THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1919. 18 AUTOMOBILES AWT ACCTS80WM44 ' V INTERESTED. IN A -- GOOD USED CAR ASK THE HAV WITH THE , BIO E BUTTON TO SHOW TOO ON ft - PORTlAilU. W NOW WITNESSING A ' BTIJI'KNDOl'S TJSKD CAB 6ALK. ; J " TUB FI88T ANNUAL U8ED CAB SAMS V THE LEWI t OBTH KOTOHay. i"frJKr. 1 -IV ntatuunOKlTOCK --fiNHIHTS ALMOST KNIBBLT-W UiB ' - MODEL. STANDABD MASK CAS. THE MA K JORITt OK THEM HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY ' : OVERHAULED, REPAINTED AND NEW 'TOP t'OVKBINOS PUT ON, AND ALL HAVE GOOD i: WE ABE POSITIT EtT V 8L A pHTERWO .' PRICES AND EVERT. CAB MUST BE SOU) V .''BEFORE THIS BAI.K C LOSES. - " ; IK TOO EVER INTEND TO BUT A C8ED ,. CAR. NOW IS THE ONE AND ONLY TIM& f V IT If REALLY A GRIME TO SELL SUCH -BKACTHTL HIOH tJRADE CABS AT THE V PRICK T WE ARB OKEEttINO HEMBUT . iWK ABE OVEBSTOCKED AND MlST tH ' LOAD. : - " i" OUR, UWS "JS-'TOCBiOAINV1' - . v. ; WE TAKE TOUB LIBERTY BONDS AT : V FACE VALUE AND Y015B WAR STAMPS AT 1 WLf. ALWArajr'TOOTt-CAB "I, J OB MOTORCtCLE AS PA BT 'PAYMENT. ! OUR TERMS ARK VERT EAST ;'f 'ONE THIRD CASH BALANCE 10 EQUAL ' .J i;AJf"MBTIN AND SELECT ONB BEFOBK "IT 1ft T(M) f ATK - ' - ; - AHK THE MAN WITH THKBIOSCT 5 BUTTON, HE'LL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT it.; THEM. . x... AM, READY -LET'EB fiO. M . THE FOLLOWING CARS CAN BE SEEN ,,r AT OCR. WEST BIDE BTORE, BKOADWAT j'ff-A1 COUCH: - .... . . Bludebaker, 4 eyt. touring : American, sport model 295 ;j . Buk touring . .i . . . 5 ' Overland Country Club, wire wheel 48a 1 Mitchell tourini, late model 43 . 7 Maxwell touring, late model 495, i , Maxwell tearing. lu moaH .. 483 4lTrlan4 touring. Ule model 45 )klnd six touring, tots modol ........ , 083 V , -StiHlebakfr 4 toaring, UU model........ 485 '-., - lllt Kw toaring, run 600 milet. - : Hrrie O H Vrnklln touring. lodg ruadaur.' ,. ; a1I7 Buick tt touring. ; '. 181T lludwro waytt til rodter, '; ': : ,1817 Hudron upr.lx tourin . 1B1H JIjrrM, 4 puengcr. V ,t i Itll IIyn. 7 PMMnger. ' -.' J 81 tf Msiwrll touring. 11T Mwell tourlnt. . 1 I81S Maawtll touring. , ' .' . 117 MiUlxll light . ' . f'urolt toumng. , lVIa Itngsl S touring. 1BI4 Studcbakrr 0 touring. 1017 Vlie light lit. 1 17 Dudg' louring. 1017 Yard nmdaUT. '- , 191 H W in ton a, 4 pueDger. 1818 Velio light S. . ,;, . 1818 OrcrUnd touring, model 80. lltl Oferlaud touring, model 83. 1918 OTcrUnd touring, model 78. 1817 Orerland touring, model S. 1818 Hion aliuminy rctdater. . ' 1818 I'otd eupe. A tlwr little 'ord bug. 1918 Kord dlNery; " IBIS Ford touring. . ' . THE POLLOWINft CARS CAN BE SEEN AT OCR EAST SIDE STOBE, 12 CKAND AVE. N. MS All HUKNHIDK: Bnlck u touring . f MRS 117 Buirk touring ............... , 1V17 Elgin 6 touring ' l)S 181S Steanu' 8 touring . 1817 Eord truck 1750 885 1917 Iode panel dellTery 8U6 117 VtU light 0. 1814 Mpeedwell touring. 1818 Btudvbaker 4 touring. 1817 Stephens 8 touring. 1917 Saion S touring. ' Itaueh A Lag electric coupe. 114 Kso touring. 1118 Orerland touring. 1818 Oaktood 6 touring. 1817 Oakland S touring. 1817 Mitchell touring. 1918 Uitohell touripg. 1818 Maxwell touring. 1V17 Hajrnee touring. 1917 Hudson super touring. 181 5 Ford delirenr. 1818 Kord roadatw. - 5 too Pnuhait trailer. Ford buga galore. Nice Whit bug. And' kit more. 1 LEWIS E. OBYE MOTORS CO. . BROADWAY AT COUCH ST. inn 13 GRAND AVE. N. NEAR BVBNsftB. s- oai lilt MAS with THIS Bid BED " - BUTTON. . I91'9 PACKARD -TWIN SIX - . - OU arrount of learlng the city I am forced t sacrifice our 1818 Series 8-25 Packard '""'.S'Jf:. 4 .P"UI- Thta nt bu been driren only 6000 miles nd hss 5 cord tires. almn.t t fodAM new. l( you trs lnUrwted in JMl c,u b1 na the cash, . I will make you a proposition you can't turn down. , Ion wil hare to set quick as I am lesting here not later tlisa Friday. - Curiosity vm?v uu 110 answer in w sa. R-Z71 FORDS loUDS " 1918 Ford sedaa. . "4.- ' 1918 Kord coupe. , t18 Ford touring. , 1917 Ford tourini. l'OBDS 1917 Ford roadster. " 1915 Ford touring. I ' 1914 Ford touring. ISIS JT1? "-n truck: worn drive. ' r. V I J ord J express body. , Ilont fail to aee these cars before you buy; each car has lota of extra equipment and in finest condition. Terms if desired: ,. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 8770. . E. 18th and Hawthorne are. Wpp TOD WRECK a-as A.i jj behu . - ' 'EM, SEE O. G. GERBEB. "THB RADIATOR MAN" builds bodies, repairs ra diate n, bodie, ftoders and U .auto, sheet aoetal parts, NEW LOCATION . 11TH AND DAVIS, OPP. THK ARMORY. BBOADWAT 1878. - FORD BUYERS See us fir bargains in used : Fords. Touring. ) 'Roadsters, Trucks, Light Deliveries. RORINSON-SMITH CO. Authorised Ford Dealers. . Sixth and Madison. Mala 1100. NOW IS THB TIME to have year tires re-' . treaded. Economy, safety, non-skid. .Prices na enable, - comet method, xperieacwd work, sea, satisfaction guaranteed. - II your tire act worth repairing, we will tell you. Money saved ' oa asw and Used, Urea.- - VULCAN TTRB SHOP, 41 Grand av. , Phone g, 4898. FOR BALE By owter, model 85 Overland, -v excellent eondiUoa, 'Tires A-l shape with ' extra 9 Just new. Cash or terms, Inquire Mr. Pike, Broadway Gang. S4th and'Broadway. CHEVROLET 1918: $600; look it over: good . Urea and term if desired. 421 Burnside at - . , - MR. JONES.- VfceA Used Cars ; BO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. ' SEDAN . 191? Chevrolet sedan, looks like new. a good car for .winter driving j a bargain, gord terms. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH LATE model Cobs 8. 7 passenger? looks and runs - liko new ear, toy sal by private owner;. $1350, ienn. -oe seen at ' 189 T1TH B1V BET. STARK AND WASH. ' . UNEXPECTEDLY' called from town, will aauri ftce Oakland gedan, fax perfect condition, new tires. ' SomeonawiR get a snap. .Call 128 K 10th at, betweea 11 and 9 Sunday. - . HUDSON SffeEnSTKR - I -ate model epeedester. 6 wire wheels and all coru urea, - perfect condition : terms if desired. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH .INTOS air,1 bug body, best oi condition; must . eeii; a snap at S0. witn terms it desired. av Mranei are, nortn. near Burnside. UlRiAIN iota ai. a runs sod looks like new: repainted, and good witw. ' jmu aoor v,u. CHKVROLET touring) 1918. in fine condition: ? all good Urea: will aell at $878 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. ' North, near Burnside. : 1019 BRISCOE touring, iust like new; must --v erj,, m w,nc,ni. vmu Aumeniroor, mam now FOR SALE Good car; $200, Water-st'' - i '-x'. r ' .,..r..-:,i :. Apply . 367 MAXWELL BUG New body.' uevUy paiatedl S30. ' TOO Union ave. N. A CT0M0BI1.ES akd ACCESSORIES 44 CUT RATE PRICES On Good Trade-in Cars i)0VT MT AIT TILL ' SPRlSa TO BCV YOCB CAB. YOU CAN BOY NOW, BCN THB CAB TJNTIL BPHINti AND MAKE MONET. W8 ARB BHOW1NO CABS IN -THIS BALE AT PRICES FROM 175 TO IS LK8S WB ACTUALLY BOLD THEM FOB i LN AUGUST AJSi EARLY SEPTEMBER . OTJB TRADE-IN 7JSED CABS ARE SOLD AT BOCK BOTTOM. TRADE-LN COST PRICES. LOOK THEUB OVEa THB LIC ENSE POR EACH CAR IS SHOWN. STEP IM AND TAKE A LOOK AT THE WONDER FCI, BABOAINS. YOU'LL BE 8CBPB1SED. I500-V18 Woerrolet touring, UcenM S2409; . extru; good Urea; dasbugnt. $76 -'18 Cherrolat roadUr; jpgra Ura; Beena) 04818. , ' 800 '18 FordSUn; f200 is extru; UeettM 560 M 8 Cbarrolat roadiUr, para tire; llcenaa $$50 'IS Ford touring: extra fire; license -.. B1B. . 8773 '18 Baby Crand Cberrolet, , Burpee; . ; license 68989. . 1600 '18 Bgby Grand Cberrolet, like new; Jlcenee 17884 f 1538 'II Cberrolet touring: liceote 25483, Boo- Ilupmobil and Buickt, your cboic, U254 l-tou Itepublie truck, ml bargain, f 800. 1-ton Panhard truck, almost new, $800. FIELDS MOTOR CAR ' CHEVROLET AO KN TS Pourtecntli and Alder PRICES TALK ' Listen to These; Late model Maxwell . . Late model Cberrolet. Ford touring ..$150 ,.1500 . .8350 , .$700 . .$750 Hupmobile Elgin six. 1818 153 ANO WASHlMSTORT WILLYS SIX New ton, food tire, new paint. slake an -offer. Ternu. 421 BCRNSIDE 18.00O carrlwi in stock. Our svruxes sold with a written 'guarantee. We giro you aarriea. 84 W. 10th it. ' LIGHT"SIXT6URiNS With $1S0 down, balance long, ess ternu: has 80x8 M tires, newly refinhhed. new top. full set tools and other extra. Full price 8350. See owner, Portland Electric Oarase, 11th at Hoyt ft MAXWELL touring. 11120. only eill few hundred, miles: must aell: will consider Ford. In trade;, balance terms. 80 G Grand are. North, near Burnside. 1917 HUDSON SUPKK-SLX. Cord Tires: 8600 down. Guarantee and frea strriee enough said. Portland Car Sales Co., Bin and ' Taylor. NASH 1918 Sam as new and look the part, perfect me- enanicai condition; term to suit your purse. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH CHANDLER ' chummy, 1918, fine condition; $1850, terms. Guarantee and free service enopgli said. Portland Car Sales Co.. 5th and Tsylor. 1918 DODGE , touring, cord tires, newly paint ed. Thfe car is in first class mechanical condition. A demonstration will convince you. Kat 8747. 1918 RUlCel roadster, cord tires, fine condition, $1800,. terms. Gusrantee and free service enough said. Portland Car Sales. Co., 5th and Taylor. HUPMOBILE BUG A going hound ear, as red as they mat them; terms if desired. . 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH 1918 MITCHELL six touring. 6 pass., good aa new, for $1090. term. Guarantee and free service enough said. Portland Car Sales -Co., 5th and Taylor. ew 1 model touring car; will take your Tordrcbev rolet or Maxwell as part payment Call Adams. Tabor 630. DODGE TOURING Ite model Dodge. -looks and runs like new; a bargain, with long term. 04 DAVIS NEAR TENTH 1918 GRANT 8 US. Best condition. Driven 2750 miles. Bargain for cash thia week nnlv $950. t'aU eTeuinga after 6:30 or Sundays. 95 E. 12th N. OVERLAND CHUMMY BUG Electric lialiU end atarter. ton. In tnwt m. ohsnical condiUnn: terms to responsible people. -I..-, iavi.? rir.An ir.nin 1919 STUDEBAKER big 8. 7 passenger, driven 3000 miles: 6 cord tires, other extras: mu.t aell quick: terms given. , 100 11TH ST. set. STARK AND WASH. 1917 DODGE, touring, fine condition. $300 llnm. f'.llwrmn rm f f.i mniiia an..,,,.!. .... .. 1 Portland Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. HUDSON super six, used privately: In very best of condition: must aell: a harnln at $1950. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. 1918 LIBERTY in A-l condition, 5 tires: a nice ncht six and a eood .nr. Phnu, u. shall 2768. SPECIAL 1917 Ford touring: must bo sold oy tomorrow, aiug. Portland , -Car Sales Co., out ana jayior. BARGAIN in 1918 Chalmers Six touring car! Bnna anil look Ik. vuw ,iwl t ; m- , , 4!tKn. Call Adams. Tabor 680. 118 CHEVROLET' touring. 8260 down. 7 Guarantee and free aervic ennfirh s,i Portland. Car Sales Co., 5th and Taylor. 1918 CHALMERS 5 passenger, runs and look. like 'new: a bargain at 81 ISO, .h Call Tabor 680. - LATE 1917 Grant six, used very little. $320 ' down. Guarantee and fn unU x. .. . land Car Sales Co., lith and Tsylor. . FOB SALE Buick Light Six model D-45 1917. good condition, recently repainted; price $1000 cash. Eaat 8121. BRAND-NEW Maxwell aedan. never been used,' .$1700. easy terms. Portland Car Sates Co., 5th and Taylor. YELIE 1918 roadster, like new, good tires, fine mechsnicallv: must sell, and own. hii sacrifice $1200. Call Frank Smith. Bdwy. 1180. 1918 MAXWELL roadster. $320 down. Guar antee and free aerric. ennogh Vnrt. vna car oaiea Co., otn and Taylor.. jwiTCR. AUTO SP BRINGING UP FATHER JL fOO OT vJOG-MIKE". CUAO I MET TINEIOUKE 3TM& ARE BEAajUFUL: MX KITCHEN I WANT MATTER"! I O U ! I TTt" S whmi the DDrx:" tou - VE s to have xou Jin Bw" V ,rfet TO lT u y mf P J ,J lL.t'OROi2vT0'SEE HEARD 0 ClrA COME. MMO $JzL R?L Pk ' ""ggSI x filXl -V OU-VoorEA ' TTT: MUCH AaOUTXp EE IT NOW - )5ip el v Av VS 1 Mf7 S I ! ' IfiNe.i'LLeE. :. -k beautiful A A-f CTir ' : i JLVv -y r S17vr -' -fn'Ji V j' fT -y , H3ME J I - - ww -w - -waw - -mm- II I I I f Ua Sua BV g W B a axa I a tt " 111 .1 lt aafl -.arwaa V av wv Bl B B t-M af W" VJVJ mm wljw g I - - - . 1 . . - AUTOMOBILES AWB ACCESSORIES 44 YOU CAN'T TELL HOW A- L8ED CAB WILL RCN - BY THE OUTSIDE APPEAHANCK. 18 TOU ARE LOOS IN (1 POH A ' tSED CAB THAT , WILL iIVK GOOD HERV1CE ONB THAT IS THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED AND BEARS A WRITTEN UCAKANTEK SEE OCB LINEUP TODAY AND INSPECT BEFOBS YOU BUY ELbEWUERB. . , We "take Liberty bonds and diamonds if re- puired. .7. . j - '- ..-;. WE . HAVE Buicks v ' .-Fords ' " Vr. American Studebaker Orortands . . - Cbaunera. - Dodges Nationals Htota Coles .. KJsselt You can't go wrong in buying ooe of these can. ; Tba prices are tight. . Port5and-San Francisco Used Cars s , -. See Per ins, ' 1 S55 Burmide St, - TH0 OLDSMOBILE CO. ; OF, OREGON " & WE HAVE 'SEVERAL GOOD CSED CARS IN STOCK. WE WANT VOff TO SEE THEM AND DECIDE B l'OLRSELF. 1817 Oldsmobile touring. 8 cylinder. ..'. .$1200 1818 Scripps-Bootb 8, touring $1250 1918 Oldamobtle 0, roadster $1250 1818 Oldnmobile touring,. cylinder. .... $1250 1916 Maxwell touring 5oU 1817 Grant S, touring U0 IBIS Baxon 8. touring 600 LIBERAL TERMS OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway, and Couch Sta. HARD TO BEAT Kuick light six ... . Model 00 Orerland. 1918 Maxwen Hupmobile touring 1818 Studebaker . .$1100 . $750 , . $750 ,.$1000 . , $000 THE bSED CAR EXCHANGE 1S7 Lownadnle Cor, 1 5th and Vashinston st. LKiHT TOURIXO LATE MODEL Has eelf-Ftarter. demountable rim, extra tires and runs fine, full set tools, end will go 20 n.iles on gallon gas. do all the bills on high. We can prove all this to you, and price la $150 di.wn, balance monthly on kmi. easy terms. Portland Electric Oarage, 11th A Hoyt jit. A BIO bargain. 1918 Ford touring. S230 of extras, elec. starter and lights; demountable rimi; 5 new tires; many other extras; mechani cally perfect; will demonstrate. $800; terms. 41 Grand are. CADILLAC EIGHT Mechanically perfect, cord tires; a rich man's car at a poor men's pries; terms if you need them. 404 IAVIS NKAK TENTH AUTO TRIMMING AND UP HOLSTERING CO. AUTO TOPS, SIDE CURTAINS . 409 Davis et. bet. 9th and 10th. Bdwy. 2017. OVERLAND touring, model 88, used privately, good tires; owner must sell; a real bstvain at $550 with terms. SO Grand are. North, near Bnnwide. V' ;;,-; - -f1 v. ' COLE TOCRINO "' Late model eight touring, firat-cbus condition throughout; terms. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH 1916 BIG HCP Elegant' condition; used in town only; cord tires; private party; leaving town. Price $950 cash. Main 9451. PAIGE ROADSTER Thia ona will not last long, at it goes for $450. 404 DAVIS NEAR TENTH C-B5 BUICK six touring: price $850 for quick sale, terms. Guarantee and tree service enough said. Portland Car (Sales Co., 5th and Tsylor. VFI.IE taurine. 1917: eood naint and tires best of condition: owner must sell: a real bargain at $975 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. ' 1917 Blj'H'h. touring, mechanically A-l. 6 new cord tires; has had the best of care. $850, term". 10t) 1 1TU ST. BKT. STARK AND WASH. STUDEBAKER r.UG A dandy bug, bright green and lots of speed; your own terms. 4 04 DAVIS NEAR TENTH BTUTZ coupe, in fine condition, mechanically guaranteed. A snap at 8143U, terms, fort' land Car Sales Cd.. ftth at Taylor. , 7 PASS. 1918 National, 12 cylSgftert: good care, in private use. Am asking terms. Phone Tabor 1928. $2000, MAXWELL touring car. must sold by to morrow, good condition; $575 for quick sale. Portland Car 8nn JCn . fith and Taylor. TRUCKS A1CD TRACTORS 81 YOUR HAULING .COST , SOLVED WJTH ONE OF OCR USED TRUCKS PACKARD8 STANDARDS WHITES FEDERALS 'FORDS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS 421 BURNSIDE FOR SALE A Republic 1 ton truck, or win ex change lor horses, harnesses, wagons-or cat tle. This truck is practically ss , good as new. Been run about 4 months,- Well taken care of. Phil Snetter. 285 Front St. Crown -Stables. FORD LIGHT delivery. 1918; a snap for cashT Call at 1144 Francis ets., Woodstock ear. Owner. ' ; TON TRUCK trade for real estate. Main 1846. TRUCKS AT TRACTORS. Ml TRUCKS ' Several good used trucks oar band. -Buick express . . , ,n , . , ...... .$760 Ford light dehterj. panel body ...... $275 1817 Stadebsker. panel body .....,..$700 1817 Ford 1 too truck.. Buick 1-toa truck .'. ....$450 $485 White delirery .1400 .1450 Ford 1-toa truck LIBERAL TERMS THE OLDSMOBILE CO. . OF OREGON Broadway god Coucb Sta. : -VCUSBD. TRUCKS, ; Best burs in town. All iriVm an,l v from $150 to $2000. See them before buying, f term ,xo suit Aontracts witn soma. -a ROBERTS ; MOTOR CAR CO., INC. Park and Ererett Streets Bdw. 1369 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WE PAY CASH fox used ears. Be sure to see us beore selling your can BUTLER '& WOOD -SELLING C8ETD CARS' 867 E. fiurnide, et apwroacb of Bumtld. Bride WJb PAT CASH FOIl LATE MODEL CABS C8E CAR EXCHANGE 127 I.OWNSDAI.E Phong Broadway 2658. FOirTKADE, lot in Sanford add., for late model Ford. 1918 or 1919 preferred: in good condition. Krmal E. Cramer. Silrertcn. Or. vANTBI 3 paks. mo ma lct payment on 2 lots, close in, improTemenU in and paid, In- qnire 1357 Wilhnr st. ILL pay cash fer .lodge. Kcrd or light car. Main H517. 11 Wellington rt. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, condition no object 121 N. 3d st. Broadway 2629. 100x100 CORNER. Hear of incumbrance, to trade for a aood. automobile. K-84 7, Journal. AUTOS FOR HIRE (3 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARINU & ROBNETT CITY OA RAO R 80 lOtb 8t, near Stark. Broadway 840. NEW ATJTOS WITHODT DRIVERS OVERLANDS HUDSON'S LOWNSDALE GARAGE BDW. 2408. 1BTH AND WASH. CABS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. SO AND TAYLOr.. MAIN 168T. ALTHOFF A BENNETT. PROPS. ATJTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN, FASHION GAR AGE. MAR. 232 10th at YamhilL A-1236. NEW Ford, competent driver: go anywhere and get back. Phone Tabor 1028. - AUTO REPAIR SHOPS Ht Ford Owners Ford -overhauled 920 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valve, ground, carbon removed .......... S Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which inaurea perfect running motor. Gen uine Ford parts only -used. All work guar anteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front st, corner Jefferson. FORD MAGNETOS , retnagnetized. generators, starters overhauled, general auto repairing. Anto Specialty Work. 3Q2 Pine st. MECHANIC will fix cars in your garage, per hour. ; Sell. 1655. " 75c MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES tS USED MOTORCTCLES OF ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 Grand Ave. Excelsior and Cleveland Agency. MOTORCYCLE, in good cheap. 7004 30th ave. condition, 8. E. for sale ONE CYLINDER Excelsior motorcycle for sale, cheap. Cell 665 hi First st. PIASOS, ORGANS. JITJS1CAL INSTRUMENTS $4 SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $750 Steinway A Sons upright piano. ... $29$ $375 Briggs small upright piano "$13$ $350 J. P. Hale A Co. upright $100 $750 Weber, French model $210 $675 Steger. 1918 model upright $895 $780 Stark. 88-note player piano $485 $550 Thompson, large upright. $290 2 upright pianos, am all $65 and $75 Parlor organs $25. $28. $35 and $48 Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Pianos stored lor 60 cents monthly. 109 4th at. at Washington. PIANOS. OHUANS AND MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS Mendehnohn player (price N. Y $600).. $37 TLompson player (better than new) 400 Stuyvesant player, oak (strictly np to date) 600 Passed by HAROLD S. Gil-BERT'S SHOP .The Bent In Portland . 384 YAMHILL ST RECORD X CUANGE. Phono graphs Bou g h t, Sold, Rented, Re nal red. 142 V 2d near Alder, upstairs. Main 7244., Prices from $100 up; iu fine condition and good makes. See them and be convinced. Terms given. Seiberling-Lueas Music Co., 125 4th Jt.. be. Washington and Alder. ' TPAHP VullII? PIANO m firnn nn a new Victrola and records. Out proposition win please Music Co., 125 4th st you. Hetoerung-mcas Main 8586, $15 OR $25 cash. $8 or $40 monthly, buy good new or discontinued models. $118 to $365 in ravings on pianos during factory clear ance sale at Scbwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth at. organs ,KtiA::2A . See our etock of good organs from $20 'nn. Terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. uiuruiivv iSMilSOV DIAMOND DISO PHONOGRAPH. MUST BE SOLD THIS WKKK. BIG BABGAIN. NEWMAN'S EX CHANGE, 128 FIRST ST. LEFT for sale, several fine pianos, $123 up; n.hnin, Kimball. Bush A Lane. Weber, Knabe. Emerson, others; easy terms. Brokerage Co., 812 Worcester tldg. $100 TO $150. CASH paid for your upright oiano by. Security Storage Co., 109 4th St.. at Washington. Can Main 5328. BENT a piano; most reasonable terms in Port bind: no squares or thump boxes. Harold 8. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill .st. 190 CASH buys 8880 Urge Wbcetock upright piano at. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at at Washington. FOB SALE A good Hardmsn piano; holds tune well, 8110. 58 Fordham apta., Mar- shall 1881. ' ESTEY 6 octave organ. Cannot be told from new, at some bargain. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th sr. FISHER piano, raall neat cane, fine condition. Heiberlino Lncss Music Co., 125 4th st. BEAUTIFUL Knab. piano for sale; going cheap. 693 E. Ash St. Copyright, 1919, ' Berrtce, inc.) ." . PIANOS, ORGANS, MCSICAL Ilf STRUM E-NTS . S4 VICTOR fine uimgbt viano. oac case. ; A -bar-. gain. SinerliHg-l,Be Mnie Co.. 125 4tli t A bar- iX L' SIC A I. ITTSTRUMEJS TS. .WASTED M 'PIANO WANTED,..; Highest easb paid lor need pianos and plarer Dianoa. Get our price and be eouTlneed. berling-Lueaa Music Co.. 138 4tb at. Matw 8586. TTFEWRIT'EBS 7 lDABANTEED factory rebuilt typewrltera. "all .. gaafeea. sold on escBtbly pairmeota,- atend for price Bat . The WboaMal typewriter Cov. retail dept.. 821 WashtoctoB St. - - -TYPEW'BltEltS rented, repaired, eacnanged. S .TW I I , T xeursgrwa. - REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadw-y ALL MAKE3 of tjp.wril.ra rented, repaired and aid os nKWtbly payment plan. Orogoa Type writer Co., 84 Stb St. ' - HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SAI.B , SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK $7.50 Iron bed ........ . $4.66 $4.50 Iron bed ..2.50 Yua Yum bed springs. , . .82.50 Mattresses $3.09 Cliairs i . . . . $1.25 $4.50 Bocker ,t .83.00 ": Kitchen Queen . , .... $4.75 ' .818.00 Cook Store. . . ..$11.00 Oopper Coil -Water Heater $12.50 ' Floor Covering, per yard. . . .85c 4 Hole Wood or Coal Range . . . , . .$18;50 Garbage Cn $2.60 OWL FURNITURE CO. ' Sells for Le.48. 168-1 8 First at., near Morrison. MUST SKLL at oitce, Vulcan gas range, per fect condition, $30; Baud water beater. $12; 75 It garden hose. $10; lawnraower. $7; gar bage can. $2.50. These articles like new, used only 2 months. 1106 E. Lincoln st. cor. 87th. A DUFOLD darenport and combination wood and coal beater with coils, used about 2 months. Phone Tabor 6422. FOR HALE -Furniture of 3-room apt. com plete; attractive home apt. tor rent. 35 Clay pools Apts., 11th and Clay. NEARLY-NEW-(f bole kitchen , range, wood or coal, hot water attachment, A-l condition, S3. Thone V.t 8701. OAK folding bed with mirror and mattress, dish cupboard, 5 glass doora, solid oak library table, Eart 1022. FOU BALE Good range. $12. 718V4 Brook lyn at. ONE heating stote, 1 Perfection oil cook (tore, 1 tan range. Tabor 331. FOR SALE One bedroom unite. rug, and trunk. Phone Wood lawn 224 S. FOR SALE A good wood or coal range. Royal Court. Telephone Tabor 5041. SINGLE iron bed, npring and mattress, plete. $18. 628 K. Stark.' FOB 84LE MISCEtLA5EOU8 1 5 fl ftt rfTufh TEN drophead sewing machines jUU.Hjiy lth attachments, all are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per' month. Phone East 2359. or B 3307. IS. it Steen, 152 Grand ave., near Belmont HONEY WARRANTED UNADULTERATED Strained, light, mild, -3c lb. in 5 gal. cans; less than 6 gal., 26c lb. delivered. East 1416. FpR SALE One gasoline woodsaw. 1 feed mill, 1 tractor grain drill, 1 riding plow, complete threshing rig; cheap. Ferd Langer, Sherwood, Or. PRINTING FOR LESS" Have you felt out raged at tbe price charged for printing 1 We cure the feeling. SMITH. PRINTERS, Com monwealth bldg. Broadway 2986. "MCSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriter and "Household Goods" are separate classifi cations. All advertiemecta of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER CUT FREIGHT RATES On Hon Heboid Goods Shipped East and South. MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER CO. th and Hoyt. Phon. Broadway 708. A-1783. Old False Teeth Bought WE PAY CP TO $25 SET BRING OR MAIL. American Brokerage, 406 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. t512oS0 to $15 sSgcnSs Guaranteed We Bent and Repair 173 3d L. near Yamhill. Mam 1845. A-1818. AUTOMOBII.K8. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boata are separata classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classi fications. WE BUY WAR STAMPS Liberty bonds, spot cash. Any . amount. American Brokerage, 406 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. HERB IS YOOR CHANCE Up-to-data vulcan izing and retreading outfit for sale, aheap. Economy Tire Shop. 229 Main St. 1 LADIES' FCR COATS, dresses. Singer sewing machine, Russian samovar, lor sals or traae. 252 Gibb it. FOR SALE Good cooking and eating Spits apples. 2e lb. Call after 6 p. m. Bring your sacks. 665 Lverett st. PIANO lamps made to order; sold direct from factory to the trade at wholesale prices. 09 1st st. Main 1429. - cnrN'G East or South? Household goods shhnwd at reduced rates; moving and pecking. Paclfia Coast Forwarding Co., 408 Hoyt st. -Bdwy, 70S. SET Brush solid tire auto wheels; Eveready starter, nearly new. needs some repairs; 60 ft. ornamental wire fence. 3 ft East 1922. . c , v.. t.w burglar chests, at reasonable prices. Paclffcrfgreas v.nru --7 " 'i""nf"'-V Scale A 8ppply Co.. 48 Front st. Bdwy. 1966. SUITS pressed. 8 oenox French dry cleaned. 61.' Why pay morel Unique Tailoring Co., 104 4th at APPAREL EXCnANGFLadies' coaU. suits. dresses, evening gowns, furs, bats, shoes, slightly used, distinctive styles. Tabor 2825. HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good, services ble condition. 80 gsl., $7; 40 gal.. 89. 201 A dan is at, Eaat end Steel bridge. East 8816. PIPE, plumbing supplies, new. second hand, estl mateg given free. Coils made and installed. Main 5277. N. B. Mesher Pipe Co., 229 Front FOB SALE 1000 cords wood, 5 mile haul to boat. Will be at Hotel American Tuesday and Wednesday.. Ask for Davis. TENTS for sale, ramping inutiea, 2 0 square, 10 oz. double filled duck, I 9x9, all nearly new, cheap. Phone after 4. Tabor 9421. ALL kinds berries and small fruit plants, 60c doz. ; strawberries, $1.50 per 100, delivered. Tabor 4213. BIRDSEYE maple bedroom suite, sewing ana chine and baby crib for sale. 720 Harney ave. FOR SALE Peninsula range in .first class con dition. Tabor 8209. A COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy for sale. 8094. East DINING table, 6 chairs, wood range -and gas plate. Call Tabor 7375 after 0 p. m. ALMOST new red fox muff .for 916 if taken at once. Hell. 8404. CONCORD grapes 4 cts. Bring your baskets; 2 blocks northeast Lents school. ' TWO office rugs. One . 307 Journal bldg. brown, one mulberry. PLATE .glass showcase for sale, cheap: suitable for cigars or candy. 111H N. Broadway. FOB BENT Electric vacuum cleaners 24-hour day. 81. Delivered anywnere. Wdlu. 12B9. UNCALLED ror tallor-mada suits. 812.80 up. Taylor, tba Tailor. 289 H Bumsido st. FOR SALE -One heater, couch, oak stand. books. Call woooiawn tins PLUMBING supplies, wholesale price Stark- Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Malu 797.- VACUUM cleaners, sold, repaired, rented, ex". ehanred; bought Bentley Co.. Main 4907. UNCALLED FOB tailor made suits for sal. Modern tailors. 89 N. 8th at, GIRLS' gray chinchilla coat, age )4. 80 B Buwsett. mornings. CaU at PRINTING 500 tastaess cards $1.00. erty Printery, 165 M 4th. Lih- PLUMBINO expert, repair any prambing. g - vary "reasonable. MoCurdy, Bell wood 1125. by International Feature Berrkce, inc.) FOR At.K ISrELtXTTEOtH' 18 RESTAURANT AND CAFETERIA -71 Managers. Attention! . j ? - We baTS taken ot tlie A Ibina Engine and Northwest Steel Co. a caretena eunipmrnt which we -win dupoM- of in any ize lots. Tola stock oonaats-of ALL KINDS OF CROCKERY v ' AND SILVERWARE it-Cafeteria trays. . .,- : Electric dteb washing nuchins, " - : Elertrie potato, peeler. - Kettles and pets. - -$ Kteara eookera. - "-"- Fire steam Ublea. All kinds et rbaira and tables. National cash registers. Electric meat grinding machinery. Heat sUcera. Large steel range. . And other artirlr for reHaurant equipment. HOCHFELD BHOH.. 43 1st et. near Asa. Bdwy. 184. WANTED Pawn Tickets Bought Highest cash market value for diamonds. pwuuum, gora, stiver and false teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor. Cor. Wash, and Broadway. WE SAVE you moneyi House wiring, lighting fixtures, electricsl repair ing supplies. Third St. Electric Store. 224 H 3d at., near Salmon. Main 6055. SEWTNO MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, sold tor less; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for all makes. Machines repaired and rented. Main 94 SI. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM ISO 3d., near Taylor st. Electric. Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Born aide, corner 10th. Broadway 5174. SAFES Firs and burglar proof safes, new and second hand, 'at right prices, bought sold and exchanged. - NOKIilS SAVE AND LOCK CO.. 106 2d at Phone Main 2015 Boilers, Engines EW and ucond hand, nought and sold. G. A R. Machinery Co.. 603 Gerlinger bldg. Pbone Main 8201. SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS Fine variety of Singers, White. New Home and otlier makes at bargain prirex. Machine rented ami repaired. Fourth mrrrt Ringer Btbre. 1 93 Fourth. j FOKD chassis and other parts, overcoat, cloth ing, trunk, tools, pipe and fittings, vise, bench.. Want furniture, rug's, anything. 834 li First st 8. FCRXITTJBE WASTED 'HOUSEHOLD GOODS VOm Mni mi, nn1 fnrnlrnre. mas. eameta. fovea and all household goods and wiU pay the highest casb prices. Our Three Large. Stores ibl us to dlspo or tns gooas si 1 therefor, we can pay tbe Top Market Prices We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sport ing goods, tents, bicycles, typewriters,- adding machines and store atid office furniture. Wbea you have anything to buy. sell or trade Call Main W22 Levin Hdw. & Furn. Co. 221-8-6 FRONT ST. . 'WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH YOUR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL BEING US TO YOUR 0RDF.B. NO CHARGE. OCR VALUATION 18 HIGHER THAN TH1 OTHER FELLOW'S. THERE'S A BEA SON : BECAUSE WB BELL TOD A I WHAT WE BOUGHT fKSTERDAl. PHONB PHONE Marshall 5981 188 FIRST ST. Qevurta Furniture Co. MARSHALL 5981 SELL US Your Odd Pieces or Complete Furnishings We Pay Top Cash Prices Call Us for Prompt. Courteous Service -PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 209 FIRST ST. MAIN 7729. DO NOT TAIL TO PH0XK GEO. BAKER A CO. . Main 8882. if you want the highest price for your furniture. Our auction sales are larger tnau i . w.r ami wi,n to eonunue navina m aam. f to see us. 380 Yamhill st. Masonic Temple bldg.. and tell vnur furniture trouniea to BAKER AND DEAN QET MORE MONEY For your furniture, fall Eaot 6200. Bt'SCH A MZI: Comer Grand ave. and Hawthorne. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can aave you money ou your freight In our through cars. Fireproof storage. Q. M. Oban Transfer A Storage Go, !SF5MAW Star Furniture Co. 5(0)64 204 First St Owl Furniture Co. MOKRISOM Wa want your used furniture, stoves, carpet! 160 end 168 1st st CaU Main 4627 W1GHTMAN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 88-90 Grand ave. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used furniture, ear- pets, stoves, ranges, ate, we call promptly. I AM in tbe markwt tor furniture from private partlea only. 48 H Jackson at, CALL MAIN 2117. PHONE East 7815 when you want to aell your fnrniture; we will come at once and pay you CASH. M. K. HEATER. 380 lUwthorne are, DON'T be pestered with 2d hnnd furniture deal ers and their low price. 1 pay cash. ' Broad- way tiui. - " A f" nj paid for furniture, stoves, range wnftO if 8 carpers, rugs, dressers, etc. Phnae Mar. 2675. HartxeU Furniture Co.. 841 1st St. SWAPS ti NEW Standard Encyclopedia, 12 vols., half mo rocco binding, hardwood case; sell cheap, or consider piano or typewriter for trade. Tabor 5816 evening. WATEB-POWEB washing 'have you? Main 5096. machine. What 14 W. Humboldt TRADE Studebaker 5-pass. What have you in a motorcycle? Tabor 7520. POSTCARD" CAMERA for roll top desk! Wood Is wn 4018. -- WAXTEP WISCEajLAJfEOCS Old r. False Teeth Bought WE PAY CP TO 125 SET BRING OR MAIL, American Brokerage, 406 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. $750 for 2d Hand Su-ts Top price for fnmftnr and trunks Mar. 1630. I9 V . av r.. r- III vHArf, THE I VrAHTBTJ W4SCEl,l.A?rEOTJS S Get what your diamonds are worfh. If you bave to sell, don't i sell for any old price. : We pay lull value iu cask. v I . If you nav your dlsxaonds in pawn, we will buy .' the ticket and pay you -' also full value in cash, ... - - -5 i This! Is the plane where you ran turn anything into -. ) cash Jewelry, old gold, watches, .j silverware, plaUuunr at InU valu. : We buy yonr War Stamps. ' our Liberty Bonds, or any btbet : rahMbles: go if you want : ttady cash, fust go to .the AMERICAN BROKERAGE ; 406 8 pakling Rldg.. Fourth i'toOt. Cor. Washington and Third DIAMONDS WANTED Pawn Tickets Bought SeR your diamond to diamond experts. We positively pay the highest ca,h market values tor diamond!, platinum, gold, silver, old jewelry, wstehes, crowns, bridges snd fslse teeth: pri vate offices, bunineas confidential Sew US be fore selling elsewhere. National Jewelry Co. 447 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor. Cor. Wash and Bdwy. Hours f a. m. to 6 p. m, $8 to $15 FOR SECOND HAND SUITS MEYER, THE TAILOR Pays most for ruithtng and ahoes. Wa call day or evening. Marshall 1229 or 258 Madison st RIFLES OR SHOTGUNS WANTED SOLD. RENTED OR EXCHANGED NEWM AN. 13JI 1 Main 4495 Tabor 6798. WANTED People of Portland- to know than pay tb highest earth prtcm for aecond hand hr.usfln.ld gooda. No amount too larg. or to. small. Prompt attention. N. M. SKATER Phone Ea-t 2203. 143 RmweB at ' JUNK WANTED Fall value paid for racr old clothing, obi fur nitore, old machinery, m-tals, rubber, eto. CA1X MAIN 784. WE BUY WAR ST.AMPS LilSertT bonk, spot cash. Any . amount. American Rrokergge. 406 Riwlding Mtlg.. 4th floor. I F WANT used clothing. We nay front 810 no lor men s asea rails and ovcrcoata. (Jail ns n,l you will get the right rah price for your ! good. ilB7 liit st, neir Morrison. Main 788. GOING Kat or South! Household goods ahipped st reduced rstea; moving and packing. pacific: coast fuhwarihnu co. 4 03 Hoyt .. Broadway 708. W ANTE I Rifles, snotguns. rameraa, lanseaT Hochfield, 85 8d at Phons Main 8581. HOTICES tt IS THE circuit court of tlie state of Oregon for Oie county of Multnomah. In tlie inst ter of the petition of the board of supervisors nf Multnomah county drainage district No. 1. ,1 -......!. ; . I ... . . juuitai czaiiiiuaiiuu ana jutiginenc ot 1he court as to tlie regularity and legality of tne proceeuings tor the organisation of the dt triet. procerdinrs nubsequent thereto snd the lutuing or boivH of ttiu district Notice ami SLirmonn: To Multnomah county drainage district No 1 and to all freeholders, legal voters and aa- fces'ment payer vcitlnn said district. Notice is hert-by given that the board ot au- IJerrbors uf Alultnoniah county drainage dife trict No. I, a corijoration organised and ex isting under and by virtue of Chapter 840, General Ijiws of Oregon, 1915, and txihu- quent amendments thereto, have by petition filed vrith tlie clerk, of th. shove entitled court commenced a stecial proceeding for the pur pose of having a judicial examination and judg ment of the court as to the regularity and le gality of the proceedings In connection with the organization of the district, the proceedings subsequent thereto, and the proceedings of said board and of said district nrovidine for and authorising the issue and sale of bonds ot the district, which Kinds have not yet been sold or difiMKsr of, and for the purpose of having a judicial examination and judgment aa to the regularity and ,iegality of any action- tit pro- ceeamg 01 me county rauit anunni w, ui -gsnization of said drainage district, or declar ing tlie result of any election, general or spe cial, or ordering the issue of any bonds for any purpose, or the order determining any bond iwift or ttrovidinff foe the Mine, may be ex amined, approved, confirmed and adjudged and decreed to be legal and valid. And you are hereby further notified that the hearing of aaid petition has been set for the 8th day of November, mil, it v:su a. m., or saw da v. or as mnn thereafter aa counsel can be beard, in the courtroom of Department Wos 7 in the county courthouse in the city ot Portland, Mult ncman county, Oregon. a And tou are further notified that you. and any persona interexted in the organization ot sakt district, or any proceedings sutMequeflt thereto, or in the proceedings for the issua ot sale of tlie said bonds, may on or before the said day as fixed for the hearing of said, peti tion appear and contest the validity of snch proceeding, or of any of , toe acta - and things therein enumerated. Given under my hand and the. leal of the cir cuit court of the state of Oregon for Miiltno IE ah county this 8th day of October, 1919. JOS. W. BEVEBIDGE,. Clerk. Bv T. O. MofJrew. Deputy. NOTICE OF BOND 8AI.E Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 2 o'chiek p. m . the 1 5th day of Novem ber 1910. and immediately thereafter opened by the Board of .Sui'rvttors of Multnomah County Drainage DUtrH-t No. I at tlie office of said Board, No. 1 7 Corbett Building, Port nund. Orpgiin, lor the purchase of any or all of" the bond of said IMstrict in th sum of 400.000, said bondi to bear date , of issue and to mature serially as follow": tin 000 5 years from date of .issue 17.00O 6 years from data of ianiie 1 8 000 7 years from data of issue 10 000 S years from dste of issu 20,000 9 years from date of Issue 21.000 10 yesr from date of bsne 22 000 1 1 years from date of issua 2.1.000 12 years from date of Issue 25.000 13 years from dste of issue 26.000 14 years from date of isnue 28.09O 15 years from date of issue 2.00 16 years from date of bum 31.009 17 years from date of iwue 33.000 IS yearn from date of issue 35 000 19 years from date of issue 37.O00 20 years from dale if issue said bonds to bear interest at not to exceed 8 per cent per annum, payable eeml-ennually, principal and interest to be payable in Xnite-1 State gold coin t th Fiscal Agency of th State oi Oregon In New York City. Said bkle mw0 be accompanied by a cer tified check for -5 per cent of the face value of th bonds bid for and .must be uncondi- tnaL tpprnTinf jjgjj opinion of Messrs. Teal, Minor A Winfree of Portland. Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder. The above sale is conditional upon the prior validation of tlie proceedings for the organ! xstion of aaid -IHstriet and tlie authorisation of -said bonds by the Circuit, Court of th. State of Oregon for Multnorasb County, In which Court special proceedings for said pur pose are now pending; .... , . The Board reserves the ncht to reject any or a0 bids. D. C. POWELL. Secretary. PUBLIC NOTICE On and after Oct 25 I am not respoTufhU for any debt contracted by my wlf. Martha Kraml. sa divorce is pending in circuit court Amni-t Kreral. 2020 E, Yamhill et. AFTER this date. Oct 27, 19l9. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Leota Hald. C. E. Hald. PEBSONAL II DR. MARIE JOHNSON, Chiropodist, manicur ing. Office 811. Buchanan bldg., hr. 10 to 8. luawyer 6i2 semnr.btdg, msw 4999. LAD BARBERS Shaves 20c, hair cut, 857 face massage 8 Be, 258 Everett and 3d. HAIRCCTTINO WHILE 253 Everett st YOU WAIT. 86c, By George McManus lr- PERSONAL WANTS f-V- If ma wantr what he wants' wiieu ej wants' it Tia self ha aiu4 Uien intervieV;' ' , ' - tot grit and-ambltitm will get it As many successful ones do. V Some wants' are auite hevonit'i I reesoil ves; i ' egrniinoT - While many Imreane with' iwymi; Ambition keeps wanlt in the forearm) Ana seuiom sees clouus 01 dtstrtna. - . - " -- -" t Some ajwopto want clot he at' a Hrgain 1' ' . We're now satisfying their "want"-: . Wa re cut OR our OVERSTOCK gatibenta s V V Atid we'wo met with th greaUst resnunsa, ,V -. ' . . ' .J And when it comes to women's "wants' - . We know yon cau cave more Ou each fall SUIT. COAT. DRESS and HAT, ,: At tlie PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE, . 2d- Floor PittQck blfc. - V..; Old False TeetlrBoughtJi We pay up to $25.09 set Very old sets arc most valuable: crowns, bring, work bought Bring or mall American Brokerage. 408 . Spalding bldg., 4th floor, Sd at Wash.- i Old False Teeth Wanted . Highest canh prtoes fnr fare teeth, crowns and bridge work, diamonds, gold and allvec. ' NATIONAL JEWELRY C0U. 447 Morgan bldg.. 4fh fhwf. -' 1 GLAoSEit AT A HAVING ' 1 solicit your patronage M Iks -baris of espsbls service, Thousands ' or ntiei patrons.- Charlsa W. Goodman, optometrist. itOH Morrison at.. - '; ATTEN TION. EY ES RlfiHT " ' Dr. George Bubnstein, the veteran optician, -returned from service, is right ou tba lob of fitting eyes with the best eye glasses at mud- ' erate pnoos. Morrison st. Mala 881. WE BUY. WARSHIPS Liberty bonds. Spot casli.l Anv amount. Ameri can Brokerage, 406 Spalding bldg., 4th floo -'-4, COME IN and get both your feet fixed up good for $1 by Dr. Eston, Uu CHIROPODIST that doesn't hurt youj 5 years in Portland; etata. free. .ions i lies i re piag., nth ml Wash. Bdy, 28I!4. DETEt Tl L- I nner! Service Detective Iiiii-mu. Work executed ttv afcillwt operative.: atrWl . confidential. tiUT IStii k Kxcltange bldg. Main, axis. f LADIES' iiuraes snd handbags renairext Aleo made to onler. Nultrases, traveling bags. $5.85 np. I'nrtUnd leather .., 220 Wuhmgton. - NERVOCRNEHrt, lumbago, etc., treated" at 413 Buchanan bldg.. Main R3U0. Uaaons' nat- ronsge solicited. GOITRE, enlarged glands, selves permanently. A. people eur. tlirm lt ailrachan, lUlla- pom, or., itoute n. SUPEKFLUOCS hair." moles, warts removed by 10 needle method; trial free. Joaie Flalay, 614 Bush Lane bldg. Main 6308. DR. WILKINNON ivmnvp rurn in 3 minutes. Limp in. 31 fi Flandors St.. near 6th. Dr. Etna Snrensen. 608"psuamabldg , rugiswi Phys. ; rheumatlam. constipstlon. Main 5086. ANTIQUK9 AmuTTanTArKINDSFTrrMN nvcin oKtraa. jo., .oa vvaaniugwu sx.. BARBERS' 8UPPLIIB' ( ' LFWIS-ilTENUKU Barbers'' Sapplr - OeJ. "" 10th i .uu wmwn aireew. an. piaee to wuy barbers' chairs and supplies, Stock ai, f vulture ' always on, hand at right prices, . ? , BBAUTY gPEOI ALI8T , SLPF.HFLUOClT Esir de?trojr.r?or by au op. newu. met nog. 0144 Bwrtlanil bid. BLACKSMITH ALL kinds of biacksmlthing and light machine work: een.ral' auto and tr, k- rvvalring. at Aran. North Portlaad BlaekmlVh As Machine 22d and Ked streets. Broadway 8895, BLANK BOOK WAS1B9 DAVIS A HOLM AN. INC., 109 2d at. blank book manufacturer A. 31 88. Mala 188. book a OARPIT OLtANIlia We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Bag rugs, all sixes. v Mail orders prompt. Bugs and carpets steam and dry cleaned. Phone ot write- for price list Northwest Rug, Co, . 198 E. Eighth Street Eaat 8689 a. Fluff Rugs From;OJj . ; Carpets Bag Bugs, all aices Mall Orders rrempt, Bsud fof Booklet till Bugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned. 11.10. FLUFF SCO CO. 84-89 TJinoa ave. N. East 0518, B-147S CHIROPRACTORS DB LAURA E. DOWNING. Broad war bldg. "aTTSOWNlNO. Drugl physician; 10 years' experience cbire nruetic. electricity, vibratory aaaaaag. and di.t. DB. McMATioN, 100 per cent adjuatment made easy, carefully, permanent Pbone II. 919. iiFLENA VvTcOMSTOCrrcWropra til 14th at Chronic trouble. Main 8808. OPAL AWO WOOD ' . WE BELL IN LABliE OR SMALL QUANTtTf HMvy Country Slab, Oak and Oordwobd Star Wood & Coal Co. 949 3d st. Main 801S. Boxwood v 53n!bVood Multnomah Fuel Co. Mam C340 A 2118, DBT bridge timber and piling" Iu stove length" AH kinds coal. National Fuel Co.. East 2041. POO AMD OAT HQgITAl DB. O. H. HOTHMAN hospital, 4 l5jUetT corner Grant East 184 9 B 1. KDUOATiORAt, DANCINO BLVTlLEB-S DANCINO ACADEMY If you want to da lie. or learn Xa dsnc, why nt go to tb. largest and best school. In th elty where th. advantagoe are greater t Ton UMt more good dancers and can practlc with many different expert profesidoftat teacbera, Suarl ball for beginners and backward pupil. Out bnvmes Is dsneing. We know bow. Infvrmai every evening. Ladtea, 83: genu, IB. 1 4th at Washington. Broadway 8880. A-38 1 L STSS IB ELAND,; 6 th floor, Dekum bTlg" classes 11 on.. Tiie., Thnrs., Fit Ladlat, 3 , gent. 35; Prlval. lessons day, sveenlgg. ' , aUIO JICMOOtU AWO TKACMBRB gBOrT. E. LAWHON, 20 years' xperUnea. riano ksson st y--ur boms, 76. Taber 7208. VIOLIN, piano! mandwiin. harmony guitar e banio. Kol Kenbeck. 409 Yamhill. - L. CAHBOM, I) At, piano, vocal lessons, wti practice piano. I hour day, 19 two. Bdy. 1689. ' LAWYERS j- ' 17TrrSANDBTAftr883BailwayTCgchang bldg! v BISIL APVSRTI9IRO CBANE LEtTEBOaT H Royal bldg. Malt, graphing, xglntcraphi9. ' Marshall 6922. ORTOMETRI8T professional' and 1usiness mmctoiy igUB- ETER SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern Instrument, Ulasse . ' rT5i fltf1 from 63.60 up. - . 9 L E. HDBWITZ, OptouMtrist, 329 Flrat eg. iv' YioroFTor "pilnTing, tinting, pspering. lli f . aitaj st. xMwy. 41. woootawa I13S. : FSTKWT ATTORHgy OOLDBEKO, 820 Woroaeur oidg. Main Sfta RHTSIOIARS fCSroadvsf bid. Rbue ' matism, stonuch, bowal, rung. User, kioV Bey, bladder, ractai, proatatis, f.mal diaerdsrs, skin affection, bign blood pranur.' FRIWTIRO. BWaRAVIPIQ, aiNblNB Dr n I n r . -T"kTES A Co., lwi a liiwus, ana OS fts. M. 166, A.I196. - SAtTIO BMP SWOK D PI8M - VlasLa Ui.KKl.Nti At IMPi5ltTI.SU CO, dls tributot of salted and aauk4 fish, 301 Tamhill et.'Portlsdd, Or, ' - . TINRKRS Tha, Bheetiroa and Boot- Wv 19 1st at. . Pbea Maw liiti TRARgs-BR AWO 9TORAat, Oregon - Transfer Cp..-a . , ; ,ltotabUshd 8f -' rV - Transfer and ForwardHig Agewts. t , BTORAOE FREB TRACK AO4 'jr Offln and Storage, 474 Olimu. lltn knd Uneea. Broadway 1281, A -1189. ALWAV4 ' I'iCli THE A C HOCSKHOI.O GOODS SPKCULI8T Si age, packing,, sbia Slug and moving. Hots jUUiw .,. , ape- ; rial rata to ail pchrta. CO. FlCaV td and Pina. TBANSFjm ABTOBAOa CO,, Broadwa 998, A-1999. Storage and Transfer - - Clay S. Morse Inc. 1 .. 428 FLAN DEBS STBEET.X ; ' tnLTATfETTrVALlTEY'fn ANSFItl tQ.l iin. real , tramfer and f rwardiug ' ayeata, 124 M. Stb st - ttroadway 464. - " - : KrminrmmMt t SfLHllY TOBAUS TRA.VRFEB (X : t6 Par at. : , ;. - : Ml 6196. A-10t & S. MAT. general lisming, tge stock mured. ft ' CASH for hit modl Ford touring body . ; 404 HAV1S M1AB TiUSTU Tabot . tHJ2a alllit oaU.