THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL M3 SATURDAY, - OCTOBER ' 18, y 1919. PORTLAND,. OREGOtf 9 Steele Hext mum OF BAPTISTS TO Nationally Known Persons Among , , Those Who: WiU Be1 Present , and Jake Part in Conference. . , . .SESSIONS HELD AT EAST SIDE Churc Credited With Greatest ' Number' of Wiles Traveled by Delegates to Be Given Prize. , The fifty-first annual me? tins of "' the Oregon Baptist state convention - i win convene wilii iuv uook v tint church during the coming week. The pastor's conference will be held Monday evening and Tuesday morn Jng and afternoon, and the women's societies t witl hold their special - meeting Tuesday morning and after noon. - The convention proper will begin Tuesday night. t A few persons nationally known will 'ibe present. The convention "Who's -"Who" Is:--' Henry Bond of Brattleboro, Vt.,,. chairman of the. general board of promotion of the denomination ; Rev. and Mrs. "David C. Graham of Sulfu, China; the Rev. F. King Singlser. pastor . . of the English speaking church at Ran goon,' Burma ; the Rev. S. O. Neil of Philadelphia. Bible and field secretary of the American Baptist Publicationso . Mety; Mrs. Katherine S. Westfall. of Chicago, corresponding secretary of the Woman's American Baptist Home Mis ' sionary' society J i Miss Memo Brockway of Los Angeles, general director of ele mentary work t, the Rev. W. Karle Smith of Los Angelesdirector of young-people's work on the Pacific coast; the '- lie,v. D, D, Proper of Omaha, associate edifice secretary, and the Rev. F. A. Agar of New York city, efficiency secro- ' taryof the church. ' Contributing churches are entitled to ; lhreo delegates for the first 100 mem bers and an additional delegate for every BO over that number." The church 'credited with the greatest number of miles traveled by delegates and visitors .will- receive the silver convention cup. Free lodging and breakfast will be pro tided delegates by the members of the entertaining church. This work is be ing supervised by Mrs. Frank Reasoner. A few of the convention "-high lights" are: Monday evening, address on inter church world movement by Dr. L. W, JUley of Minneapolis ; address by Henry Bond; Tuesday morning, business ses sion of Women's State Missionary soci ety; Tuesday afternoon, Joint session of women's and pastors' organizations; Tuesday evening, opening of convention ; Wednesday morning, annual business session; Wednesday afternoon, confer 5 ences : Wednesday evening, women's ; banquet ' and stereopticon lecture ; Thursday morning, discussion of the pro motion board Idea and the inter-church world movement ; Thursday afternoon, conferences ; Thursday evening, laymen's - banquet, addressed by Henry Bond and stereopticon lecture by Rev. F. King Hinglser: Friday morning, discussion of church college and seminary ; noon, com plimentary luncheon by the convention board to state missionaries and secre . taries J Friday afternoon, addresses on Baptist work In Oregon during the past to years ; Friday evening, young people's luncheon and business session followed by a grand rally, which will close the convention. Two Great Sermons ? . -AT First M. E. Church 1STH AITD TAYLOR STREETS V By Dr. Stan s field, Pastor it : A. m. . 'ANEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH" It 19 P. M. v "TWO SIDES OF A GREAT TRUTH' litis p. m. Sssdsy School Cissies for All. v Psblie Forum Dlsestsloa Popular Topic , Large Chorus Splendid Quartet , GRAND MUSIC COME REV, Wll. T. MeELVEEJT, 1). D. 'ii:! ; Pastor -.. , . v FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PABK AKD MADI805 ST 8. ' - lites.A. sr. ; "Members in Particular" ' ' i P. M. "Roosevelt as I Knew Him" . , The evening service "will be of special interest, f ETERTBODT WELCOME Dr. McElveen says, "Be a standby, , not a standbier." "Only once a Btr anger in this church." t ' :5 A. M., Sunday School. . , 6 :J0 P. M., Christian Endeavor. yodaaiority" I'Enoch, He Who Fore-' closed on Immortality"- ar ths : morning-; and 'evening suDjecta tor sermons at west , minster tomorrow. , QUAETET A5D PIPE OBGAIT ' BIBLE SCHOOL AT ISiIS CHRISTIAN EBEAVOB ' - -'AX :!. . . , Dr. Edward t . ; Pence, , PASTOR. . , OPEN ON MONDAY 3sW :arl Buois orli jHovemcnt The" 'New "World Movement" of the United Presbyterian church his Invited the Rev., S. Earl' DuBoia of the Church of the Strangers to act as chairman for the Columbia -synod. Mr. DuBols has been' pastor of the focal h"urch "for 14 years, i Jlls congregation has agreed to relinquish ' him "for ' such"?' thne : as ". his" services may be -needed throughout the synod. ' -. ':, .' -' -'; '.. It will be his duty to hold conferences in various centers, explaining the move ment, organizing committees In, the va rioua Presbyteries and stirring up an enthusiastic interest In the i objectives sought after. With few exceptions he will occupy his own pulpit each Sunday. A synod leal committee has--been ap pointed as follows : Spiritual life, the Rev. H. F, Given of Portland;: survey. the Rev. . W. A. Spalding, ; Pullman, Wash; stewardship, the Rev. W. R. Sawhlll of Seattle; publicity, the Rev. J. G. Cunningham of Boise, Idaho ; can vass, the Rev. George L. Taylor of Portland. The movement is expected to culminate next April. Subjects' of Series Of Sermons Given Pr. Byron J. Clark, pastor of the First United Brethren church, begins Sunday a three months' Beries of sermons on Christian fundamentals, covering both the morning and evening services. The morning services will- be investigative in their nature, while the evening serv ices will be counterpart to them. The Sunday morning subjects- are "Religion a Necessity for Life," "Revelation Nec essary to Religion," "The Idea and Fact of God," "Creation." "The Fall and Its Results," Redemption." "Regeneration," "Sanctificatlon." "The Christian s Des tiny," "Christ's Second Coming." Tho Sunday-evening subjects are: "The Eclipse of Faith," "Wandering Stars." "The Vacant Life." "Evolution or Devo lution," "Who Was to Blame Adam or Eve?" "False Weights," "Substitution," "Piety or Piousness," "Falling Short," "Tho Devil in Chains." Realization League Is in New Quarters The Realisation league, of which the Rev. and Mrs. IL Edward Mills are founders, - lias removed from the Woman's Exhange building at Fifth and Yamhill streets to the awsemhlv room of the Modern Conservatory of Music, lnirteentn and Alder streets. The pas tor will have his offices In room 727 Corbett building. The coming of Fred erick L. Rawson of England to Portland will te under the auspices of this league. Mr. Rawson la expected here December 11 to 16. The weekday meeting of the league, has been changed from Wednes day to 2:30 o'clock Friday. "Automobile Eace" Being Conducted An "automobile race" between New i Ork and Sun fcnnHrn is k.i. ducted In the Sunday school of the Sunnyside Congregational church. The winning team is about ready to enter Salt Lake City, Dr. J. J. staub an nounced. The contest is for new mem bers. Sunday morning the church will give way to the Sunday school, when the annual rally day service will be held. An interesting program has been prepared. Dr. Staub will preach In the evening. The choir will render spe cial music. Leach Sisters Will Sing in Morning thl8 ff.M1. 8JSters have "turned from tneir extended vacation and will be heard Sunday morning at Wilbur Meth- -fnf .K ""I1; MiSS Harrl6t Will fehort, pastor, has Issued a personal In- ship to bo present Sunday morning. The male quartet will also sing. The minute man's address will be given tnh, Sunday First Presbyterian Church ALDER STREET AT 12TH REV. STEPHEN B.'L. PENROSE, D. O. (Prwident Whitman College. VU wtlU, r Wh.) 10:SO . M. KINGS AND PRIESTS T:30 P. M. . ' THE UNCOMMON MAN AND THE COM MON MAN. . Th cTenina Mrric win hT u iipeciU Inusie a ' . K. CoutMn (74S.1 0 7:30), and a aoptmno soto irora uaol'i Holy ny. ot an. sianoue Huuam Becenten.; WESTMINSTER - Huuam Becenten.; - t NOTED PRIEST TO DELIVER SERMON Father.McMullen Will Speak, at ; St. Marys Every Niht Ex cept Saturday. r v . Beginning Sunday morning -and continuing every night through next week, except Saturday, a series of sermons to non-Catholics will-. be preached at St. Mary's cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets,' by. the Rev. Orison McMulTen, C. 8. P. , Father McMullen i is a - distinguished priest ofvthe Paulist order. His lectures Will be Of treat IntorMt - Rvsnrnna tm most cordially Invited to be present .ma eunaay morning sermon wui be de. livered at the high mass and the evening-services will commence eacb nicrhi at S o'clock. The following Is a schedule of sub jects: Sunday morning. "The Apostolate Of Christ" : SundlV tVHllnir. "ThvPrn. ent Need of Religion" ; Monday, "Christ, me uivine xeaener or the Age,"; Tues day, "Does the Bible Solve All Prob lems?"; Wednesday,, "The Church of the Age"; Friday, "The Eucharist: Is It a Memory of Realttyt"; Sunday evening, "Why the Catholic Church Alone Can Guide and Save Humanity!" Enlargement to Be Object of Campaign "Can a Man Lie to God and Get B vvitn it?" ts me pointed question which the Rev. R. H. Sawyer propounds in the third sermon of a series on "The Book of Acts?' at the East Side Christian church. Sunday morning. An active campaign for. the enlargement of the present in adequate church property and the doubling of the present membership will be inaugurated by a drive in which a dozen automobiles and a cosnmittee of 60 will be features. The . re ma rlr a HI a growth of the congregation is attributed largely to the fact that Its business anairs is conauctej strictly on a cash oasis, no imanciai obligations being in curred without the money in hand to meet them. A church and Sunday school rally will be held on the first Sunday in November at which time the pastor will present a report-of his work for the past three years. m Seattle Pastor to Sprak The DUlDlt Of Kenilworth PrMhvti-lnn church will be occupied Sunday by the Rev. Robert A. Smith of Seattle. The pastor, the Rev. Paul E. Ratsch, ac cepted a call to a mission church near Spokane. Mr. Ratsch -found it neces sary to make the change on account of the health of his wife. . DIRECTORY Eighteenth Sunday After .Trinity Uniform Sunday School Lessons "Jrnu in Tetrr't Hdrne." Mark 1 :2-8. Gold text; "Jau aidnto them. Today to BalTation Com to This liouse." Loke 19:9.' Young People's Topics BaDtict ITDion "Our Pladaa and Hr in Keep It." Eiod. 18:1-8. Chrtttlan Kndoaror "Our Pladsa and How In Keep It" Eiod. 19:1-8. Epworth League "Our Motto, and How to Practice It." Heb. 12:2. 12, IS. astut Flntt Whito Temple. 12th and Taylor Ber. William A. Waldo. 11. "The First Pentaawtal;" 8. "a Priceless Jewel." fallowed - by baptismal .err ire. Eaxt Bide K. 20th and Salmon Re. .W. B. HItitoh. Uer. IL T. Cash, awoeiato. 11. "The Specialty of Ju;" 7:30. 'Tb Greatest Sicht fn the World."- Third-Vancoimr and Knott Bar. Webley'J. Bearen. 11, "The Prayer Life of Jesus;" 7dlO. Illustrated sermon, "Lesson from Jesus at the Temple." Arleta Rer. jOw'en T. Pay, 11; "Nemiah the Builler;" 8. sacred concert. Calvary E. h and Grant Re. t B. Thomas. 11. "What God Likes:" 7:30. "J.n in tne Home." , Gleneoe E 4B0i nd Main T? r. c. Laalette. 11, The FaUtng htU;" 7 -Jlft "finr Unexhausted and Nerer-Discouraged God." Sellwood Bethany Preaching by Ray. W. S. Ferris of Ashland. '. "' Graoe E. 7th and Ah. P.e. V, XT', ntur. rtnu. 11. "Outlook and Cplook:" 8. .'"The Tenth Man.' Uniyersity Paiit Bar. 11. 8. S. Lawrcnca Black. 8wedli 15th and Hort Bet. T. 0. SjoUr 6f 10:80. 7-80. St. Johns Bt. Edaar Burton. 11, 7:30. Highland E. th and -Albert Dr. W. T. UUliken. 11 and 7:30. Cathello Pro Cathedral 15th and TJa1a Rer. E. V. OlUra. 6. 7:15, 8:30. 8:45. 11. 7:45. St Peters Lents fle. 10:80. 7:80 P. Beotsea. 8, Bt, Lawrenee 3d and Sherman Her. J. C Hughes. . 8:30, 10:30, 7:80. 8t Frsncis K. 12th and Jine Rer. J. H. Black. 8, 8. 9, 10:30. 7 :80. - Immaeulata Heart or Mary Williams and Stanton lie J. W. A. Daly. . 8. 9, 11. 7:30. Holy Rotary E. 3d and Clackamas Rer. E. 8. Olson." 6. 7, 8. 9, 11, 1:80. 8t. Rosa E.. 63d and AUmeda Bay. J. O Farrell. 8. 10:80, 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Albert Rer. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:30. 7t80. The Madeleine E. 24Uv and SisklyouV-Rar. Georaw Thompson. ' 7:80. 9, 11. Ascension E. 70th and Tamhlll Francisoan Fathers. 8. 10:80. 7:80. Tn Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandene Rer. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:80. . l Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin Ber. Raymond. 8. 10:30. 7:80. ymona. St.- Ienathis 8220 43d at. 8. B. Jeanh Fathers. 8:30. 8. 10:80. 4. - ' ,St. Stephens E. 4 2d, and Taylor Rer. War ren A. Waitt. 6. 8:3K. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Tancon er are. Rer. William J. Djyina. . 8, 10:80, 7:30. St Phillip Kerl (Paulist Fathers) -E. lth and Hickory Rer. M. VL.- Ferry. 7:80. . 10:30. 7:80. - St Clementa S. Smith aya and Newtdn SerbiU Fathers. 6, 8, 10-80, 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Ray. O. Rob. 8, 10:30. 7:30. w , ' St Acatka K. - 1 5th and MiDer Re. ' J. Comminsky. 8. 10:30.7:80. St SUnUlans ( Polish ) Maryland and Fail inc Rey.'F. MaHhew. S. 10:80. 7:80. St Joseph (Jnnan) 1 5th and - Conch ;St. Midiael .(lUlian) th and Mill RaT. It- Balostra. 8:30, 10:80. 7:80. , 0 St CUres-jCapitol WO Father Caplstraa, StCharlea E. 33d and Alberta Re. J. P. O'Flynn. 8. 10:30. ' .AH Stot-?-U'sth and Oil tan Bey. Father William Cronin. - 8. 10:30. '- St Patricks 19th and Sarwr Iter, Charles U. Smith. Maaaea 0:80. 8. :15. 10:30. 7:46. - Christian - First Park and Columbia -Btr. . Harold ' H. IWi(,,!v!2? Oialh-nte of lh Church School; 1 :4sV'Thf Christian Armor." i . East Side K. 12th and Taylor-r-Bey. R. H. sawyer. n, -van a si an jja to ood and rt By With It;T 8. "God Controyerey With tb Worid." . . - -' - . - , t - iteaney ATenne Kodney end AKnoU Rer. S. 'Karl rtiildM". 41. 8. . . ; llontarills E. TCth snd Glisan Rer. Her bert b. Ryder.'' .11, tae.-- ; , : Woodiawp E. 7th and Libert Bar. Josapb D. Boyd. 11.8. , farnow E. 15th and ' WycanV Bay. - R, Tibha Maisy, , 11, 7:80.' ; ; . , - i Christian Sdanae . 1 ' lsaoB swbjart:' "'Doefrlna f Atonement" t Flrt-ltl and Ewttt. 11. S. ' - -; Nooond B. Sth and HoUadaf. 11. V Tbirt K. .lStb aod-8alna, 4. : i MULTNOMAH ENDEAVOR UNION elects officers t Left to right, Xeroy Robinson of First Christian church, hew president; j and : Miss LUa Pearson of Woodlawn Christian church, new secretary.- . ;-;. : ' , :4 1 " -- ( ' H 1 ' v i II - I I ? . V " I I Vs A lf - . i - V.i , N i 29r. iHcIveen Dr. W. T. McElveen, the new minister of the First Congregational church, re ceived the following complimentary let ter from the trustees of the Manhattan Congregational church of New York, the church he left to come to Portland : "The ' trustees of the Manhattan Con gregational church desire to express to you their gratitude for the energy and devotion - you have shown during your eventful pastorate of "a little less than two years. Born and trained in New York city, as a .young man you won prompt attention by your successes in the Bronx and in Brooklyn. : After 10 fruitful years in Boston, you spent in Evanoton a decade that deserves the term distinguished. In the midst of that splendid pastorate you heard the call of your native city. You came to us during the darkest hours of the war, "and have carried us 'through to a tri umphant peace. You have given us in spiration from a pulpit that Boon became noted for brilliancy and power. We have listened with admiration and deep ening affection. We hailed you and Mrs. McElveen with Joy and shall re lease you with deep regret. We bow. to your decision that the energies of these, the strongest years of your life, should be invested in a field yielding a greater return. Mindful of the labors you and your, beloved predecessor, Dr. Stimson, have put v forth here, we take as our motto for the future the words that rallied our allies in the fields of Flan- OF CHURCH Fourth--Tancoayer and Emenon, 11, 8. Fifth 62d tnd 42d ?e. 8. E. 11. SUth Masonic Temple. 388 TamhiU. It. Serenth Holbrook block, St Johns. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. . ! OenajraejatleRal '. Fimt Park end Madison. Dr. W. T. McEl en. 11, "Members In Partlcttlar;" 7:45, "Eooserelt aa I Knew Him." 8unnys1de E. 82d and Taylor Rey. J. J. Staub. 11, Rally day program; 7:45. "Life's Greatest Transaction." Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett. Re. E. E. Flint 11. "Fools and Madmen;" 7:45. "Mind, the Master of Living." Highland E. 6th and Preseott Rt. Edward Constant 11, "The Biewings of a Merry Heart;" 7:30. 'A Splendid Specimen of Ameri can Manhood." "atrrieigii Heignts E. BSd and woodward Rev. Oliver Pi Avery. 11. 8, annual . rally day rrviceL Xaurelwood 45th ave. and 65th at 8. E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. 11. "The Ladder of Life;" 7:30, '-The Scarlet Woman." Finnish Mission 107 Skldmora Rev. Sam uel Nevala. . 6. 7 :80. University Park Haven and Lombard Rev. C. H. Johnston. St Johns S. Ivsnhoa and Richmond Ray. J. T. Merrill. 11.7 :30. Danish-Norwegian E. 2fld and. Sumner Rev. uie Torgessen. 11. 7:80. First German E. 7th and StantoS Ray. George Zocher. 11, 7:80. Second German E. 8th and gkldmora Rer. Henry Hagelganz. 11, 7:80. Zion German EC - 9th and Fremont Rev. I. H. Hopp. 11, 7:30. Partrose Eev. P. D. Holfman. 11, 7:80. Dunkard Church of : the Brethren Borthwick and Brainard Rev. Georga C. CarL 11,8. , Episcopal ?ro-Cathedral of - St Stephen tha Martyr Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop; Very Rev. B. T. T. Hicks, dean. ,7:45. 11. "An Ancient Custom Modernised;" 7:45, "Our Call." Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A A. Mor rison. 8, 1 1. "Falae Ambition; Who Shall Be the Greatestf"! , "Too Superstitious." St Isrid E. . - 1 2th and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services in charge of Rev. Walter Gray. 7:80, 9. 11, 7310. St Marks 21st and Marshall Rav. 3. O. Hatton. 7:80. 9:46. 11. 8. St Andrews Hereford st, Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 11, 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidlar Rav. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Uood Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 'tl, . " i St Michaels en a 11 Angels-E. 4 3d and Broadway Kev. T. F. Borwen. vicar; 8, 10; 11. Charch of Our Savior 60th art. and wist at H. K. Rev. E. H. dark, vicar. 7:30.' 11. , Bikbop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital' Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7, 9 :80. St Pauls Woodmere Rev,, Oswald W.,Tay- AH Saints 25th and Bavier Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 10, 11. . Bt Johns Memorial K 15th end Harney, Sallwood. Rev. IL Clark in charge. 11. 7:30, St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W. A. M. Breck. vieai. . 10. 11. ' " evangelical ' i First K Sth and Market Rev. E. D. Hora achnch. 11, 7:80. Clay titreet 10th and dy Rev. Jacob Stacker. 10:45 (German) . "The Fall of Man; S (English). "The Doctrine of Sin." . Swedish Tabernacle i. 17th and Giisan. Rev.- a J. Ltdht . 11. 7:80, , , rrae Methodise . - Central E.-5 Sth. and Flanders Be v. E. L Harrington. 11,- 7 :30. . ? First E. 9th and Mill Rev. B. H- Cpton. 11. 7i0. I .; , Alberta E. ' 80th and Wygant Rev. Alex ander L Brfr 5. 11. 7:30. St Johns -East Richmond and Hudson Rav. E. D BJackmau; 11. 7:30. . Lents Rev. S. H. Upton, acting pastor. 3:30, 8:30. ' , Frlenda First TL asth . and Main Rev. Homer L. Cox, 11 and 7s45,-- - - -. : I ' Jewish t. Congregation Beth ' Israel 12th and Main Rabbt Jonah ' B. Wis.- - - Reform aynasogua. Sarvicaa. Friday 8- p. an., Saturday 10:30 a. an. Oonartaatinn, hTsl Khtilom Park and Clay at. Rabbi It Abrahamson, Friday, 18 p. m.; Sarnrdaj. :$0 s. . Conreg,w,n N'evah dpk. Tshnnd Torjh 8th and Hall Rev. Abraham 1. 1 Rosencranta Friday, S p. m.i Saturday, 9 a ml; Bunday, 10 a jo., rabgiooa achooL .. . . - " ' latter' Day Salnta - -V- -. Cbuxrh f Jesus CJirnt ol letter Day Sahfta E. 25th and Madison: Hcber C. Iveraca. SsUaioa vrsident; 10. 7 .30. . , t; ( - i satiersri - ' St issU V. rsftt and t Jefterjon---R. 'as. E. Itrinkman. 11. T o. . . bt Pauls IS. 12U and CUntoa Rry. a. Krausa.- :30, 10.80, "How Ioea tha Holy ;host -Santify, Cal;". 7.80, t -The Chriatiao'a Trna Richie." " "-. --, .: j.. ' ., --. UUr Savior E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. "A. ChriaUnsan. ' II (English). "Hia Gracaona en- j 8, aoecial aervice lot church snembenv Complimented ders 'Carry On.' What you and he have gained we shall not lose, but shall carry on -to newer and finer achieve ment. Such is our faith ; and so we bid you. with brave and thankful hearts. God speed." Dr. McElveen will preach Sunday, morning and evening. In the evening he will relate his personal acquaintance with Theodore Roosevelt. L G. Nich ols, educational director of the Y. M. C. A.,'ls organizing a young men's clasa This class will discuss life prob lems for young men and-will meet in the minister's study at 9:45 a. m. Sun days. The young people's; meeting Sun day night will be in charge of Miss Dorothy Philips. Farewell Reception Will Be Tendered A farewell reception will be tendered Dr. J. C. Rollins and family at Centen ary Methodist church on Monday even ing, following 'the transfer of Dr. Rol lins to the church at Idaho Falls at the recent state conference. The con gregation is desirous that the "Meth odist 'family" of the city attend this celebration. The Rev. Frank L. Wem mett, newly appointed pastor, arrived in the city ,s Friday evening. SERVICES IN Trinitv (MLssonrl Svnodl Williams and Cnham Rer. J. A. Rlmbach. 9:15. school; 10:15. German aervice; 7:80. Engllan same. Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Da via Rev. Willie lm Pettmen. 11. 8. Grace (English) Mason and ATbina. Rev. C. IL Bernard. 9:45. 7:45. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod sy: Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. L. P. HJoller. 11. 8. St Johns Peninsula and Kilos trick Rev. I Ludwigy 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Afeffuatana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogren, 10:45. 7:45. Immanuel-t-19th and Irving Rav. A. V. Aar denon. 11. 8. Trinity (Norwegian) Lovely and Fortune Rer. S. A. Stenseth. 10:80 Zion Evangelical ( Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Rev. H. IL Koppelmann. 0:15. 10:15. 7:45. sWathodlst Episcopal Centenary E. -9th and Pine. Bev. Frank L. Wrnnett Preachaing by pastor, 11, 7:8J. Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev, A. R. Maclean. 11. 7:80. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Bv. E. 8. Mace. 11. Epworth 26th and Savie Rev. J. Stanford Moore. .11, "The Challenge of tha New World," pageant by the Sunday school; 7:80. "Tha Great Career." First 12th and Taylor Bev. Joshua 8 tans field. 10:80. 8. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Elias Gjerding. . 11, "What Shall I Do With Jesus"; 8, "Almost s Christian. " Laurelwood K. 03d and Foster. Rot. A. C. Brakenbury. 11. 7 :30. . Lents Rev. F. K. Sibley. 11. 7:45. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A. fiinn. "The Christian ta His Relation to the Present World Crisis"; 8. "Tha Life of Theodore Roosevelt" MontaviUa E. 80th and Pine Bev. Hiram Gould. 11. 8. Mt Tabor E. 81st and Start. Rev. E. G. Decker. 11, 7:80. Patton Alberta and Michigan. Rev. George IL Bennett 11, "God's Purpose in Nature"; 7:30, "Brains and Religion." Rosa City Park Rev. D, -Lester Fiejda. 11, 7i30. . Sellwood Rev. W. 8. Gordon. 11, 7:30. Bunnysida E. 35th and Yamhill Rev. W. F. Ineaon. - 11, "Theodora RooseveH, tha Man"; 7:45. Bt Johns W. Ticavitt and Syracuse Rav. W. E. Kloster. 11. 8. Swedish Beechv and - Borthwick Rev. Abel Eklund. 11, 8. University Park Fiska and Lombard Rev. IL T. Atkinson. 11, 8. ' " t Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and ' Vanconver, Iter. A. Christens n. 11 8 Westmoreland Rev. E. S. Mace. 8. Wilbur Mnlrnomah hotel Rev. Francis Bnr- getta : Short. jo:so "Ana it tame-to fans." . Woodstock E. 44 th and Woodstock Rev. L. C. Poor. 11. Woodlawn K. 10th and Highland Rev. 3. H. Irvine. 11, "The Key to tha Situation"; 7:45. "Daat and Divinity." 'District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace Youngson, D. D,, 691 E. OSd at N. Tabor 2700. . .u - i - :--'wi, a. Soata;- t First Cnl and,- Multeomah- Rev. 3. TV? Byrd. Tl. "The Law of Abundance"; 7:45, "Watchmen of Zion." V . . Nwarefie '" '- First--EL 10"i and "Waldler Bar. J. T. Lhtte. -11. 7:30. ' '- . Sellwood-r-E. 9 th and Spokane Pv. Weaver W. Hess. 11, 7:80. Brentwood 6 Sth ave. and 87th at Rav. C. U. Fowler. 11. 7:80. 'Highland Park E. 14th and Krilingsworth Rev. W. P. Keebangh. 11. S. Scandinavian--Rev. J. ,C. Bringrdahl. 11. 7:30. - '"- - - , Syaahytartan ' Flnrt--12th and Alder. Preaching "b Rev. Stephen B. .L- Fenro of Walla Walla. 10:80. "Kings and Priests" 7:80, "Tha Uncommon Mr it and the Common Mao." ' WeftmfnstrtEast. 17th .and Scbnlr Rev. Edward H. Ptnee. - 10:80, God and tha Ma jority"'; 7:80, "Enoch," Ha Who Foreclosed on Unmortality," , v Calvary 1 It's and Claf. ' Rev. T Bouring Quirk,-10:80. i'RivTf Blessing"; 7:80, "The Othaa End of tha Cross."; Mt Tabor K. fMh and Belmont- Rev Ward MsoHaary. . 11. "Fundamental Unities";. 7:30. "liooseveJt and Lincoln." - - - - v Vernon 19th- and Wytant Bet. Brae O. Giffen. 9:45. Rally day program; 11, "A Teacher Sent From God"; 7 :S0, aenaoa by Rev. Rohrbougb.- "The Mieaaonary - Work t the American Sunday School Union, - . - s Ifslmont .Jeveland and Jarrett Rrvj A. L. Hntrhianop. 11, preaching by Rav. G. W. Rohr bougt of tha Amencae Sunday School sjoioa; 7:30, The. Fanatic," F"urtli Fir t and Gibt. tirr. Monroe G, a. Everett 10:30. "Tha Gnat Cloud of Wit nesses" ;. 7 :30. . "Seeing Un aa Christ Saw Tbem." ' - Kenilworth EL 14th and Gladstone Preach-in- by Rev. Bebert A. Smith of Seattle. 11. 7:80. -. ; -. - f 4 - Hooa 78th aad Everett, Rav.-H. Gilaa. 11. ' Boas City Dr. Robert H. MlUigao. 11, "311 gzaAina; Uesvvaaward' i' 8 v"Joas' - - Sacnt of EPISCOPAL PLANS GIVEN APPROVAL Henry Davison Says Nationwide ' Campaign Well Designed to Aid in Solving Problems. ; A remarkable indorsement Tof the cation-wide campaign of the Episco pal . church was mailed to .Bishop Lloyd, one of the Initiators, by Henry P. Davison, who, during the war. was chairman of the war council of the American Red Cross. Mr, Davison's letter, in part, fol lows: "I desire to take this opportunity' to express to you my deep feeling of thank fulress that the church realises in a large way the great opportuni tie's for aervles which are before her. We were aW rfiirinz the war to create a great nr.rM wfrln organisation for relief of th sufferine. resultant from the con filet:1 and under the noble impulses which were awakened there was mus- tr.rA intn Hie service cf humanity a vast amount of hitherto latent will to service, without which the success at tained by the American Red Cross and other welfare organisations could not have been achieved. "Now that the war is over that will to service must not be permitted to roia. esDeciallv since the world is facing problems scarcely less vital or of less potential Influence upon our civilisa tion than those which were settled on the field of battle. Many of these prob- i,m r IncsDable of solution except ! in the light of the teachings of Christi anity. To grip ana noia pcrajsmenuy for the service of the "nation and hu manity this force which the exigencies of war brought Into play is a task for which the church is peculiarly fitted. I have looked into the plans for the organization of the7 campaign . and am glad to say that In my opinion they are sound and logical and if faithfully carried out should lead without doubt to a successful outcome. "The Red Cross, you will Understand, intends to labor on In peace as in war, but It welcomes the fellowship of the church in the field, which is large enough for all, and where there is an especial task for the church, which I believe, your nation-wide campaign .is web designed to equip it to discharge." Sunday Rally Day This Sunday is rally day In Rose City Park Presbyterian church. . Every de partment Is to celebrate. During the past week the members have been con ducting a rally day drive, personally In viting their new neighbors to the serv ices of the church. The pastor. Dr. Robert IL Milllgan, will preach at both services. " PORTLAND Stremth.' ; ' ' : Forbes Graham and Cintenbeln Rev. Wsw Wfflis Long. 11. "Aa Good aa Tour Word"; 7:80, "Suicidal Sin." i- Trinlty Virginia and Nebraska Rev.:. Theo dore P. Smith. 11, "Christ tb King"; 7:30, "Chrfet. the First and th Lest" Anabel Rev. F. IL MixselL 11, "The Com forter" : congregational meeting ; 7:30, "Soul Barterii." Millard Avenue Rev. W. IB Gray. 11. "Drunken With Success"; 8. "Ha Meant Well." Marshall Street 17th and Marshall Rev. A. J. Haniis. 11. Miapah E. 19th and Division Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11. "Consecrated Service"; 7:45. "Food for tha Hungry." , UnK E. '7 1st and Sandys Rev. 8. W. Seemann. 11. "The Power of Prayer"; 7:30, "Our Resource in the Great Crisis ot life.' Seventh Day Advantm . Note Regular virvicea of this denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. 11 th and Everett U K. Dick acn, iWor. 10. 11:15. Tabernacle Sth and Montgomery E. H. Emmersen, minister. II. Mootavilla E. 80th and Everett Elder J." A. irerlisrt 10. 11. I-nts 94th st and 68th ats. EMsr W. D. Hnntington. 10. 11. St Johns Central ave. and Charleston Elder A. R. Folkenbrg. 10. 11. Aibina Skidmor and Mallory Elder A. A Meyer. 10. 11. Scandinavian 560 Alberta Elder O. 8. Lea. 10, 11. Salvation Army Corps No. 1 248 Ash st Adjutant Henry R. Coaens. 11. 8:15. 8. Corps No. 4 128 Vk 1st Captain William G. Smith. 11. 3. 8. . Swedanberejlan New Church Society 331 Jefferson Rev. William R, Reeve. 11, "Ucd't 8uprme Ntces aity -YouraeU.'' - , . Unitarian Church of Our Fsther Broadway and Tam hlll." Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "Ambition: Hu man and-Divine"; 7:45, open forum, "The Work of Uia Court of Domestic Relations," by Judga Kanxler. United Brethren Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Me Donald. First -E. 15th and Morrison Rev. Byron J. Clark. 11, "Religion a Necessity to Life"; 8. "Tha Eclipse of Fsitb." Second K. 27 th and Sumner Rev. Ira Hawley. 11, "Glorious Beat"; 8, "Earn What ion Get." Third 87th at and 82d are. & E. Rev. E. C. Shepherd. 11, "But"; 8, "Fallen But Raised. Fourth Tremont Bv. C P. Blanrhard. 11. "Hero Worship"; 7, "Candles of tha Scrip ture." t St Johns (old constitution ) 446 Jeeaup Rev. Waiter Reynolds. 10, 7, 8. United Evangelical FirstE. 16th and loplar, Rev. 3. A. Goode. 11, 8. Ockley Grert-Willamette bird, and Gay Bev. H. H. Farnliam. 11, 7:80. 8t Johns Rev. A. P. Layton. 11, 7:45. . Unned Prasbytartan First K. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. IL T. Giwm. lO:30, "Our New World - Movement"; 7 :30rf "Cbrist, tha Only Hope lor CifiUaation." Churdi of (be Strangerr- Grand and Wasco Rev. 8. Krl IW . BtK 10:30. "Modern tTiutch Obiccuves;" 7:30,'. "Th Fighting Farmer. - Kenton 120 Weat Lombard Ber. Georga N. Taylor, if, 7:80. ' " ,f .. ? fMlaoallanaou . ChrhUaa ' end Missions ry AHianea E. 9th and Clay Rav. John E. Foe. 10. 11, 7:30. Realization LlagiM 148 IStb Rav. Edward Mills. 11. "Tha Kingly Virtue of Kindness"; 8. v "Forward.' - Chriadelphian 621 E. Washington. 10:80. Church of God 863- Failing Harry NsaL 11. 7:80. ' '.-.-'- Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. Men's Resort 4th and Bunuido Rev. Levi Johnson, anperintandent 8. 1 Urine KHeiMv K 2fth snd Bmadwav Rev T. M. Minard. 11, ''Realisation"; 8, "The Row.- . - -' :(- , . - Universal Messianic 318 Abingtoa baQdlng. Pentecostal First snd Waibington Bar. Will C Trotter.- 11. 8, 7:80. - Glad Tiding (Pentaeoatal Mission) 240 H 1st : 2, S, 7:30 weak days except Monday and Saturday, l a ne- ;--' - ". PenteeoataT church 20th tad Acksny A, W. SmUh, . 11,. . .' ' Volunuers of America Mission 224 Bumslde Meeting every- evening axeapt liostday at S o'clock, and Sunday, 8 p. m. Portland EccIcsJa (ChriiUdelphian) 4597 Belmont George H. Tilling,, eeeretaryv 11. Penlel Miasiaa 268 1st," 3. 8- Service each stight at 8. - '.- - Chmrch of Christ K. 7 9th and -GHsaa. ; 11. Spiritual Church of Eternal Light 1840 In visistr4tv. May A- Prtoa. S. Hesaaga by First Spiritualist E. 7th and Haasalo Rv. A Scott Bledsoe. 8. lecture by Warns Miller, "The . Ln written Iw,'f followed with mewagea by Mrs. Etta Bledsoe; , "Jesus the Taacbar," by Mm. Bledsoe, followed with messages. - Fur it Sptntual Seieoee 129 Feurth st Rav. Max Hoffman, A, S; "A Nw Awakening is Spiritualism." - - iHprals of Jiewiies 3mpro ved by?ESIork of JJaptist Church ' The - morals ' of Mhe newsies of - Los Angeles have been much 'Improved through the work of the Temple Baptist church, which has constructed for them a playground covering a space 60 by 160 feet.' :" -y- The ground is excavated to a depth of six feet and Is covered, overhead with galvanised wire, stretched over a frame work made of galvanised Pipe, the framework extending 20 feet above the surface of the ground. . - Indoor baseball, basketball and hand ball are played under this, while on one side" of 'the gTo-.nds in a row of rooms the .punching bags ' are located. There are six shower baths, heated with two instantaneous heaters, which are quite popular.' There are five Instruct ors who votunteer their services. The accommodations, are free to the boys. The expense is met by free will offering's and donations from the Young "People's society. Over 200 members are enrolled.. The church under which the work Is directed la centrally located and is widely known at the Temple Auditorium. rDr. J. Whitcomb Brougher, formerly pastor of the Whito Temple of Portland is pastor of this church. President Penrose To Preach Sunday One of the most prominent and best known educators of the Pacific North west will preach Sunday at the First Presbyterian church. This is Rev Stephen B. L. Penrose, D. D.. president of Whitman college. Walla Walla. Wash. Dr. Penrose has many friends in Portland who will want' to hear him again. The Sunday school will meet at 12:15 with classes for all ages. The young: men's class, which Is following a course In "Christian Americanization will be addressed by Ralph C. McAfee. The men's class, which meets In the church auditorium, will be addressed by the visiting pastor, Dr.. Penrose. The woman's Mass, led by Mrsf lielcn Ekin Starrett, will consider the subject, "The Realities," based. on "The things which are seen- are temporal ' but the things which are not seen are eternal." International Chaos To Be Elder's Topic "Is International Chaos Impending?" Is the subject of the sermon to be de livered by Evanfreliat L. K. Dickson In Christensen's hall. Eleventh and Yam hill streets, Sunday night at 7 :45 o'clock, Mr. Dickson does not give an alarmist's opinion but through a comparison of sane, yet startling array of facts with divine prophecy certain undeniable con clusions are reached. 'Seats are free. Tho public is Invited. ; , '-'-'. Lesson of Falling Leaves Is Subject Sunday morning the! Rev. T. C Las lette of Ctencoe Baptist church will tell his congregation what can be learned from the. falling leaves. A boys'' club was organized In the church on Wednesday night. W. 8. Hale being elected superintendent. - . ;: Has Only Due Church The Rev. F. A. Ginn is devoting all his energies tV the Lincoln Methodist church this year, having been relieved of the " Work at Westmoreland by the last session of the Oregon conference. He will preach Sunday, morning and evening. . -;i " Pre parinfj ' ior Visitors ,' The Bast Side Baptist church Is busy making preparations to entertain the annual meeting of the Oregon Baptist convention, which meets In their church Tuesday through Friday 6f this week. Or. W. B. Hinson wilt preach Sunday, morning and evening. Baptism will be observed at both services. S Study of Prophecy A special study of New Testament prophecy wiH be given from the pulpit of Pilgrim Congregational church Sun day evening. Special solos at morning and evening service. Miss Dorothy Nichols of Chi cago will tell the story of Her Conversion to Protestantism Sunday, 7:30 P. Mv at Spokane Ave. Presbyterian Church, Cor. E. 1 6th St. and Spokane. Take Sallwood Car, Walk Two Stocks tast. All Are Cordially Invited. 'is International. if l r?" Bible Phophecy Was Vindi ' cated in the Outcome of th War Will . r It Fail Now? EVANGELIST DICKSON does not give an alarmist's opinion,' but through a comparison of sane, yet startling facts with divine proph ecy, certain undeniable conclusions are reached.- -.-::.! : CHRISTENSEN'S HALL ilth St. bet, MerrUos asd TamhUl Sunday Night, October 19 ; iHS.;: O'CLOCK, v; Big sing! V . Violin Special I . ; Male Quartet! . Gospel Soloists! SEATS FKEE- TUBLIC ITrVITED. -. BEI50 A FEIE2TD. Tmnonniiio IlUUtrUUlUS) 'Cr - , ''ZLl MEM AL fOR ROOSEVELT IS UK Clergymen Throughout State to , Devote Portion of TheirTime., . to This Subject Tomorrow. NINE REASONS ARE GIVEN Former President's Attitude To ward Church' Attendance, Held -to Warrant Support Request. The suggestion having been madtH by the Roosevelt Memorial commit tee that attention should be paid, Sunday to the llfo and character of Theodore Roosevelt, clergymen throughout the state will devote part of their Sunday services to this ' subject. Letters requesting this ob servance have been mailed to every . clergyman In the state. Along with the letter the commit tee sent nine reasons given by Mr, Roosevelt for going to church. They . are: . First In this actual world, a church less community, a community where men have abandoned and scoffed at or ignored their, reliartous needs, in a com-, munlty on the rapid down grade. - Second Church work and church at tendance mean the cultivation of the habit of feeling some responsibility for others, . - Third There are enourh holidays for most of im. Sundays differ from other holidays In the fact that there are 63 of them every year. Therefore, on Sun day go to church. Fourth Ves, I know all the excuses. 1 know that one can worship the Crest or in a grove of trees, or by a running brook, or in a man's own house just as well as In a church. -, But I also' know as a matter of cold fact the aver age man does not thus worship. Fifth He may not hear a good ser-. mon at -church. He will hear a sermon by a good man who, with his. good wife. In engaged all the week In making hard lives a little easier. Sixth He will listen to and take part in reading some beautiful passages from the Bible. And If - he is not fa miliar with the Bible, he has suffered a loss. - - ,- Seventh Tie wlU take part in slngrur some good hymns. Kirhth He will meet and nod or speak to good, quiet nelrhhors. He will come away feeling a little more char itable toward those excessively foolish young men who regard church going as a soft performance. t Ninth I advocate a man's joining Jn church work for the sake of showing , his faith by his works. Dr. William T. McElreen, pastor of the First Congregational church, knew ex-rresldent Roosevelt personally. Dr. McElveen worked for some years on the New York Herald and as a reporter interviewed the colonel frequently. He often conferred with Roosevelt while he was police . commissioner ef New. York. Tr. McElveen will tell of his personal acquaintance with Roosevelt on Sunday night, Sunday night at Mt Tabor TresbyUr lan church, the Rev. Ward W. Mac Henry will preach on Roosevelt and Lincoln. The sermon will be Illustrated. The Rev. Edward Constant will speak on plans to make the sermon of interest to young people. The same subject will be discussed Sunday morning at Sunnyside Methodist church by Dr. W. F. Ineaon, and at the Lincoln Methodist church in the evening by the Rev. F. A.1 Glnn. METHODIST ? CHURCH Multnomah Hotel Dr. Short. Preacher 'l:M SUNDAY MORXIXtt SCBJECT "AnditCametoPat" rortlasd's Beit Mssle SEXTETTE Exeellest Coratlnatlos ' ' FIHEST SOLOISTS Offertory Soloist , 5HSH HARRIET LEACH Go to your own church. If you have one; but If you have none, come worship at Wilbur. . Bvery man needs the Inspiration that a real humanly-Christian Church Imparts.' : I shall look for you and your friend Sunday morning. TheMenatWhom God Laughs. I Man Proposes, But God Disposes ,Tha fclaci of tha earth art themselves, and th. fulsvs tak eounasl toawthar ecatnst Jehovah, and asainat Hia. .: Anointed. - lie that sltteth In tha ha- -ns ahal laugh : the Lord shall have 1 them la deriaiua. How Is" God Dealing . With Men Now? f , lirtTBLlC XX CT17BE B"i ' t . rN.KLEWT0Nt: Sunday; Oct 19 3 P. M. :W; O. W. TEMPLE lltk BU, Bet. vrs-hlBrte. aid Alder. International Bible Students SEATS FREE , 50 C0L12CTI0JI SUNDAY f A