10 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAN D, SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBlSg 16, 1919.' REAL ESTATE FOB BALK FAHMS IT faclfic A 514-519 S Marshall 3989 n Stock and Grain Ranch' 11513 128.000 087 acre, located about 3." milei from Portland. All well drained. hi In cultivation, no gravel or rock, about i nTer bottom land. 3 house in fine sliepe and all kind of out buildings. Absolute ly fully stacked and equippud and certainly In fine p'sce Stock & Grain Farm 57 125,000 22 000 acres in Sherman county. 1230 acren in cultivation and 450 urn now seeded, 80 more acre summer fallowed, ready for spring crop, 700 acren in nibble, 100 acies of natural meadow and al falfa, flood stream rims throneh place. Good improvements. The beat improved and equipped ranch . in tlie county. An absolutely in! ly equipiied and stocked rancb. ready "or rome one to start to work on. STOCK RANCH 33 t 65,000 NTS acres in Lane cour.tv. Oregon. 4C0 acres in cultivation. 4 75 acre in woods and pasture, being ISO acres second growth fir tim ber, suitable for tie timber. Small family orchard and H-room new modHm house: two new barns and all Decennary out buildings. All fenced and cross fencpd, rural mail route. I hi niilea from, sctiool ; 3 miles from railroad station. This is a aplcrdid stock ranch and a very sightly place. Buildings lo cated on elevated knoll overlook ing entire place. -Good macadam road. Will pell on good term-' or excttang for good income propertv. Dairy and Stock Ranch 132 9 48,000 1 0O acre in W-ashinaton county, 160 acres In cultivation, balance in stump and timber, close to pacd highway. I-arije new 9 ronm bungalow, all modem with full basement. Barn 60x70, gian ey and machine shed, good chicken turns and good family orchaid. Good terms FARM LAND 144 t 4 4,000 24 7 cre. nhort diUnre from Mc MinnT.lI, 1 H mile from nrliool, 200 (icrc tillable. 4 0 in pasture and timhpr. Family orchnni. 00 mrrn T?ry rich bottom land. 2 ret of builtliutr-. fin -print watpr piped to buildinKH. 'rood term or miicbt exrlwnse for Income property STOCK RANCH 1433 t 42,000 1 0M aws -.liort distance from McMinriTille, I mile from church, 1 H inihr from wbool, mitil dp litery and telephone. 250 acres tillable. "ZAIO acre in paHturp. 10 acre in nr timber, 00 afres oi fiak, rulrivated land is good iood nix-room house and fair fife- iom lion-?, good la rue barn, S tork vheln, vatr piped to houue and barn, 1 2 mile from paved hiirbn-av. (ioo term WHEAT RANCH 123 I 21.000 320 acres, short distance from Gnldendale, Washington. 240 seres under plow. 30 acres of alfulfa. HaUnco good pasture. 7-room house, large ham. drilled well, windmill and gus engine. Hog house. nd bed.' hay -bed 30)10 Hearing family orchard. Good terms. Grain and Stock Ranch 614 from TorTallb. on f. pared mad; 1 50 aetva in rultitaUon, all lay rolling and U all well drained. All irnod la nd. Ha lance of la nd eon sieM of timber arid pasture, lair improTerrwnt, good barn and faif botir. rinn well fenced and ms fenced. One of 'the best ln tfttlona in the valley. Good tenna rnuv be had on fhi. FARM LAND 4115 $ 24,000 124' acre. abort dtotanc from I.ibeyon. 100 acres in rnltiration. black samlr loam soil, family orcl -ard and hits of berries. ;ood old fsnn hou-e, fin bam. silo and other buildings. Depot anil school hou'-e on r.inch; triehone ant! K K . I. Well, stiring nd rirer frntitflge Cocid terms 337 17,000 11.'. ocre. practically all in culti vation. fi," acres now in crop, 21 acrea plowed ready for pring crop, level land, on macadam road, fire miles from good valley town. Onod 7-room house, larg barn in goi.d condition, large granary, bog house, milk hou-e. wood house. 1 mile to church and school, telephone and It. K. I. fully stocked and equipped. Adjoining farms are held for from 200 to $2Ii0 per acre without tock and equipment, Trms. GRAIN RANCH 64 20,000 1.13 acre. 7 miles from Corrallis. on a good road, all in cultivation but about '20 acres, which is pas ture, liarn lots, house site. etc. lood water and windmill, ft acres giKid prune orchard which netted the . . nwn-r 11045 last year. Ccxid 10- room hou-e with brick founda tion, has bath, toilet, etc. (Jooil hniue. barn and cow bam. silo, tie. Will make good terms on 'ale or will exchange for a good catcrn Oreson farm in vicinity of 1'nion. Oregon GRAIN RANCH 152 19.000150 acres. 4 miles from good town in valley. 125 acres in cul timtion. 84 acres of timber, part of it cut and on the ground 2 acres of orchard. Good 7-room house with water piped from spring. large barn, wood-hed. chicken house: located on ma cadamised and rock road. It. I'.. cream route and telephone', stocked and "tPled, tin hiding new tractor Terms. Stock & Grain Ranch 97 ...nvo dJH acres, located a short distance from Philomath. 175 acres in cul tivation, mostly botom land, the balance is rolling, in pasture and fine oak timber, good family orch ard, fair 7-room house, large barn, cranary and chicken house. One of the bet farms in Benton county, plenty of water for nock. Lo cited on count v e nd. o -od term FARM LAND 229 20.000 lift acre cloe to McKev station 70 acres under plow, balance pas ture. 10 acres bearer dam land. 2 fair Uou-es. 2 large barn.- 8 4 milea from Woodburu. Fully stock ed. Jo"d terms Wheat and Stock Ranch 1211 20.000505 acr,.. l- mile from (Jolden dale. Washington rt miles from railroad station and grain elevator -70 acres under plow, 10 acres of on-hard nd gaiden. 5-room house 2 bams, good eli at ,m, o good stock wells. 2 good springs, fchool 1 V miles from place. Uood terms. Stock and Grain Ranch 317 S 10.000225 acrea In Une county. Oregon 1M acres in cultivation, balance pasture which fumi-nes water for stock. Part of posture ts gid f,rm land Good 7-room house with fireplace, uice maple shade trees around houue. a few fmit trees and berries, large substantial nam and good cow barn in good order j p!erty of out buildings. s,, fin black free soil, gently rolling, giving natural drainage, school ki ndle, good roads. Will exchange for small acreage or good city in come propertv. STOCK RANCH 319 f 15.000348 aeres, ahout 20 milea east of Eugene. 100 acres under cultiva tion, 75 aores in timber and bal ance pasture, all can ba farmed except 140 acre. Well watered with springs and creek, all fenced. ' Good 8 -room home with 2 fire place. 8 la ran barns, silo and other out building. 2 miles from IXMtoffJce. store and depot. fvxl pads, plenty of outrange. Good term. Pacific Ageacy Imc geicy 1c wetlamdl Blfc REAL ESTATE FOB. BALE FAB.HS If BENTON COVXTI FARM LANDS THE CKEAU OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEAR THE BEOON AGEICCLTCBAL COLLEGE ISO-ACRE ' DIVERSIFIED FARM 170 acrea dtTder the plow this year, bal ance oak and ah"fro around the build ings; all aecond bottom land and drains fiua, no whit land. Place well fenced: good 7-room bouse, fine barn 0 by 60: 100 -ton silo, "garage, hog and chicken houses, tank, engine, windmill; water piped to house and buildings; on county roads; eomrunriUy school mil. The equal of any farm in the valley, regardless of price. Priced: at 1185 per acre including farm machinery, some stock, hay, feed", household furniture, etc. OJTE-MAN GRAIN FARM 154 acres, 3 miles frcan Cofvallis 130 acres of the very beet quality land in, cultivation: 24 acres ab pasture land; lias fair set of buildings. This place lias every advantage to offer a farmer; fine soil, neverfailing creek, fine building apot, in good neighborhood, adjoins pared road and near grade school and high school; unly 3 Vi miles to Oregon Agricultural col lege. Price of this place is $140 per acre. OCR BEST SMALL STOCK RANCH. 150 acres 5 miles from town on fine gravel road. 1 mile from school. Daily mail: 2 stages pasa the place daily going lo and from Corrallis; haul freight or pas sengers. 40 aciies of ery best of land (nearly all creek bottom land) now in cultivation. 22 acres seeded to fall crop: balance of land is under good fence and is timber and pasture. Has 2 good never failing streams through the place; spring water piped and can be connected to the house. .Small 4 room house on the place. This U the best buy we know of at $5500. $3000 cash, balance at 6 per cent. 56' ACUE DIVERSIFIED FARM. About 30 acres cultivated: 20 acres of which is bottom land and very fine. 26 acres of partially cleared paatnre land; 1 H acres orchard. Fine creek through place; 6-room house, barn, garage, hen house and outbuildings. 1 mile from town on good anacadam road; city water, on place. With the place go 2 cows, 4 horses, 50 chickens, heavy wagon, spring wagon, disc, roller, mower, rake, separator, and lots of small tools. Price including all stock, tools, hay, feed and 25 acres in fall crop, is only $6000. 40-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH All cultivated; lays fine. 2 acres logan berries; nearly 2 acrea prunes, orchard Is young but has not been well cared for. M-rbom bungalow with water system; barn and silo. Lays on fine road 4 miles from i'orvallia. V, mile to. school and station. .Snap at $7500. LCCKIAMETE RIVER BOTTOM 38 acres, 20 acres In cultivation of the best Quality river bottom soil; lb acres of timber and pasture. Has old house, large new barn and outbuildings: large family orchard. Thisi is the kind of soil we all like to farm, but are seldom offered a chance to bijy. Located mile from S. P. electric station and store; H-mile tc. school; near West Side highway on grav eled road. Here is a good buy at $4200. Terms, 21 -ACRE CHICKEN RANCH All in cultivation; 3 acres in orchard: nice laying land. Fine for fruit or chick ens. 0-room house, ham and outbuildings. On good county road, mile from school. Daily mail at door. This is a good buy at $2750. 28 ACRE BOTTOM FARM I.ocated 0 miles from Corrallis on good graveled road. 14 acres cleared and culti vated; 10 acres timber and pasture; 3 acres peaches, apples, pears, etc.: hi sere loganberries. Good drainage. Nearly all fenced; 4 -room house, bam is 20x24; hen houses and outbuildings. This is a good buy at $4000. 2R'4 ACRE CHICKEN FARM All in cultivation; lays fine. On gravel road; mail route, 4 miles from town. 1 mile to electric station; 1 mile 4o school. ) room house; barn 26x30; other outbuild ings; fenced with woven wire, 1 acre orchard. This is a snap at $3750. Terms at 0 per cent. 5 ACRE SMALL FARM All cultivated and all in crop; well drained. 5-room house bam 20x30: chicken house and outbuildings. 1 mile from small town, price $1700. 11 ACRES, BERRIES OR FRCIT 2 sji miles from Corrallis, on main gravel road; 1 acre orchard. 3-room house: barn 24x38; chicken house; well, etc. Price $2300. 29 ACRE BERRY AND CHICKEN RANCH 10 acres cultivated; 1ft acres timber and pasture. 4-room house, bam 24x 24; chicken hous; buildings are poor. Creek and springs. Price is $2000. - We have farms of every size and are sell ing some every week. If you want to see what we can raise, attend the BENTON COCXTT CORN SHOW at Corrallis. NOV EMBER 21 ami 22. & CO. Benton County's I-eading Farm Land Iealers Corrallis. Or. Home of O. A. C. 41 ACRES 30 ACMES CLEARED Balance in timber and pasture. This is rolling land. Fine living water that never fails. Plenty of ' timber for your own use. Good 0 room house, a dandy basement, barn as good as new, good wood house, cellar and chicken house. All kinds of good fmit. Good well water on porch of house. This place is 8 milea of Oregon City on a good graveled road and will be paved next year if the new road bond carries, aa the road is mentioned in the different district tint will he paTcd. The soil on this place is A-l soil, the red shot soil rolling, but no better land in Oregon. We will sell you thia place as cheap as you can buy a good 15 or 20 acre place. Only $5300 for it. and the bujer gets the crops in the ground. $3000 down, balance time at I ir cent. The place is 2 miles of electric line, store and a good ahipirint: point. You know they are asking you from $70O0 to $8000 lor the average gopd 40 acres. Why pay tliat when you can do better. See ns for hannin. we have lots of them. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON '11' and Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. R E A V E It TON - R E E D V I LLE ACREAGE Near S. P. & o. Elec. R. R. and new paved highway and only 45 minutes out. following is partial Jjst of many good buys we have in that vicinity; 5 acres, all cleared, small orchasd, small house, good large barn. Price $1900. hi cash. o aires. 4 cleared, small stream, good 5 room plastered house, bam. good chicken house holds 1000 chickens. Price $3000. hi cash! 5 acre. 3 cleared, good 4 room house, small barn, good hew chicken house, 250 chickens 1 cow. Price $2500. $1500 cash. 5 acres. 3 cleared, good 4 room plastered house, some outbuildings. Price $lMOO. hi cash. 5 Wres, all cleared, good -5 room house, new furniture, large chicken and brooder houses, bam, good horse, new harness, wagon, about 350 W. L. pullets. Price $3500; $1500 cash ALBERT HARALA With Hargrove Realty Co. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 4391. FULLY EQUIPPED 40 acres. 30 m liigh state of cultivation, fenced and cross fenced: 4 room houue u.wi barn, equipped with hay fork, pulleys, etc.; new machine shed, new chicken house and" park :i V, to 10(Moot, f.rtall will develop 60 H. P. large family orchard in full bearing; berries and! .17 "?n New 9,r?0D? bungalow, plas small fruits of all kinds; about 200 cords of f?- PRnedceiling paneled dining room, built first growth standina- red fir timh.r- i ' buffet. Dutch kitchen, bam 40x60. ma- water, fine span of Percberon mares weii-bino 1500 pounds each; harness, wagon, 4 dairy cows, registered Jersey bull and chickens; new manure spreader, new disc drill, mower, rake disc, plow, harrow, cultivator, grindstone feed cutter, tedder, and all small tools; about 30 tons of hay, corn and potatoes, including household furniture ; close to school and 4 mi. from good town, on good auto road; price $6000 terms. THOMPSON SWAN & IJCE. 3d and Main at., 'Vancouver. Wash. FARMS acres. 5 cleared, rms vmm 20 berries) ij shuu; eiiuu, sfc cash. $4oSorrvTkcash. Cle,iml- b,,rn- fair hoas: 200 acres. 60 cleared, good bIdsg.T' fences, running water; $14,000; some reduction lor cash; will consider small bungalow in Portland. Berry chicken ranches. $450 and $900: I know the country and have the snaps; easy 15 ?I0. hiljds or "; close in. with good, outlet. W rite Geo Beers. Sandr. Or. CRANBERRIES W must .sell at once the only available piece AnwnbZ!7Z Ur,d '? th 'u Cranmoor ad dition, with railroad frontage; 5 acres. 1 mile irom Ilwaco, Wash. ; semi developed ; a sacrifice at the price $3000. Terms. A big fortune for someone. ... .HARRIS MAXWELL, Main 2831. S04 Railwar Ft kM.. SO ACRES at Appleton, Wash.. 300 fruit trees. , in?"1 "fuse and other buUdins.s, aU fenced. $1500 half cash. Bee W. A. Dos. 1805 Mate st. Vancouver, Wash HEAL ESTATE FOR SAlE-fARMS 17 MITCH HELL & RIPPEY 328-29 Henry building. Main 2534. EXTRAORDIN'ART OFFER 39 tt acre of the very richest red shot soil, rolling, good drainage, 18 miles from Portland; just off pared highway ; 2 Vs milea south of Sherwood; -mil to school. 1 mile to ship ping station on S. P. electric; 36 acres in cul tlration, balance brash pasture, 4 acres young bearing prunes, 2 acres old prunes, family or chard, berries, 2 good wells, ordinary bouse and barn, garage. Implement bouse; other outbuild ings; buildings on a high sightly place overlook ing the beautiful Tualatin valley, Sherwood and the numerous snow capped mountains, Portland Heights in plain view; including personal prop erty consisting of l cow 1 2-year old heifer, soon fresh, 1 fine brood sow. 6 fine shoata, IS tone liar In barn, 1 acre spuds, 2 acres com, furniture and good equipatient of farm implements. Price $8500. Three thousand cash and your own time at 6 per cent on balance. 200-ACRE STOCK RANCH. YAMHILL COUNTY About 35 miles south from Portland, 6 miles from Dayton, on Salem road, 120 in cultiva tion 20 stump land, 60 oak and fir wood land, good family orchard, 69 walnut trees produced $500 in 1018. Woven wire fences, fine creek, good well, fine water system, hot and cold water through house and piped to barn, splendid 9 -room house with cement basement, bath, etc 2 barns, chicken house, hog house, seed and feed. 2 horses, 2 colts, wagon, binder, plow rake, roller, fanning mill, 2 brood sows, 17 head of sheep, offered you for $125 per acre. H cash, balance your own time at 6 per cent. 20 ACRES 5 MILES FROM C0CRTH0USE 15 acres in cultivation, balance in brush and woods, 2 fine springs, just rolling enougb for good drainage, especially adapted to berries, small fruits, vegetables of aU kinds; lies due west of Portland. 1 H miles east from Cedar Mills; 40 rods to school. Cornell road on north line, Jackson road on south line. Price, $8000. MARION COUNTY STOCK RANCH STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 290 acres, 28 tniles from Portland. i mile off Pacific highway. mile from thriving town, good market; on macadam road. mile from high school, about 100 acres in cultl ration, 80 acres in heary timber. 100 acres woods and pasture. 10 acres .slashed, good family orchard, 2 good wells, fine spring, 1 eight room and one four room house, 2 barns, 2 chicken houses, hog house, garage, work shop, silo, including team, harness, wagon, 7 good Jersey cows, binder, mower, harrows, hay fork, etc.. Price $110 per acre, one-third cash; balance long time 6 per cent. CHOICE WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM 80 acres, 3 miles west from Sherwood, 2 miles off capital highway, 1 mile to school, 30 acres in cultivation; 20 old slashings, 30 very heavy saw timber, best of soil, good drainage, splen did young orchard, berries, 6-rocgn bouse, large barn, chicken house, garage, hog house, sheds, log cellar, 2 wells, fine spring piped to house and barn, including 3 horses, 3 good cows 3 dozen chickens, mower, rake, plows har row wagon, buggy, hack, hay fork, 30 tons hay in barn, 150 bushels oats, 35 bushels wheat, price $150 per acre; half cash, or bonds- your VV time for balance at 6 . Take residence up to $2500. MARION COUNTY FARM HOME 157 acres. 2H miles south of Aurora 29 miles from Portland. mile to school, 60 acres in cultivation; balance timber and pasture, large new barn, chicken house, hog house, granary woodhouse. etc. Good well, springs, running water always. On Pudding river. Price $110 per acre, one-third cash, balance 6 per cent on your own time. RO-ACRE MARION COUNTY FARM 80 20 miles south from Salem. 7 miles north of Albany, 1 mile from electric, railroad, station, mile from school, on good gravel road - i win.- oiKunay. on man ana cream route; all in cultivation, familv orchard all kinds of berries, good six-room house with ,, ! and cold water, bath. tank, windmill barn ! stanchions for 20 head of cows, stalls 'for six horses. 80-ton silo, granary, blacksmith shop I chicken house, garage, 2 large sheds full of I straw, 35 tons hay in bam. $200 worth of gram. 3 mares. 0 Jersey cows nn, ir.,ieaIn pun, , yearling heifers, poland china boar. 1 1 Drooa sow, H pigs, 12 dozen chickenB, incu- f ei-no brooder' 4,1 firni implements, price $l-.;i00; easy terms. Take citv nr0rt I to $3500,. 160-ACRE TILLAMOOK COUNTY DURY RANCH. iuu acres rich bottom mH ft ...... ni h l4nd 7 miles from Beaver in the beau- ! :- kkUCC Ta"ej'' Plenty fish and game, best j of neighbors, mile from cheese factory, school ou more, i room notise with hot sr.d ,.,.M gravity water systim furnishes water for house and bam. good 40x60 bam. hog house, granarv good family orchard, including 15 cows, (a herd that has taken years to build up) ; one span ""s' -rum ooou ids.; years old. 2 sets I uouoie narness, j sets single harness, 2 heavy farm wagons, 1 light milk wagon. 3 plows 1 spike arid 1 disc harrow. 1 mower. 1 rake and all kinds of small tools Price $125 per acre $13,000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent MITCHELL & RIPPEY 328 29 HENRY BULDG MAIN 2534. IF THESE DON'T SUIT YOU YOU DON'T WANT A FARM 160 acres. 30 acres riitttv,it -I a 30 beaverdam. 20 acres saw timber, lots of cedar, good 6 room box house, all necessary outbuild ings; well, large family orchard of fmit and berries, 20 acres seeded to wheat, oats and 'rye, 2,0 tons hay in bam. 2 acres turnms lot. of r,..' tatoes. 1 cow. 2 horses. 1 sow, 3 pigs, wagon hrtenMisaa innlam.... . , , .. . , TS 35 miles from Portland- 8 H miles S'Tf".' horses. 12 cows 30 hop. 60 station: mile from school ? S Sf.- i "V I" "?.?- . i'n5?1 . , . r " "i at 6 per cent interest. . .euKui oi time I ' 47 acres, all under cultivation except 5 j rra uue oaa along creea running through place, 7 acres wheat. 8 acres oats and 4 acres clover already seeded. Best kind of buildings, newly painted and repaired: pictures to be seen kt our office. Pacific highway, railroad and graveled county mad run by the place; almost all under hog tight fence. Located only few blocks from railway station and postoffice of a good valley town. Improvements worth almost the price asked, which is only $5500; or with 3 cows. 2 horses, H hogs, 24 chickens, har nesses, baggies, separator, implements and tools $6000; some terms. 94 acres, about 50 acres of best kind of bottom land, 20 acres fine rolling prune land, the whole tract under cultivation except a small knoll and about 5 acres in timber along a creek reserved for domestic purposes: 7 room house on a sightly location, surrounded by large oak and cherry trees, new 5 room box house, bam and other outbuildings, 2 springs, good family orchard of variety of fmit and berries. I-iocated 1 mile from a good valley town and on good road. Price or.ly $8000; ferms. $2600 cash, balance 1 8 or more years at 5 per cent interest. Mr. Farm Buyer, please compare these with any other farms offered for sale. We hope you will find there is a difference in farms, prices and terms of payments. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Ind Co.. 035 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5381. FARM AND SAW MILL 207 hi acres, 180 acres level. 27 rolling. 60 under plow, 15 pasture, 1 acre pnmes. 1 acre arples, 2 good springs, good creek, with v . ,.,., , ua.u, . .in c u in, one , l noousnetl. 14x24 garage, boghouse 14x24. Personal prop ertj, 2 horses, 5 cows, 2 heifers, 4 hogs, 200 chickens, cream separator, 500 bu.ib.els grain. 20 tons of bay, all farm machinery, also com plete sawmill arid shingle machinery; steam and water power; rapacity 10 M , 2.500,000 feet of first growth timber. I will sell this place for $80 per acre, everything included; only 27 miles from Portland. 11 milea from Oregon City, 5 miles to electric station. Mr. Land Buyer, come and look this place over before you buy somewhere else. For further infor mation address John Schreiber, Mulino, Os Route 1, No. 68. 82 ACRES, fine soil, about hi in cult; baf ance pasture and timber; private water and light systems, -and also running water; good 7 room house, with modem conveniences; modern bam, silo and other buildings; nice family orchard and large bearing vineyard: a number of good milch cows, heifers, bogs, chickens, farm ing machinery, implements, etc; about an l.sJir's rid from Portland on cream route. R. F. D.. and near school and store. On account of old age. owner will make a bargain price and will include, fine lot of hay, grain, etc. " .Fine dairy and hoc ' ranch ; moneymaker. Samuel noAir 1202 Northwestern Bank btft $5000 CLOSE-IN farm. 8 room house 'with 6 plastered, barn-, chicken house, wood shed, family orchard. 1 6 acres of new land and 9 acres in cultivation, some timber for wood, spring nd creek and good well. Thia would make a good1 bvrry aud mtr farm. $2500 cajh. WHITE A CO. 70S 1st St Newberg. Or. HEAT, ESTATE FOB BALE FARMS 17 SOME CHOICE 10-ACBE TRACTS ALL NEAR TOWN , 10 acres, all level. 9 Id cultivation, dandy new 5 -room plastered bungalow, good well and fine spring crosses place. Also good barn with 8 tons oat hay. Price for all $2900. $1000 down, balance long time 6 . 10 acres, all level and in cultlration. B room bungalow, plastered downstairs, garage and poultry bouse, on rock road 1 mile out. Price $4000. $1000 cash, balance 6. 10 acres, all level, with 5-room plastered house, large chicken house, 14 by 100, o carline 1 mile from town. Price $3500, hi cash. 17 acres, all level. 15 in cultivation. 2 good wells. 1 drilled, with 7 H. P. gas engine and pumping plant; new 6-room plastered bunga low and good barn 30x50, 5 acres fine bearing orchard. This is a dandy place on rock road and only 1 mile from town. Price $6000. $2000 down, balance terms. 5 acres, all level and in cultivation, modern 8 -room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath, etc.. 2 wells, 17 bearing fruit trees, nice greenhouse 12x20; good barn 31x21: 2 large chicken houses; only 2 miles out on hard road, only $3675. $1500 cash. II. A. HEATER. 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. 41 ACRE 15 iu cultivation, 10 acres more easily cleared, balance good timber; 5 room house, bam, root house; orchard, fine spring for house: 5 miles Oregon City, on good road: hi mile to good school, 1 Vi miles to S. P. car line and Pacific highway. Price $3000; Va cash. 109 ACRES On Pacific highway, 95 in cultivation, good house and ham ; 2 years ago this place threshed 9 bushels clover seed to acre; at present price would net you $270 per acre. Thia must be sold to close an estate. Price $125 per acre, only half its value. 8. O. DILLMAN 8th and Main Sts., Oregon City. . ONLY $8500 42 ACKKS. FULLY EQUIPPED This bargain is especially attractive; rich soil. 6 room house. 2 good bamfl, 2 mile from Tigard and 12 miles from the center of Portland: farm is practically level; 35 acru cultivated. PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED Well matched span of mares, weight about 1400 Ibe. each. 2-year-old colt. 1100; 2 good fiesh milch cows, 50 chickens, 20 tons of hay. about 500 sacks of potatoes, 100 bushels of grain, 4 acres in fall wheat,, one ne wacon, one buggy, new seeder, new mowing machine antf rake. disc, plow and hand tools. AUTO READY Come to the office or phone for appoint nunt. Cannot be equaled for value iu the TicBrd district. Geo. E. EngSehart Co.- Main 72R0. 024 Henry bloV 5 1-2 ACKI TAIE AUTO Located at the town of Willamette, about 2 ' miles of Oregon City: all in cultivation but about an acre that is in fir grove. This property has tlie finest spring on it in the country; one Time? furnished all of the water for the whole town of Willamette. Place all in good shape; fine eandy loam soil. Price $2500. Will take good auto truck or a good touring car up to" $1800; balance you can have all the lime you want on it. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. 7th and Mai u sts. Oregon City. Or DIVERSIFIED STOCK AND DAIRY FARM Consisting of 12 5 aeres, ail tillable, the very best of loam soil. 100 acres in a hi"h state of cultivation, spring creek through place, fenced ' and cross-fenced. 2 acres of beannj prunes. ! larce familv orchard in full bearing. 8 room : house, new barn, also old barn, including 9 dairy ! cows. 10 head of young cattis 0 horses, har ness, bull tractor, wagons, plows, binder, har rows, mower, rake, cream separator and all small tools, about 70 tons of hay, seed grain and chickens. located in center of best farming di-trict in Clarke county, adjoining small town Auto stage to the place, on Rood macadamized road, only 10 miles from Vancouver, with ail rural advantages. Price $20,000, $11,000 caih THOMPSON. SWAN : LEE Third and Main Sts. ancouver. Ha h ASHDALE DAIRY FARM Near Hillsboro city limits, on macadam and 4 5 minutes from Portland. I viffer a wondertul farm hn, rtf 1 1 O, aeres richest soil in llrecon aw in crop: tine t -r. Dungaiow, large dairy barn, silo and all kinds of other buildings: large bearing family orchard; reronal property in cludes 11 milk cows, several calves, reg. buH. 5 horses, colt, all kinds of , modem farm ma- , Im,t nk v,n..bM sun inn. hn ?00 or 600 bushels grain, filled siln. altogether the personal is worth practically the first cash payment required on this wonderful property. Air. JolitisYin with SKOTHEIM -BROWN COMPANY 330-1-2 3 Runway Ex. bldg. Main 5199. j.-fts' SNAP Tliis splendid M2 acre ranch, about 40 of i which are in cultivation; house is plastered I and contains eight large, airy rooms; has fire place, concrete foundation and basement: five acres of commercial apple orchard, besides as soiled family orchard. Bam 50x50 and other outbuildings; improvements alone cost over $50O0. Total pnre $7M00. $2000 cah Lo cated six miles from Beaver Creek in Clackamas eountsy in ti e Clarks distr.ct. This is a r.al '-nap Photos at office of (-'red V. German Co., 732 f'hs-mber of 'nnimerre. h'en Sundays. ICMIG1 8 acres all in high state of cultivation; good , Plastered houj-e, fine barn, chicken house, somt fruit, 2H miles to Oregon City; S.iOOO; villi laxe a nouse and lot in i'orrtund up to $2500 A. J. BOCKHOLD. Rth and Main st.. Oregon City, Or. MR. FARMER. LOOK THIS OVER 320 acres. 215 acres in cultivation, balance' pasture, wttii on acres oak grub timber, nearly j " je.ri, ico'cu ami t:ivsi leiireu; gOOO O room '". .. .11 farm i m o- i in st- ioo . tax n 'n Km i will rv iiiii in fall train: price $25,000. half ca.sh This (. good. ' See it at once. Henry, Alder hotel. Phone Main o2ia. . HERE'S YOUR CHANCE 00 acres, 35 acres cultivation, finest of l.lack loam soil. 20 acres second gro-vrh fir. 35 acres scattering oak. very easjly cleared; 5 room house, 2 barns, machine shed, other out buildings; fine large creek back of bs.rn. good family orchard, fenced and cross-fenced, on msn hichwj.y. 20 miles from Portlmd; price $125 per acre, liberal terms; consider some trade Mr Hmrv Alder hotel Main 5275 LOOK AT THIS ONE HO acres in Klickitat, county, Wa.-h.. 7 miles fiom l.yle. on a fine road: 15 aeres in 9 year old orchard, yielding 4 000 boxes this year; modem 6 room house, hog house, good bam! in fact everything you could ak for; all equipped, if desired." Tabor 14S5,ior call at S932 56th ave S. K . near Lents- schorl FOR SALE 10 acres good improved land, 3 - miles from Vancouver; price $100 per arre. A neighbor cleared $2700 on 'Ihi acres of same quality rtf land in strawberries. Terms to riffhft party. K. W. Merrifield, 810 Washington st, Vancouver, IVasli. FOR RENT FARMS U FOR RENT Large Eastern Oregon ranch; pay rent with work. 918 E. Salmon st. Call Sunday or evenings. 32 ACRE farm, well improved. 2 4 miles frcm Oreaon City; ca.h rent By owner. P. O. Box 2 1 29. city. FARMS WANTED RENT OR RI Y 38 3FAll"f ANTEi We have a man that has a store building in a good little town 8 miles of the courthouse of Portland, lot 51x100 ft. building 2 story, frame, building 45x60 ft There is 15 rooms that are furnished, 12 of them are rented, bringing in $116 a month steady income. There iu a little confectionery store they own on the lower floor that is equipped and some stock ; would make a nice business. There is another store building on the lower floor that is vacant; will make a nice place for grocery store or butcher shop. The place is complete. Will make some old couple that own a farm a fine income or for some widow woman that has a place and cannot ran it Price for building, store, lot and rooms furnished, stock and fixtures, is $8000; will trade for a farm in the valley to same amount What have you to offer? E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. 7th and Main sts. Oregon City, Or. TWO WANT FARMS Mr. Farmer, do you want to sell that farm of yours? If so give me a chance, I can sell it if the price and location is right. I have two men wanting farms, they are from Canada and the East. Farm must be near the follow ing description as possible: 100 acres or so arid 180 acres up. about 2-8 cr so under plow, creek or spring, good fences; buildings must be good, on good graveled ruad, with or without equipment Prefer Willamette valley. , If you have such a farm list it with me at once. I am selling many farms, yours can b sold. too. A. C. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. SMALL place, close in, some improvements; long lease. Reasonsble rent with privilege to buy. Address 853 E. Broadway. Phone E. 6631. WAN TED Farms, acreage, orchards at cash value, only exclusive options consiAered. Claude Cole. 315 Lumbermens bldg. WANT 40 acre. A-l soil, partly cleared. A. W. WhitseU, 069 E. 23d st N. Wood lawn 40. . FARMS WAKTEP-BEyT OB BUT M ' FARMS WANTED 20 to 160 acres, from $3000 to $12,500 in value. Thoe stocked and equipped given preference. Few calls also for larger places. Buyers waiting. Send description to OTIS C. BECK. 625 ' Henry Building. Marshall 5858. CASH FOR YOUR FARM Want 4a well improved 40 to 60 acre farm for cash buyer from East; mail description, price, etc., etc. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Each, bldg. Main 6752. EXPERIENCED farmer wants to rent prune ranch or stock ranch on shares, everything furnished. Would take charge of farm. F. W. Stringfellow, 1706 Vancouver, Wash, HOMESTEADS 47 40 Acre Relinquishment 48 miles from Portland: cabin: on county mail route; 2 stoves, 2 beds, spring and mat tress, table, chairs, cooking utensils and all tools. Price $125. 160 A. Relinquishment hi mile from the Nelialem river and Pacific highway; close to neighbors; would make a good stock ranch. Price $250 215 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, coast country, good 2 -story house and bam; unlimited out range. Main 4203. Portland, or box 565. Newberg. GET A HOMESTEAD 215 Hallway Exchange bldg. TIMBER 29 FOR SALE OR TRADE 20.000.000 feet of fir timber with com plete logging equipment for a railroad cross tie mill. Will sell on terms or trade for city prop erty. P-997. Journal. 25 -M SAWMILL"in operation on R. R. No. 3 Russel; ctejiplete; 16,000,000 timber. Call Owner Saturday, Sunday or Monday. 122 E. lOUi st. Phone East 653S. FOR SALE OR EXCHAXGE, REAL ESTATE 6i FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE What have you to trade for 3J0 acres of wheat land in Eastern Washington? Part in crop now, balance can be plowed in spring; land joining railroad station, all fenced but no build ings, or will sell for small payment down, balance in crop payment to suit purchaser. 1 uia is a moneymaker for a good farmer. Must sell, owner too old to work it. B-31. Journal. 12-ACRE8 land with cottage, 2 barns, pig house, chicken house and shed; trout creek on the place: hi mile from paved highway and car line, 7 miles from Vancouver; ' also 6-room house, 1 block from Montavilla car line, for sale or exchange for more acreage. 601 East 22d st. Sellwood 1271. $4000 BUYS A HOUSE and 50x100 lot. on Raleigh St., close to 23d at.; fine location for flats or apaitment house. Owner is non resident, will sell on terms to responsible pur chaser. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bidg , 127 Park a.t. 5 ROOM bouse, tract of land 70x110. near Ients, fmit trees, berries and flowers-, chicken house, yard and barn. $1600. I am the owner and will give you terms to suit. For particulars see me at my office. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park. WANTED -Equity in Detroit. Mich., vacant or improved, for Mt, Tabor park lot. C. W. Hopkins, phone Woodlawn 166 5. EXCHANGE REAL- ESTATE 24 FINEST piece of vacant property in city, for garage, factory or warehouse, on main line R. R. with spur, also best streetcar line in city. with sptfr. also best streetcar line in city. $45.0O0. clear of mtg. : consider Valley farm to $50,000 or will go higher for right iJace. Apartment house, West Side, income 400 per month. Price $40,000; consider Valley farm or timber to $25,000. 1452 acre wheat ranch, oOO in wheat, 90 hogs, 21 cattle. 28 horses, big line of machinery. water pipea into gooa ounaings. rn.-e .mi,?j(i. Consider good Valley farm to $30,000; baL lcng u 6 ' ; present crop should sell for at least $15,000 to $20,000. L. K. MOORE. 317 Board of Trade. 80-ACRK BARGAIN 10 MILES FROM PORTLAND SO acres, good land; IS acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture and timlier; family orch ard, all fenced: good well: one-room shack, small bam; on county road; no rock nor gravel on' this place; 2 hi miles to station; pnee $125 per acre, hi cash or will take good city prop erty as part payment. 3 "This is a snap." R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 'i 4th st. Sunday Phone Tabor 2309. XC1ANG1 40 acres, 24 acres in cultivation. 16 with some timber, orchard. 6-room house, old barn; brick milk house; basement under kitchen. 4 inile to school and near Viola. A J. BOCKHOLD. 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. A TRAI)ElFREAL VALUE No flourishes or exagerated statements, but a real business heart-to-heart talk: i'lient has J5U acres gooa unimproved laua aooui ou ""lea Portland marked down to-real cash value $10 per acre arm wants a ngr.l car as first payment up to $700, balance easy pay ments. This is no junk investigate at once. A. W. ESTES. 909 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK HOME FOR IMPROVED ACREAGE Modem 6-room bungalow, fireplace, furnace, built-in conveniences; full cement basement, carafe, paved streets: price $4500. Will trade for close-in improved acreane: inicht assume. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON ".. 212 Railway Exch. bid,:., Main 6752. WANT aVrFAGE' Prefer from 3 to 10 ai res, with or without . 1 i . l T .. u. ai:ii ; V , . f -i fu, heights view lot and some cash, or will a,.,,,,,. RITTER. LOWE GO.. 201:1-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. A GOOD TRADE, N. 50 Fine. new. modern 5 room bungalow, all furnished to perfection. Will take trade on $1800 for some kind of business. Value $3200, terms balance. What have you NOID HAMPTON CO. Main 8245. 401 Stock Ex. TRADE T"8 YOUR F.OUTTY - - - 5 ACRES 2 MILES MULTNOMAH STATION s Cash value-$1400; free and clear. Submit what you have. Prefer house equity. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WANTEI To exchange Portland income proji erty at cash value for farm or orchard at cash value: would pav cash difference if war- ranted. - Submit full particulars.. Claude Cole. 215 Lumbermens bldg. VTaNT small rooming house for hi section Washington cuunty unimproved land, value $10 per acre. A. V ESTES. 909 Chambfr of Commerce. 142 ACRES at Weiser. Idaho. Some improve-' ments. 50 acres in cultivation; $55 per acre. Will exchange for residence property, Portland or Vancouver.1 See W. A. Ioss, 1805 Main st.. Vancouver, Wash., or write P. O. Box 37. WHO has a small business to trade for 200 acres unimproved land 4 0 miles from Port land? Value $10 per arre. A. W. ESTES. 90!) Chamber of Commerce. $1000 6 ROOM, partly modern, house; large lot; at Salem. Or. For safe on easy terms, or trp.de for Portland propeity, land or car. Owner, 273 Dixrm st.. Portland, Or. WANT to exchange my beautiful west siile view lot, 75 feet frontage, for acreage near Port land; will assume . cash difference. H-109, Journal. ' SWAP 40 acres of good land in Lake county, Oregon, for a Rood piano or what; must be O, K. Iand value $800. George A. Spra-gue. Eminett. Idaho. TRADE Income property for country stor, 4 houses on 100x100. West Side. I a-ar. l ive in one and rent the others. Price $1,0,000. Address owner. 143 Bancroft ave., Portland, Or. VVA N T!Bl "NU'A LOW- FOir 160ACRES Iiairy ranch, W mile from station, to trade; value $3000. clear of debts. OSCAR ALDERTON. 1952 E. YasTJill st OWNER Eight-lots! Milwaukee, "near Carver road. No incumbrance, sell cheap or trade for small house. Will take auto or motorboat as part pay. Phone evenings. Woodlawn 1340. 5 ACRES, fine soil, all cukivat-d and fenced. 4-room house, bam. good well; horse, co-t. chickens, wagon, near .city, good road, for houue and lot, 932 Chamber of Commerce. WANT FARM NEAR THE COAST Have 8 room modern home, 2 lots, $3500, clear of debts. Might assume. OSCAR ALDERTON. 1952 Yamhill st WILL exchange 2 strictly new modem homes for good, going ranch. Owner. Woodlawn 6313. CAR wanted as first payment on my new 5 room house, lot 42x110. Will give a very good deal. 990 Powell Valley road. Bell. 717. WILL exchange lot 50x120 at North Fair Oaks, San Mateo Co., CaJ., for close in Portland lot. 334 Hall st WOULD like to trade 100x100 lota in North St Johns for improved acre with small living house; will assume. R-832, Journal. HAVE tw good houses. Portland ; want 40 acres upward, improved and irrigated Deschutes or Jefferson county. 932 Chamber Commerce. 11 ACRES. 1 mile east of Clackamas, on paved road. $5000; to trade for good house on pared street. Call at 1318 Williams are. WANT PUGET SOUND 1-8 acre, 7 room modem, 35 miles Port land. $3500. I. Wheeler. Canby. Or. TO TRADE any kind of property see T. C , Staley, 318 Railway Exchange. ALBERTA lands for aale. or trad. . I if. Moore. Main 8667. " LARGE dear lot to exchange for light truck or light ear. $45 E. 7th st. HEAt. ESTATE EXCHANGE' REAL ESTATE excim 39 acres, IT in culiration; all fenced. 2 wells. 4 -room bouse, bam. 32x44. -mile to school. 2 miles to eleosric line and Mulino. A. J. Bockhold, 8th and Main sts., Oregon City, Oregon. 9 ROOM modem house, double constructed; ail Improvements in; on 2 carlines; close to Jef ferson high school and library; lot 50x100; handy for either one or two families. Price $4000; also 160 sere timber claim, 4.250,000 feet, Lincoln county. Or.; price $3200; will sell or trade both for stocked and equipped farm, 4 0 acres or more. Write or see owner, 118 E. Em erson st. 5-PASSENGER Ford, good condition, and 10 acres of good unimproved land, slashed and fenced, T miles north of Battle Ground, to trad for 1918 model Dodge or Overland in good condition, or will sell car and land for $1000. cash or terms. -Oscar Larson, RL . 1. Battle Ground, Wash. TWO acres, cultivated, fenced, close in; good road, fine soil; want good clear lot or small house. 932 Chamber Uoinmerce. WANTEK A bouse and some land on east side in exchange for city property. Call Tabor 8526. WASTED REAL ESTATE II $2,175,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1, 1910. 800 HOUSES. This organization can sell house. Every house lifted is inspected, photographed and ap prai ed by Frank L. McGuire personally and report made on your house without charge. You know that 12 real estate salesmen with auto mobiles, working in a well organized office, wilich spends thousands and thousands of dollar annually advertising homes exclusively, must get results. We are in touch with the majority of buyers. List your house with as for results. FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068 Office Open Evenitifrs and Sonde ys. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS An opportunity to have your home inspected, appraised and photographed by an expert ap praiser, who will tell you what tt is worth, and what it can be sold for, all this free service which goes with our business. List your borne with us to sell. We are doing special high class advertising which will insure results. For prompt attention; call E. M. PADDEN, SALES MANAGER BROADWAY 3644. METZOEH-PAHKER-FERGUSON CO. FORMERLY STANLEY L. THOMPSON CO. 802 OAK STREET. NOTICE HEADQUARTERS FOR IMPROVED ACREAGE AND SUBURBAN HOMES OF MERIT If your acreage or suburban home is for sale, and is on or close to good road, send us de scription, price and location. We have sold several properties of this kind in the past few months and we can sell yours if price is right. See or write Georce P. Henry, with FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abincton bldg. Open Sundays. I SPECIALIZE in house selling and have buy ers waiting. What have you? Each and every listing is given proper attention. Watch our ads. We get results. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201 3 5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. HELP WANTED We are up against it for cheap houses from $1000 to $2500, good location or large lot, I: you have one to sell, list with us and we can Cum it soon. Terms must be easy and price riRht. Call Main 802, Monday morning. GEO. T. MOORE CO 1007 Yeon bldg. VANT ACREAGE Prefer from 3 to 10 acres, with or without buildings, close to Portland. Will give beauti ful heights view lot and some cash, or will assume. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5 7 Board of Tradebldg. B U Y E RS WAITING We have several buyers for homes from 4 to 6 rooms, any good location ; we also need mere close-in improved acreage tracts; guaran tee quick sale, if your property is attractive. It M. G ATE WOOD & CO., 165 hi 4th. WE want good "farms. Have buyers for good improved farms 50 to 500 acres. See or write II. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man," 508-0 Lewis bldg. SCHURHAN HOME WANTED I want a small. neat suburban home, 4 to 6-room house, 1 to 3 acres land, or several lots; must have some terms or would trade fine building lot as part pajment; car service in reasonable distance Give f-.iil description. H-110, Journal. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow. Must be on im proved street ; Sunnyside or Hawthorne dis tricts. Quick deal and can pay cash. . . titate price and exact location. Must be real bargain. Will deal, direct with owner or through any reliatile broker. S 35, Journal. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sjld oer 400 homes in the last year If you want action, list with us. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. WANT to rent farm from 100 to 500 acres: must be improved :" prefer river bottom; will pay cash for personal property to $15,000. See H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man." 508-9 Lewis bldg. LIST your property with us; we have customers all over Portland, some .with ail cash. IM'B.NER c DOBNER j BONDED REALTY DEALERS 308 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474 WANT T'l BUY SUBURBAN HOME. Have $150.1 to $2000 as first payment on r. suburban home; want from 5 to 15 acrei, or more, mu t have buildings, and be coTiven i( nt to oar. I 'all Ta bor 4 727 or Main 5199. LIST YOUR- HOUSES With me. 1 can sell them if priced right ! W. A. WRIGHT j Main 5H. 417 Ahington bldg. 8ell. 1335. j WANTED to luy One or two acres with 4 j or 5 loom house; Garden Home or anywhere nearb ; can pay $700 down, give closest price, j location, terms; no agents apply. Address B-37, i Journal. PHACKs'TNb-8MALI. HOMES WANTWD Price must be nzht and very easy terras. We I hare sold over 400 homes In the last year. If . yrn want action, see Fred W. German Co.. j Cham cf Com Open evenings sod Sundays. MY" BUSINESS'-is' seUing-east side property : i h.st your hutigalows, houses, flats, lots and ! business property with me. J. J. OEDER, i 4 Grand ave. N.. cor. E. Ankney st. j I WANT a rnixiem bungalow in Rose City. Iiaurelhurst or Irvington: fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, etc. for $4000. (Jive full de tails in letr.r No agents. F-839, Journal. WILL BUV from ov ner, in g'Kid residence dis trict, strictly modern bungalow; must be a real bargain; can pay $8O0 cash down- Y-853, Journal. I HANK cash, I mean business; I will go to $4500 for hom. must be slrictly modern, on good street, prefer Ko-e City or Hawthorne. No aijerit. R 5L1 4. Journal. Wli WANT mall dwellings from $1000 to $2500, have immediate buyers waiting. PORN tc DOB.XER 30 Henrv Bldg Main 84 74 WANTED, to buy 6 to 8 room house in Ladd's add : state terms and location; no agents. Y 75. Journal. 1 WANT a bargain in a fractional lot. with ot without bouse, south of Montgomery street, between 6th and 20th sta H-78, Journal. 6 OR 7 ROOM bungalow, modern, large lot; or suburban home. No inflated ..values. Give all particulars. s-36. Journal. ( ASH PAID for bargains in improved farm or city propertv. Also snoney to loan. SEE A K 11 ILL. 215 LUMBERMEN'S BLIXV. WANT 4ot 5-room modem bungalow from owner; not over $260,0. East 4720. LOOKING for house up to $2500, in any good lo'-ation. from owner-. East 5779. SMALL cottage near 20th and East Salmon. R-528, Journal. ALL CASH FOR lot in good building district; must, be bargain; at once. F-88, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE i 27 MODERN ROOMS $2200 EASY TERMS On one floor, steam heat and hot water furnished by owner of bldg. Rent $75 per month, including beat This has all 2 room rpartments. First time offered. Easiest place in Portland to run. A bargain. J BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BI.DG. H9ROOMS49 Close to Olds Si King's, walnut and reed fur niture, clears $140 per month. Price $1650. pay $650 down, balance as you make it Pe ters. 15 N. 5th st H3ROOMS!3 Close to depot, 8 rooms furnished, cheap Tent, dandy transient bouse, new furniture, for $495, pay $100 down. Peters, 15 N. 5th. LS42 Dandy location, swell furniture, always full, running water in rooms, furnace heat, nice borne, for $695. Peters, 15 N. 5th st- $300 will handle. location where rooms are always fall, run ning water, furnace heat, all housekeeping, for $795, eaxy t-rms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st SIX room flat, centrally located. $450; terms considered. Man hail 1598. $53 month. , BOOMING HOTTSEVArARTMESTS ASP HOTELS FOB SALE tt THESE CAN'T BE BEAT 8 beautiful looms. $700 modern lovely fur niture, modern bouse, first time on market Very exceptional. T room West Side flat, furnished. Bent $30. $650. Recently 14 rooms. $1200, term, close In, nlcejyard, food home and fair profits. See this first. 12 steam heated rooms, (1375; hot and cold water In -rooms, no attic or basement room. 11 en t aan inmm, tlFia ... ; I. . 1 " --" - t "- -, nu yiiriiu.uK ,vi home. Desirable place. 10 lovely rooms, just offered. Lady Is old and wants to retire; very clean, well furnished. $1050. 12 rooms, 6th and Jefferson, $1100; clean aa can be; a winner. 86 rooms, steam heated. $2600; close to Journal bldg. Clears $250 month; sickness forces sale. 46 rooms. $3000. West Side, terms. House keeping, making big money. THESE PLACES ARE EXCLUSIVELY for sale through this office, and 1 have thor oughly investigated them and can recommend them. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 COUCH BLDG BUSINESS SERVICE 317 Henry bldg. Main 6797. 11 rooms on 14th street, good furniture, fur nace heat: rent only $35. Price $1200. 38 rooms on Third street, comer brick build ing; one year leae: rent $150; clearing $300 a month. Price $4200. 15 rooms on Salmon street; furnace beat: rent $45. Price $17M). 18 rooms on First street, brick building, rent $4 5, lease. Price $1500 26 rooms on Yamhill at. N. W., steam heat, two-year lease; rent only $00. Price $2700. 80 rooms on 3rd St.. clearing $200; brick bldg.; steam heat; hot and cold water; reut $200. Price $5000. 32 rooms on 2nd st., brick bldg., steam heat; two-year lease; reut $105; clearing $300. Price $6000. 30 rooms on Stark st. cor. bldg : rent $125; two-year lease; clearing $2O0. Pnce $2500. TO BUY OR SELL YOUR HOTEL. ROOM ING HOUSE, OR BUSINESS OF ANY KIND, SEE BUSINESS SERVICE 317 Henry Building Main 6797 THE VERY BEST SN PORTLAND STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE $3650 Disappearing beds, private baths, steam beat, hot waster, beautiful nigs, dressing rooms, givs ranges, refrigerators, etc.; first time offered. Terms. Great bargain. BRUCE GODDARD 50 1-2 COUCH BLDG RECORD BEATER INCOME APARTMENT PROPOSITION $270 per month and could easily be increased to $350, and only $2750 for the business. This fine 23 r. house. well furnished and equipped, located only a few minutes' walk from retail district; is filled always, and I believe the best thing for the money mi present mar ket. Call E. Nelson, Main 6109, Monday or Tuesday. 24ROOMS24 On Washington st., brick building, lease, al ways full and a money-maker: Jiwrter is leav- down. Peters, the place for easy terniB. We psy tne most lor cnattei mortgages. l ,ui. 15 Rooms $800Snap Lady been 5 years in this place and is leav ing city; lias everything needed for apartments. Rare opportunity. Strictly .modern house and close in on West Side. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. BCS1XESS OPPORTUNITIES fO FOR immediate results list with the Ore gon Business & Financial Agency. W have a long waiting list of buyers anx ious to get in business. Now is your opportunity to sell your business. BUYERS WANTING Grocery stores from $1000 to $10. 000. Drygoods stores from $4000 to $25,- 000. Shoe stores from $5000 to $25,000. Clothing stores from $5000 to $25, 000. Confectionery 6tores from $1000 to $10,000. Garages from $500 to $10,000. Hotels and rooming houses from $2000 to $20,000. Read our ads. We give prompt re sults. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLDG. RESTAURANT One of the best paying restaurants In the city, doing a $250 business per day; good lo cation: rent $70 per month. Price $2500. GARAGE Brick building. fine location, completely equipped with machine shop, wash trays, filling station; long lease. $7 500 with some Units. F RIEHDON. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201 3 5 7 Board of Trade bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. INFORMATION If there is anything of importance you wish to know about, such as business, social or do mestio matters or public records, ask us ahout it. We do not answer anything of a frivo lous or fortune teiliiig nature. Enclose tl.no with each question and self addressed, stamped envelope, and mail to WESTERN INFORMATION BUREAU, 404 hi Washington st Portland. Or. DO you want a sound, long established, paving business, doing better than $00,000 annual ly? In a live town of ahout 12O0. Sawmills in town and tributary. Iirge cannery shortly to be erected. Stock about $20,000. Own store building and residence, which can be bought or leased - If huver desires can reduce stock one-half in short time. Investigate th:s and you will find you have a good hu.-ine and location. Best of reasons for selling. Call or address N. Selig. Falls City. Or. BUSINESS opportunity, 60x00 ft. frontage on paved street, with 2-story brick building with basement and furnace; also 2 story fissile build ir.g adjoining. Estimated cost S.'in.noo. As owner is a non-resident this can be bought for half the muney and is A harcuin as it is sit uated on one of the very best business cor ners in Newburg: being near postoffice, hank and other good buildings. Terms cah. White A Co., 703 Vs First st. Newburg, Or. SUBSTANTIAL mannfacturrn corporation wants capable men to establish branch aud manage salesmen; 30O to 1500 necessary: you handle own moiiey; will allow expenses to Baltimore if you will qualify. For particulars address Sec retary, 41H N. Howard st. Baltimore. Md ORGANIZE business under letiarat ion of trust. Ieul in all states: no reports to county or state commissioner-., no liability to et'kholder. no probating of estate; iys same taxes as indi vitluals; stock easilv sold: information free. Na tional Org, Co , 123 Madison st. Chicago. LIGHT GROCERY and lunch, good hn-aii.TrT; well furnished and stocked, 2 living rooms; furnished complete. $1500 See Harper, Rrandinarian American Realty Co., 24S Stark tt. Main 5429. OFFICE KURN ITURE F( lit SALE - -2 roll" top desks, 1 flat top, 1 Royal typewriter, 1 type writer stand. 1 tyjiewriter desk, 2 small tanks; will sell all together or singly. ("all 317 Henry bldg. PARTNER WANTED Industrious man' with $550 can buy equal half interest in a small store husiuis: pr-'fit $175 month clear for each partner. Call room 401 Iiekum bldg. WANTEls--To mil wood ad auto trucking business, making from $30 to $10 a day new 3 ton truck ; takes $1600 to handle same. Address 562 Front. M.sTKE MONEY at home in your spare time; for sale complete, toyssildier niniufaeturing outfit. No experience necessar'-, l'le.a:-iit work, big money. I 998, JoTlrnal. PARTN Efts H 1 P In" F 0 x Too correte gariiirT! West Side, repair shop doing cood business and full of storage; $650 cash. M 4 17, Journal. DEAL with owner; grocery t,cV and 'ittnres for sale. Good business. PU'-e toy live. In voice about $2000. Tel. East 6142. 859 Hslsey. HAIR STORE with full stock and miidern at pliances for shampooing, massage ami inanieur ing. Good reasons for selling. Address Mrs. V. J. Betijes, 514 8th st. Eureka, California. SPECIAL worker wants party of means with email place interested in culture of better fruit: going wages. A. J. Averell, Medford. Or 6 ACRES unimproved, Oregon City line: clear; for 5-room bungalow with acre near city. Stratum. 2 1 7 A bington J?ldg. f HAVE income of $70 per month; would trade for grocery store with one that owns building. F-30, Journal. ' ESTABLISHED location for plumbing ami heating, lot and buildings at a bargain. Wdln. 6603. LA KG A IN for cash. 2 greenhouses, 20x100. 12x50. two-room house and three lota wiiu- in city limits; $1750 Tabor 7329 Eveningr. FOR SALE by owner. SMALL BUSINESS COL LEGE; Addle. M It., V. O. Box 500, Portland. CAN put a 2 or 5 ton truck on good bona flde hanling Job. Tabor S706. BUSINESS women would like partner for lunch room. Y-70. Journal. NICE LITTLE TRANSFER business, $450 cash. Office 263 Russell street. East 4639. PACIFIC bakery for rent fully equipped. 840 Front s-t Phone Oek Orore 1M. GROCERY stock and fixture for sale; good Uf' eatJoo. Wdln. 15 tt 1 Pacific Ageecy 1c SWETLAND BLDG. Marshall 3989 GARAGES $4500 For a 70x100 concrete building lo cated on one of tine main roads lead- . nig in and out of the city and doing from ' $3uno to $4000 Worth of business, nointhly. This place handles enough stor age t i lake rare of til rent. Personally -inspected and passed.' A real garage with plenty of business and at a low.pric. GARAGE AND FORD SERVICE STATION ' $4500 This fine corner on East side rents for only $loo per mouth and carries a leas of 5 years. It Is a brick building 50x70 and has a fine lot of tools, tires, and accessories, cash register, etc. Works 4 wo mechanics and two helper. GARAGE ' $6500 Will buy a fine location with a good business slid the rent is only $55 pet nn nth. The profits in this plac run from $500 to $600 per month. A good lo- . ration fur a live wire. GARAGE I . $b.00 Another first c',a place. Coneret building 50x100 located on Division at. Full of storage at a goes! price. Has s good stock of tools, stocks and acces sories. See UUs place first. r.KUM'.T. . $0500 A reinforced concrete building 50x100. Located In one of the busiest spots on th East side $105 rent and can get a 6 year lease. This place is clearing $900 to $1000 monthly, lias drill press. frlmJ ers. air rumpir'ssor, wejjing outfit, tools, tc. 1:0 cars recular storage at $0.00, besides the transient. GARAGE $7500 Located on East ode corner nd h real buy. New concrete; 1 OOx 1 00 building snd is fine looking and Inviting plac to stop. Has good shop, rulcanlrer, battery charging, gas pump ami tank. Rent $200 per month. GARAGF. $8500- Another of our finely located and thrlr ing garages. This concrete building 76g 75 and has 30 cars in storage. Com prises fully equipped machine shop and seiner car. and is in s rood healthy business condition. Rent $123 per month with a two year lease. We hsve soma of the best out of-the-clty garnges that can be found and will b glad to give ymi any information or assistance along this line. When you have looked th other places all over, come here and l fh snaps. GROCERIES, STORES, RESTAURANTS AND MISCELLANEOUS GROCERT AND NOTIONS ' $ 700 Nice little plare for old coupUt Mak good living. 2 living rooms, rent $15. GROCERY STORE $ 750 Good little comer grocery on th East siile. plenty of business. Owner haa other business. Therefore th abov prie takes it Rent $20. GROCERY STORB $1000 Dandy (in little place, eet side, mak good living for the winter. Rent f 10 p' month. Good location. CLEAN TNG AND DYE WORKS $1100 This price Includes good Ford delivery rsr. This Is a west side location and clearing $200 per month. Other business, forced lo sell. CONFECTIONERY $1100 Rent $35 per month, Inclnding 2 food living rooms. Tim fixtures in tills plac would cost $1500 todsy, to sy nothing of $900 in stock. Yes, $1100 takes It all. GROCF.RT AND DELICATESSEN $1500 Rent $35 per month. Also goof! furnished apartment. A dandy money maker, close in on east side. GROCERY STORE $2000 With 5 living rooms; price includes fur niture of place, nice stock of grocerls and fine futures. A bargain. GROCERY STORE $2000 Out In Krlhr, ri- district, 2 good lirlnt rooms snd hath, one of the srosll place that is making motley. Owner is retura- fng lo England. GROCERY RTOBJ! $2000 U.ood living rooms, refit $25 Mt month. Fin location, doing $40 per day - cash, and good business. GROCERY STORE 12100 Fine east side location. I,lv1n moms, with bath, full basement. Ment for all, $no per month; close to school, all bus)-' ness one snan can look after. No delivery. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY " $2500--This place has 5 good living iwoyna; rent for all $50 per month. A better business is hard to find Big lunch trad at noon. Close in on east side. GROCERY STORE $3000 -A dandy place, cash and csrry, hrle building. Rent $4 5 per month. Ob look and you will buy GROCERY STORE $3500 Tes, this is s regular place. Looks Ilk $50110; fine fixtures. Jdg fi, living ro'-ms, on one of the best covners in the cltv. Apt. house district, $100 a day cash business; no delivery. Account of sickness forced to sell. CONFECTIONERY $5000 "Some plaee" - that is whst a customer said while we were listing It We sgro with biin. You cannot duplicate this for $7500 Trsnrfer corner, east side Look it over. Rent $7 5 per month. i GROCERY AND CONrr.CTlOXEIiT $7000 Washington st location, right down town, doing $.1,100 business mr mohth. Cadi snd '.si, y ..M apartment hems., district. Rent $76 per month. Good base. HOME AND GROCERY 8T0UE $7000 Good east side 8 room house, modern and t.ore building .Good hake nvn in-tdli-d and bakery equipment $2000) t...-k of groceries. Will take $5000 trade, balance cash. v pool, ROOM AND CON FF.CT ION E R Y $10,000 Right on Washington st.. 5 year lea, one of those places you hav always ranted Doing $100 a day ch busfD. Just the place for a good live man that has a little sjiortiiig blood. Come and so t HEKTAUHANTS $3500 West aide location, rent $40 rmlnti $50 per day. Full equipment. Busln H increasing. $1800 West side location. Clearinfsi$00f per nvsmn. Item fa per snoiith; lunch counter and tables $1KOO West -side locstion,- rent $15. Oood business. .-,) $3200 West side location, rent $45. 2-year ' lease. Fully equipped. Net profits (409 per month. Pacific As 514-519 'S wetland BSdg." Phone Marshall' -3989'' . ',' ' - - -"--;