The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Except r for' Occasional Detours
Highway Is Found Like Boule
V vardi Concrete Is Utilized. -
Former. Stock Country- Products
Numerous and Good Roads Are
Proving of Value to farmer.
By Fred.Jjoeklcjr t".
En Koute to Ban Francisco By
i!all).--A day's tra,vety auto makes
wonderful difference in climate.
At Crater, 17 miles to the eastward
ot Crater Lake we found icicles as
thick as your thumb and a foot long;
we found the edges of the stream
jfrozen and a nklm of iceon-the
ponds. C We buttoned up our ..over
coats and pulled down the ear muffs
oi our caps.
Twenty-four hours later we nad shed
our overcoats and were sorry we bad
not brought our gauze underwear along.
for though It ' Is raw-October, the sun
shines with almost undiminished fervor
on, (he rolling-hills of Northern : Cali
fornia. during -the day we traveled 207
miles, a large part of the way toehig Over
mountain roads. We left Klamath
Kails, Or.i In the morning , and spent
the night at Red Bluff, OU. Kiccept for
occasional detours, the roads of Noj-tli
orn California are .like a boulevard. ,
Passing through Ager, Montague,
Weed, Stsson, Dunsmulr,. 'Delta,; and
: Balrd, we reached, Redding Just at sup
per time. .The roads were so good we
' decided to press on to Red Bluff. 28
miles distant. Our driver certainly
knew how to get speed, with safety,' out
of the machine. We were not supposed
to go over 35 miles an hour and so, in
stead of increasing the miles per hour
and running 40 or 45 miles an hour, he
reduced the minutes to the hour and we
i reeled off the legal distance at the rate
. rr IK mllajt In- 4.1 mlnntai
I kept track of the signboards and no
ticed that occasionally It would take us
10 minutes to make five miles, while at
other times we . would make -llvs- miles
in from six to seven minutes, Wita a
powerfully-engined automobile, it is cer
taJnrv. a delight to travel ovetJCaMfomia
boulevards. The road winds southward
like a? great gray tape or, olive drao no
bon. The roadway Is of concrete t ; la
many places it has Itad a coating of
bltulithks out on . too of the concrete,
which makes the roadway as smooth as
As we drove from Redding to ed
Bluff, to the eastward, silhouetted against
the horizon, was a line of rounded Duties
and peaks, of which Mount Lassen ls-the
most famous. Red Bluff , is the county
seat of Tehama county and is at the
extreme northern end of the Sacramento
valley. It is 210 miles from Ban mran-
cisco by the most direct road. - r, -
c In the old days Tehama, county was
considered good for stock raising only,
but today though muck' stock is still
raised- the big ranges have been broken
up into farms and orchards and you will
see extensive almond and apricot or
chards, as well as olive and prune or
chards and here and there oranges, figs
and pears. The H. J. Heinz company
owns extensive olive orchards In Te
hama count? and has an olive pickling
plant here. ,
' After a late slipper at Red Bluff. I
wandered around the town, sizing it up.
In one of the windows I saw a aispiay
of cotton In bloom. Falling Into con
versation with one of Red Bluffs citi
zens, I - secured a- good general idea of
the resources of Tehama county.
Tehama county's prosperity is based
on agriculture and stock raising. Hogs,
beef, cattle, sheep; dairying, poultry,
particularly turkeys, oranges, olives, al
monds, grain, fruit and alfalfa are the
money-making industries. The building
of good roads has added greatly to the
prosperity of the county for it enables
the farmer, 35 days a year, to take
largely Increased loads to market at de
creased cost for hauling. . :
City's Executive Would Not Elim
inate Street Cars on Wash- ;
' " ington, He Says. ,
Elimination of streetcars on Washing
ton street as a stride toward the. solu
tion of Portland's Increasingly serious
traffic problem received slight considera
tion from . Mayor Baker when . it ; was
suggested to him - today . and the plan
will not' be uicorpoated in any traffio
program the city may adopt, the mayor
declared. . -V '' ' -y
."I will consider the' solution of the
traffio situation the crowning . achieve
ment of my administration and shall
certainly bend every energy to bring
about permancat and proper changes be
fore I retire front office," the mayor
announced todays ... s ;
"Lieutenant ILA. Lewis, who has just
returned from- a- municipal mission
through the East. after studying traffic
plans elsewhere, will render his 'report
as soon as It can be compiled, he has ad
vised me. .
"Of course,' such suggestions must be
based upon the one-way, traf He scheme,
and I consider that to be the. only- suc
cessful solution. I can't see merit in
the proposition to eliminate streetcar
traffic on Washington street, however,
Why should we make a brilliant boule
vard of one thoroughfare at the expense
of other streets? I believe the one-way
irarnc plan will do away with the con
gestion there as It will elsewhere."
Federal Bureau to Give $150 a Month
.. to Help Employment Office,
Facing the closing of the federal em
ployment bureau in -Portland, through
wnich thousands of men and women,
especially those recently in war service.
ave been put in positions, the city
council will, it is said at the city hall
today, launch a municipal employment
That some measure of federal aid may
be expected for such a venture, at
tempted in D re-war davs. was indicated
Vancouver. Wash., Oct 20. FoUr I in a letter received by' Mayor Baker
youths. Roy Van Tuyl of Spokane, Frank l today from Senator McNary at Wash
1 w
Vancouver Police Say Theft of
$50, of $96.84 Found on
Them, Is Admitted.
members of each of the three groups, i
found Itself unable . to . make a : report
Delegates, who returned to washing-
ten this morning from u weeK-ends. at
their homes and who expected that the ;
committee . would ' have reached a reso
lution on ; which the .conference might
agree, found that committee, itself, was
as badly broken up as the conference
had been.
The conference went into session nine
minutes late and .adjourned Immediately
at the request of the employers: group,
EXriOYEBS 15 8ESS10X t.
'The employers then went into session
In a suite in a hotel. 4 r . '
x Harry A. Wheeler, oariKer. came irom
the meeting of the employers' group and
said ; t
"The five members of i the employers'
group who sat with the committee of 15
over the, week-end felt that- they ould
subscribe to nothing that was done in
the committee . without" the Consent 'of
the employers' group When the mem
bers of our group returned to Washing
ton this morning from their homes they
found that then representatives on toe
committee were waiting for their advice.
So a group meeting of the employers was
called and we hope either this afternoon
or this evening to agree among our
selves ss to -What we can stand for In
any report that the committee of 16 may
make to the conference." i, '.
(CoBttaaed Freat Pace One)
Will the
Return ?
Public Health Authorities
' Predict lii Recurrence
Guard Against It by Building
i : Up the Blood
Carlson. Robert Provlns and Albert Gor
den, who gives his address as 8eattle,
are In the county Jail, charged with hav
Ing burglarized the store at Glenwood
and with having robbed the Braddock
The boys, two of whem are 16 years
of age. one 17 years old and the other 18,
have been seen In the neighborhood for
a day or more. They were seen at a
dance at Barberton Saturday night and
had borrowed gasoline from neighboring
farms for. their car.
The police and sheriff were first, no
tified of their presence In the county
about 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, when
someone telephoned that a store north
of blfton had been robbed. Chief San
ford and Deputy Sheriff Wright found
that the . robbery had taken placo at
Glenwood, several miles from SI f ton.
They , were arrested at the North Bank
depot by Police Officer . Johnson and
Ington, enclosing a communication from
J. B. Densmore. director general Of the
United States employment service.
Densmore's letter to Senator McNary.
responding to Portland's plea for con
tinuation of . the federal service here,
indicates that it will be possible for the
federal bureau to provide $150 a month
for the aid of a municipal service.
( Continued From Fats One)
to say that all labor should receive due
consideration and it is the obligation.
others about midnight Sunday night as 1 and ought to be the pleasure of employ -
they were about to return to Seattle. I era at all times and in every respeot, to
Irt their possession, waa. 9,84. 150 of I treat Justly and Uberallr all fcmnlovea.
wmcn, tne ponce say, iney aamit naving whether unorganised or organised."
eating the ordinary and ": expected
amount of sugar and candy this year.
the sugar bowl would not now be going
in hiding anywhere in the land. So say
the experts, and they appear to have
the figures to prove it.
1 Before the war the per capita con
sumption in this country never went
beyond 85.4 pounds, and went that high
only In one year,-191S. During the war,
With rationing and exortations to econ
omy, this was reduced to 73.4 pounds
in 1918, and even then ' the' Americans
were looked upon almost as sugar glut
tons abroad, for In most foreign coun
tries the normal : consumption is rarely
above 60 or 65 pounds,
Figures of the first nine months of
the present year indicate that the reac
tion from 118 has gone beyond all cal
culations. The American consumer has
been going strong, and his average for
the year thus far is nearly 93 pounds.
178190 MORE SCGAtt
The effect of that has been, to use up
600,000 tons more in nine months than
were used last year, and about 400,000
tons more than were ever used before in
a slllmar period of time. 'Another rseult
has been to dislocate all estimates of
the sugar reserves and cause acute con
ditions here and ther, aggraavted by
strikes, which have interfered with nor
mal loading of ships.
These essentia features of the situa
tion are given by George A. Zabriskte,
chairman of the federal sugar equaliza
tion board, who. Is supposed to know as
much as anyone about the sugar supply.
With the production approximaUey
known, the problem is easily presented
in a mathematical way.
Be it remembered that the normal
sugar consumption of the country is
around 4,OO0.0OQ tons If the -United
States were using no more than the nor
mal, the demand, wouldrbe supplied from
the following sources:
The United States purchased the entire
Cuban .crop of, 1919.' which, early In the
year was estimated at more than 4.000.
000 tons, but which later dwindled to
about ,S50JX0 ; ton. - One-third -of the
Cuban crop : was auoixea -1 me auie.
leaving . about. ; the , usual . quantity j tor
import to this country. - In the spring it
appeared that there would .be an over
supply, and 150,00 tons were resold ; to
France from the - American - two-tiurds.
This left - approximately . 2,234,000 - tons
to come into this country from Cuba.
To this amount la to, be added the
beet ' sugar - production of the United
States, , estimated an 63,000 tents ; the
Louisiana cane sugar crop, which' will
run about 135.000 tons, about one-half
the normal ; 600,000 tons - from. Hawaii,
and 400.000 took from Porto Rico, This
aggregate 4,074,000 tons,, or ' enough: Ao
supply every man.; womaa apd child in
the United States with -s at least SO
pounds. ' .. " v - r j ,t ,
J Americaa'consumption.' as j before
pointed . out, baa Jumped to over 92
pounds,' and -used up the supply which
was counted on to carry over, until beet
sugar came in. The sugar eoualltatlon
board-haa divided the country Into sones
and is planning to handle: the situation
by assigning the. beet sugar from Idaho,
Colorado and Utah to the territory west
of Chicago,? and expects- that supply to
take care of the West from October 15,
Ohio and Michigan beet sugar will come
In about November 1." and that is to fill
out the uppiy west of Pittsburg. This
leaves Cuba and Porto Rico to care for
the Atlantic state. wth the new crop
due in .November. 4 : -
i Concerning pricesT' Mr. Zabriskte ex
pects the 9 cent: wholesale for refined
sugar to govern, with the Cuban crop,
but as an offer to sell en bloc has been
withdrawn: by the Cubans, and the pur
chase may have to be made In the open
market,' this may not work out. The
beet sugar price is expected to be 10
cents, and the Louisiana crop will com
mand a little .more than that,' because
of the unusual shortage In that section.
Earl W the year the present condi
tions- were not ' foreseen. It then ap
peared that there was likely to be in
t ' ! V - ' t'" :
Captain Mason, Only: Remaining
Member of I). $.; Mission, '
. Leaves German Capital, -
By Karl Ifc Von Wlcffand
Berlins Oct. 20. The last Ameri
can officially . in , Germany left, the
country-itodayAwhen Captain Frank
E. Mason, military attache and ' only
remaining member of the. American
military mission in Berlin.' departed
for Paris to be demobilized. ' jf 1
With his departure.' the last direct
official cr semi-official contact ben
tween America, and Oermajiy ceased
and the? relations of ; the two coun
tries are now on a .war .status.
Captain Mason occupied Ambassador
Gerard's desk in the -American embassy
and it was to him that American bus-.
Iness men and others flocked daily for
information and assistance. - He was as
sisted by Agnes Schneider, an American
gtrl secretary, who was attached to the
Spanish embassy,-here during the-war
ami who, since the departure -cf the
American military mission, has .been
working tor nothing, since no one had
the authority to pay her. Despite this.
she remained On duty,' handling a large
volume of inquiries and correspondence.
Captain Mason turned his affairs over
to the Spanish embassy, but Americans
cannot expect that undivided attention
care of the Interests of their citizens,
with a special department for women
who married Germans,' there Is now no
American representative 1n - an official
or seRil-otficlal'capaclty to whom Amer
ican business men can appeal for iaror
matioa or advice. . ' : , '
Pope Looks to Ui .S.
For Eeligious and
'.. Moral Principles
i JCe w Tork, . Oct. ; 20. The v following
message from - Pope" Benedict .- to the
rvoman Catholic people of the " TJnl ted
States was announced today by the
Most Rev. John Boaxano, apostolic dele
erate to the United Slates: - .
v "Many are looking to the United States
as the center of commercial. lndustra
ecouomlc a ad 'material interest. . We
consider America Instead as a promis
ing field "for: the development of relig
ious, moral and charitable principles.
1 . "Considering the Importance of the
United States, the realisation, of our
hopes and desiras would bring to the
entire" world an Immediate beneiit."
Pepto-Mangan Creates. Rich
t Red Blood and Increases
v Strength
Surgeon General Blue ot the United
States publio health service. In a recent
statement from Washington, warns the
publio that the much dreaded Influenza
epidemic will probably return this fall
and winter. All medical authorities agree
that the weak, bloodless, run-down Widl
- vidual is moro likely to contract this
-as well as any other Infectious disease)
than Is the strong, robust, red blooded
man or woman. In view of these vfacts,
it is wise to use every effort to build
up the blood and thus increase the bod
ily resistance to the invasion of the
'germs of the disease. Gude's Pepto-Man-gan
is - an absolutely dependable red
blood builder in all conditions of low
ered vlallty not due to' serious disease
of the vital organs. It improves the ap
s petite Imparts color to the cheeks and
' creates new hope and ambition in those
who have become pale, weak and listless.
Physicians recommend Gude's Pepto
Mangan. When you order, be sure the
word Gude's" Is on the package. With
out "Gude's," It is not Pepto-Manjjan.
Furnished In both liquid and tablet form.
For sale by ail druggist Adv.
taken ff am the store. Rings and other j
articles were also found. One Of the '
boys, in sailor's uniform, had exchanged
his blouse for one Identified as belonging
to a school teacher staying at the Brad-
dock home. Thetr car, the police say,
had been stolen.
Police records show that Van Tuyl es
caped from the training schol at Cheha-
Its July 12, 1917, and was captured in 1
Portland four days later. He escaped
again on September 9, 1917. and was
taken in Portland December 29, 1917. On
October 28 he escaped again.
) 1
Hobo Steals Ride
On King's Special
Aboard King Albert's Train. Ia Junta.
Colo., Oct. 20. (U. P.) Jack Wallace,
26. hobo, today claims a world's hobo
f record. Wallace rode the king of Bel-
glum's special train from Albuquerque.
N. M., to a point five miles out, where
the train was stopped and he was put
Eagle Boat Calls for Aid
Bar Harbor, Maine. Oct 20. fl. Tf. S.)
Radio calls to American Eagle boat
No. 41. reported in distress off Canso.
rova Scotia, were sent out today by the
high powered naval wireless station
here. TheJ2agle boat carries a crew of
to men.
" Soft Drinks Take Sugar
Washington, Oct, 20. -(U. P.) The
soft drink wave that rose with prohibi
tion Is partly responsible for the scarcity
of sugar, according to expert testimony
offered to the senate committee on agri
culture. The increased consumption of
soft drinkscauses more sugar to be
used, it waa said.
While the British
blir staffs at their
and French have
embassies, taking
will be given to their interest there as
Seeeeive : supply. ' and It was on that I embassy represents a'dosen other
theory that lBTOO tons were resold to
France from rthe Cuban crop. About
July 1 the situation which has since de
veloped began to be seen. No embargo
was laid, but the supply was controlled
except as to a small amount which had
passed into aecohd hands.
A statement , by Senator Smoot that
the Hawaiian crop had been secured by
Japan is repudiated by a representative
of the ' Hawaiian growers who is in
Washington, and who -says that every
available pound. : will be sent to this
country. Hawaii will sell no sugar to
Japan this year or next, he says.
Grecian Rights in
v Balkan Territory
Will Be Discussed
- ,. ' . i
Grecian rights in Thrace and other
disputed Balkan territory will be ex
plained at a mass meeting of Portland
Greeks at Library hall tonight A mass
meeting of Greek veterans of the Ger
man war is scheduled for S o'clock.
Among the speakers named on the pro
gram are Mayor George U Baker, Wal
ter Evans, George W. Caldwell (repre
senting Governor Olcott), Judge C JtT.
Gantenbein, W. F. Woodward and KKon
There are approximately 190 Greek
families In Portland and they furnished
about 150 men for various branches of
the rpllttary service during the war, A
veterans' organisation of Greeks has
been formed, with A.' Demi as president
ana Jr. o. J signs secretary. Headquar
ters ' has v been opened at 401 Macloay
building. - ' w ' , - -r ,
Theodore JDimi try. nresident of the
Creek Business Men's club., says there.
are about 2000 of his countrymen in Ore
gon and approximately 325.000 : in'1 the '
country at large,-
, Woman Injures Hip ' ' '-.
Mrs. O. A. iillsxard, garsge woman at
the Pslace garage, slipped! and fell on
the ,cement floor at the garage this
morning and badly Injured her hip. She
was taken to Good Snmsritan hospital.
Mrs. Bllssard resides at 144 North Fif
teenth street.
. The Great
Amateur Movie
. also
With Mitchell Lewis
Jensen & Von - Herberg
Local Sugar Price
Twenty-five cents for two pounds of
sugar was voted by the Portland federal
fair-price committee Friday night a not
unfair price for sugar under existing
clrctffnstances. The government recom
mendation of a retail price for sugar is
41 cents a pound,
Unrest to Be Discussed
"Combating Industrial Unrest" will be
discussed. by E. B. Fish before the Port
land Rotary dub Tuesday noon at the
Benson hoteL The, club Is also to elect
a vice president to succeed ,W. O. Mun
sell, resigned. - - '"!
Lau,ht that have
never been laughed
before in 4
The latest Mack Sen
nett splitsides.
The Biff American
We still think we have
the best show in Portland.
Constance Talmadge
1 Coming Saturday
"t j -Mai issa s HiJijsmj ' -
Samuel Gompers arose and said he was
disappointed in what Judge Gary had
.He charged that the statement which
Judge Gary had just read was Identical.
even as to the language, with a letter
which Gary sent to the managers of the
subsidiary companies of . the United
States Steel corporation. '
We had honed that Judce Gary would
throw some, new . tight on the subject,"
said Gompers. VWhy. this letter from
which this statement waa taken, was
made public In the press weeks ago. We
have heard nothing new from Judge
Gompers. opened the vials of sarcasm
In replying to Gary's statement regard
ing unorganised labor. He Jeered the
"solicitude of American employers of
unorganised labor and said:
"These people know where to come
when they are in trouble. -They come
to us for succor."
Gompers said:.
'The United States Steel corporation
hat! issued word through mysterious
sources to the public, the press agents.
or I know not where, that the strike Is
broken. I hope it is not true. It re
minds me of the story of the cat with
the smiling face that has eaten the
canary. The United States Steel corpo
ration boasts that It has crushed the
hopes and aspirations of its unorganized
and organized workers, and then, here
they come talking of the rights of unor
ganized men."
Gompers criticized, an artist who had
drawn a picture of a fat. sleek man. a
leader in the steel strike, who -is fol
lowed by a train of gaunt, hungry men.
'7 want to tell you that those gaunt
human .beings are no credit to the
philanthropists of the great steel com
pany." v
Gompers doubted the usefulness of the
"It we eannot move the minds of
bourbons who never learn anything or
forget anything,, why ought intelligent
men be asked to remain here and waste
their timer
The employers' group did not attend
the session owing to their private session
la a local hotel.
After GomDers address ths ranferwnn
adjourned to tomorrow morning, at the
request of the employers.
Fear" that the. conference might break
up was dissipated by a general under
standing among the delegates that Pres
ident Wilson win not tolerate an ig
nomlnous end of his conference, but will
appoint delegates In place of any who
Choose to bolt. It is known that Pres
ident Wilson realizes that nothlnir is
more important today - than a satisfac
tory outcome of the effort to tranqullise
the labor situation. ? r . , :..:;
- The committee of 15. consisting of five
- Sa
Enter this week and be ready for spring opening. -This school
- his been established I S years. , ,
New buildini and new equipment. High grade Instruction: per
, sonal ittention. School operated on practical laboratory
and shop method. - , - s
r This school cooperates with the state in pro
iWing finaaelal aid to returned service men."
- - - . : For detaifed information address i
f i
-r V
MURTAGH ocb $50,000 ORGAN
Records Exclusively
for Columbia
FROM La Scala Grand Opera, .
Milan, to South America and
the New York Metropolitan Opera
House, Charles Hackett's musical
progress has been one continuous
triumph through the important op-j
eratic centers of three continents.
He has now, selected Columbia '
Records as the medium for express
ing his art to the widest possible
"Ecco Ridente in Cielo"
fum "Barber of
His Biggest Metropolitan Hit
Hear this exquisite aria from
Rossini's Barber of Scvillet which
gave Hackett his first great oppor
tunity at his Metropolitan Opera
fremter. 49604 $1.50
"Che Gelida Manina"
from "La Bohemi" j
Hackett at His Very Best
. Hackett has found the trueinner
meaning of this touching air of
tender sympathy from Puccini's
La Bohemt. - 49645 $1.50
Rosa Ponselle
in "O Patria
Verdi never had a more heavenly inter
preter of Aida's hopeless longing for
home than Ponselle in this heart-broken
outpouring of song. 49557 $1.50
Tfcaa are ealr 3 the aplMSM - NeveaiW
List ef 40 CelmnsU Reeer4 SeleetieM.
-1 " ; Ntw CtlumlU JUcordj n Sale tU .j
!' 10th nd ZOtk ef Every Month.
11 n
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V nmxUn&m fcfc FWlt