THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1919, 20 .1 - ' .-'-' ' - - ri 1- ' ;.Jftv !-:T-' v. i 4 .-tK .' . i ',' Z -'C . -s:'., ,' -v.t ''':.;' 1v r"'cV AUTOMOBILES asb accf.bsohiesm r. v wonderful isii;ii BARGAINS The time of the year i hero wlwn yon ran get the most lor your money uf any Utne during the jiar. Hudson, model 37, fine condition, very fin automohi e. good tire, rrpatnleil inn fire class running order S3T5 $ 125 M it'li'U Hit. go'd tires good condition 1017 Mm m il. nvr rhaulnl fine 111 Do oar. all fixed Hntl ripalnt-il up $195 Jills Maxwell, all aiul rrpa.nted . Ci II gone hut. oTi-i 1 la uled $650 rrat buy for. 1019 Mafwell. like new. tlie original finish nut mm, all in fine condition .$873 J 91 8 Chalmers repainted; a good shupe Light Six. overhauled and tinn ijuahty car in verj $850 1917 riinloiTi one atltiilriotijlc. ftll tion i pa" and one 7 firtcla-is conili- . 1 10(1 191 ("(mini, nor, a ait- II. I S...t I. mlii Six. like III I (SON St I'LR SIX 3t)17 lliVKon Silver M i t . ' (ipriin tiled pnd fimiiilcd al-n guaranired by in tlie fnclory tfita ra n Lee . huj a liiuli jflade rli o . . . . ijnaht rnr ut a ncrgain . 1 3 .""( lniR Hu.i. fir; ! ' In .1 sila ru nt' unlet! . ii .H'l.rr Sn ' ti'tit ion i r 1 1 'rtinp as in w car . Iht a tai ih all in t can t'.ry guar . $1(150 lllld Ml Stltfr s T It' u ri'l d.-l. (lie r. all ii car tfua I filNt antced iIhh I . i i-. lor 90 lia 41 250 Llrex, like ill ITPll a factorr guarar.tre. JITiOO ATTOMOBILi: CO. I Portland (' I n 1 5 i 7 u III ISM .111..I .n I ALL BARGAINS l.ASY TKII.MS Olt WILL TRADE 1111 It lloilsc lat.cih lltllt Bubt .i.,n. ' lictrolet. 2 I9IS : I'licTriJets. 1917 41III hrr...t. HUM M hcla.'ll. 1919 I ' I r-1 -. . 1 1 Mi. '1917 I'nige r.t-!er. " I4IKI Orerlainl (. or 1915 Wlntoii -i c. H. S. CO. 5 :3d -I. 42H. ,3 NEW OAKLAND V.Scluibtc Sixes. ' uniiicdiate tlelirer onb $i: In re, cash m- tci m. -'Itofk b.'ttont bargains in used car. Oiiklumls from ftjoil to $M)0, Ford' see them. Max .veil.-. i licrrolels. utliers. A I lord truck. Trry cheap; almost neT $4 50. WILLAMETTE ; OAKLAND COMPANY 34 4 llurnsidc St. Phone Broadway ?! M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a spe cialty. 505 Burnside. Bdwy 2290. ltH7 PAK;E, eonrertible classy jobs, ver cheap. roadster, one of those C. I Mat. 14 2S. S. CO. 05 23d at. 1918 off.: MITCHELL r tefiiM'd. I K;!!'! SIX. No reasonable C. H. S. CO. -.1i t, Msr MI'S. W K WILL owner of trui It and ii' ti rei-i ronnertjon wit h make priced automobile tni fiiiaiii'i:My the tmndiaa of Mmr Ii-T vnnUge of our from urtiiec to onr i n r wuh and take ad Autos direct ipitrk vlling plan huytT MOT Mi UaiU,H. EXCHANdi:. bldg. Mar. 578, :3 Sow is THE TIME to haye your tires r'm treaded. Economy, safety, non-skid. Prices leasonable, eorreet method, experienced work men, satisfaction guaranteed If your tire Is not worth repairing, we will tell you. Money . .od on new and ued tires. VCLCAN TIRE SHOP. 41 Orand ae , Phone E. 4898. l-iolID touring, late '17 and the car looks and , acl like a new ooe. Low price of $425. and nulv $ I .'ill down, bnlaif"' long easy terms. Port land Electric garuge, 11th and Hoyt st. Free eeiice. HAVE 1919 XtaiHcll tuvinng car for $H0O; ' uftrrrd $!l(i(l in trade, will sell for cash cr truxJ. This car is like new. with good tires o y Vs shrill-. i e-xtia-.. Cull Broadway 1270. Ak vr room 424 or Mr Smith. '. 5TwT ' ti'l'OCK Used Cars PRICES RIUUT NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. ALTO TRIMMING AW t'P HOI.STLRING CO. Al TO TOPS. SIDE ri-RTAtvs "r'T 4VV 1ttv'!' 1,1 bft 0111 sod 10th. Bdwy. 2017. 1918 III It X. i passenger, cord tires, nearly Miew, mechanically perfect. many extras; $1325. terms. Car and owner can be seen Sunday only at 109 11th st. bet. Stark and Washington. STI'DEBAKER Four. 1917, looks and"" runs like new. good tires and paint: used privately. Will sanlice at $850 and cite terms. 30 Grand ave. X., near Bumside. HCPMOBII.E A going hound car. a. thrui. Ternn if desired. BUG red as they make 4114 DAVIS NEAR TENTH CHEV ROLET AT-FOI 1 1 T F KICE Early '17 model and works fine, looks the same way. Ixjw price $375. with $150 down, balance long easy terms. Oarage. Iltli at Hoyt. 1917 FORD roadster, fine running condition, all gocd .tires, $375. $100 down. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO. R25 AlderStreet. C 55 BUICK 6 touring; price $850 for quick sale; terms; guarantee and free " service; :irtlaiid Car Saies Co.. 3th and enongh said. Taylor. . LATE model Ford touring, locks new: iay $150. take it awav; 424 Rermonfi Kan 191 lew. runs like ! balance easy. FOKD touring, beat raachanical condition, uew j top completely overhauled: a bargain at $300; ' eive terms. 30 Grand ave. N".. near Bumside. I 191 8 CHEVROLET touring"! $2(10 down ; guarantee and free service; enough said. ' Portland Car Sales Co.. 3th and Taylor i CHEVROLET 2()( takt-s 191. touring. 5 it, balance new tires, fine hape: easy. 4 24 Belmont. SPECIAL! 1917 Ford by tomorrow, $400. 'o., 5th and Taylor. touring: must be sotd Portland Car Sales WINTON six. with bug body; a good knockabout cat: will sell at $250. pert terms. 30 Grand ave. X., near Bumside. 1SRAND XEW. Maxwell sedan, never been used. $1700; easy terms. Portland Car Sales Co.. 6th and Taylor. A 7-PASS E : XjTe R S UKlVbaker. a 11 in fine shape, self starter; will take cattle or horses in ex change 302 Front t. 1918 MAXWELL roadster, $320 down; soar" antee and free service ; enoush baid Port land Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1918 CH4LMEU8 ft passenger, tuns and looks like new; a bargain at $1150; cash er terms. Csll Tabor630. FORD 1914, fine condition, good tires: will aac rifice at $295; will give terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Bumside. W ILL take a good lot a first payment on 191S Maxwell touring car. Sell wood 717. 1919 FOHD tourinc car foe sale cheapl T boxlStet. ron iAi.i. oo credit- oocber on Hudson 7 -passenger. J-C43, Journal. new X linn touring, overhauled ; $95 takes it- .balance 4"at C-1.. . a , AUTOMOBILES AyP ACCESSORIES 44 THE OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON ! WE HA VK SEVERAL USED CARS IX STOCK. WK WANT VOC TO SEE AND DECIDE FOR YOLHSELF. 1920 Oldimobilc G, Uuring $1630 1918 OlcUmobile , roadster.... 1250 1918 Oldsmobile 6, sedan... . 1850 1917 Oldemobile 0. touring...'. 1100 1018 Old-mobile 6. touring 1250 1918 Oldsmobile 6. tourinf '. . 1300 1917 Grant 6. tolling fiOO 1914 Hupmohile. tourinz 900 ' 1919 Scripps, Booth, touring 1250 1910 Maxwell touring 550 LIBERAL TERMS THE OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON BROADWAY AND COUCH ST$. TermsNo Brokerage Klilil. 10 vulrc motor. Ii ias. !!." - I'oTt) cnupr. nw witli tartcr. 1 .".HO Vciic. nina like 3000 milna.. 1 1 1 0(1 - llm HUM model. Irx.ks like new. 7.". Maxwell I f 1 H . 95 i-rr cent new. Ini.'.O Miixwll. 1(1 miKM. ".pedal euuiinnent. 1 1 050 Huick light 6. roadster. S.VJ5 ("lierrolct touniig. 1917 model. 1475 Cherrolet touring, demountable rims. $W'Jr Kranklin touring. tl'.30 i liandler. like new; a bargain. '.'7r Kludebaker 4. 5 pass. 4975 PodgH touring, a anap. ."50 Maxwell roadster, new tire. Other bargaint in l-'ordu, Orerlandfl. Buicks, Maxwells. i'lieTrnlct,, etc. r, lrice Irum $L'50 to 42850 Saxon at a harrifire. Overland light tlx. Open Sundaj and Lrenings. C BLCASDALE. AI.DKK sr. 3.10 YOUR CAR IS HERE Harnes Light Six. Taige Light Six. Huick Light Six. Oterland Six Studebaker Six Saxon S.X. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 127 Corner Irfiwnsdate 15th and Street Washington v. Street CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES" Till' BLV V-R SKf.L A CAR. WK FCRMSII Til K Ml INKY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE ORKiiox Bond a mokt(;a;e co. 208 SELLl.Nti RLLHJ. (Second Floor ) HUDSON SPEEDSTER Hudson Speedster, bought last March, in finest condition, in fact can hardly he told from new. Equipped with bumper. Gabriel snubbers, spot light, mirror, clock, ice box for picnics, two extTa tubes, c,mi tires all around with two extras with rims and covers complete. You can saTe 4(150 on this car. Terms if desired and would consider light car in trade, l ord Sedan pre ferred Francis Motor Car Co., E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne are. A NICE 3 passenger Reo roadster. 8 cord tires, new paint, and only 4850. with terms. Car at 421 Uurnside st. i 18,000 carried in stock. Our springs aold with e written guarantee. We give you eervice. 84 N. IStb at. 1919 PATERSON" SIX at a liberal discount, C. H. S. CO. Msr. 1428. 05 X. 23d it. AUTOMOBILE DEALFRciATTEXTION We are prepared to handle your financial mstters and give you excellent service; fire insurance written. NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES Lumbermens Building. all kinds CO. Telephone Broadway 1080. -., 1918 8 ryl. Baby Grand Chevrolet, in, splen did mechanical condition; good top. good paint; run about 6000 miles; new cord tires in rear; good fabrics in fronL Call us for ap pointment with owner MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, 335 Railway F.xe Bldg. Main 578 ALTO TOWIXG AND WRECKED CARS DAY: MAIN 268 NIGHT: MARSH. 321 RELIABLE AL'TO SHOP 2(17 SIXTEENTH STREET AUTO repairing in your own private garage; reliable work guaranteed at reasonable prices.' Also will tow disabled rats from any point within the city limits for $2.50. day cr night Referepeea Call East 804 3 SEDAN Chevrolet sedan, looks like new. A for winter driving. A bargain. Good 1917 ffood car teims. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH. 191 U FORD touring, best of shape, $3" 3, 4100 down. A-l AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING 525 Alder Street. CO. CASH paid for old ears, condition no object; parte for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex chaige. 129 Lownsdele at 15th and Washington. Phone Broadway 2688. TWO GOOlirYEAU diamond ' tiressile 3 sTsl worth $120; will ell for $30 apiece: or ex change for Maxwell si. Xepros 47 E 24th X., alter 5:30 p.m. PIERCE MODEL 36 Tins car is in tme order, all cord tires, one-man top: a bargain. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH. new 1917 HUDSON SUPER-SIX Cord tires. $(100 down; guarantee and service: enough said. Portland Car .Sales 5th and Taylor. fn;, Co.. FORD TOURING t Ford, complete! overhauled and guar i to be perfect: gocd terms. I 191 anteed 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH OVERLAND model S3, in good "condition, good tires: owner m;i-t sell; a real bargain at $525 with term.. 30 Grand ave. N., near Bumside. 1918 SCRIPPS BOOTH touring, like new. bar galn, $950 cash. Tabor 882, evenings alter rt o clock. FRANKLIN. 1918 mode). , Mr. Gorex. 495 E. 10th tires, st. N. Must sell. East 68 0-3. BRINGING UP FATHER T MR. BEN ZiNE'S SECRETAt-JY it, OOTSIDC AN' WA.NT TO ,EE eJ yvi V rfT, ? I , 1 . J AUTOMOBILES AHD ACCESSORIES 44 COMPANY 1918 NATIONAL, condition, cord tires 7 passenger, f.rst class with extra, newly riainted. Price SI SOI). t 1919 M ICK road W. condition, rord lirca with special paint job. r-rfeet m'hanical brand new extra I'rice $1500. 1918 CHANDLER 7 passenger, cod me chanical condition, sued tires with nlrax. Price 11275. 191T BUICK, good mechanical condition, new top, newly painted. Trice $1150. 1010 chanical urnsox tonUitiion, 4 0, cood 7 pasfct'iiffer, good me tirr. Trice J05t). COVEY MOTOR CAR Washington St. at 21t. Main G2I4. Gars off the Better Kind 1918 Buick 5 pats. aiKitligbt. bumper and eitra fire. Cadillac, a real comfort car one extra. cirds all around. 1 I'm Ford tnvk in good condition 1917 Idge "i pa5S., in first (rlaii: it's a '1 7. condition, ext ra t ire : a Puy. Foul racing bug. 191K Kord sedan, deni. rims, sliock nhsorbers, (.oodyear nun skids all "around, one ettra. speedometer, loot accelerator; must he sold by Wednesday. Will sacrifice my 1920 Maxwell. Extra lire, apotlight. Must be sold at once. Franklin Series 5, first-class condition. Orerland. 5 pass., electric ligl'ts, self starter. $150 will handle. 191S 7 pass. Chandler. Willys Knight sport model", wire wheels Pee this. 1918 Nash 'nough aaid. Sec this. USED CAR PALACE 01 l.MUN AVK N. KAST 7717. D. C. WARREN MOTOR 58 EASY 1918 1919 1 9 1 9 1918 1918 X. 23D ST MA IX 780. TERMS; WILL ALSO TRADE Velie. Velie. Velie. 7 passenger. . latest model . earlier model. .$1000 1525 1 4 50 1375 1 300 1100 951) 5() 77 5 7i0 COO 325 Velie. latest model. Vebe, earlier model. VenV. latest model. 1917 1917"S'r!ie. earlier modl 19 1 7 Wludcbaker 4 -cylinder. 19 18 oerlar.d. O-cjlinder.. Saxon Six Saxi n Six Velie. excellei.t buy. . . Oldsmobile Sedan, r 1917 1 9 1 H 1914 1918 arnished, new carpets, mo tor mech. perfect 1800 Ford touring, starter, electric horn, foot feed. A 1 shape. $300 FORD CARS FORD SERVICE ROBINSONSMITH XI THORIZED DEALERS SIXTH AT MADISON CO. sVHES I OD WRECK EM AND BEND 'EM. SEE O. G. GEBBER. "THE RADIATOR MAX" builds bodies, diators. bodies, all auto sheet repairs ra- fenders and metal parta. NEW LOCATION 11TH AND DAVIS. OPP. THE ARMORY. BROADWAY 187S TWO Chevrolets; 1919. Both Bumside. one 1918. The other bargains. See them at 421 STUDEBAKER four. IS series, senger, De Luxe model. TABOR 5 or 7 pas 1914 FORD CHEAP i Henry don't make 'em any better. Has new top. new paint, good tirest shock absorbers. Spenil j I $2.i on this car and its better than new. I need i monev, not the car. Make me an offer. Roycroft. ! 135 K. STth N. i FOR SALE-- Mrhawk N. S. Q. D. tire and one N. S. Q. D. Perm Vacuum Cup and one 32x I 3 I straight size plain tire, Fisk. and one 32x 3 Is Penn Vacuum Cup N S. U. D. One Bosch magneto. AU bargain-.. .See owner. J9S Eu gene H. East 3021. 19 1 98TLDEB AKF.R bigsix7"7pa7sTpracHly new. as has only been driven 3000 miles; equipped with cord tires with two extras; many otliei extras; will sell cheap or trade on small car. balance terms. 109 lllh St., between Stark and Washington. j COME early and see this one. as it won't last I long at this price. 191s Chevrolet touring. ! lust been overhauled; many new parts, includ ing new $50 battery; looks and runs like new. Tiii-. ear is priced to sell not tn keep, hence $500 drives it away. Terms if wanted. 109 11th. OAK LA N D TOURING LATE MTiT)EL This light, dependable six is all the class and will run and plea&e you. Low price of $800 with $250 down, balance ca-iy. Free j service. Garage. 11th ai Hoyt. st. HUDSON "SPEEDSTER Ite model speedster, 6 wire wheels and all cord tire. perfect condition. Term's if desired 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH 1919 COLE 8 touring, bought in June: 5 new cord tires and other extras: cost $3250; will sell for $2,000; terms. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. STCDEBAKERBCG A dandy bug, bright green and lots of speed Your own terms. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels! eTlei; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at bait price. David Hodes Co.. N'ortu Broad way and Flanders. COLET TOllUNG Late- model tight touring, first-class condi tion throughout : terms 4 04 DAVIS NEAR TENTH. 1918 BITCH, roadster. coruliresrfine condT- tion, $1300; term.-; guarantee and free serv ice. Enough said. Portland Car Sales Co. 5th and Taylor. PAIGE -r,,is one will not S450. 404 DAVIS ROADSTER last long. as it goes for NEAR TENTH TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 83 Chas. C. Fagaim Co., Inc. ; DISTRIBUTORS Fierce-Arrow .Motor Lars and Motor Trucks I Ninth at Bumside SL Broadway 4693. j One used 2 ton truck equipped with hoi't and 220 rit. ft. capacity store wood, sawdust I or gr.rbage Ixidy. First class material and work manship. Priced very low. Price complete, $050 I'M CLAD IT ljN'T HIM rOT , ijPPoE HE OVER. TO rVf HE. COULDN'T HEeo THE. LUcHCHECyr HevVE TO PLE,e i"l-CiS It - 8 TRUCKS SEVERAL COOO I'SF.I) HAND TRUCKS ON B'ICK de!iery eiprens . . FOHD heht dcliTcry, panel 1917 FORD 1-ton truck 750 body S375 4450' BCICR. 1 ton truck 495 WHITE delirery 4400 FOKD 1 ton track t..450 LIBERAL TERMS THE OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Ii ROADWAY AND COL'CII STS. TRUCKS TRUCKS We are detrntuined to rlo-e nut the last one of our rpbuilt and. ciiarantfd used trurks. Our lrie and terms are the lowest anywhere. Here an- a few: 1 lt -tun Fedrral, chain driTe, thoroughly rehuilf , repainte!. 1 ton Federal, worm drive : rebuilt, new tin- . repainted. ranharl, 1 4 tn. eletrir lights, factory buil h.iy and cab; used rr little. .'i t:n Wliitr, rebuilt and y( -r-d tor lone service. M take a't low as $J."0 and giTc l-iitg trims on baiaurc. feniitfisj today. down on ftomr See nur of- WILLIAM !. in ;HSON en., 60 N. Broad wav at Iavs HroHdway 321 FKIKRAL liISTRini'TOH.S I'ART.S- .SEUV li' K USED TRUCKS bn.V' in town. Ail make, and sizes fr.nn 15t to $2000 See them before buying. Term" to fcuit. Contrarti with some. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INC. PARK AND EVERETT STS. Bdwy. 1369 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7S ae. WE PAY CASH for used cars. 3. aura to us before selling your car. BUTLER & WOOD . "SEt-LTNG TSED CARS" 307 E. hnrnside, at approach of Humeri BrldgBk. W A N T K D-C A R S" F Ii I ' A S H " I will ray cah for a limiteil number of car and if you ha-ve a late model touring car or roadster, drive it here and get the money. al1) loan money on car- of late models. Portland l.lectric garage, 11th at Hoyt st, r WK PAY CASH FOR LATE MODEL CABS USE CAR EXCHANGE 127 I.OWNSDALE Phone Broadway 28.18 WANTED 2 ton truck for MO 10 miles south (in son Cit. II .ff. Or.. P.. J!. No I i.-res of T II. land, Pack, WAXTFD r ' "ri r. ol . r; Kcns'.rup, 274 Holladay. t t lie cheat.. East end of See steel 1 hridiic. WANTED 1915 or 16 Ford M-: bargain. 5O0 Market st. be HIGHEST prices paid no object. 121 X. for automobiles, condition 8d ht. Broadway 2629. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 83 Ford Owners j FoTrl overhauled , i Rear axle overhauled j Valves ground, carboo removed : Magneto recharged .420 8 . 8 5 etc . Gen guar- We hand-lap pistons, scrape Deanngs, which insures . perfect running motor. Bine Ford parts oDly used. All work anteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front st.. corner Jefferson. FORD MAGNETOS remagnetized, generators. starters overhauled, eeneril auto repairing. Anto Specialty Work.. 302 Pine st AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS ' New Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING A ROBNETT CITY GARAGE ' 80 10th sL. near Stirk. Broadway 840. j NEW AllTOS WITHOUT DRIVEItS OVERLANDS HVDSON9 , LOWNSDALE GARAGE j BDW. 2408 15TH AND WASH. I CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 8D AND TAYLO' MAIN 1687..ALTHOFF A BENNETT. .'ROPS. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. U SULLIVAN. FASHION GAR AGE. MAR. 232 10th atTambllL A-1238. NfwFo7d7ompctent driver: go anywhere and get back. Phone Tabor 1028. MOTORCTCLE18. BICYCLES WAXTEP- payment A good Used motorcycle as n a good used car. C. He S. CO. part 68 X. 23P.D ST. MARSHALL 1428 USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES KAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 Grand Ave Eicelsior and Cleveland Agency. 1920 ELECTRICALLY enu."i cycle; used one week, at a MARSHALL 14'. d Indian sacrifice. LATE model Clevelaud motorcycle, easy terms. Marshall .4 28. cheap, on LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 WE buy. be'.'., and build boats, scows, marine and auto engines. Watch our speed boats this year. If you want something fa-st., see u-. Liberty Boat Works. 217 Main st.. Vancouver, Ws'ii Portland, East 6H03. Vancouver phone 4 80 FOR SALE Motorboat. full 5x20.4 h. p. Df trjit. Mice . inarin-" i rgmc : runs about 8 miles an hour: $60; going away 125 Knott PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL INST HI VENTS 34 LEFT for sale, several tine pianos, 4125 np; Behning. Kimball. Busn A Lane. Weber. Knabe, Emerson, others: easy terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg oik ;"a x s or ; a n s $20 and up All in A-l condition. Terms given. Seiberlmg-Lucas Music Co.. 123 Fourth street. ' ESTEY organ, fine rnahpgn'iy case, best of condition, at a bargain. Lucas Slusic Co.. 125 Fourth st. FISHER pism, small, plain walnut given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., street. 6 octaves. Seiberiing- case 125 terms 1 Fourth ; WAXTED- -l.all 51 Piano with good tone. Call '09: pay cash if reasonable. Mar PLAYER piano wanted: pay all cash; bargain. Main 3S04 daytime. WH.LRD"ian"oTiiist like new; it's must be snap. Si'eberlins Lucas Mu'ic Co., tCvf PIAXT) Pay $To 0 dealers. State particulars. 125 Fourth st- to $150. No F-16. Journal. .Copyright, 1919. by Service, On.' ARC fcPA-,F - ECETeXe?;-x? ME NT TRUCKS A9D TRACTORS , . . 1 1 PIAHOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS S4 KVERYONE A BARGAIN' SI 25 T iilie phonograph 4 sr. 4110 Victrola phonograph 4 95 $2(u Cretnonji phonograph $135 Ali in fine condition. Tery little u"ed. Iaj $10 chi.Ii and we'll j-erul one In vour home WAKEFIELD MI SIC COMPANY, 427 Washington St. BARGAINS IX USED PIAXOS New Haven, mahogany case, fine tone. $175. Swick. ebony cajse, $120. Tay only $15 down and we'll send one of these to your home. WAKEFIELD MI'SIO COM PANT, 4-7 W alungton Street Shi TRITY STOR.V.E CO. $325 Arlington upright piano $4."0 Maine;. Bros., anahocany CLOSING for OCT . . .114(1 . . . .190 . . . 1 BO . . . lfift . . . 290 . . . 4 4 5 and 7 5 $350 ?3.MI $47o $7.MI Small llailet & riaris, upriglit ebony . . , Lland, oak upright ppw itored upright Harte player piano upright pianos $65 Piano stored. 50c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash only, 109 FOI PTH ST.. at WASHINGTON ST. PIANOS TUNED REPAIRED (iuaranteed work at reasonable prices. Seloer ling Lucas Music Co., 125 27 Fourth street. Main 85.80. REPAIRED Any make; guaranteed work. Seiherling Lucas Music Co., 125 27 Fourth street. RECORD .EX CHANGE. Phono graphs Bru g h t. tot. TiLcnAfwi!'!1-"! Mr; near Aides! upstairs Main 7 244 $100 and up. All in first-class condition. Our one year exchange plan guarantees 1 hi ferms given. Seiberimg-Lucas Music Co.. 120 Fourth st. ' REDUCED Christmas terms; 412.50 cash. $12.50 next pay day and $10 monthly after January 1, 1920, buys new upright, improied up-to-date pianos at the SCIIW AX riANO CO.. 11 1 4thRt. . TRAD E YO UR PlANO or organ cn a new Victrola and records. Our proportion will please you. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th St. Main 858tL PSayer Piano Waited Prefer to deal with private parties Rafing bar gain tor cash. Marshall 1317. WANT USED RECORDS ALSO DISC TALKING Main 4495; Tabor 798 MACHINES 128 Firt. BEAUTIFUL art mwlel phonograph in walruL This is a new machine "ft the latest model Ouner leaving city and will ai rificc. Terms to responsible biner. Tabi.r 7582. HOME demonstrations made day or night. Bruns wick, Victrola. Maudel, Pathe or Stradi'ara phonographs : bear your future phonograph when you are all home together. East 2188. PLAYER rolls-you are tired of exchanged at 10c per mil. Harold S. Gilbert. 3M Yamhill st. MUSICAL 1 X STRUM EATS WANTED 84 PIANO. WANTED Highest paid for used pianos and player pianos Get our price and be convinced. Sei-berling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 8586. TYPEWRITER! .7 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "all makes." aold on monthly payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. : retail dept.. 321 Washington it TYPEWRITERS rented, Tyrewri.-sr aupnlies repaired, exchanged- REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO 38 Broadw'y. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sokl on inorthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 9 6th at. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE C5 SPECIAL FOR" THIS WEEK ... $4 50 ... $2.50 ... $2.50 . . . . $3.00 . . . .$1.25 . . . .S3. 0I . . . $4.75 . . "SILOO . . . $12 50 65c $7.50 Iron bed S 4 50 Iron bed .... l um Yum bed springs Mattresses Chairs $4.51) Rocker Kitchen (Jueen $1 ! Cook stove Copper Coil Water HeuterX . Floor Covering, per yard 4-Hole Wood or Coal Range Garbage Cans $1 9.50 . $2.50 OWL FURNITURE CO. Sells For Less 160 168 First at., near Morrison LARGE assortment of high ffrade n-ed rugs it less t ha u wholesale cost. STAR FURNITURE CO. THK STORK OF BARGAINS 104 First St. Main ."064. BA R iAIN Modern furniture for naie. 1 pfc or all: I'liKkT.s and portable chicken house; ao wood in ba.-ement for winter; house for rent. HIS Kaft 15th S.. near Center. SINiiKR siiecial evong machine good condition; $8 STAR FURNITURE CO. THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 First St. Main 5064 $ 1 r. FOR-heating stove: cost" $23! $70fnr r.ii-inoh fumed oak buffet, worth $100. 1644 Alameda. R-C ear to 63d st. HEATERS coal or wood: good as new; $9 7 5. STAR FURNITURE CO. THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 First St Main 5064 150 KNOCKDOWN chairs tor sale, 50c each if taken by lot: extra bargain if (.old this week. 335 'j East 6th st. t SOLID oak extension table, wood or coal heater, baby's bassinet. 66 E. 8th south near Stark. FOR-" SALE Furniture, 3 rooms, part; no dealers. 2143 Halsey st. whole or COMPLETE- household turniture, E. 50th at practically new. no dealers. 233 AM leaving city, furniture hams ave. FOR SALE Piano and"" cheap. 38 1 L;. 12th st for sale. 4 40 Wil- household furniture. 5l ACHIN ERT 81 ENGINES--Sev nil 4 cylintler, 4 cycle, water ooled engines from 20 h. p. to CO h, p-; r;,n 6 ryitnuer ( o:r,in. ntal CompL. with self starter; this is a n.-w eurine; two 4 cylinder, air cooled engines; one 6 cylinder air cooled engine; several 1 and 2 cylinder marine enrines. R. E. Gorex, 217 Main s!., Vancouver, Wash., or phone Port land' East. 6S03. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS II UNCALLED-FOR tailor made suits tor" aale. Modern Uilors. 89 N. 6th sL rEINTIXG 600 business cards $1.00. erty Printery. 163 V4 4th. Lib- PLUMBING expert, very reasonable. reoalr any plumbing, gaa, McCurdy. SeUwood 1125. FOR SALE 2d hand hardwood heaters. Broad way 4 4 52. 065 Overton st. j GEXTS overcoats. $3.50 and up. American I Tailors. 115 Grand ave. I GoiiD second hand brick and lumber for sale. 1 3C.4 Taylor st. or call East 1897. j FOR SALE Hotpoint electric heater. 110. Cherry st, city. 225 International Feature Inc.) 1 I j fSO-Ht I "OLD NR ZlrslE TO cll and have Lunch with voo TODrvX- 00 VOt-l V , FOR SALE MISCELIjAITEOTjS 19 ZIDELL BEBEXSOX & 208 Krtxit Street. Portland, oregiii. CO , BUYERS ATTENTION! PIPE PIPE PIPE Here is your opportunity to purchase pipe at prices that will pay you to investigate We carry in stock all sizes of toth new and nsej pipe nd fittings from 8 inch down to -inch READ THESE PRICES: 8 inch pipe, $1 50 foot. 7-inch pine, $1.25 foot ji-inch pipe, $1.00 foot. 5 inch pipe. 75e fot 4 inch pipe. 5 (to loo! 3 S -inch pipe, 4 0c foot Smaller sizes at hirgain ; . . ; ,.. pip" is absolute;.!- fuaranttei We have a large selection of Slcam Radia tor. Brass and Iron Valves. Stem Valve... Steam Traps, Shafting. 4. 5. and 6-im-h Hails at $4 0 trui. Boom Chains. I! rand New Wedges. 12c lb.: New Sledgehammers. 15c lb. AU kinds of drift bolU. LOGGERS ATTENTION WIRE ROPE H-lncli. S-inch, 'Vincli. 1 t -inch. 1 ' Inch. We cju id all these sizes. BLOCKS We carry a Urge M.e-k ' iIils stork over before buv.n-; Hlack.-mith Tools, n ,d ii,., dozen. New Hurns Perfection Anvils. Blowers. lo.nlnv "1 inch, sa v e you 1 -inch mon"! f blorks. Ax--. W Look dges. from SC. to Arcs at $1 Engines VI.... 14U1C Rods. Plates. Screu Jacks I'.elrine I,,1 irjs. large iron lali-. Fin- Hydrants. The most complete stork of it.s kind city. Write, cail or phone us before SPECIAL ATTENTION AND P DELIVERIES GIVEN TO OUT Ol BEYERS. ell-. in the buvinz. iOMI'l' TOWN ZeSdeS Berenson c& Co. 208 Front St Mir-c r Alfc you money. House wiring, lighting fixtures, electrical repair ing supplies. Third St. Electric Store. 224 V 3d st . near Salmon. Mam r.OSR. 8EWIX G MACH IX EEMP) TUI'M New and 2d hand, aold for less; ao agents employed. Complete lin. of parts for all makes. Machines repaired and rented. Main 9431. BE WING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d. near Taylur at. BARGAINS IN HEATING STOVES SELL OR TRADE ' NEW MAX'S EXCHANGE. 128 1st. near Wash Electric Motors Bought, gold, rented tnd repaired Walker Electric Works. 413 fturn eide. corner 10th. Broadway B674 5 Boilers, Engines SSH i , NEW and second hand, bought 1-' and sold G A R. Machinery Co.. 603 Gerllnger bldg. Phone Main 8201. SI CUD TEN droppead si wing macnines with attacliments, all are in very i good condition. Sewmg machines rented at $.1 per month. Phone East 2359. or B 3307. E. Ii. Steen. 152 Grand are., near Belmont. SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS Fine variety of Singers, Whites, New Home and other makes at bargain prices. Machines rented and repaired. Fourth Street Singer Store. 193 Fourth. HONEY WARRANTED UNADULTERATED Strained, ligbt. mild. 23c lb. in 6 gal. cane; less than .". gal . 26c lb., delivered. East 14IC. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." Typtvwrtters and "Household Goods" are separatavlaaaifi cations. All advertisements of these gds are publisLed under their respective classifications, LOOK THEM OVER CUT FREIGHT RATM On Household Goods Shipped East and South. MANXLXG WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER CO. 'h end Hoyt. Phone Broadway 70S. A-l 793. $I2.S) to $15 USED DROPHEA ii SEWING MACHINES i Guaranteed We Rent and Hepilr 172 3d St.. near Tan-hill. Main 1845 A ims AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LACNCHRSi .M niA.u.ri...Un. . listing can fications. be found under these different claim. FOR SALK Ranae, heater, rocker, ncwinu rrachine, Tit n. n. i; d rising mutt re-"-Mi s. ,t: Sal ca ion I tjjble. library' table ! nlher articles. .riC05 i rnr to Millard arc. j CALL Kat MslPw h e nyo i Arroy truck or watrc.n to wicli the call for j of f ' clothing or newi taper turn: tnre, e:c. AdJrpM 4 I uion ave. k. WHITE enameled refrigerator, oak dre-sing table, ivory willow rocker, and couch colt Tabor 7 2 .'I . IVORY enameled Olvmpic music hot and taMe to match, with 50 large tune sheets Ti bor 5723. GOOD range for sale. ga plate goes with it. .renins. good s nrvt ; Woo. 'lawn ." 3 burner . Call A PAID UP corresponding Oommerria! enure in the Northwestern Business college, cheap. Francis Brown, Independence. Or NEW lumber, good crating or .1 and wider. S IS. 1 F, per thouand ('all Col 229 after ting, a le n t ' V I $10 p. m VULCAN gas range, alligator andbag. Elgin watcti. will sell or trade tor irnod fur. Broadway 24 83 PIPE, plumbing supplies, newi second band, esti mates given free. Coils made and installed. Main 8277. N B .Mesher Pipe Co.22a Front GOING East or South?" Household gxls shippij at reduced rates; moving and packing Pacifle Coest Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt st Bdwy. 70S SAFES New and second band; aorne-with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. Pacific Scale ASupply Co.. 48 Front st. Bdwy 1966. SUITS pressed. 4 5 cents. French" dry cleaned $1.23. Why pay more? Unique Tailoring Co., 104 4th st. K RAINCOATS made to order for 20 to 30p7r cent less than -store prices: 30 nsttem. select from. Tabor 2175. APPAREL EN CHANCE Ladies' coats i1t, dresses, evening gown. furs, hats ' shoe-' alightly used, distinctive styles. Tabor 2828 HOT water tanks, all sues. In goocl. serrlceabl. crmdition. 30 gal.. $7; 40 gal, $9 on, Adania st East end Steel bridge. East 8518. COLLAPSIBLE go-cart, in good condition $4 50 pipe-cutter and dk-s. $G. 945 E Frank lin st. FIR E proof le foi -87.S. sale, cheap. Journal. Address for part iculars. FIREPROOF safe. 17x17x52 iTodde - ,U,T large cabinet. Bargain. 4 08 Wilcox' Bide. FOR SALE Wood and coal 750 E 6'itti ft. X. ' range, perfect. FOR SALE Infant outfit never used. Phone JVVoodlawn 3428. FOR SALE Cheap, steel range in fine cop dithn.Phone C-2553. GRAPES ai d a few applet. W-S c, at 34rh st. south t. J02 1 Holzat- !f FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners 24-h-"!, iay$l. Delivered nywhere. Wdln 1259 UNCALLED for tailor-made suits. $12.50 Taylor, the Tailor. 289 Vi Bumside sL up PLTTMBPNG supplier wholesale pricea. Stark Davis Co.. 212 3d at. Main 797. TACL'L'M cleaners, sold. repaireVT rerrted." "et -chsnged, bought. Bentley Co., Main 4907. SECRETARY MAKE T- I TTT I . II 1 4- J I - I - SI I FOB SALE MISCELUAygOrs J DIAMONDS WANTED Pawn Tickets Bought Highest csh market values for diamonds platinum, arid, silver an. I false teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan bulg.. 4th floor. Cor. Wash, and Brosdwsy j SAFES Fire and burglar ptovt satea, new and ' second band, at right piice, bought, .old aoi i exchanged, I N0RRI3 SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 105 2d at pJlomli,aAn 2018 FURNITURE WAXTF.D 74 BeSEiOLB GOODS " WAOTiEB We want your used furniture, nigs, carpets. stoves and all hmiarliuld goods and will pay th big'it-t cash prices Three Large Stores enable us to dispose of the-, goods at one a, tod Iherc'ora as can pay I he Top Market Prsces We alio buy and e11 hardware, tools, nrrt fng fforda. tent, bicycle, t yrcwrlterv ad ling machines and Mora and office furnitnrtv V baa you uave nnythmg to buy. aell or trada Call Main 9072 & Furn. Co. i 2213 5 FRONT ST ! WE WELL BUY FOR SI'llT-i AMI I1U 11(11 SI MOLD FURNITURF. FOR ANY A.Mol NT. A PIIONK CALL WILL It It I . US To Vul i: Hid .): PROMP'll.Y. ol It VALI TIOS I-; IIKillKi: THAN TDK OTHER FELLOW s. THERE s A RKA SON LliAIsi; W'E SELL TODAY WHAT UK He Li. I IT YESTERDAY PHONE PIIONH Marshal. 5981 IS.", FIRST ST Gevtusrtz ' Furniuture Co. J MARSHAL! -MO SELL as Yolir Odd Pieces or Complete Furnishings- We Pay Top Cash Prices Csll Us for I'romrit. Courteous Service PORTLAND Ft K.N ITU RE EXCHANGE 209 FIRST ST i MAIN' 7728 I. DON'T sacrifice; your furniture If going east or to Cahlornia We can savo you money oai i your freight .nj storage. C M ; cir thrr'ligh cars. Fireproof Ol en Transfer A Storage Co.. Z4S ito. st W"ANTED." US-ED FURNITURE " 'vsn'A rjjkl WUI p7 best prices iVlllli Star F m mi tare Co. 5064 204 Firat St. Owf Fiinrnity re Co. , NEAR MORRISON We want your used furniture, stoves, carpeti I and ria',o: see pay the highest cash prices. lOn.andlflS 1st st Call Main 4f,27. j " WIGIII M AN j ( II I NSO N Ft ' llNTTiFlt Kl'U. 88 !i0 Oriind ove. Eat 7708. Highest prices paid lor urd furniture, ear i pets, s-.oves, ranges, etc. W. call promptly. i W AXTFD : '-' carload "ofsc,ond IcTioftnr ,:tiTi will I'nv more any other .lor. Phone Last 3.123. DON'T be rvestered with 2d hnnd furniture deal- I ers and their low prices. I pay cash. Broad, i way 4407. CASH Mar 2875. paid for furniture. Ftoves. rsngte. carpets, .n'r". dre.sers, e"c. Phone Hartrell Furniture Co.. 341 1st at. PHONE East 7815 vrli-rn you wan! to sell yrwr furniture; we will e m - e" once and rfiy you CASH M H SKATER, 310 Hawthorne ave ; 1 AM in the market tor furniture from private parties only. 49 L- -Inci .on sL i CALL MAIN 2117 SWAPS COTE upright grand -did nub. ny cost $3 .P. : or t rade f .-i Ient. 1 I PL' lit d'-lnc'v car ."'022 i.-e-d M. IANOLA to tisde (or horse. thing I i nil us'.. SeliWood 1 1 7. VV ANTED M I SUE 1.1. VNV.OL'S DIAMONDS " WANTED Pawn Tickets ?" ,Trur dl-fond,-, dUmond experU W. l posittTelv pay tlie h'.eorst ciisli market values watches, crowns, bridges Hnd false teeth; pri vate ntficis. business ccnlldrntlal. See til be- fore (felliim here, National Jewelry Co. 447 Morgan b'dg.. 4 th floor. Cor. Wash end Bdwy. Honrs 9 m. to 6 P Old False Teeth Booght A e pa y t i per set; the older tticj an Also crowns, bridgework. Rr-"ie or mail H'N BROKERAGE 4il' Floor, i or. Washington Ph Main 434u ' III, more valuable Dental gold bought. THE A ME I 406 Spaldii.z Bids and Third M $8 to $35 FOR SECOND 11 A Ml SUIT8 MEYER. 'I HE TAILOR Plvs mo1 lor clotbmg and plioe. We cell dsi or "evening Mar-lisdl 122 or 233 Made-, n -j. WANTED p7rp"ie".f" Por 'land t.. know that I pay the highest rash pi ices lor seeond hand household goods. No too large or Wo email. Prompt attention. N. M. SLA TEIt Phone 2203 14 3 Rns.efl st. I WANT used clothing. We pay from $lo up for men's used suits and overcoat Call us and you will get the right cash for your food" 167 1st sL. near Morrison. Main 73. GOING Ea.-t r Southf Household goods shipped at reduced rate? ; moving and parking. PACIFIC .-OAST. FORWARDING CO. 4 03 H yt "t. Broadway 70S. WANTED Three "V K." (3'0 ft 1 Presul" lite- welding (.ilitehr. tor ta-li 309 Wr.t 22d st.. 'ati'' reiver. Wa.h. GENTILE 'lothes buyers pay highest cash prices for gents used clothing, trunks, suitcases, etc. 115 Grand ate East 167(1. WANTED A cider press. Must be in good con dition. 429 E. Morrison East 1163. MAIL "oRDER Job printing for lesa "job Printer, 664 Lombard st. WAN T second hand jsirtahle garage for Ford. Tabor 6312. WANTED To buy .-ice. '1 o "bu v " ,-.ii 1 - proo' Journal. afe. Adviee - ic and lj wTntfii "'" . Ileal. t'J "VVANTEi) Hochfield. soni" et I i-.ll Ta'.or sbota-tins, st. Phone cod hand lumber 61 67 cameras, lenses, Main 3S81. -Rifles. 8S 3d PERSONAL fl ATTENTION. EYES RIGHT Dr. George Rubenstein. the veteran optician returned from service, is right on the job of fitting eyes with the best eye glasses at mod erate price. 226 Morrison st. Main 291. COME IN and get both your feet fixed nr. ecsl for $1 by Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST thst , doesn't hurt yr.u; 5 years in Portland; esm. free. Gl'he Th're bldg. 11th and W.-h. Bdy 2824. Lawyer Con"-'ulttl..n FREE All cs-es 1 f, 12 Selling lldg. Mam 499.1., DR. wn.KINSON remov-i c ros in 3 minutes 1 Limp in. 315 Flandcr -i . r.r f.tli. ' LADY BARBERS Sluves 20c, hair cut, 3 5c. J face masae S.'.c 2.'3 Everett and 3.1 j Dr. Elna Sorensen. 508 Panama bldg., drugleae 1 - ) y. ; rheillrial.sjii. constipation Main fiOMfi ol'AI.rNI'. Mis Summer.' remedies for dis ea e of women; rx'i'ie relief. 24 0 Lincoln. By George McManus 1 I j r ) ( LJ 1 j Q 01 TOO v J f Hl-b ECRETA CLT to 3f BIMTOWBS BOOGHT PAWN TICKETS S)l ,,ur portrm aUie 'Without llialDU re- i .lids .! v.- Hi." lli'l'l" hili." Mil me I onrki'l We pure ha pa i (rem $10(1 pawn tickets $sm V .1 1 s t . W plat 111UU14 nold. m an. tahbildc-, any amount. We buy War Stamps. Liberty Bunds, iet;rt Bonds. If inu want money sec us, l'rlvuL offn es. llU"ims.s cioifldcliual, THE AMERICAN r BROKERAGE 40(i Spsldnig llidg -4 1 it Fl, " Washington 13 in . 11 ' , i A lady t,..! ! -ti I'll. n. A DRLV.M I ii.i ii.I - .til .lieaio. tit to t II, I . M.iio ; And"",, I or 11 n. i :.vl i,l .r1 She dlrBtiic, Tlut it I She thought She then 1 a boot the F I i; SON ... I sa.v loch jo ice HUM loo. lo pny. Then luihhv sai.l That store mil For they've savcl ith serine. .- lion t Horiv. c v . i .put. 'o. i u.!i,. -t!, Ul.d lit. " dear. Olsailds' ! e know our '1 do s.,,, do k iy Fur v., On ij. I, I At the LI. SI Ii. iilir, l Ht F.SS and 1IA.T I'l ll.lisoV I PS'l'.vllts SI'OllU 2d I I -,., . l-iiio, k III,., k Old FaUse Jeeth Wanted Highest rs. fsl-e f . Id LUY 4th ferlh. croVN and silver. CO.. ana oriuge work mood. NATIONAL 447 Uorgim J i : v y b.'dg.. floor. GI AHSil sj AT A SAVING 1 potiell voitr patrolintte on ttl. basis ol cniatile service, ihou.andt of satisfied patrons, CharlesH. optometrist. 2il!i Morrison L el'-rv Sdlunlflv logl't lV DcellBH ch.l. ,ii L.igi.- I .,;!. ;ir,i ao.l ALoli-un Goodman. t IIP. ' L'tiiclng , str. . t.s. ! T.AI'II-S ! I ii ltuig . i'.'il-Cs. ;i I Ii.-r o.ig Wllsj, Port Ih 1-1 NOTICES 14 ON' or afl not. he tll.s dut. Nov 4 1919 I Willi IV-nsiple I i iiiiv lolU or otiligatioos Marje Milder II P Mi l Ll'R ' Colitracted by (Signed) my wile, FiESSMIAL A R B BUSINESS MMCTORY ANTIQUB8 ANTIQUE and ALL KINDS OF FCRNITCBiat" Stern Salvage Co., 633 Wi-ljinilon at BARECBB SURPLUS LEWIS STKN'iElt ltaibers Supply Co.. 10Hl and, ilorrlsun streets. The place to bff barbers' chairs and supplies, stock uf furniture alwayi. on hand at right prices. LAWK BOOK MAKIRS ' DAVIS A Ilol.MAN. INC. 1 09 2d si biael bcuk maoulucturir- A 31 3. klmn 143. i BOOKS CARPtNTER PAY Ina'h pn. c It cheap by d.iy 1 . AND BUILDER WHY . do roout ' ii r i ii ii t olltl.l. t. i 1 1 k , k . t-t 8181; CAftPET OLE ANIflQ ' We"Make F.yffli Rugs From Yoyr 03d Carpets Rag rugs, all to.-s Mail orders prornttt. Bugs and carpet .tmni and dry cleaned l'b.oe ur write for price list. Northwe E. Eighth Str. :t Ryg Co. t Last 358 188 Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Bag Rags, all Ires Mn'l Orders PrornrL p. nd for Booklet Stesm or Drr Cleaned. 41.60. FLUFF RL'G CO ve N Ft n.118. B I47S. ', 4x12 Itngs. 6 4 -.18 Ulnon OMDvOPRACTORS DH LAURA E. IKWN'1N:. Broadway blllg. Dmgless physician, 10 years physician. I (i years experience c mio prai tic, elertrlcily, tlhrstiry mninige end d rt lilt Mi M AllON 1 , t li.tin-n - made snt-v. 1 !l I o- 1 II f.t. t caTefiilly. perm l liellt . )'. illsn.l No i i oliti'cru.c. 31 "treal. Mr. HELENA W, CtlMSTOCK Cliiroiirsctor. 331 14 Hi t Chronic troubles. Main COAL AND WOOD ' VI E SKLI I.N I.ARGK OH SMALL QUANTITY Heavy Country Slab, Oak and C'trdw,od Star Wood! & Coal Co. 848 8d at ,Mtn 601? BOXWOOD Delivered imniedial' I' Mr.' M-nn 4 1 Boxwood Multnomah Uuel d 1201 SSabwood sin -,r.4i -a 21 in DRY brid V'l Mod filch, r sod I dl '- Col. N" I t I 1 . . I Fil.-I l-t'SHu i: I 204 1 DOO AND CAT rHril III1THM A N liosi HOSPITAL tsl. 415 B. 7th it., corner GranL Ea.t 184 It 1961 " EDUCATIONAL DARCINO "' 1 RIXGI.ER S DANCING ACADEafY ir yon want to dance or Irarn to dance, whs act gn to the la "test arid best school in the rltt where the advantage ere greaferf Tori ravel more good dancer, and can practie. with many different , expert professional eeachrrs. Separate ball for beginner end backward pupils Put buslnese Is dancing. We know bow Infuriaialt everv evening. laidlen. $3: g. nt. $8. 14tn at Washington Broadway 33HO. A-33(8L MISS 1HEI.ANI. ;Btrr floor, Drkum """Wdit? classes Men.. Tues., Thuri.. Fri Ijdie", 4J; gent, 45; Private lesfins day. eveenlng DRFfcf.MAK inn Sl'IIOOI. for We cu'. fit die llta lt,g arid S"-l 1 11 I I .". Fhedlie flni-hing Hid,. MU4IO SCHOOLS AMD TC4CM48I PROF T E. I. AW SOX. 20 years experience. Piano lessons at yur brime. 7Bc. Tabor 7108. TI CARR' DAY, piano, vocal lessons, with practice pieno. 1 bout day. 45 no Bdy. t45S LAWYERS - . . I. "P SANDBLAST 33f! Railway Kxc'bs ng. "bide" " MAIL ADVIRTI4INO (TKAXE'lETTER CO. 512 Royal M.!g. Mottle grsrhlng. mi e..g:; lii. Mi.rslialt Ba2, OPTOrnSTRIST jBlm 7 " " Si'dLV I I I liTl.T'V T ES I ED . ai'li riiod'-ro In-t r urnelits. t.lsslel it I '..., -J Ml .11, A. K. IltritWITZ. Oplometri-I. 22S First at PAIffTlr.41, TINTING H CI.I! -TON, painting. PAPCRHANOINO tnittna. p purine 144 N 17th t Bdwy 44 M WrxKliawn aia PATERT ATTORRIY Go71i7iTTR;7 620 Worcester bidg" PHVSIOIANS .) ,:..T.- tEKSONAL i atain anj.i n DR. It. A.'pillLIlI'S. Hr.mdway bldg. jlh.s" mati ra stomaevj. Imeel. rung, liver, krf. ney bladder, rectal,'ttie-, female skin gh pressnre. CNORAVIPO, UNOINO PRINTINU, Print, n F W HALTf.S A co, i.r and ()..k t- A! I' .1. A-l I MA. ALTCD and imokeo FIbM 1USKA HKIO.ING A IMI'OltTINIi CO trlbutors of salted and sinob.d fUn. Yamhill st.. Portland. Or TAILORING $.-. Tf) : j. I ed $10 i' nt h Call '.luction on 01 wliiie -I'n-k la'l J Palnich tall-, TINNERS to order during satisfaction gtxar 1 . 371 N 2Sd at. ant. JACOB M)SLI Tin. Sheetiroo and Roof Worl let st. I'oon. Main JDPI. TRANSrCR AND 4T0RA0I 410 Oregon Transfer Co. Bst.blishfsd 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Aeen.. BTORAGE FREE TRACK AGS Office and Storage. -474 Olfssn 18th n1 'Slissn Brnedwsv I 28 1. A-sl18 Al.W'A VS FfcK THK BUST HOL'.SlIIOI.U GOfJDS hl'ECIAI.IST Storage, packing, ship ping and movtna. lion and aute vtas. Bps elsi rates to all points C. O PICK TRANSFER ft; 8TORAOE OO. gd and fint. Brruulway 698. A-1VL Storage.and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc.. 428 FLANDERS STREET wil l amette vallet transfer citric ersl trsnnfer and forwarding agents, 124 It, Hh at. Broadway 454 ""laTiivLNO ""MOVING fORAl5T"i KCUKITY BTOUAGE A TRAN8FEH CO U Para - at 05. A-l 01., die- aJ 231 C H MAY. general haaimg. large stock moredT ;0 Ytbwf tV02, Mam 4930. " -