THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ''PORTLAND, THURSDAY; OCTOBER ' 30, , 1919. ir. A. RING LARDNER STORY IN NEXT SUNDAY'S JOURNAL THE FOREST PRIMEVAL ' - A stretch of Oregon's wonderful standing timber resources pictured In -color on pare 1 of the Magazine Section of next Sunday's Journal. It la a scene on the west slope of the Cascades, la Clackamas count. ''4 . ' .7! i , . IS THERE.; LIFE ON MARS?.: We do not pretend to know exactly, but tn the Magaitna Section of Mxt Sunday's Journal there's an Interesting; article which sets (ortb now scientists have found reason to believe that there is. creen aitii 4$ mature Coast Man Is Ja Pactorin T.-P. Affairs Harris D. H. Connick Chairman of finance Committee to .Handle Expansion. ' NEW TORK -Harris D. H. Connie! has aceented the chairmanship of the finance committee of the Famous . Players-Laaky corporation , and Jias resigned the vice presidency- of the American International corporation to devote himself to his hew duties, '-j Connick graduated from Stanford unl- - verslty as a contraction engineer add served as assistant .city engineer of San Francisco in the rebuilding of the city Rafter ths fire. ' Conntcfe's election to the famons " Players finance committee la coincident with a modification preliminary to nw - financing, which wUl enlarge consider ably the. scope of W activities. In order to provide for the extension the Famous- riayers-LasKy corporation has called a special stockholders' meet ing to anthori an issue of 20.00O,000 1 per cent, cumulative, convertible pre ferred stock. S100 par. and in. Increase ' In common stock of 260.000 sUwrea with no par value. . . , . . - It Is the Intention to Issue at this time flS.OOO.OOO of the preferred 'stock. Of the 150,000 shares of additional common ' stock, approximately 182,000 shares will . be set tsldo to provide for the conversion ' hot only of the $10,000,000 preferred ' stock now to be lssuted, but also of the '-' $10,000,000, authorised but unissued pre ' - f erred. , Subject to. the necessary stockholders' sctlon holders of record November 13 will have the right to subscribe at par up to November 28 to one share of the ' new convertible preferred for each two shares of the common held. ; Oscar Figman Is ;'. , Eehearsing in N. Y. ' Oscar Figman, who recently left his place s leading comedian with the At- ' caxar Musical Comedy company, is back on Broadway and deep In rehearsal for a big part in a new musical comedy, nnn.i,ln tn. a Istrnr from Firman re ceived yesterday by Herman A. Politr, ' a personal .friend. Figmarfs new show Is to open about December 1, according to his letter, which expresses the come dian's satisfaction at being back In the ."big town" again, and his well ' wishes for his Portland friends. 'Evangeline' Is Coming to Strand ' ""Almost a Husband," starring Will Rogers at the Strand theatre, win show until. Friday midnight- On Saturday the program will change to the big Fox production, a fllmiiation of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Evangeline." . In "Evangeline" the early history and romance of the United 8t ates Is revived. Not .only is the beauty of the girl and story retained in the photoplay but its managers assert that the poetry ana sweetness of the original are also a source of its delight. Fraternal Notes Multnomah camp No. 77, Woodmen of the World, paid a visit to Gresham Wed-')-. nesday night. "Jimmy" Ruddlman, chairman of the membership campaign. was in charge. He was Introduced by Consul Commander Roscoe P. Hurst. A lively program of song and story was : given. Doughnuts, cider and cigars were enjoyed. Nearly 100 members of the camp reside in and near Gresham. A. class of 65 candidates enlisted to help swell the membership rolls of Multnomah - camp. On Friday, November 11, a class of 150 new members from Gresham will ' be Initiated. Multnomah camp has re--, celved over 900 applications for member ship In seven weeks of a special cam paign. ' Ivanhoe lodge. Knights of Pythiaa, conferred the rank ofKnight upon a class of SS Tuesday night in the pres ence of a large number of members, e visiting members, several grand lodge . officers and promlrtent workers of the order. A class of 15 will receive the initiatory or Page degree next Monday. On account of the illness of W. A. Wal lace, chancellor commander, A. W. Lum dorftls acting in that capacity. ,5';"; - ..- , ,: v ., Sunnysldo lodge, A. F. & A. M., has degree work of Master Mason to confer tonight and Saturday. Its meetings are :tlll held at ,East Thirty-fourth and East Yamhill, but its officers have promised to hold the first meeting in December In the new Sunnyslde Masonic ! ; Temple at Bast Thirty-ninth and Haw- - thorneravenue. Vili. lodge- No. 129, I. a Q, F.I Wed- Jiesday evening gave degrees to ve can- di dates, S. Pi 2oln, noble grand, presid- itigV,:,; . . , ! - ' - Et Gate lodge, A. F. & A. M., will fcntertaln -at? a. social this evening in Montavills, bast Gate chapter. Order Eastern .Star. .A special program has been, arranged, and refreshments will be ;2 served. : ' i?-ri J ..jj'M'.-" ; .; 'Portland Star homestead. Brotherhood aOi: Aniartcan Teomen, .has a splendid. program at Turner hall. 255 Thirteenth street, for tonight Members are antlci- jiaung auoweea surprises. -Brotnera are a pleasant thing. ' If they wouldn't push and lease.' And make you give them all your string. And the-tinsel off the teas. - . ' . - A i - .... ... - - v- And. no-matter how you're1 wishing -Leave yon home when they go fishing. C E. Holliday Co. " Cloaks Suit Frocks SUITS REDUCED yA o -3 awn AT. - . - 383 Washington St rfcj;iMI'i.)l an JOSEPH ALLENTON, J one of the leading players in "John Ferguson," the sensational dramatic success to open - an endof-the-week engagement at the Heilig to night. 4 I i$ 4 i v i A Delayed Letter Is Plot-Germ in John Ferguson Tho real story of "John Ferguson." the widely discussed four act play by St John G. Ervine, that comes to the Heilig today for the end of the week, after a sensationally successful run in New York, is the etory of a de layed letter. John Ferguson is a North of Ireland farmer of strictest or thodoxy. He has written to ju -brother in America for money to save the farm on which the Fergusons have lived and died for many generations. Andrew Ferguson, the American brother, makes a m intake in the mall day (the action takes place in the eighties), and 1 the draft arrives two weeks later than intended,-- The result is misfortune and tragedy". Simple as this reads, it Is the basis of what has been called the most pow erful play seen on the stage In many years. It Is filled with suspense, sur prise, pathos and, at times, flashes of humor. Mr.-Ervine has not attempted to create fanciful characters. His in genuity lies in the working out of the thoughts and actions of real persons, such as may be found in any little hamlet to a logical end, and It is the fidelity of characterization that makes the tremendous appeal of the play. St. John G. Ervine, the author of this noted play, was born in Belfast and made a reputation as a novelist with "Mrs. Martin's Man" and "Alice and a Family" and as playwright with "Jane Clegg," "Mixed Marriages," "The Mag nanimous Lover" and especially with k"John Ferguson." This Djer-Kiss Combination III ' (JJ1 A A for a Box o? Face Pov D A j vr J der and a Box of Rouge . Will Be Featured This Week and Next by ! r - - . - - . ... ,..' . : " ', - - '., , . - BroaHway and Washington Street !. v. j ' ' 1 - ' ' BSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSBSSSSSSSBBBBSSSSSSSSSSSBSS Djer Speciial Combination Offer may be. obtained in our Perfume Department, - ' - as well as all the popular nd attractive prepara- i, :. w v. -s, ',tidns of this famous niaken- - " v, h . Face Powder, Talcum, Rouge, Toilet Water, Sachet, I S s: egeiai, ooap, ferfume, Vanity Boxes 5. & Hi Stamps. ; yith all. : -Djer Kiss-K ' Purchases i-. Glub -Talent ' Presents Romance eassMMasMiSMSM . , Story of "Madame Butt'efly,, Brings Out Several Pleas ing Features. fTTHB story of Madama Butterfly was a- sung and played by the Monday Musical dub before an appreciative au dience of friends at "the Heilig Tuesday night in a unique dramatic arrange ment of the Japanese -romance. Inter spersed with selections from the grand opera. ; The cast was compoeed entirely of local talent. Ada Losh Rose interpreted the difficult role of Butterfly through her sad and tragic romance. The parts of Suxuki and Muri were taken by Mrs. Jane Burns Albert smd Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller. ' Walter Jenkins took the part of the American consul and Paul Petri as Pinkerton. Little Leona Mlgnon Frost made a hit as Baby Trouble and Mrs: A. D. Frost took the brief part of Mrs. Pinkerton. Mrs. Jane Burns Albert won a storm of applause when she sang "One Fine Day,'" and the Flower duet by her and Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller was equally well received. The Monday Musical chorus under the direction of ,Mrs. Rosa Cour-sen-Reed gave a demonstration of their ability, and' the Monday Musical or chestra, directed by Mrs. E. L. Knight, furnished the musio throughout the pro gram. ,. I pDEASON why Why Does My Hair Stand on End When I Am Frightened? It does this under certain conditions. because there is a little muscle down at the root of each hair that will make each heair stand up straight when this muscle pulls a certain way. It is dif ficult to -say Just bow these muscles are caused to act in this way when we are frightened. We know that when thoroughly frightened our' hair will sometimes stand straight up. and i know that it is this muscle at the root of each hair that makes it possible, but why it Is that a big scare will make this muscle act this war we do not as yet know. From ths Book of Wooden. Pub limbed nd Copyrighted by tha Bureau of Industrial Esacttloa. Inc.. Washington. D. C - Kiss Woodard, Clarke & Co. r Wood-Lark Building;,5. ; ' ; Alder Street at West Park" ' X TSAT it seems to be tho general feel ing among; those with whom you talk on the streetcars. In 'the breadline at the cafeteria and elsewhere, that if the coal strike Is coming it might as well come now and be settled ona way or the other. That the sentiment Is that Uncle Sam isn't coins: to feel just his own jolly, natural self again until capi tal and labor mix it good and rough for a while and then make up. I I That In the olden Jays we used to peak of getting the cart before the horse. ' 'Hi' h That nowadays it is a case of getting the garage before the house. That this. Is being exemplified by a man out on Sandy boulevard. I J - . That having built a concrete run way and garage on his lot he now has a house In course of construc tion. That a flock of geese passed over Bast Portland early this morning. IK I That after looking at a weather map we never can tell whether we should wear rubbers or buy freckle cream. . to to That the young woman who mends our hose will condescend to our mutilating two 'perfectly good pumpkins, for Jack o' lantern pur poses, only upon condition that we carefully preserve the "innards" for pie purposes. ' to to That that's Jake with us. to to That the only way you can beat 'em la to die. Dear Stroller: Anent your wal lop at the ."Girl With the Green Eyes," I beg to state in the inter est of fairness: That I do not know the lady; that some "poor but respectable working girls" possess - inherent good taste, clever fingers, and the brain 'to cultivate both ; that the result of the combination, particularly if the lady has remark able eyes, and a fair share of good looks, usually gives rise to much speculation, some kindly, some other wise ; that that was my own case be fore I began to raise a family, and gray hairs and wrinkles. A.M. P. S. Mostly I enjoy your col umn very much Indeed. Quite so, quite sor A. M.. and may your hair never grow grayer nor your wrinkles deeper. ROUGE (Special $100 Qombitiation Offer The Last Week For the second and last week we are making this very special offer: I box of Djer-Kiss Face Powder lease tt Offer omge W Fare tm NTasej arwaV M K ; t aarfsa s ftm y trial fW, 'afi. , Tary aaVs imMt a if aBWwari ISeMsSiL tayCariysle H. H olcomb m ffisireL -. . i Mr. Turtle's Story , BY THE time Tinker Bob and the Fox children arrived with. Mr. Turtle, Lady Duck, had scattered the news throughout the forest Many of the for est dwellers had never seen Mr. Turtle nor any of his family, so they gathered at the home of Lady Duck to await his coming. O. Possum waa angry and showed his teeth when he heard what had happened to Lady Duck. Major Pole Cat spoke his wrath against Mr. Turtle also. Chief Porcupine mentioned something about punishment f ."Quack I "Quack I " There comes the villlan, cried Lady Duck. . All eyes peered eagerly! down the path. O. Possum started out to meet the crim inal but when his eyes beheld an ugly head stretching out from under a black and muddy shell he came back. "That's a funny looking thing to be alive," said O, Possum as they came ne'arer. "Everyone gather about closely," said Tinker, "and we will listen to Mr. Tur tle's story. They gathered as closely as they dared. Having never seen Mr. Turtle before, they were a little shy. "Now, Mr. Turtle, you can tell your story," said Tinker Bob. "I am very sorry this has happened," began Mr. Turtle, stretching his head forth and looking around. "But I have been controlled by an evil spirit which left me when I came out of the river. It came about like this: I was sunning myself on a log when Old Man Fox threw Lady Duck into the river. Then when he became mad because Lady Duck did not drown, he Jumped into the. river himself. He soon tired of swimming after Lady Duck and when he could swim no more he sank to the Pioneer Coal Mine Closed Indefinitely Bellingham. Wash., Oct 30. (L N. a) The Blue Canyon mine, one of Wash ington's pioneer bituminous coal produc ers, soon will close for an indefinite period. It has been operated for more than a quarter of a cenutry and its workings are neany exhausted. Its lessee, the Whatcnmb County Coal com pany, is not disposed at this time to undertake further development) because of labor disturbances and the heavy cost of driving necessary 6000 feet of tun nels. The mine easse produced 200 tons daily. AND FACE POWDE 1 box new. wonderful Djer-Kiss Rouge for the attractive price of $1.00. The usual cost of these two Djer-Kiss Sp&ciditcs is $1.30. To herald the advent of new Djer-Kiss Rouge we are making this special combination offer. Go today to your favorite shop. Select the shade of Djer-Kiss Rouge and the tint of Djer-Kiss Face Powder which will best blend to uit the dainty complexion. . . Remember. This is the last week that you mayobtain the charm of both these Specialttes for the unusual price of $1.00. Truly, when you use them, Madame, you will be more than content. ALFRED H. SMITH COMPANY, NEW YORK rwr.-Kua Fan Powder made and caefced in Paris. Dier-Ksis Rouse tcmporaxily made in Astenca with P)er-Jass 9mkr TnJ Dues Ms Csl es W ', a asW a eaiary riesnS IntJaT saiin. "- "I am vrry sorry this has happened," began Mr. Turtle. bottom of the river. And when I entered the river again his spirit came and took possession of me and ever since I have been waiting for Lady Duck to come to- the river to fish. But when I came out of the river the spirit left me. And I have been thinking how sad it is to think that a father's evil spirit works after he is dead te destroy the home of his children. "Isn't that sad!" said O. Possum. All were sorry for Mr. Turtle and they gave him a home In the forest And Tinker Bob was still greater In their mind because he saved Lady Duck. Tomorrow Three Hound White Balls. PIANO RECITAL! DENT MOWREY SAT. EYE. NOV. I Multnomah Hotel Ball Room Ttofcets aa Principal Muilo Stores $1.00 and 91. 0 Plus War Tas essence from Fraacft. y . f Jt'' Lav "Vl a a awMMC,.;v .t.t.ina vv-ss.1 12 Whatr- Where- ROAD SHOW HEILIG Broadway at Taylor. "John Frra on." Emotional drama, 8:20. Matinee Sat urday. 3:20. VAUDEVILLE " rANTACES Broadway at 'Alder. High elan . vaadevtll and photoplay feature. Afternoon ., and Tauins.. Proa-ram ehangea Monday after noon. HIPPODROME Broadwat at TatthMV Acker man at Harrla raudeTilta and photoplay (aa tarca. Afternoon and nlsht DRAA1ATIO STOCK BAKER Broadway between Morrkon, and Alder. The Baker Stock company in "Kjea ol TouUi." - 8:20. Matinee Wednesday and Satarday, S;S0. MtTBirAL COMBDT ALCAZAR Kteventti and alorrfaton. Mate; Comedy Stork company in "IeaTe It to Jane." Mitince Wednesday and Satarday, 2 :20. ' LYRIC -FYrarth and Stark. Muataal farce. "The Lawmakers " Matinee dally, 2; nicbU 7 and 0. PHOTOPLATS COLTJMBIA-T.nUtb.and Stark. Con.Unre Tal mads in (The Temperamental Wife." 11 .am to 1 1 n. m. LIBERTY Broadway at Stark. Anita Stewart In "Mary Begaa." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. UAJE8TIC Washington at Park. Mabel Nor mand In "When Doctors Disagree." 11 a. m. PEOPLEiE Wt Park and Alder. 8eara Huaaawa in "His Debt," ST A R Washington at Park. H. B. Warnn in Tor a Woman's Honor. ' 11 a. m. to 1 1 p. m. STRAND Waohlngton. between Park and Wt Park. Will Rogers In "Almost s Husband." 11a.m. to 11 p. tn. CIKCLE Fourth and Washington. Blanche Sweet in "The Warrens of Virginia." 9 a. in to 4 o'clewk the following morning. ' SUNSET Washington and Broadway. Alice Brady ta "Red. Head," 10 at. m. to 11 p. an. AMUSEMENTS IN VAUDIVIULI ONLY mOHTS, Bos., tfoa, Toes., le to $1. Only 4 Mats., Bun.. Mob.. Tues., Wed, 15o to 7 So. U. . JAZZ BAND. Jimmy 8s to te Co.; ErgotU's Lilliputians; STEPHENS a HOLLISTERi Eddla Weber and Marion Bidner; Hits Robbie Gordon; Klno grams (eieluslre). Topics of Day; LYDELL and MAOY. THIS SHOW OLOSES WITH WEDNESDAY MATINEE. October S. ERNEST TRUEX and , LOUISE HUFF "OH YOU WOMEN" TOMOBEOW Abo a Christia Comedy "A ftUSTIO ROMEO," and the Plctograpb. O ' TNI IST m w j.. IPS? I II 1 a t 'mbt. a ml Hi 1 ir rs TNaaar m Hcrlfck'S the Original Malted Milk. Avoid -I Imitations and Substitute! Amusements MAIL ORDERS REC'D NOW SUUSM BAH AUDITORIUM Friday,Nov.l4 MAT1MK UI IMI Jie ite ' EVENING 3.tS 11.61 UI ate For Beiervatloas Address Ellison-White Musical Bureau Tenth Floor Broadway Building Isclotg Addressed Stamped , I Eavelope ' BEGINS TONIGHT, 8:1 5 j GUARANTEED ATTRACTION f Will Be "TOWJT TALK" H F 1 1 I CI Bros'wsr t Taylor TONIGHT, 8:15 THE THEATRE GUILD (IHC.) W. T. PRESENTS POWERFUL DRAMA John Ferguson EXCELLENT CAST OF PLAYERS POSITIVELY A PRIVILEGE TO RECOMMEND THIS PLAY HEILIG THEATRE MANAGEMENT SVt'S Floor, 2; Baleonr. 6 rows 11.60, IT rows tli Oailerr. 80a, SPIOIAL 8T. ST. Floor, 11.60; Bal cony, ft rows, $1, II rows 60a TICKETS NOW SELLING fHI TOUR FAVORITE THEATRE VAUDEVILLE TNRSB SHOWS DAILY a.U MATINEES 17c EVENINGS 25c VAUDEYILLE PHOTOPLAY TWO SHOWS the PRICE OF ONE 7 BIO ATTRACTIONS 7 HEADLINED BT 4 CLIFFORD WAYNE TRIO TWENTIETH CENTURY INDIANS BILLY RHODES v JIN SEARCH OF ARCADY" CONTIflUOUS SHOW SATUROAr MD ' SUNOAV ... BlA K E R STOCK OOMPMNT. . ToBlBt.t-All Weak aUta. Wad., gat Moat aWaaatioflal Drama of ths Day, "YIS OF VOUTH" As Plarad br Marjoria Baasbeaa ' Xntiodneins ttw treat rsrolrlns staca, Kext Week "Mebawt't Ohotos," t -. an vvivfSav w sst snv : ToalbfrAU Wash Mala Wed, ' Sal. Tbe afnxtaa Comedy Delicht. ; "Laava it to jami." New bargain erenint prtrse; (00 seats Oaof, 76e; aB SaJooor, 60a. Nest M6MI f New VeHi." Basis I at laa I M ml ear ST aa a TCDANTAGE IT MAT. DAILY 2:30 Iw' Xwsts awel Ofeeewsid Frasant ' TMI NIVUK 6C VOOUS TfcS 1tS Musical Coma, Soceeas aVWl : OsaalM New Vr Oast swd Ottorua. OTHER S)IS) ACTS -Thne rartonBaooes Dailr, JUsM Cartala at f - ' - and S. i , MatlnM Dally vninst at T and t. --- " Tbia Waek-Mlka and in. THE LAWMAKERS With IMDon and Franks and ths Koab4 Chonu, - A traveatjr ia a disoroe ouurt. CHORUS OIRLS' OONTCST FRIDAY HIOfTT ADD I lt WAR TAX