- 7.; : THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ERIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1919. 23 REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 BIHR-CAREY'CO. HEAL, ESTATE DON'T BUT UNTIL TOU HATE SEEN THESE four brand-new S-room. B riwm and 7-room bungalows. Just received; they re ail beauties; adjacent to Laurelhurst anil Kuiie City Park. Strictly modern, hardwood flfiors. fireplaces, limit-inn, etc. These place r rattling good buys for the money. Also one 6 room bungalow, f4om to Handy boulevard, in Rosa City l'ark. 33150. Anotiier 5 room bungalow on East For tieth street, in Knee City l'ark. S3030. following are just a lew more of the many that we hart in our office: $2650 ON KMKRSOnT IN ALBERTA Nlre. neat. 5 -room bungalow. Reception hall, living room, d.nitig room with built in buffet- Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath; laundry trays, gas and elec- trinity; macadam street; heating stove dining Uble. cnir"- f,11 "(f j rooking utensils go with the place. All kinds of built ins. Fine condition; $500 will handle, balance $25 per month and Interest at 8 per cent. 12650 MT RCOTT READ THIS CARE FULLY 8 rooms, reception hall, llv tiiii room, dining room with built-in buffet, kitchen, one bedroom and den on flrt floor; 3 bedrooms on second: sm and electricity, 80x100 fU lot; $700 down, rest easy. $2750 A VERY PRETTY PLACE IN AL BERTA Brand new, on a BOilOO-ft. corner lot; combination living and din ing room. Hutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms; bath; fireplace, gas and electricity; ce ment ba ment; interior finish oak and ivory. SHOO down, $25 per month, plus Interest at 0 per cent. $2750 ANOTHEB GOOD ONE IN ALBERTA 5 room bungalow, reception hall, living room, dinige room with built in buffet, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and liath; garage, 2S blocks to Alberta car; 4 years old; A 1 condition. $3000 ON 53RD AVENUE IN MT. SCOTT 5 room bungalow bargain; living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath ; music room, sleep ing jrch, gas, electricity, screens, shades and linoleum; full cement base ment; floored attic; garage. Very good condition. 1 blocks to car. $3000 SACRIFICE. On 41st avenue. This is brand new. Living room, dining room kitchen, one bedroom on first floor; 2 bedrooms up; full cement basement, gas and electricity; fruit and shrubbery. This is a bargain in a brand new bouse. Can be bought for $3500, with lOOx 100-foot lot $3100 SOME BUY 57th avenue, in Mt. Scott. Living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs: 4 bedrooms with bath up ; sleeping porch, full :ement basement: furnace; fireplace, gas, elec t tncity, screens, ahades and linoleum; 5 fruit trees; garage; A-l condition. On a 100x100 foot lot. Can you beat it? You will have to show us. $3700 NO MORE HOUSE-HUNTING. Here is just the place you are looking for. Lot 50x116 feet. Only $1000 down. 5 rooms, all on one floor, no stairs to climb a dor.cn times a day. Living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms, hath. furnace. fireplace in short, everything that makes home the dearest spot un earth. All improve ments in imd paid for. Why not go out and see it? One of qut salesmen will call at your door, take you out to (tie limine and hring you back home. Let us hear from you. BI MR-CAREY CO. 219 Railway Exchange Uldg. Main 16S6. 1 OR quirk sale by owner, a fine modern home; 5 rooms, bath, toilet, full attic with good windows sod tloor, basement, cement walls; two lots. 50x1 Oil each; 8 young apple, 2 pear, 4 cl erry. 2 chetsnut frees, all bearing; black and red raspberries, loganberries, fine roses and shrubbery. Iincatcd at Woodmero, h blotk from car, east front, cement, sidewalks. Price $3500. terms to suit purchaser immediate possession. Oolng fo California 1 Also one lot. 50x100, choice fruit, good barn; could be .made into temporary home. Trice S800, terms. 6009 77th st. S E. , Phone Tabor 4 363. SKH0O UNSURPASSED VAI-UE 'kf-T" district; 6 room, den, sleeping potph, full attic, furnace, fireplace, buffet, builtns, cement basement, standard plumhing, 2 toilets, AttxlOO; east front; house alone cost $5000. double, well built, wonderful ground, shrubbery, assorted fruits; owner in east, son here to sell. Paving paid; 2 blocks to car, just south of Laurelhurst. U. O. OOLDENBERC. ABINGTON BLDO. "35 Tears In Portland." Main 4803. HOSE CITY PARK 5 Room Bungalow Garage $3500 Here to a dandy little bungalow borne. Yon will appreciate the real downright value. Only 100 feet from Sandy, facing east. Hardwood floors. flrplao, buffet. Dutch kitchen, etc Terms. This will be sold nuiokly, so hurry. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Sd. Main 8516. Main 3092. Branc(i office. 60th and 8andy. ALL double construction, extra well built. 6 room bungalow. H block to ROSE CITY car: fireplace, large buffet and bookcases, beamed ceilings, Dutch kitchen, 2 light bedrooms, large cement basement, laundry travs; lot 140 feet deep; S4000. terms, Main 8787. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 632. 68.1. 634 N W. BANK BLDG. NEWLY WEDS, TAKE NOTICE. One of the niftiet and brand new apartment house type of bungalow, disappearing bed, Pull man buffet kitchen, breakfast nook, with built in table and seats, fireplace, dressing room for the lady, a very largo llvins room, numerous window boxes, pergola entrance; on paved street and carline; magnificent view: $3050, $400 cash. Fred W German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. Rose C5ty Rose City 6-room strictly modem bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, old ivory finish through out, has sun room, Tiutch kitchen and breakfast nook: street improvements in and paid for. Price $5650 RIELY & GUSTAFSON 005 Yeon Bldg. f , " Mar' PRETTY 5 room' buuitalnw. new. all finished in enamel; large firepkee, furnacp, oak floors, buffet and bookers, lmtch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays; elose in nn hard surface afreet, 4 blocks to ROSE CITY car; $4750, terms. Main 3787. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N W BANK BLDG AM LEAVING CITY Will sell my nearly new 5 room bungalow, lardwood floors, fireplace, the usual bui!t-im. breakfast nook and everything: cement basement. 50x100 lot; $4650, $1000 cash. If yon hrven't this amount of cash, please don't call. C1 E. 41t N A VERY fine bungalow of six rooms on 100x100 cornet lot; fireplace, furnace, bath, toilet, I.-undry trays, china closet, floored attic, 13 foot alley, .plate gH; $4200; S1200 cash. $50 month. Main 37 87 JOHNSONDODSON CO. 32. 633. 634 N W. BANK BLDG $3500. TERMS 3 room modern bungslmv. on Francis ave., hsrdwiod floors, fireplace, all built-ins., or paved st.. all for $3500. See thi. A. WRIGHT Main 5J8R 417 Abington bldg. Sell. 1355. $050 BUYS an attractive iookinca roorrcoT tace; all furniture goej with place ; city water and electric lisrhts; house is ncwlv painted $00 fish. Main 37S7. D0DS0N CO. 632. 633. 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. 7 ROOMS, full basement, hardwood floors; jot 50x100: sheets hard surfaced, all assess ments paid: on Richmond car; nood district Price $2500; $500 down. Main 1038 or Main 4408. $45 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY l-'or this muall unpartitioned plastcrid cot-, tage, concrete foundation and basement, city water: total price $4011. Fred W. German 'o . 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sunlas. WHY NOT BUILD Get' as artistic home by an established archi tectural firm at low cost We build anything; furnish the money if desired. L R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting architects. f24 N. W. Bank. wo 5 room plastered houses on lOOx 100 corner: 1 modem, 1 semi-modern : garage, fruit trees, etc 1114 W. 21st t. 10 min. walk from steel yard. Price $2700. Vanucouver. W'n. $1950 WEST SIDE view home, on the aide hilla of Southern Portland. 2 blks car; 6."x 100; abundance of fruit; modern; now vacant; neat and clean; like new. $500 cash. Main 4803. $975 $50 CASH, 8 room home: water, elec tric tight, caa, 50x100; 3 blocks to Union Ave. Phone Main 4803. DELIGHTFUL 6 room buncalovt, absolutely svoaera uroruraoub AM ""IP ril rT" KSSS. '..-. ... - . BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 KXAD THIS 12250 and $250 cash will bay a good b.otne;, 1 food sire rooms, well lighted. basement, on 60x100 level lot with bearing frnit tree. 3 block from ear service. 2 block from Piedmont car barn. Thia house wa built 6 yeara ago; double constructed and waa improved -and re painted thia year and ia in good condition - List your property with ui at a saleable price and we will advertize. 5 room bungalow with I finished room in garret, full .basement, furnace, steam heat in every room; built-in features: 300 feet' from carline, 22 minntea to renter of city. 3 blocks from school, streets pared and iM for; in good condition. A modern home on 40x100 lot by 14 foot driveway. Built in 1813; terms. $600 down. (30 a month, or $1000 down, $20 per month. CAN TOU BEAT IT? $3350 will buy 6 room house with lame handy living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 3 bedroom", all without closets, on second floor ; electricity and ga-. modern plumbing. 7 hurif.u fnut fr .. n. I,.t .".lit 1 Oil ,,w,r jn rUf.tU ,Mreil tnd Illtid Ior- jOUb!e car service. 4 blocks north and aouth. 4 blocks from high school; house has just been repainted and retimshed inside and out. A substantial, con venient and' beantifui home; house waa built in 1910 at the cost of $2640; full concrete base ment with ample fuel for the winter goes with the house. This house should sell at once; $500 cash and terms. Owner going eL Car at your service. All kinds of city residence property for sale or exchange for farm", farm lands, etc. AM kind, of farms and timber lands for sale or exchange for city property. ALRINA REALTORS 1 135 Albiua are. Call. C-1 526. or Woodlawri 4034 Car at Your Service. $3050. REAL PENINSULA BUNCAI5W One block from St. Johns car, on Nashton with Urge front porch extending full width of house; supported by heavy stone column; large living room; pretty aining room; Deem ceilings, with built-in buffet, large stone fireplace, all woodwork in old ivory, convenient Dutch kitchen, screened-in back porch, 3 light airv bedrooms with sleeping porch, full cement basement, hot water heating system, laundry trays; can ar range terms. We have over BOO photographs of appraised homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your serv ice. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home Abington Bldg. Main 1008. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and -Sundays. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 365(0TERMS Strictly modprn fire room bunealow, hard wood floor, fireplace, buffet, linen clotvet, full basement, cemented pa Tins nd awcr paid, 1 Mock to Hawthorne car, close in, neat and clean. Another Hawthorne ow $3650 TERMS 7 room bungalow, modern except fireplace and furnace; beautiful comer lot. both sides paved and paid, near 37th and Hawthorne; full base ment. Step lively. D0BNER & DOBNER 308 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM Makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of hemes for sale, arranged in their respective dis tricts with full description. Every home has been appraised by an expert appraiser, soma remarkable . bargains. That is why we sold over 700 homes since January 1 thia year. 12 ex perienced salesmen with autos at your service. BEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Building. Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVEN INGS AND SUNDAYS. ROSE CITY PARK 5 Rooms. Breakfast Nook $4 500 We want to show you this classy bungalow. Exceptionally large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, exceptionally large attic, cement base ment. wah trays. Full lot. Ixxrated close in in Rose City Perk. 2 block" from Sandy. Street assessments paid. You would never expect to buy such a home for so little monej. Iet us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St. near 3d. Msin 3.116. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. , BOY2 SOME BUY! A beautiful strictly modem 5 room bungalow in fine district, completely furnished, best kind o' furniture, solid oak and mahogany ; paved street, 3 blocks from car; house alone is worm what we ask for alf; good terms. Seeing it means buying it; mast be sold at once, won derful bsrgsin. NORD HAMPTON CO. MAIN 8245. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE. ROSE CITY PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW $5750 Here Is a bungalow out of the ordinary a real borne. ' Iarge living room extending the width of house. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, French doors between living and din ing rooms. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, ce ment basement, furnace., etc. : hardwood floors in every room. Iet us show you. A. J. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near Sd. Main 3516. Main 30S2. Brajich office. 50th and Sandy. ROSECitXFA R K " Bunealow $4750 Splendid 5 room bungalow. located 1 block north of Sandy on 4 8th st. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, fnmace, etc. I-et n show you. A. O. TEEPE CO . 264 SUrk st near 3d. Main 3516 Main 3092. Branch offioe, 50th and Sandy. A WONDERFUL BUY 7 room modem house on hard surface street; H block to car; street improvements all raid; newly painted; double constructed house with sewer, water, lights and gas; laundry trays in baemcnt; concrete foun dation. Price only $3000; $500 cash. Main JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N W. BANK BLDG. $fl(0)(Q)DOWN$ 4 room plastered, house on the Oregon City road, close in and" close to car; a fine place for chickens, berries and fruit: all in good con dition. The lat one I have for the small sum down Price $1400. Balance like rent. Tabor 1485, or call at 8032 56th ave. S. E., near T,ents school. ONE story. 4 room, new bungalow; reception hall, living room, kitchen, breakfast alcove, pearoom, snower bath, 321109 lot, comer, foundation. 1 block to car and school : $1900; $300 cash. $25 monthly and Interest. Main JOHNSONDODSON CO. 632. 633, 634 N W BANK BLDG. ALBERTA 6 ROOM HOUSE $2250 Good t room house. 3 bedrooms, bath, elec tricity, ga, basement, garage, lot 40il00, with alley, liens paid. E. 32d and Alberta. Price $2250, $500 cash, $20 per month. Extra lot if desired. GltfSSI & BENNETT. 31.8 Board of TTade bldg. Main 74 52. $1600 FOUR rooms, reception hall, bath and pantry: full basement, concrete foundation. electric lights ard gas; 3 blocks to Hawthorne car, tnts side of 45tU street. $400 down, $18!Bhot soil. Vi mile to one of Oregon's best per month and interest. Main 3787 ,JOHNSONDODSON CO.1 632. 633. 634 N W BANK BLDG. Hawthorne Snap$3J(Q)C) 5 -Room modern bungalow, fireplace, buffet, etc. Corner lot. DOBNER & DOBNER Main 8474 308 HENRY BLDG. $3500 8 rooms and bath, fireplace, buffet, etc., on esVt front lot, block and half to car. Terms. Mam 3787 JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N W. BANK BLDG. B'UNGAIHV $3000 5 rooms, large attic, full basement and fire Place ; located H block to Rose City car. Trice $3000; terms $800 down. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. DANDY 9 ROOM HOME, $3000 Milwaukie st., close to 8. P. shops. 6 large bedrooms, pantry, bath, lights, gas. garage, large lot, assessments paid. Terms. Main 1643. Mutual Realty Co.. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. $225$50 CASH 5 room cottage. 4 block from Union ave., near Russell. lot 50x125. Garage DOBNER it DOBNER. Main 8474. SNAP $550 SNAP By owner, 3 room house. 50100 lot. in Errol Heights. Fruit trees and berries. - city water and gas. Dutch cupboard kitchen, barn and chicken ran. Broadway 9 17. room 12 100x106 H 4 houses, good, reliable tenant past several years; rental $20 month each Must leave town on account of ill health. Call 232 Caruthers at. ' $ 1 3 OuTbUYS $2200 home. 6 largs rooms, full plumbing, speeping porch, basement, electric lights. M V car ; 50x100; $300 cash. Main 4803. NJCE 5 room bungalow. Price about $2300, but will consider less if good first payment. 11 871. Journal. l-tHHE 6 room house, 50x100 foot lot: close . Alberta car. This is a good buy. Kat 5779. $450 CASH : best rm. Alberta bung.; paved st.. modern: $2950. Main 4803. 8 lOM:J,N.T'r reuovaied. cat, iMtaaii. CU ocuwooa 4W(u BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOI HE 1 4 ROOM practically modern furnished house well located on the M. V. car line on 6 2d at. Thia is sure a big snap and must be sold thia week on account of owner going away. Price of this, $1250: $400 cash, balance $15 per month at 6 per cent interest. Will give immediate possession. Don't overlook thia. 4 room , cottage on paved street in the Waverleigh Heights addition at a low aac rifice price of $1450; easy terma. 6 room cottage, walking distance, and paved streeta at a low price of $1600; $200 down, balance easy terms. 6 room modern cottage in Upper Albina district, with lot 60x100. Price S2000; $500 down, balance easy terms. 5 room cottage close in, with lot COx 125. with garage. This must be sold. horae terms. 5 room cottage. 104x148 lot. with fruit and 'berries. Price $1500; $250 down, balance easy terms. Mt. Scott district. 8 room house on paved street, lot 60x200; lots of fruit and berries, close In; must be sold at once. Price $2600; any kind of easy terms. These are all good buys in cheap houses, and all worth the money. 305 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 7H7G. $3500 UNPARALLELED HOME BAROAIN This is one of the biggest bargains we have had in the office for a long lime; on a 77x100 corner .lot, just eat of Piedmont, is a 6 room T."" distinctive modern home built on masive lines; large porch extends full width of house. There ii a full cement basement with hot-water heating system; practically new carpets in the reception hall, living room and dining room, which could not be replaced for $5O0, but are included in the price; thus large lot is worth $1000, and you could not build Uie house for $4500. Abundance of fruit, berries and tlinihs: term, very easily arranged. We have over 600 photograplis of appraised homes for sale in our office; 12 experienced salesmen with autue at yoi service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Hoinn Abington b'.dg. Main 1068. Main 5156. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. EOR SALE 8 room modern bungalow. 6 rooms finished; built-in effects, hardwood floors, fireplace, wash travs: 2 blocks Ilawthomo car. Price $36110; $1000 ra?h. Tabor 8311. FOR SAtt-lOTS IS PRICE REDUCED 33 1-3 PER CENT 50x100 lot. on E. 17th st, near Ladd's addi tion, clear of liens, for $800. This ia sood. clobe.in property and a real bargain. HITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE thing. A. -Wit. cheap; or will trade any Kaufmann. 367 Graham. ACREAGE 67 25 ACRES, partly imi roved; cloe in. suitable for truck garden, berries and waluuts; small payment down, balance easy terms. 80 acres. 6 miles from Woodland, near Iewis river; good house, bam and other improvements. Trade for house worth $2650. EAST 5779. $100 DOWN. $12 50 MONTHLY 111 acres of logged off land, well built 5 room bungalow, in Klickitat county. Wash. Ixg It. R through place. Volcanic a.sh soil. Par ticnlarly adapted to fruit raising. Total price $1600. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of r'ommerce. ipen Sundays. NOW is the time to buy suburban property, a neat 4 room house, on good corner acre; also 5 room modem house with large attic on an acre, both close to station. Come to see them and make me an offer, George H. Johnson, Metz ger, Or. LOGGED OFF LANDS Tracts 8 acres up. located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; woik: buy on your own terms. LEUDDEMANN CO., SI 3 Chamber of Comsneree. 6 ACRES, with running stream, 3 room cot tage, near Maberry station on Bull Run car line; $1500. terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. LOO KA T OREGONI AN OF-NOVEMBER 10 Come in and buy loganberry land, close in. 215 Railway Exchange bldg. 2 ACRES at Ruby Junction: Vj cleared, bal ance fir grove: $1000, terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. 2 ACRES, all cleared, very best of soil; 3 blocks to station, $700, terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. 2H ACR As. Oregon City line: choice location for chicken ranch. Price $50. East 4330. SUBURBAN ACRKAUE FOR SALE 22 acres. 4 houses, bam and dairy bams; ii acres in strawberries and raspberries; 6 acres in A-l orchard; 3 miles from Burnside bridge, between Prescoi and Alberta, on 4 2d t A. N. Stetgerwakl. Phone Wdln. 1578. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 NICE CLOSE IN HOMES 5.39 acres in cultivation, good orchard; 6 room house, bam. outbuildings, choice land: near highway, school, railway station; $4500. terms. a line nome. 5 acres choice land, improved. 25 bearing trees, stream of water, well. 6 room cottage, bam. garage, chicken house; price $2750, terms. Ouly 30 minutes out by auto. 5 acres, improved. 4 room cottage, outbuild ings, fruit, brries, Jersey cow. 25 chickens; a nice home; $3500, terms. R. M. CATEWOOD A CO.. 165 H 4th at. 1 ACRE 8 ROOM HOUSE MODERN $5000 Hard surfaced roed. lot 114 by about 37R feet; eitra good aoil. lots of fruit, big chicken house, plastered, with cement floor, hydrants throughout the place: new garage, cement drive way and floor, cement walks to and around the house, good basement; reasonable, terms. Can take $S00 to $1200 automobile. Geo. E. EngSehart Co. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 MR. FARMER. LOOK THIS -OVER 320 acres, 215 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, with 60 acres oak grub timber, nearly all level, fenced and rmw fenfseH vnoH R nm niouse, good barn, hog house, garage, all farm nmplements. 6 horses. 12 cows. 30 hors 60 chickens, 2 miles from R. R. station and town. 1 mile from school; dark brown soil; will be 100 in fall grain; price $25,000. half cash. This is good. See it at once. Henry. Alder hctel. Phone Main 5275. CAMAS PRAIRIE DAIRY FARM, 80 acres; 70 acres in cult., level, all fenced. 6 room house, barn 48x100, daily mail and milk route, good roads; 1 miles from Laurel. Klickitat Co.. Wash., in a thickly settled dairying dis trict. The proposed Yakima highway runs close to place. Price $4500 : . 'i cash, balance 6 years. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. WALNUTS. PRUNES. CLOVER 80 acres, 68 clear; 6 acre prune orchard Fair buildings. Gravity water- svstem. 1 8 ! miles to Portland Good rock road. Red walnut groves. Renter sold over $4000 off place this year. A good buy at $125 per acre. 1-3 cash. Main 4203, Portland, or Box 565, Newberg. AT THIS ONE 80 acres in Klickitat county. Wash.. 7 miles from Lyle, on a fine road; 15 acres in B year old orchard, yielding 4000 boxes this year; modem 6 room house, hog house, good bam, in fact everything you could ask for; all equipped, if desired. Tabor 1485. or call at 8032 56th ave S. K. . near IentK school. KENNEWTCK EARLY FRUIT BUT Three Rivers land, cheap, see me. 7 acres. 14 mile town and railroad. Cleared fenced ouuaings. irrigation water rights paid Price for quick sale, $650. $250 cash, balance $100 per year. Other tracts, similar prices. HOVER. 512 Selling Bldg. Main 4993. FOR SALE 40 acre irrigated farm. Central Oregon; paid up water right; 30 acres alfalfa. 7 acres pasture. 1 acre garden and orchard, bal ance buildings and hog pasture; new seven room house, semi-modern. Price $8000 for every thing, stock, implements, some household goods. This place is ready to move on and go to work. HX-872. Journal. IF YOU want farms or stock ranches, see us. CAMPBELLPH ELAN LAND & CATTLE CO. 301 2 Conch bldg.. Portland. 160 ACRES of good land, near Vancouver, Wash., will trade for cattle, sheep, or goat. All good tillable land. House and barn on place and all under fence. 40 acre In timber. Campbell-Phelan Land & CtU Co.. 801-2 Couch bldg. , Portland. 7 si ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. Good soil, no rock. Part in cult, dose to station- Work nearby . Price $725, $100 down. DRAPER. 626 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT ranch near Pendleton. Or.." 160 acres. Price $32,000; also machinery. b7 in bam, water, paved road. Phone C 1243 or address 544 E. 4 8th at. N'., Portland, Or, No commission. 8TOCKrancn72 5 8 crea60" bottorifairbriild tags, 14 mile R. R. station, 1 males from town. team, implements, tools and feed; price 17000; terms. C C Nelson. Veneta, Or. FINE improved 93 acre farm, - stocked ' svsiaixrped. Walbtein, 404 iUSv bids. Ad REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FAKMS 17 SOME CHOICE 10-AORE TRACTS ALL NEAR TOWN 10 acres, all level, it in cultivation, dandy new S-room plastered bungalow, good well and fifie spring crosses place. Also good barn with 8 tons oat hay. Price for all S2900, $1000 down, balance long time 6. 1 0 4 acres, all level and in cultivation, 5- room bungalow, plastered downstairs, garage i -.. -I 1 . v. - - k- -i ;i - f Price $4000, $1000 cash, balance . 10 acres, all level, with 5-room plastered house, large chicken house, 14 by 100, on carline 1 mile from town. Price $3500. hi cash. 17 acres, all level. 15 in cultivation, 2 good wells. 1 drilled, with 7 H. P. gas engine and pumping plant: new 6-room plastered bunga low and good barn 30x50, 5 acres fine bearing orchard. This is a dandy place on rock road and only 1 mile from town. Price $6000, $2000 down, balance 4erros. 5 acres, all level and in cultivation, modern hath, etc;, 2 wells, 17 bearing fruit trees, nice ! greenhouse 12x20; good bam 31x21; 2 large I chirken houses; only 2 miles out on liard road. I only $B75. $1500 cash H. A. HEATER. 8th and Main st... Oregon City. Or. I ACR1 99 DOWN All in cultivation hut 2 acre", all the finest of soil; it las beautiful, you might say one solid field, has good ti room house, fine big base ment, barn as good as new, good granary, hog bouse, wagon shed, woodhouse, stone cellar and all kinds of fine fruit, eood well at house and barn. This is on 2 roads all graveled to Ore gon city, only miles of town and 3 miles of ftore and electric lind and shipping point: will raise anything and for a prune ranch you couldn't beat it as the luy of it is fine. Now if you want a dandy little farm let us show you this. You will say yourself when you see it that it can't be beat for any kind of farming. Price $7500, $2500 down, balance time at per cent. Vr. V. ELLIOTT 4 SON 7fh and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or 41 MM 15 iu cultivation, 10 arres more easily cleared, balance good Umber ; 3 room house, barn, root, houpe ; orchard, fine spring for bouse; 5 miles Oregon City, on good road; Ji irile to pood school, 1 '-j miles to H. I. car line and Va'-i fir li iuIi way. Price $35Hi: u rash D)9 ACRES On Paeifii- highway, 05 in cultivation, good house and ham ; - years as' this place threshed 9 bushels clover seed to acre; at present price would net you $270 per acre. This must be sold to close an estate. Price $125 per acre, only half Us value. S. O. DILLMAN 8th and Main St., Oregon City. 1040 ACRE ranch in the valley near Corvallis, Or., with over 200 acres in cultivation, with a g:xd y room house and 6 good stock bams, well - watered, well fenced, lots of fruit, and this is one of the best going farms in the valley, both for sto k or farming or dairying, and can be bought at such a low sacrifice price.. Just stop and think when you can buy a farm like this at $35 ier acre. This must he sold, and can be handled on very easy terni. NEW YORK LAND CO. 305 Stock Exchange bldg Main 7070. 23 Vi ACRES, all tillable, timber for family me. 1 8 acres in higli suite of cuIUration. fenced and cross tie need, very best of soil, well at back door. 2 acres of bearing prune, family orchard of assorted fruit, walnuts, chestnuts and tmaM fmitf) of all kind. 7-room honse. fair barn, large chicken house, together with team, -wagonh, mower, hay rake, plow, harrow, culti Ta.tor, 10 tons of hay, 4 acres of potatoes, large patch of carrots and other vegetables, brooder, fine Jersey cuw. only short distance from school, oniy 5 niiie from Camu, Wash., on gotxi auto road. Price $."OuO. half cash. THOMPSON, SWAN & LKE. 3d and Main uU.. Vancouver, Wash. FA KM SNA1' This splendid a-re ran'h. about 40 of which are in cultivation; bouse is plastered ami contains eight large, airy rooms; haa fire place, concrete foundation and baemeut ; five acn.-. of commercial apple orcfiard. besides as sorted family orchard. Barn 50l50 and other outbuildings; improvements alone cost over $5000. Total price $7H00, $'J000 cash. Lo cated eix miles from Beaver Creek in Clackamas county in the Clarks district. This is a real snap. rhotos at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of I'oinmeroe Open Sundays. 40 ACHES, all tillable. 500 or f.00 cords of wood tienber. -H acres in high state of culti vation fenced and cross fenced, good well, wind mill and elevated tank. Ill acres in full bearing Italian prunes, new prune dryer, comfortable 4-room house, barn 50xC0, team, cow, plow, harrow, wagon, harness and all small tools, close to school. - miles from electric car, 4 miles lrom S., p. & S. station and Columbia river, 8 miles from Vancouipr on good auto road. Price $0000. Terms. THOMPSON, SWAN A LL'E, 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver, Vah. HTOFraRXO 113 acres, extra choice, rolling hiirh UrH- R0 acres high state of cultivation, balance timber; ! creek, spring, well, orchard, walnuts, etc., hop yard, hophouse; 7-room dwelling, bath, toilet, hot and cold water; 2 barns; 1! 1 miles Portland, 3 miles Newberg, 1 V4 miles railway station. This farm is one of the very best in the valley; price $140 per acre, $15,820. terms. Would con sider rood city property as part pavment. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 n 4th St. 30 ACRES well improved, just 3 miles , from Oregon City. This is a fine little tract and everything goes with it. household furniture, all stocked, feed, grain, hogs, and chickens, in fact everything on the entire place goes at a low price of $7500, and $2500 will handle this farm. NEW YORK LAND CO. 305 Stock Exchange bids. Main 7676. FARMS WAXTEt RE?TT Oft BUT 58 TWO WANT FARMS Mr. Farmer, do yon want to sell that farm of yours? If so give me a chance. I can sell it if the price and location is right. I have two men wanting farms, they are from Canada and the East. Farm must be near the follow ing description as possible: 100 acres or so and 180 acres up, about 2-3 or so under plow, creek or spring, good fences; buildings must be good, on good graveled road, with or without equipment. Prefer Willamette valley. If you have such a farm lut it with me at once. I am selling many farms, vours can be sold, too. A. C. BENDER, BITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EASTERN buyers are coming to our office. We are selling them farms. We can sell yours if your farms and prices are right. ' See Sam Hewey at J. 1 Hartman Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I WANT to rent fane of from 10 to 30 acres; must have houje, water and barn. F-22. Journal. HOMESTEAD! 47 HOMESTEAD relinquishment. coa.-t country. good 2-story house and barn: unlimited out range. Main 4 203. Portland, or box 505, Newberg. GET A H M ES TEAD 215 Railway Exchange bldg. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE S5 GEARHART COTTAGE. $1300, for .sale or trarV. 7 room, all cedar: furnished; best location. ZX-254, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 9 ROOM modern house, double con- truoled ; all improvements in; cn 2 carlines; close to Jef ferson high school and library; lot 50x100; j handy for either one or two families. Price uuu; also mu acre umorr ciaim, v.jou.uuti feet. Lincoln county. Or.; price $3200; will sell or trade both for stocked and equipped farm. 40 acres or more. W rite or see owner, 118 E. Em erson st. 5-I'ASSENGER Ford, good condition, and 10 acres of good unimproved land, slashed and fenced. 7 miles north of Battle Ground, to trade for 1918 model Dodge or Overland in good condition, or will sell car and land for $1000,. cash or terms. Oscar Larson, Rt. 1, Battle Ground. Wash. 160 ACREH of good land, near Vanconver. Wash., will trade for cattle, sheep, or goats. All good tillable land. House and bsm on place and all under fence. 40 acres in timber. Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 301-2 Couch bldg., Portland. WANT to exchange my beautiful west side view lot, 75 feet frontage, for acreage near Port land; will assume cash difference. H 109. Journal. ' WANTED A bouse and some fknd on east side in exchange for city property. Call Tabor 8526. CAR wantvM as first payment on my new 5 roam house, lot 42x100; will give a verv good deal. 990 Powell Valley road. SeU. 7 17. GOOD house and lot in Independence. 6r.7for Portland property; give or take. K-819, Journal. TO TRADE any kind of property see T. E Staley, 31 8 Railway Exchange. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED Relinquishment with soma cleared, house and water, not too far out. Bridge Acta, 4.01 zs Wsahirigtaa at. TsacQUTsr, Wash. BEAL ESTATE WASTED REAL ESTATE il $2.1 7f. 000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD 78S FAMILIES MADE HAPPY SINCE JANUARY 1. 1919. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this . office and see over 800 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in their respective dis tricts, with full description. Every home has been appraised by an exiert appraiser Some remarkable bargains. That ia why we sold over 750 homes smre January 1. this year. 12 ex lrienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME ABINGTON BUILDING, MAIN 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS An opportunity to have your home inspected, appraised and photographed by an expert ap oraiser. who will tell von wlmt it is wufth. and hat it can he sold for, all this free service which roes with our business. List vonr home nith us to sell. We are doing special high class advertising which will insure results. For prompt attention call E. M. PADDEN, SALES MANAGER BROADWAY 364 4. METZGER -PARKER-FERGUSON CO. FORMERLY STANLEY L. THOMPSON CO. 302 OAK STREET. PREFER GLAIWTONE TO MILWAI KIE LATE ARRIVAL IN PORTLAND PAY CASH IN FULL Want 1 to 5 acres and modern bungalow with 3 bedrooms or hou.se with bedroom on first floor and 2 bedrooms additional. Run ning water, electric lights, on hard surfaced or macadamized road. Geo. E. Eraglehart Co. Main 7266. 024 Henry bldg. BUYERS WAITING We hare several buyers for homes from 4 to 6 rooms; any jjootl location; we also ne?d more close-in improved acreage tracts; guaranteed quick sale, if ynur proper tv is attractive. K. M. ;ATEV001 & CO . 165 H 4th St, IF WE BUILD YOUR HOUSE. YOUR VACANT LOT IS SOLD A vacant lot is a nuisance. Let us figure with you to build a falable, nifty bungalow and turn your grief into dollars and happiness. We finance when necessary- PORTLAND HOME BUILDING ASSOCLATION 330-338 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main51 90. I SPECIALIZE in house selling and have buy ers waiting. What have you? Each and every listing is given proper attention.. Watch our ads. We get results. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. W K want good furmv liavt- buyers improved farms iiU to 500 acre.-, write H. A. OUTER. "The Acreage Man," 50S 1 Lewis bldg. for good See or SHACKS AM) SMALL HOMES WANTED Prico must he rieht arid rery easy terms. We have wld ovr 4oo home in the last year If you want action, li-t with tw. Fred V. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. WANT A 3 OU 4 ROOM Cottage on easy terms. Havt client waiting; aL-o client for 5 room bungalow. W. A. WRIGHT Main SOR 41 7Ahinston bldg. Sell. 1355. WANT to rent farm from 100 to" 500 arreV; must be improved; prefer river hoitoro ; will pay cash for personal properfv to $15, 000. See II. A. KRTF.R. "The Acreage Man." SOS 11 Lewu bldg. CLIENT with JSlTdOO caiT wants 100 to 150 acres cleared, with good buildings, Wil lamette valley. Washington county preferred. ti. C. GOI.DENHF.KG. Abington Bldg. "35 Years in 1'ortland." Main 4S03. LIST yiur property with u : we liae customers 11 over I'nrtland. orae with all cash. IOMNI:r & TM'HNKlt BON I :!) KKALTY DL'ALF.RS 30H HKNKY lUJ'i MAIN S4 74 LIST YOrit HOfKES With me. I can sl! them if priced right. W. A. WRIGHT Main rifles 41' Ahinston bldg. Sell. 1355. V. 1 WANT small dwellings from $1000 to $2500; have immediate buyers waiting. DORNEK & DOBS EH 30S Henry Bldg Main 84 74. ACREAGE WANTED I want an acreage suburban Portland. Johnson. Main .liyft. home near WANTKI On installment plan. 3 room modern bungalow, cheap; in good locality, on or near carline. H-868, Journal" LOOKING for house up to $2500, in any good location, from owner. East. 5779. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 DIAMONDS WANTED" $2m to $!(0MD Per Carat We pay highest market values. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO 447 Morgan bldg., 4lh floor. $650 GROCERY-DRY GOODS STORE J6.-.0 Am leaving city, must sell today or Friday This store is paying a big salary; nice living rooms and low rent and good location. Will in- voice or sell for S0:O. A fine thing for t ladies or enan and wife. See me at once. 2 W. Broadway. J. A. Cobb. 160 ACRES of good laml near Vancouver. Wash., will trade for cattle, Bheep, or goats. All good tillable land. House and barn on Dlace I ' and all under fence. 40 acj-es in timber.: Caropbell-Pheian Land Couch bldg.. Portland. & Cattle Co.. 301-2 RESTAURANTS ROOMING HOUSES GROCERIES We specialize; best locations; prices and terms right. Before buying see Harper, Scandinavian American Realty Co., 248 Stark st. Main 54l'0 ELDERLY working woman wanted as roomer, use of kitchen; references. 349 Marguerite avenue. FOR SALE Ciear, confectionery, soft drinks. 34 2 Front t. n 1 . 1 1 "1 1 1. 1 . . j 1 . . . 1 n ' itn, oaiveij nil iul, juilj equippeu, J1U j r ront su i-none (tax irove 1 m. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale; good lo- cation. Wdln. 153 L 600 BUSINfeSS CARDS $1.26 Byder Ptg. Co.. Main 6630. 191 H 3d st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED v8 WANTED Small grocery with living rooms; prefer adjacent to Mt. Tahor school; give price, location and ' if part trade acceptable. S-271. Journal MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 OUR INSTALLMENT plan ia the best and surest method of paying a loan $$2.26 per month for 38 months; or $21.24 for 60 months; or $15.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest. Other amount In proportion. Ws loan on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission chsrsed. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 SUrk st. Portland. Or MONEY to loan on improved Willamette val ley farms for such periods and on ruch terms ss to repayment as will suit the require ments of borrowers. My lone connection with and thorough knowledge of the valley enables me to give prompt- service. No commission charged. Address Win. McMaster. 331 U. S. National Bank bldg., Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We lan money on real estate; 6 and 7 per cent, long time, short time; monthly payments: pay as you can; sums to suit. 725 Gasco bldg.. 5tn and Aider. CELLARS-M UKTO.N CO. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. $300. $400. $500, $750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, znoDey advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. IL BELL, rooms 10-11 Mulkey bldg. $100,000 u I-OAN on farms. No red tape. no delay, no publicity. Willamette Valley Mortgage I.oan company, Aurora. Oregon. $10,000 SUMS to suit, 6-7 iwr cent. No commission. Ward, attorney, 4 07 Spalding building. $300, $400. $500, $600. $750 and op. low est rates, quick action. Gordon Mortga" Co.. 681 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1870. 8SOO to 88OO0T-no commission. MainlH6. V. H Deshon. 616 Chamber of Commerce. See oregon in v7 & mortgagsco.71i2S Chamber of Commerce. 4th snd Btark. MORTGAGE LOAXST and T percent Loui Salomon A Co.. 408 Belling bid. MONEY TO LOAJT CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 balary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET Ob abort notice to salaried or worklngmea on their own notes. Weekly, semimonthly or monthly payment. Each transaction stricMy confidential SO JIOimJAGE NO IN DORS EH ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W. loan eta household furniture, pianos, eta., writaont removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 218 Falling bldg. MONET to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rata; all articles held a year; eetablistuad atnog 1888. aa Uxa. 288 WaMrtos C MOSET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD COODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS. OR ANYTHING OP VALUE. SECnilTY USUALLY . LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOVR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES Oil ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL PAY THEM UP. AI'VANCE YOU MOKE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY U8 IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SLIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 806-807 DEKUM BLDG. 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASfl'N. Phone Broadway 910. 894 Btark Street, near 10th. Loana on diamonds, watches. Yictrolas. planoa, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and county warrant cashed for face valua. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. Manager. ARE YOU IN DEBT THE INDUSTRIAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 2R7V4 OAK ST., LEWIS BLDG , OFFICERED AND MANAGED BY PORT LAND M LEADING BUSINESS MEN AND LABOR REPRESENTATIVES LOANS MADE TO WAGE KARNERS OM THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY IN SUMS OF $10 TO $500 AT 8 PER ANNUM PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE WEEKLY OR MONTHLY GEO. HARVEY loans money on household good I,aJ rmtf. Tabor 8M06. LOANS WANTED 80 FIRST MOF.TOAOER-for sale. $500 up. T. H. Deshon. 615 Chamber of Commerce bids. 8I.E OKEGON INV & MORTGAGE CO.. 233 Chamber of Commerce. 4tn and Stark." FINANCIAL $1 LIBERTY AND VICTOKY BONDS If jou muet tell your Liberty or Victory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from u?. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bondj at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BKTTER YOU MAY DO WORSE We are today paying the following price for Ci'ited States Government Liberty and Victory builds, which arc the mienm.; New York market prices, plus the accrued interest. N. Y. Market lntcreit Total $101.40 !'i 4(1 ii.VS'l .trt.'O 05 21 P5.44 03.44 101.19 3 Vis $100.04 $!..; 1st 4s 1)4. SO I. (ill 1M 4s 03.40 1.00 1st 4 i .... 04.80 1 7li 2d 4 'is .... 03.1O 2.11 3d 4 s .... 04.74 .70 4th 4 s .... 03 lO 34 Victory 3is.. 00 3H l.sl Victory 4s.. 00.30 2 30 101 60 in purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct lrom the above prices 37c on 150 bond and $2 50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty sod Victory bonds, we charge the New York market price, plus the accrued interest. ASK A BOLT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burglar and fireproof wife deposit botes for rent.. Open until 8 p. m. on Satumays. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Capital One Million Dollars. Morris building. 309-311 Stark st., het, 5th-6th. Tel. Broadway 2151. Established over 25 yrs. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. 1 LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOC CAN BORROW CASH OF VS ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS OR BONDS. SEE E. IH'RKITT, PRESIDENT OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG. I SECOND FLOOR) I WILL BUY ANY LIBERTY BOND 99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (All due coupon Interest Included.) J. H. KEATING. 817 BOARD OF TRADE j BONDS BOt'OHl I SPOT CASH ! MARKET PRICE1 i CASH FOR RECEIPTS. We LOAN money on ! BONDS. War Savings Stamps: 7 per cent 725 GASCO RLKG., FIFTH AND ALDER tiSLLAKS MI HTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracta on real estate In Washington or Oregon, tt. E- Noble. 310 Lumbermen! bldg. i STOCKM AND BONDS ARTHUR L. SMITH MOTORS, incorporated. Shares of stock for sale. Phone Wdln. 11114. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 WELL MATCHED tram of geldings. 12' lbs each, in gtod condition;' ju-t from the farm: no place to keen them, witii plow. harness, harrow and 14-inch plow, $135. I also hare a .i-inch Old Hickory farm wagon used hut little. $75. South Bend chill plow, 12-inch, good as new, $25. Mrs, Richardson, 35H Russ(llst., near JTnion ave FOR SALE 100 head of horses from 5 years to 12 years old, from 1200 to 1700 lbs., rutin out of hard work: harness and wacons of all kinds; all stock guaranteed as r.-presented. Phil . Suetter, .2S5 Front. Crown Stables. DO yrnirant to buy some good horses? We have matched team? all sizes, good wagons and harness. : will tell less tlian cost. 240 E. I Mh st.. cor. Main. J. 8. Williamson. j ;oOD raneli team, weiizhs 500 lbs harness and wanou rheao. Also a good familv cow. 990 Powell Valley road Woodstock car. $145 BUYS team, weight 2200, bay mare and bay hor--e; work single or doubl. : good heavy In moss and wagon. .."1124 80th st. Tabor 6634 rrnTrrt' id; CZZa . ."iT most new. cheap -for casli. 4100 41st sr." S. LV Sill wood 3600. t NEEI some good work' horses, pay cash or t-atg(il5 Tpas.- Studebaker. 3I2 Jront st. DEAD heses takn quiet Cash paid for dead cows. Tabor 4 203. 2H0 I B. TEAM, harness, farm wagon, $195 Phone Tabor 0356. j MITt'HEI.L roadster, sell or trade for horses, i 302 Front. j FOR SALE Good gooseneck wagon. Call Wood lawn 1329. LIVESTOCK 35 WE buy and sell sheep and goats. See us if you want to buv or sell. CAMPBELLPHELAN LAND a CATTLE CO. 301-2 Conch bldg.. Portland. IF you want any fresh dairy cows of any breed st sny time see Mr. Bruce st the stockyards. North Portland. Or. FRESH cow. Take Mt. Scott to Tremont sta.. 4 blks. south to 65th ave., 1 blk. to W. 71st st.. S. W. corner. 134 HEAD Cotswold ewes to lease on lis Ives; reference required; ranch for sale. C. C. Pilgrim. Kfc Creek. Or ' TWO laru- J-r-ey cows and . oneJ t ; lie mst . . 'J1 hoo.e, Buckley ave. and roster road. Ta hoT 44 7 4 WE have 75 head ewe lambs for sale in bunches , to suit. Call 1B3H W. Park St. Wells & Apderon. FOR SALE 20 fine Lincoln ewes, 2 and 3- year-old : one half interest in fine ram. $300. John D. Lesch. Cape Horn, Wash. " C. S. MAT Expressing. Furniture and live stock moved anywhere. Phone Main 3030. Tabor 6028. TOGGENBERG bucks for sale. 1911 E. Irving st Portland, Or. Phone Tabor 6459. HOLSTELN cow for aaie or trade for work 1 liorses. 302 Front. FOR SALE Brood sows, pigs, shoata. 95-J. Milwaukie. rbons POULTRY AND RABBITS) 37 THOROUGHBRED White Wyandotte and Rhode Island Rd pullets, commencing to lay. Tabor 231. 333.1 71-t st. S. E. CRACKED WHEAT, scratch, all kind feed: bet ter, cheaper. Master Incubator Co.. Wood lawn 4344. WHITE LEGHORN bens and pullets. Barred Rock. Rhode Island Red pullets. Tsbor 6895. 6348 H4tlist. BARRED Rocks. R. I lied snd Whit Leghorn hens and pullets. 70c to $1.65 each. 290 E 72d st N. M V. car. WE PAY CA8U FOR POULTRY Pets, Puppies, of all kind. Cash Produce Co.. 800 E. Morrison. East 6122. W. L PULLETS. R. f. Bed cockerel. 2003. Sellwood FOR HALE Pullets, vnng- hens; B. L Beds. 6881 SStb aia. I. . 17 60 BARRED ROCK pullets. $1.50 to S2.25 each: 25 White Leghorn pullets, ready to lay. $2 each: 200 yearlmz White leghorn hens, liurh quality hoganized stock. tl.SO each. J. It. Maeuire. 7 87 Oregon st, near K. 24th ft. POGS, BIRPR. PETS. ETC. 48 SATURDAY and Sunday only, pedigreed New tsealands and Rufus Red Belgians for sale; young stock. 4 to 1 months old; also does with litters. 8fi2S tiMh st S. E.. cor. of Powell. Trhor 8007. FINE high bred Airedale pupa for sale cheap. 608 E. lfltb st. Call 9 to 12 a. m. or 5 to 9 p. m. ST". ANDHtfAUWiU-TOnera. registered birds, good trainers also females. 57a Spruce t. Sellwood 938. CHOICE canaries at "The Canary Bird Shoo " Singers guaranteed. 11B1 E 28th N. C-2217. THE PADEREWSKI CATTERY Orange Persian kittena of quality. Eaat 3967. CANARIES for safe, singers. Tabor 788. AUTOMOBILES ANP -ACCESSORIES 41 101 CHEVROLET Touring Car 5Ko litis .Chevrolet Roadster B76 11S Chevrolet Touring Csr 600 191S Chevrolet Touring Car 2ii 1017 Chevrolet Touring Car 800 1017 Chevrolet Touring Car 450 1910 Chevrolet Touring Car 425 1817 Oakland Six Touring 700 191S Chevrolet Baby Grand Touring 775 lolti Ford Touring Car 375 lillfi Ford Roadster 350 191 Ford Touring Car 325 1 1 7 Ford IMivery 325 11)15 Ford Delivery 300 Buick Bug H-"' llupmobilo Bug 110 These prices are for terms. We will give 2 er cent discount for cash. Liberty bonds taken at par. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14 tli and Alder Chevrolet Agents PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY Mtor Cars and Trucks PACKARD NASH It urn.. Me -Street at Tenth Guaranteed used cars at rock bottom prices; no realisable offer refxi&ed. Such cars as X&h Sedan. Na.-di Touring. Cole Touring, Overland two of them. Chero!cttefl-'--t wo of them, Keo Roadster. Terms taken. 421 Uuruaide. See Jones. 1010 MOON, classiest Ught six in the city. jost new. many extras; could use a food Ford or Dodge as part payment, balance to suit. C. Ii. S. CO. Mar. 1428. 65 N. 23d t M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a spe cially. &0B Burnside. Bdwy. 2200. 1018 EMPIRE SIX, 7 pass., cord tires, new paint; cheap for a quick aale. C. He S. CO. Marshall 1128. 65 N. 23d St. 18,000 carried In stork. ,0nr sprtngi sold with a written guarantee. W give you servica 34 N. lBtb st. PARTY leaving Portland will trade equity in 10-acre tract 5 blocks from Inti Junctiion for late uioilcl Ilupmohile. Dodge; Bulck, or any car of this class; balance $2000, handled on payments. This is most certainly a good proiHjsitioo. MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE Room 335 Railway Ex. Bi ts. Main 678. AUTOMOBILE I iE ALE ICS ATTENTION We are prepared to handle your financial matters and give you excellent service; all kinds insurance written. NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO., Lumbermen.! building. Telephone Broadway I08O. ll16 CHEVROLET touring car for sale, elec tric starter and lights, spotlight, Lnlvsrsal Ure liners anil orner extra; insurance pam u June. 102O, private owner, for iuc.k bale, 9375. Phiinc Sellwood 1517. AUTO repairing In your own private garage; reliable work guaranteed at reasonable prices. Also will tow disabled cars from any point within the city limita for $J.5U, day or nichL References. Call Eaat 664 3. Ill IS BUICK roadster, cord ttres, fine condi tion; $520 down; guarantee snd free service; enough said. 1'ortland Car Sales Co., fith and Taylor. 1CIX CHEVROLET I must sell and its a real buy for someone. It s complete- in every way. Has spotlight and 3 new tires. Need 150, easy pnynivnts on balance. Tabor 5. ST f TVEBAKEir FOUR"l918T "toiinnp-iiT film condition: good tires and paint. Must sell, a bargain at $775 with terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. DODCE OWNERS Brand new 32x3 tire and tube. East 4244. cheap. ; CHEVROLET rourine 1919: in stood' mechan- ical condition. Will sacrifice at $850 snd give terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near, Burrulde. BRAND NEW MAXWELL sedan, never been used; easy terms. 1'ortland Car Sales Co., 5th snd Tsylor. OVERLAND TOURING 5 good tires, new top. Just overhauled; easy U mis C-194 3. eitherphone BIG SIXOVER"LAN D. Continental motor, new tires, fine condition. $4 40 down. Portland Car Sales Co LARGE Hup mobile. alo i'jrd touring ear; both 1 In excellent f-onmuon; sacnticc. irom owner i having city. I hone East 0!i47. 1918 MAXWELL' roadster. $320 down; guar antee and tree service; enough said. ion land Car Sales Co., fith and Taylor. i j ; FORD roadster, 1917; in best of condition, rood i tires. Will sell at $4 25 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. STUDEBAKER SIX 7 passenger, good tires, bumper. Easy terms C-1043, either phone 1918 Bit; SIX STUDEBAKER. just like a new c.ir; $440 down. Guarantee and service. Portland Car Sales Co. FORD touring, 1914; in fine condition; good tires. Must sell. A real bargain at $326, with terms. 30 Orand ave. N. near Burnside. 1917 DODGE touring, fine condition, $300 down; guarantee and free service; enough said Portland ar Sale Co.. 6th and Tsylor. LATE mt;del Ford touring, best of condition; new top, good tires. $395, $100 cash, balsore terms. PhoneEst6552. PAIGE light six. 1917. excellent mechanical condition: owner must sell account going east. Call Main 2142 After 6 p. cn. Wdln. 68. 1918 CHEVROLET, fine condition every way; $260 down; guarantee and free service. Port land ar Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 19 16 TOL'RLN'G car with good tires, in fine condition in every way. 249 6th St. at Madi son. Main 7352. FORD roadster, 1917. best condition, demount able rims with pair spare tires, good condi- 1 tin,. fux.l lichr sTayii! terms. Kast 873 1 ; - r.T.i-.-T". : Zl ; . ... n MAXWELL touring; look, like new . in : very best of condition. Owner saenfice. who lerni". on niaim ite, ... in. .juiwi'ir. 1918 IKiltGE touring, cord tires. 1 extra tire; car like new; must sell. Will give terms. Phone East 874 7. 191 8 MAXWELL touring, in fine condition; rood paint and tire. Will sell at $875 and give terms. 30 Grand are.M. near Burnside. 191 8 HUDSON town car: must be sold; no rea sonable offer refused: terms given. Call Mar- i shall 6141. Ask for Jack BenUey. 1910 OLDSMORII.E TOURING 355 BURNSIDE ST. BUICK bug, price $260; lots of extras. 11th st. garage. 833 L. 11th. TtTXASlZING Vnd Retreading, tJ. 8. tire sta tion. 100 11th at., near Wasblnctot. METZ 6 iisss.. 1917. starter, must go: $350. electric. light asnd 352 E. Bomside st. GASOLINE 22 CENTS A GALLON, OILS AND GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 1ST. $375 ,DANDT little Overland, fine condition ; good tires. 1264 Division st Tabor 1231. 1917 KINO EIGHT TOURING , 865 BURNSIDE ST. CHEVROLET touring. $350; runs good; terms. C-1943. either phone, " 191 6 FORD" toLrRINT5 355 Burnside at. 1919 CHEVROLET. 531)0 miles; two new tire, eitras: $600 Parker. East 1034, 1916 OIEVROl.ET touring. In Al condition. 35 5 Burnside sC DofGK f"r aale cheap. Cm good traveled road. Tabor 8076. -1818 CHEVROLET TOURING ; 8 55 BCRNH1DE 8T. 1915 STUDEBAKER for sal or trad (or good work horses. 803 Front st. POFXTRT A5D RABBITS AUTOMOBILES AWI ACCE8SORI ' FORDS. FORDS. NOT A LEMON IN THE LOT LOOK 'EM OVER 100 touring. new. Kxtraa. 1018 tminn, lieimiunuhie wheel. $ 305.00. 101 H trturtnji, hoik! shap. 191 S ttturiny. bargain 1SM7 Murine. nrr. muled. 1014 ton ring , tftuxl rncnie. 1017 roadster, fin? Hhapt. 1017 chasiirt, gom tires. 1018 tnirk. good condition. 1018 dtlitt?r, jiinrl body. SPECIALS 1918 Dodge tourin grorj tires, on eitf tire. Car like new ALL CABS SOLD .ON E. Z. TERMS PALACE GARAQE CO. 12th and Stark Sta Broadway 157J A 2443. Cars of the Better Kind 1018 Bulck 5 paaa.. spotlight, bumper and extra fire. Cadillac, a real comfort car; cords all around, one extra. 1 ton Ford truck in good condition: It's a "17. 1917 Dodge 5 pass., in first class condition, extra tire, a buy. Ford racing hug. 1918 Ford sedan, drm. rlmi, shock absorbers, Goodyear non-skids all around, 'one extra, speedometer, loot accelerator; must ;be sold by Wednesday. Franklin Series B, flrstK-lass condition. Overland. 5 pass., electric lights, sell Muter. 150 will handle.- , 1018 7 pass Chandler. 1818 Nash 'nougb said. See this. USED CAR PALACE 61 UNION AVE. N. EAST 771T. A FEW OF OUR SELECT USEDkCARS - WHICH MUST BE SOLD HAYNES 7 paasenger. j cord twes, just overhauled $1500 Mitchell lii;ht six. newly painu-d and overhauled 1050 f, Briscoe touring car. '1918 800 Chalmers six. newly painted, good shape 1000 . Huirk roadster, newly painted, a real buy 025 1010 Maxwell touring. 6 cord tire 1O0O Winton six, newly painted, line shape... 1250 Willys six, looks like new ' 1250 Maxwell delivery, brand new 850 Overland 90, 1U1S 800 1918 Ford roadster 430 W. IL W ALLINGFORD CO., 522 Alder st. Broadway 2492 Open Sunday and Evenings. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 58 N. 23D ST. MAIN 780. VKLIE PEERLESS ALLEN SOME REAL USED CAR VALUES Trade your car in, balance easy terms 1910 Velie. runs like new 11500 1 Jgm Velle, thoroughly overhauled, re- varnished; new tires . 1800 19J7 Velie. repainted and overhauffed thoroughly 950 1917 Studebaker. 4 cylinder 650 Six ryl. 5 pass. Overland. 8ee It. 1917 Saxon six; L'ood buy $ TOO 1916 Sason six. pantasote top, plate glass; good tires 000 1D14 Velie. 4 cyi., 5 pass 825 1918 Oldstnobile sedan, looks and ruui Ilk. a new one : reialnted . . . 1 7B0 USED CAR BALE 1 Dodge 1918 1 Oakland sedan 1 Dodge 1 Franklin 1 Ford touring 1 Ford touring, no top f 1000 . 000 . 725 . 050 . 425 . 825 . 050 . 160 . 2011 1 Maxwell f. cars, all run 6 cars, all run 8 can, all run 1 GMC ' ton truck 1 Ltpert Stewart truck 1 Buick 4 ton truck . . $260 to 1300 600 860 600 LONG & HILVA. 4C2 Hawthorne ave. Hudson Speedster BARGAIN AT $1650 CASH. OR TV ILL j v TAKE $650 DOWN. BALANCE 10 MONTHS. ' THIS CAR IS IN Al CONDITION AND GUAR ANTEED FOR 90 ' DAYS ; 5 GOOD TIRES AND TIRE CARRIER. CALL TABOR 680 OR MARSHALL 534 2. MU. ADAMS. SOMETHING NEW. never seen .on Portland streeta before. French 4 -paasenger bug, VkjJ tona on,man top, brand new top, body, snd cord tires, with s used $2000 motor. If Inter ested In sutnmoliilea see this before tt Is sold. On displsy st 109 11th at , bet, SUrk and Washington ts. n 19 U OHD -f WftWrT This csr is ss good as a dasfeoald be and the price is low and Oie terms are easy, with $150 down, balance long, easy terms. We take bonus at full Value. RED FRONT USED 'AR CO. no.-. AI.DKIl ST. NO. we sre not having s used . ear ssle. but selling used cr at prices unheard of befor.; for an example. 1018 Chevrolet touring, Jttat returned from repair shop, runs Ilk. new, good rubber, guaranteed car. Where ran you beat this for $500, with ternnsr 109 11th t., bet. Stark and Washington -t. 1917 BUICK 6." good "mechanical condition, -brand new tires In rear, front tire good. Top and upholstering good price $925. MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, Room 335 Railway Ex. Ech. bldg. Main (78. OWNER Leaving stale, have 3 cars at a great sacrifice; Ford bug. with new tires,, $165; - Cadillac chaase, A I condition, $190; Overland Ught Six, rnn 6O00 julle-. a great,, bargain, l"nL,u,!l;9."0 Plione Woodlawn 24TO; C 25 BUK'K 5 paasenger touring; gorid condi' tion : good tire: $1:00 d'lvn; guarantee and free service. Portland Car Salea Co.. 5lh and Taylor. L4TE-1 9"7 ."Tpa'so Oskland7 good7imditiont ' good tires. Woodlawri 2 4 oil Iiat. h a. m. and B p. m. Woodlawn 1038 between U p. ru. to 8 p. m. WILLYS "6 ' touring, jn first cla.s condition. used privately. Will sacrifice al $1100 and give terms, or consider trade cn "mailer car; terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. CHEVROLET- roadster, 191 H.iu fine condl- tion; good tires. Will sell at II.Vl and give terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. Cr55TlT:Tcif rf t7,uring7prine $800 "forjiik sale; terms; guarantee free service; enough said Portland ar Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. I 1 jTi 775 VERLA ND-inAT meTjianleal' eondf , tion. new top. good tires. Jot ben painted. Best buy fin market. $8JiO ;terms. Tsbor 4414, 8TUTZ torpedo roadster. In fine condition, $&50 term. Owner going Kj.t Portlsml Cat 8les Co.. Dth nd Taylor FO aUTtoiiri rig. 1915; in best of condition, good tires; will sacrifice at $325 and give terra. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. NATIONAL CHUMMY ROADBTKR 6 cord tires, new paint, absolutely rape. Terms. C-1943, either phone. Al MAXWELL touring, must be sold by tomorrows f : good condition: $575 for quick -sale. Port- i land Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. i MAXWELL 1917 touring, in fin running - is" condition: used privately. Win sell at $60l and give terms. 80 Grand ave. X. near BumsidYi ' 1917 OVERLAND TOURING 4 t " ' 365 BURNSIDE ST. , ' " 1918 NASH 0 enuriim roadster, good eondt-, t, tion, 81 1 60. Broadway 8668. s - - 4 1816 MAXWELL touring; good shape. 866 Rnrnaid at. 1 Hi Continued tfn Following Pact)