The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 22, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Burglars Break ' Into' BrbcWian
Residence ' and Steal - Mink
Fur and Revolver; M '
Hopkins Dwelling -r Entered and
"Watch, fiings and Old .Coins
Are Stolen.- . '
,The fashionable. Nob Hilt district
was visited by burglars Tuesday
night; but their trip this lime was
novsucoessful. as on previous occa
'ions. Shortly after the family of
. Ben Brockman left home' at 852
Overton street, the house' was en
tered through a rear ; window. A
vj mink fur and a revolver were taken.
The burglars then , turned , to . the
4 home ' of -JVT.'r B. Hon eymaa,' . 85 S
. Northrup street, almost directly
, back of Brockman V house, where
tny stole a rox rur.
' UDr? Wilson Johnston. SOS Albermarle
f place, had been entered with a pass key
several pieces of iewelry stolen.
. George F. Hopkins. -1940 East Morri-
soneireet, reportea a waien, lour nngu
and 13 ,ld coins stolen from his borne,
when It was entered Monday nlKht. '
During the week end the offices of
J. P. Johnson, 628 Plttoek building, were
pilfered by a thief . who made away
with an extra suit of clothes, overcoat
and, hat In the office, police Inspectors
, are working on each case, but at present
nave not established a clue.
The basement at the home of Mrs.
FV M. 'Lvnch. 898 East Thirty-second
street, was broken Into during the night
and the following stolen : Three pounds
bacon, 4 eggs, roll butter and potatoes.
urn orui'o m a
limit r l r
mi ii ii i ii i i n
employes may reasonably be hoped for,
that we should, make an-effort to secure
Us adoption. '.It cannot be expected that
at every step all parties will agree -upon
each proposition or method suggested.
It Is to be expected,however, that as
a whole, i a' plan for ; program" can be
greed upon which W" advance further
the productive capacity of America
through the-establlshment of a sure and
heartier .cooperation , between all the
elements engaged, In Industry. - 'j'
The puUic. expects not less than that
you shaJI havfe that one end in view and
stay" together until the way is found
leading to, that .end. or until It Is re
vealed that the men who work and the
men who manage American Industry are
so set upon ' divergent paths that all
effort at cooperation la . doomed to
-I renew my appeal that with a full
comprehension of the almost tneomper'
able Importance of. your tasks to thjs
and to other 'peoples, and with full faith
In the high patriotism and good faith
of each, pther, you push your task to a
happy conclusion. y - -
- Before reeditigVPreslaent Wilson's let
ter,. Chairman Xane said he bad written
to the president a tetter describing the
situation in the conference.
"Lying . on his back en - bis bed. be
wrote the letter which I have , here m
my hand and which I shall .read toyoul
Chairman Lane said. Chairman Lane
read the letter with great, oratorical ef
fect : .. , "V ' - . ,-
The-audience , eat i deepest silence
during the seven minute reading. Hand
clapping followed and at the suggestion
of Chairman, iLane a. rising vote of
thanks arid a .tender" of sympathy was
taken, t -; ,.V - if r. ' . . -
'John Spargo, of the publjc group, said
that he felt that a rising, vote of this
sort did not seem to him sufficient. He
moved that the conference adopt a re so-
Declares ; Her - Care of Children
Does jUA Justify . Attacks of
lutlon which would be sent U the White' rWelfarejcommissi on.
(Oeothratd From Pwe One)
except in the spirit and with the very
method of warT Must suspicion and
hatred and force rule us in civil life?
Are our industrial leaders and. our in
dustrlal. workers to live together with
out .faith in each other, constantly
struggling for an advantage over each
other, doing naught but what Is com
pelled? r
'My friends, this would be an intol
erable Outlook, a prospect unworthy of
the large things done by this people In
the mastering of this continent; In
deed, It would be r an invitation i to
national .disaster. . Vrm ;suoh- k ps
slbllltjri my mind turns away, for my
confidence Is abiding' that In this land
w haye learned how to. accept-the gen
era,' judgment upon-1 matters that t af
fect the . public weal; And this is the
very heart and soul of democracy.
"It la my understanding that you have
divided, upon one portion only of a pos
sible large program, which has not fully
been developed. Before a severance is
effected based upon present differences,
I believe you should stand together for
the development of that full program
touching the many questions within the
broad scope of your Investigations.
'Tit was in my mind when this con
ference was called that you , would con
cern yourselves with the discovery of
those methods by which a measurable
cooperation . within Industry may' have
been secured, and if. new machinery
needs to be designed by which a mint
mum of conflict between employers and
m 1 Deep-carvs Leasee ,
(TnuUmwk kusuteied!
Keep Your Face
,W h yis it that people
wearing glasses appear a
younger than those who )
need them and do nor ax
Wear them ? 0
Remove the Strain
Eyes overtaxed !n their efforts
to overcome visual defects w
reveal the strain la the lines
of the face: v:-;'.r? r. -T"." m
Good glasses relieve this strain
---and soften the coantenance. Si
McEWAN G1ase : will
serve your eyesight and keep A
A your face young. ,? W
A . Until You , Ar Pleased." V
v Complete Lens 'Grinding 4
Factory on tha PremUee 9
fA Ui I 1 W5TITUTE , 2
W Eyetieht Specialists H
Ferttaad's Largest, Jtest Med.
era, Best Eqilpped, Exclusive
OpUeal EfUbUskmeat -
... Staee lies
House sick room pledging each group
and each individual in the conference
to remain In the conference until a
program had .been prepared. , '
Harry A. wheeler, of the employers'
group, seconded the Spargo motion.
Samuel Qompers said the labor group
had held a session this morning f they
had too little time fo do thelf work.- He
thought ' the. . Spargo motfon' pledging
every one to remain in the conference
was unfortnhate. : ; ..
Chairman-' Lade asked Mr. Spargo to
withdraw , bis 'resolution- ; Mr. Spargo
did so.;,., ..-v,; ';,. - t.': ,.. -
The cpnference then adjourned for a
half nour to give the labor group op-1
portutilty for 'further conference.
A short scene took place as the labor
group .jrettreevrom the ball.
When frank MLorclson, of .the labor
group, passed the table .where Spargo
wae sitting he said ; 4 -: "j
rrnarwas a neu oi a motion ror you
to1 Introduce. Do you want to keep us
here day after day to. be cnflclfiedr f
Spargo- replied : . .' ,
"WH, the motion is withdrawn- now,
isn't it? You Won't be called upon to
vote on It". i" .
Spargo In explaining his motion said :
it didn't seem to me enough to send
back to President Wilson's sick room
word that we had received his letter
with a vote of thanks and sympathy. He
had asked us in the letter to keep the
conference going-, until we either. 'ar
ranged, a program, on: which labor and
capital might come, together or until we
found that, their differences could not be
settled. -I felt he wanted a definite; an
swer from us as to whether we would
do this1 or- not, so I put the motion on
the .spur of the moment .without con
ference with members of my group," V
Spargo declared that he had arranged
with the chairman of the onference,
or with HatTi Wheeler of the employers'
group, who seconded his motion, to pre
sent such a motion to the conference, -,.
"It wasn t planned in advance," he
said. ' -; .
- Chairman Lane 'bore out Spargo'S
statement that the motion had not been
part, of, any 'program to force labor to
stay in the conference. i
"I did not know the Spargo motion
was coming," he declared, "and I later
asked that it be withdrawn."
Invites PuWic HSenerally to Visit
Her -Home and See
Being Donet;
-. ."No individual .or agency aside
ifrom. tha'ooard": of Bounty f commis
sioners and "the Portland Woman's
clubr jjas contributed, so-Tnuch as a
crust of "bread o the wirk I Am try
Ing to dq andthe ,veryl women who
Are . complaining now, , gained, en
trance to ;my borne by misrepresen
tations. X am ready for.: them and
anythingthey care to fxltempt
; Thus Mrs. A. 5 Havlland. 645 Mil
ler avenue, SeUwood, today received
charge made agamst her nursery home
for ' eblldreB and against , Mrs. Millie
Trumbull, secretary pro-tern of the Child
Miller Closman " Baga. Arm - Sold Exclusivly' in ; Portland, in f Oar Fifth J Floor Luggage Section
Pictorial Review Magazine
for Novemlier
And Pictorial Review Winter Fashion
; - Quarterly, ' '
Now Ready. ' 5freef Floor
. cIerchandise of cMerit Only
Maytag Electric Washers ;
Insure Workles Washdays -1
Let U Send You One on Approval
Sold on Easy Terms
Household Efficiency Section, Eighth Floor.
i !
Blaih Taiiorfed TricQtine Suits $75
Striking Models Plain Tailored
y Styles Smart for All Occasions
Handsome Fabrics Well Tailored
fAnd what is so smart as a tricotine suit? For street, for business
and for general wear a navy tricotine suit spells Fashion, Service and
Discriminating Taste. , s
-f Here is your opportunity to buy early in the seam
von at a moderate price a suit that will insure you
that "well dressed". look all season!
Altho they are smartly simple and tailored there
is style variedness enough to make choosing de
lightfully interesting.
Telegram Sent to Senator Cham
berlain Asking Him to Use
Influence Against Plan.
Protesting against the glutting of the
American market witkf foreign wool
when a large surplus of this article aK
ready exists in America, the State
Chamber of Commerce this morning sent
a message to Senator Chamberlain ask
big him to use his Influence against the
taking of options on foreign wool. The
message follows : . -1
"We ' understand . that arrangements
have been made to hold an option on
15,000,000 pounds of wool owned by the
British government. We also under
stand that this is Just the beginning of
a series of options to unload the Brit
Ish wool 'surplus, which will result In a
great loss to wool growers In this coun
try. We wish, to protest in behalf of
the commercial organisations Of Oregon
and hope that no more option will be
made in this country until America dis
poses of its surfus stock and until the
present stocks on hand are marketed."
Waters Leaves for
' Remington t5ervice
At San Francisco
" K-ll"'?.' "'.-"i.v ' ' . ';X -v;
"Oood-bye Charley and good - luck.1
Rotarlaas. Ad, clubbers and business
men generally said farewell reluctantly
to Charles B. Waters today;, Mr. Wa
ters leaves tonight for ' San Francisco,
where he becomes branch manager for
the Remington Typewriter ; company.
His promotion from a similar position
in Portland was reported some time ago.
' Mr. Waters has made a conspicuous
success in his work In Portland. Ha was
president of the Rotary dub last year
and chairman in charge of arrangements
lor the Northwest 'Rotary convention,
in Portland this year. He has . been in
Remington service. 24 years and has
spent half of that time in Portland.. Mrs
Waters will not join bun in San Fran
cisco for several weeks. . .' '
34rs. Oeorge L. 'wilUams, ; who ' I
know is In part responsible for the let
ter of censure sent to Dr. T. W. DeBusk,
gained entrance to my1 home by telling
me that she was sent out y the board
of relief. Mrs.. T. C. pillson. connected
with the Waverly baby home, came to
my home also while most of the chil
dren were- at' Sunday school' and re
quested me to harbor a child of a poor
mother. I refused because' my accommo
dations were then taxed.; She tried to
get Information- about my babies, but
she did not succeed, because, ! refuse
the history of their lives to any but the
proper authorities and parents
"These are the only, women, aside
from mothers, who have found time to
become- interested In the work at my
home, which Is a private institution, rec
ognizing no religious or other Auspices.
The county 'commissioners pay me
$20 a month each for five children In
the hdme.' The Child Welfare commis
sion has not sent a solitary child to me.
The Portland Women" club gave me a
fund of $31.60 at one time.. To this I
added $8,50 oC-W own 'money and
bought needed clothing. t 4
"I openly and willingly urge 'each
member of the Child Welfare commis
sion and the public generally to visit
the home and inspect its work. My re
quest for a license has not been acted
upon and I -welcome an Investigation
before it Is." INot one department in the
county courthouse, I believe, will decline
to vouch for my work and my home. I
have tried to be a falthf n' worker, and
I recognise no failure nothing but suc
cess. I do know what to do and I will
go through with it, come what may."
' ' v i
Big Shirt Factory
10 isian; wui; use.
Silk From Orient
V; v. ' .- " ; '
The largest silk shirt manufacturing
concern on -the Pacific coast will, start
Operation In Portland Monday, accord
ing to announcement made by 8. Shlrek,
owner of the company, to the trade de
partment of the -Chamberpot mmerce.
The company' new : plant "Is located
ail Pine street. '.JL;-. "' -
Shlrek says that 10 nacblnes' Witt be
operated at first '.and. that more wHl be
added latep. It lsvthe Intention ot the
company to manufacture shirts from
silk imported from the Orient by the
Portland-Oriental steamers.
Freight Expert .of
Northern abifio
Portland Visitor
3. B. Barrett, freight traffic manager
of the Northern Pacific railroad, spent
Tuesday in Portland on official business.
kBarrett Is the originator of the -pro
posed consolidated tariff 82 A which oc
casioned much talk lais summer. The
tariff reduced-the volume of various
freight rates to a much smaller Kite.
Consideration has been given the pro
posed revision of tariffs by the Port
land district freight trarne committee,
but has been rejected tor the present.
Who Left His Home
r Still Among Missing
Eight-year-old , Byron .Johnson, who
disappeared, from his home Tuesday at
152 East Seventy-first street north, was
still missing, today,, according; to re
ports received at Sheriff Hurlburt's of
fice Search is being maintained by D.
H. C. .Johnson, father of the boy, as
sisted by deputy sheriffs And friends, f
It is believed the . lad is wandering
around In the neighborhood .of Monta
villa and that his disappearance Is due
to a disinclination on his part to attend
school. . i
Odd Fellows to Entertain J
The annual homecoming of Samaritan
lodge, Z. O. O. F. will be held at the
Multnimah hotel this, evening, with
dancing, 'card playing 1 and, .a ' musical
program. Returned soldier and sailor
members win be guests of honor.
Chanae in Ministers -Rome,
Oct 21. (U. P.)-Minlster Or
sinl Baroni at Berne wlU. replace Slgnor
Paoluccl Wboll, -who i has ? been ap
pointed Italian ambassador to Tokio, It
was announced today.
6 Dell-ans
Sure Relief
These are exceptionally well fitting suits and the workmanship and details
of finish are of the quality always associated with exclusive and much higher
priced suits. Silk linings are fanciful and varicolored.
Shopping early in the forenoon is advised.
V ThirJ Root, Upman, Wolfs A Co.
Furs For the Younger Set
The wee girl iod her older $ister$ have their own particular Fur Section where careful
buying has secured for them Furs of Fashion at extremely moderate prices.
Kit Cowey sets, scarf and muff, at $12 and $12.50. Natural opossum, animal scarf
and muff, at $8.50. Patagonia Fox, Nutria and Natural Kit fox sets, at $28.50. $29.50
and $35. . v
White Tun Iceland Fox Angora. Thibet, Imitation Brmine (white kit coney), etc.. in
sets and separate neck pieces, priced $8.75. $9.75. $10.75. $11.50. $17.50
Third Roof, Upman, Wolf. A Co.
Gowns, Petticoats, Envelope
Chemise, Camisole,
JBloomers, Boudbir Caps
, Aflat
Sizes and styles, for all
a chance to lay in a sup
ply of pretty lingerie at
small cost.
Gowmt of soft long cloth, tailored
styles, daintily finished with colored
stitchery and shlrrings.
Petticoats of excellent quality long
cloth. Deep ruffle of embroidery.
Some are lace trimmed.
Envelope Chemise of dainty long
cloth tailored and lace or embroid
ery ; trimmed. Strap or built up
shoulder effects.
Camisoles Wash saUn In eight
different styles. Delicate flesh tints,
tailored, and lacy styles.
Bloomers of genuine Windsor
Crepe. Ruffled at knee with pow
der puff pocket. Finished with rib
bon and colored stitchery. Rein
forced. .
Bosdolr Caps A wonderful as
sortment many styles silk, net
and ribbon. Ribbon, lace and rose
buds adorn them. Lovely shades of
rose, maise, blue, Amethyst and
; Fourth Floor,
Upman, Wolf Sl Co.
Stylish Stout
Specialized and individualized cor
sets4esigned exclusively for stout fir- "
ures, fashioned through the Sveltine
System of "Stylish Stout" appearance.
"Stylish -Stout" corsets insure "the
fashionably slender silhouette without
the uncomfortable feeling of restraint
. -100 Efficient"
Models for all types of stout figures.
Take.advantijfe of our expert corset
Fourth Floor, Upman, Wolfe ex Co.
Notes of
the New
Halloween Novelties
The first' Halloween since the war will be the inspiration
of many festivities it's quite the smart thing to turn your
home into an elfin bower this season to entertain witches,
elves, "spooks," goblins and all the fairy folk that '.re sup
posed to walk on the night of October 31.
We have everything you need for decoration. From 5c
up to $1.50.
Street Floor, Upman, Wolf ft Co.
New Gift
Furniture Here FiVcJi Floor
--Sd many new pieces of love- -vi
ly gift furniture, in mahogany, ! .
wicker and the beautiful over- .l
stuffed furniture that we up- w,
holster in our own workrooms, . v
have arrived to make the Gift.,;
Furniture Shop a most inter-.
esting place to shop for., the i
Holidays. '
Gate leg a
Tables mahogany
Folding tables, davenport
tables, sewing stands, tea wag
ons, telephone tables, smoking
stands and quite the loveliest,
old fashioned looking spinet
desks all in rich mahogany.
Gift Furnitur Shop. . ; " '
Fashions -
i Revealed in the
e T T e , ,
Inspired by paintings and
portraits of old masters and
successfully interpreted b y
artist designers are the new
hats whose lines and adorn
ments are the smartest and
most becoming we have ever
W take great pride
hi displaying our Au
tumn and Win tar
modes t
- '. ; Third Floor,
Upman, Wolf e 4 Co.
m i
Isn't It ;a Satisfaction to Know
YoUV FitidYbur Clothes Uncruthed
At the End of Your Journey?
" Cuts down on your bills for press
ing, too. Garments packed in a
. --'' k' .-" j , ": " ' ' '
Mendel Dustproof
Wardrobe Trunk are 'fresh and unwrinkted.
ready to put right on. at the end. of the longest
journey. i
We are showing eighua models and sizes,
from the convenient steamer size to the large
oversize for the honeymooners. -j- ,
Our No. 122 Is an excellent full size trunk
v with open .top, ten garment hangers, shoe
pockets and laundry . bag. ' Priced $60. ;
Our No. 125 is an extra large model 'with
open top, twelve hangers, shoe pockets, laundry
bag and electric Iron holder $65. .
' -Both art) exceptionally good trunk:
. . ; values. "
.... Luggsgu Section, Fifth Floory .. , . .. '
Upman, Wolf St Co, - .
C 8&
New Draperies'
We've a most excellent as
, sortment of draperies lustrous ' j
Kapock and rich madras,' in
lovely new colorings. Charm-
ing new cretonnes and chintzes
moderately priced.-
Gift Furniture Shop, r
Couch - '
Covers and Table Runners
Of soft, velvety velours in ,
all the rich Mulberry, gold, blue
and purple shades, in Oriental,
Chinese and conventional , pat
ternings. And of tapestry and
chenille. 25-inch table runners
of velours, tapestry and silk,
and the small rug effects in
Gift Furniture Shop, Fifth Floor,
, Upmsa, Wolf St Co. v '
Painted' Glass .
-Dainty nand painted Dresden v
effects " on clearest of crystal
flower., bowls, baskets, mayon-,
, naise sets, compotes and a va-
riety of other shapes and sires -to
add a bit of glowing color
td your table.,
..Sixth Floor Art pepartment,
'. , Upman, Wolf St Co. -