OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16. . 1919. . BEAI -STATE TOE HALE HOUSES, 1 1 ACHE $525. All to cultivation, Mocta , to station at Ascot, on Mt. Hood alee. $7.80 down, $7.50 monthly. 1' ACHE 800. $2$ down. $10 monthly lor this splendid tract: all clear; ba- . vui.ti - mi4 amm fpnaunf ! a erf decided np. ,,,' . X ACEE Z600. All la culttvattoo: 4 room plwttrcd house; 424 assorted bear in tTuit tree nd small frnit; food ' . bam. woodshed, chicken bone and rab Wt hutch; mln. walk E. of IernU . a V A . a. Bill 1 unction , w ai, .vv -, -monthly. , . . 1U ACBE8 $1280. A vte lerel tract with 65 assorted bearing fruit tree; hi mile' to Gilbert Sta.; $100 cash, $10 monthly. 2 ACRE $1785; $100 down, $15 month ly; aplendld " level 2-aere tract, about 400 ft. off Baee Un road; all cul " ttvetton; 40 assorted bearing fruit trei 6 -took to elc t.; beautiful -' homo alt. . , , t ACRES $$500; $1500 cash, for a level tract: 4-room I plastered house; good well and pumping plant; modern plumb In; Iarg attic with room for several ' - room;' 2 acre of black, loamy soil, boot 4 block from Met-er aUtion, a Or. Elec. lie fare; good cow. calf, and stock included; $1500 cah. $25 -.fti- 2 ACRES $1200: $200 casta. $10 monthly, boya tbla beautiful tract, right on pared Foster road; hi mile from Ballrose 8U.. overlooking the entire sur rounding country; extra choice. AORES $700; $200 rash, $10 mo.; b-tween here and Oregon City; 2 acre 2- ' , In cultivation; no bldgs.; an extra choice bargain. S ACRES $1200: $300 cub, $10 mo.; hi mile to Green. urg Bu., On-. Elec; black, loamy soil: all In cultivation; Tery tightly and decided snap. ACRES AU In cultivation; 75 fruit tree. 8 years old; 2 -room house, ceiled and papered; Just off of 7 2d at; $2500, -. $260 down, $20 monthly. 2.1 ACRES $1575 $50u cash, $10 mo.; 2 acre In cultivation; 2-room shack bona, 4 blocks to school, 6 blocks to ''' Klee. Sta. at Orenco; city water and springs: good buy. 4 acres, $700 rash. baL to snlt; all in culti vation; 2 wells, 8 -room plastered house with fireplace: 40 large aasort- i ad bearing fruit trees; directly out aide city of Bidgefield. Wash.; 24 miles to Portland. . ACRES $1900, $150 cash for This splendid 6-acre tract in the 6 mile nr ele from Portland; black, loamy ' toil; well built 2 room houier wlUi large porch; mile south of Ryan Place. A good peculation. ACRE 8 $850; half cash, for this tract . right on the main Capital highway. about 2 blocks from lte( atation7 1 , acre in cultivation; an ever-running , ' spring. Ilere la your chance to get that t. tract yon have been thinking about. ACRES $1250, $50 down. $10 mo., bay this tract Dear ltockwood. this aid of Ore ham; none cleared; no building: a vary conservative buy. f ACRES $075. $225 cash, for tbla eplen did tract; almost adjoining city limits of ' r'-'OBsgoa City; unimproved; ideal, how- :-i vr. for fruit, berries and chickens. (.42 ACRES $1400, $250 cash. $20 mo., lightly rolling; good creek, 1-room aback; I hi miles from Oswego: this is yory clone In. ACRES $1000, half cash; loamy soil: Don In cultivation; large creek, on rock road. S mile 8. E. of ft yca mor and 2 miles north of Damascus. The abnv list contains Just a few of th many small tracts Uiat w hare listed, and w wish to advise thst if you want larger properties we have just as large and varied to. assortment of the larger properties. Wo has photographs of most of our listings and Invito you to call at the office. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 782 Chamber of Commerce. Oycn Sundays. PORTLAND'S INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT KENTON ' 1650 On West Terry St.. 8 room house. . .11 mvnanl rinWfl. halanC t 115 par month, 7 per cent interest . $2180 On West Bchofleld t., neat 8 room furnished bungaluw; full basement: lot 00x100; psved St. and cement sidewalk: all kinds of fruit and shrubbery; fin - condition. $850 will handle, balance $26 per month and T per cant interest. i anSKA Aji XVmm Watta at nfra tarea It room house. Lot 50x100. Gas. etec trio lights and modern plumbing; ' dirt basement; 8 blocks from car. '' . H cash will handle. Will take murt- (ag back on balance. $2800 On West Watta St., 5 room hung '.. alow. Lot 78x100. Paved St.. cement 'ldwalk. large garage, modern plumb ing. All kinds of fruit and shrubbery. 13150 On Burrsse st , A room bungalow. T . Lot 75x100. Has all the modern conveniences. A-l condition. Half cash will hand. - $4200 On Brandon St., 8 room modem bnngalow. Lot 75x73. ImproTe merits all in and iwld for. This is th best buy in Kenton, 1 block from Kenton car. JOTIN MALONF KcChir A Srhmauch Co., .106 By. Exchange Bldg. Ms in 1603. Bvanlngs call room 26, View Hotel, Kenton VINE corner on Alnsworth ate.. 100x100, lots of bearing fruit trees and small berries, well . built $ room bungalow, full cement basement fins Plumbing. This Is a . bargain at $3800 $1000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. ' Ladd Add. Btrirt.Iy modern 8 room home hardwood floors, full ceuient basement, ftni furnace, th very bent plumbing, dandy sleeping porch. Think of it; Oils house would coM today $6000 to build, the lot cnet. IJlMl. total aaiou. sou can nav this un bum lor (b.au Isrma. I hav four 60x100 lots on Grand avenn y north, x block to car, near Woodlawn school. . I will sail at $550 for. a quick sal. I am building a fine, modern horn on Tilla mook St.; It is a dandy. You ought to see it aomaimng new in a modern horn; come or call. I will mak a clos price on snoh sv noma. Parbap yon wilt want one built UK tt. Bav a good plan for building homes 9b yaarr exrerienre. THE VIOARS COMPANY Mara 8082. 27(1 Stark t, T-7681 THR M'GUIRE SYSTEM makM home buying easy. You can come to tbla office and see over 600 photographs of home for tale, arranged in their recpeotive dis tricts with full description. Every home has . nca appraised by an expert appraiser. Som remarkable bargains. That Is why we sold over T60 home since January 1 this year. 12 ex perienced talesmen with auto at your service, '8KB -FRANK L. McGUIRE .,i , TO BUY YOUR HOMB. Abington Building. Main 10AO. . OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. oaaiisiun x -un pavca street, i blocks to car. room 1 story bungalow, larse. Itvin- and dinb&g rooms, oak floors, beamed celling, fire , place, buffet, bookcasea, Dutch kitchen. 3 large bedrooms, cement basement, furnace. laundry ray: 50x100 lot; $4000 terms. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. $32. 688. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $1500 BUNGALOW $1500 ' PENINSULA 4 rooma, bath, electricity, gaa, fireplace. Dutch MtchM. good basement, . 1 block from car and . paved atreeta. $600 rash, balance easy. Good dutriet. Why rent! Buy k this. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE A CO. 301-8-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. I AM COMPELLED TOSELL THIS VACANT, MODERN men bungalow, $ piece et of plumbing. BUlfttn. full naserawit, large lot, hi block to car. som fruit Th price $2460, easy terms. I USED MONEY; KF.E THIS AND MAKE urrr.it. . Phone owner. Tabor 8189. . $1500. $200 CASH, BAU M6NTHLY1 ' t loom boo, reception hall, bath. On hard , tarfaoa trt, 1 block to Sellwood car, near pevout, -joe in. main o I o i JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 8-. e$8. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. A NICE little California bungalow, 3 room am bath, completely furnished, on the east aide m garage, lot $0x100; small fruit treat and roses. rnca vuv, aiuuv caan, oaianc at pr rent, iboot svs. ONLY $1000 for a Bew 3 room bouse, located oa th west tide, close to a carline, close to a boulevard. This house haa all of th eltyJ convenience, only S blocks from city auoooi; city water, gu ana electricity. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. kUNNISIDB bargain. $3150, Very good, mod" m .7 room house. elo Belmont st. and . acbooi, on location ; imuu down will handle it ii. it, BXAUH, Belmont. Tabor 210. MtttJAL MaEttTTo: 13000 Tama, room horn, Pared street. Gar. bid. age. Oa earlina. 1219 Main 164$. N. W. Bank fuTT i your place without delay if you hav title insuraaue- policy. T1U Trust Co,, m 4tn at. IT A HOMJE i worth buying, the' title is worth iBtwins. XiUa Trust Co., 11 4th . REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 RT. EXCH. BLDG. Ualn 10$4. UHNDAT CALL TABOR fill 7. W handle only desirable homes; some of then aiw low in prte. bnt wo will guar antee that they ar it to liv la and that yon will not have to los your self-respect IX iron more into them. Most of those homes ar for sale at much lea than yon would think it possible to buy them. TOU ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT DUPLI CATE THE HOUSES ALONE FOB THE MONET; THE LOT AND STREET IMP. IHOWN IN. HERE ARE BOVE OF OUR BARfJAINS. WE HAVE MORE. IN. ANT SECTION TOU MAT DESIRE. LET US SHOW YOU. $2250.00 buys a 6-room bungalow with fire place, full basement, Dutch kitchen, hot and cold water, full line of plumbing. Nice lot, only H block to car and raved street. Terms. $2300.00 buys a fine appearing 6-room homs with full 0UX1OO lot; 4 rooms Hon and 2 op. We have sold many a X homo no better for $8000.00 and th at. imp. are all in and Included h. nrlce. Term's. $2400.605 rooms sod sleeping porch, fruit ' trees, full 50x100 lot. rt. imp. ail in and paid. This is an attractive bungalow, newly painted and would bs a good buy at $3000. Owner must mov this One immediately. Terms. $2350.00 buys a 7 -room home with 80x100 lot. One bedroom first floor. 3 up; o fruit trees, berries, plenty of roses and shrubbery; nhirken houw snd chicken runs. Near Franklin high school and only one blk. to car. $000 cash will handle. Wa are citing only these few cheap homes just to allow you that we nave tnem. Yon will be surprised at the quality of these homes. We have many more like them. It ns show you. ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3500.00 buys a real dandy 7-room bungalow with 4 bedrooms. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, all built ins, full cement batement, wath trays; hard surface . street in and included in nrlee. $3800.00 buys bungalow of 5 rooms and attic; full cement Dssement, wssn irays, fireplace, lOOilOO lot, 6 fruit trees; $500 cash will handle. $4400.00 buys a new modern complete 5-room bungalow wttn atue for uiree saai tional rooms If desired. In best part of Rose City I'arav $6500.00 buys a beautiful new modern com plete bungalow oi o rooms ana sleep ing porch, with room for additional sleeping porch if desired. Large liv iiis room acroas entire front, beautiful fireplace, elegant buiUVina; full mirror door; hardwood floors throughout first floor, including the 2 bedrooms; fur nace: full ceuieut basement; elegant kitchen, finifcbed in imitation mar hie. Ganure. Terms. We sre receiving now listings every day and ill he Klad to hear of your wants. If we hava not tha home you desire at this tune we will rive you first chance when such I home ia listed. Let us hear from you. Jh A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Sunday Call Tabor 9317. $oX00 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW HOME On a full lot. close to the Woodlawn car. near lftth, is an unusually attractive bungalow; has combination living and dining room; 2 large airy bedrooms; convenient kitchen and large sleeping porch: white porcelain plumbing; elec tric light" and gas; screened-ln back porch; good cement basement; attractive lawn, flower, etc. We have over 600 photographs of in spected homes in our office for sale. 12 ex perienced salesmen wiin suioa ei your ki nw. SEE FRANK L. McOUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1008. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND BINUAT.S. J2400 UNPARALLELED PENINSULA BUNGALOW. Thia la tmlt a vrv artistically designed bunga low. 4 light airy rooms, large living room with cove ceilings, solid paneled dining room, leaded glass buffet, white Dutch kitchen and bedtoom, electric lights and gas. good cement basement. 2 blocks from tne car ana reninsuia kuw Verv eaav terms. Houxe like new. If you see this you will buy it. We have over 600 photo graphs of inspected home in our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SLh FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1088. Office open Evening and Sunday. NOTICE T hava one more modern bungalow Just about completed, and ready for sal at $8650. It is located at 1008 TibbetU at. It ha hall, living room, dining room, two bedrooms, oreaxiaai room, bath and kitchen. Lot ii 40x100 There Is room for garage. lias oiiuun wauei. naa bulltin dresser. Has bull tin breakfast table. It is nifty. Will build garage, if you want it. Three blocks from Richmond car. Everything complete, ready to move in; $500 will handle, or will take good lot a first payment. Phone owner and builder. B,'8. McFARLAND. TABOR 2740. HOME AND INVESTMENT COMBINED 8 mom modern hoiioe with two additional finidhed rooms in attic. Everything m go.Kl condition. I-ot alone wortb iuu. lose in. good car service, corner 21t and augnn sts. Vow hrinmnsr in. cood income. Near industrial district and in direct line of development which is certain to increase value. vwn mase you a good home and1 a choice Investment- Could be uaed very profitably at boarding house. Will sell for $7 700. Here is a real bargain. Terms can be arranged. Pee owner at 078 East 17th N. or phone Kent OH for Information. lUVlNGTON HOME This house ts positively the biggest vatne in Portland today, fituated on East 23d st.. close to Knott st. There are 8 rooms, hardwood floors throughout. 2 fireplaces, good furnace, downstairs in old Ivory snd white enamel. This complete home goes for $7000; the house cot that much to build; let us ahow you. Terms if desired. RITTER. IflWE CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $3300 ALBERTA BUNGAlOW $3300 GOOD LOCATION 8 room with all bulltin convenience, fire place, hardwood floors, full cement basement, full aast front lot. good garage, just 1 short block from ear. paved street and store. Rea sonable terms will handle. O. A. WABRINER, RITTER. LOWE CO. 201 3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK B Rooms and Sleeping Porch $3730 I am offering for sale a beautiful bungalow, located 2 blocks from Sandy on paved street. 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, furnace, etc. I will arrange to sell it on reasonable term. Phone Tahor 8255. NKAT 6 room bungalow living room 13x23 fireplace, bookcases, buffet, full attic and base ment, 100x100 lot, trees and h rubbery, garage. A good buy at $3700, $1800 cash. bl. easy. Main H7H7. J0HNS0N-D0DS0N CO. 632. C33. 834 N. W. Bank bid.. HAWTHORN E AVENUE SACRIFICE APARTMENT HOUSE SITE The best on Hawthorne avenue: corner 87x 187, clear of all incumbrance. This is going to be sold before December 1. Come in and make me an offer. O. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWK CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 6 ROOM house, 3 blocks to Lanrelhurst park and playground. 1 block to Sunnnlde car. street improvement in aud paid for. In good condition, concrete foundation, bath, furnace. 13000. easy terms. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 638, 634 N. W. Bank Uldg. HAWTHORN E DISTRICT Five rooms and sleeping porch, hard surfaced streets in and paid: cement basement Largs corner lot on 46th and Salmon: 12750: 3750 can, easy terms on balance. 8CANDIN AVIAN-AMERICAN BEALTY CO. 24 S Stark 8t Main 5429. IRVINGTON CLOSE IN Modern 7 room house, A-l condition: hard wood floors, furnsce, fireplace; all improvements paia; eo.uo. uu casn, easy terms on balance. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BEAI.TY CO., 248 Stark St. Main 5429. ON Market at., close in to the business center. on the west aide, you can make your choice of either of two 6 room houses with lota 30x low i, een lor u; ainoo cash M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. CLOSE your real estate deal without annoying detail by using a title insurance policy. No nonimn.. required. nue and Trust Company, when you purchase your home have the .V . rea- "l "tie insurance policy. ' " mo, iim am ..rust DULuina. building. ". c in to tne oostnes een n tr' f J00 house. It location ia near n- voe pnee u only glaon M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDO .WHEN you get a iitle insurance policy you do i n "'S,1 "tie. one premium oi aVfc l,uo aa Trust . Company, TITLE insnranoe is the modern war of hatv. . to "1 wtaU. Quicker, cost is ana no abstract required. Title and Trust EVi?Tarch!I ' re1 "-' should have ....... ..mnn;. vi i to st. - o your title ii you insist on title Insurance: better b. aaf than aorry. TitU Trust Co.. 91 4th st EE Al ESTATE FOB BALE HOCSES TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS . ' TERMS TERMS ROSE CITY PARE - Som ofShase places ar bow. vacant and may b occupied st one. TERMS TERMS $500 DOWN -a. brand new 4-room bungalow wtih breakfast nejok, bath, hardwood floors and fireplace in livinglroom, 2 bed rooms; ail rooms old ivory enameleU; paved street and sewer in and paid; let OOxItlO. Price include elec trio fixture and window shades. Price $3500. $800 DOWN 6-room bungalow. S bedrooms; all on one floor; bring and dining room in nat ural finish; all other rooms white enamel; fire place, buffet and furnace. Roses and fir trees in yard. Price only $8500. $1000 DOWN 5-room bungalow, haadwood floors in main rooms. 2 bedrooms, one with built-fh effects; garage; extra large lot on level with street; paved street, improvements in and paid. Prica $3800. f . $1000 DOWN A brand new 5-room bnnga low with breakfast nook and attic; enameled fin ish throughout: vary nicely located. Price only $4500. All improvements paid. Place will be finished in very few days. ANOTHER QUICK SALE One of Rose City's most beautiful 7-room bungslows; music room; solid oak doors; hardwood floors; many bniltin effects: breakfast room and equipped for electric cooking; sun room; porch half way around bouse; 75x100; only 100 feet to the car. Owner, on account of businesa, must - return to Europe. Price $6000, half cash. You will ap preciate looking at this one. $750 DOWN 7 rooms and sleeping porch. Tliis is not a new house, but a great big bar gain; full cement basement, furnace and firs place; comer lot; paved streets on both sides: lot lerel with sidewalks: only 2 blocks to car; 4 blocks to school. Price only $390. All im provements paid. We will be pleased to show you a number of new bouse that are just finished or will be in a very few days. TERMS TERMS J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bWg. Main 208. Branch Office 45th and Sandy. Tabor 2904. Branch Open Sunday-Evenings by appointment. $1200 REAL HOME BARGAIN On a 40x110 foot lot, close to the ear, ia a very substantial 7 room modern home; living room with fireplace: music room: pretty dining room; convenient kitchen: 3 light, airy bed rooms, bath. toit and as. Abundance of !'". ,'". grape ana Dernes. iMce place .... . ... . i . i . . i . a u. 1 1 1 n. v r j i a i . over oou pbotograpbs of Inspected homes our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen wnn autos at your service. BEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Building.. Main 106S Office Open Evenings and Sundays. THE McOUIRE SYSTEM Make borne buying easy. You can com t thk office nd see over 600 photographs of nomea for sale, arranged In their respective dis tricts with full dene rip don. Every bom ha been appraised by an expert appraiser, som remarkable bargains. That is why we sold ovef if" nomea since January 1 this year. 12 ex perienced salesmen with autos at your errlce. FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT YOUR HOME AWnetmi Bnilding. ll-in 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. $2500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW On E. 37th sL, in the Hawthorne district, on a corner lot, on a paved street, is a neat 5 room gray bnngalow cottage: white enamel plumbing, electric liuht and gas; (300 vrll handle. REAL BARGAIN. We have over RflO photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service tr.E FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bide. Main 1068. Officopen Evenings and Sundays. $3300 ADJOINING LAURELHURST On Oregon st, near 30th. on a full lot, is a very substantial 6 room modern home. This house could not be built today for $4000. Can be handled on eaiy terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. Twelve experienced . salesmen with tntm at ynnr service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TOi BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS ON E. COUCH ST.. not" any farther-oof than 30th rU Here ia a modem, up-to-date, 7 room house, with sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, hardwood floors downstairs, all of the Improvement in and paid for. This location is in Central East Portland and in the bent part of the center, close to Laurelhnrt. This house will readily rent for $45 per month. This valuable property is now offered by the owner at th low price of $4500; $1000 in ca."h will handle it. M. J. CUJHESST, ABINGTON BLDO. ALBINA CHEAP HOME BUY Executor a sale to close estate. Mut be sold by close of year. 60x100 and good 7 room house. Nn. 270 Onham avenue; hou at present occupied by 2 families at fair rentil; only 100 feet west of William, avenue in the business district of Alblna; is bound to beoome very valuable. See Mr. Kellogg who live In the house or phone George M. Strong, executor, 777 Lovejoy. 9 ROOM bungalow on lot 50x100 in rentrieted dist.. 6 rooms and bath on first floor. 3 rooms and bath on neoond floor; buiit-in buffet nd other built-in feature; fireplace nd full basement with furnace and hot water svstera applied in each room; convenient to high school, car service and busineaa center. This palatial home, same a new. for $7000; some terms. ALBINA REALTORS. 1135 Albina a. Phon Wdln. 6207. MT. SCOTT CAR 4 room house on hard surface, near car and school: water, gas. electric lights, good wood shed, chicken house; lot 40x120; all in good rtpair; $100 down, balance like rent. Tabor is 85, or eaU at 893. S6th ar. S. E near I ents school. $100 WILL HANDLE Good 8 room furnished home. gas. plumbing. 2 stove; convenient to car, near the park, beau tiful lot, nice fruit tree. Price $1350. Bai. monthly. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 684 N. W. Bank bldg. $ 1 500s WOODLAWN 1 500 $200 CASH $200 Good 6-room house, electricity, gas. full lot- several good bearing fruit trees, close to car. school and stores; monthly payments easier than rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, IXWE & CO. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ONLY $4600 for two good, modern, up-to-date houses on Michigan ave. One house con tains 7 rooms, the other 5. Here is an oppor tunity to make a profitable investment by buy ing this property, occupying this house and re ceiving monthly income from the other. $2800 cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHESSY, ApiNQTON BLDG. ON SELLWOOD car. nice 4 room attractive bungalow, near the ear and school; haa base ment, toilet, gas. electricity. Price $2409. $800 cash. Main 8787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 682. 633. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. A TITLE inanmce policy is a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not suf fer los on account of the title to your real estate. When yoa buy real estate get a title insurance policy. No abstract required. Title nd Trust Company, 91 4th St. AN abstract of title is not a guarantee of your title, it is merely a history of your title. A title insurance policy h a guarantee of your title. Therefore when yon buy property get a title Insurance policy. No abstract required. Title and Trust Company. t 4th rt. MUTUAL REALTY CO. OFFER MT. TABOR Choice horn, furnished complete, including table linens, draperies, etc. Hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace: $4750, terms. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. SNAP $550 SNAP By owner, 8 room bouse. 50x100 lot. in Errol Height. Fruit trees and berries, city water and gaa, Dntch cupboard kitchen, barn and chicken ran. Broadway 917. room 12. - $50 DOWN AND $25 MONTH Three rooms, gas. patent toilet, lot 37x118, chicken home, 11 fruit tree, good street, Mt Scott car. Total $11 OO. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Btock Ex. $45 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY For thia (mall anpartitioned plaster d cot tage, concrete foundation grid basement, city water: total price $400. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sondaya, A TITLE insurance policy ia a fuuantee of the title to your horn. WhgQ yon buy your home, hav the title insured. Better be safe than aorry. Title and Trust Company, 91 4th st. SUNN YSIDE,' Glenn ave.. $$200. with $1000 low, lot 49x112; fruit trees; extra good ur- I rounduigs. U. U fUmuh. - ju-,a. Xabbr 219. ' REAL ESTATE FOB eSALE HOUSES $1 $3500 UNPARALLELED HOME BARGAIN Tbia ia one at tha biasrest ban sin w have had In tha Office for a long time. On a 77x100 corner kit. Just east of Piedmont, is a 6 room rery distinctive modern home, built on massive lines; large porch extends full width of bouse. There is a full cement basement with hot water heating system, practically new carpets in the reception hail, living room and dining room, which could not be replaced for $500, but are included in the price. This large lot is worth CIO 00, and you couid not nuua too uouse u $4500. Abundance of fruit, berries and shrubs. Term, Tmrt arrani-ed. We have over 600 photograph of inspected home in our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Office open Evenings and Sundays. $2,176,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD 798 FAMILIES MADE HAPPY SINCE JANUARY 1. 1019 THE M'GUIRE SYSTEM Makes bom buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of home for sale, arranged in their respective dittriets. with full description. Every home haa been appraised by an expert appraiser. Some remarkable bargains. That is why we sold over 750 home since January 1 this year. Twelve experienced salesmen with autos at vour service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO HI-V YOfR HOME ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $2525 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW HOME Very homelike gray bungalow, with low ram bling lines: attractive living room; dining room with massive built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen, 2 light airy bedrooms: electric lights ana gas; best white enamel plumbing fixtures; good ce ment basement with laundry room. This is an unusual value. On Campbell street, near Ainsworth. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sal. 12 'ex perienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Building. Main 1088. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $1650 MODERN ALBERTA BUNGALOW On E. 31st street, close to the Alberta car, is a very homelike little bungalow; large com bination living and dining room; very con venient Dutch kitchen; electric lights and gaa; white porcelain plumbing; hot and cold water; good cement basement. Easy terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Buikling. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays VACTnT-HAWTHORNE HOME Here is a home worth seeing, where immediate pwweision can be bad. Nice corner lot with all street improvements paid; rooms, strictly mod em except hardwood floors; first-clans location. Price $4250; $1000 cash will handle, balance easy. C A. WARRTNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 9 -ROOM dwelling, fruit, large rooms, 1 H blocki from car and pavement; assese menU iid; not an old house, but needs naintiug and slight repairs; cannot ,be duplicated for $8000: for quick sale at $270 0U9 E. 17th N. Owner, Ta bor 1038. FOR SALE One 6 room modem cottage, newiy painted and tinted, kitchen in wbiteenamel; linoleum in kitchen and bathroom. 1 H blocks from car; cement walks in, psid Price $2403. Also 1 3 room bungalow 5 blocks from car, in good condition, cement walks aud garage, bullt in features, full basement and attic Price $2400. Some terms on either place. Owner at 5615 Foster Road, ML Scott car to Archer Place. NEWLYWEDS. TAKE NOTICE. One of the niftiest and brand new apartment house type of bungalow, disappearing bed. Pull man buffet kitchen, breakfast nook, with built in table and seats. firt?place. dressing room for the lady, a veTy large living room, numerous window boxes, pergola entrance: on psved street and carline: magnificent view; $3050. $400 cash. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. $2000 BARGAIN $2000 In Woodlawn, 3 block of car line, a mod ern 5-room cottage, with bath, full cement basement, 00x1 U0 lot, graded street, cement sidewalks. 1 jots of fruit and berries. Large Ki)gl-h walnut tree, 75 pound of nuts this year. A good. home for a little money; $600 cash, balance good terms. C. E. ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Commerce. Marshall 2573. 6-ROOM dwelling, with fireplace, laundry tubs, cement basement, M block from Union ave. ; this ts wonderful bargain at $2300 net. 82 Skid more st Seven year ago thi place sold for $3500. Owner. Tabor 1038. e C5ty-Rose Caty 6-room strictly modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, old ivory finli-h through out, has tun room. Dutch kitehen and breakfast nook : street improvements in and paid for. Price $5650. RIELY & GUSTAFSON 905 Teon BMg. Mar. 1456. 5-ROOM cottage with large attle. cor ner, assessments paid, paving and all improvements in. valuable lt. appraised at 33000 without irotiro-ein.nta. This is snap st $3X00. 950 East Glisau. Owner, Tabor 1038. BEAUTIFrL PENINSULA HOME FROM OWNER 1 Mock Willamette bltd.. just off famons Greeley extension: strictly modern bungalow. 4 room, furnace, large finished attic, furnished or unfurnished; nothing prettier in city. Ieav ing citv reason; bargain if taken at one. Thone C-2229. 1296 ViUard avenue. IN PIEDMONT. Ii&rg 2-story 8-roora home kv .ted on lOOx 100 lot: nas steam beat. 4 fireplaces. fin ished attic, gas and electricity; beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Price $250. terms. Main 8787. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow with full basement, fireplace, beam celling, laundry tubs, full lot. hi block of paved street, restrict ed district. A $3000 buy for $2000. Owner. Tabor 1038. 4 room plastered house on the Oregon City road, close in and close to car: a fine place for chickens, .berries and fruit: all in good con dition. The last one I haTe for the small sura down. Price $1400. Bslsnce like rent Tabor 1483. or call at 8932 56th are. 8. E., near Lents school. 6-ROOM. dwelling with full basement, large, airy bedrooms and closets, full lot. assessments paid. 13o5 Delaware at. This ia- indeed a snap t $1900. Owner, Tabor 1038. NEAR Peninsula park, 6 rno bungalow, with rooms all on 1 floor; fireplace, plumbing; corner lot; gas snd electricity. Price $2700, S0 ewh. bal. like rent. Mnin 8787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank bldg. ON EAST 84th at., close in. Here is a modern 6 room house, no to date Trt every resoect. full cement basement, furnace, wash tray, hardwood floors, fireplace, beam cealing and all other things in built-in effects. The price is only S4S00, terms. M. 3. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. 8 ROOM modern bungalow. 100x100. 11 bear ing fruit trees, all kinds of berriesy asparagus bed. grape arbor, large portable chicken house and plenty of good garden space. Furniture for sale if desired. Price $4600; 1U .blocks from Alberta car. Call evenings or Sunday 1110 E. 17tb st. N. ALBERTA DISTRICT 10 room modern 2 story. 2 family house part Tented for $15: double plumbing, etc DOBNER DOBNER. MAIN 8474. ONLY $1200 for a good 4 room houe with a full lot on 85th at. It is only 1 hi blocks from Mt Tabor oar line. It has D M the city conveniences, such as city water, gaa and elec tricity. $300 rash will handle it. M. 3. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. JUST look at thia, two nice 3 room cottages, and one 2 apartment building; income $85 a month. On a full 100100 foot lot Close in and very desirably located. Only $10,000 Part cash, balance to suit purchaser. 3. B. Holhi-v. 214-zia ranama orag. ''.Ann T.ROOM BUNGALOW 2fS" ISnil 1 ASH. BALANCE 327.50 A MONTR. Only 1 block from Woodstock ear; house has fireplace, cabinet kitchen, baaement, om nice iruiL trees. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Ex. GOOD 7 room house, modern plumbing: oa Bti mt I m ra. me ruae mr isul aia. $2500; 130l cn. rent term on balance. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., 248 Stark Bt Maia 6429. RE AI ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 REAL ESTATE MAIN GOOD MORNING Let ns greet you with a little advice and a bold statement. THE ADVICE: Positively do not buy a home until yon hav teen what we have to offer you. .THE STATEMENT: We absolutely have torn of tha best buys in the city of Portland. Put as much emphasis on that statement as you like. We are right here to back it up. Nut quite enough in number yet. to b sure, to supply tlie great demand mad upon us, but they ire coming in thick and fast, and it won't be long before we will be able to take care of most any client that walks into our office. We have won the confidence of tha people, beoau.se of the strict integrity that we exercise. It is nothing unusual for our clients to say, "Well, we have shopped all over the city and this is the best buy we have seen. We'll take.it." "Our way" enables us to show you new listings every day of the week. If we haven't juat what you want today. wt'II have it tomorrow. Wake up to the fact that there Is a real live young real estate firm in your midst: one that's got the Dunch. The memhyra and salesmen of this firm will tax off their hata to no one, when it comes to show ing good, desirable, attractive homes priced right. Haven't met us? Come in, th water's fine. Open Sundays for Your Convenience A FEW OF THE MANY: $2500 Only $500 down; 6 room bungalow in Alberta, a full lot; reception hall, living room, dining room, Dutch kitcjben, 2 bed rooms with bath, gas and electricity; new roof just put on house cost $150; 2 cherry and 2 pear tree; raspberries. No incumbrance. $2500 HAWTHORNE: reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms with bath; laundry trays, gas and elec tricity; trees and all rubbery; brick foun dation; sewer in; 45x110 foot lot $2600 PENINSULA; 5 room bungalow on a full lot; living room, dininb room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms with bath; cement basement; fireplace, gas and electricity; screens, shades, lace curtains, linoleums: 10 fruit trees, best kind; shrubbery, ber ries of all kinds, garage, 5 year old; dou ble constructed; half block to car. We recommend this place as a good little buy. 1 $2750 ALBERTA. Brand new bungalow, on a rail corner lot. The kitchen is white enamel, with all built-in, and cooling eloset; fireplace- is a little dandy; bed rooms are both, light and airy; nice bath, cement basement gas and electricity; dou ble constructed :' interior finish light oak and ivory; $800 to handle. Rest easy at 6 per cent. $2750 ROSE CITY. A little 4 room beauty. You can live in here as snug as two b'is in a rug. Nice large living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom snd bstlu Fire e place, gas and electricity, half cement basement. Splendid corner lot; 2 blocks from Rose City car. You cannot help liking this. 4 $3000 SACRIFICE. On 41st avenue in Wood atock; brand new; living room, dining room, kitchen and 1 bedroom down stairs, 2 bedrooms up: full cement base ment, gaa and electricity; Al condition. Owner is not selling this because be wants to. He Is losing considerable money sell ing it at this pne Ask us about this place. $3700 THIS WILL POSITIVELY LEAD THE BEST OF THEM AT ITS PRICK. YES. IT'S A 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. BUT WE WILL TELL YOU 'NO MORE ABOUT IT UNTIL YOU CALL US UP OR COME INTO THE OFFICE, ONLY THIS: WE WILL GIVE A TWO POUND BOX OF CANDY TO ANY LADY WHO WILL CONSCIENTIOUSLY SAY THAT SHE HAS SEEN ANYTHING BETTER FOR THE MONEY. "WE WILL GIVE A BOX OF CIGARS TO ANY MAN WHO WILL MAKE A SIMILAR STATE MENT. CALL MAIN 1K86 FOR IN FORMATION REGARDING THIS CHARMING PLACE. $4300 RICHMOND. A fine 6 room house; re ception hall, living room dining room, kitchen downstairs, 3 bedrooms up with bath, furnace, trays, gaa and electricity, 50x100 foot lot. paved street, cement sidewalk, sewer, garage. This i a fine home and a bargain. $4700 ALBINA. A good, substantia, 7 room home, with a splendid garage: hard sur face street, cement- sidewalk and" sewer. This place has four bedrooms snd is a good home on semi-business property; 50 feet from Union ave. $4800 PIEDMONT. Here's a great big room house on a 60107 foot lot, on Cleveland" avenue: paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer; reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen on first floor, 4 bedrooms up with bath; full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, etc.; in very good condition. Could not b re produced today for less than $6000. $3600 SUNNYSIDE - HAWTHORNE. This will please anyone who wants a 7 or 8 room house; reception hall, liting room, dining room, with built in buffet. Dutch kitchen on firt floor: bedrooms with bath up. and sleeping porch; cement base ment, hardwood floors, Fox furnace, fire place, laundry trays, psved street, cement sidewalk, sewer, brand new garage, with cement floor and runway. This has ev erything one will expect in a home. It is strictly modem and ts or splendid appear ance. What's more, it's priced right $5800 PIEDMONT. 8 room house on a 75x IOO foot lot on Garfield avenue; recep tion hall, living room, dining room, buf fet, kitchen downstairs, 4 bedroom with bath up; den, furnace, trays, etc.; on paved street; 1 block' to ear; oioe assort ment of fruit tree. $6700 PIEDMONT BARGAIN. On a 62x100 foot lot: on Cleveland avenue; reception hall, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom downstairs, 6 bedrooms up with bath, sleeping poreli, full cement basement, hot water beating plant, fire place, trays, etc. ; interior finish mahog any, French plate glass windows; 100 feet to car. Will consider a 6 room bungalow in trade. $7900 SPLENDID IRVINGTON HOME. Re ception hall, bring room 18x22 feet, din ing room, kitchen, downstairs: 3 bed rooms up, and sleeping porch; full cement basement, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, trays, etc. Plate glass windows, sun porch, veneered pane) in dining room, beamed ceiling in living room, fine electrical fixtures, garage. Thia ia in Al condition; interior finish Ivory. Built 6 year ago. There are not any better one sold for this price. Askus also today about 4 brand new bunga low, adjacent to Rose Cixy and Lanrelhurst, and 2 more we Just got, in the heart of Rose City. These six range in price from $3150 to $4900. MOUNT SCOTT $1250 85th street; 3 rooms, combination liv ing room and kitchen, 1 bedroom; concrete foundation. On a 100x125 foot lot; gar age, 10 bearing fruit trees, new chicken house; lota of berries, Thia little place is plastered and papered; 3 block from pavement and a good little buy. $1750 65th street; S rooms, living room. combination dining room and kitchen, 1 bedroom, gas and electricity, 10 foot alley, garage; on an 80x100 foot lot; 1 hi block to car. Vary rood condition. $1800 61st street; reception hall, riving room. aimng room, kitchen downstairs, 2 bed rooms with bath up; basement, gas and electricity; 40x125 foot lot About $40 worth of fuel to go with plao. Vary good condition. $1900 LAURELWOOD ADDITION; 4 rooms, on a 120x100 foot lot; in other words three 40 foot lot. Several fruit tree and vines. This can he bought with one lot for $1350. No mortgage, no liens. $2000 A LITTLE DANDY. Living room, din ing room, buffet. Dutch kitchen, bed room and bath, gas and electricity, inter ior finish white enamel, basement, rose and shrubbery, 50x100 foot lot. 5 year old; $500 will handle. No incumbrance-, $3100 A BIG BARGAIN., living room, din ing room, kitchen on first floor; 4 bed room with bath op, sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, fu rep lace, gaa and electricity, garage,- 5 fruit trees, very good condition; 2 hi blocks to car; on a 100x100 lot This is some buy. BfflR -CA1REY CO. 219 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 1686 REAL. ESTATE FOB BALE HOUSE'S" I BEAD THIS $2250 and $250 cash will buy a good home; 8 good aise rooms, well lighted, baaement, on 50x100 level lot with bearing fruit trees, S blocks from car servicec 2 blocks from Piedmont ear barna. TbisjJiouse was built 6 year ago; double construe rW and was improved and re painted thla year and i in good condition. List your property with us at a sales cl price and we will advertise. 6 room IrongalowxjWith 1 finished room In garret, full basement, furnace, ateam heat in every room; built-in features; 300 feet from carline, 22 minutes to center of city, 8 bloaks from school, atreeta paved and paid for; in good conditio. A modern home on 40x100 lot by 14 foot driveway Built in 1918; terms. $600 down, $30 a month, or $1000 down, $20 per month, CAN YOU BEAT ITf $3850 will buy 6 room house with large handy living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor;- 3 bedrooms, all without closets, on second floor; electricity and gas, modern plumbing, 7 bearing fruit tree and a-araae. lot 50x100; sewer in. streets paved and paid for, douhle 'car service, 4 blocks north and south, 4 blocks from high school; house haa just been repainted and refiniehed inside and out. A aubstantial. con venient and beautiful home: house was built in 1910 at the coat of $2640; full concrete base ment with ample fuel for the wintrr goes with the bouse. This hotue should sell at once; $500 cash and term. Owner going east, t at your service. All kinds of city residence property for sal or exchange for farms, farm lands, etc. All kinds of farms apd timber land for sale or exenange lor city proiyrty. ALBINA REALTORS 11S5 Alhina tve. Call C-1526 or Woodlawn 6207. Car at Your Service. $5775 DISTINCTIVE COLONIAL BUNGALOW In the choicest part of the. Hawthorne dis trict on an extra large lot facing a paved street. with liens paid in full, is a beautiful typical colonial bungalow; wide porch extends full width of house; massive" concrete columns covered with vines gives this pretty bungalow very pleading exterior appearance; iarg living room with fire place and bmlt-in bookcases; large den; rery pretty solid paneled dining room with massive leaded glass built-in buffet, snd window seats inlaid hardwood floors; full Dutch kitchen; 1 light, airy bedrooms; best white Porcelain vlumb ing fixtures; full cement basement: furnace and laundry trava: UntlHUallv convenient flnnr nlan - house in A-l condition, like new; very pretty lawn with abundance of bearing fruit, flowers and shrubs. We tare over 000 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at yvur service. or.r, FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg." Msin 1068 Ol f ice Open.., Evenings and Sundays. AREAL HOME 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all built in, good plumbing,, cement basement, full lot; only 4DU, term. A DANDY BUY rooms ana 8teepir:jr rmrrh. muMc room, r- ceptlon lull, strict-y miMiern Uiroushout; (5500 I slip Mi l YOUNG COUPLE SEE THIS f4-room bungalow; built-in. cement basement. IUU lot: 3.lt: eay terms ; BIG VALUE HERE 7-mora modern home with extra fine corner lot; only 3 i Ml ; terms B F POND REALTY CO.. 1230 Sfindy Blvd. orFICE OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. TABOK 3o. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW S3650TERMS Btnctly modern five room bungalow, hard wood rioors, fireplace, buffet, linen cl?t, full basementy cemented paving and sewer paid, 1 block to Hawthorne car, close in, neat and clean. Another Hawthorne ow E36fi( TERMS 7 room bunjralow, modern except fireplace and furnace; beautiful corner lot, both sides paved and paid, near 37th and Hawthorne; full base ment Step lively. DOBNER & DOBNER 808 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474. $3500 BEAUTIFUL IRTNGTON PARK! On Glenn ave., near Killingsworth. among the beautiful fir trees, on a full 60x100 lot. is a very substantial 7 room modern double con structed bungalow, large living room, solid pan eled dining room, very convenient kitchen, goufl cement basement, electric lights and gas, white porcelain plumbing, 4 light airy bedroom". Can arrange terms. We have over fiOO photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with auto at your service SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BT'Y YOUR HOME ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068 Office Oion Evenings and Sundays. $2850 KENTON DISTRICT Very attractive 6-room bungalow; unusually artistic lines; very sensible floor -plan; Iarg. liv ing room ; pretty dining room ; convenient Dutch aitcnen, large, nglit. cheerful mom; white por celain plumbing; full cement ba.sement; large lot; l mors to Kenton car. Close to school house like new. We have over 100 photographs 8 I o. inspected nomes in our oitlce for sal. 1 experience- saieamen wiua autoa at your srv- ice SI.B FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOMK. Abington Building. Main 10. OFFICE OPEN E V ENINGB AN I SU N DATS. NICE HOME AND A GOOD INVESTMENT On Larrbe su, fhort dUtanee north of the Broadway bridge. The lot is 75x100. House has 8 rooms, i exceptionally well constructed and in fine condition. Good ba-emcflt, furnace, fireplace and ail modem convenience. Garage on rar end of lot large enough for two autj. moUiJee. It u show yim tlii pu-e. I'rire M.Hiin. Sl'trOd i-aah, balance 3 to 5 years. See Mr. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHSLL 219 Lumbermen Bldg. Fifth and Stark Sts. LAURKXHUK8T 6 Rooms ami Den $C600. Folks, here is a dandy home. 6 Iarg. rooms and den. Hardwood floors throughout. The arrangement is MoaL Klreplaee. massive bnf fet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, etc Ideally lo cated. Yes, there is a garage. Let us ahow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St, Near 3d. Main 8516. Maia 3092. Branch Office 30t.li and Sumiy 'Open Snnday). 6Tf PORfiND HOfTS Thi& what yoii have been looking for large lot with flat and separate house, of which, outride of a house to live in, you are in a position, y buying this property, to receive a good income. This prop erty is offered for sale for the purpose of clos ing an eatate and is offered for very much less than its value; $7000 buys everything, hair M. J CLOIUOSSY. ABINGTON BLDO. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW $2750 50x100 lot, on E. 4 8th st. 2 blocks from ear. street paved and sewers In, balance on bond ed lien about $0." to be assumed by purchaser; $500 cash, balance monthly. See Mr. Brown, "NEILAN & PARKHILL 219 Lumbermens Bldg. ' Fifth and Stark 8U. "Just" What You Want Yes. we'll move right out of this .six-room bungalow, excellent firm'lace, all built in, large basement Including winters fuel, dandy ce ment garnge, all for $3600; terms. See my agent Hawthorne Realty Co., cor. 86th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. 100x100 WITH choice fruit English walnut, trawberries, raspberries and blackberries; house ha 6 rooms.- full plumbing, gas and elec tricity, full cement bavment; good garage. Price 3-."i0r ensv term- If ii ired. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632, 633. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. S2600-SS00 CASH 5-room house near William and Alberta; paved streets nd sewer; fin location. 808 Henry bldg. Min pus, nooner at fonner. MODERN !i room bungalow, fireplace, booV case, buffet, enameled kitchen and bedrooms, cement basement, laundry tray, sidewalks. Iarg. porches, chicken run; $2350. $650 cash, bal ance $20 a 'month, with 6 per cent interest .91 E 73d st north. AM LEAVING CITY AND MUST SELL 4 hi full lots on comer, all in bearing fruit. CLved street improvements in and paid for; rge modern 8 room bouse, all for $4800; or will sell 125 ft . frontage on East Glisan st. with bouse, $3800: terms. Tabor 2075. "CLASSY NEW HOME IV RESTRICTED DISTRICT FOR SALE ON TERMS BY OWNER. TABOR 3825. ROSE CITY PARK CAR IDEAL BUNGALOW MODERN Brand sew, large Using room, bedroom, break- wood floors; real sacrifice. Tabor 6196. BIG LOT. 4 room cottage. $6257il -Sdown. terms; 7 room modern bnpgslow. $2850 caoh terms; 100x100, 5 room house, not mod ern, $1800, small payment down. 612$ 52d st Woodstock car. FOR SALE Seven room home with sleep ing parch, modern beating system and con veniences. 100x100 in fauit tree, heme and roses. Owner 44$ Wet Karragut Wdln. 4418 BARGAIN. $250. terras; shck, water in. Jot 40x100, all fenced, close Gray eruasm g. mchooi and paved st 041 84th at, BEAT- ESTATE FOB SALE HOCSES 13880 T1EALPES1NSCLA BUNGAIX1W One block from St. John oar. on Naahtoa at. b an unusually attractive, typical bungalow, with iarg iront porcn extending lull wiattt of nous, supported by havy stone columns: large living room, pretty dining room, beamed ceilings, built, in buffet, large stone fireplace, all woodwork ia old ivory, convenient Dutch kitchen, acrend-iu oaca porcn; 3 ugiit. airy Bedrooms, wittt sleep ing porch; full cement basement, bob-water heat ing system, laundry trays. Can arrange terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. Twelve experi enced salesmen with auto at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS PORTLAND HEIGHTS" "PORTLAND HEIGHTS" UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR GOOD BUYS. MODERN. SIGHTLY. BEAUTIFUL.' DE SIRABLE (NEARLY NEW) RESIDENCE, NEAR CAR. LOCATION ESPECIALLY GOOD. A REAL BARGAIN. 8 ROOMS. DEN. SLEEPING PORCH. HDWD. FLOOKS, PLATE GLASS WINDOWS, GARAGE. FULL BASE MENT. "SPECIAL BARGAIN." REASON ABLE TERMS. PRICE FOR QUICK SA1. $10,500 EASILY WORTH $15,000). ADDRESS THE OWNER. 302 SELLING BG. $3500 HAWTHORN E BUNGALOW just i n iocs south oi Hawthorn ave. on a sightly location u a typical 5 room modern bungalow; hardwood floors; pretty dining room with built-in buffet; very convenient Dutch kitchen: 2 light, airy bedrooms: flood cement basement; white enamel plumbing, electric light ana gas. uan arrange terms. We have over 600 photograph of Inspected honiea in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesman with autos at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington bldg. Main '1008. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. $6300 APARTMENT HOUSE. On a fall lot with all street Hens paid, near Killingsworth ave., in tha Piedmont district, only a fw minute walk to Jefferson high school. public library, park and carbarns. Has hot water heating system; 8 2 room apsrtmeuta showing good income. Unusual opportunity to pick up a bargain. We have over 600 photo graphs of inspected homes In our office for sale; 12 experienced salesmen with auto at your erv lce. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUlt HOME ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068 Office Oln Evenings and Sundays B08E CITY PARK 5-Room Bungalow Garage $3500. You will have to hurry if you sre lucky enough to buy this one. Hardwood fWre. fireplace, buffet, bookcaaet. Hutch ktUihen, garage, etc. Is within 100 feet of Handy, fac ing east. It's a good buy. Iet us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St. near 3d. Main 3092. Main 3316. Branch Office 50th and Sandy (Open Sunday!. OWNER IN NEW YORK Eight-room house, modern, with fire place, oak floor, built-in bookcases, etc. : one room on first floor, can be used as bedroom; on upstair is a big aim room. Close to Reel college, in Eastmoreland. Price $4750. Ladd Estate Company, 240 Stark st, Marshall 5454. 1 STORY 4 room new bnngalow. reception hall, uvmg room, aiu-nen, oreaaiaat alcove. oe- room. shower hat.h. 33x100 lot. con. foundation 1 block to car and school. $1900. $300 cash. monthly and interest Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bsnk bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Modern 8 room home, built about 0 years. newly done over inside and out and almost like new: 50x100 lot, near Thompson st. Price X5000. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. See Mr. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL 219 Lumbermen Bldg. Fifth and Stark Sts. KILLINGSWORTH AVE. NEAR UNION Dandy 50x150 lot for $U50 cement walks. curbs, graded street, close to 4 carline. aeveral schools. Will make very eaay terms to right party. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, full basement mod em. good location, $2100; some cash, $10 per mo. 5 rooms, semi-modern. 2 lots, garage and fruit trees, near shipyards, $1600, cash $500, terms on balance. See W. A. Doss, 1805 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. ROSE CITY PARK A lovely modern five-room bungalow on 56th street, all large rooms, paved street and aewr in and paid for. would be pleased to ahow you tvii home at vour convenience. Price S4750 f i 35, Journal. ROSE CITT PARK Bungalow Garage $3500. I am offering for sale a nifty 5-room bunga low, located near sandy Wti Hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, etc. Gar age. I will bg glad to show you at your eon vcnience. Phone labor I31. WEST SIDE HOME 6 room cottage, modern, paved street; walk ing distance: no incumbrance, $3200, $100 cash. bal. easy payment-. H. M. GATEWOOD A CO . 18." 4tli St Sunday Phone Tabor 2391V S22S0S00 CASH 5 room cottage, near Knssell. 1 ,ot H Moek from Union av., fHtx I -.V Garage. DOBNER A DOBNEK, Main 8474. FOR SALE Modern 4 roomed bungalow, fireplace, gas. el'-etric t-hLs. lament basement, clo to car. Phon- Tabor P2 WHY NOT BUILD? Get an artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low coat We build anything; furnish tne money if desired. I B. Bailey Co.. Inc., contracting architects. P24 N. VV. Bank. CORNER 50x100, Sunnyaide, 1 block from carline: 8 rooms; can rent as two flats; gs rsge for 2 nischines; fruit trees; owner leaving town on account of health: worth $4000, quick sale $2800 cash. 1-D K. 4th at cor. Alder. VIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, with or without fumltur. Including piano, 78.94x100. near carline; improved streets Sellwood district; fine view of city. Call 1383 Mllwauki. t, cor ner Glenwood ave. BRAND new 6-roomed bungalow; full base ment; wai-h trays, fireplac, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen: Richmond district; near good schools and car service. Also no. fair building lota. Owner, J. H. Monon. Tabor 0861. FOR SALE 8 room modern bungalow. 6 room finished: built In effect, berdwood floors, fireplace, wash trays; 2 blocks Hawthorne er. Priee 3fl00; 31000 oash. Tabor 8311. Two 5" room plastered houses on 100x100 corner; 1 modem, 1 sernl mooern : garage. fnitt trees, etc. 1114 W. 21st st. 10 mln. walk from sieel yard. Price $2700. Vanucouver, Wn. $2. 10O HAWTHORNE HOUSE $2500 6 rooms, modern, full basement; bard aurfaca streets and sewers ; good terms, SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Ex. 8 ROOM new bungalow, modern improvements. hardwood floors, fireplsce, funiac. sleeping norch. garage. c)o. In. block to car. For par ticulars, B-30, JonmaL 7 ROOM house, full cement basement, 8 lota, corner; all Improvements, big barn, all fenced, 28 fruit trees; asy terms. 87 W. Skidmoge st phone Woodlawn 2070. MODERN 7 room bungalow, Westmoreland dis trict: furnace, fireplace, built-in conveniences. a-araee. shrubbery, paved streets, convenient to car and school; price $4000; term. Call Bell wood 2277. NEW. well built 5-room bungalow, nearly co ori ole ted. all conveniences, 89th and Lincoln sts.; absolute bargain $3800; $1600 Full canicular Tabor 6143. $1850, 1 V LOTS. R, C. PAKK CAR Good 4 room plastered bungalow, full base ment, eh-ctricity. gas, 50x100 lot; moving; quick poweaston. Tabor 6559. ACCEPT good auto, lot or small hous. on 8 room modern house near Jefferson high acbooi. 8 W. Webster or L-448. Journal. 7 ROOM modern bungalow, comer lot; 3 com plete room ground floor. Waverlelgh Heights, $3150. Phone Sellwood 8104 $600 New 3 -room unfurnished honse; lum ber wood included. Range for sale. Terms. 1094 E 34th st N., Wdlwn. 4807. Owner. FOB-8ALEcheap, three room furnished house, two lots, ome fruit, gaa and wsUr; do, to car Phon Sellwood 1S9 lp yOU want a big bargain St fine modern ' 7 room Piedmont horn call owner, Wood lawn 4286 E0r SALE by owner, six room house and gargg on paved atreef. Owner leaving town first of jonth. Pric 32500. 1647 K. 9tb t.. BUwood. DELIGHTFUL 6 room bungalow, absolutely modern throughout An exceptional bargain. Phon East 2838. LARGE 6 room house. 60x100 foot lot: clos. to Alberta car. Thia is a good buy. East ! . 3 TITLE insurance reaaire no attorney opto. Title A Trust Co.. 91 4th st TITLE insurance 1 better than an abstract of title. Title ft Tmst vo.. at au .-. 6 ROOM. Newly renovated, gaa, -etriclty. fcallwood 470. Call FOR SALE by owner 5-rooai modern bunga- low. 123$ Concord t. v CLOSE rata deal qtnVkly through title iiunr- nca; tnvmigate, 'iiua at inui vo., v , - WTKX, ESTATE' FOB SALE HOCSES Tl r LOOK AT THESE - EVERY HOUSE INSPECTED BT E. M. PADDKN. Sales Mai ia gr. METZER-PARKER-FERGUS0N CO. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $5830 On 5 2d street, best part of Rosa City Park, we have a 7 room coinpleia bungalow, on a full corner lot trs Improvements all In. Extra large liv ing room with fireplace and built In bookcases, hardwood floors, dining room with built in buffet, full 1 Hi ton kitchen with breakfast room, 3 Iarg airy bedrooms, large bath room with white enameled plumbing, full cement basement, laundry trays and furnace, Thia house has never been occupied and you can move in today if you Ilk. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW $5750 New 6 room bungalow with leo Ing porch, large living ro ra. tireplare, dining room, built in buffet, hardwood floors, good silted kitchen with al) th buikins. large bathroom, white enam eled plumbing, cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays, garage. Street improvement all in and paid .for. Full lot W can arrange terms to suit you. ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2875 On 26th atreet near Alberta avenn, 6 room bungalow, living room, dining room. IniU-h kitchen, 2 bedrooms bathrimm, white enameled plumbing, cement foundation. $500 will handle HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3600 ON TERMS 5 room cottage, modern and in first elas condition. Reception hall, livtnf " room, fireplace, hardwood floors, at traetlve dining room. Iarg whit ea meied kitchen that ia neat and clean. Painted walls, two large bedroom, bathroom, white enamel plumbing, full basement; laundry tray, concrete foundation, lawn, rosea and garden pot. Street Improvement in aud paid. ALsAMEDA DISTRICT $3200 ON TERMS 5 room bungalow, newly painted, reception hall with seat snd attracilre hall tree, living room with good fire place and built in bookcase, dining room eotivenent and well lighted, two bedrooms, windows in clothes closets, bath, white enameled plumbing, Initrh kitehen, floored attic, ceuient basement, laundry trays, .'.Oil 0l lot, small gal den spot, fruit and walnut tree. $8750 EASY TERMS 6 room bungalow. trictly modern and very classy. tieeeption hall, liv ing room with bulltin hookeaaes, at tractive flrei'laee. bard nod flo"rs, dining room, paneled walla, plate rail, built In buffet, wing room on one side. Well lighted kitehen w lth e-rv convenience for the housewife Two fine large bedrooms "iiih plenty of light and air fine bathroom, whit enameled plumbing One bedroom finished aeeonii flor and Urge floored attte for .atoreroom. full cement base ment, eom-rete ftiunilatloit, laundry trays, fruit room, best hot lr fur-nar-. inald. and outsld. entrane to basement; lot 50xM8; rose and shrubbery, street Improved and paid. Sewer connection. Absolutely best vain in city. ALBERT A32650 SNAP 5 built, done room hmi, wcptlnnal!y weH most of th work having been by present owner; ia double constructed. Near Killingsworth park. Reception hall, Iarg living room, pan eled dining room, polished floors, fin. big kitchen, plenty of light, 2 bed room second floor. 2 eloaet in each, room, large bathroom with white-enameled plumbing, cement basement, concrete foundation, laundry tray, lawn and ro. Wa can arraaga term. JUST EAST OF ' LAURELHURST $2650 Cory 5 Mom bnngalow, newly paint ed outside and kalaomlned Insid., Jiv ing room has fireplace that doe not moke, dining room haa olld panled wall, with plat. nil. 2 large airy bedrooms, bath between, convenient kitchen, floored attic, cement bw ment, concret." foundation, laundry trays, 00x100 comer lot; abundaooa of rose and ahnihfeery, children' playhouse, garag. improved etmt. sotu. street tmprov.rn.nU to Can arrange aasy tta. FOR PARTICULARS AS TO LOCATION And tann on any of tha above or any other house an our list See E. M. PADDEN, Sales Manager METZER-PARKER-FERGUS0N CO. Ground floor, $02 Oak ft. Bdy. 8644. rot .rly Stanley 8. Thompson Co. i v