thirteenth street line passing the doors. Ivanhoe lodge. Knights of Pythias, conferred the rank ot knight upon a class of 23 in the presence of a large number of members and visitors at K. of P. hall. The lodge s receiving th3 largest classes in its history and after the first of the, year when applications can be received by young men under 21 and over 18, will undoubtedly have some classes still larger. Amusements IPLES-The Jeweler Opti cian i 266 Morrison Street, Between Third and Fourth r PITY MAIL Dcrn iiMA 1 i ORDERS U I1UII 1 I Thanksgiving Attraction HEILIG NEXT WEEK Begins Thanksgiving Say Mat, Also Special Price Mat. Sat. rrusatNIGHTS, NOV. 27,28, 29 JOB.X COST Presents MUSICAL COMEDT SUCCESS "FLO-FLO" mad ler "PERFECT 36" CHORUS 8PLEWDID CAST I TUKETUL I ( MELODIES ( ETE Floor. $3; Bal, 6 rows $1.60. 17 rowa $1 ; Gal.. 7 rows, reserved. 75c, admission 60c THUR. A7TD SAT. MATS. Floor $1.50; Balcony. 9 rows $1. 13 rowa 50c. . Hew to Seeere Tickets How Address letters make checks and postoffice money orders payable to W. T. Pangle mgr. Heilig Theatre Add 10 war tax to price ticket de sired. Inclose aelf -addressed stamped envelope to help insure safe return. FOURTH at WASH. CIRCLE TOMORROW JULIA ARTHUR la 'The Cavell Case' - ' - - Also the ford weekly - ' : - - ' Liebes' Annual Prior to Christmas Sale of Blouses To meet the unusually large demand for these specially priced blouses we have brought forth from our large reserve stock hundreds of crisp, new blouses not previously shown and which were being held for the regular Christmas assortments, but to satisfy the present vol uminous demand they are now included in the various groups at sale prices. Charming Georgette and Silk Blouses at $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 $7.50 And Up to $35 W Tasty Lingerie Blouses Specially Priced at $1.00 $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 Dainty blouses are always suitable and appreciated gifts, especially when they possess the Liebes standard of quality and design. . No approvals, no exchanges or layaways during this sale Worthy Price Concession on Elegant Coats The elegance of the coats in this showing is manifested by their superior designlengthy, drapeful and graceful rich, down-like woolens of velvety touch adorably trimmed with lov able furs, also self-trimmed models. You, may choose your most admired color in Tinseltone, Pom Pom, Bolivia, Silvertone, Velour, Polo Cloth, Evora, etc. Stock Show visitors ire invited to par take of the unusual savings offered this week. aaWsaa STAM I3UEQ fl I T C 9 tSl SS YLAXS rw a D CLAD WAV Charge Purchases for remainder of November can be paid January i, 1920. HEILIG Theatre TONIGHT rOHCFRT 8lU P. M- EILIacm-Whlt Mnalcal Boaaau Presents HENRI SCOTT BASS-BARITONE of tn Metropolitan Opera Company FATS $2.00. f 1.50. riot i OLHIO 91.00.509 War Tax M Xrfl I N A I K X rN h THI !? IM VAUOIVILLI S Nights un., Mon., Tus. 1 80 to $1.00 4 Mats tun.. Won.. Tua., Wad. 1 6 to 76 GERTRUDE HOFFMANN Crwln Jn OonnHy, Wood A Wytfc, Oludli 0olmn. Qrn A Myr. Cttting Wards, ftamaroff oar. This Show Olasaa With Wadnaaday Matlnaa, Novambar 1 a. Tonight, all wek. Wad. A Sat Mat. ALCAZAR Vtotor Horbart'a Larst Comio Opora. "Her Regiment" BOO JWU Floor T8c;-ll Balanra ROe wk "THE MIKADO" toata Hrrw B1Hrui. Bay ThankftglrirK Mat. at Era. Wo HEW BROADWAY HALL NOW OP IN n a Tvirrr evert Evpyio- LrAINlrEa EXCEPT 8TJ5DAT Broadway Itoralty Orrhwrtra PnMIe Irnltad. BroadwsT and Maid 8. A H. Oreen BtmrB for cash. Hol man Fuel Co.. Main 363, A,-S3 6 3. Adv. Portland Opera Association Prent "MARTHA" At TMI AUDITORIUM Naat PNIDAY , ARB ATURDAT NIOHT effloa at harm), 0ay A Oa., Fifth and Morrlaon, now epan. Prloas 91k TBo, BOe. No War Tax DANTAGE S iiv MAT. DAILY 2:30 O. B. Brown PmsnU ON THE OOLP .INKB A tpart lint Musical Oomady, with Olrta, Oowna and Otofla. OTHCR BIB AOTi 6 Threa ParforsaanaMa Dally. N'lfht Curtain at T and . BAKE R TOOK COMPANY Toaifht, all wack. Matlna. Wrd. arid Sat. This eotnady kit of tha seaaoo. TMI NAUOMTY WIPB" A poattlT sensation. " Kxt Waek: K to Advertlsa." MUBIOal. OOMCOV LYRIC MAT. DAILY at 2; i NIGHTS at T aa,,t This weak tha popular aeeantrtc eomadiana, " Dtttoo and rranks. ln THI MILLIONAIRE- , With tho Boaeoa4 Girla. ' '. ' Tha Hip Hip Hooray Shew CHORUE QIRLE' CONTEST PRIOAf NIOHT 'I r