The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1919, Page 37, Image 37

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; Alumnae Will
Be Hostesses
r '-. . H";'.:i4v-.":iwii i .in . . 'V - . - I.:
MEMBERS of the Alumna Htodx
tton of th Good Samaritan hospital
will b hostesses for sT tea on Tuesday
afternoon honoring th nurses from that
hospital who have bun In enntM
service, The t.tea will to given In th
rose room of the Benson hotel from 2
, nntll I o'clock. All graduate nurses
' 6 from the , Good Samaritan hospital are
expected to attend.
Hostesses for the occasion will be miss
Emily IJ tioverjdge, superintendent of
the hospital : Mrs. C. Henri Labbe, Mrs.
Carl Jackson, Mrs. C. H. Warrtner and
Mra Frederick Howard. -
Charming in Its truly Irish atmos
phere was the Initial dance and card
. partly riven on Wednesday evening by
. the Robert Emmet branch of the Friends
of Irish -Freedom at "Woodman of the
i. i World hall. There were cards for those
, who enjoy that tame. Irish melodies
floated through the rooms, which made
the hearts of Erin's children bound with
. 1 Joy and the "Irish republic" colors were
-.. everywhere. Long, streamers of the
. : rreen white and orange alongside of
j the red. white and blue were tastefully
entwined from the celling-, making a
canopy in the center of the room under
. ' which a largs Irish republio flag nunc'
. making a beautiful setting with the
American flag on the platform. Autumn
leaves were banked here and there while
. one large bouquet of yellow and white
chrysanthemums filled In ? with green
foliage completing the decorations. An
, orchestra played music for dancing
which was enjoyed by about J 00 guests.
.. At the close of the evening the branch
officers were besieged with requests for
another social . evening In the near fu
ture, which resulted In the announement
- that the second social bf the Robert Em
met branch will be held about the mid-
- die of November.
Miss Mary Dunne, whose marriage
to James H. Hawley Jr., will be an event
bf Wednesday, was tfegnest of honor
on Friday at a luncheon for which, Mrs.
J. C. Costello was hostess. Covers at a
table. - artistically decked In marigolds
and Halloween favors, were placed for
10 guests, the number Including Miss
Margaret Casey, Miss Agnes Baaler,
Miss Anna Lee Miller. Miss Nellie Reldt.
Mrs. A. C Van Cleve,.Mr. H. B. Hel
frlch, Mrs. J. & Wood, Miss Beatrice
Conway and the guest of bonor. Those
present were ail college friends of Miss
Dunne at Oregon Agricultural college,
The marriage of Miss Dunne will be
solemnised at the Church of - the
. Madeleine on Wednesday morning, the
Rev. Father George Thompson orricat-
Ing. MJss Agnes Dunne will be brides
maid and Joseph Hawley, brother of the
bridegroom, will be best man.
Mrs. H. W. Durboraw and young ion
Richard of . Washington, D. C, were
guests of honor on Thursday at an in
' formal tea at the home of Mrs. Virginia
Durboraw with whom they are visiting.
Halloween favorr marked the places at
. the dainty tea tables for the guests, the
cards being cleverly designed in the
form of lamp posts, each bearing the
home address of a guest. Dahlias and
roses were used about the rooms for the
occasion. Guests Included Mrs. N. C.
Guthrie. Mrs. 13. N- Newcorab, Mrs,
Grace Brown, Miss Thea Brown, Mrs. ;
J. C Schnell, Mrs. O. Buchman, Mrs. A. !
- Parker, Mrs. L Shanafleld, ; Mrs.. Jack
Hobson and Mrs. H, Salter. Fdr the ;
young son four little guests were asked,
- v their number Including Leone Burdick.
Irena Shanafleld, Albert Salter " and
Robert Salter. ,
' .
Since the rurh of European travel of
fers such - difficulties in . securing pas
sage, numbers of those who seek a va
cation tour for the winter months are
availing 'themselves of the' opportunity
of sailing for the Orient from western
ports. ' Among those leaving from Port
land on the 8. S. Kashlma Maru, sailing
from Seattle and Victoria, B. C, on Octo
ber 12, were Miss Bertha Coleman, who
will go to India; Miss M. Foster. Miss
Cornelia Marvin, state - librarian at Sa
lem; Miss Jessica Todd for Java and
Southern China and the Rev. Morris
Glbbs, Mrs. Gibbs and daughter and
Miss F. Glbbs for Japan.
Mrs. Lake D.. Wolfard and her daugh
ter. Miss Pauline Wolfard, have sent
out cards for a reception and tea to be
given on Friday afternoon for Mrs.
v Catltn Wolfard, who wae before her
I recent marriage in San Francisco, Miss
Jean Campbell of that city. Miss Vir
ginia Tevla and Mrs. Donald Wood have
been asked to assist and Mrs. Frank
Bruhn and Mrs. W. H. Thomas will
, preside at the tea, table. About 100
guests have been asked to call during
" the tea hours from 4 to I o'clock.
On Thursday of last week Mrs. O. G.
Downing, In Mllwaukle avenue, enter
tained with a luncheon In honor of Mrs.
D. T. Sherrett, who leaves soon for
Alameda, CaL, to spend the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. O. C HOff. Guests
; for the occasion were Mrsr A. Ardrey,
-. Mrs. George Holtsworth, Mrs. IL Simon,
- Mrs. A. -O'Brien. Mrs. Waldemar Seton,
Mtfc W. T. Eiice, Miss Hattle Downing
and Mrs. D. T. Sherrett, -the guest of
honor. - : i
Mrs. Frank 3. Stambaugh, the newly
elected president of the Preston Parent
Teacher association, entertained infor
, mally at her home. 2433 Thirty-ninth
. avenue southeast, on Wednesday, from
S to 6 o'clock. About It of the teach
ers of the Preston school were guests for
i . the occasion. -.v
Seving Machines
. Sold and Rented
$3.00 Per Month
" Do you think you can afford to b
without one in these days of high
prices? . . , . .
Sold for Less
yd AGEXTS "employed
MRS. LEIGH S. BENNETT (Sadie Noyes), whose mar
riage was an event of Friday evening. : Miss Naomi Levy,
: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lincoln Levy, who
will be introduced to society on Thursday afternoon. 4
New Veterans
Society to Give
Benefit Dance
fpHB newly organised Veterans of
X Foreign War will be hosts for a
big benefit ball at Cotillion hall on Fri
day evening, -
The committee fai charge of arrange
ments for thai mt la nnmmA t a
Carlson, who t chairman ; Montgomery
r iiui, ja, w. napp, j antes waiside
and Jr. W. Jonea Th affair Is open to
all persons Interested in th 1K whih
includes soldiers, sailors and marines
wno nave uucen part in tne reoent or
previous foreign wara
Meetings of th veterans are held on
Monday evenings at 475 courthouse ana
all men of the city : who ar interested
This r
A A for a Box of Face Pov-
V, tUXAiUU tier and a Box bf Rouge"
-Will Be Featured This Week and Next by
BroaxJway and
Vn t
y A
J- '
ar urged to attend. Arrangements ar
under way for a benefit ball to be given
on Armistice day. November 11. Funds
received from proceeds of these dances
are used to aid sick and disabled sol
dier. . '- 4 :::: .-
' " . ' -Mra
W. C. Camp and daughter, Mra
Donald Parker Spalding (Mildred Camp)
and infant son. Donald Jr.. arrived In
Portland Tuesday evening. Mra Camp
met her daughter and grandson in Chi
cago and returned with them to Port
land. Mra Spalding will visit with her
parents while her husband. Lieutenant
Donald Parker Spalding, la oversea
- - -
Honoring Miss Gertrude Towne, whose
engagement to John Raymond Robinson
was recently . announced. Mra Fred
Helllg will be hostess for a luncheon and
theatre party on Saturday afternoon.
' . . ' - r-j
: '.Mra A. M. Naylor of Astoria, Or is
an Interesting visitor; in the city this
week. She is stopping at th Portland
noiei ana ner many znena are, enter
taining extensively in her honor,
Washington Street
Gay Iiuricheon
HONORINO tw bridee-elect whose
weddings will bo events of Novem-
ber. Miss Edith Peel and Miss Alma
Wright war charming hostesses Mon
day for a smart luncheon at the Port
land hotel. Dainty corsage bouquets of
Ophelia rosebuds marked the places for
li guests on this occasion and Bride
rose were placed in the center of the
table." The guests of honor were Miss
Helen Feel, who has chosen November
11' for the date of her wedding to Dr.
L. White Brown, and Miss Naomi Hicks,
whose wedding to Glen C Slater will
be an event of November 1J. ; Sealed
about the table were the Mleees Lena
By ere, Georgia Pollock. Rosa tJppede
grove, Matilda - Anderson, Flora Clark,
Virginia Thompson, Mrs. Charles Welch.
Mrs. A. - W. Ennla, . Miss Helen Peel,
Miss Edith Feel and Miss Alma Wright
Corinthian Social club,- O. E. S., will
give a. benefit card and dancing party
Friday at Ma sonlo temple. Tenth and
Y&mMII. for the purpose of raising funds
towards . furnishing Tjorlnthlan -room"
In the new Masonie and Eastern Star
home. Members of. the Eastern 4 Star,
Masons and friends cordially Invited to
attend. Patronesses, past matrons of
Corinthian chapter. Cards at 8 :30 o'clodk.
dancing at t. t
Miss Beatrice Washburn is a visitor
In the.dty'at the home of ber grand-
Da rents, Mr. ana Mrs. - Henry Jones.
ylfter a short suy in the city she will
go to uauxonua. i . . ,
. t -. T ;
- In a charming .' setting of autumn
leaves and flowers, Miss Irene McOa
han, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B, w.
. HIS week
McGahan. became thtbrlde of Lawfence
D. Patrick of Seymour. Ind-, at tne
home of the bride's grandparents. Mr.
and Mrs. EL G, Anderson, - in Roselawa
avenue. . Saturday evening. October 4.
The service was read in the preeenoe of
a large number of relative and friends
at 1:30 o'clock by the Rev. W. T; Mllll-
ean of the Highland Baptist church. The
bride wag gowned In ivory satin ana
old lac with pearl trimmings She ear
ned a, snower bonqvet of Bride rosea,
tied with tuUe and satin streamers. Her
veil of silk tuUe was, held in place by
a - coronet et : orange bloBsoms which
were worn by the bride's mother at her
wedding SO - years ago. Miss Edith
Ertckson. gowned - in pink satin and
georgette crepe with s large picture hat
to match, wa the bride's only attend
ant and Wesley H. Smart was best man.
Following the ceremony an Informal
wedding reception was held after which
a buffet lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs.
Patrick will maka an extended ; trip
through the East and return later to
make their home in Pdrtland. . : - , .
- .Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Peters were
hosts at their Irvington home on Tues
day evening for a dinner party honor
ing Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jackson, who
left Portlartd on Thursday evening to
sail for th Orient on' Monday. The
dinner table was centered with a basket
of pink rosebuds and dainty cards
marked the place for IS friends of . the
honor guests. ; Seated about the table
were Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Hall, Mr. and Mrs. William
Feiblg, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Frost. Mr,
and ' Mrs. Thomas Ramsdell and the
hosts. - Following th dinner th guests
enjoyed a gam of bridge, honors falling
to Mrs. Jackson and Sdwin Han, . ;
' Th regulart afternoon oard party of
the ijaureuiurat ciuo will, be given on
Tuesday at the ' club house. - Mrs. Mas
Smith : and Mrs. A, P. Smith wOl be
hostesses. Th Men club will meet in
th evening at the club house. .Thurs
day will be gueet night at the regular
dance at th club house.
and next week vour eVaW
sell you:;' " '7: V"-;.- r- .
1 7 i box of Djer'Kiss Face Powder
; : ;i handsome box of Djer-Kiss Rouge
for $1.00 onlyri.These two wodd-"ordinarily
yiere isran'oppoi
Ivdame will desire to take, advantage o
: You have heard of the new Djer-Kiss Rouge.
Have you used it? 7on? Then we have made
it both easy and attractive for you to do w.
Pure Djer-Kiss Face Powder that you love so
much is, of course, always on your toilet table.-
Djer-Kiw Face Ppwder made' and
Kiss Rouge temporarily made in
Miss Wiest Is
Motif bf Much
fISS NAOMI WIEST. daughter of
If A Dr. and Mrs. Sard Wleet. who
marriage to Wllber B. Morrow , will be
an event of Thursday baa been much en
tertained during the past week. On Sat
urday evening of last, week Mies Lorn
Ganong was hostess for . a delightful
dancing party honoring th bride-elect
and her fiance. On Wedneeday Miss
Constance King presided over a luncheon
at, the University . club for Miss Wlest,
her gueet including Miss Albert Cav
ender. Miss Frances Jones,' Miss Lorna
Ganong and Mrs. Herbert Cook and the
honor guest. On Thursday Mrs. Ben
S. Morrow entertained for the bride elect
with delightful handkerchief shower
and tea. : The guests spent the afternoon
hemming tea towel for the bride's linen
chest. On Saturday Mra Herbert Cook
entertained for Miss Wiest with a smart
bridge tea and this afternoon Miss - Al
berta Cavender. who will b bridesmaid
at the wedding, will be hostess for a
tea . at her home In Irvington honoring
Mis Wlest , and her llano. ' The tea
hours ar from t to I o'clock. Presiding
at the tea -urns will be Mra Sard Wiest
and Miss Lorna Ganong. . Mrs. Herbert
Cook will cut the ices. , Assisting about
rooms win, b Miss Constance King and
Miss Frances Jones. . s
Mis Wlest ha- chosen for her. brides
maid Mis Alberta Cavender; and Os
born Morrow will attend th bridegroom.
A : simple but Impressive ceremony
characterised 1 th wedding, of Maud
Fangburn Melby to William D. Hortoq
Jr. at th home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Trembly, - 883 Brooklyn street, at t 0
o'clock 8unday evening. The Rev. John
D. . Nlsewonder of Vancouver, Wash
. i .... - SK - .... V -
Fashionable Djer-Kiss Rouge you will desire, too.
ForDjer'Kiss Rouge in its wonderful color tints
you will find quite . as satisfactory as you have
always found Djer'Kiss Face Powder.
In honor of Djer'Kiss Rouge we have arranged
this special combination offer.
Go today to your big shop or your little shop.
Select the. tint of Djer'Kiss Face Powder you
desire, with "the shade of Djer-Kiss Rouge which
suits you, best. You will be handed a package
ofboth for $i.qo.
v Thus you will obtain the combined enchant'
ment of these two Spiciditis de Djer-Kiss.
packed in Paris as it has always been. qDjer
America with Djer-Kiss essence from France.
In return for ioc. the 'Alfred H. Smith Co'ef to West Uth New York be hot '
to semi you their unume simple-? trutlrjtUs. had with new fashionable Djer.Tio tete
and 4 wuh Dier-Ktst Face Pewder. The also include a dai, JW hlU ii. 'U.
read the service In the presence of close
friends of the young couple. . The bride
was attended by Miss Marion - Howell
and Miss Mabel Barrel!. She was given
in marriag by E. A. Trembly, a life-long
friend, f The bridegroom -was attended
by ? Floyd O. ; Fuller , Miss Margaret
Husselbe t played : th Wedding : music
The bride was gowned in a smart tall
ieur of blue trlcotine and wore a large
plctur hat to match. Mr. Horton la
th son of Mr. and Mra William D. Hor
ton : of - Savannah Oa. .. Following -; th
ceremony th wedding supper was
served. Later In the evening Mr. and
Mra Horton left Portland for the South
and on their, return will be at home at
the Meredith apartments, in Washing,
ton street. . - - ' - -
Mr, and Mra Eugene Shelby of Ban
Francisco hav been guests of th Hotel
Portland during th past) week. Mr,
Shelby Is well known in Portland. He
la a aativ' son and mad bis home in
th city until 1906, whenah was made
superintendent of the Northwestern divi
sion of the Wells Fargo company and
removed to Saq Francisco. Mra Shelby,
who was before her marriage Mra L. C.
Robinson of San Francisco, Is a woman
of unusual 'charm and has- made many
friends during her brief stay here. On
their war south, Mr. and Mra Shelby
will , visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Owen
in Medford, Or.
Mr. and Mra Robert Graham Fithlan
(Yerna Barker), who have recently re
turned from the Orient, win make their
home in ' Portland- this winter. They
returned to the city on Sunday, and tor
the present are guests at the home of
Mr. Ftthian's parents Mr. and Mrs. O.
H." Fithlan, - on- North - Twenty-nfth
street r . . ,
v e e .
Mr. and Mra' C L Ohrensteln of Syra
euee are spending a few days at .th
Hotel Portland. Mr. Ohrensteln is - a
lecturer for- - the - Chrisuan Science
church.' . 4
-. Miss' Ann Jt. Walker became the
bride of George C Walradt of Portland
Wednesday evening at th both cf Mr.
and Mra James D. McGowan. 709 East
Taylor street. Rev. L. F. Stephens offi
ciated In th presence of a number; of
frienda ; The bride wore a dark brown
talileur with a chlo hat of brown velvet
Nasturtiums and autumn leaes were
used M decorations about the rooms.
Light refreshments were served. Mine
Walker Is th granddaughter of H. X.
Huntington, aa arly pioneer of Monti-
cello, in Cowllts county. Wash. Mr and
Mra wairsdt will make their borne in
Portland. , ..' . . ,; :
Smartness , . '
- y Simplicity : r)
t Refinement
ar always present in a"
.tun vboii sunu , j
' and making ar left to
this establishment '
And - remember. -the
. suit ' well chosen, the J
wardrobe Is two-third 1
n th way to success.". '
BJanhwerteni Benfe
.".r- -fid-
- " ' - ,Sq MMMg5gj