The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1919, Page 41, Image 41

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. 7
V . EFT to right, J. W.! Sherwood, state commander of the Maccabees and founder of the order
I in Oregon; Nixon N, Christy, district commander of the Maccabees; Mrs. Rosa Garrison,
7-past president of Anchor Council, Knights and Ladies of Security. ' ; "
- A, " If
iijpiiii- mi isesatv- saaiSLiiiae Mum-JiiwiiiiiiinmoiMJUiJi-.. si I Mwrriiii-nmir-Tf irr n VT" - i -suiavwrA-f , R ..
Commander of
Maccabees was
Order's Founder
Br A. D. Cridgt .
J W. SHERWOOD, lUU commander
of the Maccabees, hu been at their
' head In Oregon since long before 'Hector
...was a pup," so to apeak. He founded
the order, In fact. September 1. Xil, in
Portland when Portland tent No. 1 was
. organised by htm with 28 charter mem
here and Judge Arthur X Fraserwas
the -first commander. Sherwood kept
. right on doing the field work and hae
organised nearly all the local tents In
Oregon. For -the laat 28 rears he has
. visited up and down the state until he
knows every crossroad in it," and babies
he tossed ia his arms In the early years
, of his pilgrimages are now : stalwart
members of the order. - Portland tent
now has nearly 1000 members and is still
going strong. . The order In Oregon has
. over 8000 members, and over SO loeal
tents. Sir Knight Sherwood is supreme
chaplain of the order in the supreme
,- tent, and enjoys the distinction.
' . Nixon H. Chrlaty. district commander
of the Maccabees, la one of the young
men who has made good in active field
work In Oregon under the direction of
his chief, - J. W. Sherwood, state com
mander. Ha was born in Pennsylvania
. at Pittsburg in 1885 and came to Oregon
in 1J1J. In 1917 he entered the work of
. the Maccabees in Central Oregon, mak
tag good at every locality he started -a
- campaign. In 1918 he was made district
; commander and since. January 1 has
organised four new local tents, aided in
- the building of four local Maccabee halls
,- and put in 500 new members. For a
go-getter he ranks with any district com
mander in the Weit
Sir Knight Chrlaty has charge of the
- 100 per cent campaign In Multnomah
county, and is making good, doing good
ana gcuing gooa men to unaerstand
. that he has a good thing for them.
' The Maccabees of Portland are carry
fnar on a atnnalm tn niiM, m
oersnip, ana tnen ' some, before January
' 1. The two largest local tents In the
late are Portland No. 1 and Mt Hood
No. 17. They have a combined member-
vi HtmriT iduu. xnev are divided
Into teams of 16 each, with a quota for
, scn iRn ;io eeciire in applications.
; Priaes'of from 12.60 to 8250 are offered
to the team, y Alao aulta of clothes.
overcoatB. hanqueta, theatre parties.
The place where business-like
buyers go who want the best
Everything for
Supplies for Teachers and Stu-,
dents, folios,' studies, publica
tions. . ; ; - '.
Al! the popular rhusic while it
is popular, not merely. from one
publisher, but from all the pub
lishers. Phonograph -Headquarters-all
the best makes, "including the
Edison. 4 , t ;;
. Deal Direct---
, "a v o i d . the middleman who v
makes prices higher without
addincr to quality." ' , -
We tune pianos properly.
right -
. W e store pianos
Pianos for rent
We' move pianos
We. buy : pianos, pfionographs,
iir , '
v e sell pianos, etc., at prices
that ar rio-lit ,
tnai are ngnt. !
, Emtraaee Below th Blg Eleetrie Sign la r
Eilers Music Building
Seven Floors Dervoted to Music and Musicians li
ao7 Washington Street
lMtrlA amK1fina a laA voiHnm Atr tvw ;
ducements to Instill "pep" into the cam- i
paign. poruana tent now noiaa nrsi
place in Oregon and seventh place in the
United States for membership gains for
the year. Mt. Hood tent Is determined
to pass Portland tent for first place in
the state. J. W. Sherwood, state com
wnrklnar with him in this
district N. N. Christy and G. A. Oravea
They have made a good record wherever
ttiav VtavM worked, and the t trio l
capable of exceeding the goal if the
membership bucks up to the game, as It
now seems inclined strongly to do.
,- .. . . , . v 4 : . . .. -
nn wanaaAiLv - eveninc October 15,
Mrs. Jennie Blumenthal entertained the
officers of Multnomah circle NO. 7
Wahhor of Woodcraft, with a dinner
at her home, 59M Trinity place, being the
occasion or ner uity-eignw BinnjF,
which time she was presented with many
beauUful gifts. - Mrs. Blumenthal Is one
Of the oldest members of Woodcraft in
the city, and for the past years nas
celebrated her birthday by serving a
dinner to the- officers of - the circle of
which she is a member. Bne was we
flnt mnatnlan elected f In a Woodcraft
circle and rarely misses a meeting. At
the present time she is grand musician
of the order as wei l aa musician n
Multnomah circle, which office she has
v.m ointlniiniialv altue that circle Was
organized, being a charter member. Dur
ing the early part or uie evening games
were enjoyed by all, "Mrs. E. C. Love
Winning the price, and at U o'clock
dinner was served, during which time
Mrs. Blumenthal's accomplished daugh
ter, Mrs. Harry S Stone of Condon.
rtr anil Mrs. Blumenthal's son. Ed
ward, recently returned from overseas,
rendered beautiful vocal selections.
Those enjoying the hospitality of Mrs.
Rinmanthai for the evenlne were: Mra
Alice Rathburn, Mra Kate MUler, Mra
Ora M. Allen, Mrs. Ada E. Worth, Mrs.
Mary C. Oell, ; Mrs. George H. Toungi
Mrs. E. C. Love. Mrs. Matilda Hurst.
Mrs. J. O. rorsiofl. Mrs. j antes a. uimii,
Mrs. Rose Schoel. Mrs. X. W. gchmale
and Mrs. Harry S. Stone.
. ' "
Mrs. Rosa Garrison, past president of
Anchor council. Knights and Ladies of
Security, during her term of Office made
a remarkable showing. She and her
loyal staff of officers increased the loeal
treasury assets from $100 to over 81000,
ni raYirriad i nln of 218 ' member a
LFor more than 80 years she worked in
behalf or the lodge in every capacity,
and always with a willing spirit. Many
a kindly word and deed is to the credit
of Sister Garrison, and Anchor council
owes her much in gratitude for her
faithful services.
the Musician
. v
Edlsoa laboratory model Phone
rphi, u styles, lacisdiBg tne
origlnai -WUUam and Mary 4
sign ahowa above. - -
SSL f& A
' ' 'Id
300 Candidates
To Be Initiated
. - . A. .
Next Thursday
TTHURSDAt, October 23. will be a'rala
- day for the Neighbors of Woodcraft
ox Portland. A class of more than 800
candidates will be Initiated at head
quarters nau in tne evening, tne - les
tivltles closing with the serving of re
freshments andya brief nroarram of musia
ana speecnes; -
Not nn v will rh. 11 I1 . tniJi..j
be represented in the big doings, but the
Circles at Vancouver. Orwavtn ?lfv anil
Astoria are to send delegations and par-
ticlnat In tha Inltlatnrw n,V A
car will be chartered by the Oregon City
circle to bring 25 candidates and aa
niu uuiuuar vi ueir inenas. xne
ceremony wilt begin at 8 o'clock sharp. '
JL aranaral mmmift,... MnHunHn. oil
the organisation In Portland has charge
of the initiation. The hall will be gaily
aeooraiea xor ine occasion, and lunch will
be Drovldad for Ufl iwnvm An Invita
tion is extended to neighbors visiting
in the city to be present The meeting
Will he rtoajul to tha 1 ..
wilt be open to all neighbors in good
UU1UIU(. '- .
' a v
Thursday evening Utopia Rebekan
Lodge, I. O. O. F- wiU celebrate Its
twenty-fifth anniversary with a home
coming. There are six of the charter
mamhara Iaft whs, will K. nnan m..
celebration will be held In Orient hall.
East Sixth and East Alder streets. The
program -is in cnarga of a committee as
follows: Mrs. Grace Christiansen, Mrs.
Mary Swan, Mrs. Christine Anderson.
Mrs. Emma Maple, Mm Ida Steele. A
large attendance of members ia desired.
nu mainDera ot uie order will be wel
come., The nrosrram srlll lnlii4a n mA.
dress of welcome by Mrs. Grace Chris
tiansen, piano solos by Dorothea Ander-
un auia s ywud eoio oy iieien Harper;
vocal solos by Mrs. Minnie Hof f and
William Walker. Hmra R WartWh
oast cmnd mutt, nf T n r n wtn
deliver an address In honor of the charter
Corvallla TeAt nf h nramasC i. ...
have a game supper . Monday evening.
n a score 01 vaiianc anignis are scour
ing hill and swamp to secure the founda-
tlona Ci. A. HfBVM llAnntv atat
nianucr, ia ai canton nusuing lor that
local, tent with fair prospects ot doubling
its memberahln beforti Nnnmhu.. T.inn.
ton . Maccabees - are divided into three
leama unaer Bir i&mgnts Dr. C. E. Brous,
Joe Lemma and B. Harhdon. who are
eacn in me teaa ot tne others accord'
inr to their individual aaiiartltna Vnr.
land Tent haa s. imnlri ntntvs 9n
A tUTkev is nromiad asrh whn hrinra
in two or, more applicaUons. The state
ruycr loving cup won last year will be
offered, this year by State Commander
QkAeiMnan a. ak .
ev e
Plana ar under war f or tha antcrtala
ment of tha executlva council' of : the
anrwA Iv1a MalaAikMia.: a nrr a m.
which win meet In Portland, November
6. A committee has been named to ar
range for a Woodcraft rally, , to which
all members will be welcome. Refresh
ments will be served, and a program of
addresses and music will be rendered.
The executive council will hold the reg
ular annual meeting, at which a number
oi important .matters will be considered.
Representatives from each of the nine
states In the Jurisdiction present.
vrana uuaraian van ursdau of Fort
iana wui preside. .
Columbia lodge No. X, Degree of
tionor. -win entertain- Tabor lodge No.
bo. lonimr wirn viairina. tnainh.H anil
friends at a. dinner. Monday-evening to
d xouoweja oy car as ana dancing at thfe
East Side Business Men'a club rooms,
Grand avenue and Vjiat imm
Dinner will be served at S:S0 p. m. The
Oon't , stay ; gray f - Hero's a simple)
recipo that anybody can apply
' ; : . witl lflair bvsK
'The use nf Kara, a nit fiiilnnim-Vna
, re-
Storing faded, '. gray, hair to its ? natural
COlor dates baric ta rrlnmnth..'.
She used ft to keep her hair beautifully
dark, glossy and. at tracUve.' Whenever
her hair took on that dull,- faded or
streaked appearances this simple "mix
ture was applied with wonderful effect.
But brewing at home Is mu gey and out-of-date.
Nowadays, by asking -at any
drug store for a botUe of "Wyalh's Sage
ana buipnur compound," you Vill get
uus imib oia preparation, Improved
vr ui auoiuon oi otner, ingredients,
which can be depended upon to restore
natural color and beauty to the hair. .
1 A wen known-downtown druggist says
It darkens the hair so naturally and
evenlv that no bod v (van tail i h.
applied... You simply dampen, a sponge
through: your hair, taking one strand at
a time. By morning the gray- hair dis
appears and after another application
or iwv ii Decomes oeauuruny dark and
glossy. Adv. , --. x ...
committed in charge Is Mr a J. I Gil
Christ,' Mra S. E. Moore, Mrs. J. C
WiUiams." Mml ' Fannie Colyer Mrs.
Rose Coulter, Mrs. H. X. Camp and Mrs,
Frara assembly United Artisans, spent
a little over f 1700 this last season on Its
social events. Including . the expensive
hall rent at the Multnomah hbtel, an
excursion of membership getters to Til
lamook and - Seaside and - other coast
points. 'The total receipts were about
$1600. The difference Is made up out of
the general fund, - but. is considered a
small price to pay out for its hundreds
of new members and the banner for
membership In the entire order. - J .
Oregon -assembly. No. 1." United Ar
tisans. Is getting back into Its old form,
and .. for - September secured . more new
members than- its two nearest rivals.
Its soclai features are attracting many
young folks. Next Tuesday an old time
dance at W. O. W. temple Is scheduled,
with Grandma 8mith's doughnuts. Lm
Wilson's cider and Charlie Armstrong's
fiddlln. : There will be a deck of cards
or two and everybody who can dance Is
Invited. The dances- will mostly be tne
old fashioned square dances with a real
old time caller. . t . 3 - - - - - t
After' th regular meeting Monday
evening, Service Circle No. 660, Neigh
bors of Woodcraft served refreshments.
Four applications for membership were
received and bree candidates were in
troduced. , ' j ' V . -V.- -c-rii'
Bonnie Rose : Castle, Royal High
landers, will hold its first social of the
season Monday evening at Turn hall, 65
Thirteenth street, and has invited' mem
bers and friends to enjoy the occasion.
There wrll be cards and dancing. Bonnie
Rose Castle doubled its membership In
1I1S, and Its officers and members are
pledged to do it again In 1919. -
Monday evening the members of the
Modern Woodmen of -America in this
city will gather I at M. W.-A. hall to
witness the initiation, adoption and in
struction of a class of 100. applicants.
Captain C. V. Smith has been drilling
his team three times a week in prepara
tion or the event, and Rose City camp
and officers ' will extend the glad . band
to all visiting neighbors. Rose City
camp Is pulling to pass the 1200 mem
bership mark this year, and indications
are that it will be accomplished, visiting
members without the current password
should bring their last receipt andhelp
swell the ' crowd to witness the pro
ceedings. Rose .City camp has recently
secured an entire new outfit of uni
forms, regalia and accessories.
Members of : Oregon Rose Camp- of
Koyai Neighbors or America are busy
with preparations Xor the entertainment
of the Multnomah County . convention.
te be held October SO. It is to be a
triple celebration in one. Thevioonven-
tion will participate in a Hallowe'en
frollo and the twentieth anniversary of
Oregon Rose's charter. The degree work
wlli be exemplified by past oracles of
nearby and Portland camps of the R.
N. Of A. .
The Court of Honor haa areaneed for
a dancing social at. M. W. A. hall.
Eleventh and Bum side streets, Wednes
day evening. It has appointed a wel'
come committee and has arranged, for
a five piece orchcestra to entertain
members and their friends. The pro
ceeds of the dance will go - to' the
reiiet of a member with sickness in the
family. All services are donated.
The Junior . OrdJt nf Momh.'Ii rnlnr
to celebrate the sixth anniversary of
Portland lodge Wednesday evening, lit
Is the intention of the officers and com
mittee to make the entertainment-one
of the finest ever given by- the lodge.
There Will be theatrical arwlnltloa stu
good music will be furnished by the
ww orcneaxra. xne puwic is invited.
Morris Perkel, is. chairman i of the en
tertainment committee. '
Willamette Tribe. ImnrovMi Onlr nf
Red Men, will give one of its series of
entertainments i Monday evening at
Auditorium ha.ll. Thlnl nur flow
and the public Is cordially invited to
parucipaie. juvery enort will be made
to make alt strangers and palefaces feel
at home in the hlr. wiarwam : Thn win
w xu-ua sua aancing. v
... i M . ' m .
Multnomah camn. Wvi mpn ' f f Visa.
wono. rnaay night had a clqiss of 102
new mmiucra to lmiiflia inn 141 annii.
cation cards were laid on the desk of
Clerk Joe Wilson. The mmn ntm
to have a class of 20tf next svidav
nisnt, deputy xteaa uonsuL E. P. War
tin made a 1 conrrahilatnrv ' ruw.h
"Jimmy" Ruddimah. chairman of . ,
memoersnip committee, replied in char-
auicriatic manner. t
Columbia lee-Ion. Mnnnoh-t Tjurix.
of the World, held its quarterly cere
monial at the Moose temnle Prlda
night 1 Judze TL Ci. Morrow Mnrth
Moose, presidinr. After a elajia nf L i
phytes had crawled over the sharo a&ndi
pi cne aeasnore and performed acts that
euciiea great applause, a banquet was
provioea or more good thlnga than can
m cnuracracea.;
- Fraternal.; brotherhood meets every
Wednesday high, in Women of Wood
crart hall.- It is carrying on a spirited
campaign for member. On Wednesday
night, October 22, a class will be initi
ated and the ceremony will be fol
lowed by an entertainment. Some high
claaa talent has been arranged for. The
enfertalnpient will be open and free. ,
The Foresters , of America in Court
Multnomah have appointed Joe Ruven
sky. Nathan, Carl and Charles Fertig as
a social and pep committee, with orders
to prepare a social program with some
ginger and Jata in it and present at the
next meeting.:
: ' ; . TV."?
Fram Assembly, United Artisans, wffl
give a card and dancing social at, the
Crystal room of the Multnomah hotel
Tuesday evening. There will be good
mnsio and a ' reception - committee ' to
make everybody welcome. - -;
, : . - " "- - VV""!
. Webfoot camp. Woodmen of the World,
had 20 appllcaUesta, Friday night and
important business brought out a large
attendance. After regular order, apples
were distributed and gifts of government
suppliesdlstributed t - ' ,
Alberta camp, M. W. A Friday night
gave one of the best social entertain
ments at Alblna and Kiningsworth ave
nues that have been known ifor some
time, in that social and fraternal center.
Saturday evening, October 25."' the fL
of P. band and the D. O. K. K. Brigands
will have K of P. ball overcrowded for
the dance and social a large committee
is preparing for.
Ne 'Zealand Likes-
; Oregon's Methods
New Zealand finds deHght in the way
Oregon, does '- .things,!, according to an
article about the Oregon "Almanac In
the Evening Post of Wellington, August
23. A portion of the article relative
to the merits of the booklet as a sourcu
of ; information follows : . Here Is a
perfect model of . what . a handbook
should be for; any country, province or
count It bears the Impress of truth
on every page and does not attempt to
color the facts with a rosy tint." The
article continues with a enmnariann of
Oregon and New Zealand
Long List ot
. . Announced
me successful promouon of the
Western Musical bureau, with headquar
ters in Portland.
Prior to cominer to Portland in anrit
191S, Lambert was owner and manarer
of the Western Canada Concert bureau,
wtth -headquarters at Calgary, Alberta.
operaung rrom Winnipeg to -Victoria.
Lambert has associated with.' him: an
his board of directors Calvin fielllg of
the : Heillg - theatre aa w tureatdent and
Charlea a McCullocX attorney, as sec-
touu-y. . .- Kjuier memoers include- xrs.
Warren E. Thomas, resident of the
McDowell dub. and a leader for manv.t
jo uiumw acuviuea) m roruana (
uvun . ujju, aioraey, . wno nas
been actively connected ' with musical
and theatrical interests throughout the
Northwest for many years. - Lambert Js
vice president and general : manager:
miners associated , With the bureau In
clude Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. May and
others. - -1
The list of attractions offered by this 1
w oureau - wiu - contain , some oz tne
most brilliant attractions of the operatic,
theatrical and musical field. , , . . . . ,
The list is as .follows : t
Mme. TetraBilnt, famous colorature
soprano, one of the most distinguished
artists and biggest box office attractions
in the. country. Mme. Tetraiatni wlU
be presented in Portland at The Audi
torium on December 29 or. JO, assisted
yr Warren Procter, lyrio tenor of the
Chicago "Opera company,;: i-.u..
The - Gallo - Enrlish Opera eomsany.
playing an elaborate revival of the Gil
bert ft Sullivan operas, for the entire
western United States and Canadian bar
rltory. Such ? operas as "Pinafore,"
pirates of Penaanee," the , "Mikado,"
etc, will be given ; also "Chimes of Nor
mandy" and the "Geisha," featuring the
new Japanese soprano, Shlmosumi, in
the t3elBalaT-Mlaada"::-'";5;''l
SC Cecilia Symphony orchestra of 100
men from Rome, - Italy, t Cities . -torr be
played . include Winnipeg. Vancouver.
Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle and Portland.
The conductor is Mollanari, and there
will be a strong list of eminent soloists.
For the big course- being conducted
in Wtimtpeg, . Canada, by the bureau
with the official backing Of the board of
trade, the following artists have been
secured in addition-to the others men
tioned in this list: Jascha Hetfetz the
renowned vlolinlet ; Alma . Gluck, the
great soprano, and Kfrem Zimballst, vio
linists f -ya:; ': y ..r :;: - ,
The bureau has secured for the entire
western Canadian territory,, also parts
of the Northwestern states, Sophie Bras-
lau, ; contralto, -and , Lambert Murphy,
tenor. ---".- -.a-.'-.t -rn-m
Other big attractions for the entire
western united states and western can'
ada include Alice Neilsen, famous lyric
soprano, accompanied by William Red'
dick; also Ruth St. Denis and her dis
tinguished concert company, eonfistlng
of nine dancers, with Ellis Rhodes, dra
matic tenor, and Paulina Lawrence,
Those who heard the French Army
band in Portland last spring .will be
pleased to know that the , bureau has
secured the two soloists, Dubrullle, ; vio
linist, and George True, pianist, to ap
pearln Joint recital The bureau will
also present in Portland in the end of
November - Clarence Whltehill. baritone
of the Metropolitan, and Winifred Byrd,
niantsL. .
A special section 6t the bureau has been
arranged to promote "Northwestern art
tlsts In concert engagements throughout
the Northwest. ' Artists now under the
management-' of tola ' section Include
Beatrice Barlow; pianist, and Kathertne
Neal-Simmons, . soprano. Other artists
will be announced later. --'Vi
-;. v"-r - - - . . ..i' .-
Miss Ruth Agnew, soprano, waa solo
ist at a . banquet given by the National
Hospital association in the Arcadian
Garden of the Multnomah hotel Satur
day evening. Her numbers were "Roses
of Picardy" by I Haydn Wood. "Hay.
fields and- Butterflies" by Teresa Del
Rlego, and "Love's Lullaby" by Theo
dore MomsvY -
. ' . .N a a. ' : -s
The Portland Oratorio society haa
grown so. rapidly this year that a new
rehearsal place has been procured.? In
order that members of the various mate
chcruses meeting on Mondays and those
"Radio-Active Pad Restores
-Health or Money Back
A Sat a. Baa aad Sckmtlflo Uotbod o
Overeosiins Diaeaaa by Increasing tha elreu
lation of th Mood and enmlnatint tha waata
products f tha body. It to a well astab
lished tact that nearl erery kiunra ailment
to eaoaed by poor circulation (stuniihnan).
Tbs -Radio-AVtive Solar Pad ImparU aaercy,
restom Tltality and overcome disease by
increasing metabolism and causing a healthy
circnlatloa of tha , blood. Khenmati-m.
ftctotiea, Gont. Kranlsia, Nereons Prostra
tion, Hlch Blood Preaaur and diseases of
tha Stomach, Heart. Lung-s, Lirer, Kidneys
and Other ailment quickly and pesaexneat
lr relieved.
Many complicated " and chronic eases
that have iailed to yield to other forms
of treatment hare been quickly aad
pemanently benefited br . tha oat ot
tha Eadio-Aetivo Solar Pad. , Ta areve the
remarkabta reesoretlve and vltadlzlne afTeets
of this wondaHui apotlanoa, we will sand tt
en tan Says' trial with an absolute "manay
bank" euaranue If ft fall- te alva entire
aailtf action, yeu te be sale Judge of Ha
merits. Ma master what your ailment. -
Try It at Our Risk
' For fuU inform Mom write todat '-'
128 Bradbury ' Bldf., Las Anaaiaa, Oal.
A New Home" Method That Anyone
v. Can Use Without Discomfort
? v :C orLoai of Time.
We have a new method that controls
Asthma, and we want you to try it at
our expense. : No matter whether-your
case Is of long standing or recent de
velopment, whether It, is present as oc
casional or chronic Asthma, you should
send for a free trial of our method. ,No
matter in what climate you live, no mat
ter what your age or occupation, if you
are troubled with asthma, our method
should relieve you- promptly. -
We especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless cases,-- where all
forms of inhalers, douches, opium, prep
arations, fumes,- "patent - smokes," eta,
have failed. ; y e want to- show every
one at our - expense, that this new
method is designed to end all difficult
breathing, all wheesing, - and ail those
terrible paroxysms at once. -
This free offer is ! too important to
neglect a single day. Write now and
begin the method at once. Send -no
money. Simply mail coupon below. . Oo
It Today. -Adv.
605X, Niagara and Hudson Streets, -
Buffalo, N. Y, - - .
- Send free trial of your method to:
- a -
npWO piano students ,
I presented by, ,C h a r J e a
f w Dierke. . Above,. Bernice
Helme; below, Pauline Wolf.
tfrt MaaWftHilawa ' f Ml 'ft' 1 -
attending night ' schools, the rehearsal
night has been changed to Tuesday.
Hereafter, beginning next Tuesday, Octo
ber 21, the chorus Willi meet in Library
ball, downstairs Ht the same ..building.
the Central , library building, at S :15
p. m. All singers, trained or otherwise.
are welcome. .Joseph A- Flnley ia the
conductor. Two additional concerts, be
sides "The Messiah la conjunction with
a recital, by Alice Nielsen, grand opera
soprano,; probably December 30, will be
given in, the spring.
j . .... a .a u . : w
In campaigning for a $1,000,000 addi
tion to the endowment fund of. the
Philadelphia Symphony orchestra, E. T.
Btotesbury, financier and 1 ardent sup
porter of the orchestra, gave an inter
view to the Philadelphia Ledger setting
forth, why he, a busy business man, is
Interested in musical art .
"Kvery man - Is more or less fond of
' Vkn yeaj aaiy - reeaeve hetr
Cresa tate (sriaM ef ta skla be
seaeat ia tfce ansae a skarvlai g. Tee
hair Is te attack tt meter tbeakJsZ
DeMtraele, - the original l asualtary
sasjadeV 4eee this by alwswratteav. .
Oaly a-eala DeMlradU has a
saeeney-bacst 1 gwarwatew ta eeefe
package. At teUet eesuatere ta SOe.
91 aad SS slaea, er wy seen frees
f Is gJelm wrasyer am reeelpt ea
FREE book 'aaaflee! la - plata
awelee eavelop era reeeest. De
Mtrade, 22Sta St. ead Park Ave,
Mw York.
A Difference in a Few Days, and a
: Transformation in . Few - Weeks
' Produced oa the Skin. Some
Beauty Secrets of Great Value to
Evory Woman.
IX t. a- . i!
& - r t it
it - Al
J J ; M
It ; '' "l
J ' " It
I -i t
-1 By Taletka Ssratt
THE - wish which is nearest to- every .
woman's heart is to bring her com- .
plaxlon to a supreme and unblemished
loveliness. It is possible to do this more
Quickly than you perhaps ever thought "
It possible. But to do it, you must toaks
up the! formula yourself at home. Tou
cannot get the same richness, the same -
ingredients, if you do not JNow, Just, v
get a one ounce package of alntone for HTJMltlATED Ton '? should not ' use
about 60 cents from your druggist and material and pastes and powders that
mix the contents with two tablespopnfuls irritate the ekln,.This la not at all neces-
of a-lvcerlne in a nlnt of water. The ary. There is on way to remove super-
!- fii hin k- .dw .ktWwin nuou h" which is really wonderful
cream -will then be ready, and this win and that , by dlasolvlng 1U A little dulfo
make much more. cream than yon can solution applied to the hairs to be re
get already, prepared in the stores, and moved makes them dissolve away, and
you will be assured, moreover that
results will be achieved quickly. Tour Lf'vi! iiul'2f ",Uho"lh.J.
Bavaas w aas av savaai aiyviai w syuvaaa vas
a rose. ,
MISS C X- H. On the scalp is con
stantly forming a - film of grease and
a. t rWrnnwr tharwiirrrTiJ
soap to remove thoroughly. Tou need
vunuuus w u,m,.w mwmj wen awn- rnaKe in - your appearance 1 obvious,
mulations, and if you wtir dissolve a Wlththe contents of a two ounce eack-
teaspoonful of eggoi in a half cup of f of eptol, mix one tablespoonful of
water and use as a head wash you wiU f lycerine ij a hatf pint of water. Tou
than ever before, and your heir will take, liberally, you will oufcklysee a won
n a , yerymarkea sheen of vigor and derful improvement In your appearand!
health, you can eet enough eggol for S$ of age. fet the eptol from your drug
cents to give a doaen or more luxurious lst for SO cents,
head washes, y.rtv.?-" - - I - ,
- - i -, - . . -i.- - miir
4 v '"w f ?
COMBFUIVThei length of the hair
can be increased very perceptibly within
a month by the use of the following for-
mula. i The Ingredients given here are
very readily absorbed by the hair roots.
and a quick resralt Is obtained. Bald spots
wtil fill in rapidly and the hair will stop
falling. Mix 3 one ounce of beta-qulnol,
which you can obtain from the drug store
for about 60 cents, with a half pint of
water and a bajf pint of bay rum. or If
preferred, with a full pint of wltchharel
instead of the bay rum and water. Tb
hair grower is then ready. - .
music, even if he is no muslcln. said
llr. Stotesbury. "V
"If it seems-, to ,the average business
man that raueio is only a feminine pur
suit, let him consider that the greatest
composers were men, and that inaay of
their works wiu live after the work done
by the average man of business Is' for
gotten. tt him not forget, too, that
the patrons of these musicians were bust.
ness men and lovers of art. They knew
that their money and their support could
not be better gives than to the advance
ment of struggling musical genius.
"Without that support many a great
musician - would - have died unknown.
Without that support' today the opera
and musical organisations or America
could , not exist
"The crying need of today, when so
many and. momentous questions are be
fore us hourly, is a sane reasonable form
of relaxation. And a man who hears
good music, whether at aa opera, a con
cert or aa orchestral performance, will
find himself afterward rested and re
freshed in way which ho cannot other
wise attain."
, - ,'!, X- .-it ' .
The Treble Clef club had It first re
hearsal last Thursday and"took up the
study of Sessr rrtack's "Processional"
and The 6rens,H a cantata by Herman.
Following la a list of the members for
this season Ura Sanderson Reed. Mrs.
John H. Tuttla, Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mrs.
Helen FTomme-Schedler.' Miss Gertrude
Porter, Mrs. O.. B. Riddle, Mrs. Beatrlc
Klmmona, Mrs. Nonrls B, Gregg. Mrs.
Raymond McXalsen, Miss Gertrude Hoe-
berr Miss Genevieve Butterfleld. Mrs. J,
J. Kennedy, Mrs.L I Caples, Miss
Hermlna Albera, Mrs. O. M. Brink. Mr.
Thornton A. Mills. Mrs. J. F. Daneke.
Miss Nina Dresset, Mra Donald Lament,
Mrs. P. U Fales. Mrs. BeUe WUlts-Sher
man. Miss Helen Dekum. Mra W. H.
Chatten. Miss Gertrude Oat. ulna Grace
Squires. Accompanist, Mrs. Geraldlne
Coursen-Barnes ; director, Mrs. Rose
;-.:: a -:
- Last week marked the reorganisation
of the Salem People's chorus under the
direction of Dr. John R. Sites of Wil
lamette university. The chorus was
formed, Jest year and prepared to give
two concerts i which ' were necessarily
postponed on account or the influence.
The organisation began the 1919-20 sea
son with a membership -of 40 and Df.
Sites hopes to increase it to a group of
200 Singers by the close of the year.
Plaits for three concerts to be held thin
avear are now under way. The chorus
rehearses once a week in the chapel ot
Waller hall. ,
.--:. a. a t
Mrs. Bradford ' Pharris, whose voice
Is an unusually pleasing oontralto, has
been engaged , as solojst at the Atkin
son Memorial church. Mrs. Pharrla is a
pupil of Mme. Luole Valalr,
Zmll Enna, pianist, and Charlea South,
violinist, will give a recital before the
students of the Hill Military academy at
the regular assembly , on Wednesday
morning, October 22. .
Begin Hot Water
I Drinking If You .
. . Don't Feel Right
Says glass of hot water with
phoephats before brsdkfart
washes out poUona.
If you wake up with a bad taste, bad
breath and tongue Is coated ; If your
head la aching; if What you eat sours
and-forms acid in stomach, or you are
billons," constipated, nervous, aallow and
cant get feeling just right, begin inside
bathing. Drink before breakfast, a glass
of hot water with a teaspoonful of lime
stone phosphate in iu This will flush
the polaona and toxins front stomach,
liver, 'kidneys and bowels and cleanse,
sweeten and purify the entire' alimentary
tract. Do your' inside 'bathing immedi
ately upon arising in the morning to
wash out of the system all the previous
day's poisonous waste, gasef and sour
bile before eating more food.
- To feel like young folks feel; like you
felt before your blood and muscles be
came loaded wtth;body impurities, get
from your pharmacist a quarter pound
of limestone phosphate, which is inex
pensive and -almost tasteless.
. Men and women who are usually con
stipated, bilious, headachy or have any
stomach disorder should begin this In
side bathing before breakfast Adv.
hair. The aulfo aolutiruf will rrmt ahmil
a dollar at drug-stores. Tee will surely
never use anything else after trying this.
.".- .tf'S-:- -d- ln-(" e a , a.',- "i f- !
MISS M. A. M As the texture of the
skin - is made finer, the , tlaaoe "bracee
up- or course, and th result is that
flabblness of the skin Is corrected. In
thi wrinkle and crowsfeet entirely
atsappear. The difference which this can
MRS. O. Kj Just sprinkler a Uttle . r,e
roxm on a-wet ciotn and run the biack-
eads with -this. In a few minutes you
will see that the blackheads will be en.
tlrely gone. Tou can prove in a few min
utes that this positively does the work,
The nerexin costs about 60 cents at the
drug store. -
1 ' - s
- MISS K." M. D. An exquisite face
powder, excelling in quality many of the
imported . product, is "Fresca Beauty
Powder which I wonderfully fine and
adheres beautifully, ft is sold at drug
stores for 60 cents in any tint. Just
try It. Aflr. 1 '
If' r )
"Pape's Diipepsin" tt once
ends Indigestion and
. Sour, Acid Stomach
Lumpa of undigested food cause pain.
It your stomach Is in a revolt; if sick,
gassy and upset, and what you lust ate
has fermented and turned .- sour : head
dlaxy and aches; belch gases and acids
and eructate undigested food just take
a tablet or two ef Pape's Diapepsln to
help neutralise acidity, and ia five mln,
Utes you wonder what became of, the
pain, acidity. Indigestion and distress,
If your stomach doesn't take care of V
your liberal, limit without rebellion : if
your food Is a damage Instead ot a help,
remember the - quickest, surest moat
harmless stomach antacid is Pape's Dla
pepain, which costs rso hitle. at drug ,
storea Adv.' ' t'-
"r, i
"I aa eicht-thraa rears aid aad I daatarad fM
rheumaUsia aret sloes. 1 eaate eat of the rmr.
ever SO rears aA - Ukg ataay others, I spwt
noon freeur far so-osJled 'earas' and I hat read
about 'Brio AeidV nta 1 ouM almost Urte It.
I Could not alan Blalita A arstk arfthaut nala:
tai haad ear to sore aad stiff X eould aot bold
psa, But now I aat acala la aoUra basioass
and a vlk with aasa ar writ an ear with
comfort. Friends 4r aumrlasd at the chant.",
tea micbt Just as wan attaaiH to but Mt t fir
with oil a try to get rid of vrur rheuauUsm,
aauriUs aad like oomplalnts by tsklas treabaaat
sappoeed to drlra Vria Aaii aat of- sear -bload '
ma - v a ...
wug . - wmm awei aw w i, w
find out tbs truth. Re learned how te it rid
of the true cans ef his rbeomatism. other dla
order and recover his strencth from Tha Inner
Mratafie," sow betas distributed free by an ea
taortty wbaf devoted tweaty yean to the
sclendfic (tody ef this trouble. If say reader ef
Tha OretoB Journal wishes The Inner UystlKes
of Khewnatam." ororiooaed by doe tots tad aelaa
tiU far eedturte past, slairly asad S past card,
er setter to H.r T, Clearwater. - SS-I, Street,
Hallowell, Mala. Seed Sow. ieat-yaw torfst)
tt not a sufferer yoorsalf, rat sat tait soUoe
aad hand this food atwi tad epperninlty to sams
afflicted friend. All who send will raeait It
by return audi without any aharn whUtr.
adr. - -
ron ExcisarvH ,
75 Cent Bottle (32 Doses)
Just becauae you start tha day worried
and tired, stiff legs and arms and mus
cles, an aching head, burning and bear
ing down pains In the back worn out
before the day begins do not think you
have to stay in that condition. "
Be strong, well and vigorous, with no
more pains from stiff. Joints.- sore mus
cles, rheumatio suffering, aching back or
kidney trouble. '-..
If yen suffer from bladder weakness,
with burning, sealdlng pains, or if you
are In and out of bed half a dosn times
a night, you will appreciate tha rest, com
fort and strength this treatment gives.
- To prove The Williams Treatment con
quers kidney and bladder dlaeaaea, rheu
matism and all other ailments when due
to excessive urlo acid, no matter how
chronic or stubborn, if you have never
tried The Williams Treatment, we will
give 2 Doae free if you wilt cut out
this. notice and send it with your name
and address, and 10 cents to help pay
postage, packing, etc., to The Dr. D. A.
Williams Company. Dept. K. lo4eV Cen
tral Postofflce- Bldg East Hampton.
Conn. Send at once and you will recetve
by parcel post a regular 7 60 bottle, with
out charge and without incurring any
obligation. Only one bottle to the same
addreas or family. Adv.
"Cure Your :
C14 8ea Captain Cured El (hra
Rupture alfter Dootors E&U :
u- " Operate or Seat,
Els fttBtdr aad 9ook I tat FrM.'
CapUln Colllngs isjled the seas for
tnanv years : then he sustained a bad
! double rupture that soon forced him to
1 not only remain ashere, but kept him
oeoriaaen xor year ii visa eooior
after doctor and truss after truss. No
result I Finally, be waa assured that
he must either submit to a dangerous
and abhorrent operation or die lie did
iio cursa lumstux inataaa. ,
iv a avrT r y 1 .
r'.tWw Ma a4 Weaa. Yee DmI Have
Ta Be Cat Up, aad Tsa Deal Have
, - TlUTvtardByTrM.
Captain CoUIngs 'made a study, ef
titmaelf. of his conditionand at laat he
was rewarded by the finding of th
method that so quickly made hint a weU,
strong, 'Vigorous and happy man. -
Anyone can use the same method I
's simple, easy, safe and Inexpensive,
very 'ruptured persqn 1 In - the world
should have the Captain' Colllngs book,
telling all about hew be cured himself,
and how- anyone may follow the earn
treatment in their own home without
any trouble. The book and medicine are
FREE. They will bo sent prepaid to
any rupture sufferer who will tui-out
the below eotiDon.- Bot send tt rlbt
ewy eew before you put down this
paper. -
Cut w. A- Oouinga ( lae
s ; M utU, Watervown, N T.
neaae sena ra your r ns awtn-urv
Aemedy and Book without any bit
gatlon oa my pari whatsver. ; -1
Kamf ,...,.........
Address . ..... ..-.
- Udt.)