THE ORfiGON ' DAILY JOURWAL,' FORTLA!TlX THURSDAY. OCTOBER 181?. Ill J TIKAIi f STATU FOB HALE HOUSES , . ROOM modern bungalow wita a lot 80x160. i v in Wsrerleigh Height tddition, ear, Thi fa ( VeTy uct boot and well located on paved . itrnU, lmr priet of (4000: ah ; T room V nodanr -huncalow In Wtverleigh Heights addition, .'- garage, hardwood floor a vary pretty piae a low prioa of $4000; any reaaonabb term. r 1 I- - .. . . 1. . BUIllHllJ , A W W . I WI SBKJ1CTO HWII WVWWf 7 mhwiw district being newly painted and tinted: prim v; SJ""w. An a roam strictly mooem ounsaiow. , hardwood floors, fnrnaoa boat; prioa , til 60 i "'.;:.:. termer .-...,:. : : '-'. ' - ' 7 toorn aodcr cottage, M-T, dJatrfct; pries . $2800.---- - - -V : - ' . 0 reeva oder oottaw. Ml. Tabor dlatriot; , .Frbn $3000. ,..,'-..-.-'' room ntodera cottage, Albion district; prle 13369. - - 1 4) room modern eotug. alow fa, prio $1800. 7 - 4 no mctleelly modern . gottag;, prlc - r $1400. - '' " - ' -;: 4 room eottag on 100x100. M-T oMsWot; 4 and 8 mom -bouee, en H aera. M-T. . ' nrb $1909. .- ''. - If yon aro looking for a house, cottage or bungalow, pleas call at oar offioa and wa will show you kim com onya. - H NEW YORK LANITCp. SOS Stock Exchange Bids. Main TOT. ' v , . , W a bar auloa ta hotr you. $4000 IN FIRLAND; beat addition la Mount fteoU. Here' n modern S room bungalow, e V acta; It k ran attract!? and in A-t . : . 4 V I,.!.. . m ... bum. V if.K.n . ennuunb MTm avium, wihiii iwn, ,ia.w, .2 bedrooms with hath; bundry trays, gaa, elee- r uicily, acraaaa, ana and unoieom : as aoun : ' daooa of Uaaa and ehru beery; ru boa tar, bearing tore .aad (a tov with plao: Interior fin. : fan whiU 1000 wUl baadla; st block. to Mt Soott ear. Tbia kooaa eaa't b built today fee tM (4M waar aakiag lor ua &oi BIHR-CAREYi CO. ... BtJT FBOM US 11 By. Ihehang Bid. , Main 1080. ROOM modrra home, lortd in tha Warr Mth Haighta addition. TbU place i a nire ornr, 82100, f rcrand ha 18 nica larga fraH tra, rUbt-oa tha carlina, peed itreata. Thit tout be aold at aaeriftae; price 12750. , Call -at ear office end we will enow yoa tbJi . food boy. NEW YORK LAND CO. 80S fMock Ezohante bids. ' Mala. f7. , i 82524 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW HOME :- - Vary hotneltka. gray bungalow, with low ranv feting Unaai attraetire Uring room; dining room ; . with auaatr built-in buffet: Dutch kitebea; 3 . light, airy bedrooms: eleotria light and gaa: beet ' .white enaaiT plumbing ftiiurui good cement : beaemant with laundry room. This i an anuaual , arae; on Campbell atreet near Alnswocth. We , orer 000? photographs of inspecUd homee . h our of flee for sale. 12 eiperiencrd salesman . with eutq at your senrlee. HEE ri f FRANK; L. McQUIRE ' t TO BTJT TOTJB HOME ( Abington bldg. Main 1068 . . , Offtc Open gyenlngt and Sunday ' :...- KOrSB CITT PAKK. vfe " " SPTEJJD11 BVNUALOW $4500 -H rolk, 46 put this honiM down oh your Hot. V " Here i a new house; This one is tlioroniriilr 'double eonatructed, ' exeet'timullr large bring .Toom, hardwood floors, flraplacr, buffet, cement i. baarmeut, wasb.. tray,, beautiful, kiteben with breakfast alcora. larg attic, in which two ran re Tooroe eouM be finitlted; street inl sewr amess . t meat paid: 2 - blue from Saody on 4Dd. . il)ema let M show yon. A. O. TEEPB CO., : S4 Stark, near Srd. Main 8816. Main 8092 Braach offioe, 50th and Handy. atoning. .' Phone Tabor 8821. U ' . " $4150 ' - WALKING DISTANCE . ' ' -$1000 cash will buy UiU fine 7 -room . Bouse, on east side, 1 block from dental . -, college: sll modem, cement basement, fur ' . ., ' usee, fireplace and aleeplng porch; tremend out bargain. . waektteld. rsrm co.. 85 rourth at. $4225 HERK8 A PLPPIM 6 room stricUy -modern amnxaJow in Piedmont. BOx ISO W- : ' pavad tt garage, reception hall, living room. i. hi, .wv. " v.. vum in uuiir i IA.UCM, At bedroom nd bath downs tain, 1 bedroom up, full cement basement, hardwood floor, furnace, . firrpUce, lanndry tray, gaa, electricity, screens. abadea and linoleum, fruit tree and shrubbery. - Don't tall u you can't get what you want, for wr (out It in tbia rery borne. ,; BIHR-CAREY CO. W Get Beault Try TJs. 1 $18 By. Exchange Bidg. Main' 18. .- 5Vs have m scree and 7 -room bouse out at Htilaboro. 18 miles from Portland, on paved road. Plenty of fruit and a fin buy. Will take $1600 to handle. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO.. - 86 tourth $2100 MT. SCOTT CAB $500 DOWN A eboisw little home with 4 ktrge rooms, beside sun breakfast room; double laundry trays, bath, ngbte.' gas. basement, nic , yard with fruit and roses, cement Walk, library store and ear, not far out. ' Main 1648. . . MUTUAL-REALTY CO. 121 JJ.'W. BANK BLDG. BEATJMONt PAkK , . BCNGALOW TTPB HOME . ' $760 cash. $89 monthly, to include interest, " buy this-zeptionaUy 'fin home. Try fine . larg living room and dining room, modern - kitchen, fine breakfast room and den: 8 bed. rooms, eery large sleeping porna. e;ood cement . basement, new furnace, garage, nice shrubbery ; and Uwn. Only $5500. Consult A. C Cale fcraith. y OKO- ENGLIHART CO.. ' t-Ml T0a- ' 634 Henry bldg. tfWHT pay rent when yon ean buy a duplex ; nr bow of 13 room on East Pin street, near 13th street, walking distance from eityf . This good tneom property and will pay well. Tha Improvements are ell to and paid for. No encumbrance. The price b $4700: $500 esJh 4owa, balaao en term, . - Thi k 4 splendid b. Investigate ft . JOHN MAL0NB, : . . McCLUKB ek SCHMACCH CO.. i - 'Of Railway Exchange Bid. T1-: Main 1508. - - . - ,6, BOOM modern bungalow, with sleeping . porch; well located in Hawthorne, with lot 60x100 ; good large aomer, Tbia ia ' ' a snap. - Price $$350. . . . 'NEW YORK LAND CO. $05 Stoek Kkehang Bldg. Main 7676. " '.We Have Auto to Show Ton. V HAWTHORNE ATE. DISTRICT e . T$0 , 9 room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fire- t place, boeheaae, built-in buffet, Duteh kitchen, large closets and other built-in conveniences; only - i block frees Hawthorne are aarlina; comer lot 0s00; boua in tint class eemditiosi any one interested in thi locality abould. tevestigato thi before buying elsewhere . -... -I.- J KARNOPP A CO. 810 Bafrway theehange bldg. i Main 676. J 3800 ROSE CITT PARK $8500 . beentiful.6 room bnngalovr with larg ' So. cment basement and eereen poroh. Thie has sll -the mmal builtin feature and ' it a real bargain. Call Tabor $831. Owner. I $ 2 033 LV ALBKilTA. Nice 4 room. bungaW . " 'ui. arrange for extra bedroom. This ;plae bag $200 gang being eompl,ud, Thi aong i in food condition. , : . BIHR-CAREY CO. 310 By. -Exchange Bldg Main 1686. - - $3000 - ... . -- Five-room bungalow -tth a alee ping porch, ene half block to ear.; 8 Oil 00 lot.. Not fnr. tber out than 69th- st ' Key at office, E. 89th East 20?6 Ph0n T"bor 48 ; K reniDXm. ' 1 ',Ie i modwm eoetage.' Ore ctaaa repatr, """iSl 45100!-2 x Divnaow. $2000 tatb. THIS IS A BABOA1N. See K. F. FEEMSTEB, 800 Abington, bWg1. 1 . 8165A .Rirvnirwv . fiTTiin '" eJL,TS5Vwbmth ""flt-ta. 0xl00. csracj cement Walk and mrbi ,M,ihi.. terms,- . . 800 B. T8d st. N.. MonUvflla ear. $1050 $150 CASH Two blocks from Wood stock ear, is a 4 room ovttag bungalow aeeeral nire fruit trees. .- i CABL08 MARSTRRK. 505 wium ma. ' 8??T. Evening East 11 S. $1100 $10tt DOWN 8 ROOMS .$1100 Fniit.. g.-water, toilet, good street SMITU-WAG0.E11 CO.. Stock Eicliangn, . &EA1Y ESTATE FOR BALE HOUSBS 1 ... Ar.BERTA - Completely furnbhed. . immediate poseeeMon, 0 large rooms, 1 bedroom en first floor and 2 up, ready to move into, block to good ear anrlce; prV-e $2750. $759 cash, balance like rent. If yon know tain, let a ghow yon this, . t ' - HA WTHOBJt S - ' - An ttreetre semi-bungalow, 6 room, flre pbtce, beerned eeiliugs. bnflHa. bookwaaw and buffet, full - cement basement, -furnaee.- - pered street; owner leaying town; price $8750$ $1100 cash, balance $25 monthly. . ' ALAMEDA PARC -Hsndsorn eolonisl home of 8 room and sleeping porrli. geraga. corner tot, on, carline, eak floor, beautifal interior. This wlU appeal to those seeking a boepiUMe residence, i I , , Prio $8000 $4000 eaah. ! . y bob em PABK 1 Dandy little 8-room temporary borne with concrete foundation, newly painted, comfortable and harming, lot 60x100. Ton could build on front part of lot. .Be it Quick; $1750; easy termev- , i ' - :f ' i ' it - ; COB 'A., McKBSJfA CO., , S ; 83 4Ut at. . I - Main 4522. .- ' $400 DOWN BOOMS BALANCE! STRAIGHT MONTHLT PATM'TS Close !m '3 block to Itest Ankeuy osrtine: aaay walking disUnce to Washington High and Benson Polytechnio schools; 4 block to Kern grade school ; 5 block to the new polytechnic school for girls., and many people this close in wIk to the city. There are 0 good room with hardwood floor in mia rooms: 8 htrg bed room with large closets; full e.ment basement and lanndry tray, screen for the windows. As we are the owner, you can buy this place on better term than moat places sold for half the price. Price, $4830. Kor the man that can paint nd do general fixing up, this should not only a good borne, but a mighty good investment, place now vacant , JT. T HABTMAJf OOMPAWT ; 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208 - BOSK CITT PA BK Room! ($500 Here' a bargain, folk. Think of buy ing . a 6-rocm bouae in Bos CHy Park, within one block of Bandy, for $3500, including all at. assta. Nice large rooms, fireplace, buffet, cement basement. Fox furnace, etc Hurry. Lei us show -you. A. O. TEEPB CO.. 384 Stark Street, near Third Main 8092 Main $51$ ' Branch Office. 60th and Sandy TUB MoGUIBB STSTEM . , Make borne buying easy. Ton can eome te this office and tee over 600 photograph of borne for (ale, arranged in their respecUv dis trict! with fun description. JSvery borne ba been appraised by an expert appraiser, some remarkable bargain. That is why we sold over 700 homes linos January 1 this year. 13 ex perierieed salesmen with auto at xour service. SER FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUT TOCB HOME Abington Building. Main 1068. ' OFFICIO OPEN EVEN'ISGS AND 8UNPAYB. HAWTHOKNE D1STKICT Modern 6 room bungafew end den, hardwood floors, all built-in effect!, fireplace, full base ment, laundry trat. large attic, gang. Price, S340O, $1000 cash, located juat off 89th on Mixter t Phone Tsbor 1590. FOTt SAtE XjOTB 16 HALS' ACBE TRACT , EAST TERMS $850, ground all cleared and level; fine soil; terms. $50 down, $20 month. J. lu HABTMAJf COMPAXT. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208 PARKB0SE ACRE TRACT ' AU cleared; 1 block to Bandy bird.; 3 block to carline; ground all cleared; near school. Terms. $200 down, $15 month. J. U HARTMAN COMPANT v. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . i Main 208 BEAimiX'L 60il00 lot. just' north oV Pea inimTa Park. $500:. $50 cash. $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 682-688-6S4 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FINE level lota on E. 88th sL: 5 blocks to Mt. Tabor ears; water, gas, electricity, p bones, at hand; 50x100. 3250; 100x100, 8400; 65x 183, $500, H. P. McCoy, 1291. BelmonU Call is nor onui WEST SIDE Lot 80x100, $600; $60 caK iu mommy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633-688-684 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 60x100 LOT on E. Jessup. 1 block east of ' Union, face north; snap;. $650; terms. DOBNEB A DOBNEK, 808 HENRT BL1XJ. MAIN 8474. ACREAGE 67 10 ACRES AT NEWBKRG All in cultivation. 8 sores prune, family orchard and alt kinds of small fruit; 3 good welb, both bricked upi pump, in kitchen; new 4 bedroom bungalow ; cement basemen and floored ttic; 2 more room can be finished j. new barn 28x30 on cement foundation; hay track and fork; ben house and storeroom - 12x24. This choice little farm is only 2 miles from Newberg on fine auto road. Price only $4300; eash, ba.. long time. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 313 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6763. NEW HOUSE. - ALBERTA CAH 32250 Four nice room, attic, city water, very eightly, i sere, fine soil, no gravel, under cultivation; terms. Unimproved acre and tract. $12 month. CbM to 42d and , . Simpson. Main 1648. . - MUTUAL REALTY CO. 131$ N. W. BANK BLDG. - B1CHT AT ELECTRIC DEPOT . TU acre, all ean be cal tinted; 4 acta pader cultivattoni good well and creek; few fruit trees; good 4 room house, with full ce ment -basement barn and chicken house; main macadamised read by place; place well fenced. Price $1800; $300 down, or $1200 cash. Per sonally inspected. Photo at office. John rsrgu- """I wmssaaanjvga; WiUS 'CHl?5feE?i AWf Vftrt- 10 acre; located lie miles from station, pa good road; H mQ to school: 8 acres in bearing fruit; $0 cherry tree, Blnrv Royal Ann nd Lamberts; 250 peer trees, 800 apple trees, peaches and walnut; email 3 room -house, woodshed and 3 chicken bouses; good wsll: nice k Tint land: eiceptioriaUy fine toO. Price $1760; $1000 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg. 30 ACBES ' near Sherwood, small house and ; barn, . 28 acre in cultivation, all fenced, woven wire, good well, nice young orchard, water Siped to house; price for quick sale marked own to $6000. Liberal term. . Gibson. 268 SUrk. MsruhsU 1$. " . 8830. $20"CASrt $t MONTHtf Hslf ecres (100x200), nice and level, gaa. water and light available, SO minutes out, near ; CARLOS MARSTER9. 203 Wfieox bldg. - Main 8517. Evening East 1198. 640 ACRES of wheat land. 2 mile of a good ashinfton town, for sal at a bargain; $20 tummer fallow, now being sown to wheat; rea sons for selling and fun description Will be given. v. a, owwi, xo I. wsston. kt. LOOK Big bar sin, new, modem 4-roont btxa 451Swti 1?nd' Sherwood. ,Uo- an Aut4b "smi ' SsveaUaJU. oWTXlV ; OfTDaVrai Price only $5000; term, Gibson. 26$ Stark. Mapahall T : 'IrTfef a f gi frt. - . ...iiw . . a aere in. oultrration risht at tha atstim,. Price $1000,, only $100. down. Diaper. 620 Chamber of Commere. COUNT RY'boBi of 5 acres, nw honse, 5 min nt' . vIk from Bivertiue station, Estacada Hn; price $1200; termat Owner' ddraaa. Carl Mutnwi, w a. wnaf, .Kfr. 161 ACBES Harney Valley bad, clear title. SO aeras rdaarail. lwsfot in Rmt, n t.i . v" : -Zw . ... a nuat, rorest urov,- ur. ON E 3 and on 1-eera tract' near for wi .muii. wuivn. 8TJBCBBAN ACREAGE 78 3 ACRES GARDEN SOIL.' $200 DOWN $26 MONTH J. . . . :...'. 1 rtlwV - tA e.m YmA T. V--1. . . . . short blocks to earUna; ground all cleared and " muunuon.. aaas as one of tn very few smell aere tracts, conveniently located fa 4Jity. ' Water and gaa eonnections. -w AW;..,?--:,! " J. t HARTltAN C0MFANT ! f -:T' Chamber of Commerce Wdtv;.-' , ' . - Main . SOS .v.:,;.,,!.,,. ..,;-;:tfe STJBTOBAy HOMET LARGE 8 room hona.. hot i.i ' Li ii"L w w Savgexvssr. fWU, 11111 ABLgS Junction. Graham, 826 By. Ex. BMg. . ; ---- . , aoro location for hospital or home: also team, impbmeiiUf and hav.. Rr. A. Ttnv m v-wu iJ.. r - ' 1 ' V. RKA1VESTATE SCBfJEBAS homes SANITARIUM JSlTB Large buildings, sightly ground,, art to fruit and flower. . - - ' t,,,-. GRAHAM. 329 By. Ex. Bldg. - FOB SALE V ARt 17 15ACEES. . S;:$78 'ANACRE ff Most all level. 45 acres fa cwit-, more easily put in; sboct 20OO eorda of wood os the pbsce and it 1 only 1 mile t ear tut and shipping point; yon can sell the timber en the bad for $1 stamps, and maybe more; fine living water, -room house, good new barn and all outbeases: all kinds, of fruit good well at bouse. Wo will take $8000 for .this place. It b lee than $7$ a acre; $3000 down, bet a 6 $ it Is mile of Oregon City, in a good farming oom monityt land all around it aeUa front. $125 to $150 an acre. If yon want- a good peace cheap let as show ion this; yon can't beat thi bay any piaee. " - ' -e: r. ELLraerr 4V son. . 7 th and Main tv Oregof City, Or, , CLOSE-IN FARM FOBTT ACBES EQUIPPED Loeatad in vicinity Beaverton. choke roTBng land, deep rich eoiL mrge bam. 40-ton silo. 6 room bona., fences good; about 3 acne orchard, partly bearing prunes: no better prune land anywhere: 40 ton clover bay. S cow. 8 horse, usual farm machinery and crops, only 11 miles from courthouse, paved highway, convenient to electric car. K real bargain at $7600. Get complete detail t once. A. K. HILL CO. s - 315 Lumbermen Bldg. . : UNDER VALUE . -40 ma, all tillable. 18 acre in high state of cultivation, fenced and cross fenced, family err hard in full bearing, good barn, small bowse. S heifer, 1 cow, 1 horse, beck and harness. 13 e hick era, bog, maB implements, and land by almost level in a thickly settled and prosper ous , community and a abort distance from school with 11 rural Advaatagea, on a good auto road. . only 7 H mOee from Vancouver. Price 84500. half cash, balance long time with low rat of interest THOMPSON A SWAN. 84 And Min sts. Vnconver, WuK IRRIGATED AIJiAL FASTOCK "FARM 100 acre, located V4 mile from town ; Cen tral Oregon; paid up perpetual and appurtenant water right for 100 acre: all under cultiva tion: 40 acres meadow, soma alfalfa; good fence; orchard end some berriee; - 4 room bouse, barn 100x50, and-other building : lava ah soil; creek through- placet Price $89 per acre: with 60 head of cattle, 20 milch cow. 13 bogs. 7 bona, exceptionally large una ol machinery, feed mill, bay acaiee. gasoHno saw, fanning mill and tools. Might consider 6 or 10 acres near small town with good school. Per sonally inspected. John', JTerguaon, Gsrlinger Ola. 69 U ACRES IN TIGARD - 1 11 MILES EBOM PORTLAND 83 aere In cultivation. 204s acre in oM stumps, $ H acre timber. "Very good house and bam.- - PEBSONAL PBOPEBTT INCLUDED 3 cow, a horses, t denes chickens, wagon, plowg, harrow, mower, rake, bay fork, hand took. 8 ton of hay, 150 bn. oats. 60 bu. wheat Price $16,000. See M. 3. Edwerds. GEO. "E. ENGLEHAHT CO.. Main 7260. 024 Henry Bldg. "WELL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED PLACE . Over 160 seres, level land, located on main road, above Bandy; well watered by 2 streams; 140 acre csn be cultivated; 23 acre under cultivation; good buildings; orchard and torn berries; water piped to house; soms of the land can be Irrigated. Price $5500, with 3 horse. 18 head of cattle, 8 milch cowt. Urge line of machinery, ereani separator, ebicken and fur niture; $3000 cash. Personally inspected. Photo at office. No trade. -John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 60 ACRES. 30 ACRES IS CULTIVATION 12 MILES OUT ON HARD SURFACED ROAD $10,600 Very good house end barn. All equipped with necessary farming tools. Personal property included: Span of horses, S eows, 2 hoes,- 76 chicken, S tens of hay. 300 bu. of oat. 100 bu. of wheat Thir also include tha house furniture. See M. i. Ed ward. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. -MY RANnH'VoR RAI.K , 160 acre. 60 cre plow ground, 60 acre pasture, balance timber, plenty of water. 2 barns, no house, fair orchard; a sawmill H mil from place; H mile to school boose ; 10 acre already seeded for bar. H mil to railroad station at Wrea. Or. fin none from 1600 to 1 700 lba. each ; one new wagon : one 8 hot, disc one plow and harrow and seven bead of young cattle; all to go with place for $67.40. Thee. Casey, Wren. Benton Co.. Or. 42 ACRES WELL IMPROVED $ldjl00 A good gravel road between 'Sberwood' and Ttgard; 4 acre beaverdam, ail very rich produc ing soil; 3 good welb): good building, plenty of fruit including a fine'eron of potatoes and on ions, bay tn ban, eome grain. 3 fine black noraea, a eowe. no, enickena, all imple ments ana tooia, anoui nan caan. Bee M. J. Edward. GEORGE X. ENGLEHART CO., Main 7268. 624 Henry bldg. CLAR3T"coui!TT- Uarhingtov 15 acres, located on good rook road, near Ridgefield; creek on place and water system: all good bad; 9 acre under eulti ration. 8 acre seeded to pasture: aood 4 room hansa. hern. chicken boo and few fruit tree; barn fnH or nay, a aere oi clover and s acre seeded to wnaac race asioo. 1000 caj. Personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguses.. uarungev Diog. WE have tome of tha best farm and stock ranene in to statee or Oregon and Wash ington, If yon want bargains in bad. see us. CAMPBELL PHELAN LAND & CATTLE CO. S01- COUCH BLDG. , Sboa Main S089. IRRIGATED LANDS Eastern Oregon, on main line Union Pacific railroad- altitnda gftO fMt ,ui. and plenty of water, mild winters. bumper crops of alfalfa, fruit and vegetables, ideal con ditions for home, grade and fall course high school; beet of opportunities for dairying and stock raiting. Price raasonabi; terme - at tractive. Call cv writ D. G. Roger. 348, Stark 120 ACRES, NEAR SANDT $14,000. r and eome timber; 7-reom plastered bona and good bam; all -fenced, good water; pnrt cash. vwmmvv w vuiim n. e. abuwaros, UsIm TQaa m n r-r . . ... ...v.. m-w xienry OIOST. FOR SALE, BENT OR TRADE 70o 'aem uesi- reamatoR, W., H muo of station, on toaia Una of O-W. E. N.. on Columbia highway, joints fmatflla river for 1 mile; 276 scree of bottom land. Will take ?od mare or 49 sen ranch, within 16 or 30 mile of Portland or sell for $39 an acr with $3000 cash, balance crop payment 7 per orot interest Jam iikinn,r. Pendldton, Or. Box 683. FOB SALE E ARM " T" A n MM U, lw m 11 .A - - .. - - &w nna in ens tivatioa; aood 7 room honse, large bam, gravity watt., system piped to house; - family orchard . ww. ins, hub am rasa. a. eows, ehiekens. machinery, etc Tb will make Ideal drea owner. H. J PeUrson. 32 b. PbJlomath. STOP! LISTEN 1 . 2 4 acrw prune, pearv cherries; mUs of town, in Sale district; canneries, packing honse. dry ing plnt.sfruit Juice pbaU snake good market: over $4000 awop mat year. Price 65600; $1000 cash down. . Cbnda; Cola, 315 Lumbermen uniKt it ACBES,' 20 ACRES BEAt'lik daU 1 , 14 MilJiS FROM PORTLAND ON , CAPITAL HIGHWAY v. ' , - $16,690 - uJrgsJs?- . ...GEO. K. - ENGLEHART OOt. Main 7366. -- 634 Henry BM. 640 ACRE) WHEAT BANCH AH good, not over 6 acre waste, aB in cul tivation fenced, boose, barn, other buildings, fin well, windmill, eonereto reservoir. 4 miles to good town. Eastern Oregon. Morrow county. Take bungalow la Portland or farm ia Wil lamette valley for part be lane eaah and term a. Price $35.600 tT O. Sta 318 teS 28 ACBES KIAB GARDEN HOME , $9000 ALL EQUIPPED $3009 V . totation except 4 aere t. Umber. Splendid bungalow and vary good bam: dandy pan of hortsa and all farm implement. Only S nub from Portland. See M. J. Edwmni. - GEO. X. ENGLEHART 3ri 'Z Main 7366. - 634 H.nrv KM. 440-ACRE stock ranch with 2000 eerea' nut! range; most 11 creek bottom land. 3 spring, I;,TOom-j'0r,l b' orchard. 1 mHe. front Silverton: will make a very low price for oniok tale. Owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. II ACRES FOB $2130 i Good black soil, part in eultivatioo, on Ore gee Electrio in Wsahinartoa eonnty; small shack. Mfcy .... iww. - voan. si vox. FOR SALE 7 nrtnaft ejMawl. r-5 acres, 4 mom house, fur fatwuvs, wwynauw! "Mf V iUM 4BIJ assUiwsl from PortlatiKt for 1700; f 200 cadby Ittkaot weu.' in ' vuiag is milaa 50 ACRES 3 1200 Tnmtwff C 1 fa Tnv41mwas4 a VaT r ' a mp. Ckod Cote. Sift liWgijsoynnww bldg: : "T . - ,r ui oi ana 1 of .r.o. -f -- vm Si. X 10 ACHES, good hoine and eutbnildinga,' or-chard-Hull linn ntM . aist tt-y o v , -- . . WW, c. Lent. rTbwjla Allen, EE AT. ESTATE VOB KALE FAHMK ;. ;f.;30 ACRES;"---,.1800 DOWN" ' S3 aere to cnit, more easily put tn; some timber, fraa npnnc 4 - room - house, granary chirk hone, (air bam. all, kind of bearing fruit, geod wen at the bouee. This ia a dandy byinc peace; yon conldnt find a nicer tract of bad any place; t ft a dandy boy for soma- one; i mile I store, trading point sad electric use; 7 mile of Oregon City: all of the reed are graveled but 1 hi. milt. This I. rich sou. Do yon sea Hsu that vara will nv a math fair sed 10-aer plao as wo are aking yon for tbJe 80 acres; only $3300 for tbia place; yon eouldn 't elm the bad for baa than that The owner aevee offered it for lees than $3000 till hem btely. - Tbey want to sell H and it bjoing to some on who b a judge of a good buy. Get in the gam if yon want a nice littb bom at use ngni price. E. P. ELIJOTT A SON. 7th and Main eta Oregon City. Or. FARM for leeee, personal pmnerty for .ale; 285 acre ia Lincoln Co.. a mile (mm station, fair house, good dairy bam. OA sheep, 40 goat. 1 good cow, , 1 yearling. 2 4-monthe-oId beifer calves; all machinery goea, for $1200; will giv 8 to 6 years' lease. T-848, Journal. FOB BENT FARMS 14 60 ACBE farm to rent mostly in cultivation: good bouse and eml-buUdinga; want to plant mos of tt in prune and perries; team and tmparmente fumishedr beet of loganberry land for sale in small tracts; easy terms. V. J. Turaidge, Talbot Or., on Oregon Electric FARMS W ANTE 7 WENT OB BTJT 8 I FABMB:TW ANTED I- have dozen of cash borers for improved fsrms from 20 to 100 acre. If you want to oil, writ or com to our office and if your price and farm am right, 1 win sell them for yon. Drf osn liewer at J. nutau pany. 7 Chamber of Commere bids. -1MPB0VED FARMS WANTED' . With or without stock nd equipment. . We am selling them, when priced right We pay over -$500 pet month for advertising .and am S leased to advertise and a now yon property, ohn Ferguson. Oerbnger bid. . WANTED To rent 4 to 10 acre with good boose, close in; -6 years lea. 1184 Inter state eve. Phone Wain. 6804. WANT improved farm ctce to Portland. 808 Henry bldg. Main 8474. ' HOMESTEADS 47 162 ACRES, 33 mile eaat of Portland, good roads, well improved, 138 leased Cotswold ewes, teem, cows, chickens, hay, grain, Fotd car, $4700; would consider Portia nd furnished apartment or acreage. C. C Pilgrim, Eagle Creek. Or. FOR SALE Relinquishment 160 acre home staad; 7 acres under cultivation; good build ings. TX-667, Journal. TTMBEK - 38 CO BD WOOD timber, about 2000 cords On second growth fir, oak, ash. lares portion fell, 2 miles Barton, Estacada line; ean be brought out profitably this winter; $450 eash, $500 term. Hamlet, 6667 82a. Tabor 4888. WANTED to buy a tract of timber on a Itump age basis, handy to Portland, rail or water. Reagan. 876 Tamliill. FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE K6 6-ROOM bouse. 644 E. 36th t $8750; teims; 2 choice lots, Benedictine Heigh ta, $1500 each; 519 acre on Oregon City carline near Naef station, $15,000; choice river front and other screeg near Rwley station; H. G, 8TARKWEATHEB, 602 Broadway bldg. WILL sell cheap or trade new 4 room house for anything I can use. vuu X'oweu vauey roaa. Phone Sell. 717. CEARHABT COTTAGE, $1800, for aaie or inrl, , T mnina. all eedar: furnished: beat location. g-aa. journal. 10 ACRES of fruit land, improved, at The jjsvlies, lor sale or traae. a-ti. jwrasL EICHANOE REAL ESTATV 34 6 ACRES near Tambill; bearing walnuts. apple fillers; want home in city; pay difference oaah. See Harper, SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTT CO., Main 6429. 248 Stark st A MODERN 7 room bouse in the center of Grants Pas. Or on pavedU street free and clear, for a bungalow or acreage in or near Portland. Value 32300. Also a 7 room house in Eugene close to uni versity; value 33000. Will .sell or exchange. 303 COUCH BLDG. Main 8088. 40 ACRES 25 milea from Portland, to trade for mod era bouse. . DOBNER & DOBNER Bonded Realty .Dealers. 808 Henry ildg. Main 8474 , WANT FARM OR CITT INCOME 6 acres, all la cultivation, godd 6 room house, garage,'' 650 ft- on 82d at near Division i paved). $12,000, clear. B. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Abington bldg. EXCHANGE 6 aere. close in on O. E. Want home in city: pay earn difference. See Harper, with SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTT CO.. Main 8428. Z4ByBtark at MT equity in 40 acres of land in Tulare county, Cel. Value $100 per acre; mortgage $1100: mile from It R. station. What have your tjeii v oofllawn 44 31 $120 PER MONTH income city property, clear lncumBrance. Pnoe aiZ.UUO. WUl exchange for fint-ctaa frm: pay eaah differ noe. Claude Vole, Z15 lumbermen bldg THREE lots in Ventura, Rob Roy and Pretty . man's additions; and cash for improved prop erty. Speer. 132 E. 89th. Tabor 888. ' ' FOR 8ALE or trade for suburban acreage, 8 room famished house. Marshall 3074, apt 18. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 BOSE CITT PABK AND DISTRICTS HOUSES AND LOTS ' List, them at our Branch Office. 45th and Bandy. -J. T HARTMAN COMPANT 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 20S WANTED At one. 4-8 and 6 room heueee, in any location in the city, ae we have clients waiting with money to buy. Now if yon will list your property with nt we will take earn and sell If your pric b right New Tork Lend Co.. 805 Stock Exehang bldg. Main 7670. 1 DON'T" WORRY WE CAN. SELL, YOUR HOME ' SEE US AT ONCE DOBNER & DOBNER BONDED REALTY DEALERS. 08 Henry Bldg. Main 8474. WE ABE In immediate need of mom house to sell. We have had a Urge buaiose thi fall and our list b running low. If yon cam to sell see ua at one while the market to active. Main 8787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633-688-634 Northwestern Bank Bldg. t WILL pay spot eaah and make Quick deal for 5 or 6 room bungalow ia good district; must have garage or room for one; mutt be reel bargain, .Come to 315 Lumbermen bldg. . Ask for Mr. Hill or phooo Bdwy. 421. Evenings Tabor 8169. " . , SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have aold over 400 homes In tha test year. If yon Want actio, see Fred W. German Co.. Cham, ot Com. Open evenings and 'flwadays. I AM in the market for a good'lo&en St John; - Kenton or Alberta lines; must be cheap. S- Z4, jeurmu I WANT a bargain in a fractional lot, with "ec . wnaoii noose,, eoutn or Mentsomary between eth end 20th . H-T8, Journal. WANT ABOUT 1 acre close in, improved, with email boos and water. Metcalf, 61T Cham. or una, Mar. zsz or Beuwood S0B2. CITT, suburban and farm property bought and sMk money hi roau. nauaota eervsoa. A. EL Hill, (V) ass l.n-ti.ii.n. WANT bowse and Jot p to $1400; $150 cash; rBUM awaw am,wr4t Pl irnUUi Uejap OVX gtm BOOMING HOrSESs AFABTXEJTTS . ' AXD HOTELS FOB SALE SI FCRNITCBB and lea of workingmn botet -for sal, oonshting of 41 rooms; reatt $69 per month. .Ono M the beat locatiorai fat the eity. Sickaes foccea me to sell; no reaaonabl. offar refused; would consider part cash or trade- for a farm of so to 89 acre. WH pay difference. Phono MarshsU 1374. 10S4 Macadam st 31 ROOMS cheap, $1009 will handle; easy terms if taken at onoe. : Am leaving city. 48 t Third st N. - FOR SALE 15 fumbhed H. K. rooma, all full; Im mnr fmd iiaiut efne. . fftft SI 1..L t . BUSINESS OPFORTUNfTIES $ MOVET MAKTSO . ' ' COUNTBT HOTEL " " -Buildiiitf. crwnnd and , fnrnavhinn: new 'be ing operated, . but owing ' to owner bdag erra pled. b forced to sacrifice: located in live Co lumbia river town with permanetit - payroll: pnee lor -everyuung redneeei to . - u y want a aqnam money prodneing proposition, look una up. a. k. UiU Co.. XI Laasbermena bkdg., 6th and Stark. . . For Sale By Owner - Reataurant and five rooea complete, on Ce tambia Biver highway, doing fin. bwsirws; own building, will sell or rent Easy ti i an. JAMES A. SANSBCRT. Bog 103. Arlington, Oregon. FOB BALE Cbiroprsctie pmedeav eMng) ever 50OO yearly eash, bnatuaas; popuiatior 6000 with excallent turroundic oountry. GoeO rea son tor selling. Am in city, far a sbort while, write ma at one if yon want particular, H-1S4, Journal. -.. w - - - - Old Teeth Bought WE PAT TJF TO $35 SET BRING OR MAIL. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 406 Spalding bidav, rwvt. FOB. SALE Complete op to date power ahoe repairing- -niacbinory and shop tools; aood place, cheap rent plenty work; or take it away; will invoice it taken at once. Phone . Wood bwo 8666, or write M-409, Journal. DIAMONDS WiANTED Full market value for yorrr diamond. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan bid.. 4th floor. Z GROCERY Good corner location, cheap rant, with apt Good stock and fixtures; $80 avarag par day cash; will invoice $2500. Terms eaah. C- 8bu, J on anal. RE8TACRANTS. groceries, confectionery some good ouys ana good locations, be uarper. z Btara st. aiam o2. WANTED A ' partner in the used car buai- new. tail Broadway 3883. LUNCH and toft drink atand for sale, cheap. 245 H 4th. - ' 600 BUSCTE8S CARDS $1.36 s . Byder Ptg. Co..Main 6636. 101 3d st j' MONET TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE 17 OUR INSTALLMENT plan b tha beat and surest mtrmd of pa vine a loan. 832.26 per month for 86 months; or 321.34 for 60 months; or 315.17 for 96 month, pays $1000 loan and interest ' Other amount In proportion. ' We ban on Improved city property. Ot for building purpose. No commission ehsmed. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION aa stark at., Portland:, or. , MONET TO LOAN On real estate security at going rate of interest Otto A Herksoa Realty Co.. 41$ Chamber of sjommerce. $800. 3400.' SBOO - gTBO. niOAA .ni "mk lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 783 Chamber of Commerce, Main 6446. building loan on city and suburban property, money advanced at work progresses. W. G. Beck.. ZI5 and 216 Fairing bldg. Main 8407. MONET TO LOAN to aaaouate 'of $l00 to ouvu on city property. . n. BajuL, room lti-H Mulkey bid. BELL. iioTTSl $800. $400C $$00. $600."$t8a and anVlowt est rate, quick action. Gordon Mortgage J9.. vat ynamoer ot vommeree. slain 1670. MONET for mortgag seam, 8500 to $6000. and 7. Fred. 8. WUUaint, 606 Panama JD1UK. SEE OREGON INT. MORTGAGE CO.. 223 vihimi m mania etn ana Btm, MORTGAGE LOANS. and 7 per cent. LouS womoo as to,, ava selling Diog $10.000 SITMS to suit 9-7 per cent; no'eonv muwion. Ward. Attorney, 407 Spalding bldg. $8uu to 83000, no eommwsion. Main 11961 F. H. Deabon. 616 Chamber of Commerce. . MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS SALABIE8 $7 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS8TL Phone Broadway 910. 394 Stark Street near 10th. Loan en abmenrb, watches, Vlctrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instrument ad anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. City and county warranto cashed for tan value " CABBD5 MTERS-HZSMAN. Manager, . DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans mad on automobiles, diamonds, pfanee, household good or anything of vain. Security usually left in your possession. ALSO to 8A1 ARIED PEOPLE on their note without secur ity. If your payments to other Joan companies or en furniture or automobile contract am Isrger than yon ean make, we will pay (bam up, advene yen mom money if ueoeasary, aad you can repay us in small monthly payment to suit your convenience, LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANT (Licensed) S06-807 Dekum Bids. Marshall 3286. Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET On short notice to salaried or workingmea en their ewa note. Weekly, semimonthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE NO IN DO USER ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITY W 1o loan on household furniture, plane, etc.. without removal. - CALL AND TNVESTIQ ATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT (LICENSED) 218 Failing bldg. MONET to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates; all brttclee held a yeer; established sine 1888. Dan Mam. 388 Washington at CEO. HARVEY loans money on household goodsl Legal rates. Tsbor 8806. LOANS WAINTED $t FIRST MORTGAGES for tale. 3 500 up. V. a. peanon. olS unamber of Commere BMg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO 333 L,'namoer or voaunnt, ta ana titer. FIWACIATj 61 LIBERTY AND VICTOR! BONDS If ion mutt sell your . Liberty or Victory bond, sell to v. If yon can buy more Lib erty end Victory bends, buy from us. W buy and sail liberty and Victory bond at tha market IOU CANKOT DO BETTER YOU MAT DO WOBSB ' W am today paying ths following prioes for United Stotee Government Liberty sad Victory bonds, which art th doting New York market price, plot th accrued interest N. T. Market Interest Total 8tte ..,.....$100.70 $1.24 $101.94 let 4 06.29 1.42 96.63 2d 41 ., . . . . 93.80 1.76 95.64 1st 4 Ma .... 95.36 1.61 96.87 2d 4Wt .... 93.72 1.87 95.59 3d 4Kl .... S5.86 .48 95.61 4th 4 K .... 98.76 .09 98.85 Victory 34.. 99.69 1.59 101.19 Victory 44. . 99.62 3.93 10L64 la pwabaatnc Liberty and Victory bond w deduct from the above price 37c on a 850 bond and 82.50 on a $1000 bond. In ecHling Liberty and victory bonds ws charge the New York market price plu th accrued interest Anew ABOUT , THE MORRIS BROTHERS WTAW. Burglar and fireproof saf deposit boxes tor rent . Open nnu 8 p. m. on -Saturday , ', M0BBIS BROS.. INC. Th Premier Municipal Bond Hons Capital One Million Dollar. Morris building, 809-811 Stark st bet 5th-6tb. Tel Broadway 3161. Established ever 33 years. LIBERTY AND TTCTOBT BONDS l ... - " -: CASH PAID FOB ANT ISSUE OF. BONDS - MVU MAstKICT PBtCg . LOAN ON WAR SAWTWOS HTAVTM - TOU CAN BORROW CASH OP US ON BONDS eVtl BA v LlvS BTAMPB OR TO FINIbtf j . PAT1NQ FOB V1CT0&X BONDS ' SEE K. BTJBKTTT. FBESTDENT ' OREGON BOND AND 1IORTOAGI PO 80S SELLING BLDG. . (SECOND FLOOBl w- I WILIs BUT ANT UBEBTxf BONO' " OF FULL CASH YALUE (An due coupon totereat' incraded.) J. H. KEATING, 6 IT BOARD OF TRADE. RflN'ns Rnnnrrr SPOT CASH ; - SPOT CASH MARKET . PRICE - ty?Axt1T tUPriTTtiTa fjwjA TH a 9 BaT - - w vesis o ay. i- WWW W 111 MJMXSW J UBJ money on BONDS. W, S. 6V. or to saak. PAX- s wi,s v 0vso, s yut cssxv - m aveseo ciag., rinn aaa AJOIC. CELLARS-MXTBTON CO. 1 CASH paid for mortgage aad twOcr eeattaets on real aetata m evaahmgtow ec Hragim L at Noble. 910 LeMbeimans blda. HORSES, TEHICLES, ETC IS HORSE and wagon. 31.50 per day; 3 horses end wagon, as. . ejonen. 40 rroot Main Z2USL WILL buy your cheap and -.disabled, horse, avj rTont st. DEAD horse ana animal hauled way free. Ca9 H0BS2S, TEHICLES. ETC. IS TEAM of sound work horse, weight 3000 lba,; '. heavy hsrneae and - -inrb. wagon. Price $283. Bey mre. weight 1800 lb.; beet of worker in any harneaa. $$3. . 6-year-ohi bay. weight 1100 lba, hen very cheap; also 2 good Holsteia oovrs. heavy milker. Will eell reasonable. 89$ Powell valley road. Wood stock cor. FOB, SALS! Team, sound, tree horses, weigh ing 3800 lba, with oearty sww harass, prio $325: . will take good, sailch oow as part pay nvmt Tak. Woodatofck ear to E. 36th St., Gtodston ve., walk 3 btoek north, 1087 Franri avn. . . FOR SALE Have moved to town and bsv got to eell my teem and harneaa, mare-and eeld fasTs weighing 3000, 7 and 9 year old. Take South Portland ear to Gibb. 803 Front Mrs. Sici'aniei. MUST sell my farm outfit: good, sound tesm, bout 2300, lba. j Columbian farm wagon and harness; $ short stamp palling cables, $100 for all; also nice tot 969-Ib. horse, $26. 893 Knott at., near union are. BLACK team, weight 2690 : lbs.. Bound and good worker, ha mass and A inch wagon : $263 for aUL Woodstock oar to 34th st. 5 block south to square red bam. . - TEAM of marea 7 and 8 yean old, sound aad good worker, wvlght 3800 lba, and rest of the farm forAab cheap. 365 Colon avei corner Stephens tt : - " - ' : - -GENTLE, younr riding and driving horae, light hack, buggy and harness. 1918 E. Stark and 75th st . - 2400-LB. teem with good double htrasa aad farm waaon. 8166. 36S Bumell - t, near Union av. f FOR SALE 1220-lb. bay mare. 1180 sorrel; farm implamenta, Mrs. Jan Klein. Oswego, Or. HORSES end mules. E. A Porter. Barlow,' Or. LITE STOCK 86 IF yea want to seS your goats, aee.ttf. W want to buy .1600 head of Aagoraa. Ci?BELL;PH LAND $& CsATTLE CO. 801 COUCH BLDG. Pbon Main $089. SHEEP and goat for sale, also eome registered Lincoln awes; 15 ewe and 6 bucks. For price see ua. CAMPBELL PHELAN ' LAND & CATTLE CO. 801-2 COUCH BLDG. Phone Main 8088. WANTED We want to buy acme sheep, mostly ewee, from yearling up to 3 yean old.' What have you I Campbell -Pihelan' Land & Cattle Company - 991-3; Couch Bldg.; Portland. ' 1 atTbtud Den Gregorb No. 2139, th pnm bred Tor gen burg buck. Ton owe ft to yourself to breed to in oeat. ,wm out and look him over. O. G. HALL, 253 East 88th St Main 813. - ,w i oi. nmu . . a. ww, . ... wwb. vuiiws . (IMJI ,UU SiUl" toin. extra heavy rich milkers; will tell or take beef cow in exchange. 1150 Macadam st S. P, car to end of line, 3 blocka south m xucoaroaon eve., x Diocg et in pasture. FOR SALE Purs bred IHi roc-Jersey pigs, aub- ect to register: coara and sow. . is.oo and $20.00 each at weaning time. Extra good foundation atock. Special price on six or more. J. 8. Beall. 747 Brass street Portland. Oregon. TWO extra good Hobtein cow, on Jersey; all good heavy milkers end rich: also good haavv work team, harneaa and wagon, cheap, if taken si once, can roweu valley road. Woodstock car. BAMS. BARGAINS Pure-bred yearling Lin coin rami, $25; elao Cotswold ram lambs. T' . cvou sios. cwiaueianoi camu. Amity, ur. LARGE fresh Durham cow and calf, rich milker. will cell cheap. Woodstock car to 84th tt, 6 oioca eoutn to aqua re req earn. IF yon want any fresh dairy cowt of ay breed BIG FRESH first cUa Jersey, 6 years old. Tub. tett $85 Powell Velley road. Wood- mock car, C. 8. MAY Expressing. Furniture and live- iuci snoveu aujrwiiere. ar none sxam suou. Tabor 6628. CRACKED CORN Fine cracked com for feed- , ing bog t $3.00 per 100 lbs. Old Fashion Muting sjo., 241 Holladay art, FOR SALE 2 Ssanen aad Toggenberg does. iretn in Dec., ft) a tor both. 6180- 68th sr. b. n., tit. eeott ear. TWO goats, male and female; hornless. 78 WUtl9 VIU. AmWT Dill, - THREE tine milk goat, cheap, or exehang. for KnMM B AO XiVnn m montn oki. lsoor 147. ONE fresh cow and calf for sate; 1635 Willow nt. i-none Tabor T4'JP. . - FOR SALE Young Jersey row. Inqnim 879 Union ave. N. - - FIVE fresh -eows for sals. 968 Powell Valley m, writer o -u. FOR SALE 1 O. L C boar 6 month old. Mt A. box 682. NICE big family cow. 802 Front st FOR SALE hww ana pig. ' Woodbwn 197l. FOTJLTBT AKD BABBITS 37 140 THOROUGHBRED March. April. May pul lets. White Leghorn, Barred Rocks, Rhod Lsbud Rod; 31.2ft up to, $2; free delivery. MonurilU ear to E. 80th and Stork, walk S block west to 1019 and 75th st 150MIIEb pnlleU. beginning to lay. $1.50 and $2 each; yearling White Leghorn bent, $1.60 earn, aiso sarrea mock ana rtnoae uiana Bed pullets. J. K. Msgurre. 787 Oregon at WHITE Ighom. WEito Wyandotte. Barred Book, Rhoda bland Red pullet and White legnora nens. Tabor 8B8. - BS48 84ta n, E. FOR SALE Twelve thoroughbred White Ie horn ben and rooster, pbon , Woodbwn 256 sfter 6 p. m. TWO do White Leghorn pullet. May hatched, O. A. C. strain. $1.80 apieoa. M: Edwards, Clatskanie, Or. FLEMISH GIANTS for smb. young and old. - T. Johnson. 8916 68th av. near 80th st. WE pay th highest prk fog puUsta, any oreea. laoor ezus. 3 O. A C Barred -Rock roosters for sab at $2 each. Call SeUwood 834 fter 6 p. m. 6 THOROUGHBRED Barred Bock pulltta, ready to lay, giz. ynone luast BOSS. WANT incubator. 800-ecr or Tabor 8426. 107 E. 70th at leas, , Phone TKOROTGli B fit iTwbfte'" TihonTi'U.'" My nMcneo. ilia rj. w asnmgton at. DOGS, BIRDS. FETS. ETC. 46 CAREFCTXT elected green, also yellow birds, f rem beat strains, in good gong. Mar. 6973. Mrs. Lawrenoe. 329 1st st, room 8. FULL PEDIGRBED Airedale pwpe for eato. 60$ East 19th. Call morning aad after to 9 P. to. .16 BtfTg yearling ..mat. Aired,- wateh dog. - Speedway Kennels. Tabor $088 CHOICE canaries er. -TTe Canary Bird Sbop7r Bingert gntnnteeo. iiai m. 38th N. 0-33I7. FOB SALE English Llewellyn setters, 8 month ota. narary Tnunea; wui retrieve. Tsbor 1482. AUTOMOBILES AlfP ACCESSORIES 44 OAKLAND SEC A splendid ear. A demontra - tion will convince yon. $573. Alder and 14th at. TOURING CAB. $496 This b a late modal touring car. baa 9 new tire nd looks and run aa good a new. H b popular make. $209 down and th balane easy will let yon drive it home. Balance long, easy terms. Sea aa- and tha car 'at garage, lit at sioyt vt. CASH paid for old oar, condition no abieoti Part for all awakes of -eer. Oregon Auto Bsv ebaxga, 139 lwnsdab at Kth and Waaaungtoo. K uimm oneawsy o.o. 1917 HUDSON tnper 9. t passenger, good eore! tire, repainted; regular factory guarantee tog 90oy: a real bargain at $1490. eaah nt torn. VU A wirVtT wwsji, FORD eoupelet 191$, Just like now, good tires, electric starter. Father body will tacrine at $850 with terms. SO Grand are. N sear Born- MAXWKLL 1919 touring, used very littleT"ail " good tires; owner must sen a. bargain at $976 wwn terms, an sprang ave. n., wir nurnelde. 7 . PASS. 191$ National. 12 cylinder; good . cam. m private use. n. aaking 92000. terras. Phono Tabor 192S..' . - , 191$ CLUB Joadstor, Mitchell, good condition. S tires; jal barcaia at $976 aath. Call xaoor aivx. I MUST U my 6 S oyUade Olds; - run 8000 milaa. I Broadway. Main 1689. 391 FOB SALE 118 Briscoe tonring car, , best tif 'shape: terms. Smith. 490 Bnrweide. ' tSliEVBOLET 1918. will take-'th best ofbcl Jjit CllfWLtIiui. oondition, new tires'; psnamin. irons yawl it mt, TV 1714, 1919 SUPER 9 Hudson. 9 ootd Uiwv 6?f FORD, 1919. $500;. Ford. 1916, $295. Army Garage, 350 Tylor t 1920 FORD touring (starter), ren only 300 mugs ow pswevnem, wo oeaiers. imbi. Jotrrcau. GA SOLINE 32 CENTS A GALLON, OfCflfAND CREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO., 189 1ST. TTXCANIING and awtirniTrr'aC't tion,, 109 11th tt, neat WaatnAgton, - , ATJTOMOBILEB AND ACCESSORIES 4$ THE OLDSMOBILE CO. x OF OREGON - We bve several good wed ert tn stock. We want yon to see them aad decide for youretli. 1$1T OldsanobUa toortag . . . 1260 1919" Scripyo-Bosth . touring 1359 1919 Oldsaobib 6. tonriag 1800 191$ OidxmobU touring 1280 1919 Maxwell touring 650 1917 UupasobUe. - touring . 1969 1917 Gnat $. touring ............... 900 1919 Baxea 9. tooring 999 1917 SUdabakar, pa net body ' TOO Ford light delivery ,.i ... .- $75 Bnlck delivery 750 ; LIBERAL.. TERMS. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON ' i yBroedwsy and Couch u ; -SEE THEM FOR" -YOURSELF COMPARE VALUES Buick Tight-ti; : . : . . . $ioso Elgin six. 1918 .................... 750 Studebaier tlx. 1 $18 $00 Darns six ...................... J600 Maxwell. 1919 ......... ; 4 . .. . . ' 750 Chevrolet 1918, i . 673 tsa AND WAiMnM. i uim D. C: WARREN MOTOR CARCOMPaANY 68 N. 2Jd St Mala 780. TELIE PEERLESS ALLEN -. V Easy- term. W abo trad. 1917 1917 1917 1919 1917 1914 Btndebtker, 4-eyi.; 6 good, ttre...$650 Saxon Six, special top...,,..,., 900 Velie, thoroughly overhauled, . $ it -i.ll .1,. u.W WH.i,t(,11VV Overbad, Wash, st oa high...... ABO Velle, 4 -eyl., 6-paaa. . . . , , $85 Bee, a wonderful buy..,., , 669 model Pecrlea and Velie, 7-pats.: inapt. Open Evenings and Sunday, 1910 Late A LATE modal Winton six. No. 1 msehanicaJlr, mtvA tiaint V mmI 4m. wn.. 1.1 consider a .smaller car a part payment and th oaiaao ion, easy par merits. . :':C- c. h:s. CO. ' 65 NORTH 23D ST. MARSHALL 1438. USED. CAR baraNA Willys-Knight (8) T-paas., 6 new cord tires. wuiy i4), 7-pm. , Hudson. 7 -pass., 4 new tire. Dort new time all around. Oakland ), new. Chalmer 9, roadster, first class condition. TERMS E. E. WILSON. 90 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy, $247. 1918 CHEVROLET, good condition; a mat bar gain t $550. Term if desired. Oar repute. tion b your protection. Chevrolet Agency, Aider ana itu. 1919 FORD COUPE WITH START--Eft, AND DEMOVNTABLE B1MS. C G. B LEAS DALE, 680 ALDER. COME on, yea Chevrolet buysrt. Here b buy yen cannot duplicate in town. 1918 Chevrolet touring, just ovarbauled; looks and run like new; extras. Be una oar now ana think altsrwarda. Good buy for dealers; $550, terms. 109 11th tt. bet Stark and Wash. , BEAD THIS 1918 Veils, Continental Bed Seal motor, pan tototo top, leather upholstering, new tire and tube. - revaniished, . looks and ran . like new. Small payment down, balance on year $1800. 88 N. "28d st Velio-Allen-Peerleaa. Mtin 780. DO TOU went to trade yonr email ' ear for larger one? If to I bam a 7 pats. 9 eyL. 1918 8tudbkr; fast put on 4 new tire; mac bard. elly guaranteed,, driven only a short time. See me at , . 109 11th it, bet Start and Wash. DODGE TOURING LIKE NEW; MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. C. G. BLEASDALE. 680 ALDER. HAVE 3 ears Cole- 8 and Nash 9s feroed to sell tab weak! will sacrifice, lnquir 4 go E. 37th at N. Poon East 1370. , Sxc Used Cars - K NO HlSBEPEESENTATIOS . Covey Motor. Car Co. 6nE Ford touring; car, nearly new. shock b aorbers, speedometer, new tires, switch lock, lc tail light new top, rab-caibnrator aad aoto bed. $500. Term, a & BU Service it tion. asm na seat ntar. OVERLAND 1914 touring in fins running eon ditlon; make a good knock bent car; a real buy at $800 with term U wanted, $0 Gnod ave. N.. near Bnmside. bog" going bound nd a red they , atak ; term u oesu-ea. 404 DAVIS, NEAR 10TH. FOB SALE tUU OverUnd. mod. 13,000 mil. Good ear In every respect. Prio 8600. Address 228 13th at Phone Main 9179. '" " IMMEDIATE delivery of my brand1 new 'is 20 - model tonring ear; will tak your. Ford, Chev rolet oe Maxwell at part paymsnt Call Adama, I9UW AT Si A . . A BUVI Vy w. ma air nil ' " ". .- Saro as new and louks th part; perfect' nr ehanioal ootaditton ; term to snit tow para. twt 1ai to, nsAat. aw-ftt. 8TUDEBAKER SIX This b a splendid' bargain, in fin aondltioa. Mr. Beaver, 0-1943. $64 E. Broadway. ,. ' . TERMS OP COCRSE ' Oakland Six, touring, good thape. $84 E. asroaaway. u-is. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, 6360 down; guar- ante and free eerviea: anaoah smlA. Port- mno yar naiee t.o.t ota anq Taylor CHEVROLET tonring 1917 model, new paint good tire, fin aonditjon: a btreaia it 8496 with term. 39 Grand am. N.. near Rurnside, FOB SALE. CHEAP PopoHarUord apeedstor; new com omti at gvoo, eonaiuon. y, n, Aa- FORD tonring ia ed nonditiou, fair tiree will witi terms. 90 Grand ave. aaerlfiee at 9800 N-ner Burnsida. ilTf DODGE tonring. tin eonditbnL kiiS down, guarantee free service, enough laid I Portland Car Baler Co.. 8th and Taylor, i WINTON 9. bag body, in fine condition, good . lraml a eastl hernia 1 9 X A ritk tn! an yiswi snfc iv.t ar panpwei BEO, - first cbs oondiUoa: will tak yon anyJ where. Cheap fog oash ee trad for real) wtw. os s a ia ilia s. b. - . 1919 COLE SPORT MODEL Bun only a few month. Al eonditinaL At 854 E. Broadway. Mr, Beaver, C-1943. NEW Maxwell track, delivery will be tnede to a few days. Will discount 3 84. . phono Eeat aosz. $650 DANDT Hudson But; '-flna eendUioni terms. 1264 In vision at Ttbor.1231. GARAGE near WUUassa aad - AUlliiigsworthT woouiawsi woo.."- : - ' iTCDEBAKKB roadster, i ! tire, good th vvooajswn one. shape. 8240. 116 E. 6th t. near Monbon. GARAGE for rent. 10x10. $6 per tnonth. 'I JTal 13. iniK ii. CXASSZ ELGIN SIX, practically new, $1160; ... V9AA TtieiMi ax. 'Tshae 1911 . Vv xa tvs m v aw- - v j w LIBERTY SIX. - Call Mr, Beaver t tl 94$ sVtyejTJT. wiim 9m'yj yaj. SEDAN, ooay and enoaforublev . Bee b tt 364 E. p roadway. oiea CHEVROLET. $359; term. $64 . BroaoV - woy Phono C-1943. ' - " . IATE nvodet Ford; can't be told from new; $316. term. 126 E. th st.. near Morrisou. ABE TOU looking for a Hadson Super f n'! AUTOMOBILES AP ACCES90BIT9 41 - . , 11 LOOKS , ' ' ' LIKE - ' , ' A Bli DAT , -, . ' - HERB TOD AT . " COM IS AND Bf.K ' , , EVERY CAS SOLD - " " ' . ' AT COST v 1919 Auburn, 6 passenger. ' - ,Z 1919 Stodebeker 9, 7 paasenger." '- . 1918 Stodebeker 4, or 7 paanttger, . .. '1919 Saxrm 9. aataenger. , .;1917 Auburn 9, 8 passenger. . - 1 . 1917 .rUxon .9. .9 paaseager. . 5 v" ,117 Buick 9. readater. Maiw,lL4 eyL, 6 patsenger. , . - 1919 Lotter eyl, 6 paasenger.- '.' - TERMS TO SUIT TOK SRINU A SMALL DKPtiaTT' V THERE'S A DIFFERENCE ' IN ' ' A SELLINfl USED CARS . - AND IN - , . - . OFFERIMJ t'SKD CARS . . FOR SALE Wateh oar need ear advertlesmente; brveati. late , our need car selling , plan. , WE AfiE NOT USED CAR DEALERS V , - - , AUTO SALES CO. . , IMttrfbutors ArBURN BEAUTY SIX , V ' - 9th and Conch - St ' ML: SECTIONaAL GARAGES ' v CAN BE SHIPPED ANYWHERE : . Modern Construction Co. 81$ E. 11th as. fhon Esrt $114. ; 1 ALL BARGAINS 1910 Oakland sir tenrin. '.'-. - 1018 Mitchell al louring. 1917 Paige six roadster. , -. . : 1915 Winton lx touring. . . ; 1913 Cadilbe four touring. 1917 Saxon six touring. Any of the above car ean ba bought very cheap on long, easy term. - ,v t-j-. C. H. S. CO. 95 NOBTH SSD ST. MARSHALL 142 1. Open Evening and Sunday, ..... .-. "CASH FOR' "we. AUTOMOBILES : TOU BUT OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE) MONEY. , -IT IS PERFECTLY 81MPLK. t OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., ' SOS SELLING BLDG. (fteoond Ooot.) - IIUPMOBn,E Aerie 1 9 tonring, ipar tim. tin cover. Gabriel horn, tpoUlgbt; overhauled, painted; plate glass in rear. Itlug Bdwy. 340, ask fot Binehart. Will demonstrate any pbw in city. Prio 9900. Will take amaV Peyatepl dcm and 10 month on belAuce. Aldsi and lUi Jte. t LATE model Saxon six, new palst new tires, - sett oovart. spotlight bumper and apam tire.. TbU car can be bought right on liberal term, "-C! Hr-Sw-CO i -s : " MARSHALL 1428 98 NOBTH 38D ST. QARA0E5 Frieee en rmUoallon. Ready Cut Hoate MTf.LMADB r CONSTBUOTI0B ' COMPANT . " 1601 U union av, X. Woedbwn 141$. LATB'mojl CheTTwet, spam Ur. spt:!rM, good appaarano sad , in A-l ahapo.. , $60 takes it, lerma. - Aider and 14Ui,u7 . , LOOK $$99 buy a Chevrolet touring r; 9 in ftrtt class running condition and it will tie th . bills en high, $160 down, balance to mill you on easy term lets yon drive thi on bom. PORTLAND ELECTRIO GABAOfi. 11th it IToyt it 1 ' - i CHEVROLET roadaters. Three to pick front. . All bto model priced from $626 to $676. Chevrolet Agency, 14Ui and Alder. ' BEST BUT INORfLaNt1 A Bao 6-osasenaer. 4-evL. absolutsle a flrat- rlats ear, with lot of ixtraa, iochidlng spar tin aad tire cover, ipotllgat to, Speoial prict, $676. D. O. Warren Molor Oh U, 69 K Q, h. nam i.v. WHAftfAN you buy Jor IS7S that'wUl brai thb oner Lata 1917 Chelawf sat, ' Cat not be told from new ear, as ha bad V be of ctre. Jutt overhaulad from tire to motor. Every part of oar O. K. . Act quick. s1 : 109 11th wt. bet Stark and Waih. AUTO TOWIXO AND WRECKED CAES ' ; DAXl MAIN 269 NIGHT: MARSH. $31 RELIABTJ!! AUTO SHOP A 897 SIXTEENTH STREET ' , - 1919 MAXWELL ROADSTER? BASv GAIN IF SOLD THIS WEEK. CO. BLEAHDALE. $$9 ALDER. 1918 ' 6 RANT StX Bert eonditlon: BrWei 3759 miles, Bargain for etsb thi week only Ctli evtning after 6:80 er Hunaays. $ DODGE touring, new top, good timt, W an not eeaond hand ear dealers. -Price b right STATES. AUTO SALES OO, IJ.0. u Burastoa. WE do honest aoto Vepairinf, orerbtuling a4 resrlrtna. An males or ears, Work roar nteod and) prios naseaabb. 84 WiUienst avenue. 'Law model $ Cole touring'; first eisaj goadl tion througS)out; terms, ... . r . 404 UAVIB. WEAK 10TH, ' ' i 1117 HUDSON SUFEtLaTi r" Cera timt; $600 down; guarantee and Ml) f,noV"- said, portbnd . Car Sab Co., w va ! mt tvii FORD touring 191$ m beat of conditiun, sow) tiros; will sacrifice at $609 wUk toimt, $0 Grandjtve, N.,i near Bnmaide. $188 TAKES a Ce-JOlae, - 3 ''eitra 'tirea.'aG Brnee'e ear al Itobtetest amlto Ua.. 6th and Mditoa at.-'-"' :.- ' ,. , .. PBIVAtE ow'wr need" eeen7 ' Utli ' seiCU. modal OM cheap e tab small eagvaai eotae eaan. mam . F6R' fiALii 1417 font' iuai' overhauled saa repatnted, cheap for eath. See tat) vrilna or Sunday at 9084 9$d ve, I. B. MAXWELL 1918 ia fin eoadiUoa, good tireti --wWleeil-eA $77$ with termaT SO &aad am l., near asurnasae. MeehanbaSy perfect; good tires; term to etrit "- - -"woo utriB, Btt IV in. MAXWELL touring, must' be sold by 'tomorrow vwwamrm9 'VI SfVltTO -.SVU. . 4TOrL ( . vmw mmwwm w( ... .WS S mjWFTg VELIE 111 IT touring to bast of eoodition, "go73 ' aa wimimiji m sargaisi SI s M I S wnn isrsn, . snsvna , ttrsr nurneioe. BARGAIN to "l9l9 Chalmer Si. 6 pas ; run and bob like new; repainted and aoeai tJme. CaU Tabor 630. DcBataui TOP COMPANT 9tb at OakV Broadway 1664. BARGAIN ia 1918 Chalmers Stxtorin aa. Baa aad look Bw new; wood tires. AT oa aitwm. tsxa Adams isbor ,. 11$ CHALMERS sTpsatenger. ma aad louki like new; a bargain at $1150; oath or tors Cell Tabor 669. ,-a , - - -.. , -: - ? LATBa9lY" Fern tonring, $424 for quick eel. Portbnd Car Bale Co., 6th- and Taylor. . iiilO - CKEVROCeT: Perfect running oruef $600. Parker, 043T Bryant Eaet 1064. ; -A SEAL touring ear, looks good and run bet : tor. Main 16 8. 391 Broadway. 119 FORD touring, lint el condition, Cll Tbof 353.- :;;::.-' -'' i; FORD delivery, new top, body, bvsrhauied ; gooi - lino, $250. 414 bHss st.. oor. lOtlw 1920 FORD Hedan, unused, complete equn-' -:; nWvrtsin 906, ; ' ' , " 6-PA6S. Molina ulomobile, geod eonduioa, ebeep. 6 93 Oth . ' ' 16 JO rOBD tearing. Ford "electric starter, used . bnt few days; sn4 sell. V-847, Joamak ivoooicwa sv. rerush jasderin( w, ' look lJUViU than Ci. xMoaaetjf. C-1948. tCominuexl on Followlnj; F$g6