The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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i - i i , ,. -. j .. . ' -
State Convention of .Laymen and
Ministers Will Follow With
; ; ' Sessions on Tuesday.
iiinii.r at the, BitDMst faith through;
out Oregon wlll,roet tonight at the East j
Hid Baptist church In. their annual con
ference, which usually preceeda the ses
n!or of the stats convention. VThe main
. HidUreaa this eveninir will be made by
Henry Bond of BattIi;ro. Vt., one of
' the leading laymen in the denomination.
' 'TuenUay morning conference will be
heklfc and Tuesday ufternoon following
a round table dlscuwilon the rolniuter
wif meet with the Women Missionary
society. .
-' ' The state women's miwlonary society
will alao hold Its conference Tuesday
morning and afternoon in the same
church.' Tho morning Beasloit-will be
devoted mainly to business.
Tuesday night ' the state convention
vicper, which Is compound of lay dele
gates and clergymen, will, convene. Jeff
li lull, state president, will preside. The
' programs for Monday and Tuesday for
all three conferences follow:"
, Monday Krealng, October St
7:30 Praise and devotional service,
led by J. W. Troy. ',,1
- g .00 Address, -The Jnterchurch World f
Jovc-ment." U W. Kiley. V. D.
S :30 Address. "The Pastor and His p
work as a Layman tseea u, weary uona
of ' Vermont.
Tsesday Morning, October 81
:30 Devotional aervlce. led by Rev.
K. B. Johnson; appointment of commit
tees. lOrOO-Address, "A State Wide Pro
gram of Evangelism." Kev. a J. Held,
I). D. ; dlMcutision.
it .lift Aridreiw. "The Minister : His
Tialnlng and leadership in Religious!
Education," Rev. O. 1 While, Los An-j
' geics; discussion. :
Taettday Afternoon J
1 ;80 Praise and devotional service.'
.led by. Rev. K. T. Starkey ; reports of I
committees; election of officers.
g -OO Pastors' round table, conducted
by Rev. W. A. Waldo, D. P.
; j:oo Joint session or women ana pas
tors. "The Woman's Work," Mrs. O. C.
Wright; "The New Baptist Forward
Movement." Rev. O. V. Holt L. D.
. , Tneiday Morning,' October 81
Women's Net.ioa
. 10:00 Quiet hour, Mrs. H. T. Cash.
10 :1& Executive session. Mrs. O. C.
' Wright presiding: Baptist Women's
State Missionary society. !
10:45 Assoclatlonal work of the year, j
Cci.tral, Mrs. O. B. Neptune; Deschutes,
Ura. J. J. Clapp; Grande Kofide. Mrs. J.t
Hunter Howard ; Rogue River Mrs. Roy j
Hackett: Umua. Mrs. J. H. Douglas: I
West Willamette, . Mrs. W. M. McCarl ; j
; Willamette. Mrs. W. t:. Hcotlon : State .
W, W. O. work. Miss Klizabeth Merrill ;
- Htale Crusaders' work, Mrs. John
' 11 :30 School, of Missions and Seabeck
: Conference, Mrs. W. P. Boynton, Eu
' gene. Or.
11:41 Mrs. David Graham, Sulfu,
China. '
- 11:16 Mrs. Kathertne Westfall, Sec
rttnry W. A. B.. H. M. S.
12 10 Lunch.
, 1:80 Quiet hour, Mrs. A. M. Petty.
1:4S Questionnaire of Columbia:
nir District Work: Mrs. W. B, Hin
', son, foreign vice president: Mrs. O. P.
Mv Jameso.i, home vice president : Jub!-
- lee plans, Mrs. J. K. Vailing; children's Mrx. B. S. Ovelman.
- 2:16 Mrs. , Katherlne Westfall.
, 3:00 Joint meeting with ministers;
' TneKday Klghi. Tilt o'Cloek
: w The CoBTeatloa Opens
7 :30 Song . service, conducted by 3.
i W, Troy, evangelistic singer.
7 :45 Opening of convention, Jeff Irish,
. 1 :50 Introduction ft new workers, (
i Secretary O. C. Wright : president's ad- j
' dress, Jeff Irish ;. annual sermon, "The,
.Summons of the New: the Imperative!
. . of the Old." Rev. ucorge R. Vnrney. :
D. D. . . 1
tL S. Army Store Is
Thronged by Patrons;
More Supplies Due
Both in volume of sales and number of
customers, Saturday proved to be the
biggest day yet of the . army store.
Fourth and Pin streets. No estimate
of sales could be made, however, Major
, Kr&nk P. Tlngley declared.
Clothing la drawing; thousands of cus-
: tomers. The special .department on
Fifth street has a sales volume one-third ,
that of the total. Fresh stocks are, re-!
, celved. dully from the Bast. !
A high class food specialty will be In- ',
i troduced In Portland, probably next !
week, when a carload of dehydrated po-;
. taloca and carrota Is" received from j
Canada. Price has not yet been fixed, j
To be placed on sale Monday are 98? '
i pairs of high rubber boots. 1000 palm of,'
s new legglns, 1009 bath towels. 1000 huck
; towels, 600 scrubbing brushes. 0 meat 1
cans, 120 canteen cups, several hundred
steel rakes. 1000 new arctics, and hun
dreds of blankets.
' Several million pounds of candy are
' now being sold In the Kust, Tlngley an
Tiouncea. If sales prove popular there,
some candy will be sent to Portland for
Requisitions for replenishment of stock
are being sent In daily, and sb great Is
the amount of food and clothing arriv
ing here that a third warehouse will be
: rented this week.
Supplies for 3d
Oregon National
"Guards Arriving
- Thet nuppUca and arms for the new
Third Oregon regiment of the national
guard -lieg.-w arriving at the Armory
Friday arternbon. They come from Bt
nlela, , Cal. Another conulgnment of
tenia and field equipment will arrive in
a few days. The total value will exceed
a quarter of a . million dollars. Whea
Issued ,to the regiment, it will be armed
and equipped exactly like a regiment of
the United States Tegular army.
Major J. V, Schurs, United States
property and disbursing officer, and Cap?
tain L. F. Fink, armorer, are receiving
and storing the case the armory.
Captain lUymond .Collins and ,the suir
ply company , will check over and lamia
tha supplies to each company.
Exchange Tickets for v
"Madame Butterfly"
- concert-dramatic performance to
be Riven at! HeJHjt Theater, Wed-,
nesday, October' 29. at 8:30 P. JA.,
auspices ' Monday "Musical v Club,
on sale In Book Shpj at It. :
Meier & Frank's :
Book Shop,"Flf th Floor.
Extremes Meet Happily
onvOur Fifth; Floor ;
The Hair Dressing Parlors help to keep women's heads lovely
with suchaids as .hair dressing, shampooiag,- permanent s hair
waving, scalp treatments,-and the children's own barber cuts
" the kiddles' hair to perfection. 1 , !
The foot that" of t-abusedi member has a staunch friend in
,Dr. Carl Loveni chiropodist, graduate of the New York College
of Chiropody and Orthopedics, j ; ; v-
Meier A Frank's: Fifth Floor. Fifth Street.
nfcrtsnnnnlnafji . . Blisn
T jauty:stoi
Toytown and Dollville
Invite the Children
i . They have searched the entire realm of fairyland for toys.
, dolla and other playthings to make this holiday season one long
to be remembered for the joys it brings. In all their history
these twin capitals of the Juvenile Kingdom have never made
i a braver showing. '.
i .The children are welcome to view their wonders at any
; time, '
. v Meier Frank's:' Fifth Floor, sixth Street.
Orders for Personal i
J;. Greeting Cards
for 'Christmas and the new Year
are assured of our best unhurried-
attentioa: if entrusted to as now.
We have all the appropriate forms. .
Samples gladly submitted.
Meier k. Frank'ni
- Stationery Shop, Main Floor;.
the Calendar Seems Quite an Undertaking : but
1675 Pairs of
in i wo
Here is , an opportunity to secure good durable shoes in ifce latest styles at marked econ
omies. Every pair in the sale is from our regular stock and is the most utiusual kind of
value: Broken sizes but nearly all sizes in each group. .
Lot 1 -Shoes, Pair
Black Md auJ, patent button shoes with
Louis, Cuban or medium low heels, some
Have cloth tops? JBlack kid cloth lop lace
shoes with Louis heels. Also a limited num
ber of tan, lajqc , shoes with cloth tops and
military Jiccls. All sizes but not in every
style. '"
Lot 2 Shoes, Pair
Black kid button and lace shoes with mili
tary or Louis heels. Brown and gray kid
Jacc shoes with Louis and military heels.
Black kid lace shoes with gray cloth tops.
Patent button shoes with black or white
kid tops. Some J. & T. Cousins shoes in
this lot. .
No Pkone Orders No Exchanges; No Approvals
Meier & Frank's : Shoe Shop, Third Floor.
Witches, hobgoblins, black
cats, broomsticks, masks and all
sorts of Halloween 1 favors for
dances, dinner parties and chil
dren's .affairs. ,
Meier St Frank's : Main Floor.
. Fifth Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
It's something new. Another
way to make clever little gifts.
Fun to do and not too difficult
if the children do it mother and
dad will want to help and vice
Pingocraft sets consist of a
'varied assortment of models cut
from wood with all sorts of
paints to color thrm artistically.
A demonstration in the art
needlework store will' show just
how to do-H.
Among the articles ready to
paint are match holders, book
ends, -yarn holders, telephone
stands, thread holders, flower
holders, handkerchief boxes,
glove boxes, electric light stands,
twine holders.
These outfits are $1..-S2 and
$2.50. Instruction free.
Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Pre-Holiday Sale 10,000 Yards
t ! -
Laces and Embroideries
Bought many months ago at very favorable prices we
can offer these laces and embroideries at about present
wholesale cost. Women planning holiday- articles or who
are doing home sewing for themselves should benefit by
this unusual sale. Many of the materials are IMPORTED.
Twelve New
Books 85c
in Reprint Editions
"Nameless Man," by Natalie
"Bruce of the Circle A," by
.Harold Titus. .
"Men Who Wrought," by
Ridewell Cullum.
"WUbing-Ring Man," by Mar
garet Widdemer.
"Gun Brand," by James Hen
dry. "Laughing Bill Hyde," by Rex
Beach. .
"Three of Hearts," by Bertha
"Vanguards of the Plains," by
Margaret McCarter.
"Extricating Obediah," by Jo
seph Lincoln.
"Abandoned Room," by Wads
worth Camp.
"Red Pepp-r's Patients," by
Grace Richmond.
"Mary Regan," by Le&oy
Meier & Frank's : Fifth Floor.
(Mail oruers Filled.)
Laces and embroideries
suitable for baby trous
seaux, children's undermus
lins, dresses, neckwear,
women's undernnisl ins,
house dresses, boudoir caps,
camisoles, petticoats, negli
gees, bed spreads, art work
and numerous other uses.
Included in the lot ale
Filet, Cluny Crochet. Piatt
Val., Net Top, Shadow,. Ve
nise and Bead Top Laces in
white and ecru 1 to 12 inches
wide. Also IT inch Swiss
and. cambric corset cover
embroideries, 0 to 12 inch
Swiss, cambric and long
cloth skirting, embroidery
galloons, beading and bead
top edges. Eyelet, floral and
blind work designs.
Remnants of Laces 19c
Sample pieces of allover laces, Venisc, net top and shadow
laces in white and cream. 18 to 30 inches wide. 1-3 to y2
yard lengths.
.Meier & Frank's : Main Floor. (Mail orders Filled.)
Crane's Stationery, pink, blue,
lavender, etc., regular and
long shaped envelopes, box,
special 47c-
Cabinet Box Stationery. 48 sheets
, paper and 48 envelopes to
' box, 4 colors, box 73c
35c Correspondence. Cards. 24
cards and 24 envelopes to box,
pink, blue, buff, gray and
white, box 27c
50c BicycJe and Whist Playing
Cards, package 39c
$ Poker Chips, box special
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
(Mall Orders Filled.)
IL 1 J
the Apple House
. Jonathans, Winter
Bananas -Delicious
11 Serosa St Near vrashlagton
Fur Capes and
They are what well-dressed women
wear all winter long with their slender
line suits and tricottne dresses. With
out the bulkiness which is a necessary
part .of most fur coats, they are quite
as warm as necessary and very orna
mental; . ' v
Eastern mink, Japanese kolinsky and
marmot are in the collection.
Prices tart at $130 and go to $To0.
Meier & Frank's : Fourth Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
CrUco, 50 cases at present
wholesale prices, 9 pound can
me .6 pound
can ;
Peanut Butter, freshly rtA
made in bulk, pound UC
Orange Marmalade, Ferguson's,
3 pound can 80c, the QC
17J-S ounce carton... DOC
SuV Com, best quality, doz., tnree cans
65c can
Pork and Beans, Del Monte, fancy
pacic, no. i cans, doz. 14
$1.60, tan .
35c Colored
Outing 29c
Just received. Excellent heavy
quality pink and blue plain col
ored outings suitable for pa
jamas, etc., especially desirable
for children's nightwear. Short
lengths from to 7 yards.
2 7 inches wide. Regularly priced
at 35c yard special at 29c.
Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
"Satin Skin"
We have a full assortment of
the dainty Satin Skin toilet preparations.
Cold Cream. 55c
Satin Skin
and 27c.
Satin Skin
3 5c.
Satin Skin
Satin Skin
Vanishing Cream,
Meier & Frank's :
Grocery, Ninth Floor.
Face Powder.
Rose Tint. 30c.
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
(Mad Oruers FiUod.)
':- t
.: ....
Galvanized Ash Cans
Limited Number at This Price
It his been some time since we ha,ve
had any of these galvanized ash cans. to
sell at $2.1)8. ' j
Well made ash cans that are 26 inches high
and S inches in diameter; Heavy steel band'
' at to? ' and steel 1 slats' gle added strength to
these cans. v One illustrated. Just 200 of these
.cans at 12.98., Get'yoiirs early.' - M
Meier tt Frank's ; Hooaewares Section, Basement..
- - - - - . -.- ... . n
Ready With Warm New
Blankets and Comforters
These chilly nights' necessitate havmg warm blankets a:nd
comforters." MEIER & FRANK'S is ready to supply all
needs in blankets and comforters for fall and "winter. Tomor
row we particularly feature one special lot of blankets and
comforters as follows :
Blanket $12.35
Regularly $16.00, Pine quality
all wool Pendleton f rmy blankets
that "weigh 6; pounds. ' DOUBLE
blankets.. Limited number. -
Comforts $5.95
, Regularly $7. Good serviceable
comforters s filled with the best
clean white cotton and covered
with silkoline with silk mull border.
; $2.25 Feather Bed Pillows $1.85
These are the famous "Emmerich pillows filled with new feathers
and covered with fine quality art ticking.- Size 2tx27 inches.
Best quality Pendleton Indian Blankets $12.50. Auto robes
$13.. Steamer rugs $180. Couch covers 00x108 inches $18.50.
,' j' Meter Frank's t Second Floor. (Malt Orders Filled.
fOST of us know the hand of time will
turn backward next Sunday morning,
when rierhtlv-reerulated clocks t h e
country over will be set back an hour. Few
but will consider tips a good thing. ,And all
of us not only the feminine part of its but
everyone affected by the price of women's
apparel will regard it as emphatically Ma
good thing" to be able to purchase fashion
favored fair apparel NOW at pri.ces that
usually obtain only months from now.
It's a good thing for our customers and
for ourselves. . Good for our customers be
cause they can buy new suits at subs,ann
tially lowered prices when there is yet prac
tically a full season fs wear ahead. Good for
us because, the great activities of our buyers
while in the market in purchasing more than :
the ordinary complements to offset delivery
;shortages then considered inevitable and
happily scarcely realized have filled our
stocks to overflowing. And we have de
cided to reduce them riow in quick order
while the garments arc still practically new
and a large popularity due tiicm.
A Small City of Women 's Suits
Have Had Their Prices Gut
$37.50 TO $39.50 SUITS
$45.00 TO $49.50 SUITS
$55.00 TO $57.50 SUITS
$65.00 TO $68.50 SUITS
16.75 '
$85.00 TO $98.50 SUIT
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine hundred suits! Every single one of
them reduced in price. But NOT reduced in quality. Any woman who wants the best should
see them. They are silk lined. They are man tailored. They are in dark browns, dark blues,
black, Algerian reds, soft bjscuit and taupe shades. Their materials include peachbloom,
tinseltone, silvertone, plain velour, chevrona, tweeds, oxfords and velour checks.
Plain straight line suits and the very'
new and youthful ones with flaring ?ep
lums are among them.
Many only reached here a few weeks
ago. All of them were specially selected
for our own regular Autumn stocks this
season. (
Suits one wants to wear in the morn-
This great October Sale brings the
at savings of at least ten dollars and
dollars. But don't just take our word
-it's worth while.
ing for a business appointment" or shop-1
ping tour. Handsomely embroidered
suits for club meetlnss, formal luncheons,
afternoon concerts and evening lectures.
Younj "nifty" suits for college women,
high school girls and debutantes as well
as carefully planned extra size suits for
large women. .
best types of simple fine suits
sometimes as much as thirty
for it- please see for yourself
Meier i. Frank's i fourth Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
Domestic Specials
Wash Goods 35c
Imperial chambrays, galateas
and junior cloth la. plain shades,
checks, stiipes and plaids light
and medium dark colors. 36
inches wide.
Flannels 29c
Serviceable quality flannel for
kimonos and dressing sacques,
foral and conventional designs.
Also, kindergarten designs. 2S
inches wide.
Curtaining 29c
A whole table, full of curtail
materials, including scrims, mar
quisettes and voiles in plain and
fancy designs. White and ecru.
36 inches wide.
Robe Cloth 63c
Good heavy quality material
suitable for women's rb robes,
baby blankets, etc. rmk, blue
and lavender figured designs. 27
inches wide. .
j Curtaining 49c
Fancy cretonnes, reps,
chintzes, "marquisettes. Floral
and conventional" designs in me
dium and dark colorj.-Jor furntr
ture coverings, etc.- i6 inches
wide. ; '
Linings 35c
Highly mercerized finish sateen
suitable for coat linings. All de
sirable colors. This material is
30 Inches wide. Yard, very spe
cially "priced, at 35ct -
Sheets $1.69
Good firm quality muslin
sheets, free from dressing Seam
less sheets with wide hems, Size
8ix90 inches. Limited num
ber. Special, each at ft. 69.
Sheets $1.59
Good h e iv y quality muslin
sheets, free from dressing. Seam
less sheets' with wide hems. Size
72x93 5 inches. Limited num
ber. Great values at ft. 5 9. :
Cases 35c
Serviceable qualify pillow cases:
made of good firm muslin, free
from dressing. Wide hems. Size
42x3'6 inches. Very special each
Spreads $2.39 .';
Heavy quality honeycomb
bed spreads in many attractive
patterns. Full bed size. Regu
larly priced at 12.98 special to
morrow at 12.39.
Spreads $?.98 .
Just a limited' number cf these
heavy quality satin Marseilles bed
spreads in a variety of beautiful
patterns Extra large size. Spe'
clal 3.98. . .-;V
Blankete 79c
Size 33 ilo - Inches: Infants'
crib blankets of good heavy qual
ity' wool finished material. Blue,
green, black and white and fancy
patterns on dark grounds, , -.
Meier 4 Frank's: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony.
Comforts $3.98
Home made, hand knotted
comforters in full bed size, weight
4 pounds. ! Cotton filled com
forters with silkoline covering in
light and dark patterns.
- Blankets $1.98
Full size single sheet blankets
in attractive rla'd and plain col
ors. Cotton and wool finished
-blankets to be used instead of
muslin sheets.
Pillows 79c
Size 17x25 inches? Service
able bed pillows, well filled with
mixed chicken feathers and cov
ered with good grade of fancy
ticking. Each only 79c.
"Towels 17c
A miscellaneous assortment of
towels, including Turkish, linen,
crash, lunion and cotton buck
towels in different sizes and qual
ities. 3 for 50c.
Shades 79c
Size 36 x 72 inches. -Window;
shades made of good firm mate
rial on strong rollers. ' Light, me
dium and dark green; also light
and medium tan.
Rugs 95c
Sizes' SJxSO and 2754 inches.
A mixed table of tapestry, grass
and fiber and rat. rug.' Just a
limited mimber of these rugs at
95c. ' r