- ,' 21 REAL ESTATE' FOB SALE HOUSES 1 IRVINTJTON tv'nrwYr riitivm. 114.000 V IB VBiUXO.VS CHOICEST LOCATION KNOTT STREET ' . W cannot njr too much to ImptM ttpoa you th reel ' worth : of thi splendid hotM. - toa vent would zMt to bay uch quality boom hi th very choicest Prt of Ii-vtogtot for littl mony. - Yon- will b mora then pleased with 'tii interior arrangcmeat; exceptionally rg living room, bright sad eheerful; rj large liv ing taom. Fir flour: Lsrg reception halt ; living room extending th width of th heus. : . ua poroh, dining room - ad kitchen : MeoDd floor. 4 largo bedroom and steeping porch and bath; third floor, maid' room and bath; hard wood floor os first and second floor; finithtd in rich old Ivory snd whit throughout Bear fa mind, too, that thi la an 80x100 comer ea Kaott (treat, with alt laiaamti paid. Tea. there ia a garage; $8000 cub. will bandl and balance at 6 per nest intercut. Probably never ; aoaia will von bar an onoortnrritv like thia on. It'll be a downright pleasure for na to show you. and you'll be under no obligation. Tbi t the first tint sdvertised. In our band xclui?ely for Mia. : :, . -:,'"' . . A. O. TEEPB CO. 204 Star, Bear d. Main SOUS, Main 8518. Erexdtig, - Phone Tabor 8721. ': Branch Office, 60th. and Handy. "rifETimfsE rkaittifUL Irvingtoa homa, lust finished, cot ITth and Klickitat, acini-bungalow, marvelous ia it ooa t ruction and finbhinc, in old ivory and ma hogany, room, 6 rotsins, batb, breakfast nook, vetlbui first floor,' bedroom, sleeping porch and a largo room suitable for billiard room aeo ond floor; tflc bath, pedestal lac, nower; fur nsre. fireplace; alao lav. or" tain; every coa yeniano imaginable bnilt in thia house; hardwood floors throughout f concrete and brick porch; plat glaa window, garage. Befor baying con sider this bargain: 311.600; tern. Be Ned Itarke on place all day rtanday or 4 to 1 pi m. week day, or Afaia 1008 any time tor appoint ment ' , HOSE CITT PARK. , SPLENDID BUNGALOW $4500 Frili. da nut thia down on your lint. Hera t a new house. This on 1 thoroughly doubl constructed. Exceptionally large Hring room. rAcrdwotxl flanra. firenlaee. buffet, oement base ment wash tray, beautiful kitchen with break. - fast alcove, large gttie ia which 2 mora room could be finished: street and aewer asst. paid; 2 block from Sandy en 4 2d. Come, let us bow you. A. G. TEEPB CO.. 2(4 Stark, near 8d. Main 8001. Haia 8516. Evenings, Phone Tabor 9321. . Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. . LAURELHUT&ST ONLY THIS ONE LEFT. I t hare a 7 -room house with den and. sleeping rorch, hardwood floor throughout, 2 fireplaces, ot water heat full basement, cement garage, beautiful view. Owner non-resident, order m to 11 for 87000: 82000 cash will buy; can bar possession November 1. If job want a homo. . cob t pga tuia op, 880 Banway Exchange. MsrshsU 2888. Auto to mow property. $2835 LN IBVINGTO. park. - 4 rooms, but very lanre- If buyer desire owner will im mediately build extra bedroom for $30. 43x100 Int. reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bedroom, and bath, gaa and electricity, screens and shades go with the place; four fruit tree and shrubbery. There is an alley here. One block .to Alberta car; $1000 to swing it This is in fint-cla.a condition, with no mortgagee or lien agsinat it. - BIHR-CARBY.CO. . gift Tty. Etch. bVlg. Mam 1086. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW A distinctive 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors In all rooms, the fireplace is a, work? of art; beautiful buffet and built-in, cabinet kitch en, fnrnaoe, full cement basement, all street im provements in and rwid; only one block to Haw thorn car. Why figure on building when you can buy this beauty ready to mora into for only $4500 on termsr , CLEVKLAND-HENDERSON CO. at 2 Rnilwsy Exchsnge Mdg. Msln 6752. NICE HOMS: $2250. . Two extra large bedrooms, lrg front room, breakfast room, kitchen with pantry, bath, lights, gas, double laundry trays, basement, nice yard with fruit and roses, cement walk ; close to library, store and csr. Would consider Ford csr as part payment. Main 1643. Mutual Realty Co., 1319 N. W. Bank bldg. THIS HOUSE WH.I, WALK AWAT Vnless you are swift on foot; 5 room and sleeping porch. Extra large grounds with fruits, etc. Defeat in part H. C. L. by taking this sacrifice at $2750. We will please you on terms, Mr. Phillips, Main BlVaY (or appointment HKOTHEIM-BROWN COMPANT, ,8.81-832-83 Railway Exchange bldg. 6 ROOM HOt'BE,' 2 LOT8-1-BIG SNAP " fl-room honse; 8 bedrooms, bath, eleetrioity, 2 lota, 100x100 corner, paved street, sewer and city lien cost $1800; only $130 to -sum. Some fine fruit tree,' garden, chicken bonce, etc; 2 blocks to Irrington car on East 13tli and Beech. Price $2750; $500 eh. $20 month, 6 per cent. ORrSSI A-BENNETT. X1A Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 $4250 Buys a strictly modern home of 8 rooms and bath; nicely finished with hardwood floors, firepltfce, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace; fell 50x100 lot, with paved st, nd sewer in and paid. Let us snow you. -t erms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 By. Kxch, bldg, Main 1094 8 ROOM HOME $2100. Two blocks Rellwood car and thia side By bee street; bath, lights, n. sewer, base ment, cement walks, corner 05x100; olos to school; $300 down, $15 month. Main 1848, Mutual Betlty Co., 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. $2000 $500 cash; fireplace, all built-ins, near Bandy bird. $2750 $600 rath; street hard-surfaced, cor ner, fireplace, all built-lna. $1150 $200 cash; 6 rooms. Woodstock dis trict. $1100 East slop Mt Tabor, good view. A. H. BELL 28 1H Morrhon St Rooms 10 and 11 ALAMEDA PARK. Colonial type. 6 rooms and sleeping- norch hardwood floors, beautifully decorated interior: oorner lot, good garage, fin neighborhood. Price bvvu: gfuuo easn. COK A. McKENNA eV CO. . 82 4th st. Main 4522, 6 ROOM extra well' built house, close in, fire Placa. buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement baaa ment, 50x100 lot, fruit And shrubbery, paved street mcniaea in pnee, ssiuu, azsuu cash. cmtance suu yearly. JOiiNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 683. 684 N. W. Bank Bldg. $$000 .-BUYS a dandy bom of 5 room and oatn, iuu cement oasement, wasn trays, furnace, imp. all in and paid: con venient to Mia, and Wins.- re can; terms. Let us show you. Near Jef ferson nign. ' J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 1084 8 ROOM bouse and sleeping porch, nearly modern; bath, toilet, hot water, gas, electric light, lot 100x100; can girc more lota; 8 blocks from streetcar, 1 block to hardsurfac St., full basement, fine view; $3250; bait cash. Mors right in. Near MV depot. Owner, A. N. Searle. i221 East Hoyt. $2400 5-ROOM HOUSE tROft r.xtm . V42w "' 60l1100 lo. grage. macadam ed A snap. , VW. A. WRIGHT Main 6888. 41TAbington bldg. Bell wood 1855. BARGAINS 6044 41st are. ft. E., 5 rooms, furnace. .$2500 1111 E. 19th-st. N.. 6 rooms, furnace.. 8250 025 E. 26th N., rooms i j. . 3800 262 E. 68d St., 6 rooms modern ..... 4050 POINDEXTEB, 208 SELLING BLDG. OFFICE MAIN 1M0O.. RESIDENCE B-7120. . JUST EAST OF IRVINGTON 82800 bay a 5-roora bungalow with fun ce ment basement, wash trays, fireplace, paved street in and paid; require bait eash. a 'i A WICKMAN CO... 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 1004 Irvington 6-room bungalow, 2 blocks to school. mr old. Just been painted, hardwood floors, reneb doors, built-in. Dutch kitchen in white. 60x100 lot, garage; half cash. East 410. GOOD 8 BOOM BCM3AL"5"w! SLEEPING PORCH HARDWOOD FLOORS. S MENT: LOT 60X100T EAST 87TH STJ- -herdSan.4601 cost mobb . choice acre " This is a beauty, facing Powell valley- htu splendid oVroom bungalow: spio and span in . side and out - Uarag. 31000 eash. $2800 Hawthorne Realty Co.. - 86th and HawUiornci GOOD ? room residence. 472 Kenilworth ava. aaar MvUioa ati lot 50x50 feet; easy torma. PABRISH. WATKINS 4 CO., ir 7 ".'-': - - " 166 Second at. - ' : - ':.-" F0H 8ALE 2 lot with 8 room and clikken house, woodshed: all fsneced ia and it, very rheap for cssh; $425. John Baemaa. 6910 8tth?t. 8. K., Lenta. ,7 ROOM residence, lot 85x100 feet No. $4$ - Wasco t: easy term. Price $5000. . PARRISH. WATKIN3 CO;. j "- 106 Second t ' - iitst' 8ELL,1' leaving city, . 7-room house: 100x100: electsfc lights; bath; fruit! berries! $200. Terms. Tabor 643$. - 7-ROM HOISB on paved txeet aob N., or call Tabor 2723. - ? 1226 E. REAL ESTATE FOB BALE -HOUSES SI RUBER'S BARGAINS . O"'' 810,500 for fines of 7 large roomed ftrlctly modern housea with ground spaea equal 24 lota. ; Finest of views of city; soma fruit and nut trees, rose and shrubbery; $6000 eash own; would-eot $12,000 or more to build ? ' treat bargain. - .. t.- VVILtAMETTiS HEIGHTS HOME , 'Only 620,000 for 10 roomed huo With WW porches and entir block ef ground: soma forest tree, beautiful lawn god fmo view of freer.1 -AM trii'ir. or we. lvio a cava. TORTCM. v.. - , ,EAST PORTLAND H0HK ' , Oniyt2400 for good 6 room house, on comer lot on E. 81t it., $500 down, bslsnr tomi, . CPPKB OVERTON STREET . 00 vlendidly built 7 room bouse. fuU t-l' f 'SO eash required. .NORTH 26TH STHEET BUNGALOW 88600 will buy fine, largo, modern 8 room oungalow j fine homo for nice family. Terms. If. you ha bouse to U or want to buy, tea nv , . .. , UtmUrf1 l"uf to rent, writ m psr- Qrubeiv 516 Oregon bide ' 12 TO P. M , $3900 Owner tearing eity will sacrifice thU oeauarui modern Bungalow eoaeisting of 6 rooms, 8 yean old. fisiahed in old ivory, hardwood floors, bookcases, fire place, all built-in including magnifi- cent buffet, whit eaamel Dutch kitchen cement baseman t, laundry trays, 2 blocks Hawthorne ear, paved ata.; fin locality. Terms can be arranged. If you waut a nifty home at reasonable price her it t. Somebody is going to get this bar gain. jfA K. th st.. near Hawthorne are. Go look, sea us for terms. usvu. I, amort. t:o., 1007 YEON BLDG, T BOOMS AND BLEEPING POHCH UdAVA f SUVV . If you are in the market for tv real food home, g real quality house, we do want th pleasure of showing you thi splendid home. Now vacant and ready for occupancy: and, too, it's in tail; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, tc; finished ia old ivory and whit throughout. Let u show you. A. (I. TKRPM f!A 264 Stark, near 8d. , Main 8002. Mala 3516. avenings. pnonv Taoor 8721. Branch Office, 50th and Bandy. 6-R. OOTTACE ON EL 28TH ST. Thia ia a neat little cottage with basement and an east front on lot 40x100 feet; cement sidewalks. This is a complete little home in every re spect. Can be bought for only $1600; $500 eash,. Call at 1121 E. 24th at.. N. Or phone Woodlawn 4807 and tak for Mr. Smith, 464-R. ,$8000 Located oa corner lot, paved on both id and paid for. 2 blocks from E. Broadway, 2 blocks from Union are. ; near Holladay addition, is a substantial 6 room residence, large, light - rooms. 8 fine bedrooms, good bath, fall cement Base ment with excellent furnace; think ot a house like th for only $3000; 2 blocks to 2 "carlinea and walking distance to iuwo. vsniy aivuu eswn to liandle. Call , u wu ovuic va snow you GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG gssoo nv ivraT t.m) i : n ! . . . . . omwi., in I ruin . . , V . ! w wv. .tin I'muHl IS VUI1UU, with an additional lot 45x120; paved street, eenieni walk, very fine) .garage. 6-room house n p up. cement oasement. T0"!. a hade go with place. Tin prop- c.v, .IU a, Di-anng irun treea on it aua Is i nice buy for the money. BIfiRCAREY CO. 210 Railway Kxch. bldg. Main ! IN POPULAR HAWTHORNE DISTRICT A perfectly modern, nifty, classy and homey ff-room bungalow with everything in it to make it strictly up to date. Only $3750 and term you will take.' Mr. Phillip ltn SKOTHEIM-BBOWN COMPANT. 831-333-33 Railway Exchange bldg Main 8189. 82750 -ON EL 1STH. near Albert. Brand ...... t-.wh, vuuibww, ii tiiiaj rooms ana am Iff IMAM ,W ah, : . 1 i I. ! . . . . ..... 1 k-iL:" "v T. D'"V' In outiei. svitcnen, 2 bedrooms and baUi. full cement basement. LYJf. ,Kn? eiectnoity, screen and shadn.; interior finish light, oak and ivory. Double ir-umtnnu i-r get BIHR-CAREY CO. , Modern Homos Only. 210 Ry. Exch. Bid it. Main 1686. FURNISHED HOUSE. A Ika. .11 . 1 - . A ... .. h"ithi, rooms, au lurniture, rngs, store and other miscellaneous furnishings : lot 4 Or 1 On tsnm itwk fn. -.-.I! , ". . t-wiiw, iuw purcnase; hown only by appointment Prif-e $2750; vouv, terms arraugea. . COB A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 4 th t. ' Main 4522. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW i Modff. double construction, epameled plumb tag, solid bras hardware, gas. electricity, large windows with shades, built-in window seat, buf fet, full cement basement, nice corner lof. one block to car. fruit tree, rose, dahlias; fully paid: term If large pajgaent made; pric $4000. 2321f' CtadstoM gve. rhone Sell wood MT. TABOR. 7 BOOM HOUSlC $2556 Good 7-room house, elect, bath, basement, 4 liedrofmu and sleeping porch, lot 50x100, street work ajl paid, some large bearing fruit trees, lota of imill fruits, 1 block to car. on B. 61.1 st.. near Belmont. Price only $2550. $1000 cash. GBTJ8SI BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. 4 ROOM, extra well built house, close in; fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement. 50x100 lot; fruit and shrubbery; paved street included in price, $3700. .$2200 ftuh IfeAlan l)IAn u .1 , JOHNSON-DODSON CO. oo. oaa. oa w. w. Bank Bldg. Rose, City Park Car IDEAL BUNU ALOW -MODERN Brand new, large living room, bedrooms, breakfast nook, kitchen, bath, lavatory, toilet, basement; hardwood floors; terms; real cozy bungalow home; 1 block to car; lot 50x100: real bsrgsin. 747 E. 73d st N. $2400 VACANT VACANT $2400 MODERN BUNGALOW SU rooms, one floor; full basement, good plumbing,' electric lights, gaa, fireplace, some built-in; lot 76x110; tome fruit; near car; V ,?PJfi "flee; easy terms. Evenings, 'Mar shall 5683: days. Main 7867. Mariels or Wil liams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PEVIVSITT. tirTvr: A r Alv Qvm . -j v.jv , , u.mr 5 rooms, full semi-cement basement, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, full lot, garage. 1 block front paved street and carline, $500 eash, bal ance easy monthly. This is aa attractive buy. C. A. WARRESEB, RTTTER Iliwc A. 201-8-8-7 Board of Trade bldg $8600 6-ROOM MODERN $3600 On E. 46th st,, near Hawthorne a vs.; piped for furnace, garage and vacant; paved st, in and paid for, ' W. A. WRIQHT Main 8988. 417 Abington bldg. Sell wood 1855. SACRIFICE my coxy home, Sunnyside; fine ."fms, fin bath. Urge floored, airy attic, just painted, tinted inside and ont; 5 fruit and 2 walnut trees, all bearing, lawn, roses, 1 block to cr; 2bIs. to school. Owner leaving city. n'earth10 " to 7 P' - 182 . Y" ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN" $1700 Buy a S room bungalow with bath, electric lights, gaa if desired; 40x100 ' lot with alley; only 1 block to Alberu , car. Term. 3. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 By. Exch.- bldg. . Main 1094. A SNAP But : T room bouse in A-l shape; lot 100x115 with good big barn, about 10 fruit trees- 8 block to ear; will sacrifice for $2500. $250 cash, $20 mo. - . SIMMS, 481 Chamber of Commerce, saain D121 $2300 Buy a. 5 room bungalow with full Plastered basemant,' paneled dining room Dutch kitchen, attic, full lot. Terms. Half . block to Alberta car ' 3. A. WICKMAN CO. 204 By. Exch. bldg. . i . Main 1094 MODERN residences being constructed on Sandy boulevard and E, 28th st,, 7 and 8 rooms each. . .. For prtoes. terms ad all other particular see us. See the bouses today. ' PARE1SH, W ATKINS A CC i . 1Q8 Second St. A NICE LITTLE HOME 8 rooms, elect,, gas, water, cement walks, lot 45x100, near peved St.. 31600. cash $200 bal $15 per month. Crockett Starker, room 203 Wash, bldg. - ' " . , - mt: f 1B6B SAdkttlCfi. $420C 8 house, with 5 large rooms aad bath la each; some repair needed; 200x100, on corner -3 block to car; all improvements including pav mg te and paid tor; $1000 cash. Tabor 2884 7 ROOMS. hardamrwt tlemrm ' whit. t . tapmtry paper, modern, just refinished inside nd out, Irvington. , $6000.- Owner East 885S or slain 8586. FURNISHED COTTAGE, two rooms and bath! gas, electricity, lot 40x100, fruit tree, fina garden, equity $400 for $275. bataneV$7S0. TO 8A' k2oO, ft room cottage and 'garage! 60x125. ft. lot, sew'y rjainted. 407 MoTrii It.. Eat 62ST. ' "' ;-' - -i . rOB SALE One 6-room bouse at 170 Ivy st., - center of Albioa. By owner, - " BE AL ESTATK . FOB SALE HOUSES . 61 ROSE CITY PARK " NUTT. MODERN BCNGALOW . V- 6 BOOMS, SLEEPING PORCH GARAGE $S100 On ef Boa Cit Paiv'a ehoieeat locations. Beautiful corner, with south and east exposure; located oa Alameda drive. - Folks, there ia lots ef class and distinction to this splendid hem: ex ceptionally well built, finished in white through out, hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet ; ill's a were M art), eompiet xmtcn ancoew witn breakfast Book, 2 bedroom and glass enclosed sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, etc Garage constructed to conform to style of house. This place is to perfect condition- This is so far above th ordinary, as much, better, than, ordi nary run of bouses, that wo cannot impress upon you too strongly the necessity of speedy action. You know there ia nothing that disappoints ooe so much as wheat they - leera th very place they wants has Just been (old. To so thi property costs nothing. Really, it's down right pleasure for u to show it. Again, let u repeat, that thi place I downright modern iust aa new and modern a tomorrow sunrise, ' four suave, , .;..: 264 Stark, near Sd. Main 8092. Main 8516.' Evening, Phone Tabor 8721. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. THE McGCIRB 8T8TKM Make home buying . i'ou can com to this office a ad see over TOO photographs ef homes for sal, arranged fat their respective dis tricts, with full description. Svery heme has oeea appraised by an expert appraiser: some remarkable bargains. That is why we gold over 600 homes since January 1 thia year, IS ex perienced salesmen with automobiles at your service. BEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BUT YOUB HOME Abiagtoa bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Bandar. HOME FOB LARGE FAMILY $4500 Vacant -6-room Hawthorne residence, 2 sleeping porches, mammoth, living and araing rooms, den, one kitcnen, neu rooms, large attic, full oement baaement. laundry trays, 50x100 lot, bearing fruit trees, located on paved street,' close in, H block Hawthorn car. in fine locality. Thia Dlavee is one of the b incest sao- nfiee we know of. Owner must sell at once. Compare thi with say $8500 horn you have teen, $1500 down, and move in tomorrow. GEO. T. MOORE CO., lOOf YEON BLDG. LAUBELHUR8T BUNGALOW GARAGE VACANT MOVE IN A modern 7 room and sleeping porch bungs low: 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet on first floor beveled Dlate srlaaa windows, hardwood floor. beautiful buffet, fireplace, bookcase, furnace and fnll cement basement, - garage and runway; 6 Ox 100 lot; an street improvement in and paid: only one block from Glisan street ear. near 80th at. Price only 85500, 81500 cash, Thia house sneuia bring goovu. t V KLAN n-lTEN DERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752: 82685 IN IRYTNGTON park, four noma, but very large. If buyer " desires, owner will Immediately . build extra room for $$0. 48x 100 lot. reception hall, living room, dining rocm, kitchen, pantry, bedroom and bath, gaa and electricity, scgeens and ahade go with the place; four fruit tree and shrubbery. There is an alley here. One block to Alberto car. $1000 to swing it. This is in fint-clasa condition. witn no mortgage r liens srainst it. BIHR-CARBY CO. 219 RailVrsy Exchsnge bhlg. Msinl686 FOR SALE CHEAP For $2300 I will sell my 5-roora house con sisting of big front room, big dining room, nice big kitchen, 2 big bedrooms upstair. 1 nice bath room, full basement, lot 50x100, 2 cherry tree. J walnut treea. Z pear trees. 1 peach tree. 1 prune tree, paved streets, 2 big shade trees in front of house: 3 blocks from Irvington carline. 5 blocks from school; very nice location; water heater and gas range go with house; $700 stand ing mortgage. Come and see for yourself; good terms. 864 E. 11th st. N., or phone Wood lawn 2641. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $3160 bny a 5-room bungalow with full base ment, wash trays, electric lights, gas, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full lot, attic large enough for 8 additional moms if desired, floored with first class flooring This is a wonderfully good buy. Let u show you. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Kxch. Bldg. Main 1094 t232r, 5-ROOM bungalow on East 28th and Alberta ; near csr; 40x100 lot; bring room, dining room, kitchen, one bedroom on first floor, with bath: ooe bedroom up; full cement base ment; $400 will handle, re.it easy at 6 per cent, BIHRCAREY CO. Tie up with us, we're alive. -219 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 16S6 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 6 rooms. 7,rxl00:. walks in and paid: 8 blocks to car;. $"1950 ; $350 cash, rent terms on bal- t, . . , , Ainx. , full- Bore in. SCANDINAVIN-AMEKICAN REALTY CO. 248 Stark it. Main 6429. $200 CASH 20O $1500 WOODLAWN $1600 7 rooms, basement, electricity, gas. ftr. : full lot. fruit trees, 2, close to scitool. car and stores, monthly payment like rent Take a look at this snap. n. A. WARR1NER. RITTER. LOWE aV fin . S01-3-5-7 Board of Trade bMg. $3200 MODERN BUNGALOW $3200! NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. 5 rooms, one floor; room upstairs for two more; cement basement, furnace, trays. Dutch kitchen; fin lot 50x100; H. S. street all paid; stveral fruit trees; terms. Evening Marshall 5963: days Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce building. ZSOOM. house and close by other buildings. and small kitchen, oa 2 lota, for axle or lease; easy term: partly furnished: gas light rJJ'L to the right party. No. of house 8123 86th ave. and 82d. Oregon City road. Take the Hawthorns car to the end; go to 82d rt. and 86th ave. Address or call Mrs. F. Schimpp. 22 H Jefferson st, city. $225 CASH $15 per mo including int. at 6 per cent, buy 4 room house, gas, elec. lights, water etc on 60x100 ft. lot cement walk in and paid.' Near Woodlawn and Vancouver carline. A good i2L!i.,1Ab7,?- ?rHT- Chrfatenson, Interstate .m". -nenry piqg. Main 1743. $3000 BUYS a practically new home near SL Jotins car and Willamette bird.; 5 : rooms and attio large enough for 8 additional rooms; look it over or phone us and we'll call for you. 1882 Bur rage st ; term ; vacant, move right in WICKMAN CO., 204 By. Exch. Bldg. Main 1094 $2950, Terms $55 Cash Modern bungalow, .electric lights, bath, toi let, hot water tank, attic, bearing fruit trees, ?SnL lawl. garage, lot 60x100; on-E. Jth st; lii blocks from paved strVetReai barsAun. Osc,r Alderton. 1952 E. Yamhillst! IMMEDIATE possensionl psrUy finished 6 room bungalow tyle house; fuU basement: full plumbing, fruit Prioe $1700, $500 cash. $30 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. $2500 LARGE BUNGALOW $2500 ; 5 rooms and full floored attic; full semi basement; firepUce. fuU Dutch kitchea. $600 cash will handle, balance like rent C A, WARRINEB, RITTER. LOWE A ;0 , 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bid, $2500 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $ 8 66 CAs5T Balance like rent; full lot to alley white enamel plumbing, full basement, elose to carline Main 5088. 417 Abington bldg. Sellwood 1355 9AAA Dandy 5 room bungalow with sleeping porch, half block to car, 50x100 lot; not farther out than 69th st Key at office. East 89th and Glisan st. or phone Tabor 3438. Evenings, Esirt 208, 6-BOOM HOUSE AND ONE ACRE " . A" n fin shape, electric light, gaa. bath, toilet, wash trays, barn, chicken bouse, on herd surf see street in good district; price $3250: $1250 cash, balance to suit, Bundy. a ay 1011 " ttj rjAt,u. Dmai. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, large floored attio, full cement -basement bath, toilet gas and electricity, double fireplace, -buffet kitchen cab inet Lot 50x100, garage. V block from car and paved- street. .Price $2800, A eash. 115 EL - 84th st N. m caso. 5 ROOM MODERN bungalow; good location; 50 xlOO lot improvements in; price 38000; 8800 cash, balance 625 month, including in terest. 7 or 8 blocks from Jefferson high. Phone rsisrner Montana. FOB SALE by owner, bungalow in excellent condition. 8405 E. 65th, one block north of Powell Valley road, seat Franklin High scboojL lenu. a-aooe- if llAtf. FOR SALE by owner' 5-room bungalow with 100x100; price 82600. 1 block to Mt T bor cV,:n!?r v1 80ti Cuh 800. Mort CLASST 5 room . bungalow, hardwood floor. built-in effects; price $3750; terms: good locaaon. 2 H blocks from car. . Owner Tabor 6128. ; . 4 BOOM house, all ia nice shape.1 nieiib Borbood. $300 down, balance like rent Ta bor 1116. Owner. . I OB SALE 2 houses,, on 50x100 ft lot in center of Corvallia; close to schools and aai. lew.. 8630 84th et 8. K. .ma" " e' $,?0,jKv'f? "onto, pretty home. 6 roomsT full lot abundanc fruit, rosea. $2850; great sjrnx gain, m A Xlt"llirj NKW eHACK hoa beautiful eonver lot Ctu- w7 aa Acii x- uiwun car HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 s- , is-. . y f Tip A BIO SNAP Ci A 12 -BOOM HOUSE 12 . room wall- located, walking - distance, oa East side near iWiiliam ave. - Thi place i practically ail furnuhed and has - 7 rooms of this house . rented to good steady "tenants at $50 per month, leaving $ roams for the owner to ilv in, right on v pevea saeet, au in aad paid, at av low sacrifice' price of $3300. I don't think you can beat this if yon want something with a good income and a place to live. -. ' 1 . ; . NEW YORK LAND CO. '105 Stock Exchange bldg. Mala T676. or Evenings call Tabor 8282. ALL THIS FOB $5500 West aids near 23d and Northrap, 1 flat, 6 room and 1 flat 5 room, 1 small store, 2 baths, 8 toilets. This is a big bargain aad a good in vestment for some on who esa live ia X Oat aad rent the balance. BITTEB, LOWE t CO-201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT -1 W I A A 1 : j .OTAn $1500 cash, balanco easy; large -living and dining room, 2 nice airy bedrooms, nice light bath room; kitchen is very convenient, baa many drawers, bins, cupboards, iron board; nice large breakfast alcove; oak- floor with mahogany border la living and dining room; bedroom and kitchen floor polished; woodwork old ivory; full light basement; laundry tray; Diana new, 3 iuo, JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 682. 633. 684 N. W. Bank Bldg. $2600 WOW!- HERE'S a bear! 5-room bun galow, on 41st, near Division; 40x100 lot, paved street, cement walk and aewer, living rocm. dining roots, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath, full basement. Get this. Hot water beat ing plant, laundry trays, gas and electricity 1H blocks from car; $S00 will handle, rest easy, uob t put Uua off until tomorrow; get it tooay. BIHRCAREY CO. 218 Ry. Exch. Bldg. a Main 1688. ROSE CITY PARK CAUf SPLENDID 6 ROOM BUNGALOW 8380O Folks, here is one of those real good looking bungalows, light and cheerful; hardwood floor. fireplace, bookcases, massive buffet, cement base ment, wash trays, etc; beautiful oorner with south and east exposure. Xou U b aeilgated. Ias us snow you. A. a. TEEPB CO. 264 Stark, near 3d. Main 3082. Mate 8516, evening, none Tabor B253 or vszi. Branch Offioe, 50th and Sandy. SUNNYSIDE 83700 6-room modern residence, built along graceful lines, fireplace, bookcases, beamed ceilings, fine buffet, Dutch kitchen, 8 large bedroom with good sued closets, cement basement, fine furnace, laundry trays, dandy lot, 5 large fruit tree. 2 blocks Haw. car. Owner built this for his home, but i now leaving city. 32000 eash required. See this sure. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. FOB BALE LOTS 18 WILL sell or trade my Portland Heights lot .60x100, on Mountain Blvd., fine view of city and mountains: three blocks to ear line, among good homes. Refused $2200 three years ago. Price today $1600. ' Will take good auto aa part oralL N-459, Jcurnal. lOOxtJOO FEET, some income, northeast co rarer lOth and Overton sts.; fine garage or ware house site. Price $12,500. Terms. , PARBRsH. WATKfJfS fc CO. 106 Second t ACREAGE 57 A rEW OF OUR NICE ACRE TRACTS 9 acres, all under cultivation, with a small housr, 1 mile from Yamhill; price $1500; easy terms; would make t fine home. ALSO A 5-acre tract near Oak Grove, right on a Ore gon electric. This 5 acres is sll under culti vation with the ex.eption of a small fir grove, which tyis left for a building plot: price $3500. Also 6-acve tract with 2 acres of bearing fruit, 1 mile east of'Oregon City; price $2500; also 10 -acre tract about 12 tutte -f rom Van couver, Wash., with bouse and bam and about 7 or 8 acres in cultivation; price $1800. These are all on easy terms, ill fin land, 305 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. NEW YORK LAND CO. Almost 20 acre ready for the plow, oa county road; close to cream route and school, only a few1 rods from a new sawmill, worth $50 per acre. $200 cash, balance monthly. 44 ACRES, $12(00 22 mil A from Portland. S2 tnili from elect Tic line, fine toil; $200 cash, balance to suit. 0 y itrrw iu fjeviiurji jm ru i iuu, tjurnun ru mi? , finest svoil in tbe eonniry for the pnrpose; ahoot ft miles from city limits. Pric $1000. $100 20 ACRES Highly improved. 8 miles from Portland, 19 acre in cultivation, 4 room house, orchsrd. Price $225 per acre. 215 Railway Exchange bldg., Open Sunday 10 to 1 o'clock. CHEAP ACREAGE Five acres, $250: $10 dewn, $5 month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Ceng tralia, on the main line of 3 railroads: 1 to 3 miles from good little town ; sawmills and logging camps in immediate vicinity: some of this land is partly cleared; running stream ; some bot tom and soma bench; this acreage priced from $25 to $75 per sere.. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. CHARLES DELFEL 818 Railway Exchange bldg. NEAR FOSTER ROAD 8 acres, 2 hi cleared, H acre family orchard, berries, fenced, 2 blocks to car and good school; 5-rooxn plastered and sleeping porch; smsll barn. Owner leaving eity; $2500, $500 cash, rent terms on balance. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BEALTT CO., 248 Stark st. Main 5429. , ,$11.60 PER ACRE $11.60. 160 acres, 20 acres ha been cleared, but greater part grown up with small alder; .or chard, numerous springs; the very best of soil; alder land, good out range, thikly settled com munity, rural route, telephone; gravel road; enough timber -to pay for land; non-resident owner, will sacrifice. $700 cash, balance 1, 2 and 8 years, 6 per cent This is s bargain. A. W. Estes, 909 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKENS -AND FRUIT 10 seres, located 1 hi mile from statioa, oa good road, hi mile to school, 8 acre under cul tivation and in fruit 80 cherry trees, Bings, Royal Anna and Lamberts, 250 pear treea, 800 apple trees, peaches and walnuts. Tree all bearing and in good shape. Small 2-room house, woodhed and 2 chicken houses. Price $1750, $1000 cash. John gerguspn. Gerlinger bldg. 4 ACRES, near Beaverton. half mil from elec tric depot; sidewalk to places all under culti vation; 2 hi scree beaver dam I land; gas, well, city water available; creek through place; S-room lath and plastered bousej- chicken bouse, hog house; hi mil from Canyon road. -Price $1800; $500 cash... Personally inspected, photo st office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. $7 PEB ACRE $7. 80 acres, 7 mile from Kelautav Wash,, en eountv Toad, alder land, not bard to clear, some good timber; springs and creek. The very beat or sou, uniimitea out range, near neighbors. $225 . cash, good terms on- balanc. A. W. Estes, 009 Chamber of Commerce. -EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN NEAR PORTLANTJ AH or part of . 32 acres. 12 ia cultivation, grd rock foad, 1 Mi mile, of paved highway, 1$ milea center Portland," gentle south slope, fine for early berries, chicken, etc. : 400 cords wood, some improvements. $4500; term. Owner, 811 Boca it-siphon East 84. ONLT $400 DOWN One - acre, located 6 blocks from ear Una all under cultivation; 11 fruit trees, some Derne ana garaen; o-room lath and plastered house, chicken bouse and garage; gaa; close ia. personally inspected. - Phot st office. - John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WEST ; SHE 48-ACBE SNAP 9 nflea4th and Wash. Extra fine soU, no rock. . Practically aH tillable. Lars ereek! " cres UBOer "plow, v a 100 per sere, ;Thi wna a i mile ot ctry limits. J. O. CORBIN, CO.. 805-6-7-8 LEWIS' BLDG, 11 ACRES, best soU iw Omni- Knu hke lit thejcirv, on Orson. Ulectrie, 8 mite w , rwumu, main tvs. ; KEAX ESTetTK ACREAGE "17 -FOB SALE Beautiful imnroved 20 acres ranch -pear Sher idan. Or. j See Sim at the -- - NEW YORK LAND CO.. 805 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7676. 8TJBT11BA5 HOLIES NICE HOME, one acre fruit, water, good loca tion for hospital or home; also team., imple ment and hay. . Rt. A, Box 553. Portland. Or. FOB SALE F ABM S 17 CO ACRES. 35 cleared. Balance pastare, 6-room noose, bam. all stock, crow and tmplemenm; milk route, phone, R. F. D $11,500; terms. . 144 M acres, aa cleared, a nooses, large Darn. phone, milk route, B. F. D., $150 per aors; terms. 80 acres, 28 cleared. 6-room house, 2 barn, torn of good timber, near station and school; $5000, $1000 cash. 20 acres, 17 cleared, S la pasture, fine house and barn, alP stock, crop and implements, $5500; term.'' .---- . w ,y .r.-.... J. C. KURATH.'Hillsboro, Or. 66 ACRES Loco ted close to electric" depot. milca east of -Portland; 80 acre under cul tivation; 10 acre pasture, all the land can be cultivated, bal nee easy clearing; all can be irri gated from Snrinc: ealvanixed Dines installed for distributing the water; creek oa place; good 6 room house, with complete plumbing; large ban ana silo; orchard of assorted fruits ana some walnuts. Pries $8000 with some crop, chickens, team and equipment. Personally inspected. Pho tograph at office. , . JOHN FERGUSON. GerUngef bldg. ONLY 4 miles from courthouse., a splendid. resi dence and about 10 acres of land, 1 Vt acre of fruit trees, about 100 holly tree and some berries. The bungalow is in good repair and practically new; overlooking the beautiful Tuala tin valley and coast range, on th west; full oement basement, bath, hot and cold water, sprinc water pumped to hous by gas engine ; barn, farage, chicken house, mile to school. Price $6500; terms.- MITCHELL &.RIPPEY 828 and 328 Henry bldg. Main 2534. NONE BETTER FOR PRICE ASKED 83 H acres, with- extra good house and outbuildings, well and creek on the . place, oa garveled road: located only about 8 miles from Oregon City aad 1 mOe from city limits. Price $5500. Good termi. E. A. Lindgren. 835 N. W. Bank. bldg. CROP, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 43 acre, located 14 miles from Portland, this aid of Oregon City: 80 seres can be cultivated, 20 acre under cultivation; rolling land: large orchard, creek and 3 spring. Pric $5500 with young team, 6V cows, 4 heifers, brood sow, 70 chicken. 20 torejof hay, kale, vegetables, wagon, mower, cultivatorT 2 plows, 2 acta harness, hay rake, cream separator, hack, buggy and farm truck; $8000 cash. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. FOB SALE OR TRADE 40 acres, about 20 acres under cultiva tion, balance brush aad timber, fair house and outbuildings and good well I .oca ted 1 hi miles from Manor on good road and abrat 12 milet from Vancouver, Wash. Price only 84000; good term. E. A. Lindgren, Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank bldg. 20 .ACRES CREEK BOTTOM. All fenced, about half cleared : 1 hi acres timber, balance very easily cleared: nice trout stream through land: no steep banks, no wsst land; as good as beaver dams. Two small houses, barn, orchard, near sohool: thickly set tled community: 8 hi mile from railroad town and Columbia river;-good gravel road, no hills. Price $1100 rash. The best buy In the coun try. A. W. Estes, 909 Chamber of Commerce. 15 1 3 ACRES cultivated, about half with fruit and nut trees, mostly bearing, fine barn. chicken house, pmall house, well, spring, tiesr whool, church, grange hall, good neighborhood, well settled, on macadamized road with daily mail. Only 1 miles to nearest By. station. Terms. G ruber, 516 Oregon bldg., 12 to 2 p. m. 18 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC Good dsrk soil, part in cultivation, only 10 minutes' walk to station, pric $1300, $150 down. i ' DRAPER A COLWAT, 526 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Will eomider good merchandise: 200 acre stock ranch, 12 miles from Boise; about 75 head of stock, good 5 room house: on min road; forest rsnge; owner moving to the coaft. " Give fnll particulars. C. C. Grigsan. 1013 Wash ..st.. Boise, Idsho. SMALL FARM BARGAIN PRICE Six acres, nice little bungalow, outbuild ings, some implements and household good; lrceted 13 miles from TorUsud snd U mile from electric" station. Price $1000. ;ood terms. A.- Lindgren. P-S5 X. W. Bank hlrtit. A RANCH AT A" SACRIFICE-v " 137 acres, 37 miles from Portland, 5-room house, 3 barns, Molalla river runs through place. If you want a ranch see this at once; only $3500. Call Tsbor 8894. FARM 20 acres rent or sale, all in cultivation, 14 acres garden land. Cove Orchard, Yamhill county; all implements and buildings. Call ere nings 103 0 East Carnthers. FOR SALE near county seat, Hillsboro, 25.75 acre ilo filled, crop, stock, machinery, etc., goes with place; running spring water year around. Right on highway. Price $9500. M. Varidebey, 370 First street. FOR SALE 10 acre farm, email new house, bam, some cleared, all fenced, 25 acre slashed and seeded; running water and good welt Easy terms. Phone Tabor 1432. FOR HALE, exchange, rent; choice improved 68 acre farm. Molalla river bottom, at de pot; Tliool, R. K. U.. phoone. Owner, 55 K. Salmon st East 6933. FOR SALE -10 acres, good 8 room ljouse, 2 hi acres in cultivation, hi mile north of Clarke Co. fsrm, $2200, hi down. Owner oa place all this week. Inquire for O. Psulscm. FOR REHT-e-PAKMS 14 WILL rent 280 acre aonly 21 miles from Port land; 2 sets of bMgs. Owner, 834 Tibbets st Phone Sellwood 2087. FA TIMS tVAJTTED REITT OS BUT 3 WE have sold severs 1 farms recently and have buyers waiting. Send in first letter detailed description of your farm, lowest price and terms of payments. If well located and worth th price asked e can sell it. E. A. LINDGREN. ' Savon Land Co., 936 N. W. Bank Bldg. IMPROVED FARMS WANTED With or without stock and equipment. We are selling them, when priced, right We "pay over $500 per month for advertising and ar S leased to advertise and show you property, ohn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. HAVE many calls for 20, 40 and 60-acre im proved farms in Wash. Co, and Clarke Co. For quick results see or writ to Albert Harala, 122 N. 6th st WANTED 20 or more acres, some cleared, with house: must be reasonable, easy terms.- What have youf E-92, Journal. HOMESTEAPW , 47 FOR SALE Beinquiahmnt 160 acre home stead; 7 acres aader cultivation; good build ing. TX-667, Journal, FOB BALE OR EXCHANGE, REAL ESTATE $ FOB SALE or trade for Portland residence, 20 seres improved farm. Plenty fruit, good well; productive soil; sll under cultivation. hi , mile from Vancouver Brmh Prairie road, lo mile from VSncouvcr, 85500. - Address 505 Car melite apt., phone Main 6394. , $160 and 3 room house, 1128 E. 17th st V, for car in good condition. What have youf Phone 812, Vancouver. EXCHANGE REAL- ESTATE S4 WILL exchange, 40-room hotel, furnished, in s ., thriving city, doing a busine of over $4000 profit per year; would consider acreage near Portland or will trade furnishings for modern bungalow. This Js a snap.- NEW YORK LAND CO. 805 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7676. vf FOR EXCHANGE An A-l 45-acr tract in Washington; will consider residence property ia Portland of As toria; pric $800 "per sere. We alio have good dry lead in Montana to exchange for city prop, arty in Portland, 803 Stock Exchsnge bldg. Main 7676. - - t , NEW YORK LAND CO. 1200 ACRES Montana wheat and rtock-raaeh. Will sell or exchange , for ranch ia Oregon r Washington. Inquire 214 E. Vth st. Van couver. -Wash. - - .. X HAVE HOrSES for farms aad farms for noose. Woltsteia, 406 McKay bldg. 160 ACRES Yamhill Co.. trads for iatptoved - acreage aear Portland. 0. Osborne, owner, 412 N. 19th t - - WANTETs REAL ROTATE 61 1 WANT a bcrgaia as , fraorvmal lot, with of without boase, south of Montgomery street, between 6th sad 20th at. H-78, .ourasi. - CHEAP homes Wanted 4a N, fc section. If Bar. I gaia-wiu Btry on sight . Mat -480. -- v y ' REAL EST ATE' ''.','' WANTED REAL ESTATE 8s , , - IW WANT RESULTS , , - T 727 HOMES SOLD -SINCE JAN. 1, 1919. 50 homes la January. ' -'. 62 home la February. ' :r 69 homes in March. 1 ' t 70 homes in April. - v. 9 home ia May. 72 home, ia June... : .. '. '--' ..: 84 homes intJuly.- ' ' 114 home in Augnst. ' " 87 home in September. "Tod know -that 12 real entate ,. salesmen . with automobile, working in s weiorgaaisd office, which spends thousands and thousand ot dollars annually advertising bouse exclusively, must - get results. We are ia toaoh ' with the majority of buyer. This organisation has gold 727- bones ao far thia year and - can sell yours. Come la and list it with u. SEE . FRANK L. McQUIRE' TO SELL ' TOTJB HOME. ; r Abington building. Main 1068. Office open evenings and Sundays. A STATEMENT TO PROPERTY OWNERS We have had a large buioa this fail and have reduced th aumbec of house which we bad for sale, and are now ia Immediate seed of homes to sell; every day we -are compelled to turn ssny busies so account of not having the righfwlouse to suit our client It you have property to sell NOW IS THE TIM 8. while the market is good. We invito you to cell at our offioe ar phone us regarding your property, and w wtu tie glaa to cooperate wiut you; ao it now. wnile selling is good. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 9787, DON'T FOBGET that I have the buyers for bouses. 1 can aeli yours; what have you? Xoiir rtorre will Be criven orr attention. WATCH OUR ADDS: WE GET BESCLTS C. A. WARRINEB BITTEB, LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 r r BUNGALOWS " "" If you have a modern-bungalow for sale 84000 to $6000, Boo City, Laurelhurat, Irvington, to $8000. Hot City. Laurelbunt Irrington. 208 Selling bldg. Main 1800. Residence B-712U. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Pric must be right and very easy terms. We nav aoia over sou nomes in in ust year, u you wsnt action, see Fred W. German Co., Cham, of Com. Open evenings and Sundays. WANT 5 er 6 room modem bungalow, east aide, not far out; pay nearly all cash. Write run particulars. is. u. -tngiericlu, su rtoi la day ave. B.003IING HO.TJSE. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOB BALE i FOB SALE 41 room' apt house, east side" close in. 8 block from steel bridge; net income over 8200 per month; for quick sale 82800; $2000 cash: 230 hi Larrabe et See owner st aoove adores, rjasx do (. FOR SALE Booming bouse, steam- heat and wood all in; good garage with place. Phone cast i b m. uneap lor quicx saia. Bu K. rooms reason ble! Marshall 8216. C- 65, Journal. ICSISESS OPPOBTTTlfITIE3 26 SALE OR TRADE I have a blacksmith shop in th city doing a good business, but I will sell my lease, stock and business snd will be sble to turn over all on trade to you, as I am located next door. Have not the time to handle the tame. Will trade for a 5 or 6-room bungalow and will take or give difference. Call Marshall 2633. FOR 8ALK Chiropractic practice, doing over $5000 yeariy cash business; population 0000 with excellent surrounding country. Good rea son for selling. Am in city for a short while, writ m at one if you want particulars. N-184, Journal. DIsAMONDS WANTED Full market value for your diamonds. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan bldg.. 4th floor VP TO DATE vulcanizing ami nHrauutf ut- fit for sgle-cts-ap: part, or ail. 2 JO Mam st. Must sell atcoiice. CIGAR and confectionery store; all new fixtures; side line pais. $90 a month, t. Parkinson, 301 Wash, at, Vancouver, Wash, 600 BU8INE8S CARDS $1.25 Ryder Ptg. Co.. Main 5586. ,191 hi 3d st MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE $7 OUR INSTALLMENT pln is th best nd urest m"thod of paj-ing a loan. v $32.26 per month for 86 month; or x $21.24 for 60. month; or $15 17 for 06 months, pays $1000 loan and interest Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. No commission cbsrged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN AftSOCIATIOJI 242 Stork st, Portland, Or. MONET TO LOAN On res! wtgte security it going rate of Interest Otto A Harkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Com merce. - $300, $400,"8500. $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates ; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. BUILDING loan on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses, W. G. Beck. 315 and 210 Fatltng bldgr- Mala 8407.. MONEY TO LOAN in amount of $100 to $5000 on city property. A' BKU- toom 1011 MulW Wdg. $300. $400, $800. $600, $760 and up, kv est rate, quick action. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 081 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1870. MONEY for mortgage loans, $500toS6000. 0 and 7. Fred S. Williams, 606 Panama Bldg. , SEE OREGON TNV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. aTORTtiAfJi LOANS, o anoTTTer"wnt Loult Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. HAVE $8000 cash for apariment or hutel, open Sundays. Main 8687. 189 Park it $10,000 SUMS to snit, 6-7 per cent; no commssotn. Wrd. Att'y.. 407 Spalding bldg. $300 to $3000, no commission. Mala ' 1166V P. H. Deshoa, 615 Chamber of Commerce. 1I03EY TO LOA CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Fbone Broadway 810. 894 Stark Street, near 10th. Loan on diamonds, watches, Vtctrola, pianos, kodaki, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORT LAND TO PROTECT. THK BORROWER. City and county warrant cashed for fac value. CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN, Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, piano, household goods or snytbing of. value. Security usually left in your possession. ALSO to SAL ARIED PEOPLE on their note without secur ity. If your payment to other loan companies or on rurnitur. or sntomobil. contracts are larger -than you can make, w will pay them ap, advance you more money if necessary, and you can repay as in smsll monthly payment to (Hit your convenience. LEGAL RATES NO DET.AY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Lies used) 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 8286. Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY Oa short notice to selsried or worklngmea oa their own aotes. Weekly, semimonthly er monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MOBTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We akte losa on household furniture:, ptanoa, etc. without removeL CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY (LICENSED) 218 Fading .bldg. MONEY to loan oa diamonds, : jewelry, legal rat'; alt article held a year; estabiiihed since 1883. Pan Marx. 288 Washington st . 6EO. HARvEtTaan money on household goods. Legal rates. Tsbor 8806. ' LOAyg WASTES to FIRST MOBTGAGES or sal. 3500 up. K H. Deshon. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE OREGON TNV. MORTGAGE CO- 232 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th snd Stark, FIKAJTCIAL SI - LIBERTY AND VICTOBY BONDS . CASH PATD-TOr 'aNY ISSUE OF BONDS . iVVU. MARKET : PRICE - .;. "LOAN ON .WAR SAVINGS STAMPS YOtf CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND 8AVING8 STAMPS OR TO FINISH FAYING FUR VICTOR! BONDS S v ;- i.f- -j- . i -.. ,- SEE E. RTTRKITT.' PRESIDENT ' ' OREGON BOND AND MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELUNO BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) BONDS BOUGHT . - SPOT CASH SPOT CASH MARRET PRICE " CASH for RECEIPTS.- W win LOAN yea money on BONDS. W. S. ft., et to mk PAY MENTS on BONDS, 7 per cent . , " , 725 Oe-eo Bldg:. Fifth aad Alder. ' i -; ",' CUXARAMCBTON. CO, 1 $1 : LIBERTY AND VICTOK BON'M If you must sail roar Liberty or Victory bonds. sll to us. If yew can buy mors Liberty or Vic tory bonds, buy from us. , VV boy and sell Lib erty and victory bonds st th market ' TOO GAJffcO'E JJO fiJCTTJSB - r YOU A1AX 1W WORSE. - ' . we are today paying -the following price xor Catted State Government Liberty aad Victory beads, which are th closing New York suarket prtcae, piua th accrued interest , - rv. X. Market Interest Totl $101.48 06.64 ' 95.88 - 96.78 96.66 95.67 0S.69 101.24- 814 ...... T$100.80 81.18 1st 4 93.20 1.84 2d 4 ...... 93.70 1.68 1st 4Ks 95.80 1.4A - 2d U 93.88 1.78 ' 3d hit .... 95.80 .87 4th 414 .... 98.68 .01 Victory ,. 00.72 . 1.52 Vtetorr 44.. 99.76 1.03 101.68 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds, w deduct from th. above nrkws S7e on a 660 bond and 32.60 on a $1000 bond. Is selling Liberty and Victory bonds, w charge th Nsw lora mr- ket price, plus to accrued interest. ASK ABOl'T r " THE MORRIS BROS. PLAN r V Burglsr and fireproof i saf e-deixwit boxes tot rent Opea until 8 p. m. oa Saturday. MORRIS BROS.. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond Houe t CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS MorrU Bldg , 809-11 Stark St. Bet 5th and 6th, Telephone Broadway 2151. , EsUblished Over 25 Years. I WILL BUT ANY LIBERTY BOND AT . , -99 PER CENT OF FULL CASH VALUE (AH due coupon interest included.) J H. KEATING. 617 BOARD OF TRADE CASH paid for mortgages aad sellers' con tract on real estate in waanington or vregon. as. E. Noble, 810 Lumbermen bldgv 0RSES. TEMICLE8. ETC. 18 10 HEAD ot mares and. geldings, weighing from 1000 to 1500 lbs., wagona and narnesa, double and single; self binder, in good condi tion. Woodyan) 8tahlea, East 8th tad . Haw thorne. Phone Kast 82T. TEAM ot mares, 7 and 8 year old, sound and good workers, weight 2800; Just off th farm, for tale cheap. 365 Union ave., corner of Stephens t WAXT TO BUY team of mare, not over yean old. weight lStVO to 1600; give price ant', description in first letter. A. i. I turn. t.ostnn, Ur. 1250 'lb. dapple brown horse, fat. sound and true: good harness and wagon; 385 for all. 392 Knott st. near Union v 2400-POUND TEAM, good harness and 3 inch farm wagon. $165. 368 Russell st, near rtnon ave. HORSE and wagon, $1.50 per day; 2 horses an a . , . . . m. . , , mi a wagon, o. . jonen, oco rronuiwiBAw DEAD horses snd animsl hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. WANTED Cheap horses. 802 Front st LIVESTOCK 8 FRESH COWS just from the country, soma good Jersey family cows, some urge uairy cows; will sell or trade for beef cows. 1160 Macadam st. South Portland car to end of line, 3 blocks south to Kicnaruson ve, a block east in pasture. HOLSTEIN- Fresh today. 5 years old. 6 gallon cow; 1 high grade Jersey, a beauty. 5 yean old, 5 gallon cow, high tost; cows In good order and gentle. 91V K. 80th st, cor.- wasiiington. BUSINESS comtwls me to seriflce on lii gil. Jersey snd one family cow. Etgl Msr- ket, Mississippi ave. and Whaver st. MILCH goat wanted with or without kids : price rmmt. be right. Send description. Address box 303, Florence. Or. IF YOU wsnt ny fresh dslry cow of ny breed st sny time see Mr. uruo at ui biocb Yard. North l-ortiana, ur. GENTLE, young riding and driving horse, light hack, buggy and harness, IBIS X.. swrx snd 7th st - - ONE fullblooded Swiss do giving milk; on young Toggehburg doe. fresh in January: very reasonable, osiu nam st. mi. ncmi cr. FOR HALE Three horses end four cows. E. J, Callahan, 1 Vi -miles east of MUwaukie, on uske roso. I'unne jnuwauaie so n.. TWO A-l milch goats, hornless, male aad fe- male. Bill Don sr.. ff. r. , FOR SALE Young cow. Jersey, half Durham, for sale at 77 W. Alberto st G. W. Adler FAMILY cow, gentle, fine milker, 2 mile east of Lent on Foster; roaa. nor o. FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Woodlawn L971, POULTRY AITT RARBITS 3? , in V.V... !l HI fc.. k A. nn)Lt, White leghorns, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Red; $1.35 up to $2; free delivery, f Mont Tla car to E. 80th and Stork, walk 8 blocks west to 1818 sna 70tn st. POULTBY PUPPIES PETS WE SPECIALIZE ON THEM CASH PRODUCE COMPANT 800 E. Morrison New Management Esst 6122 SILVER WTANDOTTES. high rlass stock. 4 and 5 month old pullets, $1.50; hi year old hem, $2 each. Ia Divestein,. 184 W. Al berta st. near Gay st Phone Wdln. 4889. YOUNG White Iegnora ilea, guaranteed fin quality. Uogsatzed stecg, gl.SO each: Hnr- red Rock puile ta, - 1 , OU ant .. J K, Msguire, 787 Oregon t. ..: -'! - . WHITE 'Leghorn hen. Rhode Island Beds snd Barred- Koek pullets. I deliver, Tsbor 0893. 6348 4th ". E. - t Wl$TB White '. Iejthorn. " brown" Legiiorris", Barred Rocks, ' Tabor 6895. 6818 Sltli st, S.- E. .-'- ' ' . : t'HKKEMI )H n I-!-ia kUMU and sis.; cheap. , Tsbor S 908. '..', VVE' PAT 'tie hfghett csb pric fr pullet. nj' bfced.WTibur 4203. SCRATCH $4. ('citing masb, meat scrap, etc Mwter Incubator' Oo. TV'opdiawn 4 84 4 . - .' 8 RHODiTlahind Red hens and mallard qgctry ducks; Woodlawn 1540. , LEAVING -oity rnbbits All ages at meat" price, 225 Willamette biro. ' I WANT Whit Leghorn puilets. ''.Address 1 045 Mississippi gve. or Wdln 87- afur fl i. m DOGS. RIRDS. FETf.. ETC 4$ FOR SALE Blrk end tan SSepberd bitch. 10 months old: Blue Auvtraliaa Nhepherd hitch, 6 months old: golden brown (half Shep herd and half Fox Terrier) with whit collar and walnut bobtail, 6 months old. Lock Box 191, Forest Grove, Or. DUCK DOG Thoroughbred Irish Water , Spaniel, $25 buy him. Call 005 Yeon bldg. Marshall 1 5$; FOR SALK Fox terrie? puppie. Address box 4Q. ronte , Albany. Or CHOICE canaries at "The Canarv Bird Shoo" Singer woaraoteed. 1151 E. 88th N. C-2217. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 $300 DOWN WILL BUT MY 191 9 MAX WELL; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; 6 GOOD TIRES 10 MONTHS ON BALANCE. CALL TABOB 680. OVERLAND Ch' MY Bl Electric light and starter, and good mechanioal condition. Terms to- responsible pHnle . 404 DAVIS. SEAB TENTH. lil8fi1cfROlfTr0B""$&75 Chevrolet touring ear, first Clss running er- oer spot ligni ana otner extr... 7n. tei OZH t bamoer ol tjora merce. Main S040. IrSSSm alia kinDS" If it eya Ford you wsnt ve hav it with th right kind of terms. 404 DAVIS. NEAR TENTH. DODGE Sedan. 1918, Just lik new, S wire wheels, used' privately, a real barf sin st $1800, swith. term; - consider smaller ear la trade. 80 Grand ave. N near Buraeido, FOR SALE for cash, 1919 Fofd tearing ear, driven 4000 miles, eoutpped with serf starter and accessories eosttng $65, ia first class eoo dition. Main 8484, . - HTTOSON Six; $180 down, bal. easy term, gee. Jones at 421 Burnsids. T - - A 8Tt3TZ ROADSTER . .: . A real car. See it 421 BarBsid. .t-'fS -i 1820 BCICK ROADSTER. A' leaving the city snd will sell my 1920 Ruick, only run a short distance. 442 E. 39th st Tsbor 28411 1-TON worm drive Ford body cab, 1018 model, $750, term. 421 Bqroside. 1919 COLE 8 touring, bought ia June; 5 new sord tires and ether extras, cost $3250; will sell for $2600. terms, Portland Car Sales Co., 5 th and Taylor. ' "J FORD light delivery. 1918, first rises eonditioa. cheap for cash. Call At 1144 Francis ava.. after 5 p. m. CHEVROLET, 1817. touring, ia very best ol condition ; good tire; will sell st 8493. With term. 80 Grand ave. N., near Buraside, ' , BRCILLE. ,, - TOP tXmPAXT' 9th at Oak. Broadway 1864. BAKGAIN in 1918 Chalmers Six touring eat. Buna and looks lk new; good tires, A-l ov dition. Call Adams, Tabor 680. LATE 1917 Ford touring, 8426 for quick sste. Portland Car Bale Co., 6th and Taylor. -LIGHT 6 passenger ear; first else condition; Phone Tabor 1116. Tennsf -. .' FOlT'SALE 1 918Cbvrolet ear cheap; 4 new tire. Call Woodlawn 1658. ACTO express for sale or trad for work boat See.Mrj Csrisfin,, cigar Stand, 6th and Irving. IttU 37x5 nou-kid tires; a snsy. Wdln. 4706 riTfAHCIAI, AUTOMOBILES AHP ACCESSOR! ? I COVJBV; MOTOR CAR COiMLPeANY? GOOD USED CAR, i ; ' CADlLLAca.: i ' w j 1816 model. 8 passenger, special Glllig aU-wathr , top, , cord tire -with ' ' extra . '. . . '. . i . . . a . .'A . .$23 185 model. 7 passenger, good mecliani- ' eal ccautJUoa. , ourd ..tires wiw 2 extras , -. . , , . .v. . 1 4 1919 modal roadster, good mechanical condition, good tins, newly painted 13 1813 model, 5 passenger, good mechanical eoaaiuoa, gaoa tire -....,. c DODGEl. 1916 sedan l.t 1918 -touring, first class eondltion - . , . 1" 1917 touring P 1917 touring ..................... i' 1917 roadster a ..... . . i 1916 touring . t T 1916 roadstor . 7 1915 touring t HUDSONS, ' 1 , 1917 7 passaagcr, fin cnditinei ll 1916 7 paasengcr, 6-40 modci , $ 1917 model Oldamobu 6 eyllader scdaa. 1 i 1916 amdel Chandler, good eoaditioa ..IS 1916 8 cyL Cole, 7 pasMcger, good eondi- tiou ...,... l: JUST RECEIVED a bit shipmrot of used rsr tle best that muney can buy for th mom and w are selling them as fast as we can n load tbem. If you want a good buy ia it ear iavestigat. DODfTES BC1CKS STUTH OLDSMOBTLB LIGHT 4 CHALMERS FORDS , NATIONAL ROADSTER LIGHT WINTON SIX .1 LIBERTY BONDS AND DIAMONDS AC CEPTED AT FACE VALUE. Portland-San Francisc: Used Car Co. 355 BURNSIDE r'! i ' . DEPENDABLE TTSED CARS EASY TERMS Dodge, 5 pass., aew tires, new 'tot. 1917 Studbeaker, cyL, I tin. . 1917 Saxon six, many txtrt. 1917 Valie, overhauled. 5 tiro. " 1918 VeUe. aw tires. A-l isitloB. . 1917 Overland, model 76; 6 tire. . 1919 Peerless 8. 7 pus.; guaraBteed. 1918 Peerless 8. 7. pa.; guaranteed. 1914 Veil. S pass., good tires. - 1916 Reo the Oth; wonderful ' es f - money. - . -.. . Saxoa 8. a good light ear cheap.' ' -.., Open Evening and Sundays, ..... VEL1E ALLEN PEERLESS DISTRIBUTORS, D. C. WABBEN MOTOR CAR CO., 68 N, 23d st Phoa Main 7$i BUY NOW- 1917 Oaklsnd 6, roadster; will paint t suit ; . ,$7g 1917 Ovcrlaad Country Club, Wire wheels; will paint to suit . , ...... 75 1913 Oldamobu. mechanically perfect. good eonditioa 2 J 8-paas. Chevrolet ,,,,,,,,,,, 47 East Burnslde Garage E. 10th sad BurtBtide. " - Attt(5T : SHEET METAL WORE 6 Harry Leece J. C. Wright RADIATORS, FEDEHS, .WINDSHIELDS KEPAIRLD 1 . Speedster Bodies , Beat Cut Dowa for Camp Redi -a Specialty. . .. ACETYLENE WELDINf All Work Guaranteed. . -884 EAST BURNSIDE ST.' -(Ati h Bridge) -photic- 724' - iCerd iresf tfloisried. - Prft . : Chaniosl condition. - Will seeeot JFnr ' t-prT Psymmt. C.- 0 BlMudato, 680 Alder. ,Vv . OARAOEt Pric en applies tin Ready Cut Housei f ' '.m.f.MiTg! CONSTIOJtlTION COMPANY . gieoi Cunloe a v. 1 woouiawn etim. HVU K ROA1WTEII LATE MOD,!. This llglii ls ha been rHinUht a Mil in hi new on in every way) snme eatras nd '' pka-e you if you ar looking for on of On. popalar cam t low price ; tsk Ford in trai of bond at fare raltt Re oaf tnd owner 1 Portlnnd Electric Garage, 1Kb and Hoyt sU. ;KgW IRES"' ..V"!' ".' ' .." Whst brsxd of o tlrel do you prtforT V, have -them, all make sad sis: slso ws mi ;h fsmnus O-V-O dottW tread lie wed) ,-Hr nd do .ll madriev of tlr. rvpcirtns. , Ofs, Vuleanlging Cu A3s833 JMatasiiie, aear Brow usy. . .- . ... 191 DOTH.B TOURINO, g iew. Brii Th car, caniot be told from new. Tiie pru is right nd the term ay. . - t ., " C.' H. Si-.C0.ft-: 65 No. 23d ei. 4 Marshall 14: ftOW IS THE TIME to have yonr tire r, treaded. Economy, aafety, non-akld. Pric reasonable, correct - method, experienced wori men. sstisfaetion guaranteed.. If youf tin I hi worth repairing, w will tail you. Money sate en n.w and oaed tire. - : VULCAN TIRE SHOP, - '. 'f i' ' 41 Grand ve. Phoae E. 4l' . 1 Sedan " . - ' --' 1917 Chevrolet sedan, looks like ntw; B gm oar for winter driving. A bargain ..sad gw teraia. .,-.-; 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTHS - iet COLE AERO 8, sport model, run I th- -1 500 miles; cord tire. 1 extra, spotli wonderful bargain, Mr. Bearer, C-1948. . c roaway. 181 1 Chevrolet Hood - chap goechanloali $460 and term at that ' . . 404 DAVIS, NEAR TENTH. MAXWELL touring. 1020, only used two weei leering town and most sell: a vgrgau ftioo, with terms. 30 Crsnd av. h. a ltarnM. - Sam a new and took th part.' 'Term Utit your purs. ' , 404 DAVtSJfEAR TENTH MAXWELL touring, 1918. ia fin conditio' good paint aad tire: used xwivately; w aacrific at $715 and give terms. . $9 Cm ave. is., near BUnwuu, WTijHON-SpkEDrif Eft" IaI model. 6 war wheel gad all ord tin Term It deslred,i f ':---:--.-. 404 DAVIS. WEAR TENTH. MltTElAlTlouririgriOiS. h palot and tir. used privately; will sell g $1060, withAeitu 80 Grand ave. N., near gnmctde. 1918 CHEVROLET touring. $200- down; t sntoe snd free servie; enough said. -1'crU Car -Sales Co.f 6th and Taytor. ' . WHO WU.L be flrst.to grt thi 1918 hu, six, thoroughly overhauled, aewly painted, e trueelaasy toy. 101 tt. lith et Bdy. 45 1918 MAXWELL road-.tor." $820 down, a ante and free service: enough said. 1'ui land Oar Wsles V..; 6th and Taylor. CflEVROLEf touring, J.916. nrfin""cOBuitk. good Ur; Will eU at 6475 -aad gi tern 10 Grand avsv N.. near Burasid. t :- t-OR 8AiS freiliBifi19, t4afer, - good condition, by wner, 80S Richmond St John. '-- 1 - '-j- - FORD bug, torpedo body, good tire, oui trss;'will ascrifle at 8450 and give tern 80 Orsnd ave. N., near Bumeide. - 8T85AEE$'adUlae.nrrttrs tire, h -.. Bmce s feat at Robinsoo-Smith Garsge. e and Madisoa sts. - ' , 1 BARGAIN In 191 Chalmers ix. ,V W" run and looks like asw; ripaltitad aud gir tire. OH Tabor 6SO. 4 PASS. BRISCOE, new tires; good eooditiu For sal rtaorble, r Call after, 4 p. u 668 Borthwlcket- - ' - tf - ? ' '17 CHEVRO"LET touring. Just aewly paint, and overhauled, A-l mechanic I condition, ta cash, bal. tovmy will buy cant KX-2S2. Joitrn. 191$ SUPER 6 Hudson, ord tires, 6- Alder. Broadway 3492. ' -V- -.'; -t3ASOLlSB""22 CENTS 1 OAtW, OIM A' GREAWKfi. PIONEER PAIWT CO.. 180 lo . (dontinued on Follwlng; Pas)