The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 15, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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Opening Firm, Quiet Comes Fol
lowed by Violent Advances Fin
ally Closing Weak and Active.'
President's Illness, Labor Con
ference and Miserable Weather
. Causes the Uproar.
, By Broadan Wall
':Ntr York, Oct. 15. The wildest
wtock market of the year was seen in
Wall street Tuesday. The opening
was firm." with some prices showing
material gains. Within an hour loss
es had been, recorded as measured
.from the high prices of the morning
of from 8 to more than 12 points.
Then," after a brief period of quiet,
came a violent advance that carried
quotations up 5,. 10 and In one case
1 4 u noints. . In. the late trading
prices fell suddenly again, so that the
average was lower than the low
prices of the morning. Very mate
rial losses were recorded in a ma
lt -
Let "Danderine
Save Your Han
Check ugly dandruff I Stop hair
coming out and double
, its beauty
Jorlty of stocks. t. The. close j was at
the bottom, witk the market weak
and active. . - -: - '
- Three causes contributed to the uproar.
The first was the president's condition.
The second -cause was the" belief that the
labor conference called by the president
will dissolve Without 'doing anything.
Third. Jt was miserable weather in the
street and the market is so largely pro
fessional that personal discomfort of
the traders put them all in a pessimistic
state of mind.
So, when a few daring raiders attacked
the market, it yielded easily. The early
raid was followed by a covering- move
ment that frightened prime movers and
forced them to cover their own contracts.
Jn the afternoon call money ran up to
15 per cent and these traders, smarting
from the 'defeat of the mornlngr. made
another .vicious attack just before, the
closing. The Waldorf . crowd was In
leadership of this raid and so timed it
that the . gong, stopped business Just
when the crowd had sold all the siock
it dared. -
If no bad news develops and especial
ly If some understandable report comes
from the bedside' "of the president, the
raiders wilt find themselves In a seri
ous predicament when business is re
sumed tomorrow morning.
Industrial alcohol was the best actor
on the list. In the morning, when every
thing was crumbling, this stock yielded
only 2 points. ? In -the face of declines
elsewhere, it then began advancing and
did not stop until it, had moved 134
points from" the bottom, thus establish
ing a new high record. It was a signal
to the professionals that they were run-,
nlng into trouble with their short sales.
It saved the day.
The next line of defense was the to
bacco shares, Which " held ,. remarkably,
strong during the entire session. Retail
stores had an extreme swing of less than
3 points. The buying in this and in asso
ciated stocks was of the best character.
These stocks were so strong that they
were selected for attack by the profes
sionals who made the raid in the ' last
Why, when Dr. King's New
Discovery so promptly
checks it
The stock thus
few minutes of the day.
sold was well bought- .." ,
' General Motors and Mexican Petrole
um, Studebaker and Chandler, furnished
the four big sensations, of . the session.
General' Motors began with a break of
12H points, advanced 18V4. broke 11
and advanced . 1. It' closed after all
these moves with a net loss of 4 points.-
Mexican Petroleum bad its followers
running in circles alt day. At the open
ing: It showed an advance of a point. It
then promptly broke 10 points, vaev
vanced 14 and went tumbling 11
points to 245, where it closed.
iHghway Commission to Receive
Bids for Securities-at Meet
ing November 4.
IT'S natural you don't want to be
careless and let that old cold or
cough drag on o that new attack
develop seriously. Not when you can
get such a proved successful remedy
as Dr. Kind's New Discovery.
Cold, cough, grippe, croup does not
resist this standard reliever very long.
Its quality is as high today as. it al
ways has been- and it's been grow
ing steadily in popularity for more
than, fifty yars. 60c and $1.20 a
bottle at all druggists,
Salem, Oct 15. Another $1,000,000
worth of state of Oregon .4 per cent
highway bonds will be offered for sale
by the state highway department at its
meeting in Portland, November s. No
tices to bond buyers are being sent out
today. The bonds will be in denomina
tions of S1000 each, maturing serially,
$25,000 April 1, 1925, and a like amount
each October 1 and April 1 thereafter.
These bonds are issued under authority
of an act passed by the last legislature
and are a part of the $10,000,000 road
bond act under which J3,ooo,ooo wortn ox
bonds have already been issued.
If Dollar's Power Is
Restored H.C.L. Goes
The problem of reducing the cost of
living, the federal reserve board says.
Is mainly that of restoring ... the pur
chasing power of the dollar, which has
declined because credit expansion, un
der necessities of war financing, pro
ceeded at a more rapid rate than pro
duction and saving of goods. The proc
ess must now be reversed by increased
production and saving, which . will re
sult in a reduction of the volume of
purchasing media in circulation. Notice
is served that the differential rate of
federal reserve banks on notes secured
by government bonds, maintained to
encourage the purchase and absorption
of Liberty bonds, will soon be done
away with.
Rejects Request of Highway Com
mission for $1,000,000 Sale
Following Controversy;
Salem, Oct." 15 The 'state board
of control, at a special session Tues
day afternoon, refused to accede to
the request of the state highway
commission for -the issuance of an
other $1,000,000 worth of bonds
under .the Bean-Barrett act of 1917.
The board gave as its reason for
this action the fact ! that the act
specifically provides for; the issuance
of $1,800,000 in bonds, of which
$1,200,000 already have been isaoed,
the requested Issue exceeding by
$400,000 the balance remaining
tinder the authorization of the act.
It is expected that the highway com'
mission will take mandamus proceed
ings to compel the board of control to
accede to the request, on the ground that
it was the Intention of' the legislature
framing the act to meet the government
appropriations, which have been largely
increased by an amended act since the
passage of the Beaa-Barrett act.
The highway commission contends that
the -state has full authority to meet -the
government appropriation up to the ex
tent of its 2 per cent taxation limitation.
This limitation, it, is estimated, will pro
vide an aggregate of $20,000,000. A total
of $17300.000 already has been specifi
cally authorized by various acts of the
state legislature, leaving a margin of
$2,200,000, which the highway commis
sion contends Is still .available for use
under the Bean-Barrett act.
Davis Daly Copper company's Sep
tember output was 1,134,000 pounds of
copper and 44,650 ounces -of -silver, com
pared with 1,100,000 pounds of copper and
60,000 ounces of silver tn August. -
The offer made by the General Motors
corporation for control of the Fisher
Body company stipulates that the latter
corporation increase its common stock
from 200.000 to 500.000 shares of no par
valuer The increase of 300,000 shares is
to be purchased by the General Motors
corporation, thus furnishing capital for
the building of new plants and expansion
of business. i
?i A little "Danderine" cools, cleanses and
makes the feveriBh, itchy scalp soft and
pliable ; then this stimulating tonic pene
trates to the famished hair roots, revi
talising snd invigorating every hair in
the head, thus stopping- the hair falling
out, . or getting .thin, dry or fading.
After a few applications of "Dander
ine" you seldom find a fallen hair or a
particle of dandruff, besides every hair
rhows new life, vigor, brightness, more
i-otor and thickness.
A- few cents buys a bottle of delight
ful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet
Constipated? Here's Relief
Not that often harmful, always; vio
lent and temporary help that, comes
from harsh purgatives, but the com
fortable, gratifying, corrective rel
ation of stubborn bowels so pro
nounced in Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Tonic in action, they promote free
biie flow, stir up the lazy, thoroughly
but gently cleanse the system of
waste matter and fermenting foods,
and give you keen zest for hard work
and healthful recreation, Ail drug
gists 25c Adv.
Blood1 Circulation Was Poor
- v"After Years of Rheumatism
":" . ' Praises Tanlac.
' . "Teniae has done me more good than
all the other medicines that I ever have
token." is the testimony of Charles Carl
son, who for 14 years has held a job
as trackman with. . the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company.
v "I've had rheumatism for 10 years, but
: sometimes it was worse than others and
in August I had to. lay off my work for
the most of the month. Sometimes I
couldn't get my shoes on my feet at
all, not because they were swollen, but
Simply, because I couldn't bend over to
set to them. When I would have to go
up steps I couldn't do It naturally, as
I would have to lift up one foot and
then reach down and pull the ether one
:-, up beside it, ant.; I would have to do
itnai way. on every step.
"Another queer thing about my case
' WM the way my legrs from the hip down
wouia stay com ail the time. Even- in
dummel" time, when,1 1 was hot around
, the body my legs and feet would be
cold and every once in a while I would
nave to stamp my feet to ret them warm
Lots of nights my legs would get in this
shape and X would, have to rub them
with liniments and make hot applica
tions. I guesc It was all due to the
tact that, my blood did not circulate
, into n ought to through my thighs and
legs. , Why sometimes in the summer
time when the days were hot I would
have to build a fire in the morning to
warm my feet before. I could put on my
- clothes and shoes. I had a different
pain in my shoulders and sometimes they
wcr jui or ana men. sometimes I'd
nave snarp pains in them.
"I read -.-of Tanlac sometime before
tjiklng it, for. I had no faith In medicines
ana naa already tried so many of them
wtmout getting any better. When
started to take that - Tanlac It jtm-d
to nourish my blood and build up my
i iKsues ngm on ana oerore I had taken
three bottles, most of the pains were
already gone. , l, don t suffer - from
that dead and cold - feeling , in' my
legs as X did before ' I took Tan
lac and ' ' the . pains have about
i,-one out of my shoulders. Tm going
to keep right on taking Tanlac. for I
ira sure is going to fix me up
nenr, ana i era always . glad - to tell
others how it has helped me." '
Tanlac Is sold in Fortand by The Owl
Drug Co. Adv..'.
Indigestion, Acidity, Sourness
and Gases ended with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
Millions of people know that it is need
less to be bothered with indigestion.
dyspepsia or a disordered stomach. A
few tablets of Pape's Diapepsin neutral
ize acidity and- give relief at once.
When your meals . don t fit end you
feel Uncomfortable, . , when you belch
gases, acids or raise sour, undigested
food. When you feel lumps of indigestion
pain, heartburn or headache, from acidl
ty, just eat a tablet of Pape's Di a pepsin
and the stomach distress -is gone.
The cost is so little. The benefits so
great. You. too, will be a Diapepsin
enthusiast afterwards. Adv. ;
If vbu have Catarrhal Deafness or
head and ear noises or are growing hard
of hearing, go to your druggist and get l
ounce of Parmint (double strength), and
add to It pmt of hot water and a uttie
granulated sugar. Take X tablespoonful
four times a day. -?
This will often bring quick relief from
the distressing head noises. Clogged nos
trils should open, breathing become easy
and the mucus stop dropping into the
throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little
and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has
Catarrhal Deafness or head noises should
give this prescription a trial. Adv.
$235,000 Bond Sale
Ordered at Once by
Baker Commission
Baker, Oct 15. First steps toward
floating the 1235,000 bond issues author
ised by the taxpayers of Baker for the
construction of a municipal natatorium,
purchase of machinery for the street de
partment, and the improvement of , inter
sections were taken by the city com
mission Monday when they passed an
ordinance authorizing the sale of the
bonds to . the highest bidder, as their
proceeds are needed to finance the im
provements. A. S. Shockley, George
Foster and Mayor Gardner plan an auto
mobile trip next week to Boise, where
they will - investigate the natatorium,
and will also seek Information for use
of the city commission when they visit
other Southwestern Idaho towns.
Grandma kept her locks dark, glossy,
j .t. c T
ana jvbib wun
and Sulphur
The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and
Sulphur . for darkening gray, utreaked
and faded hair, Is grandmother's recipe,
and folks are again using it to keep their
hair a good, even color, which is quite
sensible, as we are ;Mvlrig in an age
when a youthful appearance is of the
greatest advantage. -
Nowadays, though, we don't have the
troublesome task of gathering the sage
and the mussy mixing at home. All drug
stores sell the ready-to-use product, Im
proved by the addition of other ingredi
ents, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound." It is very popular because
nobody can discover it has been applied.
Simply moisten your comb or a soft
brush with it and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand at a time;
by morning the gray hair disappears,
but what delights the ladles with Wy
eth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, is
ft. at hoBidea beautifully darkening the
hair after a few applications. it also
produces that soft lustre and appear
ance of abundance which is so attrac
tive. Adv.
Tobacco Hardensthe Arteries
Overtaxes the Heart
and Shortens Life
Says Dr. Connor, Who Suggests a Simfle Test to Find
li ft Is Hurting You. Can You Stand Itr
New York-rDr. Connor, formerly of
Johns Hopkins hospital, says: Hundreds
of thousands ot men wno smose ana
chew and who believe themselves healthy-
are suffering from progressive organic
ailments. They would never have been
afflicted had it not been for the ubo of
tobacco -and most of them would soon
get well if .they -would only stop the use
of tobacco.'
The bent known habit forming prin
ciple of tobacco is nicotine, but the most
deadly : and--, demoralising is furfural.
Both are deadly poison, which, when
absorbed by the system slowly, but
surely. 4 affect - the nerves, membranes,
tissues, vital organs and vitality of the
body. .
The harmful effect ot tobacco varies
and depends on circumstances and the
Individual. In some It causes general
debilityi others catarrh of the throat, in
digestion, constipation, extreme-nervousness,
sleeplessness, loss of memory, lack
of wil power, cowardice and fear, men
tal confusion, etc. ; in others it causes
heart disease, bronchial troubles, hard
ening of the arteries, palpitation of the
heart, tuberculosis, bltadneiut. r ncor and
'the common affliction known as tobacco
nearu . r- . .. , :
If you 1 use tobacco in any form you
easily detect 4t harmful effects by mak
ing the following simple teats: Read
aloud a full page from a book. If your
voice becomes muff led,, hoani and Indistinct-and
you must frequently clear
your throat,1 the -chances are that your
throat is affected by catarrh and - it
may be the beginning of very serious
catarrhal trouble. Next, tn tne morning.
before taking your usual smoke, walk up
three flights of stairs at a regular-pace,
then stop.,.. If you find that, you are out
of breath, if your heart beat is forced.
trembling or irregular, you may be the
victim of a functional or oreanio heart
trouble. If you feel that you must smoke
or chew to quiet your nerves, you are a
slave to the tobacco habit and are slow
ly poisoning yourself, with the insidious
aeaaiy arugs, ntooune ana turrurai. ; in
ei ther case, you have Just two alterna
tiveskeep on with your self -poisoning
process regardless of the dangers, and
suffer the consequences, or rid yourself
of the habit and escape the dangers.
Tou can overcome the craving and stop
the tobacco habit in a very short time
by using the following inexpensive for
mula: Go to any drug store and ask
for Nlcotol. Take one tablet after each
meal and in a comparatively short time
you will have no - desire for tobacco.
The craving will have seft you. With
the .nicotine poisoning out of your sys
tem your - general health will quickly
improve. . .
- Note Whca aaked about Nlcotol. an of ear
leading 'draggm mM: Nwotol b truly s won
derful remedy for the tobmeee habit It in
bead of anythlna we have em teld betoie. We
re antboriaed by the awnnlletureT to refund
the money to eery disMtnf led customer and
Would not permit the nee at oirr same nnlene
the remedy poeaeawd annaaal -merit." NieotoJ 4
mM in thin city under an iron -e lad money-beck
(Ttarantee by all np-to-dat drucglete. including
irmmloB a uoeluer and The Owl Store. Adr,
Secretary of the Treasury Glass pre
dicts another- Liberty loan will be nec
essary if congressmen carry their sde-
mands that tremendous sums of money
be appropriated for soldiers, or to ben
efit particular parts of the country,
Treasury deficit this fiscal year will ex
ceed 11,000,000,000.
Big Chicago Banb
Forms Securities
Branch Institution
Chtffago, Oct. 15. Another large Chi
cago bank, the National 'City Bank of
Chicago, has announced the organisa
tion of a securities corporation, as an
auxiliary of the bank, j .
The new' company will be named the
City Securities company, and its charter
will enable it to engage in financial
operations of many . kinds which are
more advantageously handled by such
a corporation than by a bank. -'
The officers and directors of the City
Securities Company are H. E. v Otte,
presMent ; R. U. laanslng. vice presi
dent; W. G. McLaury, secretary and
treasurer; David R. Forgan, Robert R.
Forgan and F. A. CrandalL
stock for account of farmers and thos
affiliated with them and who are ac
quainted with Studebaker ."wagons.
trucks ana other products.
New ' York News Southern Pacific
and the motor stocks are regarded with
favor and predictions made that former
will go to a new high record.
'Advance to IS iwr cant fai rail ,mnnf
was attributed to the credit of 96.000.-
009 by the Federal Reserve bank, and
it was recalled that such crediu must
be looked, for every Tuesday.
Fifteen thousand longshoremen vote
to return to work tn New York city and
terry Doat strike ends. -
- Senate interstate commerce commit
tee votes to include in permanent rail
road legislation Clause nemallstno- arrlVoa
of railroad employes. . - .
- Several labor delegates at industrial
conference threaten to i withdraw if
Gompera resolution proposing suspension
of .... steel strike pending arbitration by
conference is defeated.
Hohenzollef ns ',4th ;
Son to Visit Them
Tho Hague. Oct, 15. (V!, P.) August
Wllbelm, fourth son of the former ksi
ser. will visit his parents at Ameron-"
gen October 23, his mother's birthday.
He will stay several days, iris reported.
The ex-emperor will not move to his"
new home at Doom until February.
Pertland gank
Clearins . Thi week. Tear ate. '
MonrUy , . , . Holtday-
TiAmw S1A TAA 1X1 AK IT Bl ee Ma
Wednesday . . 8'.58S'.802 43 6',44Si02010
Taoema anki
(llearints Wednmday ....... I 1,323,2111. 17
BaUncee Wednesday I2s.4TS.03
. .w Seattle Bank
CTearinca WedneMley $ t.T2,(l Ort
Balanoee Wednewlay 1,8T. 128.00
San PraneUoo Bankt
Ciearinn' Wednesday 188,778,881.00
Let Anoelae Bank
Cleerinae Wednesday 13,S&S,S84.00
Spokane Banks
Clearings, WedneMay . 5.(100,4 tS.OO
Balanees. Wednenday (13,834.00
The stockholders of the Chandler Mo
tor company at a specif 1 meeting held in
Cleveland ratified the proposed plan to
cancel the existing stock and issue in its
place 21,000 shares of no par value. The
company at present has 70,000 shares of
1100 par value each outstanding.
The Spencer .Petroleum corporation has
declared the regular monthly dividend of
2 per cent, payable .October 25. to hofd
ers of record October 15. ,
. Goodyear Tire & Rubber company has
called for redemption at 105 on November
1 its entire 8, per tent second preferred
stock Issue, amounting to $14,233,000.
Clark Kendall & Co. is of fering Wheel
er county 6 per cent Voad bonds, ex
empt from all federal -income tax.
New York Financial f Bulletin The
coppers and rails are relatively cheap
and the time is not far away when a
large public buying movement will carry
them higher, says a private message
from one of the leading western house
in touch with sentiment throughput that
section of the country, o The present
outlook, according to high class chan
nels, favors the elimination of three
very Important ' stock market problem
within the next few weeks. They are
the steel strike, peace treaty and rail
road plan. Confidence is expressed that
Thanksgiving day will witness develop
ments for which "much thanks" may
be given. - Strength and activity in
Studebaker Is declared In some quarters
to be largely due to absorption of this
Bond Buyers Making
Exorbitant Prof its
Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. IS. Charges
have been made that offices opened for
the purpase of selling Liberty bonds are
profiteering in the buying of bonds. A
discharged army officer called at one of
these offices and was offered 34.52 less
.for two 350 bonds than he later received
at one of the. big banks. "According to
the officer, bonds were quoted 'less
N. Y. Bank President
Began at the Bottom
A. H. Wtggln chairman of the Chase
National bank, who was recently elected
president of the New York Clearing
House association, was a bank clerk in
Boston as late as 1891. Then, in turn,
he became assistant national bank ex
aminer, assistant cashier, vice presi
dent, all in Boston. In 1899 he came
to New York, as vice president of the
Park National bank, as a "new business
getter." - In 1904 he went over to the
Chase National as vice president That
is where he got his stride with, the First
National-Morgan-Guaranty Trust crowd,
which has resulted in making him one
of the most active men in the financial
district. Incidentally, he has accumu
lated a very large personal fortune.
Colds, Coughs, Croup and Catarrh Often
Relieved la Two Minutes
Is your throat sore?
Breathe Hyomet.
Have you catarrh?
Breathe Hyomei.
Have you a cough?
Breathe Hyomei.
, Have you a cold?
Breathe Hyomei.
Hyomei is the one treatment for nose,
throat and lung troubles. It does not
contain cocaine, morphine or other dan
gerous drug and does away with stom
ach dosing. Just breathe it through the
little pocket inhaler that comes with
each outfit
A complete outfit costs but little at
Owl Drug Co. or any reliable druggist
and Hyomei is guaranteed to banish
catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat
and bronchitis or money back. A Hyomei
inhaler lasts a lifetime and extra bottles
of Hyomei can be obtained from drug
gists for a few cents. Adv.
Keep In Mind
Liberty bonds sold in the New Tort market at following prices:
weunesaar open
Hi 1 100.1
Vit.i 4s ...................... 05.:0
hecood is .................... 93.78
ltrt 44 ,,.,..,, .....
Hwond 4s 98.80
Third 4Ki M 93.8
Fourth. 4 Hs.... , , 98 00
victory 4 4f , 99.7a
irlory 3 lis ....... .......... 08. SO
Mich 1-ow Clme
00.4 K $10012 $100.40
93.80 93.10 93.S0
93.90 SS 64 0S.1O
98. JU 98.80
9.1.90 OS. SO 93.80
95.48 98.82 9S.34
93.92 93.70 - 98.76
90.80 99.74 10.7
99.84 99.7S 99.80
the investment facilities we offdr
When You Have Money
that is not bringing in a satisfactory
interest return.
CO. .
r ijiiu puoca -
New Perkins Hotel
Fifth and Washington
"In the Heart ot the Retail
and Financial Dutricf
Rooms with bath, $1.50
Rooms with detached bath, $1.00
Special Rates
Seven days' accommodation for ,
x Six days' compensation.
Monthly Rates
Astonishingly Low .
This condition may be caused by
overwork, worry, too close confine
ment to business or too little exer
cise. Why not try a little more out
of door exercise and take .advantage
of. your druggist's guarantee that
Vinol, the cod liver nd iron ' tonic
without oil. will create strength, vim
and vitality or return your money?
Men everywhere declare Vinol is the
greatest -strength-creator known.
OWL DRUG CO. and Druggists every-
where. Adv.
Washing Won't Rid
V Head Of Dandruff
The only . way to get rid of dandruff
is to dissolve it, then you destroy It en
tirely. To do this, get about four ounces
of ordinary liquid arvon ; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten, the scalp and rub it in gently
with the finger tips.
Do this tonight and by morning most
if not all of your dandruff will be gone,
and three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single ign ana trace or it, no
matter how much dandruff you may
have. i-- -
e -
Tou wilt find, too, that all itching and
digging of the scalp will stop at once,
and ' your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft and look and feel
a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It 4s ir.expensiv and never fails
to do the work. Adv.
Broadway Bank Opens
and Extends a Cordial
Welcome to Everybody
The Open Doqr Bank"
Regslar Saviaga
Sarlaga Aeeoaatt
Paid Special
Sabjeet to Cheek
To. Chronic
i Dyspeptics:
Tou can 'eat what you like if you take
Bi.Btsla. Make this test: Sat a hearty
meat of the good things that usually dis
agree with you, then take two. or three
Bl'Setia tablets. If you aren't astonished
and delighted you can have your money
back for the asking. Get a 50c bottle
today from the Owl ; Drug Co., or any
other good druggist; use. as directed, and
you will soon be telling your friends how
you got rid of indigestion. Remember
the name Bi-ela the Indigestion rem
edy that costa nothing if it fails. A(Jv.
Joyner Kemedles' are now on sale by
leading drusrgists In Portland. Try
cure Golds. Grip or influenza quickly,
and prevent, bad after effects. ' They
contain no quinine, opiates or injurious
To cure coughs, - try GlYCEROLE
LOBELIA. It contains no injurious
drugs and is the best cough medicine
tor infants, children or adults. -Adv. ;'
7.18 Is the Yield of
Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company
7 Cumulative Preferred Stock
when purchased - from us at $97.50 and accrued
Par value ol shares $100 Dividends payable quarterly.
Redeemable on 30 days' notice, at J 05, up to October 1,
. 1939, when issue to be redeemed at par, .,
according to Michigan law. ' -
Total Net Assets 6,016,257 equal. 200 per share
Net Current Assets.. ;..'. ...5,011,003 equal 167 per share
Net earnings last year 4$ times dividend requirements;
first six months this year thirteen times.
Preferred stock followed hy common stock having $5,700,000
V ' current market value.
Bonds ' Trusts Acceptances
Lumbermens Building Fifth and Stark
Six Hundred Thousand Dollars in Capital and Surplus
The Appeal of
Good Bonds
Is Universal
They appeal not alone to indi
viduals, but to trust companies,
estates, business houses, and
.Why? Because they carry a
good rate of interest, are readily
salable, and a bondholder often
.obtains a loan with his bonds as
4 security when credit otherwise
would be refused.
The Bond Department of Ladd
& Tilton Bank will gladly co
operate with you in the purchase
of 'securities of proved worth"
securities that will mean an,
additional outside income for
. you.
Call at or write to the Bond
Ladd & Tilton Bank
; " 4 -
Oldest in the Northwest
; Washington and Third
Buf and Sell U. S. Covsramsnt, Fersifn Gevcrnrasat,
RailroseJ, PubBe Utility. Industrial, MuaicipsJ
Quotations Upea Roquost
Lwis BMf Portlsnd. Or. Tslsphons Marshall 685
Anglo-French Bonds
To Net 7.65
Government and Municipal Bonds Bought and Sold
glffievepeaux ftfimpany
87 Sixth Street ' . ' Broadway 1042
- Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building-
Saw Tork Qsotatloaa,
later! laelsdad.
First 4s....
omi. 4s..,.
1-lrst iYtt....
Mesoad 4V4
asWI. : J1 m,
'osrta 4V
Victory ,.... ...
VTt Bar aa Sell Aay
Local Securities ;
20 7'S Northwestern Bin k
Buildlnc .
Wilson-Heilbroiiner Co.
Announe thslr acquisition of tha
and tha offlesa at
Ut-tn-tn aaflway Exckaara Balldlsf
Tsey ftava Slrset wlra eaaaaettaas wltk aary axsksar la tb eoaairy, sisa
will' aay or sail aay BaJlroavel. lad asttial. Steal, Cosaar, Orais w .GetMi
Stacks ar Uoad tradaS la.
; W GOa
, Batta, MaaU - - , Phoacsi Mala lss-t4
ComiyaadsaUt E. F. HTJTTOIf a CO. New lork "
, . . r ' CLEMENT. CPKTIs) A COh Caleaga -, ' ,
HAY DEBT. STONE A COn BHlo ' - ' - -