The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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    Deal Closed by Sales and Supply
. Division of United States
1 ' Shipping Board. ; 7 '-
Board Has Selling Program U fi
nder Way to Dispose of Left-
Over Stocks. ' -
Th sales and supply division of
; th United States shipping board
has concluded negotiations for the
; sals of the balance of the hardwood
, lumber used In. ship construction at
the yards of the ATblna Engine &
" Machine Works, on the, lower east
side waterfront.
This lumber will be taken by the A.
, IS. Howard company of San Francisco
and the Clary-Wilson company of Se
attle at a price of about $15,000. The
supply left after building operations
- were completed by this concern consists
mostly of oak, together with a small
quantity of Ugnum-vitao and other
woods. . .
An ambitious selling program is now
tinder way by the shipping board to dis
pose of left-over stocks lying in the
yards. A force of employes of the hoard
Is now engaged in listing every article
from finished hulls to lead pencils, and
these lists will be given wide distribution
as Quickly as possible.
' There are great Quantities of surplus
fir lumber left around the wooden yards
of the district, and it is understood .that
negotiations have now been completed
whereby this stock will be sold abroad.
The yards have several million feet of
this lumber, which is ef the best grade,
and tonnage is now being arranged for
to carry some of this to the United
' Large sales of steel plate are also an
ticipated in the near future, as offers
,. for the stocks on hand are being re
Undine to Have .New Engines In
stalled In Local Plant.
The "river steamer Undine 'of the Har
Klns Transportation company will be
pulled out of the river at the Portland
shipyards ways Tuesday to undergo geft-
- era! -repairs, including the installation
of new engines.
The Undine cracked a cylinder about
30 days ago and it has been decided to
give the vessel a general! workover, as
she has been in service for a long time.
: The steamer will be on the ways about
10 days and the other work will keep
- her out of service for three weeks or
The Barton is taking the place of the
Undine on the alternate night run to
' Astoria with the Lurllne. The steamer
Georgian of the Harklns line is also
tied up and will probably not reenter the
- lower river service until March. Her
1 new boilers are on the way and will be
Installed In January.
' Walkout at Terminal Still Unsettled
Conference Called.
"""""While labor leaders awaited for a
conference with O. B. Hegardt, secretary
. and engineer for the commission of pub-
llo docks, no change occurred in the
- labor situation at the St. Johns munlcl
pal terminal and grain elevator, where
about 50 members of the Boilermakers'
Union, on Saturday, refused to work on
steel that had been furnished by an "un
fair" contract shop.
The walkout concerned only the steel
oil storage tanks which were being
we represent all Steamship Companies, sad
mm swears avauaoie space on any iuumi of ear
baa tssaiaa; from oar of Ho the
Patrons cohtemnlatina: travel at km
abroad, r bringing their friends or relatives ova
(rats the old country, should Uko advantage at
aipenencea uuormauoa im oi onargo.
B. SMITH, Manage
TM Journal NMs. Tatepnene
Portland, Oregon. . Manhatt 4879,
Saturday. October 25
From Ainiwertk Seek
Fsre Xaeledes Berth and Meals
City Ticket Office, Id a Wathloftoa
, Psoas Mala SU9
Freight Office, AlnswortB Dock
Psone Broadway MS .
Saa Fraaeisco Portlaad 8. 8. Lisas
and San Diego v
rrtftMiit aaiLiNa ritiDav, t:80 . M.
PHONg main aa.
hastened to completion in order to handle
large cargo of Oriental oils expected
on the steamer Goaxet, doe In from
Chin sometime In November... ,
Tfce men refused to work on the steel
rased in the tanks because It was fur
nished by the Oremilr Steel Construc
tion company. East ' water : street ana
Hawthorne avenue.-,. This company has
not signed the new wage agreement
which gives members of the metal trades
an increase of S cents an hour and al
lows' a 44-hour week.
C F. Kendrigan, secretary of the
Metal Trades council, said that a Con
ference with Mr. Hegardt had been ar
ranged for this afternoon, when it is ex
pected that an v agreement will be
reached. While general sympathetic
walkout of all union men employed on
this project has been hinted at, both
sides are working to avoid such an ac
Enlistment Work Resumed by Lteuten-
. ant In Concord Building.
After a lapse of a month, enrollment
of recruits for, the United States mer
chant marine was started again this
morning by Lieutenant Harold C. Jones,
head of the sea training bureau of the
United States shipping board.
Recruits are being received at Z05
Concord building. Second and Oak
streets. Dr. William O. Spencer, whose
offices are in the Selling bunding, is
the examining physician. .
That the quota of 150 men sought in
two weeks will be more than filled Is
the belief of Lieutenant Jones, who bases
his opinion on the great number of re
quests for service made by men in the
month when the rolls have been closed.
The campaign has been reopened to
secure men to replace many whose en
rollments of one year are now expiring.
Many men are needed. Lieutenant Jones
says, to fill out the crews of a number
of shipping board vessels about to be
placed in commission. ,
Men enrolled during the present cam
paign will be sent in groups at govern
ment expense to West Seattle to loin the
training Bhlp Brookdale. This is a spe
cially constructed Ferris type wooden
steamer and is due to leave Seattle in
about two weeks on a training cruise to
the Hawaiian islands.' Apprentices will
be given shore leave at the island ports.
Men are wanted for all departments
of work, deck, engine room and galley
and any American citizens over 18 years
of age who can pass the physical exam
inations are eligible. The first six weeks
of training the men will be paid at a
rate of $30 a month after which they
will receive the regular wage scale of
the fleet corporation. The Brookdale,
on this trip, will carry cargo. She is
the first shipping board training ship to
make an offshore cruise.
Earl M. Brockett, chief enrolling of
fice? of the shipping board, will be here
this week to assist in the campaign and
Captaln'J. Howard Payne, chief of the
sea service bureau for the Northwest,
is due in Portland Wednesday.
Portland Steamer Making Progress on
Run to Orient.
The Merchants Exchange received
word this morning that the steamer
West Hartland, a- shipping board boat
assigned to the Pacific Steamship Co.,
had arrived at Yokohama, October 13.
The Hartland cleared from Portland Sep
tember 22 with general cargo, and was
the second of the line of Oriental sailings
now being regularly maintained out of
Portland by the Pacific Steamship com
pany. The steamer has several other
calling ports in the far east before turn
ing towards the Columbia river again.
The motorship Babtnda, carrying a
cargo of lumber for the Pacific Export
Lumber company, consigned to Bombay,
India, left down the river Sunday after
News of the Port
Departures October 20
TV. F. Herrin. American steamer, for Gaviota.
amraM October is
W. F. Herrin. American steamer, from Gavi
ota, oil.
popsnurss ocuosr is
J. A. Chsnslor. American steamer, for San
Francisco, ballast.
Kabinda, American motor schooner, for Bom
bay, lumber.
Weather at River's Mouth
North Head. Oct. 20. Conditions at the
mouth of the river at noon : Light foe. wind
northwest 4 miles, sea smooth.
Tides at Astoris Monday
Hlsh Water Low Water
11:32 jl. m...8.4 feet 8:81 a. m. ...1.2 feet
11:ST p. m...7.4 feet 6:14 p. B....1.0 feet
a. tn.. Pacific "Summer" Time.
STATIONS r jf f ,
TJmatiU 25 1.1 0 0 . 00
Albany 20 0.8 0 0.00
Salem 20 -1.8 '0 0.00
Oregon City 12 2.9 0.6 0.00
Portland . 15 1.2 "0.1 0.00
(') JUisU. (-) Falling.
Tha Willamette rlrer at Portland win rtmihi
nearly stationary florin the next two or thr
days, except as attested by the tide.
Astoria. Oct. 20. Sailed: at 9 30 hit nlrht
steamer J. A. Chanslor, for Saa Francisco,
- Seattle, Uct. 18. Sailed, at midnight, steam
er Johan Fonlsen, for Colombia rirer.
San Francisco, Oct 18. ArriTed, at 2 p. m.,
steamer Boss City, from Portland. Sailed, Oc
tober l at 2 p. m.. steamer City ot Topeks,
for Portland via Eureka and Coos Bay.
Astoria, Oct. 1 . ArriTed. at 7 and left up
at 8 a." m., steamer W. F.' Herrin, from Gariota.
ArriTed damn at 1 n. m.. motor whmnw H - :
Hansen. '
San Francisco, Oct. 20. ArriTed at T a. m..
earner Daisy, from Portland. ArriTed, at 11 a.
m., steamer Willamette, from Portland for San
Pedro. '
Yokohama, Oct. 13. ArriTed. steamer West
HsrUand, from Portland for Honckonc
Seattle. Oct. 20. (L N. 8.) ArriTed:
S. 8. Western Knight, from fu!9.
City of Seattle, for Southeastern Alaska, 10 a.
m. AmTeo,' ua IV : tscnooner Alios Cooke.
from Honolulu and schooner Resolute, from
uauaa. in tow oi vat lice. 11 p. m.; 8. S.
Cnracso. from annthutrn A 1..V. k .
Victoria, from Noma and St. MichaeL Tia Va
alaska. 4:80 p. m. Bailed. Oct. 18: TJ. S. U
H. tender Reliaf. for tinn . e . .
Prince George, for Prince Rupert, at midnight
tames, wu 19.7-1. . o.) Sailed: S. E.
awui souLnoouna. :ia p. m.
Jnneau, Oct. 18. (I. N. 8.) SaUed: S. 8
aortawestern, soathbound, 4:80 p m.
Ketchikan. Oct. 1 R It n a 1 m.n-x.
8. 8. Princess Mary, southbound, 3 p. n,; aW
HiCUB, IUU UiUWUU, O P. S3. ' i
Yokohama. Oct 18.--(t N. 8.) ArriTed:
B. S. mpress of Russia, fmm
Sailed: 6. B. Empress ot Japan, for Van-
t-.r-."'1-.. B.) Arrired: 8. 8.
aoAu-v uum OWUB, BeUlTd, Oct. 11
8. S. aatun Bree.- for 8mtUh .
Honotnln. Oct. Ifi tfl k a t
Mjr)dfn. from Seattle. Sailed, Oct.1 IT:
uuw , aiice, 1 or fort (.amble.
. S Wrt. Oct 18. (L N. 8.) Arrired:
8. 8. Horace X. Baxter from a.nt.
Jl.0-!:, Q. for order,
w xv 5 AOrica JL. Bitter
for Seattle. Tia San FiaariscoT .
Point Loboa. Oct 1 Q 1 w a . r, . .
S. 8. Captain A. P. Lucas, lor San PedroTTi
Empress of Asm. from Honrkon. lai .
81 Si fJ for IWtos. Ti San
; . u T? r ""'ir - - atelruie Dollar,
for Manila, via ports, S p. m. '
Mran .xownsena, Wl 21). a N. S
uLt night '
sror usmoie, lT 18. (L N. S.) SaOedi
""" ,101 osn Francisco, at
. Brllingnam. Oct 1 S. (t N.
Schooner , annuo, (or Sydney,'
S.) Sailed:
in tow tut
f- . ..... . . .. - . ...
Wage and Equipment Price
Rises Given .as Reason for
Need of Additional Revenue.
Congestion of Docket of Public
Service Commission Prevents
Early Action,' Says Buchtel.
Salem, Oct. 20. Seven different
independent telephone companies,
operating: in Lebanon, Newberg, For
est Grove, Dallas, Hillsboro and SU
verton. Join In a petition for In
creased rates In an application filed
with the public service commission
this morning, through Jay Bower
man of Portland, attorney for the
The recent increase In wages to oper
ators and linemen, as well as increases
in the price of material and equipment,
is given by the applicants as the cause
for the retjuest for a rate increase, which
they ask to be made similar to that
granted to the Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph company under like conditions.
The companies joining In the blanket
application are: Lebanon Mutual Tele
phone company, Newberjr Telephone com
pany, Interurban Telephone company
ef Forest Grove, Dallas Telephone com
pany. Independent Telephone company
of Forest Grove, Hillsboro Telephone
company and the Interurban Telephone
company of Silverton.
The Independent Telephone company
of Pilot Rock in another application
filtd with the commission this morning,
asks for an increase in rates sufficient
to cover the actual cost of batteries,
which the. company is required to fur
nish subscribers.
The electric system of the city of
Sutherlln, Douglas county, owned by
Kiernan, Teon &. Pollman, aska for an
increase in rates for electricity.
Members of the commission stated
this morning that the present congested
condition1 of the docket, due to innum
erable applications and complaints, pre
clude any possibility , of an early hear
ing on any o these applications. It will
be at least 60 days before any new
hearings can be set, according to Chair
man Buchtel, and in the meantime the
present rates must continue in effect.
Salem, Oct 20. The buying, selling,
manufacture, assembling, repair, opera
tion and handling of airplanes and fly
ing boats of all kinds, and parts and
supplies therefor, is the purpose of the
Oregon, Washington & Idaho Airplane
company, capitalized at $200,000, whieh
filed articles of incorporation with the
corporation commissioner's office here
today. The company will maintain its
principal office in Portland. Chester G.
Murphy, A. D. Charlton and Emery Olm
stead are named, as the incorporators.
Marion County "'Y'
Names W.P.Walter
General Secretary
John Rudd. state secretary of county
T. M. C. A. work, with headquarters in
Portland, ias returned from Salem
where a meetlnff to further Y" work
In Marlon county was held last week.
The session had to do largely with the
selection of men to form a committee to
oversee the activities and of an em
ployed secretary to have active charge.
For this position W. P. Walter - was
Those selected for the general county
committee were: L. C. McShane, Hub
bard; Ed Smith. Jefferson; Dwight
Hoag, Marion ; T. S. Mackenzie, Mac
leay; F. E. Calligter, Silverton; A. E.
Austin, Woodburn; Dr. F. E. Brown,
Salem ; Paul Wallace, Salem ; O. G. Lar
son, Silverton; Harry Pearson, Rose
dale : Burgess F. Ford, Stayton ; J. W.
Mayo, Stayton; B. T. Youel, Silverton;
W. M. Smith, Salem.
Officers were elected as follows:
Chairman, A. E. Austin ; vice chairman.
F. E. Canister; recording secretary, Ed
Smith, and treasurer, Paul Wallace.
More Trouble Looms
for Mrs. Stokes Who
Is Asking a Divorce
New York, Oct. 20. (TJ. P.) Summons
and complaint in a suit of Mrs. Helen
Stokes against her husband, W. E. D.
Stokes : her stepson. W. E. D. Stokes Jr..
Thomas Stokes, a brother of her hus
band ; Albert H. Gleason, Stokes lawyer.
and the Mervyn Hearty company, charg
ing conspiracy were on file here today,
Mrs;. Stokes alleges the - defendants
conspired to defraud her of her dower
interests in property of her aged hus
band, estimated at 81,000,000.
' Hear Temperance Talk
Milton, Oct. 20. A temperance rally
was held in the Christian church. Lewis
B. Norton,: assistant superintendent of
the Washington Anti-Saloon .league, was
the speaker, taking for his subject "The
Richard Holyoke. :
Point Wells, Oct 20. -1. H. S.) Sailed
ft. s n G. Scofield. for Saa Pedro.
Taooma, Oct 20. (L N. 8.) ArriTed: 8.
a. Morning Star, from VaneouTer. 8 a. m.
AniTed. Oct 19: TJ. S. S. Brookdale and steam
whalers XoaiaJc ana unmuun, irom Beatu.
Sailed: 8. S. Sumatra Mara., for Yokohama.
Saa Francisco, Oct 20. (I. N. 8.) Ar
rired: Barge Fullerton . in tow tag Fearless,
Port San Luis, 12:33 a. m.: Spokane, Los
Angeles, ,e:zu a. ntj Arctic, Mendocino, a.
m. : Daisy. Columbia tin. t:ti a. m.: G. C.
Lindauer, &os Angeles, . 11 a. m. ; Phyllis, Re-
dondo. 6:40 a. m.: Klamath, fxis Angeles. 8:20
a. m.: Helen P. Drew, Greenwood, 0:40 a. m.;
ATaton, wiuape. iiaroor, 1Z noon: Yellowstone,
Coos Bar. noon: Willamette. Portland. 10
m. Sailed: Tut Samson, Ceo Bay, 7:09 a. m.
Ban Francisco. Oct 20. (L H .8.).
riTed. Oct IS: British steamer Architect. LIt
erpooL 12:25 a. m.; Celilo, Los Angeles, 6:50
a. m. ; San Jacinto, Ventura, 7:40 a. m.; Brit
ish ateamer Crown of Cadix. Honolulu. 7 :45 a.
m. : ChehaUs, Grays Harbor, 7:48 a m.; hull
steamer Pesbewah, Coos Bay, in. tow tog Sam.
son. 8 :80 a. m. ; ,U. 8. surrey steamer Lydonia,
San Diego, 8:35 a. m.; Broadasrow. Horuckons.
10:45 a. to.; barge 91, El Segunde, in tow tug
Standard No. 3, 11:45 a, m.; Helene, Los
Angelea, im p. m. ; .uarmel. Grays Harbor,
5:35 p. m.; ahip Uonongahela, Manila, 8:55
p. bl; schooner AlTeaa, Leraka, 8 p. m.; Dera
Honolulu. 8:45 rp. m. ; Admiral Sebree. Ocean
rails. i:s p. m. ,
Sailed Oct 19: ; O. A. , Smith, Msmhfield.
:i a. m.; jwnoon, ixk Angeles, p.
m.; Prentiss. Albion. 12:80 p. m. ; Uayf air.
Eureka, 1:45 p. m..- San Jacintov Grays Har
bor. a:s p. m.; vlty of Topeka. Portland.
Tia porta, 2:50 P m.; barsw E. U. Phelps, port
San l.UbK tn tow uiar fwa aing. 8 .20 p, 1
llultnomah, SeaUTe, :C ff-
State Highway Into
North fieach to Be
Help to Tourists
. That the new state highways - now
building into the North Beach. Wash-
Section will, when completed, attract
thousands of motorists to that district,
is the prediction of J. A. Howerton of
Ilwaco, owner of the Ilwaco Telephone
It Telegraph compjuiy. The first of the
projected highways will be ready for
use by next fan, it is stated.
The road has been prepared for the
most part of tho route, which passes
through South Bend and taps the ocean
beach near Ilwaco, At the present time
summer tourists are required to ferry
across the mouth of the Columbia river
from Astoria to Megler, and then travel
by the narrow gauge branch railroad
of the O-W. R. A H. to the beach points.
"When the highway is completed,
said Howerton, "a Portland patron ot
North Beach patron can leave in his
car at a Noeth Beach station at 1 p. m.
and beat the arrival in Portland of the
North Bank train, leaving Astoria at
6 p. m., after connecting- with the steam
er from Megler. These highways, it is
said, will, open the entire .North Beach
to Puget Sound motorists, and virtually
make this famous ocean- resort as much
an asset to the Sound section as it is
now of Portland and vicinity.
"The cranberry industry of North
Beach is gainin? steadily each yeai"
said Howerton.: "Fishing was also good
the past season, the t rollers, many of
whom live at Ilwaco, making good re
turns." !T!
Mrs. Edna Moore, Wife of Local
Agent Clay and Coal Com
pany, Is Suicide.
'Salem. Oct 20.-Mrs. Edna Moore,
wife of Frank C. Moore. 733 Chamber
of Commerce building. Portland, com
mitted suicide by hanging herself with
a rope improvised out of sheets from
her bed in her room at the state hospi
tal here about 11:30 o'clock Sunday
Mrs. Moore was committed to the hos
pital from Multnornah county November
13, 1918, for treatment for melancholia.
She Is said to have made several pre
vious attempts upon her life, both before
and since being received at the state
institution, but was regarded by hospi
tal officials as greatly improved and
practically ready for return tohernome.
Mrs. Moore was expecting a visit from
her husband Sunday and it is believed
that disappointment over : his failure to
appear led to her act
Frank C. Moore, Portland agent for
the Denny-Renton Clay & Coal com
pany, today could offer no explanation
for his wife s suicide.
"She had no reason to expect a visit
from me," he said. "The only disap
pointment I can conceive Is that due to
some vagary of her Imagination. She
probably told someone she expected me.
But I had not told her I was coming.
"I went down to Salem regularly
every two or three weeks. Last month
they told me she was so much better I
could bring- her home, but she couldtft
go to housekeeping. I tried for four
weeks to find a place for her. Finally I
found one Saturday. I intended to
spend the day Tuesday moving in. Then
J got this telegram telling of the suicide.
Moore said that statements that Mrs.
Moore had made several previous at
tempts on her life were "not exactly
"Last fall when she was stopping
with friends," he said, "she got up at 5
o'clock in the morning and told them she
was going to throw herself in the river.
Another time she attempted to hurl her
self from a balcony. Once that I know
of down at Salem she stood on a table
and tried to hang herself."
Mrs, Moore has been in the hospital
at Salem since November 13, according
to jMoore. She has been ill for years,
he says, but mental trouble developed
only last fall. Examination was made
by Dr. William House and Dr. A
Schmitt and Mrs. Moore was committed
to the state hospital by Judge TazwelL
Moore said they had lived in Portland
seven years, coming rrom Iowa. He
went to Salem today.
Sammons Elected
Head of Mazamas
At Club Meeting
Edward C. Sammons, assistant cashier
of the United States National bank, and
late lieutenant colonel in the 35th divi
sion, A. E. F., was elected president of
the Mazamas when the newly organized
council of the club met Tuesday night.
The council had been elected the week
previous. :
In addition to Sammons, the officers
of the Mazamas for the 1919-1920 period
are : George X. Rlddell, vice president ;
Miss Marian Schneider, treasurer; Al
fred F. Parker, corresponding secretary;
A. Boyd Williams, recording secretary ;
Miss Martha Kllsson, financial secre
tary; Miss Lola Cretghton, historian
Eugene H. Dowling, chairman of the
local walks committee; Roy W. Ayer,
chairman of the outing committee.
Four. Hunters Pay
Fines of $181.45 for
Breaking the Law
Four Oregon hunters ! were arrested
during the week-end for violation ot the
state game laws and, paid, fines amount
lng to $181.45. j Robert Breeding and
VV. Steward, both of Wolf Creek, were
arrested near Wolf Creek by Deputy
Warden F. B. Herrlngton. The men
pleaded guilty of dogging and killing a
doe and were each, fined $59 and costs
at Grants Pass;
O. 3. Clossett of Portland was ar
rested at Eucher by John F. Adams,
deputy game j warden, : pharged wiUi
shooting ducks unlawfully. Closset
pleaded guilty at Gold Beach and waa
fined $45 and costs, s. Speaker of
Speaker, Or., was arrested for hunting
without a license and' was fined $25 and
COStS. - :
Football Player Killed
Plainfield, Vt, Oct 20. Cecil Clark.
right tackle, and Clayton TUlotaon, cap
tain of the Montpelier Seminary football
team, were killed ana four others In
jured Saturday night, when the automo
bile carrying them, crashed into another
machine and plunged through a wooden
bridge into hte winoosKi river. -
At Present the Question Relates
to Legal Right of Multnomah
County to Have Control.
No More Than Two Cars to Be
Allowed on Bridges at Once,
Under Plans Now Formed.
Traffic over the Burnside and
Morrison bridges is to be regulated
by Ahe county, if authority to do so
can be found in either the motor ve
hicle law or the law granting the
county authority to .construct bridges
across the Willamette river, both of
which were passed by the 19-19 legis
lature. Whether the county may
regulate traffic will be decided by
District Attorney Evans and, Sheriff
Suggestion that the county regulate the
traffic was carried in a communication
to the county commissioners from H. A.
Lewis, pity traffic lieutenant. Doubt as
to whether the county has the authority
is based on the fact that an unsuccess
ful attempt to control the traffic was
made by the commissioners about a year
ago. At that time, several arrests were
made, but the cases were thrown out of
court as it was found that regulation of
traffic was up to the city authorities.
Thus the long standing . dispute be
tween the city and county rests in the
findings of District Attorney Evans. If
it is found that the county has the au
thority, one deputy from the sheriff's
office will be stationed at each approach
of the two spans. Should it be decided
that the county has no authority the
case will be referred to the city for final
action. . ,
According to present plans, no more
than two streetcars will be allowed on
either of the two condemned bridges at
a timer and trucks carrying more than
two tons in weight will be rerouted over
the Hawthorne, Steel or Broadway
bridges. No congestion on the Burnside
and Morrison spans will be permitted.
The Morrison and Burnside bridges
were condemned in October, 1918, by
Harrington, Howard & Ash, the Kansas
City construction company. The county
commissioners have threatened to close
the spans to traffic unless the city offi
cials regulate it
Cooperative Store
Is Pledged Support
By Organized Labor
Portland labor unions pledged their
support, financial and moral, Sunday
morning, to the State Exchange store.
Second and Taylor streets..
A special meeting was called at 327
Yamhill street by Harry Anderson, pres
ident of the Central Labor council, at
which his appeals for funds to enable
the exchange store, which is fun on a
cooperative basis, to widen its oppor
tunity to serve its public, met with
hearty applause.
The State Exchange store, unlike the
average cooperative stores, has been a
financial success. It has averaged $823
in daily sales since it opened May 9.
Pledges amounting to $2200 were made
for immediate payment. Several unions
pledged assessments of $1 or more a
Contributions were: $1000, Building
Laborers; $300 and another $300 later,
Steam Engineers No. 67; $300 and a $1
assessment. Machinists No. 63 ; $300,
Sheet Metal Workers, the Labor Press;
31 assessment, Structural Iron Workers,
School Janitors. Shipwrights No. 1020,
Soft Drink Workers, Carpenters No. 325,
Garment Workers, Asbestos' Workers,
Carpenters No. 1106, Shipyard Laborers,
Federal union. Electrical Workers 125,
Barbers. Bricklayers, Commercial Teleg
raphers and Typographical union No. 68.
Director-Genl. Hines
Urges Freight Oar
Efficiency as Relief
Calling attention to the necessity of
promoting freight car efficiency to re
lieve the serious car shortage existing
in certain sections, posters have been re
ceived by P. H. Fogarty. assistant gen
eral passenger agent of the Northern
Pacific railroad, carrying a plea from
Walker D. Hines, director general of
railroads, and Preseldent Wilson for co
operation between shippers and rail
roads. Hines outlines in his bulletin how ship
pers and receivers of freight can assist
in promoting this efficienscy and asks
that cars be loaded to carrying capacity
and unloaded promptly. He also calls
attention to a recent public statement of
the president, which is as follows :
"We have to do nothing less than
bring our Industries and our labor back
to a normal basis after the greatest up
neaval known in history, and the winter
just ahead of us may bring suffering
infinitely greater than the war brought
upon us if we blunder or fail in the
"An admirable spirit of self sacrifice
of patriotic devotion and of community
action: guided uid Inspired us while the
fighting was on. We shall need all these
now. and need them in a heightened de
gree, if we are to accomplish the first
taaks of peace."
Mrs. Freeman's
Murderer Is on
; Way t6 Portland
: Seattle, Wash, O-J 20. iV. P.) Cap
tured 'n Nome, Alaska, Clarence John
son,1 alleged confessed slayer ot Mrs.
Eunice Freeman, his benefactress,
left: Seattle this morning; en route to
Portland,' wher the crime' was commit
ted Augrust 15. Johnson -was In custody
of Inspector John A. Gaits and Patrols
man Jlobert I.. Philiipg of Portland.
Police: headquarters report . that the
officers are expected to reach Portlai-u
with Johnson at 6 o'clock this afternoon.
, Clarence Johnson Is charged with hav
Ins; struck Mrs., Freeman in the head
with an iron -,pipe, cauains; her death.
She was a Portland W. C TV IX snd
prison worker an: had, befriended John
son on several occasion. For some time
prior to th murder Johnson had made
his home at the Freeman apartment, but
had been ordered to leave by Mrs. Frew
man because of sone act sot definitely
explained., A letter was found in which
Johnson implored forgiveness for ths
act. ' ,5 . j' -i.sss-.;,, :.:;-::i'':: -
. Drive for ' Itoosevelt Fund v '
Baker. Oct. 20. Baker t school thll
dren, both, local and rural, opened
today,; a drive to, secure Baker'
$735 quota of the state Roosevelt ; me
morial fund. J. 1 Rand, chairman of
tk Baker committee, has appointed W.
J. Lachner as his assistant to superin
tend the campaign in the city.' B. E.
Harder, cashier of the Citizens National
bank, has been named treasurer. ' v
8. A H. Greta Stamps for cash. Hol
man Fuel Co.. Main 353, A-3353. Block
wood, short slabwood. - Rock Springs
and Utah coal, sawdust Adv. v
, C. A. Inskeep. erect garage, 0028 70th. be
tween Foster road and 61st are.; builder, same;
$128. . ;
J. T. Canright, repair raMenee. 1059 K.
Morrison, between 85th and Seta; builder,
same; 8100. .
Charles Frasasr, repair residenca. 808 Main
at. between 6th and 6th; builder. Lou Martin;
325. i -
Charles D, Walker, erect garage. 1893 E.
19th. between Bjbeo and Rex area.; builder,!
same; 8100.
Then. Toung, erect dwelling, lot 1 . block 4.
400 Dekum. betweea E. 6th and 7th its.;
builder, same; 8500.
Ueorge T. Moore, erect garage, 846 E. Hml
snon, between 27th and 28th; builder, same;
88 V
V. BV Walton, erect garage, 1647 K. Rtark,
between 58th and SOth; builder, same: 895.
Bert Allen, erect garage, 967 Fairrlew bird.,
earner Rutland terrace; -builder, same: 895.
J. Stanyon, erect garage; 235 K. 80th. X..
between HoUadar and Multnomah; builder, ssme;
H. Dunstan. erect garage, S67 Marguerite be
tween Hawth6fne and Harrison; builder, same;
J. Btangan. erect garage. SS5 K. 80th N.
between Uelladay and Multnomah; builder, same;
H. Paitan. erect garage. 295 E. S7th be
tween Hawthorne and Clay; builder, same; 895.
E. V. Nicholson, erect garage. 632 E. Aah si.
between 18th and 17th; builder, same; 895.
J. B. Bridges, erect garage, 541 Montgomery
between 16th and 17th; builder, same: 895.
E. M. Uarston, erect garage. 1226 E. I fn
ooln between 4 1 it and 4 2d: builder, ssme: 895.
Mitchell, Lewis A 8tarer, erect garage, 70-72-74
Broadway between Everett and Flandersj
builder. Geo. Iaackson; 310O.O00.
H, Anderson, erect garage, 1895 Stanton be
tween 85th and 68th sta.; builder, same; 665.
E. N. Hunt, wreck residence,. 6710 59th
are. S. B. between 87th and 69th Kta.; 825.
Dare Malloy. erect garag, 7804 57th are.
between 74th and 77th sta.; builder, same; 8100.
P. U. Rittenour. repair residence, 225 tilenn
are. between Main and Salmon sta.; builder, C.
Mathews; 8100.
C. N. Benson, erect residence, 740 Mountain
bird,, south of Patton road; builder, same; 32,
500. (Lot 10, block E.)
J. Ij, Bruckley. repair residence. 257 E.
77th st. N. between Oregon and Halsey; builder,
same: 326.
Hchultx Bros., repair store. 1807 E. Glisan
betweea E. 70th and 71st sta"; builder, same;
Beorcanized Church of fitter Par Saint, re
pair church, 161 E. 7th N betweea Hoyt and
irons: builder, same: i.'TO.
A G. Thelen. repair residence. 419 E.
between Diraion and Lincoln; builder, same:
Mrs, 8. A Jones, repair residence, 614 Hud
son at between Oswego and Mohawk; 'builder,
F. & C. Jones: 825.
J. H. Clelsnd. erect residence. 1208 E. Lin
coln between E. 89th and 41st; builder, same;
88500. (Lot 10, block 9, Mallory add.)
J. H. Cleland, erect residence. 1213 E. Lin
coln between E. 89th and 41st; builder, same;
S3o0O. (Lot 1, blocs Mallory add.)
' Lou Wagner, install furnace. 600 E. 49th N.
between Thompson and Sandy bird.; installer.
Portland fias tJoke (Jo.; ooo.
Sled Chong. repair residence, 50 E. 18th
between E. Oak and Pine sta.; builder, A. Cul
pan: 3100.
W. K. Smith, repair stores, 103 3d st be
tween Washington and Alder sta.; builder, F.
H. Brandes; 8250.
W. P. .Williams, more garage. 848 E. 62d
st N. between Halsey and Broadway; builder,
same; $25.
P. H. Kern, erect garage. 788 E. Msin be
tween 20th and 2 2d; builder, E. U Rowland;
H. A. Eilera, erect residence, 1116 E. 31st
N. between Emerson and Sumner; builder, same;
32500. (Lot 1. block 7, Fox Chase add.)
Row City Presbyterian church,, repair-church.
421 E. 45th between Hancock and Sandy bird.',
builder, U R. Bailey Co.; 8200.
J. T. Knsppeobrlg, repair residence, 451
Jew up ft. betweea Union and & 9 th; builder,
same; 8106.
B. K. & W. P. Osborne, repair residence.
1644 E. 11th between T scorns and Tenino;
builder, same; $175.
Mrs. E. Noli, erect garage, 662 E. 28th be
tween Powell and Tibbetts; builder, same; $100.
J. A. Bowen, repair residence, 6880 46th
are. 8. E. between 68th and 69th sta.; builder,
same; 3100.
J. M. Wallace, repair residence, 184 E. STth
between Belmont and Tamhill; builder, same;
8850. V
W. Olson, more residence, 76 W. Humboldt
between Denver and Concord; builder, i. NUsod;
G. A Honkers, more' garage. 741 E. 14th
between Bismsrck and Shone; builder, ssme;
For Sale
Send Us Your Old Carpet
vWe Call and Deliver)
Old Rsr s Woolea Clothier
We Make Reversible, Hasd-Wores
Room Sis Fluff Rugs,
Woven. $17.50
Raff Rats Weves All Sliea
Hail Orders Seat for Booklet.
Feathers Renovated
, Carpet Cleaning
8xlt Rns-s. H teamed Cleaned, 81.S8
84 TJslos Ave. N.
Phone I fast CMC.
Lowest Rates
We loan our own money on Im
proved city property. Quick service
and liberal loans. .
F. E. Bowman & Go.
813 Ch. of Com. Bid. Main 02.
' Iaeslre at
ire. 184 Taylor Street.
Baleareesi West Park aad TsamklU
At 10 A. M. Tomorrow
Journal "VantM Ads
pgr ana. per inssrtkm ., , lt
Threw consecutive inaerrJena fat price ef twev
Tfiscb UBeqtuat comeeutlT tauwrtioe without
-change el oops, par lis . ... i .
Ooont sis STerags words the Boa.
tot saoothb; rates pbeae ror.seticttor. -
PHONES MAIN.7172r A-6051
waoaLL ro ' voun old
' . CAaPKTS,
Rut and Weolen OMhlna.
We- ISake Beautiful Hand-Weran
Ad Week Turned Out Promptly.
Rag; Uvea Woven Alt Sties.
salt jardsra, tend for Booklet
. Carpets Olsansd, Laid and Rs-
.::. t ' fitted.
' 188 East 8th St.
Phone tact 8680.
ARAB PATKOI. of Al Ksdcr
Temple will hate charge of
tee Alrsasr theatre on -Oct.
28. C9 and 30. Tickets will
be fl. plus wsr tax. Ks
change tickets may be obtained
from members of the patrol or
at Brsdy et Olirers, Teon
building. Kichange tickets
should be eichsnged st the
atre as soon as powibte for regular theatre
tickets. HUUH J. BI)Y1. Serretsry.
A. V. ANU A. M. Kiieciai
oommantcation this ( Monday! at
8 e'rloi-k p. m Work in the M.
M. degree. Kefreeliments at 6.30
o'clock. Ixire will mnms labor
at 7 o dock. Visiting brethren welcome
W. M. IH-I.IN, Becretary.
A. F. AND A. y. SpecUl
meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) ere
ning st 7:30 o'clock: work K. A.
degree. Visitors welcome. By
order W. M.
i. H. BUTLKU. Sec.
1TANHOB LODGE No. 1, Knights of
Pythias, meets erery Tumday eve
ning in its esstle hsll. lkth and Alder
sta, Visiting Kntghts sre welcome.
Iiiberty assembly will girs s csrd snd dancing
party Wednesday erening, Oct 22, at W. O. V.
hall. R. 6th and Alder. Admission 35c.
ZMR1.CU JEWEI.RT a specialty: bnttons, pins,
eharmv Jaeger Bros.. 181-183 6th st.
Xlita! statistics
mMges.Blrtbs. Death
Don I. IWeffleW. lsgsl. 4025 Esst B8th ae.
and llazsl Uanninc, 20, 8S J Wasco street j
Benjamin Maraltack, lessl. Wrnstcbee, Wsni., i
and Ida Sherman, ZO, 1078 fcast Eighteenth
Kdward Noeth, legal. Wants Kosa, CaL. Jean
Clark, m. 102 East Kighteenth street.
1'rank Fraukla, legal, 1'ortlsnd, Or., and
Elizabeth O'Leary, legal. Portland. Or.
Oeorge H. sleiarry. legal. Tafoma. Wash.,
and Mrs. Lettah MCKerson. 85. 48 H Second
Fiord raun. legal. 968 Corbrtt street, and
lone M. Steele, 28. 863 Minnesota avenue.
Floyd L. Uilman, legsl. 6I! Kaat Klerenth
street, and Jessie . McDonald, S3, 848 Kaat
Eleventh street.
Reuben Wurplij, War. 820 Second street, and
Ina K. Van Hickls. 18, 820 Clay street.
Fiord P. Leonard, legal. Albany. Or., and
Ina L. Watson, legsl. 185 Esst Thirty sutti
Charles V. Bnrr, legal, 620 Ksst Ankrnjr
street, and Mara M. Vet, 829 V-t Aukeny
Ben V. Hopnood. legal, Canby. Or., and Mar
garet Miller. 19. 288 V4 San Rafael street.
MFBRITT To Mr. arid Mrs. W. H. Merritt,
BOOS Plaa a October' 8. a son.
McCOT To Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey McCoy. Cas
tlerock, Wash., October 10, a daughter.
WALL To Mr. and Mrs, Arthur P. Wall, 1492
K. 9th st. October 12. a son.
SLLBERG To Mr. snd Mrs. O. A. gelberg.
461 Baldwin st.. October 12, a son.
CUB RAN To Mr. and Mrs. Jsmes B. Currsn.
762 E. Conch at., October 17, a danghter.
E.N08 To Mr. and Mrs. C. . Enos. 1148
E. 19th St., N.. October 14, a son.
PANHOH8T To Mr. snd Mrs. E. Psnborrt. 990
F. 80th sU N., October 14, a daughter.
WKl'DEIJ. To Mr. and Mrs. C U Weddell.
924 N. Syracuse gt1 October 18, a son. .
BECK. To Mr. and Mrs. D. Beck. S51 View
st., October 17, a son.
O'LEARY To Mr. and Mrs. J. L. O'Lcary.
1048 E. S6th st. October 16 .a son.
-LYO.N8 Ttr Mr. and Mrs.' E. L. Lyons, 4923
roweu v auey. uctooer iu, a son.
BCLKR To Mr. and Mrs. at. K. Baler, 273
K. 89U st.. October 10, s danghter.
WILSON To Mr. and Mis. J. a Wilson, 484
East Everett St.. October 15, a son.
HEALD To Mr. and Mrs. J.'H. llesld, 5708
80th' at, October 7, a son.
THORP Te Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thorp, 174
F,. 88rd st., October 13. a daughter.
LEONARD To Mr. ' and Mrs. A. N. Ionard.
408 Stark St., October 14, a daughter.
REICH At the residence of his daughter. 274
Hunt st. Frederick Wlllism Reich, sged 69
years. He is survived by his wife, Msrie Reich,
three daughters, Mrs. B. F, Bottler. Mrs. Frank
Black, Mra William Reich and one step daughter.
Mrs,. Henri Flicker. Funeral service! .will be
held Tuesday, Oct. 21. st 2 o'clock p. m., st
the Herman Lutheran church at Peniuxula and
Klllpa trick area. Friends invited. Interment
Columbian cemetery. Wilson sV Wilson, under
takers. CALVIN la this city. Oct. 18. 1919, James
Calvin, aged 74 years, late residence, 131
Tenth St.; beloved fsther of Mrs. A. H. Dente
and WUbert t'slvin of Portlsnd, and Ben
Calvin of Kan Francisco. Cal. Funeral services
will be held from the Holman Kunersl Chapel.
Third and Hslmon streets, tomorrow (Teeeday),
Oct. 21, 1919, at 2:80 p. m. . Interment Rose
City cemetery.
EMMEESON In tbis city Oct,' 'is,. Riclird
Emmerson, aged 41 yean, late of 8110 86tli
are. S. ., brother of .William J. Emmern of
Altoona. Pg., Mrs. W K. Hamilton and Mr .
J.'H. Egan of this ctty and Mr. George Moffrtte
of Urwham. Or. Private funeral service will be
held Tuesday. Oct 21, at 2 p. m., at Flnley'a.
Montgomery at 6 th. Inti men t at Hall cemetery.
AVEBT In Uite eSyOct 19. Clsdy. Iiicille
Avery, aged 18 years, beloved davit liter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Avery, slater of Viola Avery,
grandchiM of Mrs, Abbi Munger of Vancouver,
Wash, Funeral services will be held tomorrow
(TossdayV, Oct. 21, at 2 p. m.. at the cliapet
of Miller at Trsoey. Interment at Lone Kir
GEER In Uiia city et his lata residence, 3 K.
16th St.. Oct 19, Cant, Archibald J. tint,
aged 80 years, hnsband of Mrs. Emily A. ie-r.
father of Mrs. Bertha Brown of Seattle, Wash.,
Amy Geer and Capt. A. C. Geer of this city.
The remains are at Flnley's, Montgomery at Sth,
Notice ttt funeral hereafter.
WALKER A. E. Walker, late of 914 CorbeU
at., killed tn an auto aecident st Stockton.
CaL. aged 85 years. Survived by wife and four
children. Remain will be forwarded to Portland
(or interment. Notice of funeral later. Arrange
ments in care of Miller A Tracer.
MCENZER At the. family residence. 8000
ttSd sfc S. S.. Oct. 19. Robert Muenaer.
aged 89 years. Re ma Ins at tha funeral par
Ion ot A. D. Seaworthy A Co., 5802-4 2d
st. 8. g.. Irj Lents, w
BURR ELL The fnneral services of the late
Margaret Barrel! will be held Tseaday. Oct.
21, at 8 p. saJTat Flnley's, Montgomery at 5th.
Friends invtted. Interment at Helens, Mont.
GC1S8 Mrs. CUr E, Gniss, Sll Lovejoy avs .
October 18, 78 years; carcinoma. ,
CABCILILB Samuel Cariile, (kllwood general
hospttal. October 10, 82 years; arteriosciero-
ais. -
DL'NCAN OHe Jane Duncan, BL Tiaeenta hos-
pitaL October 17, 86 years; empyema.
TLIPLETT CartyU . C. Triplett. 871 Powell
sL, October 14, 42.years; ss rooms.
BICE Albert M. Bice, 428 Braaea aL. October
18, 66 yaars: cerebral apoplaxy.
OOU.BEE Aaness Emeline Ogilbee, 898 Toll-
SDansve., October 18, 72 years; arrmia.
- - .- . FLOtHWTB ' - -
bill sta. Cot, ptanta aad designs. AwU.
wood Geeeohouses, 849 Nehslem art.. Sell. 1820.
CLARKaTiBOS.,' florists, Morriaoa sL, bat. 4th
and 8th, Phone Mats 7709' Fin flowers
and Oersl deslgna. Wo branch storsa, -
MA RTIX-A FORBES C6.. floruu. 8S4 "wish"
tnctoa. Main 269. A-12b Fiowsrs . for
an aifsitows anawlcally arranged.
MAX H. SMrtBTOorist. 14f Vi tSetT
Holman Undertaking Co.
Funeral Directors '
Hals 807. A-1B1L
Progressive Funeral
, . TTunersl Lnreeton.
ATI the Couienlenre. of a Hnsss
WoodTswn 8808. 848isn Khlln..nrh .
A. D. Kenworthy . Co.
Phone Tabor B287. Horn, rhntx D-Sl.
Dunninc & McR-ritee
Broadway and AnkenT Sts Udr Asflataat.
Phones Brosdwsj 480. A-4B8A
F. S. DunninirrInc.
. -es
414 E. Alder St
non. Eant S3, Bo33S.
K.V 7t fi-". iu. Lercft
. ' " .mi ni.iwra
DOWVW6 McN FMTl, turreMori" t"Wllsoi
trlot. k"' alt,w'ttil at E. ItU. Irringtoa dts
. srwr dTRijc" a co :
Socceseor. t. W. H H.sxiitotL
1878 B. Glisan. Phoo. Tsboe 4818.
WIIJ.ER A TRACET, Independent fnneral d
rectors. Price, ai nw at 20. 840. 860.
Washington st Ella. Main 2681. A-7888
R. T. BYRNES nirS,
Williams ara' Wood Is wn 280.
McKNTEA ftn.ERSrunersl mriniltbTaU
the prlTscy of a hums. Iflth snd Ererett Sta
Phones Broadway 2188. Home. A 3188.
AO 7s1av Cn 'S Wliflama art
V. at.CS llCr wOk. 1088. C-108,
QlLrovaroct rNDKRTAKINO M. 41827
OKCWC9 A-2S21 Cor Tliird and flay
PortHand Marble Works
266 4th St., epp. City HsTl. Wen Bros.
L 1 2fe7-3gQ 9T. AT MAOISOM .
IOHT Multnnmsh Arastsur Athletic club ring
in Uliman-Wolfe's rent room, on Tua., Ovt
14. Dste 1914 engrsred on eitlirr aids of ring.
Kinder please esll Kst 7 8K Rewsrd.
LOST Bay mare. 5 yrsra nld, white on hind
feet, weight 1000 lbs., lsst seen in North
Portlsnd. Psrttea baring this home notify M.
R. Kno. Hcsppoo-w. Or . Ktar Route.
WILL tty who took bicycle from the front
of I.sild grocery atore about . 7 :80 Wednes
day eening return ami to 5S4 K. Madiaun and
receive resnif Thons Esat 8003.
LOST - Ki msleHoton Terrier, dark brlndlc. al
most black, whlU at.rii. on face and hreeift,
vthito spot on back of neck and snxwer- to tha
nsnic of "Beauty ".'vz.- - -
Li inf Child's Ted swrate'r. between lfltii and
8 1st, on Kant Rrlmont. Hundsy afternoon.
Finder phone East 2872. Rewsrd.
jjOKT Battirdsy7"my" dead mother's waU-h; her
name, Isabella Campbell, engraved on inner
rase. Kinder please csll East 47119. Reward.
LYJST Sstirrdsy. red silk dreawr acsrf. lisnd
embroidered. Rewsrd. Vshied a keepsake.
Phone Tabor 4 02 B,
U)HT 8CXBrHKTpearl pin. third floor Mor-
gsn bldg. Kindly return -sme to 850 Mor-
gsn bldg. Msin ri. i.irwrei rewsni.
I)ST October 10, somewhere in Portlsnd, 1
Civil war memorandum, by Robert H. Bretton.
Finder please leave at Journal office. Reward.
LOUT On tlie 8th or Otti of Mils 'm:6th. bank
book receipt for Liberty bond and R0. Kinder
please notify Broad way6Ji9 H"vrai!
x5(fBetween Tillamook snd Knsnp, on 8th,
smsll fitch fur. Reward. Tabor 803.
L5 SVr - ' old Tim spectAclM in esse, posalbly ',
gorernment store; rewsrd. Msr 6010.
MWT Suircsw. on I'nion sve . onUlnliig
nian clothing Woodlawn 80n.. Reward
IvOST Child'a white fur nrckidrce Haturdav.
afternoon. Phone Msin 802 Itcwsrd.
WMTmBlrjrl'. near ArleU. Call a t 8 9 1 5
t.h at. S. E. '
requires the fervices of i boys for 'special de
livery" drpartmimL
Apply to employmmit msnsger, sixth floor.
TWO JEWELERS wanted. Be.t wsget psld. AiT
dress, H. S. Golub, 228 Walker bldg., Se
attle. Wash. i
LABORERS wanted fuewiay morning, street
,work, $5, 8 hours. Denver snd Webster
at roe U. 8t. Johns car.
TROMBONE player to practice witn large ams
teur orchestra; Msrsh, 8780.
WANTED Man to build fire""Iaiaroaca for
room rent. 88 H Grand aveJ
WANTED 2 or 8 finish "carpenters, ' $6.60 per
8 hours. Taboc 4370.
Adcox Auto School
lo Investigate onr system of teaching Autos,
tractors, gas engines, ante electrics! and bat
Our new nyatem of instructions, developed It
a cost of thou-and of dollars, not merely fits
men to hold Job. in sutnmoblte. gas tractor,
truck, stationary, marine or airplane engineer
ing, but puts them in the high salary elass,
makes them esperu. Special classes in Igni
tion, carbqretioii, bsttery repairing. Hemphill's
Trade School. Hawthorne a vs. and East 20th
st.. Take I la v. thorns or ML SouU ear at 2d
and Alder.
Typewrtting, oomptoaaeter, ecekkswping and all
other modern bnatnera courses. Day and sight
school. Altoky bldg., 9d and Morrison. Mala 824. 1
Hawthorne Auto School
Automobile. trci.kv traetov. machinist trade,
oxy-aeetylene welding, vulcsntzins and retreadlag.
Special eammet rates. Day snd evening- an
Toanf men aad womeo wanted Call , 414
Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid opportunity
to learn a well paid profession. Free book let
Railway Telegraph Institota.
.Liberty tmnd,' "pot cah. Any s'mount.
American Brokerege. 4 OS Spalding bdg,, 4th floor.
' R'f.srY MOf N'tiN TEACHKR8' AGEXCf"
Frank W. Welles, cx-aswiataot state superin
tendent, manager. N. W. Bank bldg. Teecham
placed promi'tiy.
FIREMEN?" BKAEEM EN, 6 1 50-8200 monthly,
experience uioecusary. , Write Railway At
yciation. EX-90, Jottrnal. . - - ; f
GOING East e Boiith f iHouaehoid goods hTppi
st eednced rates; saoelng and packing. Pactfle
Coast Forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt at Bdwy T08.
Miss Regina Bockal's private school; IndMd-
al matroctioa. 122 H Orapd ave. East 42T.
RROON LAW fM HOOL, Altsky bldg . Sd aid -Morrison.
W, E. eVchardsoa, aae. Mais ITT.
WANT ELDERLT lady' to care -for ebildr
when nvrther employed. 91 s day. 1467
Mseada m sr. - '- '
WANTED Experienced girl for general bouae-'
work ; good wage and small family. Testphora
East 2390 or call 498 Haasalo, cor. B. 10th.
MIDDLE-AGED or aMeriy woman to go te
eoontry. Marshall 4876 after 8 P. m. ,
DREHSMAKER wants competent helper. Itiime ,
Msin 8Mg. 'V - ;';; :''' .-
UILLlSERv iliwt be esperienacad lo . uakuig
. andseiliwg. 8H6 Alder st. - '
MCSICAL children for junior tiEiitmT7Ei&
rom 8U, Titford bklg. Ft ,
CAN C'SK two estmriiue w operators; alo atuck
sooiw girl. 187 Firt L --y .
WOMAN' "wanted, good wages. Apply' 807 ' C
r Flanders, er phone . East 888,
(Continued on KolIowlnfpa(re)TrT
- T .