The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 25, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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bverrior lcdtt
unday throughout Oregon
4 f" ?
School s
. Purpose Is to Induce Everyone to
Become Regular Attendant at
-Bible School Service
Proclamation Declares Sunday
School One of Great Out
standing Factors of Nation.
Listen to the call of the church
' bell tomorrow morning and hark
back to the days when you were
young and used to attend Sunday
" school regularly. Then put on your
coat arid hat and make for the
church of your choice. Tomorrow
Is "Go to Sunday School" day.
By proclamation ot Governor Ben
1 Olcott the day will be observed In
churches' throughout the state.
' The plan Is not to ask the church to
'give way to the Sunday school, but to
- get everyone to the regular Bible school
service. All cltlsens of Oregon, adults
as well aa children, are urged to ob
' aerve "Go to Sunday School" day.
Part of the governor's proclamation
. reads :
"Since Its Inception the Sunday school
has been the Instrumentality In that
degree of character development which
haa been one of the outstanding factors
tn the greatness of our nation. Thous
ands of men and women of our state
owe to the lessons which they have
gained In attendance at Sunday school
the fine sense of citizenship which has
sustained them In their later years, and
'look back to those lessons with a keen
ens of grateful appreciation.
To our boys and girls and to our
young manhood and young womanhood
' we owe the best that we can give. The
environment of the Sunday school is
such an environment as tends toward
the growth of the finer and better sensi
bilities. .
' "No matter 'what sect or creed may
' claim your reverence, none but feels that
the principles upon which our govern
ment Is founded are in accord with the
best principles of Christian civilization
and those precepts are inculcated to the
young mind In the lessons and through
the environment of the Sunday school,
Christian Science
Free Lecture Sunday
In response to the growing demand for
authentic Information concerning the
teaching of Christian Science, Fifth
-Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city
, extends a cordial invitation to all to
attend a free lecture on Christian
Science by Frank Bell of Philadelphia, in
" the church edifice Sunday afternoon, No-
-vember 2. at 3 o'clock. Mr. Bell la a
' member of the board Of lectureship of
the Mother Church, the First Church
of Christ, Scientist, tn Boston, Mass.,
. and Is authorised to speak with author
ity. - 8. A H. Oreem Stamps for eausK Hoi
man Fuel Co.. Main 353, A-33G3. Block-
.wood, short slab wood. Hock Springs
and Utah coal, sawdust. Adv.
"Be a Lifter and
Not a Leaner"
. Park and Madison Streets
11:00 A. M.
I 7:43 P. M.
Sunday School. 9 :45 A. M.
S Christian iaideavor, 6 :30 P. M. 1
; Other Wage Earners
; ' D. L. SHULTZ
Union man and evangelist for the
j Northern Baptist convention. He speaks
every night for the next two weeks at
Bring' Tour Families and Tour Friends.
Take St. Job as ear to FIshe SU, Walk
i Two Bloekslforth.
. - -! COME 8U5DAT EVE5I5G
"Jabal, Jaubal and
Tke Ministry ef the Art to Life Is
the subject annooaosd by Dr. Edward
M. Fasoe fair- his sermon tomorrow
nicht. In th morning b -mUi pnaea
a Tke Slnlan Ohrtsti The Me Im
portant Human Pest in History.".
-- - Ar yon ;inUrstd ia the life of
Christ? " Xr. fence is. conduetlnf aa
informs!, most tntemtinc study on
this sabjeet at $ o'clock each Tlinndsy
nig hV to which the, poblio is Invited. v
Resident Pastor Is
Secured Jot Local
Deaf Worshippers
The deaf of Portland now have a' resi
dent pastor. . Last Sunday the Kev.
John A. Beyer of New York was in
stalled pastor of the local deaf church,
the service being held in Trinity' Lu
theran church, in the preserve of a
large number of deaf people. Miss Hulda
Isaacson beautified the service by ren-
dertng a hymn in sign language. Until
further arrangements can be made, serv
ices will only be held on Sundays In the
Trinity Lutheran church, Graham and
Williams avenues. All deaf In the city
are Invited to attend. For the past
three years the Rev. George W. Gaert
ner of Seattle has been preaching to the
deaf of Portland on alternate Sundays,
but the work became so large that as
sistance was imperative. . The deaf of
Portland may now enjoy the same
church privileges as their speaking
Workers' Conference
Adopts New Goal
The monthly workers' conference of
the Mount Tabor Presbyterian Sunday
school in the future will be held in the
church on the second Thursday evening
of. each month. At the conference
Thursday evening a complete plan of
organization for the school was out
lined and the international standard
adopted as a goal of efficiency. The
superintendent's cabinet was organized.
In which administrative details will' be
taken care of, and the workers' confer
ence will be made principally an -inspirational
meeting. The school has
decided that this year a "White Christ
mas" shall be observed and preliminary
plans for the service have been made.
The following departmental superin
tendents were elected : Missionary, Miss
Margaret Copeland ; temperance, A. J.
Twogood; training, Miss Margaret ew
Ing; beginners. Mrs. T. E. Spiers. Miss
Louise Roblson was selected to stimu
late among: the workers of the school,
the reading of up-to-date books on Sun-
day school methods, and to secure mem-,
bers for the reading course outlined by
the State Sunday School association.
"Confucianism" Is '
Sermon Topic
The Rev. H. i,. Cox of hn VI mt
Friends church announces as his sub
ject for Sunday morning a discussion
of Confucianism. This is the second of
the regular series of missionary ser
mons on the first of each month that
will deal with the non-Christian relig
ions. A special series of revival meet
ings which have Just closed at the Sec
ond Friends' church have left the
church In a much strengthened condi
tion. The pastor. Miss Laurana Terrell,
announces a fall rally and social of the
Christian Endeavor next week, when
special plans will be laid for the win
ter's work. The new pastor of the West
Piedmont Friends' church, the Rev.
Carey Jessup, will occupy xhls pulpit
next Sunday and announces a special
series of revival services to begin at
that tjme. The pastor will be assisted
by Evangelist Miss Louise Pennell.
Wallace McCamant to
Address Men's Club
Sunday evening the men's club of Cen
tral Presbyterian church will have
charge of the service. The speaker of
the evening will be Justice Wallace Mc
Camant. He will pay a tribute to the
boys who went to the service of their
country from this church. At the close
of the service Justice McCamant will
presejit the service flag, containing 89
stars, to the mothers of the church. The
Rev. F. J. Myers will preside at the
service. Professor William J. Belcher
will have a male chorus of 25 voices. As
the church is without a pastor the men's
club has taken It upon itself to pro
vide for the various services. In the
morning Dr. M. Swadener, noted orator,
will speak In the interests of the Anti
Saloon league.
To Discuss Prophecy
The Rev. F. C. Laxlptt -ain
present day problems In the light of
Bible Dronhecv in his SimH.v
sermon at Glencoe Baptist church. He
win aiso give Christ's position in the
present crisis. Special music will be
First Presbyterian Church
lf SlrMt at 12th
(Pastor First
Presbytarian Church,
Oakland, Cal.)
10:30 A. M.
7:30 . M.
nnus) UHvIR PULL
Dr. J. M. Gray to Conduct Con
ference for Three Days of
Coming Week.
A Bible conference will be held in
the East Side 'Baptist and Sunnyslde
Congregational - churches the first
three days of this coming week- It
will be conducted by Dr. J. M. Gray,
dean of the Chicago Moody Bible in
stitute, and Dr. W. P. "White of Al
bany. The meetings, of this confer
ence are open to the public, no
charge being made for admission to
the classes.
The Sunday ' and Monday program
will be held at the Baptist church and
Tuesday's program at the Congrega
tional church.
The program is: Sunday. 11 a. m.,
"Thinking Through the Bible," by Dr.
White ; 7 :30 p. m., "The Coming of the
King," Dr. Cray; Monday, 10:30 a. m.,
conference with ministers, conducted by
both speakers ; 3 p. m., "The Book of
Ephesians"; 7:30 p. m., "When Will
Christ Come?"; Tuesday, '3 p. m.,
"The Security of the Believer" ; 7 :30 p.
m., "The Throne of David."
Mrs. Segersten Will
Sing Vespers Sunday
Mrs. Blanche Williams Segersten, so
prano of the First Presbyterian choir, is
to be the soloist at the Warren vesper
service at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon
in room E of the church house. The
vesper service will present an excellent
program Sunday aa Miss Gertrude Hoe
ber, leader of the Warren vesper or
chestra, will have present the full or
chestra of 10 members arid the overtures
will be music of the highest order. The
vesper class Is showing a rapid Increase
In numbers, and the spirit of progress
is manifested along- lines of individual
advancement. All mature young people
will find a cordial greeting. Dr. Angela
L. Ford Warren is at the door every
Sunday afternoon to greet members, as
sisted by Miss Jennie Lee Simmons. Miss
Helen Baughman, F. A. Helber and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles J. Allen.
Unity Communion Service
Communion service, reception of new
members and baptism of children will be
observed Sunday morning at Unity Pres
byterian church by the Rev. S. W. See
man, He will preach at 7:30 p. m.
Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform Sunday School Lessons
"A Lesson in Trout" Mitt 14:22-23.
Golden text: "I belie re; help thou mine un
belief." Mark 8:24.
Young People's Topics
Baptist Union "Christianity and the Health
of China." lnke 4:16-81.
Christian Endeavor "Christianity and the
Health of China." tnke 4:16-81.
Epworth Ieapie "How to Use the Bible."
Psa. 19:7-14.
First White Temple, 12th and Taylor He.
William A. Waldo. 11. "America's Debt to
the World," by ReT. P. Kin Sing-wor of Burma;
8. preachinf by Ber. 8. G. Neil of Philadelphia,
Pa., "i Sinner's Opportunity."
East Bide E. . 20th and Salmon Rer. W.
B. Hinsou. Bey. H. T. Cash, associate. 11.
"Thinkine Th touch the Bible," by Dr. W. P.
White of Albany; 7:30, "The Cominr of the
King." by Dr. J. M. Gray of the Moody Bible
Institute. i
Third- Vancouver and Knott Bar. Webley J.
Bearen. 11. 70.
Arleta iRer. Owen T. Day. 11, 8
Calvary E. Rth and Grant Re. 3. B.
Thomas. 11. 7:30.
Glencoe E. 45th and Main Rot. F. C.
T-aslette. 11. "Christ and the Present Crisis":
7:30. "The Sure Foundation."
Sellwood Bethany Preaching by Bey. W. N.
Ferris of Ashland.
Grace E. 78th and Ash. Iter. F. W. Star
ring. 11. "A Successful Evangelism": 7:30.
"The Valley of Demons."
University Park Bev. a. Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
Bwedish 15th and Hoyt Bet. T. O. Sjolar-d-f.
10:80. 70.
St. Johns B. Edgar Barton. 11, 7:80.
Highland E. 6th and Alberta Dr. W. T.
MUliken. 11 and 7:30.
Pro tthedra! 15th and Davie Bev. E. V.
OHara. 6. 7:15. 8:30, 8:48. 11. 7:45.
St Peters Lenta fiev. P. Beutgen. 8.
10:80, 7 JO.
St Lawrence 8d and Sherman Bev. J. Q,
Hughes. S. 8:30, 10:30. 7:80.
St. Francis E. 12th and Pine Bev. J. H.
Black. 6. 8. 0, 10:30, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of alary Williams and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly, . 8. . 11, 7:30.
Holy Bosary E. .3d and Clackamas Rev. K.
S. Olson. 6. 7, 8. 9. 11, 7:80.
8f. Rose E. 53d and AUmeda Bev. J.
O'FarreU. 8, 10:30, 4.
St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Bar. J.
Kteraan. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24 th and Stsktyoa Rev.
George F. Thompson. 7:80, 9, 11.
Ascension E. 70th and Yamhill Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
Blessed 8acrament Maryland and BlsnrTrna
Bev. V. W. Black, 8. 10:30, 7:80.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Bev. C. Raymond.
8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Ignatius 8220 43d at.- 8. E. Jesuit
Fathers. 6:80, 8. 10:30. 4.
St. Stephens K. 42d-and Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waitt. , 8:80. 10:80. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancoo
ver are. Bev. William J. Devine. . 8. 10:80.
7:80. .
St. Phillip Neri (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th
and Hickory Ear. tl. L. Ferry. 7:30. 9.
10:80. 7:30.
St. Clement 8. Smith ' ave. and Newton
Sorbite Fathers. , 8. 19:30, 7:30.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. G.
Bob.1 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Agaths K. 15th and Miller Bar. J.
Comminsky. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
St. SUnhUui (Polith) Maryland and rifl
ing Rev. r. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Coocb
Rev. B. Dorrer. S. 10:80, 7:80.
8t Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rv.
M. BaWra. 8:30. 10:80. 7:30.
8t Clares Capitol Hill Father Capistran.
O. F. M. ; 8. 10:10. ,
' St. Charles E. 8 3d and Alberte Bev. J.
P. O'FIynn. 8. 10:30. .
All Saints E. 8tb and Gllsaa Rev. Father
W illiam cronin. n. io:so.
St. Patricks 19th and Savjer Rev. Charles
M. emltn. Masses n:80. . :l. 10:80. 7:45.
' First Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H.
Griffta. 11, T:48.
East Skle E. 12 th And Tayhff Bev. R. H.
Sawyer. 11, 8. . . ,
Rodney A venae Rodney and Knott. Bar.
8. Karl CMldenC 1 1. 8.
Montavttla E. 76th and Gllaan Bey. Her
bert E. Rrder. 11, 7:80.
Woodlawn E. 7 th and liberty Bar. Joseph
v. soya, it, s.
Vernon E. 1 5th and Wygant Rev. K.
Tibba Mazer. 11. T40.
' ChrktlM Golance '' "
Trenton mhjeet: "Probation After Death."
Fimt--19th and Everett. 11. 8.
Second E. 8th and HoUaday. 11, ft.
Third -E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
; Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11. 8.
Fifth S2d and 4 2d ave. S. K. 11. '
. Sixth Masonia Temple. 868 YamhOLiS 11. 8,
Seventh Holbrook block, St. Johns. ' 11. ,
- All churches Wednesday. 8 p, . .
- -' Oonereaatianal .
- First Park and Madison. Da Tf.- T. McEl-
Missionary education to J3e (Established
Church jf ederation pens ?3ranch
Beginning Monday evening in the First
Congregational church. Madison and
Park, streets, the Portland Church fed
eration will inaugurate another branch
of its work, namely, that of missionary
education. "For three nights of two suc
cessive weeks, normal classes will be
held fh a variety of books.
Leaders in the work desire to have all
churches in the city send their leaders
to these normal classes, so that they
may be trained for the school of missions
to be started November 9 in the local
The school of missions In the churches
will probably be the greatest religious
undertaking in thecltys history to date.
The" committee, of -which Barnes F. Ew
ing is chairman, contemplates putting a
mission study class In every Protestant
church in Portland. Just how this class
will be organized will be left to each
church to solve for itself, but the com
mittee has suggested that the hour of
the Sunday night young people's service
be utilised. They suggest that seven
Visiting Clergymen
To Occupy Pulpit
Two visiting clerjrymen will occupy
the pulpit of the White Temple Sun
day. In the morning the Rev. F. King
Slnglser of Burmah will preach on
America's debt to the rest of the world
In the evening Dr. S. G. Nell of Phila
delphia will preach. Dr. Neil is a
noted evangelist. The Temple quartet
will provide special music for both
Sunday afternoon from 1 to 7 o'clock
the White Temple members will con
duct their second annual membership
canvas. The teams will meet at the
close of the morning service, and. after
luncheon will begin on their mission.
At a recent church meeting it was
voted to- raise a budget of ,116,117.50
during the coming year. As a" result of
the Canvass last year all expenses of
the church were paid. The object of
the campaign is to have every member
assigned to a definite pledge every
week. Another object Is to enlist each
member in some branch of church
New Pastor to preach
The new pastor of the Vancouver
Avenue Norwegian-Danish M. E. church,
the Rev. A. Chrlstensen, has arrived in
the city from Oakland, Cal., and will
occupy his pulpit at both services Sun
day. He desires to have all members
of the church present. Strangers will
also be welcome.
veen. 11. "Motherhood of God": 7:45. "War
ranted Not to Shrink."
Sunnyslde E. 8 2d and Taylor Rev. 3. 3.
Staubs 11. "A Glimpse of Christ's Future
Glory"; 7:45, "Who la the Man of Galileer 1
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett.
Rev. E. E. Flint. 11. "Tha New Process for
Making Christians," 7 .45. "Post-War Mortals
and the Ten Righteous , Men of Sodom and
Portland." ,
Highland EL 8th and Preaeott Rev. Edward
Constant. 11. "The One Who Is Able"; 7:30,
"Stones From tha Brook."
Waverteigh Heights E. 33d "and Woodward
He. Oliver P. Avery. 11, 8.
Laurelwood 15th ave. and 65th St. S. E.
Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11.
Pilgrim Missouri thd Shaver. Bev. Robert
Murray Pratt. 11, "Tha Dark Night of the
Soul"; 7:30, "Some Deaoona I Have Known."
Finnish Mission 107 Skidmore Rev. Sam
uel Nevala. 6, 7:30.
University Park Haven and Lombard Rev.
C. H. Johnston.
St. Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Bar.
J. T. Merrill. 11. 7:30.
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner
Bev. Ole Torgessen. 11, 7:80.
First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev.
Qeorge Zocher. 11, 7:80.
Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Rev.
Henry. Hagelcana. 11. 7:80.
k Zion German E. 9 th and Fremont Bev.
J. H Hopp. 11. 7:30.
Parkrose Bev. P. D. Holfman. 11. 7:80.
Church of tha Brethren Bortbwick and
Brainard Bev. George C CarL 11. 8.
?ro-Cathedral of St Stephen tha Msrtyr
Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop; Very Rev. It.
T T. Hicks, dean? 7:45. 11. "Thy Kingdom
Ccme"; 7:45. "The Efficacy of Prayer."
Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8. ll. "Beware of Fake Prophets"; 8,
'"The Key to Sniritual Understanding."
St. David E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services in charge of
Rev. Walter Gray. 7:30, 9,, 11, 7:80.
St Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. G.
Hatton. 7:30. 9:46, 11, 8.
St. Andrews Hereford st, Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11, 7:30.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Wekiler Ray.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8.
St Michaels am All Angels E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar; 8, 10, 11.
Church of Our Savior SOth are. and 41st
St 8. E. Rev. K. H. Clark, vicar. 7:80. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Bev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:30.
St Pauls Woodmen Bev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
All ainta 25th and Savier Bev. Frederick
K Howard. 10. 11.
St Johns Memorial E. 16th and Harney,
Sellwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30.
St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Bar.
W. A. 1L Brack, vicar. 10, 11.
First E. 6th and Market Bev. E. D. Hera
achneh. 11. 7:80.
Clay Street 10th and Clay Rev. Jacob
8tockpr. 10:45, "The Preeminence) of Christ";
8, John E. Crymea. general missionary ot the
American Sunday School union, will speak
Swedish Tsbernacle N. 17th and Olimn.
Rev. C. J. Ledin, 10, rally service:. 11. "Jeans
and tha Children"; 7:30 (English). "Isaac aa
Type of Christ and His Raving Minion."
Free Methodist.
Central E. 65 th and Flanders Rev. E. 1
Harrington. 11. 7:80.
Iftrst E. Bth and Miltc Rev. 8. H. Cpton.
11. 7:SO.
Alberte E. 80th and Wygant 11 7;30
- St Johns East Richmond and Hudson Bay
E. D. Blackman. 11. 7:30.
Lents Kev. S. H. Upton, acting pastor. 2:30.
First E. 85th and Main Bey. Homer L.
Cox.. 11. "Diaoussion of Confucianism"; 7-45
- Second E. 02d and 61st are. Iter. Lorana
1L Terrell 11. 7.
West Piedmont Berth wick and Jersey Rev
Carey Jeasupp. 11, 8.
Congregation Beth Israel 1 2th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform ejuaacenia.
Services. Friday 8 P- am.. Saturday lOiSeVT sa.
, Concrecatiott Ahavai Sboloss Park and Clay
ta. Rabbi B Ahrahamion, Friday, 8 a. aT
Saturday. 8:30 a, a7
Conaregation Nevah Eedeck Talmnd Torab
6 th and HaU Bev. Abraham L RowncrantaT
Friday. S p. as.; Saturday, S a. m. ; Sunday, 16
s, aw. rcUciooa school. "
. t-after Day taints
Church of Jeans Christ ot Latter Day Saiata
K. 25th and Madison; Heber OlTersom.
gaisaion presidaat; 10. 7:80. r0
k 1
Trn.. SV Brinkmsa
St Pauls s. lzta .and Clinton Re. A.
Krsuse. 9:80. 19:80. "The Holy Ghost Haa
Kept One in Trna Faith"; 7:80. "The Message
ot tha Reformation ta Our Times," foUowedby
OOSBmoniiM, ' ' - " ..
Onr 8anor E. 10th and Grant Rfv M. A.
Chxnteaasn. 11 (Norwegian).., Christ Foraiv
bu Sins. How and Why?" ...
Trinity - (Miasouri Synod) Willlssas and
Graham Rev. J, A. Rimbach. 9:15. 10:15
classes be organised in each church, thus
affording a class for all ages. The or
ganisation of each church will be planned
on the organization of the normal school.
The organization of the normal school,
the books to be used and the instruct
ors are: Primary classes, "Mook; ju
nior classes, "The Honorable Crimson
Tree," led by Miss Margaret Scott;
young people's classes, "Ministers of
Mercy," led by Mrs. B. A. Thaxter ;
for .adults. "Christian Americanization,"
led by the Rev. Robert M. Pratt ; for
adults, "New Life Currents" In China,"
led by James F. Swing; for women,
"Crusade of Compassion." led by Mrs.
J. B. Murphy; for men, "World Facts
and America's Responsibility," by Rev.
Ralph C. McAfee.
Special effort is 'being made to enroll
men In the class conducted by Mr. Mc
Afee. This mission school is the method
by which the church is attempting to
reach all ages through simultaneous mis
sion Study classes meeting once a week
for six weeks.
New Congregational
Departments Open
The First Congregational church is
organising many new departments of
work. Last Sunday L. G. Nichols, edu
cational expert, organized a discussion
class for young men. The class meets
In Dr. McElveen's study from 10 to 11
o'clock Sunday, morning., Sunday the
class will discuss '"How ko Choose the
Right Life Work.'' Wednesday evening
T. D. Kirkpatrlck, city club leader of
Boys' and Girls' clubs, and W. J. Kent,
from Scout headquarters, will organize a
Boy Scout troop. This troop is not
only for boys of the Sunday school but
is for the boys of the community. An
other new feature is the employment
of a klndergartner to care for young
children during the hour that the par
ents are attending the Sunday morning
service. This kindergartner will enter
tainingly instruct the children during
that hour.
War Veteran to Talk
Erlin Wilde, returned war veteran,
will tell of his experiences- at the Sun
day night services at Marshall Street
Presbyterian church. The young people
will have charge of the service. The
communion service will be observed in
the morning.
Human Nature Study
Studies of human nature, entitled
"Some Deacons I Have Known," will be
presented to the evening audience at
Pilgrim Congregational church by the
Rev. Robert Murray Pratt, pastor.
fOerman). "Reformation Festival": 8, corner
stone laying.
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev.
Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, 8.
Grace (English) Mason and Albina. Rev. C.
H. Barnard. 9:45. 7:45.
Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod
ney. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor
ris Rev. L. P. KJoller. 11, 8.
St Johns Peninsula and Kilpe trick Bev. It.
Ludwig. 10:4 5, 7:80.
Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney
Bev. V.' G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:48.
Immanuel 1 9th and Irrtng Rev. A. V. An
derson. 11, 8.
Trinity (Norwegian) Lovely and Fortune
Rev. 8. A. Stenseth. 10:80.
Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap
nun and Salmon Rev. H. H. Koppelmann.
0:15. 10:15. 7:45.
Methodist Episcopal
Centenary E. 8th and Pine. Rev. Frank L.
Wemett 10, "Thwarting Omnipotence"; 7:30.
"The Great Business of Being a Friend."
Central Vancouver and Fargo Bev. A. R.
Maclean. 11. 7:30.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Hev.
E. S. Mace. 11.
Epworth 26Ui and Savier Rev. J. Stanford
Moore. 11, 7:30.
First 12th and Taylor1 Rev. Joshua 8 Uni
fied 10:30. 7:80.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. Kliaa Gjerdint 11. "The Glory of the
Lord"; 8, "The Way to God."
Laurelwood E. 63d apd Foster. Rev. A. C.
Brakenbury. 11. 7:30.
Lenta Bev. F. R. Sibley. 11, 7:48.
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A.
Ginn. 11, VThe Influence of What We Read";
7:80, "A Drama of Ufa.".
Montavilla E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram
Gould. 11. 7:30.
Mt Tabor E. 61st and Start Rev. E. G.
Decker. 11. 7:80.
Pattern Alberta and Michigan. Rev. George
H. Bennett 11. "Faith in the Invisible; 7:30.
"Mr. HaMn and Brother Tightwad."
Rose City Park E. 68th and Sandy. Rev. D.
Lester Fields. 11, 7:30.
Stllwood E. 16th and Tacoma Rev. W.
8. Gordon. 11. "First Things First" or "Right
a Question of Relative Importance"; 7:30, "Tha
Cause and Cure of tha Blues."
8unnyidf E. 35th and Yamhill Bev. W.
F. Ineaon. 11. 7:45.
St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Bev.
W. E. Klosterftll. 7:30.
bwedish Beech and Bortbwick Bev. Abel
Eklund. 11, 7:30.
.University Park Fixke and Lombard Rev.
1L T. Atkinson. 11, 7:30.
Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid
more and Vancouver Rcr. A. Cbristfcmcn.
11. 8
Westmoreland Milwaukee and Midway Bev.
E. S. Mace. 7 :S0.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bur
grU Short 10:30. "The Chariot Pulpit, or
the Ministry of Christian Laymen."
Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock Rev.
L. C Poor. lj. 7:30.
Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev. J.
H. Irvine. 11, "The Preaching of the Cross;
In It Still FooUshnesa and a Stumbling Block!"
7:30. "A Kingly Call to Toung People."
District superintendent Rev. William Wallace
Toungson. D. D.. 691 E. 62d at N. Tabor 2790.
M. C. South
Kfrit TJnVn end Multnomah Rev. J. W.
Byrd. 11, "Our Unlovely Lord"; 7:30, "What
Shall I Do With Jesus?"
Firit K. 10"- and WebBsr Bar. J. T.
Little. 11. 7:30. .
Sellwood E. 8th and Spokane PT. Weaver
W. Hess. 11. 7:80.
Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th at Bev.
C. U. Fowler. 11, 7:30.,
Highland Park E. 14th and Knjlnpwortn
Rev. W. P. Keebaugh.. 11. 8.
Scandinavian Rev. J. C BringedahL 11.
7:30. ;
First 12th and Alder. Preachinf 'by Rer.
Prank M. Silsley of Oakland. 10:80. "The Solid
Rock in the Storm of Unrest"; 7:30. "Moun
tain Standards Under Pull of the Plains."
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev.
Edward 1L Pence. 10:30. "The Sinless Christ
The Most Important Human Fact of His
tory": 7:30. 'Jsbal, Jaubal and Gntal-Cain:
Tbj Ministry 'of the Arte to Life."
Central K. 13th and Pine 10:80. prohi
bition lecture by Dr. Madison Swadener; T :80,
men's chib ta eberw, address by Justice Wal
lace McCamant "Tha Debt Wa Owe tha Sol
dier Boys."
Calvary 1 1th and . Clay. Rev. L. Bcaning
Quick.; 10:80. "Tha Moral Undertow": 7:30,
"That Day." '
Mt T!r E. R5th and Belmont Bev. Ward
Mac Henry. 11. "The Blasphemy ef Prayer";
7:30, "American Ideals and tha World Out
look." by Dr. Madison Swadener. .
Vernon 19th and Wygant Bev. Brace
G. Giffen. 11, "ChrtaUsn Missions and a Bet
ter World" 7:80, "The Best Wine Last"
riedmont Cleveland and Jsrrett Ber. A. L.
Hutchinson, 11. 70.
Fourth F1rt an Gibba, . Ret. Monroe G.
(i. Everett 10:80. "Leve and Servios"; 7:30,
"How Men I lava Succeeded in the Very Shadow
of Failure." '
- Kenilwortn E. 84th and Gladstone- Preach
tat by Ber. Robert A- Smith of neattie. 11.
70.1 -
Hope 78th and Xverett Bar. H. E. Giles.
. 11, 8. . . w. x
New Church for Trinity Lutheran
Is Under Construction, Rod
ney and Ivy.
Trinity Lutheran church will lay
the corner stone of Its new church
edifice Sunday afternoon, at 3
o'clock. The Rev. Frederick Zehe of
Mt. Angel will deliver the main ad
dress in German. The Rev. Paul
Schans of North Plains will speak in
A mixed choir consisting ot members
of the church will render appropriate
music, under the leadership of Richard
Kuhnan, who is also principal of the
parish school, situated next to the new
The new church .will be of Gothic
structure, built ef Oregon fir, with brick
veneer, metal shingles and steel celling.
Large art glass windows are also con
templated. Edwin Balgemann Is de
signer and builder. The pastor, the Rev.
J. A. Relnbach, has Invited the public to
attend the cornerstone service. He will
also preach morning and evening In the
present structure at Williams avenue
and Graham street.
'Hoosier' Orator at
2 Churches Sunday
The national-world prohibition aspect
of the fight against the liquor traf
fic will be presented by Dr. Madison
Swadener, noted "Hoosier" orator and
Chautauqua lecturer, in two of Port
land's churches Sunday, i He will speak
at the Central Presbyterian church at
10:30 and the Mt. Tabor Presbyterian
church at 7:80. The public Is cordiallj
invited to these services.
Banquet to Met of Church
The Toung People's society of Mizpah
Presbyterian church will give a banquet
for all men of the church who served
In the service and for all members re
ceived since September 1, Friday evening
in the church. The Rev. D. A. Thomp
son, pastor, who recently returned from
overseas "Y" work, will preach Sunday
morning and evening.
nally Day Exercises
Sunday will be rally day at the Swed
ish Tabernacle, Seventeenth and Glisan
streets. Old and young are requested to
attend, the Sunday school service and re
main for preaching. The evening service
will be tn English.
Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11, 8.
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Rev. Ward
Willis Long. 11. sermon by Rev. J. G. Tate;
7:30, "A Fair Employer."
Trinity Virginia snd Nebraska Rev. Then.
doro P. Smith. 11, "A Plea for Justice"; 7:30.
"Does a Man Need God?"
Anabel Rev. F. H. Mhoell. 11. "Coma and
Gc"; 8, "Tha Two Natures."
Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray. 11,
"Ministerial Relief and Sostentation." by Rev.
J. C Templeton of Eugene; 7:39, pastor,
"Dennaa and His Dream."
Mm hall Street 17th and Marshall Rev. A.
7. Hanna. 11, communion service; 7:80, young
people's service, address by Erlin Wilde, a re
turned soldier.
Mizpah K. 19th and Division Rev. D. A.
Thompson. 11. "Primative Religion"; 7:45.
"The Value of God's Law."
Unity E. 71st and Sandy Rev. S. W.
See man n. 11, communion and baptism of chil
dren; 7:30. "The Lost Power of the Church."
Seventh Day Adventlct
Note Regular rrices of this denomination
are held un Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett U K. Dick
sen, pator. 10, 11:15.
Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery E. H.
Emmerson, minister. 11.
Montavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder J.
A. Gerhart 10. 11.
LenU 94 th st and 68th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 10. 11.
St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 10, 11.
Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder A. A.
Meyer. 10. 11.
Scandinavian C50 Alberta Elder O. 8. Lee.
10. 11.
Salvation Army
Corps No. 1 343 Ash st Adjutant Henry
R. Cozens. Harvest Home festival. 11, 8:15. 8.
Corps No. 4 128 M 1st Captain William
G. Smith. 11. 8. 8.
New Church Society 831 Jefferson Rev.
Willis m R. Reeve. 11. "Stand on Tour Own
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tara
hill." Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "Happiness:
Where Is It?" 7:45, open forum, "The Spirit
of Modern Social Work," by Professor Franklin
United Brethren
Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc
Donald. First E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron J.
Clark. 11, "Revelation a Necessity to Relig
ion"; 8, "Wandering Stars."
Second E. 27th and Sumner Rev. Ira
Hawley. 11. "Man Cannot Reveal Htm"; 8,
"Compelled to Reveal Our Knowledge of Him."
Third 7th st and 8Vd ave. & E. Rev. E.
C. Shepherd. 11, service in charge of Women's
Missionary Association; 8, "Standards."
Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blanch rd.
11, "Preparation, or Going a Little Forward";
8. service in charge of the Women's Missionary
St. Johns (old constitution) 445 Jessup
Rev. Walter Reynolds. 10. 7. 8.
United KvaneellceJ
First E. 16th and Ioplar Rev. J. A.
Goods. 11. 8.
Oekley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay
Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11, 7:30.
St Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11, 7:48.
I United Pisssvtertan
First E. 37th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F.
Given. M:30. "God's Great Power"; 7:30.
rhurrh of the Stranger" Grand and Waseo
Rev. a Earl Dn Boia, 10:80, 7:30.
Kenton 120 West 1 -am bard Hev. George
N. Taylor. 11. "Seen ta the Foot Hills,", by
Rev. Geo. W. Bobnbaugh; 7:30. "On the
Desert Road Toward Gaza."
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 10, 11, 7:80.
Realisation League 148 13th Rev. Edward
MD1 11. "The Power of the Spoken Word";
8, "Meditation." by T. A. Harper.
ChrWadelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:80.
Church ot God 863 Failing Harry Nasi
11. 7:30.
Gospel HaU E. S9th and Stark.
Men's Resort 4th and Bumside Rev. Levi
Johnson, superintendent. S.
Divine! Science E. 24th and Broedwav Rev.
T. M. Mtnard. U. "Practical Christianity"; $,
."Preach the Gospel."-
. Universal Meesienie sia imniws euiKitng.
Pentecostal First and Washington Bev.
Will C Trotter.- 11. 8. TJO;
Glad Tidings ( Pentecostal Mission) 246 H
1st 3, 8, 7 JO weak days except Monday and
Saturday I s. a. .
Pentecostal church E. 20tb and Ankeuy
A. W. Smith. 11, 8, 8.
Volunteers of America Mission 224 Burnalde
Meeting every evening except Monday at 8
o'clock, and Sunday. 8 p. tn. ,
Portland Eoclesia (Chrtstadelphian) 4597
Belmont George H- Tillies, secretary. 11.
Peniel Mission 288 1st 8. 8. Services
each night at 8.
Church of Christ E. 79th and Glfasa. 11.
Spiritual Church of Eternal Light 1840 In.
vision Rev. May-s-A. Price. 8, Message by
Chatlcs l. Ohlason. '
First Spiritualist E. 7th and Haalo R.
A. Scott Bledsoe. 8. "Individuality.", ky James
Metcalf. ; followed with message by Hrf Etta
Bledsoe;' 8, "Whence. What and-Wkatber?"
by Mrs. ' Bledsoe, followed with messages, .- .:
First Sirituai Science 129 Fourth st Rev.
Max Hoftmea. 9. 8. "Why Are Croat Thinkers
Investing Spiritualism?" - ; -
Stewardship Day to
Be Observed in All
Churclies of Oregon
The last Sunday In October will be
known as "Stewardship day" hereafter,
In the Christian churches throughout
Oregon, In accordance with a decision
of the state board. Upon this day the
churches are asked to consider the
sacred obligations of Christian steward
ship. "Missionary work can never be satis
factorily prosecuted upon 'gifts' from
the people." the Rev. C. F. Swander,
state missionary, said In his bulletin
to the pastors. "It must rest upon the
more solid foundation ot God's eternal
ownership, man's stewardship, with a
share of the increase turned back to
All Disciples of Christ ministers have
been asked to preach upon this topic
tomorrow. Tracts furnished by the
church board, will also be distributed.
Salvation Army
Special Services
A special harvest festival Thanksgiv
ing service will be held In the Salvation
Army hall, 213 Ash street, Sunday, at
11 a. m., 3:13 and 3 p. m. Morning and
afternoon services will be conducted by
Adjutant and Mrs. Henry R. Cozens. At
night Major and Mrs. John Bree and
Major Harris will have charge of the
altar service, when the members of the
corps will lay their harvest gift upon
the altar erected for the purpose. Major
Harris and brigade will sing suitable
songs. Monday night the Sunday school
will render a song service entitled, "The
Juniors' Flower Garden." under the
leadership of Sergeant Major Mrs. Ran
kin. After the song service there will be
a Bale of fruit, vegetables, etc. Adjutant
Henry R. Cozens, officer In charge of
arrangements, extends to the public a
cordial -Invitation to the above services.
Visiting Minister at
First Presbyterian
Beginning with the first Sunday In No
vember the pulpit of the First Presby
terian church will be supplied for sev
eral months by the Rev. Howard Agnes
Johnston of Chicago. As yet th.e session
of the church has been unable to find
a man whom they care to call to" the
pastorate. Sunday the Rev. Frank M.
Silsley, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church of Oakland, will fill the pulpit
Dr. Silsley Is well known In the North
west, as he filled a Seattle pulpit for
several years. J. MacMUltn Mulr will
sing a tenor soloDvorak's "God Is My
Shepherd," at the morning service.
Layman to Talk at
Wilbur Methodist
The Wilbur Methodist church Is pro
moting the evangelistic program planned
for by the general leaders of the Meth
odist Episcopal church through Its bish
ops, and In keeping with the program
one of the lay member of Wilbur will
speak briefly each Sunday just before
the sermon. Rev. M. A. Dehulf win
bring the message this Sunday. The pas
tor will also preach. E. H. Morgan will
sing the offertory and the quartets will
each contribute a number.
Presbyterians Study
The Life of Christ
A departure at Westminster rresby.
terlan church is the Introduction by Dr.
E&ward H. Pence, the pastor, of a study
of the life of Christ, at the Thurs
day night meetings. Dr. Pence Is the
leader and at each meeting gives an In
formal talk on a phase of the work or
character of Jesus. The meetings are at
tracting much, attention and are largely
attended. '"''
(VERY MAN owts IT to him
Plan Your Affairs to Attend
Multnomah Hotel
rattier- tarreeni Hare you r dona
Christian work f Would joa lias to do soma
Christian workf Than bar tha sermon Sun
day morning bl Dr. Short.
Offerler Soloist
I Bast Choir In Portland.
The Salvation Army
Portland Cdrp$ No. 1
Sunday, 11 A. M., B:1S end S P. M.
; OoBdoctsd b .
sUier and Mrs. Jahn Brae and
Adjutant and Mrs. Henry R. Oetena, '
You Are Cordially Invited
- To Attend
' - '
East 7th anal Ha
(Irrinston Car )
Sunday, 3 and I P. M,
sa star and M
of Chicago vill tell the story of,
Conversion to Protestantism
Sunday, 7t30 P. M. at the First
Free Methodist Church,, corner
East'Ninth rand Mill streets-
Work in Benton County, Under
Supervision of the Rev. J. D.
Rice, Is Virtually Complete.
Map to Be Made Showing
Boundaries of Each Commun-f
. ity.and of Each Parish.
The rural survey Instituted In
Western Oregon by the interchurch
world movement Is proceeding with
the accumulation of Interesting re
sults. The state supervisor, the Rev.
John D. Rice, has been giving per
sonal attention to the community
and church survey in Benton county,
which is now practically -complete.
The committee for that county con
sistes of George W. Kabe, county
agricultural agent, who is serving as
chairman; W. C. Galloway, the Rev.
B. A. Powell, the Rev. C. P. Gatea
and the Rev. .P. A. Tinkham.
In various localities churches of great
historic and community Interest have
been studied closely. Data has sIbo
been gathered on the economla and so
cial conditions in the various com
munities. Special attention Is being
paid to the lumber camps.
When the. survey is completed a map
will be mads showing the boundaries of
each community and those of each par
ish in that" community. Ths data will
also be charted : and tabulated, so that
the exact condition of each church and
the Btate of the community In which It
la situated will . be. discernible at a'
glance. In a way, this survey of Ben-,
ton county is serving as a typical one,'
whereby may be gleaned a general im
pression of the Evangelical churches,
their work: and their strength In Ore
gon, also the extent to which they are
serving a community and are related to
the entire community life.
A training school for leaders in the
work of. the Interchurch movement In
Oregon will be . established during No
vember, a fact which is already creat
ing a large degree of expectant interest.
Rector's Twentieth
Year to Be Honored
The last Sunday In November will be
Dr. A. A. Morrison's twentieth anni
versary as a rector in the Episcopal
church. Preparations are under way
for a suitable celebration at that time.
Dr. Morrison will preach this Sunday
morning and evening at Trinity church.
Rehearsals for the Christmas musio
began on Thursday. New compositions
of unusual merit will be sung in Port
land for the first time.
Current Events Class
Beginning Sunday. November 9, Dr.
McElveen of the First Congregational
church will conduct a "current events"
class after the Sunday morning service.
The members of this class will try to
Interpret the meaning of contemporary
events In the light of the teaching of
Evangelist L. K. Dickson
will explain unmistakable arid
undeniable utterances of Divine
prophecy regarding this great
hope of the church.
llib St Bet. Morrltoa asd Yamhill.
Sunday Night, Oct; 26
AT Jt o'clock.
BIO BIJTG-Male Qsertet-Vlolla Solo
Baritone Solo. . .
Psblle tinted. Bring Friesd
" 1
Jesus said that In ths end of ths Jos
pel Age similar conditions and simUar
Ignorance concerning the outcome
would prevail.
The world is fcarfsl asd perplexed.
Vsrighteosssess Is ripening for
Are the unrest, immorality, crime,
apostacy and social degeneracy sign
boards showing Christ's kingdom at
vvV 3 p.m ;
yt 'O. W. TEMPLE
Ilth Bt Bet, trsablagtoa and Alder.
International Bible Students
f :
I 2 I