i ', , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1919. 20 '1 i' , . : J : I-i.-e , AUTOMOBILES AW ACCTSSOBIE8 44 i wonuekfil WINTER I BAR'J A I.N 8 The time of thn year is here when you can ret th most for your money of tny time during tile year I Hudson), model 37. fines condition, very fin automobile, good tires, repainted and first-class mmiiiiK order $37. Mitchell Six. (rood tires gnxl condition. . . .1425 1917 Malcl'. overhauled fine little rar. all tiled nnd up. . repainted .M9S 1PI H aud: Maxwell. repainted alt iron- over. , ureal buy fur. overhauled $850 1919 Maxwell, like new. the original finish not worn, -all in fine condition $8. 1918 Chalmers ' repainted; a Clod i-llape LiKht Si, overhauled line cjuality car in and very . s.-.o 101 7 pews, tion Chalmers automobile fine all i paa-. and fir t rla-s one condi- $1100 1918 Chalmers Hot Slir.t ncv(. a very good biy Light Six. like $12.-0 i Hudson si'i'i:u six 1917, Ifud-nri Super Sit, ov. rliaule.l mid miiii'd. al-o gualuntered hy us the aie in a factory guarantee; liny u hildh B'ade quality ' car al a l.erj.un price $1 35ll 191 Hnd-eti Super Sit firt cla-s rendition 'o Guarantee it the -aine as itntee on a new car . . that is all in Unit we can a taet.-ry guar . $1 C50 Jlu.li.n Sm r Su Roud-tcr. all in fir-t i'U' etitMliiion and the ear guaranteed fun ill) das . . . . . $1250 Essesl. like new. with a faetory guarantee. $ 1 500 L. BOSH AUTOMOBILE Co rllSfll" Washington -t Portland, Clhas. C. Fagan Co., Inc. liISTltiniTOltS I'lpTce Arrow Motor Cars Niutti at Iiurnside St. nd Mutnr Trucks Broaduay 4693. 0 315 Tierce Arrow Roadster, 2 pa-r-enger, $12.10 0-tl8 Fierce Arrow Touring. 7 passenger, $1 1 5(11 101 Old-mobile "8" Touring, like new, $1050 Itlllf Cadillac Touring. 7 passenger, $4000 1918 Packard Twin, aeries 3. 7 pass.. $4150 Ffdigreerl Cars with Abstract of Title aud Service. jl'ierc.e Arrow- Salts Invp-tmelit Servn e. STI'DEP.AKLIl Su. $iiU0. the be-t light mi in tdwn; aood new paint and new tires; a per feet car. and onlv $iuO, terms. Phone Bdwy. 4840. A MCE 3 passenger Rru road.-ter. 0 cord tires, new paint, and only $850, with terms. Car at 421 uumside st. I91 CIIANDLEI pa Ciller, in fin" condi- t.1011. t Alton 5 15.000 carried in stock. Our springs sold lib written guarantee. We giv. yoa MrTic. 84 N. 10th it TWO Chevrolet 1919 Bo'.l. Burnside. one 1918. The other bargains. gee them at is a 421 HAVE 1919 Maxwell touring car for $800; oftured $900 in trade, will .-ell for rash or terms. This car is like new. with good tires and somo extra. Call Broadway 12 71. Ask for room 4'J-t or Mr Smith RIG STOCK Used Cars PRICES RIGHT NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. 1 s "ALTO TRIMMING AND UP- f immix J HOl.STERING t o. UDrT . '' AUTO TOPS, SIDE 1 - CURTAINS 4 09 Davis "1 . bet 9th and loth. L'irJLLL OVERLANI) mmlel 83, in good condition, good tires; owner must sell, a real bargain at $525 with terms. 30 Grand are. N., near Burnside. WE do honest auto repairing, overhauling and rewiring. All makes of cars. Work guar anteed aud prices reasonable. 345 WUIlains temie. WHO wants a Dodge touring car for $600? New rubber, mechanically guaranteed. Party needs the money. 109 11th sU. bet. Stark and Washington. PAIGE will not ROADSTER last long, as it goes for This $4 30. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH GOOD 5 PASSENGER 1917 MODEL SAXON. RECENTLY OVERHAULED AND PAINT ED. SATISFACTORY TERMS. R. II. UROWN. Woodlawn 1731. or Broadway 4080. COLE TOURING Ijite model eight touring, lirst-class condi llion throughout : terms. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH HUDSON Super Six roadster. In A I mechanical 1 .condition, and being repnviited : - guaranteed Xamc as factory guarantee, terms. Call Marshall 27. S TUDUnAKUK bui; 1 A dandy hug. bright green and l"l.s nf speed. tur own terrn- 4 0 J J VIS NKAR T F N T 1 1 1VII.UYS' six. 7 pa enger, 1017 model, used privately, good tires, Continental motor; will sacrifice this neek tor ? 1 1 00 and give term?. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burn-ide. i HUDSON SPKF.DSTF.lt I.ale model speedster. 0 wire wheels and all i'ord tires, perfect condition. Terms if desired. 404 DAVIS NKAR TF.NTH PflAN DUF.R chnnuny, ffJlS, fine condTtion. i (1350; terms; gunrniitee and free errice : buoiigh said. 1'ortland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Taylor. 4 F.RI.AND four. away for L'llO, iFat. 101. look like new car balance ea-y. 424 drive, it BelmojlL. iC 55 BUfl'K H touring; price $S50 for quick sale; term; guarantee anil free servcie; enough Main Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. 1017 FORD touring, overhauled and repainted. ! Cheap for ca-h. See me evenings or Hun rUy, at C034 H3d ave. S. E. 1 10 17 DODGE tooring. fine condition $30i) down, guarantee, free service, enough said. Portland Car Sales t o.. 5th and Taylor. LIGHT siv fiuiek. nool rubber, looks and runs I like 11500; will sell for $1050. 355 Burn i aide st. Bl'ICK aix. model D-4,i. good shape, 5 tires; Belmont. $41)0 down, balance terms. 4 24 1 ast 191. $600- r-HUDSON 0. 5 pass., fine condition. gooe. tires; honest bargain, some terms. 1 U 4 Iririsicm st. Tabor 1231. MITCHELL light six. 5 ti.re; a bargain. $350 down, balance terms. 424 Uelmout. Fast m. KAXON six touring, 1918, in fine condition; good paint and tires; will sell at $800 and (five terms. 30 Grand ave. V, near Burnside. 1918 FORD, looks as .good as new; reat covers, acceworles. 355 Burnside st. 1618 FORD. in good shape, $330. Sandy blvd. East 220 Can be seen at 732 MAXWELL touring car this is Burnaide at. a real buy. 353 14lt KALE Ford roadster. 1919 model, a bargain. The Peerless Pacific Co.. 70 Front. BRAND new Chevrolet Owner must sell. Annentr-out Main 1 100. See FOR BALK $3i0 credit voucher on .Hudson 7 passenger. J-643, Journal. FORD touring, overhauled; $95 takes it balance easy. 424 Belmont East 191. BABY O'd'mohile. 4 wires wheels- 333 Bumsidy. KOKD roadster for sate cheap. Call CoL 880. LIGHT Studebaker. 35 Buriukle U. 4CTOMOB11F.8 AlfD ACCE8SOBIES A FEW SELECT USED CARS WHICH MUST BE SOLD Buiek light 1919. . . Haynts, 7-passenger, overhauled . $1050 5 cord tires, just 1300 1050 800 1000 900 3-25 1000 1250 Mitchell light six. newly painted and over hauled . . Briscoe touring car, J 91 Chalmers sit. newly painted, good shape. 1917 Dodge painted, like touring, new , . overhauled and Buiek roaiL-Ur. newly tainted, a real buy. 1919 Maxwell touring. 5 rnr.l tires.... Winton six, newly painted, fine shape. .. Willys six; looks like new . 1250 Maxwell delivery, brad new 850 Overland 00, 19 IS 800 1918 Ford road-tcr 4 50 W. H. WAI.INGFOltD CO.. 522 Alder st. Ooen evenings and .Sunday. Bdwy. ai!)2. TeriraiiNo Brokerage Sttntz HI valve motor. ti pus. $S25 Ford coupe, new with barter. $1500 --Velie, run like 3000 mile?. $1100 Hup 1 91 S model, looks like now. $H75 Maxwell 1918, 95 per rent new. $8511 Maxwell. 1 !l model, special equipment. $1.10 Buirk light . road-te;r $325 Chevrolet touring, 11117 model. $475 -Chevrolet touring, demountable rims. $825 Franklin touring. $1250 Chandler, like new; a bargain. $275 Studebaker 4. 5 lu-s $075 Iiodge louring, a Miap. $550 Maxwell roadster. new tire-. Other bargains in Fords. Overland-. Buicks. Maxwells. Chevrolet-, etc. Prices from $250 to $2650. Savon at a sacrifice. Overland light six. Open Sundays and Evenings. C. O. BLEASDALE. 530 ALDER ST. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. 58 N. 2SD ST. MAIN 70 EASY TEltMS; WILL ALSO TRADE 1918 Velie, 7-ptssenger. . .-. . .$1600 1019 Velie. latest model 1525 1910 Velie. earlier model 14 50 11118 Velie. latest inodel 13 7 5 1918 Velie, earlier model 13i0 1H17 Vefle. latest model 1 100 1917 Velie, earlier model.... 950 1917 Studebaker. 4-cylinder. . . 650 1918 Overland. 6-cyiinder . . . . 775 1917 Saxon Six 700 1910 Saxon Six 00 1014 Velie. excellent buy . . . . . 325 1918 Oldsmobile Sedan, re varnished, new carpets, mo tor mech. perfect 1800 Ford touring, i-tarter, electric horn, foot feed. A I shape. $300 GARAGES Prices on application Ready Cut Housea MII.LMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1601 U union av. .N Woodlawn 2413. NASH SEDAN. Tlii car is like new. In fact vith it. See it at j new car service goes 421 Burnside st AUTO-MOBILE DEALERS ATTENTION We are prepared to handle your financial matters and give you excellent service; all kind fire insurance written. NORTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO.. Lumbermen Building. Telephone Broadway 10SO. AUTO TOWING AND WRECKED CARS DAY: MAIN 259 NIGHT ; MARSH. 82 RELIABLE AUTO SHOP 267 SIXTEENTH STREET '17 FORD TOURING Tliis Ford is in fine condition every way and lias all the appearance of new; extra good tires and one brand new tire. Low pine of $4 25, with $150 down. Balance easy 011 long terms. Call Portland Electric parage. 11th and lioyt. FOR SALE Mi hawk N. S O D, tire ancTonr N. S. Cf. I). Penn aeuum Cup and one 32x 3a straight size plain tire, Fisk. and one 3'Jx 3 Penn Vacuum Cup N. S. U. D. One Bo-eh magneto. All bargains. See owner. 298 Eu gene st. East 3021. 19111 stl'DEBAKER bigsix." 7 pasBpraTtica "liy new, as has only been driven 3000 milec ; complied with cord tires with two extra-: many othei extras; will sell cheap or trade on ,-ruull car. balance terms. 109 1 1 til St., between Stark and Washington. 1918 BUICK. 7 passenger, cord tires, nearly new. mechanically fHTfect. many extras; $1325. term-. Car and owner can be wen. Sunday only at 109 11th st. bet- Stark and Washington. CADILLAC EIGHT Mechanically pertict. cord tire-, car at a poor man's price Teirns nrh man's f you need tl.em. 401 DAVIS i;. R TENTH 1917 HUDSON SI PER SIX Cord tires, $600 down, guarantee and service: enougli said. Portland Car Sales 5th and Taylor. full Co., TWO GOODYEAR diamond tires, size 5i: worth $120; v. 1 1 1 seil tor $30 apiece: or ex change for Maxwell -ize. Nepros, 4 7 E. 24th N.. after 5:30 p. rr 191 S BUICK rnad-ter cord tires, fine condi tion. $1300; term-; guarantee and free serv ci Enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. 191K OLDS ROADSTER Mechanically perfect, good lire-; suit. 401 DAVIS NEAR TENTH terms to CHANDLER chummy. 1018. fine condition. $1350: term-: guarantee and free service; enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. WINTON six, with bug body; a good knockabout cai ; will sell at $250, part terms, 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. 1918 CHEVROLET touring. $260 down; guar antee and free service; enough said. Portland ... 5th and Taylor. , Car Sales ! 1918 CHALMERS S ps'nger, runs and looks I like new; a bargain at $1150; cash ur terms. I Call Tabor 630. I SPI.tTAI.'.19l 7 Ford touring; iriii-t be sold'by tomorrow. $400. Portland t ar Sales Co.. ' r.tli and Taylor. FORD 1?14. fine condition, good tires; will sac rifice, at $20rv; will give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. MAXWELL touring, must be sold bv tomorrow, good condition; $57,") for quick sale. Portland Car 8ales Co.. 5th and Taylor. MAXWELL 1010. 'an exceptional buy. run erv little; looks like new; will sell at $075, with. terras. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1913 CHANIiI.ER. suiUble for family car; In very good condition. l,ooks fine. Tabor 2090. FOR SATE- 19 18 T paklund-STTrT gooclT-on. 1 i -ticn Owner leaving city Sellwood 111.'.. FORD touring car, snap if sold today. Eail 4012. 1917 Studebaker 335 Burnsido t. BRINGING UP FATHER WHATT DD OO dO WITH THM" BOX F NMLt) AN THiNC muse ATJTOMOBIT.ES ATTP ACCEBSOIUEK 44 THE OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON WE HAVE SEVERAL USED CARS IN STOCK. WK WANT YOt; TO SEE THEM AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF. 1920 Oldsmobile 6. touring $1830 1918 Oldsmobile 0. roadster 1250 J 018 Oldsmobile 0. sedan 1850 1917 Oldsmobile 6, touring 1100 1918 Oldsmobile 6, touring 1250 1918 Oldsmobile 6. tourine 1300 1917 Grant 8, touring 600 1918 Hupmobile. touring 900 1019 Scripps-Rootb. louring l'J50 1916 Maxwell touring 650 LIBERAL TEltMS THE OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. I Cars off the Better Kind 1 91 R Buirk .". extra fire. pass.. Bpotligh'. bunii-r aud comfort car; cririls all arnuod. Cadillac, a real comfort car; one extra. t m 1 ton KortI truck in good rendition: it's a 1 t. 1917 Dotlu''1 ptisa , in first class condition, estra tire v a bay. h'ord racing hv. Foul sedan, dem. nnn. hpk absorhrs. (Joodyear non-kida all around. one extra, speedometer, loot accelerator; must be sold by WednPHtUy. Will sacrifice my 1920 Maxwell. Extra tires, spotlight. Must be sold al once. USED CAR PALACE 61 UNION AVE N. EAST 7717. YOUR CAR IS HERE Haynes Light Six. Paige Light Six. Buiek Light Six. Overland Six Studebaker Six. Saxon. Six. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE Lownsdale loth and Street Washington S. W. Corner Street. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 sELLJNG ISLDG. (Second Floor.) I HUDSON SPEEDSTER Hudson Speedster, 1-onaiit last March, in finest condition, in fart can hardly be told from new. Equipped with bumper. Gabffiel snubbers, spot light, mirror, clock, ice box for picnics, two extra tubes, cord tires all .around with two extras with rims and covers complete. You can save $ti50 on this car. Terms if desired and would r'onsider liuht car in trade. Ford Sedan pre ferred. Francis Motor Car Co. E. 3770. East Kith and Hawthorne ave. 1918 MITCHELL offer refused. LIGHT SIX. No reasonable C. H.'S. CO. 65 N. :3d st, Mar. 142f OVERLAND 85-4 cylinder. $250 ca-li. bal ance terms. New rubber all around and new paint. See it af 421 Burnside at. NOW IS THE TIME tohare your tires r treaded. Economy, safety, non-skid. Prices reasonable, correct method, experienced work men, satisfaction guaranteed. If your tire is not worth repairing, we will tell you. Money -.-ij on new and used tires. VULCAN TIRE SHOP. 41 Grand are. Phone E. 4896. SKI AN 1917 Chevrolet sedan, look? lik new ear 'for winter dm vine. A bargain UT1TH. A BO otl (ocfe 4 0 4 fAVlS NKAR TKN TH IK VOL" admire work ei! done, try Mr-. Rates. ll'JO Mirision t.. for alteration, re modehns and muking of ladies ' garmeiit-. Suit-' n nd coat-- a pici My : work strict I y tuarantccd. Tabor K0 l 'J AUTO", repairing in your own prirate fiaragc: reliable work sua ran teed at reasonable prire-. Also will tuv diaahled rarn f rom any i-oint within t lie city limit.- for "J o0, da or niglu TUferenres. Call Kat J t 4 . DON'T pas" th'u T passenger Overland up; privately used; 6 nearly new tires. A bar gain at K530. 1 549 Mis.-1-sippi ave. Take Kenton cur . FORD touring, completely overhauled, good tires new top, good paint and curtains; will sacri fice at $300 and giie terms. 30 Grand ave. N . near Burn-ide. 1917 P.UICK touring, 5 pass., just tieen over hauled! new ruliber and ton; a buy like this you seldom find. $850, terms. 109 lltU St., between Stark and Wa-lungUm. IMME.DIATE delivery of my brand new 1920 model touring car; will take your Ford. Che.- rolet or Maxwell as part payment. Call Adams, Tabor 630. 101P r'fil.i; 8 touring, houclit in June; 5 new cord tires and other evt.ra-; cost $3250; will sell for $2000; terms. Portland Car Salej Co.. 5th and Taylor. 1 3TT SU HI PPS BOOTH tcMiring. like new. har gHin. $950 cash. Tabor 882. evenings after 6 o clock. I. ATE inodel Ford Inuring, looks new. run- like new; pa $151. take it away; balance. ca.M . 12 1 Belmont. F.a-t 1 1)1 . FORD touring, best machanical condition, new top completely overhauled: a bargain at 300, cive terms. 30 Grand ave, N.. near Rnru.nle. 1 'JT 8 MAX WE I . Lroa d - tcfT $ 3 2 0 d o" w n ; gua ra' n" tee ami tree service; enough said. Portland Gar Sales t'o., 5Hi and Taj lor. CHEVROLET truiring, 5 new tire, fine .hap. ; $20O takes it. ba!an.-e ra-v. 424 Beluumt. F.at. 1! BRAND NLV Maxwell sedan, never been used. $1700; easy term-. Portland Car Sales Co. 6th and Taylor. ri.CANI7.INfl and retreading. U. 8. tir tion. 109 11th st. near Washington. sta- LATE MODEL FOIHT in cood condition $4 50 Srgne extras. 5730 54th are S. E FORD touring, good rfcvhaiiicalls . body wor 135. I soapc. et-.t.i rases ir labor -j I 7, 7 GASOLINE 23 rrtTS A GAf.IiV -rr a AND 1ST. GREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO. 180 REO 4, touring. Burnside st. 7 TOLD JOHN TO THROW IT OUT - 1 DOI'T WANT THAT UBlbibH AROUND 5 HErVXe - ACTOMOBIXES ATTD ACCESSORIES 4 THE WHITE COMPANY Park and Couch Sts. Bdwy. 82 7. ISED CAR DEPARTMENT 4 ton 3 ton Packard Packard lumber " $2350 truck 1750 500 K00 1 1 ton Ford express Republic ton i ton Lippard -Stewart eo speed whshi ton Troy. 4 vheel Taller, run less than 3(10 miles r.iio TOO ISED CAR SALE 1 Oakland Sedan $900 1 Dodge . . . , 72 5 1 Franklin : 950 1 lord touring 4 23 I l ord touring, no top 3 25 1 Maxwell . 15(l 1 Maxwell 500 1 Chevrolet R 40o 1 CMC ton truck SGOrt 1 Ltppert Stewart truck 350 1 Buirk 4 ton truck 600 5 cars, all run 1 50 t cars, rr.n "J'ti. 8 cars, all run . .i.$L'50 to $900 LONG & SILVA 4o2 Hjwtlorr.e e. 1919 PATERSON SIX at a libera! di-count. C. H. S. CO. Mar. 1428. 65 N 23d ft. KING eight, good shape. 355 Runislde st. TECCK8 AND TRACTORS 8! TRUCKS SEVERAL GOOD USED 1UND TRUCKS BUICK delivery express $750 FORD light delivery, panel body $375 1917 FORD 1-ton truck $150 HUICK. 1-ton truck $493 WHITE delivery $400 FORD 1 ton truck $450 LIBERAL TERMS THE OLDSMOBILE CO OF OREGON BROADWAY AND COUCH STS. USED TRUCKS Best buys in town. All makes and sizes from $150 to $2000. Sec them before buying. Terms to suit. Contracts with urae. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., INC. PARK AND EVERETT STS. Bdwy. 1309 Chas. C. Fagan Co,, Inc. DISTRIBUTORS Pierce-Arrcw Motor Cars Ninth at Burnside St. and Motor Trucks Broadway 4 693. One used 2 ton truck cuiinped vvith lioit, and 220 en. ft, capacity stme wood. savdu-t or garbage body. First. cl:i-s material and work manhip. Priced very lew. Price complete, $650. "4-10.N republic special, practically new, reasonable sacrifice. Call Tabor 6597. at A CT O M OJB I L K S W A T K D 73 VANTKICAKS FOR CAS 1 1 I will pay .-u-h for a limited number of cars and if you Uavo a late rnodM tourim: ear t.r ! raedter. drive it here and cet the money. We al-o loan money on ear of late model.-. Portland Kleetnc aarage. 1 1 tli at Hoyt st. WE 1'AT CASH for used cars Ba sure to sea us before telling your car. BUTLER & WOOD "SELLING USED CARS'" 867 E. Burn-ide. at approach of Burnside Bridge. WK PAT CASH FOR I. ATE MODEL CARS USE CAR EXCHANGE 127 UOWNSDAI.E Phcne Broadway 2650. I WANTIID 2 I 10 mile- j Hr.ff. dr.. i: H ANI HO" r ' change .for T i .ruck tr:r :0 acres ot" land, outh Orej.'ii City.. T. H I'acl R. N'v. 1 in- il. I light QUI Dig car c.t. Alberta Journal. :,ox ion lot near Park. ;ii I r'.'t , slid i-lt ; i iwne cniv T 4 33. ANTED. F'-rd Kenstnip, 27 1 r.w l-t rr: Holladay. niii-t. be cheap. Se East end of ateel hritine. FORDS WANTED I will pay cash lor 1'rrd-. touring cars Ijitf model. Garage, 1 1 tli at Hoyt St. only. WANTED for rash. 'Buiek roadtter '17 model; mut be m good running order; looks do not count. Broadivay 2075 toiay. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, condition no cbjert. 121 X. 8d st. Broadway 2829. AUTO It E PAIR SHOPS S3 Ford Owners Forrl oterhauled Rear axle overhauled Valves gmnnd, carbon remored. ........ Magneto recharged We hand-lap pistons, acrapv) bearings, which insures perfect running motor. Oln. Ford parts unly used. All work aoteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR OO.. 280 Front at., corner Jefferson. . 1 20 . S to . IORD MAGNETOS lemagnetized. generators. starters overhsnU'd. ceneral auto repairing. Ado Si-erUlt- W..fk. 302 Pine st AI'TOS Kilt HIRE AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New Model Curs- Reasonable Rales FEARING & ROBNETT CITY OARAGE 86 lOUi st. near Stark. Broadway 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERI.ANDS HUDSON'S LOWNSDALE GARAGE BDW. 2408 15TH AND WASH. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 8D AND TAYLo:.. MAIN 1687. ALTHOFF f: BENNETT. 'ROPS. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR VVITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GAR AGE. MAR. 232 10th at Yamhill A 1236. NEW Ford. competent driver; t-i anywber. aud get back. Pbont Tabor 1028. Copyright, 1919, by Service. r IN THE. THROVE THAT LAKE-blR! ?- CI WASTED A good used motorcycle as part payment on a good used car. C. H. S. CO. 65 N. 23RI) ST. MARSHALL 1428 USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 Grand Ave. Excelsior and Cleveland Agency. 1920 ELECTRICALLY equipped Indian ejele; used one week, at a sacrifice. MARSHALL 1428. w IIAYTlIN irwtoreyr le and side car, order: good condition. Snap, $91. way J 1 2V. running Broud LATE nnntel Cleveland motorcycle, ea-y term. Mardiall 14 2. cheap on LAUNCHES AU BOATS 64 SACRIFICE STEEDY MOTOR CANOE Must be sold tills week. Owner leaving Call Fan 5040. FOR SALE Motorboat, full 5x20.4 h. p. De t.rcrt. Mich., marine engine; runs about 8 miles an hour; $60; going away. 125 Knott. 32xii FT. hull, 50 H. P. engineTVu " cumpTet e $150 cash Phono Columbia 1124. FIAXOS. ORGANS. MTSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 EVERYONE A BARGAIN $12 5 $110 $200 ad Pat he phonograph ...... Victroin phonograph . . . Cremowt phonograph . . in time condition, very $ SS 95 $135 little used. Pay $10 ca h and we 11 send one yowr home. WAKEFIELD MUSIC COMPANY. . -4 J 7 Washington St. BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS New Haven. mahoKany case, fine tone. $173. Swick, ebony ca--e. $120. Pay only $15 do" a and we'll send one of these to Tour home. WAKEFIELD MUSIC COMPANY. 4 27 Washington Street SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $325 Arlington upright piano for $140 $450 Haines Bros., mahogany 190 $350 Hallet fc Davis, upright ebony 100 'S.'iH 1. eland, oak upright . 1HO $475 new stored upright 290 750 llarte player piano 445 Small upright pianos -..$05 and 75 Piano- stored. 50c month. Pian.v bought and sold for cash only. 109 FOURTH ST., at WASHINGTON ST. TUNED REPAIRED Guaranteed work at reasonable prices. Selber lir.g Lucas Mu.sic Co.. 125-27 Fourth street Main 83Hti. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED Any make; Lucas Slubic Co., guaranteed work Seiberling 1-0 -7 Fourth street. KECORD E X CHANGE Phono graphs Bcu g h t. paired. 142 near Alder, npstairs. Main 7244. PIANO BARGAINS 100 and urt. All in first-class condition. Our one year . xchance plan guarantees tin-. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 Fourth st. I1KDUCED Chri-tmas f I 2.50 next vay day January 1, 1020. buys up-to-date pianos at the SCH WAN PIANO terms: $12.50 cash, and $10 monthly after new upright, imjiroved CO. Ill 4th st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records. Our proposition will please you. Seiberling-Lucaj Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 8586. Player Piano Wanted Prefer to deal with private parties having bar gain for cash. Marshall 1517. WANT USED RECORDS ,ALSO DISC TALKING MACHINES Main 4495; Tabor G7S8. 128 First. BKAUT'iFUL art model phonograph m walnut. This is a new machine of the latent model. Owner leaving city and will .-acrifrce. Tcrrus to re-pon-ib.e buyer. Tabor 75SL HOME demonstrations made day or night. Rmns wick, Victrola. Mandel, Pathe or Stradivara phonographs; hear your future phonograph when you are all home together. East JttlH. LEFT-for sale, several nn. pianos. $i25 op; Behnlng. Kimball. Buah 6l Lane. We"ber. Knabe. Emerson, others: easy terma. Brokerag. Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. 1 1 R 0 A NS 0 R G A N S $20 and up. All in A-l condition. Terms given. Seioerling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 Fourth street. USTEY organ, fine mahogany case. 6 octaves, Seiberling- le-t -if condition, at a bargain. Lucas Music Co.. 125 Fourth st. iTsiiT.it i'iar. . small. T'lsio walnut iven. .Seiberling Lucaj Mu-ic Co.. street. case 1 25 ; terms Fourth WILLARD piano. .iut Sieberliug-I.ucas Musi.' like 1 o. new : it a snap. 125 Fourth st. FOR. SAI.E for ca-h. -I'lHItli, like new, Tabor 05H0 with bench, cheap WANTED Marshall -To buy a piano 5709. Give cash. Call CASH out for player piano or regular style. Party of city. Main 3804 WANT PIANO Pay $100 to $150. No dealer". State particulars. F-16, Journal. PLAYER rolls yon are tired of exchanged at 1 Oc Ter roll. Harold S. Gilbert, 3x4 Yamhill -I. MLSICA1. INSTRUMENTS WANTED M PIANO WANTED Highest cash paid for used pianos and player Sianos. Get our price and be convinced. Sel-erllng-I.ucas Music Co.. 123 4tb st. Main 8586. TTPEYVRITERS 77 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "all makes,"' aold on monthly payments. Send for prira list The .Vholesal' Typewritet Co.. retail dept., 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS rented, repairer, exchanged Ty) ewri.r supplies REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO!. 38 BroadWy. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on mnr thly payment plan. Oregon Type wri'er Co . 9 5th st. HIM SKHOI.O (iOOIIS r OR I K 65 BARGAIN -Modern furniture for sale. 1 piece or all: chickens and portable chicken hou-e , also wood in basement for winter; house. for rent. MM East 15th S.. near Center. l'ltll SALE A brand new oid oak elining room et : table, 0 chairs and buffet; mu-t. he -eti at 1540 Mississippi. lake Kentcn csr to Ho! land. 1 KNOCKDOWN ta-eo bv t.-t: 335 Ea.t chair for .sale. i0c sold -ach this if extra bargain if eelf 6th st. Rl'DEBf )A"RD. 10 ft. dining table c hairs, carried oak. 60S Bidwell s COMPLfl'E household furniture, j new, no dealers. 233 E. 50th st j AM leaning city, furniture for sale. I lialns ave1. leather practically International Featura Inc.) MOTORCYCLES. BICTCLES DON'T TM.X erCVc - JUtT COME ALOtw, AN'HOW DON'T HE WHERE. ie - THREW iTly 405V-T- TTTT II" HOtSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE $S50 IXm A SECOND HAND AXMINSTEU RUO ' And you'll call it a snap when you see it. TCs a Bigelow, made before the war. when wool was wool and colors were fast; the -vattern is very pleasing, tan and brown the predominating colors, and it will last you aluiosl a life time; easy terms. . ' MISH FUUNITI ItV. CO.. l -8-190 First Street. FOB S IE-SI ISC E I.U5 EOVS II DIAMONDS WANTED Pawn Tickets Bought Highestr ca-h market values for diamonds platinum, gold, silver and false teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan bgig.. 4tk floor. Cor. Wash, and Broadway. WE SAVE you money Hous. wiring, lighting fixtures, electrical repair ing supplies. Third St. Electric Store. 224 H 3d st.. near Salmon. Main 6055. S E W IN i M ACHINE EMPO RIP M New and 2d hand, sold for leas; no agents employeil. Complete lin. of parts tor all makes. Machines repaired and rented. Main 94 31. btWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 3d. near Taylor st. BARGAINS IN HEATING STOVES- x. SELL OR TRADE NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, lUH lt. near Wash Electric Motors' Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 41 S Burn- aide, corner 10th. Broadway 5U74. t SAFES Fir. and burglar proof safes, new and tecond hand, at rigut prices, bought, sold and exchanged. N ORRIS 105 2d st- 8AIE AND LOCK CO., Phone Main 2013 Boilers, Engines NEW and second hand, bought and sold. G. & H. Machinery GerHngcT bldg. Phone Mtin 8201. TEN druphead hewing niacmnus with attachments, all are in very cood condition. Se-vma machines reiiteu at per mouth. IMione Last or B 3307. K. it. iSteeii, 1 i Grand ave. , near lU-huont. SEWING MACHINE HAI1;AIN3 Fine variety of SinjErr.-, Whiles. New Home and other n.a k'.' at birgam prices. Machines xenLctl nnd repaired. Kounh Street Singer Store, 1 D'.i Fourth. HONEY V ARRANTKD UN A D! T.TKR ATF.D Strained, light, milri, 23c lb. in 5 gal. caro. ; le.-s than 5 gal., 26c lb., ilehienJ. K.-t 1 4 Hi. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriters' and "Household Goods" are separate cia&sift cations. All advertisements of these goods ara published under their respective classtiications. LOOK THEM OVER CUT FREIGHT RATES " On rionoehold Gomh Shipped Ea-t and Sonth. MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER CO. 9th and Hoyt. Phone Broadway 703. A-1 708. $12.5(0) to s u ; USED DROPHEAIi SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed W Bent and Repair 3d st.. near Tarn Iiill. il a in 1S45 . A -18 1 172 AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separata classifications. A larg. Iiaung can o. louua unuer lues muerenr. c.assi. fications. FOR SALE Range. table, library' table, other article. 5003 car to Millard ave. heaU'r. r.M-ker, sewing machine. 7 l-t n.t. X. E. dreams ii.a'.ire.-. Mt. Scott WE BUY WAR STAMPS ! pjiHer' v bontl. Sr';t rh-h Afiv ainnnt . j Anjerican Brokerage. 403 Spalding bide., 4th fir. Old False "Teeth' Bought I WE PAY' UP TO $25 SET BRING oil MAC. ! American Brokerage, 400 Spalding bldg., 4th fir. GOOD range for sale, good s- pew; 3 t-urn. r i gas plate goes with it. W.Hidlawn 5975. Call evenings. A PAID-UP corresponding commercial course in the Northwe-tern Bu-iness college, cheap. Francii Brown. Independence, Or. NEW lumber, and wider, per thousand. good crating or -heetniE, '-s 1 S. 1 S . 1 K. . for sale at $10 Call Col QQ'.i a tier 0 p m APPLES. 75c box. You pick tliem; Mr-. Bnrke, 1S8U E. lUirison ring box. I bet 71 nr.d 74th. PIPE, p'.umbiua supplies, new, second hand, esti mate siren free. Coils made and installed. i Main 5277. N. B. Mesher Pipe Co.. 219 Front GOING East or South? Household goods shipp! at reduced rate-; Coast Forwarding Co, moving and packing. Paeifio 403 Hoyt st Bdwv. 7113. 6AFES -New and second hand: some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. Pacific Srale Supply Co.. 4 8 Front st. Bdwy 190H 61'fTS pres-.sl. 45 cent.-. French dry cleaned. $1.25. Why pay more? Unmue Tailoring Co.. 104 4lh -t. APPAREL EXCHANGE IjidieV coats, suit-. dresses, evening gc.wns. furs. bat-. sh-e-, slightly used, distinctive styles. Tabor 28L'5 HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good. rvtcesnle condition. 30 gal.. $7; 40 Bal , $ 01 I Adams et East end Steel bridge. East 8516. FOll RUNT Kl-otrtc isriinm eer' 2 4-t.onr dsy, $1. Delivered anywhere Wdln 1259 'CAI I.ED tnr tailor made suit.." $12.50 up Taylor, the Tailor. 289 V4 Burnside at PLTTMB1NG supplies, wholjile prices. Stark- Davis Co.. 212 3d at. Main 797. VACUUM cleaners, sold, repaired, rented. 9. ehanged, bought. Bentley (Wi.. Main 4907.;. CS'CAi.LED FO Retailor msd. suits for ial Modern Uilr.rs. 89 N. 6th at. FR INT iKT 5 0 0 bu si n ess ca rds " $1 6 0. LAd- erty Printery. 1 RO H 4th; PLUMBING expert, repair any plumbing, gsa. very reasonable. McCurdy, Sellwood 1125. 3 POOL TabI.ES and n billiard table for w.l at i. re-ham. .11 la!'ii-r LARGE tent hou-e. iilinost new, double floor; bargain Tabor 1701-. . Wi i U eheai AW it c 1 53.- IcIlIM' f..r truck, almo-t ne. HO 1 . -M II" FOR SALE way 4 4 5; 2d hand hardwood 005 Overt.on st. heaters. Broad $173 SAFE. SELL Fort $75 Newman. 1 - s First near W ashinsfon." GENTS overcoats, $3.50 and up. American Tailors. 115 Grand are. PUMP gun. $s; also oniOio.ition wood and cm! beater wjih '-il Tub'ir Ot'.1'.' HAVE a very he.nplful no flaw., pruate ..vci. dioni"'"l. QTer a karat, r c 1 11s. .loiirnsl GOOD s-.'ciil l.aud bViTlt mi. I Im. -r tor 301 Tayl st. e.r .ail Ua Fo llfsTl . K -1 1, it pui i . t c I .; ; r Cl.crrj t . ' II I bea!- $ I 0. FIR MTI'RK W N T K D WIGHTMA'N JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88 00 Grand ave. East 77fl. Highest prices paid "lor used furnitnr. ear pets, stoves, ranges, etc. We call promptly. WANTED-- 2 carina. Is of second hand f urn it 'l r.-; will pav more than anv other dealer.. I'li,.nc Ea-t 3H23. DON'T be pestered with 2i hnnd furniture deal ers and their low prices. I pay cash. Broad way 4 4 07 v A fTf-jl paid for furniture, stoves, rr;s, w31i u carpets, ntsrs, dresser., ere. pb..n. War. 2875. Hartzell Furniture Co.. 341 1st at. PHONE East 7813 when you want to sell y i:r fnmiture; we will '-erne at once ar-d tay v. u CASH M. R. SKATER. 380 Hawthorne, ar- YOU Co.. 603 i 1 : ; 1 I AN DOTH T THAlT eOX MA,S up otvtV u tpHOT 'N J TOO S1T J- ' 74 - HOUSHIOU" GOODS WANTED W want your ued furniture, rugs. earpeU. stoves and all household goods and will pay tha highest cash prices. Our Three Large Stores enable us to aud therefor. dispns. of the. gooua at one. can pay the v also buy and sell hardware, toots, roft tns go4.nl. tents, bicycles, typewriters, sdding mschines and store and offtr furniture- Vhe you bare anything to bur. 611 or trade . Call Main 9072 ' Levin Hdw. & Furn. Co. 221 3-5 FRONT 8T. WE WILL BUY roil spot cash Torn hoi'sehouj FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING U8 TO YOUR OP.DF.lt. N CHARGE. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN TH OTHEft KELLOW S. THERE 8 A REA SON : BECAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUGHT x'ESTERDAY. PHONE PHONB .' Marshal! 55811 18t riR8T 8T. Gevurtz Fiarnitinre Co. MRS1ALL SELL US Tour Odd IMt r-s or Complete Fornlnblnss We Pay Top Cash Prices Call Us for Prompt, Courteous Service PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 200F1RST ST. MAIN 7728 "GET MORE MONEY " U'.r Y. I'uiniiiire ( nil Ua-t 11200. HI Si II & M1C I'.ir 'ivali.l Ave anil Hawtlnirne DON'T snerlfic. ywir furnltur. tf golnc east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof storage. C. M. OLen Transfer Storage Co., 4 Ptce at. "WASTEii." USED FURNITURE JtAjn A IV WiU pay best prices. iVilIUN Star FornitureCo. 5064 204 First St. Owl Fornitore Co., NFAR MORRISON We want j-onr used furnltur, stos. carpvt tnd. plav.os; we p' iD higheat cah prices. 16H and 10S 1t Call Main 4 62T. I Ail in tlie-uiarXet tor furniture from privat parties only. 4H0H .lack-on St. CAU. MAIN 2111 SWAPS ( on; c.l., upright rand piano, solid mahogany cost 3.".H $200 cash or trade for lehviMy car 5022 l2d St.. Lents. lilJit Di:N'"fAL ' J.-iirnHl. rk for tinting alul painting. T 430. YVANTKD MISUKLI. AN KOI S DIAMONDS WANTED Pawn Tickets Bought Sell yrur diamond- to diflmond experts We poitively nay the bichet ca-h ma rkt tsIufi for diamond, platinum. '.ld, silver, old jewelry, watche. r Towns, bridges and fa If a teeth ; pri Tato offices. buMness conhdeuual. Be us be- (ort. aelling elsewhere. National Jewelry Co. 447 !d(t., 4th tlnnr. y.ut. Wash and lours 9 a. m. to (I p m. $8 to $15 . FOR SECOND HAND RTITS MEYER, Till', TAILOR Pays met lor clothing nnd shoe YT. esll flay or rvening Mar-hall 1220 or 253 Midi.nn vTNTLD-lfT'ie ff Pi rt land-1 17 ITnTm That-I pay the Inchest cash prices tor rrcond hand ticu-eht Id ko-1-. N'.) .mou:it too larg. ur tuu mall. Prompt attention. N. M. SKATER Phone r.D't 2203. 143 Russell st. I WANT u-ed clothing. We pay from $10 up for men s used suits, and overcoat Call us and you will get the right cash price for your good- 167 1st st, near Morrison. Main 73H. (jOING Ea.-t or South! Household (raids abippwl at reduced rates; moving and packing. PACIFIC COAST FOilWAnDlMJ CO. 4 08 H n -t. Broadway 70S. Old False Teeth Boosht WE PAY I P Ti UP TO $25 SET BRING oil MAM i Brokerage 40G Spalding hldg.. 4lh fir. American Brokerag ; WE BUY WAR STAMPS I LtbcTiy le ti.l-. spot cash Anv amount. ! Aiuericali Brokerage. 400 SiiaJding bldg., 4tli fir. WANTED -Three "U K. ' 130c) ft. i " Presto' lue el.;i n - hmiers tor ca-li 39 West f 22-1 -1.. 'a:i. "iner. W ash. ! GENTILE clothes buers pay highest cash price. for irents li-e.l c lotiiir.j. trunks, suitcases, etc. ; 115 Grand ale Ka-t KiT'l j WAN'TI.D A .-id. r pres.-. .Must be in good con j iliiioic. 1 '-") 1.. Moiib-on Ea--t 1 1 03. , A Tl.li T" t'ii s.oii. sccori'l hand lumber 1 .Leap I r .a-li. I all labor li I l i i VVANTED Rifles, shotguns, c.mer.i, lenaaa Horhfield. 85 3d st. Phone Main 8581 rF.KSOXAI, ti ! IM In.v. b n i i;io;m i bra - Ill up I ill i elo;icd, 1'ruiii Hie nir.l iielitfercnt. p- A re 1 1 -uli. I in r . t a 1 1 plH'-c' A.S IICIIIV of llie -hIch forcc-8 A ro "wuliff.-rciit ' ill rno-t. ca Th filil Ami in Or l-c i 'I lie i n f. ir src ic l-r ';,., the he t attctlt,.' 11 tru.l" at "ili.-r .-tor. ill.- s t-T lo no li! r.e. We'll oor And. be-ili Oil . .. '.' ti.!l At II" PI. !-l-a-o villi save yon more 11 SUIT. (OAT. I.KESM and I EltsoN I I'STAIKS S TORE ha r V . I.d 1 '! r Pll-tock Block ATTENTION. ET ES RIGHT t Dr. George Rubenstein. the veteran optician, j returned from service, is right on tha Job of '-fitting eyes with the best eye glasrtrca at mod i erare rric.es. 226 Morrison st. Main 291. COME IN nd get buth your feet fixed np f .xkI for $1 hy Dr. Eaton, the CHIROPODIST that d'e-n't I urt vr.u . 5 years in Portlanc); exam. free. ;i..':e 'I h-aije. hldu . I 1 th and V-h. Bdy 2824. w IP rh tv w a o air a m sw u v v j tta u A llieilM , I. !' ' Ali-.-e-C l ' I Go) i ! ; i , , le r-. Or. T V Oil's Anv bldg. 40r Spalding tg.d i;laiij-. veopl R. It. ut.. e.-1 1 r - d tan-lliax' So l. H."', r I. ' ". s;, ,,,, p,.rtl. Ml! LIT ENI-.ZT. cell be .old fol I L.-nther C , ( all for v.iir suit chlirqes after five day TIAIRCt TTI.VC WHILE YOU WAIT, : 253 Everett st. I! eTtt-A'rOtr U'.nsilltatt. n FIlEE All ra-es. il.IWyCr B12 Scllu.g bldg. Main 4083. DR. WILKINSON removes i . 1 . in. 3 1 5 Flaicd-rs ' urns i . near n 3 0th. minutes t.-.i, LADY BAR P.ERS Shaves 20c. hair rut. 35c. fftee ma-ace 35e. - 5 3 Lierett arc! .PI Dr. Ulna Korensen. 508 Panama blatg . druglesa ' e. - i ii..ii.'iti.-m. c..i,-i ipn ' ion Mum r.OHc; il't ll Mr- Suieinnr.' remedies for dis- .OslllVe relief. Ml .uvoln. By George McManus FCHSITCRE WANTED snie-iiifl. I 4th fir. " ure them I Strachan. Hills paFta ' Jr repaired A I n A traveling '.at''. ;WJ1 T ill VEIIS03I Ali Old False Teeth Wanted III ghr.t t-caih pric- fat fsle trth. erowsS) ; and bridge work, diamond, gold and aUer j NATIONAL JEWEL..? CO.. j ( 447 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor. 1 solicit your patronage on tM baMs of rapnhle. -crrice. ThtiUtandl of satisfied patron. t.arla Vfi Goodman, nptomrtriiit.. 20ltMiTiion t. 1UW dance eer SaturdA iiti-ht, hy 1 HvutS) Tl:i n- ing club in Eafile hull, tUd and Madia ctriTtJ, IfOTICEH Nt)Tl'K OF' HONt SALK i 1 bids will be rtsreivrd until til1 Imu. Seal,- of J ( r-i. k p. m . the I nth ilay of Norem ber, 1 tl 1. s,aiHj lmmrMlidtelv theTi-att-r oiette4 hv thf H(.td tv( sip4TT)-or of Multnomafe nivii I trailing lMMrirt N. 1 at the of t of said Kmrd. No. M7 forhelt Huilding. TuHV mni. orcf nt, T.r in purr mine vi any or ait Yt ihf hcn.U of said lhrtnct in the sum k JllMUtOo, ni.i bond-, to hear date of 1SMM and P in.it urt 4"ria)ly ya rn follow : J 1 li.lMMl from dat4 .Mill 1sue issue Up tie iatue IsMie tspne isMio . 7.0i.ti t s OttO - 1 IKIO 'JO, (.00 J 1 .MIO ooo j;t.oo I'S.niio "It OIM js.ooo 'JI.0OO 3 1 .0'lo HIt.Ooo n.'i noii 37.000 aTd - hi(id io i per cent pi liin.-ipal and Stuten gold . c. 1 t-ars tr.'in 7 yfMn frmn daw (Im t e dalr date trum f noii from from f nm from from from from f nun from truiii fr u ,ir Vi'BM ar UH.1 v. HP yea f! iari 'a r s date of tUtA Of date of ilsle of data ditto of tMt of Iksuo ii r4 from date pf Iwie m' r- trom datt of iasue '-a i i n m date if wsue ar imIi r.".t at not to ex rend ai 1 1 1 ii in . pavuhte m mi annually, im. t in u payable in . United t tUo lucal Atency of tb in w Yrk 'itv Ntftt- nf Ort'gun it hid- nm.'t !' aceinpaniwl by a detN ernt of tUr taoe Tahitf mni must be unromll tified check fur a per of Tho bond bid for tional, The approvtnjr Irifn opinion of Mrrs Teal. Minor A ' i n f re of f'o rt la ml , be fi.rniKhpd tlie wunciful hidilVr. )r'iron, will The above sale i conditional upon trie puio Tahdation of the pmive.lmi;- for te orgum! .ation naid litrirt and tho h ut liomiiUnq' of Maid bond-, by t h- Cn t'int mrt of 1 he State of UrriroT' f' r MiiltMomnTi County. ' in wloch Court sp.'cint pp.ci-eijiri4E fur mill ( lmr H-e are now pending. The M-ard rp-nus th nht fo relect tnf or nnbw1 l C I'OWTl L. Sv'cretdry, ON . r after uli." dat" -Noi 4. 10 1 ft 'l 'ill not he re-.pop-.ih1e for any hill or oHicatimfe coi.'tra''ted h u wi'f, Mail'- Mullet (Si;p..'I II IV MCLl-EH. -I N'OTIi i: Siner June, 101. I am not ! fw4- sp(.naihh fi.r any d.b!- r. intruded hy IM J wife, Helen hniM, l'eter F.rnst. ilH Uuimby t PMFESSIOML ANTIQUES ANTIQUK and' 'AM. KINDS OF FURNlTlfUa Stem Salvage Co., fia.1 Ws-hington at BRBRr 8UPPLICS i.HUa sU'.M.t.U liarberb Supply 4Jo.. 1'OtV and Morrison streets The plac to ha barbers' chairs and supplies. Stock of lurnllura always on hand at right pricey BLANK BOOK MAKt B 1 DAVIS & HOLM AN' INC.. 109 2d at., bkaal book mauutacturer- A 3 183. Main 183. BOOKS CARPENTER PAY lug" pi ice It cheap h) daj 1. AND for BUILDER WHY do ari'i-nt 111 III. t. r work. Wm East si 83 CARPET OLEANIHO We Make Fiiufff Froinni Youi Old Carpets Ra rus. U Mall orders prompt Rug1 and carpets nit um and dry cleaned rboa or wr.te lor prire Northwest Ryg Co.- 188 E. Eighth Street East 838 Fluff Rygs From Old Carpets Rag Rugs, all Finn Mall Orders Prom.L Snd for n.roklet xl2 ltags. Steam or Dry Cleaned. $1.(0. FLUF? RUO CO 54-58 Ulnon vo. N. East A510. B 147 Ji CHIROPRACTORS DH LAl'llATi. DOVN1N(3,"Broa"dwy bids. Drugleas physician, 10 years experience china. nractk'. electricity, vibratory mar-ag and di.t. DR. McMAHON. inn', udln. tments vntcrla Miy, caretnll., i.ei iiniii..iii . P.itlaii'.l 1910 It 10. No nr.. file, rile :'. 1 "tr.-ai-' 1 " riFLENA VV. (X)M STOCK "Chiroprsetor 14th' st Chronic troubles. Main 6H08. 'ail COAL AND WOOD ; VVE-SELL IN LARGE OH SMALL CJUsNT IT'f IJeavj Country Slab. Oak and CordwoorJ Star Wood & Coal Co.: 84 8 8d st Mstn ftOll BOXWOOD D.-I M.i. vered imcne.lijtrt .darn Main 1 1 ' Fult.i V .eel 1201 Boxwood Multnomati Fuel SSabwood f'n Mstn 5540 A 2116 DRY hridi:. A II Vii.d- timber i. e..l. V. nnd pl'lr.o Htove h rirl. . Fist :mi. i ..1.1 Fu-I ! DOO AND cat: HOSPITAL .. Wt7o"H ' IIUTHM S h iplis' 413 E ,7tb t. corner rant. E-l 184? EDUCATIONAL - OANCINO RINGI.ER DAN'TNfJ ACADEMT If you wain to dune, or learn to danc, whf not go to the la-gest and b("l school wher. th. advantagss ar. greater! In th. cltf You asiMfl with nan more od dancers and can practic different expert professional teachers. Separata ball for borinners and backward pupils. Oug rrunif.ess Is dancinu W. know how. lnformalg every cventim- i-ms r , 14th at Washington Bnmlwav ffl!80. A-8 J S 1 MISS IRELAND. ; 5th floor, Dekum lileig classes Mon . Tiles.. Trior... Frl Lsdleis. $3 gent, $5; Privat. Iein day. eveenlug , ' n DRtSSlVAKINfi 1 I ..ll..- ... n . a. SCHSMiL f..i We cut. .'fit lire- ilia). II., and --!-) I I 5 finis filed rt. r I'll bldg. MUSIC SCHOOll AND TEACHER! PltoF. T E. I.AWSON. 20 years' eiperlenc-ij Piano lessons at ye-ur home. 75o. Tabor 720j L 1 A U Ri )T!T7'l)A Y pianeiT" vocal lessons, wftH praclic. piano. 1 hour day. $5 mo. Bdy2A5ft " LAWYERS f,""p SANDBLAST. 33 Railway F.ichang. bldg MAIL ADVERTISING CRANE LETTER CO.. 612 Koy.l hldg. Maillis graphing. ro!meog:ar .'ill' Mar-hall 582) OPTOfrlETRIST FY US K' UN I II P Al I.Y TEfill'.II wi'h mode m in-iruriie. nta. Glasses eo. .1 'nun g'J 50 lire E. HUHWITZ. fiplometrist. 228 Flnit . PAiriTINO. TINTINa PAPERHANOIfui ' II. CMFTON. isinting. tinting, papering. 1843 N 17th st. Bdwy 4414 Woodlawn 312. PATENT ATT0RNiV tail.DRF.ItiX '20 Worcester "bldg Main ' 2T2 5. ' PHVI0IAN$ " Bn"-!!.-A'PHILLlPH.' Br'.dw.y blda. TGheiH ins'l-m. stomach, bowel, lung, liver, ki4 ney. bladder, rertal,- prstatic, ferosle cilorfl.ra skin affection, high blo.d pressure.' PRINTING, ENORAVIelO, IN0IN0 Pnntiing a lie W" b7LTF.S h CA lirt ilid Oak .ts V.. 105. A HAS. ALTEO and MOKID riH ALASKA 11 Lit RING ek IMPORTING CXJ.diaT tnbutors nt salted and smoked dels. 2 .'I Tsmh.U st. Poiilaad. Or . - TA IL0RINQ $5 TO $10 re'lue ti'.n on milt tl i- r. nth wlole -t-s-k hi-'-; anteeel Call .1. Pairileh, tailor to onier during racisfje-Oon gjier. . 371 N. 2 VI si. TINNERS JAtXIB 1iSI.l Tin. 1st st Hheetlruu and P.oof Work 810 Phon. Mam TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Ktabiihi ism -Transfer nd Forwarding Agenta. ttTORAGE- FREE TRACK AOS Office and Storage, 474 Ollvsn I Sfvs an1 Gllssu. Broadway 1281. A118S. aXyTaTh iTck 'the best flousMtioi.ii- GooDS SPECIALIST Stores, peeking, shiejw ping and mov.nk. Horse and auto vaaa. Mpe rial rates to all p.lnts. 1 C. O I'ltk TUANbFER A STOTJAOB ' CO. id nd Pine Broadway 89B, A 1998. ""Storage and Transfer CEay S. Morse, Inc. , '428 FLANDERS STREET. EDS1KESS.1RECT0M i WlTaMETTE VALLEY TRAN'SFEBOoTTgetT:, era! transfer and forwarding agenU. 12 H. ttb st Broadway 454 J i PACRlNG NOVINtf 8foTlAQl. SECURITY KTOUAUE ft TRAN8FER CO JPac S L ; Male SIM. A lt) C. If. MAT. general naming, large atocl ugifecL labor iiC2, ataiB 0Ht. . , i ' - I r ,