r ' V 4 . THE ? OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL, PORT LAND, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER " U, '1919: A TE3 E AT AL E O M E N i -01 It Beiinis orirow aft MEN! Get the Importance of This Great Suit Sale Which Brings 487 All-Wool Suits at One Price In Peace-time all-wool suits perfect fit and best tailoring guaranteed suits for men of all tastes in all sizes. And Most Important They come in the staple conservative and semi-conservative styles that the average man likes. SUITS that look and wear well, for all occasions. The Price $46.50 Is Less Than Today's Wholesale Cost A sale wholly unprecedented when one considers the conditions of the day. A sale that defies all present market prices and again proves our oft repeated claim to the distinction of being A Store of Public Service Every suit made of the very best all-wool fabrics such as pure worsteds, unfin ished worsteds, cassimeres, and, best of all, medium and heavy weight fine weave All the new stripes, tartan checks, mixtures, pin stripes Smart colorings in blues, greens, grays and browns. THE STYLES Conservative and semi - conservative styles Two-button, soft roll fronts. All full lined, using the very best alpaca and Venetian lining. Come to our Men 's Store early Wednesday morning and inspect the splendid garments in this remarkable sale. You will say this is the greatest event you have attended. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. t . I I UIT Merit Only" 4!K. I i X i This Great Offering is limited to four days selling. , X I, X' ' Merchandise of Cx lpg p ( I 1