THE OREGON DAIL? JOURNAL, FOHTLAND, FRIDAY,, CCTODEP. 17. lCi: IS TOWN TOPICS ' tnfdffi to all folate af Ota tTaHad Statea at Omad thoaM take adaantara of at pari need a Inraaatioa ta4 aarfiea U4 tasaesb TAe Ore. ( J on nil Travel Borne, to oenoaal aharra Doner & Saanh. Railroad tfcfcatt and aUaaa- kta ann-la tfwint ratals sisnasuae ptu naaMtac - - OOmiMO SVSWTO f ::':.- . , i . Rbrth aaaeal Paetfie latenattnaal ntartstt tnwitlOB, Fectiaaa. Mavaaaaaf I , r ' TODAY'S FOBECAUA'i r pertlaad ud vietaita: f Teaistt sad Satai .. dajr fair: watfarlx wiaa.";: --" ; ' i ' ' " Oraoe: Tooialu lad featarda fair; eooiat temtaht caH portlier aohiUt westerly vtasa. Vi Mhint : ToBidst. atvf SetenSar peaeaslr GUr; eaoaar teaiafct east portieas saasarate Waat. acij wiaoa, . ,.?.' WS ATSER CO JTDITI09S Lav era-tare pravails a the AUaatte sad eaat Oatf coasts, aad sver asm sa-traaob. hia froa-7-Wbarta to Ariteaa. and es-Uktra CaU - foraia. Otar the taxatMer at . the eoeatrjr the praetors 1 alts, tha principal eeuUra of , , Ush pnaid aalas ia Miami, and an the , .tma north Paaali enaat. Preeipttstioe kaa carrad at a law aeattarad Nocihaaatara ata. Untav ta serta at Taaaa and Iflorida. aad from 1 IIHnoia anatbward ta Tanaaaa and aaatwavd ta tha sorts Atiaatie saaat, - Tha waetaar ta noee warmer avar pans at tha aewth Paetfic aiape. aad aiacfe aoolrr ever a sett nachica (me . Tata to tha Laka . Tfca tanpmtata rwnrallr ealew ast-gal eeept alone aad sear tbe Atiaatie a&4-aeat Galf enasta aad aa the - ' wvrth Pacific (. KUUtac (mt la taportcd from Iowa and lisat fmat fron Jiorthara Uli-acta.'-- -c .!'" RaUtlra hanldlta at Fortland: 1 p. . ya tarday. 84 pat wnt; p.. aa, yoMardar, t3 oaf -aaa; d a. aa tedajr, fl par rant. ,i . . EDWARl U-WKLIA, 0BSEKVATI05S StitlOMS : W 11 XT' t.r.i.r 1 1 . Heatoa, Maaa. ...... Hnf(lo.S. T ' et.v-Ma. ia. ;........... - Dm MoiiMa. faa .V. ...... . KdmoBtoat Alharta ..... Fnraka, CM. .....,..... Fraaao. CaL ........ Galvaatoa. Taaaa Htlana, Mont. . ............ Honolula. T. H. .......... Jnnaa. iJaka Kaoaaa Cltr. U tioa Angalaa. Cai. . Manhtkld. Or. Mad ford. Or. ............. ManrpBla. TrttlL ........... Krw .rtaaaa, la. .......... N rr Todc. X. ......... .. Noom, Alaaka ............ North baad. Waaa. Phnanix, Aria, PlttabuTi, Pa. ............. Pooatailo, liia OB ........... PartUnd. Or. pnnea AftVart. Sack. RoMitnira, Or. ............ ftaeramtnto. Cal. IxMla. Ma. Kb Pant. Mtna. ........... fialt Laka Cttr, ttah ....... 8aa THaga, Cat Haa Fraoaiaoa, CaL ......... . fittla. Huh. ttpokaaa. Waah. . Tatooata laland. W Tn.wi.h- V.Tula Vabfea. AJaaka VaSteonrar. R. C ........ trtorta. B. C V alla Walla, Wuh, waantnttoa, l. v Wtsntpaff. Man, . , Takuna. waah. iH'!"'.'.! i eft eo so 4 50 60 P. X. taport of pracadioc 68 fl 40 Ti7 43 el 42 49 SO 8 4 62 68 1 4 i 4 49 SI (13 12 5 a a 0 63 63 44 60 19 43 4 44 34 43 60 46 48 43 46 44 46 SO 64 16 44 a II -r .84 U M .44 .64 .01 .33 .63 .63 THRIFT RTAMPS and WAB SATIXld TAMF On Rala at feastaaM Of flea. Tha Journal BlrUaa BoiUraXd OkJetlT6 Tha hikers' ' section of tho MultnomaJi club has chsntd IU plana for on Ascent of Larch mountAln Sunday. AOd Instead tho rout will bo from Linnton to Cornoll ' rood Alone Skyline boulevard. Excel- lent viovd Of th Tualatin Toiler on tho on side "and ths.' CoiOmbla and, Wil lamette valleys on tho other are af-' ' forded.; Lee Benedict of the Masamas And of the Multuonyih club will lad in thla trip, and members of both clubs, as well as any other bikers interested, are invited to participate In the wotfc. Tbe party will leavo tno North Bank station - at 7 :19 Bund Ay morning- and will return to Portland about 4 o'clock In tho after noon. Mas a ib as oa Hike Arsis Tor tho week-end trip, tno Masamas will visit Hamilton mountain and Beacon rock, on tho Washington elds of tho Columbia river. Tho party will leave tho North Bank stAUon Saturday evening? at 6:45 o'clock, and ro to WAbclella station. Camp will b made at' tha sprint;, half a mile north of Beacon rock. Saturday night ' Early Sunday morning;, Hamil ton mountain, 34(3 feet In altitude, wilt be scaled, And After lunch, the trail to the summit of Beaeon 'rook will be fol lowed. About' 10 miles will be covered In the hike. Tho Mount Hood quad rangle will be used.' W. W. Evans is the leader. Patrol Plans Dlscaised Plans for the 192C forest airplane patrol were', dis cussed at a preliminary meeting Thurs day by tho Oregon members of the Avia-" tton committee recently Appointed by the -Western Forestry and Conservation As sociation. - Oregon members are C. 8. ChApman, aocretAry of tho Oregon Forest Fire asaocJatloti ; George H. Cecil, district forester, and F. A. Elliott, state forester. Tho entire committee is com posed of three members from Oregon. Washington. Idaho; Montana and Cali fornia, tho states to be included In the extensive airplane patrol system for next year being mapped out by tno war department Car Penalty ta Aocoaio Effetttte Additional penalty for the detention of freight cars over a given time, recently decided on by the railroad administra tion, will become effective October 20, according to announcement received by tho freight offices of the local railroads. Tho ruling provides that refrigerator cars not unloaded after tha free time limit' of five days and lumber cars not released 4S hours aftr tbe lfonr at which frea time begins to run under demurrage rules, will bo taxed at a rate of 110 a day or fraction. Saaetar In Peataiila Social dancing Instruction will bo InAugurAted In the Peninsula community house 'Saturday night, tho park bureau announced yes terday. Mrs. Alta Travis will conduct tho lessons on alternate Saturday nights. A minimum sum will bo collected from the dancers to defray musio And refresh ment expenses. Aesthetic lessons will open tonight at Peninsula. The girls class opens at 7:24 p. m. and the class for women an hour later. No charge will bo exacted. . . - Mayor Baker IkTltaaV-annAlnrmsnt aa a delegate to a convention of mayors of i cutes in Arizona, California. Nevada. " Oregon, and Washington has been re ceived by Mayor Bakor from Mayor - Brown of Sacramento. The convention is called' "to Institute a boycott on, cer tain commodities, for the purpose of low ering prices and bringing down tha high cost Of living." It is to convene t i Bacramento October 10, . .Mayor Baker has not aeciaea -wnetner he will attend. .". Keceatloa fot.Sev. ejerdisr-.A racep tlon to tho Rsv. Ellas J. QJerdmg. pAstor of tha First Norwegian Danish 'M. E. church." win be given Saturday nig&r In the . chorea . parlors. . . Tho Rev. Mr. -REMODELING , CLCAMINO RE88l"jaTILOIIIN - .MEN'S SUITS , Mlohtr' astiafaatarr Waea ' Let U Vom a OaaS S. VICTORY TAILORS LEO SCHaTZ ' 443 Wash. L Ojerdlng etmt - to this -church seven years Ago And served for two years. On Account of Ul health ho removed to Cali fornia. Threw years ago he returned to tho church and haafatneo been its leader. Being returned for another yea by, tho bishop at a recent session of the confer ence. He will preach Sunday morning aad.avaniaav) V .. ' Srr. 9f eClveea Gives LectureTatar- prating the Times 3i Which Wo 14ve was the subiect of an address delivered by tho Bory Wi X McElveen, new pastor of tho First Congregational church, at A luncheon of the Progressiva Business Men's club At tho Benson 'hotel. Tho speaker declared ws were living-' to : a period or groat reformation, not a revo lution, unless men fail -to Interpret tho Unrest of the age. The club went on record as being; In favor of a revision of. tha building ode and .better street lighting la residential districts, LippeaeeU Held I for Lareeoy P. A. Uppencott waa held to answer to tho county grand jury this morning iy Municipal Judge Rossman on a . charge of larceny by bailee.: E. F. Russ of the Royal Typewritar company alleges that Uppencott rentad a typewriter from his tore for 4 and. then endeavored to aeft it in a pawn shouaXer 325. Baa was set at $500,, According to, the detective de partnient Uppencott is wanted la Seattle on a similar , chargeK,f Bird rsetsrs By Flnley-The bird study committee of tho Oregon Audubon society will hold Its regular Saturday night meeting at o'clock in Library hall. Central library. ' Tbe lecture of tha svening wm bo given by WUliara'Fln. ley. Hia subject will be. ."Birda and Animals aa Aotors.". It will ba illus trated with moving pictures, dealing with Ufa in Oregon. - The public is in vited. . - ' , -. The Oragoa SUta Board af Beatal Ex. amlorra will hold their . regular semi annual examination at North Pacific col lege, commencing Monday, November 17. at 10 a. m. All applications for examina tion must be filed with the board on the day set for the beginning of examina tion. For further Information address Dr. ILH. Scbmitt, president. SO Oregonian buHding, or Dr. W. D. McMillan, secre tary, La Grande,- Or. Adv. ir Tourists Sea aUgsway-r-Interested in the inspection of proposed, sites for tour ist hotels along the Columbia River high way. R. W. llallory, chairman of tho Oregon Hotelmen'a association, accom panied by W. J. Paeth of tha forestry service and Miss Margaerito aiamon. who la Interested In tha promotion of tourist hotels all over tho country, spent Thursday along the highway. . Sappleatsatary Readers asat Eighty faur hundred supplementary rsadera Are being sent to Portland schools by As sistant Superintendents C. A. Rice and E. H. Whitney, to replace the books supplied about three years ago. Many books on patriotism, war and matters of adjustment, are Included In the feelec tion. especially those to be used the upper grades. : Ta Observe Aanaal Eveat-fThe annual home coming dinner of Mixpah Presby terian church will bo served by tha women Of tho church at f :30 O'clock to night in the church parlors. Each de partment of the church wilt announce a program for the year's work. The Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor, recently re turned from overseas "X" work. To Lee tare oa Bsrata James Irving uraooe, wno xormeriy was inspector Of government schools in Burma, will lec ture tonight at S o'clock In the Portland Y. M. c A. auditorium on "Burma and the Burmese." This is one of the lec tures being errangfcd by the association's service department. It la free ' and the puDuc.s invited. ... To Stady fted Cress Work Tha waakhr meeting of the Civic league In tho Cry stal room at the Benson Satordav will be marked by an" interesting study of the home service section of the American km cross. Addresses will conform to the subject of the meeting. Accused of. Meaey Theft Charged with stealing a purse from Mrs. Minnie Riggs. 1022 Yale, street, Grace Monroe, who lives At the same place, was ar rested Thursday: night by Inspectors Cordon and Wright-' la tba complaint sworn out by Mrs. RJgga. the purse la saia to nave contained iisa. .rj.M..vtao--) - Special Ritual Made Special ritual music win be sung at the service at Beth Israel tonight. The sisterhood of the. congregation will present the new covers for tno scrolls on Saturday morn ing. Rabbi Jonas B. .Wise .will apeak at both services. All men and women are welcome . ..... ' "" ; " LegtoA Lglee ' Met satbers Oregon branch' of the-American Legion today has' 4002 members, according to Socre Ury E. X Elvers. Oregon's membership quota la 354. Portland haa tha largest post, with 6004 members. Salem has 400.-Astoria J50, Eugene 300, endCor vallis U&j::, Zy-:-,:, . ':, r Xra. ekeitoa Iajsrtd Losing her bal anoo ad aha deaoended from a streetcar At .Holladay street And Union avenue, Mrs. O. Shelton, 174 East Seventy-fourth street borth. fell about t o'clock Thurs day nighty suffering a fractured shoul der. Bhe waa taken to St. .Vincents hospltAL f. ' -. ' Baaelag Saaday afternoon and eve rung, free admission, beautiful Crystal Lake Park. Hoch'a famous union A-piece music: ladloo 26a t rants SOo. Coma for a Jolly good time. Given by Eirkpauick CcunciLAdV. , , i-''. " Satem'-Btaytaa-jrni City stage Leave Oregon Eleotrio depot, Salem, 10:30 a 40 p. m. Connect with Oregon Electric trains B and southbound. Take stages i marked Himmin AutO Stage. Ad-j.- , Skepait Aata Bus LlaesSt. Helens, Hood River, Bridal VolL Caseada Lock and all way points. Leave St. Charles hotel on schedule tlma For Informa tion call MarshaU 4231. Main 330. A-S61L Adv. ., J)tiet at aackantfts every Saturday evening.,' Jasa orchestra. Refreshments served at 13. Take Jitney from Mount Scott car at Grays Crossing at 1 :30 p. m. Ad. Clab Trip Pestpoaed The trip to St. Peter's dome as scheduled for Sunday, October 19, has been postponed. The Train club will announce a new data as .soon as possible. Ralleweea Baaee Has a ad The First Spiritual Science church will open its social season with a Halloween dance Friday evening; October 3L in Foresters hall, 129 Fourth street. Men's Resort Pregrant Mra Lulu Dahl MiHer will give the Saturday eve ning musical program at the Men's Re sort at I o'clock. Tho program will be open to the public rorUeBd.Ktwsarf Leave Fourth and Alder daily, 1:20, 90, 11 a, m.. and 2, 2 30. 4:18. 6:30, 4:30 p. m. ; Saturday and Sunday, 21 pi. m. phone Main 6106. Adv. ' Steaaier Jessie Harklas for Camas, Waahougat and way landings, dairy, ex cept Sunday, leave Alder street dock at 2 p. m. Adv. r. Steaaer Iralda for - St. Helena ana Rainldr, daily at 2 :30 p. m., foot Of Alder street. Sunday, St. Helena only, 1:30 p. m. Adv. . " fleed Hair Clippers Guaranteed, Spe Ctal 11.75, mail . prepaid. Portland Cut leer Co., M Sixth, near Stark. Adv. i MeCarfrer. Bates h Lively Fire, life, eaauaity and automobile Insurance. Toon building. Telephone Mala 163-Adv. ' ; Radley SHver, tailors, make dspeno- Able clothes. 10) Sixth street, corner StarkvAdv. - Br. J. E. Aadersea, Osteopathia Phy sician. 81S Selling bldg., Main 4113. Adv. HalrestUsg a specialty at the Market Barber shop, 127 4th, at TamhlU. Adv. Br. C E. Brown, Car, Eye Mohawk building. Adv. Moore Saaltarlaai for the KDk Cmro Adv. Safety Boxes 94 yearly, 284 Oak. Adv. Symphony Orchestra Concert The Fortland Symphony orchestra held Its second recital this morning In the ballroom of the Multnomah hotel. "The Eyrie resort,- on the Columbia bluffs at White Salmon, Wash, has been closed for the season. Adv. Doable Tradlsg At am pa "atarday aad Moaday lARKELL'S Special ' Bellaeater Offer Ask at the Patters Coaater You Will Find Thi a Good Place to Get Your Winter Clothes: Here You Will See a Splendid Show ing of High Clast Coats, $aits and Skirts in the newest tttfet Saturday and Monday Specials NEW COATINGS Priced Special New Fall and Winter Coatings in velours, zibelines and heavy mixtures. Special 56-inch velours in browns, plum, taupe and Burgundy ; $5.00 values, special $4.25. KID GLOVE SPECIAL- Women's White Soede Gloves with black switching or all white. Regular $2.00 values, spe cial $1.49. . HOSIERY SPECIAL- Misses' and Children's Hose, good quality, fast black, in two weights heavy ribbed for boys .and fine ribbed for girls. Sizes 5 to 10; 35c values, special at 25c a pair. TOILET ARTICLES Cool weather is here and you need these little ccgnfort-giving things; Priced special for Sat . urday and Monday. Palm Olive Cold Cf'm 27 Creme Oil Soap, a cake 8e Palm Olive V a ni s h i n g Glycerine Soap, per cake 5f . Cream . ; .27 Williams' Shaving Soap 5 . Palm Olive Face Pow. 45e , Talcum -Violet, Rose . and Palm Olive Rouge ..45s Wisteria, cake.,. 10 BIG BROOM SPECIAL An extra good Brooni made of fine, well seasoned corn, well wired a good Broom at $1. Special at 59. ic ' , (No phone orders or deliveries except with other goods) PROGRESSIVE ; CLOTHES-Are 100 jpure . wool and are the best all-round values that we. have seen this season, .and we are especially anxious to have you look-them over! Both overcoats and suits come in the new double-breasted waist-line models. $30.00 to 545.00. WORK SHOES t OF UNQUESTIONED QUALITY They; arc: made; of ? good, strong, serviceable leather, the soles are full double to heel and will withstand the hardest : kinds of wear and are as, near waterproof as shoes can be made. $5,00 to $9.00. . . - . East 'Morrison Street, Corner Union Avenue , V. . .'a odds and ends in the news j : : of travelers and homefolk Are Afraid of Rata ; Tourist travel over the Columbia high way has fallen off. about M per- cent within tha last- week or more, aaya J. Cv Wright, who runs one of the big sight seeing cArswFeopla- at "aXraid of tha rain,"- said ;Wrighv 'Thla makes the season here awfully short. A aoon as people get the notkm out of their heads that It rains every day la Portland and that what rain we have is necessary for the growth of our plant life, sightseeing travel will be heavier. But "they walk out of the hotel, look around and see a few clouds and say, ls it going to rain 7 I tell them I dont think so aad they say. Bnt we have been told it ralna every day tn Portland.' " a Knights of ColuDtbos ; .The Knighta of Columbus will open their dub., room headquarters, pending the completion of their, new building at Park" and Taylor streets, in room a A of the Multnoraahl formerly occupied by the Bankers' club, beginning October 20. Secretary John R. Murphy and hia as sistant, Dan, Kellaher, will be on hand from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. daily. During tha process of construction of their club building, they will give a series of win ter dances and parties. "iv'':' "-'"- a ' a - a Z: -t; Sugar Expert Hera 1?&XX G. . . Meredith of Melbourne; Aus tralia, recently registered at the Carlton hotel. Meredith ta one of the foremost authorities on sugar In this country and Australia. . He waa called upon by the United States government to investigate the cause and cure of the sugar blight when it struck the Hawaiian islands a few- year ago. . a ' ' Salem-Port lend Road The road between Portland and Sa lem, on the east side, is open" now. With only two snort detours, and contractors on this section, win finish their work i this year, aaid Charles H. Whitmore of the state bigh way office at Salem this morning. Whitmore has Just been ever seeing the commencement of work upon the paving between HUlsboro and. For est Grove. The beat road to McMlnn ville, he says, is to Kewberg and then via Carlton. The road between Nowberg and - McMinnvtlle via Dayton la -under construction, and' is bad tn wet weather. Whitmore la staying at tba Imperial. ' Pendleton Conditions Cood? , v Condltiona are in very good shape in Pendleton, aaya J. M. Maloney, head of the new Inland Emptre bank which opened 1U doors tn July. TPendletoa stands second In thei stau m toank de posits, with aonaothing over 11,000.000. The Inland Empire bank haa resources of 21.000.000,- Malonev has been at tertding thf Knighta of Pythiaa grand lodge of iwhlch he haa been-acting aa grand master for the last SO year And to which position he was reelected. Ac com panted by Mrs. -Malonoy ha left for Corvallif thia morning to-visit a few days before returning to Eastern Oregon. They ware -at the Seward. , a a ' a . ' . . -i Orrgoo Demand Good I ; P W. C. Allbery of Colttmboa, Ohio, representing tho Universal Milking Ma chine company. Is stopping at the Carl ton. Allbery says that the demand f or their products in Oregon is Increasing very rapidly. a a a . At the Hotels Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jonas of Bandon, Or., are at tho Carlton. Jones Is a mem ber of the council at Bandon aad Is a retired farmer aad dairyman.. - f - Mrs. M. A. Leach and children of Cor vallis are at tho Seward. Leach is a dentist Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Manning of Beat- FOR SALE FOLLOWING HOTEL AJTD RJESTATBAITT MQXrmXTtt 7 Fire Extlagalsfeers S Clocks 1 Elevator " S VeatUatlaf Faas . visaes (ittverware Scales Btekefs Bletk Bisk Wageas A Hotel Oas Baa go 8 Steam Cookers t s-CeaipartBieat Steaaters : 8 Cash Beginters " 8 8toaat Tables 1 Jokas MasvUle tee Vacatae 1 CrMceat DIk Washer 1 Potato Parer I V. S. SlfclAg Maektao " Aad Maay Other lusts Maklag CeatptoU Xsaipateat NORTHWEST STEEL COMPaANY FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY II II II Mil AV IV Jf 11 Mi i EY'S SWEET IVIILK CHOCOLATE BARS oa NUT BARS 14 BARS TO PACKAGE REGULAR 4 BAR TODAY i 4c Ear OJTE PACKAGE TO CtTST 0311 E B Delivered With Other Goods Oxry Flour Market Very Strong BUT YOUR WIITTRR'S SUPPLY OF FLOUR JTOW WHITE ROSE FLOUR and SUPERIOR at the Same Low Prices Sestemher, these priees art 4e aader the. WHOLESALE prices. (Read your papers for market quotations.) v . OUR PRICK White Rose Flour $1 White Rose Dy flour as well known wholesale at White Rose 314.78. per White Rose 3 14.45 j per 0-75 Floor Is aine fan- gooa m quality as brands sold here 40c above this price. Flour 43s, per bbl., sack ....8)2.80 Flour 9Ss. per bbl.. sack. . ...... 9940 OUR PRICE Superior Flour ail.H'-JSO ii ia i An the hest cake makers tn this City use Superior Flour in pref erence to All other brands. Why? We . have not raised -our price on Superior. Flour aa yet. Better lay tnA supply. . Superior Floor 49s. per bbl.. tlL&ej per sack.,,. 2.90 SUPERIOR GRAHAM if, ftao or coarse, per hat, IlLMt per seek 92.7S WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 43s, per bbU HLN per sack.. $2.75 MILK r fJhhy's Milk, 4S large tins In case, per doz. tl.JS per case. R7.00 lobby's Milk. 72 smalt tins in case, per do. 84er per ease ..86.60 Federal MUk, 48 large tins in ease, per doa. 8L74 per case....$6.90 Carnation Milk. 48 largo Una M case, special per doa. $L7 case S7.0O JUNO COFFEE - - r We have installed a HOBART COFFEE REFTVER In order that we may remove, by, the vacuum process, the CHAFF from Coffee after it is ground, and, insure to our patrons better cup value than -can possibly be had by putting lata the pot this undesirable chaffy substance, or by buying coffee previously refined and put up in h which has necessarily lost In strength and Quality. COFFEE BY MAIL At Wholesale Prices A coffee with guarantee aatisfactiea or your money back. ! Wo wttl deliver free of charm to year acareat atinylag polat or by parcel pest, Jaae Coffee at 44e per peaad. with the faaraatee that If this Coffee Is aet satisfactory, we will rata ad Ul f all aaieaat ef the parehase price. , n i ROSE OF CEYLON TEA I A real tea wonder Ceylon. Indie -so good that thoee who bay onoe' sever fail to order again that's our story, it tells you all the facts: ": , It possesses gee leeks It possesses fine cap eaallty - It possesses a teste lavltlag. ROSl! OF CTioTS 2JL (Black); 60 or S tha for f2J?5 PEARL SHORTE!150 K0, 4 Tie, etk ... ........... M.f 12.T5 PEAKL SHORTEirnra -fa. 10 Ties (8 lbs. 18 as.), 0ak......2.6O PEARL 8HORTEXIK6 X. 8 Tins (4 lee, net), eaek. ....,.. $1.25 APPLES Faaey Tttag Apptes, er ho...............w..150 PURE SWEET.CIBXR, per gaUea 5Q JUNO COFFEE 46c per lb. : IMPORTANT I : , otrr.TOni pteptt faitt ,aARTI OULAR ROTtCS AN weR arSan will ks fHlad sarsfstty ane nasi put aa taaaa law s tsrsvsri sv es i We MM eeete yea sur IMPORTANT -,-' T9 rters aew for 1818 pack canned fnlts aad vegetables. ' tfo wm ae gtad to sahaslt Sen prteeo for October aad oven her deliveries. t D. C; BURNS COMPANY ' .. 208-210 Third St, Between Taylor and Salmon ' " ' . I." TT " ..:"'. Saeetal Man Order Serrlee Write for Meatkry Priee L!t HeBber s reata Pertlaad Asse4atea Wholesalers to Private Fa-allies. Hotels aad Restaurants - - - - Pheae Mala 616. a-1428. tie are at the Portland while attending to the opening of two new coffee stores in the city. - , - F. &" Bramwell." hardwaro' merchant and vie president of the State Chamber of Conuneroe, whose home, ia at Grants Pass, is at the Oregon. J '- '6. R. Johnston, lumberman of GVsn dale. Is a guest at the Benson. Martin Hoven, who runs the ferry from Goble to Kalama, Is at the Seward. James H. Hawley," son of the former goverpor of Idaho, and Lester; Falk, one of the owners or the Owyhee hotel, are Boise guests at the Portland: r , ; v Mr. and Mrs. Peter Orant, who have a transportation company at, Astoria, are at the Portland. - '.The Rev. Andrew Orahatow Christian Scientist lecturer of Boston, is among the recent arrivals at tbe Portland. Plenty Roast Pork, 20c ; At Franks U Smith'a 238 Alder street; " Mutton chops and legs of mutton, 20c. Fine shoulder roast mutton. 10c Mutton-stew, 5c Pea roests. 12H& . f Smith's prime rib roast beef. 18o. Smith's choice oven roast beef, 18c. . Sirloin steak," 20c Bacon, 25c Pork chops. 25c Lard, 0c and JL50. ' Frank L. Smith's la 228 Aider at. Adv. MBM I Reliability I . - The first require -.t irient to conjider Id eye trettraent Is the relia bility of the specialist or houte 0tfe4 In :eorrect!nf defective vision, V . . "'-J v S.. "".-" ;.."- fV Teldenheimef's is an , Institution with t half century's Ibtdry of re liability. . Oar , specialist 'trinks amont tile best f 4a the country. '1 Let us assume care 1 of your eyes. ; L. ' Prescriptions promptly j ancl acenraUly filled. 5 IA j in -J S:t: I High-Grade Boy' KnickeiSuiU r ' V . Our Boys' fehop is featuring genteel clothes for. the hlgger ' v boys. 12 to 17 years, as strongly as that for tho little brother fine serges, cheviots, real wool tweeda; fine good kmkinf clothe faOlUeesly tailored, at $20, 522.50, $25 Two-Pant Suits ' Well made ef strong, durable, ' sightly mixtures pants fun lined end tnpod. - .'---: S130to$24 Stamps IQittnuerwytV" Cnlldreiv . Alder St. ; : saaaaaBaBSB-SBSwwBBBs-aaBBS .. : -s. It isn't &ir to your wife You d hardly expect yoiir next ton of coal, but it's fully as unjust to expect het to keep the bathroom sweet and clean, as it should be, if the fixtutes are out-of-date and un setnitaxy. t: . Make lier liappyjby installing Thomas' Maddock's Modern Bathroom Fixtures : or, if you intend build- . ing, come and. see these fixtures before ' fying yourself down to a selection.' , - The Gauld Company Portlaaci, Oregea Eiji-Graale ns-S-us fixS&rci Mi : i i 2s Lei lemeMtJ o Pay $1 Down Join Our Phonograph Buyers Club Select your gift machine now we deliver on. Christmas Day s Call and have us explain v Vtctrolas Stradhara Pathephones M and el Other makes to choose from Wt0 sell onjespecially easy reduced terms --jr. All the new "Red Seal" Victor records. The latest ' "Jaaz" records always in our Phonograph department. . "Mammy o Mine." -."My 'Cairo Love," "Sweet Ha. waiian Moonlight," "Breeies "Dear Heart," "Daddy Long Legs,"."Tell Me' "The Vamp," etc t ; Folejr & Van Dyke PIANOS-PHONOGRAPHS RECORDS 106 Fifth St, Just Below Waslungton FUN' E R AIL B tthl fljj . i,fs ,r4l m o:v--V Mi " Beswtiral blach sjlttfl casket, hi beta, S antes, tntbelmlag ' aaci refiaewi ssrtlse for - - - SSi-uaMls If Aaati.S aaua aM ana Hlgaar prised funerals ta proportion. 1LLB Lady Assistant v Beautiful f uoeral Cbapel ' SEAL'S T MILLER & TRACEY Rain S8tl ladopeudeit Faasral Directors - - - At8U Wasktsftea at Btla 8U Betweea 80th aed Slat St a, Wes4 SUSe - VfiTinC Oa 878 Faasral Also taalaSas special eataalaiag lee saipateai tit hi I lUC isatrod) la aay fart ef Us Vetted States. ; Summer Resorts, TbursrHotels, TVaVel i T1e & WHERE AND HOW TO GO WHAT TO SEE WHERE, TO, STAY MOTE SEASIDE kfne TkS Oeaas rOttattMLV MOTtfc 8MNMS gaat emeMfsl apet sa tto m.awmm (rasa FWOaad to assA. tod sk Chs eetw. sdea Baaebad via Che flL. P S. eke StassMV Oeeffiaas sad O-W. B. R Seats U far Batai I AJSarla, Waste the A. J. AatsOa aatoaea tska fke WaUral Cahtsjbts Btver aTitbwaf, wktsk tsrauAatas at BsSst SaasMa kaattaaanTsie felnea. avuias. sart sathtoe, omsA CkUusg, swettas, esaelas, sea Eats. A. B aiwaiwa aa At- as Urn ARRAH WANNA MT. HOOD SUMMER RESORT Aate etase esua. Fasae Beat ISA, 0-814A, ant. aad sifts, stonag svaasa, a ftaav SXata- tsaart ta res wsst Bf eas tmtm taiVL ata Sana. Hat atraasH. sasd fWao . a.kJs a-aaBauaaa, briaatoai aaiasa. Joornal Want Adt Bring Results MT. HOOD LODGE ox)UDAcAPirm ORCOON'8 most seen lo resorts, nestled respectively 2800 and 8008 feet' op tha slope of Mt Hood. Take auto, stage or train via Hood River aad Parkdaie. Come and rest and play. - For reservations address Homer A. Rogers. Parkdaie, Or. Telephone - tteod SUver Juxoaangs, Odell 814. - REUAKCEWT.EOOOAOTOSTACIS Laaaa BOtmJCDOlt SCCI A rio&aL "0 246 SBOOaO ST peaajs Mate 11 A. A-4S11. esily 6 a. aa. ereep4 Batarday. f a. sk. sod Ml a a (or Arrah Waaaah. Walaaaa, Tawsara sad aWodradraa. i - Bawad tt 84. Oaawnuamt Caaap 80.80. Oaail sad ssafaaaA v wvtnaian srass s aate Os tse.. X U a SaaaS. tv Usr, Phoaas B ISA. 0-4168. ; B 14tk sal m sail