TV VTRS. H. W. DURBORAW and son, Richard Holmes, of Washington, D. Who are visitors I VI to the'city at the home of (Irs. Virginia Durboraw and her sister, Mrs, Hortense Salter. j - Mrsv Durboraw Was before her marriage Miss Cora 'Newell of this city. Her husband is attached to the treasury department at Washington. , 1 r itll Hit Vf V. mm Poo . JBuS&rteI ' " ' ' ' r Annual Tea is Anticipatedby SpcietyrKblk SOCIETT U antldpalins wiUi mora Uuui usual Interest the annual tea. And open house, fdr which the Fruit and flower Austrian will entertain at the day nuraerr on Thursday afternoon. ReceiYlnf with Mrs. rnest wlUaro, the nawly 'elected president of the nursery will be the past presidents of the orKasisation, whose number includes UMm Clara Teal, Miaa Lena Blckel, Mrs. Thomas IX Honeyman, j&n. . H. Ca haUn, Miss Louise Bickel. Mrs. W. V. Siunott, Mrs. W. 'B. Fletcher, Mrs. Ed mund C Otttner, Mrs, . C Meara and Mra W. iL,. Skene. . - Active amonar the workers for the suc cess of the tea ia Mrs.: O. fit. Btubbs. who is assumed the chairmanship of the oommlttee for arrangementa for the tea and who haa been thrtpi much attention to looldnr after all details which wUl assure a delightful occasion. A musical program haa been arranged by Mrs. M, Donald Spencer, and a brief talk onsthe work of the organisation and its needs and accomplishments - will be given by Mra JBalxabeth l. Jehu, matron of the nursery, v Among the prominent women -who have been asked to asaiat by presiding at the tea tables during the afternoon are Mra - Helen Ladd Corbett, Mra Solomon Hlrech, Mra W. B. Ayer and Mra yilliam IX wheelwright, who wlU be assisted by the Misses Kaoda Ru- melln, Katharine' Hart, JBather Tucker, Martha Whiting, Sally Cunningham, Florence Holman Charlotte Sreyman, Elizabeth Huber and Mr. Curtis Bailay. Assisting about the rooms fer the oc casion will be Mra Frank .J. Cobbs, Mra James f. Laldlaw, Mrs. J. F, O'Brien, Mrs. J. V. ! Bilderback, Mrs. Sigmund Frank. Mrs. William C Alvord. Mra Emery Olmstead, Mra. ' William Knox, Mrs. Jesse C Remick, Mra ' FredericS Kiehle, Mra Alma D. Katx, Mra Aba Meier, Mra. Frank Spencer; Mra A. A. Morrison, Mra B. Keustader and Mrs. Xxmia OerUnger Its'- " The cadet officers of the Hill Military academy will bold a dance for the of. ficers only, at the Junior academy, 17S North Twenty-fourth street, Friday. The g-lrlg lnylted will be selected from thr tegular accepted Ust of the academy. The boys of the grade class as at the junior school will - hold their evening party Saturday from 7 to 9:20 o'clock, when about 0 little girls will be guests J A group or prominent matrons wHl r celve, i, . t r-"i. ' WJnslow-Meade circle No. 7, ladles of the - O. A. J XL. - will i hold a business meeting at room 25, courthouse, Mon day, at Z odock, but members are re quested to om by 10 a. m., if possible, in order to sew for the bazaar. The marrianre of Miss Emma Evelyn Wendt to Arthur "R. Chase was quietly solemnised at the White Temple on Sun day, the Rev. William Waldo officiating. The bride Ut a resident of Jacksonville, X X CXiXIV J-s A CIIO J i o Lecture at v Lincoln Hieh ON TRIDAT evening of this week . Frank Branch Riley wilt give hie how famous lecture on- "The Lure of the ureal jsorwwesi oerore a ratnionanie audience at Lincoln 'high.' school audi- tortum for the benefit of the Woman's : building fund of the University ef Ore : - Bran. . A bevv. nf alle?e srirls will act as uaherri and the evening will open " with : oollege aonga riven by a mala ouartet. . Mr. Riley's talk ia in Itself a Word plc- - ture of the beauties of the" Northwest, but be accompanies it, with exquisite screen, pictures In color. It ia hla same .lecture and collection of pictures that EKNETTE is Joyoqs ly exclaiming over the new tilings lor Miladi that are.: arriving daily , , "SWEATER-BLOUSE3" a r e ' t h a very lateat from the Eastern Marta They- are charming In fancy weave Trieolette - . , . developed In Beaver, Turquoise,' Ap rlcoVt Peacock, and Black. Fascinat ing waist-line affaire that crosa in front and loop-tie at the back to be worn with or without a BLOUSE Distinctive and chic .worn with ' a frilly BLOUSES Now being displayed in both SHOPS. j tSI jfftB&ISOir and Tha Waist 8hop, ; ' . Portland HeUl Coert c. F. Biaa, yies.prss. a Mgr. . )ogue Patterns Mr. Riley haa taken to the clubs of the East amd many Portland people are easeriy Jooking forward to this oppor tunity of hearing it for themselves. Croups of. college girls will sell -tickets St Sherman A Clay's during the week. Ni'iniHiHiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiiiiiiMiiiliiiniiiiiiitifninlHiHiiiiitiiiiHiHiHiMiuiMiniiiiuiHiiiiuiuiiiiuriiuiiiiiiiiiwil 3 S'lltllitltillllllllllllltf !Ttlllttltlllfllli(iaillllltllllIIIIIBItflliaii,IMIi. ii.ii. it. 3 5 3'ttiiiittiltlii,ffili,itail,ii,iini,iiinaiuiii.ti. ii. us M. it. s s 5 ilituilllntiiiliiniiliniiiiiii!iiiiiirtiiiiiMiiiiHlHiiiiMiiliiiinluiHiiiliiiiiiiiiiitillMiniliiii)iliiiHlnluiuiu ill ':" ; . ' - - : ' viii To Wage-Earning Women '-' . AND . ' - ' Wives and Daughters of Salaried Men THE " New York Outfitting Co. .409 Washington St Offers the Opportunity to . fif Open a Charge. Account 1! With Divided Payments 53s 5 a s sis sis ill i 1 si- III I ill ill iii f ft RS. WAUREN BEACH HOUCHWOUT, who was be IVI re her marriage Miss Marion Brodie ol Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Houghwout were, married in Shanghai, China, late in September and will make their home there. v -.- - ... if -N J ' .a K j ! - 1 v . . f-i :? f- ; I J . 1 ... :v "j;-4' s', V " ' ' - - ; ,,ir,.V-','- If -.y,?-v. -,: ; L. ' - " s fttUSS Jftsrot and Mr, Chase is a resident of The Dallas, where he will take his bride to live. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wheeler were the bridal attendants, the members of the immediate family only witnessing the ceremony, ' Mra Chase has been a primary specialist In Jackson county for soma yeara. - Mr. Chase was county school supervisor in Jackson county and Laurelhurst Glub Women, IMeet Tuesday THE women members of Laurelhurst club met on Tuesday afternoon at the, club house to form a Jiew organisa tion which- will assume . the nature of a boosters' dub. The real function of the club will be to promote sociaf activity in the club and to look after the social welfare of atrangera in the community. That natvr rftliiH aarlll ti , mm TStai.u.ftW . f t . "... ' , ernoona alternating- with the Womens' Card club of the organisation. At the meeting this weak those present enjoyed an Informal afternoon of chatting and needlework followed by a UfM coilatlon served by the hostesses. . - ". - The first function to be given by the new club will be a recaption and dance in the nature of a Halloween party at the club house to welcome new members to Laurelhurst club and to help the older member to become better acquainted. Mrs. L. W. Stoekle has been elected pres ident of the new club, Mra F. A. Bur gard secretary and treasurer, Mra F. C. Bowker chairman -of the hostess com mlttee and Mrs. A. C. Holmes chairman of publicity. - v At tR regular Tuesday eventng card party at the club house this week Mr. and Mra A. K. McCurtafn acted aa host and hostess. 'Honors in bridge fell to Mra Dixon and. Pr. D. A. Fellowa In -SOO" honors were Uken by Mra T. I Perklna and L. C Bofinger. v ,, The marriage of Miss Rachei Morgan and : Benjamin A. Glfford was QUletW soiemnisttd on Wedneadty at high noon at the horns of Mrs. Frederick Clark on 164 East Slxty-elehth street. The serv ice was read by the Rev. Edward Con stant, pastor of the Highland Congre gational church. Mr.. Glfford is a photographer of this city and Mrs. Glf ford haa been associated with htm in his work.. They will maka their home In Portland. , Betsy Rosa tent No.' 1, Daughtera of Union Veterane of the Civil War, will give a 600 party Thursday ' evening, at 1:15 o'clock In room S25 Courthouse. O, A. R. men are especially Invited.- Mra H. A. Van Horn Is chairman of arrange ments tor the occasion, has since been engaged aa agricultural agent for Wasco county. Following the wedding Mr. and Mra Chase left for The Dalles where they' will make their home on a: large wheat ranch. " Miss Lenora Asbufy of Ocean Park, CaL, Is visiting with Mra Will J. Behr at 65 East Seventy-first street north. MARIE GAMMIE RUSSIAN SCHOOL OF r DANCING TO. OHAPtAOTtn AND INTtRpsjgTA. Tiwa oAMOina tauht 401-3 EiUrw Music Building CS7 Waahtnttee Street TUDIO PHOHtl MAIN SOSt RESIDKNOC PNONRl CAST SSJtS ; FUR ; COATS Splendid Showing Lin: All Favored UR at Popular Prices F HUDSON BAY FUR CO. Exelutiv Fur ' 147 BROADWAY A WOBJTH WHIL TIP . Antiseptic Powder la a cleansing, healing, germicidal and invigorating douche. A great aid In leuoorrhoea and female dle ordera - 0o afHd l per box. Bold by PORTLAND HOTEL PHARMACY LEARN TO DANCE Berkeley Dancing Academy Tea ere eotdun lntlted to ittsnd the daae tn sIimm which btfln en TatwUr, Septaia btr 89, sad m Testdsy sad Thurxlmj tbrnefur. We are not tha oulf Mbool ia Portland. But we eta tuch you the IstMt ksllreem Asaota. Prlrate lauon bj appoint. nL I7 and erenine clajw lenanni. . LedlM, I MMn SS.00t OtnU, leuene, SS.00. Nesufr aanee eviry Ssturea erenlns. Our Adtfrw. Its 4th 8U, Opeetlte Olrsle Thestre.,. Mslfl SS1S. Mrs, Summtrt, Mfr, II1 h'- I ! las to Suit Your Convenience ii8 !l Suits, Dresses, Coats Waists, Furs, Skirts, Etc. 9 ?5 B S fisS ill is Is ill III Iii 3?e Ton KNOW that the "well-to-do" raeely. If ever, pay cash for their clothes. Our policy brings to men and women of moderate means the same payment privileges enjoyed by th social elect.'' This store handles only a de pendable line of strictly fashionable, expertly ; made, high-quality garments of the very lat- est designs and fabrica We guarantee every . article to be perfectly satisfactory and you ; auavii. w ura buh juuB. A.nooM now wear S 3 5 yor new clothes and pay for them In easy ' S 1 1 , payments, confidentially arranged to ault 8 a S ' ess. . i vnti rui f .Don't overlook the fact that we have a verv i HI III cnoica linn Ar Mvinn fnni..ju -. Christmaa-gifta start paying now and have ' delivered to yon later. - Draaa Well on Easy Payments . a a a II Ne York Outfitting Co. If! fI J 8 ; ; V 409 Washington; SV ! t . ,J 'iff Iff : Between Tenth and Eleventh Streets 1 1 1 ISl ' ; I a I SatnlHrtllllMIIIIUIHIIrtltlMIIWIIIMtllllllHlHtUtMWIItlMlrtilttMfltllflMlHtaltHllltlwtl,,. 5 S,IIW.mtlIHl,lt.1,IWt,,,ll7 iltallttiHlllll.WMUltlMliltalWliMM " m - , v-- 1 l a. v V' J ni y t 7) 'U a.AT.j of r SHOES " . The Mark of Excellence BE guided by this Trade Mark in buying your new shoes. , The Dorothy Dpdd name is the Mark of Excellence, meriting the con fidence established in nineteen years of leader ship and fair dealing. In the new Fall models. Fashion's best choice awaits you. Nearly two thousand leading Stores show the correct Dorothy Dodd styles for every typeof foot, You will shop with pleasure at the Dorothy Dodd agency, where the styles reflect the charm of youth and harmonize with every need. Dorothy Dodd shoe style and value are, unexcelled hi the whole range of apparel fcHiay. ;ln Dorothy Dodd &ie shoes "SHOE-SOAP" Kid has proved of exceptional value to Women. The good-will es tablished by "Shoe-Soap" Kid in association, with the Dorothy Dodd Trade Mark and the reputation of the . dealer is complete assurance that women will continue to find in this leather the quality, and service that they demand. " 0 DID, -i 3 MADE IN BOSTON BY DOROTHY DODD SHOE COMPANY FAULTLESS FOOTWEAR mm