THE - OREGON : SUNDAY t JOURNAL; PORTLA ND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1919. , 11 v-: r An' ' J DOGS. BIRT). 'TUT. ETC ';'- 4ft OREWOOD LKENNELS; -' 8ENIUTKMT rnOT tl at Bind. Weight, 11 r fib. ' A. K. C- 200292. - Clmkat Httla male Boston terrier wit (4 CHAMPION STUCK la 'Terttanil. Wm. - ' ' . ' SMALL PET STOCT BOARDED. ' 4,ff i,-- MRU. SMITH. --' " ' ' TH 600. ' 874 Ibwfo st . ;.IUBbIt8 Belgiaa' Nw Zealand Redsl .. Flemish ' Giants, quality , stock, reanonsble 20-Dee' utaatrated ' booklet. showing hatch, plana, 20e. stamps. Monticello Rebbttry, ,. .latent In Northwest Corner 89th and K. Etark, ... . Portland. ,Kt Tabor (M. T. Bath) ear to ana, blocks north. 1 east Dog, rabbits, to. i- . RAISE BABBITS FOB" nfEAT '-. "i.-iv W - bar . Belgian. .New -Zealand. . Flemish ' Ciaa. XBflti Lop Ear and Whit English, . ' st all esse aad etsee; utility stock aa well aa fancy " pure-bred. - Writ for- priest -sad . catalogue, r- Bootledg Bead floral Co., lift 2d at. Pert ' ' ir land. Of. ; , .- -..- i : t'J.NK pedigreed a"oy Boston Bun Tmler popples, ,-... gome champion ttock. s Bite, Ttobtnsoa's Derby, .,.- It C. 257822; Good marking and perfect ". screw 4alls, , 398 Union avenue K. B. 8829. , :; :,; WANTED -Shepherd pup from working atock, T v f Australian preferred, W. W. Irvln, Aurora, . .. tr. -- -... ' FULL PEDIGREED Airedale pupa for sales C la ' East 19Uk Cell, Doralsn Ud Jtftef ft to . P. SB. - -' -.' o ' X'OLrtCIC dog pupniee MdliMd. registered Fox! j" Iriah fenian. Colli popptea, Spaadwar : i, Tabor 608s. J - ;; 4 tUO&OUOkBftEO Voi'urriet pojpla. Golden . f ";;"'- oeaorwns oantaiB. . woooiawn ittoo. o Lombard.. - - - -,v watcB aoc: aood barn unimt B-28. Jour- BARGAIN aala of beauUful aanarlaa, ,- food prngiT. -jiioaaway IB BO i :; kLLAfiD dMoy . duck tor aala. Fhona Oak , , i FOft 8ALB-a Bofitha old ALredal pop, i -r'hbrd. Capitol aire. Wdla. thor- 2TS. f vu6lCB eanarlaa at "The Canary Bird fF. : 81nier toaranteed. 118 B. 38th . 0-2817. IprOH . SALE Ualtaae poodlaa. . t Tabor 869 7; ' i -afta 7 p. w or Sunda: VAiiTEiJ Xoung collie or bphaid.aVf for m y;- larm, two noma. fe120, Jooraatr f S&iXer aanariat, taner bred; alio feaaleal 30fr BUnton et. Eut 4B2. ' ... aonaoia. iou k. ?T.n ar ai. 1 ' S IIJv all ' beau tif ill Harta Mountain ilnfera lor aa eaca. 7 0 Aimna eve. IT. AN DRfXS B RGSlSr for aiU. t 4i6. ' t?APTQM0BILE8 AK1 ACCtBSORIES 44 GOOD. Dodge car for eala. Tabor 4400. r 1918 BCPER Hndeon, aordtlrea, B2i . C A fRniA&E-Franklfn' bnf , ' also T pea Umo - - oraaawiy C '. HR 8-JUE-l18 lWga' aedaa. Call: Wood- :. lawn 4840. ,.,,-.. ;a 8850. 161 in tha baei oouditioa. 10. tVoodlawn 624. Cafb 82S0. fi tlVB paaaar Orerland.'. ut .overhauled, a X imcptUJLb derirary" food ooaditU; 4aif. r' emu ai . Main 6760. , , to o0 eo4itioill, !or aaWekea tJ '.." " . yarao ex. .-. I"! 'I I'.1. . L 'I II ' - VKl'Ught deUTorjr body tor iaJ ebaao. 168 i43A8SMNW 13 1 CETNts A b AI.UjN " Oftjl ANf i fts TCLCAJJIZINQ and retreadl nr. TJ. i tin tioa. 10 11U at.. Bear Waabiaataav j l, wpoabj. x-m.r.f.ti ratnT Ufj.. IBS 1BT. ' TiaTaHOTBblTtjieadiUr: brand txrr, oord tix'eT: ' can delirar at bnoa. T-B76. JonreJ. it )l"OBD baa; wfJJ eU cheap or pay dUfaranoa en k'r. ''f5BD twirln,: 19itdnaTlti2S' lot aulok u- Mn "IV Tabor 1040. . ';. ; . VOB SALB er trade for reel -atte, dandy "wiwr, imp aiuL. 19, journal. . FORD iedan. Uteat modal; zauit eenrwUTEre 4afWia. X.IH Jnnmil i818 CLKVEtA-Vb (or aai at a 1 bartaln. JuA 2 OTerhauled; caeh or term.. Call Wdfo., 82T9. t'SZRX'ciT ('or'eale, i9l8. madar fc4. Ctll Ua? ' V t3SEVE0LET K)a4jtvr 1018. in best of condi r . Uoa; good ttrflftj rel brgln tt 1650. with fviUt eaorifioe Bazoo' 6. 1817 model, for 8550: , . 4 i nHi .u vwump akiw i uoe oe xween ana u. i T50 TAK.K8 mjr 1917 FoH, lot of extr,".' iMka aad mna Ilk. ue flliMnaWM iar c Tirnina . Main livo. .jVfrGJUl 1 ton truck, neatly new. eaah or termal jggi wu. u cu a , pna ai once I i 1919 FOKO 'touring, good a ami ' rTo6 with t . xuaa.jaoirn tiutt. j-qruaBl Car BalM. Co., r. f .etg na yoy. -..,. . - - 1018 MAIWITT.T. . - good fear, Tory rcaaonabla tenaa. d -.-r, , 404 DAVIS. NEAB 10 TIL 1 1ft 18 MAXWEIX roadater, 8320 down guar- antea and (rca-aerTiM: enh . aail. Fort- .' -Car Bala Co.; 6th and Taylor. r;'' EVItOT.BTtourin In aoud eonditW" Vim i- lM00.Bto, I860, Urma. . Baa ownab .-Kelly Tire Bale. Co., 480 Bnnulde. f, lai'''lCHBTfio'EBT toodag, 8288 down; guar ante And free aerrice; enough taJd. Port- v - 4? lano tjar caiea uo.t a ana Taylor. ": FOEO touring.' 1818. in beat at eorxiition; good (&,- Urea a real bargain at 6640, with tenna. SO , Grand are. JN., near Barn tide. 'tt BaXWEXI 1817. toariag, la good ooodiUon; j wiu- eeii at eoao. wua xerma, so Urand '7 suiie wu iwm ii how , venunieu ana goou tire. Call, Taber 830. uCHEVBOLET tourtoa. good condition, good tv. 42 cwb-yJB- t Hoorar, R. F. D. 4. I FOB, SALE 5 pau. J'ord, 1918, new. Want larger ear. n. a', rrwartout, 0B3 Martot ara., Sell wood, eeanlnga and Bundaya. - U ollD dellTery. 1915 model, tail deUeery, good . - urea: a mi parrain at aaio, wiu tarma. 80 CAMPING and bunting car, eeata fold, making ; i' ' f-r bid inridw oar; baggag. rack, eanteen, .to. ? -nwln at our fifty E-104, Jotirnal. B AXON touring. 181ft. in flna thana. uaed . Uttla, good Urea, like new; wUl aU at 8870. ;i artth tenna, 80 Orand are. N.,' neat Bamaida. f V il918 FORD, new engine, mod guards and hood. ;.t tS60 eaK. . A" ft. lT(SlELL touring, 1918, new t i j - BO Grand gTe. W.. near Bnrnilde. VIWM PHfMWJi WtU JU ft I1VDH. Willi ISPItll VHO WILL be f ir-t to . get thin 1818 Hoick T -jv au,. thoroufUljr orethanled, nawly pglnted, ex tra eiaasy top. ioi . Iltn , Bay. 453. ' .CHEVROLET touring. 1816. in fine conditio,.' ?l fr": e" at 8475 nd gie Unaa. v uniN o. n near oumsiul.' DUBBU1XXE TOP COMPANY 8th at Oak. Broadway 1864 ': llAKGAIX in 1918 Chalnura Six tonrina car. - Ron and lookt lkaiew; good tins, A-l con dition. t'H Adams, Tabot 880. . W 1918 FOBD roadster, line condition, aboek ab ; , eorben, apeedometer, ,etc, guarantee) and free - aerrioet enough aaid; 3210 down., Portland - Jr un'ta ana laylor. . . - ' " ' .FftRDA ALL KIN-na ' "' -.r ' If h'a Ford you want we bare It with the -v;lgnt una or term. . iAi mvta win An iv-W . bAlk 1 U 1 XI, :J 1912 FACKXbD, good condition; newly painted; " ' ' at oreii enrau. : jme t a gooa ear. i. ; BTAXES AUTO BALKS CO.. ISiX ' - '. ' a Bgrnewa.' . ; FOR BALE 1919 Chevrolet touring car, in ' - penmre cgawum, wn yam car u-yots ara W- - tereeted in a real bargain. - ; SMITH. 490 Bnrneide. ' : '". -466 BUWJK touring, price 8860 for quick -. aale. .term; guaraatea and -frea serrice; li anoagh ttid. rortkod Cu Saiat Co., &0v god Taylor. , - ' IXJIXiKl touring," new ""ion," good tirea. We are ' "t ; ?- ed band ear deelere. Price ie rigbt. . states, auto bales co, jnc, , -- -. 480 Bwrneida.' .. s - i H kAX WE1X' tuuring77l 6 1 ST'lnine' conditiool tr ttJ i,?4 ' Prtrately; wift . bbciukv . gj i iv aim ClTV JWCTBbV ; v Grand are. N... near Bnrneide. .' WE do honest auto repairing, overhauling and rewiring. AH makes of oars.- Work guar r, sntMd end, prices .reasonable. 845 Williams , i avenue.. - - - ' ., .. A 8TTJTZ roadster, some ear. ' Bee tt at 421 -,HBitTiaud Ask for Byaa or Jones. o THREE Fords. 1 Ford bug; iotg Overland i. Country Club, A-l oondition; 1918 Overland touring, A-l condition. Bee them-at 1805 Main tt'. Vancouver, Wash. -.-ft-Vi-i MAXWELL- touring. li20, only used two weeks' leaving town and, must" sell; a bargain at $1 100, -with . terma, , 80 , Grand ' avsNTLear Bornslde. . ; ... . i918 FOBD touring, with starting- and lighting system; cat is ia. excellent condition in every way .and. has. had the best of care. . Can be i C 18th and liawthorne. . 3550, terms If desired. . Ask for Gordon. NEW T1BEB - Wha brand of sew tires do yon trreferf We '-:"f- nsve them, all makes and sites; also we make :f- the famous O-V-0 double tread sewed) tires ' . - sod do all manner of tire repairing. . Oregon '- Vulcanizing Ua, 383-838 Bazasida, near Broad- AtTTOWOBILES ASP ACCESSORIES 44 181 FORD CHA88I8 Good condition: good area; 3226 eawh. 6240 terma. txxt ma 1920 FORD Sedan, nuaaed, ooroplete eiuip- menx. Mam boo tfOKD sedan body, , nerer been, need; bargaia. saam now. R)KD bug. new top, windshield and paint; eraa azao, or traaau jan ezov. 19 IS MAXWELL, 6 paaa.. cash takes it. 151 Montana ara.,-:-" .---i . CSOW-ELKHAbT multi-power ear, bargain; ' beet of condition. Phone Tabor 0970. BTEARN 8 KNIGHT, good condition, tirea fair. ftyft.VV, VMH, Vift JTft Hwniil. rnvrnt AUTO express for gala, or trad tor work boat gaup; ata casn. gzs per montn. gast ttoe. pea jar. anson. cigar atana, in ana mini. 16k BALE 1918 Eeo"6,' ln'A-i condition; ritcyif r i i t x nuryisa sx. AUTOCAR in need of repair; price $90. 4022 ourn as. B. tw- 1919 6"ffl5 "Hun lesa than 600 miles. , CaB l J istn St.. r Tel. Main f 899. rOBJO , roadster for $378. - These cars ara scarce. Kueaell Bt Uaraga. FOB SAXB 1617 Cherrolet, aood shape. Bee owner, oigv ;ui t u. b., after lz noon. LATE 1917 Grant ft. Med very littieTT820 - down, gnarantea and . free ' aerrice. . Portland car aaiea vo.. Ota and Taylor. 1918 OLDS BO ADHTER MechanlcaUy perfect; good tires; tenna to suit. aoa PArio,' weak ioth 1918 DODGE--roadster, good aa new, $1000, terms. Hurry. Portland Car Bale Co.. 3th ana tayior. -s- f s...- BUICS roadster. Hl1 model"" CaU at 410 i. Tta at, corner Grant at., after p. m. 1417 Mai well la good mechanical condition: good tirea and new paint Job; a snap. Phone 1B1T DODGE, tourine. - fin atttutitian. kfidJl down, - guarantee, fTee serriee; enough aaid Portland Car Bales c. out and Taylor. CHEVROLET TOURING -Good mechanical shape, good tires ; terms. v Um V in, na&s ium BABGAIK at $650. , Cherroiat, 1918 model. exoellent . condition. A 4848 . $24 at. ; B. E. Phone Tebor 8088. 1918 STUDEBA&EB 6, tat good shape, equipped with new tirea. Ask tot Mr. Bearer. C-194B. B04 Kast jtsroaaway. - - AIL' ST raise $(2S on my 1918 8 tod. baker atx, cord tirea, perfect shape;- balance) on terms. K-ioa, jouarnai. 1919 CHEVROLET roadster, in perfect oondl- uon. tor qmcg eats, ou easo. Apply Apt, IT. nortriampten apta. DODGE roadster, lata modellike new, for aala or owuw cn vv ma at Alum varsee, cor, Snarsr and Garfield, Saturday p. m. and Sunday, 1918 Buick six. la good condition: nart termsL Call 884 Stark it. Monday morning. Bar gain, gizuu. SERIES 8 Franklin, Just like a new ear: original cords In front, new cords in rear; bag only ran 7000 miles. Boom 408 Seward boteL FORD wanted, will aire "S0xT00lot, one block I com paeeo street, race gaoo, and some caen; wiu giro gooa omul auga nutn st. o. eg. 8AX0N BIX, B-pasaenger, naw top and new up holstering, cheap for eaah. Phone East 4028 or oav Kast Utn. HONEST bargain. .$1160 for my Elgin Six: praeimuj aww, equippea oompime; sin wbeaU. 1284 IMtUob st. Tabor 1231, $800 DOW? "WtJtX BUT Mt 11 UAX- WELL; RTTN8 AMD LOOKS LIKE NEW; B UUUU TillEH : iw MOMXtta Ufl SALAA UH. CALL TABOB 80. V , HUDSON SPEEDSTER T.l. mill BnmMAMtm A wl mm vltMla mwtA .11 oora tirea; penect conmaon teams u aesired. - 04 DAVIS. NEAR IOTH. 1920 Buick roadster, only run a" abort while. It takes 60 din ta a-et daliTar of a naw one; tuts one ts just like new; at a discount. Koom sua eewara no tel. 1919 COLE AEBO 8. sport model, ran less tan 1 nnn nniiM. mm -s . 11 . wonderful bargain. Mr. Bearer, 01913. either eivner pnone. lot asi jtroaaway. FOR . BALE! 1918 Maxwell touring ebaasia, partially burned: good for bug. Be at re pair abop, S40 North 28d it. Writs cash bid to v. a. uoinn. tub Board or Trade bidg. 1917 HUDSON super $. 7 passenger, good cord tires, repainted; regular factory guarantee) for vo days: a real bargain at iiiuu. casn or tenna. veil Tabor ao. T9T7 HUDSON - SUPER BIX Cord, tires, $800 down, guarantee and full serriee; enougb seidl Portland Car Bales Co. &tb and Taylor. FOR SALE 1914 Appersoa touring; would make ei client aerrice car; motor ia good Tun ning eondition 5 starts and lights good. Pries $110 cash. Phone Mala 8281. - HUPMOBILE BUG A going hound and as red as they make then; tarma if desired. - 404 DAVIS, NEAR IOTH. 1919 "MITCHELL 0 tonring, 6 peso., good as new, for $1090, terms; guajrantee and free service: enough said. Portland Car Salsa Co., 6th and Taylor. - MODEL 81 Overland, as good as new; en gine Just overhauled ; two extra tires; $300, balance easy terms. 862 E. 24th st Can after 4 p. m. FOR rainy weather yon will find our Elgin sedan a most comfortable car; glad to demonstrate it Ask for Mr, Bearer, C-1943. either phone. 54 Broadway. SEDAN . 1917 Cherrolet sedsn, looks like new; a. good ear for winter driving: a bargain; good terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR 10TH. NASH 1918 : Same aa new and looks the part; perfect me chanical condition: terms to suit your purse. 404 DAVIS, NEAR 10TH. 1818 MITCHELL light six, just overhauled and in beet condition; cord .tires, two new. A bargain for someone. 814 Chamber of conimerso iwg. FOR BALE Seven passenger Jeffries, just out or paint snop; a gooa eora tires; mechanical condition. A-4. This bny is a snap, as 1 am leaving town. Phone Mala 8231. CASH paid for old oars, condition no object; parts 'for all makes of care, Oregon Auto Ex ehasge. 129 Lowasdsle at 16th and Washington. Pboes Broadway 2668. STTJDEBAXER 8, new top, 5 new tins, the best car in town for $480. Sea. Jones at 421 Burnslde. Ill 8TCDE BAKER, big. Six, sevea-passengef, ' driven 2504 miles, 0 cord tirea, practically new; many extras. Will sail at a sacrifice or trade for a small car; terms. 1U llth st. bet Start and Wash. CLOVEKLEAF roadster Cole 8. fine condition. wire wheels, good cord tirea all around, one extra wheel and tire: 81160. WUl consider small car in trade. 446 E, llth at South. Phone Sell wood 2006. OVERLAND, model 85-4. new paint, food tires, good top and only $850. See It at 421 Bumaide. , MABMON TOURING ,fTms csr is in fine shape and the low prion will surprise you, especially when you see our terms. Would consider rrade. 404 DAVIS. NEAR IOTH. CHANDLER ITes had good care by private -party, good tires, three new; a bargain at $900. Phone owner, Marshall 1281. WHAT CAS you buy for $975 that win beat this oner Late 1917 Chalmers, B pass.. Can not be' told from a new ear, as has had the best of care..- Just overhauled from tires to motor. Every psrt of car O. K. Act quietr 109 llth st. bet Stark and Wash. - 2 . . CHEVROLET SEDAN Leaving town and must sacrifice my brand new 191 Chevrolet Sedan, Absolutely in per fect eoudition ; not a scrstch or mar on ft and rua lees than 1 00 0. miles. Cash or terms. Can at 1025 East 8th st North. Phone C 2162; near Alberta street 1917 CHXTROLXT. good tires and tn fine run. running order; tilting driving wheel, 1525: tomu. 42Q Belmont, ggt 1373. ? LOOK AT THESE SPECIAL PRICES Ford ' tonring, ' 1918.'. .... .". ... . ... .. $450 Ford touring. 1917, lots of accessories . . 485 Chevrolet roadster, 1917, just overhauled 625 Btndebaker roadster, 1918..... 750 Ford touring. 1914, overhauled, repainted d8S ALDER STREET GARAGE, 642 Alder at aor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. eaix xou wreck 'EM AND BEND IM. HER - O. G. GERBER. ' TBJ! RADIATOR MAS ' ImSJI. : It . , . . vuftjiM IFUftWft : TJftun - I W distort, bodies, fenders and eui auto aneei snetal parts. - NEW LOCATION - 11TH AND DAVIS, . OPP. THE ABMOBX, : BROADWAY 187S. GET OUR PRICES Before Buying ' r - . 101 N. llth, -1 1918 Elgin six ; snap. - 1919 Oldnaobile; Just Hke new. 1916 Ford touring; newly painted, 'a V . 1916 Studebeker atx in good shape. 1917 MaxweU; all aew Urea, 1 Chalmers bug. v ",. ,, 1' American Wonder bog.- - - 1 Stodebeker roadster, ,v, -1918 Ford touring. ' ', ' 1U1 It llth, - ATJT03IOBILES Xyi1 ACCESSORIES 44 CHEVROLET.- 1918. ft passenger; good sLapev new urea; 8660, terms. 11 6 llau at. . ' TH0K0UGlIBREDDschshud for sals7 able. Mans 1442. LATH 1917 Dodge, flna condition; bargain, tf soiq today or Monday. 8o East isamu sv $328 TOUKfNG ear, eleotrie befata and starter. . gooa snepe. gees lata sr. norxn. BRISCOE, lust orerhauled And in fine shape. f bis la a bargain. Kostell Bt, Uaraga. ONE HUP, i pass., lor sals at 34 Grand v ft. Any roaapnaMS p rice not rt used. 3 87x5 noD-akid auto tirea, cheap.- Wooeuawa 4T. CHAL1IERS, 7 pass., UghU. sUrter, good Urea. party mast seu; lea ring city. Journal. FORD touring, $425. Mr. Bearer, C-1843, eitner pnone. - bo Broadway. 1914 ft passenger Ford, good condition, new top. good tires. 0630 48th . 8. K. ? FOR - SALE Portable garage. 10x10, . East us FOB SALE 191$ Briscoe touring ear, best -of shape; terms. Smith, 490 Bnrneide.. -' , A BARGAIJr 00. late - model Ford. Three nearly stew. - No - agents. - Tabor ZBI4. TON AND TON aad haU xata truck. Only used as demolnatrator. Tabor 8062. MAXWELL touring, 1919 In first class shape. $900. 'Will giro terms. Phone Tabor 764$ Bunder ' only- 1918 CHALJEK88 pwenger. ran and looks like new: a be res in at' 11130: cash or terms. Call Tabor 880. - -a- - MAXWELL touring, must be sold - by 'tomor- - row; good condition; - 3673' for Quick sale, roruana car seies vo,, otn ana isyurr. - 1817 SAXON SIX, good condition; tools, 1 - spar : tire and rim. $850. Direct from owner. Call Broadway 6612. - v ' 1918 CHEVROLKS excellent eondition. new tirea all around. Ask for Mr .Bearer, G-194S. 884- East Broadway. SACRIFICE $420, Chevrolet touring oar, lat- est aaaioment looks new. runs flna. Tabor IBIS, BALE OB TRADE High- power .touring ear, Just OTtrhauIed, good tires, lighter car . or real estate wanted. Call East 6681 or 818 Monroe. HUDSON super sis. new paint: let us show it to you. lie. Bearer. C-1943, either phone. 864 East Broadway. FOB BALE by owner 1920 Ford, with starter; nia fcna than 100 miles. 8690. W. K. Oorbin. Estacada, Or.. B. B. 1. SERVICE STATION : Now located at Ninth ' and Ererett sU. Broadway 1142. FOB SALE by owner 1918 Ford roadater with dellTery bos on back; rery neat and better than a aew oo. AB asw tires, $550, E- loz, Jonrnal. tMMEDUTE deUrery of my-brand new 1920 model touring ear; will take your Ford. Che-r-rolet er Maxwell aa part payment. Call Adams, Tabor 630. FOR SALB by own it -New 1920 Maxwell. nerer been runs $1000. Cost $1176. E 101. Journal. , , . BEST BUT IN PORTLAND. A Boo 6-paasenger, 4-cyl. , absolutely a first class car, with lots of extras, including a spare tire and tire eorer, spotbgiit etc. Special price. $575. X. C. Warren Motor Car Co., 68 N. 28d. st Main 780. ATJTO TOWING AND WRECKED CARS DAT; MAIN 269 MIGHT: MARSH. 321 RELIABLE AUTO 8H0P v 207 SIXTEENTH STREET COMB on, you Cherrolet buyers. Here is a buy you cannot duplicate in town. 11)08 Chevrolet touring. Just overhauled; looks andrung like new; extras. Sea this car bow and think aflerwarda, G00J buy for dealers; $550. terms.. IPS lira st, bet Start and wasa. - STOCK Used Cars BIGHT WO MISREPRESENTATION ' Covey Motor Car Co. 1817 BUICX ft, , ft passenger; in splendid me chanics; condition, with good tires an around: I am obliged to make a auJek sale of this car. May be reea at Butler Motor Car Co.. at 867 E. Buntslde street, call K. 2l. SNAP Owner leaving city will sacrifice my Anper. son touring ear; good oondition: $400; can see ear at Bolton service' station, jutn ana Couch. Light' roadster $S7B This roadster haa wire wheels and one extra, seats three and runs fine. 8150 down. bsL easy, lets yon- drive it away; bonds at full vakte. oarage, litn at noyt at i FOB SALE I have a 1910 Pierce Arrow touring car, first class condition; also five passenger Cadillac touring car, which I will sell at a sacrifice or a trade. These ears must be dtfpbted-' of. ,- -,--' . - Call Bdwy. 93. Ask for Mr. Smith, " - TOURING CAR, $445 ThU is late '17 model and it ia fine ear, looks and runs like new. Take $150 down and the baL to suit Take bonds full value. -PORTLAND ELECTRIC GARAGE, llth at Hort st OPPORTUNITY knocks once at every marTs door; this is yours. 1818 Buick roadster, perfect mechanical condition; new battery, many extras, including 2 tires and motor pump; top and body very good condition. Seeing is con vincing; $500, terms. 109 llth st, bet Stark and Wash, THE owner of a 191$ Velie has left same with us for. sale with instructions to consider any offer within reason. Has new top, 6 good cord tires, wire wheels with extra, plate glass in rear, wind deflectors, in fact, this is a real car, well worth your time to investigate. "Call East 821 or see it at Butler Motor Car Co., 367 East Burnslde street near bridge.' $650 WILL take my B passenger Maxwell If you . act quick. it s in good condition and I'll give some terms, Wareham, 788 Overton n. runs mam bobi. RadiatorSsPenders, ihloods, Bodies, etc. ' MADB AND REPAIRED Burness Martin 15TH AND ALDER STB. WANTED A late model motorcycle as part pe.ymenx on a goon oeq car.- alar haU I4Z " CHANDLER CHtlMMT This is late '18 and has cords aad bumper back and front and wire wheels; novelty paint joo or oiue ana au tne rest 01 the things that go with a high-class ear; priced to sell. Garage, iiui si nan sc. 1915 WTNTOtf SIX mechanically' nerfact- good paint, J good tins; would consiaer t ugnier car as psrx payment C.HeS.CO.,' War. 1428. 66 N. 2Sd H. DODGE SEDAN, 'good tires, ft wire wheels., beautiful eondition, looks like new, $1360; can arrange terms with bank. Tabor 7494.. 428 E. 4 2d st N. 15,000 carried in stock. Our springs sold with a written guarantee. We giro yon service. 84 N, 15th st BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, PRICE $700 ON EASY TERMS. P. H. (PAT) DUNN 1652 -E. 13Ta ST. arTrr. J30.31' 1918 FORD sedan; alumlnnm pWona. extra braces. Bailey, thrust beanngv speedometer demountable nms with spare ma and tire all for $70O. An -exceptional buy. Another one with .lee Use starter. $800. terms. Fields Motor Car Co. CHEVROLET AGENTS 14TH AND ALDER . Open Sunday. . ? This Is spot model and has five wire wheels and five cord tires and teat coven gad light bnmpe e we oaa 1 show yon anything yon want to aee done. - The price k right and tenna -are better: and ' we can trade. If m, want the best used Stats this country mH this one St llth at Hoyt tt T r)UTUAl KLEUTHIC GARAGE- USED CAR BARGAINS New. Grant Six sedan, ma less than 1000 miles; will sacrifice for eaah or take small r. la trsde. - - - - . -- - , . sanau car Hup tonring; mechankaUy perfect, good rub Oakland 8, ft eorda; this Car looks and runs like new. . - . - -. - , :. ... -Willys-Knight roadster, fine eondition, ' Ctdillao touring, perfect ahape, tt tirea, ' lludsun 0-64: nine perfect r looks like new HT11KK, 880 Davie. W .: Open Buadayg and Ereninga, - '". AtrTOMOBILFS AJTD ACCKBSOBIBS 44 8TODDARD-DATTON, O-K eorftdittotvwffl saB ' a- sacrifice, t, Russell &t Garage. '- -. v 1813 RKOUG:' Just orerbaiiled. (276. 1011 B. 0th st. K. Wood lawn 34 87. ---- - ' A-l BTUDEBAXEtt car for aala, la tins ooadP .-. tion. Bnasea Bt Garagss. -1917 FOBD in good eortditlon."' $i46." "i8i6 OljrifcAfJ'isay 8ts -; 1918 Dodge, in best of condition, 6 new tires. 8950. 1310 Olympia gt , -; 1914 FORD ia good condition, 4 good tires. ww, wr si - e. w. yw. - ivo. BTDTi coupe, In .'fine condition, mechanically iteed. a snap at. $1060. terma, Port. ' gnaran Und Car Bales Co.. 5th sad Taylor. FOBD roadster, -1 16. ta best of condition, with good tires r will sell at 1450, with tsrmx 30 Grand are. W., near Buntatde. y v SIX CTLINDEB Salon; good tires, -and in A-l condition mechsnicsllr. 73$ BooasTelt at - - ' -' - 1917 COLE 8 roadster. $450 down, orwul - Uke smslUr 0ar la' trade; free aerricev Port land Car Bates Co., 6th and Taylor. Kew bug. looks great; good terma. ' " 404 DAT18. NEAB 10TH. ' CHEVROLET touring. 1918, fat bast of eotv dition; wUl sac mice at $626. with terms. 80 Grand ara. N., near Barnsida, - - -PAIGE ROADSTER This one will not last long aa it goes tor 450. eue in, ssak ism FOB SALE Chevrolet in good condition; a bar gain. Phone Mate $118 weak days after p. - .-Jf. - P.-Hansen.--4i: 1918 BUICK BIX. 6 pass., ia Al' condition; . terms to reeponaibla party. Call after , ft p. m; is,- xstn st. 1913 HUPMOBILE lor sale cheap; il4f cash, wuaftrov .v w o auBun.: uui enguie r nn ! 1A ft.,' a v. I nnm-m, ' FORD bug. torpedo body, good tires, some ex- trss;. vrill sacrifice at $450 and ire terms. ovtirana ave. ri.t near ituniaMe, FOR SALE Overland 1917 6. 7-pasaenger. in good condition, by owner. . SOS Richmond st, Bt.' Johns.- - 1 - ---.' MAXWELL, 191$, touring, in fine condition; good tires; will sacrifice at $1025. and five irons, an v. rang ave. a., near nnmsiae. FORD roadster, 1918 model; a bargain! The r-eeneas .racuu jo .. 1 v ; je ront st uarssv J901. 1 , NEW 191ft Westeott lust 'run enough to be in fine shape; no other bny. can equal this. ituaseu be. usrsge. LATE 1917 Ford touring, $426 for quick sale.' TAftl.n J-. u. T ..ft. m 1.- .""."I WW JVj WW 11N A.JiftW. COLE $4x4. $170. - - Good engine. 664 Al- UCl VSg, attrxTCA, A, $185 TAKES a Cadillac. extra tirrs. See Brace's car at Roblnaon-Bmlth Co.. 6th and Madison sts. - LIGHT BOADSTEU. 1917, electric starter. lights, spotlight sod two lots, all clear, re stricted;, want trade improved acreage or bun galow. B-iua, journal. BUICK. lBTa 6. "roadster, recently overhauled aad equipped with cord tires and bumper; a bargain for $850; will consider terms. Taboa OH9T COLE AERO ft Practice rfv a new car and can't hm nut fn. speed; good terms. 404 DAVIS, NEAR 10TH. STUDEBAKER BUG A dandy bug, bright green, and lots of (peed; your own terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR 10TH. FRANKLIN car in good condition; will trade for email acreage. Main 6601. 707 Oregonian bug. CHANDLER chummy. lftfsT fine condition. 81860. terms: guarantee and ttm arvic; enough said, Portland Car Sales Co., 6th and lajior. GOOD 5 PASSENGER 1917 MODEL SAXON. RECENTLY OVERHAULED AND PAINT ED. SATISFACTORY TERMS. R. H. BROWN. Woodlawn 1731. or Broadway 4080. FORD for aala. $500. Can yoa Judge tt from a new one? 603 Spokane ave. Sellwood 1769. $900 TAEO roadster, ft ttm new paint the nest tteo yon ever, drove away and only $900. Jones, at 421 Bumgide. ; , DODGE Sedan. 1918. iuat like new. S dn wheels, used -privately, a real bargain at isuu, wiui terms; consider smaller ? car In trade. 80 Grand .ave. N., near Burnslde. FORD top and back curtains. 32 oa, rubber, slightly defective, - all , made good as ever. Columbia Auto Top Co., 357 Burasida, Broad- wayzvio. OVERLAND CHCsf sf T "sna Electric lights and starter, top and good me chanical eondition; terms to responsible people. 404 DAVIS. NEAR 10TH. r" T S rj. Tf nn sir ,-x- , . Late model Dodge, looks and mas Uke new, A bargain with long terma. 404 DA V13. REAR 10TH. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, tiles: " we vises in maaee os cars in seu tiietr parts at half price. David Hodee Co., North Broad- evm j gnu k Agsuudiiv. STODDARD-DAYTON roadster with lota of pep; first class mechanical condition: two spare tires, tubes, 'enamelled cream. This is me oar tor anyone oesinng power. Would ronas wonoenni Trues, uneap. Tabor 2066. r DODGE. TOURING CAR Five passenger Dodge, good mechanical con dition, good tires.- Price $726; $250 down, $80 monthly. . Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 AJuer. FOR finam-ial I'. vra mntt MjaWttm a, T Oakland touring car; perfect eondition ftuimiiKTHi,, aovxi um suu spates, oasn or terms. Bee Mr. Hug gins. 269 HaU st Phone Mar ehall 8410T any time. 83 OVERLAND, new paint Job, new top, A-l ahape; terms. 420 Belmont st East 1675. HAVE 2 ears Cole 8 and Nash ft; forced to ftwu u. nn wm aacnnce. inquire 460 Ev 27th , st H. Phone Bast 2870. 1918 CHEVROLET, good shape. $628. 420 Bebaoat East 1576. $150 DOWN, balance to suit buys a fine xjmmumo wuniif car. , aew ores paint The price, is right C.H.S.CO., Mar. 1428. 5 Tf. 23d st v ,. TJTfAT. sisrii nf . 1918 Overland, new rubber. Iota of extras. Ford tonring csr, 5 new tires, a real buy . Chevrolet 5 pasiengar tonring, perfect condi- ' 866 2d. Main 6852. OARAGES. Prices on eppHcgtfoa. Beady Cut Houses MIIXMADB CON8TR0CTK)lt COMPANY . 1801 U union av. N, weouiawB 3418. " ""' ..TJSED CAR BARGAINS . Chandler Chummy. Series (9) 1 Franklin, ri ? - - 1919 Hup.' - i '' ' v Willys-Knight (S) 7 pass., ft new cord tirea. . Willys-Knight (4)7 passenger. Hudson. 7 1 passenger; new tires. Port, new -all around. ' Oakland 6, new. i . Chalmers ft roadster; (ood tirea. Terms to suit E. E. WILSON 90 N. Broadway. - . Breadwey 3247. BUY NOW; 1917 Oakland 0. rotiitfr ............. $f5H5 1917 Overland County Club, wire wheels. . 625 1913, Oldsmobile. mechanically perfect, - good condition , ........... j ...... . 250 East Burnslde Garage E. 10th aad Bnmtidel ft,..- lUti ..m .ftra RMiftfti f -01 01x3 fisut'ng. . 41 ton Packard, . worm drive, new tires, just uir s vacs lor - usuuus - svsia maicruus. Both tracks are in A-l eondition meohaat. esSy; onr shop reports will arose this. . . Light deltrery tracks. White. Ford. Repub lic. Beo and.XJppard-Btewart. at bargain prioee. N THE WHTTB COMPAJfT, ' . - . ,!: Itrk and Couch ts. D. C. .WARREN MOTOR CAR COMPANY 58. N. 23d St Main' 780. VELIE -PEERLESS- -ALLEN aasj terma s. We also trade.:-.--,- 1917 Btudebaker. 4-eyl.i ft good W. $650 1917 8a ton ' Slav special top ....... -v. 600 1817 VeHe. thoroughly oeerhanled. See 1 H. 191S Velie, repainted, new tires.. ;.. 1400 JS1I S'fi" " cn 450 1618 Beo. a wonderful buy. . . . . ; . . ... 659 Late model Peerksse and Velio. 7-paas.; Suapa. Open Evenings and Sundaya. -, APTOMOBILE8 aH"D ACCESSORIES 44 THE best bay in towa in Alco bug. at your own pnee for cash, Bnasea Bt uerage. GARAGE for rent Apply 1623 Alameda drivel Tabor 2084. .-- - - ' - ' ' :': VULCANIZING dene at reasonable prices, Chest arewonogsy no union ave, HEW Chevrolet delivery ear. good condition; ran -WOO tnilea. 10 79x1s W. - " CLASSY wire wheel. 6 cjrhnder 1818 roadster, good eondition. $955; private earner. Ta bor 3143. - FOBD CHUMMY ROADSTER - -; late mode) Ford. 4 peas.. Briscoe body. one man top.-ad available extras; cost over $700 to build; going tor $450, with terms. 404 PAVJS. NEAR IOTH. FORD BUYERS ; See us for bargains in used Fonts. Tonring. - Roadsters, Track. Light Deliveries. - . ROBINSON-SMITH CO. - ' - Authorised Font Dealers. . Btxth and Madison. - : . Mala 1100. NOW IS "THE TIME to have your tires re treaded. Economy, safety, . non-skid. Prices reasonable, correct snethod. experienced . work men, satisfaction enarantaed. - If roue tire Is not worth repairing, we will tell you. Money saved uu m, sos am urvs. . - i VULCAN TDXE SHOP, 41 Grand ava - Phone E. 4896. , PORTLAND ATJTO BADIATOB , BBOP We stake and repair bodlee. fenders, rsdistors, wind shields, la as pa. gas tanks, oil pans, eta Speedster bodaes a aepcialty All - work guarantsed. S86 Aldrr st eea 17tkv Pbxnftk Bdwy. 64 L i CASH FOR ; AUTOMOBILES TO0 BUT OR' BELL A CAR. . WH FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG- (Second floor.)1 EIGHT per cent money to lend en automobiles. I will advance money it you want to sen your cat and will sell your csr on small com mission. P. H. (Pat) Dunn, 1652 E.. 13th tt Sell 1398. 1918 BABT GRAND tearing ear. See this demonstrated and -you will bny. They cost 81450 new. Weill sell this ens and guarantee it for $900. - Two more we will sell under the ie condition, $800 and $950. Fields Motor Car Co. CHEVROLET AGENTS 14TH. AND ALDER . Open Sunday. FORD OWNERS: When you need, genu ine Ford parts or acces sories, go to. William L. Jiughson Co. 60 N. Broadway. Broadway 821. NEW STOCKROOM. GROUND FLOOR. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. With glazed glass in back curtain ; victoria aide curtains with glased glass; bumper, mcto meter, cigar lighter, extra tire and tube; car has only ran 140. railes. Immediate delivery. Price $875 cash or terms. Car can be seen at 514 Alder St. or phone Bdwy. 494 for dem monstration. Ask for Mr. i f FII1S 1 1920 Ford roadster, run 100 utfiea, 1 1919 Ford roadster, good as new. 1 Ford Tonring. 1 one-ton truck. 1 delivery, in fine ahape. Look them over. Good buys. Ford ears Ford Parts Ford aerrioe. Bring your repair work to us.. RUSHLIGHT f ENNEY. INC., Authorised Ford Dealers 868 E. Broadway, corner E. 8d at Phone East 802. East 303. C-1361. V JUT BACK FROM SAN - FRANCISCO with a large "assortment of high-class used ears. Xtadges. B nicks, Oldsmobilas, Chevrolet. King 8. light Winton. ft. Fords, tourings, light Buica 4. Ford" trucks, also Stut roadster, ' Chalmers roadster and many others. If yon are la the market for a used car. yon eaa't go wrong. THE PORTLAND 4 & SAN FRANCISCO -USED CAR COMPANY 856-Burnslde at, . Broadway 89S5. WUl - accent BAerty- "bonds or diamonds as part payment Liberal terma. MAXWELL CHANDLER HUDSON REO 6 - REO 4. -Cole-S Club - Roadster & Cylinder Chevrolet All in good eondition . and at . . -. Very low prices.' NORTHWEST AUTO CO - ' . Alder, at 18th, " w . Simonton Motor Car Co. Guaranteed Used Cars . Here Is the List for y- Today v A 1817 Buick roadster, -very classy. - 1917 Mite hell S passenger touring, fhse shape. 1918 MaxweU, newly painted. - . 1916 Overland chBatmy, splendid shape. -191 Chevrolet - 1915 Ford roadster. 3918 Overland tonring. . ' 1916 Btndebaker 6. Others to select from. Very easy te BM..B 1. Simonton Motor Car i '" 14th nd Conch tt . Phone Broadway 12L " I l(inyi,t8 A1TP ACCESSOBIES 44 DO YOU want to trade your small ear for a larger one! If no I have a 7 -pass., ft-cyL 191S Btudebaker ; Just pat en ft new tires, mechani cally guaranteed, driven ohly a : short time bee me at .. .. - - 109 llth st, bet' Stark and Waeb. - AUTO . SHEET ' METAL ' WORKS ; -. . Harry Leaps J. O. Wrigba. : HADIATORS. FENDERS, . .WINDSHIELDS REPAIRED. t. Speedster Bodies firsts Cut Down -far Camp Beds - a Specialty. - - ACETYLENE WKLDINQ : AU Work Gntranteed, -864 EAST BURNSIDK ST. (At the Bridge) Phone E. 724. 191 FORD tonring ear. Complete set of est- the special price of $475 terms. Fields Mn1rrr. f!fiit fV . CHEVROLET AGENTS 14TB AND ALpEB ' r t tiktn finnssi v USED FORDS ' 1 91 T Ford rotdstef. fin ahape. ' 1918 Ford roadster, like new. ' '' - 'Ford tourings, an models at snap prices. 1918 Ford truck, fine shape. - , Easy Terma,' V ' , William L. HughsonCo. $0 N. Broadway at Davis. . 'Broadway 82L Ford Parts Ford Repairing. . . .. . i -. . Authorised Ford Dealers, .- PACKARD , TWIN SIX $3350 "421 BTJRN8IDE. SECTIONAL GARAGES CAN BE SHIPPED ANYWHERE Modern Construction Co. 818 B. llth st Phone East 4114. WASHING ' BT GEORGE EVANS. EXPERT WASHER SIMONIZING SPECIAL GARAGE BATES 83.80 per month, day storage. $6.00 per month, day and night. SPEEDWELL GARAGE 14TH AND COUCH Cars of the Better Kind 1618 Bnick 6-pasa., spotlight, bumper and extra tire. . - 1917 Grant 6, 6-pess. t a snap. , Baby Grand Chevrolet, fine condition, 3 extra tires. . t ' Cadillac, a real comfort car; cords aU around, one extra. 1918 Ford, speedometer, first class condition; $200 will handle. - - - . - 1917 Dodge roadster, extra tire and bumper, first clsss condition. - 1917 5-passenger Dodge tonring, extra tire and bumper. Bee this csr, for 2 daya only. Btudebaker 6, 7 -pass.. Just the ear for hire or stage; today only $476. 1818 Chevrolet, newly painted; 6 snap. 1918 8axon first class eondition; looks Uke new. i - ' . USED CAR PALACE 61 UNION AVE. N. EAST 7717. TermsNo Brokerage OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS BUICK LIGHT SEX BtnCK, BIX ROADSTER ...... OAKLAND LIGHT SIX SAXON'CIGHT SIX f. PAIGE LIGHT 'SIX , ' '.'jFRANKLW SIX , 1 STCDEBAKEB SIX. 7-PAS3. . ; - CHAKDLEB BDC. 7-PA88. . BTTJTZ SIXTEEN VALVE 18BCP. "IS MAXWELL 19 MAXWELL ROADSTER OVERLAND LIGHT FOUR CHEVROLET TOURING j. FORD COUPE, WITH STAklER. -r NEW ONE-TON TRUCK. $650. . Prices $250 to $275. r TermsNo Brokerage' OPEN 8CNDAT AND EVENINGS C. O. BLEASDALF,, 330 ALDER STREET THE PORTLAND ELECTRIC GARAGE, " UTU AT HOYT STS. We have - a fine- select line of good de peirJable cam at right prices. .Terms that yoa can meet and will take your bonds at full value, snd i we .-da wot charge, brokerage- Below, is a list:' - , Statx 4 passenger, sport model, and has ft new cord tiles that are oversise, end all the reot of the extras -that go with thia popular ear -to make thra wanted, and so bard to get one, extra wire' wheel to, aad the price la low, and, we. cad take ear in trade and give good terms. - ' - - . : : - OAKLAND TOURING '17. Thla light six it a real one;, baa 4 new nan skid ttret and some ether extras; low price f $825, with $250 down, bal. easy. ",. 0VERLAJfD17 TOLREJO. This 5 passenger car. is in fine rnnnlng ahape and has extra fine rubber, end ' the low price of $4US, with $200 down, baL easy. Will make this one move qnlcUy; take bonds. is buick. Mclaughlin. This Buick 'is like new in every war, aad haa all the features of the good, dependable American Bulcta, and a lot added from -the B. C. ones. 1 Low ptkw and long, eeay terms. . ' , -v , BUICK ROADSTER. - ; This is the early 'IS model, aad believe ms, it is ready for the auto show; has been revas nished and has ft new cord tirea and glass wings on wind shield and leather top, and low pries, and baa ail the appearance of new one, Bee it before baying. - ; - , : - COLE EIGHT TOURING. This Is in fine running order and has lots of power, and if your wants demand a T rata eager r, the -price at tew and the terma are long -and easy, - . .-.. ' . 1T MAXWELL TOURlNd ;m : This Is one. real barcain' at $525.. with come down, baL. easy, and the3 car has all the looks a new one could -have... la, bonds or Ford ia traae. .- - - - - . . . - . Packard twia six totrring. cords and other ex tras, and rone perfectly. - ftit te " HUPP TOURING -. This is oas of the bis. is refuiwhsd and noil do the hump on bigh. witn ail the people you can get in it i Iw oric7 long terms, and one that will rSase iaJ' TW 1 a fine HtUe eight car atwt .. ii. is $315, with ftis ctor0tb(!"r?I,S! and we can taae tmnu at full value. This hay Red Heal motor end u ,;', tnr a! Hver, and can show you Uif 5 PORTLAND FT.ErTnir; r.,Tt.rP 11TU Ar Hun sxV. E o Sill? AUTOMOBILES ATTD ACCESSORIES 44 1HS BIGGEST AND BEST BUYS IN PORT LAND IXX)K THEM OVER AND DECIDh) FOR . YOCBSELF. - ,-";'."---. . -,. -i-'-.-.v''.i-?, .:,.ii-.H-',;.-i.', tSB:' 191ft Cadniaw. - -" 1919 Huptoobllav Bret elsse every respect $1100. " 161$ MitohaU.' excellent ootdttJon and only 900. 1911 Ttodge, Jost wot at the shop; ftftTft. 1913 Buick. $10. 1914 Appersoa. hsrt think Of Jt, $1$0. -191ft Brkeoe. $450. ' SMITH1-ATmltm.J Pack , aad Conch Bat t -r, SPECIALS Hupaobfle Boadster, only. . .$$80 Dodge Boadster ......... ,.9900 Maxwell Touring -r.-. $473 Ford Touring ,, .$850 SnprnobOe Tonring .U..t70b Overland Tonring . , . ,-rr. ... ..... . f 500 1 '- . 'OSEB CAR EXCHANGE 8. W, Cornsr 13 th and Washingtoa. OVER SUNDAY SALE OF USED CARS Several used card ta Select from. Our ears ars la first .class condition. Xash sedta. g ear for gay lady. ........ $2000 Cole Eight, T-paat, pew tires, aew paint. $1$00 Wmyn Bit. best bay in town. . . .. . .... $900 Overland,, nsodel 88, 4-oyl, new paint.. $850 Rm roadsUr. tirea, new paint $900 Stuts roadster a dandy ...;'........ . $760 Saxon Six, new paint .ii...... $500 Ford Delivery, 1813 $850 Studsbaker Six, new top, I ttrgs...... $450 liberty, bonds at face value, Tour oaf tsksn W part payment on any of - .r - our cars. -.'. 1-. - .. : - ':: - " Portland JVlotor Car Co. 421 BURN 8 IDE STREET, AT TENTH Open Snaday 10 to 2 p. m. Ask for Jones. . s TERMS GIVEN 1919 Jordan ft past 1919 Jordan 7 past. , - Iftlft Donglae T pass, 191ft Mltoliefl ft pem 117 Ten ft nasa, . -1917 Maxwen ft paat ' SftlT OrerUnd ms, Iftlft Btndebaker T pass. ' SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROaf USE 'CAB . DEPARTMENT MITCjIjELL,' LEWIS STIVER CO., EAST FIRST AND MORRISON WEST SIDE SALES ROOM BROADWAY AND OAK STS. PHONES: Esst 7J7S. B-1216 Broadway 61ft, A-83-18 TORDSI.'FORD'S! , - l' ' - -T -:ii - .'-.V v-- 1 - . - .. .-lift- - - r . .- .1 Some Very. Good Buys EASY TERMS " - ' - - --... . 191ft Ford Tonring, several extras, Iftlft Ford Tonrtng, Uke ave.' 1918 Feed ltoadster. Ska aew.' " - - ' 1$1S Ford DeUrsry, 'wptn pody, 191$ Ford Tna. HVe new. 1918 Ford Tinok. Kke new. - f ZftlT Ford Tcenrlag, Iota ef gxtrat, ' ' 1917 Feed - 1 - - everhsled. ' ' - 1917 Ford Tearing, very reeionsble. - CLASSY FORD BUG V -'",' ' . Iftlft Dodgs Tonrtng. look and I like aew. " -' ' ' - EASY TERMS ' . t '' PALACE GARAGE CO Anthorlxed Ford Pesters. - t , Twelfth aad ift(arit Streets Broadway 1ST. "' ' A-2442. ..1- -fttA4aol8, AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES ' FIRST ANNUAL1 USED CAR SALE OF THE LEWIS E. 0BYE MOTORS CO. Portland's Largest .Used Car Dealers .s Are (iolng to Clean' - House. . - ' Prloes will positively be Unghtgraft for the nett ten dayt, - ''-v.. Compare our prices with ether need ear - ' sale prices and yoa will be convinced that : this It the "SsU of Sales." We hart $75,000 worth of the finest nsed earn ' that money can buy and practically all of them bare been nompleteiy overhauled :. aad painted, some of them hare new tops and some have been retired and every one of them is right, if they're not we'll . make em right - - f- -,- . V 3 .- . -.-:--r .:; Bight here, folks, tt a point we want v yon to think over real seriously. When . yon enter either one of our atlas rooms, the first that meets your gsse is NOT some old wreck or rails that some despair ing owner has by Ui. use of some ether, a few extra dry batteries and a good strong vocabulary, coaxed out of its three years , resting place aad induced to run dowa as , far as Auto Bow and teft couching eu in front of some nnarmed dealers' estab lishment long enough for said owner to ' go in and. convince said dealer that ha V wouldn't even think of trading it If tt wasn't too high powered for Ids wife's ' mother to drive, etc, eta, NO I Bush is NOT the case here, . Every oar yon see on our floor haa been purchased by a man who under stands nsed cam from A to t for the sola purpos. of resale, : Not one of thesa has beta traded in on ft new oar. , . . We have only Standard makes and all- ' late models. Every one carefully selected . and risidly inspected before 'being pur-';, chased. We are offering yon the CREAM of the Used Cars of tie Facifia " ' Coast MAKE YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY . Save From $10 to $1000 Our easy payment plan makes it possible for everyone to own a car. ONB THTRD CaBH AND TH BALAV0B IN TEN EQUAL PAYMENTS. LIBERTY BONDS .TAKEN AT ICE V NUF'CED. It's Up to You Now Ths following ear eaa be geea at ear West - Bide salesroom. 40 N. Broadway, sit Coach gt, : ' Btoidebsksr, 4 ert. ft pass. ...,7. $198 Oakland ft, touring ..,.$2Si . Amerlesa -Roadttsr ,$273 - Ford tooring ..v., ,,,,.$3:ft -- Saxon Six roadster, dandy .....$S9( OrerUnd touring ............ ..$891 MUohsU, I pats., a surprise .... ..$465 TJayuin motOToycla .............ft IS Overland Chnmin,, wire whsels,i.,$493 Mttcben tonring, lata model .',',. $5SI " Series ft B rrtnkHn. Iftlft Esses. ' "' 191ft Hay net ' 1918 Jordan. ' 191ft Buick. Iftlft Dodge. 191ft Paige, 1918 Maxwell.- 101ft rntxV V Iftlft Grant Iftlft Ford HIT Chevrolet 1917 Maawen. Iftlft Dodge, LOTS OF OTHERS w The following oars eaa be teen tl oat East Side salesroom, 12 Grand tvsL, near Burasida. Iftlft StadsbakeT ft touring. , Sllf Stephen awtng. " ' 191? Haynes I towtng. 1917 Hndton super ft totirtng. , lftlT Oierrolet tngtTJng. JftlT Maxwefl totirin," , l$h TB wxrtnc. , ; '1917 Stndsbaker 4 speeisl.' ,' .- ' ; iftlft Fori tonring. ... , Yy "' 1917 TJodge deBverj. - 1917 Buick ft touring. . '' Iftlft Dodge tonring, ? . I. ii. i- V,:-' . -. -.V , ; .' 'fifty mara to shoes, frost. . ' t h , ' Remember,' hv absotaUlr n r s gaud for valnes. Prioet ere out to the ' core. KVBHY nsed ear most be aosd during this sale, ' Store Open Evmlngs gad Sundsys, ' y ASK THE MAN -WITH THE BUTTON ", 'Ct. I : ,'i V; ' ' LEWIS E. 0BYE ; JVIOTORS CO,- : Broadway at Couch St. - - - ' v AKD - 12 GRANDAVE. No ' Near Burnslde v . 1 kesterarTjaultng. larze stock mvveil. jJbor b628. Main 3030. .....