The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 30, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Department Undermanned Even
Present Year," Giving" "Added
-Prbbf of Tax' Boost Need. , -
Increase in Street Mileage in Re
' cent Years Forces"New Burden
on Bureau, It Is Held.-
Becauee -there la not sufficient
; money in the city treasury to meet
needed "'expenditures, the- street
cleaning b u r e a u has been under
manned even during; 1919, officials
point out in telling of the necessity
of. voting the additional $606,000 for
' 'conduct of municipal affairs in 1920.
Although the total of "h'aVd surface
'and macadamized ' streets hf, ln
i creased; from 373 to 452 miles In the
IsjA' si j& fears, the, average number
X Of rrism- employed monthly .to'clean
jan sprinkle the thoroughfares has
5 declined from 225 to 151. rfhe der
. cline l 4ue, officials declare, to Jack
of fund to pay additional wages.
In 191 3 the department was allowed
' 1256,716 for operation costs, divided
$195,179 lor personal service and 60,-
V 636 for supplies. In. 1919 the total- for
operation was $241.838, , almost $14,000
less than the 191$ figure. sThls year the
. bureau was allowed $1S,57S for per
sonal service and $57,277 for supplies.
While approximately : $10,000 was
- eliminated from the personal service
"budget, necessitating a decrease In the
j crew, the quantity of supplies obtaln-
'able for' the 1919 amount was much less
than six years before. It is shown. Hay
' that was purchased for $16 in 1913
'cost 134 this year, oats advanced from
'' $2$ to $60, straw went from $7 to $13
, and gasoline 'aviated from 9 to 22
cents a gallon. Coal that was obtained
for $9.60 In 1913 now costs $12.60 and
wood has. gone up $3 a cord.
, ' A full crew for the department, es
. sentlal for clean streets and good
health, say authorities, would cost
- $236,99$ In 1920, approximately $11,000
' in repairs must be expended and one
auto fl usher and a two ton truck, cost
5 ing $10,000, are necessary for a fully ef
fective bureau, Alex Donaldson, super
intendent, -states.
I -
Insurance MenAreMterested
riTA(itrn r W n ' """i" - """"it
Gland Operations Watched
New York, Oct. 10.-y(U. P.) The
prospects of ' prolonging human Ufa
through the Interstitial gland oper
ation has caused the big life, insur
ance companies to consider the pos
sibility of revising, their rates for
annuities. It was learned 'Wednesday!
While insurance underwriters have.
not accepted the discovery as an estab
lished fact a regards producing' lon
gevitythey admit they arc "interested"
and will meet anv chanaes . that may
be necessary If Ihe operation proved gen
erally successful.. They point out, how
ever, 'that it will be. several years be
fore the success of the operation can
be determined.
"The discovery has Interested our com
pany, the same as it has others," John
K. Gore, vice president and actuary of
the Prudential Life Insurance company,
said Wednesday. .
"A mistaken Impression as to the dis
covery seems prevalent, however. Phy
sicians have at no time, so far as I can
learn, made the claim, that the discov
ery will prolong life, but rather that its
application' will add vigor to the re
maining years of life.
"In any case its adoption will be
gradual and life insurance companies
Mrs, Riddell,. Born
In Ox-drawn Wagon
In 1847, Is Called
Hood River, Oct. 30. Mrs. E. E. Lage
returned from California' last week with
the news of the death of her mother,
Mrs. M. A. Riddell. who was very well
known in Pine Grove, as she had spent
three to four years In visiting her daugh
ter here. Her last visit was made this
summer. She had passed her seventy
second birthday. She leaves seven chil
dren: H. H.. C. W. and O.-X. Riddell,
all of Portland; Mrs. Grace Parrlsh of
McFarland, Cal.; Mrs.- Ethel Jenkins
and Mrs. Mabel Lage, both of Hood
River; and Miss Elisabeth Riddell of
Long Beach, Cal. Mrs. Riddell was born
In an ox wagon In June, 1847, while
crossing .the plains' en route to Oregon,
which place the family reached In Octo
ber of that year.
Pheasants Are Plentiful
Hood River! Oct 30. With the open
ing or the China pheasant season here, a
number of Portland sportsmen have
visited the valley and have secured un
usually good bags, . the birds being in
remarkably fine condition, thanks to
the corn grown In this section. Visit
ors say they had never seen as many
bird as in this, valley. The season will
close at sundown next Monday.
New Postofflce Building
Hood River,' Oct 30. C. A. Cass has
received Instructions from the postof
flce department at Washington, D. C. to
Bon t
Sweep With a Broom
ruse a
It gets all of the dirt on, the
rugs or in the, rugs, no matter
how deep it's' i rodderi an
The lightest cleaner on the
market . in its class easy to
useupstairs, or down.
.j - . i -. i-
will to the same gradual way meet any
such changes la annuities as may be
necessary.' . .
Saa.Quentln, Cat,, Oct. 10. tT. P.)
Having gained seven pounds during his
12-day stay , in the hospital. J, the
prisoner who was given the vreprod no
tice glands of Tom Bellon, was , raj
leased by the doctors of San Quentln
prison, today. . - ,
J felt eo good he wanted to go
back to work as cell tender immedl
ately. but the . doctors told .him to
wait until tomorrow.
J was given the glands after
Bellon was hanged. .The glands, s
cording to prisoners who ' have previ
ously undergone the operation, will give
renewed youth and "Jaxi.
. The old prisoner, who has yet to
serve nearly 60 years, in prison -for
murder, repeated today that he felt
like a new man.
"My youth is returning already." said
J w
.The doctors' at the prison refuse to
say the operation will prolong life, but
they believe it will, since It rebuilds
the body.
proceed at enee witn construction of a
concrete building which the potsofflce
department will, on completion, lease for
a term or years. The foundation will
probably be begun next week. The
building, which is to be modern in all
respects, will be located on Cascade
avenue (Columbia River highway), and
will be within three blocks of the sta
Uon and the leading hotels.
Scotch Body Guard
Prevents Prince of
Wales Being Kissed
Montreal, Quebec Oct 80. (I. N. S.)
A brawny Scotch highland guard saved
Edward, Prince of Wales, from being
soundly kissed by an ardent feminine
admirer at a military ball here last
night A young woman broke through
the prince's encircling guard and was
just about to embrace blm When she was
seised by the brawny guard and hurried
The prince was the central figure at
the ball, which was the greatest social
event Montreal has seen In generations.
The prince upset the arrangements by
dancing with whom he pleased rather
than with the partners which his aides
had selected for him. -
The lamp Is mounted directly behind
instead of to one side of the point of a
new fountain pen for night work, that
is illuminated by a dry battery in Its
"Pve Freed Myself of the
Old-Time Wash-Day Grind"
and you too can bring a little sunshine into
your house on "Blue Monday" escape the
drudgery of wash daywith the Crystal
Electric washing machine.
Let the Crystal shoulder the burden, It will
do your washing more cheaply quickly
than any laundry washing the finest, most
. ...
delicate linens without the slightest injury.
The Crystal makes certain the sanitary
cleansing of all clothes. X
Let us demonstrate what the Crystal will do
for you in your home.
A DAYL0 Flashlight
for the Home
No need to wake up the whole
family snapping on and off the
lights or striking matched. Just 5
reach for your flashlight. No
trouble to find the baby's crib
or the water faucet. You will
wonder how you ever got along'
without it. ' f
If Accepted" Goods Must Be, Dis
tributed Under Direction of
; i Municipality. U
Navy food supplies have been .offered
tj the city of Portland for distribution
cost by Commandant Harry A. Field
the thirteenth naval district with
headquarters at Bremerton. In a letter
received bv Mayor Baker tms morning
he offera a quantity of various roods.
the city to sell to (the public at cost plus
transportation ana nanaung cnarges.
The government stipulates the rooo
must be either distributed by the city
or under' municipal direction.
The foods offered, amounts and Brem
erton -or iocs follow;
Apple. tinned, 70.000 lb.- ZS cent Pr un.
g Itn. to tin. tin to rate.
Barky, bused. 7000 lb.. SZ.V3 wi
Bmh, kidney. , jo.ouu ID., per : ,
inn lta. to uck ,
Beam, stnnf, BO.uuw ids., per un;
lb. ot thi, 24 tin to esjw.
Conoa, SOOO lbs., 11.20 per Un; 6 lbs. to
tin. 8 tins to cane. - . m
corn, unnem, u,uuw id., - nn per uu.
1 lh. 4 as. to tin. 24 tinj to cane.
Jams. asserted, log.uvv ids., v eenw per
tin . J lbi, to tin. tin to case.
Peaches, enporated. 40.000 lh.. $8.25 per
tin. 25 Um. to tin, 2 tins to cm.' .
Feacnei. tmnea, o,ouw iw- aw tma pe
tin; 1 lb. 14 oa to' this 24 tfn to cat.
Feai. tinned. 4S.ouo ids., w cenia par up;
1 lb. 4 m. to Un, 24 tln to ease.
FK-kles, sour, 20,000 lbs.. 0 cents per lb.;
5 lbs. to ke(. .
Flnespplex. tinned,, luu.uun ins., z cenis
par tin; 1 lb. 14 OS. to Un, 24 tins to case.
Prunes, tinned. o,uuu ids., oo cenu per uu,
7 lbs. to tin, tins to case. '
Pumpkin, tinned. 80.000 lbi.. 20 cents per
A Cincinnati Barber Telia How to
Make a Remedy for Gray Hair.
Mr. Frank Harbaugh of Cincinnati.
Ohio, who has been a barber for more
than 40 years, recently made the fol
lowing statement:
"Anyone can prepare a simple mix
ture at home, at very little cost that will
darken gray hair and make It soft and
glossy. To a half pint of water add 1
ounce bsy rum, a small box of BarbO
Compound and ounce glycerine. These
Ingredients can be bought at any drug
store at very little cost Apply to the
hair twice a week until the desired
Bhade Is obtained. This will make a gray
hatred person look 20 years younger. It is
easy to use, does not color the most deli
cate scalp, is not sticky or greasy and
does not rub off." Adv.
Oldest Electrical
Store in the City
; 1696
Pbone Bdry
tia, Iba li oc. to tin. 6 tin to ewa "
Salad oa-1000 raHoM.' S2.SS per gtllea:
I sallon to tia. S Una to eata. '
tabam, tinned, 80,000 lbs.. 1 osntapat
r, i jo. to un. 4S Una to e
Bauarkiant. 'gO.OOO lbs.. 11
easts par a;
S Bm. to tia, 24 Una to eata,
Sucar, Iwowa, SO00 Baw eaats-'pac la.;
100 um, to sack, ,
The council will take action on the
offer after a meeting tomorrow morning.
Teacher at Oregon
Normal School Gets
New Job in Montana
: - f
HSMeWM' . T '
Oregon Normal School, Monmouth, Oct
JO. Mrs. Margaret C C Surran, direc
tor of rural education, has accepted a
position in the school extension service
of the normal school t Dillon. Mont
Armistice Day Celebration
. Oregon Normal School, Monmouth,
Oct SO. The program for the qelebra
tton of Armistice day Is to be a com
bined effort of the Monmouth Com
mercial club and a committee repre
senting the normal.
U. S, Capital Ships.
Lead Other Nations
London, Oct. 80. (I. N. S.)
United States has more capital ships in
full commission than any other power,
it was announced in commons this after
noon by Walter Long, first lord of the
admiralty. Ue enumerated the nations
thus: United States, 28; Great Britain,
IS ; Japan, 10 ; Italy, 7 ; and Krance, 3.
fur collar. They, are full length and completely: lined. Ihey
will make a most lucky purchase. -
Children's Coats
$6.95 and $9.95
Beautiful little coats of velvet and plush in lovely tones of blue,
wine, green, black and tan. Fur trimmed and wholly lined. One
little velvet coat in ,a rich blue has a collar of soft coney fur.
Broken sizes in 4 to 16 years.
In trey only, with long sleeves and high neck,
these suits sre well woven and splendidly made.
Silk and Wool Remnants
A marvelous assortment of silk and wool remnants
greatly underpriced for Friday.
Outing Flannel 20c
, Of the best grade; this is excellent material for
winter nfght gowns.
Light weight cretonnes in attractive colors and de
signs, 36 Inches wide, per yard 25c
A Lucky Friday" special that you cannot afford to miss. Aprons of percales and ging
hams, in stripes, checks, plaids and plain colors. With square, round or V necks in all the
most desired shades of rose, pink, blue, green and other combinations.
... - - r j. , .- - :
'". Hours '
, to 5:45 ; I v
J nj jryi'lWUKtf m vim wavs m m
g Cough llonedy K I
If yon eomVaedae uratiTe proper
ties of try kaow ready.ina4e
cough remedy, you prooaoiy eouia no
ret as muc
nsl curative nower ks
Sa 5 tfcia ' aimnla home-made
eotiffh syrup, which is easily prepared
in a lew minutes,
43et from aay druggist tV. ounces of
Pinez, pour it rate a pint lotUe and
fill the bottle with syrup, imuut either
plain granulated sugar syrup, clarified
molasses, honey, or cora syrup, as de
sired. The result is a full pint of
really better cough, syrup 'than you
eould buy ready-made for three times
the money. . Tastes pleasant and never
This Piaex sad Syrup preparation
gets right at the cause of a cough and
gives almost immediate rehef. It loos
ens the phlegm, stops the nasty throat
tickle and heals the sore, irritated
membranes so gently and easily that
it is really astonishing.
A day's use will usually aTereoma
the ordinarv cough and for bronchitis,
eroup, hoarseness aad bronchial asthma,
there is nothing better.
Pinr is a most valuable concen
trated compound of genuine Norway
pine extract, and has been used for
generations to break up. severe coughs.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2y ounees of Pinex"
with full directions, and don't accept
anvthina else. Guaranteed to give ab
solute satisfaction or money promptly
The Piaex CoM
ft. Wayna,
Each department has come
forward with a real special for
this Lucky Friday.
Plush Goats
Of a lovely, soft plush, these coats
are undeniably smart. Some have
fur collars, cults ana oana; otn- rcj
5 crs have just a big, rich looking
Corsets in pink and white;
coutil and silk brocade; front
and' back lace, high and medium
bust, in a . large , assortment of
Brassieres $1.00
Sach dainty garments are
these in f iesh . wash satin with
filet lace. Ribbon and lace
straps make them Just the thing
,". to be worn under- your sheer
WSIJ . 7'.
The Swiss
Floral Go
to plant your garden
i PUnNP fast .wn
A A M. s A -JkafJ 4anaBT e , w si . mm
I Treat Suc
cetafully. and.
For About
Half the Usual
Diseases ef Eye. Ear.
Nose and Throat.
Lungs. Heart and
Kidneys. Ail female
disorders, blood and
akin diseases. Piles.
Goitre and Rheuma
tism Quickly re
lieved. Complete gen
eral practice.
1 have all the modern equipment n ac
cessary to insure you first-class medical
and surgical attention and, rememoer,
1 save you about 60 per cent
wivatrlan aad Jura-eea
Hearst 1 A. M. to P. M.
OFrtCE PHOXE.......,....MAI?r 1171
1 - ?y'
. A - ...S U 1 s -
In sizes from 6 to 10 years in black only;
medium weight, at this very special price.
3 for $1.
Soft, warm shirts for
your baby with daintily
finished edges and rein
forced, set-In tabs. .
Men's Shirts
Special $1.95
Flannel shirts, tailored In the coat
style, with flat collar, two pockets with
buttoned flap,' felled seams, lined cuffs
and double stitched.
' Men's Hose
2 Pairs for 65c-
Men's "Darnsaver" hose in black,
tan and frey. In good weight of mer
cerized cotton, at this special iprice.
A. H. Lewis. Was So Run "Down
Before Taking . Tanlac He
: Worked Only Half Time. ; -
"Jfy five years of sufferlnf had pulled ,
me down to such a low stats that tor
several months before I besan taktnr
Tanlae I wasn't able to work half t to .
time," was the statement made, to 'the -Tanlae
representative recently by A. H.
Lewis, a well known carpenter who lives
at 713 North Seneca street, ' Portland, "
Ore con. ';.
-aiy stomach was out of order for
five years before) I took Tanlao, con-; "
tjnued Mr. Lewis, "and almost eontlnu- '
ally I suffered with a heavy achtnc pain
all down my left side. :t I had to diet "
myself, and even the very lightest kind - ,
of a food would, sometimes give me a
heavy, depressed feeling- and cause gas
to form, and at times my stomach would
hurt me so bad X could hardly stand for
my clothes to touch me. Nearly all the
time I was constipated, and that caused
me to suffer with terrible headaches and
blinding- dissy spells that would make
black spots come bWore my eyes. -My
nerves were shattered and what little . '
sleep I got was broken and irregular
I would sleep something like an : hour -and
lie awake two or three houra rolling;
from one side of the bed to the other,
then possibly I would drop off to sleep
again for about another hour and then
wake up again. ; Of course,, when7 cot
up in the morning I was all In, and from - ,
then until night it was simply oneneon
tlnual drag- for me to genboot-at all,
and under ar strain, like that it Is no,
wonder, that I had to stay, away from
my work so much of the time. ,
'I had read eomeUilnar about : TaAlaa .
hut didn't fln11 j1Hiti f ra . oV It -
until a friend of mine who had twed It
told me It was the very thing I ureded.
That was a lucky day for me when X -bought
my first bottle of Tanlae, and I .
began to Improve right from the -start
and kept on getting better until now I
am In the best of health and don't need
any mora I eat' so much ! am almost
ashamed of myself and my stomach Is In ..
fine shape and never gives me-one
particle of trouble. ; My liver was never
in better condition and that pain down
my left side has entirely disappeared,
and my nerves are eo steady that X
sleep like a log every night without ever
waking up even a .single time. My on- ,
sUpated condition has been relieved and
I am no longer troubled with headaches ,
or dlssy spells. Why, I just haven't felt '
so fine In years, and I have gained eight '.
pounds In weight, and I believe I could
outrun any man of my age In a foot ',
race, and I am 69 years old. My friends "
are all congratulating ms on how well
I look and I always tell them that Tan
lac did It all. ,
Tanlao is sold In Portland by the Owl
Drug ,Co. Adv.
For liter and Bowels
A Mild, Centle VagastbU Laattive and
. HesJthiul Drink,
Tou can keep the whole family In
good health if you will brew a cup of .
vegetable) tea every other night and have
them drink: It Just before going to bed.
For very little money you can get a
package of Dr. Carter's K. A B. Tea, and
after you and the dear ones have used It
for a week you'll say It's the finest.
gentlest and most complete tonic laxa
tive you ever rsn. across. . r
For stomach, liver and bowels and to
purify the blood, nothing is mors re-
name, uive u to uie nuie ones wnan
they get feverish and can't eat They
like It and it dots them lots of good.
Adv. . r'. -
100,000 Prescriptions
were filled before
"40" was discovered
J. C. Mendenhall," Bvansville, Ind.,
spent 4.0 years In the drug bust ness,
compounded over 100.000 prescriptions
from physicians educated in Europe and
America' before "Number '40 . for the
Blood" was discovered ; . the great spe
clfi for 'all blood dlseaaes. Successfully '
employed in diseases of the ' glandular
system, in blood poison, 'mercurial and
lea poisoning, chronic rheumatism. ca
tarrn, constipauon, nepaua congestions,
dyspepsia and stomach, troubles, sores,
ulcers, ' nodes, tumors and scrofulous
swellings that have withstood all other
treatment yield to ""No. 40.1 Sold by
Laue-Davis Drug Co., Jrd and Tamhlll
sts Adv.
"Bliss Ketto Here TebMs are wlthoot e doebt
tb best snwUctne tat rhennetisas t ever
assd." SV W. Mllle, Best tyaa. V. Vs.
' -X 4m strong and aseHh at seBt-fotir.
S to BUm KsUra tisrb Tsbista." S, Q,
a, aUTsosbnts; Va. s-
Bliss Native Herb Tablets
fer rrr thlrtjr years h teVersd thoassnds
vteaffersis tram rbvaaiatisas, Uer aad kldnay
trouble, aad eoostlpatiaa. Osntle and atlee-
t)? to aeuon, sno eeonamMai w pnee, j
mem, i -
IbsM es.niMe, ana yom wui get tM
tnmlne. Ixn tar ear usae-sMni ea
box. Pat np la twosUss,,60aa4 t,
'. V gold by IsadlBS araasMs aad loeat asuU
everrwbere. - Made bv AIobm O. Bliss Co.,
Washlagtos IV Vradf.;--. -.:.,(
I wag' adly ruptured while lifting a
trunk several years ago. Doctors said
my only hopaof ours was an operation.
Trusses, did me no good. Finally I got
hold of something that quickly and com
pletely cured me. Years have vaswed and
the rupture baa never returned, although
I am doing hard work as a carpenter.
There was no operation, no lost time, no
trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will
-give full information about how you may
find a complete curs without operation.
If you writ to me, Eugene M. Pullen,
Carpenter. SllF'Marcellus Avenue. Ma
riasquam. N. J. Better cut out this notice
and show It to any others who are rup
tured you may save a life or at leant
stop the misery of rupture and the worry