THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUliNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING, ' OCTOBER ID. IS 13. 0 t HEAT, ESTATE ACREAGE 1? 10 ACRES -' LOGANBERRY LAND ' CIom to cannery, pgvd road And torn: finest oil la th rountry (or th purpose; bont 9 mile (ran ' th city hmiu of Portland; pric 1000( 1100 euh, balance monthly. . ... ,;; - 40 ACRES $1200 ,' SO acta tlmwt ckind tud ready for the plow, on county mad,, school and cream route; only a for rod from a new sawmill ; worth $50 per aer; 200 cash.' balanc monthly. ; - 30 ACRES ALL IN CULTIVATION S miles from oitr limits of Vancouver: 00 food road; lvdara lux!, tho kind that raise onions, : 'no ouu; sua, ow eno to gait . ..-: v V 20 ACRES' . - Highly improved, ,'B mils from Portland. 1 sere in euitivatioo, 4-room bous and orcbud. Pric (220 per aero; Itnrn, , . . BUNDY, 21S Br- Etch. Bid. Opes Sunday. 10 to 12. -v . -v. . ... i r ;.-v-i- - ' ' . CLOSE W PABTLT IMPBOTED 40 acres. 18 acres under cultivation, be.1 . ance brush awl plenty of timber for do ' '-mastic purpose; sverflowing ering; best "ol toll, no rock or graves; $5600. vary ,ood terra. - . ;-vV ''lV'-"'' '''.:'"'')'-'' ' - 40 ura, adjoining tho above tract. 0 mi and cultivation, 3 room box boom. ' plenty of timber, good soil. Frio $4200. - food. term. , Both "roTHce art loeatad by travelled mad, 1 mile from Tualatin station, about - 12 mfloa from Portland. Nona batter, for tba pric ked. , . -E. A. Lindorew, -, Seven Land Co.. 035 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 681. A CHEAP ACREAGE Flv acrea, $280; $10 down, $5 month burs 8 urea of land between Portland and Cen tralis, ea tba main Una of 8 railroad; ltt to IH mile from good Uttlo town; aawmillt and logging camps m immediate vicinity: aomo el this land ta partly cleared; running stream; aome bot tom and anme benob; thi sereag priced from $25 to $75 per acre. Can sir 10a any kind f a piece yen want CJHARLES DELFEL - ' , 818 Railway Exchange bids. CBEEK BOTTOM LAND Located on tho pavement, 2 blocka from ate- non. a muea eeat or city, a ana a fraction asree. all under cultivation, ever 100 good bearing fruit tree, large amount ot logtnDernes, gooa lence, 4 room boo finished downstair and room for 2 room upstair, also email ceiled house, chicken hooae, barn and garaga. This land ia not anb jeot to overflow. Paved road all tho way out. Price $4700, $3000 cub, balanc at Per aonaUy intpacted. Photo at office. John Far aTiiton. Oerlinger bldg. , POBTUaUD BXIQHTB AGKM $1600. $000 eegh, hut think of what bar gain this mast be, in this fin district. Pine, sightly aero, all cleared, rich aoll, wonderful unobstructed . view; no - rough land, lays fine, faces on paved road; improvement paid; all eity - conveniences. . short distance car. To eloae tip business matter moat aell quick and make big aaerlfie. otherwise wouldn't aell Under 8500. 1H 07, Journal. . I MTTRT BELL MT PLACE Ten acre, highly improved, only 80 rods from station, en Oregon electria; take car at jeliersoB at., ana get oir si urenoo, only eu mil-utes' ride: station agent will tell you how to get to my place, uome ngnt out ob tne board walk and I win show you the place. 1 am compelled to raise money and will sell now 'for $8000. This is $1000 below it actual eaH value. Bee Joha Bolmaahan. owner, Orenco, ur. d6WI ON THE COLUMBIA $.1000 cash buy a aplendid 40 acre ranch 4 mils from Bt. iieten, m mUe to Tinkton, 20 acre ia oultlvation, 18 acre slashed and seeded, all - feneed and eroas fenced, running creek and good spring; 7 room plastered house in gooa condition, gooa barn, chicken house, too tirtiiM mnA .Rtnka hnuia tm mnnA nmA Obi is a splendid little home ranch. Fred W, German Co:, .732, Chamber of Com. Open Son. and evenings. 1 . m, CLOSB. TO PORTLAND 25 M - acres in Qresham, 7-room - 'modern house, bath, cement baacmrnt, fireplace, electric, barn, 8fli22; 2 weQa, milk house, lt20, ce ment floor, iron - stanchion, all in culti vation, bearings orchard, macadam road on 2 ides, fine rich soil, team, wagon and baxneas and . imi lroiMiti: $11,000: tcrma. 8 CHAMBEfUOr COMMEHCB. 'BEVWOOD REALTY X. ON CXP1TOL HIOHWAT ' - ' NKAH THlARI)n.I,R JPlTt acre of nice land with Urg frootage on ja pavement, gooa sou.. iu aula trom cen ter of city. Prio $S75 per acre, one-third eaahyK Also acres on good road near the high way, all good land. Prtoe $200 per acre, one third cash and long time on balance at Both personajly inspected, John Ferguson, Gar- CLOSE TO METZGER 8 acres, located eloae to Metzgar. fine beaver meadow. CreAk through plaoe. Located con venient to station. All can be cultivated and Irrigated; 8 aaree nnder cultivation. Prio $300 Per acre. One--third cash. Balance easy terma ac o per cent. . rersonsuy inspected. John Ferguson, Oerlinger bldg. SUBURBAN .84 aore. With buildings; 0 acres bearing appies, a acre line waiouu; block to station cn O. XL. 12 miles out: $5000 cash and terma. Worth ft and will pay interest on twice this laoun a, - CLKVELANrvnEntDKRROX CO. 212 HaUway Exchange BMg. Main 8T52. iFOCR acre near Beaverton, H mile from ElecK trie depot,' sidewalk to place, all under cultiva tion, 8 ft acree beaverdam land, gaa, well, city rater available, Creek throng h plaoe, 8 room lath-and-plastered house, chic ben home, hog- Vimiw- l mile 'mm flanviM wnmA Tr4n Si IDI) ,$60O 'cash. Personally inspected. Photo al eriico. jonn rerguson, uerimger Didg. . Only 2 H mile, from 82d tt on paved Powell Talley road: 2 acree cleared, 1 acre good timber, balance brush land; ideal location for suburban borne, chickens or berries. . Price only $8000; terms,- $500 down, balance ey. , LUEDDEMASN COMPANY $18 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8987. ITeATiTIFCL COLOMBIA VIEW ACRES 1 - mile east of the center of Vancouver, Wash., overlooking Ura Columbia river, with city water; make your selection now. Prio $S50. easy tenss. .. call cn vn . tt DHRDAHL CO. (Ine.) slain 4252. 82a Ablntn KM. . tfflff TV lUDDnctn innvi';;p ' ... ma . bu AUU,AUA 0nt 80r OM- Any direc-tlo-. Some oa Improved roads, with buildings and orchards. -Home eloae to electric trans tion. All personally inspected, appraised and photographed. Photos at office. roar effi cient saleamea with auto. John Ferguson. Uer linger bldg. - Z ' Logged off lands Tract 8 acre ok, located within 80 raflea f Portland, oa railroad; good soil, ne rock, pleaty of water; work ; buy n yonr own terma, 818 Chamber of Coasmerce. WlKE your own lirlug.- acres, cleared, fir, - soil, 60 fruit trees, small house, near earl Price reasonable! take some trade. 720 K. STBTRBAW ACREAGE J$ 4 BLOCKS COUNCIL OBJEST CAB tma 2?. 106 ft o pavi toad; city water, gas. etc. r ail lion paid; real beauty spot with all kind of treea. ?n,b"Lcl'ri t: look, like a park; wot? iV?o.!l bi acririce for Hrl tL ,Bn"'ily the biggest bar- fI 'K. noToege; only 80 minute 6tb and Washington. . muie . KASER gt BACS'ET, " ' 2 828-8 Gaaco bldg. Mar. 8125. , WTJBTJRBAIf HOMES - t - 10 aere of black, loamy sou, 8 of which are in eumvatkm; good well , and creek; 72 assorted fruit tree. "5 years old; 4-room house barn - 24x80. good nog sad ohlckea house: 2 esstw Fred -, Vr. German Co., 782 Chamber wMimwga -pen cynaaya ana evenings. OREGOH ClTTr" Li.N'lEl " , rotjR blocks moH oak gbovb AH under cultivation, , fruit, treea and aome ferrtav 4 room double-constructed house (good foundation) . gas. electric lights, built-in eloeets, hiekerf hnnse, rhtckea runways and 1 wood shed. Prir $1800, 1550 down. Personally inspected. Phot at office. John Fergunow. Oerlinger bldg. bANDt k room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basemeiit fine bath fii tnresv' H acre.- 8 blocka to ear, well furnished. 6L 8UKBAN - acres and good Bouse and"ern and outbulldinaa for. sale ea cany terma. or ill . trad iof .. eitr - proyerty. Phone Wood lawn 818. 1 , , 9 REAL E8TATR SUBURB AX HOMES 71 ON THE Lake road, on the paved highway. Tea cannot leav it from the business center to the gate. In a high class suburban district no more beautiful- plaoe to live thaa tlii district, Here are 84s acres of land, all of of it ready mosey; every kind of fruit grows and ia full bearing. It is a commercial orchard vx the fruit crop alone 1 sufficient to iadnc a person to buy. 'There Is a grape patch with almost a acre, and the strop of grapes this year should bare netted the owner 81000. All right, there are the grapes, the apples,' the cher ries, the prone and all kind of small fruits, whiok positively insure a yearly income of tma 8200 to 84000. Thar is a house large and oAmodions, very substantially built, with a ton basement. It la Dot a modern, classy bungalow, but tt la rood enough for a family to live ia with all the comfort of any other bouse. It .-has city water, gaa and electricity. The land outside ot wbat ta to -fruit will pro duos all of the bay and vegetable required t tho location Is- only 1 mile from tho carlin and station. This property belongs to a womaa who is unable to work the place or rare for it, therefore sbg offers it to some person practi cally as a gift. About 88000 la all you need, with about half cash payment down. M J. CLOHESST. ABIXGTON BLTKJ. ONLY $6000 and ponder seriously over this. On the Base Lis road, the paved highway from the busfnes center leading into the Ca himbia highway. .There Is no parallel tj tbt offer. - Her ar 10 big acre . of land, rty inch of it in euMvetioa feeing on this paved highway. Only three blocks from the Electric csrline, you hare nearly all of the city ccm vrnienee on the street in front of this place. There is a barn of that costlr and exnendea type which you cannot replace today for tese pno usa oisuw. Tbere is a gooa. large young orchard coming into full bearing of aa aaartod variety id the best kind of fruit. The boas. , while it is not any wonderful thing, it it comfortable to lin in and eantaina . about five room. This land Ilea the way you want 11, ana uiie piaae or any oUier place which front on the Base Line road with a abort dis tance from the business center means to buy a fabulous profit to tho buyer. It, to now of fered at a sacrifice end nothing around , it ca.i be bought for at least twice the price. It happens to be that this sal must be made right off and the terma are so easy that any iroreun can miy. r J Til J SOUV CaSO. M. J. KjLAJ- HE88T, ABINQTON BLDQ. bTHColumbiroulevard a beautiful high way, only 6 blocks from the car line here are 4tt acre of land, every inch of it la cultivation. , The fruit crop alone this yedr en this place will net the owner eloae to $8000; This is wbat this land produce. There 1 oa this land, a modern, very substantial 8-room house with full cement basement, fur naoe, wash traga, Th house has all of the city eonTenlencea, such as city water, gas and electricity 1 there is a garage with ooneret foundation and floor; there is a chicken house, barn, all of the boil ding are on concrete foundation. The location of tbia nle la hm the land sella for $(600 per acre. This means soon ezi.vvu tor too una alons; no person can put thd building, gay nothing about the fruit of all varieties of th choicest kinds ia full bearing the buildings alone cannot be replaced for a lea price thaa glO.OOO. All right, we will sell buildings, land, fruit and everything for $12,500. This is banding you aa armful for. a little mousy. II, 1. CLOHESST, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $2900 and you win wonaa why thai Place is offered for this money. Her is on big acre of land with English walnuts In full bearing and more of them on one tre than arou ever saw before. There are cher ries, pear, phi ma, apples ia more thaa abuadV ano. This land lies iron ting oa the river road, the paved highway practically at HUwaukie. With the land we throw in a 8 room plaatered boose of the model which was in vogue ia George Washington. Thorns Jefferson and Ben jamin Franklin's time. The men were all good men, and to buy this plaoe and to live in this boose yon would bs simply emulating th life of .these departed distinguished statesman, $500 la oaah waa (mail money daring their tune ana that w Ui only way in wtuon this place differs from their time as w will take aa small a payment down as $500. M. J. CLOHESST, Abington Bldg. ONLY $7000 bays all ot this, Nothing that w know of compare with, the land, the location and th low price thft it is offered for. Here ar 7 hie ama at land mi the paved highway all the way from the busfnes center to Its gate. This place M beautiful ia more wan than one: its chief attraction ia that it baa a creek large enough for boating at all seasons or tne year ana gooa fishing aa well. It ia only 1 mile from the carline and atation. There are such things as. these we throw ia for nothing: a large 8 room house of the Tin. tsge of 1870. There is a barn, orchard evary- uung gnea ror tne price menuonea. - at. i. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $2800 boy this modern up-to-date sub urban .home, on the count booleemnl erwmeot- ing with the Capitol highway, only 1 block from tbe station with 6c carfare. Only two1 blocka from a City school here is a big quarter acre of land: plenty of fruit in full bearing. With the land goes a very cute new and modern 4 room bungalow with a fine sleeping porch. This bungalow has a full cement basement, city water, gas, electric lights. There is a garage which goes with the plsoo. About $1500 oaah will handle it. M. 7. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. ONLY $2700 buy almost acre ot land with fruit and flowers galore. You ' cannot get off th paved highway from the business nea ter to th get. Out the Capitol highway only 8 blocks from the station, with first clam ear eervioe: there ia a good modern 0 room house, barn, garage and chicken house, electrio light and a plentful supply of good water, berries and small fruit in abundance. ' Say, when can you get anything like this for this small amount of money 1 $2000 in eaah will han dle it. tt. J. CLOHESSY. Abington Bldg. 6nLY i960 buy and pay la fall for one big acre of land all in cultivation, of very rich soil. The location of this land ia just where you want it, practically on tbe Capitol highway. You can have ail the city convenience on thi lend; it la only, three blocks from th car lin and station. You go to it on th paved boule vard nearly the entire distance. It ia about 18 minute' ride from the business center and away this aide of Multnomah. Thia ia a posi tive sacrifice aa this land is conservatively cheap at $2500. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABING TON BLDG. ONLY $8S0. and this is some pretty su burban home on tbe Oregon City carline, only 1 block from the station, her la 1 big acre of land very highly improved with all kinds of fruit in full bearing; there is on tbe land a modern up to date 6 room house, full cement basement, fireplace: there is a garage, chicken house, lot of flowers and shrubbery. You go to it the entire distance on a paved road from tbe business center. It will require nearly all cash to buy this. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABING TON BLDG. ONLY $2200, and nothing' like thi will be easily picked up again. Out oa the Columbia highway in the Fairview district, on the Elec trio carline. Here ar 0 large, as better located acres in all of Multnomah county. Its location is one that distinguishes tt .from any other piece of land in Fairview. You go to it on a boule vard as well as on the carline. To be brief. this place should sell for $5000 Instead of $2200. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDQ. ON the Oregon City ear line right at the sta Uon are 2 big acres of land very highly im proved, more fruit ia full bearing thaa 20 fami lies can use. With thi 2 acre goes a very classy 8-room modem bungalow with an of the city conveniences, such sa running water, gaa, electricity; there Is a barn and obfrkea house; The price of all ts only $6500, $200f eaah will handle it. U. I. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. - DO YOU want this for $2000? No pereoa will place a lea value tbaa $4000 on th prop erty. Here is a big' full aore of land oa the corner of 89th and the Powell Valley road. Clos to the carline and clot ia to th busi ness Center. This . win bate beautiful horn with all the land you will ever want Inside th citv. Abrmt half cash will handle It M. J. CLOHESSY, , Abington bldg. ONLY $1730 BUYS all of thi more than"! aero of land, only a short distance from the Oregon City oar lin and atation, paved high way all th way to th property: there Is a good 4-room bouse and plenty of fruit in full bearing. The location is excellent and all yea need to have is $1000 -in eaah to buy with. as. i. juutir.ssi, aoiuxua DL.ixi. ONLY $2000 for 2 acres of land, no prettier lying land hv all Multnomah county, close to city school, City water mains, gaa and elec tricity on th street. You go to -this land over the paved boulevard. It 1 only 6 block from th earlia aad station with fie carfare. Liberal terma giran. . U. J. CLOHESSY. AB INGTON BLDO. - -2 - - TIGARD 8 aena oholc land.- Improved; 28 bearing fruit trees, 1 stream water, well; 6-room cot tage, bars, garage, ehickea nous. Prio $2750) terms. R. M. OATEWOOD A CO., 165 4TH ST. Open Suadsy. Mala 8291. 81900 " Suburban ' home ' at E ror green station, ea Oregoo City Hns, Park are. and 7th St.. 80 min ate out and pared road., all the way; good house, 8 rooms, vgarage, ehickea bouse, aome fruit and garden space: 100x100; terms to suit you. Phon Mil. 92-W, or call on Portland Trust company, 6th and Morrison at. ' - . .-...--' TIGARD 8.89 aere In. cultivation, good orchard. 8 room house, barn, outbuildings, choice land, near highway, school, railway station; $4500. terms; fin home. - s ' . v - - B. M. GATEWOOD CO.. 169 M 4ta 8t Open Sunday. . - . 1g -- Mala 8291. ? KENDALL STATION $1850 Lot 60x150, 8 Mocks from autioa; 4 reom boas - ia good repair, ideal plac for chicken and berries. Term: $250 eaah. , . G4HDABD A WIEDR1CK,, 248 Stark st. TEN acre fin garden laafl. all ia tdgh' ttate' of cultivation, on bank of TJmpqua rivet tt Boseburg, Or. r shack, bouse and' barn; $2500, easy terms-; intent consider eitr reeidenee earns value. J. B, Wolff. 410 Henry bldg. N.fc W 4 room bungalow, H acre. Ryan gtation: gas, water; $2500. G-B4. Journal ItEAt, ESTATE BLBUKBAN ROUES I NEAR WILLAMETTE -OX WEST. BIDS , - Have about 3 1-8 sfree, mast soTX at big ea rifioe soon; faces en pared highway; just a few blocks from river and beach; fin homes around it; magnificent oak aad other trees, ssArveloaaly developed aad landscaped at great el pen for a bom tit. KU take $8400. about half of former . oast of land, bat owner mast do busi ness quick at this price to tide over etners eney: $700 oaah. time oa balance. - Ito trieted district and not a prettier place ia Biverdal og any other eub urban district thaa KASER RAIN IT. 823-8 Gaaco bldg. V Mar. 8128. NICE HOME, oa acre fruit, water, good toca twa for hospital or boms; amo team, imple- Tnent ana nay. Kt, a. Hog 00a, rortiana, ur. BY owner, 4 room cottage on t acre; 10 min ute from O- K. sad 8, P. Easy terma. 21. 482, Journal. - - - -FOB, SALE TAKMB 11 " ' YAiiniLL BARGAINS .. 80 acres, 80 or 70 scree of the finest fruit mad m the state; fine. deep, fro working sou. 20 acres of bearing prune fine, healthy condi tion, good aew barn aad outbuildings, cheap house, spring water piped to buildings, on good rock toad, 5 miles from Yamhill, 1 mile from store and B. B. station, Tbia place baa be bought for $12.500.. Half cash. Th orchard alone i worth the price asked. 20 acres, 4 h miles from Tamhfn, oa mala road, all cultivated, 5 acres 8-year-old prunes, 9' room plastered bouse, fine well equipped with gasoline power pump, good large bam, also smsU barn, woodhoaa and chicken house, all fenced and cross fenced, 1 bone, baggy, barneys, plow, cultivator 4 tons grain bay, email tools, house hold rood including nice new grang and good furniture. This can bo Bad. it taken aeon, for $8500. Half cash. 2 E. F. MAGOOS. Yambm. Or. 2 . GOOD CH4NCE TO DIVEST TM A KEAL TABM BARGAIN 80 acre fa Washington Co.. Or., 88 aere clear. S acres partly clear, the rest timber: 8 room bouse, old barn 85x50 ; also granary, hog bouse and chicken house; five acres ia orchard, jU prune except family orchard of harries, apples, pears, plums, peaches and grafted wal nata; berries, etc.; on mil from 2 room school teaching the ninth and tenth grades: mile from Schvlls,- about 18 from Portland. Price $10,000. 83000 cash, balance time at 8 per eeut m teres t. sty reason for selling I my wife's death aad my poor health, with no fam ily to farm for me. T. X. Cochrane, Laurel P. P.. B. f. P.. Oregon, STOCK HANCH, 8780 ACRES DEEDED . AND LEASED GOVERNMENT GRAZING LANDS. INCLUDING 100 ACRES Or AL FALFA. Located cast of the" Cascade mountains, ia Oregon; nut 500 tons of alfalfa this aesson; free water right; abundance of water for irrigation; 600 acres in cultivation, balance good bunch m pasture;, put up feed- enough to run about 000 sheep and 400 cattle. Leases run for yoar; 8 to 7 oeaia per aero: controls both '! .of. a big river for several mile: 2 sets ot buildings: all ateseary equipment for running the ranch. Price $75,000. Terms. See Sam hewey at J. L. HA HTM AN COMPANT, No. 7. Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Strk ., fMPROVED Fi.RU ZS3H acres, 185 acres under cultivation, good, large and substantial farm buildings; wot fn T . ,enc' living stream through barnyard; black loam soil; no rock, graTcl or white land; good drainage, tiling, 2000 cords of wood timber on place, on 8. P. Electrio railroad, station right at the place; on paVed highway 7 mile from Oorvsllia; fall crop In, which goes- with Place, together With Stock, machinery aad small tools, for $100 per acre. $$000 cash, balance on long time or will accept as first payment a small well-located unincumbered ranch. 1. R, Shreck, 802 Spalding Bldg. Mala 881. DIKED LAND DAIRY FARM Ott 700 aore on ooet near Y equina bay. 800 acres high tide lands, 225 aorrn diked; rfca. fertile WnrU tlmil., . w dairy lands; good buildings, including modern oaiTT oara wtta electric light", milking ma chines, etc; water piped to buildings. Will put in dairy herd and all farm equipment at $60 per acre. The diked . land alone are worth prio asked for the 'farm: reasonable term. LTEDDEMAN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. A LOW-PRICED FARM FOB SALE OR TRADE Forty acres, about 20 acres under eul- . ti ration, a part of balance easy to clear . and part covered with timber; fair bouse. onJhulMtngs and good well; located 1 U miles from Manor, oa good road, about 12 f!jTS oorth' Vancouver. Price only $4000. good terms. E. A. TJNTJGRES Savon Land Co. 085 N. W. Bank Bldg. . "' ' ' ' rnn 'aire An 1 v 10aewJ;.lotd 2H mlies from Harrls bunr. Or., Willamette valley: 160 acre under ill t iMitv oFcnaru, gooa graveiea roaa, prairie upland, 10 room colonial house., large barn and outbuildings,, telephone, R. I. D.. ftrfB sVt4a-k U aveilak Am. ..1...1 tW ab -a n ar - m aaaaaasi w asVAAVtlA. . mJW 81a"i per acre on very easy terms. W0r rent for $5 v-anu. duci en uii piao tnat can ne bought at right price. A high-class place, well located, John Ferguson, Oerlinger bldg. 180 ACRES Central Oregon Irrigated land; 86 acres alfalfa; all fenced and eroBs-fenced; 8-room mniian Iimim, v ... M 1 u wagons, 2 good milk eowa and aU other eq'ulp- luuuuing some small toou. owner wishes to retire. Price $9000; term. CALL ON US. H. H. TJBDAHL CO. (Inc.), Msin 6252. 824 Abinatou Bide. , 128 acre, located oa county road. Highland district! 11K smn mm k it;t 1 m uridei cultivation, balanc in timber and pasture; wi .1111 (uwmoing ana iirepiece, 8 acres orchard: large barn, aheep shed and ma chine ahed. Price $8200. with horse, cow, 4S aheep. 86 chickens. 8 pig, wagon, mower. , -s . Fvr.B, viir imi iuw, nay rmKC, eparmtor, and harrows, 12000 euh. PeraoD&lly limM-Uj Ink. I."... - . . . " la9 ACRE farm, 2 miles from Carroll, which is .waT. station and boat laadlnc. 1 mile from graded school, mil from Pacific highway. Hard service county road through the plaoe. S miles to Kelso. 49 mile to Portland. Or. About 25 aero ia cultivation. Th rest in. pasture. Streams and spring through the place. Water piped to bouse, barns aad Carroll. Pries 645 per sera. $4000 down and balance per cent to suit. Will cut place in thro parts if wnwi, no oi. lyarrom, vvssn. STOCK- RANCH for sale. 160 acre. 7 mOe ' uiauiuut, vie., tr. . a gooa bouse, email barn and all necessary ontbuild i"5, " ,P1'tf: i bead of stock; 60 acree is cleared, 20 acres of which is meadow and jaa be irrigated; the rest seeded to pasture. The land is easy rolling, faeae south, is wen watered, some beaver dam; plenty of outrange. Prio $3000; $1000 down, balance 4aS trios. Box No. 5,BIame,Or! coTtii biariverb6ttom' land Djked, 555 seres, located 2 miles from good town. An bottom laud; 470 acres under culti vation, all can be cultivated; 8 sets ot build ings: orchards and all rural conveniences; nice vel land, exceptionally . fine soil. Thi ran be divided Into three different farms or sold ta one. Price $100 per acre, half oath. Joha Per- m trn.'M xPf linger SMlgf FARM FOR RENT 120 acres, 41 la cultivation, fair building, good team, cow, machinery, chickens, hay and grain; farm rent for $150 per year: rent to purohaser all personal property - ' S. O. DILLMAN Eighth- and Main Btm. Oregon City. Or. City 3' ,tocied "niTOre?oa fronf rToffkrf " 10 48 acres, stocked, aew building; acres prune. WOLF8TETN. 400 UcKAY BLDO. CRXEat B6Tt6 Land" 28 acre located close to Electric .depot at on macadamised road, alllevel land. 19 sores under cultivation, balanc pas ture, som timber for wood, creek through place, all can be irrigated froaTireek7$ i rooi i K bara, chicken house, orchard and berries. Price 3l60 1 1100 cash. i ParacudJyinsrJcted! Jsirtoa lTasonun 111.... VlJ J aaanjsfcsw Q pi nwu, vrriMUtrr vnlf. FORTY ACRES of first class land at Ambo wsaa.; aw miles from Vancouver; close to sohool, eliurch and stone; easy to dear; email frame hony, far miles to railroad on-good gmvjl .msi: .820001 , 6500 oash. balanced? . nr ass. tv g. fc m trnrt kit. -A i rut ' "' ... - -i a.wt.w.rtw xiya, 9 a. TO. TJO Tfl. -1 - -m snuw cast- Ol Wa- eoada. O.B.B.; B., . 10 mile from Balem. acre in cultivaUon, remainder oak brash. Good building, family orchard; $110 per acre. tgZrrtfT" " Sp6DtJ-Eiiitjm rancb . !' 111. a good road, .about 85 acres in eultiv. Hon. balance pasturs and eosse timber; 8 (pringa. fl- .""UfJ. P?1 64600: Tfwui, sip jtenry owg. 6 ACRES in high state of cultivation; modi i-ws wi iruiL, near wusoa station on Gresham oar.- Mr. A. A. Kmdle. Ureaham. Or., route A, " . . - -. . molalla BOTTOttTiirD- ''I . W..!i!l",,.Ma other rmilding."rjart culUvate. $6000: 40 acre uncuHrvated? $60: 60 acre, 650 favorabl tgmA-95orji.Tl SO ACRES1200"" rmproved: 81 'fare VnrtlmnA k.iv " nap. Claad Cole, 2 Lumbermaa's blde.' CALITOKNU 4.1Der Sacramento for i rite E, B, , Wait, Sbawase, sales ts Oklahosna. . N'EMlLES rROM'COCBT"HOT;SE'r, ieres. 20 ander enltrvation ! wtT reason able and good terms. WdJn, 4088 - : REAL' ESTATE FOB SALE FAKM8 PAOHC AGENCf (lie) ' Suite 514 to 519 ,.;';2:;- :i,f 2Js;w; 2; Swetland Bldg. v. -'""niArshair3989'' s , GABDEX LAND $300 K of aa aere oa East Tin coin gt. at Wood burn, close to high school. Win make line garden land. Might exchange lor good ACREAGE $14 00 7 acres of good land, near Fellers sta tion, oa Oregon Elcetric. 'Most of this b under cultivation: will exchange for a good ' rooming house in Portland and assume $1000. $1500 11 acres located 3 miles, from depot. .- store and postoffice, rural mail route, etc. 4 acres andea. cultivation, balanc rolling pss- ' tare;, running water. -family good boas of B rooms, bans, chicken bona, etc., good fam ily orchard, nio sight ly little place and : would make a fin chicken ranch. . ratrrr akm , $18004 acres of land, 'all set ,to bearing iruita caemes, pears, peacnes, apples ana berries. Small home, fine anrinehooa from which wstoaeaa be piped to house. Lsnd good and haa been naed aa a dairy; barn nd bay ahed. Located at Cottage Grove. Or. Would make a fin ehickea or dairy ranch. Good 6160010 acre, part of which .to cleared. . Only i mile from statioa on electrio Una, som small buildinca. aorina? water, a nso: $350 will handle this, or will accept a email noma in jroruaaa or Lnta. ' HALF ACRE HOME 62000 H acre oa East Young L. at Wood burn, good, large, new. modern 7 'room bouse. small barn and other outbuildings; plenty of fruit; dandy home. Will exchange for a aom qi equal vaiu ta roraana. ACREAGE 12200 20 acre with 12 acres under eurtiva- . tion, 5 roam house, barn and other out- buildings, mil. from school and railroad t station. Located near Hitohmsn statioD, on . gooa rea s : ONE ACRE HOME $25001 acre of good ground, an cleared, ad joining city of Gresham. good modern bunga low, with basement. Tbe house alone is worth mot than tbe price asked; $1600 will handle this or might consider an ex. ehang for a 40 acre farm ia Willamett Talley. CHICKEN RANCH $8000 8 acres of good creek bottom land ia Gresham, 5 room house, nearly complete; 4 large chicken houses, lota of range and shade. Place ha always mad money. Will sell chicken separate if wanted. $1200 will IMPROVED ACREAGE 88000 20 seres 1 mile from the Mt. Hood loop highway and good town;: 10 acre under cultivation, 4 room bouse, woodshed, waah- rooot, chicken house, smokehouse, bara, water pumped irom spring to nous by gasoline en gine. Good farm for diversified or other fanning. Will exchange ia part for a home ia iseasue. ramr land $$000-a-10 aere located oa a good road, near Woodbnrn, all good land, all nnder plow, well fenced and drained, on acre of rase berries. fair house of 4 rooms, good new barn and other outbuildings; a fine fruit and berry ranch, eloae to town. Will exchange for more ana cheaper -land ia the valley and aatum. BEAVERDAM LAND $820018 acre with about 1 acre of beaver dam land. 7000 feet of tile. 6 room house woodshed, hog and chicken house, well and pump, good fences, 1 ft mUe from Csnby on a gooa roaa. it. sr. U. ana telephone. .FBOTT FARM 83500 20 acres, 8 miles west of CorvsHis, on a good county road; 10 acre of prune and balance pasture and garden land. family orchard, fine spring, good soil,' land gently rolling; small house of 2 rooms, good barn and prune dryer. Trees average' 400 boxes ot prunes a year, which amounts to about siouu. win max terma on this. , ONE ACHE HOME $3500 1 acre inside the city limits of Wood- burn, one of the main streets, has a good 8 room modern bouse which ia in .good shape and a bargain. Will exchange on a tana up to souwo. IMPROVED ACREAGE $3500 2 K --acres close to highway, close to Portland and Gresham. fancy 8 room bun galow. Dutch kitchen in ' whit enamel, fir. place, barn, chicken houses, garage, grove at no use. iruit trees ana bemes, Jersey cow. chickens and some feed; $1800 will handle uua. CHrevirv TtAXrrr $3750 Chicken ranch of 8 acres and 4 room house on nice creek of running water the year round, at Cottage Grove. Oregon, Chicken bouse 10x80. now used as brooder boose, 1 chicken house 10x60, 1, ehickea house 16x n& Thj laiuf Ia mmI W K,. . 1 I F set to fruit and berries. Buildings are equippeu mm trap nests, 1 1 Z48-egg incu bator, 2 aew brooder i tores. Term. . -. , ACREAGE 6500020 acres, 2 miles from Woodbnrn. oa good gravel road. 17 acre under plow, bal anc pasture. ! but all good land; good 6 room modern , honse. aood barn and other outbuildings. Some stock and equipment. Will exchange for cheaper land near Catholic church. Will assume up to-38000. FRCTT FARM 85000 A fin 18 acre apple orchard 9 year old, planted to Deiiciou. King. David. Jona than, etc. Well located on a fine county road. mile from Philomath. Will make terms oa thia, 4 : t . CHICKEN RANCH ' 85000 10 acres adjoining th city limits of Woodbnrn, ' on a main road. Good land, all under plow, well fenced and well drained; modern 7 room bungalow: electric lighta, water, etc, New, modern barn, new ehickea t houses, garage; eta, 62500 will handle this. i. i V - ' BEBBY LAND - 8500010 acres, all under plow, adjoining the city Umite of Woodburn, an new, modern buildings, good .8 room souse with electric lights, water, etc. ; large barn, gang and other buildings. AU good black land, fine for onion set land or berry land. Terma, or will exchange for Cheaper land up to 810,000 COUNTRY HOME $6000 IS fa acres of land mile from Gresham, elegant modern 7 room bungsios with full basement Garage and barn. Good weU, pneumatic tank and gasoline engine. Good young orchard, acres under cultiva tion; aa elegant modem country horn and . by adding fruit this uace will be self austaia lag. $3500 .will handle this. . $9000 If yon 'are looking for a real paradis4, listen to thi. 86 acres, nice 10 room house, good store; will invoke about $20b0; store building; a dandy dance hall above; fine fam ily orchard, all kinds of berries, 4 cows, 1 team, 2 wagon. Thi to 8 mile from the closest town.! One of the finest fishing streams in the state of Washington flows' by thia nlaoe. For a summer bom or country inn. A real money maker with all th oat door sport and pleasures. Will consider e bice leaidenoe in trad or sell outright , Don't overlook this, and com early. PACIFIC MHCY (Unco) ; Suite 514 to St 9'r Swetland Bldfe. Marshall 3989 HEAL ESTATE FOB, SALE F ABM S Eraiott&S'ffl - VOREGON CITY.' OR1V . ;V $800 DOWN $390023 acre la oulti, som mora anafbr . cleared, soma Umber, Bring- spring water. 4-room bouse, bara only fair, all outhouse, ail kinds of fruit goon well at house. This is a dandy little plaoe, you couldn't find a nicer laying ' plac. On and one-half mile to store aad shipping point oa aa elec tric linex 7 rfe miles to Oregon city; ell oa tn roaoa graveled out i mile. Price C3S00. $800 down. balance at 6 oer cent. 50 ACRES 67300 AH fin laying land. 48 acres fa euTt, - - the balanc .easily cleared; 6-room frame hooae, fine big basement bara, , food atone cellar; (ia granarr; good ehickea house: wood house; fin lot .- of fruit:- good well at house and barn. This plaoe lay with a beauti ful slope, would make a daady prune ranch or for general farming yoa oukln't beat It aay placet facing oa two good county road; daily mail: . cream route; phone; nine mSee of Oregon City, oa good graveled road. . i fine' farming community, three . miles of store, trading point aad oar line. Price 87500. 64000 down. If yoa see thi plac you Win aay it is the nicest saying plaoe ia th country. 105 ACRES $8000 Lays practically all level, 45 aere ta cult., lots more' easily put in. cult, fine Hving branch of water, lots' of fine timber, about 8000 cords of wood and about a sail haul to car lin gad shipping point; wood is worth $7.50 a cord, that means something . to th plaoe; stx-room bouse, good new bara and outhouses; family fruit: good well at the house; place all fenced aad eroas-feneed. Thi Is In a prune belt; can't be beat for that or for general fanning. Nine mile of Oregon City in good community. Think of it. leas than $78 an acre; you couldn't clear the land for that, say nothing about the buildings aad the balanc of the land. Terms 88000 down, balance time at 6 per cent Remember -this Is about 1 mile to ear line. 120. ACRES 616,000 Fin soO. 70 acree la cult, som open land la pasture, some timber; fine living water; good six-room house, burg barn, good hog house, chicken bouse; granary, tool -honse, cellar; fin lot of fruit; five head of horses, two cows, 28 head ot fine sheep, 16 hogs, 60 chickens, mower, binder, drill, disc, riding and walking plow, harrow, cultivator, two wagone, harness, cream separator, hay fork, hay, oats and wheat; all of tho - household goods, you do not aeed a thing, move right in; this house has fine stuff, extra well furnished. Tbia b 111 miles of Oregon City, fine location; 1 ft mile to ear line; half mile to school. Price 616,000. $5500 down, balanc at B per cent 10 ACRES 82650 An level, all to cult but one-half aere, living spring- water, four-room house, wood house, good well at house, fair barn. This is good MIL only 21a miles of Oregon City, good location. $660 down, balance $200 a year. ACRES $4400 Twenty ln-oult. more eaxOy put in; good six-room house, fine basement barn, fine concrete cellar, good wood bouse, ehickea house, granary, living water, well at house; fine fruit" Thia 1 1U mile of Oregon City. $2000 uown, Dauance time, at a 62 ACRES $9000 Stock and toots; 45 ia curt; place all level; aome timber; living water; five-room house, hot and cold water and bath; large barn and all out houses; all kind of fruit team, two cows, chickens, bogs, wagon; ail farm ,nnl. . V , ' IML1. I . ' rai anun. i ius ia 8 mile out on fine road; 1 mile to car une. Terms, $ooo down, psi anee t 6 per cent E P. Elliott & Soi Tta and Main, Oregon Cjty, Ore. 180. ACRES, 12 MILES FROM COURT HOUSE. We are placing on the market mis nf tba best, farms in Clackamas county. Tbia farm Is located just 12 mile from Portland oa good bard surfaced road,- has ft-room honse. Urge oara. a gooa wen, zvu rruit trees all bearing, 50 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and some timber. This farm ia well worth $200 per acre. For quick sale will take $145 per acre. $4000 eaah will handle this, balance 6 ta 8 years at 6 per cent No trades. SEE BUSINESlS SERVICE a IT Henry Bldg. Main 6797. WILL SACRIFICE THIS FINE 22o ACRE rfliut i.n Uttilt-K IU (SETTLE AN ES TATE; 876 AN ACRE. 8 miles trom a good town on Bed Electric. 40 mile S. W. of Portland, 140 acre of rich soil in cultivation; no rock, lies well, balance good open pasture and timber, tillable when cleared; fenced with woven wire fence. 8 fine springs, creek and well, good big barn, new hog house, chicken bouse, smoke house, five-room house, fruit It.m wh, m.. .. , . . . ,uv -.UUV 111. Loganberry land. Refused $123 a few yean DmF "ewry at t. u. HAUTHAN COM "ANY, No. 7. Chamber of Commerce bldg. SPECIAL 120 acre. 100 acres ia cultivation, good. inch Janri a V . . - - "vuw, aew vara ana silo, wstered by living stream and rood well st "" vo scuooi; i it muea to electric carline: adioinin farm ttrinmA as ok ie,,tc, Thi .P1 only $92 per acre wnw gmng to Fionae; will take part oaah; good term oa balance, . , 8- O. DILLMAN, 8th and Mala it. Oreem ". rw . 40 eoltivaHoa. 140 level, 6-room bouse, bara 70x92, chicken house, hog house, prone dryer; mile to school; 2 H mUesto town fr. 2 ."'t'T'v 2 ealve. 18 sheep', 2 sow. 12 sheets. 60 chickens. 10 turkeys binder, mower, IT. ' , .brrow- vstr. cultivator, plow, ymgon. hack separator. 40 tone hay. all grain or place. Price $10,600, $5500 cash, balanc 5 year 8 per cent ... M .H-, A. HEATER, , 8th and Main t.. Qrgoa City, Or. 40 ?8 Cer Oregon tarigatod land, 3 room house, bsru. ehickea house and cement onera. aU fenced; 20 acre ia cultivation; 28 ton of hay, X good eowa. A bargain; $3500; terms. ' CALL ON TIB. H. H. IT&DAHL CO. (Inc.). Mala 6263. 822 1 AblnS RU, iiua nnjc. w ulil . -L;..00 macadamised road, dose to Capitol highway, aU can be cultivated, 27 r.Jm?r ca'tl'0h. 4 -acres oommereial orchard, in good shape, water system, small house, good bara, chicken house, nio grounds, convenient to electric depot Price $6600. $lt00 cash. Personally inspected. Joha ker guson, Gerlinger bldgT M THE best 8 Oil acre stock ranch in the Wtthunt ette valley. : Thi land was logged off some years . ago and now haa plenty of feed. Old imrinm Mm. SnIMI-m ..Hi . . , , ""- mmi un piace wiu give sheds and bams room for stock. Price 87500 if old by November 1, ' t-auurita.td4 rnELAS LAND s CATTLE CO 801-902 Poach bldg, , , 40 ACRES. 82100 ' " IB cleared, part very easily cleared: som food Umber; land rolling; good soil; 4-room old nnnttaw ham AiUlA . akl.,Li v-.. - i , -r - w v-aasi svvju ssVUBBBi tlXIlaB-ra . OWL. Ortf schoollS V. 2es N. . of V . . wv T w rwuBou, aauv eaan. Albert Harala. owner, 122 H. 6th at Breid- 640 ACRES three mile west of Grant Pass ttvr mU . . . m.. . j . . T " "'"" sh.vsv, small pay ment batanoe 6 per eent 10 room piastered botB. old barn 60x100; 6 acre pears, about aore nnder ditch survey; 10,000 cords wood timber.. Address H. C Mailer, 650 Waabiagtoa cvjy A -r t IAI, VnTBOt 84 ACRES CLACKAMAS C&CNTY $10,200 , , i siauon ; tana ite level and 80 aere ia cultivation: black loam soil; fan ning water near bara for stock j 2-etory 8-rooa bona in food condition. About 4 acres ia pasture- ' ' ' '- OODPARD ft WtEDBTCK. 284 Stark . 40 ACRES on highway; largely in cultivation: 8 acre la erebard: small buildings, oa new extension of Base Line; never- failing atresia of water- jrood prsoe for trout pond. wuiuku et WIEDHICK. 248 Start tt J ACEES, on soil east of Clackamas on ' Paved road; 15 acre la rait; balanc brash, runntag water, fine loeatkm for eoaatiy beta; price 200 per acre. OODPARD A WIEDfttfTC. 248 Stork et ' 10 AND 20 ACRE TRACTS- IA khl 9A knM n t i-i . . A enfant' walk to atation. Only $109 down. ; i . YiQ A 3C7-X ttekaa . J . 47 ACRES. 1 ttTcUftr6Miiri tvljarsaW ; smMnB-w I4 ' - - - - a a k . J A s ' - masmm wiwm inn ; ugTuSV and bara, , An A-l buy at 84000, half cash. fcestucca Valley H. B. Agency. Clever-dale. Or. r.w s vnf ooTra" . i" T ?. . -r .- W-.m.-......UAUM Pll. HIIURU uwn nog. -.Splendid location. Best district Sal or ex- '.usugv a-uruana noma inrofr. i.ij, journal. BE ALLSTATE f'OB KALE FARMS II LTNN OOCNTT FARM BARGAINS 250 acre, srrer- 200 acre In euttivatioa; all level loam soil; part beaver creek bottsea, atvut 3 miles froea Crab tree, renter raised over $6009 worth of bay, tjraia aad produce off this plxo this year. There to a good 1 4-room boa, t large barn and other balkliags; 2 well and running creek and - some good Umber. .Good faulty orchard: eloae to eehool; K. F. LI., cream and milk roots; paon ia bouse; being sacrificed at $65 per aero to doe an estate. Half eaah will handle. Thi plaoe will appeal to a auddl .west asaa. .Se a about it 186 aer dairy or stock fans, only 8 H rile from Lebanon, gravel road, cream and milk routes, daily maiL phone ia boas, good- o room oouse, navuig urepiaco; aooatea with good view; fm spring water; fair bara;. hog bouse; granary; other build ins., bout 80 acre good level land ia cultivation, being seeded new; good btook oD, 45 acres slashed and seeded pasture, balanc timber bad peeture. This to aa axceBeat boy at 666 par acre, - NICE LITTLH FARM Or ' 60 acrea. on 82500; term of 81000 cash win head!. This plac will arpri yeas. It baa . all kinds . of f nut apple galore, peaches, grape, goeeeberri, rapbenea, etc.; a im garden, . excellent soil, fine view, good water, county road. B. F. D. and phone; school and high obooi on mil; only 5 mile from Leb anon. A wonderful, bny at . 62600; 6-room house, bara, aad other bid . - A ALSO 68 ACHES, ONXT 82600 : About 80. acre ia cultivation, fin lev bnd In cultivation: good loam soil, fair 5-roora bouse, barn and other outbuildings, guol family orchard, som good timber, H mile to store, clos to cream ' and milk root. An other great buy very cheap. Don't wast time writing about the bargain; com and see them, - or tail us what you want we have it. GIBSON A LJJLtVENCOOD. LEBANON, OREGON. HIGH CLASS. FARM ,100 ACRES EQUIPPED ': CHOICE LOCATION IT you want something good see this before yon buy; aU under cultivation except small wood lot: rich loam soil; buildings have all modern con venience, pressure water, electric lights, etc, ; located slo to small town on Pacific highway tad main lin of 8. P. By. between Portland and Salem; convenient drive from Portland on paved highway; thi fsna to well adapted to dairying, loganberries, potatoes, corn, hope or general farming; we believe this land can easily be dou bled ia value; it to the cream of the Willamette valley; com in and gt complete detail; it's are to pleas you. A. K. HILL CO., 218 Lumbermen Bldg., 5th and Stork St. - 16 MILES SOUTH OK PORTLAND ON HARD BO AD, TO THIS 40 ACRE FARM. STOCK. CROP AND EQUIPMENT,. 86000. Big new barn. S-roosa hone wKh basement: ehickea house, hog home: oat, seed wheat hay la bara; poUtoss; food tardea, family or chard, big team of horse, wagon, harases, new mower, new hay rake, plow, barrow and other email tools, . 2 cow. 100 chickens, 25 acres of splendid soil in cultivation; balanoe In pasture and timber: mile to school. He Sam Hewey at J. L. HABTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com mere bldg. 4th and 66 ACRES, located clos to electric depot 22 TlfiJ4l strf at Dr1.4 au .i tivsUon. 10 acre pasture; all th land can m miunmi, mianc easy clearing I au can be irrigated from spring; galvanised pipe in stalled for distributing the water, creek on plaoe; good 6 room house, with complete plumbing, lares Htn mrA Ia. -,liaA . . u . 4 ... ;.- and some walnuts. Price $8000, with som crop iki equipment, team ana cMckena. Personally inspected. Photo at of tic. Joha Ferguson, Ger llnger bldg. . fBBftp"' itW tAr-rtircf -v HAwyaaa, nv a AbsWAA JUaV.l A 48 seres, located 14 miles from Portland. . wregon kjivj; no acres can be culti vated, 20 acres nnder cultivation; rolling lend; Urge orchard"; creek and 2 springs; price $5600, with young team. 6 cow. 4 heifers, brood sew. ,0 chickens, 20 tons hay. kale, vegetables. VIFnri ma-arsas anT4a4M a . x ttftrneu, hay rake. flwm .vfpfcftitor hack, baccy gy. awM ar cgBtarxjq, SXVU1T OlOC GRES'HAifi FARM 80 acre, rich deep loam soil, oa PoweD vtlley tfav(i K rrwias tnlmatMsavrt kau V.. AAsba IMinted oattmUditAt: Urine mtrrm. family ot . i ivuwi, sum ana ejecurm mOoo. jsjMl this foe only 8200 per aore, and only a rtTort driv by auto from Portland over fine roads. Ey terms. . CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO. 213 Railway Exchange Bldg. CROP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT f B ft anMSSsi 1U.AUB aB it a. wis.. a uv ntiun, lUWwu U BHUOaf B6H SavUsrOBt3a, SJT. County road, good oil, 45 acrer under cultWa ttoB, 70 acr can be culttvat9d; food feticass; fatrnilw? avawhtwit ' m. BAA kv i . d " ae 6 room home, water piped to boost from kr-.M,,. I. . . L.h .VI. 1 1 , . n n m . vm wkwb nouse. r rice s i zimi, with 8 hones, I cow, 2 brood sow, 86 chicken, 7 itsnd of bees, 12 ton hay, 10 tons straw. 8 acres carrots and vegetables; wsgon, mower, eul, tivator, plow, disc harrow, 2 set harnesses and seeder, half cash. John Ferguson. Grlingr bldg. ITKIIV ' nnT'tiirv 1 i-r. ' " Located north of Elgin. 160 acres, black loam j . ,VT" "J wen,, wv acres nnder cultivation, house, barn, good county ruau. scuooi on place, n. r. Li., very prodoctiT oii Pric 876 per acre, with 19 head of uek u nuiiwa, is enicaens, a wagons, a plows, 8 sets harness, mower, rake, binder, barrow. cmunion, ga weoasaw, aragtaw, grata chopper, grata drill, potato planter, 8 hayracks and lots nf asnna , tl.ll .k. V fM , si ,, h't. A-AsuA wo, jiuua r CsaaotA, ,wv?runr gef bldg. Chickens 'and Fruit Tea acres, located 1 mile from station, oa gooa rose mue to scuooi, 9 acres Under cul tivation and in fruit; 80 cherry treea, Binge, Royal Annee and Lambert ; 250 pear trees, 800 apple tree, peaches and walnuts; treea all bear ing; small 2 room house, woodshed and 2 ehickea bouses. Pric $1750, $1000 cash. John Fer- gwon, wninger oiag. FULLY equipped 80 acree Central Oregon rrri- - gatsa una; gooa Bouse, barn aad outbuild ing, fenced and cross-fenced: 60 tons nf ha- oum cattle, 0 bead of Tones, chicken, hog aad machinery; 65 acres la cultivation; family i""i "nnss ox oernee. a anap; geovo; term. CALL ON US. H. H. TJBDAHL CO. (tne.), - Main 6252. 822 Abington Bldg. 20 ACRE'S irrigated ' ranch rn high atate of cultivation, 15 a alfalfa young family ornuard- som small fruits; Aew 6 room cot tage, electric lights, garage and outbailding; on banks of Columbia rivar and nm tnMin ,n,.ij highway, 1 miles from Finley and 1 0 miles from Kenniwiek. Price $7600, or will- trad tot a ft to iv a. raaca near Portland. J. L. ennee, inniey. wasn., owner. 40. ACtM" 28 In cultivation, B room honse, good barn and outbuildings, 1 acr orchard; oa good road. 2 miles to carlin. $5250, S. a DILLUAN, Stir and Mala st. Oregon Cltr. Or. " TfOB SALE FAW 40 acres, nearly all fenced, 10 acres ia cul tivation; good I room bouse, large bara, gravity wafer system piped to house; family orchard ut coming into bearing; team bones, 2 cows, chicken, machinery, etc This will make Ideal poultry farm. Price $4000. For particular ad dree owner, H. J. Peterson, 22 D, Philomath, Or. - NEAR HILLSBORO Ninety acres, - located south of HUlsboro; Tual atin river bottom, ail cam be cultivated, SS acre under cultivaUon; nice lying ground, sloping to river ; county road sad dose to graveled road, exceptionally fin oil, 1 mil to school, cheap buildings. Pile $116 per acre, half cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. t IRRIGATED LANDS Esstern Oregon, on main line Union Pacific railroad, altitude 400 feet, .plenty of sunshine aad plenty f water, mild winters, bumper crop of alfalfa, fruit and Vegetables, ideal con dition for homes, grade and full coure high school; best of opportunities for dairying and stock raieing. Price- reasonable; term" at tractive. Call r write D. G. Bogejs. 248 Stark bv.) ronAPti rNLY FIVK MILES FROM PflBTt.ivn . Twenty-three acres, located c8)i to 82d st, all good lead, creek through plate, exceptionally fin aoQ. 19 acres under cultivation, all the land Can be cultivated, good locality, close to electric transport tion. Price 84500, 81000 cash, long tim oa th balanc at- . Per sonally inspected, , . Joha Psrguseo, Gerlinger DtOg. STOlP! LISTEN I - hu.vw is .,.., , , ,w , pun towst. kng plants, fruit juic plant make good market; over $40o0 crop last year. Pric 66000; 61000 isssb ens, : . tisess wmt II UUSMmu I nuig. BEAL ESTATE AGENTS-B6yjbs"f . vrwr.UAW vr. uivw " v m . aw ua.k. r v & V-SJS r We take car of very detaa with your bond. -j. BOfiU IJEPAKTMENT ' -' SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX 40 ACRES asneuttaml land Bang Taquina . bay, not far froa eoaan aunmwr yeicru, Newport '-aad . Waldpcrt ly $S40; tormg. Ideal plane- to Una. Ahumsa. T'TftmyTlt Co., f. 06 Corbett bldg. ; ' f' ' ' ' ' ' 120 ACRE" farm and timber land, Clarke Co.; aehool. Church, store, county road; fin Water. 626 per acre Term. 21296 X. .baimoa. Tabor 8621. - " - . . r . , : FOR SALE 10 acrea, good 8 room boose, THS acre ta cultivation, u mil smwiJi at rn. Co. farm, $2200, down.. Owner oa pie all this week.' laautr for O. Pkabinn : - - REAL ESTATE FOR HALE FARM H 11 NEWBERQ. 460 ACRES '800 acres under high state of cultivation. 18 acres of prunes; strictly modern 3 story bnuse, bara lOOxlOO, silo and all necessary building; 200 bead of saheep, cows, horse, ia fact tally stocked and equipped; front oa WUlamctte river. This wonderful farm can be sold at a bargain ' Welst Doilarhide 810-511 Lewi bldg. - 125 ACRES MARION B5 aer' under: cultivation; all goad soil: family orchard: woven wire fences, aew modern 0 room bouse, barn 40x80, creek and well. Lo cated one half mil of town, south of Sales. Price $14,000. Weist & Doliarhide i 610-611 Lewis bldg- : 2(D0 A. JEFFfeRSON 145. aore under altivatioa; aU good land, family orchard, fsir let of farm buildings. Tba farm adjoin Jefferson. Price $125 aa aer. . eist & Doliarhide ' 610-611 Lewis bldg. "'!' ' "" ' ". A. POLK COUNTY- : Family orchard, an very rich aHghtly rollidg land, good let of farm buildings, en Main road from Independence to Orvailis. Price $11,000. Weist &' Doliarhide ' 610-511 Lewi bldg. A. Near Tijrard Road 65 aore under cultivation, one half Tualatin river bottom, very good set of farm building, family orchard. 20 acres of clover, woven wire fence; a snap at 612.600. Weist ' & : Doliarhide . 610-611 Lewis bldg. 330 A. BROWNSVILLE v 628 AN ACRE 80 aore under cultivation, family orchard, fair set of farm buildinca, springs, creek and wen; on mala county road 5 mil from Browns villa. -. Weist & Doliarhide 610-611 Lewis bldg, - , . 2 ' A. POLK COUNTY 8100 AN ACRB All under high state of cultivation; very rich slightly rolling land; fair set of farm buildings, family orchard. Located 1 mil from railroad. Term. Weist & DollarMds 610-611 Lewie bldg. CLOSE Td BROWNSVlLLB ONLY $65 PER ACRE 646 acre, black loam sou. ea good herd- surfaced road, Khool on place and aU rural, con venience, 250 acrea under cultivation, 180 acre pasture, balance timber: watered by 2 creeks snd springs, good fences, 6 room house. Bern ana outbnumng. 3 acre orchard, mce 665 ser acre, with large line of machinery in good shape; 10 head of horse and 40 head of cattle will be left on place it satisfactory terms can be made. Lea than halt cash will handle this ranch, sjohn Ferguson, Oerlinger bldg. BEALTIKCL big farm within 16 mile ot Portland, 200 acrsa; 100 acres cleared and fa cultivation; 80 acre timber; land He roll ing, is all tiled and drained, with deep rich soil: 2 large bants snd some eauipment: high way being paved to property. This land wOH doable ia value on completion of road con struction. About 810,000 taken off; tbe plaoe thi year. Hare is a bargain. Pric 5250 per ncrw, term. CAIJ. ON rs. H. H. TJBDAHL CO. (Inc.), Mara 4252. 822 Abington Bldg. LINN CbCNTfRANCrf CHOP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 160 acres, located sear Lebanon, Or. On bard surfaced road: 60 acree under cultivation: 100 acre eaa be cultivated, balance good pas ture; 2 acres orchard; . 5 room house, bara, ehickea bouse, silo, sheep shed; pric 641 per acre, with 8 cows, 2 mares, Guernsey ball, harnesses, wagon, mower, cultivator, plow, disc harrow, hav rake, earn Planter- ensilaoe cutter. cider mill, fanning mill, grain drill and otherl implements, 40 ton bay, Ja tons aiigl terms on half. John Ferguson,' ueninger piag. - YOC CAN NOT BEAT THI8 FINE EQUIPPED 64-ACRB FARM AT THE PRICK An fin land, and in cultivation, 80 Tons of hsv in barn, other feed, all goes with sale, in cluding complete set farm im piemen tn: 6 good eowa. 8 bone. , chicken ; water by spring, creek and well. Modern building. 6-reom bungalow, large bara, llo, other outbuilding, family orchard, near A food town south of Portlsnd, $6000. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce wnt. 4tn and atant. Yamhill county ranch 108 acres, located 5 mile from Gaston, Or., 84 mil from Portland ; 68 acrea nnder culti vation; 68 acre pasture, well seeded ; good fences: watered bv spring and well: good- 10- room bouse, bsru, ehickea besue: water piped to buildings; It r. IX telephone; scbool on place, county road; pric 67000, with 8 good ,1.1. m.mttw., .'--i , t. . , , chicken, hay tc; $8600 cash. Personally in spected. Photo at OXIica. John sarguson, Ger linger Diag, MIKE SALE 148 acre, $ mile from Oregon City oa food road, 11 acres ia cultivstlon; fair house and barn; about $000 cords of wood worth $2 per cord, stump: plac I well watered: will make excelleut stock or dairy farm. .Only 866 per B. O. DILLMAN. 8th and Mala eta. . Oregon City. Or. CLOSE-IN1 FARM Twfnty acres, lorxlsd on th Foster mi 16 mile from courthouse or S miles from city lim it, all good land, no waste. 12 acree under cul tivation, balanc pasture and some timber, large orcnara. niaeeaamisea roaa, rural maveiueaoea. good 6 room house, water tytem fa engine for Dumnlng: a nice, attractive plac in good local ity. Prio $4200, $2000 cash. Personally In spected, roote at oiuc. Joan rergason, Oer linger bldg. 80 ACRES 14 In cultivation, nearly all level; 4,000.000 feet fir timber, good spring and well, 1-aere orehsrd, 6-room house, good barn, granary and outbuildings; tt mile to school, 8 miles to electrio station aad town. With thi place goes B cows, 2 horse, 10 hog. 60 chick est, binder, mower, rake, plow, harrow, 12 tons bay.disc,- wagon and aU crops. Pric 4700; $1600 cash, bal ance 6 yean at 6 per cent. -H. A. HEATER,' 8th and Msin st., Oregon City, Or.' "" 80 ' ACRES 24 la cultivation. 250,000 feet of saw timber, ffr sad , cedar; family orchard, creek, several springs ia pasture, 6 room plastersd houe. barn, granary; 8 cows, 8 horses, sow, chicken, farm implements, 4 tons bsy, grain for seed; 6 tt mile from Oregon City. Pric 68000, part v ' itiwf ivn .' A. vi. . - - - 6th and Main Stt Oregon Cjty, Otwfoa. PRUNE ORCHARD 125 ores ia Yamhill county, Stt miles from town; 60 acre in bearing prunes; tine big home with steam heat eleetrto lights and water system, big bam, mne drver, et.e for bmp aad other buildings; stock, qttip-n-ent snd household funuuir incloaest l'ne 626.000. LrEDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce, WB have aom of th beet farms and stock reach ia th state of Oregon and Wash ington. If yoa want bargains ia land, as us. CaAMPBELL PHELAN LAND & CATTLE CO. . 801-3 COUCH BLDO. Phoa Mara 80S9. ,"' '. "'CANADIAN FARM"XaN DS Chaan land. remarkaUs easy term.' Land- eeker' exearkioe party leaves Portland for Cal gary. Alberta, Saturday, October 2. . Hedueed rats. For further psrtieulsr ee ' Canadian Pacific Bailway oaujny, 208 Railway Ex change bldg. . L. P. Thoratoa, ' diatriek repre- sentauve. 160 ACRB irrigated ranch under Oohoeo pro toct All been plowed and cropped and about 1 4 acres set to alfalfa. bVlaae grain stubble: has 4 room frame dwelling, large bara, granary, ehickea house, woodshed, root cellar, windmill, thrs wellis and pumps and all fenced. Write or as; at. v . nea, a-rnevuM, iw isiuav psnswsn, -leo ACBESr 6 room honeaC tora'barn,rcbarX 16 bearing trees; all - tools, ; machinery. 7 bead cattle. 12 atile . from Yrs, CeA, sm nunting aao isuung. ioa ,n goto u m an find it; prke 81600 easli, , Better go and tax leoki It a bargain. L peanett f ta st tt. Si ma SALE near county seat Hillsboro. 2A76 acres, ailo filled, rrop, stock, machinery, etc, goes with riavWruaalnf spring water rear around. . . . I, ... ri: - l li a ran wr i i Migat oa aigoway. s-rsv . fauaeoey, 870 First street '-' 2 - exebange, rert; ehoie Improved Aft aora farm. Alolalla river bottom, at de- trifinT.T imnroanl S 8-aere fruit and amilh. I tana, subuibe uf (msU-towa; prune and apple nrrtiard: 2'"' Trullti.feed. - Wnte owner fori ,,,....-. x ;ii ; . . I pric and 4-tn. 0r OlMm, Halou,. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS" 3ood Ferm Bargain Prlcea, . Every One Within 20 Mil From Portland. Sie aevea. mtjt IM...LM .......M.i: . some lrnplernsvKa and household good. - Located ""sejm rovuana. mil from elrctrtn c - wiwi, sr wiu sraaa I off soruaaa f;V 'mm wsn sajawgssi in tilawk sa4s isi . . m heua and outbuildings: plenty of fruit and ber- vum svvwa. roee ousnes; wu; Jrey-ttol- i stein eow, chicken: implemenu: bay ia barn. T Jk esi - 'moml I a 1 a i aasai . 3 lliffhl ulMMtawt4. fenmbiaaaw fasisu 4 61 tA i - ' " ' - vsnassea asT HMW MM TW .' rvnaS, Pric 64000. 17 tt mile from Portland and wj sswe nnn-ietn station, . . ' -i- w w ... ,: - f vs ; sKuwa. au unoar euiUTatlna; evchard, berries; good boas, outbuilding, well: located ia ttashingtoa county, 25 rods from railway ela tion oa mail county road. Turns. 16 ,1 I 1 e unAm .h.1 -i . - m A .. C!lrl.? r"0? timber; good soil; 0 mUes from ' city limiu in Sunaysida valley aad aa graveled road. Good terms. . T H i SAMS Wrftki . IH S .. ... ----- -- . 11 i'wi uvurs ano use kind of outbuilding; well and creek oa place; oa gravslad road about 8 mUe from Oregon fStyw " " " ewvw . a-oruaaa nun as par payment . . The above ar only a few of our listings. W nav fsvms aV Airr.MM. . i. ..i , . ... ,- - . '-''-' sww, ui utuerruv piece and for oiflerent prions.. Wbea ready ta bui. . E. A. LINDOREN, ' .- Savon Land Co., 986 N. w. Bank bldg. MaiB 688L. ' " UERE S th beat buy you ever aw. '6a aocoiinS ' : rax A labsB4ga sblb a -- j a . , . , . . M z . 2 . " o"m as hi ne aivmeit, .: b .vafleti; lost com into ommeroial bsaring; an thriving; weH cared for. Oa fool"".' - , - mvwrn mm foewnverry juice . plant cannery. ondnary and dryer, wbere tbey tak everything you eaa raise, Most prosperous ?, trJ'0' road, 26 mile front Portland. Employment for every member of Die . family. Adveruaie. for help oonsU atiy. Beat school and collegs. Yoa caa bare aay part of . V,"" 7" otii-mm m suae or sen at ggaou J!": Next .Piaos just sold for 82000 per acre, i-.i " VY- oottom aad botks ides. Yoa win be aurprtieU. Vtistnubl terat. AA 1 1 i ii vl aVa ti..ju .ia- - . . f..;.. i . i . a """ prune ana walnut land; 20 acres In seven-vear lnni. mnatx Franquette grafted on nativ stock i no rool"iAA,th tlttp- boT !rMt belt larrounded by $1000 per acre walnut and prune orchard. $125 per sores, $600 will handle. . T , Seventeen acres bottom land. ultabl(" foe any berries or fruita. on mil from Newberg ' .. n hijimi M, 1MM SISVU per year now. Terms. : 206 acres, til tillable' fair buildings: leased . on share for 1920. Ownsr share last rang -cleared $8000. $125 pr aori. Tai! ' POBTLANTs-NEWBERO REALTY 'CO. 207 slrat St.. NewbeflTori , . ITaln 4206 befnr noon ' siormay ana Tuesday 40 acre, som lu cultivttloa. good btul dings, good spring. 85 acre of good land. 12 acre la ' timber, 4 mile trom Molalla; fog a aaick sal. $880, $400 cash, balanc. termsT 7 20 acres, IS mile southeast of Portland, ea ' good road, all in cultivation, old buUcUngtTfam, -Bvwobard. ltt mUe to railroad; 66001)7 6 aore, 7 acrea tn high state of salt vation. J good buildings, all kinds of fruit and bSrtosTf land, 64000 term to suit . ' 82 acres, 13 rniles aouth and west ot Port land, on the TuaUtia river. 20 acre la a blab state of- cultivation, all kinds nf f nut . Saa 'arming Implements; , 68000. ' 62000 oaah, balance long time. 120 acres.. 60 acrea in cultivation, good build ing, all farm implements, gtook, hay and TOO -bushel of grain. 0 mile West of Kutacada. oa good road; 88000, 68500 cash, bslsaosterta to salt l ... . v . B. MADISON . 216 Seventh Bt Oregon Oltr. Of.'". .EXECUTOR'S SALE, 155 ACRE DAIRY FARM NEAR QRESHiM ' This farm to vary highly Improved, bag grsvity spring wster system piped to sB building; -'. good bouses with city convenience : one of the -finest dairy barns on th eoaat 240 feet long, milk bouse, eto. This fsna will be sold st a bargain. 615,000 cash down, Ui balanc 5 yeam at per eeat S. B. Winch, executor, ? AMfc?mW-t totttM. Qt. Sunday call -MarahaU 1688. T , 26 ACM SWAP Thto plaoe is located only . blf mil from the Oregon Electrio near Hubbard, sohool snd store. On good -highway now being paved to Portland. 24 asres cultivated, a aere at wood, plenty of water, first class loam soil Bungalow with Urge porches . nicely painted, barn and outbuilding ,-- Maa here from Unbbard who will show plac Monday or Tuesday. Prio wit stock, $4250. RALPH ACKLET LAND. CO.. . 627 Corbett Mdg. , 87 ACRK3. U sen tillabW. 4$ la lugV state of cultivation, beat of loam soil, ne rook or TT.v" nd mm 'need, fine apring creek tbrcagb th place, sprint 'water at bouse and barn. Urge family orchard In full bearing , slmiwt new 6-room boos with basement barn L.l . ?.1 U nsrassary outbulldinga, togetlief with 8 horses, buggy, plow, harrow, binder mower, rake Aa awIII ar. ..... -. t - -- 2 . Kills HI sir, 260 buimela of oat, and m srnaU tool, 1 act Af It.Ia A , . , , . . . - . -a i.i, i yt acres oc com; toeated on main bighwey with ell rural ad- Z!iWij!:l,.,il.!i.?U!,.ir Colnmbi rivar town. Price 612,000, 67000 cash, balane to suit - . ,. THOMPSON A SWAB. '' ' : 8d and Main St.. Vaneouver. Waeh. 1 U. irnrs an 4m a. . . . . 'u'etujii, n Dcanng rruw tree. , small fruits. 6 room hous. bara 24x30, garden; i """" "'. oa corner of two road; v . v v , IS WMHi, SSHBTf on tuaA ' " , ltt ACRES ' -s" ' AD ta cultivation 4 nouse. bar. l$t2, H mil to eleotrie sat line. Prloe 81600. ' vs cash. ... . . .. ' B ACRES " ' , ATI fn MlltfVaffAM 1. "1. ' M - . , . w twin suinv. mrn. war j - at hous sad barn: aU aoad L...1 i.aH o h. milaa frms an. nriAA . 1. a . m a . part an7 eayvv. , H0WLAND, ; 8th and Main St. Oregon City, Oregon. roe t IJfFlmFL? ?5ltlrt,'. to land, only 8 milm to Oregon City and 2 block to eleotrie tatiou; " , r . ". un ore oara, i Kngllsa : sralnac tma, O - a . , . , r ,T ' - -a. ..a. nn, mi, PUTS.. 126 chickens, mower, rake, harness, waaon. hack sad all farm tool and crops; also boune botd fnrniUir and dbbes in a nio boos ef w wvevrtning vrreay to lira m. At special prlo of 86000; en half eaah. balanc - . " tt. A, , HEATER, -.' v J Sb end Main m., Oregon City, Oregon. - ' 4 A4Jst;a. all rich level land, 88 aadef'fctgb ' cu.uv.vwn, s screw woous pastunsy tar 6-room boas, fin new bara, also fergg old barn, " iis n-rs, (Ksj 1 sou, ms. booa ismuy orchard of aaaorted fruits, strawberries, ; rssp- -berries, etc Well watered, fenced end cms . feneed, ltt ml. from county town, and ha all rural advantage, and to in a thickly settled com munity; personal property consist of '. team. -hu, neiuAAi. verm immemenn, lisy, straw, a' 8T50O.O0. $2000.00 tAib, balanc tV AJ sS4r Jwr D4-B1, - - - ii- a. .THOMPSON BWA;-'""-:.:L - 6d ana Main St.s., Vancouver, WaaS ;" -HERtf AhB iuACmH-ArA BAggAT- , NEAB KOBTH- PLAESs" rattrjttrm bottom land, balance day sofl, .vuw ...mii. mini wv tusesri a ninx ot it r-aJ IB mile from miss of Portland, land . v yvi act aou au gooa sou. 2ow. w yoa ABA .,, AA ImIUIm. -1.1. 1- .. . t .. -- -, iw uwiuiiMh wm a. a -niTTir war Sawmill bail mil from pUw. .::JHZ?i siivnani as eti it . 1g Sr. . tw u.-w ai... r..-' iYO0 It thi pass' you ar going to 'ail-'lh best buy near Portland. ' 60 acres, on main road, onlr 11 snflea fmea aaii.. a m.wI, ui. ; ken tn eultivatiou. . balance alaabed and in eres ta cultivation. balance sJaabed and rsstore; would not be hard to clear; 0-ro ouse, bara and outbuilding; nio young ehaeit nmAmti mrl.h ' tmi - IHIAS ..4 b hard to clear: 0-rooia or to- eluding good terma. c .. . ni&wsnr a nut. a, BIB Hortbwwtem Bank buudlnf. " W" W A . AT-A Al . .MA. .. . ' . -v nsniMii'nFAM.u wrap - C1SE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT muij . i uu, sot waejAr siuutbwiu, uatmiai . mile from Portland; nice, lev) lsnd; exception-., .A St t an j ijus aw; goorj . room SHnMe, uarn, garsse orchard, wster pied to boue, clos to aehool. Personally inspected. Prio $4250, with about v wi nay, aome grain ana potatoes. lersaa rm tlt; inht lerjusoa, jGgrunger bM,