THE OREGON ..DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 'FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 17, 1919. RED CROSS NOV! 7 oiirAAflnrn hhtij4 ...1 MUM RELIEF . . Mrs. Meta dekker, Just Returned ; From Washington, Says Task f Incidental to Demobilizing Big ' EFFICIENT HELP NECESSARY ' -" . -.;..! : Eastern Office Deluged by Serv , -Hce Men Who Are Attended To ' as Fasti as.t Records Permit. ..... ; -i. ' The department of civilian relief . of the American Red Cross in Wash ington, D. C I behind almost 90,000 cases, although every one of the j thousand of employes are exerting every energy to take care of the in numerable requests from soldiers and their families, says Mrs. Meta Dekker, information clerk of the home service section of the Portland , chapter of -the Red Cross, who re- turned Wednesday from a six weeks' trip in the Bast. "At the Washington office they are coming in- at the rate of 350 to 40O day," said Mrs. Dekker, "and - are being adjusted as rapidly as the work ers can get ' the demobilization records of the men from the army and navy. These record are absolutely necessary for the bureau of war risk insurance. "Men must have patience. lt Is a tremendous I undertaking, but every thing will be adjusted In time. I never saw so many workers In my life, as throngred ot.ef the building- at 4:30 p. m.; They are putting pn more effici ent help and getting rid of the inefficient, so as to hurry, through with the work more expeditiously. I have come back tolerant of everybody, and believe the government Is doing tnis work as quickly as possible. " " j m. enthused with Portland and 3 think it is the only- place. It is a wonderful city, and I am well pleased with the work the Portland .chapter - is t doing. " Compared with other chapters at the home office, it-is well organised." Mrs. Dekker has been with the Port land Red Cross chapter since August, l18. Her Eastern trip was In the form ' of, a vacation, on which, after visiting her family in Illinois, she spent a time in New York, Boston and Washington, where she called at the Red Cross of fices to see how work Is done there. . Mrs. Dekker's department takes care of a'l delayed allotment and allowances and claims from either the soldier, sailor or marine. Mrs. Tindolph Dies -Following Operation ' Mrs. ; Esther Ramsdell Tindolph, who Tnad been critically 111 for the past five weeks,-died Thursday morning at St. Vincents hospital' subsequent to a severe operation. Mrs. Tindolph was born at Scltuate, Rhode Island, in' 1854. She had been a resident of Portland for. the last 10 years, where "she 'had made' Tier home with her only son, Allen G. Tin dolph. Besides her -son, Mrs. Tindolph - Is survived by her brothers, George and Charles Ramsdell, now "residing in the East She was a sister tf the lata Hor ace D. Ramsdell of this city. Funeral services were held at the First Presby terian church this .afternoon at 2 o'clock. Pivate services were held at the ' Portland crematorium. Two Boys-Arrested I For Stealing, $215 ' From ; W. TTnion Corvallls, Oct. 17. ' Taken in hand by N'ghtwatchman , Hnry- Robinson - late Tuesday afternopn, J amen ..Brown,' 1C and , Jesse Ellison, 15. confessed taking 1215 from, the -till of the Western Union telegraph office r during f the " night of October 10. Robinson captured the boys following thejr return from a-trip to Eilfeene , and Albany, and a foui-day stay, at Newport, from which thy re! turred with SJ.73,? t f fcf';'"--''s.':K Later, before Attorney Arthur Clarke,, the boys told the story of, taking the money. Brown, - who had - been a mes senger boy for the Western Union sev ere weeks, noted that money had been taken -in on the first day of the month, and' also noted that the office chief, J. H. Lucas, had placed it in a tilt m the drawer rather than in the safe. Ho to'-l young Ellison of the fact, and witq a key to the office which he kept in his possession the two visited the office thst, and while Ellison took the stiver young Brown picked the paper money from the checks and receipts inciosed. The two are In the-county Jail, nnd after a hearing before Judge Wade Ma Ion will probably be turned . over to the Juvenile court ; iThe Brown boy is a son of J. - IL Brown, a laborer in the heating plant at Oregon Agricultural college, and Mrs. Brown, divorced and now living in Portland. Young Ellison is a member of a family recently here from Texas. Otzr Liner of Maytag Electric .Washers and Equipment U Complete Sold on Terms 4 t . Trufflesr-, Alumni Beat Student Corvallls, Oct, 17. -In an Interesting cUish at the Oregon Agricultural College Freshman field Wednesday the Cor vallls high alumni' j,defeaed the h!gh school team by rolling, vp a l4-to-0 score. The Alumni team frtcluded a number of the old stars of former years and they readily displayed the old team wprk of school days. 'Fboiball spirit Is running high just now and the ooyd are working hard in preparation for the first game. Stores Close Earlier . Corvallls, Oct 17. If plans now under consideration are carried out Corvallls stores will close on Saturday evenings henceforth at o'clock. The plan was discussed at a meeting of 'the merchants held this Week, and Is a resul of the state' law- requiring: that women rhall not be permitted to work longer than elghtho urs. The closing would affect the larger stores in particular where two shifts would be required under the new law, doubling expenses of operation. New Enforcement Of Curfew Law Is Lauded--by Mayor . Enforcement of .the curfew law has been entirely "successful as a weapon against crime, Mayor Baker declares. "It will be enforced. 365 days in the year during the remainder of this ad ministration," he added. "Assistant Chief Jenkins tells me that in his experience in police work he has never seen a more .effective order. It has aided materially in assisting to pick -up prowlers ).hat ordinarily get away, and through its enforcement we have ap- ! prehended house prowlers, auto -thieves and other criminals that ir would have been very difficult to find without the ad of the ordinances. But the big thing has been the affect on Juvenile crim inality IZ-'-. Location on Macadam Road Changes Hands Negotiations were closed Thursday for purchase of three-quarters of a block of improved property on Macadam road by the .Times-Cress Paint company from George C. Flanders for $24,500. The land contains a two story build ing, 100x200 feet in dimensions, formerly used by the Flsher-Thorsen Paint com pany. This will be used as warehouse and wholesale attribution point DANCING GUARANTEED In eight lessons ladies $2.50, gentlemen 15.00 at De Honey's beautiful Academy, 23d and Wash ington. Sew Classes fer Beginner start Monday and Friday evenings. Ad vanced classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings, t to 11 All latest and popula - dances and new steps t a u g h t in eight three-hour lessons. LADIES fS.t GENTLEMEN ft. Plenty of desirable partners and nrut. tlce. No embarrassment Separate step room and extra teachers for backward pupils. A printed description of all dances free for pupils. The social fea ture alone is worth double the price. Private lessons all hours. Learn from professional dancers who guarantee to make a dancer of you and where you meet refined people. Phone Main 7658.' Select Dancing Parties Every Saturday Evening. s GREAT SALE ON meet Music . v."; v; ",-" ' ' - n Old Popular Songs 5c v thf copy md some of the latest hitn of r the season 9c ' Back numbers of Etudes going for 10c each, and shop worn albums at half price. V READ THE LIST I Beautiful 'Ohio 15c ; Naughty Hindu Eyes 9c " 1 Wanting a.. Loveland 9c .Mothers' Cradle Song 9c , The Game of Love 9c I Hawaiian Breezes 9c Girl of My Dreams 9c Then Ypu'll Know 9c Conie to-Roseland 5c Georsria' Moon 5c " Smiles and Chuckles 5c ' Dreamin' 'Bout ' Dat Xmas Tree 5c ' ' ' ! ' A Remick Star Dance Folio f - including 22 Fox Trots,-13 Qne Steps and :4 -Waltzes for 2Sc'eacK!:r:r This is positively our, greatest Sheet Music sale to date. tOome early, to the "Musical . Floor" the Seventh. - v oLwman Wcvuc rMerchandise of 1 Knahe and Other High-Grade - ;-' - -. Pianos - : :0. 'Merit Only" , Victor, Pathe and Stradivari " Phonographs 1 r z i r Daintily Satisfying and Wholesomely Delicious t -' The Candy Eclat Made by Us, Sold on the Street Floor. ' el'MeiahdiseifdMcrttOii Mendel- 1 U 1j The Name That ts Synonymous With Trunk Quality, , " v Mendel "Dustproof" Wardrobe Trunks , ;? Here Only I Fifth Floor, E vents to Make a ,'Big 'nappy Saturday f.- , '' ' ' For Miss 6 to 14 The Girls' Own Shop is a section, de voted to. the serving of Youth, where individualized clothes are to be had at prices consistently low. Delightful Frocks of Jersey, Serge and Velvet Many model? in these fashionable fab rics, youthfully simple and smart. Russian Blouse Frocks of Serge. $24.50 A delightfully youthful over blouse frock graced by silk stitchery and picot ribbon belt. Navy Serge Waist Line Frocks at $24.50 Round neck, full skirt with inverted pockets . smartly button trimmed. Embroidery on blouse, sash end and pocket. Surplice Waist Frocks of Navy Serge $24J50 Exceptionally well made dress belted and pocketed. Wonderfully smart lines that are good for older girls as well. Peter Thompson Frocks and Dresses of Storm Serge $8.95 Full side pleated skirt, red tie and braid trimmed Peter -Thompson models. And pleated skirt frock of storm serge, white pique collar and cuffs, pearl button trimmed- ' Plaid Silk Trimmed Serge Frocks Very Smart $8.95 Patch pocketed, belted and with clever tabs buttoning to waist; this is an unusually fascinating model. Silk bound button holes add to its attractiveness. JUNIOR Some perfectly stunning new things in the way of Suits, Frocks and Skirts await young women who require junior sizes. Jersey Suits Smart, Serviceable' $32.50, $35.00, $40.00 -New heather mixtures of brown, blue and greens. Three model each with smart fitted backs, open or convertible collars. . - Jersey Skirts Veiu, Fashionable $11.50 to $12.50 Highly, practical are these comfortable weir about tailored skirts of Jersey. Silver, brown, navy, silver blue and heather: NEW Smocks of Corduroy VERY STRIKING! Shown for the first time in Portland these lovely smocks of coral, beige, russet, American Beauty and tan corduroy. Peasant sleeves, wool stitchery and embroidery in contrasting pastel shades. Turned up, cuff effect at bottom. Sizes 16 to 20. and 40, 43 and 44 bust. Priced $12.50 and $13.50. Many Attractive Frocks $25.00 to $66.50 Beautiful frocks of wool serees and lersev. Tailored styles with touches of hand work or braid' Navy is the smartest color shown. V 1 Many shapes. WEE TOT. Cunning apparel for the little ones is here aplenty. Bring them in to be outfitted. Little Coats $7.50, $9.95, $11.50, $13.50 and Up Broadcloth" and cheviots, in black and white Shepherd checks, velvets, plush and corduroys. Tailored Coats for Wee Boys $7.95, $10.00 to $12.50 Several styles. Navy, brown and black also black - and white checks, double breasted are they, with smart velvet collars. And to Wear on Little Heads pretty styles in velvet, plush or velour plain tailored and fancy $2.95 and up. - Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. A Delightful Showing of pit $10 Join Truly the "Hat of the Day" for In no other" models at such moderate prices will you find such smartness, such excellent workmanship and such variedness of style. This new collection of these smart hats Is. characterized by their duvetyn crowns combined with fine black velvet, and the clever means of adornment. - f ; There, are, too, the small "puffy" plush hats that- are most flattering. Turbans as ell. in many new shades --See this showing! Third FW. Lipcun. Wglfo A Co. Trimming. The trimming fashionable! fur richly enhances any frock or suit and many of the smart new turbans are made entirely of fur. Hudson seal, 4 to 6 inches. Near seal, 4 to 6 inches. Beaver, 4 to 6 inches. Monkey, 4 inches. Nutria, 4 to 8 inches. Mole De Luxe, 4, 6 Inches. Muffleon, 6 inches. Kolinsky muskrat By the yard, priced from $7.50 to $65. , Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe St Co. Neckwear To Add a Note of Newness Neckwear this season Is a delight ful departure many are the new notes. A tuxedo collar has a frothy cas cade and is perfectly enchanting. Of ecru net and vaU $6.75 Georgette and val collar and cas cade ere hand embroidered and finished with wee Irish- crOchet buttons. S15 Organdie and Val, square necked VBstee, has a tailored bow of black gros grain ribbon and pearl but tons, 815 And a host of other charming new things in dainty neckwear, from S&.75 to S22.SO S treet Floor, Upmae, Wolfe A Ce. Veiling to Enhance the New Hats There are the new collar veils, In soft finish Shetland mesh with high, upstanding pleated collar which forms a most flattering ruche round the neck. Black, brown and navy, Very, very special for tomorrow, at 95c. Street Floor', Lipman, Wolfe & Co. r THE GREAT SALE OF Handkerchiefs Continues Extraordinary Values for Men, Women, Children. Street Floor. Toiletries Silk Vanity Bag, complete witfc mirror and puff. 25c Dr. Fenner's Clear Skin soap, 19 cake Colgate's Clematis soap, 154 8 for 40 Super-tar soap for shampoo, 20 Palmer's Skin Success soap. 25c Jergena'-Violet Glycerine soap, lOct Imported Spanish Castile soap, 30 Resinol soap, 25. S for 65 Vivaudou's Toilet soap Santal. Rose, - Jasmine . and Violet, 25 -jC.. C. C. Cleaning Compound. 35 Cleaton's Corn Remover, 25 Glyco-Thymoline, 25. 50, SI Listeri ne. 23. 43. 85 Lavorla. J5C. 50. SI Ziora.25 - ............. Hospital Fever Thermometer, one- minute,81;25 Hospital Cotton. 60 Street Floor, Llpm as, Wotfa Co. i Liberty Blocks r Kiddies will amuse themselves by the hour ;wlth these fascinatinjily in structive toys. -Toy Section, Eighth Floor, Lipman. Wolfe & Co. For Halloween ffever have we bad such an assort ment of clever and different novel ties for Hallowe'en decoration " positively everything from witches and goblins to luncheon sets. Buy now! ' ' ; ' . :.- - . All sorts of favors; place . cards, invitations, table covers, luncheon sets, doilies, Cut outs, decoratjve crepes, festoons and a great variety of other novelties. AH moderately priced. . ,- - Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe A Co. They 've Just Come That New Shipment of the ETRIC HURT. M We've Been Promising You At And we're mighty glad, too! They're some of the p!et- JL. ft f tiest, "Cleanest" shirts we've ever seen patterns for all fj W L I 1 tastes snappy new designs to suit the young fellow who's X j I I fond of jazz and more conservative combinations. for Dusi- Y) J-'- ness men and those who prefer auiet colors, 1 They're beautifully made, generously .cut and excel- lently tailored. All colors arc guaranteed to be fast. Sizes I t to 18. . .ALSO A NEW SHIPMENT OF GOOD LOOKING TIES AT $1,50 Just In! Men's Store Jott inside Washington St. Entrance. Leatherized Suits MADE FOR THE BOY WHO IS USUALLY "OUT AT THE ELBOWS" $15.75 $19.50 Yes, and he's the fellow who most likely has big holes in the knees of his troiMers and whatever he carries in his pockets is almost sure to be found some where in the lining of his coat and he's the follow whose mother sits up late to patch the. seat of his trousers after be is asleep I But, pshaw! aren't most fellows from 8 to 18 like that? ' Of course, they are that's why these Leatherized Suits were In vented. The soft leather reinforce ment knee, elbows, seat and pockets prevents the all wool fabric of which the suits are made from breaking. AND EVERY SUIT IS FULLY GUARANTEED MORE AND MORE MOTHERS APPRECIATE THIS! - Wash Suits for Little Fellows $4.50-$5 these are made of heavier tub fabrics plain colored cloth with ' fancy combinations in collars and cuffs. Both middy and Oliver styles in colors most wanted. Sizes 4 to 8 years. These are the famous TOM SAWYER SUITS THAT TUB SO WELL! $22.50 437 COARANTEED- f gSflZl' vmsmT TIM W acm Wool Suits in Junior Norfolk Style of Serge, Cheviot, Tweed, Checks. Homespun, etc. A Special Showing of Overcoats With P!aid Wool Linings and Pur Collars. i ' . Exclusive Portland Agents for LANGHAM HIGH CLOTHES ' For Younger Young Men Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe A Co. Georgette and Grepe De Chine S " ' ' r I v Blouses Lovely New Ones At $6.75 Some strikinirlv smart blouses have iust come in at this .very moderate price. Blouses that' have every' appearance of having cost much, much more! White, Flesh. Bisque, Gray. Taupe and NaW in plain tailored and fancy models. Some have only tucks and pleats, others :7 v touches of lace and( embroidery. - Hi eh, low and Dutch -neck styles, with,. sailor, flat and rolling collars; Styles . for matron and maid ? -moderately priced. ' -.. -. , . "- : ; - c t I .. -Third Floor, LSpman'i Wolfe & Co. 1 ; . ' I THIS STORE USES NO COMPARATIVE PRICES THEY ARE MISLEADING AND OFTEN UNTRUE ) ' J - 4 O