THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY. -OCTOBER 14. 1319. 21 BIG SUPPLIES STORAGE BUTTER IS LIKELY TO RESULT - IN SEVERE Speculators Would Gladly Part With Their Stocks If They Could Get .. Their llonriBaefc; Fresh Situation Continues Favarable Here. i Market for fresh butter continues tirm but there Is no j disposition In the .trade at the moment to make any changes In values. The output of fresh butter Is slowly Raining- and Immediate wants of the trade are being more easily taken . care of. i - , Uhll. tttmrm ta nn InnMfna' the nreseTlt treU"th trf th fresh hotter mrkt bre. the undertone In trsge ttock I not In s poIUoo wber It I pleating to speculative interests. So much butter I is coin In to Portland fro" r... .ml th- nlrfdla vest as well SS from that. faars ara BWWrf br that ' except for the very best frevh stock, nm rery hndoro low will b suffered by Sorm. ' rltorage Mock here r unusually heavy tnd mm th-. ta non knitter eomins her than the trxto t bl to absorb. IndiesHow point to rwain before the eason T. In ft " ther fc not a butter interest here who woold eot gladly let fo ot atoras stork l etul eott. i mb battel sloog tho coa notaius iutb. POTATO MOVEMENT BESTBICTED Movement of potatoei continue xtrictd ts Urn local territory m far home growth fa eoo- (inmn are of ferine eery sparingly. with most of then asking mora money thsa outside stock can be landed bete. FKim TRADE HAH QCIET TOXE Trade' in the peach market hat a eery oeict . tone Sarways are in rather good tiinrly and email ty fa excellent for thi period but tales are generally no- higher than 60e a box. l ehansh anma small loU mar bnng a little . store. EOO BIDDIHG f HOT AGGRESSIVE : - Biddies for local fresh ess i by so means aggvrssiT here and quotation remain nominal st 62c a down a the buying price for ror . rent receipts. Further receipts of eastern stock ' reported. . mirKRHS ARE VERT SLOW SALE Chlcke continue eery slow salelier. Light weight bens and heavy o-eaiiea spnw, ant nrartically the same thins, are scarcely MTtne at all. but there is an excellent call for beat hens with few coming. TAI.F HIDE PRICES ABE LOWER Iwor of 6e a pmrnd. fa generally quoted for calf skins In the local trsne witn u hot burin price now at 85e a pound. . It appears as If the fight between the trade is subsiding. a BRIEF OTF.S OF PRODUCE TRADE Egg plants eery slow tale at $1.0001-25 Country killed bogs slow and weak; Teals i.,.t Ftney huckleberries art firm at 20e a pound. Stow rnereaM In, sugar supply; beet same as cane stock. Cranberry morement fa just fair; price held. "WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau sdrisea: Protect shipments during the next 86 hoars against th following minimum temperatures: Going north. 44 de- ees; northeast orer 8., P. A 8. B. B., 84 grees: east to Baker, 80 degrees: and sooth to Ashland. 40 degrees. Minim nm tempera tare at Portland tomorrow a boot 4o degrees. WHOLESALE PRICES I!T PORTLAHB Then are th prices retailers pay wholesalers, except as otherwise noted : . Dairy Products Bt TTER Selling print, box lots : Creamery prime, parchment wrapped, extras. 66c per lb.; Erlint firsts, 65e: firsts, 62o' per lb.: miller it at an adTance, Jobbing prices: Cubes, xtra, S2a lb.; primt firsts, 00c; cartons, lo ' MlBCTTEKPAT Portlsnd derleery basis, 69 0 1 72r: country stations. tnuBM . 1 OI EOMARGARINB Local hmnds. 080 lb ; tubs 82e; l ib. earton. 8e; 2-B. carton. J3c: Nntmsrgarln. 1-lb. carton, Sle lb. CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Oregon fancy nream triplets, 8S?34e; Toung America. t4 0 8Bc Price to )obber. f. o. ., Tlifemook triplet. SOe; Young Americas, 12c ' Selling price: Bricks. 4042& Buying price of Coos and Curry trirletx. 2c; Tonns Ameri-. ca, 0 He lb. f. o. b. Myrtle Point: block Swaw ' 4b4cj Mmburger, 40t42c EGGS Buyfig price : Current receipts, 62e dosea; candled basis. SSe; selling price can dled. Sfte; select. TOc EOO8 Pnbllo market retail price. TSe. ' LIVE POL'I.TBT HesTjr bens, 28(80e IK; tight bens, 23o lb.: spring. 23 e SOe lb.; old roosters. ISAlTe Ibl sauabs, S3. 00: ducks, S85o lb.; pigeons. gl.SOA2.00 dos.; tur ken. he, 2808Oo lb.: getst. lie. 15c up. , Fresh Vetatablts and Fruit FBE8H PBriTH Oranges. gS.SO 97.00 per box: bananas. BH10e lb.: lemons. ST.2S S.6t per crate: Florida grapefruit, 88.50 8.75; California grapefruit, 80 crate; peache. S0 SKc: pears. 82.008.00; grapes.. Matagas. 8 SHe; Tokay. S10e lb.; Muscats, e lb. ; Concord, 28o basket 8 lbs. BERRIES Blaekberriet, 82.00 per crate; cranberries, 84.00 4.76 bushel box. APPLES Various rariaUes. local. 31.00 0 8.25 per box r crahspples, 82.25 per box. DRIED FBTTIT Data. Dromedaries. 18.75; Fards, 88.75 per box; raisins, 8 crown, loose Muscatel, 16o per lb.; figs. 35.00 per box of 50 fl-fll package. ONIONS SesMna rric to retailers: Oreeon. 83 80 per ewt; association selling print, car load, 82 60 f. a. b. country: garlic, 85 04Oe; green onions, 40e per dos. bunches. POTATOES Selling price, 82.50 per cwt buying price for. fancy large sise, gl.75: ordi aary, 81.50 per cental; tweet, (U 07e lb. VEGETABLES Turnips, 82.75 per tack; ; rtrrots. 81.75; beet. 82.50; cabbage. Oregon. 303 He lb.; lettuce. 8O0 9Oe do.; cucumbers. 0 1.28 dos.; tomstnea, 5O0SOo box; egg plant. 7 He lb.; cauliflower, 82.50 per dos.; . horseradish. 1B lb.; bell peppers, 7t; peat 9e; - string buns. 6 0 So lb.; green corn, 25 085c per dot.; Hubbard squash. 202fee per lb. MU and Provision COCKTBY HEATS Selling price: Country hot, 23c per lb. for top blockers; best veal. SOe: heary Teal. 150 lSe. s SMOKED MEATS Ham. 28 087o per Tt.: breakfast bacon, 87051c: picnics. SSe; cottage roll. SSe lb. LABD Kettle rendered. 8Ke; standard. Sle: tierce basis, eomponnd. 23s. Fish and Sheltflih FRESH FISH almon. Chinook. SOe Ih.; tUTerside, 17 lb.; halibut, fresh, 10018c lb.; tuneon, 20e lb.; bltck eod. 100 lie ib.j siiTer , smelt, 10s lb.: salmon trout, 20 026c H.: kip-.- Paredsalmon, 82.S5 per 10-Jb. beAket; kipuwed ' ' BHELLflSH Crabs, S3. BO per dos,; shrimp meat. 66a per lb.; loontsrs, SOo per lb. SUGAR Cube. 8 10.80:- powdered. 810.26; fruit and berry. $9.65 .yellow. 39.03; granu lated. 39.65 beet, 89.53; extra C. 89.26; tapaktea-O. 39.15. VHONET Nee, 7.50g.0O per esse. RICE style. No. 1. 14c; New Orleans . bond.. 15 He; Blue Row. 14He per B. - SALT Coarse, half ground, 100s. . 817.00 Kr ten; 60s. 818.50;.tabte dairy. 60s. $26.50; . J 83-13 03.63; Ysncy table sad dairy, 82 50; rump rock. 385.00 per ton. ,KANS Oregon (sales by Jobbers) : Lady Washington. 7 Vk 0 8c per lb J pink. 74 lb.; bmas, 14e; bayou. 74 e; rod. c; Oregon beans, buying price, nominal. e?? MK-rnattoa. 37.S5; Borden. JJ'?f ' E,- 811.25; Libby. V1fIfi2yli.10'11 Uoont Vsmoo. 37.15; Haselwoed. 37.15 per cue. COFFEE-RoasUd. 37 051c. la sack or arums. SODA CRACKERS Ta bulk. iSo par ttt, NUT3 Walnuts, 83 040c peg lb.; almonds, 88c; rjlberta, 80o ta Sack lot: peanuts. igT: Pcn. Soc; BraxiL 80c; filbert, 83c lb. Boa, Paints, Ollt , - ' ROPE SisaL dart. II He: white, 20e Th.; , standard maniia, 23 He. UNSEED OIL Raw. bbb.. $3.16 gal: ket tlt bolted, bbl. $2.18; raw. cases. $2.26: boiled, ca-ses. $2.28 per gal. e-o. COAL OIL Water whit, ia dram or Iron, bbl., 11 H gsX; case.- 24e giL . GASOLINE Iron bbb., 23 He; cafes, 34e eagin distillste, iron bbb.. 16c; eases, 28 He. . . WHITE LEAD Ton fata, ISet 600 lb.. ' lIHe sf Ik. . ' TCRPENTINK Tanks, $t.ft: est, $2.01; . W rnsT am, AO 48smv . , WIBJP MAILS teste price, $3.18. ? Moat, Wool and HMe '' HOPS Nominal. 1919 crop. 75c par lb. - ' HIDES No. X aslt oared bides. SO Iba. and p, o; No. 1 part cured h idea, 30 lb, snd tip, $2c; No. 1 green hiiies, 80 lbs. sad up. 80s; No. 1 salt eared bnllt, 60 Iba. aad up, SSe; No. 1 part eared trail; 60 lbs. and ap, 23e; No. 1 gra bulla. 60 lbs. and up, 21c; No, 3 hide. '. CALK AND KIP SKINS No. 1 exit skint up 0 OF WILLAMETTE VALLEY Bean-Situation Is Still Nominal Shippers Are As Yet Unable to Get Line on Easier Prices, ' .By. Hvataa , H. Cokes Marry inquiries are comma; to The Journal from its country readers regard ing the lack of definite quotation on Oregon beans. The season for new crop beans Is just beginning to open hero and threshing is. tinder way generally. There has been no activity' whatever la old crop for a number of months, therefore quotations for such offerings have remained . on a nominal basis for an extended period. Even . at this time leading" bean handlers and shippers here are unable to get a line upon the. probable market for the 1919 Oregon crop- A very targe per cent of the Oregon bean; crop Is sold In the East and shippers i have to date been unable to secure a firm quo tation for their connections there. Nominally speaking, the buying price on Oregon beans here is around -Sc a pound for small lots. Portland deliv ery, while the same price is obtainable at country points where carload lots can be loaded. Those desiring special information, rrsrding any market, should write th Maraet antor. Oregon Journal, enclosing stamp for reply. Coarse Grains Are Low at Opening - i a Josaoh P. Prttchard ! rhieaen. Oct. 14. (L N. S.l Cash corn was probably th leading factor larorsble to the bean in thai market, as there wer dechnes of 80 Be with sate of 103.000 bushel. Futures wer sli lower, October com t fee ;j December K end May tt0c. Oats wer 44 4 e lower. ! Pork was unchanged to 81.35 lower; ribs were 3 H 20c lower, white lard was SO 0 37 He higher. wssssssfsswastatBBi , S Chicago. Oct 14. (L N. 8.1 jWeak snd seattered bit vine bronaht about a decreas in opening com price of from He t He. On the extreme break some of the leading eoramis tion bouw turned to th buying side. Trads wa of small proportions. Oats started unchanged to He lower. Oalr a few small lot wer traded in, with local disposed to sell because of the weakness in corn. There was no ' trading ta prOTisicns daring the early hours. ' COB! 123 122H 120 120 OATS 79 H 70 H 725 73!i POKE -i LARD . .2900 20O ..2343 2365 , RIBS December May . . , . December May .... October October . . January . October . January . 120 H 1191 6 .72, 121 H 120 70.H 2i 8800 23S2 1800 1730 28 25 2325 .1725 1730 1717 STANDARD OIL STOCKS Furnished by Orerbeck A of Trad bltlg. Cook Co., Board Closing Bid. Ask. .13.10 1600 . 24 27 . 470 . 4BO . 97; 99 . 310 SJ0 , . 57 i 600 . 35! 37 .. 170 1R0 . 1S1 15 . 100 104 . 107; 112 . 177! 12 . 100! 102 . W 8H .180i 184 . 108 , 113 . 70; 75 . 725 733 . 20: 2SS . 3S5 410 , . 13- 187 .. 344 X4 , . 100 102 . . 300 805 .. 770 780 850 00 . . 575 BS5 . . 525 , 550 . . 720 730 . . 424 428 . . 400 430 ..100 10S . . 130 13 . . 4.10! 460 40; 45 AOantie Anglo Born Scrysmer .......... Buckeye . CheeseOrough Continental Crescent , Cumberland . Eureka . Galena, ., da. pfd. nr. pip Ind. Pips NatL Transit N. T. Transit Northera Pip Ohio . Prairie Oil , Prairie, pip Molar SV-fs. Southern pipe Southern Penn. Oil S. V. Penn. Oil . 8. O. Clif 8. O. Ind 8. O. Kas . O. If a O. Neb. 8. O. N. J 8. O. N. T 8. O. Ohio Swan V Fince Fnton Tank Vacuum Waihlngton OCTOBER COTTOJT VV SHARPLY WITH COMPETITIVE BIDDING New York. Oct 14. (L N. 8.) ComnetitiT bidding at th cotton market opening today by spot house forced October contracts up fully 115 point above Saturday's dose. Later, months rose from 60 to 67 points on general onmmlsslon hous baying based on heary rain in Texas and predictions for rains in the eastern belt. Later the list cased off slightly, but bus! nee was sctjee snd the undertone strong. Open. 8410 High. 8420 Low. 3373 Cloa. 3420 8405 8401 3400 3308 8390 3300 3340 . SSIO January . , February . March . . . April , 8380 8410 3360 8373 $400 3365 3363 3890 SS50 May . . . , Jon . , . . July August September November 8425 3425 3425 83:78 3430 3430 December 8410 8440 New York spot market 100 points up at 3490. Jew Tork Far Xarkst New Tork Pur Auction Sale corporation an nounce th following comparison ef prices real ixed st Its sate, at compared with the April last sal: Wolverine, 50 par cent higher; fisher. 10 per cent higher; northera raccoon 80 per cent higher; southwestern raccoon, 43 per coat higher: rwrtbsra wolf, no change; southwestern wolf, 10 per cent higher; marten, no change; oppoasom, 10 per cent higher: gray fox. 10 per cent higher; northern wildcat, 10 per cent higher: southwest ern wildcat, 20 per cant higher; marmot, 00 per cent tigher; leopard, no change; rabbit furriers. 80 per cent higher; rabbit hatters. 40 per cent higher;' ermine, 20 per cent higher; stiver fox. 2." per cent higher; beaver, 25 per cent higher; northern otter, 23 per eeat higher, and aoatbera otter, 20 per cent higher. Xew Tork Batter HIgker New York, Oct. 14. L N. S.) Butter, lo higher. Eggs Steady, unchanged. Chicago Potato Market : Chicago. Oct. H: (L N. S ) Potatoes Receipts 70 ears, - Minnesota and Dakota,' new UOUM. fZ.7O0S.BO. Sew Tork-LowOoa Silver London. Oct 14. (LN. a) Bar silver k 5-1 d higher st 68 1-1 Bd. ' New York. Oct 14. (L N. 8. 1 -Commercial bar silver is He higher at 11714c. to 13 lb,, 85ej.No. 2 calf skint w to IS lbs., 80e; No.vl ktp, IS to 80 lbs.. 60c; No. 2 kip. skin. 1 5 to 30 lbs.. SSe. DBY HIDES Dry flint hides, 7 lb, snd up, 40o; dry flint ealf. under 7 lb4 80; dry flint bull, 26e: dry salt hides, 7 lbs. sod ap, 24e; dry salt calf, andx 7 lbs., 74c; dry salt balls. 20a; dry coll hide and-skins, half, price. HORSE HIDES Larre. good take-off, with heads on. from $5 to $10 sack; small or poorly token off, half tfric; hide with .hd off, 60e ls, .v i PELTS Dry long wool pelts, per Ta.. 86c; dry medium wool pelt, per lb,, 80c; dry sheas ing pelts, 50c 0 $1.00 each; salt long wool pelts, $2.000 160 sacs: salt medium wool pelts, $1.5003.60 each; salt shearing pelts, 500 81.00 each. .. - . T M OHA TH Long tUpte. 4 So par lb.; abort staple. SOe per lb. - ' . TALLOW AND GREASE No.. 1 tallow, 18c: No. 3. 12c; No. I gios, 10c; No. 3 greats, Be per To. ' . CHTTTm OR CASCABA BARK New peel, lie pr lb, ia'' ; WOOL VsHey half blood Merino and ghrop. shire, 60s: CotswoM and - Liacola. 40046c; matted CotewoM. 80 0 85c: timber stained. 6c par lb. tern; tembo wool. 4e per IK less. - J?, Oso". EaaUm , VTasbiagtoa tad California wool Merino and Shrorhjre. $3 0 40e; half blood Mcrlao and CotewoM. 37042c; Bhropshiro, 37 042c; Cotewold snd Lincoln, yuaight and mixed, 82035c; hurry. 5e per lb. le; lamb'. 4c per lh. kat. J iy Woote ,. Merino eoteMag sad wrdiag grades. 80 035c - VALLEY APPLES ARE SELLING TO EAST- IS EXCELLENT Carload Lots of Jonathans. RelL'pg to Points East of Rockies; Some Choice Spitz Are Going and Fancy Starr Now Finding Better Cell V Willamette valley applea are rolling to the east, the far south and Into the mid dle west markets In greater supply than ever before known by the trade here, i According; to shippers the general qual ity of the .Willamette valley apple this season Is unusually favorable and trial shipments to the east are expected to result In repeat orders for tho late va rieties, just as happened In the Graven steins. Jonathan sre being mored is carload lota from th Ttlley snd white torn shipments ef Spits ere being made, still no first claw ateek of th latter Tariety h.ts as yet bees arauabl. It fa stated that the Chehalem Moantata Or chard company alone win ship 10 ear of Jona than to th ett this season. Demand far 8pitzentrarga is far better ta the astern trsde than bra been expected snd th recent decline ni pries on appls generally has Men TecoTrd. Apple trade of the nation; Baltimore Demand and moTement slow, mar ket steady. Boxes Washington. Jonathan, extra faney, 88.35. Grime, extra fancy. 13.25 03.50; choice. 82.75(3 8.00. TVinter Bananas, extra fancy. S4.0OM4.50. Detroit Supplies liberal. TVmand and more ment moderate, market steady. Boxes Few sties. Idaho, ejualtry ordinary, ts riont Tarietiea all graded. 82.0Oas2.75. Pittsburg Demand and mTmat alow, mar- set steany. ytmm Vortr finrmli mnArm Im Tlemafad arut movement good, market sligthly stronger ; prices sllrhtly birher. Boxes Wahlnt cms. King Darids, extra, fancy, large. 83. "0 3.50: few. 33.T5: medium size. 83.00 03.25: few. 33.50; araslIT 82.75 8.00; fancy, medium sad small site, 8 '4.2 5 0 3.00; Jonathans, extra fancy, targe, - 88.76 0 4.AO: medium 83.25 tVS.BO: small ; is, S2.5 : fancy, medinm and sasalT sis.- 83.R0A 2. HO; O grade, 'medium snd small sire. 82.00. CI'fornis, Jonathans, all sixes. 32.lS0S.25.- Philademhia Demand and moTement moder ate, market weaker. Boxes T ski ma district, - Jonathans, extra fancy, small 1z 82.8302.90: areragv,' 81.75: com bins Hnn neck, medinm size. 32.90; srasll six, M: aTerage. SZ.4B: Wanatene dis trict. tf-lMom extra fancy, medinm and lanxo. siaee. 33 5 0 5.10: arerais. 84.85: fancy me dinm and large sizes, 13.48 0 4.25; STsTags, 38.06.' 8t. Loo is Demsnd good for good stock, mar ket steady. Omaha Demand and morement moderate. Boies Washington and Idaho, Jonathans ex tra fsner. mostly 83.50: few. 83.75; fancy, 33 00 0 3.25; choice. 82.75 0 3 00. Kansaa City- Supplies liberal. Demand im proTins; moyetnent moderate. Boxes Colorado. Grimes, extra fsney, $3.25; fancy. 33.00. Waahingtoa , Grimes. - extra fancy. S3.S5: fancy. S3.40: rhoie. 33. 15; J nit- . . , KA . . OR. T licions.' extra faner,' 34.50 s 4.76: 'fancy! it.OO 0 4 25; choine. 1.6003.75: Spitsenbnrr. x tra' finer. 83.90. C!ilornla. Tellow BelleSowers, fncy. 82.50. Cleteland: Boxes Demand and moTement moderate, market steady. Littl ehaag ia prices. N'orthwestcms, Jonsthsm, extra fancy, 33.25 0 8.50; moMly. 83.35 0 8.50. St. Psnl Supplies liberal. Demand and more ment good. Boxes Wsshington, Jonathan, extra fancy, 83 13 0 3.25. Mrnnespolis Buppliet liberal. Demand sad morement good. Cincinnati Supplies heary.' Demand snd morement good. Bulk per hundredweight -Quality snd condi tion, fair. New York Rhode kland Green trigs, 81.50; Arkansas. Betr Dari. 34 00; MJcbi- jim, yariou Tarietiea. tThicago Demand good, 'raarii t - firm. ' New Orleans Supplies , moderate. Demand and moTement moderate. Boxes Washington. Winter Banana, extra fancy. 34.25: fancy. 34.00: C grade, 33.50. Idaho, Jonathan, extra fancy. 83.25, fancy, 83.00: C grade. 32.75. Chkxgo Auction Demand moderate, mar ket steady. Boxes Washington. Jonathan, extra fancy, 12.30 0 3.30; arerage. 38.25; faacy. 82.50 0 2.90; aTerage, 32.80; Colorado, Jonathans. exWa fancy. 82.75 0 8.40; aTerage. SS.23-. fancy. 82.75 0 8.00: aTerage. 83.93; choice, 82.fiO. Idaho, Jonathans, extra fancy, 82.90 0 8.30; Trge. 83.25: fancy. 82.6O02.fA. Ore gons. Jonathans, extra fancy, 81.85 03.30; aver age. 32.40; fsncy. 81.8002.73; aTerage. 31. 93; choice, 31.60 0 2.10: STerage. 32. 0O. DAIRT PRODUCE OF THE COAST San Frantlse Market San Prsneiteo, Oct 14. (U. P.) Batter Extras. 66 V4e. Egg Extras. 75c: dirties. No. 1. 66 He; extra pallet. See; underused wallets, 64c 1 Cheese Cellturni fiats, fancy,. 85c; firsts. 30e per pound. Lo Angeles. Oct 14. IX N. 8.1 ButUr Ctlifntnia creamery extras. 65c. Eggs Freb. extras, 71e; esse count, 64c; pullets, 58c. Live poultry Hens. Zooc: Drouen, tve; fryers, 29. vaanw snres Seatue. Oct 14. (U. P.) Butte? Local country creamery cubes, 65c; do bricks 66c; storage, 69c Egg Local strictly frash, 76c; puTteta, 68e; pes wee. 4$e; storage 66 058c. Chicago Dairy rrodaee Chicago. Oct. 14. (L N. 8.) Butter re ceipts. 8386 tubs. Creamery extra, S3; firsts. 580 62c; packing stock, 42044c Eggs, receipts, 8253 case. Current receipts, 4956He: firsts, 50051c: extra. 58059c: checks, 29 0 32c: dirties. 30 038c Cheese, twins, new. 2T027He; daises, 28H 028 He; Young America. SO 030 He; Long horns, 3O03OHe: brick, 82c Lie poultry, tnrkeya. 32e; ehickna23 0 26 He; springs. 23c; roosters, 18 He; geese. 22 He; ducks. 27 He r Xew Tork 3Iefal Market New York. Oct 14. (L N. .) Metal prices: Copper Firm. Spot and Oct. 21 H 07,2: No.. 214028H: Dec. 22022: Jan.. 22H 0 23: Feb. and March, 22A0 23H. Lead Firm. Spot and Oct.. 610 b. : No., 615 b ; Dec . 620 b.: Jack. 625 b. Spelter Steady. Spot and Oct. 730 b.; Not.. 735 b.; Dec. 740 b.; Jta,. 74i b.; feb., 750 b. Money aad Exchange New Tork. Oct 14. (L N. 8.) Call money oa the floor of th New York stock exchange today ruled at 8 per cent high 15 pat eeat, low 8 per cent Tim money wa firm. Bates vesro 6 H 0 T per cent. Th market for prime mercantile paper wa strong. Call money ia London today was St per cant Sterling exchange was weak, with business In bankers' bill at $4.17 H fox demand. Ore Is Rleber Tonopab. Ner. Oct 14. (0 P.) At "a depth of 64 feet a new shaft i . sampling or averaging 854.75 a ton, an tnereass of 822 a ton ever ere touched previously. Th Tonopah Basbrouckr opened 4H feel of or sampling silver at $200 a ton. ' . Liverpool Cotton Market Liverpool. Oct 14. (L 5. 8.) Spots opened to good demand, price hardening. American nrid Wing fair. 624.61; good middling, $22.86: fully middlings. $22.26; middling, $21.66; tew mid dlings, $19.71; good ordinary. $17.76; ordl aary. $16.76. t Future opened quiet .-.-.V The Musical Floor -tLa 7 th cnnianotfc Go U rUnfndi Vc Merit Oaly QUALITY , - IMis APPLES GOING East Is Airing For Our Onions - Account Quality '-' Zavtrcssety good deamaatl for Ore gon eaieas Is skewUg svad the trade h very firm wltk aa advaace ef I ceits a. rtstal being asked at eoaa try sklppUg polats by tke Ceafeder ate Oslo a Growers aseoeiattoa at 1M i. e. a. ears. Baslaets Is SraU-, able from tke East bat caaaot be eoBflmed 1 beeaste ef the 8ck --of refrigerator ears, for sklpaieaU Tke saUty of ,! the Oregon stock Is so taaeh better than tke Calif orala a .eordiag to eastern interests, that tke few ears that hare - already gone there have brosght repeat business. Flour Price Has a Strong Tone Here . , 1111 Millers Continue (6 Hold It Down However; Wheat Premiums Are Exaggerated. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Vers- Wheat, Barley. Flour. Osta, Hay. PortiaVid. Toes... 48 36 3 Tsar ago 62 ... Beaaoa to date... 3039 107 Yesr sgo... ....8888 384 Tacoma, Sat-Mon, 89 . 2 Tear ago. ..... . 83 ... Season to data... 2063 62 Year ago 2003 19 Seattls. Sat-Moa. 8 4 Year ago.. . .... 27 Sessoa to data.. .1037 121 Year ago. .2270, 81 1 943 479 10 12 234 580 317 1060 7 6 2 17 00 307 74 611 1 6 12 222 501 23L 1045 12 1 230 527 Flour prices continue to strengthen all through the Paclflo Northwest, but values are generally unchanged. Pre miums for hard wheat appear to bo much exaggerated, although they are the heaviest ever known in the local trade. Tlier was little trading reported in the rxars- grain market her for the day. the weakness ta Chicago being an adverse influence. FLOUR Selling price, new crop; Willamette 811.15; whole wheat flour, 310.25; Willamette raltey. 310.15: local straight, 810.00; bakers' local. 310 90011. 15;" Montana spring wheat ft tan t, 311.15; rye flour. 610.10; oatmeal. 13.00; graham, 311. 00. Price for city delit mrr in fisehamt kit. HAY Buying price, new crop: Willamette timothy, fancy, 827.00; Eastern Oregon-Wash ington, faacy timothy ) : alfalfa, gso.vo; alley retch, 324.00: cheat, 318-00; straw. 00; clorer, 824.00; grain. 822.00. GRAIN SACKS Nominal: New crop, delivery. No. 1 Calcutta, 17c ia .car lots; teas amounts bgher.i MILLSTCFPS Mixed run at mills, sacked. 8300 039.00. ROLLED OAT8 Per ton. 160.00 61.00. ROLLED BARLEY Per ton. 867.00 0 68.0O. CORN Whole. $78; cracked. 881. Broomball Ores Cable BroombaJl. cabled: United Kingdom Weather has been splendid for sowing winter cereal crops and good progress b being made. Some fears are being expressed that the acreage will he decreased owing to price restrictions. Agricultural outlook gener ally favorable on th wbote. . bowvr. France Good rain pat toil in excellent icon dition for plowing for the new wheat ercp. Sowing have commenced in parts and indica- tiona point to nibstanUal Increaa la acreage. Other crops, it is expected, will also be In creased. Spain Plowing ha been proceeding actively under satisfactory weather. Crop conditions favorable. " Sowing of wheat has a bo : com menced favorably. North Africa Th sowing of wheat has started, with prospects pointing to fair acre age. Weather ha, bsea favorabls for seedinz operations . Hon mania -Latest ad rices mention the crop t -i of corn ts maturing nermalty and a fair sur- plus it assured. Ueod surplus of wheat, bar ley and rye are now available for export, but proportion of exports is not revealed. Italy Report oa th out tare of wheat and corn are eugbtly better then expected, but, how ever, it is estimated th wheat import during the season will be rather large, in the neigh borhood of 80.000.000 bushels. : Merchant exchang bids: FEED OATS No. 3 white... Standard feed. No 3 bias... 5150 6200 6250 6230 6250 6300 6350 9400 BARLEY . . . 6300 .. 6250 CORN No 8 yellow. . . 5900 6650 Eastern oats and corn, bulk: OATS 36 lbs. clipped 4623 38 lbs. clipped 6050 CORN 5050 5150 5150 5275 5400 6000 N j. 3 yellow . BH0II 5550 8(100 BARI JJY . . 5900 CORN 53B. 54A. Nc 2 No. 3 yellow Jan.. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Chicago Nog S16.2S Chicago, Oct 14 II. N. 8.) Hog Re- ceipK 2.n: mrwtly 25 0 50c lower. Bulk. $13.75 15 OO; ttt. 15 23: heavyw.i-ht, $14.2.1 13.00 medium weieht, 314.60 015 2-1: lightweight $14.23015.00; light liglit. $13.75 014.00: heavy packing sows, smooth. 313.30014. 23-. packin: wi, rough, $13,00 0 18.50: pi-. 813.50014.50. Cattle I!or.:pts 16,000; steady 1 to weak. Beef steers, ehoire tnd prime, $16.76013.75: medium and km1, 310.73 0 H.75; : good and1 choice, 14.WO01S.eO; common' tnd medium, 17.758 W HO; butr!r cattle, heifert 35.65a: 12.25; bulla. $5.75 010.00; ranner and cut-1 ten, cows sad heifen. $5.00 0 6.00; caaner atset. $5.500 7.73; real calves, light and handyweight $16.00017 00 feeder steers. $7.00 013.00; atocker steer-. $6.00 010.23; stock er cows and heifers, $5.7500.50; stocker calves. $10.75 016.00; western range cattle, beef steers, $7.25 012.25. Sheep Receipt. 40.000: fat classes steady, feeders stow. Lambs. 84 lbs, down, $12,25 0 15.50; lambs, cull and common. $8,600 17.00; yearling wethers, $9.00 011.25; ewes, $8.23 07.25; ewes, caUt and commen. $3,000 6.00; breeding ewes, $6,75012.30; feeder lambs. $10.60 18.75. Omaha Hs S1S.SO Omaha, Na.. Oct 14. (L N. 8.) Hogs Receipts, 4890. 23 0 35s lovar. Balk. $14.25 014.50; top, 815.60. Cattle Receipts, 18.000. beef snd batchers stock 25 0 SOe lower. Stocker and feeders alow, 25c lower. Kansas City Meet $18.10 Kansat City, Mo., Oct 14. (L N. S.) Cat tle Receipts 19.000. steady to strong. Steers, $9.000 10.00; cows and heifers, 38.OO013.OO; stocker and feeders, $8.00014.00; eatvea, $10.00 017.50. Host Receipts 12.000. 23 to 75c lower. Top. $18.10; balk, $14.25 015.00; heavies. $14.28015.00; madman. 814.60 013.10; hghta. $14,250 1S.10: pigs, $14.00015.23. Sheep Receipts 17,000. weak to tower. Lamb. $14:00015.50; ewes, $8.6007.35. ftsatUe Hog $1830 Seattle. Oct 14. (1. N. S. I Hog Re ceipts 840. Weaker. Prim rights, $13,60 9 1C.60: medium to choice. $14.50 013.50; rough heavies, $13 00 014.50; pigs, $14,00 0 15.50. a.le Receipts 800. Steady. Best steers. $10.60011.00; medium to choice. $8,60 0 9.50;. oommon to good, $5.00 0 7.OO bent cows and heifers. $7.25 0 9.00; good cows. $6.00 0 7.50; bulls. $5,00 0 7.50; ealvea. $7.00014.00. ! 1 Sheep None. . Dr Hog 814.88 Denrer. Oct 14. (U. P.) Cattls Receipts BOO; steady to slightly lower. 'Steer $10,600 12.60; cows sad balfars, $7.00 0 9.00; ttock t tnd feeders, $7.00010.60; calve. 68-600 14.00. Hogs Receipt 600, $0c lower. Top $14,85: bulk. $14.00 014.60. Sheep Receipt 2000, cteady. Top $1.50 sei..-a; ewes, e.uvu; lleeder iambs. $12.60014.00. POTATOES ALL ALOKG THE COAST . . - ! . 8 tattle Mgrkst Seattle, Oet 14. (L N." g) Onioa Oregon, $ He TO. - ! PoUtoee Yakima Gems. $45.00 010.00 torn: local. 338.00 0 40.00 j whit. 2He t.; sweets, 6e 8. i .. Seattle Pralt Market Seattle. Oet 14 xoston 750 0 81.00. Pcha Ksttsra Wssk- . Pears D'AaJooa, $1.00 0 8.50: fH . butter, $2.25: Winter .KeJUs. $$.60. : .. ' Mlaaeaaolls-Daiatit Hex - DuluOi Fssx Oct. 432; Not., 427; Des., 431: May, 41$ H. - . i . , Minneapolie TX!wed, 4$70445; April, 486 sy o. EAST .S- HOGS ARE EASIER; CHICAGO SHOWS-BIG . LOSS FOR THE DAY North Portland Oontlnues to Quote l p to $16.00 but $13.83 to Would Appear to Be About, Top; Nominal Quns During the Trade. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RTTSf ' - Hogs Cattl CsiTea Sheep Tuesday-. 3 2 .... 117 Week ago .... 80 2272 2 week ago .... 48 7 . 67 4 weeks ago 180 26 . . 80 Year ago 191 324 ...... 64 3 years ago 37 84 2 .... 8 year ago .... 67S 118 .... .... ,4 year ago 280 19 ... . 89 Only three loads of livestock came into the North Portlatm yards for the second day's business of the week. Not enough stock was available to give the market a test but general sentiment appeared little changed from Monday. 5 : Jut three km hogs appeared ia tho tilers OTernigbt. Some resales of bogs wer mad during th morning at 315.85 or the sam price as th stock was sold at kite Monday after noon. Tote tppeared to be about the general top then although torn basiness passed a nickel higher at 815.90. However, it .may be still Doaaibl to obtain 816 for selected slu ms Is, but 'shippers should not figure upon this much at there wa s further scarp arop in ta eastern trade during th day and Chisago was down to 81 5.25 for extreme tops. tieneral nog rang: Prim mixed Medium mixed ............ ,.315.50 016.00 , . 16.00 016.50 .. 18.00X14 00 . . 14.00 015.00 Rough hearie Pig Cattl Situation Steady RitnaHnn in the cattle alleys at North Port Und anrt steady for the day With a tmall run reported following th liberal supply ot the previous day. While the cow situaUon appears most scuts, still the weakness and slowness of th steer market does not appear sufficiently to tore any geperal reduction la value In urns auey. General cattle range: ' Best steers 8 9.00 0 10.50 Coed to choice steers 9.00 9.50 Medium to maoA steers S Ofl 9.UV Fair to good ateera 7.0OX B.0O Common to fair steers 5.50 0 6.50 Choice cows and beliefs 8.00 0 8.25 Good to choice cows and heifers. 6.50 0 7.50 Medium to good cows and belters 5.50 0 6.50 Fair to medium cow and heifer 4.75X 6.78 (banners 3.00 0 4.00 Bull - Best light calves . Heavy ealve Btockert and feeders . 6.00 0 6.50 14.00 018.00 . 8.00 014.00 7.50 0 95 Mutton and Lsmbs Moid Small run ppesred in the mutton snd lamb alleys at North Portland overnight and valoe held about unchanged. General sheep market range Best Mount Adsms lambs $11.50 012.00 8.00 0 9.00 . 10.50X11.00 . 09 if 9.0O . 7.50 0 8.50 . 6.00 0 7.00 Stoekar snd feeds rs Valley lambs Yearlings Wethers Ewes . Monday Afternoon Sate STEERS No -Ave. IM. Price. I No. Ave- 'b.. Price. . . . 990 $ 8.50 ...1616 8.00 Ave. To. Prie. . .. 830 t 8.50 . .. 852 8.00 1. 10. 1. e. 1.. 26. 26. 9. 35. 30. 1 . 23. 3. 25. 1. 8. 4. . . .1105 . . .1110 . . . 1 003 . . .1193 . . . 966 . . .1102 . . . 1120 .. .1115 9.50 9.50 9 50 10:80 9 65 8.75 9.00 10.00 10.00 9.50 8.00 S.8S . .. 960 ... 993 ...1035 . .. 783 ...1013 . . . 900 . . .1120 . . . 76S .. .1220 . . .1027 .. .1150 ...1000 9 60 8.75 9.83 9.00 9.05 9 00 S.50 10.00 10 50 8.25 10.50 8.85 1. 32. 26. 18. 25. 1 . 9. .T.1143 26. 983 980 1.. 2.. .1063 COW8 14.. 1. . , 36. . . 30. . . a. . . 15.., 5. . , 11 . . 2. . 2.. 40. . 25. . 6. . 2.. 3.. 3. . 5. . 11 . . 7. . 23 . . 3 , 4 . . 11. . 23 ; '. 8. . . 935 .1000 . 843 .1013 . 953 .1055 .1016 . 987 7.15 4.50 8.00 9.75 7.75 7.25 7.00 8.00 4., 14.. 1.. 1. . 2. . 7. . 20. . . ,1065 ..1077. . . 510 . .1030 . . 970 . .1040 . . 973 $ S.80 8.00 7.00 7.75 5 00 8.00 8.23 CALVES 865 311.00 195 16.00 1 6 89 230 $16.00 291 11.00 . 205 . 247 . 203' . 310 . 936 .1080 . 968 .1045 .1040 . 037 . .914 .1102 . 8b0 .1343 . 9K0 .1146 . 675 . 10O . 5o .1045 . 160 . 450 .1290 .1170 .1190 15 00, 10.00 16.00 8 00 7.75 7.86 8.50 7.00 7 00 7.33 5.00 8 00 7 3J 7.50 7.00 8.00 6.00 8 50 7.30 7.75 16.00 10.00 .. 201 . . 360 . . 370 , . '980 . .10O0 , .104 . .1420 . . 985 . . 980 . . 1O50 . . 979 . . 833 ..1100 . . 044 . .1135 l. 973 ..1072 ..1083 . .106O . . 192 . . 190 .. 270 ..1480 ..1070 ,.1670 15.00 9. . 11.00 11.00 10.00 85 1.. 1. . 1. . 27. . 1.. 2.. 3. . 14. . SO. . 34.. 3. . 29. . 4 . . 5. . 25.. 27. . 4. . 4 . . $.. 81.. R.2i 7.00 6.60 8.00 7.00 7.00 6.83 7.75 7.00 7.M) 7.00 8.35 8.00 6.O0 15.0J 16.00 4.00 $ 6.60 7.00 6.60 BILLS $ 6.50 I 1.. s5.5.1 I 1.. 6.23 $ 1.. MIXED 8.83 1 . . 28. : 5. . 23. . 85. . 6. . 74. . 80.. 35. . 30. . 32. . 30. . 17.. 6. . 10.. 9.. 18.75 18.60 15.90 18.50 16.00 A5.00 15.00 13.30 15.90J 15.06 16.73 1S.00 15.80. 15.50 14.50 14.60 162. 10.... TEA RUNGS 28.... 187 $ 9.00 I Tucsaay Kornint Bate CALVES Nov 4. . 17. Ato, lbs. Price, i Ho. Are. Tb. Price. 313 314.00 8.... 800 $L00 204 $15.73 1. 220 $1AT6 WETHERS 165 $ f.OOl EWES 135 $ 6.00 I 130 4.00 . 2... 4. ., 1... 80 3 4.00' Cotton Llaters Be port Washingtaa. Oct 14. (L K. &t report for September tbowg number belts for 1919 end 1918 respect ivelv: .Cotton, excrosiv of Hnters: Consumed daring September, total. 491.813 and 489.982. In eottoo-irowing gutes, 277.890 and 281. T27. Held -fa consaming stablishmeat, gepteuibet 30, 1.074.457 and 1.186,781. - Held ia public storage sod at eompres, 2.48220 and 2.981,228. Imported, 64,176 and 2813. Exported, including hnters. 288,884 aad 366.876. Lintart: Consumed during September. 28,227 aad 96.791. field in eoBsataeig establish meats, 250 J83 sad 160,42$. Hold ia pttblte stong aad at 226.772 sad 113.498. Exported. 3688 sad 17.670. Spindles: f Number tetiT dnriug September. 24 Jig 662 and 33.488.181. . 220 $ 7.00 20.... $57 HOGS 400 $14.00 2.... 880 160 14.50 9.... 301 352 13.03 1.... 290 423 13 SO 7.... $04 156 13.73 8.... $07 217 15.00 97.... 194 224 15 00 10.... 274- 195 13.50 4 312 221 13.65 74 217 217 15.60 80.... 217 118 15.00 12.... 180 242 15.85 47 211 203 15.50 2.... 125 193 15.50 6..ri 246 249 15.50 21.... 200 266 15.50 1.... 300 183 18.30 S 298 287 14.50 LAMBS S3 $ 8.50 EWES 8 8.50 " Stocks, Beads, Cettea ttraia. Eta, tl$-tll Beard of Trade- BaOdtag. . . - Overbeck&CookeCo. direct" private wires to all exchanges KsgabstV CkJeege Beartt -of Trade ;. CrreaBAoats: ef Vftm Bryaa lteage ' Kew York ; Motor Shares Get ' .Bad Beating in , ;i The Early -Trade gTOOKS CLOSE WtftK ' Mew Tertv Oct. 14- (L . SO Th (took market ) weak today ' Thar wat mm e. cstatf rust) to tM stocks t the final trading an) fmouealty the entire lit tk fr t-to 10 aaiats free she kn txeekk l etmmn. trwm 110, react d to' a tsSsJag ef 1SSH. axstf HUM rSrwtetMH yteteted ar 18 awlnte from Ra hisji 2AS. Pan Ameelcaw PetrsUusa ylildiS WSTty four swtnt to 1ST Vs. and StMdshkr nearly gsrea potwu to 1MA. (toners sWstors fwsotsd SVr from the hiort to SSSV, 'and Inslustrtar Steohoi five points to 1St. BaWwin LocemoUrs wa flaslry ISO A, OentreJ Mathsr 10S,. aouthsrn Pacrfle 107. end Amsetesa Can mA. Kew Tot; Oct, 14. (L N. S.1 There was a fmrry of selling st the stock saarket opening today after th doobie holiday and price d elined from 1 to over T points. at eel oommon yielded 2. to 109 Si ; Bald win Loco.. 3, to T41H: Crucible. S points. - The motor stock suffered t heaviesi losses. General Motors declining over 7 points, to 294 ; Stadebaker 4 K . to 129 . white' Fierce Arrow, after selling up 4 to a aew high reoord of 79 Vt . reacted to 77. Mexieaa Petrolefrm dropped S points, to 248 Hi Central Leather SH. to 103 indus trial AtoolMl 2 Vs. to 148 H ;, American Loco. Ik. tit 109 : AtL Gulf 3. to 179 : Ma rine common nearly 2 point, to SO1, Msrin preferred 1, to 1 19 H; Southern Psc. 8 54, to ivi. ana American annum peina. w 107. At tho end of th first 20 minutes selling increased sad further losses of from 1 to 8 oointa wore sustained in many issues. Thar wer many taan ralltts of irora 1 to S pointe from th tew level in tho late fore noon, steel common, from a low of 109, ral lied 1 mint, white Bethlehem Steel B rose nearly 2 points, to 108. Mexican Petroleum, from a low of S42H. rallied to 248 and General Motors S noints. la 296. Industrial Alcohol showed strength, advaadng from s low ef 148. to 150.' Rallies of from 1 to 2 points were general, bat not ail of thaws aptarnt wer maintained. rtrrahbed by Orerbeck as Cooke Co.. Board of Trad build in : DErJCRHTIOI : Open I High Low Ctee Alaska Gold Alii Chalmers Altoy Steel ...... Amer. Agr. Chem. . Amtr. Beet Sugar. Amer. Can, ..-.. Amer. Csr Fdy. . . , Amer. Cotton, OB : Amer. H. 4 L.. o. . Amer. Liaseed. e. . Amer. Loco., c. . . . Amer. "Smelter, o. . Amer. Steel Fdy... Amer. Sugar, c . , . . Amer. Sum.. Tob.. Amer. Tel. A Tel. American Tobacco 305 132H 22s 6ft H 91 179 H Amer. Woolen, c. . American Zinc . . Anaconda Min. Co Atchison, e ..... Atfc Gulf A W. L Baldwin Loco., c. 188 H Haiti t Ohio, e. . Both. Steel. B. . . . Roach Magneto Brooklyn B. T Butte A Superior. CaL Petroleum, c . 40 H ies 4 119 20 27 60 Can Pacific 151 102 Central Leather, c. Che 4k Ohio 59 Cht. Gt, Western, c io 44 Chi.. M. A St P tit. Northwestern Chile Copper Chino Copper CoL Gas A Etee.. Cokl. P. 1.... Com Gas Com Products, c . . Crucial Steel, c. . do pfd ........ Cuban Can Sugar. Denver 4k R U.. e. Erie, e General Cigars . . . . General Electric . . Granby CoaaoL . . Great Northern Or Great Nor. Ry. . . . Greene Cananea . Gulf State Steel . . Ulinoia Central . , . . Indus, Alcohol . Inspiration Cop. . . Lit Har. Int Mer. Mar., e. Int. Nickel 28 US 661 44 H 92 H 86 2S3 4111 41 HI 40 H 15 84 H 19H 148HI140H I 61sl 59 ZT , 18H 88 H 83 H Kaa. C. houthera. c Kenaecott Copper Lackawanna Steel Lehigh Valley . . . Mexican l'etrol. . . 1253 Montana Power . . r"4 Miami Copper . . .1 27 H 256 64 27 $4 29 83. It 83 Mid rale Steel Missouri I'ac. c . . National Enamel . . National Iad . . . Nevada Con New Haven ...... X. Y. Airbrake... N. Y. Central. Norfolk A We.. Northern Puci 'r . . Okla. Ref. A Prod. Ohio Cities Ga . . Pta-Amer. Pet, e. Prnii-TlTauta By.. . I'eea-ie'. Gas I'ierc M1 Pitt burg Coal, e . . Pr. Stwl Csr, c. Rullman . : Ray Con. Copper. . Itv. Steel Springi. 127 74 103 87 10 55 130 43 4H 22 64 100 121 91 feiiiot NS I 88 Rep. troa A Steel, e. 101 117 102 Hetatl Htores 117 Hock Iskuid. c . . . . 8 28 107 14 68 Htrombers ....... Khattuck Copper . . Hloas Sheffield Southern Pacific . . 103 13 67 109 109 Honthem Ky.. e. . .. Stadebaker. c St. Louis 4b S F. . 8 26 188 136 19 19 Swift A Co '. Tenn. Copper . . , . . Texts Oil . , , . Texas Pacific Tobacco Product . . Ifnioa Pacific, e. . . Trans CoatI Off. . . I'nited Food Prod... 185 135 18 13 286 292 64 63 109 123 66 88 107 128 66H 89 H United Fruit TJ. 8. Rubber, e. . . 128 V. S. Smelt 4k Rat TJ. S. Steel, e, .... TJ. S. Steal, c . . . . rub Copper . . . . Virginia Chem. c . Wastah ...... Western Union . . . W satin ghats loc . Moay 72 108 108 84 81 10 84 65 8 Total sal, ttock. 1.O93.400: toUl aalaa. bond. 18.952,000. Where Minds of Great Evidence .That Andrew Caraegle, tke Late Steel , , Klag, Had PaiU la Beads. nw taat trsew tracvers rtaew ttxtrbt eover easily and faeult was a sharp advance. The death ef Andrew Carnegie should have no influence on -the iMeauxae hie fortuae is largely in bones and I mnd these are basta ones -coW iTnarxet supply is always even if his estate wanted to It probably witt not. It would taker, it is believed that left additional millions for tthe bonds now ta his estate beet form in wtolch to continue the tn- i vestments art none will tvb any event - Financial Mism ly Pleased ixoniTieSt 71 Paragraph Cliyped Press ' Plaaaelal Be view A peeriag Keeeatly fa portUad Jearaal TJader Eew Tork Date Lias. 'This common: point oF: agreement pr Andrew Carnegie and John Mitchell was not a mere coincidence. In everywalk of life men of foresight and conservative judgment t h ose who ' have the qualities of leadership invest their surplus funds in bonds. 7" .... . , . If you would be a lesader; do tuleJtders do. LUMBERMENS iAnnbennlns Bldg. Six" Hundred TRAVEL FROM THE ORIENTGONGESTED Bob Fithian and Bride Have Hard Time Returning Home; Trip ' Around World: Halted., Jhm pmih of true Jove seems to continue rocky even sifter the wed ding, ia some cases.' , This time the path was sv.shtp, a liner outof Hongkong, tbat was to touch at India and reach Europe through the Sues canal. It led to sea and lands blue and alluring, fas cinatingly r .tropical, daztlingly Ori- entat. v: ' ' ; With all this are dfrecOv connected Bob Fithian, vice president of the Ftth- lan-Barkr Shoe company, and his bride. formerly verna Barker. Honolulu had been wonderful. . The PTilHppines had been deeply Interesting. China was wonderful. Bob and Verna nibbled chop-suey in a Hongkong res taurant, and planned the remainder of tneir trip, They were on their way around the world on their honeymoon. PLANS ARE MANY "My sister in England will be glad to see us, suggested Bob to Verna. I am anxious to explore Egypt, re marked hM bride, , Hopefully Bob set about obtaining ac commodations lor the proposed trip, Crestfallen and with wilted collar he re turned to Verna.. "I can't get a thing," he reported "There Is no space on a single ship." There was only one course for the honeymooners to pursue and they pur sued it it was to return by way of Japan, admitting they had tried to go around the world and had been balked. -"This is a bad yee, an awful time for Oriental travel," was the bride groom's comment on his trip, "Every thing is booked up for about eight months ahead. Profiteers are making fortunes oa American tourists. ex change is almost dollar for dollar as against two and more for one before tho war. TWO ACCOMMODATING FIL1PI50S "Boats back from the Orient are sold out up to next May and June. We were lucky to get back at all. Two Filipinos gave up their berths at the last minute and here we are," Fithian was impressed with what he described as the inability of the Filipinos r EXEMPtb0M AIL FEDERAL IHC03IE TAXES . " $75,000.00 Soda Springs, Idaho , Rate. Maturity. Price. 8,000 Soda Springs, City of. Idaho, -Water.... 6 J&J 1932 105.69 ' 8,000 'Soda Springs, City of. Idaho, Water.... 8 JAJ 1913 105.84 8.000 Soda Springs, City of. Idaho. Water.... JAJ 1934 108.11 C.000 Soda Springs, City of. Idaho, Water.... JJ 1935; 106.27 8.000 Soda Springs, Oty of. Idaho. Water.... 8 JAJ 1938 106.42 t.000 "Sod a Springs. City of. Idaho, Water.... 8 JAJ 193? IA8.8S 8.000 Soda Springs, City of. Idaho, Water.... 8 JAJ 1B88 107.0T 8,000 Soda .Springs, City of. Idaho. Water.... 6 JAJ 13 107.2I . PRICE: TO YIELD S.40 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS IP VOU MUST SItt VOUR LIBKRTV ON VI0T0HV BONOS, fcLL TO US ' IF VOU OAM SUV 8IOS!t UagRTV OR VI0T0RV BONOS, BUY PROM US f v Today' opening Kew Tork market I a follows. They sre th governing prices fr Liberty snd Victory bond U over the world, snd th highest. We adntrti th price daily in order that ou may always know the Mw York market sad the asset value of your Liberty and Victory bonds; , 1st 2nd ; 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Victor Victory 3t 4s 4s 4t 4 4t 4l S 4t Market priest 100.12 $50 84.10 96.40 94.22 95.74 94.14 99.82 99.80 Accrued interest... 1.18 t. 83 1 60 1.40 1.7$ .84 2.U 1 50 1.94 Total. . .101.28 96.92 05.78 When buying w deduct 37e oa a $50 bond, and $2.60 on a $1000 bond, "Wo sefl st the New York market plus th accrued interest. i . Burglar ant rirapessf Sf Pplt for Want Opea TJatU 8 MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. , THE PBE9IIEB MTJlTICIPAL BOTtD HOUSE CAPITAL 05E MIL LI OX DOLLABS Morris Bldg, $-ll Stark Street Between Filth aad Slxtk Streets Telephoaet Broadway 2HL EsUbUsbed Over Tweaty.flve Tears ' ; ; 1 Wilson-Heilbronner Co. ; Announce their acquisition of the ' -" X. P. BUTTOK 4t CO. WISES AJTO SEBTtCE ' and the offices at 2$l'ltl-l$$ Baflway Exchange Bsfldisg , They bare direet wire eoaseetleas with eery exebasge la the eosstry, as wiu bay or seU aay Baiiread, IfdasbrUL atset, Copper, Orala or Cettea Stock or Beads traded la. A T0CE BCSIItESS IS C0TJRTE0TJ8LT SOLICITED. Wilson-Heilbronner Co. THE BETXBBOTrHEB; CO. POET t ATT D. 0BE601T Batte,Meat. Pkeaeei Mala SbA-SkA , CerragposdesUi E. P. HTJTTOTf COw Itew t ork CLEMENT, CfJKTIS $ CO, CkleAfO HATDEV, STOSTE A COw Bestesl , . Capitalist and Labor Leader Met in Agreement crater t fftTE rue stock market W'.lsh of which the il.t scanu bo sell, which find ready If he had public uses of 'laaa if 1 United will be the i end ! letters for sale ta ( county Is la I shortly ecrsu to be Witji l Besses, k. ' . te be ' ' asii J4 1 .BONDS, TRUSTS, ACCEPTANCES Thousand Dollars in CapiU to govern themselves. ; Malaria, he says, has increased In the islands since native -physicians have supplanted American. IT ' The Flthians were married secretly ' In April at Berkeley, CaL They Jcft . 4k lwVtAcsrt? fvnvnalattattjp am xV salts . VriiiKil $ tswwe ssasw.a.arfa .wtg' ltw IJ IVttftwl " the world." They mere gone, in alt, ' about eight months, of which more thaa month was spent in the Philippines.- - French Airman gets Out From Pans oir -Dash to Australia Paris. Oct. 14. (I. N. S- M: Poulet, famous French aviator, set out today to fly to Melbourne, Australia.: i.. The announcement was made In July that a $50,000 prise. would be granted , for a flight from Great Britain to Aus tralia, but the stipulation was that the airman must be an Australian. This announcement waa made by the Aerial League of America at Atlantic City. and -did not give the source of the prise V s money. .'.,, " t'Jj- " ' i . r ' w Appeal of H. Albers 1 Is Being Argued at San Francisco Today; , -'- .. -' V'" Appeal of Henry Albers from a three year jail sentence and $10,000 fine wii) ;v be heard before the United Statee clr- -cult court of appeals Wedaesday atT San Francisco. Alberts . weU known , Portland milling man. was found, fultijr if of seditious remarks about the "Lnlted; 1 States during the war. lilted Bute Attorney Bert E. HantTyr assVsted by Barnett Goldstein, .assistant ,.TJnHe4 ; States attorney, are ;ln an Frmnclaeo ; today to present the case against, A I bers. - ', J .' s $ I .- Natives ef Clarke Wrd - Vancouver, Wash Oct.' 14. Jahr B. Humphreys of Johnstown. Pa, and Mrs. Mary Olive Cramer of Vancouver were married Wednesday by Elder - Bkaggs, Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys were born and raised In this county. . Haral Stores Market . , New Tetk. Oet, 14. (L K 8.) Tsrnsiw tin. Savannah, $1.65 1.68 Ht Kw York. lSTHSylBSH. Bosia Svnnh. 1706: Bw Trk, 1700. . Tfew Tork Ssgar aad Coffee New York. Oct 14. (U. P.) Coff Be. 7 Rio, 164c; No. 4 8s n to. 36026 Ha -Sugar Centrifugal. $7.28. ' Saa Praaelseo Barley Cans 8a n Francisco. Oct 14. Barter sail,', etaiber, $8.05 H hid; $8.08 ask. 96.80 85.98 96.08 88.25 101.82 101.78 P. If. oa gatardars ' Jska Mitchell, Taioa Leader, Alto' Isti ted' Bis Faadt la Seearitie. , uyi Is lt.eoo feet acroki UNIONIST WEALTHY bf lrrhll Toneaths Most ' Of $250,0g, to Family. tt WHITE PliitCT8.-K. T- Sept. I. Mitclfall. farmer tvresldeat of (he Mine Worker of America, lef tj rhict t n a.tate of I29,00t. mostlr In stocks bonds, aceoramg to -petuio tor ef admlnUtratton filed tn the surroaateAv court ef westcssster today a will written In his own hand beforeehls death, hut believed tavaiid because It lacked wit- tke labor leader beaueathed mmmmmm - - , - . . . Si, '"villi vai lin.vvs wi Bio etksir iv siw a(iwtte aad ebUexea The $10,000 was divided among ether relatives -vmw s - ITS RIVEFT Exesrpt Frost Oregoalaa October 1, 1919. - ; COMPANY . Kftli and Stark !' W ' and Surplus,