t inrr tnr rnrrn innttAitcritttu WHEN ANGRY IN Prisoners Released Said to Be Ex-Service "Men: Chief Says Trouble Had Been Threatened. LEADERS REPORTED KNOWN Baker American Leerion Post Dis- claims Part in Demonstration; , Several of Police Are Cut. 1 fit Tr-. 1 '1 A . livery of three men, Bald to be -former soldiers, from the city' 'jail, j a mob, led by angry ex-service men. .Tuesday evening stormed the city hall, daring a squad of armed police, and threatened to burn the building if their demands were not satisfied. Several of the police were cut by fly ing glass thrown by one of the men. The attack was begun shortly after rrest of the three men who were ac cused by the police of disorderly con duct. ' " "Noble Redman, one of the police, was the first to suffer at the hands of the mob. He was spirited away to the ''police station In a passing automobile. The crowd followed, however, and 100 people created such a demonstration at the door of the station that the three men were finally released. LEADERS ARE KJNWX After the window had been broken, W. H. Strayer, city attorney, and state senator from Baker county, called for silence and demanded the reason for the demonstration.. "Give us those soldiers,"- 100 voices replied. Even after the prisoners had been released the mob stood by unsatisfied until one of their number had been permitted to explore the jail and had reassured them that no former service men were being detained. An attempt was then made by some of the more ardent members to lead an attack upon the county jail, where some one shouted that there was a sailor, but further ef forts to prolong the riot failed. The police late in the evening had made no attempt to arrest any of those who constituted the mob, but said that the names of several of the leaders haa been secured. The city authorities are considering action. CUK FLASHED, CHARGE Eye witnesses assert that the whole trouble was started when Rodman flashed a gun as several persons at tempted to interfere with the arrest of one of the three men, whose release was demanded. Rodman denies that he showed a gun at any time. Two other policemen were simultaneously attacked while they were taking the other two prisoners Into custody. Chief of Police Culbertson said that he is convinced that the disturbance of this evening had been planned for sev eral weeks by a group of alleged boot leggers and other lawbreakers, who had previously threatened that Culbertson would, on Armistice day, be "beaten up, if not killed." Culbertson declares that the three men who were made prison ers and who were later released at the instance of the mob, all have police records, as do 30 members of the mob, all of whose names have been placed on the records. Upon their arrival at the county jail, the remnants of the mob that stormed the city hall were dispersed by Deputy. Sheriff William Pierce. ,' ' LEGIOX NOT I5T0LVED The American Legion disclaims any complicity In the" affair. It is stated by the police that the three men were released not through fear of the mob, but simplyto avet loss of life at the time, for although thoroughly armed and equipped to cope with the situation, it waa deemed advisable to await legal action before taking further steps to ward retaliation. "If the law-abiding citizens of Baker want mob rule, we are perfectly willing to let them have it." said Chief Culbert son, "but if we find that the majority of Baker's business and social element is behind us, the offenders will be made to pay the proper penalty." Missiles thrown by the mob destroyed three windows in the city hall. Excite ment was rife throughout the city for several hours, but before 9 o'clock the disturbance had subsided and no. more trouble is expected. ' Player Piano Satisfaction The Player Piano you buy will arouse either great enthusiasm or lasting regret. There' is no middle course. Complete satisfaction rests in the wisdom of your selec tion and the care with which ytm make your investigations. The Euphona Inner-Player for year has been creating enthusiastic admirers and friends for itself and for our house. Musically and mechan ically it far excels any instrument near its cost, and that cost is most .moderate. EASY PAYMENTS Morrison St. at Broadway Cathlamet Legion, Named for Argonne Hero; Elects Officers Cathlamet, Wash.. Nov. 12. R. J. Watkins-of Cathlamet was chosen to head the McKJnley Moe post of the American Legion, organised here Sun day. The post js named in honor of McKinley Moe, a hero of the Argonne. Other officers chosen are Walter Gis selberg, vice commander; Alfred Stone, post adjutant; Guy Dunham, post finance officer; Elmer Stone, historian, and Vincent Kelly, chaplain. Lutheran Church In Marsljfield Has Instaled Pastor Mafrshfield, Nov. 12. Rev. A: G. An derson, the new pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church of Marshfield, waa in stalled at a special service. The in stalling officer was Rev. G. K. Andeen of Mount Vernon, Wash., assisted by Rcv.0. R. Karlstrom of Seattle, Rev. E. A. Larson of Astoria and Dr. S. M. Hill of Colton, Or. Japan. . He writes to Dean Erio V. Alien of the, school of, journalism that English is compulsory in the Japanese schools. adding that as a race the people of Japan are eager to learn the language. Newton, on his trip across the Pacific, was with an officer who served on the vessel which brought Trotsky and a party of adventurers to Russia. ' Red Cross Drive Succeeds Marshfield, Nov. 12. The Red Cross membership drive has been successful In Marshfield. The young women who have been soliciting have collected a total of S807. Experienced Loggers Are Needed in Coos Marshfield, Nov. 12. Coos Bay Is taking care of the local labor situation, but there is no reason at this time for men from the outside to come here for work. When the rain shut down the road, work several hundred men were released and these found jobs in the milli where there waa a shortage. Many have come from the outside. Expert enced loggers are needed. One hundred and fifty such men could find work here, but other lines offer small chance Republican Rally Held Cathlamet. Wash.. Nov. 12. Captain McCabe, state organizer of the Republi can party, held a fjulet and poorly at tended but interesting Republican rally here Sunday afternoon. He spoke on party issues. It was decided to organ ize the county later. . Telephone Company Makes Concessions To Electrical Men I Ran Francisco, Nov. 12. (U. P.) The committee representing electrical work ers of the Pacific Telephone & Tele graph company on the Pacific coast and in Nevada today reached an agreement with the company whereby splicers and head gangmen will receive 25 cents a day increase. The agreement would lower the amount charged by the company for boarding men away from headquarters from $1-50 to $1.25 a day. T. E."H'ickers, representing the men, who negotiated with D. P. Fullerton, Riinprintenrtent of nlant. said the acrree- for a referendum vote. North Bend to Have Better Protection North Bend, Nov. 12. North Bend has started Improvement of the city hall. The council room will be redecorated, a new room will be put on the city jail and provision will be made for the volunteer fire department. Four men i will be on duty night and day. One room in the city hall is being fitted as a sleeping quarters and a recreation room for the firemen is being provided. Canning Season Busy Albany. Nov. 12. W. H. Scott, local manager of the PuyaUup and Sumner cannery, was host Saturday afternoon to the people of Albany and vicinity. .Operations are In full swing and more than 100 employes are engaged in handling from 6 to 10 tons of apples each day. Hundreds of acres of small fruits are being put out as a result of the location of the cannery at this place. Mrs. Van Atta to Entertain Vancouver, Wash., Nov. 12. Mrs. WORRY AND WRINKLES Despondency is a thing of evil results. Worry produces noth ing but wrinkles and wretchedness. Let the reader put a note on her bureau, on her desk, and at the head of her bed, just two words, "DON'T WORRY" Worry is the great est foe to the happiness of any household. An anxious, despondent face, a fretful, com plaining voice, i will make every one . uncomfortable. U. of 0. School Paper Issued by Students University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. . The November issue of the Oregon Exchanges has been issued. This pam phlet is published by the university school of journalism. Tracy Byers, a graduate, in an article, "Getting a Start," tells of his steps upward to the managing editorship of the Idaho Falls Daily Post. Royal Arch Masons Albany, Nov. 18. Bayley chapter. No. 8. Royal Arch Masons of Albany, will entertain James H. Richmond, grand high priest of . the grand chapter of Royal Arch ftjasons of Oregon, with his associate officers, at dinner Friday evening. The officers of the grand chapter will confer the Royal Arch de gree upon a team of novitiates from Lebanon. , TL of 0. Graduate Is Teaching in Japan University of Oreeon. Eueen nv 12. "Skinny" Newton, a Graduate of the university last semester, is teaching Eng- lisn m tne public schools of Osaka, Mary Van Atta will be hostess .to' the Elks' ladles Thursday afternoon In the Elks' temple. COMB SAGE TEA IN FADED OR GRAY HAIR Look young I Common garden Sage and Sulphur darkens so naturally nobody can tell. Union Dentists A woman's ' nerves are more truly the cause of worry than outside troubles. The nerves are to a woman's body the telegraph system which surely warns her of any trouble in the feminine make-up. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the ideal woman's tonic for such conditions. It cures and builds up. When a Woman complains of backache, dizziness or pain when everything looks black before her eyes a dragpnjr feeling, or bearing-down, with nervousness, she should turn to this "temperance" herbal tonic, known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It can be obtained in almost every drug store in the land and the ingredients are printed in plain English on the wrapper. Put up in tablets or liquid. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., will send a trial size for 10c. Grandmother ' kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Ssge Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture was applied with wonder ful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Com pound," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, all ready to use, at very "little cost. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to -the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens bo naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied It's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears ; after another application or two, it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. Adv. mm mm Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve skin irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with Zemo, which generally overcomes akin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases give way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear oversight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, anti septic liquid, dean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, i3 not greasy or sticky and is positwN safe for tender, sensitive skins, ad. The E- W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O- This Furnace Burns Wood or Soft Coal Here is a Richardson & Boynton. "Progressive" Warm Air Heater that will burn whichever fuel is cheapest wood or soft coal. Advance in cost of either need not worry you. It burns both fuels efficiently. ! While you do not require heat many days of the year, it is a . mighty fine thing to have a central heating plant that is out of the ' way, instead of using a stove in each room with'ail the unavoidable . dirt it brings into the house. You will use less fuel J he "Pro " gressive" heater, and have more heat, besides the convenience of only one heater to care for. 7 - - . , I writing to th dealer, ask for illustrated literature I - on Richardson Boynton heaters for wood or soft coat Mai., Richardson & Boynton Co. "'J York sow b, h C. Bayer Furnace Co."1 ' s , , . - - Portland, Or. DR. SCHOLTZ'S VIEWS ON INTERNAL BATHS Herbert Scholtz, M. D., of Oakland, Cal., writes Chas. A. Tyrrell, M. D., of New York, as follows : "Please send me a 'J. J3. Ij. Cascade" for, my wife and one for myself. "I would not be without the Cascade, as it has done more for me than all the pills ; in fact, it has made a young man of me. 'For a long time I was so bilious as to be auto-intoxicated, but I now use the Cascade twice a weeK, ana reel liKe a different man." You will be astonished at your feel ings th morning after taking an In ternal Bath by means of the "J. B. L Cascade." You will feel bright, brisk, confident and as though everything ijS "working right" and it is. It absolutely removes Constipation and prevents Auto-Intoxication. The "J. B. L. Cascade" is now being shown and explained at The Owl Drug Store. They will gladly give ybu, free, a booklet on Internal Bathing, by Dr. Tyrrell, called "Why Man of Today Is Only 50 Per Cent Efficient." .Phone and ask them for it today. Adv. How Fat Folks Reduce Weight Many Are Losing Several Pounds a Month Fat persons, particularly those from ten to sixty pounds above normal weight, will be interested to learn that they may reduce their weight without starvation diet or tiresome exercise. This can best" be done by getting plenty of fresh air, by breathing deeply and by taking a few drops of oil of korein four times a day, ilso in follow ing the other ' simple rules that come with the box. Oil of korein .may be obtained from any good druggist in capsjile form. Even a few days' treatment is likely to show a pleasing reduction in weight. The step becomes lighter, the flesh more firm, the skin smoother in appearance; work seems easier and a more buoyant feeling takes possession of the whole body and mind as superfluous,, un healthy fat disappears; If you are overstout and have tried various methods of fat reduction in vain you may now be very thankful at having, found a genuine system. It Is safe, pleasant and healthful. Adv. rR - TABLETS - C III r.iiM Take Advantage of Price, Quoted in Thi, AdvertUement We Do Not Believe They Are Equaled in Portland Outing Flannel Regular 35c Quality 25c Plaids and stripes in various patterns; dark colors. Also in white, pink, blue and gray. Underbuy Undersell Saves You Money First, Second and Alder Streets Aprons $1.29 All sizes in assorted "stripes and checks in percales and ginghams. Men's Union Suits Fleece lined, regular $3.50 value $2.75 Men's Fleece Lined Undershirts or Drawers Regular SI. 75 value $1.35 Men's Sweaters $2.98 Part wool garments; 2 pock ets and shawl collar. We show them in navy, red, brown, mixed green and gray. Men's Stag Shirts Regular $10.50 value $8.75 Heavy weight shirts in plaids and checks. An attractive price. Balmacaan Overcoats Regular $22 Values 50 Shoesj Men, here is a good range of patterns in these convenient winter garments. We show all sizes from 36 to 42. Take advantage of the very attractive price of only $12.50 for a garment that will give you good service. or the Entire Family ! Buy Simon's wet weather footwear at prices positively the lowest in the city. Think of present ordinary prices on footwear, then come to Simon's and see the qualities and the prices. We save you many a dollar on your footwear. Take Advantage of These Seasonable Offerings: Boys' English Shoes $4.75 Women's Kid Shoes $4.98 Shoes in fine black kid, with either white kid or gray cloth-tops; flex: ible soles," leather French heels; also in gray or brown with cloth i; toj -to'" match military ' heels.' Ac-f ' tually worth $7 and $7.50 the pair. Children's Skuf f ers Sizes 5 to 8 for $2.49 Sizes Sy2 to 11 $2.98 Sizes to 2 $3.49 We have these in either lace or button style, with solid oak soles; also in wax rein forced stitcHed-in soles; footform shape; tan or smoked horse (gray). ; Both dressy and durable. We show them in black or brown calf with Good year welt oak soles, blind eyelets to the top. All ;sizes from 1 to 54 . These shoes sell ordinarily at $6.75 the pair. " Men's Shoes For Dress or Work $4.98 Either black or tan leather, lace or button style for dress wear; also either black of tan leather, blucher cut, for work. Goodyear welt or - nailed soles; solid and durable. CROWNS $5 PLATES $10 WE QIAKISTEE OCB WOBK Extractions SOe Ton Will Not Get Hnrt It Ton FlnU This Nambcr 231 J Morrison, Cor. 2nd K.nllra Corner LOOK FOR BIO UN105 8105 Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Thousand upon 4hounanda of wpmtn liav. kidney or V ladder trouble ' and never euspect It Women's complaints often prov to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cauie the other or gans to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, headache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, Irri table and may be despondent ; it makes any one so. "But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be Just ' the remedy needed to overcome sucll j conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to se what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine will do for them. By encIoHlnK ten cents to lr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghampton. N. Y., you may receive sample size bottle by Par cel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Adv. NEGLECTING THAT GOUGH OR COLD? Why, when Dr. King's New Discovery so promptly checks it IT'S natural you don't want to be careless and let that old cold or cough drac on oi that new attack develop seriously. Not when you can j get such a proved successful remedy las Dr. Kinu's New Discovery. Cold, cough, (jrippe, croup does not resist this standard reliever very lorflR. Its quality is as high today as it al- -ways has been and it's been grow ing steadily in popularity for moire than fifty years. 60c and 1.20 a bottle at all druggists. Constipated? Here's Relief Not that often harmful, always vio lent and temporary help 'that comes from harsh purgatives, but the com fortable, gratifying, corrective regu lation of stubborn bowels so pro nounced in Dr. King's New Life Pills." Tonic In action, they promote free bile flow, stir up the lazy, thoroughly but gently cleanse the system of waste matter and fermenting foods, and give you keen zest for hard work and healthful recreation. All drug gists 2 Sc. Adv. 4 DON'T SUFFER WITHJEURALGIA Use Soothing Musterole When those sharp pains go thootlntf through your head, when your skull seems as U it would split, Just rubs 11 ttla Musterole on your temples sod neck. It draws out the inflammation, soothes away the pain,usuall y giving quick relief. Musterole is a dean, white ointment; made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. .Many doctors and nurses frankly recommend Musterole for sore thsoa bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthfns, neuralgia, conges tlon, pi eurisy, rheuma tism, lumbago, pains and acnes of the back or Joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds of the chest (it often prevents pneu monia). It is always dependable. SOc and 60c Jars; hospital size $150, KEEP IT SWEET Kep your -stomach! sweet today and ward! off the indigestion of. tomorrow try KMIQIOS the new aid to digest Hon as pleasant and as safe to take ai candy. p MADE BT SCOTT & B0WXZ J MAKES OP SCOTTS EMULSI0H m 1 B7D 30StSF!COUGKD