THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' FRIDAY. OCTOBER 17, 1315. 0 MRS: CALLAHAN IS CHOSEN HEAD OF FEI CLUB DERATION 'Corvallis Woman, . oir 0, A. C. Faculty, Candidate of "Pro I gressives," Defeats Miss Beatty -MRS. BELL VICE PRESIDENT Election Held Chief Interest of Delegates- and. Many Leave Following the Balloting. CorvalJis, Oct. 17. Mrs. Ida Bur nett Callahan of Corvallis was elect ed president of the Oregon Federa tion of Women's clubs at Its annual convention, which closed Thursday afternoon In Corvallis. Of the 189 vptes cast, Mrs. Callahan received 119. The only other candidate for the presidency was Miss Mattie Be atty of Salem, who received 70 votes, Mrs. Collins KIkins of Prlneville was elected first vice president; Mrs. John Belief Roseburr. second vice president: Mrs. Charles Hines of forest Orove, recording- secretary; Mrs. John Van Zante of Portland, treasurer ; Mrs. J. W. Sad ler of Aurora and Mrs. E. T. Wade of Pendleton, directors. ' The corresponding secretary will be appointed by the board of directors. Chief Interest In the federation con ventton. centered In the choice of pres ident. Mrs. Callahan had a statewide backing of the "progressive" element of the federation. Miss Beatty had as her principal backers Mrs. Frederick KgRert and Mrs. Sarah Evans, representing- the conservative element that has long: been - la control.. They maintained that the ' presidency ghould not go to a woman living In the city where the convention was held. ... : PERSONALITIES LACKING The nomination speeches were nota bly free from unpleasant personalities. Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar of Portland nom inated Mrs. Callahan. Mrs. Frederick Kjcert of Portland nominated Miss Be . atty. Mrs. Percy W. Lewis made an '. eloquent second for Mrs. Callahan. Mrs. F. A. Elliott of Salem seconded : Miss Beatty'a nomination. A glance over the list of new officers from a geographical standpoint- shows 1 practically .every section represented, which augurs well for the future suc cess of the organisation. Mrs. Callahan is a native Oregon lan, a daughter of the late John Burnett, former Justice of the Oregon supreme court. She is a graduate of the Ore gon Agricultural college and upon her graduation she was offered a position ,as teacher In the department of English, which she has held ever since. She was .one of the founders of the Coffee club, which later became, a. part of the Corvallis Woman's., club, and she , has been the presiding officer in that organisation a number of -times. She is. a woman of broad culture, of poise and. dignity, ft fine executive, possessing x that, admirable quality, a fine sense . of CORVALLIS WOMAN HEADSCLUBS Til Jfi'X-- IT"' ..,r l ,4 ' ' Mrs. Ida Calla- - , . - t. -ban, member of the faculty of 1 Oregon Agricul tural college who has been elected ' at president of the Oregon Federa tion of Women's clubs. Photo by Grove- 3&& V.H V ''it ft 4 3rJK.sT4m 4 r 1 V V:: 1 are serving life sentences in the state penitentiary) s commndlng the worlr of the county nurse and recommend each club should urge upon the . county of Its district liberal support ;. asking tor uie appointment of a physician as a staff member of uie-atate board of health ana the medical school of the University ot Oregon, and urging upon ounty courts a raore liberal allowance in future bene fits for the payment of hospital ; ex penses for crippled children and for dental work for. Indigent chiWrea. EDUCATOR SAYS AID IS ' - : ; NEEDED FOR STATE'S CBIPPES Corvallis, Oct. 17. -Professor J. Frank- ling Thompson of the University of Ore gon, in an address Wednesday night before the convention of the Oregon Fed eration of Women's dubs, urged the women to organise efficiently for work in home communities, to help homeless and destitute children, and to care for Oregon's 5000 feeble minded, . He said they are a greater menace, than the In sane, and must have proper attention. In a ; spirited session Thursday the club women voted that the proposal that only . Oregon girls in Oregon schools should receive -the benefit of the schol arship loan fund be left to the discretion ft the scholarship loan"board.rAmead! mehta to the constitution were discussed. A motion tbat a ' revision tn election of officers be . made was referred: back to the committee to be presented at the next convention. v. The call for the eon vention is to be sent out henoe forth one month in advance. The ub treasurer shall furnish adequate bond. It was de cided.; vj4.;- i:i-.'r.v '. ' : J WIU .Try Outdoor, Work; Cottager Grove. Oct. it Charles Van Denburg, former postmaster of Cottage m imm n ynr ! si i Niht Morning eeoVbur EVes Clesrt -Clears HeltNy lUJk justice, and - is i keenly . alive to the ! big Questions of the - day and espe cially to the things that concern. women. She is an outdoor enthusiast, a great lover of nature and one of her chief diversions is fishing. MRS. CASTUKB THA5KEB Mrs. Charles II. Castner of Hood River, who has served the federation as presi dent for the past four 'years, has made an able officer and at the close of the convention sha was given a rising vote of thanks, for her services. A large number of the delegates went directly from the convention to the train, returning to Portland Thursday eve ning. -Others are returning today. All .are enthusiastic over the cordial and gracious 'hospitality extended by the clubs of Corvallis and the various com mittees and by the individual women who opened their homes for the' enter tainment of delegates. Nothing waa left undpne to make the visitors comfort able and happy. v RESOLUTIONS .ADOPTED The entire morning and the first hour of .the afternoon session' Thursday was given over to resolutions. ' Some of the Important things that the federation - went on record ' as favoring were the creation of a department of education . with representation in the president's cabinet; endorsing the reso lution adopted at the Pacific Coast In dustrial Welfare commission's confer ence asking congress to pass, a law es tablishing a minimum wage for .the women workers In the United .-States ; endorsing legislation for compulsory humane teaching in the public Bchools of Oregon through the law which is be ing prepared by the' Oregon Human so ciety, and recommending that the In dividual clubs give one program a year to consideration of humane work as outlined by the Oregon Humane society : endorsing the creation of a child welfare department in the . federation a reso lution to petition Governor Olcott for a full pardon for Mrs. Anna Booth and the appointment of a committee by the board of directors of the federation to investigate the cases of William Bran son and Arthur Pender and report at the next convention, (all three persons KNABE AND OTHERS GET OUR SELLING PLAN z 1 i -"iiiii,iuiTi. r rHnn riV NEWVIGTOR RECORDS you have wanted rra Forever Blowing Bubbles.". ' sv By the Camp Fire. ..Vocal imm-85 ; Mammy o" Mine. . vocal When Tou See Another Sweetie Hanging Around .........Vocal 18t7 85e . . Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight. .Vocal Hawaiian Lullaby Vocal , , . 1SM 85 Ohf What a Pal Was Mary., y ...Henry Burr Dear Heart.'..". ..........John Steel 18SBS 85 . " Dreamy Alabama. Hart and James The Music of Wedding Chimes. . Hart and Quartet ism 85 I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles.. Walts Yearning Fox Trot 1851485 Tell Me ...Fox Trot The Vamp Fox Trot 18M 85 Everybody Shimmies Now All Star Trio My Cairo Love.. All Star Trio 18i4 85 Lary Daddy Dixie and Jazs Band Fidgety Feet ....Dixie and Jars Band mu 85 Solveig's Song Grieg Quartet Chalet Girl's Sunday. Violin , Kew DemoBftratlag Rooms Try V for That Record SBIBERlISTG-LTJCAS MUSIC CO. ' 1J4.117 t'osrth 8U BcU Washlsgtoa and Alder Sts. EVERTTHI3JG MUSICAL drove. "haa been appointed 'first mall carrier In place of A. H.. Sprinkle, who resigned.. Van Denburg.has done, inside work, for years. -V. , , . X-Ray tftfaclUne Installed""". -Cottagt Grove, -OcL -17. Dr. M. Wendt of the Cottage Grove hospital is installing' an X-ray machine. . s 8m Winthrop Hammond Co. j DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE GREAT BARGAINS TO BE FOUND AT THE FAIR o Washington Street at Thirteenth : : : Specials for Saturday Stationery f24 sheets. 24 envel opes), Correspondence 1Qs Cards and envelopes. . . XSi Assorted colors, regular 5oc value. Covered Casserole 45c Regular 60c . value. Curtain Goods, yard 15c ARE YOU INTERESTED in Crock ery, Hardware, . . Notions, .Toys, Dolls. Stamped Centerpieces, etc. If so. we hive it. Buy. "here. CASH AND, CARRY Open Until 10 P. M. Saturdays Greater Valines Authentic Styles More. and more, men are realizing that our service, to them means money - saving on a larger scale' than they can obtain elsewhere. Kuppenheimer ' ; and : , . Lioit Quality Suits and Overcoats New models in exclusive patterns and fine fabrics are. arriving daily. Eng- . lish, high-waisted, mili tary shoulders, waist seam and : other smarV effects, with and without belt, in single and double-breasted models. $30 $35 $40 $45 Others to $85 Tru-pe-dic Shoes , Lion Shirts Mallory Hats Holeproof Hose Stamps Given i Watch.. YsSl Yt0ti Our . " AI r 'Windows lZp, r Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland MORRISON and FOURTH SEAMWOIIh SAYSSHECOl HARDLY WALK She Knows! When it comes down, to matters of Style, Fabric, Fit and Tailoring, SHE KNOWS! ' . . She knows whether you are camouflaging in a last year's model; whether you're; trying to get by with shoddy in place of pure wool, and,' most as suredly, she recognizes liand tailoring or its machine-sewn substitute. We offer clothes that pass muster under 'the most expert investigation. tnat are absolutely unsurpassed in woolen wortn, pattern and. color. Hirsh, Wickwlre Clothes are cut and stitched Individually by hand and, accordingly they fit better and wear longer than any other clothes within many, many dollars of the prices we ask. . -; : , -Will you investigate and let us proce our right to your patronage?- Wmthrop Hammond Co. 8ufBuffumft pendieton Correct Appard for Men 127 Sixth Street Established 1884 Between Waskiag-toa asd Alde Streets t - Hi Stefl i . : 111 III : 1 1 . itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiifaiiiyiiy I.-. ' ' ' I ". r I A E ? & 9 II: : Fabrics ; m w? ..... ' '"IS ' wmm I ill -ii r II m W ST I m m m m m : - " , .' - . : 1 We Call Your Attention to the many pretty "dainty things shown in our win dows and the showcases inside. It is not too early to be thinking of holiday gifts, and there are any number of articles at moderate prices that will be just what you want. Let us suggest a lovely string .of pearls, Or one of novelty beads; a gleaming platinum bar pin; a cameo ring or brooch; a ring set with the birth stone of the person to whom it is to be given, or perhaps a toilet set of Parisian ivory. N. SOLOMON 333 Morrison pp. PorUaad Hotel IlilliiiliililliPillilil HI TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT mm Famous Actress Tells How She Uses Dervvillo To ROMANCE PORTLAND the big, home-grown feature it has an "amateur night" backed off the earth! Also MITCHELL LEWIS in "FAITH OF THE STRONG" A picture as big as they make 'em! STARTS TOMORROW ALICE BRADY in "THEl BETTER HALFf Last Times Today :r,f PEOPLES Direction of J ensen & Von Herberg;. Kf-TABLETS- l Mrs.- Bramlette; Gains Thirty : Pounds and, Is , Entirely Free ; ' From Rheumatism., , " - "I have not onty gained thfrfjr" pounds alnce I commenced taking Tanlaa. but ' the-troubles that have been making- Ufa miserable for me for a long- time have -been completely overcomeV saJd ?Mxa v Arclcely Bramlette, who lives at tlS ' Twenty-ninth avenue, Seattle,, .t Wasb ; the other day.' . ':t-Mv-. : ; "When I commenced taklngr Tanlac." 1 continued Mra Hranriette, "I was so weak and run down that lit I walkod . Just a little , ways I would,' .br com- . pletely exhausted; I ' began to suffer from stomach trouble about ft year ago , and- this trouble had gradually 'grown worse ever ; since. I often ihad -severa r; pains In my stomach, and my appetite ' was very poor.. I also suffered a., great deal from rheumatism in my back and arms, and finally In my legs' and feet This trouble was so bad at tiroes that " I could hardly walk, and the fingers of my right hand finally got In such bad , condition that I couldn't use them' at all, X Just felt tired and .worn out 'all vV the time, and didn't have enough strength , and energy to do any part .of ; my housework, and 'I began to think . that I would never be a well woman again. J was very nervous' and never .? got a' good night's sleep. ' 1 1 "Then I beard about Tanlac and made up my mind to give it a trial, and It proved to be just the medicine I needed. Why, this medicine has put me In such fine condition in every way and I am V so well and strong that I can do all my s housework and then go Into my garden and do two or three hours' work and . It doesn't hurt me at all. The rheuma . tlsm has left me altogether, and I can walk as well as I ever could and can ' use my hands all right I have gotten back my strength, and have regained all I lost In weight In fact, 1 am In . perfect health again, and feel fine' all the time, and when night comes now I sleep like a child. I have a fine appe tite and everything I eat agrees with me perfectly. Tanlac Is a wonderful medicine and I am more than glad to recommend it to everybody." t Tanlac Is sold In Portland by th Owl Drug Co. Adv. POCKET KNIVES, BUTCHER KNIVES, RAZORS, RAZOR STROPS AND ALL KINDS OF SHEARS Special at 75S-POCKET KNIVES We grind rasors and shears. . rrewar prices for sharp eslsg raior blades, S5) and 30 . per dos. . KEMP CUTLERY CO. 1S4 ronrth St. Jsit South of Wash. thin people; NEED BITRO- PHOSPHATE it Increases Weight, Strong th and Nnr Forca In Two Weeks' llimi if ' in Many Instancoe.'' '. TJie sallze average per rson Is bsrlnnlng ' to realize more and raore that the lack or physical trength and nerve exhaustion (frequently evidenced by excessive thin ness, are ,the direct cause not only of the failure to succeed in life's struggle for the necessities of existence, but also for the handicap In one's social sanita tions. Compare the thin, sickly, angular , frame with the well rounded form which ' Beauluy Her Complexion fy, A' -''h ?r '' y f iZ, iii'-f -v 7 y New York. Mis Ethel- Clayton, 'to clever young" actress now successfully starring under the paramount 'batmen is famous for. her beautiful complexion. When her' friends Inquired about it she said. "It's all due to a toilet . prepara tlon, called derwilld which X use twice daily. .The experience .J have . bad prompts me 10 nuu my secret pudiio. This - wonderful , derwipo ; instantly beautified my skin and its continued use has made the results . permanent.' When Mae Edna Wirder.' the well known beauty specialist, was Interviewed in reference to Miss Clayton's remarkable complexion, stated "Anyone can have a beautiful complexion when they "know how. It's a very simple process. I use the same article in my work,' and until you try it you hav no Idea of the mar- m. - . mi a ii . VeiOUS muits. - tm--wry iirmw ft baby softness comes to. the sktni It makes -the skin rosy-white, velvety and radiantly beautiful. It is wonderful for a dark, sallow skin, shiny nose, freckles, tan. oily skin, sun snots, coarse pores. pimples, blackheads, chapped, rough skin. ruaamesa,' r wrinkles -t ana many oiaer facial blemishes.' Derwlllo method Is absolutely harmlAw and will not pro duoe or stimulate a arowth of hair. It is superior to lace powaer, as perspira tion does not effect it- therefore It atayi on better. Thousands who have used it tion will astonish you. to the toilet counter of any drug or department store critically before your mirror, note sare- and get a bottle of derwiUo, then make the following test: Examine your skin fully Its appearance, then apply der wlllo as directed. After you- have made the first application look in your mirror again and note the surprising change. A peach-Uke color- mount the heeks have had the same results as Miss Clav ton, and X am sure if you will give it fair trial you will become Just as en' thuslastio-as I am and always use It In -preference' to ' any outer powder -or beautifier." -k NOTE When asked about . Derwlllo one of our leading druggists said, "It is truiv a wonderful beauufler. awav ahead- of anything we have ever sold before, we are aucnorisea oy in man ufacturera to refund tho money to any an who is dissatisfied, and we would not -permit- the use of our name unless the product posseseeu unusual menu It is sold In this city under an iron-clad money b'ck m--rant hy ali f'r--r .cnt stores and up-to-date drurtsta, includ ing toe trn vrug aot.' . Is usually accompanied by the bloonr of ' health and attractiveness.. -, ,' ' , : ? ; That millions ot seoole are conscious of this handicap Is evident - from - the continued appearance In newspapers and maaasinea of many aurcesuona propos- inmr varimti pomMliaa in food op rtwdirina might not De appropriate ior s, given , Aurnoniies, nowever. agree tnas healthy nerve tissue Is absolutely es sential to a strong, robust body and - mind. Weak nerves, while Indicated by multitude of different symptoms. more Immediately and genorally result in lack or energy, sleeplessness. irriiaDii ityr ; depression, etc, which conditions . gradually consume the healthy flesh. eavmo- uaiy noiiows. a iiat cnest. oony neck and scrawny arms and legs. ; Our bodies need more Dhbsnhata than most of. them are able to. extract from the foods' we- eat nowadays, ana rnany opinions .affirm that there is nothing which may be taken into tne numan deficiency as the. purs organic phosphate known as bttro-pnospnate ana soia oy good druggists everywhere, j, . : 't- The essential phosphoric food elements tn bltro-phosphat assimilated by the nerve cells should soon produce ft pleas Ing change in nerve energy and hwice increased vitality and strength.- With the. burdens -of nervousness, sleepless ness, lack of energy, etc lifted, normal weight with Its attractive fullness and ruddy glow of health replaces the former picture of skin and bones, miss ueorgw Hamilton, who was once ihln and frail. "Bttro-nnosnnaia ' nas Drouanc a music transformation ww me. I gained ls pounds and never before felt: so rweH." Hastlon i-Althoueh BltrO-FhoSPhat is unexcelled for the relief of nervousness and attendant disorders, owing to I's tendency to increase weight, one shouia watch the scales while taking Jt unless It Is the desire to put on nesn. aov. " unriwof; rnr tiw WW XFi VJT9 ww w